HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-11-22, Page 1E I 1 � m I I - % - � i . - i i - � ___1 . .7'.- - - Y_ _m - . I � I I T I . . - - - � .; 0 n . ip III, 3t7 R. Ir re 11. -d , L . 1i 11 I I i I . 64,q I , Te, . - - 4.� V la'� W 4 M. 'I- A I & - �Vvl It I i � I .*P* ­ I �11. 't I i 101 V �- I .et I , �Ce- I I . � ,,, I at I : i.s . I f,t. 11 t.r_ � 1-ii- [ag - . 1�111e . in- . . ! �� t �_ i " It ". I ; 11 IF - ; w I i � , al -, I I 11 611- I I of . 1. I t'l- � �- ,Ar, �est . � IND, . 11 . i I wre I I I N I I . I � 116t I q Lnd i . 14. Ve . 'i � A Lnd. , � i 11! ! 61-- I � �It! ! ! — 109 . � ds - ; � I I I � � I I alyt .11 th, MEMM � i I iett, !- M r. . �Falrs obb, - I I .1 on been �e.- . � I Was - I I ,,asea . and - Yn.- , &- �P � lot � � bus- ,ither I man ,re.- . �Ltion L, the - M r. I . � this I I I Ppe(l i I I i I I ! I '. I � I inst.,_ i -t be- ! � aker, ! A,ugh- ; T . w,l ve- i �ctica I kther, I , ,.i the, i . many . � luron, I - � ratant I � egant � I rib- '.. was _0� - 2 i , with I I �, The �, ither, - ' i, ,Luron, :1 i I r Miss _�:� _. � knot ivett, �;ciolis e -fully i.. The i . cacies e jus- �.them. . hicb- er the , I phen, � ..0 'U ns � ly ap- eiated . many - were g the .. The I . aving . .ng in I r. and � best : . I Jour- . - av be _'� 1% urn"� abou- � ,k ('Oc is s th avan- e root � I � I is be - work I ey, of � killed : Adam rm orX , for a, _.hased : Adam � M rs. Ina, in I - was. ` �I � Ci,n the :4,tther � . use in to ld.�; 7n, 7 th � I Sam(, ? I �M � to his �. . I way 4�, 4 get �L � 44 the . . -after � —11, * , I "I '.a(l of . �ill an - .—Mr. . - r John Jf this _Iad'bis ' — 1. Mr. s. Put- - I rvine�s h line, I .. aster - (meari, , : I round .—Mr- : I � .. Qay. .� " 6_1 t � . . N,::� 1%7 1"T � 14"'y 7 . 1� - i \N-,, k1mt1,. " ,, <J� NT "�� A�Vw J -<W A7 kV kWO & � ; - I : - A : . _ � _ , W <f* i . . i I R�71'1 1W\T 11�r "T'"M 11,17�7 a . . � - - . I I - C==Z==__ — I I . - . TWENTY-SEVENTH YiIiR, � � - - . WHOLE _ N�MBER, 1,458. =_� I __ — � . . - � I ��. SPECIAL I � I �, . - I 'I I �� PRICES - i . * .1 - � - - : ., On all't, oods —now in stock, t 0 . !for our . I mal ­,e room .1 __ � -1 . GRAND CHRISTMAS . � - I DISPLAY,% . Which will be the best eve . � seen in this part of the cour . try. Call now, and we wi] hold anytbing until Ximas fo 0 1 : L you. I I — I 0. W. rt".10"A _P S T � I I . � MA - IN. STREET, , I I ; - 1 � . r . i, . Grand Cronperl ' . . . —rN— � . I I - � . I CARRNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH, —ON— I . - 310104y, Nov. 20A, In aid of tbe'Y, F. S. C.� E. . I - I 1. MR. HAROLD JARVIS � (of Detroit) TENOR. MISS GR.kCE McFAUL I � . . SOPRANO, � - I MRS. J. C. GREIG i I ELOCUTIONIST. i � I Mr. Jarvis is, perhaps, the finest tenor In Amekle today, equally plesalng in Scottish song as in othen Popular prices --25c and 35c. 1457-2 1 a I i : � I I il I _A,_M4_W_&_y_S . . 1. 4 A " - I _� THE CHEAPEST.; ., 0 . , . . . . i � � 'The above applies especially to the . I i . �_� 11 �.. ;� Butterick's Patterns � - * I - :. � � L i . And Publications. i ­ � . I I I i - Give Them a Trial and be i . I i . F Con-vijaced. i � ! 9 1 1 . ! �, F ! . : 5 - . � w 1, u � TV. IT. HOFFMAN, - I I � . I � � - .A.C4_M3MTr_r., .. I SEAFORTIEL : -1 � I I : � : . : . - ,-:, In -the Surrogate Court I y of the County of Huror. � I i _� IIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID MOORE, THE ELDER, LATE OF �TUE VIL� - LAGE OF EGHONDN'ILLE, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED FARMER, DECEASED. I i . LL persono having claims against the Estate of ! I ADavid Moore, the elder, late. of the Village of 9 .Kgmondville, in the County of Huron, retired farm- er, deceased, who died on or about the eighth day -ol October, 1896, are required, on or before the twelfth . i day of Decemberr, A, D. 1605, to send or deliver to : the undersigned, Solicitor � for the Executor of -the . Estate of the said David Moore, full particulars of ' their claims, duly verified by an affidavit,and the na- I b them� A�d I ture of, their securities (if ;aDy) held I further take notice, that on and aTter the said 1 Twelfth day of December, the said. Executor will � proceed to distribute the aEsets of the said Estate i among, the parties entitled thereto, having reference . r only to the claims of which he shall then have re-' � - � ceived notice, and he will not be responsible f or aii-y I I I art of the estate to any creditor of whoee claim he i, stall not have received notice at the titne of such r distribution. 7his notice is given pursuant to the - Statute In that behalf. I Dated at Seaforth, this 16th day of .Novemb�r 1805. F. HOLUESTED ! 146b-3 Solicitor for the Executor, T)�vid Manson. : . I . . , I I . I 1 r_r :P -&-y S r-rc) I - . I . I � I 11 . � I / . I . Z . .- � � I 4, I � 0, I �� I � � � i i SUCCESS , i � Of the highest order still attends the pupils of t�e I. � ; I The Canaft ]Business Croilege,j I I . � I - i 0hatham I W. J. Lewis, a former pupil, has been appointed : commercial master in the High School, Bay City,, I Michigan, and supervisor of writing in the ward . � achools of that city. Two of our pupils who are I already holding good positions were recently off ered 4 1 i the position of teacher of shorthand' in one of the � leading American colleges. That two of them should � be offered the same position that many others e I a�r . seekin� for, givea undoubted evidence of super! . � qualifl;atlons. . I IT PAYS TO - ATTEND THT,e, B�EST. : For catalbgue of either department, address I . D. McLAC'ff LAN & CO., � Chatham, Ont. � . 1458-1 � - . � I ' � Remember Our offer of a handsome prese I t . ; with every dozen cabinets, hol 5 good only till - Sar,urday, � Novembir 3oth. After then the: offer wifi positively be withdrawn, s . o call early for youf holiday photos. All � the latesC styles of photos, includ- ing some just introduced4' A lar e and varied stock of F�amcs, Pie- � tnres,'Easels, etc., now being rust - � off a,t very low prices. r Call and i . .1 see them.. . I ­ , I I r � I . ; i ; I � I THF, LIPERIALART STUDIO. I I I . I I � � . I I i 1 ; � J. P.. HENDERSON, � . f I . . I I WAnager, Bauslatigh's Old Stand. r I � I 1 52-10 � � ; I 14 - , , . ; p . � . . � . . . �1� � I I . . � . �_ � _i. I i . " I i _ I � I .