HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-10-11, Page 47
0C R I
t over to the stores ed'to order and Mr. X Middletoni
cssa is co was son
the Statet, its Flyin a tho 1, - tion, w6s solect: d
bermen of and lamps if ry
Af ter we pused the toll piesidint 4 the, Associa
led to ire; sevrail of .,the main a tree a r
Sze bill by $250,009, A compik Is beli ig t- dteo i connection Q& 1 1% be,made 5likirl Be on the bridge, we noticed Sheriff Me-: to preside in the chair.. The resld�nt, in,
ween the PATIouthesis after as ah no- tha I eb * k with his sword his opening! remarks, expliciXy NeV forth
tea Ora which h formed in Toronto fOr the manuf cture Df, 'to for pflvat4 and. also to ru 7, tj a
0 housetio aid oming on hors ao,
t, the 0ap -u
044 dieno I the )Age 0 Its ��. be derived from such 1 meet-
ent,41[be found.. -for use - in - Canada, And it ill lights until 12 O`Clock. wn. He ordered -us to halt, and said, the benef
these engines jugs, And in so doing gave expression to the
the 13ridge'� you must
11)(ou cannot. crogs
of Fir--�Lu naden Wils6n (t) acted that during �the coming 109"&, -,-The, MoAen, Manitoba, HerAld (f, lai it a ee ings-o - exp
se on two or more of thein will be in use irr'
0 ulng out of cloth as , goiulf q r on business that chnnot be Other speakers of the eveningwere
Lept car -111 G O*moron (6), for thOr horr e at HolmeMlle, Ontario, la 6 ab- J. Berryo R.'Thomeon F."Datars G-;- Thom-
Pior. hoi sel- viiit tc th r dilayed, The Sheriff- said,. 'A If yon
Uits W the Xipissing district. :The.
AN -01V **abt11-J.WWesterVe1t(6) And Mrs. Ramball, a Je % t i�n back." Sergeant Girvin replied, " We ananiffiou f' Ii f the entire a
5 n—allroy wiseruan week,,. says : r.
Mono Lat. tiesday, afti ir at very ple
The Rev - M. C. R, nib 1. npt to go over, I will out -the I head off you son, W.. Fde� W.., Thomson, G. B. Thomson,
Che a itt Uros. (4) seems to have many rivals just now.:' T ve
ap )�Ianog- relatives he' r i A. Whiteman and S. Tholmsoo'.*
Wall V*per-Lunt iden & Wilson to, jai rents 46 far as Win �Aipe w th iny s,*ord,?' The Sergemit replied, "I R. Dick,
ecoulTanied his pa, a,
ard DlctloW pt that above refer going �yer, andff you think your sword "---AND
Wilson M last oi�le, exce Although the adAresses given by
(�5 r. Goo -ge Ford, of Oijeter Nort
or wanted � I n by t ie you can 'apeakers were, on account of time, not par-
hich is
y Fall-A� E. -the hOraeless carriage, w i 1"-I nl; Is m gun and 'bayone-
a valuable h rse the other- day. Th3 . 0 IV 4ci Y 0
ed from ke Mr. arry 8 t it. 0$ ed for' their mult b it f
Toacher wwdted- Ale.V. Turnbull (6) se of power derelo' 08ne hdriff ".What is your ticularly not
T malwas p,asturing iniono o I - at.
Win. MJntosh (6) ; words, yet they were inade Bing RrIV
Patrowi mectin I to t ItOL fields with a me other -h sea, when i re. b siness The Sergerit'nid. the company,
en - bowever,.is not likel to oun
heep-J. . Hadd (5) This, 0 to leave at tra anecdotes rels-
vs - , ` rdered to Ba ctivo by the pieburesqne
anit, L for sale -:_w Beldon. (5) ceived a kick from one Of thein, * rt akiag �h d been th ..
much, but it is every way pro able, -that nilitary� te(I and the �'ivi'd thought expreasea- there-
ian( e Was going to' the r v
silrbuyil)g_Fd� Cash �8) The horse- had to -be sh, it." 4 )COC "I
in. . Intempersed -with these addresses were
PUN Otte G. stnillie (6) fore many years pass around electricity virill, the hind leg. Mr. Prank Treibne'r, of a )res fc)� supplies. ' J
lie.N We were allowed to
a Notice- -F-11oltit-sted (5) Ayoung on of. d
d on as.", [The sergeant idluded. to in this in, organ* instrumentals by Mis's R. Moi� Eiji
hanibeilAin (5) be applied in some manner to Trivate road Ste while Pliwing aiound the - ye, r
rtlgtels-Pr(f. C Auetl,:n salle-Wa 1�or M� on a a Ment is[ known -to Hurouiaias as Charl Miss. � L. Whiteman; violin selections by
Tu y Mr. F. Datars; %,coal olo
an: be -run in esqa the, cl Ree Mir A.
vehi6l6s, so that they. c t1iis of 'last week,- fell
Farut Wanted— cairmon (6) Evin, ve Of West Wawanosb one
evering the ateries in th
NVO - and
Law t � both for business and - P'leas`ur0i., 1$ub e palm of h a left 'I, - di I Lie by i Miss.11 j5& -t irs
Estra steer -Po -Y I the o 6 most popular residents of Whiteman.,. a ia, qui
-ad. 16 required sever stitches ;o re- I . m -
Win. M., irdeck (6) ha al I .. I * - - I F
cntlall- next to the electric street car, the, steim- and Master George.- ee nd a number )f
and Senat -E. N eFaul (4) pair the won d -which was a bad- one. e Con
piecesby a glee club selected for the 'occa-
Paramolautquesteni-Greig& Macdonald L)
buggy, if successful, willbe� the hardest on _L�_A quiet wedding took - place at the home
of sioll,
(SY nes- .49 all the selections were re�nark
October Mr.H. Ai idrews, in Clinton, on NV ad
ImpleriM Art P. Hendersan (5) the horse in4luitry, BaYfleld. M well e ecated it showed conclusively
Prepare now -11 tl a his sister, miali
d& of IaAt i eek, when
S i INOW oil must prepare for the'cold wind the participants had taken a lively in
Black Dxess FAbi ics�ffodgeus Bros. (1) na Andrc i", -was married to. *.'Will. winter and you cnsui0ly Ybursolies sylth ruit-
-no in To- f F. Edwaraa Xow undArwe
B I., :Divy-W W.He 'hael, a Prosperus arme�, of Me-, a
Sir. 0r1N?,ER MowtT rrived h' i terest, fil the success of the gathering. After
k oNvIle, goo a at H
r e o the host an
ee- ohn Ward (6) ron nglai id. 44npielo, tPlannelettes, FlAnnels, H 30ery: tend ring t d hostess �f the
Ing -R to on Monday night last, f Om E Killop, Rev. Mr. Holmes officiatirig.
ar4 pa 1452.1
willis'(6) house a unanimous vote ot thanks *ftsa re,
Aucl.lomsalo-A ner Coers, Despite newspaper rumora, to.t hile N r. Makens of Varna, was driv.
