HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-12-06, Page 8warr W M 7 77 6 1894,9. DECEMBER THEIJI)TRON: .'EXPOSITOR*-' J! It is t After! a brief �ripped'theml of WIi ighpim, spent Sunday in town. --Rev. in the near futurei —TI e Independent Order of which i mI I eir 41 IS liament, their opponents haa I LOQX AT YOUR LABEL I of a NINE wilsor Cash Grocery. Gelorg 3 Buggin preached. in Xincardine -on of, Qpod Templars' hall has, during tI le past illuel as of ii,ie - eez, w 1:kile t e s�aIdl of all the . achinery by w1ii a 8 ub I a law A I I I ng iv re 1 ngj I could be mi de effective. A Ailkito I rI Those,who are in arrears for their sub Sabb bh last. Mr. Leatherland, of Seaforth, week, � undergone a Oroagh renovation, quiet Sli it at leven galhuri We have now In 44dek a fine assortment of Christ- occu ed, the pulpit of the Methodist church and how the hall is oredit to the order " she slil: :11 aw y to the I : d 0' t ie leal, Ill be made just -M effecti licilption to this paper, should. read this mries-fin�ot new large and selected valon v as At I r,,. in the ipemory of h F iy other Thomas Settt, Of kving -bi. 1 - Con Tu", er OUT 0 i iams Gror here -Mr. HeI Rance Sundaved in Clin- I and to the'burg. leavin bi. ross & law, so, long'as suffiliient machbiery- was put via rwsias* tincI cleaned curranta , C Those who are'not,'can pass it over is; New Orleans too itringently as' -t9XI., Mr. James Moffat is in Wroxeter at Galt, is visiting at his brother's, MIT' "John family an 8, All xampi f -de C Illaokwelre bes I in. motion to enforce it as a 4 e 01 rthing required to do Parties *ho *have' nclI plid for tbi 3 esei it, visiting friends. ScotVs, of this place. I honest and consistent ife, wl�h as 0 LUMS ; pure spice n even enfor ed, and, as a. pr othen crimi ial laws are its ink eas ep upo thos TEN TIM i failed to 16 ke vour-l'bristmas 9 vaporated poaches, plums case poh t, he cited, the wI 3nderh il work - year, by paying foI year and next b I ApI all at the lowest prices. for who were P ae uaffitance. y th ale. vorid� wil ta'ader. In aI Coffee ourstook is second I done, prohibitory aw. the taU of Brucefleld. Blue p ", "r lore the IsCoLiantlary, 1890, can ha People will passi �0113 ne, and we gd4antee sat ve t Her rema I were int 3 urns' church . by a (I IV right f�o A isfaction or will return I M Le( ch Al 0 lie aine. T le doctor closed hiis. able address No r hit BeaI of Seaf rth, NoTu S. Rev. Weal 3, f a !tbeir we h4ve stock 'of all kinds of r thing without see" It, tin es the uibney- �wo. years for s etery Tuesday con. ing a, flp 'sions, and as we Sell --�Mr. William, minister,at Varna, an ir e I II, ", I 1 7 g!a, strong* appes�l tp all C laristiin r -village. Rev. A. -ention is direct� ur an kin .3 spent Sabbath in ou in r It ex lian ed toward it. We f.�Inilv grocer-te I Parties Mirbo f A do this will be ollarg di Scott is having, a, W'ind-'Inill ei�ected at I cash Ot tra by a"a to h his of Bluevale Presbyter an church ex qtrieCi� for It do &a well or better people stand firm, and vote only for sue! Special Value want to call yolitr attention o4mr ou nan use c trade. Irlianient in support hi; redit louse, to be u'ed in 'the pulpits la�t Sabbath, -Most of t e ar- on t for 11 men as would vote in Pa $1.50 for this ybar d ware] a elevating Te good 'warin price of In 1& 3 6 week, frup and 25o. Japan tea. hursc r- ey ning, large assortment -of Vn .Just now in fine ile of temperance legislation. 8 411 previoui ye h rears. &in. Mr. George Logan is oing . the car- vesters ave returned home 0111. M litoba. NOTFS: - tnVEMT1, line dinner, te d toilet Set& we have soniath in ar i ar rul. Ch gr derwear for Ladieg MiAses a or 0 TM r. liv w " for quality, Shapes- and finil nished by tbe Endeavpr C ir, solos 'Parties two P utcrwork..-Mr. John Ailk head, yvho is -Mr. a ad Mrs..Charl. es Ov na, of the neigh kli rt Williams met Illow and 04 61 and' over in arrea dren. The priI6esi b swall tbi� 7 )ist 6ir offered in to� to viierc rend red by Aliss an y Ip )yed in Hobb ;ll to his -home r WHOLE Qre the cheia III - don't fail Tra s�ll " d Mr. e a' hardware at Is iii, �ou were vi� iting old acq aintan es, in , e vil gether I d , )ent an enjoyable n ,.)i u ., son ; ifo one con I possibly coiy pl�ai them 'Mylng elsewhere.' The highest W. G. Wi lis. I ad better 16 k�o -wee r. )vens ind M n, has come home for a few w i b.- ]age S efore, The chair w is occupied by 0 t ook at yout labe, a, eM' re' las i k.- M as for] nbrly a evening. 11KI illiaims were pre- e87 I i e 'chai This, � e pr -^,t paid for at in of goo(l, produce dressed to'Etay, Che, e and sentdd W t I a c ou;jel )f, irs. at 15, 20 or 2- for a Ladi the pastor, Rev. Dr. rn- [yo rsel es accordin y. e Bluevale, Is McDou Id. A'hearty iind" gove o 91 1 er has now apparenti C olne: clibese i taker for- the iturko-%goeae,dLIckiI and chickens wanted; also good 8 but it's really surl rising -what a gg--�oa 4 r 'th Butter ompany.- Robert K . .. . ; Jthe sound of T, 8, togethe'-.. ing spent in a smkLl me u e, o � 'the esteem in U P r and Wi I.G.- per dozen for vote of thanks was tendered the speaker e y qu W9 for 125c. Mr Beal - i roll 11 pay mber, we 'I ality we sell at I; goz)d le eggs, for his. able address, and the hiusicians the increased traffic and business, - ake the TTho nksgiving hol -days m ith his sister, which th Old 01 iple e . Tkey and alre two for 50e has all the warmth.�;r% Ing Ali TOTnERS ite lively'inj our villake.-Oar mer- Mr erbert Barge of Owen Sound. their fam y re- 1 ��p h this week bi' Publisherilil �C. 1 WILS, I I ON Seaforth for their selections. think a qu nc ve e r 1 properties of tbe TnOre ex Ive i . I I ised i Bank of Commerce Block. chatas have their�stlorea wellfilled �vith and will e niti cb In their friends article., and udgi g from the aluti- A Cr.riNj�-a Hvitox Boy. -These Huron I i� the 4rill Mr. Browiv -%I I- 'ties anCiit�tractiona for Z It. e.-! ei Pr early nov -this, ho4day I around t o d b"M I ry jingle we have sold, the T)e 'h�ve :acp 7ith M1771LIqu oun, formeirly be sle gh b IE i!s ain e ii Me- ty OPI to the surf -v. I - . )Dressed H a t fl'� 6eaforth's boys will come and make gaged A .-Rev. Mr.. Reid, a friend' of Re If y want a e py of the Canadian loft d. -Mr learned how low ire zellilig 00d machine i- ney sr., rrie week" in,,s, Tab �V -e- r, rwining tires imig r,. is visiting at the manse 't Sk We men- Ey a Robson, a 9 for 66 Ong time iv a 1. �k Otlothing elect r el, Underwear. their mark ivhereiver thei a6. te V1 ui ire4 �lmanO go to D; S. Fan t's, Zurich Post.Office. Whin Largest House. 