HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-12-27, Page 4Ja
our visitors u d not bo ked to
-he ikes he eafi:have tinn wo around
comni iam�iou all" left entirely u in� legisiate upon this subjec� it is bf visiting friends an, 1. relalveol in 4,Ld
e utmost importance that thevie*s'of the Exeter. -The butchers - bav4 a fine die to 1" Alm
almost to -suit his own 6onveqiei kei i. terrupted In thex self"imposed task of play
lecto the 1116vWce should, be clearilly of Christhias beef. -Mir. John Leatho u. 61 -valu
MThe figura between the, parentheal i after *a deemf at dering tie. houi eless or,, lifeless, and this a01 - e,
and in such 4% manner 069 he may 1 1, killed li�ls
illi the
nd stakabl rovsed.' The Pke- theMansion.hous tame elk on
as de -104i 1.
'if 'he is dosirous of.enibroiling h would involve e ry,male Canadian owDoble hlanito�a Monday last. -D �pasv week the
advertiveme So tha. ier ease tb peopli of Ing the
-week, there- v4,
re. comp tent e with their own edu. Village has been, besieged ith Christmas
4ft notes the page Of the P&POr nm
tit will be foun ti that
kard (5)
two eofintries in.a, war, he of be.adng arms ii i the somewhat dis gre able
can so� but if,
4 bl sale -W. Piek-ard (8)
ational oncern an resents thb imputa- purohasers, and o r st�eets resented a city
shelf t ld illing iny er
as .19 Tuchl a on' W1 In y: 1 1.
-Mr. William Cantz,
--?4r@, T. Jordan (A), UOR,th they If e'. reated any portion iof appearance. of St. u poi ir
Hrlot sale. -D. h
mot# likely, fj task of k' and
taking numerous chances of being killed by 1895
Fishirig-A. Weselohffi) work nt for h I" Israel
unity with njustice or in a spirit, Catharines, was the aest, of Air -a 0 t
Estray owe -John Rice (6) candidate for the Presidricki liy� tickling them. This wo ild be War as we uld find i to r nee. The otion of ParliameAt, :,Smith on,Xonday Isa -Oul� village coun.,
$Wrward-Joshu% Pollard (5)
--Robt. I T I orranoto (5) ices of vited the Dorpinion Go'vernment,js oil has. baen acting. ver wisely of late, They: V
Bulk for service the pron& the Fenian and J ifigo ole- ."
scribe as destruotlon of the natiorial are the present fee g �he suffrages of
Dairyman's convention -j. W. Wheatoll
Du- r Licenea:-Win, Btfflantyne (6) meats of the United States, he c an mani
Liqu? t p rp
Auction fat sale -Wm. Beat (6) ecording [y. As Another abulfle the Dominion Cab- 001 stem without investigation and the ele f os6 of re-electibri, -key and All
ct '00
late his commis-sion a, or of -the ci curnstances and le anai Meld th y Intend furnishing the VNIF GE
CON& for 9611111-W111- A- ROSS- (6) inot has taken place.* The farni re of Can- Isithfu perfe
municipal Etections--A. G. smillie (6) is expres night-wat hman ith an artificial electric been 'stated by one writer if his commissn e1iignf Or sed that an oVerwhelmi6g'
�0 Jan
A, colutan-Robart Willis (1) adaj%r�riot yet to be represerited in the rote f the peopl�* of -11 anitoba in favor of tern fo the pu pooe � of gbhng the burg-. ereloy extend o
picture Ft=, -@-j P. Henderson (1) takes . as long, proportionately, 0 find on b, Wi I i the memoriew1of the guiding Star and the music of the Angels4- _Welliil�n Joh , r
Cainet by a inist r of Agriouitiure. Dr. Lutonon iy will materlally influence the Do- ]are a, cha ce to 3ee he way clear, so they ich4 a ipi
Tb&Dk$-J. ZUW6 (8)_ the facts relating to the Venozue'l a bouinid' wit- the con;i�pi6usriess of brighter lives and stror%er fri i hiL
inio Parliament a d may avert coorsive 'can get out of Mie Wage without being well-kiiown rveld
Card of thanks -J, BoveflOY, (8) Montague has an tranaferredfr6m ti Le po- n n hi�ch wish you 01
I I . I t. as the Canadiau Ii 'nor cominh sion -did t3 that of Mi nolested. The ol I a, yle �of lantern Of big 11112111
q if w
sition of Sebretary of State to n, n Tuesday, De
he M, itob -Goegrova Concert Co (6) . . I i 1`g:
The find Oat whether or not - Prohibition woial I - ly �Ot t G rnment.to has been in use b- the night watch for
Hope po�vcr for sale�-O. C. Willaon (8)
ister of'A ioulture.'I It the' doughty doc- past, W.11 * De dispensed with.- -in
gr I con�frriuni some timi and
I I i the seco 0�%tion of the Federal soul pin their
Willson. (8), be acceptable to the people of Canada
cutter for sale -
ter were g9od a fa�mer as he �s a tilker' Government has been made and will, likely Mr. 0 8 S. Cro(ker. TorontG, is visiting XTE- Johnsu
ew Ye
At a baxpin-0- 0-1v e -ds (8) President Cleveland and his whole Cabinet seaSoni.