F.. fixys (0 RREn ts.-Our school trustees. met on cognition of their Itindness, all dispersed to
Auction 4te bw apdiaslinghomefro Clinton show,in'theeNenin
Sir. Oliver is the picture a heotfelt
vie' ardson & MaInn! Th
Long ft3t&-Rid �a (8)
nal Votice-win- Robb'M to dclo the horse lef I i the road, and lie was t brown %turdu and consideredthe applications for their hoinesi carrying With thern
one joarnal puts i tweut a
'I -Robb Bros. (a) I d assistant teacher desire that the Patrons ofthe vicinity may
Ce con. lug, U a big O'sition of priucipa an
against the Jen p Turne -1 .
There,were many a -Cou.
ay eld School. - prosper.
The Irey &te to our activity- in bu8iness. It lia*.got abroa
Tea young (8) 1 younger than when he *ent away. P.0' hill. Ae was somewhat Injured, afid the ir Bay p
ir -of Winghain,
Tea and Coffee- X Grand Old Man's many friends and nii buggy a IRV the worse for a surnmersault. licat o. a. Mr. Thompson,
in Mr. John in some
-no, all claasek Goo Net Saturday -W. If. NU'i' (9) ay -that we are.sell! of ry
say'a ed'I t e
�he ties r James Dalgerno, an steemed,resident !jas ap ointed pr eipal,� and Stanley ClIe
Tratksell o lea idn't get ab oal by acci for
era will, be much pleas r -P
E. Pentecast 'died -on -Thiiisda 26th* Vhiddo , son of Mr. Wrn. Wbid.don, as vei It- d
:of East W vanosh, DEATH OF A -In. DONALD - ROS.-Inat%nees.
ion of yesi an i actu, doing thei"
red Da'di (S) has ot 'the slightest iatent. Ult. De e va's a promising VOUT man. nior teacher.-A-Irs. Warnaley has sold it. Economical folks are right i
e N
le of the tincertaftity of life have been niulti-
I IY years of t -with . Ididney rroub ro erty, opposite Airs. Wood's, to Mr- ML
but feels caa�blw. for 4ia�, He had b 11, suffering oat striking s season. The goods are not only, very tttrac
diA fio�, go, some tirrie, and about two weeks igo in. re is boughr, the place long
own a the Red L I io Ic in price th
0 * - at the temptationis to buy --and k'
'for TBa er, and h plied of late but one.of the
service. Sir liver says that ble occurred this week in- the death of Mr. bi 0
flammatio, set in, and in spite of t he best. u, from Mrs, WillfiLm-
at-Oil td the old land on accoun of III health, but Donald Ross, of the 2nd concession, 'which I you in this co
bq�yin - What we tel Junin f ro,
I'n, and is having the house rebuilt. -Mr. on week
medical ad lie passed awa. took place in Clinton, at the house of his 1;
in he Lou�68e street, is Yon may depend upo)a it welr
-- ------- principrIly. �o watch th6 argument onaldaii n'sesidence, on
as wE eklis orth knowing,
-A plea mant wedding -ceremony per -
Mrs. Ann Harris, PV , IT: a's - brother-in-law; 1%1r. Alex. Fraser, on, Mon.
S95 Pkohition appeal beforo the Judicial a4m- formea at the residence of id , nearing completion. r. Thom' Ok
BE,-ANORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. lit;, day morning last. Mr. Rose bad to eb p�yi the newspaper,men good money to you
W )nsy, repairi gon
Exeter, o. Wednesday of last Week when Ord ng aind reiniodelling the Z
L, ! I - � ues th T
mitte of the Privy. Coune .1. .�i - -*Frasers on Thursday, to have Line Va, are not ood. .' This advertisement 11. be real
her-daugh r Elizabeth was uni ed ill Inar- d
io"e o Lonise street, recently Purchase
-V IVI I a. 40 I treatment by Drs.' Gn n and El- d by, men, wome;h and eb ildren all over t4e oon
'lie, nu Ptial on iutlege.-Oa Thursday even- an 7'411
:id Trunk Car Sl 1,0-] riage to r.. Sidney Davis. I
The Grw. Ac hoki. � The state of -lis beath was such that
oINvENTi -_T of the 11efori re of t
0 knot'Was, d by the Rev. Geor,,,,e J ekson, last week, thirteen ladies and -gentle- Tie T �t. � ents it contains are facts, and so long as these
e, ineinbers club,
in the res nee of A fe of th' racting -n
an III I the surizical: operation could not be iierf Win -
Til . of Br, tford all(l, Str I Ford Huron, as constituted '�or w e on of the Goderich Bicycle. acti are c1cep d as truths, we hall - be satisUd. I October
e an-
t t
ed. H� was treatd for his sickness, c
nngann 4 -,on parties' im diate relaCives. h641ed.. down to Bayfield, an& after a tour �Nre
'h, uto a stata Of gre tre; d t * .'O_, L �illag( sidered to be blood 'ng, on Fri dayl ared for a busy nionth -ail
ve been thr poses, is calle o mea 0 poisont ber6 ind we are prep
t; in.; at'. Early Monday rho ving 0 .1069 week, 31 and supper at the River
pitlation on account of recent 5 Of 0otober 25, a. tlloek P, Saturday arid -Sunday,, hub without evail.-
re'arned home. �Mr. and- Mrs, Bran.
