HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-03, Page 6easort. r• 0 esire to ve re - e will nt ta ter that _ winter y.re-7 •- ,ng we. wrap:. I. AIN Plums. RGAIN PRICES.- , IN PRICES. ei N Aflt;AIX PItIUl lc ;AIN PRICES. . IN PRICES. • N PIZICES. UN PRICES. - ▪ ; AIX PRICES., SciAIN PRICES'. AIN 'ItICES., - AR( AIN P1UCES. 1ARGAIN PRICES. IN PRICES - : AIN iaps reoats .oats PRICES- t. is like at the clearing We take la Our pff. sared Cas le" iSANITAKI 3 1896. Zurich. Loe.r NOTES, -The ChrietIna8 festival, in the Lutheran Church on the evening of the a24t; December; was a: !grand lone, The dialogues, recreations aid singing were all well rendered. -4-0n, Christmas clay the con- greeation of the Evangelical ohm& cele- brated their festival in their church here. The church was fine& to its utmost cape°. ity, and the grand plogramme was earned out to the enti e saisfiletion of all. The proceeds, arrioented to •tho rink sum Of -.$38.50. This I was good, ,consid.ering the bad roads. -Mr. Simon Geiger,from Pigeon, Michigan, is hbrne at present, -Mr. Wm. Seararus, front Oevalier, North Dakota, is under the parental roof for a couple of weeks. ----Miss Emma Geiger, from Cavalier, is here visiting her sister and other friends. a -Misses Polly and Finny Geiger, from De- troit, are spending the holidays at home: - Mrs, Godfreid Nieholson was at Goderich, :visiting relatives and friends. -Mr. Robert, Nicholson is theme on a visit. -Mr. Samuel Holtzman and his sister have returned home from a visiting trip to Blyth. - i• At - the annual meeting of the Lutheran congregation, it was decided to pet in a far - nem and have their Church painted. This -is,a step in the right directiona-eAt the an- nual meeting of the Evangelical church,held on New Yea.'s day, Mr. Ab. Geiger was re- elected trustee. for the church, and Mr. W. F. Schwalm.. trustee for the parsonage. Adam Faust is caretaker of the church.- . Mr. Justus Demuth, from Ashland, Wis., ' consiti, came home a few days ago, looking hale and hearty. -Mr. George Buchanan, who is attending college in Toronto'and ' his brother Milton, from Oroderich Collegi.-1 ate, are spending their holidays under the parental roof. -Mr. Dan McCormick has secured a position in Detroit. His family intends removing there shortly. -There was serviee in the several churches, here on the evening before New Year's, and at 12 o'clock the bells on the churehes rangout the good-bye forthe old year, and rang in a happy new year for 1896. -Mr. Andrew Ames is here visiting his brother and at- tending to business. --Mr.• Henry Weide- man, jr., has been at Berne, Michigan, on business, -The nominations for the Hay council, on .Monday last, passed off quietly and in good style. The cad board were all -renominated, as well as a few new. ones, but the latter have all withdrawn, and the - clerk deelaredthe old board re-elected by audelemation. The result is thise Hay will save about $80. The old council . gave good satisfaction, and will, no doubt, do so again this year. Herieall- Oe ireg to some unavoidable eirchinstances, we wile continuo our great• slaughter sale of Boots and Stoles, Tneeks and Wises until February Sth, , 1800. Rain er shine they arc: dill comin a'ter our, gooda. The people 'knows a gOod thing iwhen they sec IL If you Iwo not been to see ou4 goods and prices you are simply not in it; as w aro selling everything at coat for cesh. All persons indebted to ene are requested to eel and a Atte their °counts at open and rave further trouble, ea I am le viog Hen - 14044 . gall. A. Wtherete, WEDIeiN0.--A very • happy eeeet took place in Forest on New Year's day, in -whieh one of our prominent business men • took a very importaut part. We here refer to the merriage of Mr. C. A. McDonnell, i hardware merehant,lof this village, to Miss Mary Hutton, eldest daughter of Dr. Hut- ton, of the town of Foreee. 1: he marriage ceremony wes perforkned at th residence of the bride's father, arid was w'briessed by a number of the relatives of th contracting _parties. The bride was char mgly attired, as were also the bridesmaids, nd was made the recipieut of an unusually arge number of costly presents, teatifying to the high esteem, in which she is held. After Many warm congratulations, and arta,king of a most sumptuone repast, in th home .of Dr. Hutton, the heppy couple• to k the afters noon express, en route foe email, " where they will soon move into he handsome new brick -dwelling erected by Mr. Mc- Donnell. We unite with eir host of friends in wishing them long nd continued • happidtss through life. . . Locen Bereas.---We are o ce more fav- ored with sleighing, and Ne v Year's day was much more seasonable n appearance 'than.gerietmas day. -Quite number from here atitended the re-openirg services in connection with the James st eet Methodist church, Exeter, on Sabbath last, and the tea meeting mi the following onday even- ing. -M r.. Eldon .