HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-12-13, Page 8-717' k 4 M Mr W r DECEMBER'= �1895 T U ON EXPOSITORG a son r. miss don,, drui-gist. ._LOOKL and Mrs. I Downs, of Buffalo.-LThe', orsoel Fair, Iwat his !rat gallons mirk. AT YOU LABi9L$-"- Se fort n Friday tset.-��Mr- 111,ai� r ve, 'Ila gon6 onarl q*,�endcd visit DECEM E.R t the loss 91 a ev( brought a good crow to town, and t done, b B rroVV s- 00 d daughter, of Lambeth, father, I Nv C 0, rig and Ramilt 'Wilson's OCM- —The annualmeeting me -Sister of Dr. Burrows . were vis K Gri I a For- some fifteen horses Chang d hiands. The d it Tdrontd Oas of the Wo -M tbet: 3, dayed ri ission. Socie 6f our church, was Those -who are.* in arrea a for their Sol 0 be held on anuary 2ad.-- Daniel '-C tly 'iti g th 31d ctor this week. —Mr. W. E. But- I next Fair will r L I on and assortment of rist- 0i on Tuesday Is 9 he fing ashier at Mr. on I WI avu a.,—, I 'We' have now (P aftek & fine hefd M St. noial report scriptiort to: -this paper, houId read �this-, d he carv! es for i Mr. H. J. Morden, wh It been 0 fb Le, 911 to Is the closing worith- of 18965' and we- ftnatt, new large and selectood rd Bank h, ever since i Ethe !'of Chic' (.rocepl I osee -who are not Cana a i r. I I i - . I . �0%- cleaned currants I I .. t4 Cot u�t Centric ve t showed th" liet pro'cei ids of thi y � eve le ge a gand laid the tabl , �eail to be hI uet *at 'the -Hotel in the tands `gr t daughtek 4% ralsinig i id th ition, 7 of Miss, -Mal ohns. r. a Of. areprepared to hiake an ieXL en8j.%e lest a mo The officers o eted for the.com rig- started, has bee prom;o c ci 011 rerio� on, Clintgn hing required to do -who' harver not 191 laccluntant n the K! *' Is rrsalneb. Li-stowel, is v is -*11sh peels; NOW or $82. Parties yet paid for: best En ithursday'evening of iting at 41te XY10 a. blosing out of," all Winter 'Goode at tees! and everyt 16,wyp side Mrs. ston Lens ; pure op uted peaches, plums term are Mrs. (Rev.)! I V we k. The manner in which the work. of o 9 ut; VCL ng A. G. Geni�L year, �y paying for'tble y4 ar and next en it 0 1 11-08 for I F n vice pre�id. - Who biw succesi or is, is no yet known.— —bilraIi K b, . I .. in's for BARGAIN PRI S,1" tog, all At th 'h� John U 1111wi aprse lowest pr wig� --el r e to his artia the Gra, at her fatht r elfusseo,ret Gemmel' fo the let of anuary, 1896, Cali have th do; I e was highly oreditabl The old Robert 3urns"f in on r stock is second ary re 1 --Rev. Dr. We bW c�ash or trade. and coffee oil tiq tat and skill. in these lines., ad&' F.— 7e bought largely for Spring,. els, I i6 mri ed home To d itr IS our desire to car v over as. at atee"tistaotionor will return treasur r- �r TO d Martin has been �t .1 $2. 3anday T , ri_ I t� is to none shd we guar k of all kinds- of we years- or m ild will be at C istham on t oad, south of Bruss to be sold by some time, Gravenh an ebratedr, Singer 0 th. Mrs. D. Gr, g of lest We hwv� a., choice SUM d agent for de col ct, p eaching for Rev, Dr. Battisby, who public au tion 9"' December Jl er few winter goods us pos that. grbeeriefat, flo and provIslons, and as pre sell aPPointe ?arltieis who fail to do tj Lis will be charged Ine I r.1 r8ho �1 ne to n ; I fri e ash or t ade wIII do as well or better e machine, and, hi m, we understand, the kini*er 3.in the of her brotl e r' 14 will have. ample. rooi or ur triefly f6rcash-ort value -edit price �f - $1.50 "or this year and co idu 50 as ry servicei attend the f of br"Witeri tI e late we. In the trade -they ar- 0 1 tean y disposed of at llve� At of these useful the It se %I he -a on that day, ano I throP ormg p for vou than an pi So _urc sees as soon as I�b Willial a qr� 25o 1a an t m. In �rjian. church ju�i B*Nv 11, fine bt %,rup and all, p evious years in arrears. ro and Mr- rr%re. For the balance of the year we- i i toilet s, we' . son othing nain over for the Anniversary meet- THF. leading ace for Heavy Rubbe tine dinner, t W] 0 e and finish P ti4s.-,wo years and over in arrears in Monday evenin i—We re is the cheap It give Special Quotelions on, hi i for qual gre to leaTin sox, in fact for a i inds of Felt Qoods, wi new- and Dob r. D. 8h Store, four dcors south of W Ira ullett, tte r off axed a to labels, of the ol Hot 1, SLeaforth. 146 -1 o't fall to p1toAr Missoviti.—Our old friend, M eath of Mri tharles, Costes, who cash Boot AD I 8h iighoat hpA� etter lookout. Look at your a gee them before bhving el e a 13 Ovr, writes from f 3alt Springs, uril. I . I if a toot fa most worthy and eased wi a for - several 'years '.—The p o all kiiijig of goo We have arid gic�vern yourselves accordingly. he patron int rop I [ullett, in �e' baying a G Cj& rices paid for good on November 26th, as follows LocALITIES, of Wi turkeys,geese,c 1 11. - hi ghly respected resident of Seafolth. I ection. No. lucksland chicke r,the ell ese or dozen for had a very dry fall I p to a -week or two bu'l- we told you cheese factory remem e Idantle, d eg 9. Will iD coming to Seaforth Mr. Costs resi- ; ii. and roll butter an r vious't ''sharehol era. rand enter tai i m(nit in thf Cloths, eg4% 'the rat for* WE 11, on 'the - t, ago, when we had 0; g0jDd rain, iting on th) 18th it, I is quart er. i iih a north Of Shawl Mill inuerjr�'. good f. McLFAx BROTI-i BUS, Publishers. df d in Clinton. He removed from. here to , mose sno The dust 'rable 0 agoanc -there portant usi- Decembiit�'2.7 They. 1114 nearly WILSON, Seaforth. months,. m fil a States, some three or four years L should attend as. veni-ug of Fr Silksil top 4r I Bank' of Comm"ce D and, ace'0111panied, 9"A t was with high Winds, so to dseusi . " hii R. was " wl R I would ,look. velind.— re leavin"' )tj Ing undap a I a pers RK, see. , A da.Y or twe' r. �ke it something start the !ball a. hi lit torly resided in Cle The Col.. ne ill ne day StW 0 sed apes, ur Jaket� aken suddenly eek Capes, on could han Public Schools will ' t tend to ma MI t a success. !9 1 foreign men and, old on -Institute and y rain. a e to take I aj bl i he pro - el af 6 r t h's after the earthquake, t pre was a- hen; v There are younj cj�.ys. on Thurs- by a rupture c f a b odWsig, d.; he is no im. and local b Fur Coll Fur Mu& to0j - ho, beyond the -at Ado* of � a � doub�'.,L )Ise h ir the Christmas holi, lo -V a w roving,—Charles odds,' collector, has ery little of the elit sown this f; k1l will 0Y ic sing - t i Mr. W. R. gramme of tl L, e rening. T id Underwear, Blankets est Clothing House. that a willgive -their hearty ou' ort.