Miss Alan( est an ht4br of . I I . ly w woe,
Wilson, the Pr(si el Lt Of e On Sunday night lie
vers which it is likely final arrang, meats, will b L Plumateel.
Sir Charles r Hear- Plu 11 speilt Sullolay in 'Bel (YrL%ve. -Miss J. g ew rap1d
is t e guest,
the Grand Tr Ink 'R oachi lc� life, �;e'd 2, er ill- e8q ha th malady. Deceilied
Is -ws -Mes s. Harland Brothers do he succumbed to
e -his C6 M 'a- Y has said that our old friendi r. been long and very pairif III, and 19. IEE,
gentl d that been ed in the month of April with
at edical. sk
matoel, f Clinton, eparted of
made for the appr tb 2 yeati-a. H d hirtakar, of London, i h )f Mrs. and in spite all th ill- could
A. Ve pu! a new furnace in for Mr. John was attack
tile car sho with grea, patience an& r tian
decided to re- stab! the of Hensall, is pulling r th4 Conseirvative borne aer.- ford, 6ance . r of a irule. at type, and during the
en' Ue, the deceas ook Yanstone, of i.Thanes
fortitude.i Wh a t r -Mrs. T:
closp(I u t liere noun aRring and sumnier he made a most deter -
city Of Lon which were viAiting-her daughter, 'Mrs. Thothas King.
an.active art in the Catario stree Ale-
ned and h essful.fi hf, against the dis-
is announcern, ortli Ifillin Mantls, FdrsJ Clothi-ALY
go. Tb at, QC- -M on recently purchased ery, Dress Goods,
ea8 at I
factured by 9 11
saine, inontlis oaist cliUrT r. Ja,mea Donalds nee
H'0 X. A I n. H-kRTy, C6maii i6ner of VP new eu ine at London, man�i e. Me e. he. underwen,
-)ndon and corr' sp)4d __r Goo
V In L pretty Wedding tb
great A very ok place at seven surgiLy -ations ral Dry ds are t your hand to chpa ae from,�-
-a for Ontario, all d wi �'ie WhAe Company and last week. Mr. fewer than al opei 16 of alia,-G
was ufisO%t-. the regidene
h e lio Work e f Mr. %mes Beek tt ivest
atford a -ad Stratford. �q, es 0 �o'it and three in Chica�go,
r anid -w v a splendid choice you have in a three -fold w#
harle ?arker purchased a new Waterloo -these being in Det
itieg Win 611 beWg borne ith :remarka
-e railWaV ed for Kingst6-n.by El otion Cour� a Of gh4m, on VVdnesday! eniig of ble patieucA 3 1 &ke dur 3tore your
c, h4ve extisix 4agine. -Mr.. Thomas Burgess is having his Q I tity Q a al.; ty an price.
cted ime
U1;_1 Of ew weeks ago was, ou�Tues ay., re-ele* A last week, !the occasion being , t �r iage a w 'LSL 0, man in the pri
f ooper s'iop enlarged and conv' and resolution. He W. t ace,j it W
c, in rea erted into a i boing * il I cost you no more to be t 3 the timea
ity, forill the back' io of life� about years of -age. He p
of his 4aughter, Alie to Edw radin
W having boughtithe property
eri, by acclamation. There will. be..no protest' welling house, ted3titne ch Dt g way behi JLuiet little
each th,e London �,hcPl. b6th of Wiagham. A� the p 0 was born in (flenfid,6 , Fisher's Gra QAn a nd them. Now let's haveoi
oni Ali. John ERson.-Mr. George Stan- We Can't
o, ricuien. Nvere transf erre4 in tly this time. cle of ifivit6 arr ved'-aud Picto cotivty, Nova 8 �oLia., but when quite a large eir ts t the prices of thingns.
!!! gues closed the t G. ury rel urned to Toronto'last Saturday, to chat- ab mp ,
he marriage knot *ko- tied b Rev.. L.'
his father'moved-to the township -of
to, i;�hich niade a valuab addi Wood, of St. Paul, sume iis studies at the University. -Rev. 0 go ini6�your hands, nor can the-printer'�d up -oii�,
a �hurch. i e. ur .41 Or
Ili,-, population f each L..Amstrong, of Magilnnon, called on
tian to the (onaut Iiam, son of I W Pt that you can see the new shadeSLand styles, bii W�e
Wil r. A r -Donald, ids
Groderich. town of week.�Mr.
H ship chricil -has: a( 'ied on lot 27. second Concession, where the de
uron Ae �Ota'lnnlgy-about 45 yeai a ago -and
I V riends,�! iere one day h6b and
at e re -
op the esteemed reeve ulloit, wd spenLt his life. a inau Le <rive
f the London shOPs code of by -1 met with a cea Mr. Ross- Was , iYou some idea of the prices,,which after all is t4i-,
a new aws. rs,, I . B. J. Sban'bury Jhave. returned to
-r serious accident;
S`ij ill B. ast wee A young superior yth w 11 SOG11
I to suppose tha I (mny Jefflov, 'to rathi b1a
opened, it ia I latlir,' -Dr. Proctor, of Brussel etr6i a'Al. A. Whiddon, dress and of intelljgerc�, and had a wide vq� Ing you, want to get at. Cold weather i
1 'Colt was running �iin the fi d ;I
its the premises e JIL
-36on to
ndT tli'elir f amilie% w JI be Moieswor-th to practice. "p- han!th naker,- now range of knowled a of rnen. and things. He
, 4, CO hind it,
of these -workmen a hdre and a very appropriate. que k is
But this -e -The munieip&l.ra�e cf t _atiojin Grey. Posed the little boy had me Ot "Ce 1p wits endowed with a r9tentive nern, cry, had
is ko, th M
p ir known as Rory cLeod's barber
returned to landon. and received a severe kick on t e race, cut- ke sense of humor and wit, Was genial
this yea -r will be 21"mals. hop.- heirbert Colloday arrived home1rom. %vorst of it, rlie'President has gh"d put
ting his chin and otherwise serioui ly injur-
d ir, last, w and -social in his dis'position, and made a
-A weather pn�pbet f -Af-orrl§ o erip here he hat, been en-
re- eek, w
i -fits which Av usue ad been attac k a little
eabi companion.
hints, ab g iis summer fishing. -There a
higher, the result inight have been fatal. s-
o) 1; ing the face. If he h 0, pleasi4g and an agre He
mtt t ie ben- diets an. open winter this ry, i toi be ' as a man of sound sells and clear jdg- Whats e price of Fur
pe a children's service at the Methodist W
i� lops ew farnaces have Weal placed in� the
con-ipw Y by. b avin all the WO k his week we are ca upon to
-usgels. _T Red nient, was successfulin the affairsi of this
to the Presbyterian manse in bu CNN., n Sunday evening next. -A inis-
of the w-esteril o.hronicle the death of Miss Sophi Russell, -was
lstricts consolidated I one Stailley, of HolmesNiffie, life, and in easy circa� stances, !He
unda OW large varie Of or apes for
-Mr. William ihirdL 40 arT ser'mon was preached on S y we aws in.
