HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-10-25, Page 4r
all, "P �--IMTI
oCnni &]BE'
"'N -EX
25 895
-ly all that
ro oev. J61 a Ai Anderson wa0;a0,poiute4 to dent of;Godetioh toWnshio UO&I
h stsirnp,, and for plu, idere
XTS. support,. firlitis no� over1reconoin(04 tewp*t' "y and' 11 inform-
XXW ADVERTISEME neside W d. address the people; � Rev, Mr. time, He was a man who was we
iomm and! Ali re,
I and, seconidlyi a ve AAandlord. of the Unol T A And' Nick
ry extravagai air to ed,' and -took an adtiv6part in public siffaii
Iraham preach, and Rev. M�. M
ible to nullify Drting the Liberal party4, He leaves a
etween. the parenthesis afterielkah oo414 order. In is way it is post Btu
The fact 'is that the C A is o�niinister. pp,
one denote$ thO Page, 0 speedy wt
t the paper on whli* the ghters and three so a two
n�fit which ol
&dvertjsm�orit wIll lie found, 'burdens which to a greisit e te A the -glorious be pa, in, or ow, two da,
not be madeto bear t e —1146 Awarding the
'luld yju'do�'X. Me -Paul 0a. (4) via I mishly b4stowed in V.
-Simi D Us. itieZib.. Mr. D. J. Weir, bf Belmore, of �he latter: bel n . .
re has ng brickyard the other
what wo haposed on the farms; in Britain.�' If - natu I I I
a iould heard from. At Mr. Henry Me- --At the Wi
done half
I SaW-0. W. PRO ly am well 'or our-
theree too w at we have It we hsd-01 I
Grel Maedonald lair o6nditions existed there to w the CuIr' m fire.
7 eut M gV& (41inn's, 0 egg boundary, he thresh- night there was a narrow escape to
Mn A
'for us, we
hotog-4-. P. Henderson (6) i
I f Morris, h R. M. had not noru
and (5) -would have t o -life of a now have Ii tle or. no cause for comp] aint. —Mr.,George Henderson, o as he se out 10.1
r sm a—l. Model
cit British farmer of the fire and
Ifouae a"nd I � I
land east of his farm knowr 0 r bich had blown out
I t tb P 50 acres i one
A littleL would 011 Th� Men were burniag tile, but goin uthe
Fine p here, with' the prices which the ceive,the selves m ba ure has done 515 kiAliels of oats in 4 hours. wl 'some
T h -tied his own u I
eac er NVanted X
prize win bra—Tames porrance (6) 1 YOU
Adam (5) prince. That is if he ow THE- Stra Ao d the re"is n t e Sample -farm, for the sum of $1,500. ignite Some wood lying near by. Soine
Sale ek_WnJ. f1ftsbings. (6) p ovide for, 4 After one- of the men on looking
-only his own wants to r Ir. Henderson has, now as fine a - 16Q acre fi ate
0 1 11
Sale J T vairnat (8) be-
Sacriffca of ti out, a& W1 the flames spreading t
Don't wear Tpi—m&�-bili and Apeam (6) instead of having on his back the burden f xrm m din be� found in the township.
and had 0
,; papers say that
of , rand Trunk work.labc ps over the A Yme
'rayne (81) ce at a ing removed froM. that city. i I —Mrs. Leo, Le for some
ti' tle loco. bard Hunter and family, of building. !They fought the
Tallotinr—W- A', Mels -lord. W ti
via (8), a. spendthrift land e r
Choi3e Groeeiriej—CQ�Fred Do, �d i is. the tl:y leave for Ridge n time, but eventually succee4d in extin-
&*a i Vaborre 'will shor .1
motivewor ce ihey -have there, HAD -0
Shoo Bal held
n guishing it.
rgabni—R. Willis (5) sale of Border Leicester alieep, to� resi(.6 when the family of Mr. tiionwo
Rair work-�-Mm Smith. (,�Y car shops tI a i a e to be constructed in I[ion-
morn TAX"
L. Downey (8) at Kelso, Scotland, four - M(irtown rams 1�a tei of Tuckeramith, will- move into the J es Colwell, who
e promise g4DU the vil
—win. Moore (a) -1 don. Theis i via d to trat for at g&L IraVam
brought respectively $755,. �750 '8660 an I 'lie Ul concession of V rives Dowlih eig Op"adeliverywa
Notice tGAfornberff d use on borne, va� d
Bootff arid Shoest- A� We 4oh (8) ir one time b4 ;h, promise was rievei, f fil. o8ted If fts. Hunter. in Harriston, went into the abed to 911, 1h the She
Sale of Bridge Timber—S. Swillte $550 each, the buyers being all tenant farm-
Applea—A.�Cardno.(S) Ud, slid wh I i it ie citizens of that ambib v�_Cbades Rozzell has,leasedJohnCurrie's on out and was surptitised to see a fin:
one Wag 4L
�ers, The first �um—$755;is the highest price -(0 ae arm, 4rh line, Morris, for term p sitting on th mad Jual
X8.n1tob%-Flour-�-A1* Cardno (8) 11 plum partridge e dash of the
and prosperp a 3entre are disappointedi �Ow
sVeeiil NotIN—D. Reltitym (9) -this seaso� in ind Mr. Currie will take posses- wagon.� He approached �%s quietly taspossi-
Wall Paper, Frame4, &0--[71—J. Graves (a) which has boen.paid for a ram 1 year
-will -nA he
DaWti forget So i il�Epwoqh League (9) Scotland.. Thirty.rams sold riaAlized $208 Oiat it.is kLwn this promise A LOU ne t March.. 'Air. Rozzell returned,to ble, but the bird did n6t! like his Noks- and
V. Edwards (8) t1i
ica,Wa6tedi-4D. TrAcl%sel An interest which c�n obtain and s a
New C', ftilfilled1, yet Avay are satisfied that �hey ichi last week, where he will spend started around the Shod. I 'Ile shutthe door
i(S-) each. and soon had. him all rig t. It is suppeaed" Worth'more o' o, d 4, h -n
Apprent will be able t 3- keep what they It&) e. 'We e *i tr� Und vot
Tron drain pipes,—V. 6. Ketup (8) pay such prices- as these, abduld not be in
Jolin Dark's machine by sorne that the or water
—0 e (lay last week eat scarcity of
0111 is al
ate glad th t
nol T
6t e, to �n
I Y1,
Furni,hed roouki—ib. A� Sp traing (8) t1isiaAhecase., ivftig theseand other you wanted' W Uld'
re no�-many Can treshe 2,300 bushels of oats on the farm in the awarrips is Xi
very sore straita. There a
SAturday next—w. R. illls.(S) otsom A*
vws of'the Week. hours Adam SteissaudSollaHollinger —F er r aived by Aft.?. S.