'K gine. I olqt ent:L -Mr. Angus Gordon has been su4rinl� 1460-1. tioned lasti wedk that Mr. T. Heaay�a Mr hottia has a I& ge ood 11ative df Tuckerarnith had. beeri elect farml,. *ith g ebry fort ible Vlftildin'S, E A ith kangrene. Small hop A LiviE r gy,iof the firm tf� 7 f -1 t Passing by the U, ad erw—,ea'r, there a �ile� 'When in the �istory of thia establ a larI � stock' - of I horses cattle and pi a, 91 - W�__ IN ishu�ent has sheriff of Pickenson county, imisaii. Sher- arepatertained for his recovery, 3terner & Wing, having is used of his interest bi. -C If P.187 m As TlIe, Presbyterian -the Arm in clothi. beell at m& low prices,'the- people Seem 'good crIl6�� tI season. Hiniii If the business to Mr. rner's brother, of box6s containil4CI:llildreWs , vool such, LOW �ff Robsod has a lk�st_ of frie ds in Ithis see--- and bad'a e� all edeh t'INE GOODS for Bros. . This 0033 rega i o this 1 plac� W -and sIpal to VoA 4on who will u * t th us 'ift- co igratI I and hi� iartner juit purchased �-:the thre future w�ffl be known as ern6r enter- grega i - 00 8, 8) 0( iii �e wiL tree, on Midav wi nIng cem- in Ithe rm keeps alwa on li�knd a large and com- *.r heLse goo, a are in pretty shade 3 Vaid ing w A d outfit aftet Mr. B -r got . there, v :MCK1110P. priBing Men's good s. stock of general g da, fresh and cheap They g -pare y the win �r,I Pants, 90C ting, him on his snece& H� is a n aphe f ? 41- sh,�pes and are also 4ery inoderate in I I W o . -- LA ', I LANCHOLYOCCUERFMCB.—A. very sa a ber 20th. No pa ins �re �J in, pants, si *, M 8 good reliable hey had a very goodis ason's, work. 3'r. 9'serteo also purchased 1 stook of Dry Goods in Oil . I . -0eighl,or' to laetvvy T% ee en r. W. G. Broadfoot audA%ks. John Robb, I t n c, pe -)ble of the ood make We have it price $4ittS, �'j ; cas, beautiful Frieze Overcasts Brow affa I occurred in this townsbip,on Saturd y springs and have remov M it to Zurich, where they You' - rice. Cip in, 11'14,e� T e. wsruith, being a a of th Ar eldest n skys that, despite the low pri Navy, Black an are 8 var Fawn I$ mo Ing 'clock. 01 M Ile Y, re Fiawn, 31�qlz 85; welk'S lfri,ze Overcoats, I it ke r last about five 6 Og at greatly red iced prices. A call Solicit- it a gran(l auebe,w it An e aeus veand ied -ardina), Nall, ood or Aj ; e anim�, cone of C The priee� l ke B-16 $Vv, ers a big I any:in.th* 14 e: both B�y,s suits front $1.50 to,, ter He -was always -a Smart Ilad, and this season S gy OP wiln give the Mimi- 'no 13itos.,.the nopl''satore, Zurich. progr i8ling rid ings, ecita- and mixed ors. c R ilium wel kiaown t�;In to I. I'd. witL E Overcoats,!all �hen quite young was givenl full dharge.of toba farm li�t, and 6,11 who w Ere M 60-1 )eils d I prices, all sizes, all. kinds. tions and i lialom es, int 20, 2-5, 30, 3 n4 50c up to $1.40 t pre t ty shil� ',was burned to de4 h. The -old lad rp I in, large grain and stock faimal in Klinsda (I not hopelessly invZ6td,1 will be pu 14,56-12 an wh ]LOCAL ITEMS.� e Gospel Band will 'vocaland, istrqijlientalmtsie� lain ca rse of -he fines was about 92 yeaifg;of ake, was hvi for t Wittiest thinj -�.j religious meeting in the town hall, i &eparati c n. S:c rqe of t bos- i" local talent Pl�kARD GOS was thus placed over others 1 much older' il�L 'Well on their feet. al itilk house, on.the'darm. of her son n hold a 04 Vr a g d r af n t t I a d ba I g. e y H to r L d 50 wd e ptnI TC -et"ey, IV _7__ Lo rs and experience, and now be has taken on Sunday evening, I)ecOmber. 8bh, at ei isIbeing I o ocared, and A'pl mer d goo time sargaln ry Goods, House. yen ght i Clothingla"Ad 1) Qn the shelves are P. giI - al 6x e a another up*ard step I -which. show's the ap- TfiE iATY, LiTraukity.I W64- e bh* concession. .,-H is suppose a th t any O'clock, . All are in -v itb& to attend, as al; big is -expect! 1. D' 't iss� th'i i tre but) labelled 10, 15 19, 2� 0-9 35 I011 in Seafort.h. nesday afierno4n, �il liehasembly hall -e She,' 6d, on going to bi3d, put) on a big fir' preciation in which he is held 1ky his fellow ,at la 01 timq. is expected. -Mr. iDouglas, who has come On -1 COM4 all, aucL,: vpl assure you ffigh 1 wh�k d on these contain A full ran re) of asion e- uring th�`nighteithertydefecb inthe a e was elected few y6nIll ney r regret it. inter 10"Ves Coliegiate was well filled t4e occ citizens, a la �y a majorit been in Minnesota, returned home a - ------------------ Of chiii by or some other cause, set fire'to the y in u lof the Uteri Ladies' and Childrou's Winter I !�) I houl daym intlendsito locate in Dash- Dztm 1 0 F 1% 1 F.S. 11 '(8TETTf.Bn.-Tbe and Al itts' and those marked 611 �86, So�lety. Arnong i hose present c6I be Her son whose house is within a gjndepe�' pi t, of last e as a i,eterinar surgeon. week 600 over his opponent., who *as donsider�,d g t6 first reg lar meeting ry i ago� He y 95, $1 and'$1.25 are fillod with t fine V 11RDER&L strong man. vood; and practiz New. H� abur fewl As �f hers', called on her abbiat nine seen in anv of the, ex -ii:iavils of tI sche DI. I TC Q1 I M , 'A J, - made 15 -15 assortment of Ladies ntton e LL an(LE o' and at that hourshe had on a very The newlyeleet,4 I resident, vIr. Muldrew, goo� use of. —Willia in Wurm'has secured it 8 bf Wved �vife Of Mr.1 'd Hostettler, Laced Kid GlovesJ G�Aie beside 1he of re- -E(_%ioxDVTLLr. (nEs.—Mr. Hu"111 Ale- ttrall, The best, s46 t and cheapest WaI AlleA.Lthe chair an([ filled it - well * A er big �i e, d he cautioned her not to keep e ' - C Ewing, reeve of Palmerston, who -bas been 1 . I an Situation as clerk in a stpre i4 London. hei I b. Iie grim mon- is -y Dominion Express 0. - ! 891 such She th of Wilm_(t,whol�ucbu 'v%iinte Hosiery Jor ring the pro I I mit woney is b in coustant attendance on his inother du routine busin a grainmel Of I , big fire on. was en. preparing, GlQves ' the tarsdisy in r ii� o Th. ster on, ii, I � last week.' Women, Girls aI Boys. e piice ItIOI eL evening 'w a me through. The site- to retire for the night.! He woke about Oins :,g 0 the past four weeks, left for home on Mon- th of good.stockings runs from 15c up to TE I FdR OFtDERS. cessfulandidates: tvere calledon fo d. fivb`�' ninday morning and'savi that herhons; B ela. Her* mort a I _repi4 ns e t 'rest in the RA S 11d4y. - This was necessary on account -of the bimete I ad le 0 day afternoon =d under Was �1 On fire but nothing could- be done t6 Burmzy ITE-ms.