�—Paoo' neict.—The many friendi o d loj it the Si Of V Jr. I Larg amount to anythin was so dr 'Wilt teen on the sick lie an by I Of 6.unt(r be pleased to learn that he is Ing will I ff I ul plie I Boys' SUitis X.en!s Y61 w to -t all a r one e P ,ine up a id eye, and is - V6orl� i - music. by. Oest rotheris �ent haa lot of it tiever� da, MUChr'g . f inproNing slowly.—Mr. Fred Davis was Mitchell i A Dry of thio �stablisbn, Neither OT If EF. Roct Ox, P111 NBFR D ARTS. -t- bed in 86ppareatly good hedith, and ofore it mouth- lvjij�n in rar4� his, ear s crop was: not ood. R and others b ad es, vL, SuitSB07s"0Vercoatp,. at UU,.h seem ble to drive out one day this week,'but has b Clotho g been - - , w T 3be _10%V Pr Ceo'L. t: t qUeh FI�NE IV it vield nor price, is any g 'Some Anobher of 11hroups mosi honor pionee�a morning wa's taken with a severe pjjLjj in fiU4 Mile LC, quar- r Such LO qua Yood.; t001)3 fopeopl ince.vot been so well. ----;A number from organ selec tic a, bo his departed this life. e I few fields made good yields, but aout ten r.. ep�lmus as well as from the the head, r" sit ting in his los's of sighWl read-. Gent's Fur Cape uc;t yield. hisl �rusads and Clintonp tettes, inst.-I Llil 3ni al inSie, ants goo Men's good h died on Tuesday.1' t, at -residenoe ish to bushels was the average. Corn is '6rt Tweed go _*ous of 11, wt V, Wood reliable in th ibighb )ring villages, attended the S ings, Tweeds, &C', &c., neavy`T%c,�dllants, 91�,; Aien's . ing- like the prospe6t indicated about the e township of Ste en, 11exi Exe0r, 360tl"�l A concert; on to riday evening ast.— Ashlael 'Veniog heul� bo p!esent. 5ujts,,Zd, Mun's beau.dul FrieA Overcoats, qguSt'. Still it Spend a ple a gal 16 1, -is doing very well, after a short illness of flamulatioti of tie Black and first of A -he m vet Laeriosse club.r NOT1058.—Zion tea -meeting will be ho�ld on Men's Fri( ze overcoats, A Ho abers of the i Be, to see _e although the price is low, only�20 cents a. lungs.- .;. -1r.* garth w. a m4m�er of t ie lad t � hear ni B.*y,fl kc nits from $1.50 to 67; 6tend gi neert.shortly,when all the New Year's Vight.­-We ace g �oderichl This is your opportu. kind 1,011011'. of old brigade! who were p ominoiuti in pub� ic ving a, co I-oyj, oveTccats, all pr ces, all sizes, Fill g- btisheU\ We have been havin ad I ill take parb. Past con- that Edw+rd Mc4an is now conval�scent. raost for your money. 1 The stock )'st-local talent -4 it sleigh- the i 6ry ear we e There is 144hitil j winter the � last ff some fifteen or tw, ity 3 1 made bitainesis I )w days. life ?ear$ ago, b qertE of the club have been moot. Pucoessful, —The recent sleig,4ing It LOCAL assorted and several -new, lines pas ing Wak. When I in in tow] a I c ountry, suit 0: 1 a e taking- is,well -O'S. have a Storm at the'last of November� more yvlho are now rarpidly� aab wee .—The memberw WK PICKAW) & C nd it is one promises to be no exception. 1tvely during the 41 it it -me lianker, have been adaed for advi age W. W ciothln� and Dry G or less severe, but; �this yeaq beats' a nythin lauge Lodge No. ode House, 9 quite a young man, he a %led on, the farm MI't It e Eloyal 0 r. Liqd Mrs. Walter Thompson, of Maple Grc v ast -meek from diplit) a r , and -of Stephen, on whibh lost a: chi yet- h Aj r IS r oil the ,nd concession �;c e en unday wit their son, r arren 1044 Its& a social on M)nday night, 2nd ut expecte& tc rec c er. it Sea-forthl. to Mani_ now hism i he continue -1 * to live litil bois death. It 0 son, Goderich s6eet.—�Irs. 1'ab- inst.—Th Dung! men wl o went in -was trishmas de Sale of Crockery"; griat bar Y I ;liat 1. ecent dea �waa then � forest -and j ts owner lived to 'a suppose( lar a have. ret arned greatly im- beett Nisitiug toba last eat - owiv the (onceal- gain,i9`-1n&Hlinc3; big Assortment and smaller prices irk, A Sesforth, has lately ii4 yd see it' ne of '.the 6 �st homesteads in ved in ie th-.-4-The prblie examination front dipht 3eiia, b#t owing Mro# if U want, aypville. pro Seaforth beforei elati es at PI I ment of the S( olf death, "ny wre ex than ever sold At in Jiro, od attsville and H for Ch;�t Western Ohtai io. He as not only a go mas, or we&. I rip. 5., will tak lace -Friday after - I t i�. innocent re' iiou, Fering. EY -0, DER 1111 anything in the croclicery of school ed, and 4;uv presents, sie o nd gn7; Highest business . man ivho did ell for himself and ih parent i are Poo' U 0-3MM3 ding 4 jl� ter i noon, 20tl inst.-, to wh the ms f scarlet good Kippen. :--There ar6 also prices in cash or trade for b 0altry and family, but he also di his share towards I i is mild for e .. 1461-1 Loo cordially i nvj ted to be pr et, t and eapest way of re- ggs. -Robb Bros., Seaforth. —For one'month no placards ai� up to lie best, safest and siding his ne Ighbiorai nd t 6 public. He CAQP,FjX(1 AT 3 CENTS. fever into n, a k Ii ica municipal and Ill d6bhoViug b: pre C a ound t k etc foi- 8 cents ja ba inion 11,x so Co. En 0, at the ry.—Rev.j Dr:* Williams �gri-,ultuiral & i geni 4 disposition pen blil ring o iiantity of go indrew Good* glish Breakf ar - ol protect tl te un, r ji�ittiug woney is b D,rn sat Tea 401 , in po Custo aville, y was prominea) in in your cho. in sawing I the Opera House Grocery, usual I price Oo. -Fred 1p I walto and Rev. money order$. 1401.1 roles, It one si $2.60 thousand. ny q1 od 1 jjryl Ry Davis, Opera Block. r N itb Street FG_R ORDERS. ns, or RiAr_ d- shrewd 'common se haaking him -a tt elin and 'bpoaswood logo w ted. John MeNevirl,- SERVIC) S. —The ant aver- preached c q mis o in:: -es T w� e SANTA Claus has left sotn6 beautiol Xmas an lit Main 1461-2 oary servi, in counedtio with the Prgsby- ay, Ito ppen church . or 'S any, and under 5C ular and w pful. man t community. 1 1 Oomp Goods for -sale it the G6Ide6 Lion. 14614 WVT will be he] d on e hv roll in this plac vieesm'ch appre�ci ted.