HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-12-06, Page 64
IIII71 - t7-7 IDECEMBER 895-91
THE. H' 1", R 0 N EXPOSITORG - - I I - IIndi .3 T, er ud beforeanuary b4e s4nties were house,-aome an obal Ily, must ie''-, rog AcGRATHS ]BAD b ri seg.. Be
ing men, so threatening was the be chug t and dealt th firmly I ut he U Aglorn -0rew9an Piano EVERY FAMILY— di SHOULD KNOW HAT BY EDWARD WM=AX T.MIPSON. 011tI60 fOr'lumbermen, and so -glutted with did- not m,an4thfi man o bitoom I hurt, lothes and alliet I Ifortb. the markets of -the World. He put on his c E BUYING Com any. He 1011, ta, AR P Come then,. childer," a Mrs. Mo. PetWo conscience acou4ed him every hour He reache-d the smokw-h us as no e there an took the big iron I off. - They but IiJi.lwas too stubborn to go ba�k to John orie in it there was a mp, 'thoug here i -ogs, Hides and TailoW, Drmed H I beep -Shrevvd mi wall Ow Dried Apple $ What we say is true, and orowaed around her, nine of t In, the eld- Ponti4p. Indeed, he sopn gob it.,into his twolong itches of - baco bad been I Ater, �g white -
Was noes of 1� A ni City kis� Tub Bu u
a b Aot more t4an thirteen, e younel t his 9ttloi head that the -old boss re- ' John F ontiae's -wife s w him go er to I Beans and FowL_ Mer hant. Everybod' k i t big'enough' to -hold on his yello- v sponsiQe for his'Misfortunev) an y d- be conse- the -store house, the door of which 9, open d 'ct and crockery bowl, i quend came to hate Mr. Pontiac very too, He, looked in, Q 3n stoppif We handle inore liAes of first," re. Two, f itellet Ewted back as if in b or. �-601 0 Pr Onr gece" citmonstratea tW, business an be The youngest wked M& bittei St tione on P. ftir, square basis, and be anmesaful. HE' V IYHAT WAS C �oa aduce than any hous6 on for, us continually getting the McGrath, and I�dled out a orticinof tie Aft e supping on his pipeful of tobacco- Vied together with a r Is were on t ic floor, ress i I in the trade ; call and we
boiled corn -backed, leaning el- and inside was 1% man R ing a. b g with Xreatcat share of trade. Never has our mastery been meal to eabh of t e deplorable dust,' eter Sat, straight E the market Iwill give ou bo Complete &a it is now. No other concem can sell eached tie' bows n knees andichin on halidg,wouderi flour from a barrel. ovs�an gi e ore e ce in cash or trade. i -when end .pri At the prices we caa and will; none can give you the s tjbls from hiab , ey had s i ung up, (IF what, 'on etw6h.was!"to beco' of them all Well, wellj this is a terrible t ing, -Ca a�lv a me In 'int r SP choice t so tine a line of instruments as ours, In Ab 9 Luatted again on t e roug I )or, they al ork there aid old John Pontiac to )�Imaelf, shr king large Jordon of-theiir iti '51doors and square or upright pianos,� or for church or parlor next I For a ! Man out of W et Pet- r McGrath amd V i t I urued their mou s in tastin t e mu h was r " a dollar of credit at the village around a corn otiltave 'the s _y of -fresh BeatEe Bros.
Oh, cann otgans and pianos Warranted for the term t �o eagerly. Then there they, aat, bl g store ,!, and work I *by, there Was only one my I oh, my? food as ia sun-irner and f i: indigestion South Maia St., 04th� -12 WE
h 6ney could be earn- He became hot all over, as if he do ffl t a orityi If E Y.
1456 of sven years. o..their bowls,'glaring into them, i ti g kindid work at whic a lie an. Tprma,_�K$5, or $10 or more monthly,until paid. d I;rf pt,psigl. a. -6�(aei_on I o ed in lWat district in the jwinter. something disgracefill hii naelf. . Theile was ill ttll me t dy in its inddeive, more eir oaded iron spoons epsia, i'both for Wj# big wife !took Number Ele'eres nob dy that he re more ith that curable What mn be more liberal, more To a VeZ7 remarkable anybo y V
safe than'to buy a TERNA-L and EXTBRXAL use, and won- t ate cautiously,- till the must bad so: v 0 8 ctal t adva , e i staies is aerful In Its quick action to r Jlieve distress. -V at cooled. cradl, 3� Anto the other rooi a, she, heard him, pigheaded Pe�er. 'Chat to do 9 He onto merc nt I will t must -said w 7 o MERY T
L D Is . R at mcure'for Sor�' e-de-giDbbile, it was thr6ugbtliethin artitiot of upright boards,- course; bu b how Jal-for 0 �'e A Gireat
As i ownluay PAINKILLER� 1 Then gobble-deagobbl. p unish him of his wor Perp,pnallyl run 1. Throitt. Couirl viiig round him with eleven� chil Iren Oh, my! eel lai sense of ight' �n the I AM
11 gone Though they had nether sugar, paste 1 over with newspapers, Mo Plarrh Craml . 9 MANAGER. -Cholera, and all B0'%Vo11'0*p'1T'N". or milk, nor butter to it, th r found 'it a in th flickering Ore -light -from the b,myl" Old John wist ed he hadnot been torn .:oon a�ih eal, I NV my Is. TH REST -rem- arkably excellent sample o' mush: and stove Oratin wakened to see this terr ble do fall. blood jo ;I ggi�l n. n py PAM KILLEW.,gy own for %e gil- 9. L i cil cu -bed only that, in quanti :en were all asleep,or pretending It will never do let him go off � � III � exercise, c e, In thb igL VETERINARY. Ickne 8 Benda %in business I caonot tak in ty, t had' been ThWdliild Chance 'Neuralula. ething more.. it; Xtimber Ten in the big atram, bed,where off with it, he Said q after a sr f stomach Back or hidlee5theumnatism If A I if gjit th! first e besi she If, little reflection. " I'll p t himiSo that he'll trll )le4 VV 1;UEVF,V.S., honor gaduatestOntaillO a tEW TIOABLY th�n Peter McGrath sat 4108 tbe'icook- 4ways between her, parents ; Num- ith S(otts S ji 1111a,, Ithas �e Voteoniry College, All diseases of Domestic UNIMENT 1.1 - PAIN-ICILLER B "IER 9 a girlobaby,' ber F Ipven in her cradle beside e, an 11l-, sl c d Calls promptly attended to and MADE. Itbrings SPUDY AND 1, '.