adian flocks that could corritijand prides Mr. Tboinas Maunders, M ru i inside of birds out.
V such as those, simply because mi
wouildn't.' oi
4n rom a lett :sell them,
rd,rornMr.J.J know of
DEA' d, tbc ft eding. This is both bi, r work and Linklater, of Wingha An
ox Dl�Rev. Edwi
er, D.- 1), Aimladeacon of Oxford, is deaa. i g yield.
could not rd to pay them, and the derson; of Melita, Mftnit
ion (fxpaoitav i ba, and fort
(we TO W to
that they are commandable in Britiiin all 14LD —The Queenwill, returb. The -gold medal, At the Qo&rjeh Col- of Wingham, it is leal, that Mr. Ander-
908" Ing
oral on Novem- won son ha' had an immense p of wheat� this ZI
date IF, stitute games last w aek, was 0
r;-1+, e cannot be very ser usiv Windsor 04 le from Balm ]I I
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 25ih, 1895 Phampionship ear, but most of it has een damaged . by
ber 16th. Perhy H. Tom,. senior e ilvei meda'lis tle rest. He says that in his district there is vioonfth
epressed, and what depression does e":iat Tina RAIL�:)A DS DOOMED. —The in ur ts A tl i
roperty of
is due to landlordism and -not to the fi�'cal 1 bard wheat this year. -has It W"
in the Provifi 3e of Santa, 'Clara, Cuba, fave �ed Shannon, who catu cAlle junior no NO.' He
to" the, The Liberal Leacler. v�b�lld. But n thousand dollars
conditionsfl the country, irculated a 114 iphlet advising. the inli abi 1kassalp ot ship. 0000 bushels of No. 2 hard in the elevator, of 40ur you- suppose that the to
oads, as th J. J. Vincent, the m ell -known and 20 000 bushels that will have to be sold
COR is to of goo
Mr. Laurier and his prt have' een tants not to ituse -the railr I M I do-lhat'had to be sold while they widrein semen,
Wi In
determined 1 o blow them- up hu nt and postmAster at J i It bring about 9-8 a d the 40
_yi dvna- in istown, has for No. 2 frozen, and
making what might be termed at tridniphal So Huron's M. P.. what th ? W6uld. you wait till tha people ca;me lj� the r,�gular mite. sposq 0 Rob- cents per bushel. Be�ides this, he has the
d f his store and Stock t( Mr
tw Mild
March through Ontairio, during the past thein
DuriLng-the pal -t two 'weeks All* John'Tic- a g-�ow� t A. lJohnston, of. Newbridge a former wheat, off 100 acres unthre bed in stacks. It
Tan Tiun� RONITL. Discontent r uy
week. 'The Liberal leader has visited 111urks. Mohamedans declare 4 siden'tiof Morris, who takes possession on is badl�r frozen but will do for seed another
Milian, M. P. for -South Huron, has been. ing among t
)rich 'ivil. sweep We had All
my, Markham, Torontor Galt, Berlin and the e Istern that & StOrm, �reing w ovember 15th. year. �Mr. Anderson has 170 acres of oats
doing missionary work in p%rt
k after threshing 800 bushel
Is 3roderiela, a.. The
It e Rib- way the rei� ning -dynasty and libi wpate Is-' —Mis Edith Marsden of
other�places, and on each occas' of the Province, with Mr. Lauri: t, tb I was 'i h ear th; 1W h e ' Hami- - "I sta i ' as been a long job this y
er' lam from th thraldom of the haied nong tb e successful candidal as A the sup th esh n
bas appeared he has received an t dernental matriculation exam.nation at To- Mr.. -Anderson' 8 ne
:Ova, on. oral leader, and others. It is e�ddent than systeZ machine be', at r
are fell r 8 hors And hospi
ang. 'od servi ce, THE DU BEroRx THE POLAE.—The vntoUniversity�,held at the beginning of arel 12 men and 8 hors
people not. only turn out o weeks fhere o Id et I -oft if you
1r. McMillian has been doi did, but this is what you would do
i go I I hear him in thoiisands, but the enthu4iasm at Duke of gla orouch was arrested in Con- AS MOdth, and has en on her studies. with the machine, and it took 7 teams
thred, ul
OalLd (at th' ces right fact
ctin al Park,; iw Y�rk - on Friday I Imt, for . a.. reg r undergrAddate. draw in the grain from the fields and 5 you Nv and left
as'he has bjeon attra g considerable , _en(t make the
tr pri I
h which he is received is &6. ost beyond I
-.T- it Empire, wbibh
The onis wheel at �too rapid
tention f v6m the Mail and coasting dow rk hill —Mr. ays, the new general anager of draw the wheat tothe granary. 1,Had th knowil"t, ti put e so as to affect a speeid3t,blearanee, and just. As, Shake
description. Eiren at 11rhere one 6 Gra Trunk R�ilwa.3,, is a elative of frost kept off' -Mr. Anderaon thin
never s eals except when� its pe rty is be ing h -rate. He vas taken to the police' station, ka h4� woul
e are.going4o do.
benign iafluen!ces of the h reprimanded and let go. V. ra. R. win, Clinfon, and his private see- have had 35,000 bushels of No. il hAr
would suppoze the art. / t
has devoted two or three artieles I TIM HEALEY. —A nu' nber of '4 tay fo years has been Mr. lud Hartt, 'w beat.
