HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-10-04, Page 8-7- _7 9W ij--- ­7— A 4 '7 W, "1"77 T -7 OCTOBEA 189541 fto EXPO$ITORO t THE- HUJ 25, con( he judge loi de red that an effort �ession 5, L. his d th. an some vative -f d roclaim, Sir MoK in, St 'Paul I his an friej3 4 be ad4. A iter, two bourn SPOT 48rt r;en a . ''I t ei lit acres of R. S. arid lo 3olor, is capable of showing fo�rth nnesotal an�-� at set lemen m Departme t V will i e pleased to Jearn t it he is about R. 8 6 8 it �ontaina; a;bout ttl ent he -t, thus showing the Canada duriug� the erm. ass n n tiating a In 0 1 ot hik 9 ligh 6t every individdalo' Bbwell dictator or he. tire usel as spent i em t n h,, jury 7 Qr natur'al life. iTudging'ifrom the niw -to lbecome. a permanent'ro able land� and is en was sebar ed and ji, gn r! so matter. how humble,o�n spread �,Chiistian of his ad to grant 4 11' libself &I d Ifis brothtr� Joe. intend, to run a I ays cily MAKES LO PR�GTKS- sideat of Seaforth. good ar ien ate ed by Oomplete. ioublic high1w 1i � e Vla V It- plai 1 light in the worl.41; 3rd, that the small, cao-. �ure of his iinlope2sible Ifernedial order on the for 160. ili tiv 3r of j. ge they are now the pr -Ayer of the pet�tion. The -clerk was consffl,t Me when lighted, is more servioei6ble than: Manitoba �Oiool Question, we should J d t6 Comm, 3rcial hotel, which . . f �rdement!bainl and -at Class style.—Airs., instructed ta take the necessary legal steps. the In sis of after cave of teachin would, be congenial to III as- b v.. i n gv f vnished in fli alust the. to w of Mitchell, and W, have been epening up erm the lairge, one which is not aflaine, the pooitiQ sea. $175,(Dsts a t makes of clothing, thw ridow of ate James Dick Accounts a 2.21 were pa ni untingito 69 noted Sand 0 d Di the I soni sts against aiWa greates that, the small or unimportant individua pirations.�-Theladies of the Wombn's For.; d balar ce'of co qkson, 1 .1 wi I be $7 aAlna goas so that we have now dur clothing devar- t: t for payment. The 'next meet' an Everybody is anxi4)Ats theie days to regisVr 4 f Huron. died at her, hbme in ac on Society are t6he coniratu ated efen tg, 'Campbell and :04 dwards Amoript out sp i when aflame with Chiristian zeal can corn: eiga Missi( 11W 'to its utmost capftclt� Saturday lasti and was- buried held at Xyle's hotel� on Friday, ovember the lay roportibried ocine-eighth of adire all the mon ey Cal Wye good wearing We" 8 pants ILI 850 piot Palr.� plish inote good in the world than the gro on the success'of their entertain n.e on G4deribh )n da p, I lof w1i 'as the sha�p -of �ha -ebp -prices, I some. filie, pants at $2,50. S#nVe excellent lines I UP person, or even the powerful. potentate,, Monday �vening. A Gleam,. enterm ning in$heblatlaad cemetery in Goderich on ty at 9 orcl(ek, to pay contractors, gravel His plaintiff'S doing our level baFt to k the Moun Wa su i . . its at 16 avd $9.50 Men!s handso e Fer- accounts, etc me - The discourie w and ifistru tive progra as well rem- 11(inday. --The protest entered by th -rig power - '71 ' who is not so inspired , mine was w urch ind brown at sNX0F.t: -as ly lion. down and doublLe tbe') ux -n 0- (vercoats in black, taw oh, ly feet -against tile Beavers for intensely interestiong and Lino active ai0d. dqred in e ory particular, thf gus. lacroi so. team ottim, pre-en-anence in this departnieuL tr was brought within easy compreheilsion Wing its iendance w �ged pi ofessionalism. has beenaropped.— -Winthrop. staji [ey. of your money. The large as ortnaentz gth.' The at as very e ,4doitl 3 o Ion the youngest listener, and could not fair, considering the disagreeable we ther. al"r. Thor ias Thompson took charge of the To BE AN )�NGINZER.—On MO: Mrs. of nday last' T base e pas HE IQ Aw LIT.— Of i where 'jay Va. the Towns' MILLIXERY PitKARD & coys. a n betwnu Sbafortb and Brus- WK leave a lasting impression. The. vlosei ttt —The mer�ibers of our church are ask d to at �gle ru Mr. H. Morrison left for T.orqnto, was Hal I Stalde�, �nd Dry Gaods House 4 elect an a ditional member of se8sio and s�ili, on T ues5ay. —Turs. W. F. Tate aad he continues � his studies in the School of j�ea I*st wee and TN 14rgaln. clothing tention of the children was -held., th.xoug trieN at the Sarnia Ass Bay. Mr. �p�_ .-votjesfor W purpose are being hand d in: family lei t on Tu fitting hiiy�- votps for esday for North Practical Science, wherel'be is at of the jury,seven Seafo�4 out, and many of them will, no A tt 'I follow reau Wd in a disagreemm MANTI�ES W —Ivlr, A. Dewar, of self !or an Electrioal R&d for the member with pleasure nFlowet unds, �o durin%tw Sabbaths. An elder'-fo the Tale �wil shortly. AtechaMcal en - L ti i bein for the defend-Ot.and five 1895 and Mr,. McPherson'sl' _illustrat� sotAth_ aus rn district of the -congre at oil is mg en I son 8 rug a ore,is holidaying �ipeer. His many friends join with us n tiff, The suit, it; ill be: remembered, n1-1 Goderich -MisaMorrison late ..u. DRESS �Aufln U. hi GOODS I requ re .-4- as VUUV ov", V 0"V ­J.0.4 sermon. aroal from an accident )_10 nich- occurred evV1V bits been Oe guest of her sister, Mrs.. Win. of the staff of thd R. McFaul. Company left ace n I A I of Stanley, a ye tr ago on the )nd 6 3010 M MS. Elliott and family, for a number of eeks, h(�re'� Monday. She goes to Winpi R3 UONOW FOR SEAFORTH.—The Montreal. Reg, A-fr. John Keteben. AND Tot on Thursday. w ler6 alke has secured, a good -situation. _DPR site the farm left for her home 3ides in papera i ff, who. rei i of September 27th 'announce the lipal- NOTES. —Mr. Ames threshed on M r, Cole's �I Halliday the. ulai.. ti I I i i - . - y friends anal well- ishers liere I ion d scholarship recently awarded lit r mar 14 ow open To your inspect IS LIZIE�,- TORONTI-0, O-XTARIO� I ors an 11 farm 180 bushels o oats, the product, of Sarnia, was driying along the road in. a ll)ier. all success in th� great prairie city. McGill University. The following, extract 1,,Acuoss� CoNcERT.—The concert -giveh' in two acres. With od land 4 good yield of when, it is suppos- most importan-t Oat we �ave yet. largest, best eqvipped and most popula go, bulky with a gotleman, atif� the Cardno's hall on Friday evening last, under James' Rankin met with. an accident %I ro. �ned, made I echool in the Dominion ; moderate rates r 'nIc a tells its own. story, &Ad will gr Iture factory, grain can be in Morris yet.' ed, i ihe horse g�t fright a bolt gathered together,and the v0y Jowest- e Club, it) e Br Dadf0cot & Box f urn rcircialars. SHAW t i g manv friends who are watching with inter- the i he Seaver Lacrosal grow% in poor health for flast-class ; write f -31 kuspicias of t Currie, who had be and upset the vehicle, t rowiag the occu- p t 144��40' joiner 4 success: The attendan,.e, was tl 6 other day. 