Central plaee�l This, taken in can I a ationc lef t last week- on a busin. as �ripto Dakota. daughter of Mr'. David.R43sell, who for many years aDirecto-of the McKillop
lot last in the Alethodis�.-churcb, 10y 11 1 1 h an
died at'the Fire Insurance Compai y, and 4ad differ dotyles as Nveil as'in different kinds of
he iin�uiiceuqeut. of the intention to family residience, ExeUr North been Ent !length
with t .-A knitting factory i o,�oat to be spart- tev. -.Leitch of Varna. -We are pleased
by �d in Goderich, Under the. manageme�lt of usl hor lenoths start at $1, $55 $6,9
on Wednesday of last Week, at the early age President of it for a co derable time. He re -build t o state that Mr. Alexander Per -
he Ps, is SuPT of 17 years, 5*mdutba And 1. day. She, has oLe Ilet
C. Jewett. meeting of the directors' board, long' 0 s! at $1 $12, $14, 16, 18 and $20 1 415:01n�,e
atteiAed a
-a at Br,iiftjor�l Mr. J. ease, con- rapidly recovering from his recent - 11 9 W Li�p, ach.
son TTkl- ra at nly two We .h
meaD that the Work -been a vie 0 Seaforth, 0 aago. : He was
13 to din f that �readed die
-Mr. Thomas Bissi6tt, of Uaborne, b 8 a 11ness - -miss E. Sellers, of Detrot, is The oats . ladks start at 820 -and we I ve sonie
will, ullitllate1r, be c 6 -its deadly an ardent Liberal in I litics,whose voice
and E_�4ratfor� UP sunflower growia(r in his garden witN-� i 5 sumption, for some time, And P Reform 'conneils
io*me oil a
ray�ages. soon Wore her1ife away. visit. -A number of our young excep io Ally g s at $2b, $29, $33 and $3& Ladbin!
en _11 removed to LoIldon A is flowers on it. iad great weight in
an the m yWan- iidie.s ave formed a Walking club, and take ces on Moni aiid*fia�dm�ny offers of municipal honors,
-At the Windsor r
therefore, th at the I o�,16 of -Mr. A. Allen, who for the :last' tmialve' - 1 1. ;Fur-Wlars co m6ce at'$1.5.0 and the Ifuffs §ta at 9661
Ion 1 Iks through the country, for pleasure
da, a run belongin ',o, Beatty hich lie always ,led. He was a not sulprisiR;, t of Vin Diiii mare g
re- years has been a r6 h gbam� -has nA the improvement of th w deell rked as lo w as $1 and $1. 'I eir health. �each. or cap are ma
OUld feel Uneasy, as bhe Wingfiam won a purse of. $500
-ce 0
nloved with -his far�ily t Kineardine. 'Brothers, of 11 staunch'adberent
those pla of the Phabyterianellutijh, '8.50 and $5 caps are Vne 1,
U 50
ght be�ts. M of which the late John ms of Brucefield
"in three stra; apl( Leaf, a )ist value, w e ha*�
ntoai of the a from each len has
hop -John H. Taylo�, ne Lr St.: He .9),
e. owned by Mr.' Jame
hors a O!Leary, of
en. %stor. His pleasant manner, his 'easy'
mean heir ruin. he authi i �ies Of been appointed co lector of taxes in N 7est X11j was pt had in our, possession.
T -Brugsels won second ace, in the 2.19 trot- P
both Cities 14ve been trying to get C re ex- Wawanosh for 18915.. udress, his prudent adv ce and kindly na-
tin(y class, OP.(,_A,,s-j7,.,kT:iioN..-A mission band, under
0 ained fo ery wide circle of
J. 'McCall has entelled into tu ire r him, a
aZeit st-atem-ents of their intenti s from. he naine of the Gauld Mission Rand, has miss his kin pl� nership with Mr. G.'A. De: dm�n rus, A lquiet tpok placeNap the resi- acqnaintances, Who -wil dly
�een or anize4 here by Mrs. Flet
of Cher. of wor : i
Truak magnates, so I al they deuce of W ili-Simpson, Ethel, or' Tuesday d'and pleasant voice. The pathetic la- MI. Se
sels in the. drug business.