� I . � I � ,� . � I � I . . . I � r i I I � . � I � I � i - r - r I I , I i . I I y � I 5 r . I b . r ___ ­­ ­ � I i . 0 . . I � 1; 4 __1 . V _%ftftwwwwwowl i� . _*,��11 , . W. � I - - : - I . . : I 1: . 1, !� � . I . I I : . � � � I � '_­ I I .1 �'i ., . . . . __ — I I .. � I - —_ I I .,; I ____ .. , ___ � - . I I i i : I . . ; � - MCLFAN BROS., Pu7blishers. .- . I . I . . . : 'AFORTH � I , ;''SEA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 18950 1� .1 I � - __ � - . I I .; i P $1.00 a Year in Advance. I � '' —_ - I I — -_ � .. . I ­ . � . SOMETHING A N � UT THE 0"dslte .Y'Arragutj Nuaro, I` Is one or i � ine- hi rented -houSbs, and AV'M­19� 8bason the con . tend , that the minister was . not teach- backwards on the pilot, anti w carried r::7L 4 . . finest houses In Washington, though it Washington householder is �gettiDg his: . g the Ing as 1. L ok :Here ' AMERICAT T C I PITAL. � was one of" the first built in what is n bouse In readiness To -r -tL,6---�0-i-iiP­;,,Ionn1 11, (loctrine of the Bible. The reverend several rods before the traincould be stop- , . I 1.19, l� __� � . ow ­ . . � -_ I I . I � ­ . I i. the fashionable northwest section. itis .renter. There are many people in W,,.�j pzntleman, in a few. words, given in a kind- ped,wbenabe rolled off in an insensible � EMBIZI I [Sp . ecial Cor espo . I of the row built by Governor Al.ex Shop- Ington who seldom if over occupy fl, - i � ly spirit, very soon silenced him, and re- condition. Fortunately, a sliver in tbe ear, ON has sai'd : i� .No . 19. ence.) .1 quested him to sit down. From the ap- a severe ghakin,g, tip and several Puts abou � . I Ant of the north- - They! spend , pearance of the people, they are not in sym- the head and face were the extent. of her in- [ 4 i W.kPHINGTON,'Nov. __kuch of Wash- herd when the im�poveme own houses in winter , t � " Accept the hint of. ch new Ington's populatioil Is " agrailt. en west section was planned. .Mr. Stanford wiri4rs abroad or in Now S7.or:i.-_, (,i-. �. pathy with his doctrine, and. Afr. Evans is juries. Eugene'-Nlason, who made a daring experielnce." . come to the capital f�r a "i hort 'time and spent a great deal of money on it. One of some cheap boarding house perhalt!'. r!t I ' P I . I - not likely to make many converts around attempt to pull her off the tra�k just as she . . I of I return to their bomeE In tO cast or West,, the extravagances .in which he indulged rent their houses fur ' nished to coD�res,!., I Wellburn. was struck, also had a narrow escape A advice tb4t ma be I. or, wherever they may live !Ito give way to wa,3 a big dining room. It wits added to during'tho winter for enou h t � . I � ly y 17 ! I . g 0 pay ; ­ Messrs. Edward and Wm. Goulding, of '\1 1) U -known � . .4renville Cottage Stock Farm, at Birr, near farmer of North ,',alt, met . I constituenoles. The Me' "ilikor of tho house . p I London, have finished storing in their eel - pr= followed by the pur- - . some one who bas wc n th � favor of their the house because fie coul�l not flud a din- owntWhiter expensds and thoniai4tvili_: I. f.I -114r. Richard Rennelson, a well . ehaser� of clothing.. You have h Ing room In Washington *b1ch was ada t- of the houso during the summer. I ,A , � � repeatedly, �, ul fries, near ( 'found out to your cost . i_,.", 1. � with a severe accident r heap article -that is I has seldoin so strong a 010in -on his dis- ed exactly to the domauds of a dinner bo plo 6f the rents charged In Wa, 11 ­ 1, . lars 2,000 bushels of the Imest turnips ever ecently. Incoming I . I ' ap i' � ; 1 4ecurity in the yvantod . to give in, honot of tile Pacific was tbo rate asked by tl _ or o." 1, - . out of his barn With a span of horses he that the ; trict that he onn'feel any , - 11 . 4. grown in che ! h the sense of being trashy! ; tiip'e tho selection apartnient ho -use for a very saual� sult (.: that vicinity. They also have slipped over the 0 it ,that most of ooast delegation at the �, e side Of the gangway at t4i' -dobs i'no� pay, and you have I tenuto of his office. S 1k t� I corn measurino, from 12 to 16 feet. door, falling on the stones below and oni� I the members of the lower 4 , use 'of ob�gress a a site for the World's tair was under diminutive rooms. For the fasbiona'.'� I . mentally �,�esolved that in . . � , I I -Bett Up;er, a farmer from Stamford of the ho � . future: belo,ug to the arm pons1doration, TboAinnolr was not given season 'six months -these rooi rses 'foolling on top of him. Ile . .y ol 'Ire':' � ers" or live in 1). %V 0A 11i L I � I nothing bilt the best and most' I townshio, -while driving home on Tuesday was cow'eyed to Galt hospital, where his I �T� . . : hotels. Mr. Holma of' ,Indiana, who - Aftor all, but other entertainments Nvaro be $600; for the entire year they �Otlld bV night o0ast week, in the dark, k the reli&W6 article would satisfy you. � - li� , too ihjnries were foand to be very severe. He � I ; �roke the record for ,,o , $700. . : � : g3 bss ona seirvice , held in the big dining room, for the Stan- Somotimes the congressiom I e I (�!! wrong road, and drove- over the edge of . I : n �, � the is, however, progressing as favorably as just before lie retired to p4vate life last fords were very hospitablo people. makes a bargain for the use of a house for Battle P.;m , � d ent kiln, and fell. a distance of � I Now -you have the March, had spent go yeari I of his public Very,fow senators build ne,v� houses for the session of congress for a lump suin. $ � A I could be expected. I � . . I , bout th ty feet. Both be and his horse -Mrs. Walter Chaleraft who disappeared - ; � ' their Occupancy. Tho Gorman house is TMs Is a lottery, for congress In phe ion- W . Resolution : career In boarding h )uses lajid. hotels at t:. I ere killed. i . . mysteriously from her bornle in London re- � A � Washington'. Speaker Be I (he is really the one which wa6 occupied by Mr. Evarts session may rema-in in tztshing'30,11 five � --�-PetEr Merrill, a respected resident of cently, has been located at, Fort Erie. AR I I . nd we' Kave the ex -.Speaker Reed now, b of NeW Yorlk, wlien lie was in the sonate, monthsornine. During thei Fiftieth I 601 , it he will be cLn- �eseronto, was killed on the Grand Trunk -that ean be learned- regarding a poBsible . lReliable ods. i Speaker Rood in Dco(mb . bas spernt his and Mr. 1�varts�reuted it from the owner. gress there. was hardly an intorrai slon be- Railway Itrack, a mile west of Belleville,the cause for her actions, is that the troubles of . ! 1191 . Mr. Reed -when16 brought his millions I h 11 . I � : . co tessional life In hote s Mr. Brice, tween the end of t e rst session and the 6ther ni�bt. lie stepped out of the way of life bore t o heavily upon her. To her care I . to Washington, bought the bisto man- begiDnIng. of the .second, Qonl#essmen ! W� keep -none other. We �;make winlor home since I 0 1w, 3 first elected . rio ' �ne traio into the way of another. He was almost 0 our � I .. � entirely devolved t) i s Suits' at $1 0 and the speaker has been the Sbo�.ham hotel, the slon in which W. W. Corcoran had died- who rented -houses at a fixed:rate I for the iaken to Belleville, and died about two I iie management . I ' of a b6usehold of 21 persons, of wi�cm 14 i 1\10n's Yrieze Overcoatsat $10 and house which was buill a As owned now once the home of Daniel Webster -and season got much the best of tbe lba-rgain hours la ter. 1 . $ 1 also good Friezes by Governor Morton of X, Yoft. Mr. spent the cost of a new dwelling improv- 'thatyear. Usually the congressm.n rents -Mr . . James R. Cavers, of Galt, who bas were boarders, � the others including her I - three youn ! , i t ,youn � chil4ren, her aged parents -in - 11 '_ at $6.50 and $8. 1 1 Reed could not afford to M . ' In the Shore- ing It within and Without. It has boon by the month f9r a fixed pariod, and he been Bible class leader in the Dickie settle- law, a,nd a r0ther-iri-law. It is expected � I � ham until ho received the ( - the scene of lavish entertaining since be rafe he pays * . tra oompensa .1 Yaries fr.om $150 to $500 a ment, North Dumfries, for several years She will re- turn shortly. I i I Ou � r IN � en's- I i �,Zv,r 1 il took possession. of It. Senator Stockbridge mouth. With the high rents, ihe exag- past, was recently 'presented with a hand- -A surprise pik-rty was held at the resi- I j . . � * , I i : , a - .his a s m � I �, � . .. i - . ­ I: of Michigan, wb'O was a millionaire, ocon- gerated pric's charged for food In t itY o e storm coat, by the members of the Mr. NA , S. Hambly, chairman of i ^ i e I dence of . � , I � � I I � pled a rented house on Connecticut ave- and the constant dema z , a . I I " I I I c a's , in ac now e gmen o is evotion the Toronto pablic school board, the other � : . -- . I . $2 and $3 Pants . nue until he took possession of the ma- people for entertaini�g $5j000 a yaar does and faithfulness to -duty. . . i .� � F I � . ; I . - * . . evening, on the o_�casion of bis fiftietlybirt-h- C � � � P1 I nificent h6me which had been built �y not go very far toward pa Ing a Congress- -It has been decided that the trial of day. Mr. Hambly was presented -with a � j I . . I I I I "' 1*1 , , I . Senator Sawyer for his daughter, Mrs. man's expenses at the caliltal. �!, I 'Mr. and. Mrs. Gray, who were recently handsome gold Watch by his childreu, a _ I Are oiw own'make and therefore . . I I It White. �Senator Proctor of Vermont lived, . ... .0ZORGE G-RAINTHAM BAIN. tried for the murder of David Scollie, and � rel�ablo. In fu'rnit3hings we show 1�, , , I 'I I gold mounted cane and diamond pin I his I I - , In rented houses for a time, then built a - - - 0 1 who are now retained under a charge� of sisters, besides several useful a -ad o Dy � I I .. . 11 I !I -_ rnanient- ! .11 I handsome house on Rhode Island avenue, arson, will not take place at the coming - I i , - . , N - . 1 1 I - and thm, for some mysterious reason, A 0116VI)r' Huro 1: .Lad -y. - sessions, 'but will comeonat thespringas- al articles of china, by brothers and sisters - I ii , Saturday's Globe in its 't'.Page of Person' sizes. � I in-law, and a beautiful gold wounted ink. , , Fo W'ne's Bros. Gloves, I moved out of that house and Wto a rented )) st i . - I � ,and, by four gf ntlemen associateo con- � . i � . _,,.:.:* .;I-- -1 . �_ -.0 als makes the following r ference to one of I I ; � I I ; . � . I house again. Senator Cameron built a very -Mrs., George Bovaird, of Hamilton, a I ; I I , I . nected with the Canada Savings, Loan and Of which I'ne it has been said . !t: REV. DR� TALMAG 'a , HOME. Ilue house for himself some years ago, but Huron's most gifted ladies. - It sayX: .bandsomo young married woman, with two Building Association. I . I I � I a other man lives In it now, and Mr. Cain- Miss C;ara H. Mountca,We, knowa as the small children, owing to the drinking . � . tion allowed 6e speak r. . 1peo his term � . I -Granolithic pavement to the .amount. of - � 1� the speaker' b e;rn,.JIves In an old colonial house on L� , clever w�fter of two c M10 stories, namely, habits h sband, - ie ' to terminate Some$,2,000 waslaid in Berlin, and although tr ' Is ohali e 4noreased his ' er u st e� ; They! have no equal. I come by writing fo m gazinos. , The %� " A Lively Prelude to 0 a Tea Par (y " and all her in h th% by "Nval- interested parties gave notice that they 1 . ' ht I ; .. I I I' Mike O'Halloran's Deathbed " b 0 more - lowing ffer nig ' � fayette square. Senator Quay lives in 0'1� 8 a g M. r. . 