'He was!-tvorking the possible price has tioedu put -on the - Principals. eat the brilliant course of the young lady wag a decide qu'teawhile, died' on Sunday rnorning� ly in - 1, i pants out. I Mrs. Hdo ay w" severe a6a got his hand caught, with the result do. mentioned : "Second Year —Exhibiticids quite large and the audience showed their The funeral on Tuesday was largely attendi- jure I.' She ultimate y,' brought an 'action 900 heir Witson's, 0ash Gro�e-ey-' (teiiable for one year)—Harriet Brooks, Sda� 'appreciation of the talont provided, by t tiat, the wop of the thirit finger- on his left edl,'the intermeRt being.made at Sunshine. dam- agai at -the townshi, ,I hning� $10,000 'Tkea off. This oiakes the third forth Collegiate Institute—Alinual value, liberal applause. The comica.1,00awrt f -the h4i d waE t i ained'; The action Every 40 now ad enthusi­ wax :the The froA on Saturday morning, ip,$.- for the I uries i I. Ackllrog�and tomake thle- at a Now isthe time for 1 100, and free tuition; donor, Sir Donald programmewas ably supplied by Mr. Will a ident Lo parties running -wor-st so far this fall, * A large, amount of :ql?ira W at $ this machine in, wholcs-,me pickles and sx.uce ydu rf a based�� on t e � ontention that the I Tri ed asm to thO businesal of buying of pi,k1bsN,, limith." Our readers will easily recolledf McLeod, whose every number brough, foith ej e of wo week-s.—Rov. Mr- Steele oc- a imm vinegar and pore spices. Many a batch corn- tbat was not out got badly frozen. road, at the' point er i the caident took f ffighter and a heart3geoncore. Mr. c, tliieA tt e pulpit in St. Tholn�s' church on Hats for And sell, g. Tb*e weeks been. spoiled by using in erior vinegar., We� 11 that Miss Brooks also took a, very!high rank a rear of Is A number df our farmers attended Brussels place, *as too narrom, consequently i $1.00 an d Rev. A Rle have gone since the operiinX aegars, the oxyly kind made in Canalda t Proof Vil 'in English and Mathimitics''in! her first P. �IcIntosh, of Stratford, ma( hill first 8 1' last, Lrr� Hodgins being in Wron Friday -last.—Belgrave exhib TP, ay :Unsafe for pub e !t*o A d lie travel. Th result of tt -bas to stand a oovernment test year ead won a valuable scholarship. She appearance before a Seaforth andien(e, and T Falkert(on, holding tba.riksgiving services. dit of Sep.6mber and we are able I i was held on Mon y and Tuesday f T, Ishree X vinegar are made by adding so mudh �w% er this trial leaves the case ja5t as it was before the price to suit the oell r. iq evidently keepij�g th L pace with some., established 4imself here as a general favor- IIE oly i Coi limuniog in �;t. Thomas church on to show. goo& r "'Ults for eatlk to: the Psoof to bring week� :It is needless to say that- the on - are go except that each Most) the Proof and know wbat -you. tti 9- reserve force to spar 'ilor the two final yealra. ite. He has a clear, sweet voice, d his S: y r proce ngs w re takeil e i1naul ext.— day. _Wcond prize lookers',,,voii'winter garments.-,,�'A,big stone to pay their own costs. It 1 e UTC spices Bich selec- imthe frQ t gre 9P we sell the highest gmde of p ahead, and is also setting an example that enunciation is very distinct. -Iumo]r.j i6h exhibition i O� enelly e -for -.1 rot :4�.Odoekr art will av 3 We have sorne extra val was fpund in Mr. Nichol's pea, mow last is �xoected, h4wever, that the acition. NY 11; $6.00 I�s get toi more and more 4can, bu, us just no n will whet the ambition of, her old sehool- tion was heartily encored, and his rer dition o v Weduosday.--Th? 1 sacrament of the table i;yrup. and baking molasses. in now Te , - - i Monday,. It was ini,poSsibrIe for the at e to I A' Coffee, Sugar, ne�j. Waini., &c., we have a cho e mates and successors at the Institute. Our of The Holy City" was- particu ar good. 1 110 e droppod. 6rcrs Supper will be dispensed in the Pres- i Mantles true that,:: rst goods at get there itself, and Nichol will' find 'npja An. ick sell,' g prices do "Itneed We 111� for osaft. n b rterl stock of fresh goods at very low poideas boys seem to turn out successful in different The accomF e playe by Lessrs. lian church on Sun. day morning, and for qu I I ;if possible. fiarir we- sell Cogilvie's best brands ar. mill Poe 0 a �niments wer' out'sirho placed it theie oberts, p�p '.rat ry services w i $4 95� to go lbve in for �,ustom pa, ill be held this (Fri- Brusso fors, LlyA parts of Canada and the United States when W. 11. Wi is, Seaforth, and R er 9 little, lesa- The higheet pnce paid for produce 0 hatter and chi(kens want6d wiil pay kio' h;. or, iolin. &noon.-_�The Green, farm, on the :�ha:lt. TnE FAin.—, The Eai t Huron I Looking a 'd comprog soqn�. nlauul they leave us, and out girls are act fir be- Stratford, an�a Mr. Forsythe on the vi d aft Id here �W Lgricul- v quani�.fty of fresh eggs. hind in keepi�ng'Seaforth well to - the front. While the musical and epmical side (f the 2 conmasion of Hib turid socib 4ert, was so ty held their o,nuu4l. fAll fair on.1 brings verdict. 1, 't weei by auction, and was purch-v taed by - BR Ems. Masons' are busy building the T P C. WILSON 1he nag men1will have to look,to their ;rnme mis fully 16 y an plied, thelgrounds here an Th traday and Friday I The ckersmith for stone work for the Union furniture factor�. lan As usual the itth Th is grand Jseason to p u yo may find . themselves bring- rog y a 11 intellectual I I 38e Is mes, or they le q e was thd r. Job ri Oldfield 'of Tu we' or, although an Bank of Commerce! B11 i1al w name of nd..tor Sni4r is sufficien; evi- $4� 100. 17he farm contains 100 acres.—Mr. —Tha,fall fair, which was held last wee ing up the rear! rank with a. gid carrying 1, im rovement �'n' last ylear� vias anythingl Dress make it�'oi ey go a long way, 4 the own of the Meyer property uite a suce rour V w ASS ess and was lareely attend -V the colors ahead. of. them. dence f6r that. The Conductor's repu tation I - but favorable Good's Wherevel an oppbr6nity pre- wden, er I! and that with 'the fact that as a lecturer is widel known, and. many i ;Harpurh has, had it surveyed into ed. he millinery openings of Slisses Boyd, Sea rth show! was- on the. same day, de- a V4ery y for 25a sents itw If to rna-ke, valliva 'Irk A R vou 088. still reinember the pleasurable e ening bb' ilding ,le ffer, Mcp el y oven- tra ted both if�om the crowd and the irum- and al 6 (9 # n1park Icits,which he wilt- o 7son and Walllace, on Monda Xi i GRAiix Scoops,Axes, Axe Handles, Ck * I better,We ase it to advantage- ing, !,no of les on i Ad on a former occasion, whe Con-, fIr sale by auction on Tuesday, October Homuth and Bow Friday ber of exilibits, Thursday being fine the In-' -cut Saws, 1.