HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-12-20, Page 7_71
'DECEMBER 1204. 1895 IT Re
a a 04d" �l in, the remembrance1hrou -if B, of
A TNTW 8-, 4,:: w3s w owking a rhal, 41
n9w taUK YGIX D4110a on -!-col
)arn, a a t anii 11 -his havinj �e Senior rd,—CaLrrie Go Id, J. R. Ofl�l r en
CTTY ':hot h - I
SUOrt, bold. tough, I? I 1-hernstitei which had become lose, cor ere him i!a a 411 their contents, pre ous to his: Six W. H arren. 1, JuniI&r rd,—Ethel th
NO q
and llbasic-spe�ular-spathloll 'Several tim( a the b Ilool C 3har And at twelve, the Bible six time Ti ney, J
I Stall. ;ved birthda Cott, 'R za n 11 ly, les 1�.' Nortl Cott. L
Ike tihati and
,PF-bPLE AND ENTERPMSe hig that -'sounds I 7e� C I reful 11
IS 0 F MQID- E)r someth ;be rdan,' and, ach'tim iuf .1c ed Ead 'and the New Testamen b forty-two times, ::Second, J. E. 1-culd W. K 011 r en,
I ' t upon
eau lscl�ntiflcall
y.prove tb this to the
ERN CHATTAND GA. wou.W a. Another a a a
mplay A the while committing to rn
tj a ory -several ooks -;1M4uis%k rinstra.. g. ec( d. part,—Ft.
pr6destiped Vol r� Ith depends upon It
'08 of the Testament,'Psalml I Norithe ag �ie Suthe �h.
th. .-manufacturing center of the barn I nd- succeeded n attr U Proverbs, a a,
b ro
sou 188#7
el n a c no� to An unique plhsh album, as a memen o of 'First p Munn, I ould� 'toy
oblentMe ralth of General attent �on 0 i i i ..
A Veterali Zdlto�,- c J
T. *V1140r. escap(. �WonhlionNlnlutiets�a [te 101 having finished ho four years' Chautauqua 0. Podd. a bes! B a I ra i in' the ''W611bless
6ng -the en
Fror. Into 8`�Pelkin' course at twelve years of age, in: connection monthly spelli, mate4es were: Fi ft hL—
Vast 3rater A 3JORY 'yeteran inde ring the'900; years t at th( 9"
— bbusiasts lsl Colonel T. E. icowan,, ohief has been existen� 1,8Q oll its with hits daily routine of studies taught. ly RK Frede ck Chi 6pMAU; fOurth—N. '13 a an!
of t -h-0 Blue and the Jmftaflons
cry 1L;l I edito
.rI wrltei on the Chatta noggs Times,
Climate. Graytsoea I I editorq have had th ir head., tat ' off- for his motbor, being -the youngest of fift y enior 31 d—W. Warren junior 3rd
who, i his own lInguage, )Wne Into the 'a OP Is the -place to buy your Christmas Pres-
having,exceeded i7atructions, acolldink to thousand Chautauquans he had releived y; second.—W. O'Brien; see na Part
p -week open
-valley with Burnside and hi a never beon- Le.Fjigaro. Aheir diplo, F nk �e Noi thoott first t—Cors ants. As we have is ed up ir,.
ISPecial Correspondence.]
to got away. He bega
n his military, I Ind C. St Lnle3 Luean A large 11�c,�rats;alb- of Iiiii mother, for h Is un ne Rue of
()HATTAN700GA -NOV.. —Vessrs. W. E. Dodd Kidifteyfiffis
'�l elre� A
-�-Of all tho career as captain In the One Oundred and' shiptle, 1: o -v er 1,000 arkeys and. ese to' having sinpe then capt red two scholar No 5, EtuLtETP.—The following b
1aany red bloodad enthusias,,
there seemed Ma
-On this Place at the close of �the W 6ba last -wee They ha a, akeady i ships and 'his educatioi ial success gene i- -hool sepbion No. 5, for No ver i�er,� ing 013 Fancy Ohina
8 who banked Eleventh'Ohio, Infantry, and' ort of a. Are b� ered for sale. It will
by the eye of sciont.ijac faith saw ar an d I to be luok In that icry odd o i atteddance, demeanor and dili-'-
ear ipped ov r 5,500 mrk geese all c st you little I
14 the number, as.he this ased c to buy them but
came out a brevet brigadier, Is fairly pros- ` a I
and ducks I ith token�s of remembrances presented gence. Fif tb lass,—Willie Vodden, E enr a gi-eat Jeal to recover from 0 S 7
_C'D'UntrY" Of North America, the
WrP black perbus,. a leader of thoulght and lives.in —Ai the ma0y bills intr the effects,
Cumberland plateau the f1l
ai.1 ed 'n from otl
�icedl in �er members of tl a family, Melrose Wallace. Senior 4th,—Lily Mccool EI
most all great comfort on Missionary ridge. The Which we are offerir g at� low prices to suit,
tbllsiaxtia probably &n(j the Wallacii, Erna Wallace. junior 4 U'h
ornooratic and af� by'M 6aley Vodden, Charles Tyner and ("r 11 o;�e It E�Kperlment the timeSI
Illostoptimis- Times Is independbut'D the Ur it States.Sonate Mo:iday +tas 'one left on 'is bicycle for Toronto, to resume so 1) on We won� d like you to -call and
-tic certainly w r, Al an, -disfrap'chising i 6ny (N eni of; his four h yea:r's studies at the university.. W,
-,John �r. most fanatically devoted to the gold itand: the Unite� States wb6 Shall sAicit accept He le . rned upon his ar - val therej - that in ebb, a( no,], Annie Lawson. Sonic 3 d,
aS and Is General� N,
W see us. We ha, eon; nd a special.stock of
but buy thc real 'thin,-,, because
axd, but politids.as between editors is ndt", a title, patent of "nobility, d' d bee3 i elected orator of B. M aw ing, D., Ca
or ee of big absence, lie Ila xte4, M. Webb. J inio
so hoti and p6lem, loal here as farther. north. honio-ur froin a foreign nation land nishing the class '96, and president of the, politic 3 d,-11. McCool, W. Mair,i L. Cc rter. Choilo Z"ruits
&I r
It Is 'estimated that veterans! of the Fed
t �is ar.-inl by both fine and an i U, prison - -science association—the first instance in Senior' 2nd,—S. Gliddon, LiztieA ot AMS. EAN
eral atmy in this city outnuiDber those of ment. twenty years of the preal leift being elected Junior nd,—J; Snell, M. Glidd:M 'I
the' Confederate - newly three to O'e. In of It n oldiers by acalat ation. Tart 2nd, J,Zd4en; J. ALWAYS
—Fi ie ompsnies I lia In -P:R, V90 FRUIT A
Crawford, OPUR I M1
1864 the regiment in the c mand Part
which I, served a- dompof �ing the column under, Cool, A. Vodden. *ary .nbll I
f rtil 1 '1
held th the big red of Major Toiselli, operating in .1 asinia ft CLE Ng.R.
short 0 0 H. McCool, A. McBrien.
