HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-10-04, Page 5OCTO"113ER -4 1,895 H -URO T X k, _-Y Off tL OIL DzATi% 'best iheepk' 8d to 8id per. po ind see- $A, CUEL 13LA6K Lkwa sill Itica O*LL FAI -101 ro "TOA ocery Alm �ft ft, NOT D As the gr Elllbbsrt,� October 7 and 8; -Awn WW—
who real, led n rho P'O.Ueers, LO September 30.—BUA egg is stookof-th 116tatootHush, 10 has' bee fteod I Oetbbo 6 long hn e on Mon . a 6, having passed h by tobb B du P the ano;ted qp0A 1) d away t4� his quiet, largil �n Oat%iqlo and 11 ?also T ruborryori Mr. Oudaty, 7d to 7ja per Pound. a Ay account of th IM M the e Slith Show, October 8 sind 9 st be sei tied at once as, b ing closed.. eat from.* hr" we have been affering. W,(. ROHI$, 78,w*r4 Of a IGNAL f the b at ran 8 re der( 061 ' Id -at LiIierpool.�- -Sheep wer 6d and Oil I the market r 11 - safety 14,43'. CtIon eter. g -Trs-resided ' r 6 11 L.--�Wi�h d of i*es you frotn a drop in th� thermom a title -Om -in Torat ) - th .,States sold to -d at 51d 1hVite Your- n7 lat upw nd 5 and occu )i 6f forty Y", e of Buildin Lots. rs, �r toed to giv the Q W leading Cahadian stuff sold at 5d, wi 5jd as u% a 11166 At and P2 n ection of thet lbeen Ion ttb 1 4 rag ber oR28'had quite an outside price. Is V1911116 J. �h I a 13m. Walk ov4 Dow 'a 15I Alllh-e 19 � I -Ovel &I t, jr�s � - i4,99, 6 be Pretty things,
nt"allip council, ;8 other � Old 0 of the Fair Grounds, Be tokib, ond rouivillwonder why Ime repress ted his to ONTREAL,.-Otobe COOK Sp 'ES. —We 6 4 the best aseort7 8 in the c( jjnby 0 unil. wnship r. Ut. —The me rket was � best voluep! a i uch. One residen of are'.bdil 6a the low lands :F very ( a udd t wdoi I and'oosl k h L ' , _ 1UH d,whe' 191 the L6 i able., upr was an - honbr. it with lower pAces: all ro and and '"'t and t a such ne hlgl� building sites can be oba s axe her6." Call and eyAmin 1 bom and VI so, doves. p an hough blunt and th is probable that a considerable ni imber of Johnson ]Bv an ! I Uvit
14601 ed so convents t. Thle, survey will be put up at 'uts:oke k in -m e cattle will haveo be held rulnotton byJovep Brine, ail Ieat over, for an-: uctionser, om Tuesday, M Octobor 15th st 'clock I olf Cap 1S 0. ;eu kind h t and other market. . A fe 9 the afternoonj on the rob1by Tweeds ai oths, for a better line at $4. 5 a UlatI L- ' vi of the best I lanitobs j L ffiii C, OF a' (L witiLL a IQ yon er at, tii; gocd.Xtock ti al"s in of as Sealorth. You can look av- age: ma'of 9*d cattle were sold at about 3 w!thoutexceptloo,the finest A Beautiful Black B�
_U M 11 e. -H , , je per lb. Tj I IOTT�kg. big buttons, mandoli Sleeves, large try and succeeded Pretty M 0 at from 21#o to:, Sle- a whole tow *om I a lot, the Isiad'eau not rev( �ers, for $4.50, yter tent member -coximon dry per lb $6 50 a d; 86 50, 1 -�.' a 0onsis- -The oat ie in Stylish Browng, and &�tlngs f th P, b it. T NaVyS POWs Clinton. He Y -P-13119 stock sold at frorn 2jo 40 per lb. tor'Otherwl a. AL chur 'h and cows., rough ktee' rT Barriste szes I nly so 0 n a all &Ore. The owner i
tive rh thrifty _TAMES 81 I ud to eel - to butt, monthly psy-� rcm $4 i6 $5, e Latest and Newest this Sea-
Od enthusiastic Liber Soll "or 11 slid as- term Geys, in every price III er-e and ton, Out, M 0 oney to to& I 80 Goods. Fine h( avy I blad il capes 8 Beaver, with I �usermgs been ill for ain po', a rk ice E116 o anim-y required down. T The leaner beasts sold atfro jo t 2o per can be seen UP For other. f&r Months, and at last 1b. 51 ass A fro I ulars en I fro�m 08.60 arid .ed Away while al Good large calve soldn frd 9 id4fle a(yed and These are and 14 , PiTost Office. I . r t ai $7. to the uctioneer, the. Exiosii- o, d ]ad a d0i 812.' very, warm nice. E . L WIS, B rriater Goderlob,. or Wmo co aps 'tine[ in his chair aa if :1$12 each and the 00-mraboti ones t fr m $3 to Teachers for N"Propri t rtable �nd"seli q uickly� 147'. _tle and Cape trade of this Hats E -Two &seis, 101i e tre '10' a the 11fan payin ro g adeeP- Th *Ptict in whicla he wall ANT to f to Z, It Scho r. 1461;2