N, P. ould be manifest, if 'any- 't�o A Lik"T'r
Vr. McMillan. One of. these opens- as re ha�e �Only a f
the frien& o Mr. Tim Healey, wh was. re- (n of Mr. 0. A. Haitt, of' Clinton, who A Ve lookelinto Matters care y and 11nd that v ew,more N
felt, an over -flow m6eting had- i I ..- , VourtesT -9.
ti wi�l 'Supplied
fo Ows ci� Selling bet( re yo be pi ettV I with Fall and Win"r wear, *nd we have
cently read out of the Irish , %Kt, et in '11 roil ably accompany hin Montreal, Moms.
Mr. Lauricir bad p a eks of gob a whic mast be converted into cash before the season 1cloe. T�his surplus
-to be held and 11 : Latirier certainly struck -A good I ei London o S turd and . all scri ed $2,- ay evening of last week a
to 1�1 ii.1 Vednead Noi��,s.—'Slessrs. lVm. Hanna, Josep
a.pea-k- at both meetings. 0 o take 1 Mr. ' Ji ohn 500,000 ., Zr �& newy daily paper ' Dulin, nt 3vent took place at �be residence put intd
�e a soa =ck .v- ill. b�
The tw 1#9- when itioccuried to him t Smith. and- Win. Wallace left on Monda.
VW, %he S.
onte, with, Mr. H aley in the br' de's parents, Wingli; m, town Plot, last for South River, Muskoka, to i vork
P.,. -with him to Some' of �he to bestarted at
est halls in the town ivere packed and over McMillan, M JkW -to thel
more- particularly by. contrl. 'hen Miss Addie, daughter ol Mr.- Hiram the lumbering in that district.
five hundred 1had to go awaybeing unabl� to meetings attpnded e is A" WHO A
farmers.. Mr. McMillan would not do for a A ROYAL �Ac&—Prinoei'Henr of Prus- nith, Was united in inarri a to Mr. R - FIVE LOTS FOR OLEARA 1GE.-
y ag Clegg and Dames shippeda'doublo deck, i0hus
gqt in to eithel- hall,- During; the past W ek Aliam. and Prince lrt Groves, a popular young man of Wig-. of hogs on Tuesday to Collingwoo�, fro
manufacturing town, where it is the proper sia, brother �f Emperor W ALUothier -el
stian icter recently 1 ro"de A 30 -mile kin, Rev. Dr. Gifford off
Afr. Lvirier h been assisted by M T to caper to say that it is the �olicy of the'Lib- Cbri Aat: ng. I Brussels station. The porkers were al
Balmdral. to Braemar Oil 3unday and Alonday, October th wall
the represeritadir& for LIIslet, Provinool of erals to make the artisan's richer. But he bicycle r co from sizes and breeds..' Some too fat
is a first-class man for the rura, I distrif ts. Castle, fo a. prize give the Queen. d 28tt., the Constanbe Met iodist chu�rch orn the'scieles to the station, and 0 JAM
Nuebee, and the people have manifested -Ch istialn won by h an our. jill ha�,- its annual harvest I ionic services LOT, NUA )MIR I Clothing andl �ap�*, 82 boo
A farmer politician bima :If,. he 6an talk to Prince again coul(i run like a deer.—I Jobil
almostaa.muheuriosityto, see and, hea the ag culturists as one of their � number. TuitoWN: ,xb KILLED.—JOI aW,MackAyi si tLd dinner. - On Sunday, sermons will be Wallace, of the 7th concession, sold &�te*, L01 NU M Mantles and JUAU doze
Mr. Tarte, s Laurier. At each: oi Aloreolt, er,'he carries with him ain air: of jr. in Paris, lFrkn6e, b being -earh6 'and on Monday evening the liar- of horses the other day, and intends getting
im wa's kill,�d y i .3 ftfid
The- 8 rse. eldest imt horne dinner, when -addrosses will be LOT N Dress Goo�s 'Mfl1inerY,. $3, 000
lifs meetings Vir. Laurier hasL a yoke!of oxen.�Afr. Ames is finishing thils U p -H
been accom- credibility.. earnestness with which he thrown frdm'..hl' -he
'Ma of
F ian- fl'ver4tandaprogramme' cf Inusic ren- season'� threshing,.L this weekl—Mr. W 0000 -the Vu
makes his statements stamps. his utterances- on.: of Millionaire ck,&3 S in
and assiste'd by leading. Liberal of LO -,%T -t Carpets'aud Ourtains Ids
as absolately true. 0 CISCO. -red. Co6ksold four hea of cattle to a gentleman';
ne would, almost* LM-. at Abe ifte
ortl L 'German ixeter LOT F 011V
the House Of COMM0419. If the rec 'tion an, of E IN Or .
op, agine t iat he. was speaking from the pulpit. Ntw STE,�Aismps.—Tbe —Mi, Alex. Tait fOundLrym I I -, um 13E- urs and Un' . west, 000
from Hullett townsbip,'the other d —Mr.