4i Undier6lothing, the suits we sell at congressmau'P $5,000 .ye - will, not go re ted house. ,�� . . - � , I land nu ennie paved her were not satisfied -with the job, the council A SenstoTlal Palace. talent than ordinarily falls -,o the lo'of one life. � paid the contraothr. Write have since been i � I fa� toward mDintainin a ome in Wash- 7 1 - ! woman. She lives in tbasmall town of . -Fanny Dibb, of Vaughan township, ' : � i - � . , I : � li�gtou even durlug th wl: er mouths. The costliest house ever built by a sen- I I issued and served on the ma,yor and coun- Clinton, in the county of H he near Toronto, is suing her brother, George cillor,s, holding them individually responsi- _�, -, .uron, wher( s an 4p _. 1 Wbvre Sens ro Ive. al3siGn 9f has an art studio, containink over one iun- Dibb, jr.,,'tbe executor under the will of his ble for the paymeiat. The result of the ae. 1 -$1,2p d 61.50 ! - I I ' i � I at(v In Washington ,was the m . �enators ar' Senator Sawyer on Connecticut avenue dred pictures, the work of � . e less Ilk y I Hve tit hotels ithe last tw,zOtY father, and the chief beneficiary, tohave tion taken is that if it can be proved that 1 � - - than are !members of 11 he use. Unloss' just above Dupont circle. It was built on years. The Yaried subject ' and ri,,h, lbli-. the will of het late father, George Dibb, sr., Are reli able and the, makers have not called I I the sidewalks laid', are not according to con- � . ., ,be� is chosen toffillal out a 0 hort" -term- a triangle of land, commanding a line cate coloring of these wor of art are just declared void, on the ground of alleged un- tract the councillors are directly responsible ' , 4 'the assistance of the bum to keep his I view of the avenue. Its exterior was of ; now attractin considerabi I . � - rn�de brief b�y the ad Is;' D of a now 9 e attenl ion A due influence. i work together. I out granite. Its interior was decorated In to the citizens for'tbe amount paid over to - � I I � state or by the death (r ri , gnation of a ,few weeks ago Mies Alountcjastle oppe 1 her -NVilliam. Farr, a Canadian Pacific -1,ail' the contractor. '' I � . I : the most lavlRh manner. This was not � . P se�',ator while' In offflB e- �� Is senat6r ,is at .studio to -the public, that e�jo meat of art way engineer, was found guilty at Winni- 1 - I all in accordance with the senator's taste, ',in lit be within the reach of at ,since which & I attempted murder and arson, in -Rev. R. P. IvIcKay, of Toronto, Fore!gn prelity sure of 61X years h Washington, - . t% I 4 ( 1 OINE PRICE TO. ALL. � , ; which was of the simplest, In fact, be ' Peg, Mission Secretary of the Presbyterian � I . and his 1 ser,oico will , a large number of visi rs from,far s d endeavoring to burn his wife and children, church, received 4 post card on Friday last, � I ave i ge 12 ears. 6n .1 . y . bad a den built for himself In a corner of hear have viewed this u ique c . o [lection, � � I I :&ab,y men se,�rve 24 yaars�l n the senate, in order that he might marry another from 9ev. R. A. 141tchell and Mrs. C-oforth � , and some' have been tb 3re 4' 1 oxie of the upper floors, where he could be �,which is as remarkable fqr beauty r,r- wom4nJ The trial lasted six days, and was li even greater � stating that the� had arrived safely at I surrounded with the simplicity he had rangbinent as it is for varicid and ;ruthful y . Gffi,10 & MACDONALD, : fenkth'of time'. In 12 or i�� � years a son- onw.of the most sensational that ever took Honan, China. They had,travelled the last . ? I . i ator develops the feelin Y, � "It Waahington k=wn when as'a young man he worked representations from naturd. Miss Mo ant- place4n: Canada. . � I I � , In a logging camp. Here he spent much castle excells in the delineation of mo-Ang 3W miles by bo4up the river, and report . ; Qlothiers, Furnishers - , I - I is his home, and while 0 . Intains a res- -George E.Green, a Barnardo Home boy, that:the su . � I - Idence in his state for t 8 prposelbf keep- Of -big time and here he slept. When the objects, especially water. A marin -, v �ew, died, 0.t the residence of Miss Ellen Findley, 1. rroundiftcountry is desolate on � A�hd � Ontfitters - in the � senator retired from congress, he went to ontitled " Good -Bye, My LO e, 'oo - e,)) in K p , der sus- account of recent 0oods. The crops, they ; I ., Ing his hold- on the vot . ore n or Wisconsin to live and leased his house to being the largest picture in. _v . . 6 pel, near Owen Sound, un say, have been deptroyed, and the laud is in � i . I any other reasou be has anent estab- . e co ection, picioUs ;circumstances. The post-mortein i STRONG'S BLOCK, I I- I Senator . ' - such a wet condition that the farmers will �. I . I 11shment in Washington ai most of his i Stockbridge. TUr. Stockbridge i4aturally it'itracts the casuo.1 obser, ter, I but show�d that he had been cruelly beaten and be nh: able to sow any wheat for next sea- . died before be had a fair o portunity to t�ere are two smaller mariiie . t ,es that negl , S'�A�ORTHj - - -'ONT. 4ime Is spdnt there. S- ll'� ere are many p elotea, and Alias Findley, who is de- son's crop. � ' - l . I I senators too poor to ke cl . Washington enjoy It. �. go biqond this in merit, n L erNle'lk Evain scribed as a powerful, passionate woman, I iss i .i . I � I . , ys - . -M Marion 0ampbell, a young woman .:;? 