HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-10-18, Page 4owl V ON XPOSITOR, 4 - would be necessary to Asti lo, it c nd ig ILoein XEw ADVERTISEMENTS palate. that the Duke and Duchess underneati the Nib els of a citizen. He was for many years ted nater 39 packets requirii Iti manufacturers of on 16 country, should a4t. the L "_ailWay carri Irre erent ouths th a ab e SO pupult� President of the Kin-' Torr1% on ces, 8.packeti for parcel post, in- i ago". at' th I n Aoso Bra ich Agricult,uml Societ an in the I cl ading 2 for' I Of! MADIke i1gure betWotft the 4renthesle fter 0 ch clim! ed up to the roof yt 4ngland, and 11 kets 0 o deno -h� paper on which 0, to to theother. In his way Value Of 4 tea the page ot t send its produe Oar ai id punctuated the rea:di r- 0 F th, 100C1A I car a rh of that �o* flourishing -society,. oi dinaiy merchandime. The tot tit be tound. I -might becreated, provided address with'jibes ; an o no on efted h a local monopoly� d'tho uu,�Is r promote its inter- tI e Stamps cancelled � was. $50.11j"which is The Eyeslght�-J. S. Rdbertt (6) tn t�r. De6eased - had $14-02 mere" than for the correspo ding pe the tariff of each country'was high �enough, the a lAress was rendered ifiaJudible ond es A th n Mr. Farm for sale�-A. Thonapson (5) C fe feet distant, owing td e a oyal reW hed It 3 ripe od lastlyear. -pa Act Cold %realher—J. R. Tatt leswx (S) to keep out third ties in: a � ase like th old of 83 years and 3 ri Maloo tL' t cheap Boots on Saturdixy at %V11118' (8) howl; and hisses of grown onto. topi tbs. —Mr. John Mennell, of Clintonj who re - i this nothing, is saved in, administration f- ' ' illness of some years, oi ntly received an attack of paralj sia, dicil i Che.%PL Bootgon Wednesday at W1116' (8) by' The whole ceremony did po-uf 'A last' nw e ithan fter ingering Stepbens (8) I yoo Pigeons wanted—T, flve'� In 0, Caldwell, of We t Waiwanoshi consolidating a number of rival. Concerns d' M sX-otice to Credftra—& S. lRays .(6) inute but that �Rfiort perl was oi I. Wednesday of ast week, as thi probably ifte witson's 4� Grocers —C. Willson M Warmest five minutes th Nke -diie at her residence on west -half of lot l5ii, thereof, agedL72 cars.. Deceased vvbo borft� Prices mioht and doubtless would beraised,. 'I and Duchess of York c ver experience i' 00111(pession. 4, agedQ80 years, 'Her remains i an lived in tbe neighborhood! For sale or torent�-F. Holmested (15) 1 1 1 ToLoltrOilatoiters—Illi3chley&'r,amb (8) to the disadvaritage of the consumers- in b6% i die d in Dungannon cemetery on Malton before coming to this county.,, He Won= Hr. R WEicfaT iti GOLD. — 6av-4.XoueV--4H. F. Eldivards (4) countriiies. The agreement reported to have wer irltl)th inst., being escorted thither It a lived in Huron for. about 40 yearo, a wery of a iiiew deposit 0 Slacet Sab th Winter axpleer—A. Cardo (8) go bear. a o'nibinatio f been made is not an ordinary le near rol� Or -ge concourse. c lisider Bargain A—p- Willis (8) ing iravel has �been It Iate..vesidencei, by eL lat able part of which as spent, Mi etnon For We chea JohnL Thompson (6) bat the object isthe same ; to prevent ocilin- Brit -ash Columbia', in -a ther rem rkable of s 6rio vi ends and acquaintances. Itullett. He was' s� very steady and indus- Medical Gard—Dr. J9hn McG:nnis.(5) r1iOUS niahner. The ife - of rancher L natned k.latrhi ji-ii of Baigb Wawanoeb L�t id citizen, an evidence of which is found St yed—M. A, Caso (5) petition and to raise prices. An bgreement' Smith, on killing'a fO*I, und-in th bird's rais3d.t.8 new Larn on Wednesday of last' IJ4 the fact that he was for about 20 years ction ftle—wul. Barry. (6) i to prevent. iniportatioii and expqrtati6n. is crop several nuggets of go d, evident ick- wee t. 1§44es were chosen by John W. Saw- &0 employe of - M r. James Fair, Clinton. He NicinniaL (1) . wR8 a nein er o ,int' 11 t eT a Ing VIC. b f the Episcopal church. A clearly in restra of trade, and- isi against ed UP In a' gravel pit t whie ens ler and n. .9. Scott, the former bei TO Let--T� T� Colenf-vii. public policy. A in t1fe ici ity �ori no. k8upper over, the yoixng folks were w�fe, four sons and two daughters,one of them i teop--ff. W. Or aily r1esorted., The grou n ty Re de C.otbing—j. Cannikip (a) has been staked out and ill be ed. nV' ed 'to remain and enjoy themselves, the wife of Mr. H. Folland, mourn the lose or I It PAYR .-I), 'did ti A, tJonqal,,ofFarm—D stewliart Furth�r changes have taken place in the DiEp. —Mr. Richard Es erbro6c, ounder w 4 1. 11 the wee sma hours ",in 0 il loving father.. of the first steel lance* �A Pti g of th 1. a Curtains-11odgens Bros (1) way _pen m nufaot)ry in the the nerr me in e dir�etoro ofthe b-0. management of the Pr�aad Trunk Rail rd --J. F. Clark (6) 1 while minion raust i Presid t of the -E'ster- r.' nice Sweet, P United! States and I at,., of Exeter t'Hore ]Breeders' etywas St irtling Prieta—Win. Pickard 106- (6) as a resul tof the visit of Sir Charles, Ri"re- brook Peti Comp, died at Cal !den, New out n the woods Shooting Saturday after- 4ield in the -Rattenbury Al,,etioll Sale ouse, Clin nii, on peattle. (9), an As 3ignee'* ihn y r.Seargelint who. Jersey. He came fro E n W ly 1j: It?