—T fr. John sson left on' Snider's 69c per pair. d k' c meeting of the county coune on Thursday. dresses, and Messrs Muldrew an the pr nIcle i0f a .1 at t V friends who and taphens, and Flannicr p Savo, her. . The house NV Misses 8 ,as burned to the Thursday to spend the Christmas vacation over $a td $10 His wife, who had been hen for,& few days, had gath ed �0 P 'th ir last tribute of On a counter close by is great va ty of 'him. he gr01 I d When the ruins' were guson and Over ,,lU to �O - We had ex'ce'llent dd eases, 'dealing wvith seir�hed the at Naim.—Messrs. William Fer o p c iiecompainied school and im I ietp while Ole otiei arred body of the old lady wa's found. Robert Erwin have returned home from —P lr. Andrew McCaa, of' respect b he 7�clw a one.'I out 35 plain and faney�`Haaa fs, in Ovor $-20 to &30 - 1 L _­ kerchie Toronto, and his d ghter, lRrs.(Dr.)SIoan, I a�,( , cease eu!"as M a Morn- dSilk ; Frillitigs, -T emains were take to Bluevale for in. Kettle P t.—Mr. ohn Milligan, of Kettle Lawn Linen Over 00 to -'40 - 13c who came upn -to the J ibilee 1 �ekb�atjon, left Officers in'shor bul we worded Apeec es, r Fjsrta I me -t N I butig a1ka opened Corsets, Embroid,eries3� Laces, Rib. 'the fie 'ol 11 for nast favors nd nt o n Tuesday. 4- int? vi. 20c for home. on Tuesday motubl . Our peo I e ter Po ted friend here this week. —Word ressaill . 4 0 Over 0. to $50 thaI I a year�. er she bons, Buttons, Tri�nmings ana, a d this we k of th16 narrow escape 6 LMg a e r Mccaa, ce made -th( ise for ille future. he a an No, blanks to fill, out. Receipts given. were much pleased to have I from rowning of Ja es ind Alex was marr i to e IT uIr 8 her of ends �of I Silks, Velvots, Ferea purchased at any hour He :,a the. only sur- proceeidings were Is liveped by musici b th Stanley. Money orders can be more in their midst. I I Mr. Davft Host ttler�' T e cesI Id was i In, who ave been ngaged at Clevela�d, shes and trimming materials - 0 stratimi (A the da. viving member of e first session of uril vocal and- in tal. The Misses Pick rd D $11ANDED.—The Sun Grange, which a( he filat � mr, d will -be mu se plushes. fishing. e boat o which they were, the agreat Some of tha% ­bliiets and church, and has reacl ed the mtriarchal alclrei and Punbbard ave well executed solos., he. for A held- meetings on the' 2nd conces. toak fi ly !T y r h ci le of riends, utin er own sold at Al 5( 'up to $52, per rd.' the pianc and the latter on _h a LD J. MACDONALD id its Harro at night'and those *on cl f l were RONA f 83 years. —Mr.'G( orge S roat, a formerlit former on e sionfil last meeting 'on Taesda.y last fair lily I cle. The: de4 as(d i The prices now aro 50, and Per - board b e y escape with their live J� s.—The R. Iticket, telegrapt and Dommi n , esident of this villak e die; in the hospita-F violin; Mies Tena Stephens sang with -m ch At 1546 time this society had a good mem. r scholars f the get odist, Sabbath school tirne.a�reddent�f this vibitkity,J'wbere she itxpreas Ageat, Seafortb. I . expression, "Sayalarevoir, but notgot ber-I and considerable interest was mani- yard., at Chicacro on the 16t i Of 1�:)vember last, servedi i es eited, and re busy ractising f r their Christmas i3n� wMint"04 and! de of a int ded to pub� ish in neat pampt le.t. bye -," Miss Edith Fowler`game a humor its fesWd in the work, but of late the attend- a� nu nerow rien i i will reglr I idi h and It i en I I � t rtaintiamt. A programme of rare ei4el- FOR CHRISTMA13 a i �ic:6 Asort ancc I : sl�nd and tion read at t�e jubilee, rovided a at ffi-L &a's an the interest hai i been steadily de n reading, atter which the editor in -chi f d ll has been ge)ting gradually smaller, I form the historical sk Ach o: the congre ;a- sympathi5 a wi the bere�ved It new things suitaI for the 1:1 h6liday - ence is promised. The date has not bee the first copy of the Recorder, wbiah '11 be w f rom. 0inn e ho ell received. The next, meeting if at the meetiu� r ig g now' to, cientaumber of sub tal �6's un on Tuesday -eve ij decided 6n, -but will soon.b6announci(T.— f&lllilY- trade " wi scribers hand in tf. eLir w ched a the close of kii 'placie on the 18th inst., and the committee w khought desI to allow the society Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Clinton, prea. the- season. names to the 1jistor I efore the end of . `1 TOF.ONTO, ONTARIO very interesting sermon in the Methodist enBall yea intend to, provide an excellblat afternoons to me defu .---�Good prospect 3 for prolonged alei, h- �ico - I church on,gunday morning, —The entertain- ing -have stimulated - �he c4tt6r and sle gh.. iE Towss ip T.HrRs. —At a meeting lie uin ersig i d is 6 1411i'llig a fine It the English church- 'now two-darey I buildih 1A 4es" beat equipped. and most popular commercial programme." school in tho Dominion ; moderate rates; eyerything ment in connection Wit :witb� ood stone LIOTT business, and as a :i -esult, jbir. T. HillE s; of e Stanley cou il, held on Monday last, which raast-claas; writefor circulars, SHAW & E on Friday evening last was slimly attended, fouWatiou knd at e made rn co enleAdes I McMillan, 'el. e number of 6ounts for vices and 1444-52 turning out from his shops some neat,, c al- Loo -A. Biiijm. ---N r. John a la he, Vill Bell n easy rnis at Cos, r, ce an . can give su� ies of various inds were ered to be the weather being ni Dst disagreeble. Mr. kession lit a P ti on. dr further P. for South Huron, and Dr. McDonald, III iM owem as a ven P61 good sit 111. 0 fortable rigs. I i G od. triloquist, are good pai ;iculars 11 " I Dry Pierce's p' P. for East Huron,' wiWcithei leading me n- As.these will all appear in the town- pply wland a t iorI Proprietor, -o G. J. atherlih it and he affords great amusement. or Convey� bers of the House of Ca ons have be )n shil ptate"ment, shortly to be published, 1458-3 EDWARD CASH 1. get the beat -tea �dcoffeeatA.!Yciuii a 9 taking a band in tfie big COMP Seaforth. 1460-1 li�ical strug , e is uapecaasary�to give them iu,,detailhere. Sum nerhill. )ver 000 worth of 1�004 and :shoes —IS STILL BUYIN in North 'Ontario this w .—Mr. Rob A Mai i irs. Thomas Fraser, Thom4a Kennard, rnuSt be. so i t Is Onth reg rd I or Me tag See S. Mullett & Co's. 111key and Acme Seafo PL Skins, Tallow cott, seedsman, has been confined to �iis W�, am Rathw'ell and S. Sterho'g were ap- NoTEs.