eld was well Mani eaWlby the loirgoLi2ldin.. each. Shippets are* Iip ub c �AIVDE I Shir W kp cAtions received tow and the sooner you Be vilat! we lave "Oth 61 better. r who attended is fein�isi. 3jo I per lb for good 'large is ieep until OctobtrIll2th. State s try. r utles to iial"the com, otheraL sell a of men" Januj let, Im. OLD. HI S,, Beer- Ury. lcollikre and cuff, NOTEs. —Mr. Ch r t from'$1 to $3 eae 1. lot TO A R IE R-6. lea RutherfordL of ' i Ed. sixeldewes-weee' sold to-diiiyfo a�bnrgh $7.25. -bout 319 er'lb, and the era with small a the �rtn of'Riatherford Goo I latfibs sell st� it An excellent op tunity I now afforded to farm, Underwear 40 Ka, '%ue mer�ll I who d sire- to obtain Improved-- Ut, �y special TIR. G. V. .1 sox DEN, Dan st. Loos! Anaeotheti finne, or d6c as, with irrigtion,, buildingoi aPPOint- othi ra at from 30 to 310 per F Lt bogs JJ and go the palial a Ixtract, 1. U, j of teeth' �pd fenocs, t Dlatrict of -Alberta, Worth West ess G s, .1 lent to rM �b Q QuOea Vidtortm was an e Braces A 11 at from 41� to 44c per Best Plates Extracti ig teeth 5 All other. 90 er, r. Walter Ruthei'ford, lb fi r fed -ho work corre"6y ngl Territories, ;on easy terms* Theraisingot
y chosir 'Mae 0 V .'Mr- 1pfek- cattle, horses, obeep and pigs Is rapidly developing -Of this village, t gs. eek. He is in America ard'o Store, I c h. r the purpose of I th District The underoigned will furnl3h infor- lUkFAL01 October lot og'—M&r- A4 almost endle riety b Shades, Col rs., Pattrns, Styles afid- Weaves to 'Umbrellas I P,t �enojes for 4ST B I
etiVe OALE.--ThO' ndersirneil has for H, Ilk. C. MEYER �.C., Calgary, XW.T. t tlo%oraqi�erenjairles, !Address SS V
ey and stronger; 0 I selce, from all prices from I I Alontreal and Toronto. M SAO ffiev I ral-yo ing t.O libred Durham bulls* 4451-24 Rubber Coat4,&&
Ruthe 0 olce B's F( t 513 to $La - Yor era .70 to $4.75 - o e eck fancy, t sale of their in � New ork, Chi ket 9 n 0, P y&. Our big -store is packed, r- $4,6 an . ging n ag il I r m nths. Th are all a sirht to see a place se ord is &A amateur'i Af eiii6lasiast, an era' ,-�4!70 ttD .75 i- mixed r to quite' ig as 01i all of what the people want. d h good animlf I am a stored di I b: Rigby Waterproof I kyed the game i as kers, $4.65 0 00 0 0 oiee sold resisou&l, 31. d W to L,, Sts arm: fland Ire. ply Salle of 'Valuable frjok uct-ion U�n
IU &I( e, , $4.50 to )a and nee, n Ov ugh 3, $3.50 to P. o. _tf d $4.60 ro before �an heel, and Lambs ontreal lea operty in the Coats made to order. .—Came Inic lie ml�s rf the dy lambs and sheep; export grades slow undersip d Lot 18, Coni dot 0 5, AICKIIJOP, ev. A. �r G ISE, MAN, C1 *nton play it in ,8 L - �r
at& 8, $3 to $3 25
rket fairly act ive'ad strou ger for good USTRAY L Ull 9w' ship of McKillopd —
Rartley piolled is me pe raspberries. in h T Y, h a garden last w has ulso� an apple 3edor Th4 ve y A C4LL SOL1101TED. lu4 r can ba Bar a otproving HE following froperty -will-be offered for, -ple took in W, SC125 - to $4.65 fair to good, -�3, 75 to $4.25 '_ 8 b ttee in blssom�_ eivbral of our townsPeO ana unchanged , choice to ime -lamps, t the i I August 1601, wether righou -4i. an( Bruaselw shows property and I 41 ig charges, .1 Beech. TPublio And on on Tuesday, the Sth day 00. i"t week.—Mr. light, $3-* 25 to $3.05 mixed 'shi ep, good I to wood. 1.10W tober, 1895, at 2 O'ClookLp. hn, Coll ie is on the sick choice, $2.50 -t,o $3. 1 5 fair to good; $2'25 gotel, in the Town of Seatorth, under the rs of im., at the Commercial
Mt. —Rev. A, ev a U� Mrs Hariti to lo sale contained In it certain wor ge which then arr lev I rVEACHER i rA DILL & Ung Mrs. 11 s!brotb �r, Mr. 8e re V' tO $2.65 oulli; and common, $1, to well f 6D.�-14nt in ohooll section' bo produced Lot 10, Concese'roil S!PEARE1 48ea
export shei I a 8, of - said 'Town. oodstock, thi's ap steady-itnd unch 5 X ..No 6 To ndOip of ir sle Or female, an ed at 83 �7 week. ere will be 'ZI Phip, about 100 acres, which may be known 'U the orvice in the b $4.' Cattle clostd very dull a d weak for tiacher holain a iecond class C I pa ie. Duties to I Homey farm. Terms.—Tien per cant. cash at time IPr. ' yter an church nekt commence Jan �rj,_Iet, 1896. plia tiono will be I of sale, Oni 4 DO* heavy r18.0uth of EXposftor O*Ce For ne to �bbath.—Th: decline, with the bulk Of received by a Liberal terms for payment of balance. 0 10 v6rsar: , services of the [undersig - T Ootaber.19th fqrtherparthulars and conditions of sale applyto 6rat h Lnds.,. Hogs 1999, Apollo& tato state Oita.. Good[ references I be leld on Sun4iltY. close4 o 1111red MR. ROST. LOGAN, Seaforth, or to ROBI$SON, 1�fethodist chum,141 th6se kind -shipped out in oales of req, 1Y athro�]? A H mieson 8 with Is be y I ekC -.,i( as three times- on er trong 44(l �flrm red. S. 0BIURN, & GIBSON, Vendors' Solicitors, 74 Church 1$4nday, with; nte L rtainment on Sheep -to $4.80? 4d s�rept, Toronto. Yor�era at $4.716 o Aers 6 I ! mas 4 CEL EBRA T E9