VU Paso,
ilow- being giventhe Liberal leader is any i Lloyd Steamship Company has Ord 3red from carry'� ng his �rm in a' Sling these days, the John Hanna, of the 6tq line, di8po of
indication of what the forthcoming election I a ship �uillding firM at Clov. an, a a Liburb Of i sult 6. a painful. accident. On Tuesday of fine horse the ler i day to a 0 Dderiqh.
fll be found excellent value -in the ular way Every rl&laft w, rth' if th�se goods
Does Loo Suspial el k he was engaged in uning a : I I et
0U8* Glasgow, two steamships, ',he dimensions of tw e buye ifot M.—Mr. John Clark, of iho 5th
it is safe to say that the Liberals t lif �re axe Some Ilin Wilibli are a little slower in movin n we woul. li
Will b la but,
ampania e f timber le� line, �is, home from Algoma for the w� nter.—�
Mr. ft. S. White the member for Card- which will exceed tho'se o E the r, And in some way a plee
And. or is to.. ake qui ik ork we have out the prices of these goods in two. do
N611 sweep Onta -ny rate,, and na. nd. 'str k him on th
if they orn th. achine n e
rio at a now fpI1 beav'ily on Saturday and d ewher Inen
to the and Lucani
-well, his sent in his resignation Nall ay Ong- �hem that cannot be found
bar, will be fou a
c�,U carry Ontario the days of the National Ot dis-
BiG Imr is expe ted that md, b idly -bruising 'it an(. breAking his last, *Imdst making - Bleighing b
Speaker of the -House of - Cornitions- r.
10111i. wil work in umb.'
olicy, -and all it involves, are numbered.
P t I appeared oh.Tuesday.—ri artners
100 addi beset at work in are busy at
Mont The nia oidination qu tiono, wiieh were an -
late Hon.- The riAs the Chicago m3rand —On Thu fl; Ila't w,. the'ro"t crop. The potato crop is not all rx -h
White; is a son of the nd Trunk sho a in Port rsday o ck, af ter the
S611mcLv it be. NTfr. Laurier visits Ingersoll n durin the
Hure next tw lifted et, �nd very few turnips are tilled.
White, and is managing editor of the X on� I I y
d on'th( Chic so. on o e res r
cr� Friday and Woodstock on Saturday. men� ontempl a -go vered be the aiiiis Farmers Should not deky a mornent� I tiger 1 1
3 pa-
r nk will cos
trea Gazette, the leading ConservatiV4 . I r. 1 S, e NO out of --the
This close his Ontario tour for the p.reS-L an Grand it is , %timated card of Exafiiiners� by Re L in getting Mie ttirbips -housed. Lo
His. father repres by the officia6l about $1,000,000. They bale' he waA inducted int( I the ar of
per of Quebec. P�t. Some idea of the receptions accorded Vi"A's
Car&.!.F1 before him, and1 'out of respect to 'liope to begin �he work of improv -,ment at He us and Balst A`isbfield congregations
A'![r, Lauriier may be jiudged from the follow- Turnberry. Consi�ts of Boys' Overcoats -worth S92.50 for $1.50 and stonie�
e iesbyterian ahu h.1
eceps once, and havel already placed ordi rs for a tb There was a 3.00 for 2,.25
the fat)aer, the son was elec.tedhis IL&foe part of himprovements. rge a endance. The irp tion an y
S n of one of his meetings given 6,d d in- Alu-'rCIIIAL TERESTS.—Tbe Turnberr
criptio' 0 4.00 for' 3.00
see s however, that -Mir. White prefers I sassionsuni
it Presbyterian townstrip douncil met in MeDon S hall
otion were heW in thb correspondent of an Ott 5. W for 4.00
awa paper, 0 Bluevide, 4n Monday; Octobr 14ti, t895.
I ffice
the quiet of a lucrative Government March' it St. Helen.
11-uron Notes. Men's Overcoats worh $15.00 for $4.00.
as a rule, 18L more favorable to the The membiara of the council were 111 pres- Xentucky.
to the turmoil and worry. incidental to. po- sident of 46 At 69
�'Jackson ha.4 disposed -of his A1 'John Stewart, an old re 6.00 for 14� 35-
Govertim eat than the Opposition, and this Mr. Horikeb ent. JohnDinientas instructed �o take
and has been' for som ti�ine, an 4 A 49 9 C -
litical life, %I r. W. G. Ile 120 k concession of Hibbert, passed away 7. 00 for 5-2 'venlenoe 1r,
jewelry �bus e a in Clintot�, to dt
Robert Lowq to the House of Reful ie *hen
I i Sunday, 13t S. 00 for 6.00
just a sample of what it was all round., PO h insti. -He was 82 years of 44
applicint,for the vacant )Osition f Collee- Doherty. ened for; inmates. The clerk was i istrgot- IVIded -big
ich his 0
ve, and had resided on the farm wk
The paper - says Just as Mr. -Lau.- �Blyth-pt blic school b 'ard will purchase 5 lso abbut two hundred sixita Along with.a lat of
torofoustornsatMentreal.1 Indeedjti- s Over es to notify the drain inspector to ppu out e=
Her took the platf grioultaral groui ids as a d t had cleared and improved, for
,orm there was ii. iii'd f bills and let the work of cleaning out the It ellIs and Boys? Caps. Prices out in to to lear.
our. acres of the a Im soveTe
r 7e8ar. He*asaconsistentPresbteriai
I said that he was promised is, P.1 sit i
scene. Men stood nd 'cheered again 4nd ioll 'by site for a, n.eN school. Thom�!Oli iknd A-lefUntion drain on 12-th At Plessiall
years ago bA that, —31r.'Job Nicholson, of Morris,. picked il -a ' attach Refortnor. A � large
the Qdvernment three I Mr.