—Grelg & Nic:Don-Atd� (1) Wilson to this country! gln 1, 1 6nd es� noo'n last,. in getting over a tog, accidentally Friday, October 4th. Prosident� ?VIC illan wr ig and' Q. E. Ma�on delegates stAbe et - x( tice, to cred.itolo—Gartow & Prouffoot (6� tablished his. f t 1860, in a little Ste ped, o1i a limb and leg in for the past five.years has acted as genera B! Indoc etuents or 'Ys SuP as, to breo'kk,the small bone in ing of representatives of t,4e different ockl e frame building the e�of the re ent es a mal' his In tf manager, has r signed,:or hats been request- 0 tablishment, which emplo a 400 an s. nkle. iis painful condition b6' registers, in Toronto, on September th, -Mr. H i Lof St. Louis, ed adigtan6cof tivoand a half- I-eportedthe arrangements there wj�l hg ne, pr, ised m i 1 9. It will be some: time before be will for bringing all thee-tiuder the su' neral manager of the Wabash Railwaf, ed to resign, and ayes Huron q tes. er uper go have use q the limb. of a Government manager and insp tor. has beer] appointed in his ace, 'and will Bead.is B6 ling 6t.� 0 ate per at iall.loaf On Fi:day night last, as Mr. John B!ea- Sonic features mere approved an n gham. commence his ew duties int Januaiy, at �a in Win era co , -of Goderich town4ship, was driving to left in the hands of, the delegates, who will The� 01AFORTH, �RIDAY, 1 Oct. 18thp� 1895 salary of -$10,000. Mr. Seatizearit, has been see et is being formed hi 'ather4in-law's in London township, his again meet he Mii6iater of Agriculture and seat o 1 Board as h in Clinton. given a n the London, Ca h e took ick ion'the road, and when he the new inspector, to complete the arrangem ve;y, in 'The Liberal Leader- adan adviser, at the sa. e �salaty as was —The residents of L( eb rn are 'al iiiiin be- reiv hed entralia, a - few miles south of ments desired by this society. The annual Et ter, w is so bad that he could not, 3e ting of the society will be held in Clin- VCR. ing annoyed by petty t iie ar6 pro- in( Hon. Wilfred. Laurier, t�c leader of the heretofore paid him. —The Brussels- council has decidect to s 'im and the animal died ton on December 18th, when the 3rd voi- el ce further -with h t n,nion Prliament the L Wo'olen mill in' 1a t �town.. by public the Do �he�e. soon affer he got hirn*info the stable. nine will be closed, and the standard, of bub �A &ld P. series 4 very sfiLecessf al pal tiCal A Good Sugges auction. i tion He -vas,worth about $80. regis.tration raised to four crosses. 0 Wingham ittleeds better school accom. 1 Mri. Tabb, of Colborne, met -with what -­-Anather old resident of Some ggesting th Meetings in the!eastern p�rt of the Prio. f the apers r� on 31t smodation,and iMs likely tha;6 a warl school 0ii have been 4 serious mishap on T es- Crossed the Jordan and patered the Heaven- vin e last week. He visttedi Morrisbtirg public, non- Xt r pepbion. be tendered will be bui 4a of Iasi, week. She was going to Blyj�h, ly Canaan. We refer to- Ann' McNivon, , 0 1 it. . . , . Y n re'W' lu Olive -'4ow&t asA recognition of the ' —This a,�erag6 atte daace'. of'- Brockiville' Rertf and other to S is at and when a little to the east, of the schbol, relict of the late Peter McArthur, who p UPI va t heartily Ion and fai liful services Which i;lie vote the Wingham. pubtic Be ool durng the �e her horse got'frightened stsoni6l passedaway on Wednesday evening, 9th and poiats. At.esieltplacehew:asmos 9 nonth of September wa a 411. traiv ]Yin on the road, suddenly turned' inst., at th residence of her son, Peter, a d cathasiastially welcomed. 1�remier has rendered to -theq Province. The ieceived u e The: Joseph Biddlecombe, who I kas b6n. licession Morris,at the good old geLof ropoition is �armly en -I' cl atil threw Mrs. Tabb out of the 9th co a aor#e(I by r J. in business in f ddresses, seem. to: htwe given. good sat- P Clinton ror the past forty u the horse was immediately caught, near Care. Deceased was a native of �rg Y Scotland, where she was u-nitett :c7iou, and his audiences were always P: Whitney, M- P. P., the deputy leader Of yeani,.is retiring on ace mr t of 111 health. blaut any serious damage resulting. leshire Messrs. Brown and --Cooper t irethed 11 matrition 4ory large. At several of his Meetings 4e the Opposition in the Legislature,,who Rev. L. G. Wood, on account of the y to Peter McArthur over6O of oats for �ex.Recve Milne at on inned illness of Airs. Wood, has resign. years a a. In 1852 they came to Caxtada,, 2,000 bushels was assisted by Sir Richard Cawrigh ti, though polibicall b a 7 OP ed to Sir Oliver, a - Ethel one day- last week,' d the rectorship 'of St. Pauls church, spendin three years . in Middlesex county Lonly Premier of No aJ regard for him. -The ])an'. �rGn. --The present staff ol tei 4cliers of the Gor- Vingliam, and will remove to Toronto, before tiWng up lot 22, concession 0, Mor - Aon. G. W� Ross,, Minister of 71-ducatio)a das Banner, in referring to . the � matterij He public school- have been re-enga ged fo JVI Wood is at r e 11 Mri present at the home ris, 40 Y�tatst a the farm on which they f�r Ontario -, X'r John Mcillan, M.. P.', for says Why not, make it on the 31st of next year- Of I � ar me �her. He bits been appointed as- lived lip eg-Time of removal to a better ---The trustees of )ho)l' Secticiii No. 4 sis" int redor of the Church of home a ove. Mr. outh Auron. Mr. Ban, of Weatwort�_, this mouth, seeing that it was on :the 318t� the Redeem. McArthur died eight T46keramitli have' Epi c ag.3d. Mr.' 17hunias er i I T ito, one of the lo 8 years ago, Mrs. 01 The Sir Oliver was called B her fc, 7 t year 1896. 