%rANPNT RFLIXF i' stove, holding Number Ten, Nine cross-, know better another tim never fa It d fn e many aulmald tVeated. in all cases of Bruises, Cuts, Stivalpas, Severe Who was asleep, and , rockbig Number wise. �p the foot; Eight, Seven, Six, Five Peter McGrath, as be at re� t ie store. rate. Vete rinary Dentistry 0, a doctor: s bill.'n charges i*ode Burns. et Ierldh street, Z dooyr ]�'Ieven., whowas trying to wake up, M'I -the &lid ]'our in the other bed; One, Two and house, had felt that baca. i beav er than the . i 9 SCOWE Ica aF�lilla posses Its rn reaidmce an God Is the irell tried and rs Sao 1.112tt PAIN-KELLER Triend. of t1to npal r �d-called We office, Seaforth. low ated cradle, He ne er ook big Threezeurled up, ithout taking off their heaviest end of. the biggest stR k )f timbe k! tx� to I S stipeTior 6 all 0 111 fe.. P, a 111111 ell Sailor. and In. qes f Number Eleven; ..be coad notT bear misef 4ble arments on the ":looks" of he had ever helped to cant. H ff�ltguilty 9. I - - Ready 3lechanic, Fart in-
factrdl Classes 'want* It nle Icin alwas at han(% sars illas mtLde� - As aT1 for and SAFF Il1Wruajiy or e ternally wItli t I k oufid and seethe ni 6' devouring stra% esi e the kitchen stove. sneak disgraced; be felt th the litera H. GtB-.Bv i If &r dige P.n, rheu iati d strofula- devoting all Tr - 3M, PIMI cortainty of r6lier. orn-me 11 so hungrily. ?erbaps Me- M a j Ann knew very.well what P Devil first tempted I irnmear the ho* i n h 'a a eter was
Jillege of ware or Imitations. Take fiunlii but thogenuine t'llieo h agA )I ood aise:Lses, S) ys as state eterina y Sur t, Toronto Cc cap - I to Utalio Yet- *.PEltuy IDAV�S.lf Sold everywhere; c. big bottle. 'Q" St. could not, an he w*ould movil round for. n all suddenly--Lwitti his wn hunget I thitt i s w4s never kno Sold V Feen and Dentir She heard him groan, sq_ -t4ie dc,atIstS. Honor Gr&dU&to Of 0 #al reasonable t4,
Iallee, Honor memberof Ontario Yeterin- 1i t, -he was 80, obstinate, -ha e told, why low t he did not know he groaned, when pangs and thoughts',of lij s star iul family-. erina.ry f so �itle,.og all for an Istic anima)e e 4 pe dealers. i ax.y Aled CAJ goejety� All diseases of dome �t oaolleJd �y;the so e. He h I - yon th
repr ad he lift d off the cover of'the ineil balrel, swept him into the e-h9w e to steal, Oe difierent'
skalfull treated, Ali callo,promptly attended to . any weeks;:., thing hatever therein. But he had,consented to ve guilty for Til and d feel no do It ; he had said ds�y r night. Dentistry and Surgery a ecialty. f ry let ; I R Tw CaMPbQj 8 Twenty,yes, 6 hundr M She I actually be he would take flour too,- _hjj$j 1 would, be 8,E Dispensary -Dr. olas. office, Pouffi.Hu n JOHN WARD price.
d f ram the hands, a:nd f all. He witha ie hated -ed tim, day he, aten the meal out of the et seaforth. Night Callsanswere Oked in a dazed way it his bi I crac" to ake tbab last pot of was.so obstinate And 0 'hat all thefish h ow FAt Stock howe - tiey reproached him, too, that they bad nq I kne' is bad SRI d down in old John Pontiac worse t hag ev ir for n R1A JE SEAFORTIPS OLD AND b u helpig the ause ofhis a, L, mer were gone, that the - flou 1"10 R KS, REL-1A]BLE HAIWESS v r wa' e aco secrhim of 'that the last morsel of the pig had coming to this.' Then all� LEGALL Where is our smooth, broad-axif$ ban-- I alloL of a sudden he OPEN TO THE ORLD., 31AKER 10 St to the d te ?"'asked the " flagers, and why d6 not 'been �ten up long ago ; but he went to met the face of John P*tiac 1:)oking in a ach the t)arrels' as though -he could not rly of Cameron, Holt & fl 91) � i f G AUERON, fr-rmei the -wide the door. The -South Har�n A� e and o1w$ -1 t Bagg ran Barrister and Solicitor, Godench, grioultur Society will y- The bos desi aiad N� agons for posite CQlborne hold &,show for the exhi tion of Fat' He was=ed, too, every time Ii there was nothingjeft. There Teterspraug back? be saw, Stabrook All <),trjo.I office-Hamiltonstreetpop so ta] u 11 and strong, jil-he savV'bis eleven c ildreq, and his wife Stock and Poultry j;a the 1), with nathing to do, r url6f those low I my oil Carri4es is 'very complete all hand :B -A- _"R (3- -A- .1 a! do help him please -he felt himself a dete ted felon, and thEO e n chi dren.and big wif a next door God;1I help hiti made, i idi 3ur ow so MI on, Don' Ilay foreign 'VILLAGE bF IONSALL ept saying to herself. Somehow, was worst of bu en y orth looking after. -17AMES -500TT, Barrister, &a. �3olicitor for Nal 1E1 starvation ; bat if'he had b -1P asked to Ao k' all. can got I ettor made Which are w igon's Bank, Clinton.. Office - Elliott B102k, fac .1 Is ggles, W u Well, Peter, you'd lit to have com� at bomb, a as cheap d qscribe his feelings, he would merely have �i all h sufferings and the chililren!s were t e ork If at ph Cli ton, p t. money to loan on rnottga.-e. 'o C.t I r 1; i brought r igh.