i � r and Old iondity evening Rev. and lambsi closed stea�y, with all GOLDEN Dr. Gifford, of sold., 11 ppe qh on ROPERTY Oft SALE �o, Palo thoproperty .-I qt�nd ingbam, ndayafternoon. P on the uron road at, alma, knowip as the Notice to Creditors. Mim Soho Kin n, now owned' a i A olee ipled by Mrs. 6 is the guest of loreton pri pe LION a Bella Ki.bg. Adam 7ood. ere are aboui, FRENCH r. J a en acres Pit land an n ardiner had Diftha.; which Is a com rtable frame! i idenme, stable and THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALTER V KENNEDY. 'he 'orchayl. 'The o rty *III * old hemp'[ and oui G&RDINER, -LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ow so badl��, inji; ed by e I n B4temi 28th, t ate -train, at —In Clinton. oi wife of �th� first line �ro - 91 night, Ali. Lack Kennedy, of a-dau hte.r. easy terms or vi a exchanj d 8606-1 HIBBERT, IN THE COUNTY. I STOODIL .—In Stanley, on Keptatuber8th, the wife .� OF PERTA, It Is ad I YEOMAN, DECEASED. th$A. it had to �e forth or Bru Is. bpi of Mr this Stpidill,cf-adau-Itter A, for amarket pardin or retired m �er 21 at, the I a or add Rass Mr. W. MoNA T o th 0 In Stanley; on Sep a Settee Is, hereby given pursuant to the Revised KID owl Of Xr�� JO n ?4cNau�Lgh! 111e] 8 Ituteo U, Ontario, -Oba ter 110, and an?endJnl of a daughter. GOOD re!�fVo sets. ra. CO '5 x4 Iof ce�sion, Elms, died recent ajed 75 years. tb Its of Mr Gebrge Coultim, of a son. st�er, ard car, litte of the townshipot Hibbe,4 k t a County f Perth, Tooman, deceased, who N.--wiln mo*rig, on 8 pteniber 918A, the POARS FOR I ERVICIE I OE SALt.—The On Deceased was a' native 0 ERRINGTO d ea In a, pion the 3rd & _111�E% t, WAWA" 0 t 'toll no having claims against t,be estate' ;,,Hi)r hus- a 'id B. Errink.to of a son. underRigior I o about the so 4z d day ot March, 1895, are r ba d,, the labe Oe' f el- d Ife of ke P f, sery Ice oni Lot 26, teq ul red on orge Ja C�r n WA MR.—In. is ties of -November, 1895, 8 or 50 lost i 4110, on So teimbor 24th, tits Concession 6.111 )bert du Ing,t a com ng season, o before th 'ftheAs bred lish' B r6 in 0 bnston, of -Aknes G&W:uei,. William Lindsay Gardiner i the foun rr wife of .Ur. t J4 a son. one d llva?-to der islin t��e Geo 'ail thorough I re Bear and one rgl BROWN 4n Win h yfeVardiner, Farquhar Bw� some thii e, on Septe ber' 30th, the wife thoroughl-red a aterwh a d James f
P nibs )Id. purchased -t in years 4go. j hey were 'of Mr. Fred, Br virn, of a son. at Toront t otorkof th said de-ceas-ed.'or to the unders eds o.exM tion in i8go, rermi -41, payable �m ong the fir, it settlers of �he township havi. HANLON.—In Ce tir-11%, on So tembcr 19tia, the t, eir soncit9r, a statement in w9 at t!ie,time of a -vice with pris ager 0 1 res g if Itin cont g JnLg� Come in the bush in 853 1 wif.s of Mr.- lanlon,postm ter,of a daughter.* necespary. urnin t air ]his se'laddressts, descriptions an iiii r P 11 as allowing �, ( tie- J T?j have perflie fee to re- I � full stock of sizes mhx. air clahns, dul Mr. Do lavi and. I BISSETT.—In .. a orn0j; on Be tember 23rd, the malit unpaid r. in O)rwa r fx� ne in Louth will be Ul to of verifie4 a 0 Campbel of �tratford re- wife of Mr. h mas Bis8ett, of edaughter. - oil ged . 82.-I'e reed9ow,8 oat Is !of the seen fly (it any hold by am. ceive ,, f The above t#rms i d a lett few. da COUGHLIN.—I tepben, on. Septe Ot Ili I urth er given t h 3 t cla and at them) and be happy. mber 19tb, th condition � be 9trictl* hered to. A" is ECTI4 OF HIS irrge Cam ljo alifs wife of Mr. ' " , ughlin,of Boon. He s"O d of eynber, 1895, the said pdmInistratorb w ag6 from Mrs. e a04 ber the lot' IN ITES I�N P
