HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-11-08, Page 3. -
I , entire .
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I ; I * - THE- tl!JttO-- I q —
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i NOVEMBER 89 1-8950 li . :1 I I __ . - -
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. e!!T___ - I I 11 I ___-1 — —_ I ,I .1 . I
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. I I I The White Plue. - I /, I/
. ; I I . . I .
I PREPARE fRE 8HE0P Fd' ViIE v /1, / / I i
I ... i !j I I . I berman! . I il / # 111112fflmp_ __ .
i i I I , We now come to what ever r lu4 I i )./ I
I TLD ' . , ,
, : . I . . -COL, YT SHOOT. V I "u out the Poor Ones -Divide forest,iu g,tandt;ur; ' " I - j I - . 131iiil. . I -
. . . . 11 .
; - . . . I . . , -.- .'-% ,", P_ jEnto Bunches. an([ value, the, white , Dr I _; P - I
i — M ... I . ___ I : 1. 6sefulness cork, / E_ __
I r i T .__ Smokers I I " the Rest . considej a the I ing of the I I ( / : I I /X , --
- , _ - I ---, / m:, :=LZEQMat 59K
, ' ..
Z "I . i - : -Q. .. /I / - ...
t 'F_ , A
i . . . I Y % ; I .
i li III I 3UT Ht 1HAD1 SKILL IN ANOTIHER D1- ' - .- The changes in the Season at this time Pine, the tree of all others thab serv,a more, - I I / i I
i I : . T V -/—I in 1// ct connections will save .you
! . - 7 I tho last .Culling of the flock. purposes than we can enumeiate. ; Among ; ,17, 1 i --/j .0 ur dire
, ! ! To mett the wishes of their custon-ters, : . RECTION THAT SERVED. I I , , .- O,
I i I . . . 4Z'.T-0;;Z: ,! Cored ' I e . f I time a id money for all points.
The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., i If# - , SL le grea ), Ili
f " . :;.. them the tiny match, the mas4 for L.
i I i -1 . ___ - .. k.. that have not done well . Lla.no I
ri jn - "
I . , ;. , di
I Z Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon : i . . .. . . I I [ - :1 I The 6we lamb dia ) Y , Y ;
! I . _ I - V - . — ,hi . I
I the market . 1W ' ! "PI . iii g the summer and. the old ewes or in . / .
L ! I - I hUo City 13ditor of The Daily Dove of - . ,,X, the . framt i of the sweet s likv d is. , I . I . Canad, 'an North West
i ` dur; wherever i L soft, easy -w /
L ,
. I I i I I . 0 i S. - . I ved their usefulness, such . I hop, . / /I
L .
f 7 i . . - BIG 'H . RiE ' ; ' that have outli wanted, either in the arts, ffi w'rks I X I I'll if I I -
I - . lask4ser Itook, lRobinson. Taujht the . -.L—[!' I . As :: I
I A, Combination Pldg of I . ain, should be culled out. The - 4 the factory, . . , j L I Vit Toronto or Chicago,
/ 'I , ,
- //7 5 III'
I - I I I . ,; ToUgh Mon. of the Camp a Now Trick . T*0 :Prize uners Am, aff ff avy Drafts. as rem there it is to, , fou. d. . / - , / / 6 / L i lir r - ' ' . -
i _ I . . L i - . : work of culling is ,asually done bef ore . an article of commerce, it Jaj surpasses in ,. , . " Britishuolumbia and Calfflornia
, * ,
. L I . 11 Britt ft Sho rs. I . . I L
- .W ; bfe
t , In the Art of Self Defense. at R cent . t there are a V an , other wood,. . ften being coughs and colds, I points. -
! . I I -
: ,'Ili I T e.Shire is the lar, est' draft horse `f not of all -go -ts put tog,ethef i It supplies - Our rates A re the lowest. We have them . I
- I
, I . .. . . - Some Speeiro Jig Of L , i'i / ,,,hilis 60 suit everybody and PULL11AN TOUR -
t I . " j : - , ! this, bu lways a few favored ; alue and quantity that of /. //O
I t I'll, "Ono of tho best men I ever knew at . I unes that are given a few days of grace in I nto the St.
I P kn 6 n. tthe breed jiore freight f )r vesselscoml
- . "T I dapting himself to circumstances,' 0 . before the final decision as to their fate -y ; it, ,
: ; . . ., _ikre1j7 haiid i high be ore t1iby are 8 ' Iawrence -than any other c)mm IST CARS for your accom
I ; I L . odit modation. 'Call
; i I served Ma or ,Hot(,hkiss, "was a young I is mode. The worst deficiency that the I .
. . I i I I 6inployment tolwage-earDID9 I
. ; I fell that ivo'll call Robin'son. He was a 'Years old. 9 he Shire 4 i the pride of the owe lambs may h -ave is a falling away gives more . I PYNY — PECTORAL, for further in formation.
. I
. . . yal man, and, I f cy, a bit of a black I groat brewers of Bir4din. j 1411 grown hings i en than any industry in ou country, ex- brings quick relief. Cures all ir.1 Station G1. T. R. Ticket Office.- ,
1 SMOKING TOBACCO. - . re. It employs more capital I
- , , I . . Ishee -.). He came of a good Now EDglarid I animals f ' ently we. gh a 'ton. For from the standard of form. Such t 0 dept agricultu flarnmation of the bronchiall
L . i
i . - , re : are never outgrown. Usually they b _ in manipulati, ig it from the 'ime the men tubes, thioat or chest. No un- I I
t I . afor
: I . I Thi supplicsalonir felt want, giving 1farnhy, and one brother. went into the baulmg be-2UW'agOi1S 4?d for 1 making a with age. A small lamb Cave for the woods in the f4ll, to make, ' certaintv- Relieves, soothes., Train ervice at Se -th.
8 .
I I L -the consumer one 20 cent plug, Ora come worse. . I heals promptly. ;
! I ministry - and anot her came to this city I - driv,- the logs and timber to the . I
; locentplere orri5cent plit: 8 of the I . . - that is more symmetrical than the gen- htwl a -ad _ L .
: ; prospored 1 . t A Large Bottle for 25 Cents. ,
I i ; fawous " T & and n the law, but these -pur- . . r -Grand Trunk Railv.ra,7.
l a" brand of pure. - - . . I .. . ecially if mills -the bu bling of mills fo' sawing, the . ,
. )01 ; Virginia Tobacco. suits were too prosaic T -or him. After we ' I . oral average of the lambs, esp
I . . I - , , I , . . -
: i I hur- 4onstruction of barges and Warnboats to - 0015 I LAWRIKE V.: LTD: Tmlnv lerive, 80410rth and Clibl-oti slavoLs at
. . I
- . ; The tin tag, 11 T & B )) is O every left Pollege be went to Cuba for a few' , , W I .L out of a good dam,L should not be. a 0,onvey . t t n ketp as wqll as the large , FROPRIFT01ts. 0. I follows I I gr.ArORTJT et.jr TOX. - -
I I m'11 drifted , . ouch " ?-igZarflurnished t to railroads, Q01313 Wul- ,
f o 'ths and Alien came back and riedly. discarded Very often s
- . . ... * amount of f Li 3:?. V.
