HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-12-27, Page 8anU Aor. i Fl,aDian't- i- �� - sure there is Gu like perhaps 1 ,rn, I)air �Iv- above a very t : Kid broid er� Jance at r6_,' RTI I. CES, N7 ks- tmas a inakeEl 010,000 )01000 Dzafti 'Tilt er, N Ovelil- -)�AN Y .ege a 1895 DECEBER 2 HE RON EX T_ H POSITO, iii tg the ho -The� well repaid for doing f3b, al �they enj )Yeai bristmas holidays with his father, Dr. n r LOOK �AT QUEL LABEL$. spen� lidays in he east. evenitig, as t4ey were all. preparW' Cosgrove [Concert Co vill. appear inI tie opportunity of listening to two raallvi� ;J�if L. MaTaggart� of Detroit. -The re- DE_ I QnWEMESER 'Wilson's OaSh cery her. can iful supervision le # a ble and , eloquent se servic rmon I by Rev. D�. v es in the Methodist' church are r6 .-Our Old f-Aie, rav6, of 1%0 lop� favor a, Those who are i sirre�ra for their sub. Cardlic's hall neit Tuesday evening, New! Rev. JAI. M is com 011 We7bv uov in stock a f�,�'asa mon't of Christ, usg &%short 9, to this -,,paper, skould! read this. Year's ete, Th comes 1e� I Abraham� ofBurlifigtion. if iday i Col., �ued this week. Rev. R.i A. Miller gav us with sp: highl a rosenoe, and mended by 19 ress, and Mi i g there was also a goo4 h se. The iairl 'aaqi�ted, the pastor.-Wbile Messrs. Mat. -was arocerk*_fineet ne�v large .. selected Valet t Can t I the pastor,' Th it,'pson cis raisins; tinesk Qleanede treats ;. Cron dressg r4 plete with mirth and full of Usefil I hose Who are no V�30 I O"r. orowd.-The' ras very acceptabl� o0cuplel and Ned Stone. were driving 1,,g 'the elo4 na month of and we. N�w Orlears mg -Mli.Re J. M-uldrew and, 1*6 undo btedly draw a go in ere 3 areprep. Blackwelre beet English peals; instructon. Rarties ivlko have ot yet pa d for this Juniox Bachelors' of the town will 0 Rev Mr. Al uir, and pi 11 ngl� the southern boundary on Mondayt d' to make -an extensive and closingub # ire spices and e arything requi funeral'- of the Ia 8 e Of all A - Goods, at, V tia'" intet t* hall on Monday e i 1asses ; PU motber attended the addresses, dealing with the varius P I ee� ne 0hiselhurst, their horse stumbled, i J be- assera) ly in Cardnos your ahristmas baking. Evapoat;0 y earl by p9y. ing for this year an n90 fel breaking the shaft and cross -bar of the peai job Muglas, Pf Blake on Saturday last dbyMisaW apples, apricots, fige, all at the l6west, prices r ing n, xt, A large number of invita 81 of mission work,were deliver B4ARGAIN PRICES." Is fleco d Mr.' ert Dobiel cheese manufmotprer re the lst of Jan�ary, 1896, can hive, the a 10. a , of Clinton; Dr. Abraham, Dr. Mc7 bu ,�.-Mr. James Stark and Miss Beside '0 ree our stock I d Wugbt largely for �pring cash or tiade. In teas and'oor r will ratu on Saturday last, a a will 4pend I I � have I sell issued, %Ad Op time is ex -1 on St emall were married on the l8th inst.- b ave 8 two years f $2, 1 � onaldiRevds. eson -o - of All kind e13 , ; I I e4 it is our 4,esire t carry over as to nout and we gitarantee eatlsfaotl�n 0 nt r and I peotei by the young� p . The galleryl Messero. Shaw and Aich -�n4 4he iuoney* VVe have a choice steel. or hfte with 1 his f%th Parties -vil, 10 fail !to dq I e Qh d etage -will be rpserved1; d Mr. Robb, of Toronto. of WtjRobert Parsons, of; Hills Green, and tamily groceries, flour and 1wevisious an. d as w most o the wi this il a�rge will b i closed, but t�' sin rg okman were married on t1w, few;win goods as possible, so that- istrictl for cooh or trade, will do' as w9il or t ai4ters. r. 9tavengon ana, Miss 'Steven, t he- credit p i6e ofl $1.50 for this year and for * ited guests who prefel- looking on to' t. e church choir, both on St. 4nd 14 �a! Lil�bie RT lave ample room for our ecial Val a son t on Tuesday mor ing - to � spe"d I I . r LN�160en it iiiist. Only the most intimate friends we " -will hou2t in the traAdi_ Sp I I L er for �oit than any, enga ng in the ms dance. -The sev Uay evening, was much admria and a so as they ar- -t in fl, tabla syrup and 250 Japan toa. Ch b, fr ends in Forest wnd all previous y n 5rreaJrS. depar ho re of bot) i occasio re spring pu 'ehaies as on tast nov a r" ristmas week Wit ears Zesforth, public so puch to the pleasu tlativO were present on the occasion. tht ents of the rive. Fox- th balance of the year we ner, tea and toifet seW wb have some I Ime din Sarnia,.-NNfr. Tom Jackson a arted on 8 t- I Parties tivo years &ndL over in arrIpars, ap holidays, AL now and nobbyuhich for quality, shapes and.flhi will r -open after 0 on Monday, will give; 11 apecial Quotations on wire the cheapest ever efftired in town ; don't fail to urday last with the-inteutiort-of spendin U yo�r labels January 6th. -As laxi indication -of th Ashfleld.! Belm-ore. oce them before buying elacwhere. The hig few 4:ays with relatives in London, bat, oa had better 1, ek o t; Look at may n ake Mantle - I tion of this season, we NOTES.-AESS J, W ster,; as gone to r& the last issue, a i ist elima; io condi Dress Goocls,. p-tices-pald for all kinds of good produce, dreewd ford, taken seriously 11. and govern yourselves accordi gly of the 2nd ile in rt of the Behilore tirkeyo,geeseducks and Oickons wanted; alsogood say tl at Mr. Thomas.,PenfoundlP Catha es riend& , D6 w�w: made in the repo Cloths, Mantles, rdozen I or He was, however, ae to -be ought hone member, we told yoti ! , of Stanley, was plowing all day �ot forget the Zio tea.-, read as voll. butter and egge.' will pay loope concession eeti ew clke4se fact ry. The report should kood frwh eg^ on Monday, but, at resent writing, we� m- BROTHF, i, PU lishers. . �. w1a - mived Shawls, Mjllinery� on Tu esday last,' the 24th of ' December. - ma be, T al pounds of milk rec �aforth, rovement is , �p- Xear's night. - A good pro mme imp LSON, - Se , not mu Silks, Velvets, Fur gret to sa, Mr. George'Turnbull has shipped severa t tal pounds of cheese, 68,309 ; 1 — - expected. Tea win I be glery from a' to 'J $8,192 Bank of commerce Block pannt in hip, conditibn,-Miss Sarah SteVv- ies to Michigan thifflaili of r I Capes; Fur Jackets, iial - car loAtdo of fine borE Oight p. m. The proceeds Will go for the pbvnd8 ilk to each pound of cheeFse, 11 ; art is in Morris this�l week? p5teilding lie: tude, and ill spend w ore h ppy holi- 'tal am abbath sch 1.�LThe e in' to wedding of herfri Miss Sorrel.