• Rennie, a Napierville, Illinois, accompanied by his b ide, is visit- ing the parental home, in. th ' township of Hay, and his brother, E. Ran ie, merchant, of this village. -The annual Christmas free entertainment, held -under tie auspices of the Methodist Sabbath school on Christmas night, was a _decided succese, in every rea spect. The spacious church was etowded, and a splendid literary and musical pro- gramme was carried out, reflecting z the greatest credit on their teachers and- sleera- - selves, and we think the Misses -White- sides, Wilson, and Mr. William Stonemen, are entitled, to special notice for the very efficient manner in which they had the chil- dren trained. The trees presented a very line appeeraace, laden, as they were; with their gifts, Beni gladdened the he rts of many, ite their loads of presents we e dis- tributed. Mr. J. C. Stoneman, si perin- tendent of the Sabbath school, occupi d the chair during the evening, dischargi g his duties very ably. The •proceeds am unted to over $40. --There will be no clecti n for . -municipal offices this year, for the township of Hay, the old council ,being re-clec ed by acclarnetion. - Quite a, largely at ended meeting was held, in the school -house f this village, on Monday last, in response Ito the notice of meeting, as given by 41r. J. Blatchford, returning offieer,foi the election ° of three fit. aed proper persons to fill the duties or offices of police trustees -for the svilla,ge of Hensel]. for for the year 1$. At the close of -the nomination, some thirteen -persons had. bleu nominated, but, as ell de- • lined, Nyith the exception of Louis Harold; Frederick (i. Arnold, and Robert Bell, jr, these three gentlemen were declared- by the •rettunieg officer to be duly elected !police soustees for the year 1896. We beast that • at the end of the year we wilt see many needed ixiprestments, and sa wise, eeonom- ical, anit judicious expenditure of money -made.- Ir. and Mrs. D. W. Foss. and Flossie, fwere in Goderich on New Year's; avisiting J relatives .and friends. -Miss B. Hodgen and Miss J. Thompson were visite' ing this week re Brussels and Testowel.-e- Mes. E. Snyder; of Denver, Colorlado, nee Mies Else Purdy, formerly of this N illage, is Visitlog relatives and friends here. -Mrs. .I,• Briton,.of Iona, and Mr. and Mrs. .311iller, of eivagiac, Michigan, were the gueets of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott during the past week. -Miss Hotham and Miss Achy Murdock are visiting friends in Mit- • ch 11.-e Mr. A. •Arnold, barrister, Windsor, ha 1• returhed heme, after spreading a week iere with his parents. -Mr. and. Mr. W. -€1: Dares !Tent New Year's at 'Mrs. Dares' hone at Brucefield.-Mr. James White was in London this week on business. -Mr. Daniel Sten -cart, our respected townsman, 'hair recently treated himself to a neat Outfit, in !the way of I a driver, cutter, etc. -Mr. Charles Manus ,1 of Walkerton spent Christ, rmas at his home here. -Mr. Frederick Beek has returne(i to his duties in Se Pea after spending 4 month here at the perental home. -Mr. W. J. Millar, who has been in the employ 15f Messrs. Brown & Clark; Car- riage makers,for some time past, has de- cided to engage in the same bu.siness for himself, and to that end has purchased a couple a lots • or so from Mr. Samuel 'Rennie, on the corner, near the rnills, where he intends having a shop erected at once. Mr. Miller is a very good tradesmen.; /al iSSI Neresta.way, of Exeter, is in the village this week visiting her sister and the la isses tenialhicombe.-Mr. James Stark, of ant- toba, and formerly well and favo ably •icreawn in this section, was recently h pily un ted in marriage to Mise Sarah . Stone. man, of near Chiselhurst. We j in with. their Very many friends in wishi, g. them long continued joy and bappines .-Mrs. Dagg, of Manitoba, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Bengough, sr., and other elativea and friends. -Mr. John Chapthant has r - turtle& to his d4ties in London, after spend- ing part of his Christmas viteatlori. at the • arental. home; near Sexsmith. 'Miss B. ilscm spent part of •last week and this Week with relatives in Thamesvil e.-lkir. andrnore, of Kippetn, recently shipped'- away a number of fine lambs. -Mr. B.! Higgins and sisters, And Nies Jamieson; All. of Bracefield, were in the village a few days ago, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Davie. -At the annual School: meeting, held on Thursday of last week, tneleet a school trustee in the place of • the retiring one of - the three, the names of J. C. Stoneman and Louis Harold were proposed, and, after a , vote by ballot, Mr. Stoneman was duly elected as trusteelor the present year. Mr. J, Beek very credita,bly filled the posi- tion of chairmen, and Mr. James Bonthron that of secretary.. -Mr. a,nd Mrs. J. Mae- arthur spent New Yeer's ith t eir rela-- tiyes in London, -Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Pherson were in Londesboro this a eek, vis- iting their son-in-law and i a.ugh er, Mi. and Mrs. J. T. O'Brien. -'-W welc me Mr. Samuel Smillie as one of o r wo thy citi- zens, he having moved into his inc new residence on Macarthur's s rvey. London road, on Christmas day: -M G. alliday, merchant, of Brussels, was here eeently iii vstng friends in and ne r her .