-r-Mr. George T. Gorrie, 67 Yonge St. a -
ill rising from the Tennos 3 at Bridge -
No. 6, STFpHr.,.N. �-The folWvmig slo
were surpiiield and surrounded yaii roe of TAW
ort, a few Milos west of a, and A Ais I in of the ils in ls� ol se. Also a at ok of
25,W0 nativos, arid only a smal 0 'oil of roxito, Says : It is with pleasure that I can the Stan PUP 'he till, 0
Jp7 certify to t4o good effect Secured by using
0 0
ally barren place we, the 'poi a mand escagpd, tile re t bein No. 6, S p an, for Xovember. Thi - rapi A
wn g Massa- IPMEMiS
I. Dr. Laviolette?s . Syrup of Turpentine in
00st of. the. ground Is o ad by a Federal cred, is based on gerierakproficiency, :attepdanee, IAMOND DINNER PILLS for
�ases of coughs and colds. Iltook�a bad _D s 25c. iL Box.
Veteran, an:d from. that. hill one can see —At the i-aveNidge, schoo Mor Ingt?n and gool coridnct7Fifth claA$,—A 51�ae
aving d led
cold on the train coming from Montreal z H d ix , tore &in in tbe'Crockerv-
smoke of several Iron i urnmes. In durin noon our the childrei were opping. tut Rat , Lizzie Ratz, Thomas Din
the Tennesgee fortunately iiappened to bave a bottle with lass,—J).cob lRatz, lizzie Li#,pert' p1l a, and 0ass*are tr 6de,� we are offer -
valley. all the way co, L tha ove, and Lau'ri Kerriat tire
mass me, and after taking- three doses I felt th6
Zorl ipron. In a Minute sl a W -a Finkbein er. Senior 3rd,—Jacob PAnkbe I
4cross Alabama Is, I am tol 1, conipletbly to h ipg our entre took for
immediately. I recommend hill,! E Is. on kofiday, 30th illat., at
trans ormed in'population since the war. of aim as. he teacher, Chames T it lI, hap-' good 6flfects it Jane M1 ,Cann,' Mary cl 0 Jim A .)Cl sale iii i,mall
Al owed, by, readh ki the papers, pened in the roc a MI U ve, and 12 oclock quar U0.
highly� io all rn fo� ree
I whofoll 0 im, anii 'im P di tely y friends. 3vdt—ml ' ie Barry, Clara B atz, S i n )on R le uncillors, and that G. W. Hol -
the Cum-' wrapp Ratz. — lexander MeDoi ial 1,
L;J Coat
t1h mo;vernent � R M SE tond class,
-of the Army of arbund �the I a girl, an " r TV an
4 A Busy Wo )IlSp1 a a At sai,.4 nomination, and in case
be I d iernember What & trE acherous and smoth 111 tle'llames and d )� there. Emma- K Pys,- Clara Craft. Part 2nd, --V
n on p b manded,i they be held as follows
di pointing rivor th -d b )r Jife. Thewife of Commander Ballington Booth, Shrad F. McCormick.' Par
8 -W. a -d towni Currie
a Tel�nessee was. by sa,� Oman who enjoys the somewhat unusual Ratz, T. Querrin hall G. W. H61man re- Robb
)r er'
b II!
d d, -
d h(I
r rl
iza, [e
n I I' T.
y rMt d'
t ,I
M �by i
ac in t I J�v
a 8
va ce
I sismos
Our allows swept southward from Padn- —M A exander McLach an, Can. 0, Allie Hardin Nu b w t, rninj r N W ward, lot 6, X. T.
0ah nd � then I eastward to to remov�j t( range- -second in command of, a of names on tell, 45; average atteu�
to Corinth a adian-floet, i4 about distinction of being an U ,;Ge, rp ficer
R Lo�re 4ep�;ty� returning of
Huntsville, and just When t�e public ex- ville t� liv -. A large numberlof hi i igbors lar a and thoroughly well equipped army, is foi the tr onth, 35, 'm &A concession 10, 1Awis
8 :B; va-d -lot 2�
1OV6 �n Chiittanooga the in Amfwan )h assembled at ble reW d ce terwayback from the Pacifiecoa8tto W1.1NqT or.—Thefollowin 18 the'sla A-
peoMd them to, Walke
the' rd,
.;-w xpress National SaIlAtion 1h irop so i
vi rileturning officer; N. wa
ri -made race, eadquari�rs in ing of th pupils of the int6ro go' 11 Gardiner''s haft; Parqtihar, Alex. Duncan
h ne I 1 01 W
vex fell, and they -is Ith bid hi0i fa ewell and to foirnall. i
he -gard inwbich `�- limi Fourteenth street. for the. month of ovem r,� 1895: Ti rt. Ri ht :N
Brv4 g overland for LouNvillo. The Mus- - y dt pu i e ;u -ning. officer. Said polls to be
t i'h
0 S'loalS W' L in ib 1, & —
ere e -way, 1 1, & ithar eablyInworded a4ress y ex- Things have �een running with tolerable class, IV T. Hinch Gov nloc�, 1.