7 I piece. . . to Chicago and became a reporter on the I ter seasom, if given MONTREAL. Psmen-er ,
. _. . . - , - ? lamb during the win the erect -ion 0 factories to co4vert it to the I Fmae 'er_,_ - - 9.05 P. it. 9.22 P. x.
! r i . . 1289-62 L . hi I" , I 'Vrai. ' - - 9.30 A. V. 1-01-5.19,
t i Chioago Tlmos. This was in the old p : . better carej will develop into an excep- L * W Ic I it is put. It is safe I Mixed -
; I . .. I
i : j - I . lti - various u Z I I Mixed Traln. ....... 6.20 P x. 7.-05 P. x.
0 1 . tional sheep. Then,among the ewes be [ses "o I It OING Kim-, '
-Storey days, wlien a Times reporter, ift . 1. !, I. Jo say, tliat e value of the O:utpiib of pine
` . r1l", . i . .
I ii IMPOIRTANT NOTICES. . I f I 1 I charitable to the old ewe that has reared lumber alo PASSeDger. _1 - i;_ - 7 48 A. X. - Y,22 A, X.
the event 6f a i ian refusing to give him i d in Ctinada, is at : , , . .
! . 10 I TH E -. .
I ; '_ . . ,
wn - r. . nel prod"e- t - ftesen 2 63 i,. v 2.26 P. x
news, was CXPA','ed to take the man do T . 0o o0o, or two and ja half times as I
: . . , . I . ... . - . - r A you good lambs every year. Her low teaW.525,0 I . F6r - g- - -
i _L_ .. --- Mixed Tratri-4. - - - b.S5 r X. 4,2j P. M.
I I fir iO LET -Comfortable brick house on Georre ,9t,. and barniner it out of him. . . condition fit this time is usually the olue as tl at of any other anufacturi g -1 - .- i 0
! I N. 14 13-tf. - "Eln on i do a mistake one day. z .. . I . ra caro- when we coi Lsider that 0 -_ . - _.. i Gre-Y and BrUee
I The ELtate of T. T. COLEMA I' . . L I ; . 0=11 I so -W917
I , industry a a,
. I I ---- ' , , . ___ . i : alty she is paying -for the ext . I .
He ammored 1. o city editor and bad to : . I I pen , ear . I A , .
i I ' __ ___ I I she go o 0' lambs. Sucli sheep per cent is id for labor, and that, y RnL on - I
& -IONIFORTAB7LEP.00MTOLET.-Tolet,)ver Robb - ___ - I . I
. I le,a-vie towi . 'He promptly came to Badger . cR li iklo,,TSHIRX STALL, ION. that v 0 6,11 to men r presenting a large populaticii,
I I d P 4-.11% 1*1 ; ,( in I . . I,.; . . . . .3 GOIVG NORTH . FAmenger. Mixed.
. %_.,, m Curr We Grocer) . — — , , 1,b . I . and shoula Do I _. -
I Apply to FLOBB & CURRIE. ' 1465 2 * i ROkl- 1"n- - ; tremendoti Show Ifind.-for work any --are invaluable in a flock. you ean readily see, how fir porbant it is, Ethel. _ . L .. 3.00 r. X. 2.S0 P.W. 0.00 A X
I - i I t ' d feed to t kwise, t o- ; . 9.48 9_415 I
! . I . ___ — , "Padge ' Rock, ut that time was one of or very' lo . ithe r by le -yislation or o a 1 Brussels ........ 8.13 967 10.10
. , - great -a 60d ng worthy of a little extra care an 0 pr
pla her , E Y E S I G H T
11, 1, t towi s in the west. Homicide IF . this great 3 1uevale._,'_ - ,8.27
, Olt SALE OR TO IREINT._T e house 'ately oc. tho1ardest tow] CO ce w . I . - I I
. . e v . I -7 .0 -0
n6nued pulling i Pot required the bring them into better cQudition. In di beet ),nd con ' r e the source Of i Wingham.. .jl. .. 8.81 10 7 11.2
I . I
* cupied by Wm. Carnoeban, East of' t James' . was a Pastille, like lawn tennis or croquet i . . - - . I
Apply to F. AOLMESTED. Sbiti4 the horse. vidii'ig the flock Ior the' winter season factcrinou prosperity. How,carilw ext ol ' GOiNo Souni ' Pawnger. jd!xed
. I (3hurch, Se0orth. . ; -in other parts o tho'couritry. Mining and T ion h of the fclre t that - Winghain ... . . 1 6.23 A.m.i.1.20 A. V. -7.2-1;; -M I -
- i I 1 1463 tf 11 I 4-'k 1 4-- - , ni nrl tvnical- Shire has a broad.- thowetbers must of course. be left by suffie ntly his monarc' . -) fil #__ -1 Q RnhalstQ Bluevale .. .1. . . O.F4 ILSS 806 1
— 9-1 19 ng UL -0 I V __ .Y " 5 . ' intlejut,ec LO 0. . .
. erence given to breast and t shoulders. tboemselves, the owe lambs run together we are so inuch 9 9 Brussels`... . CEO 11.59 9 w
; 1 j J. McKENNA, Dominion & d Pro,lr[cial Land ind,ustries, withl 'the prof thick, vi$righ . pen co, mtry is bf'lit- I I I , . .
: . I I : or uprightthQ and the ewes, if mecessary, divided into when growii g in the o Ethel ... :1. i T.C.4 12.14P.M. 9.30
I A-j-oclationof nibling as a gentlemanly vocation. Rob- Yo t'says that thO ' 6 I tree, its :
i . Surveyor, Member of th . uat I i . -strong and .the weak. tie or no value, except as a shade I I Graduati of Detroit Optical 0
i TAnd Surveyors, Dublin, Onurlo 1386-52 instin got immediate employment on The two lots -the nches to the I ,
I . 7 -_ I - . I I . 11 collar stands on him I #e bbtter. . liberal bra reaching Xost . I Institute and Chicago Ophth-
I . daily,, paper called by its,owner, with fine i I e different London, Huron and Bruce.
. I .
. moist Soil of th fens of. Lincoln- TbeFe-bunches will all requir ground, it is in the d a blav ;
I . AR 'Y S h for sale . I I - I en e for4t we e to I
, at- tro 0 ai Dove.-- lt,%vas the worst I it is absolutely necessary to vhere. almic College, is prepared GoiNG Noftnl-- - PVS L Dg Z. -
, ' anti ,, of choice y riel'; produces horses, 0 t is . e - . LondoD, depart - - - - - - 13,06AAL 4.30' X
i . at his quarry raribrook a qui ' shir - I ed in fecding, look for the great tree -of. coomerce,
I . ! tofit all defects- of-Visi6n
I stone. suitable for corner stones, sill stones a'nd ,911 t in town, whlch is saying a great ,he pruner. The e the branches I .
i I greatest Site and perf; ' tion, though tbeY keep the system of the breeding flock I ature acts . I Exeter_- ---.--.;-- 9.i2 6.00
, 6ridge stone, Will b, sold at reason& Is prices. I p_
. I 31ORGE BAKFdt, Cranbtook, P.O. . 140841 - Me I . The exciting nature of a connection are also raised. in m6l, of the midland in cod tone. I idecay and drop off, the trunk a [iocits u I Asti I Hypern etrb- Rensall_7 -..---.-- 9.37 161.16 .
