HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1896-01-03, Page 2n assortment, epleneid in q g with generous bar and leaney Slippere, N o agora Felt Slippers ana Bedroom itiul any quentity of 'suitable' for old end young. A. thoroughly first. ,,took, combining . See beautiful Calendars we aro giving away every purehase of $1 or over. Everybody is delighted with our holiday display, RANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING, 25 King Street West, Toronto. Sapplies schook with teachers for all rade'', No charges. ,We make eactuiries r confidential information concerning all applicants and our recommendations can, therefore, be relied upon. Write nit if you require a teaoher. Information given to teachers on application. W. O. MeTAGGART B A , B. .1 (Toronto *University) Manager, Wed Huron County, 1442,52 • CURED ET TAXING IZ°5°Pectoral. }1Chert "1 contracked se4re eold, whieh Nettled on my lungs and I- did what is often done In seen esseineglected ie I then consulted a doctor, wit found, oil exaMining fuel that the upper_part of thelefe lung Was natily affected. The medicines be gave me did not seem to do any toted, and determined Le try Ayr's Cherry reetoral, Afteetalcing -.- few doses myitrouble was relieved, and be- fore I had finished the bottle I was eared." —A. LUELAB, watchmaker, Orangeville, Out. Ayer' Cherry Pectoral Itioie.t Award's at World's Pain Aver's Pips Cure Augagestfent REAL ESTA.TE. FOR SALE. ' Won SeLE OR: TO BENT —Tho house lately • X curled by Wm. Ciarnoohen, feed of St. JaMee Church, Seaforth. Apply toll% HOLMESTED. • WASIII, diocourse chose it 0 • GOOVertin plan 41'4 e. 'Sire, what 00t;h, bowel, aryl a pl loitthoonm by the to oee if they of Christ, on the Converted Snv neomparehle Ins 0 arnaditalteted te 0 00. OD, or the olo Ing th yeses Rev, Dr, Ulu age t vhioh, appeals to the un- ere—via "The Ph 1i,. 'ho text mei tad ate o• to be eita ed?" ated (13 c d alind'PdjalikiljaPnifsd id'alinIn Lep hncl eats, VO be official Wile COM ffsr !IVO0ive yet, Thre tWO WW1 t is ect foot ill letumen a of totter's, 0 eir silloulder.e dripping flan the "stroke of lent) ern thongs, their orto the Pot with lefias intationa of thirst, heir i - head faint. cm 1100 theyLmoy not lie d'I wn, In 11,0oinforfabl town el that Onene h. Ill& Jing aud amid • cement surrottudinge 10 a Veld oftloor at ti e government whose bel- -pass it is to s perviie the prison. J.t is night, aud all I still in the outride , ef the dungeon sate as oomegolderer st ng- . an the the the; ee. tbe ind ds, gh .. the ° to : Om with a It. turns over in h cough of a dyin dampness, but ' Walls! The tw aid dream, or a rn s chains, or there is consumptive anald suddenly crash go elergynteit; pass out The jail keeper, lthougJl familiar with clarknessamd th borro s hovering aro : tho dungeon, is butted beyond all bout and, flambeau I band, he rushes thr amid the faille walls, shouting at top of hie voice, what must I d be eavedt" I stand now among these who are • Ing the same qu stion with more or you in this or heav ..._...... tyouso TO LET OR FOR. SALE —That very e II slrable property in Egniondville, letely 0 - teed by J. O. Rose. Terms reasonable. Apply ter it. i Ilieks, Ego:toady/lie, or to I. V. Fear, fiertforth. i 142e -ii L'itilledil FOR SALE—The tinderalgeed has titers I.' Choice Farms for sale in East Heron, th 1 ner County of the Province; all gees, and prle nit. For full information, write or oial__persof t No trouble to ehow them. F. E. delorac. Bdt P. 0. leill k - Pee earnestness: and a acoot sis of your soul w message from u. There are - tliose Itt tthie audince bo might be more' skillful in tagu sent t an I am; there are how hem who can 4 ve Into deeper d thsiet science, or h ve larger knowledge; dere are in this a once those before whore X wo d wiIln the inferior to tho per or, b +-1)1a assereo„keg tn.