e yl every Fed- I n 07 iene 6"clock a m —A to he clo—A
rel a Auring t a Bre,#stel Part 2 h ; L
OHN T. 6ral ffho stud -led the situatio deplored the pr tir appreciation h erling Ite argon; 'day, the 6th day of Jan- IS' TH
th gularity at the h6adquarter �:l
GENERAL J a 01 L Moil E! timE
begli wt of !the ueededlm t by the iv(= of h .MaLachlan's pa�fonal�, ra�cter month that she has been awa, but it is *10 DU ROSS', eSpadden. Secon class
was long kn.o as the father prov men 4 TO. STOP AND
!'Wilder. H- Iind o th( beauty of his 11 dorn c life. denied, eithei by the rank or file, that a e Campbe R. Allen, 0. Dodds. hird 8, 1 4W in that a by-law be draft,�d
1k, gove �nmeiat. It has since. ended over. c"c"Im it I the same. Carried. Delb
-of modern Chattanooga b n -A ri ge F__
t the They Iso ve him a very Son par r 9
0 or!. the great ca Ow a een.serious miss r 1 0 8, Orr 8(? [1. — 1�ed' ho6t the motion of council, made
nIn- I . y
vlaims to have had several IW low $8,0Q0,00
1, atio is secure from II)Wtanooga to su Ewerybod knows this sweet faced chief Fourth ass,—B. Grieve, H. Blanchard, If.
rat 411onei lady of the alvationista. Her photogra Dodds. Fifth elass,—M. Hurdle, L. ifir., hink,
diaa they honor him as tbe Day ite. at last m 3 dpg, authorizing the collector to
the bio. Above the I township fun e bank be
CLity arO 500 Miles of
0 AK TO A' sale. It 'll --'- ly rison.
Itifftntry' and to the nation at large�hejls rive -6 wl@ d posit t ds in th'
and organizer of their gallant S enf�enth and have had a -large. will roun I
' ributaries navigable only in, tho. -1, be instr'
I , cindd a that the collector net -
prove of interest to many ersons to learn
winter an i spring for ordlna�7 boats. i. So ed �to p I said'.moneys over to the 1
nbly considers her- FRIE KIDS HAD GIVEN UP E' OF something of her.:daily abits and dutiesil 'Cou tship and A� No�sense. t
r Sul er H bondsman or his administrators. Don't wai
kilown As the commander of the famo0g- Chattano( 481 complace, to buy yo3 r C�Iriatmas Presents
W-ilder brigade of Mounted Infantry, and RECOVERY -
when at her post as Vice-Commpnder f
self tas g iod as a -seaport. Of - course A goc I story is told o f an E �Dgliah min -
in that capacity be:dr.st took big stand be- i wrie( I large number of orders were until v ry one is hustling abot just
the l0cologeal for-mation this la* and remarkable senii-millitary' ro ister w # d,oamotibn of.J. Hun ance. y'goods are
pays, no as a do I o lived about rs a rl mite ter, see- weekin
�lble e h a !I I anioll.
fore this city one Sundy inAugus r liolias;
t, to -the oou se of the river. 0 gr at as We- ma;. r all him m t , an he a. ded. N 7.1 Keddy, the council atijourned here now all the i,, nm'rise advantaze is
with a sort of pride c In the firat place, like -every other impor
The citizens polilt Out h settled on he I nga-
0 ;0 a one p. yo g year time t
maintain hair uniform' sou We's b course bachelor He resisted y persuasion Monday, 16th inst., at Fours byv alling naw, takin 0
9spel oilly :)a
the bill on tho� nort side of the Tdnnessee ubject to Faintin 5�ill and tant military commander, she can do were consta ;hoose a
n tI board of health meeting, held when the selections are more
'Where he planted a oannon and direpted while tho'ptream wrIggles its ay ;hrough eneral ublic through berx marry, which his frie a b last Forced to t ''ke- to ed— -reached by the making, until he had re Lehed - a toler 4
them at the weakest point a result be- y or the Inst., a resQ1.ution of regret was
the aiming of the Arst Federal shot fit han
I -estoted by'Dr. am, Pink chief aide�or milfitary Secretar. It would- ripe age, and- be himself began to feel t�e Ing some Inspiring scenery 4nd r iany of t sed 6 the loss the board sustained. dur-,
0hattanooga. He has since told me th4f I ills when all ot e Me i cmes seem to one who listens to the sympathetic need Of, Dr, at leasit beg 1 to have new lie 'ea
the grandest rock exposuies ln tb world. n r,. through -the death of Leonard u
at tbefirst sight of this mountain wall6d Had,7ailed. addresses Vice -Commander Booth is 80 fOlLd (h Of course u y Xmas
It was at Brid t, felt the of the aomfort of b ing nursed vv� ter I q , who for so inany years was
I plateau he felt It ln� his boues that here g9por that I !:first
are. S iortly affer el ter- fi a oat active members. A. resolu- 'S
Ist. From LImpartia Tignish of delivering, that it would be 'the eapiest
enthusiasm of the amateur geolog woman's gentle a tie
was to be a great. i r nt
manfacturing olt thing in the world to get arl interview wAh' . .1
in one of the circuits a maiden lad 170 ton
Here be: looaed as soon as the war closed, I d siand on�h:,,'bomm loading Mr. Dominick P. ib a 11 3
Near there I-coull Chiassor, who ves on 9 Y) o adopted calling upon pbsi-
ii her next day. There's where the repentiEt,, -ars, was strong. y rec -with reference to , 1 1
point and looking across tfie Tennessee the Harper Road, about two milei! orn the of ripe y,, ornmended �o ian lic 16 y out the la* !y boIiy does, but haw
and here h6 has made and lostl know not odly person is- fooled. Mrs. Booth is s him, and his fri ureed that he
could see on the south side vast t3anic town of Tignish, P. K ii,persopil y took un, i7ing I �?t i -,a of infectious diseases. Several M buy in Way
how -m amy fortunes'w o bring ore', le nobie of the di cult to see as a me er of the Preii- the profession �bap ho,7�LC
had, -better get Married, repr�senting %q6t I] re 1�
arch of -that Iflagara 11m6stone w1lich the tr uble t f th at emb -,i have, during the wanderrin around fro A, re only
Busirt ess IE uterprises. d m d would not refuse to amept
I dent's cabinet or a metropolitan theat3r
aintains a nearly'! continu'us upheaval L'Imp rtial, the part;;culars o ure of the 4 a
f pt ast� y ej �r� -ntirely ignored the statute rn; - to be thoroughly diss isfied in thand.
He hag been too much of an ithatanding bis'eccefitricities.
from the Ohio far into Alabama, It wag his d ughter-in-law 1�asson,. bi�;-,i.ot I iting t 1 t I is'importB�ut duty.
timist , to realize on his rem- arkably g od Th4�office, she owupies in the. new SaIVR`_ 11 Yo *ant so e
Do y u. think tho?":said the domin!
Of 0: eat throu h the use of Pills.