. - I -w! h It may- be best realized when Isji w Ive its neighbors, seeking q
r , I that I
; ,tho sheep's mard high a bc : pia, Prestyopla or KiPPen-- -- - -- - - --- 9-44 1-20
: . _ i -sive counties of England. 1 ; 11 dr t horses the matter of trimming I Tyaotliisima, . BruceflAd .-- 9.62 4.28
i th appr's strong point was abu f hich it wa a deprived ight and .. - -
i I -f the Sec)n Division I . , t the p, .. .1 Cott has'not'been attended to before this w of b(low- i any compound defect. . Clinton..., 10,12 665
w JOIJIBEATTIE, Clirk I ; 1 , fie grefit Flanders ction of t re *4 get our - I
C A County Commissioner, of H ron, Con- 1 PC] sonal§ in a 7untry -where all personal's are d,escended from I lair. By th 3 a' ' uat Lo n d etb o rO* -1 17. .' ___. __ __ 10.20 7.14
P_ il,, - Blyth.... ' -_ '14)IS8 7.23 - --
! so famous. The it is novisable to go over the flock at the . "rized i
- ! veyancer -e are dang beaSt tha used to b' I echanicsi. . - !.. - -_
, ? d, Loan and Insurance Aj e Funds j I ,clear pipe E 0 Much t . __ ,
. . ) 1 . I I
, -1 There is nothing , . , . -9
jr eated and to Loan. OfRce-Ovar, Sharp & to tOWD, he the Shire breed em lest oppor unity. 10.61 737
1 1 ' When Robiosbn came heaviest Is ecimens , As the bran ches drop off, e wo d gro,ws ! Be!gir.Lve., ....... _..... ,
I -;-
I I . I I Wingbani arrive - _ " _ 11.10 &VO
rvve"Is' dore. Main street,-Seaforth. 1 289 r found the post f city editor vacant and , I raes. They bave of form n, and we get t he a t ill e tree It telligent people have Oven up the idea of try-
- I - __ .i I .e know as dray , that will throw a sheep out over thou ain- ingorlinaryootumonspeetwlesatacotinter,becaiise GonxG S urr.4 pumenger .
. a lied for the! placo. The owner, not- Is s size well.iip, at '%Vingh&m,'depart..___ - 6.35A.X. R.25P.M.
I O'USE KEEPER WANTED. i aboit legs und round.I boofs. -,It is not qia ioker than overgrown feet, and it i a oft,n att they a e well with them. It may be that only one .
I I -For. a h me in the I w belligerency, was a fair . : . . . . I once Be raye__ ..---.- e.5o 3.47
11 Whstanding hi.s,' Fa"ying it
eafortb, a re8peo al le woman . . I ing 6 1 ey I
country, near S likely tba, i they will be great favorites 'iecinarkable the number that appear in 0 or 70 feet to th e is brought Into use. while the other way be SO - US 4,101
i who understands her business., No chili Iren and onlyl . m4n to his empl.byom Ho sli'ppod his arm , . counts for :saw a tree that measured 4 i n C hi'pe in diam' strain A as to result in blindnera. if your eye$ afe Blyt .- ......
I i 1, . : too slow. . Bight or mll at J. S. ROE 7.10 408
i Into Roblusou'q iand led him half a mile . . d, it wi ak. or i 3 E RT'S
I . . the family. Apply at THH . in America. They a: th 3 show rings -where form ; eet rom the gro ithout a I Londeo cz,o-..--. ._ -
*i ; F_xrosiim Office, stating experience ard wages de.! . ed feet. if 'eter 70 f lot esivd. Does the print Cliutoil.. !_.. ...... - - 7.30 4 28
I three gr6wn up persons in The big horse in tl)o first illustration solmuch-that have contort ur- ,Drug Store an have thern t 4.46
i t UP-: the mountq6141 to - the little cemetery. . . . ot or defect visible in thi spac 6. Nat . Bructfial i_._....__ - 749
r ., k1l I Hur:i r do the eyes tire when reading? Do the eyes .
I I ritish tbb feet are not noticed now, they will .
I Oired. A suitable perEon could have L permanuat I Kippen..] ....- 7.67 4.0
. 1465x2 7 Pointing to 411ii-00 WllitO .Wooden beail wag the champion S) ire at the B I to ot a log pr acbe I Do the eyes water? Are they more or inflamed ?
i I situation. I I robing time ally, howevar, it is very rar . Henea,ll_;___._. - - 2.06 ' 458
. . erty not a ,
- - I I — 1 bo4rds, he said i'Yonng man, there steep show at Darlington. e is the prop - ttract attention until ]a the beat of timber without . nililik knots or These tems point to defects in the lepactui i, or MiKeter _; ...... - - - - - .Q.95 6.12 -
. . . I 27p of the eyes and can be pei
: . . ., les Hectly caf-
I I I the re- J*e) ............... 9.15,A.Ni. 6.25 r M
i I
! i 8 300 Private funds to loan t1ow your thTCo prmoces'sors.' .'There's room of t9rd '. iddleton. It is , to be noted apprpaches and then the trimming can- defects as y D a get near the heart, the ni Londen (arri
I I I . . that end and tho that Our ,A t in- no be done. At this time of the year recto 1. e -headache I Eye strain causes rn re .
I , it __fo another 1)?t-%Yeon A merican . Jbility do no t I . mains of the dead branches tbatfell, off di r- 11 a you hav 11 _____ .,
. erefit in ,,.I . e w n .
I 500 rates of int I 8 S to 13U _.e 3 Ri 7 1 t e a i g the tree's youth, ' rience leaches ; te:idj ches thsu all other causes combined Thous -
i 700 borrowers. . Loans c n be com- fChc6,' answer I c)binson !and he ook .tero'st tbei selves in pdraft horse breed- th hooff. b s been softened with tb et I My expe i .
I : tb6 positiou of Fity editor. I I . . at account. me, that white pine is; of slow growtb. The ands )f people are suffeiinir who do riot realize i b%t .
ink, The r:ecoiid ill litration represents soil and it cuts easier on tb xain is thp cause. All these cases can be cu ed M11 ,
i , the outlook to be taken for The datual Fire
st thing about rees thaV,
1,000 pleted and money I'But tho I ,ought I eyllh" C
I .g .! advanced MOT wit ;Iums that are made to correct the error in -the
I ; lj6ed-tbe Suffolk. A wir of small pruniDg shears such as smallest t I
i , ays. A, i Iy to R. . for . a b , of 'different logs or timber should b at least four- I Company.
i the young iiian I have not mentioned. ir:r
: 1,500 withiii two d , He had tried to loarn He inner at Darling- gardeners uF,o wd a jackknife make the saw _p t I eyes. - -es of children should be carefully tested. A
! i Ho could not shoot. Irse' t t outfit for this work that I bava teen inches t; the butt. T ia would t I
? 1 ILISO w as a prize ake T he ej I il,
-YS, Bar orth. . ", any ewes AND *4
:2)500 S.IIA rister,&c. 1; eaf , imes; ut, in his own'words, lie ton, - , I . bes not less tb 'in fifty years jo produce and in ri the defe t in the eyes is 8hown by ' ISOLATEO TOM
I . I . in ny t : I ' varlio 8 omptoms, such as inaltility to see flyure3, on FARM I
: I 125 .1 . draft 1, ib d . ,
: - . i 0 uldn't hit It Flock of barns.' When ho - The Suffolk. is tt. e stand rd tried. I . such a tree I hav befoke descri e " able kboard, holding the book close to the eyes, PROPERTY ONLYINSURED.