& Worldir.bneinese, tisk you will goon ;pass' out of thn par. nership. You now that beyond acrrtin poiut of ell the millione of deilaro woth of OW oold you will not handle a yard of Webb, or a pound of seam, or d Pollorie male Alma, -that, if a conflagration bould oWeep-all Washington Into aohes, it ould.uee touch you and would nbt dam- e yon, If every (lathier should abscond, - and every benk.e.isseend payment and eV. try inelirance dearly/my fail, it would nals effeet you„ .01r, how inoignifleant is bug. nee thig Side the grave with business On other eide the graVei .Have you made any purehatee for eternity? Have you any seenritieethat Will last Waver? ' Are you jobbing for time when . you might he Wholesrding for eternity.? le there any 'Notion AO brogd at the blase, Wows, so overehadewing r's the question, '"What Ido to he Raved?" Or is It a classmate question?. Is It something aboot father ot 'mother or band ta, wife Or oon ot daughter that is t sensor° important inexorable law tint ,reletion ill 000n clueotion? You now y ul,litersal and broken up, Veth a will he "oone, mother will be .gone, chi! ben will be gone, you Will -he gone, but stay thet thequeotion of the text will be in to harvos lts chief gains, or deplore to worst lossek or roll • up its ntightietst I lagilitUdeS, areWeep its vaster -Mashes. Oh, What a cutteition—what an isnot. tent qnet.1o1 Is there any question that compares with it in invert -sue? What Ps it now to Napoleon 'XII- whether he 'M. umphed or -surrendered at Sedan whether he died at tho Tuileries or ClAselhurst, whether he was emperor or exile? Be - tsetse he Was laid out in the' coffin in the dress of a ;field' marshal did that give hint any better 'else ee for the future than if he had 'heezt lat. out in a plain shroud? What different) will it soon :make to you or to me wheth r in this world we walked or rode, wheth r we were bowed to or tnaltreated, wh ther we were applauded or hissed at, wel mod in or Molted out? While laying h Id of every merodnt of the future and bur Ing In every Wender or every grief and overarching or undergird- ing all t.1an • all eternity will be the plain, ste Whig Infinite, stupendous ques- then of th4 text "What must I do to be saved?" The ilipplan 'Again, I Oa acterile tide question of the agititiod jai keeper as one (=tithed out fortunes, pressed out by his 'mite The falling of the penitentiary, tion was gone. Beildeit that the a prisoner was ordinarily the fine . Ile was held .resport- ad - one well; if the prison beob shaken of the earth- :Apris nere had an stlbi(1 quiet if ti snerniog sunlight had pd on the jailer's pill ne. do • would have hurled t1is red - from. his soulleto the ear.of prisoners? Ah, no! You as I do it was the earth tisk° - eira up. ekoe It 1s trouble great malty people to 4sking istion% It has been so ith you. Your apparel is hot as once was. Why liavo you garli? Do you not like tolfer- ason „and purple as well as • hut you say; "While I was happy those colors were ac-' Mt my feelings.Now they • scerd to my soul." And so • ited Up the shadow' into your e world is a v different what it was one for you! "Oh, if I. could only have :ittle While!" It is o quiet. ople say that they oulti not their departed fr ends from ,er if they had the o Portuoity, -lutd the opportunity ou would yourlo-ved ones, an i soon their be emending in t hall, and- * voices would be h ard in the d the old timee woul !come back festal days of Oh lamas and ing—days gone tore er. Oh, ib quake that startled ' ou to ask- • tuestioo—the eatthq to of do- iisfortune. Death is o cruel; so so relentless, that w en It swal- etteeewe =us have some Itairy ou torn and ed a b earn better ever ex dal- from t pang •the soul. our frl nds:gather how -sorry they are ,the lonelindes, but tf .Tess i Oh ' st can and ptit it in Iasi tth the Jul aby Of ister The graver OUSE IN EINBIJRN FOR litA4.—Por cheap, a comfortable frame &tellies ho erected only three years ago, in the village o Wine There is a quarter acre let planted with trees. There is also- a good etable. The hou e pore tains four bed rooms, with sitting rooms inint room, kitchen and .woodshed, with Stone r, p arid', &c.; alio a good dream. The property is pl risently situated, and would make a most d ir- a le reeldence for a retired farmer or any person de% ei Ilg at quiet and comfortable home. Apply to T. . P PINEAU, 0 nstanee, . 1.:61e4 , 1 , on SALE, VALUABLX, FARM AND VILLteE '''f.