- ur cf th unselfish- and is at -ill bun benefit Of the S OUI Lt Of money received, S5,562.23. Fur:061'lars, Fvr muffs 4nd', day season as a ie§ult On for that market Seaforth's Kennedy, of on, and Miss Friel, oi, Inations at school section 5, were -leld laotbe last sue it read $3,562.23, instead Endeavorers held a, �ery successful. meet 1�9 thoughtfulness of thos4 br ght ad merry Underwear, Blankets, �was a largo at- of Larges Clothing House. Ottawa, 0e visiting their ister, Mrs; on Friday, 20th inst. The on -Monday eveningi led by Mi so Odie E On- young 1�dies. They alo se t out Christmas I - ; , - -Mrs. Suits, Mees nomination 6f 4) to some -%ivlxo 84re luiable to procure HOdgil0la, a6 the rectory. Will* tendance of visitors, who xpressed them At its dlose the dinners at thO selves as well pleased, bot�ij with Wr Suits, Boys! Overcoats, nedy. Scott, of Toronto, spent Christmas the i (lis- oxeter. biftory of thin establishment has Lies for lh�ms�j ea. 1khen In tho cers for the coming six months was proceea- any da -Mr. ana cipline and proficiency of'tbe pu ii A' 1(31101thb�- been at such lo prices, the people seem residence of 'Mrs.' A. Stobie, sr. p sJ OT k. ie hurch of England and e MeWs Oyercoat$, t-1 Wo er ab such FINE GOODS for such LOW ed -with, the election of which will t.�k' Mrs. J. 0. Smith spent Christmas at Tor- social was held at the close�'for the *efit, Pr by eri n; Christmas tree entertainments -Tk e annual -T I --D.,' Gent's Fur CaPB, place on Monday eviening.next. Mur. Mnslo'. AN enter N. the guests of Mr. Smith's mother. -4- of the children. ied ff r&y successfully, and. were very PRICF I onto)l pa tain B d of the Pres. n's good ment of the Nis en 4 a men's, Union Tweed rants, goo; Ile Meopro. David mud William McDonald of i ffAiTs of their kind. Tweeds, &c., &c., Matta good reliable n T jurs- byteria W as :L the bas neavy Tweed Pants, 81 ; ANOTRER _F_R_1rND EIATS,-� ii churcll ement Suits, e.6 m'en's beautiful Friezo overcoats West WE eek, x. Robert Logan � re- of the church, on vionq ailing, when a Detroit, spentChristmas at :the Manse.-+ ma, s Sa � erkoli o Toronto, is spending This is your' opportunity to secure Black. ana day, of last w has been visitin' 1 1%1.85 ; Men's Fri, Overceats, Afro. George Patterson $i.5o to $7 ; ceived a tele am co veying the! sad iftel- fairly large auaiel c ByrntVIZ to encour- MOTIO-N OF COINDOLENCt-�At th 't da s wide t e parental roof. -Miss Jessie the mostfor your money. The stock Navy, $8.60 Suits from gr f 'end in Michigan for the past month and meeting of the township council, a rn�tion a', on.ba: one to Toronto for theChrist- all sizes, all kinds. ligence of the death o is -eldest later, Ars. age the young pec PIO i their good work. is well assorted and several new lines Boys, Overecate, all prices,. ;Batterson has gone over there to speno was passed expressive of the efficient- and mt p6nd' ( w Ycar�s holiday& --Rev 31r M. ipprell,61 St, John, New Brunswick. The entire progra nine, which consisted of hae been added for ie Christmas liolidays.-Tbe wet, di,,grel- fathful work performed by the late Ri4�hard Gi f tile'College street Presbyterian IS. irprise as Mrs.Sip?rell recitations, dialdgae �'11 choruses, eto., Y,; 0 WM. PICKARD & 00 The news was not a at week and the ver wits oul band, nine ye orDnto, wpreach anniversary 1�&rgaln, Clothing and)Dry Goods Houue, d roads, bave very mat, I ch� I lieler"s of the e weather of the past K. Miller, during the ars s state for s4me w(e�s- plied by t e n he �cted cli bad been in a very 131 1 erially interfereid IT t Some two and .9 id" be atne and tfi; little1 lk§ quitted the�m'selves as township clerk, and the i sorrow and he 8el 'I ous ir the Presbyterian church here on Seaforth, ith the Christmas trade of our busine*s t th kh of January. He Avill also give a. i6n, ably. Dur" g the ear t affected with that felf dm6ease. consump most admir sense of loss felt by the !Taernbers of. he all men., although for several days oi=1 streets all Me as been -raised i y the talent -fund. eouncil- on his temoval fro& their midst by lecture on E ypt and the Holy Land, on gainst which, On.th0 round of. t Of $12 h r a 1, ) rTT-M the followitt way : were well filled with visitors, but t be crowd 0 i:g Uonday evening, at the onstitiltion, she mad a brave light, t all This fund is raised death. The council also el.tanded theit sin'!, the' i1vain. Notwithstar ding the most t der 'At the beginning of t1l year, each nex0er. was not nearly so great as it would ba4le cerest sympathy to the'beq�ayed Wife.! annual enterbainment.-Mrs. Alison Gibson E. Y1,61FA, UL been under more home from Vancouver the early 110NO" ORDERSH t I favorable circumstances. care -and nursing the disease advanced steP who desires, receives Ild w1ibil g arrived A young son of Mr. George W. S i part f the week. -Mr. Thomas RaLe, grocer, ue this small sum as the 'TO cen she eSteph en I was reached as a bOve of t Dry Goods his 'parbr e+est way of re- IT �tep until sale, whate eoryt had the misfortune to get lef t arm of this place,js to be complimented on his cease was ib :resi ;bey th Ot -6s. -T c Jun The best, safest and staed. The [dent , of tions, they make, foeil h Cor.Ncm DoiN. cil met ill C ress Co. ken at the wtist, while playing wi Or All t1le very fine disolay of Christmas goods. The 'mitting money is by Domin. on E kge ; she "A'as nd, in t4i� Iwa, the a anber 16t h, 895-. companys ,XP r 9 iller marrif deem, best, a jall s�m f leaforth, prid, $he ys on Monday last. -Mr, Harry Beattie Crediton on Dect money orders. d universally beloved, with Which the- L it te grows and 'in- bo taste ksplay8d in the arrangement of the. I 706ly known' of the Toronto law school, is spending * members were present., X i�iites were'read would do credit to a much larger OR a. P. L creases, till it is. ully � i xe�nplified. that out *as th6A4est!daugyht-,r of Mr 9 R, and signed. The polling places are S'obol stokle Seaforth. .1 c in - $5 and under 46f this town. 'ried oil D i#gs come 101 rge ones, e chil- bolidays at the parental home in tovvn.4�- tov�n.