Dr Wil a I
Iris 'it a mountaby consisting 10 gr, we've, a edl the.probl in �for you.
usliless capacity. In 1e a is cer ainlyremar4ablel F hd we g -�oiild e more sui le for
foresight and b ana regular fold like ' F� tion Army headquarters building,is Spacious I'llon
an ffiverted U� had The c for he ha a ver preceptible lis
army he was alw4y# feeling that "wea!re oinely f urnisbed, but it can only I,II LNXIt-fi.TEFUL—COMFORTING.
carino and hainds go an thee Ker.
been split to'the- base and- The i,artbern 0 do better tb give it in r. Cbi- your We or dalaglitel Owl a ilice warmL
-1 0#3 L be r. -ached through an ante�wroorn in which a as -
a w.of nature F r he, a i years
c -nvince him that A is Itable'to. soon, go maid. th Mith P. with brik;kly t T
o is eseibliabed. . i PPS S C000A
Iontheae.of some:great victories," ftd paptromovedtogive the sti�den 4 said 1 9
om asson own words. Aly a 8 H w ood as his word. His r
Staff.0aptain and Private BeeretarylTickery
when iron is up it is almost impessIbIt to plate vie aro� I as been- sick for a thee d, o 11 was answered by the se
oor a.
'a ') r
1 as re a wa� 'strong in
A p a t ut.previous to that t maid.
,eqn at that distance goems 61mos
itable for yo
nA e ong to an aristO'- Pal
doWu.. One yer ho cleared $187,000. Aflas'Vickery, who b Yes Sir Ana nothiiilg, more all ur bo -Y
ular as masonry, 14 gaze i4pon health, person. Just abou se,%�O= years joined the palm y, a ked the lover.
cratic New England mily MkYF
-promptly extended 'Ibis business ryo,,u,,,,. nd walk in? 11 No I thank oil. than: 4 n tee new
44 h -knowledge of the nabiral laws
11B &Alor
'000 it for hours w* Wit pl aasure 4,11 thi I gr Army as a, private se�rer 1years age 'great- -ough to thay.to Mith P. t
I .6ater ago all took. a severe cold, - ic
spond -and others r6aped the ben iis a ll�d y
of! re for my ignora�ce at that time. her Iii gs and from thEtt time lip to; a be- a t, I
which g DOfter operations of digestion and nutrivo OF CLOTHES
Je a tabli. a first o f'hr- Iv lag mily. She is wish to t peak to her a.
labors. I s qhad t 0 The annual goods- kio or innin of the past summer ain§t the wishes of her fa Oon,.an 1 by 'ful application of the fine proper -
the r of I 1�er ll� h has mcipenth.
'OUtil. a explored w at arg o a Co --ox. Mr. Epps has provided for
zacu in He ha all 1 - teen fe ble, and at ti neR reld of n9w twenty-five yeara o ag , and is a re- P. appear'd a -ad repeated the invitatio, to ace of V ell- e We have full stock of b6,L-h To please ny
many inIllion yows wq degx
r kt a supper a delicately flavaured bev.
1 -the bills, valleys and plateaus of east Ten- lower part of be gr 3at val� t Saving her life. It wi La not her di sition narkably comely and attractive Young walk in. jurarei
ey w th allu- ny heavy doetore bi -i ne+eri'change alway
woman, She ran rapidl., r througlr the vari- dmge W lich save us rna taste. Oqr prlc(
megsee and gotten up: some 01 the beat ao- to giv up easily, and oil some 6asions No ank you. IT thoon
O'Xplin my A is by be k toue use of such articles of diet that the laivest.
until strong
logical and orograpbloal maps I ever sd, w. while' ngaged in housabold w' rk at :!woul oils grades of private, wrporil, lieutnan bitheneth Prn the new Methodi 0 constl *I � isy be*gradually built
0 L U 0 1
and*captaia, and finally )ecame, chief aide r t every tendency to disease. Hun.
Ile has founded towns, promoted r�at�lro� Js, marrier I'd e�nough. t
er; Pin . y friends r
be seiz d with a.fainti g spell, and,.,-N�ould
to Mrs. Booth. &reds ol s0pe naladles an Boating around us ready
and built hotels, �utf ot] ier f tied to, her bed for several I
<)Pened mines be eon 11 a better They re 0-mmend you ftor a
tp at iver there Jig a weak point. We may
a b7V, L It No private secret �hatever the work ly 01 �jection S
mon now own most of them. H I -uz conscious state. ore tha ce we wife. H e you ai &I semi e"pe ong, fatal shift by keeping ourselves well Neco h
Of the chief, is called upon to exercise Why, f6rtifted Wit are blood and a properly nourished
of Roane mount� though- she was aying. Th the big hotel on to]�, eally, Mr. S
Tb ere don't antb now. Will
-N. 0 : the highest ibotel, I think, east 'of greater diplomacy in d, �aling with crowds af jaine." vil; lervice Qszette.
tinual I ecling of numl ness in 4er Ii s, and with boiling water or inilk. Sold 0ARLUCHAEL RLOCK, 04th
the iiocky mountai of peopl6 than is Miss V akery. She has a thith da3 week for our r ly. Ood
ns� He founded Cbi:xk- o6W In! ke 0 Grocers,labelled thuer
�amauga, a, town at he extreme s6uth vid sweet v�ice amd gentle n anner, and is able day.13
V every q o urn away dreds of F On that ay he appeal ad at the door 9f LowDox. Bxot-Aim. 14'52
Q d t It ieople
of the battlefield tit CoVee Springs, dnd thej�. built extensively at Carnegie,, Init, who IcImnor for an in. erview with Mrs. Miss PA r idence. It vas, promptly 0 36' - - A a
ale, C
after all has bnen compelled to start an(. iw, Booth, without offending them. ad by the I dy herself. KkR 8 C TEFL 16DOT, the great Blood purifier
The chief piece of furniture. in the room I WAIk Mr. Smith." es fr - net and clearnees to the Complexion and
�olks say at bedrock, at Joli-
and som.o ots., $1.00. For Ule
p 101), 25 eta., 60
son City, nortbeast of' Knoxville. He En- occupied by Mrs. Booth, is an enormous "Caunc maam. Th � nottime. Ic tart
b I., V.i r" eaforth.
oak des�. It stands in th a center of a light, on my a ir�cuit in half a h6tir. Is r
eertxl the railway up Lookout mount, tl�n i i Chance a
high-ceilinged apartment the flo or of which
gin 3 9)3
and opened the great. coal mine there, 6 Dd anther rea dy, ma
is of slate. ' One or two i ugs, are scattered I I Oh, do 'walk in, Mr.