—A good pundred 'acre farm a a far state of cultivation, bciege lot 15, in the 2th lactioir, of the township ofarey. * good Brick /I ter,In the Village of Oranbrook, in the said Own - p, known as!" The Beck House", etlso )1 seven:1111 d a good freme store in said village, Anyone tering of investing would do well to examine 'this °petty, which you be sold at .m .v -----1-4,4---- -ce, in one or more Farce e to au - ther information will be frtely- etre ;e aderessiug the undersigned, at Br: .- AIR,' solicitor ; F. 8. SCOTT, Atiotit ., , V- , I-earry the largeststock of new designs and ihrest oods at the lowest pricea of any house in the county. a evegocel sold as cheap as any old stock or out of elatetgoode Why I (31122 da so is beoausegoods bought I now are bought from 1 to 10 cents per roll less than they were when old stook witii. My expenses are low. I ha, a a big stock and need the money. Wall paper trod al cents per roll up. Window shedes, Mould. -lugs, Cornice. polls. be. &e., as cheap. as any in the trade. City Wall Paper House, Main St. Seaforth .. . opposite John St. 1 1 have aeicured the services of three first-class paper hangers and can do work at the shortesenotice All work guaranteed unsurpaased. For proof of the .bove call and see for yourself. Wall paper trimmed. free. Egmondville Boots - and - Shoes, subscriber has a nice stock of CustornI Boots and Shoes Fot Fall and Winter wear and will '1>e Sold Oheap for Cash. My leather being bought before the rise pri'ce, I can guarantee bargains. te me a cell end be ceettencect .All work warranted. JOH N STE ET, EGMONDVILLE. THE SEAFORTH PiluOcal Instrument EMPORIUM- EiTABLISHED, 1873. Owirig to hard times, we have con- ' eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at 1 AOte_OD INVESTMENT.—Por islet at fine 2 storey brick bleak witte houses at rear and all covered with iron block comprises three fine stores with deeeeee above, and all rented to good tenants. The growth and prosperity of Henault, surrounded as is with the finest farming country, make Tether an A'N'o. vestment for anyone haling capital. 41418111810 reasons for selling.- For further particulars apply to either J. P. MARSEreLL, owner, r 0. J. SUTHER- LAND, !eatery Public and Conveyancer, Hernial" P.O. Ontario, • 1 elks tf PLENDED FARM FOR SALE.—Lot 25, eisrees- lJ sion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres imitable for gralhor stook, situated two and a half miles from the thriving village of Bruesels, a good gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres cleared and free from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance hardwood. Barn 61x60 with straw and hay abed 40x70,'stone stabling underneath both. The house) is briolc, 22x82 with kitchen 18x26, cellar undereeath both buildings. All are new. There is ta large young orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the farm Is in ,rood condition. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at Tas Ex, rosrrox Orme, or on the premises. WM. BAltRIE, Brussels. 1885-4t 11ABli FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 19, and part 91 • _12 is, Conceerion 12, Ifeleillop, containing about 108 acres, of which about 100 acres are under grass and crop. and the balance hard wood bush. It is underdramed, well feneed and there is no waste land. There is -a Irene house and.bank barn! There is a never heling spring creek relining past the barn through the place Bo that there is no water to pump for stock either summer or winters There is also a spring well at t house. 2( 18 within and a half of Leadbu y where there Is a peat- Mee, store, schclot, blacks • ith shop, Ice. It is halfway hetwean Seaforth and seele and good gravel roads in every direction. It a choice farm and -good for either stook or grain rid will be sold on easy terma as the owner is not a e to work and desires to retire. Ap- ply oil the pr mises or address Lexciburys P. 0, JAMES COAT S. 1449,tf a Ile might have rubill,...._ , and Silas, you vagabonds, down this prison? Aren't - ou ( withdisturbing tho peace of itho , your infamous doctrines? And now going to estroy public, p Book with you t your places, oe bonds1",, He 'said no such thin word of four letters, "sirs," eq - to "lords," recognized tm he aje : the honor of their MisSIOn. Si; man with a eapti ps spirittries to; . way to heaven, ho will miss it. "---teu-Q, I erganS at $25 and upwards, and Riands at Corresponding prices. SE 110 BEFORE PITROXIASING. SCOTT BROS. We keep on hand a large stock of Picture Frames in all sizes, and can match any picture, so bring along your pictures and get them It -emote! We also carry a select stock of Mouldings, and the finest stock of Framed Pictures in the county.