he Tht mes Road. Considerable zeal was
of is
-G-Lild lmawl list' aboLtL' Where the would ond6sboro, who morning. of -h%s�week, When their daughter, t of Tennyson for lost friend will
L -Mr. J. . Campb ell anife ted i0he election of officers, which me"
has j ust returned fi oift a tr p to M.Anit0ba Miss Bertha, Was dnited. in, ir arriage, to fitly voice the sentiments of the great num-
with esilltel as follows: Pr sident, Miiss Jimnie
I �� 4ock of about three hundre )u to 1.04
bust their efforts have-not t coun Qeorge Imlay, a, ormer Ethel-. boy- The ber,%vhq bad the ple tire of sharbig his Vith a d for ic
1app coupe left on the' noon train for friendship and advice:
says 4e prefers Ontario to t at liller vicerpresident, Mrs. S. Acheson;
kw ' sp6s6d lit to be- an easy matter to get sui; ed.- b
ith as di t
mucli,success' as the new al is y -y,,. Miss A. Thompson treasuier, throu, Ono
A1. Bee b Haalift ecreta. W
letly knos ]low o keep bakery business in Clinton to Mr. Kin of �on to enjoy
a short lioneyn af tier i 'McDonald. The
ra. society meets Break, break, hreak, 4�nsi&riLble rid the pri�ces vary. e hav jaeiiie
On thy cold Irray ston!s; 0 sea
discloses li- a in- Winghain-, who has tikdn possession wh ch they will make their holl in the -5,
his own 0011. el and only very two weeks, on Satu rday� at, 2.30 p. And I woul 'fair -arickents at $1_7 F;r-72 5,0,'$2.9 tip to $1, but the b6st
-Mr. T. 0. Piet- aed f ffolmi�sville, -has State of Illinois. d thxt iny. togue cauld utter
tions, a., in e Presbyterian church. The thoughts that ari ie in ine. -ith Iarge' f b1l
the mo�t v;Dlolue decI wa , ;� . 'fa ts w
tentions b n Sr �1 lin Z s are. plai� d ncy Cloth Coa
leased Mr. T, Murph's farm for a terra of' - r. Robert Stalker, 'of An 3urn, met
Lrrmtmy MEETixo.-The young people '0, well for the fleherr ian's boy,-
-whic -%N-.hi suffiaiently explicit to cause with a heavy loss on Monda last week. i,f Hippen and 15, $6.,50j $7 50, $8.65, 9 and $10. we are
h, on shortly.' y of
years, and will get possessi' That he shouts with- f is eisttr at play I
vicinity have again shown
�o those so deeply iE �er asted, Heideman hos purchase the Ile Was away thrashing, and Mi s. Stlker heir A sual good sense. The - M. utual - Im - 0, well for the eailor ad 21"At ij� the midbt of Mantle sellin scome along 'bef6ri3
great concet,11. t, .--f
That he sings in his b )aC op the bay I
0 nlnge. roveffentsociety held its first meetingon
-lot in Exete' the a,-,qort Mient gets too much broken.
no d' finikp information as to what fraille house and r o-wD6 - by left home ab tit 9! o'clock. in the mo�
f arnirsh le And the stAtely ships go O'n
-About 2 o'clock in the afternoon the house
Mr. George Hodgins Cobsiderati6n, $50o.
t heir fa-te is t D be. In the meanti. e there riday last, vVith' a fair attendance, but To their haveii under he hill
-James Wilkin was discovered �to be on fire, and m as entirely
son, 4th line, Morrial has �bat mas lacking in attendance made But oh, for the touch o a anished hand,
is nothinc- le for them lint to bew .11t(h 3 su corn 14 feet high, nd he h,3,s an ear of,corn Consumed, with the greater partof the Con- And the found of a i.,Oiv that is 0110
pineathusiasm. Th16 young peoplerecog-
ov gI z:1
-t' they c' as the fire had made consid e- rable pro Break, break. breakJ
ll and await tile. dO- whicli has on it "30 ains,
bet tents dze! tb -, importance of training � their lat- Arl e' Dr�ess Godds che(
-A son of M r. 0. M -c re or, of i6od- gress before it was discovered. There- was At the foot
of thy cral,,P, 0 Sea I
t -esteid g nt PO ers, and realize the -fact r that they -tb
To. a disia. e
i - But e tender gr ce pf a day that is dead,
�th&r an.insurance on the buildin
erich township, fell out of a tree the dcni�y respon- will never come baO to me.
outsider, ho, �t-ver, it -now look s a I bGt4l- 0 .9. vill ye b be caled upon to o
ag his 1 risb,mn also' dislocitin -Thereareseven entries for. field roots lble positions It
a Was 081,11- -He w is married t ;jna,, eldest ha- -
day, breaking his 1 g V r. G. T. MeK �ve Ven dear -article in our whole Dress G
Dnantford a, I Stratford Will be arg 0 -Chris dgugh- Odds Deport
competition, in connection wit the East
his elbow.' d t tie chair, and after the transactiOn tbr of Mr. Maleblin Carrj 'ron now of 1 Da- t —they al * in it
Hnron Agricultural Society, v z., Charles 0 en. In t are
fJD the cheapest to the bes put
nat entirely,' aisin�,utled, and tha, London �--_Marsden SDlit-11, Of Gi. Y, dug 60 pounds f SOM routine bminess, the rominat'
ion Of kota, and.was a widower for the past eight fin McKii non, Brus- elo�est spot cash
Of potatoes Kru�ht Gruabrook -'Jo price. Regular
out Of 16 yar.d length in M dollar dress goods sells
p po-
t1 ie coveted plum. fficers for the ensuing year was proceeded
W�dl hav from 400 to 600 John McCutcheon, Bru.84 ames
tato patch. He sels years He leaves a; sot 11 ad two daughters 4t� 75c
�j Seventy-five cent dress goods sell at, -H 0 sixty
4h, resulting as follows :' ProsidentS, R. to- mourn the loss of' a iind and indulgent
bushelg. McCallum, Walton.; Bird Brothers, *Cran-
1CMordie and T. Forsythe ; vice-pre3 father. fi�6 ceni, (roods gg at 50c and so on down th� se ie. TA.6
N, P. -J. 0. Bell, whe h" made batter for the brook; Alex. Gar4iner, Leadbu ry. Prizes
The or -k of the
�en�sj W. Thomson James Robinson and
Winchelsea Creamery Corrpany,for thc past o Dr s Goods 1from 121 up to 50c per at .4 we can -
will -be awarded before October 20th. . There Jennie Mellis secretaries,"F.- D. But- Y&
The as�;ea ment 'ret ras for- e city of
three years, has re igned and gone to Bow are four prizes offered in. each class for the ilot be rpassed-'. The values are so plain t - b t ley hardly
hert, . Beatti-e and Miss Iff. MeMordie
for PiDG, Nvere complet )a a,
Tarouto, few P&rk Fartn. best acre' of Swede turnips and beqt half reasurer, J. McNevin, elected . by accla- A 11�YEA.-,A-_N-T EVENM -' 'lie house ot -Mr. C. nbc-d a -Oecoad look or. thoulit. Our linings aM trimmingas
ith tb e
qG, an show, i a comp&rison w -On unday, 29th Ut., Mr. Thomas acre of marigolds. organists, Misses Agn'e's Bell, Lily are chea'P' too—doesn't cost much to dress weiI 113W -a -days -
day.% Sbau�ns was the scene a a very pleasant'
-!).3, the large reducti! a` i the Aitken, of (Aerianau, -During the past week, Rev M'r. gatheiipg on Monday ni lit last, when his
returns of 18 ceived sad Hall, Viliteinall, JessieCooper, Annie McNlordie
At of Belgrave, has been calleLl upo I to con- dauabter, Miss atie, was unitid
on the deathof his A Abraha ad flie.'Crawford. Election of officers, youngest e
total assessment of the city, off aid a Be -%%"3 f r 0
in marriage
iLext,rreetiug, October 18th. Tha norniu-
-The House o7i Refug is 6111y.builb to flock,. viz.: Aln. A. Sheill Jame; Hender- t- place. 1. The bride and t e groom lef b with S-Ailline within reach
Pilot INklound, Maitoba. duct* the funeral 'service of tI �ree -of Ili Mr. I C. Heiser, both of , thii.