%rge aiiortment and right prices. ! S. spent here I u on yIP9_1* an erelargely attended. The Me We are ( stintly;stid i 3hallett & Co., Sestorth. ductor Said door exhibits were particularly good, with _0 er was before them. On I Friday 1, )h.—_vN1 r. J. S. Roberts returnedx, n eve 1 9, w the inigre, its of our tomers. of Granulate moming from Chiedgo, where he ERS. of ftaft. :The hall was your A Sugar to arrive at Davis' Grocery this week. Rpecial of' his . discourse, " Queer People'." With b a i been taking a course at the Ophthalmic leaalint music at 'Messrs. Homuth and -DISTRICT MATT Another car' d and Coffee evening the conductor took as the a ubject ursda3 thodin Sunday School orchestra supplied the exception ell 4 filled.with a p1retty and well assorted ais 650 From ou: advertising yom prices in barrel loti. 1451-L -shoulz his happy faculty he intermingled'the good c lege. Mr. Roberts i�as sucep9iful. in get. towl Do, —Mr. Alex. Rose has moved intef his 7 while a! Under- M86Y ex:��Ait the verkbistpos- Ci.S,-,st,.,;.---Beverulquali-fied te C:h,, STOVES, both new and secowl-hand; large th oughly new rick residence� on John street.—The play -of ladies' *ork aind fina'arts andbumorous 'and made -the hour in which il ers'have, ver�ykindlj-ogared their se I - ), bi& aiploma, * and is nco�r th number of the 'Merchants had made special sible V., se in it,and prices right. Coinsearly. S. Kul. wear all xes and fhe worst MIME myrt eu .1451-1 he ipoke a most profitable� and enj 3yable alified to test eyes ?,nd s �pl I es, and promer�ade concert -by the town band,which exhbits. Th exhibit of roots and had f� 7.14 0 -vegeta' f or 150c. mistake w000uldmi%li-6would in connection with. the Young M A - q en's� C r� & Co" seatorth. I cone% ' The concert closed by the sin Ing of N .are all re that any! w o n their eye- was td have been given in the.rinkolf blee was large both -m to the number of tiau Associattion' educational Glasses, an � al�'. 80 pounds of Yellow au aar for $f at Davis' 9 y buyer - Go t be to d�isa�opoint. an A d Save the.Queen." Ajr. B . B. Gunn ,lit fail'Lpg or, who r�4giire spects cles or Thursday evening of last week,'was a - arti Aes and the size of -each. The very G U61-1 V alesiring inatruction mi -almost &nys (cl rooery. acted as chairman. v isses ol'any kind. Will!'receive perfect sat- pone4 tpr about three weeks. . Mr.L . F. oli and disagreeable weather of Friday 60a You ew, f �can obtain �t under mol favorable oirb fa, notice. and - 0 - s4tisfy your needs at —0 'Is book an Ift I mp. STovE Piping: done on ahori Wall. Gordorf d drug store w -be open- colialp.. -ill kindly give in erate. Leave your orders early.. S. Mdl- action from /Mr. i Apberts.—Mr. made a preceptiblei decrease in the - outside -Corsets comp, iorely little expense.. stances, if they 41 ir, toes niiid ;.b'r potatoes which turday. Frt', Co Seafortob, 1451-1 line Ila so) e mortal ed oln 4a, dep; 6rtments. iThe show of light horses for There ev*r was a -whel:L names at once to Mr. IoVm. Somen-R! at. FARzwFdL. SOCIAL. On Suada e entill as but very few heavy horses we gro, in his own garden., Four of j; - :the Great Northwestern telegra-plA ol ce-sl - A 28 pound ];;x ot Raisins for $1 �t Davis' last, Mr. H. A. McPherson wh w fairly goo 44c -your ca ill would4oli more for e ad i VwELa- abee I seven pounds, and there are t 1461-1 as Rey. Dr. McDonald's 6seistant nf es hi Tj pigs$ YOU V, who, will infoi: m them as to terms, etc, A GrO-DsrY- wer �. shown cattle and -now. Whe 0 Uri Lay 0 which woul'4- we,,fh, vadally as No vs.—Alr. Walk. McAllister, the noted pou try were o ly flair fillow. This 'no- you t1 an ther i iba� ­.--�-A meeting of -the d io.N few more pupils'are necessary to make t CURLms ATT NT the summer months, preael �ed his Ia' ewe rs. James A61i a her two Berk hire bog breeder, of Stanley, has been your 1 archase be small or - classesa success� members of the as4forth Curling 01 ub %ill be heM at ciet r,,, during t�e p, wt few years, has been sermon to a larg� congreg Ltion. On Tues- (av tit t04 ower of ready the Flanniganio Hotel, dn Monday evening next, the 7th d: Adren, -ho have be6ti visiting ie large day aal was he d in the base- I&tive$ very uccmf ul, in exhibiting . his Berkshire parl -he matter of evening a soc ularly unfort nate in t I 'money mn,be seen. last.. at 7.30 o'clock. Ali wanted to "loud. Jouir d frien a in Manitob66 for the paA seven pigs V the fall'fairs4 . He Ill" an imported wea Tim NEw 6031 MERGI.A.L. —There ment of the church to give the merabers of or, but �Ifj ths year was a; marked im- Wag Wim, Secretary. we we hope k.—We 41 nite a bustle &tound the new the, congregation an copportiplit of v ishiog' I oeks ar expected home this wee Bow eighing nearly 700 nounds. Mr. Me- proi -ement oveilasi � in that re t gray(ored with It is the I Aea w I Comme�[ C al Three cans of Sardines for 25c Ut'-Davis' y Mr. McPherson Godspeed, And of ext, miding: 4derstai d that Dr. McInnes, who as been Allis r still. sustains his former high repu- that, next year, I'the, r will be -t cl�s busi- hotel yesterday, The carpets have arrive dt Grocery. argrest a tin f 'bat c isinj to Jim their beat wishes in the furthe pur- t' at Mount,Ciirmel, in the town- tatio as a bog breeder.—Mr. Alex. hlii�- fine'dava and t the saying that Brussels and are! being laid by a. large nrirabe�, Of - A Hr,-'4oRous EN.-TEnTARNX�XT.—O.n nelss we are fieckin-a for and wO are aim� the .0 ausace of his studies at Knox college. A p of St �pben,, for several years, lias dis- chell, qr., is still very low. Butalighthopea sho* 'alway � win a rain will prove i1self Workers. lUr. J. F., Clark, of- the Golden evening of Monday,' Cootober 21 at, I in the Town Hall. and- int �n z I �incr direetly for the trade of the peop�e in e at will be found on the to Lion, is supplying the furnishings. �Zhe there wilt be one of the guest enwitainmenle thii short and interesting programme � ha� been sed of I is practise there, d'3 I0- are enWrtai ed for his recovery.—Mrs. Jas, false. Thep"r ting in 3ioaforth. Hb has mated the resi- Armstrong i� vi8itin with her,daughtee in sewath 3age a, th s issue. everybody second flat is tG'be carpeted with Bru plo ba& ever taken place in Peaforth.- 1 Mr. Alfred. ff. furnished, which consisted of vocal solos, —that ineaus anybodi and nee of.. . 'John Dpwney. r - LL I - . - The docto llarrir�gton thin weef.