101 n a am outmae towns. h 0 end yo ++;�" - VoWled out angrily somethin isgainst ?Id �light 5ip her, in compar, on"as she listened right in," were the w hat � came to big- ur In Saddles, Harnen, Horse Clothing,81 Decem q 1 -7th., 9 I money it ding up) rval t4w and I ijure your he can, give Tuesday, John Pontiac. to thi i big, taciturn ian groan, and bini ears, in : John PZ011pda -heartiest voice� Bells, and gobes of all kinds, -checks, st]
own, whi in u can ao better at I - Is. C %Iland see near and Ybu'll take your sup now, The missis would halve iced, better v Vocketz, well
AYS, Ba"Wer, Solicitor, Convey& e 2vir alue than can be got elsewhero in,
_ry public. soliaitor for the Dominion When the following ve libaral premiums �6ter? as sore Ill the hunger. een glad to se6 me -and e 4th, offering birnithe b gg�st WI �n at 'Aast she caiiJ,6 out, Pe er was not You. We did go to bed i bit early, but the county, not blown oil
Bank. co_C�ardno's blook, Main Street, Seaforth. will be offered for comyetition All ki 31 blackaImlthi6g apd �ep frin promptly 1236 Vthre"'�!�11c�w bowls. He look there Wouldn'thave bee any harin He h 6d u th, n there He had gone out silently, so silently in an as some very nice Money lo-sn. p and sat la �rily doyie. C.kTT1R, r L -R F, Bity �W. t at her forlorn� face, then le old neigbrbo lik I ag us up. Not St -the pi;�. Ithat i �e wondered, an d WSJ Soared. Sl r i Tou 1 lot' suranoe GALLOWAY R013ES LTTIKEW KORI�,ISQN� Walton, In e word of that d oi isten to me. I Mdxv Steer 2 years old and under S Lo- 66 umberNine was' diligently praping off lopenif I the. door very. softl: r, ar �d there h Agent, Commissione, ;ad lk t for, taking &J jig, i car old and under ...... s me streaks of tig aning on the rai I fencif between their Would be a pity if ]Is- 3LId
&a. money to loan sit the lowest rates. steer I ush that bad run down Iv;as, fri DU an Le% M DL n;'
lookincr at, The are nice- Steer calf under 1 year.. 4 2 t le outside Num Ilittle and the great rier. She "me, Petbr,. couldn't help one anot to I Which are worth Walton. - bers Eight,� Seve% Six, dbcky plot K. XoRimox. Cow or 6 4 Lud cheap. trifling loan of provisions without in St I the door sof wn nmin in There arl
X D T11 UR C%OSSES. BEST, Barrister, I Notary, JaInd Five were looking repectfully in�o the �Ioge( tlyan'dsa�do' AF Tjl. 1480 win py u, &c. ea n OR lat. 2ad. 3rd; *ere watching the pot, the teiming bowl, ly for up the scoop, wenton fill ng the bag as lid, floori next door to C. L. 'p & i of the
Office- Rooms, five doors north of Commercia P�t; Numbers Four, Three, Two, and O'ne I Th as a wide at the a fuss over it." A d Id Jolin, takip
'eherp the current ran too' even Hotel,-grour G=h Steer, 2 and under 3..... 91 Ill $2 R My shop is first door noi. 113 0, Main street, Seaforth. and their father at the same thme. Peter he i( 6, to form. - Peter gazA id on -it for. a that were a; matter of eon M building, Nam' t jewelry star 121,5 Steer, I and under 2- 4 2, 1 rec. agent" ameron'Holt Bad Cameron. Steer calf under I 3 1 3cGrath was very hungry. �7 og, Obile. Tho mist bad al friendly look Peter did not speak h could not. garment is tb
Oii 6k-Aeheo Faeo-Ache sc Atle Cow, 3 years or Over ....... j 5 a 2 Mary Ann "he ie willisoon reminded -of thOteam from an I Was going round to our place JDOOT Barri ) I I John Wa Yourself had better eat tqmo r
4874, SQUoltors, Heifer, 2L years and under- r, 3 2 said*. "I'll behavinginine after JI 0 �s.e bowl of mush I It'Vexed him.. He Irains, N'euralkwfiii P Im. 145,2-tf S -j ARRGW & PK01 I row, resumed John, cheo full to see if &a., Goderich, Ontario. J. T. QA"01N. Q, ai; o coo er." mme Fain In the Slde�p teIt XX 811EE31. Mrs. McGrath dipped more than aj�third ooke t' � up at the moon. The moon, was could n't hire ou a Sin! Re'r"g a job of 680 WK. PROUDYWY. LOSU WOOLED ANIj THE I] t CROSRES, of the bowlful back into the pot, and Ptd erta; A ly mocking bint dashing through hewing for you. in the o procalptly j4ellov6d sino C r*1 ly, onge shanty,_4 TO POT
at I Set give So- man gone off sick. more'j� jDAAMyRON, HOLT ss HoLMxS,. Basriden isk 2nd.J 8rd. e rest with Much satisfaction. The:nnm� light Iflouds, then jumping into a wide, 160s & L I I Go Smith & coo* -