—Mr. and Miss Campbell, of Our. grelatf. I I 'L r sale 1460-1 i�? Ust week ual. Hides, '$bee and Skates before purchasing. In residence,during the -past two. eeks throt gh pou ed deputy returning officers. The bal- Wingbaln,L-were the uests bf Mr. and Mrs. was a rod I fter w el :bu Ew with us. an .1 edWfee I got a, Raw Fui s, The tea ' c clan a dial at bu a illness, but is noI we axe glad to -le7' n anc of Garr9w & Pro'udfoot's -account, in S. Lowery last week —1v1rA. Oles,'nee Miss People and'over' to —The many friends of Tiliss May Gil abrist Seaforth, is superior in fl3vor to ything I can get their boot and she we did ludeedy dy prices, and don't es Trom 1 91 and And pays, fair and stea. M were will regret to learn of he� death, which oc- elae,whera. 1460-1 covei The insolvent stock o n C4111 ctlion *ith the Halliday' law suit, Mary Hill, of Michi� an, is visiti at Mr. th ive emn a ains. A; times we too great b rg it when sellina in this market.. Laitd'has been b6tightimfor Mr. Laird at anto n6kag to -$3 was order,I 1to be.paid, Geotge Hill's.—Mr. Jack Wat i a had. a My to WA on M 11 t Is us ers, QuIdLeome, 'of enried at her mother's on Saturday Inight, -you, forget Winps.—See our new ihe of Whips ness ill th 2 fro the shooting match -laEt Friday, an I as the but Came can be put into shape of walking sticks. We carry. 51 cents on the dollar and the bass e rna liia�in course, thi were n a iur W 0 away" Deceased was ageneraL favoritI4 and Rt*n1qkilberthe old butter store, Goderich 9 edueted' 353 M I - -affle back after while to g it eir selgains 4t Some just a splendid assortment of, all kids of Cans, Raw' be. under ilia malaagemI6ut, Geo, ge orig at� amount when asked or a rebate. weather proved unfavorable a was in the very bloom of! womanhood, ibeingf wa's I came in to rice goods a co t i bRI � buy when -by e h IIA 0 g to; Seaforth. Hide and Whalebone V. Aps. Jousson BROS,,' Sea- 'Mr. H. Aft r ey v Motley, i In A d her de 1152 forth. 146011 wing, Jr., took part in the 11 ma ch The ouncil will im'eet aI on'Mouday, the held in the eveninE.— P nd are ring their Only 25 years (of ag-0, has io-ft r, --D in Toronto on Saturday i last - beti-leen be' l6th,of ecember, at I tertained a number of friends at a social families at and get ;he At .011. all we cannot caused quite a gloom, Lof nly in the fam- Wmmix—Five hu adred- cords of wood, Riverides and the Gore Njales. Of is pt hop last Friday nigI t. —Mrs N eh on: Bing- allow good go mt c n a Aon uouj3,4, the), are for bash, or 10 per cent. r iore alic wed when taken. IQ y- ret"urried t same day or next irnib yi Now. ily circle, but among be'- very man hpers sa� bain I aves this wee,, e !;of her slast spring, in the trade. G. VANEON(CiND'S SOSS, Woollen Mills, ea Ivers cllep,� te, 00 1460-1 the, � defen66 play , as vi ry s.—Mips Lizzie Cowan, of this place, parents. in Michigai where she parposes ind all kin Of fODtWel6f. It V pa; 0 come: ipnioyment of good e ihe in coropituy- J00 NOTE. tiveg Toronto n xet r the tim, b yow rubben f tb ts ing, one of the a: Wro 8 f6r the, boi the In ing side and friends. 0 fi e Wing being most !prominen III"— he rusticaiing. for a fe W weeks.--�M rk. andbuyp rsbo f ektap ig an'! I UMMer, OAS tMRARY -k-.,-D HAti, LA e CTIazier, _I a I o n. I ivith her, sister, y� took a tii to� s.=Call and ex ti i It has rI reputation -for !fine ne dle- e you from C tot 'n e ols av 7 , pair, ae mig 9, they are cheaper e now been Witted qf which an Cording it arld pu -As Our goods 'anitoe our stock of the ab)ve oo,, Mviti for of Clinton, i� visitin Y in this vicinityL—Mr. we will Manitoba, to 6pa 8, ile with -Tel M the the worl young be to Ile, qua, t tha# ever and thequality firS -01 J01ISON 8111,01S.- annual ball tinder the auspices of 3 rd J. Ra pson is on the sick list. —T ie 6.1inua werb boug I at tikie bk price. t a 'a theJ i e!�Lson why there, but shortly &I rfivi4 there she, ATTERS. prcku 3. She recently made !1k yar a of DISTRICT M Seaforth, 1460-1 battalio' day' e e- Sunday school enter ainment was ielo h6re we on so sit ch woo' On ev0!lpalr. As -began to complain bf being unwell and cok n baAd, to be held on Fr boni �ou Ilace, which ha's been purchase' by morals nng ' December 13.—Mr.l! John MeTa ish Qu0ch V,ictoria. —Miss Clara Moffatt' and day evenii ig. of last weekL every per,-, tinning slowly to get e; her mother *az %Vclitylss' Felt Iinad Sk Ing Bal' on Thurs is miney made, 9 wh4 The mot ey a iv -cost on Friday and Saturday, don 'te , Call_ at O� lea aS A F.,msE REror.T.=Mr,. EfaTolt,—Allow in I)Iack and tan, at I h one to-Maipleton, Elgin --ountv, wb re programme consisto of Vocal ad 1instru- e III them Out Decomber6th. aud Mi, at Rion ItusoN & Mr. 1ames Moffatt, of Blytl, L were the fast and el lforI All one Me ted to me telegraphed fof a couple weeks or so ago. t our.pae to, correct some false c Ught ine "[Pace in y Setrth. he will be engaged in butte�. mental music, rI ions, dialogues. etc. reque . d � twd Cal and #e their pecourite at She at once -went -ou and, istatentents that have been circulated in re- 1460-r giq�slts.of Miss Maggie Miller, A � Cat oss, B en0all I e Nevu bro er on as I -leavilliff 'Years. Any home. She was So ill" h -'er, on the way. ni gard to the building inter seAson,�Mr.' JobnBell, laun, ry- recently.--;Aiss Jennie Gibso a home roin ng to wev tf f Tir akas,� the w' a The 0hair d by A-ev. A] r. -Stout, LARGE assort ent 0 it' wis buy N cbmf table dNyell ng Be _of mLy barns. The re - and Stocking Yarn at 8 and ie pr=eedoccup�oetknted to abo Lit $13 . an buy m I le at reasor le Caltlli se that In U 4erwear. Stockin , Sox man, of this. t6a, was maxried on ctoi—Miss Mary Miller has returned several rests had to I be ade. iAfter t is to the effect tha�t the granary, had greotly reduced pric s at the A Foollen Mille, Sea., to Miss M. J. Rolph of Logan. e ish W38FLO11. 146 - arrivirklig. here and getting 1 rested -sho lun- from Listowel, where she ha been greatl in totI A. G. VANEGM No's SONS. y broken down. jueice to Mr. 1460-1 :1 Mr. bell and his bride much hapPlues bene fitted by the treatmen:t she receive, I for Dast wood. LoC 4,L E;RiEFS. Did al i lug! now fair- proved nitwely for a time, ibut unfav6rI 9 on I is b6i g made Keating, the contr4lator, I wish to state that S ivE have ded led to do' strictly cah The -Sons of Scotland concert this (Fri aY) her o lyesl o—llle an a ly good it thia*secti i�' ed, �nd for . A symptoms a -gain retur the I tasiT itcithinc, of the kind, has occurred,. On the r - pleased to anouncE the - Innis.