—The tea -meeting on T Sci. coor, Hout,3;.—The. new 0 has M4()ne Perry. the celebrated American hnni6rist and imper. by.Miss Tracksell And Miss� Pentec� at, in- <, d.r pend and i*ho- �carpet, made expressly find the third �floor wh vaut sonator will give one rf his. IninittlaVis entertain- - y to a' clever- actitioner a reliablei young Moud4 sob( throughoiit�s to have tapestry of a boa� ti- ments. ' Particular$ will be given in future Janes of strumental solo by Miss Kate Duncan and a 'y evening last, held under the aus 01 buildiu is i ow being got into shape reliable g9ods at positively the' eleosest.' lan, and wivirbe a val!,uablp acquisition to picea df the Varna Methodist church, was inside as wel as outside. -When thin is, fal design Altogether the Commo6i4l, st-i recitation by Miss McKenzie. At th close this paper. 14 io' al ranksof 86aforth. pri -,es. i i e profeE a n respect a success, considering the, completed Brus�8els`wili be able to boast of will be one of the !most Special v in Grey Plannels at. Pente- of -this part of the programme, Mr. illiam in ey when coll 7 k �lete, e homelike &nd 'attractive hotel's in this k� �Ot dark twilled Batlantyne, on behalf of * the,Chtiati n En- lacler4ney of -the weather. Addresses were one of the han4orri eat an' d most commodious cost's 9,16,19,25) 29 and 35c, ligt h M1T11LMXL1, Ry OrE.N t-drs.=The millinery op- delivered by the following reverend gentle - and plAn. .1461-1 deavor society, the Sunday school d -the and convenien u lic'sc ool buildings in country. 1 1 11 rr-F=rno �y I of fall and winter men : Messrs. Andrews, of Holmesville -; Ontario. it ' f m hite brick with brown Seventy-six ci sea of new Roots and Shoes session of the -church, --read � an addrt as, ex- ings o the disp Roadh, ods we held by tbr merchants of this Bond, of Seafortb, and McDonald, of Varma. sto�e facings e ad a handsome tower. It is E. MCFAUL for the fall trade at the cheap ussh Boot and Shoo pressing in a the appre- Accif)ENT.S.—While Mr. J Of kindly worded -term ohn Store, opposite the ExpoisiToa, Office. 1451-1 d � SeLturday.lut. The this town, �Ieng wi was ape - Clation of the congregstion of , Mr, M cPher- wn on iday an The crbair was ably filled by the tor, t7o istoreys hi gb at Id contains six large and -th others, 49. Special values in CotViinades and I De" scon's work among them during his stio y Aere, partme its were, 41S 1 ui��I,. vialted bv Rev. IV. W. Leech.--ReV. Mr. L Jall, of airy, class ropma, besides beautiful wide Dry Goods, I iu the rin- on, the Goderich show grour�ds 011L nins at Pan tecotoll'to. wds at ladies.. 116 high reput 6tion4if Bervie, occupied the pulpit of St. John's balls, waiting rooms, cloak� rooms, etc. In ith a; very and wishing bim much blessing and pros. Wednesday mo�aing, he met w: Worth's rch Store to rent a block' equitable perity in his: tadi49 and in his future life. millinery arid milliners ab rays at- chu on Sunday evening last, with. great the basement ��re two large rooms to'be serious ae6dent. A horse whi,�h an'Other t e Csvly any for a bus nem, opposite the Commercial Mr. XcPher4on replied briefly, by th nk ing tcts H? visitors,..,6d the satidaction a e nue e absencie of Rev. Mr. Yer- usd -as play irooms for the children on g!entlemen was drivin r ahead of him bo'cam'e' Sol 9 Hotel =h od e 'a "in th Be orth. frightened L a ed a, ct 180 a suitd Of r00018 it' 90 rO the friends for the interest they ha,4 -goods and prGes in- ri p 0 n I be heated by two rchasers find in the,,!' e h has be6 indisposed for the past� stormy days. Jt wil 4 nd -round dire ily lin pair. Apply to Mv. -Cady, on the premises. -1451-1 mani we r' - g( - �es c ces them to return gpason after s, mson to front of NLI r. Roach. The collision thr�w fested in him, and; for their ood is ek7 large furnaces, ailso. in the basement, while French Kid G.coves.—Pewny's celebee4ted kid gl period out at Pente- ag erf Mr. RoaGli frow his sulky and he fell to the L' lit refreshments were al 0 erv,d and :e ine, to criticisel a�.d to buy. rhe old the 'ventilation will be very perif ct. When oves'; full age rtment just o 8 a 4 ell known firms,,9f Messrs. Hoffman, Corr place she stopped tool soon a'd passecl a ir�g cosVio. . I - ipleted it will b a credit and au orna- P, II ground about teit feet away, bre ki ' 1�2is 1451-1 after the singing of 9, hymn and - ke pro ty is oy the othei Pet -ton one-' Hn f 1W brought home onWed. c an W;Pi4lcard C6.,;are so Kippen, g4, an t e I two. Urs. -nouncing of the lbenediction by v.'Dr. ment to the vil only p �E.—On Monday last. Me" thigh b This week aill next will be the best time, kn wn as to scarcely Fou COLEG Stewart were very c e., in fact so close, etcher and will De' and the Popular Gr9cery the -right place to b,.Iy your McDonaldi who acted as chairma _ this 1 11 and fa kn nesday afterno 4i ona-a. str vorably,kn rg- thati it does not roc(upy a- more conspicuous -ed af r t ey passed at least �six weeks Grapes L for preten!ing and lale Pearo. We have- pleasant social evening was broug t to a r 4ed a word of commendation from us. Mr, S., MeMordie and R. Smillie left for Toronto, position in the villagi , Strangers coming that their buggies ided after t ton -fined to his 1�dd 1. .11. ear Y, Bpi lnl�l -suing their studiet. a the noore anif' both came n jone 0" bought pi ton of the best Concord Grapes see. them close. During his stay here Mr. -cPher_ i ntecost, successor t Mesbrs. Duncan & where they intend puA e to see it unless they —XIr- William Stogdill, who workll ftir to town willnot be f if you m1ant any, thi prices will be righti. Robb'gros. son has made many warm friends ot only tucan I as just added a millinery depart- Mr. Smillie enters on his second year in the mak' wpilgrimag cks for but the horses were ght by the by-sta 1)orees� Wesley Beattj�, had the misfortitlie t ie -1461-1 P I a e A a couple of blo, n 0 ere y damage was done in his own congregation, but in co 0. it ii -been era before an more se - i I I his dry goods! business, that does T r ato School of Practical Science, wh & Pfty� it had not apenel other dav to. his foot caught in th� li�y n hers As 111�'ut'tO that1purpose. ge!� Have you. seen Pentecost?s ut I press. It was q4ught just at th 11 -will _"oin most helirtiol in the establishm.�nt, and is, like the be takes a course in Electrical and Me- located on the t: However,'L it is rious than the twin ing Of an a�le,6n one- - hom J well, and a 1c �Ait to his' owl L Square. e ank�er 11 d -Children'affeadwear. Prices: 23,25,39,49,69c and I stocked with new and stylish chinii�'&'l ell and Mr. MeMordie buggy and a broken shaft on t e other. it is a wonfler thaLt his foot was not [taken upwards. 