— Over $5 to 810 8C e served for many ye ra in e council of Rr.rjFS,--,rhe saoramt nt of the Lord's t rian 0 ood, arid 1e a HAVE YOU tried the, California Raising, h, y, nd and- 2.3rd inst. eo in the themiL it repre uppe,- will be obaerve� in St. Andrew's Sab and Monda e still u progr 'a Seafoith.. Over,410 to 1, 20 10c a municipality, and i everalt-timeo Itevival se -vices p6r we have thefinestfruit in the market -ount' council. He buret , next"'Sabbath, at' the 11SUal On S ath, the Re�-,Mr. Ross, of Br ell', Victoria's eet re has ovc:r 20 td $1 12c i nted- Stephen in the for.26c; we the largc pal. fornis Plums at two- 01 4 The. 11 se h at the usual I ours' foreno and been invit a to ceed ev. Over F. 30 to 44 'he Methodist And ce on Monday at wi ev. ­AVIng- 15c lbs. for 250'LL We have the fine t table Syrup to be 4 as a consistent. merr, I er of the tha kagiving so�r�i ine Cast market at 60c I ion ; Canned even' On Monday 6y aning, the itui liver- start, as o the,Kilicsr left for Scotland on We&kesday last.—The 20G Out. 4 lurch an I enthui 'astic Liberal C found n. the per ga Over 40 to- $5 on Robb an aciive. one o elo k, fter which the annual congre r"o Tongue and Beef, and I eaf M 10 pieetirig will be in the och irch, church, at gal Ancient, Free and Accepted &Wons will Receipts given. and a rigid idvoem a f tem- gation oil mei ting "will be held.t—The evan- sary t a ML Y of nol less th No blwiks t rt fill out, Bros Seaforth. to, e 14) I Cars gelisti c- sery cea Vhich have been going on for when ddessies will be 'delivered b3 Rev- He hat; aci n of pirO ased at a leeand rohibition. His-deathwil -opted sub�,ect shortly hold an At Homelin, their ,ity hour an able,rooms in the Sande�sdn block. They Aloney orders evi be Fars fo�'a Xmas pres - a: 31, Belgrave, �� g mmftte(.­i-G WHAT is nicer than 4.4inctive loss to the 3ommu iity where he twp weeks, ill close on Sabbath evening . Mr. R as, Rev, Mr. - H! the st&tio, is pro of the day. ent? Rreat variety at the 3olden Lion. Mr Pcontiogroy, of alton, Th a mu-: -1 r. Rev. i mt own in It rOv" never do things by balvesi_* 'Win. Do It w lived so long. lersona ly, 'he, was a next. Mitchell, who has been bably one if the I Xt. RONALD J. �A60NAL Michigan Centrai Poffee, 'unequalled in 11 bej' furnished by the Church agent 1 owi g tO t e inun er of Cutchen the 1 goods clerk !at ii,ne f riend, a genial, i panion, conducting these services, and who ndver sic wi inee, y elligei it cot popu at, div tee and quality. DoTi't fail to try it -at che Opera, Mr. W. C. R-azle is-le&Ving for 1 open�iig out. telegr h and Dot 140L-1 L. Ai everyense a the t6m a tires i6 big, work, condu new; wood'zj btnre' Expre ri an. � He leaves a widow, ive sons ices'sat week: Mr. Mitchell will have a and Mr oigs t inini dist ict in uoithek.n. Michigrimp, R� tic oluse Grocery. id in worthy cted hirteen ser- oboir sigai'ted * by Miss Tra keel , J4m See t, of $eafor L. A the r s Agent, sT to hand., !Ladies' and G64t 'a Fibre and v JtT innot penetrate t, vo d gkters, to. all of h m his. death specialmee�ing:for the children on Friday pleasant timo is anticipated, and we hope Mom 3. where he formerly was He Vill Chaniols. vests, wind,proof Cold es y I —Mr. Jams Cooper re. —Baild hay and stiaw- warmth oUthe body a retained. ill be ant, an, Ian evern all thelservides will be largely jitterided, not 0 T Ems. i Try one, sad bereaven k ig at 7 o'clock. r. Uohn Yang is home. for a be missed by many. d you will alAY111wear thet 1 boot witli to 11 He is is being handled here by everal dealera,i' it, and the- L only by the embers of the congreg ition�l short visi parent i this weelo. :n W, W- e loss. He bad pasa I man R allot=' turn. e'f rom Worth Bay last week ent, Seaforth. 146L-1 feeding. Mr. Cooper but by,, othero. employed on b 1 71 years f age. a car Load of steers for Runteii's farm, itel 6# Alms, ing near y ALL kinds of O'ershoes, Rubbet Lailies' keep! lugs —M rray., ty.­Everyone 1 tEkk thi moving. r. Robert Mu -in VarnA,. Wdingtc I Co 1 9 He kubbere . I - I Felt, Shoes, Men's Felt pooes, and f(rtable' brick Vuck ith, kg by hauling TORONTO, O�� whointencis building a Corn 8.1 rTA-9,1,01 advan 11 of th 00 THE SCOTdH C01,50 9 concert on NoTEs.­-On Tuesdayley' in' last, a con. and So 44 x, at lowest prices. i New stock jo t, In at the g the rgest, boat equipped and most popular commercial t summer, has ot:allthebrick Quicic. WiORK.—On t a mo,riLing cf wood, 0 etc. �bing could not Coun�Cjjr Cheap Cash Boot and Shoe . Store� W 31- Willis, Viriday evening last, v der t e auspices of residence nex etter a cert under the suspxcei*�- V�Ltrna n moderate rates; everything l3t of eptember, the me and outbuild, aphool in the Dou.luio martager. 1461.1 oyable The neighbors turne 4 lit and gave be d tion will we �"�e Sons of Scotland i ras a V��ery enj home, e T es — lei arg Tem ffist-clasa; write ior SEIAW & ELLIOTT, TicE. dh� 4pcided helping band 'for which Mr. Murray, feels ings on the farm of Mr. illism' Fothering. h a or * , Christmas tree Royal Templarg Tem ce, we"A 14"-62 No —As the:underigigue and successf (it enterb t riment. The society a ave. tC ristmas ? r. R. Pearce the temp"r nee ball her —Large qua helil in the to go out of business, she will, for the riext month, very thankful nti 'es of brick ham were destroyed by ire, and on the 19bh and ent r',tain LL' ent will a 0 his two, t to a gr at dbal 6: expengeto r cure the celebrated vetril st, Vvith Wools, Eelts,� Fancy t e on'R.Monda -A Mr. Alexander dolls, Joe. and ;ell received ind offer hat complete stock� of t ke 3nt, and t9leil. ef havo been passing through his week to of November his stock i %a all tomfortably. Methodiab'churah, Sunshine waa w silkio,Latamped Goods, And. all other fancy articles at ;,ery be t availab. I tab o as in this neighborhood o re going stabled in his new bi er�ing,'2$rd insto, A aeod' time ii asured EDW CALS L Prices to suit i1were et by I ablic appreciation, as pers ev ie young lolks. greatly reduced pn thel times.. there was loads of fun AR t V Our contractors wi be looking McBeath had �he con ract, and did not —Mr. A. 6,ole bas sold a Give Die a call. Sarah porrance, Seitfort. for Eovery doe. excellent p was also rer r the were voredw.i; i a large audience,the 0 u L An rogramme, de STI. -LL 1 116IX2. aw of Hull6tt towm he, eing crowded. The Atar of the even. forw. start to work at'it for o weeks after to a rich harvest next season.I—S the frame bA M to I fr+ Ross, consisting of rmAings, i eitations and in- n meet at an .HOP.