I . -have had much as on, hundred an I blurr ng of lette I
i ' I ex lainod this-pecullarity to his CMP30Yor borse" of England, th ngh nolt" so largo A flock to lookl well should " l and MY; more th re, er(,wd eyes or eyes turning in, j
: ! M : - ric Lirticularly bead-
% REAL ESTATE FOR Sk,& , y yeari. Large grooves blink D watering of the eyes and pt : 017101IRS.
th s indIvidual,was for having blin inimb- the Shire. He ba low, broad shonl- their tails squared previous. to the breed three i hes in twent. 11 1, j soil aehe- In' many cases the dbild is accused of being I .
i — : D., W. J. ,
t i , di tely throw,up the position. d ight D. Ross, tr4sident, Clinton P.
I I I , poor, P dull i r stupid, when the fault is In the sight, and ean
. I . I OR FOR SALE bat very de- . ing iseason. As in the hackney, there is of pine are asually foun op k of the be co,reettil with g1tisses. ifyouar . s Shannon, Seoy-Treas., Se;v.orth P, O.; MichW
i i " 'Wily" lie explained, 'they'll got you s I think, collEeiluently, that t e bul e wearing glawe .
i H",i'r'!bT1,0pUpT,rty in Egmondville,. I ite)y occu4 nothing that will display the quarter I of L-offs0s. saaforth P. -0. I
I I I stances is apt that i ire not satwactory, bring them to me. In cue Hurdle, Inspw--tor I
I nable. Apply to , in etc. 44uick and accurate I ' ' pino found ander such cir 4 : DERNOTORS. -
i . -_ to better advantage than a ne e recommended to the pb3 sician ;
; led by J. 0. Rose. Terms reaso R i sido of a we -_ - atly trim- t-ko of ease, you will b
. Nicks, Egniondville, or to 1. V. Fear. 8 a n -g -is the only chance for a man on be punkv or clefective f6r the wan 0
. c orth. shooti .:= - 0 . . I at pn f r treatment. 1493, Jas. Broadfoot, Seafortb; Alex. Op-rdiner, Lead- :
... I = 7- med tail. And then this has its utility t 0
, 1 ! 1429-tf j this paper. I'd rather have a man that _. , ( to apeak-(f nourishment. ' The best pi 'ie I bury; Gabriel Ellir,tt. Clinton ; Geo. Watt, Harlock ;
. ;
I — * .
I , . can't write than one that can't shoot.i .Z!A when the ewes are being bred. Joseph Evanii, Beechwood; AL Aurdie. Seaortb,
- - is usually found on str er soil mixed
I I -I]rOUSE FOR SALE -For sale, ii; bornfortablo I I , — , The "snuffles," or running at the It is unit' asant to co' . - Thos. Gatbutt, Clinton. I
i I ar the R d " 'Just lot mo alone, answered Robln- . with hardwood. P_
, _EL dwelling house on Huron street, inc- . - luable timbdr. I A91M.
h of an acre of land. Gnoti. EptL. 'if you -are not satisfied ut the,end of . ally so prevalent among te TAKE
Wid, Seaforth, also A fift . nose, that is usu , n1plate the want of this I 0 . Thos. Nellans, R&TIOck, Robt, We'9111su, Seatortb ,v
water on the place. ApplytoA.D.SLI,TfiERLAND , e , and cannot e I
I nionth, I'll resign.' I -_ , , - I Ono gone is gone forev , THE
I I I .. -_ . . Sheep at this time, is invariably due to I james curnming, EMondville; John B. Xtteap,
at tbe , Poet Office, Seaforth. I 1465-1 1 a ' , t Mardle, Imill-,
_ I , "''Give me t - . -he inEtances z Rippen. John keSullivan abdG" 9"
. .J . lit) address of the friend you '). -__: cold in'the head In fo ct, t repiroduced in our or our eb ' ldren's time, s BEST I
: ant notillcol, ploaso, I aid the man, w -hip- I I I . un6ke mi' her' ucts of the I ore. I
i AR99 FOR SALE. -The undersignip has twentl W . that are attributed to grub in the bead I neral or the ot ,y rod . . 1
- 1-9 I ' from these -Insuraticee or tr,*ze-
I I a to effect
! FChoice Farms fQr sale in East Hp n, the ban- pi,no out a Pencil, but Robinon only I .A - I soil, the quantity produced' are I Parties destrou qnded to on '
I ner County of the Province; all sizes, nd prices to t the . - - are most frequently 33 tbing but cold limited by the amou act other business will be promptly Att ..
-7111. .t , laughod, pIcked lip the .shears, cu 11 - -I-.- . S nt of labor employed in I cation to any of the above offlaers, "dresbed to
. ! full information, %vn e or C 11 personally., -contracted through exposure to draft - owever, time
i Perhaps' I h a
suit. For S _ - -ets of his coat, ' producing them. - twlptll; respective post offi-es.
I No trouble to show them. F. S. C? IT, Brussels ,lapels- off the sido pool, .i I lying on wet ground or some other sim- I I
I I P. 0. - - 1391-tf ' alked out and wandered up the gulch. 6 r, FO:f, r WINNER. Will find 86 substitute fik i some artific.al ;
. , - u W, . . . I his ilar cause. The best remedy that I know I to t e its place. . .
,"Now, something Ahe oWner of The d hi li enable m - to! throw . wood, or eT ploy ineta ; I
I ; I I : I
ARM FOR SALE.-Ilaving disposed, of Lot I , . - the 0----T - . I I
. I -
I consist of Lot 12. Thcre is between f Or L . , ull until he drop-
- acres of buish, a large part of it being blr,c k a h, and 1 ,-,o baseball club. He had beon the best would tu at a dead', his roed of boree make it easy to apply it may be thinned I its. There 4ie 25 etc, . ' UNN7
i acrca " whi W The Suffolk I
'Or" I
I will offer the remaining hundred ic oNv was that Robin g ' ' Ilar. " of for tAiis is to dress the noses of - T. I t `
V Daily Dove didn't ki) - weight a ainst his co or. To IdI 3ness-Its V6rieties. I I .
, ite sheep so aff ected with pine t
y a d fift son had p ,hod for three years on, the col T
. Idleness plays many pk
'i, I I D S '
. I the rernairider being principally hard kbod I There itcher the club had ever lit-qI.- He could ped, " say i Youatt. , I with turpentine or made more fluid by the. constibutionally indolont:-those wlio, 60 ofi. and I - I
-f &iling spring of water throu h P364 of it, p are ,4 -'ever physically $1.00 Bottle. .