Out K. C. -seein' lialtors in Chsnoern 1%o,Goder4cJh,. :al ed' y w or say twd ty-three, e a PBMV How, DUDLUT Holmn Ewe, 2 years and over .......... 83 82 a watch her anxiously, b resignedly, lear ibace, where it Soon became motion. twent t Ewe, 1 year and under 2' 3 2. 1 ",Sure it'll be cold entirely, eter dear, I as, i d mocked him teadily. HOLMESTED, suceeslor to the late firm armth so comforting.. He ad never known� you re'aw;jd neighbor. hat do you say? of Ewe. under 1 year ......... a 2 Peter still said nothing lie wa chokig, I ML Solicitor Weth en, ter er, I year and oyar ........ . 1 3 2 1 sbp said, "and the w old John Pontiac to mocaughey & Holmeated, Barrister, e'Norali now, the darlint! and j Ier ierel was bis face in that "Yon had better have a bit of homethin' Wether, mader I year ........... . 1 8 , 2 1 Give me littl 4 ne, but th 9 A General Banking business transacted- ConXey=Cer and Notary. Solicitor for the Can y 0 I
more thanbacon and fl 1.1 living used trour D. LUent ol h"ter Di obu!merce. Money to lend. Farm DovKns and their crosses the 8a e as lone5r.woole& be after eating your supper." 11 �0011 Pet�r made it. olli quite- clearl our Peter," he went evere pain In tbik1ackAnd u bago.1 Farmers' notes discounted. B
adian Bank I e alvie Yo is 'Block, Main street above. She had ladled ou� the last. spoonful of He k up t e road to! where he ooufd on, I' and I'll u a h nd to, carry the upb mitatingly rkommend am as a jilce in Scott aso. Drafts bought and sold. f or sale. 0 5 ri and rapid rem In t. eylactlilk. truck home. I guess you wife won't mind Seaforth. niush,,and the pot was beingicraped inside s Je, C the ill half a mile distant, the le. -A. LA.moiNTE, IZ5 tb ont. Interest allowed on deposits at t1fe rate- lat. 2nd. ard. seeing me With you ; then she'll know,that earnestly by Nino, Eight, Seven and Six. a timQer of John Pontiac's -big tin -roofed lice of 5 per cent. per annum. 'TISTRY. Barrow oier 'D months and DUSL 'for DE NL unde,- 18 months.. ...� ....... $4- -82 $1 Peter took -�Iie bowl, and looked' at his b e He thought he could make out the you've taken w job with in) again, you see. RENCE C .1 LTD. SALE NOTES discounted, or taken- elothes or an
1J.A VI S hw Barrow, under 9 rriontha ...... 4. '.2 I children. o Litlix lis of all the build.��ngs., -he knew -them 'Come along and give me &� land to hitch th'e Proprie ors, UoN'VMZ llcF,.BEraRE_N, pentist. Local Anaesthatica Bow over 9 months and und;i mare up. you (.0 I'The earlier numbers were observing him a W 4.1, 'the big a n, the stable,- the I'll drive wn. Dand gas for the painless. extraction of teeth. 1� months ....... ............ 4 2 ST Etracting teeth25a. All - other S With peculiar sympathy, putting themselves s okafhouae, the sto'e-liouse- for shant Ali' 4h - Boss � lloss 1" ali oke Peter OFFICE-Firat door north Of R jA test plates Er Pick- a%%,, under 9 months. � ......... 4 2 1 y ])$-between. "Boss Store. work cojrreb�cndfngly eheap. Mice Over A sweep3takes badge will be �wi irded to the best in his place, as it were' possessing the bowl a ippl then, with terrible gas Pf
Wilson's Hardware ard's Store, Beaforth. -beeflng animal, -sheep and gig of any age -0 my God, Mr. PoUiaic,-i nt never pf breed. in imAginatio;'l; the others now moved Pot 1; barrels, flour ba -rels, herring keg�, Age f sided of fro en beef, hams and look you in -the face i SELAFORTM. syrup �egs, T DDLE, bentist. oftlee over Richardson show. of all an . imals will I a computed f rom date a their spoons f��sent-niindedly around in the 895 IV T himself.
F- i oke -ho bagJ8 and zlnnes'kihoe Store, corner Main and John DRESSED 1OULTAY. pot, brought them empty to their mouffis, ach I of bacoi usel ai in th sin Peter McGrath --old neigfib�r 1111 now and again, sucked them of bedi La, chests of tea, John Pontiac laid his an on the shaki artimilarly
Ibtmetii, selforth, f)ntarlo. Nitrous oxide Gas ad- inechanically, he had a vision of flat. -2nd.. 8rd. r the painless extraction at teeth. 1169 more or less, and still staed Steadily a shou-1der,-1'.1 guess I kno'lirall. out Aesigns an
,t them 411 ! Teim6ters g ing off to the woods Beat pair of Wricey cockerels, gr lege 'ith pro tiess I do. Sometimes a mi is i triven he hatched in 1895 ........... $1 so 60 their father, tily' visions, t e supply apparent- 'or Dental nrgeons, Ontario, D. D� S., of To- His inner w�lls felt, glued together, yet ly ine 46ustible. 1 r� IT. S, ANDERSON aduate of Royal Col Best pair of turkey pullets on�tknowhow. �Nowwewillsarno more He C cery tore Ponti .0 Office, YOU DIme right D rket. Block, Mitchell, hatched in 1895 ........... r)o indescribably hollow �ella of the !An o ha refused t pay him about it I'll loadl up, and 102 Best and heaviest turkeX of J;�, Ontarm. mush went up� Into hi b,he 8 mi d I'l do the AMORE! s nostr,fI , nd pun- f4 along with me. ''And 2 Age ............... .......... 