—Mr. J 4mes Von- logaL our -.will fire. The wor�k.was tly 4.one by fo r all township fatherO will Iffide Shp Skins, Tallow NEr i T� Curse, MAss Mabel Munro, ot 4re beginning to move in to ing as, of C good sba ip- strumental music. All *t] iose Who were pies - d olit in the new e.—Hay seems to be find. men. Besid be' work, it is w well the -town Ilip hall on Mond 16th inst.— stable, the leading bar or, has opens properly spea, Ing, gani es mg qui Mrs. Lanni Car or ent spent a verV enioy 3,ble evening.—. h6 Raw FuTs, Oommercial Hotel, Sealforth, where he h4s one of the ing r iIady sale at $14 and $15 a; ton, and it is finished barn, whicli go( to show that Mr. 60,vefll Wo1gre, at I aton last week 'to b r- r e is a., marri:1 d Is y it 0 pr annual meeting ;f f Vars' branch bible finest and most comple arbet shopsi west of To . hard to get at - t thoroughly u And pays fair an ksed to have all his dld,town cus- I hat price.—The committee: derstands his bus- OZ11two Mr. Adam d steady prices, and do onto. Heivillbeplei fessi nally she still t �es b( x aiden name4 McBeath at h ini society was held in the Methodist church,gon, i L ig r in t is market. tomerog, And &Igo these fona the country, to t�ke sing to make the Sabbath ines. Mr.. Fothekingbam says that he is jaalli h eauti 11 cultivated, al- are a aring no P I d he ne from Mani - you foget it vi'llen Seth d eturne Wednesday -evening, th st. P�iev. and schoi entertainment on Christmas eve fl� well pleased with the work done by Mr- toba. d ini A or him with,their patronage. 4 of She has a b fit we noticeolthis, and f ka' though the place agree ward,' agen -itter store, Goderichr Private waiting room f r ladies and children.. James hen It'nob it- powerh contralto voice - I Mr. Fallas, of Poijii E the Itemeniber the old bi sue Mr. John MeNevin visited his McBeath and his men; he says that they with him,�—Johi I Oraig, and his aiiter., Liz- -the E i ano r- Dorn, er t, but owing to "onstable, Commerbla Ho el.r _ - ' 1 It. i t ein herself of I n Exeter last Sabbath. are hustlers, and if, he bad another barn to Zi I b � from the T -eat. �They re-. society, was presen the bad reet, eafoirt 1162 s e feet. L'k Ke, edy, ho*bver, she is a brO e, are a are ac state of the weather, thi �rd was not a large, Cie t In the hAt So ty Perfumery is now con- McBeath would be his man every d wh t thing either for wedding or ett r stoi;y telier t least build Mr port it being voiry Col 3n thOy an a singer, a attendance. ..Rev. J, A. NUDoald, piek. sidered to be the cc" *11 find a biosil .0 Bayfield. time. timber of hbgs wert hi d f tiful assortment, -her all- A lary s ipipe rom w Oied the chair. Af. Xmas preseuts, you w hat is the impressi she , left on dent of the Society, OCCU It pe money !oi 1461-1 Including the choiciebt in the market, at, Lumsden & dden e on Friday nig t altil to whaps it n your. next the Bri els station on Moni .-:-.Dad colds ter singinj a bymn, ft�v. r. �i_;D&fd�, Uter I capacit -a-d#s.—Mr. is . scarcely fair to j, dge olf do for you. Hills een. are a c( men com�olaint n6 Overc6at, see what H. F. Edwards a an 1461-1 opened the meeting Vith prayer. Thelal., R Barg ar Special clearing prices for cash. —Lines wr tten in to Lem- S. 'Lo., e" ted for -the I Fo to -rformanc a hem as he visa Bur Boy. ving n ek. lowing officeis, wete n, epou- from her pe PE Ncitj�uiGs.—Mr. Hartley, of Clinto Oup Re nPlete assort- feri�g from a very se rere (old. She has a a of ;�00(: I awed. a a, one a w You can get a, full and cc i N Dry of John H. Tro76r, son Charles an I : President, Re A. MCI) nald 6 the price ca . ptivate r. Thompi —Mr. I iam Clin i 7t is r�g year ]DISTRICT M S ment of table -icieo for yo.urXmse ditser. a mann , wl dch at son, of Wingliam, the tat ce - preid cre- ATTER er and * tel Ellen Troyer, who Oie at Hills G reei i, on at ent, Rev. I A. Robson; se' Oders, House Groc'ery, I T,461-1 r new school 11 1 : e:1 build 0, wan V11 latel enga ed as ou ri, oipa A ge ing , stonei. busy get a ni6d ter u ierice and her select.dits were, nearl September 10th, 1995, aged 9-7 years and tary, James Armstron z;: treasurer . MULLETT & Company iave here Ly.�H. Ze fll, old' favorites. rhe audience Phowe wer, sat Saturds mp, our 28 days; under barn, d of Dirl —John V!c. Clinton a Purity. Boar See what FjorKARD, the )ots Liiftry own Watchmaker., was at ..of Carvers in Set@, Tea Tray@,NieWl Tea' ;heir appreciation an I plei ire by frequen well Lamps, etc., suitable for Christmas -presents, it close few 8 1 at week.—Brigadier Ma�getts, Oft the rose's fairest pe Ms, Ash, W. Logarti James Mepymont. The 1401-1. -ncores. f ally u collectors, were then a-lopcinted, and Ahe Dry. Goods Mm of Seafoft,h, h -prices. Harry.Ric i, the ,omic, is First are severed fron their stem; proV i 1 a retary of the Salvation � Army Oft the e �o the mark in'his I ne. Ilia *costumes ar heartis most chi hed treasures -Go!— n W!: dnesdo even- resident called on Re� M i F�llaa to ad - to teU you.;! Look on th Aloxo Lake Salts is the boat artil cheap a STILI I!HF,'y r. e 6th pag for a er ntario, held a special n w First depart, nor cc a again. �,eehbing hi See advertioement �Ise- in themselves mirti-provoking, 'while h i Mi uncam Mcl,4renr Was Sress the meeting. Th �-everend ge4tie. remedy on.'the market; ing, 41 ji net., Mr.1 H at t1 barracks oj it will pay,you. where In this paper. I U61 powers of mimicry a re, almost perfect. i Monday evening, -w ic Oft from suneet's partil g beauties Miss � �gie� man gave a, tinig! ac - Mrs. Mas. Aret the b united � marriage i�o youngest very able i 6,hd interes our- was �gely attended.—Mi. and i ide rialitest cc ors fi to, �new Fige, lakes, his It t ell and of c' se eac� daughl t of Mr. Arcl lbald, � Grabam. Rev. count of the workings of the Britishiland a letter to 4 frieqd New Raising, new Curran' Sim( q�,accompaniad by Miss Maggie Fal- Oft in humlkn life our c nicest rious ap� First within the torn is laid. io4, which 80eiet � Mr. Lockie-1 of nefv Dateo Dew Almonds,new Walnuts,roeiv FlIberti, itypearance Mon fortl upros r. erfor Ad the cren Foreign Bible q th, Mr. _]3rew Lemon, ora=d Citron Peel, Scl, mber T Peter new Extracts ie Ha rig did hisart ah cone *k9moved to Go'derich this i week. —On tIy here, dated Nove all Master E 1 k, th 'farnedihte rela- Cantlachle, is the gues, 5 of his' Bonw aw! se. was w all- for the mas To bake good -cakes you )tain. Barber Thus we have lost a 10 ad one eased o I� Moore, Of McLennan, Algoma, a former, eo] sday evening next; Cal $ . 