; is a I ever throw a ball.harder and stralghtor (or is about 1 3 bands hilgh and is inclined t
I ! and habout 35 acres, ready for crop. Itw llbeisoldat aj io -rel in col8 . The Suffolk was warming it. like -Dr. fohnson, I
I - I* zain. Forparticulars, apply tq,MRSj1 JANE crookeder, as the *circumstances might re- to. be S.16 ready to get up in the nlo iiiig, b One cent a dos*. J!111111111 .
. ,
i I a bi bar, I . ly mowif a t e Suffo' lk Punch. . The vigor and thrift of the flock, on I . :, It is sold on a gunsnue by &U ArU991st1L 11 I
7 6' 1417-tf ' : former . are possess , .
I WAKER, Box 219, Brussels. ; Quire) -than almost any man.who up to . 'I ' L i ring largely do- like 'him, ed :of a coiiscie4qe BAKIN -_
I : which successful winte it cures incipient 00-isumsition and ln:th* .
I L tood in the center of tbo : which Compels thein' now aba ain to We I
I . I ; that time had, S . . - —I ! 11 -1 LL I best -cough sud croup Ourfl. .
__ ___ , - . . , ------- I I
I ()USE AND LOT FOR SALE. -Por sa'e, the (J amond, 14b had made up his mind to Am to Cottonse'ed Feedi X. pends, is mainly due to liberal fepdiDg the reflection of what they." have-comparl6d I -
I ' I
! * I I I f When sbeep.are well fed, ' -- .done andito. For sale by 1. V, FEAR, Seaforth. I
,Dt in this I -
; house and lot on Railway Stireet, irmerly o - 11Mzo his tale . direction. Up at this time. I ! WDE
I it The m )st satisf u tory rations found with what they might hay.0 . I I
: cupied by Mr Win. Modelaud. The house cbntaids I . .
I dahed, 0 the gulch lie began Soidetlug stones about for their 6oats thicken, li.k-elylbecanse of the stand aghast at the compa M -cin. I I ; j 1P
- . I here are a,; follows: n feedi g steers 1 4 101
I p I I
1 7 rooms, .with kitchen. pantries, wop CDs' . . - increased secretion of ylp and it offers There ar- those-whorn circumstances h4 -vie THE C0 OKS BEST MEND i
Hard and soft water. . A t e size of h . eggs, bard and jagged I
stable an other ou l bull - __ opeDin eriods, four and six pounds of I - I " q
. ona - specimens 91 ' 1 4 of motive for I a q
I I it is pleasantly -t-iGuated, convenien4, to the t1ink 110 picked out gal a better protection agai st the weather. made idle -riches, absei LAROEST SALE IN CANADA. 1 .
L ad! libi n' D * ' -
L be Sold cheap. App y r aviest and frequent. meal with hullA tu j, gradually real & faricied ; ind,114- ! I
' I I
tw%ay station and will t .1 ,,, the he . , wool Is of great exertion; 11 health, , T1 - Kippen Mills I
gely as beig, ' ine . i I I
ISAAC MODELAND, at the oat-iineall mill$, or I . reasiiii, it to six' and ten pounds of A dense coat of f i .
j nered. He d 31 I and much more often by seU - 11 .
L I -1 r rough and square c7or gent frien( s, .
I . 14Nx4; I I value to a sheep in our -changeable and ., ; I I
Tjis ExposITOR office, Seafortb. ;, ' I leneso is one of the, , i `
i I h jiggets-in each side pocket In . I indulgencE. That, id I i
: eal for ho finishing period. For dairy
i =:=L alf it dozen in . good . L I
! ; L I
t . I I . Ills h t' d -filled that and re- cows six pounds of ;meal, tell pounds of Se . bi an makes seven dea ly sins gives th 0 sort of con- TO THE FRONT AS USUA ()L Yffi,11j,rft I
p I L ; 1 ,q . vere climate. Oats or 0
I- I nd took off 117, s of -'risilage, for winter addition to the ration. This year we eir coMpla Jit I IN An 1
1 TEACHERS WANTED. ; I tiirncd. Atthe offillbo emptied the hat bulls', 20 pound 0 ,a cern. It i ; of the essence 4f i SIGN I -
. I r
, i
7 - ! did not fed any grain eaIrly beeause 01. iufl MAj.I The ILIppen mUls am now run ing At fuil blast and 1,1;, . 4
I I n his desk and went to work. rations. nother rule is, oup-quarter to have riol feeling of their I'll 11 I . L I
- to I 1 ;
EACHER WANTED for Union School Section ! tell the r are prepared to do GIELISTING on the shortest notice,- I
- i
il I - The second day after this his employer ' the rape that we have had for our are I They i no . OF T ' E .,
r one-half ounds of '.in o a 100 pounds 'They fl raateep. I SAW11 I
No. 2, Dublin, holding a secorid-clalss ce tificate , .. , is Way YOU96t .,
T I , even d6inot now tbO.t and most reasonable terms. In th'i I I ,_
(male Duties tocomnience Janu%ry let, s!aid to him: 'Robinson, there's a man sheep. . dreams hey . _. I : ;
eferred). . I or po nd of meal to i
iW. I'lirtate saliry reqiiired and furnish t,stirnonia)s 001110 to town named Wash Gazley. He is of' live eight, 01 . long, and to they are d eaming ' 1 1 , floor from your own wheat, and better value for i
IROLL, P-ce. 456-2 killed four to fi e pounds of bulls for fatten- The winter Season is -
inal and a deadbeat who has , I
i to the undersigned. T. CAI a crim t. the best plan would seem to Giving up, nerveless relaxation, has b ' the money thafx In any other way. Good ,flour I i
_ -1 - J , the ra- shorten i m- , - :
. steer . In experiments here I
I - - - . NO. , five or six mi n_ I-16 is no* drunk and go- in, . - come a ha At, and to theib- -as to the - i guaranteed. I
-c'io . tion und Of- feed at t long as possi v oPPING DONE WHILE YOU I I L_j I
-In school sc he be to keep the flock out a 3 etit WAIT. 1 , I
EACHER WANTED. g the property of 8 m4king a mortal M . Toots', though: roin a diffe CH
Hannah's School, of feinale t out town destroyin po
A male ,eacher, ing ab I ble in the fall4 It is much better conse(lue,,c I e. I I I .
. T . just touch least co p were motive- o-ing is of alo !
[ second class certificate. Duties to co ome of our best advertisbrs. , first, boiled cotton seed to do . th' so : 7-4 Z
I ' !
I . holding & 6. Applicatium will be ip- I . n I _ in i . - I t I .
nience- January Ist, ASO. . orrow morning. I Robinso and ensillage; Second. , meal and bulls; Ahat than t6 burry them out i the ra v But wber as it was his (XWA convenie de T-JC)G S_ : :
A . him j1p j;_ om lijit The highest price in cash will be paid for good , 1 V 1
[ I ceived by tl,e undersigned until November 21. in, in which he called weather of the spring wl on the grasses his own feelings, his ci3On comfort, r"; 00 11
- ,
p6an ta to state salary. Gordon M,3A.dan), Sebretary, I wr6to a i1pping Ito third, mleal, huDs and ensilige. equence,-to. the unaelfii3h ogs,orthey willbe out to order. . ! . .