0:0 gest aged 86 Years. -MeArthur Trade Question and th6 of October, 187-,. that rownlee, as teac had enjoyed e ch, I ahe I i I that city. xcellW health andonly took MatiLitoba School difficulty were the prinei- upon to be' Attorney-Gener4l of the � Pro. —Mr. J. Carruth, 'of Wi ighaiii� is making ---Iihe� her day Mr. Blackall, f Clinton, ill the Friday previous to her' death. Her d 10 pal themea of dise - ussion. With regard t vince, a position which he. has held ea as to a large f4 bi n' that I as been was sent for very -hurriedly to attend a chilr1ren Donald, Colin with e a would =the Carrutli fam� ly )y the de th of a sic O_L_. are John; Duncan e Jr. LaAarier strongly opposes col- marked success ever -since 'Thl' h 11 which would neither eat nor and Peter, well-known residents of Morris the latt ir, N wealthy uncle in Irelan L dri r li, orad!s temperature indicated township; Alexan,�er, now in Scotland; creire measures an the part of the Domitil- bring the reception oil the twen - -third ari-_ —The sum of $,3 . 0 at the no, -�en C3 �y 4 8 ivas received t, and �he veterinary was for a Mrs. 1). McDonald,1 of Kinloss, and Mrs.M. t adu W ion. Ile says the question to be settled is niversary,of his access on tooffice. Bythat thankoffering meeting of tie oman,!s For- III r ent �1 izzled, but when, he looked in the McDonald,- of tt. The subject of this than time Sir Missionary' Society ine eign etino, one of fact more than one of law, and that Oliver, who has returned'from big of Kel- hol induth,andlound-la piece of beni- notice was a kind ileigbbor, a faithful 'wife, chat Ville church, Brussels. lodliq Ititillber wedged rose its jaw t) d & good mother'. Better than all this r the Dom. i —.The people of WinEham must be great ter3zvas;lved' she knew: in whom she believed and nion Government bave as yet trip, ould have bad ti' e to take, up tlj�e Ic mys- an our g in the i facts. He broken'threads of the business of his � officc cong made no e5ort to ascerta, timers of mutton. In one' . ma it b this 1-1 B. Bcartb, of 1 Winnipegi wbo tri hec over death. i word mission wore, app summer two of the tow a butchei s killed h a,., i believes that if a. earn oint- ad be ready for'a ha��;sbake from big many ust appoinl;ecl Depaty Minister of gra. Samh Lee, an eccentric lady of can cr 200 sheep. friends." Theugges ion culture, foe the Dominion, andL Who :about -70' edto, awertain the facts,that th[e diffictilties is a very good Ag, r .3 -ears, served the reieve of Brus- very —.1r. Matthew Sproule' ed wa e A e, And will, we rried out. Fat, the estate of the late Ilavid prouulhr,�b,aeain� Go rno' of Manitoba, is an old Clin- claiming;d mages of $10.ii(300 for slander mid existin could be peaceably and satisfactorily on hopd, iiie ca has P also is a aspirant for i the Li atenant- eels with it writ on Monday of last week, rA lthough the people of f 'a could n6t east half of lot 15, con�esslon 3, lip settled withoat any interference on the part' n art W4 is Va to, h being a iesident:i there at the time to be perpetrated upon her by the town Pay mpliment or W q2,400. of the Domiaian, and he. says, that if Mr. Sir Oliver a greater co' anosh.: The price paid was (I -e & 1111ter-were in business, about 35 bell, town band and the Salvation Army. as MM, 0. Camercin, formerly of the yy e ago and be c� I asked & month to consider th' -ell adopt such a policy he vi Show him an pect by aly demon- Was FLISO",� an auditor on P more res The can h it's, law firm of I Cam oron, H ,uffald and Lake Hurow rallway. siat him to reach a settlement. But, if the stration they might get up, than they have olf, & Camera (-red- th matter, %u t Mrs. � Lee was obdurate an erich, buerccently,of Toronto, has r3turned Jast -eek there died irt Detroit a man I says She Le waited long enougb� but woul -clonLe by Supporting him 'at' the polls at to GoderiLch,where he will pra pr eseritt.policy of the Daminim Goverrim e nt, otice in future. 'we 11: know I to ma y of the old residents of - yet acce t $2,000 in - settlement if mad 8 n P We a —While employed at the Union F be Pursued ; if they -persist in holding every ele�tion which has taken place during urniture Go : rich, n the . person of, General 0. M. forthwit In the writ - Sir John A. M; - differ tob& by the threat, as it were, and requiring the, past quarter of a century, yet, a no, Factory in Wingha the other day, Mr. Hde I His connection with',Godetich went Donald, !ceased, is given as the n4. f acti Win. Baird had the misfortune to have a ba I � to thi � year 1860, whery lie came to the p%rty. rs. Lee a Complaint is that the be] u them, under threat of Dominion, legislation, partivan demonstrAicin such as that spoken - large post fall on his leg,biuising it af verely. w. i as ( ief of! urc each Sabbath dity ringi long to a corps of topographical in 3t. -Jo i�'s ch ' b to re-enact the law in operation previous of, would be a nice thing, and serve -to allay —On Tuesday evening of: last wee c, Rev. su i eyors f 6he United Sta,�-,es Government out S4r4h Lee go t i church ;" the 0 -town, The I to 1890 nothinn, but trouble turmoil and the asperities - occasioned bJr keen party John R6ss,':B. A., of Melville churcl, Bruso to Wise I aptain Bayfiel&s chart of the' - bell