1451-1. hope that his future life may be f� illy and c ieps,_ well gineering, too. I -ate to talk. aIx at this !now, and as it iA V nt and en �ers *the. University, where he takes an Mrs. Pelto h got in firrat, vlas award;.; Al ly s.prain off. As' it was! i the foot is badly L d Ramsay's Tea a specialt;y coffee also' at blessed. Mr. McPherson eft . on I Ilinery of all sorts, and a compete it will standa%4 nonume4t of the intelli- uages. We ti and bruised, ba it is, not tbouLht th4it a y ACK$Xhb e* e ad- c 1liging milliner in charge. The style gence. and liberality of thelpeopole for many ed the prize. The o. or oll of ihe show, 8, Seaforth. h'y -ning a of honor edurse in modern laniz aviall a i r 14�14 Vdill iday moi for Toronto. ..h dress to Mr. McPherson,* hich wa i a peas 19 37j, 39, bones were bra�en. beau- t A (in are difficulVto describe, and wish them success in their ed willbe published next week. alrdbight toil, generations to cP'ML. It ip to be finish Men's Shirts and Dram -ere -too 49, 59, F5, 69a and upwards. Special values. A. E. tifully engrossed; 'was the Artistic ork of I ab mor a satisfadtiou caii be rined by go- but, boys,'do not burn the midnight oil about the middle o Novei�bei, when it will ftith. 'by a -4rand demons them tb 1b. 'rig even an "lat e. I -V -- " culls. to -see an y readi be formally opened' tra- I - Poritecost. 2461-1 Miss Lizzie Atkinson;.at Mr. X MA C0.4VENTIO:".7 Triw_x Lxy Waam TIe ate description', ' Suffice it to say Hoia FROM THE WEST.—Mir. Samuel Fabric e bor tion, it; which the Honorable Minister of THE S Sh e annual convent[on of the Church VVorkcra TlttwicSELL, Seaforth;fcor'b eid the joy -now.—The ow h6ldl here on _d t many of the; hats are ver Tbompson has again returned from his west- Education and ot ei of the dyspeptic. 14611 dljpitaries will take Wednesday and Til#raday. last, aer the - y DrId and �Sundav Ekliocil Teachers of the Aiiglica�n AL BmEips.—Afrs. - ge 10,ving- room crowns w w George G)od, of, I bicK ern tour, and we Are pleased to have him part. When completed i1be building and auspices of the Hay Agriculturali society" Diocese of Huron, is to be held this y� 'At Just to hand this week a 6 eL assortment- ai8J ingaL Will Wingham, has been Vilfiting� friends in Sea- c ;0 on to the wih us again,'looking so much improved in fur a bout� $9,000. Windsor, Onitario, in response to the of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, an ther Un s cd head, and very wide c4lt was most successfuL I The weathercon both invita- 01 close e forth. She was the guest of Mrs. KcDon-� ssed crockery which we will sell at e�tra numerous medium hei ilth. Mr. Thompson,undoubtedly,piL prices. 1118. 9hereare also tion of the'rector and congregation of All days was favorable, aihd there was! a large - Robb Bros. 145 .1 ald, At the manee.—Mrb. Watt of 3uel h elt velvet -and mixed mater- a;,v ary en ble time in. the Prairio Pror a in f crowd of attendance on Thurs- 23 7d sister of Mr. Donald Guthrie, ex spectatorsin .8aints' ebtirch in that city, on Octo J 50 dozen Ladies' fine Ribbed 'Ca hm� ere I is, whih are both useful and hand- vit ce,� anloya The show, in 6verT departihent, was -M. P. d it is interesting to hear him tell Gorrie � - day. and'24thinst. Theproceeelingsw.ill, epor- Novr�,s.—Mr. Win. Ardell and M Math Rose ; they all go while they last at, 25c per =. A. and mint of Rev. Donald G41lrie, of Wail. 8 ne. E rerything of rhe feather kind is of is'varied adventures, shooting exploits, r tieularly interesting frora.-the fact th : tie E. J�snteeost. 145L-1 kerton, will good, if anything in advance of most former -- al give an addressi at the annual f ming. Wings, tips, on. an' picnic excursions. Wewer6not aware are en aged 4t.the b ck work of the new 0 hi nab e for trim �n n +U "Ir 11�. f 4-h� W -V ri the larin-, elo tuent, and nopula ishan of H06 e years ne otreeable feature was' Urreatt Vargadna in roe ery an Aakka" als , .16 A..Vv "13 W WARIFLA a VL" 11"allilkar, Ino pson was such a practical bi oflice. —,Vn S turday night or on, Ricr­t Rev. Ma.,urice S. Baldwip, D. ID., 11- wear. We won d like all y an( whol6birdabeingused in pro- t Apples. onday I n eign Mission society, to be held on. 8 ief or some thieves display of splendid friii intendi 9 pur-Amere ii pretty feature in trimmings is geolcigillt.and botanist, but he bas returned in ning �la' t, at ezpecia y if io 9.r; be a prominent speaker, as;well �ais 't e these lines to see our good and ri ca. Robb Bros. -It is very rare to -see 0, good displ*y in this -Presbyterian . lurch. -belonging to Mr. J. evening next, in the a d ribbons, sliewing two change- laden with: specimens of Manitoba grams enterei the tailor sho dow�i for W� ad- 8 t I a n department this year. 1 The roots were - President, his tumne being There should be'a large turnout of die�;fts -and grasses, as well as a 6ollection of Indian Taman - in our villair 10 Ize dress havinr, for it subject A INlissionary mmense a' i7n' fact TRAcics;ELL, Seafo forl Grapes Zd colo a, then there are buckles and and stole a suit of in abundance and f i' Mrs. Watt is an able and interestin speak- e oth�r curioBi- clothes, a veO and �o V_ and an overcoaL Pears- 2,Q00 pounds of o3 grapes arrive4 this 19 p fancylacesthat only.the mil- relic�,' ancient keepsakes, and .an Church' ; and Also t:iiat ��ir. Vugene Stow%, the a -how, on the wlicile Wag a atifying, week. 4 or.—Mrs. McKel]Ar, of Blyth, ape t part 'Ii -1 ero how to weave and combine so ties. � He also succeeded in securing some of it is �u pKose , �jlat t y foredd in the back 14 A know SOL Ion- &Yxd Avidely known as 6ditorial se c- success. The Credito; br'aa8 ban wfiicl;7- of last week and the 1i rat of I this we k visit- OU6 T ey also L ill Pentecost's Corsets at 23, 39, 43, 59, utifully. Bonnets are slightly larger the western. cured� fruit we hoar about, an door w t ch 1; visited the rI i retaryoof the Church Missionary Socl�ty bf by the way, is one of thei best ban a in the ing friends in town. She was the -guest of and well as specimens of the wa;r,.hopswl used Albion hotelt,91(' 1 69, 75, 90c and upwards, all the beat makes, always tbl n for some few seasons past England, will be Dresent and s�ea �here tl ey secured a bottle of - county, was in attend4tice an p k on soi�ie kept in stmk. 2451-L Miss Kate Cowan.—INIrs. Kirkman is in re- liquor and a ox of ci gars. Evidently they Thu.. a an(I I a� bough some of the styles appear 'rather by the natives in baking. hope leading topic. The vicinity of i the Oty Of ipt of a letter 'f'r* discoursed sweet music on the gr do dur- ce NOTICZ.