readers; the reply of the people of Manito- -Alias armah Biitt, Kippen, ig visiting -of 'he'
To the residents of Somforth-Fred DILVIII y'report. At hiwap�ooiutihent might.be'com endc( but be before th e p ablio I ere this - reaches our big paren a, Mr. OLid Mr.'Richard Crocker. mpliments
at's Goods- (a] -Fr d D,% will likely be dead before tihie- G t R e. Deepite fl,
WgStolei_31rs Ltv! Smith (8) t his- ordinary rate of talking, it� woul I not iends a.'d relatires in this village. -Mr. t �F Christmas any rate, it does not seem - to us' that there ba will be given in a. little niore. than three i
take him Ion& Lo tell all he knows, and a
�Veeks ; and both will be known to the Do- Th ]as e tdE ell, was in the village mig ia the town
is any iihimediate danger of war. Long be
Wbei th
good deal'more about,agricultur6l inatters: Parliament before the proposed re� on b ness.-Mi. R. H. Collins,
for ommissiol
edial legis on Saturday last abbith school-
We� are tow upon the very threshold of a new yeeff ariol e Aes e �o jiftent. TheL!.p
c a will rep6rt� all parties P L i L I
0 on
-cool off, 4' d take a %tion is well under way. We barriste-r"Was-at oderich
t will have had time to n Nlr. h 0 -has been appoint1d -re. L a look for lively times between thi and busi ess, -Mr. Copeland of: - ro
ring.L on 0 0 teiider it oU sincere thanks for the inereasedpa�rfonage we hw
0 -m4a leatures
calm view Of the situation,- and 1no'one can� Ki rklt as eted � ut a meat market op
turning fficer, f or West' Huron - at tl�e ap-: OP n a e v weeks me will
posite th� town hall. r. George Grafton. ceived d ari g e year now drawing to a close.
-drill by sixte
en preaching election. This,- we preen -vial ILD d previous to CILOIng -80 we want �o 'b 4
tte4 up the intet oe, is has fi ior of the north end L commence Ur mentory,--an
SEANO-1�T111-1 FRIDAY, Dec. ?_716h, 18,95 scarcely ima ne that President Cleveland News of �he Week
and his advisors will be so insane as to. rus : If seehow LL �wx ter goods we will have to take account of.
the solat um wi: ich 'Joseph. 'receives 1 11, 1 1 . I I a
'Dito�N-N-PD.-A boat b -the houlel,.,.,n� has open!d up a temperance;
elonging to
MCC an entangl lowing r. Weismiller to get o in a--- I-ritish 'war ship Acorn was capsized at , 0 se We W water th6t
their country into any such the n r. James Itty and Mr. Thomas i
arthy. C L ar .�Tfare that the Mill won't grind with'thO
Cardwell GoesTor atter that it 6f tion of Ballantyhe,.Hensall, Were in this place on is p : ast and (our opportunity for closing out the balance of wint
ment, especially over a in tha onservative convention. 1donteVidecoon'Fri4ay, and five seamen
it is ohe the ca. pected dro ' �d. 11onday on bidainess. anal
gethatL the.unex It is not in vere Wn
little or no concern to them' goodsis NO I f there is something yet on the list that Y" m 6y,
His Joy W B -to part 30
happons4, The unexpected has, certainly, ILL tlS�iORTLTVED,-The Sul pur a, -emember we are willing ythif ig :;�,e
kk �n npother Directio an is exu4ant over the 'Venezuelan diffi- V 'ingham. proable, also,. that longefote Mr. Lo'( quire to 1 dha i aaye to tell, ata very low figure for cash.
t6 ele ction, there rough With the. r
haippene4, in Card5vel. A
0 commission 'g6ts th -ulty,.which he expects will prevent Great 'Day passed�
11 BP. s. -C�riwtmas
11 label f the Dor6i ion: G vern-
%y, Mr. Stubbs, the, MoC%rthy T e mi a 0 4-1dUnted. to
on Tuead ns, -Britain and Venezura . wi I 3r1fain interfering 'With.. his massacre of vir quietly iw town. There was w
1�, wl 0 are tamping in- the vacan
.1 in this old Tory have�reached a satisfactory -and, pea eful nien krmenians. -January 2ad,
candidat�p was eleote( shooting
match of the prairie, south of the
IV at wian Nol-ilLIST.-Mr. Hall Caine -A Me Christmas visitors I
ncr- :d by a majority of 207, over Mr We of I
stitu enei, b b not a Ii they CA]- town, ffe�
stro, settlement Of the difficulty by themselves. we anas treat, at
Wiftoug�by, the Government �caudidate, intc;lkd to do fo the farmers if they,, will but' i jas arrived in Londoti from the Isle of Man noticed &via, of Goderich issi�
The day for the settlement of `disputes b be served. thep j
;o make a personal 4-e ort to the Colonial 'Jennie Cargill, f Duluth
p Messrs. illi the Liberal, -was buried vote, or hein lid enable them �o retan
gafue� will be pl
)ffice on the copyright ques ar .,upo n grmme of Ma8b
while M�. lienryp tween civilized- natip ns by 7&r, has I.ong tion. Farquharson and Will Robertson, of
almost -i-Givilized nations aAr years. Am XJI�IEUNG T&, U�N
opt, of sigh�. The vote stood, Stubbs,. office for anoth r'five olng other
gone by. Even sem RnmE FORTUNTE.-An riton Mr. and rs. Win. Drew, of Kin-, d Opend the rings to- Ao the
0 illoughbY,. 1,96 H is SYS proceedea wi
1.5 V. dury, I . . elmuth
scarcely think of sudh a thing, everi whela.
lgs.pr mised teml o ting to $1,375), to be d are coraisily ii
544 g, A cold monymous donor W again sent 11,000 new cardine Miss Idabel Kent, of H
stor ge,* not -o ly at the ort of 'shil xpences (amoun college, London ; Master Gordon
This resiat seems to afford all thr�e, parties bment. Will arns, I
very important interests are in dispute, ST ibut,6d amo4g th6 *ork-hou;se children, in. of Toronto, Mast Bit Wilson and Brky, of -out residents- I
but On board tl e veasels, so that the pro -
ire Gicing the Mccart ites �re- Aers -are -hardly Av'e of the two m.o,t I jondop, England.