- If you have been too lete for your Photos for Ch istmas, 1.89e, you tnay eet be in time for New Year's Rethember the place in Bauslaugies Old Skeet. Open Evenings,— rerDuplitotes made ft Bau laugh's. or Tate'a negati VOL f • ••• OPEN NEW 'Y.,EA AY. THE IMPERIAL ART STU IO, J. P. HENDER ON, • Matiager; Bauslaugles Oki Stand. 1.152-12 BROADFOOT'S Planing Mil and Sash and Door Factory, This old and well-known establishment le dill miming at full bleat, and now has better !unitise tban ever before to turn out a good article 1 or a moderate price. Seth and doom of all patterne al- ways on hand or-mede to order. Lumber dresaed on short notice and in any way desired. All kinds of lumber for Bale on reasonable terms. Shingles kept constantly on hand. Estimates for the furnishing of buiidirige in whole or in part given on application. None but the best of materiel used and workmate ship guatanteed. Patronage solicited., 120 J. H, BROADFOOT, Seater% successor to OhrYstal 14 'Slack, aurora of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular :OILERS Pans, Smoke Stacks, She t Iror Works, etc., et°, 20 dealer In Upright and Hori Mal Slide Volvo es, Autorea Cut-: * specialty. All of pipe and pipe:fitting . .antly on hand tea furtheh.d on sheet natio . ors—OPPcsits O. T E. 85a5305, Galeria. A Tr asury of I nfornliatiori • !, THE a - -*raw" SULIGHT 0J' ALMANAC 18 contras42aPmarris :ff ttiguiseufge° GIVEN FREE " uo7FRel SUNLIGHT SOAP r • ....... HOW TO aoreme"eciee Novmbar A COPY cIl'°" ae"ea all given, Pm.. I OBTAIIN -az., *0 until t4eie„. . ' bars of SUNLIGHT bf0A3PP,acvskagiell reees'efirve9 ALfrommAliA their -v ir _gees, ere Suetene, . . ic. s • • il * a 10 0 0 The book contains compete Calendar matter, Biography; Literature, Home Management, Language of Flowers, Fashions, Games`and Amuse - merits, Reclpes, and their IdgnifieatICeit etc - tion an tne text -Wes decent, otatirt blemanly, deferertal. Sirs! • Again, I char oterize this e the agitated jail keeper by sea was 4 practical question. He why God God let sin: come into tit -- did not ask how -Christ could ! - man in the seine persoo, he the doctrine of the decrees Eli want to know ' whom Cain what was the cause of the earth present and ()winding .welfa .., i volved in the *Won and wt practical? 'Buta know multjt( ple who are blethering then* the nonessentialsof religion. li .you think of it -man who stet discussing the , queer -too- ett ...tit' heat of the suit, Set / . coal cellar when ho see the one and feet3 artemultiedes a - the ohonaNtry:Of ti time down in this dti lief when aCid all tht them to come out intA and warmth of the er • . , The question for you:AY-Wither, t . dis- cuss is not whether Calvin or Ar lulus was right, not whether a handful of wator in hetet baptism or a baptistery is tho bet- tor, net whether foreordination and free agency 0833 be harmonized.The pr (Anlma I question for you to iscuse and for, e to disouss is, "Where -wl 1 I spend eter 'by?" 1 A Por5onahj Question. , Again, I characterize this quest bn of the agitated jail keep r as one perso al to himself. • I have no doubt he had many friends, and he Was in erested in thclr wel- fare. ' I havetto doubt he found that„there were ' persons ',.1rt, tha prlsoo who, if the earthquake had d des Toyed them, ould have found their case desperate. He is not qu stioning about hem. The whole weigh( of his ' question turns on thkepro- noun "I.” "What sh 11 I do?" Of course, when a man become a Christian; he im- mediately beotnnes anxious for the alva- tion of other people, ut.until that point Is reap' ed the anost i portant quest on is about our dVni, salvation. "What is to be mydestiny?" "hat are my prospccts for th future?" "Where am I go ng?" "What shall . X do?" The trouble is we shuffie the responslbllIty off upon others. We prophesy a bad a d to that inebriate and te ride ex osure to that defaulter and awful oatastroplle to that profligate We are so busy In weighing other peo le we forget burselveu to get into the scale:. We ere so usy watching the poor gard ns of other 'people that we let our ciwn do ryard go to eeds. We are so busy sendi g off other riooplo into the lifeboat we s nk irt the wave. We cry "Fire!" becau e our neighbor's house is burning dowi and se -em to be uninterestt3d, lath gh o • own house is in the conflagration . 