—Not lia:ving bee4 able to dis. om Rev, R. Mitclell,' the o re w1en held in.Ue hand they -have that more of our excursionists would s� are not total- �ataine -s.—Mr. Thomas Fen- -nade it pra i i -he afterno Detroit has also'i cti � &ble ; to 96- pose of my practice to advantage, I lhave decided -to young missionary, who took pasE age for ch less ;f that appearance �hen on the profitably employ their advantages' so that: nell, who has been a ighV respected citi- ina t on. T e prize lis will bem !UeXt f this ise; cure the friendly iu.�iatance of some !of its as f6und on the 6th page jof this in stay in Seafarth for some years to icoTpe; The in& with Mrs. Gofo th's party., It was �h do, -and are really Very stylish and becom- we', who are less favored, might have the zen of our Village for -!qqa�rs h bought most active church workers'l d res'dents six months, to increase business, I alha,11 do all kind'i SL 'proper y in ',R- 61bourri . e, *heie he intends to NoTzs.--One day1oAt week1V of Dental work " specially cheap." -The best materiwl Written on board the s eame'r, and sted at I to the wearer. Ties are 'te Uri. means of gaining information of the variou which will tic) doubt tend �tb enliv n �l the gusra Extr' ion! of teeth, �25c Yokohama,, Ja an, a0stated that 'ey had tantial parts of our. fair Dominion. —Cox. carry ( ft the I rbering business. Mr. Fen. Julius Block was dr ing in peas, he was nteed to be used. act c bein of good width and 811 dings -Audi Ontributeto e aii G,9S,of Offlee en he felt' off, andi procee over Mr. Pickard's Store; GYIftbDox, Dentist. the company of several other mis ionaries r ln. I colors, brown in its n)lany shades 0— lilell *1 lbe eatly missekAn the Presby- 'standing on the rack, w 146 XL on boar ere in good he Ith and re is a new blue in Hibbert. te 1 :hurc and Su hill leg becoming caug hit it aken just the convention do that 11" ..a to lead. The r an nAay-:: School, having above the knee.—Mr. Otto Soldan and his - J; spirits, and enjoying pleasant spirit al cofi- �i�g shades that, - is L very etty taken rest i terest. in both -during his long e H Go sister, from Kimanagh, Michigan, are bere- LF,k-r T( and 11, r ff. �hrl ft. HousE OF REkGR.:-­Th oJise of Refuge that residei ce in birrie., - He held the position verse with each other,i but �D Pws.—While at the Toronto Ex- Lvou left here on committee met iii Clinton on- Tuesday and - ' V+ rest of I -combi ation. Cream, green, blae and bibit�'on this year Mr. Peter DeC ursey, the visiting friends ancUl relativis.--Rev. E. INfonday or. Torentlo, the passengers kept �part 'and a emed to 3. es o � red are . also prominent. Lit- 0 of libri rian i the Alechanics'Institute from .'awar viiere thev will �iri future resid y?n Wednesd4 of 1*6t week and' ded the well known pig breeder, of this township Schulke -and -J. Deichert wer W L have little in comm5n- with th .—Mr. the tin e it w a organized until about three - in Loga-m. and children have been well re boars. townshi over Sun '&V Mt. D. H. Jeen 8:cting, as It various cc, furn nd has for some tirne I valu torr mtracti for ishiiilga -a $up- Stephen Lamb has purchased from r.John Is purchased two fine six months old, 4ky last. 'in month ago, wben he went toToronto. We P and adjuster of losses f 4everal of the plies for the new bu 6-inIning sam- nitr.4 pretty and comfortable hoods One of the animals -is a thoroughbred Braund was visiting hi; parents Philips- WUen, a farm oil the 14th con 88ion - of wi*h h In and his estim'able lady suce� d tanis that will find ready sale a little -p - large insurance ecompa-mies, and findina To7 ples, etc. The 'aw ds wer as follows: Grey township, paying therefor 9400— nglish Berkshire, and the other a thor- so In burg last week.�Mr.;' r, of the-; �1 er in tl e season. Many beautiful things their a 3w hoinie.—Mr. Robb, the Inquector Daniel DD pson a Impinied. 0 Mr. D. ronto a more vc-atril and conv'enie4t-10 - Hardware, includirig stoves 13 tenders-, Mr. W. W. Tholp d bride -'ave *re, silks, ii elvets, laces, ribbbus, etc., were oughbged Cheater White. They are both of -Public Sehools -for East- Huron, spent Exeter Advocate ace tion for his basitiesa, he decided to. Iremove Harper & Lee, Goderich ;- Cro ery, - 7 ten, turned from their wedding tour, a d have fine animals, and will be a valuable acquisi- French, paid our tow6 a flying 1. one dav !d iplayed as decorations in the show rooms, part of Mond in our school.—One of our there..- Both Alr� and Mrs. Cooper & Co., Clinto Furniture- settled (Iowa to the sterne. realitie of life tion to Mr. DeCourgey's herd. this week. They lealle n sever4 friend; yon �will e ders, 0 NPTHER BAR�v BURNED.—During -the no" much missed liere., Mr. Lyonmas gi, mej�.. 4 tenders, J. C. Stevenson, Clinton; Fur, in their home on God a 4 for -a] I of which� we trust our merchants 'A youngmen in bends to increase his re�pp —Fred JUbler and E J E, Faust were in Ex- eric. street. r. 1. 1 a birity this we!k, by taking unto himself a ber of the town (:auriail for &iev�ritl y6ars such ag cc% erleti, blankets, sheets, .HoIrn'an, 11 1 have complete and bountiful reward in d 'nishings, -of Berlin). and formerl. of -&a- Ill feral as tea to geniM bustpmers. thunderstorm on Wednesday night, last wife. More I a follow a rtly.—TNJ r. 'James' Leter and Crediton last -week, on importaht-- anil us or usm VMS promintrit as an enLte�&, ishig ul etc., 6 tenders, - h luir's factory, Exeter f riend, I week; the barn of Mr. Wrn.'Hastoings, of b * G'So.—Mr. Peter Lamont ship f th L flying vial, to in town Walker- blacksmith zped a Car vi ct pal f &a. purchased Mr. %e :part n. Window blinds, 7 te nders, L 70 blifids, S. C- on Friday last. —The many frien� a of Mr. on 9 load. of lambs to Buffalo 4 Wedit4daiy ant. Oil the 6th conciessi , was struck ky lightnin Befin's ho it �n rear --tizeu, Nli-s. Lyon took a; a use md lot,. j at c�hiarchaadf�a-btath scho4 work Nnd as Stevenson, Clinton.; Tinware, 9 tenders, J] George Dewar will be sorry: to lear a of his Bri�cefleld. and, with the entire contents, destroyed. of MrI —Mrii.. Dennis Dergtein,�,of Pige�n, Michi- i . Wal er's spl idid shop con'frontL an NEw BAR1q.—'-Mr. Win. Fotheringham, was gan, is visiting relatives and frien here.— for several year� the effici6nt Secr�Ltar r of H. Woraell, Goderi ; Vegetables, J.Allan- serions illness. He has been raino, red from, t L street. Mr. 