is to
millioil d The gross to &I f 'executive and programme-, coulmi I 'I �
oinniodate hirriates,.q6 d it is sa that son a;nd Jame§ Dagarno. The,f(rme.r well 'the inpriling'
t ment for 491-054 900 ThO as- ace 'tio
eesTas left Over till next mee #g. A.com- train �� or Tavistock, fdriherly-
ates awaiting up in years, bnt the latter were oung men.
ent for t896 is �,�142,464,1- e . there are already '0 Candid aittee consisting of Messrs. Riley, R-_ the b9 me of the groom. May they have a
ted -tsan t voyage on- the ocean of life is the
its Torflpl�tion. in �be prime of life. At the r ular Sab- Surely our" Opening Days settled that questioni T ose Ad
1), s 11., lie asse inelit for, ;1918how- Orawford aud Miss J, Mellis' WILS appoin plet
sz- - Brod r es on S�abbath, which was- a Harr- of theie many friends.
-Messrs. Snith �ers treih4d at bath se vie incer6 desire ; 50 16 §51. $1.1,15
arrancr a me for, n -t meeting, saw the, Hats and Bonziets ticketed at N
ed decrease front 18'94 of As .10 e
N.1r. Kitchen's, 2D.d concOsion' of StAnley esat Home servi(;a, reference was made to bu
9 -re is no doubt, t they will arrange Jowi-.\-as.-Mr. Otto ;Soldan, from Kil- and so n.:dannot help but honestly confelts 1;t ,nd the
i-rus for 1896 rgiho oil Monday of last week, 15 loads of peas in their eath in a pathetic manner by.Rev. nagli, Michigan,' is visiting friends here.
popu �%tioii, the. ret I C: I" r cellent one. :The meeting then ad- IT' :we
�tn ex saw Trim d Millinery as cheap before. I p, e
The X
This is pre -1 [r. George R
at, inerease tftfLI V PF! ed, to meet again on Friday, Oct ber
-14tion 45 minutes. tty good work. Journ uby hals one to London,:
W. S. te Oa as secured a . P, 'a to tum out Stylish Afillin pi ices with
-The new oban-e in tb E. mail ronfe be- Lang, of Exe . whot has where be b w nter's job in Mr. J., i1pon oyx L
S� It is eviden the has T8th, at 8 p. m., sharp. y er_V
ti, ast few ry compete at -pro
tween Blyth, Aubdrn, S�� �,ugustia� * and been appointed �agenb for the MaE sey�Harris Fs. -The cold speli 01 the KellermaWs wood and co yard--Alrs� It. in reach off.. verybody. Our ktockjs ve
ays 13 keepig I
done mut Toronto, the A 0.,,e in Ud came iiito orce on Tuesday, Octo- Compan�, -teadquarters at Pi �he farm-4rs busy at the Birk is on the sick lis thts week. ent and'ou-T %rimmers
Wes With I rkliUl, has
T are basy, but never too �uiy to taike'
ail ill now run between gone t-bere, ana now haq charge *o the c�m- J be rocts.-Mk John McNiavin has. been
NN-hich it was ro,�' d, It it has ber Ist, and 41 Kaercher, from Tavistockj has been in �c
4. _. pany's business there. -er Adv bipping large quan I mber durina a - days. on business. -your order.
whete on earth it aone those places Tbia Exe' 0- 6tios of III, ew -M-r. Abraui a
-01od 4a Tarty, ; f, . . . �.;
-Recently some 0 ent e.d the premises cate has the following to. sa of r. Lang his week. -Mir. James'06oper d on Sh-tler has moved into the house of Sal a
good t, M wat rel seems to iii N1 r. tV. 8 - L%ng, who! 1) y elivered
of Mr. Grant,. Londoh. roal, , Stanley, and, as been yonduoting
aturday last, at Centralia, 4 sale of sheep Willert..-Mrs. R6eder,gxorn Kilinanagh, 'tar of that king away a nu, ne, MiDhigan, is visiting lierl, sister, Mrs. for the Gltyp..�Ys ta inbe'r of p ime lam, bs that an implement business here for some tit
o the imount of $225. M Cooper has
Gar city dt bt i45 bulkier-., thn our moun- he was fattening, left a --nu. nber of infetior left this week for Parkhill, -where he will Goatz, but intends to leave for -her home in
season. -_ He
Liade several good gales th
follow the same occupation.
aIv.1 about as difficult to car#' �W�Vy. ones in their place. Mr. Lang is a
Las als taken over- $200 wor -1h- of prizes at a few! days. -Mr. Hall, frbin near London, Wb have g-aN'eATi,1 fou a few pointers in refereuce to
:-On Moiirlayof'a:st r. Dickin- man of good business principlEs, and we he fall faira, ifor, she �&I)ne.-Mr. Tay- ha- been visiting. his brother,,, Mr. J.Hall the virices of. some
d�Vhile the In -ke Pleasure in. recenimending. ich has Op n sick for of the' most. impk re zhai y other things
son, auctioneer,- sold the Proctor fwAi, be- theref - ore tm r's horse, -wh bee some Th milliners have come! M* B. Trei- rtant thinge-to wear. There a
him to the people of Parkhill and vicinity.