2 r Ages. Best pair of geese, hatched in gently vok his palate and throat. He EW, will -pro . id Petq inexitiperation shook his big fist at talking to your *ife." n AGN Dentist, Clin 1895. I ........... I2 1 60 t` ie in on ;'it mocked hi worse than ever. was famishing, Mary Ann McGrath was in terrible, C i rth & Br wnelf's jisit Rensall at Ho g 0 B I 75 25 �a 41.1;s R 4, eat pair ducks_hitc�id every Monday, anct at th Beat pair cock_ereIs hate ed in "Troth, t'lleb, May Ann esaid, I hen 4,ut went his ga e to -the space of frame'of mind., What ha b come of c I nr id., Sefforth. .......... ; ........... g' Peter ? second Thursday in A66 12 1 776 26 thers's no hunger in ine to-ni�ht, Sure, I mi t w more Sinfully like mush IBest pair pullets hatched in �65 I., 76 25 wish the childer wouldn't leave me the 8 eam 8 pi rsty - wt empty,, exce t of She had*'gone out to lool down the road 4
D S., Be3t-displa:y of dresi ]KINSMAN, Dentist, I 3 2 trouble of aiW it. Come, 0en, -all of sio him hink again oft and had recalled by,: iumber Eleven's W 1 it he Rceter, Ont. Will be at Zurich Dressed means drawn and 4assed. F2. ! . Na be ;barrels in t n Is is c; 11. There The' Would be to se, too, awoke, and etermined to re- ISTINCTIVE E AT U R eLAsT TaumDA�y I ach month, and ptly to h a �hildren mpty o, or t animals and poultry, For furthez rules and partieu. At Uurdock'a Hotel, iffensall, on, the MST FjLWAT 0 at the Huron Hotel, osTAT on the ien ch�lmed in 4 F ye the cabin. crying. en
Am' e, accommodation will be provided !or &I e n pl The nine came, prom pk orric y as e felt that minute, lare see posters. were just twenty-two large sp nfuls in the n surne his i il ftfant. One after 0 rry eges as an In each- month, Teeth eztmoted with th 00 -as em bowl; -each child received- two; the reinain- How mbly th --elder ones would r4roach anothe I ey got up and huddled around OF K00TENAY�_i,i,,,,,aJ�, M.Y.MOLEAN, It. MOBIORD #odn posadble-,, Ali *ork first-claas at liberal rates. IE, 971 ing get. Then him And what would comfort th , e'younger ber�eravingl craving -all' but the three u cha ae th 3 sto, k the above Secretary. 1467�,fi, Fresid.ent. 9 thebowl-viras skilfully sore -pod b.Number ones ing wit�- hunger? &st, who bad been', Well practised. firm f ont Ili flag eq � at a 10L rate on the ts app"Catift to: wide ran -go �6f MEDICAL. Nine,.after which Numbef Sev n! took it, Pet looked"again up the hill, through in the s�oical hildi ophy by the dollar w il g b th benefit, and I I i , I _ in lie diseases. m( ua ecr e of the' 10 I d t7 ns. But these hirled a cup of water artfully,ir and its t�e is of the store -house. He was- dread.- good ai A lo
f 9 y lo, e -for during
n 6 molitlis in two cities.. the oth
8,00 cured i
nis, suddenly a Noe Im r e r. i Dr. John McGin interior,fand.with this put a ne.Mah on 4.ungry. ounced the ound of a
Ze C-110MMENT hiiJ meal.. 0 Qhn I John I" Mrs. Pontiac jogged grand ]an Of bells. T�e potency of the new ingredient
e London Western'University, member ANNOU We ha ve a ed' rge ti tb stock, new Hon. Q aust in combination curing Hemorrl*ge- 'John, wak Could it b4 Mr. Pon So bhey.had no of Ontf 1rio College of Physicians. and Surgeons. Office ofthe Kidneys. and resi denco—Jarvis streat,'Seaforth, formerly occu- in big trousers pockets ge e. doubt about but was tha real bacon that goods urchased Peter McGrath then searched houghtfuily er sbaud, Is up! there go7d: their cor- orne ody tryirg to tinto the smok picd Uy Mr. John Downey. 1453xl2 TO THE 0 0 ners up, getting pinobes or Tot)Aco he laid on t ie kitchen t e ? Then a side Its startling cures. of Locomotor
a dust.out" one( 1 of th�eir remotest recesses; T1
i ie put big ugh -ah I'm 'sleep-ugb." Ile 'of beef, a pai of tea ; neic t � bag of flour, IT IR 0 Ataxia and Blood.Diseases._ O -R. S. S..-NURRAYO blouse pocket t4roFgh,� si;rnil process. He elap again, and a Sin a actual keg of sip. Why,thi The res on of sight PUBLIC torati ad hearing
AS lar and P
Mambet Briti found no p, I 11, a most i credible ! A nd la8b, he came e itock of I WE lost through the iffiects of paralysis. sh bledical Association, late coroner ocke.Islin, is *ell-pitcbed over- n Job wake up There is some- w 3 IS a M.
Middlesex. Office and residence-- 2ft W I 1ri sell mbe[(WW, OLE_ for the prif
first door NORTtl of D. D. Wilson's Egg coat when lie took it'down, but he -pursued -1 iody in with an immense loaf of bread ! The The removal of all praces. of mercuriaL. children gathered about it ; old John almost S C. S. ea y and inches long, 1400-62 pQriti the dust into i a lining, and separ.tted it �Jat—ughLeh—what you say?" cm poisoning from theJ systern.