[ 11461-4 the- man a m re.
E-mondville P.O. . I 1coward,' 'tramp,' 'chicken The t1rouble 'fromo cotto iseed eal of the pastures also are very immatu never we e of cons . : - -
. - . y your oavenieuce 3 our - I
I - thief I and so forth and warned him to get I get at this Toots, it s precisel 4.1. ;A1 , 00, I 1--i
. . * —ij- 2alAnTn appears before 90 days, The exercise'.that the ewes I
- i .
I . I I ut of town ii odor paill Of I f urtber 1disclo - 11 5 time has a very beneflei Al influence in feelings, ourcdmforttha 4re, tu. e - T -i 0 _D/T 13 JR, _R_ F .
ESTRAY. NOTICES. I 'o Dove., an d thei it is Tory often du e to the in- Aly . I , . I
. I., i ures in the fearless. columns of Th an of no consequencii.1 Floating Ali kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap. : I
I . . ed, . It was a hot paragraph, and when the judicio-a 3 feeding practiced. An experi- keeping them bale andl bearty.-Pro- m , . t P*Oific ocean o .in- . . 7 LF I I
[ TRAYED into the premises cf the:undersivn ' arked, 1essar Craig in Breeder's, Gazette. about oi " the grea JOHN McNEVIN, I
I S Lot 23, Concession I ldcKillop,abo it tbe middle foreman read it be simply rem ment co iducted here for 150 days dur- . I dolence," be makes first Ione compro ,ise, : . I . I
- —1 . I I I .
I .
one ewe and two lambs. The ov ner c n Well, I bopo the man that takes the city iiig the past winter with eight steers, . Po then an) her, with self iiespect, unti lie I r. 1 . I
of July proving property and payiog . Live Stock uts. - 10 1357-t f Proprieto! I
I have the same. by . ends b I " acrificing the estOom of- his fellow . I'll
ges. 11. A 1453-4 editorship tomorrow will write a plainer where the Meal ration consumed never 3 - I I - .
diarg . CASE, I , ' s disea o among swine men o tar P f his own Blbth. ; . :
I eu pounds, with Nothing spread . n- e private al i I
I hand. ' . k. execed ei I from. eight, to t . . - . I
i awe into the premises Qf . '.'About 10* O'clock the next morning not attended with like filthy bogpens. Bef Dre a Pig is Put His affai s get first muddl,44, then embar- ; .
I ;
7", STRAY BEIFER.- hulls ae libitum,'iffl4s and r : I I
cKil- I I IN %' 10110%% - I
. JD the undersigned. Lot 23, Concession 5" M RobinSon WaS walking quietly along the 11 eff ects. Since then cows have into a pen the pen should be thoroughly r%ssed, ien decaying, thdo desperate, wfzfj T
I a red yerk,rl- i - I with an idea, o I re- 1 1 1
lop, on or about the 15th of ,September, ma n street of the town with his right any disinfected and whitewashed. he feebi flatters himseff 0) 0-i I
ing hei ter. . The owner cAn ba,va the same by Fr)v. . g carelessly in Ills coat poo1jet. been fed as high as ten pounds of meal cleansed. p se, now that all is gone.-Cham ers' 1 1111=11 i"""""""" _3 1 1
.nd taking it aw6 'Y. hand restiu specially this is true of breeaing and 0
ing propertv, paying expenses r or - E - - Journal. . (0 . I
e '1456-4 Suddenly Mr. Gazloy stopped out of the f conE iderable ppriods without injur houses. ------ - 1 . b '
WM. LOCKHART, Seaforth P.O. I I ached for his re- ing thEM. Where rational system of fanowing pens. Clean our hog - 0 1 - M. Robertson I 110 .... % 01 P i
.-Canle into the premises of the door of a saloon. 110 ro ' Brazillian, . k_) 0 (D j
STRAY EWES an from Yale Who feeding is pursued, there is practically' There is no healthier 1 way to fatten -The Allan line steamship, . j:, .
I Is, McKillQP, volver. The young in . 70 miles below .
Eundero-Igned, Lot 9, ConcessiOr . idned one of put- went SBILore on Saturday,,
[ about the ]net of September, a year iiiii; ewe-, white coul(In't shoot took his hand out Of "Is little ding6r. hogs than the old f ash . Quebec. , . . . Leading 40 " CD CD 0 11"iiiiS I
- I
common. The owner can have the same on poclot. in it was an irregular specimen . ' nd a bare, I ,
and - The people of the north axe prejudiced ting a portable fence 4rou - I
chargeg. W A. HACK- 't' —_ , -_ Undertaker 11 :
oving propetty and pa3 ing 1466x4 of lead ore. I remember how tho local .
against this food, and accordingly have poor spot in one of the I.flelds, turning ==== I : .. P u .
iVELL, Leadbury P. O. that I . CD I - .
I - i Mg - ' a boy starts 11 C
doctor tried to explain subsequently - never led it in SuAcient quantity to the f atteniug swine int9lit and allowi 'Z'-* ft
I eces I ,J(ia :y SEAFORTH)ONT. I )O I.—
I . the speolmoll didn't1 hit Gazicy in a 'n tit in life with the 1.10 I
- . , ough achievid the highest Success with it, them- to Stay there till rOady f or market. I 0 : =j Oj (D
sarily vital. spot,, 1)ut it was vital on , I I .
I STOCK FOR SALE. . I for several reasons it maybe fed The inolosure should ti large enough Urn 4eterinination - I 4
. I poses, and tho next though . - I I I
I I for all practical Pliir . e. Protein is to lot t&ju get all th exercise they of conquering tl ,e jcr 0 .
-For sale three yoting Short ked casually that with ilass danger than her : 9 Undertaking warerooms op-' A :rt I
. 0== ed up a -- : I
-ULLS FOR SALE niorniDg The Dove roinar brl& He meark No -
I , when the cutthro4s of this town in Oct so much cheaper 'bere than there that need. It should be b nd shel- w i S Confection- .
; B Worn Bulls fit *for Service ; one Roan and two I W a ieve succe s posite A. Cardno' W" a I
- __ .
th Zood pedigrees, prices inti . - . P , .
jW-, good anim ale - wi DAVID MIL 4B, Ethel around the boarth t ri Ight there will be ono the fatiners can afford to feed what may tered on the northwest, so the pigs can and ealth ,an Cry Store - - Resideuce, I 1 6 = : -: I
. suit the -hard times. ' 3 ct,
. berms to 1425 0 more.' . an His inte - A
I i vacant -chair. Wash Gazley is n fatne. .
:)ntario. , I I be t m.ed extraTag t rations, even take refb ge there in rains and storms. a North Main St. * I
- W I been tibns e good, an I .
.,I "The fate of Gajlc ought to have PES i ': —, (D
li he unders*.gned has for .. ns of with I Iss Satisfactory results thau if Provision may be made wilvhout much his. will is strong. . 41
f LLS FOR SALE. -T nough for the oth obijoxious eltize . I IM I .