Muse fo�
one an conev t Sll[ go tao I
London Miss L zzie Cummings, of H irrii;-
-ducts, such as heese, butter, beef and, so TPTAL COLLAPS -4 rtion of the bar- ton ; Miss Mr.
joice because they have been viet6ribu a biglilly'civilized nations on. the' earth, a E po
Alice Jo 8, of Toronto
on, air b Rhi d t All se Of a m,,c Thomas
e !a
the same blood, going �o, work and
the Consrvatives are crowing because the both of a ahsi asons the , eks ae B enos Ayres- collapsed with Frank AcLaghl' f Detroit; Mr.
lisastrous results. Twelve s6ldidr1s, who Peter ohnav
of Foresi Ir. and Mrs.
Grits hal-e been left so. far behincl, while th e ded on the',other of Reid,
killin ach other forthe sake of -a f'w feet. ear and'be lan
here, with h%'
e the Atlaribic fre ere in the building at the tinle, were hill- Found, ofWhite �b ut c i Miss Janet Bax
s ar over-loyed because t] -a-
Grit f Doriser� of Wron land. Canadians need not sllow Apr lind in better, shape A, and si,�Iy were 'injured. thm.r
ter,.,of Tor6nto ; bliss Clare Vaustonle, of
t h, is an 'THErR YmptTHlps.-The. Paris Eclair Hamilton ; Mr.- Will Fife, y vaftteeL by .1
tives. h been so badly beaten' on their han could ot, -.rwi" be done. This i I Wo6woft -
the &dare to disfurb their slumbers,, nor of KinQar line
very -will be an idvan - -has puraLaaea A,
own d. would it be prudent for any to hold on. to good'in it3 m�ay, a d I enies that French sympathies are with Eng r. Will Ceaser, of Toronto ; Miss Nellie
ef are
ISa L V contrar th - 1arriles Huggan, of EIT�OIDEREI)i HANDKERCHIEFS- -en the &UlAe
tage. But the- gre test: �i d tages and, saying that on I the y Gray,.of Clinton ; A V.
e � or som
9 of Sagi- -0, 15, 20, 25, 30, S8, 43, 50c. Dayfi lid I
their; wheatwiththehope-of Obtaining wa- with the Republic,; adding. ii . En and'
r 8 Kincardine ; Mr. Fr; k which 1314pereiof all k iids,to�the P1 Oun- fr and prestige' -are nothing naw; Michigan 3 ci Jennie Young, of
lessened BARG AIN PRIOES. ---T)ie Eagle and the Lion. prices for it. )owe
E C11
ght, anI fidays here,
u6iv laborl upider, re t IFS-
nOW try, h6. high krei would �bie more to the advantage of France. ba, i L� Mr. Paton John- HANDK
The merican Eagle,' every and Hartney, Al 15,
4,7,19, 20, 25, 39, 50,-69, 01 950.
t ates:causpd: b 1, ck of competition, SA-,NXOA-.'T QUFFN EAD. 'Alias Margaret stono 9f Harristc no as -abont edo
is i -n Notes and Commen s, the v Al as many otherq. 'th
again, especially when an election 'oung, Queen of �the Mana group, is dead Nn T
and the -'Ina iLty t leisure, reach a sea �oort in -TIle Misses Rc bert son :and Matheson ate
L1 E ITGS-.'
sight, malkifests a, desire. to get a pick at the The Clinton News Record sa a If, the' 5be carfe to the throne as the' direct des- e,tive homes in Gode- F, iVCY FRI pro
_y visit�ingattheir real
winter af ter tI e close of naViga,U6 _,d
1 1 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20p9_5, 30c.
ve n.J If the endant of- the royal ine on the side of her rich L I ew resi eacps,
tai of the great British lion. One of - these _Liberals who are ca�nse -rnlfte� t - u E avid Beattie, of Galt, e ri c Id on" at 'etc free 'in
Gov nother, who marr ed Arthur Young, a
secu' r Ii AlirIARZ 0 C.'e, of- Ayr, are the'
ich the bird is subject, andi'.
w�-_ ham
peculiar fits, to wh we bu� canned mutton froth Australia were. American ports, these dis: S])6T'VFILING,,J- which
y aftr.� The Queen. as twenty-three years I
of'entry to'th nests :o, erTaylor.�Mrs. J. A. 9, 14, 18, 29% 2 There have -�4
is on � ju t now.' The immediate cause of to calmly consider the ques.tion:. they would reigned. our years. (of 5, 29, 3-9, 35C.