�-Mr. A. Goebel, our popular jeweller, was mar of smal th #Wn hall, 'Holt' pru �h 80 9i�preil, t and is f e We are sorry to learn that Mr. James Wil- houses Nos. 1, 5, 10; ti h also a beautiful display in his line. Over $5 to $111 bar 25th 1879,,toi Mr. 1.E. X. mPn-' dren deserve great 6orp kitchen, Heitzman's kitel en H. WIllert" Christmas in London -with rela nd �ie provinote-4, Of liams ip still in a very- critical condition.4- — 0 - 100 fu inner in which they i Over slo to $20 aer in the. Xariti unter, Fre -via a4d hall, Maccabees' hall, G -and Bend. Th, Una Messrs. W. R. Co d Da Leadbury. r. William.. McKay, the efficient to"Make; p.ppier those aro Ovcr $2() to $30 - 1"a Ontario Mutuil Life jnsurance��' 0611111&hY. have worked 'McLennan, who were so �seriously ill deputies are: W. Baker (1, Brown, the 49th jear of her Id. in sending the John Nlr� John Kners ha% gone to Michigan to principal of our public schools, was in Exe-- Over $30 to $40 - 15a Airs. Sipgrel was in them, and' to give are all recovering niaely.-The officers ele t Prouty, H. Doyle, A BucWan, F. ; aker, an leaves' her husband and four light of the:gop6l to t e heatben lands. P! c R. MoClinchy and W. v�r. A num vi n of his daughters, who is seriously ter this week visiting 1) age, urrent year for Britannia, Mas Ol� No blanks to fill out. Receipts gliveh. hildren. As an' intimate frie4d rec� for the Oqi r Utly of orders were. granted, Which- will eat ill e p�oid fever -Our school teachers Eacrett 3�-rotbers, oftondon, spent Christ- i �Vith ty lodgT,w I be ingtalled iA -the lodge'roomt4is very our 'rem rked of1her, sbeas. true:­iAt- aelnow enjoying their holidays, and those masat the.'parental homei-Vitoria Park, Money orders can be purchased at any h1 a CITRISTINTAs rMv �Iti spite of the in the financial statement. Rem aneratioh evening -Mr. Robert French, jr., Who w4s relation of life, as 1,1. dau�ter, Sike.r-, ife very bad. weather OF e past week, which for services re Or. B. C., r�eve, $100 of 1i kids who do&t take kindly to school near SeUrnith.-The annual .9abbath school )f the clay. . . 11 . so seriosly ill at the first part of the weipk mother- and 'friend. finer tribu. of h�ppy.-Aliss Emeline Johnston, of the Christmas entertaiiinivnt held n conneetioir RONALD J. MACD.ONALDp the" -memory of would have. prevente less zealous ollurch Eilber, $100; J. Sherritt, . $$0; R. Hickii, ar: I * e, wa visiti Ith Ga Christ. acter cot P rorn comi� re glad to learn, considerably i d Donitulun char ild be paid t worken; f out of doors, St. 'a' w" a -Many will regret to learn of t e $25; S. Sweitzer, 6& 4U ng relatives on the Lead- wl rmel Presbturian church on -r. R. ticket, telegragh an any one. The inuny fr�ends here deeply was� 0 Wer more tas �ef ully ing in town ball, CredUofi� on Monday, bt line last week. -Farmers from near mas eve was: largely at it: v led,not-withatad- hurch proved. E Mr. Alexander McKay, of -he Thomas' o death o more fau4- am ave been Express Aent, tbl7,e With the bereved husband and decorated than it, waist 3is'season. Willing liarly k nown as Sandy, �` which took pia�e December 30th, co rn M'enci 3g 4t noon., ont to McKillop buy disa.grec e state t eaf6rth.- sympa ing the very W�tb the aged mother in raw for fodder. A the'r. A very ell -er r, Ithough grain is wea children, as well as strung v iatbe f ree,, on We6lieAday. He had been ill for eotiie t t h;,'rij literary and t n pi 't ul straw appears to be a luxury this musical programme was (!-ir; ied Out, pri-nel- and other friends. They have the Y'rea, around all the arcl 3 in. both mud we6`ks 'but his case was not considered se I- Whithr i - "a the large Christ- consolb-tion of knowing that, To die" was )ib,' font holy Raston,`on the occasion of ally by the children,wh. chancel, While the He has resid n rular P1.1 , ()FFICERS. ELEM%-A tlie last teg e. . - g co d inarriVe, wa. box gain," for the loved on ' -co raed with ous until near the last. LtV . 1. a treated to & noisy mas was well filled with �Qhristmaa comIllunion table werk te t flow' Seaforth off and on, for over men y- i e meeting of Loyal Ok.ange Lodge No. A 3, 1' presents,11 which gladdened not only the i's an o e gre a ion The con t, 8 Ile Was a carpenter b� trade. e Mclziliop, the following a fleers were elect- se eia%del which lasted a couplef nights. TO THE; vas xbout the averw 'or Christn - 91 'hoinas Rom has been home taking a hearts of the children, but of many of tho TORONTO ONTARIO, RMIDEMTS - OF HAPORT11 year M).. B and Gentlen�en,- ay, a, was a quiet, industrious, good. living ed for the coming year: W: Scarlett, W. s ist.Z4uIpped and most popular commercial SURROUNDISO COUNTay.-Ladle r: 'er�, remain, for the sac�ament m well earned rest for a few das. His many grown up people, who received handsome. it, b; -erYthing ge numb e respect of all who knew h; M. ; John Bullard i D. Mi. t echo and had th I I , William A. pre al in t a b6n.1nion ; moderate rates; ey, After a consultation wl�h my medic4l advisers they superior i See. frie� A here were pleased to meet him. -One isents through the'm edium of the Christ- ifte for circulars. SHAW & ELLIOTT, instructed we to retire from business for a pe;0od of f the ord'8 Supper. ijThe r�ctor proacbed Ile was well read, and a man of P Johnston, Chap. ; Joheph Hb'gI Rec. of bur,young teachers, who is the happy mas box. -The Methodists here also hold e olacer I conimmood, very practica� serAic l on the Incarnation, married. f a good driver, is freq thQir annual Christmas tree ente Principals.: 1444-5.2 time. it is juat tea months ago telligen e. He was -never -Chrilt- John Boyd, Fi. S�s. 1. oyd, Tr business hore.and my groQery business has. been uently rtwinment :nd the choir a ng, fo,-;L the first time, the posse asor 0, crowned withauccess, and I think our dealiagg have d I ria i ' TaMs w 8 a very quiet day, there _bei� William Bullardi Dir. Df: er. ; Willi 11 notic d trying the speed of his horse. As on Christmas evening, a repqrt of which will celsis, maki a 9 Kenny, Lecturer. ; SL Sul i I e a, D. L. ; 1 been mutual. We have always been careful In look- ing one neither! skating, curling nor sleighi I I , oney. !rhis is of the most inion services ever I - mig naturally be expected he chooses his. 'be given Ili xt week's issue. It 1was one EDWARD CAESR---_ Ing for the best values for the least m ev u t ��i the atmosphere 'was nearly as nilli,19 i)d B a D L W. Trewar ilia, I lot Coin., ;Lt the b the whole secre W in -13 STILL BUYING- . (ter in the future las in balmy as in June. The weather now look1s, on I c? popular t of businese,and this department e urc� Mi P t ost also 0 a nions in these' drives from among the - of eat e:ver hold In' connection -with the, - will be as egrefull looked a beld in the (.'aTb'r'&itb*, '2;nd Coin. i obins 'J. ni �oung ladies of the section.-Mr.