—The semi-si,nnuall ineeti g of the. buBluessafter the Del year,thoSo owing accounts ises to be a success. The seats ;Bvening, prdnk retU In bf the' Rev. S. G, Aderson York, 13, p use (L— A [at I nui i I or from. the vil- month she was very low,' atid. fever tqtrary, the job was well and uickly will please call and at, itle, as we I vl�ish to alose the ar,being we'll taken up and a good I lroT eople's AM, wee held Thurs- 90 to tbe f.mansel —Miss Jean Davildson D - setting in a few days ago solonarrie;d1er gi rf ido 6 t1one from beginning to end. I have also day 4 - vening of last � veek Is n t' E mwr. on Monday booksthis month. Ridel(ARDSON&X[01 xis,Seafortb. when tl e follow - gramme has been arraI Miss Munro I 1460.2 ;nI,'Ik Miss' McK - eve; tingi, aittend 6he M 1 Street Metho- away, notwithstanding t el beat of raing &Y, Of R0thsaY, spent ing officers' were elected , B. Pau ini, presi tT t, and if I re E e evening, San sgiving n disi chur" a meeting' 1, uk A -1r. Keatipg gentlema in every re- 'the st4r of th in tielpf, Oil I i . I and medi�al ski ieral on T f und 1 1 14 N " solicit yol" �' k weekwith'friQn& in tow in co inection. g patron e for Aame dent. J.Fenh,vice-president;Aliss orrison th al ee coops, crossout Saws, and Mond y evening, ancT dell ;hted. jall v -ith Mi g.or One 'to the Rodgerville, cet'n6tery, was _ieriy quire another buildin put Skates, snow uhovelei a and Turnbull, of Grey, has been the.� guest rec6iding secretary ;tMiss M. Snell, borpeal- ening the e church wit I the xt] I want ao, le�ter man to do the work.— Handles, Mces, Tile's wl)d Ropes. S.Mullett&0or. her of' the' The! er' other - I sweet -Sc(tch of rg. ive mI ora.ew a spas.— p ding aecretar� J. Hall, t 0 le 4 lea I a, w riving. a oun Miss reasur f y have the heaI symplat iy TTITEX� 8vvTT,.Tuck7er4rnith.' A. Young, Seaforth, I as -the Zklgarry Rich-, e noted co mid. t fijiesti songs he v' be ore staxtin r Exeter met f 9f' i ri"George Paulin and Mr. Richard Miller, Miss F. Snell organ.lat; A.Stelck, ibr!ari N Toronto, will also ive num ber Vostiza, Currants, Valencia Raisin i, sultan's Rai: insi singer 8 ber F.knn SOM-)..—The fnxIn on. the Cro two , lar you g men, will run wit I'au 1, vf kature 'in he ayf an -upset the entire community in thieir: sa AN as & Blackwell Peels, canned I lue Bet I ies, etc.. —The L. 0. T. A]. Will have an oyster ent 6f sel6letions, wbile Master illie Hays ill t Willert's ha% the -ating ti.--�Mr. 1A. L. 8 �nd gene I f pill qut, but rtunately noth- Inent- rink this sease on De 12i4l co-n6ession, H. R. S,, Tackersmith, 14601 appear in some of his - p ular Highl nd Gib e el .— Pte a y cember I ixig more erions occurred. Sp4ec services ii has been on th sick list lag rybo is - invi[bed.—The sleighing we y me Tji. PaPIULAit GRocEity _,%�vSD M EAT dancei..—Mr. Thomas Frase''?, of the ec n , Th Rey Dr. Moffatt of Ot and ar( having this N i ing are beiii I �eld in 'hi P yterian Brusseiisl Economy is one of t -,be main boom in ete o ars OCCIR roads to wealth, e ec a J30 "e vated by- Mr. Oeorge Sproat, and for so K &T. — Zeig�ehl d ie, the Tra concession of Stanley, has been ele pied byNilr. Htigh J. Grieve has and one of the best means of travplliog in that dirce- Ilecte gave an ir teresting d in.' oul v church evening il wee except Bwmns.—The -Sample farm, 'offere d� for - Mr. John AlcGregor, illage. Mrs. Reid, from Park- Is"Iry Mrb a -pu hased 1) cKillop. nsuranZee � connection I with &I aster in Chambers 1 1 Mal - tion is by buying your goods wherp -you can get the e str4$tive address -in the basement f the hil , wer Satar iew of and i I a e by the M t'.11 (I aci-neesion of Staxley for the sum e he gues�c of Mr. M. Fenn on in.1 v ey a d ' feel justiflid in nald 08 9 is. e Monday e ening the sac keilt of the Supper, whic f Sam:Ple VS. Me ilich- -wo hundred saying that yterian church, on Monday e Sa tda'y lai ffman has erected a The farm contains t wecan�lreyoun Itestpomiblev*lue.) better selection ould'not I F.Ye bee t. J .1 . Of best Value for your mon pa��y,. in place of the late b(nald Ross A 11r 41, the h colmson., in the suit o the - n de., Iasi tered at Ian, was not sold, as the.reserve bid wi a not wi b i morning -ser ice i� ad e,%,: and has Gia it a brick house and large Our Grocery stock is complete m4th choice 1�oods,; itT lur. iber shed on he �6�bhehlately purchased. to We have the latest improved frutt cleaner out, and! Alr.Fraserwill akeuvalublea& to It is a good rm and a lould bank barn., but no orchard. There is not a all o z r currants are thoroug the directorate of the comp my. �Mr. lal —111. Jonas liar ei as gone to New 'on litbaa t Decemb th. A special reached. u have brought the price. -'LO �: .. 1! Kipper r Y. f lat of wastq or unprofitable land on it, and wirly oldaned and free from Yorl on busine David Gotschalk pre patalkry 6ervice will I eld on Frida ar teacherf iiind stones and sand. Our new ourrants at Be per pou V1 cE 'tauley, ne ir Clin on one Rev. r. 'fo nd coI wen of 'as. children-a�ecomforta;blyllo�,at,�d in th, can't be beat -. good cooking raisl 00UND #tBOUT Us.—Evingelistic a rvices e 2.30 o'ciock 'hen M ev far as soil is concerned, there. is not a tI Clbs r 25c had i loved to tl ar end of his shop, for- aft' 1moOn', a L nice light coffee Sugar, 26 Ibs for $1 of Harou'ai prosD ous arme and r er- _,F Bayfield-, � i wItter farin in Canada. Mr. Mvfc(( regor has ;,table syrup at p are ix ow bdin'g held in St. Andrew's c rch merl r occupied by r. Paulin.—Miss Birk, Gri ha,m, preach —Mr ichool, ind all seem saitisfie 1. —Mrs. T1 gall 40c per on ; Redpath's g6ods 'and many other in-law of Mr. James Xorsytl e, Of Egm nd. JaT leek Pi by, of this villa e1 who h be,� Dark has. moved- int tow� 3 and- ocau ie& g6t it a a -very reasonable flaurI anit he is b 4ILe Rev.1 Mr. Witebell. Mr. Alit hel' e8 too numerous -to mention. Zy goods not �as ville, was in. to-wn on Tue iday.