echoes 6($5,0 0, $5,000, $5,000 excep sels,' gave � an introductory lecture in the lak and heart-burnings can result. He condemns warfare, and would at thc' same time, be $1 Oregon this Side;, He had many' the- banI4,i impio sly, plays " God a av, Charch,- on 'what he saw duting be Sarah Lep'."' To saitisfy the plaintiff, a his eff fR( i Is itil'Goderich who WiIl regret to ar Fur to Manitoba, and thp Nort.fiwest of �s deliAse. the conduct of the D)LMinion Government doing honor to a man who is - deseirving 9 tril t tificate ha been fur�ished­ her that each. th him., 0 1 s far,' and beseeches. them, to withdraw all the boner that can be shown �cil Brewer, son of'_Nit H. C, I'dast -eek death removed. an old set- 11 slande ed from h ring " bell ill be remo th eneive rem edisAl order, and adept Br�wer, of Clinton,. met with a ful ac- tlei th person of Mr. Isaac uker, who ball and guaran e eir off Pat a nbw:oii substituted cidVnttheothet.day,byrunn�n a nail al- die I it tf, c residence of bis -!.Acin.-in-law, Mr. to be abs6lutely fr 6 from vicious praAeti o sausibla arxd conciliatory measures 'instead 'iir Exeter, oti hursday, 3rd She consiidejrs , he elf shabbily treated 13 The German Canadians. most through the palm of his rigfit It wid. Ro)wt- r, Air. Alex;ander Johnston, who has- been ind. at the age of 76'years'w d 8 months. I inselling* er to.seek a home in of threatenin(rs- as to what they will do in The Woodstock Sentinel -Review makes peop e,co� --case the Nfartitobins refuse toobe their.be, a resident of 10keter for the past yea and a �De toed has been' in feeble state of House of Refuge, when the town owes I w r y complimentary reference to the Germau I ... half has takedthe'Massey-Harris agency at he Ui f x -used b, 1101 h es t a. 1 r some years C Iu short, he takes ver much the y the in- $ 10, 000. In h er recent attendar�6e at Cc I r nadias of 6xford an(i Waterloo coun- Stratford, and will itiove his family 1.0 und as tha ta that = 4es i if -old age. - He wu a former and to interview Judge Doyle, and. �er.' visit it same gro ken by Principal ties. What it says with '.regard to them city# well Knom L resident of Centralia, for man the epuneil, she has come to concludoi Y_ With 'lobe, and —Mrs. R. S. Williams and her Rai t Hay- e 113 remains were interred n the that the �nigh to of old who' r636gnized It Grant in big letters toL The (.1 will apply with equal accuracy . to their den,: of Goderich, left, that town or Satur, Ripleld �dmetery_ presence itrid granted the slightest reqU Be iroul thinks that by pursuing a moderate and compatriots in L the counties of Huron and M&Uito day at 8 a. m., and went to'Lond' icy events wbich iet conciliatory course towards on ( n their One of those interestin., of: ladiesi must have all -died. *i tr b,, Perth, many of whom -have come here frorn bicy�des, returning the next day-- lie dis- tb At very old-fashioned ale still not un - the people o that Proviii[ce will settle th. 01 he county of Waterloo. tance bei 68 iniles each way. Ica f t remarks will non, curred Tuesday.evening of last selveq, without any outside i::,, — 11# of Blake. mat ter the m be heartily endorsed by citizen On A ednesday t week, r. W. e at Ae residence of Mrs. J. Shipley, terfereneeL and that in a I m.%nner r 4 of every Ville, SPECIA�, SERYICES.—Evangelistic Re Miller,- of Holmes et with a tir in ro t, i, near Clinton hich will r , when Miss Mary naionality. It says 9f,tbe po will be hold in Blake Presbyterian churchi pahiful accident While. topking s e raf - 'Shij; ley a Ib lar young ladies of riybt be alike stisfactor to all parties. H� The County of Waterloo in Ontario- is ters, rash iq that vidif iby, -was com'inenAng on Sabbath next, 920th inst., at Y , . 4 his adz slipped and cut an iiiiy, united n- martiage to f, urges, firat, invetigation', 80 as to get at' surrounded by the counties of Perth, �JTei_ his foot. 3 o'clock&, in. and 6;30 p. m. Rev. J. 'ff. MrJ Mottle Smallacombe, of Clinton, - The the facts, and secortdly cotidiliation an d lington, Halton and Oxford, I They - are ail Several meq, whose homes a A., of Toronto, will assist the re i cer4 ony�" as performed by'Rev.Mr.Ford in moderation. Mr, Lrmzier?s views on tbi,, five, fertile couhties- bu� the moment You Wingbam, have,'been disol arged fr)m the We: esci� � �e of a large ci vol' P�stor, Mr. McDonald. These me,6t enter the Germ. an seIttlement in Oxford at, Unio'n Furniture Factory b e of friends and ings; wilb.-.be dontinued throughoutthe weft question wern cause tbev lived rel ves 1(o ' the eontracting�. parties, to have mdt with very geaer� A r Di cross the boundary into Witerloo, you get outside of- the town lim* S. A] r. Miltobeli will alho preach in the - B, y- Thei -'places you ig boy,son of Mr. Thompson, of al approval from those wfIo have listened tq a surprise. The barns are" enormous and will be filled by' residents a the towit. 1I brook, met with a painful -,uccideut Do field- Ro Presbyterian church,at a quoir�er him expound his policy. � His visit to On, almost invarialy -there is it stone - under _iNfr. . Sanders, of to 11. orif unday next. he town ship' of bin'll nda) of last week, his father and t-ario, will do _good hi many ways, as the story, There are no -Stamps to be a on, the Stephen, near Exeter, d1IgL frorn his field a brot ipr NOre returning from the saw inill We,h vb I NveIg I loalc went -nore intimately the people come to know farmslooktrim and -neat. The ctttle in pounds, Thisis-thechamponsofati. Itis i ng f I am s( 11001' j u NEWS �NOTE$.