se are argaml i carefully from I ttle dabs of wool. Then he. �re's somebody gettin sickened with sorrow for 1em, and bur -0,
We beg to advise OU jb�Lt h e Iftling 0 g into the Its cures of LChron' ;C XheU=uSnL Ing out his jacknife, jassed big we a p a n�w line t the collect on into an eitremely old Imok ouse. hun R. ',IAMPRELL, Honor Graduate of Medical Fa- this week opened u c Ilty of Torontc� University, Physicia ggvr around. D Eack day pipe, lifted a coal !in with his p1l, theWs not much there." e nl� Block night C BY: 4 L . 6 0. Betttr ons DINNER 'AND T�A SETS fingers, afid too his supper. IT ever so much bacon and ham. Well, now, Mrs. McGrath," he said rel., �Otel, Zurl6h, Oni. 'Chen �`�Iere'i;36:1 store -house open." durin these operations, - don't hardly take WRITE FOR PAMPOLETOFSTARLINGURES- Xwould be a surd to assert at, on this SEA�FO JEL of the latest patterns anh at pri es it kin5ly of 3 -on an 4 RUSTRONG, M B., Toronto, X, D� 0. M., .09! d Pete not to have come I guess there's nobody." that are continent, a str�nk man could b so poor as V latoria - M 0 P. S-., Ontario, successor to Dr. within the r�ach of all. 44 - I I I I I S. S. RYCKMAN M In. C. 0,.,. th e a Elliott, loffice'lately occupied by Dr, FAlott. Bruce- Would like to have, you' Peter, miless he Iliad done som4 thing very er is' Vm sure. you must get up to an old i A hbor' h6 se before this for a gold, Oz tarlo. call and wrong or very f6olish. Peter McGrath was 1p bit of a loan. Iftn's well Ili et Peter to-nigb b. HAMJLTO�., ONT. examine our stock and compare t� Tax e Th Iboth got up and looked out of Maybe he'd never ba� told me your Noti ay rs. Iin truth out of� ork because. 1, D' had com.- the P 111 vino cTAVIS11, 11hy be Ilector 4 taxes ifer McKillop, prices. before purchasing elsewhere. troubles—no4 but what Iblame myself for sician, Surgeon, Ike. Office mitted an c utea eon economics. Hehad been The snow -drifts, the paths through
Dc ruer southwest of Dixon's Hotel, Brucefield. We'trust that -guiltT of the en Inous error o� miatinder �,he store -house, the smoke -house; and not auspectilig bow it vv a'bit sooner.. I BIT. Chai, ei Dedds, 8heriff's Me! of Lan 8. HOT 1-q1gIVt 0 Ila at the offlee. 132S YAt EL SEAPORTH, every by 'keeping �a i6nd t ing to set a� -buildings could T stan ing heWO white -washed out just made him take a 'ittle loan f 111 be at ft 9'RO Don't I'
e Ne naught in FRIDAY-jan S MlixgONS up till e . pe �J� as clearly as in broad day. esent. No R no don 4 be talking lik LB THUNE, M. D.,. Follow Pl e aw his own person he immutable -'law of, sup- The pr e Decembet 14 b, f: 7 d ei oing of BF of ihe Royal good allege of �hysic A C dana amd Burgeon#, Kingston. a .HA L a COUNTY OF H tON, TO WIT stod of all- ply and demand. Mo ,k ODDS ec Offf0t latel occupied 4 01(ri John Pontiac was one of the kindest vance of wal ea. 've go H a job for Peter - Success(r to Dr4 Mao'cid. ke-bouse 'door was open I that! Chari by 1 -tut ! ti t 1 it's just an d. tor. Faricying tha a first-class hewer Y 11457-4 Thi
perio by Dr-, Mackid, Mair. Street Seaforth. Residence in a he'll be on pay to-morroi r again," virtue of a i �Corne - of Vioboris Square, In house lately occupied and conscien- timber shanty b d- an inalienable right to R )U's at.ever inhabited a body, but this -again. 101, BY writ of flen faclas, issued out of Her- diffeefief
by L. X. Dancey. tious was a i.ttle too much. Still he was sorry At that M wy Ann burs b oat crying X*J"Ws County Courtof the County of Huron� andr 1127 ly employing our best efforts receive at least t irty dollars a inouth,wben WT40 is onki
0 to me directed and delivered against the lands � andT
to establish a so �or th Oh, God bless you, Ir. Pontiac ! it"s a tin d and satisfac. the demand was Only strong enough to yield Iman, no matter whoi in that smoke,! ALL MOTHENS tenements of James Danby d Thomas Colems.0 at inot always eas we may merib your the suit of Mary Hamilton,,l a" seized an E COOPER, K. D., N. R., L. F. P, and S., Teter bad kind man yo d tor busin , i are May the saints be about la�gow &c., ftysiolan, Surgeon and Ac. - y him twenty-two dollars a MoDth, your bed!' W�o WE L "ED Inexecution-all the -right, t tie, interest and euitir valued support, at the beginning of the L �tieher Const�nos, Ont. 1127 refused to en gage Who does -not With� that she ran "but to Peter, who 0fredeniptionof theaboven eddefendairkt,J*m& winter., Dauby. In, to and out of tbe Jollowing lands. imcr
We ptirpose conducting our busi. know women an& stilltood by the sleigh I he put the baby p4mo-TA SoAp Now, Mr. McGrath, you'rie making a fees, situate lying and being in the County ot buvai
Iness on a young jorls who are in his arms, End clingin o her husban "a NOW ThAT IT rullrmon.and Province of Ontario, VIZ : Lot 17,41q the inistaki said hi usual er4loy�r, old John OFFICE, Goderich Stroet, opposite Methodist coiltinally in tears? shoulder, cried more ore. Sth Concession of the Township of Stanley, contain-, po;ntim. " I'm ffering you the best wages Ing one hundred acres of land, be,the game mote or, Church AESIDEUNGE, next Agricultural well -as any STRIPTLY C�'SHIJ BASIS, g0mg, mind tba!t. There's Tqighty little Ao always see the And what lid obstina Peter A-1 eGra th Im, Which lands and tenements I PhwIl offer for salo, and file
with gasp