� Alex.' school. Alexander Smillie, the r ever as 4611" Cqm. Shins, Tallow and the past. With e attention'of my brothe and sang a very sw et s4 oring the service' h If ze mioghhnt have sleighing f6r Com.; D. McCutchbon arebased the farm of Mr. Frank clerk of the township -of Tuokorsim1b, wa% 'Dg- ro Val- Hogg, R as pu Hides, Sheep clerks u can d pend on being fairly and carefully Tae offertor , hicb, all o urcheS Of 14, . N w Year's. Piercy,of Michiga�, Campbell, 5th Corn. ; TA �R a4rt. The place contains 25 acres. united ih ;marriage on Christmas day to dealt "Zoth. Wit ing you all a happy New Yea 14nd, is, on tba day, resented to the ree- Or 'Jer.. J6 Raw FuT s, cer, da;ughter of y daughter of James. ntfull , F"D DAVIS, opara Block Gro ra. Robert Tyler., Joseph Story, 'The land is good, bat the buildings are of Idi8a, Aggde,' youngest r is congre a. in !v ... f efids. Irvine and John Scar'lettAu yours respeetfull 9 a. Christ as gift f orn n visiting ri -ad steady prices, and don't forth. 141 i3-1 hfurray, Esq., tr;asurar of -the township of t�r 7 was the large's' ever g son, is at pr little 4ecount. The price paid was $11100., And pays fair a Sea t -on you forget it when selling in this market. PiTT's Powe, for sae, eight horse, n Mr. and N sl �%Smith, of Goderich, apd. 0 �rt Tuckersnitfi, and a resident, -of our village. w y Thomas' church� I stmas with Stanldy* wooded, at::O. C. illsonla, Seafor.b. 140-2 formerly 9 , lis 0 , spent Cbri The ceremony was performed at the real - ,h 'Seafort-I -land, �f A PtnTiNG Toyr,,N. n Friday Ia t, Constance. Remember the old butter store, Goderic Do4 :84OLIIN. -Taken from on friends here -M John Leathel 4ence of 'the. bride's fatherand was witness. faliy of our rbaders will n ;e WFPDIN CAL BRIEFO.— IN Sarnia, was visiting his parents here 0 G BELrs.-The marriage of r. street, Seaforth. Tuesday, December 24th, a 1%rge yellow�and vb1te Lo there was an interestin at� the Fr4t ed �by a loge number of the relatives -of the dog, answering to the name o! ro3n x, eatherland is il A.Mills,of Hullett,to Alias Anna MoIn- 1152 f 1 Sport." . The "grel to learniof th' -a th of Mr. Ale. Christmas. Ar. 'low P-111' Road school house, sectio No. 3, wheii Mi a Job o�tracting parties. We unite with the who took the animal vv.�.ay is hereby notified I tat if Grey, brother 0- Mr. �od:raick. Grey. of Me- elf in Sarnia.t- Annie Marshall, who as so a ul y tosh, Of Con elebrated ill the. many f ri�nds of the happy young couple fiv — 'to to not returned atoi�ce,'iegai proceedings 11 be gaged in business I or hims stance, was a taken to recover him Rs. jpvl S)IlTli, Seafo b, Killop. it tod� placo at his residence in Mr, Fred avis leaves on Saturday-'f$r tau gh b the school for thr( e years, i w . as made Xethodit church, by the Rev, H, J, Fair, wishing the I ni long continued joy and hap- , last. The ell .14 3XI North Oxford, ion Fri.day last. r. Grey Toronto, in the interests of his healt4. the recipient of 91 very af i.edtiopafely wor, j- on uesday, December 17th. urch giness.-Miss Hattie Johnston, daughter of aw Cutter, tell fedt of was,1 some years a resident- of this During his abse ce beautif ul the occas' Jr. W_ Johnston, f the London re 'gut inn Taposifor ag his brother, Mr. 4- ed and was ly decorated for loll. GOOD power Stri complimentary addizess fro t4e Audpo 0 carriois, in good order.. o. 0. wilisou, seaf ortJ, will town. -Mr. � Charles A itzel, having disposed Davis, �f Mi chell, will take charge of his The groom was supported Mr., children, and which was ictom-panled bv a- who has ta for several years, sell it cheap, 14 32 on in Dako of his interest in th� Apal at Bracefield, to busines.�M as C ran, of Paris, Millson and L. Farnham, The bride was V181 It I album and a pair of :vase j. Miss Marshall, returned � home Isat week, accompanied by DISTRICT MATTERS. The stock of mix d candies and oranges Mr. Graham, of !Staxilq y,� intends returning at the manse. AM Harry Cowan, of Grar, in severing her coniibetioo With the school, supported by Miss Mills,sister of the groom, her bro�her-in-law and his familv.-bIr. have lwen replacedby npbher ob,ipment Juat roe eivod to ard you can got 4 pounds,best mixed oandyfor 26o. Seaforth to 're8ldel Mr, Norman M`c- Rapids, . as.. isitilivyfl Id f ' ds in town th is takes with her the affection of the ebildre-ii, and Mi Munroe, of Tuekersmith. The and Mrs.' Richard- Beek, of this plo.�e, spent aTo Correspondents Almond, Filbert� and Walnuts at 150 pev un of United- EmPiSrer -n and -ue silk,. a very pleasant evening with a few Leod, first matei r. �ay rien f Tor p i ?Of week. barrister, o the -respect of the pa;rent good whsh�s bride wi�i attired ina costume of bl Oranges, Lemoss, Figs., � Italsi no and all ki nda of fruli the Beattie line, runl.', between nia onto, a r. and Mrs. Lack. Kennedy, �f for her future from ev er orson in the sen- 4�d lool�ed charming as she walked up the of their friends on the evening of the in Jarke or small quatutItlas at Davis' Grooery.. and Duluth h eted his seasoll's Clinton, spent Christmas at the residence Of �a�ing on the arm of her faithen She As Wednesday next, New 4 Year's day, tion. The address was a ed'0ii behalf "of aisle le 23rd inst., the - Occasion being the 14 3-1 as etur4e 0 to n f6r the missed in this co mmunity'; work, h r winter. M - M K y Goderieh strpet.-On Thur I be 4ery much, -will be observed as a public holiday, our ra, the scholars by Misses A die Rathwell aild wil twentieth� anniversary of their marriage, Gov,(. at a bargain, a first-class out t for -Mr. F. G. Mitclijill, in8poctor,for the day, it. Lumaden, W, D. Bright a�d Flora, Wild. 44 'she always took a deep interest in the eer, of correspondeu`ta would greatly oblige the cutting food, a large second-hand Straw Cuttel and Boiler'Insnr�nce CQTp#a�ny, of Toronto, was M, :n, were re-elected Public school and temperancO -or ehin4 wedding. -Mr. Albert Rai ten Not of carriers, and cight horse heavy Pitt's church, I Sunday Sarnia, speut Christmas with his parents, e r n town -erests of his ell work. 'i'lle brid was the ecipient of, publishers if they would, for that week, for, ower, at 0, 0. Willsoills, Seaforth. InS 2 astwe4, �ujhe int ool ee rtb, East a rd their oontrilmtions one day'earlier p 16 of Davis' Ornpany, Fred is-gh old Seaforth -boy ; he respectivelk.-Mrs.'Peter Sco�t Drysda useful and beautiful presents. Ar. r. and Mis. A. R. Murray, Have you taken a sam Tea ? man yrincipal of the Normal school; Toronto; p South w spent Christmas. 