i ;)ell of H. -I, ; has for sale ughbred n Ish re boar. 41 Xova. Scotia xqkgr, _,on Septem h O of BALK bar �16t, the: r estate PETER DE& U BEY, staff A pt ceed dist ibute the asatte Of the said neeL f9feielax e nedy, eldest daughter wife of Wm,�B a ong I e pairs ins ei.titled thereto, havin regard jr;, of FL son. David Kenne yt� the great Scottish vocalist, MAXWELL.—la Morris, on September Uth, "the - L A R GE ND CO STOCK OF d -have i I 00 3' to � the claims of which they Eball a A' )TP L TE to*� 7. 1 -who died in 8 rp'tford. Air . CajApben Was ikife of Mr. James MILX*Cll, of a son. L ice and they will not be for aid estate or up Che Cash S An port on thereof to any person or petsors, of one of Ur. zi�edfs warrl'14t, friends and OCTION ES.' IWA, ope elaims they i1ball not then have notici R. H. 4 NEW 'DR GOOD& rC LLIZ*48, Solict or for the Administratora Exeter, . 11dance on his (jeath b6d. Mrs. 0AIL I -Campbell wriWs telling �ini all about the COOK—JONH3.,r-At the rosidene ION §A E OF a of BIrs. Z ones, on UCT TIU�E L—T right to Out :bert Ut (to acres, September Ith, by Rev. S. C. Edtnunc a, B, D,, -family, now MlNi Aand remoi 0'all the tim ab� ated at Exeter this lot day of O. -I ober, I 18, it) tho IE ; - f lots 17 561-2 arts of lots 17 a cession of the In I will be I b1b 1i publ �ownshlp of Gr Thomas0eory Vook from near ali iton, to L 6�4 Air. W Bliss Susanna JOne?j near Dungannon. u Every department is' crowded Wit4 noveltie3. H aiLIL., Our Dress Goods lif ton, on the pie III On onday, 0 BELli—SWAN—At the Parsonage, 0 tqber; 7tb, 1895, at twe Britlih� Grain Trade. DClook e.a are be�utifW. y -;,Rev.,!. W. Holmes, Air. fr6woo September 23rd, b rnoon. 46 ti 'ber 1) suitable for SEAFORTH, ors an o4hers are -in i"d f such material, ,press,in its w(ekly.rev'iewof the British ECIALTY. firdwoo fvr. C, Re, es a , to it arked off into ra FIN FURt Al SLPli
George Thomas Abell, to Miss Chariot a Swan, - E AL ain ark Lai -both of- Beaforth. 8111811 P 5 d be n i)st ( nven ant for farm. . f Lo. 30.—The M rke Ex, at 9% �Ul P11 rpo he Great �a HERlFFT0RRENC&At 'the- reeldenc, i, of t era a h a' Dacription 0 a -h parcel, conc 1 ons of sale.. etL,�. grain tradej says: bride's father, on September 11th,by Rev. A., At Englfah wheats have C. a Grocery. U�-tq WH stolle�-_ been in f air -dommod d fi Newwhe' Hay, Mr. Johnft�frlff, of West Waw*osh, t can be seen. at t a house of i D 'CAN McKENZIE, 5 _L , I Dwn-toujn sto, t 1 7 0 Lot IS, Conce si n 18, Grey, qr at the house f the 17 a Cady's BlaoAr, er of l Peter 1 rmich el"s Block u rn, at nderairned, 0 bro do v -11 a; 'tc vance. For foreig Miss Rose Alary, eldest daught 0 -Satur', Wn' D were held for I a (I 19 Torrence, of Kinloso� P. ANDR W GOVENLOCK. F91 *Y., R. wheats there wa4 Ao demand but the mar PETRIE--KILPATRIOR —At the U 8.—lt %%'Ou a well for inten(ing pur6hmers to, Bargains to be had every we $ -Anse, L ickno,"W; . i R; look over the I f before d of hae Fo as to socer. -in i ket was steady. I aliforni _!, wheats on, pass -by Rev. A. Magail, bn 8eptoml�ai 17th, I Ir.*Johti I in wbic XVm. Petrie, of L on@ Read to Miss E I: t,.Lhird h a most a 9them. ARR RIG Pro e taken as CAML its d OUR PRIOES
25,3 9d, and age were qnote(Val for futiar daatyhter of Mr. 41VUltWin Kiloatfick, of sfill 146C-2 6R oats oShipments, at 24, Barley �nd h SIMEU2XII—RCID.—A the residencelof th i biide'E OCEAM 81 olmia brew'ing barley father, by Rev. I. I Walwin, B. A., Mr. William -T 019 SALE 0 FARM STOCK. been firm. Calif I I .1, J.: F. �A, SEAFORTIEL ft OWI UBUC A6 Smeltzer, of AiFhflel t) Miss Barbara A areella, passage was quo�e.l at 19s. :� Com has been .1 Wm. MCC d a% recei CIMCKERY h 4d. Inita Widno from :15 daughter of Mr. Pa Held, of Ashileld. -weak at 3d decli el, To-dky Bnglish new, o sell'b3 pub ic auction on Ir.'Gilbort lkf fald t Slaril ey, a. obarpt ar( foreign1wheats Cali- father,. Mr. Edwa Hall, of Chicago, to Miss iz.i Two m we su I I'fARMERSe HALL—CARTER,—At K � Joseph, Michigan, on ot 3. conces.4 in! wheats were in ireqiiest and advanced ls.� September 18bh, at 49 residence of the. bride's th at 1 O'cic day, October Old wheats rose,�d. In c ig farm stock WAItE FOR Julia, second daughter of Air. Thotilso Carter, i calf, one far. 1:hree ced 6d. New English ilour, F. I ow cow,"th :tf tra ris n 1, one better an -fornia advan formerly of Hullet 'O -but nowlef Joseph$ all kinds of Provisions. Prices kight id. American sorta were, Michigan. St. rising 2, two or� than ising O'. 9 , also advanced one r lain o �r L cei ea. erms.—Thir- eof thd bride's B *"as anpre'dit will a lirml-and closed -6d dearer. Round corn. LUNDY-1100RE.—Af the residonc ' L I t 'I e�t Lt down.
e'er 0.