41 Ilowe his remains to Rodgerville ceme- concession, oil the 28th 'of this month. Ity #md 4& 4
and when the meeting fina11y col dd Lo No., 2
the Govertim ent hesitated to create -a ipe ild. r ispberries la -s nd Cruiks'hank was apkoluted to examine I I line,
t week, a seco
there was a still wilder outbreak. Men 01411d h of th� s year. ry I ere he was interred. 1
Cardwell whi& Mr. W h fit e's growt where�rrot open and see if any of the to twupis -sun
Vaesney in e Blue-
r. Rob a' I —Th August make of che6se of th Consists of nearly one.hundred Mantles, a I Jitl
—M rt Reid has ��on en gaged as 41STeW ornen alike jostlednd pushed. each ottle :tment would cause, a ae ers object to its being opelled, an� also
a 3, Stable for -ale f efory was sold last week to 1 pay n sleeves, to clear aafollows
appom nd they h teacher in S(bool Sectio 0. %fr. smi
Y) take measures to protect and sell any tim-
ill attempts to reach the platform to shiie� $15.00 Mantles for
Ins, hc!wever,: ook,, f Ingersoll, for 7J cents per pound. $8.00
kept staving him off. It See year 189f, at a salary of $240. ber of value -eds o x the 1-2.00 6.00 movicies and
directors- the present
habds with Mr. Laurier. They clirrited' the Ang of the - and expend the prom
--:-Joseph - haw has lemed the. 100 - acre I a 'it el the At cc
that Mr. Vlaite has no determined to road. Win. Ferguson appeared b�efore me 061111ftal
Over seats a an hour, farm,lotl 11,concession 5, Grey from his ieese! maker, Mr. G McDonald, who 10.00 5.00
Ild benches, and it was by resigning. 'At a. redent council and stated:that he had madp ar- smon by -so,
force the issue Veii sucli good s=ction, was re -en- 8.00 4.00
n y cleared- father for a �erirl of years.
a r more before the' all was finall rangements with John Scott for outleb- for
Cabinet meeting Mr. Ives esented ar re- -- —AtAhe annual meeting of the Canadian ed 11 or next yetir at the "me salary. 6.00 f& 3.00
1 under- In 4bA fan I
uted to shake hands with everybod deain on lot 12, concession 11, and lie fa 3tory
He wa W immediate ose on November lat, 5.00 AA21.50
yl. c
so. Ticket Agetil a' ssociation,.Mr. N 7. Jack Excepting mak'111gl foIr the patrons for two took to keep drain pen if the council,% iroald, 'UTO off th"
and told them He stood. in a position port recornmending Mr. 2.00
appointm et, Mr. -Aaggart declared it sob, of Clinton, was re-elected aud.tor. open rain onL concession and put in bac cul-
eeks'. fall sleeve Mantles, beautiful goods at Aw and %bw
where the audience could pass hilit aud be --A young son of Mr. James Mitchell,
would be disastrous to open Cardwell under vert, nd in adhert�nce with this John Mus -
editor of the Godrich Star,'is sick- with --A abort tittle ago Mr. Go -wan, who has S6,$7,68 afid`$10. Great variety of Shawls, H6ods, Apf!U& As.
arat almost everybody. Mr. Laarier makes grove was instrudtod to let a job of aning
�f 1� +1 . . . Tms, Toques &c., at very low prices.
ngly opposed light thechobl. in a mile and: a OP upon -A 461111
present circumstaticesIand ire,
frieada firiner bv his handshae. He he s a diEtheria. di-ain �nd putting in box culvert on 10th
uarl,6, east of Exeter, dicteing the pas.
the paosagE! of the ord6r. 3�e was backed "-Mr. Re en Jewitt has been �r -engaged nd Ilth concesaidl- line, pposiii6 lot 12. U
way of doing it, and generilly as �eacher i i ButtonIs school, 1V orris, for ambe r of yearE6 resigned to study dentis-"
and A nu�mber of accounts were passed, and Lot o up by Messrs; Fcker I and Montague - I takes. the proffered hand in his own two year, at iaIiry,-'837,. Hleft for Philadelphia a few weeks
the council adjo Bl evale TW Xnes
b itho nexl �lle same s t not liking the study he r 11
the, Copicii roke a * w tit the appoint- 'go etur ed
p'; -_Walter Pennington has. pai-clased 50
with a warm pre undred Dresses to c1lear.
f! Although it; .�vas -on November 18th of a couple'of It
-engaged with the trustees
ome' nd has re
Th n ill go as follow
ment going through., Mr. White act es of lan& from. ex -Councillor Ej inis, 14th
nearly six when th C All ame school -for anoth6r year, at 4
e meeting closed,. a re- CUP@
his resigbation and sent'it in. concession, re -Y, paying $1,900, forit. wrote out txeter. $10-00 Dresses for %,00 1
I- need alary. 190w, le'lly
Jjig cro, w -d, who were unable to get in, wait - --Miss enter, who taughtisitacessfu He will take the school after As
Unless Mr. White can be maified and in- 9.00 .5.00 4Wry maw
NOtES.—The funeral of. Miss Isi Lbelli Cc 64
ed outside to get another glimpe of the ly in the s rate school. near" Mechwood i�C rigtmas holidays. 8.00 4l,50
duced to withdraA 1 -his. the ar3s —T, ie other day, while Mr. Frank Gra�nt, lian Thoseho
i for nearly fo ir years, resigns at 944 Yc' youngst daughter �of Rev. & R.