0 w nder-.• ing thoughts, disappear tod y. B t out this entire au lance except yourself. Your sin, is it pardoned? Your death, is t pro- vided for? Your heaven, is it seour d? A mightier earthquake than that wh 'eh de- Inolished the Philippian penitentl will tumble about your ears. The foun dons of the earth will give way. The e th by one teenier wi I fling all the Americ • cit. les ifltfo the d st. Cath drala and ;daces and prisons vt loh have stpod for tho sands -of years will topple likol a child's block - t house. , The surges of e sea will sub- merge the land, and the IAtlantlo and Pa- cific oceans. above the Al s and the lAndes elap their hands. What then will become of me? "hatthen will beoomo of ou? I do not w nd i at the an lety of this man of my t t, for he was not only anxlous about th falling of the prison, but the falling of a world. Again, I remark, I characterike this .., . , . I question f the agitated Jail keep.= as one -of lino° parable importance. /On are alike, an I suppose he had scores 64 ques- tions on itemind, but all questibits for this worn are hushed up, forgotten, anni- hilated i this one question of th, text, "What I ust I do to besaved?" And have you, my tether; any question of por- tance eo IN pared with' that question? Is it a question of business? Your Ooinmon sense tell: Vou that you will sodav cease voicont'°fiii"Saii heaven. 0 brotho • stone will neVer-bip.,-d from your heart until Oloilst lifts it. leftiitt it not i thei lois of your friends, or the persecut on el; your enemies, or the overthrow of yeur Worldly estate—was it not an earthquake that started' you out to ask this stupendong question of my text? • Stow to Get an A.1111W r. But I remark again, I chara terize this question of • the agitated fa lkeeper as hasty, urgent and immediate. He put it on the run. By the light of is torch as • he goes to look for the apostle behold his face, ,see the startled look and see the eat- nestness. No one can doubt y that -look that the man it in earnest. Il mist have that question answered before the earth - stops rocking, or ' perhaps he I will never have it answered at all. Is t et the Way, my brother, In* sister, you 4te putting this question? le it on the run? Is it hasty? Is it urgent? Is it immediate? If it is not, it will not be answered. Tha ia the only ... kind of question that is 4118 ered. It itt the urgent and the iniroediate question of the gospel Child answers. A great many are asking this question, but they drawl It out, and there is indiffereece lit their manner aalf they do not meai it. *fake .15 an urgent eemstion, and th n _you -will have it answered before an i our passes, ' before a Minute passes. Whom man Wttla all the earnestness of his soul ()ries Out ter God, he finds him, and finds him rig t away. ' • Oh, are there not in this house 'today those who are, postponing until the last hour of living the attending to the thin of the soul? I give it as my opinion that ttinety`enine out of the hundred deathbed repentapnces amount to nething. Of all the 'scores of persons mentioned as dying' in the Bible, of how many do you read that they successfully repented in the 1ab hour? Of 50? No. Of 40? No., Of 8*? No. Of 20? No. Of 10? No, Of 6? NO. Of I— only I, barely I, as if to dem eistrate the fact that there is a hare possibility of re-- penting in the last hour, But that Is im- probable, awfully 'improbable,. terrifically. improbable. One hundred to one against She man. - If, my brother, nay tdsten. you have ever Seen a in n try to repent in the last heur, you hairseen something very sad. X do not knov anything on earth so sad as to see a rn n try to repent on a deathbed. There i not from the moment that life begtis to breathe in infancy to the last gasp .inch an unfavorable, com- pletely unfavorabl , hotr for repentance as the death hour, the last hour. There are the doctors standing with . the tnedi- tines. There is the lawyer