r rye 6d higher. Barley, fathtr, lyth, on September 25th, by Ray. Gen. mo,,tbs' 91, on urnishing ap. -was 3d dearer ewd 00 roved joint n toll.1' A di the C en, Peas and T About this Vinle of year you -*-a coun -ard C. Laundy, of Morrie, to a Buggin, Al r. Ed i% tix cents on omates, 7o per can. Apple '�`beans and Peas *ere steady.� �ollarwljlbe llow"odforiath, el no reserve Bu or, 10c per can ; California kirlied Pluniti, pitted, OniukiAgOf something in the li�e Mlse adarguerite blai, youngest daughter of.Mr. James Aloore. a bhe Oroprie ' r h a no f eed i2 his build. for 8c per lb., or two -for 26c; dried apples, 5� lbo. �?or.UL�R & pj�Ac rnad. GILBERT Me 1�61, Proprietor for 5c ; 2 Me, Apricots for 26c, 2 ]be dried peachee TICAL. RESOXABIM I -If RAM. �Ws. bu i Fty ANDERSON—CLARK -..i&t the residence -of' the. 31cCLO An3tione.,r. b $; I 4 shoe leather to cover the f6et TS. 145o.2 for 5c 3- )be evaporatel appIes for 25o, 4 J�x Oates THE KARK� bride'8 mother, htit.. Bangouh, Heneall, on eptember 26th, b Ss"01TH. Oct. 3, 1895. 61 currants for 25c, 6 lbs rice for 25c, 6 I )a Tapioca i NVIIIIam Anderson, to hire. Mary E. C!atk-. _R now on hand ovier one bundr�d J. S.' Henderson, Mr. for 5c, 6 ]be runes for 26c, 6 !be raisins for! 25c, y gov. t rX _A.M ID_ 'et� A UCTTO.N SA LE OF A V�L ABL?j FARM IN forP5c Scani sardines for 26c. 8 -boxes matches for 60 to c r "�_Fall Wheat per buslid, 0 86. Bridget's Cath.: VITO ELL�--To close, tl esti to of Willi wh ain 25 3�. 2 The Jap Tea for 25d, 5 lbs Pigs for 25c, figs per b. el ......... L6... h pnog anib o co to 0 6f edral. Rooincater,.N.:T., on S&ptem bier. 26th, by' the admi a 1 trix will off er for by the boac to 5c, 12 bare soap for 26c, 8 )be lego We Want of v. Father A. A. a:rrith, 4ece sed sulphur Journ, al rea- for i I 02
Oats per bus �he last edition of our a I �ana made Oabadian aml_- FreuA 0 23 to Re Wote. Aert,11r. Joseph Cor- gle by pul he ction on ft rjay Peas per October 6th, for �5c, 4 The Inver snaps for 25c, 4 lb3 family pilot bushel. ... .......... 0 46 be 0 461 rigan, of Toronto, to. ise Rate Taugher, of at -9 o'c ock p. n , on th you o see it. Send in yaur arae and the n A es i ip Do6js -d boo' Turnberry. pr4 niece Lob 19, con- bidouglit for 2 4 1 a boneless fish for 25c, mixed Your friends) we will do Th6z e are 0 30 to 0 33 estion.1JUX an, now I I forming pa 0 A f the town Of pickles 10o p o vie, salmon loo, er can, 1 mye Butter, No. 1, JOO9a 0 12 jo 0 16 D WS—HAA01S.-4n EXete r, on - October 12ad. 1y 'I riat the �e it Will interet yo ani cost-v6u n Yon must see it. L Itebelt Ti- pro erty I , he best illat good material obe Babb .. .... ... .15 Rev -ge- Jackson, st the residence of the 11 f Mite I MR ket and In Butter, tub .............. 0 12 jo O' Gem Ille of Mite I a wel, situ ited within a gi a l6c each green, tlack and span 11 .40od condition, the tea voith 5 er lb. for th 8156 for ood workmanship an turn� #'�Egge per doz.., to - oil brid�" tuot�ert&lr. Stclue p 46c j ditto wor ... rDAVIS, to Uiss.Liz�.e n H96rri of )f t a land havi g f a years been 25c ; best all r drip syrup, worth Goo per ga)l.:)zj, for rigi t at jejoUr, per 100 VA ...... L 2 CO to 2 60 Exe er. ' r a r I ite it Ise! are a brick 60c; - best su ar syrup, worth 60a, for 400; Sweet JXTO e warrant every pal Hajper ton ept'aa-pealrec d On th SHPrincipal. r to e W. DeAth is. sale rind othdr partl ulard ary t DEIS T & THOMP- at t a right �ice. 11 00 to 12�co' -or terms ot cide by the Uon or qu rt, besb Canadian coal oil eaier safisfation, aAd f -a
Tablea I
* ' ' ' 1'. 6 00 �o 7 00 house,liramibq a.dismall �dd, I a 14 51
at 5, 130deg.parlUO S I ny price Lamb 0 5 SON N;end 4s o le tors, M tehelt "Wool ....... . ...... ......... �00 -WESTCOTT. I Uob rna, n( ar Exeter, on. October at care that every �eustomer Per 4 blil�chell,`Btpt. 23id, 1895. 1460.2" Fo4toes per bag, (F ew) ........... 11311 A cordiat invitation is eRtended to all to f ctly fitted. Am nevv, , 0 30 o 0 40 HenrT �"Vestc Bj2q a 72 years. 4 the price DW11 -,Lnd Ralb (rets,11Y per bar I .. .... ceft d ou Septanibe o RATTJE,Nl3UUy.—InEL' )r 181rh, call and secure some of the great barga!'na -$vell, the price is agid`eab�e
ElizAbe a t, rellet of SALE OF VATX913LE FARBI that are going. The hi� het market lee IW.00d per cord (Iong)L 2 76 8 00 W HAVE A ON'TRACT th' Charlotte J late iver ha(I UCTION, .—The pr Wood per cord (ehor ........... I 50 John Uattenbnry, agtid 8 ye 10 months_ AdmioLtratoit fthe�estate'%f tI 6 late 31ary- pai4 AVERY e bought our nilli n�e6v- I go .—I 31 u8sk Is t 26(b, Alirguer Muir will offe for a With oulxselves give the best business and shortha ne 1 76 eI A urprise, as