Smith." n6n't Have to Swe Off
Lis lotest project is for the erection of an
about, but not in sufficient numbers to bide
fact In GOVEr, 11 BU Go. Can't indeed, ina'lan. Pleath aii Aier a- t. LoWs, Journal of Agriculture in an
altogether uique monument '150 S
the cold stone floor. larg picture Of me. Yet] ior no or b, t N T Bic, the famous tob3cco, habit
eight to coinihornorae'the part his 11 A- f tones t6 speak of ,on a c We know (f roV
Ion.1- There a- no �kves cu edtby No-To-Bac
Commander Ballit 00V
gade took in the battle of Chickamauga. he stirface, an one arrivib" * at the edge 19ton. B Ili ornaments Well, Mr.' Smith, i b is a very $e,lous o e,'a �romi4nt st. rehiL , smoked ana
one of he walls. rin thi apartment ro two boxes cured him o
I celebrte hiin at- this,length hot as a 4f the valley ands Ob steep a;nd rocky It is matter. '' should not .1 ke to get out . o! tile ch wed �or tw4nty ye&L
h t t e
1v 'ainess hours of Prwidence--2' ou;
that'l f r.. Booth puts in long b� h smell of tobacco makes him sick."No
qud i. 4�, 't L ]a CV
type if the brilliant b, ]poll 'tain rish ig ab uptly from a level il
I t i p ld
six days out of the week.!,and t ere are few
I pe eotly unders and you, Mi c - ac so, and guaranteed no cure, no pay. Book
fun -Which locaited here in 1865, detormincIl to :field.7 of almoi t Inc Kbaustlible fertility. fri a. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St,, Ron -
men or women in New York are more We will be married �tiith ay week. I tp 2nake. a great city. It wag then t Tlfar6 is no- gra Jual c hange from low- val-
a 'Mont at thith ho4i Pleath be lead
usily employed. Her liom a at - will call
that it had not been burned like Atlanta, ley t6 molin-tai i past ire as in New York, Sold�. �,y V. I -Fear; Drqggist, Sesfoth.
New Jersey, but a e is seldom later ma'am"
ptatty new the vy-orst looking 'place in the hild the earn w of ion teininates at 8� thau'10 a. m. in reaching headquarters.
V A'N N 0 NVAL TO URCIT. He called on tbt da cu In sold an
a guarantee. It
a 3,000 Axed InhbIt- week, at that I io
sointh, with Perhap all. of rock. ic residODtS olatin, that tb% -SHIL'OH1
a in in ey were niar
60, including
aln cat constant ever he cliest For an hour or more tliereifter she is 'She was ready. Th eied, aod ou resinc.1plen icon ;ough ARD
ants. It. tlow hq. rmatlon give theih complite Immunity, wh ch ere o 8 a $to occupie&- with an unusually voluminous lived bap ily together fc r yea;rs. eta, so eta. $61
000 v
wh ch Ty opi. posi- Ct re. Oiily o ie ce�t a
suburb a oeq'9 dden changes of tem -
S wbi continuoils from tornad
tia Added -to t i 9 a was troubl.'d with maili For Sale byl. IV. FOa Sefiforth.
oper. Th. latter covers porature, gvero storms' snd'� several other
city pr a C61i ing cougl otpetime� so Sever it all'sor
miles. a few yeats ltvms fit- Ills, and whil eat People, write to lit to of sub- Usborne Council. 6LD AND
square a Ole site of Chattanooga is ira�ltlns, Chattanoogs, Tenn., says, SE*
it, hat she did not obtai� more ithan a jects, from ail pirts of the country, and she Ala D MY LIFE.' I eooaider
The coi ificil- met on th, 7th inst. lhiloh% Viti
9-11larly unheal ful In. spite of its high bot quite 700 feet, above sea,level they n m*v or a
he winy left the stre uable hv ge df a
I cation. If I I for it the - �q era
ctg in. f em bc urs aleep. About, the nd of 1894 we makes a point of openiiigi and dictating re- members ere present. Gardin d, it be best �e debilitated systera I ever ]RELIABLE, IiARNESS
ia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
he Aceives. !d.11 Voi D �,opq
ba gi ran up all hopes of her recov Y, and plies to the fetters a tb
still to
<11,1aginire; wter stood in 9tagna latitude: of warmth. 11. She all 'y' to. Sold by 1. V. Fear, Seatotth.
ut poilds rn unain vdle in a: that G. Holman receivID the su 0,
the neghbors w re of the same opinx written communication is too simple or too rr 11 cc 74
Mt fore &In,
for posta a and Stationery f6r th� cu In niay places, 96nd hundreds of tOlafl.�Of They also have liluob.to say about the rurt by
�Wa. re�duced- to a, most a-skeh ton, could silly to fail of recognition and am
waste matter, lay and rotted *hero ';I] otmountains and'vall year. C ied. Hunter—Keddy;1 that the!
bys bringing every. a ny nouris ad this remark
left ter at tME y k ant. he h able woman.- of jurors be aid ch.! Ca; - d64k Blood Bitters -A- 3: MT S
it. The death rate, it Is nINY thing down hill and to a 6en scaii c ta' a hrr selectors p
War 1 .1 ild be ah quickly disposed of
f gro 86 -weak that she wuld u t walk f, callers cot th at the eui �es of Pu iflei 10 tates ivid regulates the entire systkul,
ny city in I h-0 I kno not. ing by
i an " Delbridg �—Gardiner, ex
elahned, is the least of a place, but bf th
8 'i r wibl, out hel'.' We 4 li
11 a bed roc in floo' a eir letters, Mrs. Booth we Ad see e,ery r t thl 8 cule1in yope sirk, ( lonetipation,81ek.He
ount-ry. It has gradually become a place ex Orlence. C the board of health for the car year, 1 V�h h are wort ipokina after
p he calls, but she has discovered, like 1311 otiqnqsd hev atism, Dropsy, and all dig
is ha en heard �nd read of �Alie gre t cures oAe w bati amountij g to $15, be paid, and also stom�c liv r. neys rnd bowels. Italeo re -
of fashionAlilo resort. Missionary'ridg,4' th
ff -It I by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, i and at �mbny other eminent persons, that to at- the system, froin a coal- In Saddl.6, Yaess, I [#go, Clothing,81elgh
Korean Ba�llelors. e 11 the ace( b - bf Dr. Th c 01 ritig M. V riti 1pm
dotted witli handsome suburban r691- thil s�age, Nyhen all else- had failediA rged te�npt to receive all visitors would leave scrofulous s:)rv, and Robes of all kindr, he can Mv
'I a 0 M, Pi t �e orst Bells) e
Mail to, �nf r services rendered ini 18 4,! be' m
I Korea an unnnarrled�- Man is treated —I - -
-given a trial, nd prq,, ad a hq'r no tirne for other work. I lie tip may better valu� than can b� got elsewhere m
!b oft� ! I I
demes, sevaral o,4 them occupied by n that they bq1 '1 0 Pat 0
a boy, DO mattek, -slow Old he' is. A. Lt anybod�,who wishes- p�i at recommended by the � oa rd'
ho took part'inj the battle there. One _'cKorean halt dozen )oxeS. After u ing them for bd freely, given thE ous ure 18 nagyard's PectoralBal- the co 1#y.