'alker is one of the most en - The barn' one of the largest and best in the Huron 1resbyterial Voreign Mission ry son, Clinton; meat bread and groceries.f Glencoe to Clinton wh' ol Tuckeramith, wll�ose barn wag destro ed the ownsbip, and contained the entire crop ere he will be cared terprisiDg file in�ou_r to George Buchanan bas�gone to Toronto to,� ,S'ociety, and 0_,e will be much wissed in were divided betwei a Grocers Co,&u-er and ! for by his sister, Mrs. b lightli ing a short time ago, is going to of this season, together with a lot of farm- J`4mesf Fair, jr.—The I continue his studies in College. so.cia-I and church cirGles.. They lca.�,e hosts Irwin, Clinton. Sev nity-two iron enamelled ri )uild at once� on an enlarged Ocale. The ing Implements, ten hogs and a lot of Poll' - first allow of the season fel�onMonday. It -a forerun - of friends here who will join wit� us in bedsteads with wovi n wire mattresses have I was only- a small, flurry, but was ci Aract for the new barn has been , let to try. Nothing was saved. The building and Wroxeter. wishin theill 11'ealith, happinbss a d been purchased fron the Central Prison at IV % A. McBeath,. of Stariley. Mr. Mc- contents were insured in'the Perth Mutual THE Snow. —The anniiial I show under the Farquhar nr 8- ner of winter, which'is fast appro whing.- 9 Pr $8 each.. The beds are 3 feet wide and ath is one of the pioneer framerfiNof South for $2,200, but the loss will be fully a aiuspicosio tfie roxe4r gortimiltural -So- NoTEs.—The sacra�m perity in their new home and Who will I I - A matched race between Rumor, ir., the W ent of t�e Lord's;1. I iron - and during his thirty years' experi- thousand dollars over this amount. c 6ty Va1s held on, the So�iet�"s grounds here Supper was dispensed in the Presbyteriaiv ways, be plea:sed to welcome them back,to feet 3 inches'long... The question of electric I V i property of Mr.' RobertL Wilson, ain d a. horse Se�fo liglitinry incandescent system, was discuss- 11 -belongin to -Mr. —0 last.1,L. The eth, either as visitors or pe�maa nt 09 .9 Hector'Vervaeie, which' e i ae hL built many of the best barns in AN IN'TERESTM, ('� F'VENT. n Wedfie8day on We Inesda day was one of .church on Sunday last..� Servize.�, prep&ra- 13 part 'of the' -place the most deUghtful of the season. The torv_ on Friday, by residents. Lyou's aged mothpr, A S. ed and ladd over for further consideration.' t country, and the fact that he" evening a very interesting event- took he -purchased. from Men White Re-%�,. Mr� herson ars. 811�11 or ucces Aeaforth as resided t ith; her us of cc will be re th the b -'most a h near a on 'of the of Aadqrson -who 1i About 50 to quired to 1, of Exeter, was trotted'ou Fairview -park-, aildiDg of Mr. Fotheringham's at the residence of Mr. Thomas Vivian show wa­ e sful ever on Sunda�;y rporning by the pas� several year,;;, acwm panied her to the n �.w run the furnace. L It will cost 1K 80 at the track on Sa ' �n is an assurance thatit will be a first- Staffa, when his eldest daughter held h4 ,.re. Tae atterMance was fairl large tor, andin the evening �oy Rev. Afr. _,Stew� turday afternoon last.. Rumor, Miss Mary y home in Tw-olito. P house. The building will be, Go as stru.0ture. Elizabeth, was married to Mr. Andrew Id 3o' doubt -have been much art, of London. At the close of theLeveiling- RIPIeted Jr. won in three straight heats.—Alisses Eva i J &]ad on about October '15th, Exeier. t The ceremony. was I th 'f and the date for. recep- Stewart, of arger At for e uneral of the late Samuel service the Christian Endeav- or Society held and Laura Acheson, of Goderich, are this Fro\vF.t-, 'Si- N og %Y.—By order of tile 6eii- tion of ininates abol it November Ist. Blank week guests at the -residence of Mr. J. 0. Tuckersmith. performed by Rev. Mr. Kenner, of Staffa, BlWck, oO Tur nbe.rry, w] dch took place that their meeting, and, had an adAress front er&l Asiemblv, Liat Sabbath was c4s�rved:as forms have �een sent to all municipal clerks Greig.—Messrs. John Ja�Gkson end Fred FARM PLD.—Mrs. Henry Mason has solid in the presence of a large number of invited afternoo . Alostof th4 -,at ck shown, both Dr. Thompson, who has been. ap to be filled -with navie of inmate being pointed a Flower 1�u�tlay " in the various Xre for., Bethune left. on Tuesday for Toronto, where I r far on the 4th concession, L R. S., to guests,: Miss Pearl Vivian acted as- brides- in horse a an, I cattle, i -ere thin in condi,- missionary to India., Missionjivork and on terian chtimhe4i_ Oa tbis dtty a sxpe6ial aer� warded. Each inniato is -supposed to be they will resume their 8 ies, Alexander Gordon fo hile Dr. Tufford, of Staffa, asgiated tion, 96 result of barren )&stares due to dry our duties re arding the same. uite U; ormer r e umo 9 mon is preaelied for the chilOre of Zhen.Pn- supplied with. t-vvo changes of at the University and the atter at Toronto f 0. Thq farm contains fifty acres, and 8 f �ood quality. The number from this ne the, room. After the ceremony the guests weather b i i or oo a;tten gregktival,, eaet. one -who attends ringing, a., clothing and shoes befOre Winission. They Medical sebool,—Rev. Samuel Fear, rchas(4 from Mr. Gordon's father a sat Nown to a sumptuous wedding feast. show of sheep and s was the funeral, on Tuesda hn Pringle of --a - grand also good and I " of J�o I bat - i(i uet of tlo'wers to which is Witch( c fL will notbe allowed o take bedding,but -may ".1athercifMr. I.V.Fear, p' lordon no vening was pleasant. in some alasscs ciompetition was quite keen. Fullartou, brother of Mrs.P. Cainpbell vf- f this town, Con ars agD, so that Mr. G w Ow R The remadrider of the e text af Script tit e. Th6se. flowers ar4 sent to have a trunk or.piec e . of f urniture, such as September 15th, celebrated his air ety -thit d t e farni on which he was born. It is an ly spent� in social converse, while sweet The diall the ball wasirery good,roo, 8, this place.—Willie Westlake fell I I- daiL. products b 4nd brolza- the viqicow, ho,pitals axxid c1mritable � ins4 r ju- 'bureau or rocking, ahadr, if properly disin­ birthday by preaching to 4 large on rega- e:. cellen ace, � and be has got it at a very music was furnished by many. The pres� grain an I 9 y ing well repr - his Arm on MondV night, while playing in :LSOU sented. ui , of course, ticn��ndkUstribnted aniong the nmA; § fectedand.-cleamea. The building will be tion in the Methodist - church, E ora,. He o Isou rfillgure.. Mrs. Mason will' have � ents were -Xinmerous, hand -some and costly, Fr was short, a-1- the house.—Mrs. 3am�s'Gavdine prac, we b !pretty and com: end ir� formerly The t' J'P eph 6 line. connected with Cliaboliby a t6l on was healtd. distinctly, and at times his voice mrin ut sale of her chattel property on The happ couple left'on Thursday morning though there were-som' samples of of this place-, is 'visiting among her many - P y e n ice -not fiworable for EN onell. 