squared tinber coming out tb is *inter.',' d#k side? Who do? . Why, I e cried, too a and BE 0 BA SOAP atmyffl6e, in the Court Rouse, sin the Town of S. G SCOTT, M 1). C_ M., (Ann Arbor and.Victoriaj as we feel that in doing go we can have frequent fits groans thati , med alnios, i to kill him. 1 Goderich, on TUESDAY, the Xleventh day of Feb.- 1.53etter ones
60 Jit I t6 W. a. P. S. 'O. better ,serve the lnter�ks of our Im ready and willing to wo k, bok1s,but 61 ro ke ruam 1896, at the hour of 11:qof the clock, A. m. 'I e said - "'gc in, Mary A C. At ACKAY, M. D. C. U., (Trinityj E. T. U. C. X. Pri:.fit to arn thi�ty dollars, of melancholy with- Go in out any apparent in—and k ss—th eE customers and a better 'o you are af j:C& 8 S 90 e feet of him. Yes ROBEItt GIBBONS, so you are, in good times, -stock. the boards— ie stands bil. - You. don't kn w cause?, But there SHERIPF HUR09- nqgbb6r, and I'd be glad if irien's wages Baby i re J; troua I witli soms on h and legs. R. F. J. BURROWS, is a cause. it is to what he's dc e�for me. It's broke 1 16M Sheliff's 6ffice, Goderiali,.Nov.,uh, im. Were fo�rty. hat pould only be witbtrade I tried " Pi 61mo-Ts r 3oap.l In . very abort time Late resident Physician and L Surgeon, Toronto Gen- e in- —the bad hei Lrt of me—br Dke entirely—wi tb ti aisappearid, Pkih a So iive �ad- a fine season for all �f us ; VIA I be found by t1i ihe sor4 became ooth und oral Hospital. flonor graduate Trinity University, got erfectly well ildn' take out a raft this iwinter,� and telli -pitit physician in some derangement the goodness of him., M the heavens be white, at id the ch co" p 00=i�AS, iton Now,, I Jolp r orgar I"*�ot afra�*d of '"ORD of Ontario, AV-0IFFIC9.-Same me formerly occupied at -you ask." Orly 2 5c, Big member of the College of Phyeialans and Surgeons bi
of thp, comp I , Robb & Cltrr* licated and delicate feminine big bed ! " ie, PAY wh )JI 0 6y Dr. Smith, oppo8tto Publi School, Seaforth. of.generation. The woman who McGrath, cried old JUST �A
I'd work extra hard. I'm it ) . -a a bit light- '1386 k h rS never y u mind Peter ; he alf. ii& tands berself, feels that she SEAFORTB wor, N. B.—Night call -3 %dowored from office. headed t -ni ome �way in and get 1 a —ABOUT— "No; you, Peter. Ther as a cantiotalways be complaining; she can, bite for im. 'd like a dish of tew myself -ONEERS.- la: y boi in your body. I t now that W&I ? 1311t look, now'; if I was to p The i ung girl . shffers, bodily and imeri- HARNtss AUCTI Doi not hways have the doctor in the hoils,Ii. Didi't that touchon ay you in silence, her Irish hos- by briu g her in quickly e before I go Oe. tally he trouble usua* L 0 Can than Horrs. th,rty, I should have to pay all th -1 LORGE TAYLOR,. Licensed Auctioneer for the e other Mind yo Itis, Pete said the old %�_T- Clounty of Huron. SAIeff promptly* attended The- toindon, Erigland, correspondent of he wers thirty and t, at"s not 11. ' Scorers C e so gradually. it is attributed tO 'mail t I then, " do: et you be troub- ause. There a going We are giving the I A for- its a hu
i [with any Ii Ae secrets about nem ever offered in Seafbith d tea msters and ro are used *.to the Aloutreal Trade B I tin says: " f"The aln cpttera so, le outside C is undu' t) in all parts of tho *County. 'Satisfaction guaran e valne tied. Charrges utoderate. GO. TAYLGR, Kippen Weariness, -unexpected paiii, unreasot4- ling your w made by, I . past season for Canadian horal6s 'has been a till � wages in pro rtion to bOwers., P. 0. 13674. f I : 9 yo able'6ars find fits of temper. All thes�, to -night; t at*s betweei you and me. varied o prices and net S. it olul I cost me a tb usand dollars a m c)nth k . I '; - , I skilled workmen, and only flrst-ii;clus� :,)EX
ne as L tor result f tll.� 'That's all I ask of you. ire simply protests o merial used. give sni onis J; OIIN T. Exeter, Ontario, Licensed There has been too great a r.diiTerence be. to yon thirty-! 'o ploiig, now, tbaVs a coabout tha to this day t t shipments an W., and tell our -wife. that y c u've e attention given to tarms, and fir at d a py An(- ioneerforWe Count)" of Huron. Special L tween o od fe llo en `Ion suffering nerves. Thetr6ubl' Thus it when
Peter McGrath's fifteen children have. help- in stock sale the q�laiitj of diffiere of 9 Tark circles beloW the eye airing prompt] attendd to, Wh
too great hired v ith me." how ill s, a a �preading o consignments me I Charges moderate Pattie& contemplating having I ed him to become a very lirosperous farmer, mi. -
aales thii Fall shouR p -e him a . trial. For further and cansequ#nt canipetition df one shipment ButPeter did no o back.. 11 I'm bound 'dowr �vard curVe of,the moiith, a sallow, Bring along. your old wIlArs and his wife does not quite unferstand the depth Iuntil rin
i garticul,tr8, apph lovietter to Exeter P. 0. Orders with anothe,�t. There have been sales in the to bave my rights 0 1 am." he said su 1kif brow fish -yellow neck. ft pig y f worship with which he speaks of old John will make them work. Tm blowh
I at the Offce, Senforth, will repeive sam e week k no less than halt a dozen differ- tg AIrJJr7 Ann. when [ie reached the -esbin. TJnr.egarded, the troubbb- grows. A 0 vrvuip,� attenflon. Pontiac. Light liamess a spee