— r. H. y who has been visiti g in Exeter for some 61 - orn "ohn arch, 9 to, be co'ngratulEtte'd oil his par- represented are returnable and Isatiefaction triven. beft g an ardent, and earnest expounder of time, has retume The new ch ape idin k-h�imlber of 'the at ihs'�old the dwelliiag purchased fr Mr. Veryaeke, the w II knowii Euglis i h rae As we hae decided to give up thelcrookery business hot ie in the plain tr*ths of the gospel, good �esult enall, Engla, returned 1 home Wynn, on Frederick street. On Wednes- claase. He takes possessioa in.Alarch next, buy'er,left here on, Monday 1. lat for I is 11 me. a which is expected a be completed in about and it -will be occupied by big two brothers. We are givingthe biggest bargains ever offered in an ow from. the meetijags.-7-- eight or t this wee] Miss day the barn and contents on the St town, everything in the er okery line must go. Our in old London where lie expects to eat his tiot ail Ito fl en days, it be opene&'on Decem- C accompanied )yj his noice, d faria were burned. W MeF roys al In. Iaddeni 41111d Mi Oennie: Mellis atten6d the Methodist ber 2,-Jad. Petty's! maxIy frier ds are quality and supply of free meats 4re up to the mrrkl* Christmas diund. ..He'to)k with' him It A re q -e him back I lookil lg It at aluX Dk-ky- —An im_- as usual, roast beef and stakes from 7 to 10 �tib ch r,,h olDeming in Exeter ast SabbaI an pleasedt , i ESTATE d ale Roderick McKay we e, tenant sea, some of them igh e oil twenty-eigbt hoT 1 1 _ r. cLean -the ibeef from 4a per lb. up ; ork a d pork _; ngs repirts 6 overflow hot e.—Wint has Tuci6rismith. and hear ter i trip, while feeding their stock In- ey-juir 9.. partaut real estae deal has just been com- pricedones. He will be back aggin a y I)a left here for Wfield,'wh re he equally as cheap. RouH B 08. 1460-1. d down in g( sNree Mr."McFadden fell througl the loft with a- t b 'ple ed- The.lessrs. -Coleman, of this pInce-1 nov settle )od shape,'calhIg out th New.Year.- L)Ar. John McDo a(,,qf WEST END NOTE .—Mr. Newton Crich, intends a etiidin the in er months.—A lantern and set it on firIs. ey la t ir, It lime sohl to a syndicate, represented by t e It utters and sleighs, an d brings out the of Toronto nivers ty, pent Thankagivi OF Or4110ERl;.­-Tbe annual Stratford, at one time a meiber of 1e ell 9 rv.1r, A. S.; Dickson eop e with them, � all of which tends to number (if o r vi lagersi it es ding- - ne r car. implements, 'grain, fee, 1, 1 and fbwl, - of Blyth, a(l \1 r. James meeting of the Seaforth auxiliary of,tli6l known firm of -McDonald Brotbers, thiesh- 'P at home.— rs. Di k,of Morriais at present —Ar. A. Bawtint ei -net b the; eon - i boo' business i mel chur 2 ve, with endable enter- burned. Lotkhart, of lAcKilIGp, their timbered rt� our. v Ilage. —Rev. Mr. ell, Wdnla�'s Foreign Mission y Society, for, machie 'Makers of Stratford and br 3th,!r of p visiting her daug ter. here.—Miss Mary rise, el i to the Afel- 'Dr P to. large congregations in Turner is visiting dlatives here.—Special P. I McDonald, M. P. E at . Huron is' d togethe and su� fe landi in McKillop.' These lan4s, tre Situ cribed tract for buildin n ad iiion the election. of officers was h d last AfoI the ville church she 8, � Ing I et, at a cost enough t) pi�tiup an 'el A light at ated on the 9th and 10th concessions Of Me- St. ndrev's church on Sabbath last.'—Mr. evening,in the baement of the PresbyterI seriouslv ill. -Dr. McDonald went from .3ere services are being held at Turner's. church, in Grey, awl the property contains G is now kept busy at his post, li�v-_ copd,,uoted by the pastor and the Rev. * W. street corneriii.,- This is; c n great of $297.x --Mr. Charles R had to Stratfor ednesday to. see his bi bth. obur h Notwitli s tan ding 1e cold,. and d on wil'th a his barn and contents burned last Sun - '40,000, or abOtlt stormy eveninry W. vas 6. Roderick Grey, of e an III on. As eqns. e interest is bein ver ten more our at gold for t. Inal j,$ood demand for sleighs I d cutteirs. M derabl' mpro and so cause W&S , re i agi)oq-attendance,. er. —Mr. and 0 sp 9, rillagevol: beinicely e. an would day evening, it was, froin- This i Enais Ivis, 6 Londou'to 15 per cre. one of the lagest :-near SeafoI left h,-' by train on- on has gone t re ta ce in the mee iffigs.they will likely be 81 evi ced." Interesting pa-: 01 u tt6r ap' an'e o Etrang- a lantern. Both of the urned buil' lug's and much intere res e — eal estate sles tha, has taken place in this pers on wission v ork, in C) W1 �dnesday, for They go to see fill'. . Mr. William McDougall's sale, on co Itnued for some time. ive it a iy local rea, were read' i were insured in the How* Mutual inqur- Tu ;day las a and v it it ra, to!say C t n of t county for soin e , time. �We understand by Mrs. Archibal( Sc:)tt 'at d Miss Cash; Mr. �Gray's br,Z�gbrswolh'o ip ill, and will - . t, -was well attended,. � and. good JCUNVICL.—The council M4 at Weber's W weie re onvenien(e ib is.-�-Mnl Robert ance Com any.—Reeve ` err is th pri Pa. erson, The secretary an( c ad a couple f weeks visiti a Ithe parehaers intend erec Ing a saw m SP alized. —Mr. William Cufl- H)01, on Monday, Novem r 25th. The I�at Clinniton ---�At i treasurer a r orts show� ng other old' r., is bu engaged in coil Wing he in- week at le county coun ep friends in that vicinity Inol. ebo of the Board of Healt was laid be - mi It III: aid Gatti 1v and inar6ting ed the an : has been to Chatbani for some . days.. r council meeting no actio NIl," t en xiliary -to be&ibg Ocid work and' .—Air. James Con - as soon is poss-0e. I H� doin a large trade in. hay in that fo' ide carp er wor of Mr. j�crris'fi new t lie t iniber Afost f the to be prosp ng, but it a earnestly de-, sta Ae will. open a baber shoI in the om-, re 16 meeting b3 the 6hai an; it'show- I rick chmond stre4t. It- rinaine the bell on Sand as the ch lud will be good f)r agridultural purposes that more of the wornen in th' in comnunit .—Mr. James MeGavin, well ed the condition of the 0 1 as to hoalth 1�i I , a: red e con- e -01al. hotel. Surely with four tonserial 9 and do ithe mat -ter, and after th6 timber.is relnove'(1, knov n to I any of this place, was taken to to bh very satisfactor aree cases of - resents ej 4 aranele both. 11 sidle not seem to agree o ge ation come forward, and lend a helping I here will lie- no n ubs I un council feel hke� tug me bers, and -show their Were as &I,. t d.m er4 copkIrenic r en- letting the matter alone.---�The sleigbi 'i gi comf3rtabl.- quarters last week, in the )h iheria and thrE e of typ Ad fever u, bei e; a4d a tantialtv. uil , ane til they ask for it, the h , id by becom excuse for ' unsaved faces and. unshorn di PACK r( sit-WORTIL—The manv g)od will and symp Lthy by attending the heads.