-Miss 'Aggie Wright, formerly of his v'lla.ge, is !visiting friends here. -Mt. G. . faker is spending a few days with rel Lives in Can - :field. -lar. Ilumeston, . of emit ba, has :been visiting his uncle, Mr. amtiel Hume - ;Eton, of &is place. -Mrs. lunn, isr., has been in Winghaan renewing old a. quaint- ances.-Mrs. Benford, of Vingh rp, and formerly of Hensall, paid her friends here a visit this week. -Mr. ans Mrs. _James .Weir, of near Arkomea epe t New Year's among their relatives and old friends in this s etion:-Miss Johnston, of ear Liacknow, f rmerly a teacher in this Illage, passed t rough here this week. BURNS AND SC he Latter Tells of His Burns In Font ! The "gray metropolis o Ven Under' the inclemencies ere winter'reillustrated 'talon of 'Scotland-perfer T. - acting With the north," f the late 'se - lassie rePpre- id Um I ngetni- m Scotorum. The Royal Scottie stead- ° to say, the • least, enthu- each artist's rd reolizing two greatest able humility j "Reminis• rote, ‘i may tum. I Wahl he flr t came e and feeling my, In Edinbnrgb, was,, • brine, of worshIpers-or, a iasts-be'cause of a rising most striking painting to thismeeting of Scotland' yoestsc,ottotlidnwhiitsh itHiluetiloblinoegsat'aila .e.ull"Icaky(1,3s.ssa'y'fovr irBguirlinustt ttim," Svic(eut • a lad of 15, in 1786-7, when to Edinburgh, but had sen enough to be much intareste in hi poetry j) s with and would have given- the world t know . him, but I had very little mine ntanee With any literary people and. still 1 s , tho gentry of tho west •country, the two • sots that he MOSt frequented. Mr.I.Thone- as Griorson was at that time a clerk. of 11137 father's. Ile knew, Burnsand .pronilsed to ask him to his lodgings to dinner, , ne Opportunity tei keep Ms WOr,C WISO 1 might have Seen more of tinguishod,men. _ ' "Asit Was, I saw him One da late veeerableProfessor Fergeson's, where . there were seVeral gentlemen of !literary reputation,' among whom 1 einnerriber the _celebrated Mt. Dugald Stewart. 0,1 course the youngsters sat silent and listened. The only thing that I remembe • which was remarkable in Burns' ma,nne Was the effect prodhced upon him by a print of Burnbury'S, representing' a Seidl. T lying dead in the sew, his dog.sitting i i misery on ope side and on the other hi widow with 'a child in her arms. Th se ines were written beneath: '. • "Cold on Canadian hilli or Mindon'a Perhaps that parent wept her soldie Bentlo'or. her babe, hor eyes dissoly' Tho big drops mingling with the mill Gate the sad presage of bis future y The child o; misery baptized in teari. ik Burns ecomed much affected by pr4nt, or rather by the ideas suggest • hiS mind. • go actually shed teem. asked whoeo tho lines -were, and HI elect, , that nohody but myself. remembered they occur in a half forgotten °et Langborno's called by the unp title of `The Justice of the Peace. ,whispered 'my information to a rr peosenta who mentioned it to Burns, rewarded MO with a leek . and a which, though of more civility, I the oeivecl and still recollect with v ry • I pleasure," • . • Tho "Print" thns immortaltz A iiung - in its old place until comparative1• . lyin the house_of SirA dam' Ferg his' death it came into the pessessi • late Sir William •Ohansbers, of ' • nal, and now forms part of Ibis le the Chambers Instituto, Peeples. •A niarieitre Jut' had other - his dis at the plat 1, stall. in law, be row ars, the d to He cod that r of/ .orni ng 1 Lend vhqe. ord; re- reat recent - son. On f the e our- qu st So ttish . . , Telling Fortunes From the B ble. e . . , • In Scotland are old New year' custom Is for people ayho wish to ki;Low 4hat, for- tune the new, yea has in stare for there to consult the l3ib1e in the morning. The sacred book is pl ced on a table and opened at random. Th particular passage on which the forefin er rests is supposed to forecast in 'some ay the fertunesi of he ensuing year .for the person malting he Walt 1,New Year'i In Ancient Bomb. • • The Romans oiffered sacrifices ja us & &were very caiarful how they o , du ted t emselVes for the first few days, es u on t Or behavior dePended their good o ill lu it for the corning year, 1The Sax ns oe ebrated the advent of the new y: : r ssTlth s octal ritos, andlmistletoe out in p ou iar . e . fgpis was a_fayor_ite...gift,._ . • a - Last week, aelarge smokesta was erected at, the l3reithaupt Leathe om- p y's tannery, in Listowel, over o e hun- dred feet in heigh . A second horse power boler has recentbeen i put n, and num: be of other improvements made, ren lering it 1 ow a first-class establishment. One of those very interesting vents in the lives of all properly constitute Man- ki d, took place at the residence o Mr. R beet Dalton, of Staffs, on Christm s eve. T e eeeasion as the marriage I his tango -et daughter, Miss Cynthia, to Mr.' 3: Jilin McVey, one of the enterprisieg far- m rs of Ilibbert township. The ceremony w s performed by Rev. J, Kenner, in the p sence of a lax assemblage of 'relatives a d friends. Af er the ceremony, the com- p ny sat down o a splendid dinner, and sp_ nt the ever= in pleasant games, musie, a d social merr, making.' The grcom is th son of Mr. Od axles McVey, of leyCland, arid the bride th youngest daughter of Mr. R bert Dalton. , An event of ocial interest in Mitchell, Christmas da , was the marriage of Miss icy _ A. Ford, k place at the rd, the bride's on. 