—Mr. J. S. Wren left, on t] le cl fences are whole and well kept, ... lid - the few (lays ago, a potato hied four with of lumber, and L the bay return. Chiselhurst. i It Mr.. L%urier the better they will like him,: winter always look well, -White Elephant variety. mped on..,to have a ride, owing to t ie stone of the wheii, updn coming to the gate, and j mp- Monday'lastfor Toronto, to enter on his re hadLel and the more Confidence they will have ia stable, where not a straw is'waste'd, The —Frahk Pollock, virho Cl hm rge of ing dir to 0 )en it, the book.'. f the bin ling 2nd yearlin Tdronto University.—Mr. Pen - him pulation in these c ourttie$;. School Section Not 1, Howipit, this 3 ear, in- chaii caug it in his pan�lts;!� swinging him gally arid wife, of Hensall, spent last week vle ce is a large German po They are southern -G mans. Nearly every tends to give up teaching & i the en of the clog n, which �assed civet his- with frionds 'in this vicinity.—Mr. John opr D .0 L v omen, the latter some. resent' terifi, and will put in a fol r year g 7 1�,LiLiSing it L ewar ;s ary sick, with arrigli. at be During the present week he has visited one w rks, men and le W tt0hetl Lenew,aseverel, st t * at present vi several caunties in Central and Western times in the -field. T iey are a very provi- course at the Toronto University. a, he her eNening,*as�i%,14er,�st'ewvr�; of hopes of I his r§covery.—Mrs, Westlake, a X dent people. In eco Ontario, and at, 16t'Wh place his ree�­prtion has my hey can discount —Miss Annie Sage wjak in -t -aited u aon by BrusiWels, wa going to prayer- �iieetiag a Dakota, `�a e oome last week on account of ch the most careful Se peasant, m bile at �Rev. Mr.Griffin anA membe- n into him on the sidews, I Ik, the llness.L'�wlesers' e been a, rapetitian of those accorded him far- i a of 8 t. ( 'eorge's bIcY( list ra i J. A. Talor and C. Cc the Same time keepi lif� sweet at A pure church, Walton,the other ei ciiing, t nd pre- handle 'of the machine giving. him a Severe of Hensall, spe�b Sunday in our -village.— ther ea�st. ' Wherever he goes he takes a ad pleasant by s iability, m it,, ic and Rented with, a well filled purse as a sniall bJow;l on the side, nearly fracturing, a rib. Mr. Wo�a'aiidl wife, of Varna, , were the sing Lversio 8 firm hold upon theaffections and confitlence harmless a M111 Mr.'19tewart in the d' us. Tha old -r- a:cknowledgment of her semices as.o ganist. The Rder"i bead r5,rUck I guests of,,,,Nlr. Hall, on Sunday last. a oil of the people, and his views, if not accepted generation have cleared their. owil faims, —A-youn manfrom Teaswater was in face., 1'ipausi ig his nose to bleed Who -ver and none are so blessed With ready money. Wingham th other day, wh an'the b )rse he the d4clist was he gathered himself ub as xeter. IL reat lew t' admitted as these sae old men. Age is no dampe�r was driving mn aay,throw ing him )u aad endorsed by 81 t and quic possible,- without speaking, i Oak NoTris Mr. David Johns-, po �tmaster, to be reasonable. on their enterprise. Th ey�trlanage thei,r the buggy: The " young an re- to thp, roa' and made off eastward, neve.-Lof- has returned honiE after having 8 e L some 4W t fairs, work municipa government and, if -ceived a few duts and brnis,�s and seVere eting to a ertain what inj dry lie had d )n*e. _e � ';Kanit ba.—Rev. Benoi P tii n in 0 t Metho- xnd sc Notes and 0 there is a chance, none so ready to'snap up shaking up. I _6111e 6 the attractions at the,Gode' ; I rich dist minister, preacbedin Trivitt lHemorial. a vacant farm for cash . down. The' young - --The residence of Mr. C. Staubu% Dash- fair 10t w wk was a cross cut sawing match. aT Sir willity. m Van Horn, preside, church on Sunday last.—The brick !work on. nt of the Canadian.born 9;re fol owing the sa t- wood 11 - i me foo , was t le scene of erf leasan.t 'there' were sieven entries in the couipetition, the new addition �o the -James stredtchurch �Ofi is at preseat on steps, more liberal and adv g oh Monday f ag evening a week, d the priz s were V0 and The test is nearly complet d.—Division Court was e the strictfamily t eg, tho pious'devotio' when his you igest dauiliter'Miss Ka te, wag was- to inake. two ents off '24 ilich beech lo held here on X onday last. . His Honor, a trip through the Northwest. At Wi 111 - to religious dL ileat the -gain e nt an ed. Alargentimber of 1 the rela-_' 9 ations and anius - of -D.ashwo6d Hugh uties' wl e tim united in. m. wriage -to Mr. C. Hei(r, both in th6- Shortest time. Oliver Harri' an.5 J ad- e Doyle Pres' pb- he was askerl if fie thought it wise Of tolerant of al e Ra, Asay, of Grey township, won with. the fainers, to hold their wheat for higher ments tha-t important cases were tried, three of them niak e lile worth living. The �-, —'Mayor Brodkenabire, ia ease. They made their first being sent to aJury to decide.—On Turs- .117iligh rn,, bad cornpa 0 d an - must deplo quite. ita ex)erience on AN'bdile4a of last cutl 28 econdsand t prices, NO (10111)t 'Iir William Zt-ill had in ost Conservative Cana i re he second in 22 see- day evenine of week the fire which de- syst(fin, hat almost entirely week, on his way to the hsnind his urif taiined�prophecy that wheat the political The ends. 