Quebe -'Liberal., The streets were lined, 1 7 (4-
c th, � London road, Stanley, was cutting Gandy, of Windsor, who died.at �Ibe atter .00 4.00-. to do so, but
Government will be forced t� face the issue. to ittend th4 Normal.'' 6.00 cc
Laurier had his head ucovered al- 3.75
a a 7 have lland� at a threshing,.the knife ran sligAlY place, i oil Wednesday last, of typh Ad ever,
This'will make fourV�kcancio:
s that must be --Mr. J. I Muncim n and, f rail, 5.00
most, continually by reason of the salates he , 1W he;e Mr. I �to h s wrist. The accident was sli lit took place at the residence of r. ). A.
; moved from 3lyth to Goderich, $pecial heavi costume cloth at 14c, other M" at
filled if a sixth session of Parkiament is to � - t, but two TlaYs Ross Andrew streot,
i Y h*i paid no attention to i and was i iteri ad iii mud" p",
receive 0 Runciman Will be emplo ed iia the new ThiEr, is bem 'k -n
ch swollen and very painful, E'�-eter cemetery. t ad second �9,, 23, 2", 38 and 47c per yard. ittery i was
be held'and the Tor'ont World, a strong 1k er U was mu the bicycle work6.
ti4ver (heaper than now and, we have Made surnrider A
ay -'A that --r" 11 ust make of cheese from i5rus-
suppoft�r of the Governme-it,' s s liused apparently by some foreign substance deathiwhich has taken place in this family.
British Farmer. lhe.Alr
The It considerably lower.
mind. sels factory was sold to Air. Fotb(ringham,. On t knife point poisoning the wound. A son'was buried in the Same but ial plot a
at -least au;ther member is similarly.
A great deal Of syrapathy seems to be of ngersoll, at 7J cents pier pound It was y to undergo' an operation to few weeks ago. They were fc rm we high Abe. surAwe
Is are- -urg- Shi ped on Ali revelLt fu ly este med. !4
ed and maiiy Conservative M. P 3nday of last week., tfierinjury. dents ilof Exeter, and we LC t No
wasted just now over the condition bf he rig Hens
ing Abe Ministers. to apoint them to - Miss 110ecca MoNair, teach!ei in Tjniou Two Winghain youuig�:men hired a —Several Exeterite went up to. lens Ion U 110t
British farm r. It is claim ed, b, town livery 'to., go to - Blyth
as if the rate Sol ool Sectim n No. 10, Howicke�nd Wallace, fi onil a ay Consists of several patterns of Catpotis in
y the m
I office." This looks very much Frid ' night' last, to witness the big fire
porters o -f the -�4tional Policy in this coun- ir, t!.he other week. but on arriving at home which oceur�ed W tbat villa T1. lbion 'aliti. -old
are deserting a sinkin law been re- rigaged for the coming year at iwd didi
-g sbiV. -At alny..rato - ) ig� qu -s and -lengths.
i �'un they had exchanged r s at the diotel block' fire, at Goderich on gea�urd' night
Ay pim"t
p- bell they had stopped and had brought
try thal agriculture in Britain is terr bly an increased salary. $L ( 0 Carpet for 78c 90c Carpet for 0c,
it shows a decided itneasiness-an th.4 art -of I r I last,.coald be seen,from this place i A num. IMUS must
depresed, and t1ha the British farm.er i� in M r. Thic mas Henderson, Blue ale. road, 8(c 11 7.5c We
the Government stiriporters,�and that the I ornela rig belon* ing to Beattie-Bros.livery, attended the fun near Wingbani, bad. a yield of 601 mahels of ber of our villagers
50C 500
misfortunes are� a- �y 9 19 4Md thefin
a very bad Wy, and his ar e* not as hopeful as they used �to be f BrpAsels. The two -young men sorrow-! the late Thomas ]�'elly, which t �ok pl e
of potatoes hii fall, from A bushels of seed ac say,. seym
d a lot ol chempel IL 1%,
r kinds at 8 1A0, 13, 15, 1
t ribated to the existence there of free tratde. solivn in the prin ally d rove to ruisels, where they made an from the re idenct of his son-in-,Iaw, Mr. 9 land werx-,'
winning at the next electio. - Perhiips the 9. S an d 25ic per yard. t,� One hundred pars of
--Lillian, dagbler 'Of Rov..J. B Gundy, greealble exchange, and arrived home with Vm0de a4I
There is no doubt but if ttte Brih John Mellick on the 12th coriciessim of ce urtains graded in price from 4-0c up W $4,
eve y re iven to rmerly determination nev 1111fortunalm
splendid receptions r whe. 9 91 er to be caught in the Hay towuali* to the Exeter eb6eteryi on ed- "prices.