standing with the half 'Written will There is the family in consternation as to what is to -become of them. All the bells of eternity ringing the soul out Of the body. All the past ris- ing before us and all the future. Oh, that man Is an infinite fool who procrastinates to the deathbed his repentance! laveive Open Oates. My text does not answer the question. It only asks It, with deep and importu. nate earnestnees as the rulbo of sermo "Adjourn that to dare tnob. What j PM you wou 4 ea ie Other timei'tut the rules Of sermone WOO ti Me when I rim after omits? What ether %Me _could r, have, Whea perhapo thlobs the only tiner This might be nlY. This Might be: last th your Af lblo oh and X Intere lead p noll, "Mr, ing a at the sno God's universe is perieh " I did n but it o true, and eaid I then or thing si all Goals, nor 0 elad patio a Twelve sato wide open, HMI you inob heard how 'Chriot bore o ir Narrows snd bow oyinpathetie he is wit 1 ell onr w ? Batas you not heard how t 'at with ell he sorrows of heart and all the agouiee of h 11 upon him he 'vied; "Father, forgive eta They know not What they dot" ty his feet 'blistered of. the mountain by his bolt Whipped until the skin cai e off, by filo death couch of folr spikest � for the hand and two Lor. the foot, s setnileher, in whioh . for the grad tlnrnt for BO year's the cruel world Ileebim sblqrno, and by the beaveoo from tvisii3h be n w bend,' In compassfou, offering pardon ad peace and life eternal to all your souls I beg of, you put down your alt,at his f Oa - . I saw one bane g atroe In agony and lood ' Who fixed- his la gui etres 00 Me . . .As near his crjss I 0 fer pre time fo lny friess Wren gave ead it; loo I otav I hfl�4olpW died obioh Bible to Me, 0 it With much - o margin written in ago wild thicznorn- vetoes thing in •all M17 sinner sh01114 - ember saying it, t-nove, whether X .The most melees 00 to that any Ain. Oh, never t»i ra Wee breath Will I for et tipat 1o4. It seemed tb ohs ge 1Llt/ With his death, Though not e 'ord he spoke, , Co dem ed to seen'. In the troubled times of Scotland Sir John Coehrit a wn condemned to death by the king. Thol death warrant was on the way. -Air Joha Cochrane was bidding farewell to his dau hter Grizel at the pris- on door. He said; "Farewell; my darling . *And, • X must die." His daughter said, "No, iMhor, you span not die. "But," he sal "ttte king i is against me, and the law is after mo, am*i the death warrant is on Its way, and I nusb die. Do not 'de- ceive yoilree f, In - dear child." The daughter Bei "Father, you- shalt Pot die," s she 1 ft the prison gate. At night, on th moors of Scc Nand, a disguised way- farer . toed w Wog fin the horsemen 000V- rying. he mailbags containing the death warrant. Vie -disguised. wayfarer, as the horse Caine. by, clutched the bridle and shout,d to the ridet—to the man whobar- teed ti e mailbags, "Dismount!" He felt for hts-arms and w s about to shook Nib the weyfarer jorkeil him from his saddle, and he fell flat Tie wayfarer picked up the mailbags' put hem on his shoulder and vanishedin tJii darkness, and 14 days were thus gained for the prisoner's life, during which the father confessor was pleading for the pa don of Sit johrt.Ooch- . ranei Te second tim the death warrant is on its way. The di Weed wayfarer eettele along and asks tor little bread and a lit- tle wine, starts on aoresti the moors, and they say: "Poor In • n to have to go out on such a stormy ight. 15 is dark, .and you will lose you self on the moors." "oh, no," he sa s, "I will nal" He trudged on and steopecl amid the bram- ble S said waited fo . the horeentan to come carrYing the ma lbags containing, the death warrant of Ir jJoIm Cochrane. The mail carrier spurr d n hie steed, for he was fearful becaus of what had ecourred on. the former ,j • urnete satirred on his -steed, when sudde ily through -the storm: and through the darkness there was , a flash of firearms, a • 4 the horse became un- manageable, and s the mail carrier dis- charged his pistolin response the horse flung him, and t4 disguised wayfarer put his feta on the beast of the overthrown rider and, said, "Surrender novel" The 1118%11 Ob.rrier surre/derecl his arrpfe and the disguised wayfarer put upon his shoulders the mailbags, Iea