advantage� w uld be obviated to greiit Ad and had Uortoi; a4d oiton Morton, are visit -
dispute tha see how absurd they are-maing themselves. Tnim CONNFE rnnE.-The date for' ingiuBrantfor,i- meeting was held in _U14 changes, and got
this dial lay of ill toraer is a
exteh , ar� the natural competition engen-i the Methodist'c arch on Thursday evening,
has aiEen between Venezuela, a South If the Australians can sell mutton here in ille holding of the Ir all National Conference Y IN& ACE,,� As aumnler V
to dered 6 !1 f roe both the Americ�n 'and. las now been fixed for May. Arilerica an On 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 24, -99, 35c. this place bew
I when a local L of th1e:,Young People's
An-tericaa Stae, and Britain, as th e, spite of a tariff U 25 per cent., how much
Canadiaki ate m' boat -companies to give ustralia, New Zealand, and, South Africa, societies wag or d a d-. officers elected, ;Cnow tb-%u ey-4
-irre between their -thi -send rateq,
-1V r. H. Day i ip car, load'of h
boaad 1 respective buaiti6si would they do in a country un- ivill deleg hi * d orses RCBBON. - ondence -allre
L e e and better� accomm�dation,. WlrL I I i Sk , , L
: ---- a a, and a demand- on the part of der free trade." Th Liberas are not . I MARRY Drvo PIER. ry pEaltl a.aturoay. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1 14, 16, 18, 20c. i posses i�n e NOT MiD SONS.- to the old coun; -Messrs, -31 aand we A a meeting of thepnglish Church 'Union ke, -a have closed their 'i BARGJ PRICES. aalso progrel
I - they ul d also be forced, to f a ish the; a
-ty from Venezuela, of aarmed at all, brother- but they do laugh i .
Britain for an iudemm Halst(ad & Sco t, ba.
necessary Gold storage on their own account.. -Duke of Newcastle presided -cations point to
$60 -000 for the arrest of some British offl- at the I t which the bank here. Mr, i5mith, 11'6ii former agent G� �Olvj
f f the Government, to call it I I ! ; e c, 15, 19, 230 29, 35, 50, 60, 83,, 95.
The obstatle: no* in the way is the 4naran-' twasd potitionthe Bishops to intends y the I inking ousiness'on business, ma
as by no harahe.- term, who pla;ce a duty on cler e to inarry persons Ilia own BARG.UX PRICES, thatt Div
yfield h
dating between the two"
a on te a tine regal tion ek gy%cei'oto] refus y-
cer rritory which Britain claim )rdei i i marriages r&erari -Moiit. Aeal than the
hers, Venezuela(,Ieclinestere'cogn-i7e Brit- Aust�rallan rautton to keep itout oE the ffhobave been divOrced, such CORSETS -
is point a.
countrics.:- On th 23, 29, 3-8 uch �e
ish- claims in these matters, and' the result I 3el . ng contrary o the law of the church and Droinar ty. 41, Z8, 68, 83, 94C sn
country, and then:subsidize a1ine of.stearn-
remarks 1he British Govermn grievous injury to Cbristian moralit PAR UX PRIES. haw -been tha an ultimatum has lbeen'sent ers so as to'eitable them to carry i Y. I in' heY evidently. determined to continue tb� Iline of Lm, -a C.k LE. The incorporators of- the NOTES. -Last Wednesday evening Mr. F� �N CY §I we mmy more,
19, 25, 33, 39, 45, 58, 7,5e.
to the Venezuelan Governmeint by Lord also lad�h�t the'journals Who �ia fie Cable Robert Graham andliss Wilhelmina, Park
are gul- pol I Comp%fiy have elected James �niade ;7t
icy lad down by their, predecessors in Saiisur�y. This implies possible interfer- lible as to this statesmanship, when they were united i marri , by the Re�. P. BARG% PRICES. -all tN
Cali crimyer president, p6nd E. L. Baylies, vice.
tives an in
reg le from 061,
I ard to the iinp* rtation of live catt Scott. The rel timate ft ends
eace by force on theart of Britain to ma;ke are told to do so bipplitical chiefs. its
resident and treasurer. Capital is to be Cl 1ILDRki G TIS through 189
an, e the very 75, 83, 95c.
n of the young coi ple spen
C ada,"viz., to hav 411 cattle slaughtered creased to 810,000,000. It is estimated it. 25, 33, 39').47, 58,
oin i. wis,bing Mr. and
good her claims to the diputed terfttory, ill 7,249 ni-iles of cable to estal
ritly find i
points reclyi e )Iish pleasai BARG*I, PRIC-E-9. able to note moL
een t 7
to the. of the emo ng;1 A
Just ith the was summoned o the be� [aide of his,broth- i I
and compel this small South American Sir Charles Tapper is out of patience at he port of entry and everything he A -Ira Graham sui cess in ' .�Rev.Mr. Scott H, )NEY �0 SBAML
proba ity elegrafkic commuhication betw ing the Xew Y,
State to�pay the requi;F�d indemity. C adian Government which -he United States and �apan. 28 35, A Yal UDI *1. 15, $1.50
-8 of H milton - who is- it BARGJ� L114 PRICE,9_
de a pe rtiflarfent one.. Such being the i ction er, D J I - tt
arik heep G
here. is here� anxiety and sensitiveness on blames for the scheduling of Canadi A,,tio Arcmo.x. 'The' greatest all _r' ' 0 "n
Mrs. !(Rev.) Scott, Who TRIMNIEV 11A1 S
case is itwoi o con- �he w rid his ever known took place the pre,
and serious nocidirl
the part of the United States com e in. In E691 communicated with the
th while for, Canada sent very 13 0 X sultof W-1lieb
has be visitifii friends lear Paisley for the
Wine the present quarantihe on catile eom-' ther !day at Topeka Kansas; when the en 75 95; $1.295, $1.35, $1,50, $1.75, to thb
19-23 Rmsiderit Monroe enunciated what has Canadian: (iovernment," says ". he, f w weeks, eturned home on Saturday. PRICES.