6,( We are must have good goods ; you cannot do better in well as either of the otheri and g4ve. sev�- W '%ve lo a to be you Tuckeram says*., of �i Death hom robbed -us of our John tives g ico, tp, e. e them Mr. W. A. XcBrayne, this week. xent, ich -s6re elil Just in bloom of ife h left us,_ ith resid .-Grocery. erall'Scotch dances, 11 of -v Ili iton, formerly stationed! here, and ij, a corn of ll h price and quality than at the, Opera House ell ha I rand Pr 0ej ity.. 6 and I n, also df Clinton, -are to "t - getting along fa-irly'-well in A gGME; 1461-1 -thoS., whole, th Lien -ant Jolinsto Soyoung,,�andye hedled. -�-Whil JM IS. Cmwford accom- nd neatly executet.* On Perth 19oies. omi s. r t time it will n ke a good Whirlpool Gallirle, se ing for 15c, on of Scotland ar, to be congratil special -meeting in the barracks 'incent and Mrs'D. Me- hink throti-h ee the . I' lated o:. hold One consoling thought is ]oft us, e d b r a. n' ve som or games at so here. arry King, who is noi e sno-%v: at present, v_ engaLed country. Ise Kroknoll and all other popular parl having pr ed. so ovided easant an evening, an That no grief oan Ve deprivio, f uneral -Cren,* %as retur i ome from i —Threshing grain is ovei for this mtson . hardly 1461-1 019 e sleialling, I Lumeden'& Wilson's. t (4 spent Sunday here. He He is dead to earthly I not enough to Ire t and ran we are pledged to le rh that, notwithstano: - bakj'qg a Orrie, To 0 ve enough sn cow to m a e —Alex.- But to heavenl � joy n Mond ayr,-�he ra took around Motherwell. For. FROST.rTr and 6bilblains, was ompanied by John Douglas. y think wewill ha -,use Mono ing :the heavy exp, uses they re unde 94 aiivZ' 14'. t en. of Stratf d Aip. .1 rowing ree Is t. For- —Mr. A. F, M-cLar Orr leighing before -Christmas. � We had a Lake Salts, nature's great remiedy. - d home from Cleveland last cl a back, John, aWay, tb tunately 1! em was the3 will do om thing mori i than cle r Verl us.Qn arrive We would not It th seriously in- ped the Avonbauk cheese to En d last .91an most of the people got 0 e Erwin received last Although we lot ed- as so be utiftil fall, and you want a Nide Lunch or a Nice-. the selves. —The el air was occupied by D% Sati rday. ;Feor i in d, Nt; Cra "f9or having sustained a w the 6utb) —Mr. Rob t heir plo aff iii ig (lone up in goc d time," Roistailrant, op.. Of very fine cutters. If you or. e know that th art better jure to wepk. Dish of 03 star@, go to the Imperial wee Inumber Campbell, who ga e the . initi 6r.y addrei is In thy home in he en above. fevp aliglt'bruise rr a hand- ert Dutton,: of'Sta:&, bus sold poeite the Bank of Comwe*ce. Lundh or -era an ilt be in style, get one. roll, 8 a: iit:to ii p.m.. (90y8t in his usual inter"esting mslner.—Mrs. fled'. nei last served at any time f undayer At home in heaven, John has V: oneo is a:: total wreck. �Mr. A. his farm to Mr. McLellso, the Rrice being, MASO\'S._At the Ln�,igan Worris i $4,5 E excepted.) We also keep a full line of choice0an. was accompaniogi From cheerless gl -of the mouldering d)ad, s making jy�ep ations � or the erec ng collvocvtion of Mull, ch Chapter, dies, Fruits, Nuts, Citars, Tobaccos, �&c. Shavi husband. e is a resident of New Yoi k Brubelleld. He waita in hope on t promise given, ouse Aext summe%�­Mrb Neil --Some 105 couples attendecl th� ball hel(I Sea,.; parlor in Connection, next'door south, under the 1,4oyal Areh Masons No. 66, held in We'll nieet him thei 3, in his home in La ren. t City, and is one of the p liabers f I M . Hup Norrb i obach intend in the opera hall, Ddbhr�, on the evenloo of farth, the followinc, officers -were elected for management of Mr. George�Cardno. !If you wan C iSTMS GOODS,—Mrsi Baird has open- MoKellar,aand M U e the Nati I M. a ine ' there, He is is anything done in that line call and see him., H Ona the ensuing year: Rxcelleiib Companion d o 0 a case of beautiful Lamps and Fancy China NOTEs.—Th I plendid sleighiog at building barn ring the coing ummer.. November 29th. ,,�az In give you'good satlsfacti4. - R. Haxb-r. '1401-2 . pleoisant, intelli gentleman,and Ith It r. Mitchell preao4e in s'—A Sleigh load 4 our f —The Barthel hee Z - Ex- w joci ii'ittitable for Christmas or wedding presents, p esent.—Rev. M oil (IlPt attended Be factory and cider Prill ipal "u Fancy Berry SetO, Sal ev. J. W. 11 ew' Yo ads, Cups and ti WE -RF. offering somO great bargains in a ��aidence o t ir years in N k 30m t e Pr yterian chuj ell on Sabb I t. . the Sco, -h cone in 8 ato day press, Ellice,'were sold by auction re: Also at th Jast Fri on t - Coal Stoves. Come early.. Mullett Company. has prett* thoroug ly Americanize �m He is . an eloquent ape i6ker:—If the bo�y Ao Ila& a splen ly, realizing $650. cellet Conipnion, R e Saw 1�11 efe. You will only see tLew �o buy. Tea and Toilet Sets very low in price. Our nigh id, report ea ha, ing di 'h,es%vri Yht, 11 ricipa ri is heart� f I cc �y and contpetionery stock to complete. List eep quie around the corners there. Connpanion R. C. C has still a warm corner in Di arti, driven by —Air. John Hagarty and sons, of Bom- R.. Sampson, Scribe E- Dr. Bruce, time.—A L �n.erry i bi 9 b and ilo,� Family, Pew and Po�ket !Bibles, Hymn- Canadmij big native ountry, he aving ba n tp de six The., of cuirante for 250 ; tine Salmon be one with A m. M I ig esid fine aril 9 It ive to , somet rig d r. Scot' Barr, lei ed the Mee of holm, purpose erecting -I'd, ?rincipal Sec- - books I rayer-books and all Forts of Miscellaneous bor in the town o Bowmanville. �or Keep clear of the I w, boys.— he Mr. Donald Mel al N. ona 14ol; 3 bottles Extraot for 25c ; 3 tine Bakin 1sl on Monday even- next summer.. retary, R, J4k-kon, ecretary ; R. bookig in the greatest varietl of at,yle and price- at Po% lor for 26c e, be seedless and Vail Incis Raising. 1461-1 C reen Methodist ch ..ell is going �o a 'a rig, an few )Ieasirlt hours.