ed upon ' the horse and sped away into tho darkness, gaining 14 more days for thej poor prisoner, Sir John Cochrane, and be ore the 14 days had ex- pired pardon Ilati come from .the king. The door of the prison swung open, and Sir John Cochrt.no was free. ' On -e day When he was staifding amid . his friends, they congratulating him, the .disguised wayfarer appeared at - the gate, and he said, "Admit hilrl right away." , Pardon Jroth the Throne. The disguised wayfarer came I ad said; "Here are. WO letters. Read th 111y sir, and cast the i into the fire." Sir John , Cochrane read t aria: They were his tiwo ; death warrants, autt he threw them noi 'thefire, Then aid Sir John Coot= Delo To whom am 1 indebted? Who Is 5his 1 Oar wayfarer th t saved My Wet Who is; it?" And the ayfarer pulled aside nd pulled 'off the Je kin and cloak and Ithe. hat, map, lo, it as Gritel, the daughtdr of Sir John Coohra e. "Gracious heaven," he I (vied, "my Aid, my savior, my Own Grfiell" But a «ore thrilling story. !rim death Warrant ad come forth from the Xing Of heave and earth. The death Warrant teed, " .he soul that sitineth, it shall die."- The death warrant coming on the bleak horse if eternal night. We Must die. We Most die. But breas .ng the storm and putti g out through t ,e dark- ness was a disgu sed wayfarer who gripped by the bridle: he oncoming doom and flung it beck a d put his wounded and bleeding foot o the overthrownrider. Mean -While - par on flashed from the. throne; and, Go ee I Open t e gate l Strike off the chain! o free! And today your llberated soul etends in the rireseribe of the disguised wayfaller, and as lio pull off the di guise of his *earthly hu Mat on, and the disguise of his thorns, and he MO - &Ilse of the sea lees robe, you find he is bene.of your bo e, flesh of your 11 sh, your Brother, your �hrist, .your pard re your eternal life. L45 all learth and heaven break forth in, vociferation. Victory through our Lorl Jesus Christ! .4 guilty, weal and helpless N'vori Oa thy kind Arm I fell. . Be thou my sttength end rightee My Jesus an. zsajt all. say is trui verybody knovv H antis. 1�pOsiSsOf 0120D: tenet added to (Wee of withdrawal lit HAYS, Solid • SEAlr transacted. Drafts on all parts f he Uni t and sold. Letters of credit issued, ivailabl &mere Bale 'Votes Collected, and Advances iftP10111 DEPARTMENT.. upwards 'received, and %tercet slieweil at hic ctsl twiee emit year—at the end oC *Time and sell:seed for the whole oranyportion of* deposit. ures oughs, Croup, hfocispinss. ou:Ch. sessassisimmssiorsissisessisses sisisssnisins olette d The finest RemedyV'PIlfl 0f m t e 1'v NIToorirsid.offtioireairrhri Aoa: ungs. We have a splendid The of eapo for 1J1 1 Knock -abouts for rainy weather scnd neigige m We also.havo the beat waterproof _coats, unbr and other requisites for the ason. • eet 'Save your—estesl;Discard rithheral doctorl'Wear tlie new wetroo4 .snow ltuteahleii leath—eraietartuii.: LielltewOir 4!ialit713 twarni,1:00.shlinornicallitacyr *MO*); :..ramonn 9froodyiar SIateFRubbeI1essShoe. 14L-ITIF 01Z1 ) -- Reasonable rates, improved courses, efficient 'teacher's, the onlY sy tem of business practice, a thoroughly equipped shorthand departnimit f tion guaranteed or money refunded These are some of the founda w kit we build up our attendance. • We will have a good one dkri W nter term. r'rospeoto ohow it, even now. Will you join -us op ning Januar $ 6th, 18'96. Write for free catalogue. - HAW & EtP.MoINIOSH, Prne IZOTT; roprietors. 1435 ( The clis1 ases Of thi ness are scrofula in chuldren, consumption in grown I*431e, po+erty of blo d in either. They thriv on leanness. I Fat is the best mans of dvercoming them. Evrybody knows cod-liver oil makes the healthiest fat. In Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver Ioil the taste is hidden,.t e oil is digested, it is:read to make fat. Wa5n4 n r Scott's Bandsfea and ,Zitur vas yeti 4 Mr, in a mOII iffitPPitt Ate sire am mak on it—yea ca* trust as etoseen est of Toronto,* antlask intend* pur- h t� exanime our stock and prices before buyir4 elsefwbere. Also remember we aro agents for t Brothers AIR PURACE% es =latex for heating given on *pIie tion. d General Jobbing done en, the shortest notice. A share of your trade solicited.