tire system of he tot
-ing from the taltes ? This quaran ri of the iesoil, Topeka and ta3l"liss Jessie Park, of B -antford, and -Mr. �One eye. He V
ti�ne was I
since b0n. known as the " Monroe doctrine, " effect that I cargo after cargo of Cana;diaD ant Fe Railroad Wg offered to the highest C1 IILDIE�;; 0 NGS_' ;
der 0
-imposed, in tie, first instance, in o othing' was reserved of its es Park of )akota, ire visiting their i
nt . to the mother ic 3fint got the a
which c4usists in the assertion by the* Unit- sheep with ab were se. ash bidder. N Jam 23, 30, 39, 47, 55, 6,8c.
retain the ad. antages of the admimion. f 000 mile 'Y. TT
rela iyes in tl is vicin , -Mr. Wil
a of track its 2,000 locomotives, son BARGIUX PRI40ES
country, it must inevitably follow that! they 0
ed States of the principle of non,interven Allen,' of Kincai dine iss M. J...Scott, of F1 V E, Ob thousands upon thousands of cars, its COVERIS-1
ot, the full for
oidden to enter the, coi rQa eaiv 1 y w- 9, 88, 9�5, $1, 1.25,
woiil'd be foil xnt�y. I ell into Great Brita'in, b she :
tion, of F4uropeaa powers in American af- ;attle ali Winthrop - Mr Will B4 rr, of Black C i ngs, rights and franchises, which,, a �of the lmokf I
a si(e o we wer
11 IV I f the waer e
4-1, build
irfg that, oil t,
fairs and, especially, that no European do not think that ay person in Caada c'an §onsidered together,, rearah the imperial and Air. Alf d Millej-, f Torom o, are BARGAI PRICES. 'ut where th,
'r "
u spen stmas 'acation at �heir re- TR'
tae'exceptibn to the -�Nuglish'peop e, pro- �keta and thel
power. sihall be alowed to increase its terri- doing o'r best to keep our cattle free from of $350,000 000.' The property was pen Ing the Ch AY C
19, 35, 45, 50, 58, 65, 75, 95c.
sp a
ease, inasm ell as Great Britain had d ect ve homes FiMr. Jol in Rice B. A,, and D
ks a a d i's urcheed by a Ne* York syndicate for ; 91
tori-laccOsitions On theArericau continent. t6ctiu, heir own od . I wa oiry the wife, Aurora, arevis3jing their parents
�60,0(0! 000.
ded that t ere was pleuro-pileumonia! 4d founa - it"
The7U-ned Sbatea Government views with order was iss led, but I was not surprised." here. r. Don I&McKaig,wife and family,�
CHE 0".] S� haes, b4i h
en the AmerP of W�Isely, No thwest I Territory, ild'd Air.
picio a of among Amerie a cattlei Th Morris. 58, 95, $1.19, $1.50, $1.7§ 82 39.. su and hostility any Poe ible increask For th6 past, year or more, the member. te use of the.
N09 �E6 thion Bruce, f Portaqe la Prairio,:Mani-
can Governme t reciprocated and quaran .-At the bdx'social', held at 11r. BAM N" -CES.
�itiah possessions in America arising the Canadian Government have been tQo bus
of the RT y
toba,, have retur ed to tbe.old neigh rh
tined Canadia cattlei andthe result was w flowl Wa, the other, evening,'86 was real- i who b
f ti� dispute, and invokes quarrelling ainong themselves fter an absence of fourt��en
out o is Venezuelan and scheming .
ijzed. The niglitbei gdark,and wet, and a or fiftee years.
e4 home
According- and t- circum-yerit'eaoll. other, to big -falling off, r raher amdA a- total ces-1 These two youn men, in seeking make
the M �oe doctrine against it plannin o he ba& state of the -oads hindered a large
Deli is the ly it, suggg'ested to Britan settling this diffi- pay. any atter tion toi: such trivial ma sation, of deai igs in pure bred cattle be-! fro homes for theme Ives, m4t with th,- many 11 4&t the
in being present. -A Chris
tween the two atter co . tree- c atertainment v'as held in the Metho. adventures whic new settlers, are subject
oult arbitration, to which she. was not the scheduling of Canadian sheep' in -the Miss Porterfi�
y to but with perserl, erance
1 rch at Suna�ine on Monday e- I their
1111MIllinn bab i3 not willing to accept the English markets. No w' that anadian cattle are :in the dist c ven Ou of our pff
con quere( ifficultim and ae now in
Ing, 2 31 d inst. The, attendance was fairly
same box as America when lanled at their terms of
Venezu, a proposals as to the matters. to d considering the inclement -weather. comfortable dire mstanqes. -Municipal af-
Tgoo B RGAIN PRIOES, Both -were
be arbit Hon. Clark allace and his actionla British ports it is cert N fars are very qui. t and to new candidates
Hence the difficulty be much mis
ed upon. !The )flogramme, was good, consisting of
while investiga, Ing this (14arantine ji ques-, I Iiirocal i�d instrumental music. Alessrs D for office have t be heard of. -Mrs.