—Air. —Rev. Mr. MeQuillian bag been 14. liays, unii6r LSecre lbi 1pr 25a ; 3 lb best mixed cand3 for 26o all d spent a appoint, tary G e orge Whitely, Lumaden & Wilson' AT low. Please call and ee for Ch * tmastreeinaid f the Be bo on I limilton Ieft e nes a to se es of Xfr'kt(.)U, f ed to the Episcopal C ge the beat f Hod' Lo(.,'-kT, he man is of r. Oth4 4foods equ rig 're Treasur��r; ntres Scott, Orgiist; Oreor' To sEF tin( 0 -key Skates, Y 9rge Ilookey Stloks and Pueks, gj to ht . ullett & Corn- Ja l Road, who It d You , v0s, Happy 01orlitmas to all. 1461-1 1 !iday.December20t These olarsv�i��ke cure a utuation 1h do... As e is f a parishes. illi be gre he 1461-1 6rt in'� t* *ng ever3l, nig t.— ipo4ion —The. revival mee ;Con - his feet so severely injilred & short time a 0 ISOTES.—Mr. rthur Ketchen left here it, and are pr to isi very ger i4l dh tin pany. r lector of AT THE 'Imperial Restau ant Christmas by, getting them ca ght in a orse pow r, on esday last Guelph, he having been iarles Trbyex, Hay township co, I missed 3y his 14ny fri do here.— dcted. by Mr. Schivere ill brought to - for t a m eeting jimAv CATA, Tit k -nice an will be pleased to I arn th t t, rig a n'ted assist t itaperilitendent at 'the ti xes, has not� got all the taxes in ye a close this week. 1 good, a arri-�ing dalij. We have now as a 4h lei qet (Dr.) Nt smitb and.44m ay, ho were visit ruits as an), house in ippi I . . . - Huron, held oil the aesior 'ar n walk u. �e tt, but stridn je 'erst of t 11 Preal i �nie t of Candies and F in Zurich on the l6th of this ing at Mr. M. Litrbofid'ig, 1 101 t Wednes- —There is g. in sv along nicely and is now able t To Vfarm.�M Thomas Fraser recently It wi I xj 9. 26th o action wai, taken on a the trade. Fine Chocolates, t Fine Creams, Fine Bon of he n 6 day for :heir new ho)4 parts -of this count . in the estab. hes.—Sio, thoroughbred Shropshire onth to re eive taxes and thosi - Who do in 1 vierton. r- of Rev, J - . Bous, &c. �Call And see us.:I,,We will use you well. with the aid of cruto me dial sed 'of ten Yo, ejo,11 frou, Kaox clairch, Guelp 1, to We want your patronage. A Merry Christmas to all. writings of Miss raham. of n that (lay may. look out for lisbment of a county House of Refuge. i hgmondvi le, eive g, to an Antoi rican buyer. r. raser n t pay �p o rid. 54 A. Andersoa, of Goderial.i. The stipe R Haxity, opposite Bank of Coihnierce. 1401-2 recently received very favorable Comm t has A a flock.o. 'twenty or mor( left,. and him. —Rev. J. Edmilfidt, f Preston, ableiated_,_ prandsed N -Ir.; Anderson is $1,60Q, payable ty and fron� the '.' Bureat C Irys, on Sunday of - Literary Or' it* altl It he hasbeen engaged in the breed at St. James church, ChLildren's Books - in such varie u� vveekly. Tho call i:3 u-nanii-LiOUS, and will be "'l ..... t AXN U A F, MEETING- _ffle sun meeting last, the rector- taking the duty in Pre�tim. beauty—so cheap—that no child ought to be neglect. New York, which is in charge of Elea or g p 'Shropshin a bnly in recen i � Yeats, he Lea, !bury- 4- a a a a t a 11 iq dh --Hugh XeDonald died -recently At his aisposed of at a meeting of Pr asbytery to be ed this -,Xma . C 11. nd oe . hem t Lum den & Kirk, the clever American journal quite a name for rearb animals b'ave fel- of the C 31 istance eei a ani I Bi :tter Manu- Nj tea ha on NOTFS.----7It iso that those r in his;68th�, 1,on M inst. Co'mmission- Wilson's. f the I I Graham is certainly, a talented young Is ly, lf od size a ad splendid lity.—Mr. --on .1 he move factur-in;Companjfo.r�be�winixug up o field in Clilltos' o lows, the wood haul era, are residence noes Kintore. Ile ers from will be prese at. It is gen- MENTAL AND 16RATOI�Wxt, D and will yet make her mark in the liter iry j -and- Mr. eeorge Baird this year' hi� -d i i the Tem- and leaves a widow and four ebi- EELOPMENT. ani a McFarla ie both late and early. They are th( hope and year Wren. erall expceto�d that Mr. And raon will ac- b all, Kin�urri, ion Fri& y, 6th inst. 41 MR. EDITOR.—A word ple*ase. Having, world-. J. C, Greig, Seaforth's aCC(m- gold anumber of sheep to the same gentle- pride of our county. 'Anew post )ffice is —Mr. Frank Kastn , of Sebringy �aepl the If lie does, Craelph get a 3 a: good otte afi�e of patron an a been in this to no)y for some - time anil plished elocuitionist,gave a recitation at rhe rbre"r3ecaw had the misfortune to Mi" one- of iAegs Who purchased Mr. Fras'er's. They to be located in the northeast s e, �tion of good mini�itev. 148 1�-Ir. Anderson I ne of having taken not of-Ahings in genera�ii be- count cert at Clinton on Thqrs- were shipped last week to Louisiana.—Thb McKillop. It sharelid d erg. Mr'. mWillan was ap. while attending a barn �raisiqg at a neigh - y counci cot has b len applied fo :I, and we the most abl irten in the Huron Pres ytery. inted 6, i-airrman.!: I �e aud ented boeo. sides having c9m: ared it with other towns day evening, aad is is her, won't, she fa Y &rim r rpreary. sery ices in connection with the are pleased to sa,� that I the prospects of PO p bver irty tons -Mr. Alexandar M,41 their rej �ort;. a win 'tbat. to village, wi hotion of Mitchell which I have pre usly been i , I am con- captivated her audience by her pleasing pre 3, 3 terian ell, trah, of - W having one establialea,are very ftir.' There r 8ouvo-r..—At a m eaing of vinced that Ilia, many respect' Seaforth is tak� laeb on December 232,nd. Rev. D . familic a in that made in ring: e . e months was knocked down b horse and crittor in -ruE Pt m annge and -the accurate rendering of ter aria a large numb,;r (if f cheen 3 was 'Y lie public School beard, held on-Taesday considerably all -ad. Busi a - oxi the --silection.—Mr. G -ore Counter, of Simc:)e 'Abj,q, -e fact) r nn T g.1 an a dividend evelitig, and had,,, his, of Buili igton, will OCCU from a Of Mitchell the other PY the Pu section, who are fiv a or -six miles 1� last, the te"tchers mouthly reperts showed A lis busily 1-3 per ce t. w d (16 ea.: The past sea- face badly cut. whole is mucilt Detter. Spor atively, it is father of -Mr. W. R. Counter, was in to wu orning, and evening. missionar y post office. � Mr. Rio rt Morrison I Pit on Wa b * to NQvem' known far and r; yet posi �ising these ladt week and par of this, having come here ym "o'siu.m will be held on the Moncta y engaged grinding g -ain for feed. � He does I —In the small pox Ole roll at tel.lilanc, e for the month Of i i vry unf airying, on divis- obount f the Col ti neddry' weather and 4e of the toy Ili ber,; to be aa ifolIc? ws I -ing another clside of his Sort who was sea will 'I e his work -R. A. f Logan �vs. the town pf Miteh46 , w ch 6aracteristies - ere is still Ise to attend at the b. eve, when addres che Did �well.