1145,26 ent Suetion 1�ooms ill London, and ruinous The ZId boss -is getting too hard like, and few Y -41's Of tortured invalidisin, prol�ably Mrs. Pon�iac never kne, v the story of, 6e 01r prices have i een the result. ndividual lots, set oil money. . Twenty'two dollars No insqn iiy, before merciful death comes, e WM. M'CLQYv such as g(roo -and hire. night. M. RO ERJOK, aoo trotters or hors s showings yle I'll go in to Stambrock Dr.11 'erce's Fiivo-rite Prescription is th' Never mind who it 4vax, Jane," John Auctioneer for � the Counties of Huron and Perth, and finish, well broken in, an� fruilit J�f years of study. It is the product I d capable fat Mary Ann knew ti at s4 M ght as well said, turning out the ligh%. on returning to and Agent at Henaall for the Massey -Harris M-Anu- once taingilthe strq'et riage a�_i ails, try to I, 0 linvestigating mind united with a Corner Main hh4 Jobn Sts, 1; 9&cturirgr Gornpan�. Sales promptly atte onvince a sa -1 that its pr Dper bed, "except this,—it was a neighbor in nded to, 09 charges moderat* and satisfaetion -have.fetche�l decent prices. Bat they. are coursewas up-streani g e 4i )�P. liature. . When- an intelligent guaranteed, as to pro at agerinat sore trouble." Seafort OrclLra by niall addressed to HensaliPost office, or isolated. he clit�ax has bee r rs of stuclv to a sul Gre4t er �get ac(�,
n reae ed, 'Petees obstinacy. N b* t oreover, she -did t iink P' Zves yeai jec "Stealing—and you helped him W 11 left at his rosIdeace, Lat 2, Concession 11 Tuck St during the pat two moi tlick be sc )d result. The eracuith, will recaRv prompt attention. i66 -it Alis when p�rices. the offered wages ver, low, and � had kome John, such a man as on e have drop Ll to such an ext�nt that sip- hope lie might better inlself;� b Fa te. Prescriptio is a comyou ut wbe, 1 he I a ie I 4it"t ever ri - tly know at I V 14V TO FA t 4ri nt� ad era Inust right out. 0 firm handtin came back from Stanibrook, sh of r- racts- ', of. herbs that makes W p kind of a man I might suppose hunger I e saw trouble f�LYTW, HORSE FA I R. a large nuni r assures me the trade has -Shead. Hedidnottell4erthatbliere,wher streqi ethening, soothing niedicine.. It acts e w9_9 cruel on me, and on 11, and all of us excellent pipportunity is AM sitiorded to few e overdone, and tha a long s his -meri dire� I u h th distinctly fetninin 79 with small capital who des re to obtain Im, been much re ts were notk io-4n,he h44 been of. Let us bless God that h ' saved us from. noe$ out &O hod *n provedi
hLY1111111111, 101'.1010CIE ranches. ReMember th-, L"Ites of the Blyth Monthly -Pair for needed over. the winter to make tip for the fered -only twenty do ars, lit she, surrr ised. it stops drains 'from lining tereiblest temptations, an tbank him most ea. vith irrigation, buildingsi; the sale of lfor,3", Qattle, &c.—November 124b, Do- e and teopes, in the Distlict Of berts, North _x1jaustion of demand &H wing on the his, disap bintiment., wiitl on10th, moregm" ),,anes �by healing diseased parts, especially when he incline our heart-s—W- TerlitipriM on easy -terms. The rals! i1c of horiaed be anuan L4th February- 11th, Alarch i 10th, April 7t1j. heterogggeneo a offerings' of the "past tbree Oil (f better b a rter,, seein$ the Doss there y curing: also the inflammation asheep and ffs Tfiia is acknowledged to be the clines our hearts—that's al." Pigs )Iclly develoing e. mont . 0 2) rat dome and se - I again th in the Diewet. T �H furnish Ilifor- leadin fair of the cou hs od cabbers, to se It at - bet -*N een at ways present. 1% .nt%. The unde gr e
rnaybe,Pete dear sh6 said, thni dly., m answer enquiries.- Addre" I21-) and 25 g� ineas, re wanted ?eriodic Ily, got a' step " hi a is r Abs in a critical condition. Often I was in S1 learin N1 ered, The de- pai I expetienced a eat improvement b -man. N MEYER, QJI, Calgary, X.W.T. t y Toronto west',. says —I - h in st not be inixed. n the -CDm- be after me in a fm ays; youll see. " But e bottle —Mrs Ed. Sher' 8. ana e St. f1rc Sale Seeyi I Ireas. but tbei e used I or. H. W. C rner of Di7. glerce's Favorite Pre. T11
ciul (.,az Jtte this iveek, Mr. Huni ing tbere he Was mistaki m, for all i the g tags 'PtJ n Laviolette's yrup of Turpentine in r e World for Young Men gu�neas., age' I have takenj six bottles, and I am flacein tti' talks about I ha�e seen avex were full. sr, t );$ot it Will not Lonlyicure ulceration but all family for some time, and I honestly cons] ami women to Secure a B4sIn animals fete i .28 guineas frorn�.Canada in the. 'Aftert TIMBER FOR, SALE. diseasO of femaies.7 Ydurs truly, i Fit ueatj0�,'jh0rtIjand, Etc., 15 the ha Peter cGrath t�amped far er it the best and safest re edy I have ev or Ity, De- Black Ash Cedarandother f. wood, w1II be sbitt froit,bilrbL. JILIU, any 4.backwodds haimlet used. Ineases ofsevere �coughs andcolfi CC ery, by the sore Iii IOU -to $mt -pu Isel's. For further
rated Catalogue cales thIs week are ve Free. iRef6rp bad, some below looking vainly for a job at any wages. The rs. it has always effe'eted co plete and spee,i ly Particals", APPIY On the prei1nises, LotIS Canoes-
1),,,trolt Business UnIvers yard, Butt ien the thing wai'not overdone. and wide,.� to A
j XW s: All Detroit. islon IQ, itorris, r- itll�flt- P -R -SPENCER, Be 1-10 guineas.' Or Myth P. 0. NZILL XcWiED.. cretary. season the worst ever known on the Neapolis, virgiuiI6 cures,.1 recommend it h all my R AEL BLO -lice W heart. 0 04th I -c
r 0
t 1 6
e hor 0�e _I
yl is a
h r
g f I
g 0 u' w aor Ili, kn
a II