withdmwing from the Dominion Govern-
Geor Very ill, but Teturned lion
till continues, and also the fears of the Re- pa Leary, jr W at p esent
eqt because he could n6t swallow the Kani.. tion, and seein i llose i a�d G. F.. Blair, of I�ruseels, each de
f any pract�ica purbose i J1099 C C,
public As to the des' 'ns of Britain. The Y. -ate mp
omas p
livereligood addresses. Mr. Th we ho e soon to ear of I er recovery. Men's Fur ap
Biel' LaOB urtains
U nited States has. to a certan extent, ad- toba school legislation 4reed upon, ar;e be- being served Vy its retention, espeei4lly, as Clinton co
by fill a the chair. We are sorry to say Arallon -from:
very genekally end reed b 'his ar a pure br d took. e was very
opted th� quarrel of Venezuela. The mat. y Po Albert.
th )ad order kept. Many
drange' reg d 8
-brethr,, in Ontaio. The Toronto $a Of the eadings given could scarcely be NoTrs. - NLI Ch n urtains s
i ter has been the subject Of considerable 'id (t ve, therc has b Imost I e S Overcoat
�county ALS we een 8�� i e n
- 1 1. from;
-heard )wing to young men and w
lode. met the other nig4t iind passed long a total cessatio of dealings in pure 1� bi�ed omen ter, Miss -Essie ll�ve goA3 to live in Tiver- le�e
t diplomaic correspondence between the two Toroutc
alking and laughing all the time. We toll for t e wint r,-Mi3s Mabel Henning
e the qu son, alla J,
Onder ethe managers of the church, that has �ecured a osi�ior as clerk at" The a erwe
G'overnments, and this not -having resulted resolution, a[ lace a cattle a -Gross h' lines, sine ar4: n tine t
)proving of . Xr. a� h
ts Und r
-States, the Y. 6ie proposed �eme. wag ni IfO all w SM
satisfactorily to t�,e United course and condemning I posed Oq each side.. This' lias� ini ,h nonsonse to be carried on
Fair Godericb. Miss Tena Hawkins,
Visiting friar
English !Goveramen�t declined to -dial lerislation. of the Dominion Gdvern- j ariously affected bree d6rs in bo th countrie, ecially in a house of divine worship.- teacher, from Cre e, is b )rne for tlie.Christw
aree� to a com-mission oil the ternis pro- Mr. W�Ilace but more especially, those in Canada. Ill days.- Hat y Henning is home JLJ 0
-F adi B;AV
ment, There is no doubt but he proceeds amounted to $l5;30.--AIr. G. ma boli d *es' Mantles s Overe ats
arker is away to 1�'ngland'wfth two car from toney Cr ek fo� �he holidays. Mr.
posed V� the -United 8t&tes, President has strengthened himself with. the OIJange- former yearso. M ny a b 11 was shipped to an S-P.Mrk-81
ads o horses. -Mr, A. Nichol, jr., had a Henning will teac neai home next year, bere from U.,
C, q9 ecured tb po ipn of teacher in
bavin apes
Clevela-n.4 last week sent a Ion- message to. men- by his course and that will ultimately American buye - at a tisfactory 1. �!ces wood We on Tuesday last. -Straw costs % t Furl 0 Boys" Suits
g a sit the winter.
Congress on the subject. This message inerease -his politica pawer'. It was a good nowadays, such i thing a a rare event4' To toil la�d down at Wingham, and hay $16 a the SaItford publi., schoo --Will W. Haw- Hiel
tactical move on his pa I tj, and will ecure keep one or two animal i in, quarantit e for �on ; d6ar feed. Sorne, of the bales are al- kins, of Chicago, I Ilinois, spent Christmas C
conveye the intelligenw,1h;Lt England hd
Inlost r6tten when they- arrive. -Mr. R. at, hnmi-- nk in I t* Muffs BO -VQ MganMcB-ide is visiti aps
soni who co,
fin&ll -f clined -to j-Pcognise the right of the him the political leade'rship 'of OAtario ninety days is� ey pensive ork, seeing that 'Miller, Of the 5th line, has taken 9, icKil- 'oderich.-The (losing; �exercis
-.Y d
ca of the United tates to iatorfere betwee tha brauoh of the Conservativ party. there- must be a nan in ellarge, even for one lop lady for a wife, it!t the peilon Of Miss j unior department of oqr pu blic school took
Mrs. Dennis. I or', Collars, Umbrellas
country and Venezuela in the settlement of aim.1, (with a carload, of couraeon thp ex. We wish the young cruple success place on Friday af ternO�l L last. A number
The :Canhda, Pre yte iao sarcastically in life.
the dialot- te, and tleolined to con -sent to a na] is le of visitors and a big tu on -out of scholars
pense par anii ss)l and it is , lit Ad to
umor rc Om.