were protected, he would get better pr ces of Windsor, fo of Exetei, died on ip, at educ
; lay.—Mr. Aloses Kelly, ol Oswego,
Mr. Laurier, the Liberal leader, is inspiring Wednesday A last week of typIxid. fever. iefix again. aV �
for bis prodt-LetsJust as the prot nil loan
a Exeter of Londesboro, who. was Michigan, -visited friends and re'atives in
in them a fatal fear of the Wrath to com 0, Her.rema-ins were interred in th id u at the -F f a(.tories of this country are enback in ietery. I houie of hi§, parents in Pst this Vicinity the past week. - He i ras called U4 No iturned on;
and an over -powering desirel to get in out A oe"
price to. those who use them, as Briteiin�*in --AttheAaleofeffectsof tbelate Leon- &we nosb, with typhoid"fever, was nicely to the death bed of his fathol,;the late' 41%0W; bi
m w en am is rf q-
beove vammuni
the �tGrm. ard Hun'ter Usborne, last week, the bal. i r6g therefro h fl . mation. Of Thomas Kelly.—Mr. Robert Send tur ta of Ladies' Far Coats, Fur Caes,Far C ty
so far as farm products i6 concern� ed,- is -,in
came a serious
ani �e of the teal estate, 50 acres, m as sold to, he In igs set in and be �hat 9,1- ed home from Manitoba on Saturday 'nig�t 4tiffs Boas and. Ladies2 and Misses Vbderwoar. *ven !or 0
importing nd not an exporting colm�ry. aosta 11 hope of his recovery was &ban d6ned. last. r. Thom6s Coates, an estc emed real-
Sa ritiel Skinner for $1,'1705. It adjoins AUr. —M The w'sortment is large and the pri -the and of
-s not advance A Grand Country. ces have h.een The reason that protecLion doe Skinner's property.- lowever, lie has taken a turn for the better, deni of the 31d c6neession of U abor ie, is (Aits n olden vef0
e as it is possible to sell First -Class Glodds.
ce which time he -has continued to i seriously 01 with typhoi� feyer.—
the price of Canadiall farm products is' be- -,Mr. W. Paerson, South BrariVs talented .—Mr. Ja es.KcCallum, of neat Walton in in- reported to have be�
ha3 &,great top of field carrots. They ay. there are now some hopes of his —Thi VA, stp,
rove, and The tax gather is 94 his roands. vil the Rhakri
't 'r .
has just n
cimee it is an exporting country, and, con- M. re6r ed from a trip to ie M If
eril-ged a w on'load to each 40-rol, drill, or ee6very. laie 0ouncil met on Friday eveni�j 1; tat. oify, -and!
_p6int Briish Isles, and fr6i Belgium. and 'G(r-
sequently, the prices ae fixed a the
112.4rills. His tu -nips will- —The Manitoba Mercury. of a recent Messrs. MeMann & Archibald, of, ea.orth,
300usbel or
'I V, have now Old yo a of the fi x we are 'in and wh t are
t#10,00 -beh
of cous4triptioll. But if the. products of !the niany. At, a meetin- the other night t oil' uyiug horf e pr red to do.
tdo -that r acord. sue f aye - Mr. Thomas Carling, of Exeter, were here on Tuesda last b as Yo -'r tradewill. help usiort wonderfully. Rememerwearewill to part" with argel
Aubrey, the -noted Mon-
llritishl fmrmor were hliaced in � price by -Iii oh. 1%] r. Paterson d elivered. an addrei a —Urs: A. Good has exchanged her piop� hew of Sir John Carling, has been visit- also was Mr. B. tities of goods at lea than regular prices, but the cut prices make will yield you
7 ep 4 quai
-he said be was deliitted with what he' saw erty at- Alui%'wi-th Mr. John W"y of Br a itoba, for the treal: borse buyer. —Mr. Israel Sri I f -f
protection, to the immediate advainita of �S* g t1a -, fairs in Southern M It eXtr a r atuar a- for your m The 1)ras�
also on his treivels,*espec�ally-in Scoland, . tie sels, for a house and lot on John street, in. ast m and his services JU ge rave Creditou, has secured. a,situati-on w ey woald that village, and she will take possession in leen in demand. He has als been loo ing Henry Jones, as oksrnith.� - Mr. $mi h ty-
the Britih agrioulturalist, th W�Jlrji
t o nat that e corneslaighly re ended. He has xiioviu, A
h. nu. lan of his ancestors ut nothing
be enhance(Uto the artizaa and the near future. fterlds landed interests througlout the n�mla he b -hfti
+.his village on William breet
facturer. So, that in the tong run. 1 the sam excelled in mag cenep. and g r e or Ifeans, o tisLubtli e %. arn- I's. Fr- 116 Ls V VJ% JUDI V a
if M Pe
i " � big potato grower in those parts. He erson witnes splendid Vt ale's fine new residence 'on
would not be much I any benefi'tted the Rookies and Selkirks of his own couin- P101 FLYS t lat no p Sing th 11genoe,
bas one that measured two feet, four inches odu As shown can have any doll t as to William stre t is nearly completed.—A. lie,
try, 3 -
es He was glad the t God had cast his lot tea meeting was held � n the
by bii higher prices, al his farm suppli oircumfe once, and weighed three, and a' I e fu -lure -of this Ilrovince. ver e Ems f
f ly suce
Would j in 'anada. Mr. Pat rsonis right. There half pounds �—T �e Clinton New Era o t of t Cavan -Presbyterian of urch,
ust be proportionately dearer. Pro- in -last week says: basemen
snet with ii
no is r I �ot a grander country in the world, nor, . —Mr. W Bagshaw has been re-engaged ?ive andsome, blushing young ladies in- ori Monday veti.ng liket.—Afiss X�Ilie
tection would, therefore, 4 of little o 're' AR Ingellarad
G atest
adeo r day., f xeter, sang at a co, t in
to teach in hool Section No. .3, Stephen, the New Bra office th4 othe* and Davidson, of
benefit, even to the British farmer.: But, is one urbich nature biki more bountifully immanted
for anothe � year, at Lan increased salary, eprefented that they were membe a of the Hensall,-on ednesday - evening last..—AIr.
the British farmer the object of pity and favored. Any disabilities under wbieh the Mr. Bagsbaw has proven laimself anefficient' a eld Walking Club, out � for 1 25 mile H. Bisho b moved into his new residence C48h A31.0re. T
-the Sbaket
-re dae t own ac ieacber. rip the presence of so 'much feminine on Andre at eet.L—Mr.
commisc-rotion he is picturei to be ? We people labor a their ts, and W. H. Parsol is has
the storyq,
do riot believe it. In fact, -we ]know' that if can not trnthf ally be Marned. upon the coun. �Mr. J. G..,,Fields,ba�tohe , as pare ased eaut L, rather staggered the staf ; but the pupchased th property of the late Thomas
Th6re, Vri
from Mrs. Eadie tb6 impertj- in Lower ')Oys managed -to survive the orpeal, and Pollard.—Th Exeter foundry is do ng a I I ' L I
C,knaffl'an farmers received the priceq for try. If we.are not prosperous and h I'V4. -IV
Il] a ished the*lr Objtct. large busineAs in disposing* of plows..—Mr.