0 Pr -N mLvws, -Lake uron had lightly haa they have been in the habit of doing. You are welcome to give it a trial. It stands a fair las & yesponsibN aa& lucrative situation, and chilk-redn of Brussels, AliII13 is to be congratulated in having se-, ohn, of �Wingbarn, and Airs. TV. *f I TNVT cy oati, but h cured such an eatim%ble wife; Atter the oil test, Lss does All other articles in tie stock. China, 4nd, like most Seaort� boys, j is a credit to herfa thek�s 'esidenco in Hapurhey. —Mess a covere itiself with an i to as d*- Sprliim were here this wekattending d fdDget, please. Croc�ery and Glassware can be had- at a great atNe town.—M!r.�,land Mrs. L. L. - Me- Donovan, inter and Stewart shipped a, c r posed f it, caused by the heavy Winds an ceremony was over, the guests, to itbe num- Don't "is the m;;�Faier of their sister Miss Aggie. slaughter at Dayls" Grocery. FaJ -are openn holidays load of h6r�es to the old country this wee . rain of be past waek.— Mr. Norman Pat- ber of I about two hundred, repaired to -the terson, who, for the pist summer, has bein Tu annual Pi ckard & . o's� Big Sale commences Jan —Mr. I Inc] house 6f Mr. McIntesh and partook of the r ITIVNI. in Torim- iep!,son, Dr. J. H. Mc- �bug , pr ipal of Clinton model g for 1he nominatfon of -a uary 26d, 1896. See largo advertiEewenb. 10 Faul,liand other friend .—Mr. Harold Clark- school,' and Mrs. Lough, spent ChristtAs in the m loy of Mr. R. Westlake, as a dinner, after which a, pleasant Brussels. an Ting his businam- eveninVy w -reeve. 16. modeputy-reeve and councillors, A happy New Year to, all. Fred son, son of I arkson, was selected and Mrs. James McMichael I f I wishing Mr. and LocAL DRISM —011 Christmas Day the ow stqdeii' 2ills a happy and prosperous life. r town meeti n council for opera House Grober. The housekeepers of Se deliver the -valedic- —Air. and -Mrd. Wip. He thinks, in the futtm e Ahat hardwam wedding &I r. 0 h with M. farm ban , intends ell as spent, al to serve in tbe tow bhis fell st�reet west. Mrs. A weatb",. as more like a day than and iurt�ounding country sbould alA Goderict ra has rle- wn ball, on:;'Monday r.. will be held! a the to the z rest reduced prices that Fred Davis offets h tory address at the aing exercises of the Snell, of R�fllett, were guests at Mr. - Jamies would be payinp—M Uowa Christn0s, � but the roads are ba'that, evening next, �at half -past seven, o'clock 0113. This week he will give 22 lbs. beat nut Toronto Normq,� ell 1. The x10 a say!: Mcmich el'o this week.—Mrs. Coulter 14ft tire I rom t e a oe in n I ra, e. 0 as. ra Hensall. there were not many peo, in M 0 Who the fortanate men will'be, it7. is diffi. fated sugar for $1 ; 24 )be. liht sugar for 81 11 Mr. Clarkson 1800re d a decided success in yeaterda: r,for Ingersoll, on a, visit to hk turned his hand to the li, te I traw cutting, i t�i d 20q W lu ina tountr i. - t h* h de A dull. orge How bright yellow sugar for $J Now is the i ie veya _1� cult iere is as yet very little lbs. Jo�n and claims it him iell.;' J. Sutherland, Coh icer, Notary, to say, as tl lay IE a stock. his valedictoryby hi�!nan urnorous,refer- son M r.'J. Anderson Coulter, of the pays & gini th, -who have urvhased orrow � QOMpRny 8 Public, Issuer of Marriage Licenses and Insurace. ally n, t4DQk election tailk, and the aspirants do not seem exice' to the Belio0i I its work," We con. works in that town. m@11 -from the tor acA money to loan on farm property at lowest the woo 64 t to be numero is. In nearly every:pet- grmteilate our gung 6 ien t. on As success, _INIissfato Cowan is this,week visiti�g ftree of: Interest. Several good dwellings for sale a 099. as. o -it this week, an( are fast jet. A� SBRVICE%w-Tlic ai�liver ra son has Pboat as much as be �ca'n'clo to man- and ive trust his ma� e en, Ci" 'Pin�index -her brot er, Mr. Hector Cowan, barriatfr, a b ost-Offlee, Heneall. shape.—The- Cosgrove company conse- .3arylservices in connection with the.Nebho, A -PLr!,.tSANXT PAnTy.--OA Wednesday of arga.n. Office at the ting it age his own I usiness just now, and, of hi� future qareer, -!-Messrs. Jaes Arm- p hler and wife, i of -un aisley.-LA[r. John Boe 'd not w A very largo house at their con tlently, aspirants for viuniei diat church, in this town, were held oq S last week, Mr. Hugh Rol is,l of the gravel, di p6d honors aie' strong and Cha!rlie G 4y, are home frona DO- Lorr'ainej Cbio, are at present visiting Mr. )VERu fishing for your Boot and Shod dert lastiwOek, ca account of tbebad roada t�mes are eas'i6r. day last. The'services were conductod � b3 road, north of Winthrop, bad a wood bee, trad a for a few weeks longer, and we are using the troit! -for he: I These gentlemen ehler's father, in Egmondville, spend' not so nurnerous as when ol, _BO 9 aind dar� night. —Our' schools cosedn Fri- a Smith, of London,who p,e 0 r, goods at ocs are T.-- t and business better. Howe�er, no doubt Rev. Charle tudyin entis in that Olt heir ChrW mas holidays. We are glad�nto in: which the boys of th, neighborhood as beet bait we can find—good first-olass ed foreno6n and evening. In the for )o he well as -friends from ackersi mith, �cok I the right time to buy, as everything d last� for the 4i6lidaya. Min Cooper, of J�c�at* be siowd aegardleas of cost or price, as I am Iri depm good men, w4l be'got, an&it is possible esqrs. ames c h e , S A. Dickson know that "Jack" is prospering in the -7 ',-, and Mits Brailen,, - rtmeni U � 1 4)1 t er- there was a fairly large. congregation, te 'stars and stripes. part. After doing a, goo day's work, �the ;there rnay not be much change in the p and ohn, ackaon, to are attending the land of Terms, cash. All persons indebted cond room, are leaving; They ;V ' . - i ested to call and settle their accounts me to requ sonnel of the council for'the'coming yea�r. the eyening. the church was filled. Oro' to niversit � e spending the holi ladies appeara-4ce, and kept com were both the recipients of presents from ing u put in ano any) one A. Wmzwn. Smith hasan eccentric ftmaner, but 146,31 meeti;g on Alond6oy I ntil the to !all told, numbered days� at their res ctive homes.