—Mr. J. Wesle" Beattie' son of 14r. of IF Mr. Mitchell will rek.-ted,onlyoneof which proved fatal. 9 terprisinj 0 tt le.)�ayer y Thoin is gallsu- now, first class, and plenty of wo is. A � rs. Kirkm&ni who has John B on W coming into town. friends of Al r. and Mrs. JGbii Alen�, foriner. nonthly meetings. eatfie, v as married in �Onooact th.� s6rvices.in St.'Andre. 'a church TI e �.ckuncil accept d therepoi tand authoriz hom WeA fro n 0e old nex1b Sabba th. ne, ret I e but who, for the past five -e of reoident fbr the W�dneaday, to e e'd tl ie clerk to for ard it to the Proviocial c ly of this toI a. Imirably fined the i� Miss. Ann Button, of country, V here he I ad c vears, have re4ded at Roseland* N-lanitoba, %at two years, deelb !1d re- ecti Detroit, and fortnerly of Hallett. On i heir Boarp. A by-law , vag passed) authorizk a cc ni(d 6 large on,though Whwh,�M i hipment cattle land he e bad a ;vill be pleased to, learn that they are com- vi armly urged by the he -the nembeis to retekil return to town, Mr. -and Mrs.. Beattie will Lakrlet. th� following remu, ieration t4 municipal —The to" officials for servioes during 1995, viz., ery roup I assage �on v y ho me but, LOCAL Bnurs. speople were. take up their hot John back- to eafort4 to live. Roseland s. PD8iti011, and Mrs. James Archibald was lie in the residence form 'IyL �71L S A-lunieipal mat era the tr well. 'startled on Mond by the ri� iginV a e quite ging )I f sailor, e 8 ay eveniA91 fol owing are the. occupied by Mr. J. H. Pvper, just wei;- of in 10 herd, reev I I a cf Brandon. Mr. Ale elected in her place, The e, ely) xeter, t1. The firemen were som 4i;t withia nine m.ile. n Sh $45; Peter- McK qui wick township as t Mr. —Mrs. ne#, of. L th vil- of the fire bel lim been farming ti ere, and has. been very o ficers for the ensuing year: resident,Mrs.! Mr.John Beattelp. Th�ir many friends �Coo is not I goin to d6 uty-reeve, -$35;-Abner Cosens, James spen i Ing d sl- 3sful, 1'a� -A -A rehibald ; list Vice President, Mrs. (Dr.) in- town will wish I the young couple a 1png, the ieeve nd any raon and John MeCloy,councillors, each lage last, v !ek, y with but it was found their se�vi�es would 1: ot,be rs. Allen likes the old fong(r, and who the nirw r, ev4S i be her brot 1 8, the II and needed. It was just amall blaze in I ram - home �the best.- hey tire . now, visiting A.pDonald;2nd Vice Presillent, Mrs. RII`.�-- happi and prosperous life.—We are-sorz I y to 10 $35; James, Murray, treasurer, $100; A. jel y yet t 3 be fc und out. ' There are in Lny go6d her iiate r. -law, Alrs.'Frel onell. — mond's butcher shop.—Afir. eorge 8 $160, as re 'I, I y Mr. Win. I er was in RipI 'this, week, on had his hand badly cut by friewl in ffullcAt, �nd in the courae of.- 1,, '1 Dgan 3rd Vice Presidenti Mrs. -Kirkman Mr. W. R. Coutei men 41 the township that w�uld do justice vi I statistics, $15 mem. bers of the B6ard C5 .1 haye to state a;at G. Smillie, as clork, in le of ii i will settl down their 8.,cretay, Mrs.i is still very although his medica -at. t e J. 6 I�ealet See-, tow, ohopping mills. are e CI e recently re- in one of the new fire' �rs. - A. '�T t yet given tip hopeg,— 14n - e la Seaforth. SCOU ]son have no o tb 3 position. �usiness., i Nell i comfortable hom endari of alth, eacfi'$5 That portion of the w Previo s ta r t ry, Fe�surer, Mrs. C., shov� ng .-it through for four dal. �s in the turned froi ingers 1, her( i- he as spend- shard has opened a butelitr opon Victor Ie tvilig Roseland, the people of the'Preaby- W.11'apst Musical Cc ames Where is the corporation snow plow 9 'It hi ay which lies between lots 14, in the Th I h her 4 3t Mrs. W. street. There are -now se bu Itcher shops in mmittoe, Mrs. J, weell -at.three cents P se' E61 8 Wi erl r bag, ey come ing ver 1nd mediodid, churches there united Scott, Mrs. R. Logan Pianiilt �shou'ld be doing owe active a 7 a nd 8th conc�ss ions, H. R. !and lots x. Thony 7' 1 Institute Miss Cash. ervice noI here from yon plaices to get their 2OA4 H On. e are p14 a 3ed to learn town.—The Sabbath Se 00 dAd 25 L4 R. was sold to i William e` or R. ullard is i o- v covering uraday an� ri, ay to Present r. Itt-nd Mrs, Allen with a com- Mr. a is'now sufficiently recover- - J 'done.—Air. J. T. Wiggins, of Ford- R a James Finlay 3on sad Malconi McKay nicely fro ty, al!�, * ery severelAt),clik of bron- w that Mrs here,on Wednesday, Th I F i� ed to be able to 16ave his- room and we I.ope well filled purse RF.TUR.qED Fitwt ATINIT013A.—On Friday wich ' tax collector for I he east division of was well attended. _R in a few days. to 3ee I 6v. Mr. Mcl*,pn, rveo(rilitioll (if their services in connec- last, Messrs. Hugh Bro*n, eter; Andrew -him around as usual;— for -t e sum -of $115 each taking the part How ick, was in the hamplet the *other day, chitis.—Ray., R. NN'eir :con & ictei I special wboas taking ebar o switCl Ud Sklbbath sclio (ol Nvork Cutry, of Harp lying next their resbective farms. the ineeting iftrilley ; James McDonald, A b6.k 9 school is. to be opened bere on Hardy, services ii I Carl nel at arch n I ues bA and16ok in over one thbusand dollars. The- of Exeter, very able speaker. era. as aof their eati.eein for, jr. of Mork�is ; Robert Somers and William Alonday.—Majol Anderson is now eng ged*- the sum, of $970 for hWe �hall be Tr�worthy, of 'illop, arrived here' farm i . �s h e a bard time scraping up the nd ig last, wit I Mix eh eel itan some hints, about how b) better teach *-nd; I flo'oding the skat,g and curling rink . d if building the McLean a - Crich bridgeiii Aggie Mi r h has, f Us([ th� inwhage their classes,, - w' , iib -were h 10,17 McK mono thi year. - -We see the fart rs pass position -om Manitoba. The oAllen back- on I their way h ine fj til is kind of wea iber continues, the n 0 other accounts were passed amounting to if t thr91 Tgh h ie al ost daily with ho ,, to the $11,9.00. of organ in (1w appieciated. —The sacra L Ing W arniii char for X number had g' e lip on t YLL' Will soon be a po, 3ular centre The next meet III Ile held at n efit of the on he bary ast exepirsion .—Sleigbii g is Cliffifd at tion. e irice'receiv is from- 1 9 U n tj -satisfaction, Sup er-was o served in the Thi of years, giving 11 t p, b Presbyt�er�att onths ago, now first class ar A business in town is om- Weber's uday, DecenjIbeir 16tb, some in and bad been viPclrking Hotel on A lo :d her jr6signatH h h church last Al P0 tenip ett'alkibn whi menaing to boom —'A Weplione has )een V. 8 Elliott, 10 a. in. The coun il wishes all o ha, e congregat Ll on are Barry. to a C sis Sabbath. erAnce there ever since. Th they i Id as I ted r. M 10 $3.30 pe. cwt.