'hip of %J
appy Wi igham.which has beetilh(r bon6 for iope the ladies accompl 751f %F
we have only ourselve 3 to::blatne. 'But evew
their products that the British farmers' clef number of years. - Mrs. Eaffie receives the without weariness. The first t4p they R. S. Latig, implement agent will hav", Sev-
�'With t
they would beq,, good deal better off than, with our own buncylin and mismanagement, aurn of %75'for the same. nade they covered.16 miles, I c ra of winter apples abi
�ra a
k7 ]r pped W this
oun of C- Monda evenin of last eek a son htation i
f 4.1, 4. -1. 4�u 4� r Child of Air I ohe'f- n a fe days.—Mr. 1"! m. S. Lang
they are. we also Know tn&T it most yan- the resources o V 41JOU1.1 I.Y ALV all a
Clinton,� �ivzlowed a pea a ew &vs ago, 1 Mr. J. W. Murray, cattle buyer of near f Parkhill, role ever on his eel on 3atur-
adian farmers were in receipt of M6 in- to a very great ex;ent, they neutra ize 4! tied home on
mid before it could be removed, it wa's ne�es- [,uckiow, was returning home from Hem- av; and retur onday.- Sev-
mtheirfarmsthat-fall to thelot these,and as a result weare stillfai0v were
cornes fro sary to ins t a tube- in the child"k throat to Rick City mills with a large load of griating, ril families of gipsies i4 the vilh ge on
a,red with the people
of the ordinary English farmer, and. enjoy- prosperous when coin allow it to7reathe, and to perform an ope� 1 ind when going down a hill several - of the Aonday last.—M Wna.. B*Ikwelli ttle
ed life as well, he would think himself of other countries. at ration. %ags slipped forward, throwing the boy off lealer, i in- bed through illn
Nes, we have a gre 'al meeting of th, � Hurou'Preab . i e load betw
—A sp Y� ;h een the horses and the wagon. rbe Trivitt memorial churcL banquet c
pretty well Off. In short, if the EnOish and a grand country 4.1ere. . I
The.lot of Can- tery w el d on Tuesday,la it we6k,at Clin- VVhether the wheelpassed over him or that was held in Drew's Opera House on I
3 st
-last was, a decide
tenant fa�rme�s—the farmers there are all adisms has indeed boon in pleasant he, the call from Leeburn and -Upiob. ie was kicked bv e bf the horses it is im- night . d SuCCIE-83. 'F
a still as.-
ton,z W on c
Ha iltor was sub- )ossible to say, bat one side of his head is Began, the escaped[ lunatic, I's all to
s e9ono- place t
tenauts worked as hard, and were a a. Nature has ldone� great things for churches to'; Rev. Jame
he'eallwss signe b 76me adly out and bruised. lj� cinity of Betimilliar, in Co
-I mbers in the vi in Co rne I
mical as le Canadian farmers, they m�ould 7as, and all that is reqn'ired to make us 'the tained y
at�d 51 a horents, and prom ed an annual —NVe regret to tinounce the death of Mr. township; Detective 'Wes
rous peo le. in the world is for �cott, this
get along very comfortably even yet, and moat prospe p
stipend' o S600.and at least o weeks' boli- 3tillm ell Phipps, f Holmeaville, which v oc- 21ac4b, has been trying to ea�pture Win the
would not need'to complain much of :out- us to utilize the advantages. which nature days. T e' Presbytery hope to have the mrre4 on Thurad 17th inst., at the age past month, without saccess An person
-rm er a has so lavi" "T confer
side competition. The Eno-lish fa sblO bestowed' apon us. The Stipend r d to $800 by a &rant from the A 59 ears and 11 nths. His de'ath was who,' should cliatice to see him' oil d S
agment4t on Fund of the church. 'Air. 'having been in declin- favor by telegraphing
way to do this, however, is not b� building Ai ot u, looked or, a.grkt to Mr. West -
rule, dees the bossing and hires men to, do
Hamilton' having- intimated -his ceeptance ng heilth for so time,.and yet it came Cott who will go at once a ter him.
the work-, Y�hile the Canadian farmer', ourselves in by an impenetrable tariff' wall
6f the call, his induction was fi for Tqm- ith e same Sadd that marks.events of George Swith left on Friday last for t ie'old
most instances, is both boss and inan.�, In and taxing ourselves to death, largely "for Unp I �
day, the th inst., when th "resbytery lite nature. Bo.�n in Toronto, be came. to country with several care of sheep for Mr.
addition to this the Britis'l), farm lias to the benefit of a fe7w plutocrats of the Mas. will me lat- Union: church 1. 30 P. in. arba,-nearly 25 years ago, and W`m a resi- Thom'mBallantyue, of HensalL A
sud each
lus. larg
these ji�
-faent do
1 -the chap
7,011910us i
There I
Shaker U
and lbrit-1
learning. I
tows anA
Vf the fill
-wbich, thl
lievers -TX,
pose% P'v
ftom th6�
4be h4oiq14