81utvlav la,;t Waz for Detroit and other places, where they ie Wag a hati the clear ring of former years. Mr. Fear turda , the f2th inst- very nice dis play of OCCIC), lon, being wet, cold an(I disal rees les friends and- a-equabitiaees.—Th� Borlan& E(.-.NION.-DVrrjE No�rbs.—Mr. Win. Hills, entered the University s6venty-oae years Oulxx if, DoixGs.—The townshi� council will spen their honeymoon. On their app . Th re- ladies; workt v-hich showed the industry arid �brothers are off this week to uttejad schoor lxut,,� not -it awback, t son of .1 as Hills, left oil Saturday I'ago.,' Mr. Steinhoff, of Stl�tatiora, -shipped a n A at eber's hotel, on Monday,.: Septem. turn they will take up their residence in artistib 3kill' of the ladies of Wroxeter and in St. Marys and are sil-re to give,'a good ac -- with anding this dr Ir. Thom, i i was a large tara out of children for Toronto to sper (I his first year at the car loa(l of sheep from tbig. t tic on Sat- r 30th as per adjournment.- All. the Exeter, a n U d the best wishes' of their' very vicinity I to good advanta . One of t tt 11 1 he count of thernsel-ves.—Our old f iriend, Mr. 1"resbyterian mbers present except 4-eeve McXay, who do will go with them at as ing again. O'lurch, in this town, w1d aqy- Ulliversity. He int ends takino, bh� course. I urdav to the Montreal market.—M r. Samuel n' many Vi for their mo e�citino incidents of the show w a Simon Campbell i's in the show r eral of them (rame from the country., T%le in Arts, and having proved ilim" future b self a: good A. gickson returned on :Friday last f ona in, Algoma. As no person appeared be piness and prosperity. contes�, occa e( t V r I I by the of 'er of a special this fall, this time with a team 11,of heavy- Sa�' look� as'if-- the Ice, the THE ITORELL, CASE tLttendanae of adults was adso goal. !9�lie st-a-dent in'the pas i e look for continued f -bis trip'to Manitoba. n o object to the sale of the lad council t .—At the Stratford prize ior t _Y who (ould harness a horses, which his opponents find' hard to 110wers,as they were handed in, wert XlEatly success in the futur .—Mr. John JacIcson , west agreed with him. He goes to Toronto the' i �spetirl !the village of Hgmcondville, assizes last week a ease of some interest in horse,�bitchi to a buggyind drive once bieat.--rThe officers of tbe 'Usborne preE eRt- an 'UcKinley left .011 Tuesday I -on'Saturday, to pursue his studies at Tor- ..,-eve 0 rst. There bert Mutual Fire Insurance C -i any are, arranged in front of the pulpit an I d Mr. James I aaa Clerk were instructed t this township was tried. This was the case aroun4the t 5 and Hib- proceed ilack and 'get in fi on p ed a very pretty appearance. The services for the samie seat of learning, to take lip orito University. —Mr. John Snell, of Kin- lth-the gale of the same. Jamesc in wbich,33hristena Clark,'now. of Hibbert, were t'ree contestants, viz. Mrs. D. Mbf. smiling over theirgood fortune in -not su-f- . 1; umming were ccori(ltic�ed by 'Mr. 121cPherson, �n(i third and second ye).r's work-, respectively. burn, -has two, apple tre'es which are now s re -appointed. collector at a salary of formerly f M itchell, is suing the town of fatt d 9 Agnes Stew rt, Turnberry- fering to any extent by the recent� thunder- , �Zl were very -int�cwting. He took as -the toasis —Guelph Agricultu ml'Callege will be' hon- i. loaded with blossoms. They 0 0,h�to furnish satisfactory condsfor Mitchell dMessrs. Edwardsand Camp- and Mrs. Mt Pelton, East Wawanosb. The storms, and also in reee�Mng a -e)heque for see In, t be b IV for his remarks, the text, " Ye are the li4bt ared this session by the genial presence of coming at the wrong end of the yei r, and it $112,00 in, three bondsmen, �4,000 each, bell for d mtLges for the death of herhus- b orses !were stripped of their harness a d 11 o i pai into n a M nes <1 court inthe Dunlop of the world,"etc., and adopted wrather i4qval Mr. Win. Elliott, jr., who left'on Tuesday, is.liot often that nature makes in stakes of alself )eing one of the three. I Mr: Cum- band, c' �d by an accident that happened 'the hatness *id oil the ground in the same suit, with interest from the time it —Mr. Jacob Weber, wbo took big Ing wi I commence his duties 'on October to him hile di along the. street in positiOn for leach lady. The word -bein paid.—We hope their good fortune ma_* Method of illuitrating it. He had a i 1i for tha�t institution. With such an army of this kind. 9 wa.% I)er of madles of 'different, colors awl 4ips talent as the above Egmondville should be handsome driving horse to' Lond)n show, I th, an I will add 5 per cent. Vo all. taxes Mi �vi ards and Campbell. g I continue. tchell, where 1,Tdgw iveii �4ey_friade some remarkably rapid no- We are glad to -see MiA. D. Hay shOwing ; lati that a candle, no matter Now rich in scholarly I onors for the future.— sold him there for 8-900. The � nam who r mainil g unpaid on Decen er 14th. A were building a brick store, and had allow- tions,,ind it was not long until they were around again.—Al rs. John Cameron is very - Urge or prorn inent, is of no service iantil- it 1liss Bella, Smith*is in Stratford this'Nveek, bought him had a mate for him, And sold tition. was laid before the meeting fro in ed a heap of sand to remain on the stre— into i irbu$gies. They nearly all started at poorly again.—INIrs. Robert. Gardiner an(T is lighted, th4s illustrating that tile Vidual is 'lot 0 1 di- visiting frielids.—Ir view of the desperate the pair for $400. As J,a;ke could not live Finlayson and other interested ar- The dece sed was driv n along the street once e horses' hridlesseemed Mrs. Peter Gardiner were visiting friends� etti#g on tb gospel; 2na that e; I?ng the life of the present Dominion 'Par- another bandsom-ebay before his t the rig b its coming in contact with the little t e staJrt and kept ahead until - she. ney is having a sale on Wednesd4y of mext ed efforts being made ii some quarter comfortably without a a.0od driver, be p praying the council to close- up and se from was thrown from to tro ble them most. Alm. Moffatt got a in McKillop last week.;—Mr. "Jobti Hael.-- t hi beat until he is insilo s to � pro- I g by the light 6f the ur- t, s the tation when. he ellasel re- t a portion of the public highway which i-madle, no, matter how smalli or co w` liament, we would suggest thkVour Conser- tuirn.-1-Afr. Abe Davidson1has retu -ned 11 -betv een lot 14, concessions 7 and 8, H. sand, an sustained injuries which caused got ne4rly to the goal,. but mistaking the week f at from 8 A: - - - - - - - - i&9