— Oro will Ua mer for their sdholara. Their success n origin Mi ver pleasant evening We hope to see the I . miss dently, a al tl�inker, Oil Tuckersmith about seventy. While tha4king my many custo nigt largely attended. n lay Pundhard, daughter o Mr. H. J. Panobard, evening he took M e his text the . last a use of th . is town, has been !engaged to teach -in WEST 04 N D NOTES. �The special servi'r-es was spent, and aa the n" ght was wet and their liberal patronage during the past, I would Iw' ViLiss Rib.chx. , of Grey, and Miss Linton, of form t�eja that, coinmencing with the New Year, X Whitby.! The tchool will be opened on 'STERTAIINIENT.—On Frid4y of the 1st verse of rhe 14th chapter f !nd at Turner's church, were.brougbt to a cl�se dark, it was thought ad i6.ble noft to run C�tll,�TSTNIAS It, the 7,urich pulblic school for nextyear. Intendi carrying on. a strictly cash business and will January 6th. —The stock of Jolm Monday Samuel Wherefor'o hath th3 a rvanb this wee c,—Mr. W. ElcoLt is preparinji to any risks by going on a the merrie Dargains In Wy ey corresFo dent of the Clinton 'giye gkoat 1 fine large now atook 04 Grewar vw evening last the annual P1 ristmas enter The Stanl ; sold by auction by F. S. 8-c-ott, irch Sunday set my field on fire," 'From this te t he eiilarge his ba*rn next aum, e " was kept going at I it ivas light Boots iand $bees of every kind and make, As sdlllng taininent of the St. Thomag chu New, Era has itbe fo O'Oing Words of. com- t J. Tu 3k 1 for (Mles & Smith, at 31 cents preached a most eloquent, practica and Stephen& ad, is getting the 0 enough to travel with Lfe y on even the foz cath,. I can buy cheap for cash and my custoiner4 0 school was held in the school room. The mendation to, say out the implements i&l , Loudon Ro Ia- *111 114d It will ry them to deal with we on the cash on the dollar, and again sold by them to rooin was filled to- the doors and the large instructive discotirse,'which as' attqntive- manufactured at the undry. of the Messrs. ter ready for raisin and enlarging !his roughest road. The- wo tl..1, host and hos-. q'stenl. JOHN UZPLz. ll aounts must be settle4 A, Low I The dwelling house was also ir Colem * wo g 4on- tess did 0 r afore the let of MATeb, 1896. i y- r audience greatly appr elated the different ly. listened to. The excellent c urcl� cho' all, in �his town: 1,1 Several farmers barn. 9 he frame rk of the above all in their w r to make the old b ction, to'Mrs, Helen Graharn, for pleaiure of tracts has been let to. Messrs. Rom' & evening enjoyable to al an the cheerful dialogues and choru es by the children, addPd much to the interest an I , the 2nd and 3rd oncessi6n's' rei enily Deir Editor,—Permit me through the col- $658, . li�. annual municip&I statement is autiful musica selec- a on Campbell, —Mr. Cyrus Turner and daughter, faces and peals of merr I lighter indulged + U,% whilea- fancy drill re-bovs was ell re- the occasion by.their be I)OU tilt a grain crusherefro -in T; T.� Col, �miln, I is your valuable and widely diroul%ted paper; in.the h As of the ratepayers, yet there. tions,.which were so admir bl Idered-. of Carberry, Manitoba, arE visiting relatives in showed that they suc e ed most admir- incere thinks to those who tendered ceived. Mr. T. 0. Kemp ha�d the literary a y re 820rth, ind. it has been put to a E evere le"ress my 8 Pre no c46ndidates in the field, It is said The pastor, Rev' Mr. Bond, reac�ed in 3t'(,f Bat- here.—Miss M. Dick, of 14orris, is visi4ing ably. Wood bees -that e' inate like this 0 sa0h kind bervices-in saying the contents of iny the ola �o part Of the progranny. e in charg , and it p test, and found to give �hevery bei (Illog and stablej the night of the disastrous fire tincil will again stand, and Bomet was he who tr. London on that hay. �The- aiiiount f col- isfaUion. !s'. -interested th� nk It, Mrs. W. C.Landsboro.—Niss Fanny Toivii- one- are not, likely to bec IA! unpopula The farme. ained th . children so fficient- leeti6nsked forwas $260, but we hXe not send, of Clinton, spent -Sjunday with 1er, her ;,also 'NO 31r. James I e and friendii who mad vould Orefer an election by acclamation. ly, and ivir. It. C. Chesswrigh drilled the only just and fair to g'�vs this public testi-' a o rebuild my stable. I would also desire -to Howevit, Uoudayill'tall. the tale. a C aus dis- learned whether the f Lill amount N -vas made here ; she aso addressed the Epw6rth u t 266 k my friends who drew material for the erection that thei jell ini,,, is off th.eir ba do '001 boys. During the evening Sant monial to Mir. CQlehian, as the crusher' sitte Du aw And the members of the Independ- aof welling, and to tributed presents among the school acholays. tip, or not, works first class in every respect. "--Miss League meeting on Sunday evening. y a, ot this village, who the f un ITHNIS.—Mr. and'Mrs.� Jerry Hughes, of -gener- 8 it the treas the new council wilt, a most pleasing enter�l ---------- Dodd, who has for the past two y�ars 10 der of Oddfellow "In, I d Altorfether- it was Fer us-Camp�ell is h mo from Toronto f -or Chicago, a�rived-here o Monday, to spend !Cu ?oted we movey to defray expenses I was put have pl�in sailing, as tiere will be & goo -.N-OTIIFn BY-LAW.—The town. )riiicipa taught No. 4 school will attend the No#mal t 'Ili tpe way of renting at dwellirig while wy own Is 0 �ouncfl T Christmas I with elati as in MdKillop.� surplus.i The expenses of the forecloolir. taina-lent, and all present were highly the olidays.-�-_Mr. Fred Clarkson, have --decided to submit a by-law or the school at Toronto next year. Mr. Thqmas 111 oul!se of erection. a0d lastly, but not least, would Ughted. The proceeds amounted to oVP of the Princeton pub ic school, is v+ifing approv�l of the electors of Seaforth I or � the Brownlee, of the 4th concession, will be! the Miss B. D, le, of Minne apPlis, Minnesota, e ixpse toy hearty th"ke for the very sal4af actory will be retained out of it and -the, balance his parents . here.—J`he� following, dong is visiting her br thbr, Mr. M. Doyle, of a prompt stett:elnent I received from G.. J. Sather, �laced W the credit of tho sinhibg fund ac� A year. M, . W. Townsetidsr., Quetn's -Insurance Company, f I purpose of raising the surnof $1,500 for th.e militia thauges,, are announced! from teacher ne egent for the week 44med $500- illag. Oonei of -at. 'The council this Ill kND.—At a meeting of purposes of purchasing and putting I I posi. rned to - Clinton.