—Mr. J. has tender( aI the 4iss of Clifford has. some case i of sick ek t, d wou "Itir In Ole Pre8by.serian. church o aturned, was crowded with placedin the e'ectric'likht statio.n.�' accounts against tb e township. to by Rev. Mr. M4 E�ven, condu d 4 n re th as boI in the viciaity, brought on he says not, were it not that Mik i� array cannot the services.—The &1vat [o � ts are b T" it' pieds of' the - Tufford left for ( -&It on NVednesday,to - ni$ viA 3- evenln'g, under'the us thernselves, who, having fini ilied w "Bit from istin straw. Mp. Eilio t them by above date so that the finano make it c Y iverkie coat n. u the services their annualself-dnial eek from Novoin- irk for 9 t i i a first- statement may be rl�kade' as, complete MI V who � ih very i re i ering; r. Gran i tu Endeavor Aeti ell at- the season, were returning 1� me fbr the 11I.—The bakery of clasq, eterinary i urgeon, and is n nearly she )has I 0een t, of ber 30th to. December tl� It i's ho Soe her sister, The lipeaker of t! Mr.- John Fairley at' berry, Manitc)ba- possible. le evenilify was Nvinter.. They say- there was p eu of work ff, 01 In' there dtir,' and formerly Thoiultum was a� the 'm in a this week, ill try to help them in tbe�g� of, ever rl case site �i -salftil in his treatment.— e%jeryone w ing harvest ad -tbre6hing, for all th is to 11., was des rove hi, u itud clear t%nd conei e inetnu were able a The iemberal'of ei � I , Independent Order of viiting b i sister, 1 Mrs. a erson.—Mrs. work they are doing.—Mr. I George Crui er, the doc- who nd willing to. undertake it., by fi-re citi Tuesday ni t. Mr. Fiirle'y's Go r I p ars,twe going to 'hold ai, grand H Illett. I Willis has en spel,, ding v e or so 'with i many friends in town' shanks shipped a ear load of hogsi t facts and 11 -ares; 6bitatied They report a bountiful hary.st in.all p rts,, i I sy thise with q their hall, .,ion December- 13th. C LLBD Hom— 17his week we are 11 d her sister rs. ell' a ai L- other rela- wheat more or . less, dan m a no, %m J I 'D can StI shipped. 411,11 the various prisons tilWhouses! of cor- bat much of the him in his . loss, —Mr. x. ilson ii co A week. M un 1 in Th be ais*1 by the upon to chronicle tl ie death Of Mar' y. = tives.—M iis BoI ha's reurned home car oade; of ca W ttle on 11 in Ontario, showing that the great aged by frost, a;nd consequently sallale onl Toronto this week- ednesday. 1: quist, of Stewaft, wife of M -. James Elhqt. Y. ta Air. S. Pearce, vdutrilc 81 je from Wi c xeter; Where _� gbe had been for John.Cargill, who bag 6ft ill fnr vi,kj ritv of (xiiiiinals their - present a.t Yery low prices. This' graih Urings; Pais ey; the saes -and M, r. R tehie, of was b6rn.xn" Atrim county, IreltilI and in several in) iths wit4rel ivesmid friends.— time passed aw n to- the li(luor traffic. He said it �on an average, about thitty t Blyth. 4 1 1 my o 816day mo Cen a per- Bel 'ore; Mr. Sience,of N� townst" Aft. James White -a Tues a� largely a wbridge ; Mr. her early years caff e to Canada, and six our gem nan, The funeral, o day 1 the Chri�itian people of the country bushel, while oats ars selling for sixtebu .. NOMS.—Mr. Mat Ploody and Mr. J. IS. Ednl6t ; Misses. 1 years ago ' arried Mr. E whi(K In SyMathy is f A. HallidA13 of the h in Iliott, after received ard fall on the si d4 0walk z a few ed. Mu It tifor the her wtvyerc responsible for the existence of cents. -Threshing is pretty well through,� McKinnon took part in the concert g iL veni Rosq iand Pow rs, of Clifford. -T �kese, to. -they resided in the vicinity of Smith's FalIs days ago, caused by, sh uring sev. McDonald, IMI P5 was spe PIP" 9 t hInstea of standing firm in ad althoilgh �here was n b, m ch snow in Walton on Tuesday ev6ning.—.:--.AA,1T ter getb r witIf. the'programme iat c be f for some time. In the pioneer days of t eral of hii i ibs, �ut, with It a ol timd- spirit Ing in in- St. homas -his eek a thei" deman0s for total prohibition they when they left, the weather was -ver George Higley is in �eaforth on Tuesd4y�ev&ving4-on;*_- col& nis moved to the energy he is getting a� nini R right.— perance.—,Mr t b alone by the members' of t;,*e order, county of Huron ti ey pre - and Tobn PatWe&Iii, well kA04Vn! I paxtY7710 come before -temperance. Mr. Treworthy had the misfo -tund to meet on holid '.,—Mrs. Kelly, was in Ethel- ;his sholi be one I of the best concerts ever ent homestead, on the 13th concession 'f Mr. J. W. Ortwin Is our -prisi e in Blueva� -It wa not temperance men were, sent with an accident while there tea ting in a- week' visiting friends. ie) g mer- here, but who now resi e Will Po V —Re4. Mt. McBai of I fildmay, y una ch 0 an to We Houa,(- of Commons to represe�ut t broken arm which laid him u for givel ere. Hallett. Mrs. Elli Ott Was Of aver una an, re( ys 1 Co Is 0 -he ? _good was in t6 on Saurd st.=.fr. I I will each � an eaucat ona a on here on sumin nature, at pou ry I. -art of the ti e tirld r%m x -hift*h 1, a 1�; 11: .14 rp 1, P f- J. pleuri-sy a -ad heart trouble. r. Jo 11evP10, tlua,4 prohibition would bean, performed the duti it 0 14 UL -un 1 0 1., its wepk Sun( ay. Rev. Air. Harvey goes to Mild- which evolve upon her in a very lait I Cheeii V 8 0 . I H. w . f b ma finci driver,. ter , J M" Anderns n gopa job-as� woolen mil is closed doWJa 'ne'l He attributed the failure of suffers. Mr. Cur y struck an J. 1_3'lt .-Ue winte�-7 --The Foresters met. Friday and uscien iou manner. Possessed of brought a TJ e wa tford —Mrs extended visit to frien a in' .1111111. the 1,aakin,act &I the Se-ott act, t6 the soon as he got there and be lk-es 'the coun-! Miss Sauni, era spent giii� day t her homo 'K. . 11bre ox � III ro I d fixet t1hMt in nig There is a nice court here n, with gr at vitalAI lived her fo r s re yeaI Craig and aughte M 8 a g, r4urned, Ayr.—Miss Sadie MeC ht,* Of D00 as is- InTasaing these bills tbrough Par-. try so well 1hat he i ends go ng back again� Exeter. —A I-essrs. Perry and red Bradwin, g �od 'Iroapects of many more: being 'added sc eel know' g u lything of e an home late, from tin fX ieb a 'Up' north. the guest of Aillis Etta -R*s 7 J . _A ][a the p1aoe Which -we ak the times� see us. is