I perbag 1 on se , ibe'r ale by Public otio j at flodgin L for bubt;�, eggs and all kinds of poul. spp 6 60 7 00 ite Rena, wile of W. B. -(third datfghi er Hotel, in the 1111a4e of Heneall, 0 We Inesday, the very, try.; 4tover Seed.... d course that can efore , the adva e, and of A. Bawtinheimer)-agod 26 years, 6 inonths l6thd%yof 0 tobr, I&O herefdre, ell ... ........... 'q ok � n the after- 5, at 8,0" I 8 50 3 60 be had �ud as hav completeg ithe �ontract, at the -old
...... 4 00 and 28 days. i 11 z I . . : the - ipork, per 100 U... b .4. � ............ 4 25 noon by IN Me( IoY, auctioo6r, that! valuable '.rallow, per lb. ............. . 0 05 t 0 07 ALEXANDER.,—In Godetichl townebip, on Septeni- piece of far and,, lz.. The ndrth hall of Lot 17 A* G gurel �01ne in at, your fir* in I , AULT,i Seaforth. bar 23id, WRItafn Aloican er, or., aged 88.yearq. the lab j10", 81on O the Towcahl of e HENDERSON.—In BelgArave,.on September 23id, porttinity, and be fitte vrith:% 0ounty of u on, le s the portion, here -f sold to the ot., 8_ -Fall whoop, $0,Q4 to fo.61 Jame: M. Heildersoll, ag(d 33 ye T. a saic I latidL 'lebrated han-d-mde ood -is 6 TotonTo, 0 are, 4 momlis, Huron an B ce R llway co, of our Cie lepririg wheat, $0.01 to so.fiGAj, , at'i 17 dn' uated on. a ondol �Road, �, of ad ile f roin pr per bush, 62c cc filic barlay, 85c to 39d bay, oots—atl sizes now ju stock. 28.3 to 28jo, ; h eWATSON —At -h-s'soh's, reiddence Brucefield, on in one of the e4 fa I tile county of ing� district I Ir, r per butter, l7o to 180 potek. So temb6r 24tn, Rubero Watson, ahid- 80 ye4ra - Huron. Th6-'oil n loam, n a fair state of r
ton, t16.00 to #113.EO To -Mo row tace. new,per bagi 20( to 25cr; el;gos per do r.. l2c an 6,nionthe. I - D' I 119, cultivation. �he 1, Uild 8 co atii !of a brieW house lb -4, $5 00 to -1�5.60. - SHIELL—In Ea8bli'awanoa i, on Se�tember 23rd, and feanne b JG 12.1yi dressed Inge, Per 100 d htable. re 141 an orchard Janet, wife of H X. andre w Shiall, aged 77 years which co�, a Ire "" I trn res. Th a a a la� d Is i Volt watered and.2 da3 & Terms I Fn le.—T -;to, Saturday, 0dother 5th, by h wyer failTE811jam. 'an per , Market P MoTAGGART.—In, Grey on eptember 22nd, Jane, cent. on da� St y 0 10 d ba'anoe'-w his blity days. . . I 'I wi!o of ALr, John McTagg*D, aged -52 Xe�ars and 8 ruirobaser IS an Tonw.,To, Octob Ist.—The receipts are n,,,Ilde ad, ob-ain ime ate Price- For� BU i d Sho'rthand Colle F 0 par iculars Bud I Dndl one 11 be the de wnd is quiet and the matket ia IP, (d RAle, :010W, C)Wrr- mouthe.4 14th, Angelina, in- made kin �im be isd from the fair OUTT —In Gr�y, on Septexibe Jeraigndd� Will be fant daughter of Mr. Jamds!Cutt, aged L dayd. "" 0 PUB ha u Al. EIER. Ad- steady, at 9c to 10,vr for turkeys, 40c 6 60c Audio eT ducks, 3.Oc ko 40c for chickens and 6c for ministrator I neal Is oying a liberal :)a 'We have so ething new tYEAFOR79 for DEANS.—In Win _hair�, 6a $cipteinber 17ih, Mary GARROMIJ& POUDFOOT, along educa- i bgbtet o( bir. -Tho(nas Deans, Solicitors, od rich. ere's o m� Leak, infant il. nal" lines. En uira, hing in il Catalogue free. geeM a , 4 months and 17,day,�, Dated at od rich this 20fth Be mbe 1895. Colt j P SR.—In U9borne, On S;pteii,ber 19th, George 146-2 A nother Frank C)ornibb, aged Lyear, 6 J. Daniel, ion of All W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Pota; o blarket. months -and 17 days. ar 'The receipts Afc0UT0HFON-.I11 -Septen LE 0 F� RAI, FARM rip ' UBLIC A CTI SA Mor' abir' 17th, NTS nore (d ToroNNTOL, AGE Witliara Henry, infant son of hir. John b1c. McCI de q are, jairly large, thf m4nd is SIOWL and the Cutc-hoon, agA 4 months 4n -d 23 da,, fias rectived In true us froin M W.n. WO'odoJo ar a t Repi"esebtfug-us ca� earn Per week selling, t r va. P STOCK -A 'D I PLEXENT% — Win'; B Day at our a 0 onceselon 4, Us Lot- ill the By at 25c per bi�g. eell by public a I at o on Lot 04, arket, is ea, EACRETT.—At Sexomith� on Septernber 28th, borne, on Thu et,)ber loth, 895, at the hour HL's 4 caflef ton - grown NUrjj fv pair.4 tie L. Esorett, daughte of Xr. Christopher ftyl ejoy Racrettt aged 26 years$ 3 oi.tho and 23 days. ng ri 61 e9t te and chat- of 1 o'clorak ska p, t followl Per"i cut Position An rkets. tels, viz or a— no heavy,di ught imare seven irrito At WLhat YOU[ wInt fo Fall and 01 ve "territory. d salaries, I --once for terme to years o d, o aug t mare 5 yea old, three colts rist"Ir 4 y old, one driving warf 7 years old. X 0. G' UITAM, -Niarseryma-11 UTIOk, NL. Y., ��e�tember 30th.—Cheese rs SALE RIWIkTE R, Cattle.