1 E Durbani bill1e, ore bulky f odders wtre used in con- trouble for them to get all the water -0 4, . Pi
e,*Io aeveml yalar-9, thqyQughbred: I ut of course it wasn't. m 1 It he: ias the bodily :
. 0 14 mL,nths. Thoy are all Xe hulghborhood, f ey;can get this food ' I stTtn th to carry Inconnection with t e un er I ' "!- . -
in age f roni 4 t unction, because they need, in these day3 of windmills i k I
: ng 1 and Nvill -be A week I or a in bey can grow and force pumps, even where a spring - him through, hi -s takingebusineBs, a cabinet sho
o .
: in,ais, have regidtered pAlgreee at an came down from i t I '11
I good a0i jfiLL S f1a uph cheaper than t 1 P - I 8 , .
. . T Apply to DAVID ',% I 'placer Boncli, WiDj,cd the chief of police, 80 in . : eifrorts will be or Furniture I .
sold roasonabl. - 1 15 . . 3 le postoince and f oddero to' feed with the meal. lu 1he is liot convenient to th inclosure. A ! will conducted f F . tj , I I
P.O. 1 t shot out the lights in th . e,Tov; ned with Repairing. =; I f% I
alk. The Dove north t e mystem is aphielenient. 33od- : I 'go I V'_ 1 -
; at the reverse. The man who fattens his ' S thus this fall . . Z
I rcoo bis'horso on the kidew. P . t --A - I .
I . . ' - . ! . I
1 th , re, t4
- W9 AND BOARS FOR SALE. - Re took a foolish and many todders of a.. opnitrogenous char- will flnd next spring .It the old worn 111, A ngth and : 7
'Rl ,E WINNING SO - re&lniandod,hirn I I LOW PRICES : . I
" I -
. P '-"'The undersigned has for sale on Lot 26, C?on I replied cottonseed out 1 ,bog lot 0 1 is the rl host portion of h;alt are bis great . .
. a' the Aty editor, who v e the cbeap st, so that 11 11 - -
of Prize %U0419 orring, shot s acter I - .
I . . ceqslo 15, me-Kihop, a num, her i 4ital. Without . a 0 0 W i - -, .
I 7 *
; This berd %,on 20 r1zes ' with a stono &-nd ruturned to. Ills office and 1)eilig So c ' lcerftrated, will tjmke hie field. tl AND : : I t"I -
. . i
i I Berkshire Sows and,Boars. leason. ege 1 gone meal, I 11 i . em ,he can hope .
he sho,%vs thia E 'wropo that . How I I It
out of -a possible 26 at I i lanothm old settler has 3Y John R. Gentry - I
t ,old on re on- i the pi ace of that ' art of the ration to The sulky drawn I for nothing. -,
r are all first-class) animals aud will be is - . . I I I . . Prompt Attention I .1
forth. : out roin our nilds i. . Life is indeed uncer I I .
s, JAME-3 DOiRtR , CE, fa I ood I LqVall tage. -]Pkofessor Soule, Texas , .
i No)v is the - dnic to subscrib I when he paced to victory last summer u auy young tuen . - . ca .
-1 ! able term 1415414 a. . . I . akjj& 3 ounj women # i - 4 6 1 '
- i tain. I . I I
; . - - I I .pounds. 0 . :
: . a'year before he got Expel i nent Station.. y 14,A4 I I A feature of I
I . _. i "Robinsor- stal I .! weighed OnI . a e cut off just When .
I . I - -
4 I . I I i 11 I . 1. 'hose sheep number ; - t4 . Both Branches. M I I :2)
tired of the )lace and w - , , For the farmer w , I s Pv ]Ili ,
- i, - .
I i OR §ERVI(__11E. t 1 The Horse Xxport. . tof,oroniise! Theyare _= I I 1
7, BULLS F I I cisco, but I cLn't t " ink that after the firs 1 n6 more than a hundred or so, no time biight st and fulles , " I
I . *
W I . , ont d any trouble. During FoUmen thousand eight hundred and . taken way by the dl; ase w1iieh causes - . I
11 .E E.- he undersi . 4 1 I . is better than March to have the lambs
, '
. ; E F,Y BULL FOR SE .on 3,McKi lop, I soul(i not dare to say bow fifteen 'aorses were -impor .over o e -sixth of all I ltlie deaths I# the . . Cn (D - (_
f I i bias for service on Lot 27, concessl I that time . . come if be has warm quarters and plenty Worl the disease Wbiola, doctol--s call con- I . I . I
i , .
I : ej in the co ty, )pcd ON, Cr. Of courso most of lis of n con S..."',
L . V bull, titie beat ... I ii during the firist six mont 1111)tiDn. Consumpti ,has bee skd- "
+ a thoroughbred Jerse will be t en. 'many he pol - Brita _ . of feed for the owes. To have lambs su =0 . - I
1p .h & limited number os cow 31,,y wojuided. But, as he re - h inedical profession
i : to whi c of service, willth the privilege , thein lie 0 1 ainst 10,429 last year. There ered incurable, and t THE FA9MERSv I _%W 'I
1 ory, 'far more than 1895 af .1 Aropped in March, breed tb1b ewes in in tl3is. 0;
, Terms, $I at the time nary. T11oS., GOVENLOCK. markod in' 31-3 valedict . has ne, rer made a-grea mis a I 1
, rising, it nece para- Yere 29- stallion's against 191; 8,983 feed world. .
; of reta I I 14287tf ; we lixtericjc (j have gono with loss prc I November. One good There is absolutely n ,eason in th, I ' . ! - .
. 7 . : tion than we could have ares against 1,7.60, and 10,603 gold- y C nsumption sho 'd be fatal IT - Banking - House, 0 . . I I -
- wished. itshould ay, with plenty of hay, shr dded fod- wb b t i
I I - 11 - d , I _ _70f. . . I -
I - 78. The value of the im- , ewes :shoulcl be even seriou 3. It is I
i r I only servo to romina us that In tho midst ings against 8,4 der or millet, will keep bree ing L-13 ,
k : I i d can be 4red abso t ;and - - i
I FOR It' ERVICE. ! I 'k . the ; 11,
. .
BOARS I I I of life a rock may C, tch Nis in th J orted horees Was R4,439,274, against ,tbe bl( od, an M, .e I
I ejaw. , .
I In good condition. I - I . . 001 .
. ;
; ; . 6ocame of him, but f feature of the sta- AlwayE .by purifying find enric i A-0 7 1
; —, -I 'he'ver h n ew what 2 5 3, 6 1. The chi e t on to this s the : 1, -
. )d has for! Ber- I - . . - I Jack, j4nnet and blood. The only exe (In connection with the Bank of Montreal.) . I
; 1 : KsHlEtE p1G.-The uddersign, l ke care of . Undoubtedly the .
:1 ERI )roVgh- , I fan6y-lio lj Ls continued to t sties 4 ontinues tb be the large increase *ca,;e,w e fed . i -
I . , . ere he diseas as been ne c I I
, ! 3 , vice on Lot 6,conceesior 2 11mllett, it th( ' the - . I . ktiants e osition is properly treate 0 ; I
. I B payable atj eing mule Show at the J :ip __ and ir until it is stronger % a (D (D .