—Mr. Newton thiav M r, Mike Hibbert, kn con or sv� bal, has retu lo'treal, he having handed me eheque for overoy Ottawa: "Tiirty-tlilrd, 'Hu-ron' Ilati has gone to De oit to e 'Christmas on farm propert7o at m per oeiit. X-eurs. Lady Nairn eatrip, 8011s Of Scotlmi d, held 1 tion a bell; erecting an electric fir lrm Crich, of Toronto University, 'is spending � P n on of my Irsurance within ten -days after my lose, An, �6ne— 1468-1 ion of Infantry, Sdgeoil William i with his brolhe , Mr. J C Dr. Xendall,� McKelvey and Hunter are the re- ris 4,0 oil NV7etlnesday �evening of last -%eek, the system and purchasing additiona hos e. � The Holmes is granted the xank of surgeon- his holidays here. lichell stj and Mrs. 3 are i ending mas ocAL NoTEs. —We have bad almost con- tiring ttuatees, butwhether they will 4gain following offlears were installed f or the en- by-law provides lor the issuing of de ben - major, from rhe 9th of October, 94,'after es be candidates is not announced.—Mr. John tu y I), G. Wilson, jan'' ty years and to twent with relat. in ToraW.—gr _ T. Craw- io�ous rain during the past week, and the 311ill(r Year. ior past res made paya,�le in twen . years service as surgeon. Bruce4eld. ford, tv i tate.—Mr. Thomas F. M c, a, of Montreal, is spending bit, 0 y Mr. Gf th, Crew ord b c use, is - 1olidayipg ds are in a very bad a J. (,ill"pie, chief ; W. U, Sinitb, bear interest at 'the rate of five pet t C.t M Chie ; 11 - Thomas Mlson, son of'Mr. D. D. -ilson HOTE't Charles Aitzel,�vho, of Brampton, holid&YJ under the parental -roof.—Thomas chieftain ; R. ly'roadfoot, inner gi ar ; J. J. per an;num. To meet this interest and be 01 in in the Que —Th hPW Cosgrove Coro- I Ibigh school teacher, ol is lionle from, C�icago-bental College,f r the for somb time has con(16cted Fachs.bot ivean i entertaiti- Ross, of Chesley, and Robert Ross, Of pany, of T ronto, -w4ll' ItormZ spending' his Christmas h idays.-w- 1411liot, outer gua-rd ; John Hablfirk, mar- necessary sinking fund to liquidate the d bt. 9 holidays. -:-On Thursday night of last week thi$Lvillage, has disposed of his interest in Wroxe0r, and their wives, spent Christmas ment in tie ope a hall i! here on Mon aisri, AN"illiarn 'Mitchell, of Ottawa, and shall ; A. fitobic, standard bei er; John at the expitation of the term namiod,. he the street lights wentiput early, and ped"e-s- that comfortable hostelry to Mr. Re�iben evenin I g, Decemb ir 30th juilder the auspice of Toronto, a;re also home us4els, —The Hewitt farm, offered for Rnkin, rei�!ordinff secretaryT 4ames `R, E Idex, In BI sum of $120.37 will requim, to be raised n- trians who were so unlfortunate as to Do de- Graharn of the 8th concession of Sta6ley. C M. B. . As any comes sale by huction, in town last Friday, waa tt; of the . U B. be com k for Christmas. —Wedduigs are Aitcheson, finaneial secretary; Thos. Rich- naall and will be anaddition to -15P 8' tained "after eleven o'qlock, were compelled Mr. Graham will have an auctionale olf his well recommend Aotold, there being very few purchasers; 1 0 and tor entortainmelit order of the day.—Miss Belle Ellis chap- elit tax bill. This by' -law, is to be v( tea on to grope their way horAe tbrou' h th im- farm stock and effects on the, 2nd of Jianu- is highly c6minen ed on "I ityl the . press a goo I for farn wt�is fall, while a goodly number on a visit.—MiEs Henry, of Lead- Wn. The callip is in a most flo I urishing on, Monday, the 20bh day of Januar r next enetrable darkness, feariful of being ary, eparatory to removing to Brudeoeld. time may beexpe ted. JA!prominen! C. U. �bu i mg tre in t �e ynarket. At low figures now a - I her aunt, Mrs. James Toy - lost in the pools of -1water alon side- Mr. itzel will retur to re$ide. deliver a Bhor of of, ter very earefUll, rposed in prove- walk!s edge.----rMiss Tytler and -Mrs. Kirk� Mr. Graam is a young man who is well and On the aim3 and bjects , (if , the society, prior O'Brien, of Lon reachedbotto . m -9. irtst an ij�erease ft- p- lot village,—Mr. W. D. Robertson, ('011dition, nd the financial repert' for the It behoves our citizens to consider th a m' t! Ly the n to Seaforth B. A. member w 11 t addret5 f the tim� t t,6 pArahase, as they surely h T of tf 00 have ed but ( ur de. man, assistedl'by a few,,friends,' sent a box ec over �630. 1)uritq, the year S2 been mentO �are, no cyioubtllell cl Detifield, and Mr. J. T f avorably known, and will no, doubt kepp 9, to the opening f the )ncert.—Miss M47 dehboro, were in the villagF this week, via: paid out in sick berielits. Commencing with bentu e -is as 11 in soi�ewha large of books, to ot a Christmas treq en- good hotel. yr ��te Williams is speni ing the�l b oliday with h� r :piag relatives.—The anniversary services —Mr�. Robert, Turnbull, Hartney, Mani - the new year, the assessments will be made ro . tons and on axe � are by no nicans I p tertainment th school at Aspdin, BRiF,-s.-3X1r. DunoanMcDonald, of Uii- ivvisi ing ri e gra e( Ulu, according o th, c,,,bt while business is wither bri k nor parents. ;�ield in connection with the Methodist toba, f 'ends itir-Etim. oil th e age,. 'li AluaL-oka. T ey haN made -similiar pres- cago, is spending Christmas holida�1.18 at 0hki,rell on Sabbath lost were very larsely —M r J-obn Vipond, of. -Hibbert, is pre. for the life 1..)art of the 6rder, promising,and we now-htt e a fire protective o . 1: t h e a entations t it 1e. school before, and home.—Mr. Alex. McLeod, 0 � Toronto Uni- C elh rst. I �bLt�endetl and much enjoyed.—Rev. r. farin o build a new arn-next summer. systein much more efficiez t than mosq towns they were always grax$fully acoepted. Only versity, -is now at home duriT g vacatio'b.—I i -this vil- Tucker, of Mibrerton, 'sold X0, he 6 Of aw ill be n She] k, of Granton, and formerly ing and bushels! of potatoes to D. lAmont, of Lis. the size of Seaforth. T1 e by -1 for this contkbution' hildren in that Mr. Angus Beattie, of Westministe�(, is FOR THE OLD OUN Job Coo gz of this issue. ould ha, e holi- visiting friends in this vicinity.—Mr. . A. herd, r eve o ue er a e, conducted services in the morn 0*t Mr. James Curr ming, -of found on.the �eventh PaT�! district v' ve li. e to mairk th It (Itummin,r, son. 4 ov ning, and 'Rev. J. S. Henderson in the towel. v a" he- j�lpila in. the -.public McLachli left here on Sf turday la9t to car I ill ge, whu has beien living in the day se"ou.--t-T oads of Ia bs,froA Hensall station —A mew school housei is to be built in,:'.29' s6els. 'last week, for th i af ernoon. The attendance throughout the I for some ears, arrived b(me last TiAF WIP.LL* SPE:NT.