— n mi oh.eow suppoiled 1450 lis' -ONT, -sales to -day 2 boxes at 7jo, 822 at So, P be with call, one ORTOcow with: c f at foot three nillch iowe not In calf, All the n w goods 31-0 ' at 810, - 100 am On Taesday,'October clo ck r Id at iers, two tw� ear old boilers, 350 small &t, at one o' two Ihreey inter -wh 200 pkgs- no two yearli hel arm, �hree spring 1; 61 as 'Sheepi &c. ite at 86c 680 consigned; M., on -lot i c alision 2, Stanley, h r Donald, Proprie —Fur Le c iota bro4d owes one bro sow, three springolgo, j nd quo Pont 1,15 t -day 8,30 boxes at 8c, tor W v A otioneer. "Illy 0 P bu ..cream, ery btltier at lWc. Gil�ert I At Little Fa illiatu MeGloyV, A —0110_LIUM V tr on I top A �ai bob-lighs, eap' for Oash n Oh s at 8je; 45 On Monday, October, 7, attwo o'clock. I I Or $am rness, I set 360 st all and twini 320 at 8ic, 2, i I ll at' tr'd 6- Co.'s in hi rrol", W be fo d ur )kgs dairy bUtter 7 9.t 170 to 18c, 23 pkgo P. m.i, on lots 17 and 8, concession 18, single hat n 3 2 % n1m, 3 pi 9, 2 gang plows, I oic I Xwell in ei I In er, I hay. reaMery butter at 18o to 204. Grey, right to cut �nd,- remove timber. C . i i . Prof. !Chamberlain, rako, I fan iling' III, wagon ric� I vel box, a Thomas prietor, ober lt.—Rutter—The Of- Andrew Govenlock, ;pr4 f The Largest Stock in' TRONTO, Oct quantity o I Ot y 1. , 1m0 d,� ro a 80 rods, Huron Coun V the follown lines large.: r. f bl iols, ake", orks, 9 Anotionee also A full,rt Ith a's ferings of choice tub are not There Bro"W . . f W. Hoffmail, a good demand for the best and the mar. Saiturday,'October Stli, at I. 'clook . ticlei too numer- chaingi opgdes, a on, W me tion. pos, Ivelly no re rve i a the pro- a farm, jus ith oue to me AFORTH. -t 13c to p. M., ap�s le . I -t 15c and low grades a. on Thomas t nor ket is steady a prictreas 19 givinj up farming. the same time 20 year experience. 9 ry is filim at 210 to 2-2c for rolls of Seaforth, 40 hi' h �ade S�teers. , [Thomas the farm will I a c red for oCreamel. 02 In -L,A 34, C 8, menis 0 ncestdom 4, Ust orn( Won Ining I LU a NOrICE. Extra reducti6ns will be Xen� -owe d ickings, Capets (all kinds), E Thi ffer- LxpPjie,j., propriet r J P. Bil,in:e, auc-. Co rims a �ur Coats, Men's Fur T of sale of -Chattel -1 I sullsof nd nder,cash;, and to 190 for t-ubs- e 0 en on those celebratid French Kid Gloves Fur Mittg, Men's Overcoats; M a Suits ;-urtains, 'Swiss Curtains, ;-Chenille he a;t a or I & over that amount 12 u Out 'credl lit a given on fair,", there is go demdud jiiRd., -tione r..-,- Ali adies! Fur 0 MORROW. Will, An^ e market -is ea at, 12o to 12 c. 'Chee- a . On Thujjday, Oc4oh,er 10, at .1 lock P- furnishinga o ad j Int Boys, Ov rcoats' Boys' Suits So I ts, rtaitis apes, Larles' Fur th st to#. ,dle(oun& of five, Cit 'DRUG S ORE, SRAFORTHI; lots- -of in., sharp n Lot 34, qonceasion 4, Ysborne, cents on t a Ilar will a alto d to - cash on -all Collarettes, Ladies' Boas and -Unchanged. Round teptembe'r gpr Underwe r, Odd Pants, Odd C�atq, OddL t es 'August 'inent4. M .8 I kade known are qaoted �t 80. Farm, F&rmSbook and Imple rs. credit amounts. rern, o of at a )Do Rain' is and delivered her here,. are q on applicajion tc X I WK. MIT. I Vests M zi�s Guaranteed Rain' its 81 I its MU f rz eal Jackets, Ladies` Ulste cheese, deliv' itoted at WM. Wood opriet�'ress; Win. McCloy, I M ]P.A.7 E- S rTQ ol: ered pr 0 HELL, H usall I I 0. U At WO( D, Proprie. - I i I e es'.Underwear, Dress Goods, o, - - ! I I r�14 71.c. Small lots of August, sell at- 8c, and auctioneer.' treea - WAL. M0010Y. Ano near, 1450-2 tojOrder, Overcoats to Order, F ( Gualan- C4�fji Ll a _0 clock On.Satur ay, Octob4ir l2th; at 1� t e d, B nkets, Comfortem Fl 1 anelet- 3s, vx'rieby of DO pieces, Mantle Cloths, Golf October 0-th and I eptember a ot 25, C neek 71h onl p.m., on ision 4, L.'R 8 7 t.—Chee Blasi LEARING 0 AUCTION- s E OF FARM I&O-wool. Plannels,shirting Flann#, Hoi �ry Cipip Oct is,' GuaTanteed Main MO.NTRF-kr" 6CtOW. Coats, it St ck, Implemej STOO U E: Um -2
ness is extremely 910b on spot to-dayi and -Nekeirramit, Farm to, &C, C lbri r. , Vm. Mcoloy and Gl�ves, Table Lien, : Na kins i ili:id i1h iery Department, Girls' Tam -O- no buyers at Mrs. H. ion, Propr etress; Wm. Mccloy, has b Mrs. Heory so i to sell by Large that tt� iere were d W G, we understand Public A U %D, on 4, L. R. S Girls Silk Tuquem, etc. r nLL 8 Doylies, Yar an a a ralin Bs�;a, hante I i the Wharf this M'0.'ning, althou a good Auctioneer. by, L Jobe rp _gh Tuckerswith, on isto th, �st I oi`cloc� tity-was offOred- -for $ale. Prices ake On Wedn��Sjay, Ob, ber 16-th, M I o'.clock p,.m.. sharp, the ollo ug,propj Horses.—One M NO i M !_,�AKE SA
(luau i I w on Lof 28''IC6 cesiion 3 H. mare on Bed 0 in foal - O This is the 0 f th6 graduabes no TPO 's Imported I erie�ce o much easier and finei it Ontario may T e p- 8c. The. nl. sale horse, I ly tbre bid bro Springfield o Tucke:romith,. Farm Sib ek'and Implements4 y de.