n ride to the top of Lodkout mountain iYoung ed man of 20 is, by �1'1 h Itb I at that the medical beaUh OR beals tile I , nd cures Coughs nd Q its..
aboutlthree c ioss her fot a word from this remarkable woman
rior trleeks she � ould $valk ad He has s6r�e very nice
od to be treatdd� as b;1Q'r cted to act in fOture under L t
w little inconvenience- ah so 6, te n
rnss usto, entitl I
ith a lbodr9m floor'. without� 6id, ind,ftoin that willo well to seek it tbrough:the medium st)ructio a of the board of health. Ca rri�d. dALLowAy! ROBES
nd almost as cheaply, —Washington Star. �Iu F 11
Washlh gton City 'la' IT) by old. bachelors bf �60. i
time 4 n she continued impro ing in health of the mails. Ar
Hunter Delbridge, tb4t the nordinatiDn fo�l 0 cted colds, !Korway The Are nice
and tho lisitors to'th6 exposition She-conti filed ta��ing. the Tt is amodest little house that she and (Ionsumption Moiw t Which are worth look
t�isands of t from 4 !Lay to day.' a ne�leoWer' �hroat, L 5
ve an ndllorS, t4 serve in the niani- coughs, asthma. sore me a call$
n Piq
ink "ills for about four m nths, N�ith the� Commander
t Atlant hio of1todaYwill be, Booth occupy in Moi roe whi lres�
ahavkalken this trip. Andyet The oustord and fa, rAtelair. a Syrup ci rice, 25c. and 50c.
ago of tomorrow 'ted M ality r 1896, be held in. the tom-uShi)?I br9la tis and I IngitroLublss. P
theL citizons are m0dost, for, the ardne!js and outr, it win a Y� you.
strofigest :the awkw. ivoma�i, Newspaper reports have t orekli r. and
auslent laws;— result thashe is now ealtby
ression I heard� and that from an 0 -bio, So. arbibrary are these tr
alk to Mrs. Booth with the ownerahii of a large
e � 3ynip cures- Coughsi Colds, And al
and it is now no, trouble for er to w �6rwayPllrl_ - I Sly Bhol i� first door north of the Town
t the
xrian, was In tbes� words: Chttanop, a Dumas. iles,'and, the estate and the poosesi sea and car- WOkEN re 11 1b.roat rrice,25cand,50c. buildIng, Nfaiu
.9 church, a distance of two only ones W 0 are t�eet, Seafrth.
is slowly recovviD ds will riages. As a matter of fact, t air 11
3i f h
g from tbo panic, and rate Ful praises, of her -self'& f rieg" 1 on 0 pme is.
c i th'
In India the cultivation of ri a ante- Sensitive abo eir
. F r 1 ronchit-_ are solvent except T is -
always be given,Dr. Willian ink Pills. most simple and unpretentiousl , heir only
-all her Jdates history. ages. A man sn Jo n Ward.
tile inlleable ironmorks. That has lately -The e�zperience of yeiars has 'prov6d that live stock is chickens, and i the chicken- oil as a family
like to bF tal iat a have used Yellow
gone a d3
trecolver's sale, and men who soltitely no d*;e6se dnWto -a v'i- house was built by Commander Booth him- hiti8 with every sucees3. My bus
Llnstoadof dirninisbing the contractility i he is ge d
there is' ab n ol 1� A for
bal also use a stiff finger tb&t he
o reorganize' and IlAttered self. He is also the only ga,�rdener on the inan d es 11 e to
bouht it In intend t ga, Dr. Laviolette's Syrup ofTur- tiated diondition � of the blobd or a
bf the lun ble to use again, but It
yJ (3k tho, pghg be W Id never be a 's 8a 6, -of LfifiA
gh arate it..", It is n odd fact,.by the wa get old a ut
OP ing oonstimp- nerve 'll estate. I we U9 using Hagvard'sYel-
t ilendue augments it, thus aid' sf that D inV11 a wi to now as 11 eve h
I that tar several years the most promimo �ot promptly cuire, and tN6s( �are suf- An admirer of the Booths'k in -Montclair worse than gotti,
8, G.
ance of age.-: Ilealth
-goats and a goat car -
n of
an Ohio man. General AVIlder was the ro ly resort- dren with a teal
misety and save! Money 1�y keeps a man *5 011119.
geniline age, but Mrs. Booth declined to receive
Notes, ing to this I tre Got k ead 4C ai id Constipation By rt, e f Amelt of Ila I 4dial, issued
xception, ome of these Ohioans hAV8 ri'
tiv' Ad asthmatics to get rid of the. se 4 qppear- SEYMOUR
Man in oac, JiDe �f activity but one Was as troubles�6ul ntly offered to present -th� Booth chil- Dld, is the I
'7j' P- 0- ont- COUI Ty OF 'H ON, TO WIT:
fering from such d kvold much rece rations which oppress them WF't�b
__.�tment. ti, It doegn It mal e ag '8�ib are promptly t of Her
-rom businogs'. per- the present, on the ground that it would be c
eve -ime an rtd b Bu 'doo r lie. Easy to nty court of the Count:
died, others retired f noz difference if le j Rai F
ugusibug Sila, the -author and Pink rills ry �t d 0 take, sure in effect. I -lot F.of Huron,- and
—0reorge A d' ainst the Isuds ana
I and blood- ti6d and delive ag
leaving C0111 -moil folks a chance. suad(d �o take an* imitation or 41oqle other sure to be magnified'int6 9, coad lived eighty years. 1., to me &T
1-yn r- as wMao
journalist, is dead. k' f th �d pair of- horses, mld in e cause ot James Dan r 4allhota
ight hurt th beenz
-for �he qd, .0, o e 'If they have P1 lin Facts. the so!