' '
i boar. Terin i-$1-', g .1, h1111s61f_11.--New York.TriUu n tb e ziumber of kkni-mals that are b I
bred Berkshire I K1. : . i . ever witnessed on this con- - I I -
-* 14;X4 ntfr -StR S.
. , of returai )111101 - tes. An Eng. the greatest I than t e body -until e body bas become . 0!t, P P
time of s,3rvice, vAth the. privilege , I
I m the United .
. I neCeSOA - ELI CELICE1. i I I . I . i. wot Quite the Same. . - tinent. Atlanta claims to be he largest so *ez as to have lo. : the abilit y to tecu- BANKERS AND FINA',NICIAL AGENT 4 1
ry I . - ' i. . 1 ish authority says: "This year we ro Dr. Pierce's : olden Medical Dis- ok 0 0 t -
. 2 d it letter the other , ;
. . idersignedl mill I F04g so ho receive .mule market on earth. ' perate. -n the Commercial Hotel build- - 0 1
1 . Ap. FOR SERVICE. - The -ur YS I ceivE d ), 441 mare's from- t*hat part of the I cover,, will cure 98 per cent. of all cases of OF FICE-I . . @0,*. 0, 1:3 -
, 0 n 6 Stanley, I' 'g"" day iind he, had a strong presentiment that as 00me of the d I -rding to dj rec, ing, next, to the Town Hall- I .
. Lot 7, concessi), , 1, I
I keep on ile4d d A Catholie priest owl consu' iption - if use ,t, cce , .
I I B T(rmp-,$1, with privi o bill in . When be worl ],:compared Nvitb 888 last year an . I
I tered chestery y u g-. 1 ke wo , . Ne - HO tions. It also cures . lingering coughs rafts I I ,
I . -
vhite Boar. , ,, vild find a $1 10, which, 2,516. Canada fastest horses in western: York q l . ' A General Banking Businpla dope. D or ;
ary. H , also has a few I There - and cashed. Interest allowe 0 i
a, of returning if necess .d it, lie f und a bil 4,632 4oldings algiiinst , affections. d on depoeiO. 5
.1 for S , roat . I
; I i low prices. JoStIPH I operi(t 0 . . I
. .
; ! I 0 both sex, for sales - no th Ing, 1 1 1 and 2,286 in none the less of a pastor7or liking a bronctial and th I issued )
: ; pig , 1 i he says, though.hot exactly the sai t 712 mares Againet is no on why the child of consu np- I
I - I . I . : . - -1
I I . - . i _!
E E - alto- I I its ne .
F , 1 B, Varna P. 0 ai not 9 good horse. . - tr ed e- r1er have consu MONEY TO LEND I . -
, FOS I - tive e I ! I
: Iqljovvs Ahat his impression w, geldi nj against 1, o3i last year. " . : . ,
; ; . I -_ ___________7 .
, q . I MWORTff BOAR FOR I jERVI .-The u der- izet-l-Kr astray.B6ston Transcript. I - . _. 0 1 tion io its blood and lungs are stren on good notes or mortgages. , - ;
. - I - : ; r
I - i
e prc
t. the Bruc fleld i . =7 k of the 0 v I ,
i A . r 1 ,ge of the " is . I
: , lice"a I — *—. . , y th to fear ANAGER i I
. T stgried will keep for ser hbred Taniwortli boar. . . -Mr. W. G. Armstrong3 - I -) ened ROBERT LOGAN, M
I . )y I I
; I I I Factory, a thorou . .
I Cheese Abje__ at IGENSES Mitchell high school, finish d his work ery. Atli
P 0.711o, ave any reaso ;
1 ee. T rims, 61; pa MARRIAGFE 1, sho ter on A16INTS .
1; gistered pedlgr t -Home uld i e; ad ,the c 1058
; with re rivil of ret fif n ces- A"Whisky A;nd.Tobacco., .1 n Tuesday of last week,, and at:tbe consu I I . . I .. - ;
. - I
! i I tirne of service with , 4._- 140 -tf I I there o - . that d i ease in Dr. Pie be's Commo fnse . I . , .
. : I I . -attended. ____, . I hat the Al. 1 -ISSUED AT- 1 Adviser- Th -___7_ - 11
. I , Bruce W per week 4WIling 0
j BfuGn MOON I is usuaii well t, . great medical work Representing us can earn .
I i ! gory. . , . I T I _1 habits hAV8' ; I I . close of the afternoon session ,the pupils of, Medic .. has
t d'Tobacco 1 listrated, IF YOU- WANT .
; i cohol, Morphine, .Opium an ages, pro e - grown Nu I :
. the school presented him with! a handsome. of ]ro P . . I Hardy a"11111. fin ' I
. ee r of remedy is Price's -OFFICE9 ov . 000 copies.- and valadeL 11 . .
I i *
. ; -The indersigned br I o stay -Cured. A well tried I . 'THE - MRON' EXPOSITOR; . reach e a sale of I it I -call Stock., Permanent Jwltlou
I ! XRKSHIRE PIGS 'will kee for ; I I I . gold-)ieaded cane, and a very complimentary
I . mine, , cured i i I , I will b se t- f I
i [ , hbred Berkshir d Cure. Letters confidential. Dr. I nt free of ch Tg on receip 0 3 To sell, buy, encumber or release house or farin, .
- B thorou prize- !Bromide of Gol . s. Mr. 'Armstrong carries with him I on J. WAUGH, O11WIve territory. Write at once for temvto -
. - Ps 0 customs, .
i mcwhop, the . . I addreis j t coyer cost of . man . j 4
. 1: . ) on jolt 26 concession 6 1 ' S1 MFORTH -ONTARIO. I . C! it star Real Fatate Agent, Goderich street East. - . .
" f ad ]E Cetion"' and "Protest : Price iial4t Cure.Co.,,'Brant.ford, Canada. ' ' from th up - I E. O GRAHAM,- I - _/ I
sorAef ." j: I . i ver kindi r feeling a Di,spens rY - TAD INTO* 01i '.
boars, I . - . 3 P p I . . and mailing, 07tzY. - 'World, . and cbesply.
1. ,inni Berkshire e privil i . I I . I , i Documents drawn neatly, expeditiously ' ' T.
I ..
. f - 2 . 'ri of the Mitchel . . itiffal - , - -
r Mee, with th oon . , . ; sta I schogi to his new posi- Medical Association, 0, N. Y. . 1.443 1461-13 I .
: i I
I bar of 3 9 I by Lumaden & Wilson, Druggists, . j I I . I I
Tarwionv payable at tune Of . ' 1 4 . I
; I 'InIr 9 neoej also a num . i Sold . I .
- 1, e of return -111, . DORERtANCE " ! .. . tion i the collegiate at Hamilton. - ,_ _ ; . - I -i .
, ! - ES ' - WITNESSES R I 1. - : I I I . 11 11
': I % - gs tor We. both . I : Seaforth. . . 'NO ,. EQUIRED, . .
. . I ,
of mm, ed not skin. 1412 52 : : I . . . ! - . I-
[ i V4 urn - I I j I . I - . 1 j . -
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