—Alr. III 1b b 11 g following, aiply I ility, the 0 rices r 1g. low, Y0 I pro &Iiss Cowan' so seriously ill. —Dr. Campbell -wishes us! to othe Fuller McKee his been re -4 Dgilged to teach- at the was recently. tried in §tratf6rd, the judge Miss A. Watson's, 47 ; 8y pointwhich, if i 5 were broughl into action,' de. ed- r. bram, and ra. d e ac no reason why it should n)t meet with st�ate that the rur ior current that be as pa lars will -be given next week. --M . school in No. 8, M(Killop, for the Corn El( er'sj 50 aKilloran's, 41 see t anigrowing grain 46 Miss actory h pai �r has dcided in fav6r of ;the town. Alis B. Watson's, 51.' dr. C11 Lr the Me! nd i treasurer ot ; equally as much success as an - of � the oth- disposed of big pr ctice here and e rt, the veteran agent o undas and Mr.- At vs. Ca I intends re. St f th Onta o 3g to Brooklyn, -New Y ork, is in(or- M year.—Mr.' John comp Is pfe. e, �t setil —Mr. Oliver of MinneA mith, st65, ers, unless there, is a. prepond rance of the movii Life Insurance Compan id. o r Irvine have been arc und collecting o%te for Y ollowing !i pKiT. ihe e up with spending a short -time the pxr�ital ;he pat r a at inie 'The f the, tot�d roll attendance o the Social slid physi at over the me tat ; which rect ; it is also in orrect that -he has resi gn- vill a visit on Friday last.—Mr. Jamq tO Rev. Mr..Pomeroy's driver. They succeed- 31, itj old acqu'aint- Conti roof at Motherwell, reio ew litjq�ectar Robb reported hav- )ffiqers Ore for rig year 437, consid-orin 11' h rdly be ; -or in other ed his office'of H( use of Refuge Vhysicimn, a based- from the Turner ed in 'getting about fifty bushels, which eaceships. 9 a , clan �a er has pur T% eD 1�; directore, J. D. in'r visited tie keral departments of the ottage on Swan street - - were pre ra. _miss Rebecca Lo IS teicbing! the - words, remains to be seen. The Young —Mr. Arthur Ke chen, son of r.'. J' hn eat the brick c sented to the minister.—M side J. Arm17 r, wr hristian Association is a grand or- Staul y,left here on M. whoal and found xtesrly Men�a C nchloi or,ig� George Black Ketchen of Monda. , to Mr. arks,the genial proprietor of tj Le Robert Gray -has. een .; away for a week Brittorr school for the I Ial nee of tb is year, mwork. The'trustees have Dr take the position f foreman, at the ri- ffice store, has added a new line to A taking a well earnee rest, and visitinj her dain, eke wit _iSti&n h' rge te throu ganization ; Chr E'lideav ' and. Ep- po was decitled Oat for nexb year t1ley -will Change worth League, likewise. 'Yet do they meet cultural College., Guelph, under the rm &I (A y well equipped' Stock,, he ha -v' and other ri latives at Grand end. lark J. Bitton and as t 6 0 death of Air. James B -nager, Mr. Rennie. In appointing,,,, r. V of StaterE. clasaification, =d have the the requireme , a of the h' Doo tbe� ma Zineau —Mrs. Ells etc, A. our ? !a_;;�enstssrs; homas McMillan. I A. Bo ed a large stock of tinware an _91omon Bell and Henry 5timore, �P. C. Pa eorge .� e tged as mN �afld Mr. third ant! (lepartments doing the was L9 an! good young men atteE d these as the merits oi the. Ketefien the colle �e 9 and Miss'o'ane Bell iave be Island, New York, will I _er- uthoritie.8 'have 'ade a, which he is disposing of en away visiting el a oil ternp same wor, nd the fittli and sixth depart- Stephei is manager. Ali organizations ckll, for? f not, why notf a good selection, as be is a Arst 'class nian Mr...and Mrs. Jame Bell near, Drayton.— arice in: i this. .1 rap Y. tchell about thI intiddle of teats takiur- the same work. This system I'll answer, -we will say ; It pening in a in. every respect. —The skating Ank was -Previons to Mr. Robert Brotherston and month. Le -to town last, �%�e"ek, not half the izeol, this, open for the first time.this yeak ou'Mon ay family leaving for Dakota they were waited Wr —Mr. Harry Balfourj of the 'Thiame8- is designed. tt:, oi�nabl the best wor�kera Briissels. hey iet prottiodon inore rapidly than t night and a large number of young people d who presented useldale, had a very sube 4n, where a young men's,Liberal club hai re*-, on bv a nu NoTAs. the teeting of the Road near R, I - the present niode of work- mber of frien a .—At M uAl parlia.� attended. Sbouli the weather con -lie ternoon,, Alight do imi c. tiDU4 f -a-, s.—Mr. Colin McArthur has sold cently b6i�n organized and a inock Mr. brotherston wi Dh and expensive pair of Wroxet U1in C U the ful woo T -a lay af the (If cited : President, week. 111g, IC hbe ating regularl as hi' Is m being, the south 125 acres of lot this �;eek, d bee on meat instituted, a bill was -ii itroduced at vorable, there wi fur mitts an it 4f overshoes, and at foll wi g offi oers we the ineetings, adfoc6ting he last winter. —lvlr sk npbell, 2n of o icession 9, Morris, to Mr. Join same time p d Pit hisi amiable daughters R. Roo a ;, viee 11, T,h F. Mil- spirit of op. A iolk j�7 one. of le. Car resente presi( omas —There is a lively Ii 6.r.i, UTE--;. — The annual h I r( ed, for the sum of $7, 000. This is t] ie rairist the licensT putting in . of an electric light plant. - Sd Dr. CaTripbell, is home frorTi Pbilade$hia §_ with a nice tea set . We join Mr. Brother- the e ci izen ag ter ; t ecreti ry an( t �eitosixrer, Joseph amon the e t ; Q I I . he him s 411tertainuient of our Sabbath deep wasthe interest in this debate -that for the Christir D,,days:—This (Friday) be d farm in the county, even if it is a, liar In. Mitchell, sa, Christma ston's many friends here, in wishing - C9wan co nittee, t Laid ement, T. Rae, g of ;a oil gg wnt.