Avlanufactured ]Products. remei ly 1which a! dealer kin. V 'havIs ecized and iaeft
a and her husbiLnd are war
Chattanooga's Ilaalallfaotures aggregated extra profit t himself" In say i just or which ab healthy ye�as he rJgh, otle, Interest and
—The American. missimaries in A a Ic I itterl puflfies, renovates and in ex� t n I the
0 Burdock III ty
mor.are repo lysteM, thus curing D on of the *bov named defendant, James
rted Safe. 'Airs. Bootb, altl won't look r gulates th e y"Pals, redem
in 100. 0 d " Dr. Williams' Pintpillq c re when iough she looks like a will be hale and hearty and
$2,90o,000 in the decade ending —A double d - t
C Headache, cum- an, on 0
an Tsip, in Chi ake ation), Di-opi n 1. diseases of the stow&C14 I
ey were $9,800, - i offier nhedicin'es fail. ty
-track railwayJa to be built g 0 irl, is the Mother of two children—Williej eavii as old as lie is. Biliousness, Rh �he 10110%Ling land@ *nd
In tha tindiligin 1890 th na. ,d cb, red blood, it P!emlses, st ate yingir atit bVe In the Coun
from Pekin 6 Ti )Id an eo orq;, !oIce Of
-a depression, and It, Is d Th d aged 'three. Qood d I r ee of
..oce Of
tiventor of the. bnllet-i even years.c peop e n k dney ove8 _ur Iturom w d i no, vlz'., Lot 17, in the
000 Then c&ilie th —Herr Dowe, the i f I Oak youthful. Dr. Pierce's C oldiz a and ')�o� 9 It also tem im# ile Is, Province of
- ' a Birthday So otwithatanding. her work ah second chie froul t a 1 from a common plimple'to the gth.conct WOn of the Tovi n9hip of Stanley, oonthin-
net cl-lin, - t tied U7E 1: he 6� a
a hat tll() city has yet regal . sbaden, Germany.,l Medical Discovery makes -rich, red' I d
dead at Wie .. er many crofu 8 r. la6d, be the sae more or
pro6f coat, is xecuti4e officer of the Army; and h ing othle ndrad seres of
-f advance. Tberrianufaotures f - railroad in,,; On the2lstbf October I Melros6 G. V. It mak(i health in the rightway. It w rks .,worst F
to low, whiol lindi jLnd tenei *ball offer -for We.
its old ra 0 40 miles o t contributions of editorials to
—Braiil had 7 45 nd frequen according to the_ right theory. and i0 30 strayoffiv,'in the Cour House, In Us Townof
end of 1894,%nd 4,344 milda,' Poul celebrated his 21st bitthdaj,, ith hii
ure chiefly in iron and woolen products., e War Cry, Mrs. Booth assumes the en- A the
erition -at th6 ed.
us little has yet been done in cotton. A ts.'' : At'the dinner ta�le, W ch was years of practice, it has prdv�d th ak and Tir Goderich, V� TUESDAY. t iel Eleventh day of Feb -
*L course ution. charge of these children. Both of them correct. , it be n4 at ru&M- iss 6, ;it t#e hour of litso of the elock, a. M
WO avings banks ;San FranciscO� decor 4te& for the occa e Mrs. th a DENn heartily recommend Milburns
t Is Just 0001- sion, M t 0 1 t -
�ve th c nuing�b risbyputtinitliestilm- CO lAver 0 11 E Islon. For a long time I faft so Rol �R�T IBBONS,
They J
olen nilil of 360 feet fron -�-The-ten a ohn T. Gould, Oshawa, 0 8 P r been consecrated to the Salvation ut every little thing
g6ing in. ll�wioo, �iesented )eg Ty
I weak 1 906 (1 rdl K p
plated, nd the m -achluerY is i avie assets aggregating $116,000,000- ation will be turned 4c liv r and bowels int6 perftct Ordi u
rmy, and their edue I blood') re tirin we op eE and the 1011rue 811ERIFF., HURON -
t I b 41
n th4i-,
big lead pencil factory. The 000 him ith $100 i� gold, for h a having honor 6 t.
Likewise a on depo!kt.; e in 4 its good work OL I tWo
ade and A M fei A'n
aM, t nis) es . with the digestiv systei a. It
ul members in this unique Satau-Jighting LEW. za Ojai
olely in the direction of making them use tit me and have never returned. Hze, Godericb,
at plenty har, $104,000 1 Ared fei 9n UPXHILU
1 cedar for this purIpose is In gre The tobacco acreage in 'Germany th ably i d faithfully kept biq i promise
ere, �bey
h est Tennessee and 'Western Q07 -a verysmall'�oy, Diver to Scare e out disease e ve. Springford, Ontario.
'r was 52,1293 Iser to hot 1when orce. he
I al' throUg as, an increase of 8,966
!piiittious 1 liquors, may be and forces the out of the bAy.
nd fol!eign manufafctlir-� make �se of -tobacco, or e
-rolina, a
Nurth Ga cres over 1804. age There is not a 4etail in the organi7a ion -r-tion vf the
in anyl form or shape, until that ime. .,klnd$L frolil headav,
erg COInplain '61tterly, that Americans arer wral Chase, 040 of Chic 0 t It pron.btes the copious. see, To remove wO �e f Cn
—Charles, C oi To rM
n of the constantly growing 4 in throwingoff
I d perfectio digestive fluids and asSiSt
recklessly and flo,6d- and prominentil business men,, Ali with an,illustmted family Bibleo,and idulte Dr. Lov Syrupiessafe and sure
now lasing the wood oldest citizens Vol rmy __ with which Mrs. Booth is not as TeffiSe i iatter.'J A make-,- the etite ood
ini the world's markets with an inferior twent urnes of history, as pleasant t
dead. i — � I I amifiar as her husband,, but from the time and fhe digestion strong. It i.. all lent . .... seve kinds of wire teriom have been 131wed vn
always do rted from the - F h
pencUs. Americans. —Several wrecks are repo ey leave until -they medicine. It isn!t. strong medicine. It ! 114veproven afflrely sat -
grade of Montclair, at 7 a M,, F=3fly- be umr A inone of whiq
a Im of sf&ctory ; but i placinglelore y
sly, trpSt- a owing .'to a severe - storin.011, does nothing but good to every port. ou our
iuse tbeir raw materials reckles British coast art for home at 5 p.m., they do not meet, tsan Children all speak In praise
Mot e will be lnvented'�to., 41so the scene of many' aby Wants the bod It doesn't do'harm in one I I ace the best care for H+MPION ST9 F �FIRZ FENCE,
ein occupied with a differen f
each b 1ping another lace. It is
ing that something X_ rhe Baltic Sea was t line of while it is 'he� lus - re thr"t, quiney we do so -over-
eon belb v tUt we bave
find time d and'it,lbes Price, 25e. oat h*VeLUen raind
take thel ligasters. hfirs. Booth does fiot even h ronob 80 00 fidially,
r place by the tilIke the work.