'and money was won by Logan. stroyed r. Win.' Berrv's barn and con- vents German i'llIntigration to. Canada. front axle of the rig bro.,-p, pie itating rasi4i pre afid declined. %Ve hve to sit Id by ad see the flood of the-occu�ants -of the Kig tc the grcl (1, tut� bebin, I thIc Grey boys. wo ald rise to a dollar a bit and. F of Blytb, who were 12 seconds t4lits, on the L , nearBracefield to give advice, but his remark C I ill A ou ild be:plainly se�en from this vi age. s conveyed Gerniaits pouring into the United -State nothing serious wag done. We have o, —(,n $.inday night, 6bh' in3t., _Knox ff mber of our villagers remarked that it the idea that whet prices -would certainly not only mo,.king gla& their waste places,but' —Robert Hastings, Turnb�rr church, 3derich, was of th 3 -most has old to entered by breakinf as at Brucefield.�Mr. James weet is at filling the land w �h aDeiabilityr, beneficence, William Pellon, &no.,. Ii, -a thi rough- a pane- of ulass in one of the windows. go u . We would tertainly like to see a. aw A p-esent going- arotind with the aid of Of i portat P and kind] eling: bred Leicester ram fe lamb, and one ach to terwqrds the estry was entered and the 6rutches,:­he 1�aving sprained his ankle.— decided rise ia price, but anthnf that Sir a gr fiel Mr. Bell, He David McE�ven, 1 forris,. lock's ;of ii , small stand we're broken, but X r. A.,Cottle i b manufacturing clothes William say witl prove eq Liaily as in. and David 00 ws f the Week. he in- reels of a ii ds, Turnberry. T& �. last forturilate�y nothing was there that f that eld Ne Lew desi5n and patent. They are esired effect, -as the —pert na lamb sold weghed 158 pounds, 8 ted. It is surmised that the s(Iling well.—Mr. A. Clark ife, of I hey all truder whet ler of ny is enforcing ok prizes at the fill show inuoh. cheriished.N. P� visitors. t1mught the collections were left in 8 aforth,were the &ests of Mr. outb- want you t r strict quarantine �gain8t foreign cattle'and —Jacob Moser� a' lot 10, Colborna, Lake "the ves'tr3 , and were disaPpointed. They c6tt last Sabbatb.—Xr. and hog'6. Msul At, nents, Shore Road, is the owner of a, di awing made their exit through the :basement -win- Johnston, of KinUil former 1,xe VEENI OF CO Can 0. A. Howland, M. P. Pi, awl preai. TnE19 D.—The tEarri, which, during the past weeki Wought dow at the back, and in their hurty left a it 3d relatives in afid'around Exeter tt e fi, Queon.of Corea has been killed -in a room -of in two loads to Goderich, which wo- ild be ebise beli derit of the Waterways asociation, favgr I nd them. M rant - the Royal Palace, it is supposed by - Japan-. hard to'beat. the week.—Mr.iFrank Wright, of B On I Aond4y they broi I Tht, in, ��William White, who Purchased the ford, has started* blacksmithing bt siness his leader, F. Mater, M. P P., With a ese. She $ras highly dacated,. amiable, afid oi -er 122 bushels' of oats in one load, c ind on genet, , a dock of T. Watsoa & Plan for Putting -WLter under the keel of the held advanced views on national subjects. Co., Blyth, it Matticc's old'stttid, E xeter north. —Mr. Tuc�day over 109 bashels of peas. aboijt two months ago and last week sold it VT. C,. Bisett is doing a large bus' A BOY A-.sm GiAL ELOPE. 1 — auservative ship so long stranded on a ew iott the threshed: a Mr. to C ]Krad er, was arresied atl the Blyth sta ushing in, at the electric light power coull-ky, Kentucky,:tha other day, boy ment, near Bladvale, the other (a 1400 tion aa lie'l'-' as stepping on tbb tran on c use. shoaL of adversity an its way through the 16 and a girl of 14 years slipped a ay fr m bushels of peas Arrs' John Mitchell is now hostler bushels of whmi"iand urd mot 1;ing,-�y county cor�stable Scott, of the Central hotel atables.—Mr. John canal of Opposition to the port of office. '�11 their homes shortly before midni lit, h 9 1 91)O'bualiels oi ;ao(t),S, making in e a 1 1,500 Bra els. d failed to� make a final gregg, of the Mart, has been on an ,-xten- d together over the mountains, a dif - bushels of grainlin a day. The ma- sett�, meni with the Misses Watson for the ski've business tour, attending to the -wants. Is ked by the Toronto Telegram. We walke fear that all the plans of lr. Howland to tanoe of 30 miles, to a j UStice of the peace, bbine thire8hed. Ifor Mr. J. Ferg iear stoe old to him and - they' had a warrant of his num . erotis -customers. —There as a who married thein. remove his Stranded ship from the shoals on B01grave, -eight us4els of oats in n ate, issu for M6 arrest. He wa's brolight be- %re'ry heavy frost on Saturday night I tA_ —The other for FATATLY BiTTE-x 1Y HER BABY.­-Mral. i ay �n adopted d I qui& Campbell and Settled the matter The Exeter band played some excelle airs 'has . years been fast, so that it Joseph Burns, wife of a contractor in Dal. A r. Tbomas Ad, 6ms� of Hullett', me wi4h a which, it hl carisj of or -position, luth, died on Friday last from blood p by I ying the Misses Watson the money due on our streets on Sat d oisonl- bg d accident. 3he is quite youn ur ay evenin And, thev 9 t. ards on the a C, 'I she _J. A. King, of Win I young son, V 11? W. I bi i,ck�. illam., whileidri -will prove of no, avail. ing,,! While caring for he- iile walking Mr. Thomas Powell, of Wingham, 11 been vin spei iding the past week in this v was ill with diplithei ia, the child in its fe I into a pot of'bo.