1. � I i � establishments "who Iveo in -boarding Senator Spooner of Wisconsin used to Storm on Lake Huron," an 11 Eve7more." was a1rre�ted on a charge of murder. The 25 years of age, a rived in %Voodstock the 11 I r I I 1- I ;houses and at hotels, wo d s( e of them do live in a rented house on Capitol hill * In The last is a rare effect of s y, over L seeth- body iof �he boy has been exhumed. other night, in a p - . I ' 11 . .rairie schooner, drawn by - . not even bring-theIr wives d families to fact, the t, ridency of the senators from the i;g mass of water. Equall. melitorious is -A charity flower show was held in Lon- four horses. She'had travelled tbet entire Db's . I near west Is to live In rent�d houses, and a, picture entitled "Stilln s," an wtumn I . � I . �tho capital. Senator es, of blissouri. don last week, which was concluded on distance from Nlorth Platte, Nebraska, to , � : . , i not very expensive houses either. Few of scene, of a meeting of country roads, with . i lived for many years in ', little frame i 1; . A� them ar6 Saturday afternoon with a Maypole dance Woodstock, in.the;covered wagon, making - : - , house near the capitol, whith he shared .wealthy. The senators from the a pool of water in the foreground, oi i wlNich a -ad the crowning of a May queen. The the journey in weeks. She . L with the then sergeant -At -a ' ,' ' iis of the sen- - far west two usually the most 1�vlsh in the crisp leaves are floating. This picture hall was crowded with children and adults. brought 6e horses with her, which her � I There need be o doubt about what . their style of living. When Mr. Stewart reminds one somewhat of the work A that Along with the magnificent display of father had left on his farm in Nebr ka i � � — '" ate. He was too pqor then jk' rent a house - . . . . � ' , ' . :.,this store ad-vertises. Things are and bring his family from Xissourl. 'Mr. ; of Nevada was first a member of the seil- rising young English artist, Ernest Piirton. celebrated roses and chrysanthemums was some time ago. INLot beiagr able as I : 1�efe as said. . to 850rd ! ". Vast now has a home in W ' ington but . ate, he built what has been ,known since Miss blounteastle is a member of the Lon- one orchid (Cattleya La-binta) which attract- the cost of ship i � , she rove the horses V I 1 . � a . . it is a modest one. Sene 11 r�Aldrlch of as Stewart castle. It was considered a don branch of the . '� . pingi I I —*- . . 'I ! -Woman's Art 1�ssocia- ed grear, attention. home to Woodstock, where she will en- . I . �, come magnificent building at the time -.4 . - I I . Rhod6 Island, who bR s f r to be' . The I tion. She is a constant and energetic work- � At � - William Baker, of Ridgetown, has deavor to sell ' .hen) The distance covered ' I - - - It :be well to do through h1s I 1 estments In senator dropped out 'of the senate, loist er, and while devoting much of her time to manufactured a sideboard which is a mar- was 1,200 miles. - .The . �d M-GaLl street railroad propertle in ' is state, has � most of h s large fortune and found him'- painting, is also an able writer. Shq is the vel of 'I beaut 8 .. 4 . self with an elephant dwelling on his authorof a book of poems, ' 'The - issidn � 1 _y and ingenuity. It ii com- -An old and respected resident of Tcr- � t lived In boarding houses or�' t hotels dur- . . hands. He leased it flually to the Chinese of Love," and also of that charmin little posed I of 82,259 pieces of white holly, white onto passed away on Thursday, 14th inst., . Ing the congressional seasoi1i'Over since lie . . ma I - whit,6 basswood, red cherry, black in the person of Jffi�s. Crawford, widow of Doul bt I - .. legation, and it Was famous for a long novelette, 11 A Mystery," which w give I n q) I � came to Washington. SO'Otor Roar of wZut P.,nd butternut. It took two years the late John Willoughby Crawford, for- ' I I Massachusetts has lived for x6any years in tline as tb home of the alm. ond eyed and to the public in 1886 under the itom-de- � Of Ithe qualities, if you judge by the � silk pettil,oated Celestials. �After some plume " Carrissima." She has three novels to make it. Mr. Baker is one of the most merly Li-eutenarit-Governor of the province I f prices often quoted, but that a� big boarding house on I4 street, very , years Air. Stewart ck o the sea- in hand at present. One of these, 'Three skilful wood, workers in the Dominion. of Ontario. Mrs. :Crawford, who -war, "18 1 near the magnificent stOneri,a,i4nsion which ; ate, and by some fortunate inilestments he That Were Left," is nearly r- ady or -The other day Geor�e Amberry, an im- years of age, died i'at the resitle'ace of her ,e, vaZlies when you see. the goods. Senator John Sl ,,man buil�. for himself. 1 e publi- . I .L� , I I I . I he we' regained his wealth. Then li� determined cation. This work is written in the same becile, was struck by a '. T. R. engine, at son-in-law, COmmaiader Law, at 504 Shel- . Sherman Is,one ofA .althiost men 0 a In-ru. lrvinvun nu 'M� ­_�, . P. - — , bourne street. The deceazed I -A ,,,--,,- of to take p session of the cast+e again and vein as the comic stories alread r J I .. r I I ." A4�om I ­ J I I . . I in the senate, ar d he ha 3 nif!�`e most of his y mentioned. Drumbo, and instantly hilled. He was driv- a prominent United Empire Loyalist family, � I the Chinose had to seek otlIer quarters. Besides the talents already mentioned this . - . I . The . are money since be 3ntered publij) life. Much ing a being the daughter � - of it is the resa .t of su coessfbl r They left the caRtlb In such condition that woman, who in one of our cyclopedias i herd of cows, andi had succeeded in 'of Hon. L. P. Sherwood, � . � eal estate is getting all but one over; the crossi- Puisne J_udge of the Court of Queen's Bench ; , 0 ... , the Stewarts f1lod a claim to damages termed ".gifted," has a decided talent for .- ng� Ila I . I I � � speculation at Washington. Mr. Sherman, r his efforts to get this one over he was of Upper Canada, ;ind speaker of the Legis- � . , with the state department. the matter I elocution, and during the evenig session of - I 8 I � Bit ains though, has. bee, i a pr ipertyl owner for a struck by the approaching train and hurled iatlive Council. Al son and four daughters � . I I i � . - . 9 great many yea -s, and befor6 be built his still: In dis 3ute. Senator Jorio's of Nevada the art exhibit will sometimes favor those - survive Mrs. Crawford. 