meant to help the whole bod
reigners I and a girl of eleven er r tt oome &I- of the objecdo
-bausted nd so I SUPPOSO the fO 'A boy" of fourteen to go out for luncheon ; it is served, to h el himse If fail- 11" in th I composed of
I d I ia belp it, Whenevei a man feel spinet
cot in this charge. -A woo p in Johnson, county; Georg 1p zed obed vr* Vlacea
are corr Pl� lvere- Married y the anitor of the buildirig, at the bi in g in I walth, -when -he feels athe a getj rat, Sam Gures coughs, colds, d oz, 11P
an H4"rdli � P 66Y hi in itul via . I L w. ch
-sevo-al desk at which she w so bronchi's, more throat and all dise"m of
the children Maft - bard.�N )I T!�
mill has just started, 4nd there wo -he other day.. The parents Of orks fing old too fast, tha� is vital at a
that he is losing- ffibes , he a i 61d � tie no Zd, lung and est. ars, one on eacti. side
miinor industries, Story writing -cim 11terposed"nol Objection to tile marriage iE5 . f the *1 th ve eel) to At t
n4en-year.old 1 husband waal olden Aledial Ols- ftbtly on
hai a With I bolt& boldlig
ba-rdly be called an IUdustry,'but —A save time in retting
n e
is for ro.- a -161d wife in Sam C rdinal F .1 od I build up, ey rmly their md reve�
d of materia ivo�ced from a �Sixte n�year kid oves with covery. It wil cluicke,
field, fu —Ladies, clean your i i gI w M Object. -'Ong the wine rom,xW-
't in ttLe world. . It *n. R9 abol �rranged That the setions.
The �usbanO was a anythingelC iri-e1im , ii
The Mo
ne u
anance is.found in the facts I. have related rancisco last week. IFOF& 1pdFANTS �hND INVA; Josephine Glove Cleaner. 1. For sale only.by rich blood -iind solid fle4b. It will s�ake amount ey sufferers from cataffh Willi ing up te�qandhi and. eotiftuting the
for dressed in attain ng cure that foul an and their close relations With the civill 'messenger boy- Edwird McFaul, HeAdquarters him feel balf as,old and twice as trbi1g. age is L d dfsWee- of: ed by L tJ&%n",&, and
J. W
bee' instructed' b�, ell it. diw oft credible. Jennin" 0
f Cab t 91 se"one,of the y�es�
6 l&ygtj�161 spent between Wind
wari In o -very valley and mineral district ' —Bishop Nicholas -has li 'to bu The Most palatable fo prepffTed, and 'and undressed.kid loves in lace and but- Druggists a
ita eXA w tibn of its 'Stid "We
t 5esir octort - I tried all the "treltWOOW
miles along the TenneIigee are 1e, Holy Synod Of St; Peters urg ;i unequalled by any otheipreparation, ton. All the mos able shades. Dr. P �erce's xoo8 ock, the e o�. n= Will d ftlim no equal-, Xxnn� for 400 ad
*6hicagC,- to -cost five . i, Chaves Catarrh Care
in utben At. One X Of
dred. arched and fought so �reat cathedral d. The best food and the best 8en medias, A 25e box factured
sIot men who rn 'o over the Very jundred I thousand dollars. C f i6 kin ples C)mmon 8en Itells V ab W�le a me mM there met Lure with
in Plan n 1 e, T CO.
me So years Ag me.,! It was .raoney.. WWIRV
y Isso School Report I is lo� Federa
Ork. I often _:Lieutenant Feijo, of th( Spanish army alue, putup in one pound Ti price -noNv own or w ad
nth- [y ,
ground they ced t:6 i mp` * 0 n the m Pri 0 'tostook 0., ont�
No. 2, Hay.—The follow ple famil d tor
�een senten riaL
are DOW -hag 1 25 Cts, per Tin.
tell me the2 n C bal com
ho COTT.,
Is agent
th ' -ouitedor r
operating" where ey sc i octote and. tried all
Meet veterans who Fort elayo vig is ustr ed. -i, It w d au ulcerMed leg R. R
stood Dent fo life for surmTrende ly report for NoverinTier, of the pu 8 in ill ill be setit e on ree pt �aforth,
ro f
*&, ^.I - 4;�Jd Relail by a mni st a tc dWer
ithout a fence. :11 *Druga Wi
Is and school eection No.* 2, Hay. The name � are of thi -one (�i) one -4
o the insurgents w tout y of 10ounty imd TONM-
-at in 186,34, an eat a and I[Vholesale y of M eIL
ye at the cers hjW
67ro. in lorder 60 merit Fifth toSt
Ln rag —B i L'Af $do&.
that tfieY OftOn'sit of stoms and mailing o . AI Idiess, of onred by t" bottles of fv r 16 sale
ted and arney Donlon, ample"
-h ey ih
-wns of Hirs 'Walker & onh, NVall Or- WORM IS DISPENSARV -XED1 00temy c
on the rooks where t M Fourth class,—Flo % 111 Ir i, 78 Johnt. N-IIIIINult0m,
aloi . T�f
KERRY 19TCRS W. rl od. TiON, I 10- 663 Main Strecit, Bu 014
An4 some of man, F. E. Row.
Muse an the change Was u k Ph WATSON & PROP4
an known to me in the !den tnle And ille, ked by a e :�4orqp3rr Northcoiti. Nellie Gould, J.
rn d '�o
04 aturday and nearlY 90re