�Iing water t illa e,- re - W L1.1 e- e ago ther, and death. ' we ne ing old acquaintances,—Mr. T%omas B. ny, bit the mot hat lb hom 'front Gorrie one night last ek hal e was the in � used for i am Ahing, scalding I elf an unpleasant and somewhat Startling ex- Caj h b' been on a businegs trip ls of high tariff have been repeat. result- _. I Re rerely. ing, w 0 as OF, W perionce. As he was approaching a swamp, through Manitoba for the past few weeks, edly felt, both in this country and the DF.. TALifA r.Til. —The new Re d' I ool on the 2n 0 C on a pa rticul Lrly lonely part of the road, he rett ed home on Saturday evening - last. 6gLe will be installed as co Pasta ME r�oof the of East Wawani �sh was opened ay beat d a in an shout from a field ai ti ough in 'He peaks1well of the Prairie Province.— n Unitedtates, by the many combines and First Presbyterian chi Lrob, Zshin week. is a brick buil- cit ofjlast din tly d ist: less. The man came running ;owards Mr. Johr'l MeMann, horse buyer, of Sea- �Rtoniopolies -which have impoverishe(I the with Dr. Sunderland md Rev. Mr. AllenL an� suiIsf an tiall finished, with sea in ca- bim� and when near the road fired a shot was eonsumer, while they Maxle millicit e 24th inst., andle will preach pa�tty� or 40 pu ile at present, wi h- mple the bullet passing uncomfortably ,lose to about th f forti here last week purchasing horses. thal oapacity on Sunky in for more, the ne hel s sermon in ro W H. Butt, of Centralia, and Rev. -to those eds of th eticin him. Mr King kept on, driving somewhat Mr. Locke', of Exeter, exchanged pulpits on the monopolists themselves, Hither initial —4ev. evening, October 27tt.. rec uires. has s �en_ee' r I the for a short distance, fearing further Sabbath evening last.—Mr. R. MeMordie, Mr. 0 onald combines have been of a national charactor, Roy-A.LTY MOBBEh.—The Duke. an(L po ition of teacher =ati(n, then drove at 9, rapid rate for of Kippen, was in Exeter on Monday last. but the evil is spreading, and the, na11-maAk- Duchess of York, on their way south front he township d * Ashfield lost n fon- home. iers OE Canada and the United. States are- visiting the Duke of atherland, agreedto dayof last week, in the d —The Poiver Bros. Comedy Concert Com- eath of M amniencing on Sunday, the 29th day any, gave stb receive a loyal address from the proves fine concerts in Dtew'b opera Gilt to enter-intia an, internation(ti Camb�in. t an Thomas I Hunter, e of its old at, most Septembe and continuing each day until burgesses of the town of Inverness. N hi gouse on Monday and Tuesday nights last. lily reapecte out doul>t, nitterAoly precautions had been taken to keep co h atiart with d an beat known r aid ents. Saturday, the 5th of October, ea'C Post of- Should the'y ever visit this place again the MITI) ra De eased came to t e township nea "orty- flee in da isda has kept a recor'd of all the ill be greeted with a much larger ise the price of this article to the cart. persons from the royal presence at t I ei rs ago, and bv h induotry ab �lity, starn�s ca icelled at their respective off W an numers. The nal -makers. of each country, station. The mob- took possession, C go ices. ence.—Mr. . W. Ptoudfoot, barrister, of of t I Kad acquired a share of t world's Theria were posted at the Exeter office Goderich, was here on business; attending station Platform, swept the privileged ars� go( do. - according to one accaimt, wish a monopoly He was a man of undoub dinteg- 1142'ilettws, including 26 registers, for Div* ision Court.—J. T. Westeott is in Gode- tocrats from the laces of vantage, hustl �d rit- Straightforward and manly in a I his Paoes in I lanada and 143 for foreign coun- rich township this week look g or g !of the houte market. To Pecure this, it the provost, ans nearly swept the :ro3 al deilings, and in his death the co int3 has in Re an tries:� 666 post cards; .78 packets of the lunatic. Mu e 0 0 h m ell r, 0 F e, to n is i t ;7 71 OCTOBER IS 1$1195v !a AN D-,—�!!! -.4f -e*-, 15712� 7. *'F k, By n' telo-ouractivit inbusiness. It has t abroad 1 y me thilab e are selling all classes of Dry Goo& diea, It didn't get abroal by -accidenteither, for we ctua doing1it. Economical folksarerig'hf in their ent t4is seasoli. The goods are not only very! attractive - o lowl n prieg ihat the temptation is, to buy—and keep 1 ng.1 hal we -tell you in this column f week to jl rom �v_6rth: k6dwing, You may depend upon: it, We're say in Ahe ne spaper men good money 'to 'tell you of % tha' aye no� good. This advertiseraent.wiill be read 'I re-1ea- meii, women and children all over the coun�y. tatemelatii it contains are facts, and so ese ,,ti,�long as th' are ted 141 truths, we sliall be edi October ep i here td we a�e prepared for a busy month' 'Nearly 00 of NXilliter Dress Goods, 31infles, Fursi Clothinz nera� Dry oads are at youT hand to choose . from= V hat a splen id choice you have in a thr�e-,fold way tran y, Qa lity and price. 'Af ake. out 191tore your g pla( it ill cost you no more . -to be up ti�. the times a long way bf hind them. Now let's have a riet little a: bout, e priges'of things. 'We can!t put sal"aples Of tip lode ii you- - handis, nor can the printer colo -r up our s so thl you 'a :ee tb new ibad-es and styles, but we f t I ve yoli I SIC me - de 0 he -pri&3, which lifter all is the t hing , Tou *Eu Lt to get at.