(,,vea - t. betwee 3s, -ing lot $2, on the 1.3t I cone ssion, �80 acres. hree Weeks, is still in a low -,onditiou, with et ick at J. Xellerman's and Ml�s A. Moi.- of im�ortan;de too, but of less value. The dr a busines povers
sed 120 per cen and
The pUrchaser -was Mr. Win.. Elliott, -On Sunday, 29th ult., E'lizalleth. Jane, y good
-t, t1i' interest (,harges hav gr Iva -ery little sign of ialprovement.-,_ loe , at J. Hall's. -Mr. G. Brown, f i bVsine,
i lig e Afr.'Harry a gre id! of �very day.wants—and it is our
wife of r. Isa;ac -, Curry, of' Morris, de- as 0 farm
o ly"Urdeasome that, the council Iia.-ing pax- lunt, of Sault Ste. Marie' is visiting arrong Crediton, occupied the pulpit in theMeth-
of pated this life. I !
--Nfr. George PatL, The Airect, ' odist church on Sunday morniva last, in th that 'fiteld w �11. '14 We, I nothing untouched,' but
ed everything else as high as it wi 11 stand, all old r�sident . riends.-Mr. Geprge Moore left for Algoma 8011 all. gobds
death was cancer. ShewasborninEngland ab a�: . e
Dungannon, departed this Ilife, on Tuesday, n Fri ay last. -Rev, S. Acheson and Mr. ence of Rev. Mr. Eby, and'Mr. Shetlf r whether of littl :or great -value— on a Low Price Basii for c 'h W
of leviing 2.it.11 Ult., at the age f 65 ' rs. De 'July, IE45, and in 1"4 -she came to Canada aniesi Canning are delegates� to the High cO ducted service in the.evening.-Quarter- want you toico' e and ee us if only to test the'trut�. of our,
is 116W co the propriety
0 110. ceased state
a, tax on, the boot blacks and 1-� eeting will be held in the Metho�'�� b
ic'vc4sts- I It had only been sick � few laflam ma. with'he�r'parents. About 30 years ago she ourt @f; Foresters in session iat LoDdon this lY
�48- entsV 44 testing is sure to brin us increase
ite! eviderlt th4t the 1) has: UOf, tion. of the lungs wa,4 the Cause of death. wa's united in marriage to her now bereaved Sabbath eveni g, one of the chlreh on Sunday next, both in the'Eng: :1 patronum.
i-3 qu : 0 1 eek. --Last
-Prior to his deprtur' ;for Detroit' to husband. The fruit of their t Dion was
To. oto� handeliers in St. Andrew . church; i ages. The presiding d-
'111alle ontreal an richer than -study rhedicine, -Mr. W. E. Bro,,i seven children, four sons 'and three daugli� t, Lfter ano erman -langu.
y �ning, of dropped to de�, Mr. Kreh, will be -present.
eing I't f or the evening servIce
Exeter was waited on b a. number of his terq, who now, with their fatber, mourn a
y he floor, causing some excit&,ment for sev-
frien4s and pr6sented with a wel-IfillQd careful, kind, tender, loving wife and moth- Tal allnutes, but "the lights were extin-
S�eain vs, Horse Paw or.
er 'and one who will be greatly miseed in ut anv serious results. The
purse. uisbed witho,
a-, also th( bicycle,
electricity, -The residence of Mr. Joseph Howson,' days and years to come. Du drig their lier was a total wreck, and it will PENCILLINGS.-Mrs. Crocker of E xeter s
i r A happy event'- Married life they lived in the townships of - handc . i. � Satfortks D I
have J 6e much to supercede We noble Teeswate , was the scene Of ake alout $15 to replace it.--�the Christian visiting at W. R.Elliott's. -Building opera -
And. now a[notber in on Tuesday evening of las� week, when his McKillop, Grey and Morris.
horse. veu;ion has ndeavor of St. Andrew's church purpose tions are active in the village.-Tba
neice, Miss Annie McKinnon, was united in Greatest
1 9 �Jlllles8en -On Wednesday morning, the 2nd inst... olding- theit anniversary on the 29th inst., " beautiful" covered the ground, tit, 0 ds
been bro�,ight into use which will
marriage to Mr. John Farquharson. the residents -of Lucknow were surpiised to when ev. Dr. Grant, of St. Marys, whose Wednesday, morning with its whil e
sea are
Iiii neetliand usefulness. Mar hear of the death'of Archibald McDonald ervices weKe so hi lily appreciated at our mantle. -Mr. James Del aty, the prin- JCasA
-While Mr. John Men&ies was driving er W_00'ds Ifor the some catte in better known as ".Lord McDonald of the �,hureb ope- t in cipal of our public schoof, attended tl e
now USCA in e lumb iag,, t6 Wingha the other day, 1, ning, whois swholebos
f them gotraired nea the- corner'Of Iles Although an old man h bad been iimself, will deliver an address. Neighbor- Teachers' Convention at Goderich la it
e6 ith e
purpos , f Onveying the lo'gs, aei , ey ae one o
cut, to the treams o1i which they ire to be Scott street in that town, and it tookev. out on SVnday to attend the communion ser. ng mi isters are also expected to take, part week, and was elected president. -We hai e -NI& 4W 4M Aft,
rafted to the mills. A new meth6d of haul- eral men with a rope to get the -animal out, vices at South Kinloss. He was also in n themee'ting.-The many friends of M . in our midst a black Chief, who commia --Wednesday of last- WE ek, Rev. - John. Goderieh on Monday, and in all I �robability amesMustard will be sorrytoheartbat his depredations in open day light, but* ing logs thraugh the forests is nc 1v to be Rosstied the matrimonial bow betwe'en. the-coldof Sandayand the fatigue of the e stif. continues very low with no improve- knows no better. The villagers call him
William Turnbull, of. Grey. &-ad M I - Goderich.trip, hastened the old gentleman's U anniversaryi
adopted, M fine,
9�ds is a sort of a tea en& iss, C ar ent pparent. "Mike. "-The ch rch a to be
18891, daughter of George rooks, BrUssels, death. He was�a regular attendant at the PA ON SUPPEn.-Notbing gives, or can held next Sunday, *hen Rev. J. E. For(,
Which can be run over ay ground, no mat- in the presence of the near relatives, at the Gaelic services of the Presbyter' ch ive, f greater impetus to �social im ve- of Lucan will preach in the morning, an I
urcb. Rev. H
ter bow rough or uneven, and oil ranners as Mr. McDonald was a native of th( Islands on qut, than the' congregafin even-:
residence- of the bride'ipments. W. Locke, of Exeter in the
r 'n an
E 8 E
well ,is on The engine is M horse -The many' friends of Rev. D. Perrie, of the west coast of Scotland. Some y mrs ago be riend i and neighbors for tte purpose of i g o. ea-n�e�ting Will be held, but fn!�_
IN t
power, with a llxuling capacity �i 40,000 Wingbam, will be sorry tollearn that he 'is sold hia-farin in Ashfield and wQn; to -Luck- Pon Ing a pleasant and prQfitable evening. o brings 1will be asked for on t4e
gain in poor health, and - t is feared that now to live. . Deceased was a ma 1 of most Rich on event took place orl the evening of Sabbath. -Mrs. Mary Muirley, agM 64,
feet a, trip, -,%n(I it will run at froin igh� to
unless he improves shortly he will have to kindly' nature. He bad a son killed in the )ctobqr 2nd, t the residence of Mr. J. relict of John Murley, who died -very Bud.