'The.Marr limed fele re rties being pre rformeda-the oI to Fc no th cli ner had . bee 1 se L ster left by th afte onto. At the ra lway • panylof friends h • ga yeiunger ones ha mg s o Mr. W1 Lester, kvhich residence Of Mrs Thomas mother, early in the I after age as a quiet omionly tive of ,the contrt cting ent. Rev. Dr. Wdliems et= ny, and, as aeon as • ed, Mr. andnoon train fo Tor - 4 tation a larg DOM - if hered, many , of the ipplied their oekets I 1 ' , THE SITOR, with grain from the warehons groom, an as the married con about to le ve they were , shoive barley, oats and wheat. For sev •the bride h modal tea° ment of the has been fo some years one of grain buyer in the town. Both esteemed a popular with all cla of 1 thlia le irver ed With tal years been the moat valued and sue- er in the second highe t depart - public school. The br degroom he chief e highly es. P.I.111.A.‘ R3KBTS. iSsArOus, Jan 2, moo. Fall Wheat pr bushel, 0 I.• to 0 62 . Spring gpoWhet cl.el!,....13ee.4 • , .,.. .. . eto 0 28 0ate2 -0 0 01 to 0 62 Peas per butra 1.. ; .1' .t.i .. .. • • ... ••• • • r • • 0 48 to 0 43 Barley per hts het ... - e..•... 0 82 to 0 85 Butter, No. 1, dose..... - .,........ 0 14 to 0 16 Begrtitoglorpre,vt:Irdhi0.00ze . as - i.............' 2aCIO to 2 00 .. ... ..... 0 14 to 0 16 - - ee....• , . .. .. ' 0 15 to 0 10 Ilayper ton n w I...... ....... 18 110 to 44 00 Hides per 100 The 40 . 4 00 to -5 CO Sheep Skins e 0 to 60 0 22 to 024 PWoetheitoee per bag, (new) . - . .0 25 to 0 25 Salt (retell) er barrel.. .... . ....1 05 i 0 t: 5 00 0 00 WWoeodedrmerr oeoe ( o (leeg)ii*.: ..,... . 2 7 .........,'1 50 to 175 Apples pot ba ...,... ,. . .. .... 0 76 to 100 Ciover Seed.. - ..... l ....... 6 50 to 7 00 Timothy Seed 8 60 to 8.75 Pork, per 100 •s 4 00 to 4 00 Tallow, per lb . - ,. 0 04 to, 0 04 e . i : Tim mJ t °, n. 2 -Fall wheat, 60.68 o *0.72 e epring wheat • .63 500.51 oat, ; oat% 26es: to 2e0 ; peas, per bush 5 c to n3ir• beeley,376-e to 3740; hay, n ter ton, o. 818 50 ;' butter, 20o to 210 ; pota- toes, new, pe , 20c to 25c ; eggs, per doz.' 20e to 213 ; dress oge, per 100'1bs es4 60 to 84 60 t h Grain Trade. LoNeoN, e ernber 30th. -The Mark Lane Express, in t 'weekly review of the British grain tra,de, says: 'English wheats ,have been steady d foreign Wheats firmer. Cali- fornia whea • n passage 14es been quoted at 278 3c1 and t e best Manitoba at 25s 6d. Corn has n weak. American for Feb- ruary shipt was quoted at 15s 3d. Bar- ley and orate h ve been qifiet. • To -day Eng- lish wheats ar firm and foreign fkl dearer. Corn aud • da s were st ady and flour wes dull.• TORONTO, took a quick and as stock ket wail soca v,ancecl. It was to be in week, and d eral supplies, Se to 10c per 8o (Isar lb; eh ekens, 25c ultry rket. December Ist.-The market: turn for the better on Monday,. held here were light the mar - 11 cleared res, and pricers ad- ooks as though all good stuff active dem d for the coming alers are looking for more 'lib - Prices of home stock hold at lb for turkeys ; geese, 6c to to 40c ° per pair ; _pair. an ducks, 4c to 75c pe Dairy Markets. Moninsm, December 3 let..--L14utter--The aspect of the, butter market is practically ' the same. Shippers are - not generally' dis- posed to lead, and a temporary lull, is no- ticealalc in the jobbing branch. Eggs -The market, is dull and- lauyers are only taking what will Office for immediate require- ments. I Tor:ONTO; December • 30t1. -Butter -The market seems to be holding its own, and all choice grades are -being bought 'rip at full prices. The receipts are liberal, especially of large roilsibut supplies are not more than are wanted, • Some lower grade.stock which arrives from time to time is hard to reeve, and had to be jobbed out- at reduced prices: Following are the quotations : Dairy tub; fresh and choice, 15c to 16e; 'creamery, pounds; 21 cents to 22 cents; creamery Mb, fresli Made, 20e to 21e; large rolls, in boxes or barrels, 14c to 15c; and fresh IP prints, 15c ! t 170; low grade to-rnediurn dairy, in tubs, 6e to 11c, Oheese-Market 'dull and inaCtive, with prices nominally 'an.- eaenged. • iThe demand for export has corn -a pletely fallecii off. July and August makes are Sellingll cally, in small ;Iota, at 8•46 to Per isild full cream, Septembers and,-Octos berg at i Oic to 10c. Eggs -There is s eady mov7ement at the quotations given, d the 1condition of the market is an ant the feeling is easy. Quotations for goo c anged. 