- , Cold wea ther vill soon be' her� and a iery appropriate question to' ask is thek, P ice -of Furs oe sho a rge-variety of Far Capes for t%die 0 tit 14 ls�a styles as well as ia different kinds of The k' ri 6 1 r 1�ngthsstsrt at $4, $5, $6, $7.50,- and 0'e. i dnes Al Mi $12 814,S16,$18 and S20up to $050 -each. -some ar: a s f6r ladics start at $20 and - we have A011a g3od Ones at $25� $29, $33 aud $38. LadieW ollar i. ioituence at $1 -BO and the Muffs start at - 90a Ful 3 'Are marked as low as $1 and $1.50,bat our 1 $3, 1) d $ caps are the best value we have A seas' er had in our pos ion, -Selli g e ties n a (,,'k' of about three hundred for yoti to look Ali, ie u to be an easy matter to get isuited. The r is n I ble and the prices vary. We have some 1 irme W! 1.95, 82.50j $2.P5, up to $4, but the best oil RTr and fancy cloth cGiats with large Un 81D $6,50, $7 50, $8.65, 89 and $,10. We n tb wid of 11antle'selling, so come along before WHO oment gets too, much broken. el...5s, �Goods cheal P ven a det lr article in our whole Dress 0 oods i Depan- i fro ibe cheapest to the best—they are ill . I Put in at sest sp(taish price. Regular dollar dress goods sells Seyiej -five cent dresa goods sell at 59c ;. Sixty. nt,gyodd go at 50c ; and so 0.4 down the �aale. Take e as 09'' a from 121c up to 50c per yard and! we. caq- laur f The values are so plain that di' hardly A, sec lock or tbought. Our linings and; trimmings eap t, 0'--��-d esiA cost much to dress w, - 1 1 Within reach ? our ning Days settled that question. Th�se who 0 Bonnets ticketed at 35., 50, 75, 95� �81.15 0 ni Aot help but lionestly confess'that- they never i 11in . ery as cheap before. We pride ouraelves ty to turn out S tylish Millinery at pi i es with- lur, alp, I 0 e veryb dy. Our -st-ock is very complete at pr 0 ar trimmers are busy., but never too busy to, ta'k, your order. M ,ta& gm t e You -few POinters in. reference to the pillces �'Of- some flr?o tant things to wear. There are many other thi'n'es Lie et but of less value. The dry goods . butiness covers A e ry day wants—and it is 711 .4 our busm'ess t:) c, farm, e lealve nothing untouched, but sell all goods, I t le Or great value— on a Low PAce Basis for cash. We Ole )Me and see us if only to test the truth Of our state_ acht0sting is sure to brin g us increased patronage. se rth7s, Dry. --A a st te Goods Storelii WJV 41(it r r RY I Goo S D 0:P q 'a R' L L- A IE N S E A ioV - �Tlowi t The gil 'Tuesds 40110wi Towl h ne5gbbl 'fa -in, 4 _Saml V_ery root a visitiog i —A fun i day, 28th Saaoek 1 Ooliodayji -John PAI( J. IL L. IG her sister,; Mr. and 31 Miss E. 13 -guests of X AaAckie hs tion At Mul THE � sal this year N was held Thursday V ed with a ni as good a .4 g Friday, the, itors are ex 1 4 ceipts areri ed was 2 0184 the morniT4 210on, rmrie( �nigbt. It I'. lived #ear'�' turea out.,. i Side, howelv" goodf and WaS, WO the local sh yewr on- - 0C thea list, ful coin page of thiii IT P, 0 IN .9 their roots," -faabionabk� on Tueadky -��illb, ary, i Nvere Milde -Mount C -ax sold his faT said to be x 4 --The Ak VICes Were ;rial! Ibrd iug. Acolle taken in, ai the rabbits 'Vill - -20 Y lox� may, OCCUT� torian chii INITS. 10. W when. retut the guest antrobaint t -son, of E10, Ills bound niored Chat Men is aba hearted Jt, Robert Itio, latelyocca rtgret 1A) K. Rae an pheid fey annual har with the P was held o- --attendled. -done to T-11. ladies of tl Y repaired t Aan o, t i A. arric- livered by Thompson') and V_ re'adings ur A., Parkhill Q BP.U4d,. T� in -respects on extraetion, Qaebec, ab 3 was e, received aa -terian chi �charch tw.� -,customed i the -other Mr. Carrii Bread of years ago: ble min* 4saccessful. as been ei been recei Grand Den ity as a bei atitatibIl. inernber hu popubal 'at owe] 0 the Inet bitrator P, tion, wal the -arbl lansh& - ed �eonfii and 7 V� was ins(I -ed to eol Aver the & It. the colle, -,drily e).m been Colic 'Cepted all for., bridge- Frafik 'V�i �y James pf be 'ing fw� ourne(I at 4 Have y.,. ,On Want -V visitiog i —A fun i day, 28th Saaoek 1 Ooliodayji -John PAI( J. IL L. IG her sister,; Mr. and 31 Miss E. 13 -guests of X AaAckie hs tion At Mul THE � sal this year N was held Thursday V ed with a ni as good a .4 g Friday, the, itors are ex 1 4 ceipts areri ed was 2 0184 the morniT4 210on, rmrie( �nigbt. It I'. lived #ear'�' turea out.,. i Side, howelv" goodf and WaS, WO the local sh yewr on- - 0C thea list, ful coin page of thiii IT P, 0 IN .9 their roots," -faabionabk� on Tueadky -��illb, ary, i Nvere Milde -Mount C -ax sold his faT said to be x 4 --The Ak VICes Were ;rial! Ibrd iug. Acolle taken in, ai the rabbits 'Vill - -20 Y lox� may, OCCUT� torian chii INITS. 10. W when. retut the guest antrobaint t -son, of E10, Ills bound niored Chat Men is aba hearted Jt, Robert Itio, latelyocca rtgret 1A) K. Rae an pheid fey annual har with the P was held o- --attendled. -done to T-11. ladies of tl Y repaired t Aan o, t i A. arric- livered by Thompson') and V_ re'adings ur A., Parkhill Q BP.U4d,. T� in -respects on extraetion, Qaebec, ab 3 was e, received aa -terian chi �charch tw.� -,customed i the -other Mr. Carrii Bread of years ago: ble min* 4saccessful. as been ei been recei Grand Den ity as a bei atitatibIl. inernber hu