7 : - I ' from the track. I r adapts his style of living to the -needs of present with charming recitations. She is � . � � Ready for you to -day or any day present dwelling be, ho d an tber on the -Rev. W. McDoaagh,pastor of theAfotho- � � _J. J. Littlejohn, of Galesburg, Michi- I I . - . � while they last, If you're prejudic- adjacent lot, which was of briok and much his family. When his wife spent the win, the author of that remarkable poem I I The I . I ed in favor of ther stores, drop in more modest in appearance. Mr. Sherman ters In Washington, he used to rent a Foot on the Stair," wh0h, with the comic gan, shipped a colt to Manitoba recently. di8t church at Kingsville, Essex county, de- � �� � � peared. about . -_ I ., I house In t a northwest quarter of the oltyo ftories before mentioned, ap In due time he received notice from some livered a sermon in the Windsor 14ethodist � , , and see whatwe have to offer you., - was Induced to become a .householder be- one on 0 an ma was e church, on . 1�8 �., in . . ! We amplei sed a� all'tirne's to show goods. cause the proprietor of Willard's hotel re- where she gave fine entertainments to the three years ago in Toronto Saturday Night. . - - � 7 ' � � I for duties amounting to some SOW. a he the course of w i he ed e views -of . 1 W- 're proud of ourstock and like fused to 3 for fashionable set. Now that his wife Is not —0 � . I i -give him a ho e ln'exohano 1 consignee had Rev. Mr. Tolmie, of St. And - . . i I paid for the colt previo rew-'s Presby- � I with him for the entire winter he lives at. � I 1� to, how 4r the sake of comparison. the whole of his salary as a �ongressman, Canada. 1 1 itss,hi menr, Mr. Littlejohn is losing but terian church- Rev. Mr. Tolmie expressed I I Th � looki g is io obligation to buy, then $250 a month. Chamberlin's baoholov, apartment house ' .� � I very , I 0 � I I , in her absence and gqes to the Shoreham Frozen rabbits are liberal views at the Christian Endeavor I � I convention at Essex and frequently from � . � do ttbat,% hen yDu're ready. . Live In Boardbil from Manitoba. �eing shipp�d ealt little eep, though the purchaser is pro- I � �., ; Hinges. - I bably interested. 17 1 1 . � 39X, . ,he, ,he pays the cipital a flying visit. � i i .; *----�At the recent marriage in IA),chaber, his own pulpit said that smoking tobacco � � �&st senlitor . -A street letter box service will 4hortl ; Two pecials this week. Peffer is anoth r M6 Mr. Jon Idohnave Pis, own house if be I be established in (4alt. YI: West Williams,near London, Mr. McLellan, 'was a proper thing for men to do, and that % . . � who livep in a boarding house". He Is one clou. t own on � , S '- I of th ew-me . n who take away from Wash- was am bllilltiocus B a, for he Is a very ,-Fred Field, Cobourg, recently I the groom ; Miss .Christina Cameron, the churcles: should provide billiard rooms and I ] � wool tweed Mantling wealthy man. ut as tastes are even :. I sold � � � 4 �uch he�,vy e f " ut , other wholesome recreation, to attract I I jus air of fancy game fowls to a, party iii Kingi. 1 bride ; Mr. John McAndrew, of that place, � , the t) Ing for .children's coats Ington more money than they brought more vagrant than those of the average P I i 1 1 � :. � ulst . ston, for $14. 1 � I who was I I best man" ; Mrs. McMillan, of oung �nen to the church. Rev. Mr. Me- � [62 rs, regular price $1.25, there at the end of a co gresslonal career. Washingtonian. Knagh declaredauch tbings a farce, "It . I ;�l ard 6ount� � i . Mr. Peff er's prodocessoi, Mr. Ingalls, who I -A buyer of Prince Edw West Williams, the bridesmaid ; an- ­­ i � Ouri price 1. Children's wool Tams, I Fine Quxxters. ' . , means that Christ would -shake hands with I . I is now a can 6fficiating minister who securely tied the I � all 1colors, regular 40 and 50c for didate for re-elootion to the apples reports that $100,000 will come int4 � I � Senator Perkins of Oalifornia Is a very the county this year from a tial knot, Rev. Mr. McKay, of Looch- the clevil to get, young men into the . - ,25d. -,Z�__ senate, lived I;n a boarding ho*use opposite pples alone. 1 , nup . i, .- . I . _z the capitol, Mr. Inga a was reckoned - a rich mall, but he live� at a hotel because -Messrs. Sanders & Sool.6, of Chestere -aber, were all over 75 years of age. church," he said. 11" Imagme Ohritt going - I I � I � I � — . - ___ he does not carre to be' bothered with the ville are taking 4,000 sheep to Morrisburg, - -A stage driver has recovered damages along the street with a stub of a eigar in him a . � . f. - poor man, but with eftie be� �as the repu- t I .; I . . I . 11 I . � cares of housekeeping when he Is In Wash- mouth. Those whoWould promot�; su�h a i . I tation of belng wortl from $50,000 to to be killed and put in cold.9torage. from Loughborc, township, near Kingston, . . i 4 � . rrtnJ401ona doctrine would be among the � One', Price—Cash or Produce. $100,000 now. I ' Ington. His colleague, Senator White, is -Mr. John McKenzie, a resident � of Pe- for failing to remove snow from their ro". ra . - i I � Senatpr Gray of Delaware, � i : � .1 : 0— who succeeded Mr. Bayard, has lived in not wealthy, and he lives at the Ebbitt trolia, has purchased the Kincardine planing The stage driver, after com laining fre- to persecute Christ if he agam came +-I-% � r I e � ; ; . I . M the darth." Th speaker )isserted that : 7 1 � boarding houses d1uri House from necessity, perhaps, as much as mill and sash and door factory. quently to the township _qouncif � I - no his itay In Wash. , ' without re- . I � . . - to . I a n . young men if taugh!t to play billiards in the ,� ington. He*has hal dspme, Qld fashioned choice. -Mrs. Blanch rd, a dau�tiier of Chief sult, was obliged turn out himself, re- , � I church, woul . I HO-DIGENS BROSeq When Mr. Palmer of Michigan was a Brant, of the In a d playl in the saloons too. I i .1 home In Wilmington, rhich Is o . . . . than Reserve, in Tyendi � move the snow, and make, the road passable. I � . D1Y 2Y2 , . 