1 Prices are norninelly unaltered, il s ock are as •follows : /Limed, in five-cas 1 ts, 14c, single _cases/ 141e, ; choice col s orage, V° to 15'e ;,./good boiling, 18c t 20e. • • ilitre Stock Markets. - 01.,,18(;*,. Deceinber 30th. -Market for cattle strong.: Advanced le- in the week. Present price for best, 12e to 14e. . 1 Liereelirelst December 30th.-Ciattle mar- ket strong. United States cattle 50. belie and 50 i London. Argentine ;bleep, 50 here and ld in London. , Beeleal o, Decenibor 30. -Cattle -Oh y a. few lets on sule. Market closed for the week meek- -Stronger: Hogs -Market ex- cited anclbhigher ; Yorkers, $3,00 to $4 ; stags, $2.75 to 83; pigs, $3.85 to $4. SI eep and Lambs -Market excited and hig er ; lambs,' alibi e to prime, $5 to 85.30; Canada lambs, fair to prirn. e, $5 to $5.30; sheep, choice to Se Wed export wethers, $3.25 to $3.50 ; cull ' and common, $1.50 to $2.50 . CnreAuf?, December 30 -Hogs -Mark b fairly activi best stronger, °theta weaker ; 0 to $3.6 • 0 to $3,4 ial eecnorstit,' 37s8.2,-aun7 $2.30 t light, $3. to $3.624 ; mixed,$3. heavy,$3.40 to $3.65; rough,$3. -Cattle-Ma ket quiet and no changed ;1b eves, $3.10 to $4.60 heifers, $1.50 to $3.7Q; Texas s to $3.50 ;I stockers and feeders $3,50. She. -steed TOONTRiAL., December 31.st. Owing t the •contieued mild weather, mid the fad that' butchers had ample supply of beef o on hand, the attendance of buyers was small :consequently trade was slow, end the ma ket was d:ull ; but the tone was steady, an values showed no mateeial change from cattle ock he sit week 'ago. !There was e number o left,. over, and until the surpluss cleaned up iittle emprovement ih. uation .is looked for. A few sales of t best cattle Offered were made at 31 to 31,• and. infericnisold down as low as Pse per 1 live weight. The supply of sheep an laenlis was tsinall, there being -just about enough to fill the wants of the local trade, and in consequence values were •steac131e Sheep sold at 2ic per lb.,1 and lambs at 3c to 3c -per lb., live weight. Calves brought $3 to $8 cache ail to quality. Live hogs were firmer at $3,8 to $4 per 109 lbs. ocal Notices. PITTI:-1 Pow'r for Sale, eight horse, newly wooded, at 0.0. Willson's, S forth. .4463-2 The Seafort h Musica, Itistrumea Em- porium. Pianeieand Organs. Doting- the 'holidays we will sell a new Piano far 0150 ; a new 6 Octave Organ for e00, auso a few second hand organs at 825 and upwards. S ott Bros. , • 1 1462-8 Goon power Straw gutter, ten -feet of carriers, in good rder. 0. C Willsoin, Seaforth, will sell it cheap.. • 1468 2 3 GOINC; at a bargain, a first -el sat outfit for cutting feed, a late secondhand Straw_ Cutter and ten feet 'of curlers, and tight horse heavy Pitt's power, at le C. illsonee Seaforth. ' 1463 2 e Deaths. WILLIAMS -7in,Seaforth, on December 27th, Jamere Williame, aged 51 year and 2 months. • SCOTT. -At Han ilton, on D oember 26th, Rev.John Scott 4.n.. brother of Rev. P. Scott, of. Crom- arty. in is,7 h year. MURRAY.-In Clinton, on December 28th, William 79 yearn._ , oderich, on December 24th, Thos. iled`78 Yee*. • ne, on December 22nd, Lila Perste, er of Mr. Charles Camm. Exeter, en December 26th, the bp of Mr:Wm Balicwill, aged leweek, irkton, on peeember 22nd, Jessie . John Elliott, aged 7 8.0tember 23rd, Nellie win daughter of Mr. Williain Baln an, &vele on hs an 1 week• eickf rd, Michigan, on November 80th, David Hill, of Hullett, near Harlock, aged 70 years. -00B,DON.-In Winghant, on December 20tb, Adam ' Gordon, aged 86 years, 1 month sod 22 days. MoKENZIE.-In Tuckerereith, OD December Stet, Jennie MoK nzie, aged 22 years. DOUGLAS. -In. tanley, near Blake, on Dumber • Douglu, sen of Mr. Allan Douglas, Murray, aed EDWARDS.-16 R. Edwards, CAMM.-In tab infant daugh BA.LKWILL.-in • -fent daughte ELLIOTT.-In Adelaide, da ghter of M years, 4 months and 8 da BALMANee-In U iferne, on Mysta the uiiiiining 19th, John 6 aged 22 yeax. 4118101111101111811118318*131.1110181....188 Births. BILLEBR ,OUT. -In BrOcilnigen, on 1eeinbr 22nd the wif of Mr, William Efillebrecht, of a on. NIGH -I Tuckeresnith, on December 18h, the wife of Mr. John Nigh, of a son. , WETTLAUFER.-In Blyth, on December 28d, the wife of Mr. Adam W ttlaufer, Of twins- rle. BISSET?. In Stephen, On December 3ith, tI1a wife of Mr. A. Bisiette of a daughter. , MURLOO ,-At Sharon, on December 2211d, the wife of Mr. Was, Musicale, of a son. BROWN, At Sharon, On December. 22nd, tic wife Brown, of a Ben. 1. rfield, On December 24th, e wiN Wilson, of a son. l, y, tin December 27th, the wife of oneitt, et a daughtei. Hay townehip,oie;Dieeentb r 27th, . 0.,McAllister, of a daugh er. of Mr, WILSON. of Mr, CONSITT• . Mr. Th was bleALLIST theevile of M Albert At Fa abort In Ib SMILLIE-MURRAY bride's' father, , Rev. J. S. He Miss Agnes, Murray, tress • smith, isnonftIST-111a. . bride's moth son, Mr. Jame thur. STARK -STONEMAN on December James Stark t of Hilbert. PARSON-RYCKMAN bride's father, ; Marriages. • Ye -At the residence f the Hensel", on Decenther th, by &nem, Mr, Alexander Sit to youngeet deughter 'of Mr James rer the townsh p of RTHUR. -At the reiddeno r, Hensel', by Rev, J. 13 11 filched to Miss A,nnie • ioNth.