—Things are shaping as if Bruj- uncil. in the basement of Pe f t�hoe, 33rd batt ion ro 10": Maysi" ha(L the the, town has decided to pul in a plant� evening the mem r,; eor _self and family hap ?ineas and. prosperity in Bla k, an A b Pa fu i0s, Thomas B. rd ntl lith g. �"e aing,i December 20th. Their next quest ion is the abolition of stat. bawl- and hosts ve an electiQn this year ch on Jq 0 0 iling people will set )ing to ha o IS vel es sup alt I ij �h no candidates are yet in their new home. S�ndia iL-ndjThom" 0i e 40ii a half � day's �_Mrs. dancing - thi 'be the field 'local sports sue- er I idence enter- Agood prorrCalliaie -is being prepared, a d ute labor. This organization has the spend pleasani I even It the misfortune to have ill .es 41 zt, cently, four f Christian Endeavor Society of the other aftetnoon,j aW a quantity of arty appro nnual ball .,,s.ant evening ill X val of th. best* men of ing the eveni f the nd's a . confidently be e. - porfand.he' ngham. coseded in-' b)ita and one part- ed the. and t e result is a wide supp gins is in n- Mi IV I e chur e an all ors ace a I (in _11r, James McF'Iwing, of rainer- the town, ead mild ri� - I i 0 LOCAL BRIEF7 v.Mr. Jansen, Dur. ridge. --Mr., lrill:�orn, �,� iq will' open, out in jewelry stolen. pe on this eek ;uding a mee ing of the Mi a y evenng, in the church. It was oit of last week -in the village. interest, and unusua Sv ces . $ � a Kow i' d �j (Rev.) J, Kenner Of StatTa iship- ham, exchanged p 1pits with Rev. Perrie the nel ahill .1c with a stock of —Mrs. Mr. INIC g t4ic;ugh -comparatively a, bat's the matter with the young men.of Exebutive Con of the ioc e. of bo bessant ai�d instructive.—Miss O'Co-. od an groc!r 9 W ' in, Ue other rii'ght# as: town on ped c ey Ilot Up last Sunday., Mr Jasen also lectured ift d 9 oming down stairsi, I e a promine 0 sprainin er erwise bruising: Seaforth ? Are th wh urch on Mond h foot a4d oth bai; become quit n o date? D ich he is a mi r.—MiseBellaBet line, no 's'lwncert was a success in. every. way, vaung rnI, I ay even- nd T t, a c rin home,j and attendw ;-itj,- m of tjl�t pta of the country, ha* or )eing about a $60 house,. which is the Presby 1 1 E ut n, ving they lack the eiiargy and enter ubject as Rooey, horse ot serious prise to L. daugbter of Mr. Bethune, has accep ed a th re ing. His: a xperience of life h �g to, t er im John proinote, teai er in the school at Fort good, ir a local concert.—A number of our t, n country eject ml �to some important positions of ganize a societv which *ill' oion as in Holland. " A c Ilection was'takei . up in b so the old c —Mr. j, D, 8t. 'Marys, hais sa. at place will tens attend t car loads of trti:,A.—As'ttree milk deatera come to tha rather advance the capabiliU6 � of those who Erie. The goo people of - th ied the Scotch concert cins.—R ;ain.- - niffton and Sanderson, esison shipped i35 1099-q- fiind Miss Beth e not only a good te Cher' 6. 9 han 20,000dD�ells. aid of the lepers' issi ev. Mi, Kerr, a far this a th last week and now they have a Ha I viiiRge every d, Consumers have Ion become conneete d with the to ?,vn ? The orr ents no least t- 9 a y Mr It Ir ached in the e ;bodis ti m9wn cattle d, mler.A, are buying This repres to tell. They were driving a fal- in. the coraniodity. On atwical and rew on' pille a - Of Wroxeter, t te well the Tory Gb er erit were Ing ower, of the rising buta most ea able young I d JL S; church Nat sat Rev. Dr. 'XIfford over- or 5,040,0W e am odds" McKillop, is at the - 0 - 11 . — go Xnox b ug ra"+ a sudden drop was an- generation are aot Such as will warrant Cboi D ospi*. di ing to Alderman Willis 8 iit� church� St. f 0 d wipoed ou,� or, ever it- could not r� —Mr. Chapli an, of t rowr eve ched. n Wrox ter. 9 bridge the rig prea ''con an -1ren tz olied a ape ial Sermon -for; the 114 aced, hu� wr'6e received any benefit. their entire n1glect of thein.. Not only tat, Toronto, unilergoing-treatment. onei urping at Gri the glovelactory, reated his em produc ort the ntenancie Marys, preac ple Yea to 3 btoader M114 eador under- does becoming connected with and t in eto I. and that was the last seen of tjie I It Lppeara the lv�)rse of'one. v ak' of his e3 es. Tho: operation is likely t Dve 11 r suppe on righland Mary Camp, 801ins of 0 r Monday eyening. of one members of 15 a than is at )r enf took to, filld alone from Ijouse to part in societies 'such as the ��ne mentione Successful. —We are pleased to learn�tohat h esuntil captured by a farmer in the An 10Yste. ny,nslu- om by on Sabbath, t, itiot. themselvei i.—Dr. of 'd eedl eotland, ijoyed , ess e Every person e, our ia; ware men., oai it is n mc nea run Ingi rig a pady on g to to una, , 0 —Rev. John McEwen, no, t 16 m Fowler L Monday eve na By & ho, so, but,,u oct�inately, on ttirning to- develop the power of exprission, but in'- Miss, Cr sswell, daughter of Mr. G. E. Cres. r Kinburn, they having -of the con rmal secretary' n a vote Vvarda one g,'Ue, the sleigh struck one of creases confidence in one's 'self. Now, well, Tuckersm: th, who has been' coi fined. I abo iles. The occupants of t�e a Ontario Sabbath Behool Associstion, ple of thd Ale hodist a±,efjzat Mr. Ander: of th gat )n: on Sabbath, I the numerco.u� 1)ouldera cattered aloriff 'Mi would like to get,the opinion o,f the young to the house tht ough illness,. is conside -ably Its irtagconsiderable Scotch spirit, footed it a num r younj peo] Rev. I � hurch. e ut era of the late son a I L id was er e3i V iin If not 0, be;ter.—Rev. N r. Edmonds, of Presfb� i,and tr0l Mton where they got a rig and drove church. illiant 01 t tended ti conducted - a Normal Institute in Xnox street, -we suppose, to make driving as nt en of the to il thia ma4er. t church, Mitchell, on IV ronoilwy and TusidaY wn Olm Kerr on aturday. was largely atter ded.— 1%�, W ich tim hii phys icians hold �M lifortable �s possible, and a 'beral Club, r r genCral sp Ti na�� it non -pa -call it f erly Rector of St. Thomas Chur, It in to E jussels.—A new photo gallery has been however, waa Progressive society,. or, in 9 Rev. Mr. Gord0ii, of Toronto, is i isiting rtinfl, big He f9tt, snythin 1. this town, paid -flyin visit to friends n op �j Led. in Stretton's 'block, by Mr. Win, pes 'or big 3 Lifi� re(*VerY. 9 n W g0 d r It r e 'rjdv r n t ps t 0 0 e!� ec d nt t no le in 0. 'o W r er n It 'n gil' 3h �t 'hj d ja T Tj du T LV anted lee p elve G .4 o0