1111 . - � . � 1 14 � I hours ride from �asbln ton. , Mr. Gorman member of CA senate, he built oxie of the aga township, was thrown fr6m a wagon av He b,ro-ught action to recover damages for i *— . . - liv most costly houses in Washington, Opposite Belley : I Direct I'luporters of Dry Goods. of Maryland, W11 ives even nearer Wash- _ ille, the other day, and killed. time:loot, and for the amount he paid, with -Stratford's fire' , . I t lady medical practition.. I . i Ington, keepi t I MoPbe.-son square. When his term in the -13r. Nelson F. .Martin, V. Brantford the above result. er is: Miss Daisy, Macklin, who, afrk.pr a . � a and country I - OLINTON. ' up I senate expired, he went away, and the who was recently found ilty in Montrea , ' I � � I house. His couxitiWbo - T�h�e medical faculty of Queen's College, oreditiable career as a student, has Zom� I � �. . I 0 , car Lau 1, gul � I I - I re house stood idle for many years. Mr. BI- of apium atealing, has been sentenced King'ston, have taken away from the stud- mencea the practice of her profession in that . 0 'k, which be - . � Md. There be raises fl e s I . . I - I . I . . glies to his friends. H s towl, house Is on kins occupied it when he was secretary of nine years' imprisonment in the peniten- ents -the privilege of supplying the dissee- city. � - . - . I ; . � fashionable X street. war. Now it Is beino turned into a flat- tiapy. : ting room with subjects. Heretofore the -At a meeting of the Stratford P b . , � I resby- I . . house. . i * . � Pen'tecost's My. Carlisle, the.sec tary cf the treas- I I _�_The marine and fisheries department students have been allowed to bring in tery, last week, the call of the Alitcheft - . -1 . . ury, is another residen of K street. He Senator Davis of Minnesota has a very have been informed tbat;the caitch in Lake I subs' from wherever they could be pro- co�grogation to Rev. W. A. Bradley, of - - . i I � I fine house, which he �ought after mcepticnally good of lat cured, the faculty paying so much . each for Alvi ' � I I .. ,5 Q � lived at hotels for most of the years of his he had Huron has been ( e, litton, was sustained by the Presbytery� e � - �V been in Washington s' e time. His wife a4d that the fishery laws are,being well ob. tbenL � Now, if a student wants to go after The salary to be paid is $1, 000 with a manse " - * experience In the hous J and]w- hen he did . Pm ) I 'i .. . - . entertains a great d ' 11. Senator Allison served. � . a 'body, he must firBt secure permission from rent free and tax free, and leave of absence . I I � I .. take a house be made a combination with - . - . . . ,� : Millinery liepresentative Steele o. I I has his own home, a Tne old brick house ,-According to the :revised statutes of the desn. - � for four Sabliathe in each year, Th,e call Of I _ I . ndia a by which & L I .ii - of three stories on'Vcrmont avenue, near Ontario, a person takin , I I I tbeyEharedabome.' 17lien Mr. Steele left I "stray stock to -Mr. Delso Spence, -a St. CatbarineA NorthEa8thope and HLaMpstead to Rev; . q i. I � � I � .1 the value of $10or more, must advertise hotel -k eper, had a narrow 640ape from. be- Lindsq Robertson, of St. Alarys, was also ; Washington, Mr. Ca-zlisle �aanagod to . ' " " j L 1 ­ . I . - . I � ]maintain his own -home in the ) I the strays in a newspaper for three succes- in seflously burned the o her morning, sustained , If Mr. .Robertsou accepts the I I - I . house which .. . 9 ed on' I I I I 1, ., I I .. � give week -s. , luction wi take place on I)e. I .. L � M he and Mr. Steele had i � cented common, . ... lie turl the gas for bisi as stove, and call, his inc L 11 I 11 .. . I . ... � . I � . . Fal I of Poel town8hi then waited 6n a customer. hen he went cember 10th. I I L ; , , but the Carlisles mak hoboDe of the fact - -.-- -Thomas O'Neill, pt . . - �. . i I . Wellington county, ha 5 gold his fine the' gas a aVYL a � I r I . I � #P11511 f farm of to! li he e lo ion fol- - . .that It Is all they can . -8 -T6 List,owel Banner says . Mr. Ajex. ,) to - ep up their � I i I small establishment A,not I Kentuck- . - � 100 acres, to Mr, S 31omo* Snyder, for lowed, uming Mr. Spence' �Xlslkers and Alleahas returnedi from Neepawa, Maui. I -1 * $5,100. Thefarnisir an :excellent state eyebro, a almost entirely off andverynear- toba. � Air. Allen � ooks hale and hearty � Don V , . tan, �enator Blackburn, has en a .hotel I 1111 - F , . I - 11 . . . - � � , � . � I of cultivation, and has fine buildings on it, ly blin� him. , i after spending abouit two years in the . � liver all through. --his mblio� 9 1i1:19 . far ] �_ i ,1. reer, He 14, -Mrs. Mercer Beer, of Toronto, who -It is claimed that thq�l distinction of west. , He reports' a golden barve i , I I has a. 1111a home in Ker Woky,. )ut he and � I . ' . � I st,this i i his daughters have .ved in hotels or � treated the child, Pere y Bec4, who died on pomessing the largest, prIvate library in year, :the average of wheat being from - I October 28th, of diphtheoa, while under Canadaibelong,st I I . boarding houses In Wi shingtcn from the I I .. I , o 11r. J. Pavis Barnett, - thirty tosixty-two bushels 'Per acre, price . . . ig I , Worry � Wil_ I treatment of the Christian Scientists, has suoerintendei�t of the Grand 'Trunk Rail- ranging from three - to f orty-eight I , . time be came to the h so, of � representa- 0 . been ort a charge o locomotive shops in- Stratford. � lorty . . . I mitted for tri4l, M have old at fifty, On his I . . :1 tives. Mr. Vest's collqgue, �4r. Cookre _ _� 01 com f `nts,,and some � � , way - co � - . I . ! � wa8 a boarding house f� equent r for paa manslaughter. . � I Barnet� has W,000 volumes, and more than farm this year he h4z,about seven bundred - I I About ,A,hait style of a hat or' yiqar�. Thqn be boug[it, a !JIttle h Maiai�,Z �� .. . -Experiments in sugar �.beet growing that mimber of pamphlets, efficiently in- bushels of wheat. -In about six: weeki Mr. __ - ' � were made in the Niagara district tWs sum- dei ed. His Shakespeare section alone Allen will take a trip to California, bonnet 'yo 'will wear this *vb1ch was made brigbi by the good tas 0 ==!