village thirteen months
tea miles all,, hour. I t was used an ce s�Ully give up the ministry for a;� at least. American war. He leaves a widow and two 3erry, where the members of the , Cedar denly in the C
ibering woods 4f Michi. -The Clinton Electrii � Light Company 'daughters. 'X'�,ove Association of thq Patrons, and' passed into rest on Monday last. at, the
in severa o� the lut re-
ing and enlargifig their plant. A In a recent issue of the Kingston !NeW13 )t4ers were gathered in b6nds of friend- sidence of her son-in-law, John Kellen, 6
gwi last W; inter, and the result from an are improN f
r has been added, a ihip aid happiness, After some time had Fullarto she received :a,
new 70 harse power boile is a letteron " Kingston 450 r ago, by n. A week before
I economical point of view were �ach as to
I - a of '37," in which tbestir ing events een a pent in friendly conversation on popn- stroke qf apoplexy from which. she never
and an addition of twex ty feet is being vetaea
show that itt, will only be a questio m of time made to the engine -room, to allow of even of that tim' e are narrated, and t following ai topics of the day,all were kindly invited rall�ed, - and when the unexpected event
X ever nee- Y e a 8 81 0 oa a ewe t . I V I .
Pened it Was a surprise to her old GOODS 0
for it to dis�lace the horse from. t - e position another boiler being pat il if it is -d Captain Pr laer's com- hap� D
h for tie protec- delicacies the
hellas hitherto Occupied in the lo r hauling essary to do so. The prei ent dynamos axe pany wore ordered to Bat plied with ameable to friepda and neighbors here. Her remains
about Up io their full power, and tion of thaob village. Ca;ptain. F,-aser got a a ate. When all had (lone! ample, justice were interred on Tuesday in the family p�ot
indwitry. The immense amount that in
ay they will be e laced in ihe' course of the requisition -on the commissary, tofurnish ;o this first but very pleasant paxt of the at t' e Eden Grove cemetery, Vaborne, near
be saved I>v tius, machine is evide t fr6mthe 0.
present mo th by one of the latest im. clothing, Overcoats and -bedding ; and Ser- I 5roc diugs, they were requested to repair this place. She bad many warin friends
fact that i one sealson one of the reat proved alterm ing dvnamos, capable-bf sup- 'ant Girvin, with a guard, aid carts'to- 1;o an ther apartment,'where. t�ey were caill- here who regret her sudden dernize.
-,L� %z -
the V,
Artod A
be zop
�muat I
and V
�One of
as a hi
ill his
an A
the wo
terftt I
the pul
new sel
the alt
I whole
L b.
the aus
-was Pu
lent. Pi
Acted ai
_an& b6
-one of V
-songs A,
young, 4
-vere -iCi
P"t 011
were ina,
has a ele
istage M -A
Flood, i1i
ons soirigi
"re, r084
-conoerb I
T R 1, 19 j
Morris ITA,
held 40a t,
aud IVI-i
-was - �Cola
Ither wm
xhibitt M. -
sum Z-11
prowd m -s
the grbund
hall the ab
-exhibit Ift-1,
number �of
Jarg-ely she',
In -home �m i
and well im
V-Oek was --e
'ticles -wet.4i
=Ado, and
Words of PT
�of Ph4otogra
i's not *ften
.-o -14
side. Tba
'Catteral etc
Inight be sa
.;&eentre 4
inals Avere,
-times for tb
-olso 4 ilunt
t�hiav% MU."
-A ing alid ai
And ihise hi�
Altbough 0
are surp, tht
-the toefety i
e), Meat A
wiH -be pabl
"OTIch st WA
Ruth Jones
botel keepel
was --the onlj
, mentaadg
24-1 Unit 4
Fair ivt Loni
J es
aid -Bat
A doctor bhsi,
'before -his 4r-
Od her l"L_
-a sheep houm
preof that, Itl
A -s will be
for 804e. It,
sta I
S01001 Qaesi
will be that I
4n that Proil
ithis :.: Tb�atlq
V orn which
-TwOuld live 0
fused to gran
the death A
Mch to k
ly"Land W 16.1
tire neighboi.
school re�guls.
11 ideath, althou,
considerable I
rfiessles 1"t I
tack. was _et
q, Uellfts Were,
:seews th-at I
Was only part,
ihe system, -4
Way for aboid
4ropay� - TIA
_on him 'from I
on Tuesda3
,clever boy at"
-WHI) not -only.
who knew bi�
months Old_;
thers and sio
pathy of alL i;
—Rev. Fat)
ing the inttrif�
having the Cox,
�LO N D ON-, - 0 1
presk. in its A
f:trade, �!
.,riiah wh'
havt advaawd
wheats is 1111c
California Is.
is quoted at
16s. Barlev a
,oats dull. 7ro
request. kL�
now English r'
Foreign whe4