conference or to the appoiritment of a joint remarks : The next resiclential -election is b - e wondered at that breeders besit%te to go.. Exoter. filled the lAfter a good pro- -1 ur Jackets :Te, B
gramme by the lit ble fo�ks, Santa Claus
not far away arid tail4wis ink 'has aready ap- The Ccomm issi�n of arbitration, and intimati W s7upli expense. It would evidently,t ere NoTFs.-INIr. J. W.� Broderick has pur- peared and distributed the presents froin-80
log begun. Would it not -tetter for Conoress �hased t gn C) - difin )eery stock of A &
that,the J?reeideiit had decided to appoint a fore,! be to th�- advantage of Can� well -laden tree. When the tree bad! been 4inish the M
to send a few wai vessels t9 protectAmerican f Hens I. -First Class ha sells at $12 er unloaded, Miss Alice a. Hawki Cloakings': &C:. Sox carts, C.i tcommissi6i on his own account, to deter- bred ers if th American Goverli,�Ient p na, the re -
S4 per as � called for
missionaries in Asia Minor' than to fish for woul remove t e quar on in this illage, arid straw load.- tiriuig teacher, ward, atid
mine for �he guidance of the'Amerioan Grov- �nbind on theirlIsidd.;. load of Exeterites drove out to Mr. James presented with a i ery beautiful album' Raid
the Fenian vote, by Making auti-Britiall Ten Brifiiii This, we believe they ould do if ornmeat the true boundary betwe n the an-� Rmes I Road, Usborne, the a pretty wor ackney's, Th k -box, The. presentatioul was
ligel speeches. The statesmatiAipo -that tries - -10
her night, and enjoyed the hospitality of
and Vendriaela,mad that if England attempts adian Governme t would do likewise. W a made by three litt [a girls, and an a des
t1wir traini
to rest from. that State more territor than fire the Fenian � he'art by referene6s o 11r. and Airs. Hackney for a few hours. as read expresaii g the regret of the schol-
should. be glad t see some, steps tak n t at every r
Z nt - 0 : t r
y - . .. . a$g incident'to this 'w We prequMe ader of this adVertis
Vene nela while American clitizens are b a- he annal handsh the 'are at the depaIrture of Miss Hakirfs eme is Ilike
A rmenx% is I not -high class. 8 Rw 1118 9 verh.- )reaching election season,bas commenced. Mi i Inked the pils for theii --desirous of purhasivg this cotrnissiort decided it is erititled.ta, the direction o appro4-hing both it I
ing butchered in f d wishes a) f ever body else their goods bi
she will be resisted by a11 the force of power menth in this atter. --U-r.Thomas Sweet, of this pl�ce,took the k beauti U?u y at I
ic8iire-ly,American-citizeno.are is deserving of i 1� - . - presents, aw 7- making t
that the'- Jilited States can. ontrol. nd sweepstakes at the South 11' Imest living prie'es__ Remember, we are right. in f or in
He ic of Souih Th!6re are other ways in which this oun. first priz sab is e won ( a aye remember er pupi I ing
protection as the little repabl j Varon fatt stock allow held &C Hensall, on in No. 1. She 'shed 'the pupils andal
ask ifor an app n the far e e ted by the abro out all. the Winter goods we osiib
Ameri There is g 't . tiesday last for two year old heifer. -Mr. the visitors a ver erry Christmas 4nd P Z aropriation to defray . i try Would b b fi ration o in ly can before we tak
rin', 7�unaor
exponsea of this commission. In com- tha the quarantine Among theee has moved to H nee
the while American Rre V& t � P-, , .,J)ewring, of Mor sville alpy ew ei� 1138 aw inventory. -e us
t, is the 4anc h Ali kins y. matter what yon may d, giv a, Call. _01ar Few,
p9 icians
Vown.-Mr. n
pliaRce ith his request, a bill has been of getting perm ssion to ship our- fat 6ttle; James Mrs. ear, y in January for Nashville, Tennesk; stook is weassorted with reliable Axiarew
oring about Veiiezu6la, American citi eiisi,
z goods, =4 we are prep�
p Humphrey Diiynia, of Whitewood North -
from American orts in winter where she will spend the winter w,;.:
p��ed bLy both Hoases of Parliaent grait- �33lake, A0.
�vest Territory, fire visiting here, sorr e friends. very pleasant aftemom to giv yol', Ae
are being protected in the East by- th! an
ingime�nndied tbousand dollars fok t also at other po ts if necessuy, thus 'iving� I* g up the estate
i I I , d win(in as brought to a close all too soon, by sing
Britis"� flag. of their��'Iather, w
-enry Westq�tb. -Mr. John xod save We Queen."
pLurposw I The. personnel of the commiskon shippert the OP ortunity to t nta 'he late H Ching,
Ing 11C `11irk Ail,
and'all Iflatmetions as _tOL the manner in eaer freig t rates, if 91 �`rom Shadeland, Manitoba, accompanied by
The Orangeville,. correspondent o such rere offer�
f' West Quotat! 6ns for ashu
his daughters Louis4 and lieatrice is visiting
which they are to carry on their work- and ro the �Iiestern Stat
Evening tar, says.that in. Cardwell last ed:, while cattle! f m e -elatives here. -Th e* James street Methodist )inton.
whe� shall report, are left to the week during the election. cim-pai'n wbraW could be shippe� from Montreal iuritig the� .6urch will be opeined on, Sunday and -INfon- A PRFTTY WE DINC,. - A pretty, but
omas Bower Mris
Preside�t. the shippc 'day next. -Mr. L and Mrs. Th' quiet wedding to k lace in town on la 11 season of naig4Uon if Ta W�shed,�
was selling at $i5 -was a
I man and family, a,
'hisme -he both countri �d. of Willow City, Dakot tmas day. It the marriage of Lida
T ssage ad. t subjequent action of fair -price for a'brace of sp�fng chickens es4��i again beriefite
iting relatives here. -Mrs. William eldest daughter o Mr. and ]�Irs, J. C, Mil.