--The members of school, in every depsr menti made pleasing pend the holidays at his horr e in Brn old I c c untry. . They we r e section 2., Hibbert, Mr, George Wood, -of, Wtrl. . Hills, fi'rst year student Miss X.Cowan's class, in tlie'Presbfterianl� presentations to their, eachers, thus shew7; —The Sabbath school entertainment will be a fine lot, and r. I Sh 3 Oberd. hopes to g ( t despite the very unpleasant state of to University, is spending , Christ- Sabbath school, have jeen .rneet' z one ina their '&ffeciion appreqi ew them in before the or'de - prohibiting the !in- tho weather and roads, was very large, the Mitc h atioli of the held in the Presbyterian church on cious church Wing crowded. . Tbeser­ —Tbia Wornifs Hospital Aid Societyor MRS at the parental homehere. evening each week for so e time pas for a,' te�chers' labot in P, behalf.—Next Salfr,� Year's eve, . A good progrimme is b -,ing ation of livi sl�eel o comes into fordle. OP 310rr.t Ons delivered -Were of a high order and Mitch 1, reports a. very satisfactory yearlx, Ife is by his cousin, Mr. John very good and benevole# purpose., With' batb, Rev. St, ph xid will preach the prepared. — -Christmas passed over � rery Shepherd a- 800, John shepblq -Onti 5- wh appreciated. The music, as furnished rk, and - the ladies will t nue th� r. ohnJackson,of the same insti- the aid and under, thel.dircetion OF their anniversary 4er ns.,, in, the Methodist quietly here.—Mr. John Hart has now; and his 1hired I Jr. Tremeer, We tutioi�, enjoying the festivities of the feacher, hey have been making ur plain, church in Mi1tche r. eorge Bethune!' the dwelling for )led With the sheep E i spend a few wee �s b the vhurch choir, and the solos rendered societ 'e 17h - . I eationFifor - ier- settled in to —Yh rewere our . n �by Mr8.`v4ev-) Cook, were excellent, aind seasonatthe fainfly residence. —,Nlr, Wm f' t 11 4otbing of.viarious kinds, with who is emplu Central by Mrs. Mck�tosh.--�-Mr. S-imuel Po the sii d scenes in theld e' ichigan 00 viewing Englis mastarship of the Stra Collegi-I d I eaft 1, n D" I'l Olt paid a flying vis - intends having an auction sal a of his e �0, land. We wish hem pl aa.sant if oggarth, teaf.-ber, moved to hi. -i new fleh. t7i'e- i Ze-ntio" of. peesentiig it to a�y Jeseriv- Railway offic times . ani s, ad to ' the interest of the services. n titute, which Mr. has re i the building fund ate I L Cc lectionas" . aidof -lal)Or at StAf`,l Oil 11onday. We par edy I iersons V no e Mr. Pollock iat3nds goi � to safe return. of in the town hoUld it to his home here is week. r. Alex, on Friday. signed.! I I as inven he other side, where he will eng ;in . NoTzs.—Mr- Win. Do fr�i rx� liberal. —A *Uy pleasant vent tooli with good 6674nts, such as Mr. and Mrs come under their';iotice. 1 The youno ladies Brown, Of this tow� I 'h ted an in- t son is home " I 1weTe I �a pnblie io.hoolxamination and been, with r, t -je buncan genioub maob ins tuU.—Mr. C. 14' Jplape at the resid,(�Aqe of Airs. McArthur, _TJ BgroL, and sen(' met4t he desidenceof r. Geot �ine fq!1!6utting corn� in the evangelistic work and prepare himse for London Collegiate cert, inj connection witli. the Trowbridgei one evening last week, here a general con- field. Latta, returned this weal-, from Ottawa Nol - r. �of this village, 6it Monday ater-noon -werethe beat of the son ,A wishei %v itit thein for future happiness The n*chine - simple in construc- entering the Methodist mininry. EA We refer to - tb'.e marriage. of her school, The. pleasant holir was spent -by those wh( signinent if the articles was made: each tion, and,aft.rase p test, has proved to A-sNIVERSARY SERVICES.—The an ver- mal school.—Miss M-4. � Morrison and Mr. i er aized$23. i J, R. Morrison &reopen eir h4dayg lyoongest -daughter, Miss Annie, to- Mr. cone t, re . 1-�Idsbath school biitertdinmeif, member of the class taing ell what work satisfac orily. -wn c&ims that Union Preab terian*ch h —A -It. John ttended arge ol Bro sary services in a 'village.—The cere- Bowey, cheese maker at. the� g last.. P. tiq she knew wo one man with a - Wet! an c4t as mueh corn on Sabbath, and Monday evei ting last, hn and 4ohn 8, Jariles Gilchrist., of th-i latives of the in our church on Friday eveiiii ever cloth' uld be acceptable re at home.—Messrs. John Silver 0oraers fu Elma has To�olrto last eek to m4 Y ay was witnessed by the. re gone Wi ed,,in certin families. There with this niac ine as h men can in the or- a tratifying success IOU programme, N Lppropriate for the oe and -was need thr(ughout. 'Ehe Wren came home from at Lis home I -iididly reade weather w leasat b,_ being !wet spend their holidays.—Mrt. Dim M augh. Co., a tiraeting p". jes, and the� h py couple spend he winttr in OxforA er. besides a largi uan- dinary way. ,He w likely have some of as very - -un 'a -�!Jslou, was spl red, the int were three comforters, U a �edj SnT we unie count well 1: ity of riderwear stockings aolls the machines �'a the .1 rket for the coing and. disa eea e and Ite roa� a about is1 bad ton lost a valuable in tol last w from wi 4a warmly dongrat I I 1A . e GovenloA, 'James J'cLe4n with their many friends 'in � wishing them eat beim, well, ustained to the end, 7 - as Alabel Baker Who has been te"It deserved mentlon is merited by Miss Eth n.—Mr. 1 Williii m tlle4 weather i nor acute indigetion,—Meaf1ro. i to, Thesi things were'all provided, as ey could be, but neither ew ing in MAuitobtm for the past three MoUlarty, the 0ever assistant in our publid gi a' own �ndustry. ax�d ingenuit3 , and matical mastq'r in th. Ingersoll Collegiatb d people fro I m; coming i�oat. and Thomas Dobson -are here from Maiii. 11OU9 and continued happiness iti their n ro. revente has returned to MiteheU to SVPend little hildren and some aged -Imrsons Institute, is home for ie holidays.—Mr. 0. aday, the ch.w. Rehool, fo thp excellent reoitotions aric in roll toba, renewing old aequainteces borpe, recently erected by Mr. 04ehrist.— At bo services� on Sm .—Masber mri, ana 4�s. A Urquhart iind famlV spent weeks with her friends. ;readingsa' rilbythechililren during th in �tz t ere Lorne MoTaggart left Ia., itMonday tc ape Ind ,o wr will have godd cause for grati. L. Schmidt, the C, legiate Intitute, is was packed, and those who came 6ut if r LOC OA Fso� :Tiptoiaoen de 0 1 v a tion i on the The 91 et 0 91 oll n ro eb rin U. 6- 1 P. tti T1 b LES wle L