�T=__ I - __ , ;X where ' t cc� e - . - 46 mer, andsamples of the products have been covers 800 - -volumes, and more than 2, 000 he will opend the �vinter among his three . ! . fall, bu t - _ to us. - X 1. Cockrell, and whIch was; paid for by . - ' hl ts. ' ' . i Let us rq . . I r sent to the Agriculturaf C41ege, Guelph, po4n e r I daughbm there,,intending to return about I help y'cu. We make deA+ees. i : .i '. SENATOR STR*ART'S CA.STIX. ! for analysis. The beets we4e grown fro ary - r I - . . I 1� a I � a study �._ Zeside In 1potels. , m 7yhe, trial of the Thorppson brothers. Febru' before om b ok to Manitoba, I I � I . I is to - . f French seeds. . I . cho; d with aiding and abetting suicide, -Air, James N ' it .: I 1 of faces 'a d our ahn Spine senators live Ila � �otels because they Thomas circle. He occupies It alone. , rge � CT. w7ho retired from.his , . give You � the most stylish I ' Directly behind It Is. the red brick house -C. W. Thompson, M.D.� of Granton, now in progress at MoospjAih, Assimboine, famn in Logan and vent to reside in Xit- � 0 11 - � , I - i I find it m�re independlent. S(nator .11is- has returned from a in; reve I ' � I Which Senator Morrill, the "father of the six -i months'st ' I als a shocking story, Their sister chell. about a -month ago, died ,on Sunda,y e , � lived with them in a obe-roomed shanty, morning, 10th inst"., after two days' illness. I . ! ba6 Ix asi e -for' the least 0qck of $iW York used to hav: 3 a Ault of senate, I I has ocoupied for many years. Great Btitain, where he at . ided th U I : money. . roomi M the Arlington otel, i ist beneath rs of I don and Dublin hospitals, . up along! isolated on the irie, and by them had Mr. Wood came to )Ipgau,over thirt years .. : . i I More than one-baif of the memb Pra I . 1 1�,o4", . . those obcti�led by Dr. TalMaj e now, for ,%he with his �-ial cour�e of several children, all of whom died. She age� and by faithful: y I — senate live in' renied houses or in ho- general work a s i jndustry� -made out of . �. I aid I � I io4 I)e more than hW senatorlid study on the'eye and ear. I ; . I - lels.. As to the members of the house, . was again about to bec�me a mother, when, the then wilderness a splendid home for t I . 't f N -�--Aifr. W. J. Evans has b out to Kan-� with �their connivance aud assistance, the himself and family.' The latter are now all - t . i I v. Juator lahl ( e , ! lork bag they are usually inhabitants of Nviydlng � I I I � I ; i& at hotels durin b. a . or si - I 11 � OY In -3j�lng- - for the past five or �years, but re. miserable �irl poisoned herself, grOWU Up RD U : . hoilses or hotels of -great or small �*eten- 13" � . d Up id �d with good homes I. I � . . 11 I � . � I nt s j. to hi old -The othep day Miss Lena Marshall, of of their own, eeeased was widely re- i I I AvEr Pen ecost,� Arligg sions. Most of the qputhernera will be Thep I ( . �� n, Iftrsb At th t A 4-ind t At the turned a couple of mo h ' � I a. a 6f the ! mdt 1 tot I 14 , home in WeRburn, East "' illesex Is �F I . I foUnq at the Metropolitan (once Brbym 0 . . . . Dur- Warwick, haa a narrow escape from death spected and his fun ral was attended by a � 0 in � ( I � i I A at Tou es ir to :0? Alpany, his sta M* Kansas he foR, in, with Mor- at the Qrs,ad 1runk Railway �tation. I - I - SEAFOR H, botel) or the National. SpeaVer Orisp M9 �1. I She great niumber of hisilold neighbors from all 3 . I ' , I I � . I . he could afford to k - - - dD I i hafidsolde lives at the Metropolitan, and Senator mons, ang has been f , tised with and her sister, Mn. G. Fisher, were seeing the di�tricts about. �_, He had for umny years - I � . , ! � I � I I . - I Sig I � i & ast4blIsliment IU Washington '� f he caifed Ransom, ff6w minister t9 Mezlco, was a their baptism. On. San i hat, at the bap, some-friewls off, and mi gomg around a been 0,n active worker in the Methodist - ­. f , of , jlWl, tismal service, he disturbo'd the congrega- sta�41ng I rain Miss Marshall was struck by churc4, for several years a local p I � . , v .. shir. � to �10 flo. His colleague, Sena :)r Murphy, familiar figure t1here for many yews. I . mcher. I ' tion by �ttempting to � . 11 z HV6 in ON Q14 b9t ous on K L fair Dro4or*= Q_tQP_nDmewtr_M,W1r0 1. questions, an4 an incomi'a ; train from the east. She fell He leAves a widow to moum his � I - - -Anfor(I ho . 91 � - .- - - __ -A-00-01 � - i k6, . � i _� � I . � i I i � � � f f : I � . . i I i I . - : ; I - � : i . - . I - I I i I !, � t : I . � . � . I I , 1 1 I : � I . . �1 �, � - I i . . ! I � I I - 1 1 ! . I i . I � I � : � i I 1, I . ! I � I I q � � i 11 :: . f I I . I I I - � � i - I � . I I i;, . � I : . I . e - � - i I � i i , . I I - I � - I . I �, 0 : 11 � � " � : i :; . � . . I " I I " - . i I -1 I - .- . ; - . I i i I , I I �- � . . i a � . I _1� , I , . - - ! 7� - - - - -- - - I � - - � -- ---- --- - I I ­ ____f . , . I I 1. - - - - I ­ -_ - . - . I - I . .. o. � . .1 ; . . : I _�11111 - i - , - - - - . . - - - - ., - ­ ­ -_ ­ I I I I ­ 1, � - - - . - � I I , I , . ; - � -i I - I I i I � I I � - - - . � i . - . , :_­ : I i I ? - . �! I , . . I � 1- . . i I � I ; . . . I �� : i . � - . I I I I . I i ! i � . I � I . I I . I � . I I i I i . .1 . I I � i , . 1. . ; . � - . � i I . . . .I! , . I � � �'. . I I . � I ! I . i i - I . I . . ! . - - . I I I I .� : . � . I . . I . I . : I . I . i . I . I * ! , I I � : I - I I F ! . i I � I .. I i - . � I � � . � . - � . 1, I i . i - 1.7 I � , � I I . � . � : Z, . . - . P f � . I I � I . I I T - . . I . . 1 � � I �1 I , . A... ­ - ------- ­ --- - - �. __ _., -_ ," - - , - . I J . 1 _.__,.__,1__ __. ,,,, _-L_--___1- - � -_ _ ­_ � I . -1 ­ ... � ---- - ---- —.,----.-----.,-----�.--.�..,.-.-. ­ - _.-1_1-.__.. _--_1 i.�.,.-.,.�-4'L------�—�-.L—��.—i--'!-�-.--�%—� I .... -