-,bAytittehve. ,4painrIscognalygeal Miss Sarah Elizabeth Sto i linoentl.01 sta biAyel:c 11,-,etvok.s4L lasmt3hee wreasiesonric.5ei MOWAT-GROVES.-At the rest once 61 1. Yethinel brother, Mr. E. W. Groves, Toronto on WisogodiaMter. Ji a, Winghant donee of the mother, Elora on December 25th, by Re Stevenson,. Mr. Richard D Norris, dr Elora, to Miss; Minnie 11. Broloy, daug the late Rev.James Broley, formerly of Se LESTER-FORD.-In Mitchell, on Decembe by Rev. • Dr, Williams, at the residence bride's mother, Mr. Wm. Lester, to Mimi Fnrd 11 f Mit h 11 5. 1 ber 256h, by Rev., L. G. I Mowat, of Winghaml, to daughter of Mr. James! Grey NORRIS-BROLEY.-At tbe res uoker- of the ends r- MaAr- or, Kr. tertian, 1 the R. H. an, of bride's com- ohn A. roves, bride's . 5.0. ggist, ter of forth. 26th, of the ey A, BROWN-LWITHEL -AI the residence of the bride's father, on December 26th, by Rev. Dr. Williams, Mr. James S. Brown, of Sen,forth, to Hiles Annie M. Withell, esf the township of Fullerton. DAVIDS0N--6PROUL,-At Goderich, on De ember 25th, by,Rev, Dr, Uro, Mr, William T. Da Moon, to mills Mary Sproul, both of West Wawai osh. MoLEAN-MILLER.-At the residence of the tride's father, Clinton, on December 25th, by Res Mete Parke, Mr, E. M. McLean, science master Clin- ton Collegiate Institute, to Miss Lida Mill r, bid- • ed daughter of Mr. J. 0, TOWNSEND-NOTT.-At the reside/toe 1 elle bride's father, Tuckeromith, on Decombe 25th, by nay_ 11, Oair., Mr. William Town nd to Miss Selina Notts second daughter of Mr. urge_ Nott, all Of Tuckeremith. KEMP -SHFIPPARD.--At the residence et Mr. Alexander Morris, on Dec tuber 25th1 by Pev.W. etude, all of J. Ford, Mr. Thom ,s Ke np, to Miss daughter of Mr. James L. Sheppard, • Clinton. MURCH-EVANS.-At the re Worm° of the ride's father, Holinesville, en i comber 24th, Rev. Mr. Andrews, Mr, Sime Muroh, of El ra, to Miss Mary Evans, daughte of Mr. H. 13; vans, MoLEOD-AMSDEN.-At the esIdenoe of Me G. Mitchell, 267 Talbot et eet, London, 0 on December 26th, hy R v. W. J. Clar. John A. McLeod, fon»erl '01 Seaforth. t • Elizobeth Ann Antselen,bo of Detroit,Mic FORSYTHE-COOPER.-At he reeidenee nber 25th, by myth°, to MIs James Cooper mith. sidenceof the snuary let, b. 'sell to biles 14 nes Sweet. n Christmas e bride's peen' ring, Mr. JOhn Miss Elizthet er of Mr„ bride's parents, .on Dee° ,Acheson, Mr..Thothas N. F ;caret .1,, seliond daughter London reed, all of Tucker RUSSELL -SWEET -At the r parents, Exeter South, on E. W. Hunt, Mr, Jarn,s eld st daughter of Mr The MERRITT - ERRINGTON.e- 1896, ,at the residenee of t line Morris, by Rev. J. W: ritt, of near Kincerdine, to Errington, second daugh Fred. tario, e, Mr. Miss igen, f the v. 13. Mr - ride's ,Rev. nide, day, , 2nd Mot - Jane ayid Err ington ' On Tuesday, o'clock p.m.,ein Killop, 1arm prietor ; -On Friday, 'Wilson fa p. ne, Far Chesney, Auctioneer. . '84.LE,BEGISTER. eorge in, i Proprietor . I at 1 Mc- Pro- . D. clock Cloy, — efanuary Lot 33, Concession Stock. John Kirkby, • January- !adjoining Seaforth,ab Stock arid Implements. ; 7th, 18 6, 10 Wyatt, Anctioneer, _0, on the 1 o Ceorge William M . IMPORTANT NOTICES. CIHESTER undersi Concession Boar. Term with the pri MELADY. WHITE BOAR FOR ned will keep for , Hilbert, a registered -el, payable at Ilego of returning SERVICE. -The serviee on Lot Chester White the time of service, ,f necessary. THOS. 1404-5 28, and end the and and a This Sea - the or FARM FO 80, Con all cleared, siation. Bui plenty of wa ceorporation ein easy ter P.O. DAVI SALE. -for sale, onion I, McKillop, ell fenced and in a dings fair. There or. This farm is f Seaforth. It wi11 s. Apply on the premises i DORRANCE, Proprietor. part of Lots 20 eontaining 50 acres good state o mitt- is a good stroll rd within two lots of be sold eh ap or to eafozth 404-4 IMARM FO: _le , 6, Hul well underd tion. There all the fall p frame house tete two fre .6 is a god far forth, 7 mil village of K terms. App address W. SALE. -For sale, Lot 11, Co ate containing 100 acres, all pined, and in a good state of are 16 acres sown with fall wh owing done. There is on the with kitchen and woodshed a barns with other outbuilding, n well situated, berng 9 miles fr s from, Clinton, and le utiles f ..burn, and will be sold 013 re y to the proprietor on the pren E TCH, Constance P. 0. 