lvlak, of Dakota, is the guest of her
the Am 'can House of Representatives and One ma was given $25 for ail old land ioll- coo ler, of the He Clarendon, to Mr. E. A
Russel� I
of ed at 25 cents. He after- Manitoba Legislature DiE solved. ��ther, Mr. John Treble. -The roads, are in McLean, science aster in the Coll glate
r as,. has given a gr Oland work for er which be vain I
and ryload a k of 'war between England find the wardsllanded the inoney over to the Me- The Legislature of Mani o' hap be n die- h.4i very muddy condition. -Tramps have Institute. The ouiie was tastefull� _D been num the past wdek.-Mr. Robert prettily decoratec, for the occasion and' pre- -8te
United States on both sides of the line erous
e re do n is - 'eathorn visited friends in London sented a very artimated appearance. Th
.-The Carthy committee. It is an ill wind tha solved and h
t the past Gi-eatest G06ds
subject haa been a God� send for blatant blow
6 no person g od. The farmers of,,West sued. NominZons will e laole o "Jan- eek. -Mr. G' an marr age ceremorly was performed.1 t On
ut e eneall, W
pGlitiei and news�paper correspondents, Huro had better treasure up their str uary 8, a n- January 15, le a than was in the village on rid'ay t. - r. O'clo b ev. Af r. Park,only theimm diate Cash
I aw 6nd poting o aand'th lim e, made the most of it. But, arry Parsons, of Alm fiebi n, and relatives and friefids of the bride beiii
ey spring chickensand old implements, as their 0, fortnight after the opening of thei, sixth pres. as will bel -seen, there is no immediate ca far.Harry Baker,of. Howard Cit Michigan, ent. . The bride kas handsomely an4richl
use time is comirg. session of the dbral Parliament ; abd the AitelleSO]
are visiting relatives here. -Tu he thieves gowned and was Omitted by Miss Nri Bell, RH2
for alarrr, even to the m oat riervous. The latu ill meet
new Legislatu w on January 24. �ave been numerous the past few weeks on Clarke, of Woodstock, Miss Lolo. Miller�
President admits. in his message to Con- "Don" Shepperd,.the. sage of Saturday In Ilia address t his constituents inMoiinlain, fhe Thames road Usborne." Several farin. acting as maid. iMr. P. Crewes ted sl
9 1 i so
PrernierGreen ayl, declareathat "the i�enac- ere have had all their flocks stolen.-Mr..Ir- the cere- 4COnaitt,
great, thib he has no definite knowledaeas Night, discussing the effect thatmrlar be. groomsman, At-jtb6 conclusion of
ingattitude the g=
Armstrong e a to the merits of the dispute between Britain tween, England �nd -the United Stateb:�'Yould ass mod by the Dominion Qover;n- vMf. SahipS d' car load of sheep mony nous Were entertained at a mow� ment with re e. 7ence t . lekis and lambs on atur ay last to Buffalo.- sam t i rig dinner. After drinking
/o the edt cational
and Venezuela, and be-ig-ging to appoint a have upon Cana , ]holds out thegfollowing lation of the ovince, has m -Doherty,'
a de it necesary Several of our villagers have water in their th '� I ealtb of the bride and groom,
e and ex.
commission to, gain foir him this infolula- cheelpi,ng pfospeets for us Caucks "While to take tb"en 5e of the elea �ors upon the �c�llars, owl to t a recent heavy rsins.- tending contratullations the whole company
question -ihus'f need upon th)m.
le that when , -giaild 'The ut- 'Mr.' George aker, Fort Wayne, Indiana, is drov.- to t e station, where an i me e
tion. Itismorethan prorbab 1!,� would e bombarding the 'Cities of
teranoes� of met, ibers of the Dominion Cabi- :pending C iristmas with his parents, Mr. crowd had previonsly assembled to
this commission comes to investigate t1he the Unite east', our neighbor's ---to
Sta�es c a
net h&ve,.in. his opinion, rendered. it clear And -Airs. IV= S. Baker, Huron street.- popQ lirand high�y esteemed youn& couple
matter th�y will find out that Aucatch
the alai of the south would be burning our -barns, 'rob- that " nothing hort of a separate denomi- Mr.'and Mr;. James Ching and son, of Mor. take their depa�rture on their honeymoon.
it ba, are visit i Britain ate well founded and just. In this biug our banks and stealing our horses and. national systerr of schools will be accepted den, Manit 1 ing relatives and After a trip to D#roit, Sarnia and other Y Q00D8 coo
' . .1. event; proceedings would not go further. hen's. This would be unple as an adequate measure of relief." fanito. friends 4efe. -Mr. Archibald Nelson, Pon- gint 9, Mr. slid lyrs. MeLean will return to
assnt and might
ba, has definitel 7 and positivel rejected the tiae, �Michi Vp the stem realities' of
In fact, the Presi y gin, is spending his Christmas lint on and take, cleat is possessed of such interrupt business, but it would fnrnish oc. schools, and lidayg w ed life. Th6 wedding presents to the
iproposal to establish separate I;o it h him parents b ere. -Mr. Charles mar.
can have just ut such a cupation for -04r unamployed. Of course ii r;
as the Domin �on Parliament is about to be Ke yon"and his 'mother from Dakota, arell bride were ra
'aroun'(1'7 1 FAI.
h lu
to d
611 r
�h no I
f I
I �y
powers that he abo o4t numerous and costly.
-- - --- ---------