1 cession leered, oltiva- at, lace plebes!, . nt Gm tonable lees 61 -if 'ElARM FO r 41, in t East Wavran contains 102 class stste o is tiuibered acres are in acres of gooi The soil is a a good frame also good fen brick cheese situated alms of Blyth. _Th chaser to get Huron, as it time. For CAfdP13eELL, ' SALE. -Being Second concessiou 8 , in the res, 99 acre's ultivation, ith hardwood, i us, five ,acres robard, r oh olay loam, arn and stabling, s. On the f °tory built t one mils a is a °hence o e of the w II be sed fo ther particulars lyth, or the west half of the tow County of Huron. T are cleared and i the balance of 1hr maple and be in fall wheat, the balance is all fall and there is on t with dwellin .house, next farm there is last yew.. The from the go -a -head for any intend' best farms in the Co right. Possession gi apply to WILLIAM n the farm to Wm. R of ship e farm a first- e acres eh rand .lowed. e farm a arm village g inty eni ss. 404-4. Lot of t 55 li new is pur- of any Ma- to : two 8 two 1 and The that on -2 TTNRES MO U STOCK thew has been sell by public auctiori the D. D Wilson 1E95, at 1 o' Stock. --One d 'aught year old heifers, cows, 5 cows about yearling steer, years old. Im,plements.- truck wagon, 1 new ; 1 set team numerous other be sold as the proprietor tock is is ell we -All aunts of lIvo amount 9 mon approved endorsed the dollar GEORGE CHIESNEY, Auctioneer. ED AU AND IN nstrnetcd at farm, took pe mere 7 three calving, 1 thoroughbred land rol harness, articles. 1 fed and dollars hs' credit notes. be allowedbr eTION LESIENTS.-Mr. by his{ on I le the year or, ha in a wi Pr. SALE OF W Mt. George Chu tarn) adjoining:8 Friday, Januarsj following. pr kit.ing 2 years old, old heifers, 10 10 two year old stccrs, Durham b s nit Brantford bi i general purpose ow ; 1 horse ra ne whole will pot rented his harm good condition. d under, cash '• ov 1 be given on fur . discount of 5 colts cash on credit am rietor ; WM. Met FARM 1. ey afortb, 10th, perty 15 farrow 11 der, plow, tively erms. r shing 'unto. LOY, 14. MUST Get , OLD tur prices. W. BE Fur Caps, Far Muffs, Far Storm Col Fur Boas. ars, _ W. Hoffman, SEAFORTH. , Julicial Sate of a Valuable Fa in Hullett. • Its. MoVITTIE, McVITTli vs. 3liNITTIE. There will be offered for sale by Public Aueti n at the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, on Saturday, Fe ru- ary let, 1890, at 2.30 p.m., the following lands and preuises. Lot No. 10, in the 12th Concession, i1- lett ve and except one hal of an acre here •fore sold hd conveyed off of th north-west corns of 'es,id fl for school purposes. The lands are in a ood etat of cultivation, are conveniently situated and have good farm bulb:Hap erected thereon. For ters or further particulars e posters or appl to MES RS. GAMOW & PRO FInOOT, Goderic or to 1 ie undersigned. VI. 1 ALCOMSON, 14 r at God rich; R. 3. HAYS, Pia Wilt Solicitor,Seaf rtb. ted 31st December, 189 . 1 •4-3 Grea DAY ES AY, Dec. 3Ist. Whe we pnrpoie ending u the year with one of our i metro bargain cha c s and. -will place every depar itteb of our big stOre at the disposal of the crowd- we expect here .on t iat day. .... i I i This day will bs red 1 tteri d.ay in the hiStimf of Dry Goods. As before ve hegin measuring stock for our Annual 1 `Stock' ,(1 n ,ft ir g. We are ping to clean up the e.- - tire st k'.b (riving the !people such a chance as ' theynever iy.d b4ore. 1 . , . W SEMANI Clinton. A Little' Know 0 • Is not a La gerous th' fact t at dr ge kvhen it directs your attention to the Fo est it usiness Dow: algal and b ri e for Oa 96. Is f‘i ring the moat p strie y high grade. opens January 2nd, 1442 rid Shorthand College caisT, - wiker-coursty- in Canada. Everything alclgtie and college journal. ,School re. WESTERVELT, Principal: Everybody •!•, them' rnor:itliii.vIteir311ie It • THOSE FIBRE CH MOI They are eLndproof. Co • them, and the war 1is retai thc W W. H SEA FG The R d Mill FARMERS, L We have Just recite, Manitoba whet nt thd a nowprepared to do gt s milling business. In rating we are riiv n t tries sed S VESTS. d canpot penetritc th of he body frrnani TH. eig poimds BES We aro doing oho per RIO pounds for a 1 extra at this price, Po Try -us with your nex you white. Mill run •••ping done a Seafo 1404-2 • Sea.fOr h. OK HOE, ovaaminPriPliireCilfand°arek, Ng and a I geperel r, thirty-eix to thirty UR to the butihel. g non, for .5 centh ed time. 'Striotly vely no oredle, riat and we,wil use every day., op, 111 times. ! th,Milling Co Cheaper tIi ever. • Grey Fla. Cloths, J dercloth' ials, Hats n. es, Dress oo8, Is ts,• Shalt';, Orrery, ere onnets, et. W. W. • SEA • ANNUAL' • The ennual meeting of t District Agrieultural Soc et Hall, in the Village 01 13 u JANUARY 16th, 1890, t purpose of electing 001 e the annual reports. and businese. • R. McMORD E LEAN, Secretary. N. 13 will meet on the same da 10 o'clock a. iii,, bn whic Is desired. mano) TIT. e South Huron 11oet.ra1 , will. belteld All Dix nits e cid, oaWEDN SD 4Y, Votelock p. in., for the and Directors, prat Ing tho transaetiois of 6 her President ; M. Y. mo. d Board of; Diret re d it the sarae piste , at c :Mien a full ettelo4e ,n2c! 11 Some People Wonder How it is that we have been able to work up such a large and successful business in the face of such a strong and old 'established opposition. For an answer LEAVE YOUR -ORDER WITH US FOR SOME CLOTHING Ancl examine the Material, Style, Fit and Workmanship and general appearance of the garment, and you will at once decide that there is nothing miraculous about our sueeess. Our FURNISHINGS ARE ALWAYS T71'—TO-1:).A.THI And a.ii extensively known , for their at- traetiv ness and durability„ We will be please4 to have you call and examine our cloths furnishings, as we feel confident that you will ' BE SATISFIED • With any purchase you may make-. • DILL & SPEARE'8, Setzforth. A CALL SOLICITED. One Door South of Expositor CMGS Up -town store— 1 Down -town store Carmichael's Block 1 Cady's Block. Municipal lections NO E. (The annual meeting* o 10 McK liop AluMal Fire . Insurance Company, will beld in the TownScat trth, on Friday, the e7 day cr January, 1896, at the hour of 1 o'clocle p for the Putpoa of electing three directors for ree years, and on to fill out the tern) of the late Donald Ross ; fot the heath:1g and receiving the evert of the treneac ions of the Conwany for the ypar ; the Srateciel st ate - merit the auditors' report, 'receipts and eXpendi ure, aescts and liabilitites, and an3” other business in the inter st of the Company. W. . SHANNON, Secretary -Treasurer. 1,GORGE WATT, 1401-2 Preside t. 1TENDEPS WANTED. Tenders will be received l3 the Trusteee of Setlool SectiOn No. 8,Tuckerereith, for 24,eords of hardwood, , hall grotto and half dry, and nettling but the bof beech and maple, 22 Inches ng. Tendera rece ved up to the end of January, 1 90. 'D. BELL Tru tee, , Brucefield P. 0. 14 2 ; • I ELECTIOe' CA CARD OF AN S. To the Electorsof Seafort LADIES AND GENT13013334.— I beg to thank you sliqoreiy for retu n ng me, by acclamation, as your . e utyilteeye fo 1896, will promise to faithfully ertoriit the d ties °ew. neeted therewith, both t the town and county council boards, Wishinlin .yrar all a happy and prosperous 1404x1 Not Going to RUFI.' Now yourTear, i °Ile) e drn t se Ae rasnt. w4 ver and The undersigned, while t tie in seconder for nominating him as a Councillor for the South Ward, wishes to say th t,his not a ca didatte and, consequentlyeaska thee who. intended voting for him to cant their ballots for setae other ca didate. ROBERT WI LIS. 1464-1 To the Elettois of Tuckettmith -- GENTLEMEN : I At the e rn number of ratepayers of th to self as a candidate for the o ce the year 1896. Ife with your so I wit' endeavor to fill the du es beet of my ability. and to t s therance of your interests. 1464x1 st sollcitati nship, I ofl Deputy - port I am of the otli tisfaetion a n of a er nay, - eve for teethe!, 40 the ad furs - sir 13. ithi,10Aki. TO THE RATEP TUCKER Garr= Da, As I am a di t: of inekeremith, and abroad t I will be in Ale s fne I be able to Atte° to I wish to y that aoy ueh po ifonatingdiactoy ed. Ievtveietryliwoub:;anstonhdoearnpe le 'Roes gavot:daps tion to attend n bi support o Monde), neik, if ty 4. YERp OF 1TH. ate for the Deputy report hiving got part of the year my duties if leek& is altoget er we- al and wit be in y duties is eputy gied to recc V8 your ervicea ha t been PETER Mc AY. Take place on Monday next. On that day the people are ex- pected to elect the best men to look after the interests ot -the • town for another year. For a goodly 'number of years this store, by,virtue of the generous patronage extended to it,,has been elected to look after the • shoe interests of the people of Seaforth and surrounding coun- try. This we have endeavored • 0 do honestly a;nd economically, • and at the beginning of a new year again solicit your patron - Eyre as liberally as it has been. • bestowed in the past. The year 1895 has closed with a grati- fying increase in the volume of business over the previous year, and with the same honest, busi- ne4 methods for the future, we.• hope to make 1896 a year of mutual interest and benefit. As winter with its icy fingers has now laid hold of mother earth in earnest, make a point of in- vesting in a pair of Rubbers or Overshoes, or Felt Boots, or Heavy Gum Rubbers and ltnit Socks. We are selling all kinds • of felt footwear 10 per cent. cheaper than other stores. We • buy in large quantities, pay the cash, and put shoes on the mar- ket at the lowest living prices' We are the largest distributors • of Boots and Shoes in the County. Oar two stores are alWays busy. SEAFORTA Rodgerville (Cheese Factory. The annual meeting of the Shareholdere, Direeeors and Patrons of the Bodgerville Chen. Factory will be held itt the Factory on Monday, the 33th day of Januar'. Meeting to storantence at 11 fetlock sem, • JAMES MURRAY,' 14644 e • Secretary TreagUrer. Don't claim to have a larger stock • or greater display than any other house o clairct that we are Selling ARTI LE 'For ithe same or -less money than you can buy -it - elsewhere. - !is a )1ait ment of a fact by ItSndricis, can test its t tine vn1 afiy state - known you a HAvz 25 ercoats Left 'good Frieze Overcoat s Hicm PRICE .1:1Aa 20- .B0 Y8'. REEFERS WERE $3 to YOUR CHOICE FOR , $2 re selling a good $1.60 Sel of Men's Under wear fer $1 JU T AECEIVED 140 pieces ofPrint 5 bales Factory Cotton 20 pieces of Shirting AIUt bosoid at the old prices. . two. .HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB 'BUTTER AND EGGS OW, ARC • TEE SEAFORTH ICLOTHING NAN.