quoted from 71c 't Darnley I brea fro I I X We bloolll� W gua antee prices -(quali nside d) asJow as e be found in the tra Wanderfal Remedy Abne Cosens, Proprietor;'Wrn. M6010y p 1 - 7 I .—i - Bu�iness College, of, importance witit, hich we are cognizaot r - I horse, Ca I" 0 thor6 ghb ad bull two The Canad� large qaant finest 'make, whi6,h Auctioneer. years.'old, w th egi red podlgrve; :milchoowg Look !the 1�st inspect oui stock. —FOR— bupposed tifirb I . I I it 11 known firm at 790. On Wednesday, Get ber 9th, at I o clock to be In @&I! a there wed bull, two of Phath'a"ni jv&s. purchased b av them -to calve In sun 1 heifo.-r i8i throe ye inest,Ontario, 7jo to in. , sharp, 01 2 , Concession 9, Hib- Id ; 3 stiere riving th I are- A Or*in Shoemaker, pupil of the If our goods are not iigU pr* e- q. ditri we will not ask- you to Catarrh Dandruff, We quote as f6110W41 f a Lot m lemento.and 1 House- 0 years old 4 Ifers rising T is we c - Quelaecjtc to 710. ert, F tA o yearn old,, 2 yearli helfers,'l !eteei townghipsj�c 0 arm - Stock, I b�sihuess depart' enb, has accepted -the posi- bay thein. Wm. Bicknell, proprietor; old, I farrow'dow, 9 ap ng colvep, 21shes ArwoL tion- of boolC-li:6 per with Thomas Batty & ki Scalp; And Wn Diseases d h ted at old Furniture. year� eli 6 ere, is quo I h AU-Ltftl$t cheese ter mme,:2 Leicester r m lanal UE we .bred 0 firme� Wm McCloy, auction.er. -4, 9 � YO, rrhh rket is,a little I . I le, Batter -Tbe g so g; 2 sto� also a lot Co., hardware ercbmits, of Norwich, Ont. ji 0 t b ' 15 at I o'clock p ewes, I breedin P _0 pig f D�S' epsta, 1ndigesti to -day, but prices of fowl. Impleme &o.- -Ono jumbi r wagon, I Mr.'Walters as, accepted the position: of canged. The 0, e and business is m. on Lot 3 Concessi Ilk 2, M6KiUop,-: Farm top buggy, I cutten By fork *i�.h ca. - grapher h the G'lobe Gash ht Com- 13T "I +1 l8c Stock'aud jjiplemeu 8 W FM to anv VC Oee4me Power grain crus r, I draw cut. wy dnll. Fi auctioneer. x X ijQit, �owni and ten b "a & co, 14inal I' t IT-ainds Long 'Worth, pulleys complete trd�ford- t�oeo any, -Broad w New York. dema,nd is me, ry, 17C to hi ig Traebice p 1wa. etor'; Thomas :Are you iint rested in a shorthand, or to 1;5ic'; ivestiim dairy, 12c propri ter, I I w? I set ingle harne I I orsp collar, Octeber 0, A u tity of win Olds in the field business course ? If so, you cannot agorcl toWnships, 14c is a Con- 1 goa Pin On.�?r� dp.y�, 8th, on Lot 17, go
Eg a Is t at , haft a 0 13�c. Th� +1 - It k'and Imple- 1 g?4 0 r It F L! a t 9 velf, rakes, haft a a loi in OC to' r wart,,
void of any new cession 12, tg?ethe I to go elsewhere ior it. AV ur rail- as. spot, but ffe ma�ket is Proprffitor of @MAI tru nu rous tdinlen o im. T hole 0 U scl, F., 1 Oki Zo Onj 1 12 1 -12- 13c for choice ments. Jacob Zi e, board f oer Fa 13arg'ai n H o' sold Goo yi .SEAFORMT, feature, and we quoW - to will be sold Itbout re rvp " Aire. UN oil rim 0 L.011 er. ;;yweek , geut emen, $2.50. 0 Ed. Bosiiinberr her farin a has be f er use tot them. a.. Cu.ndled'and. 11c for aidinary. at� ock h ut 12 or catalogu of either department ad- On ThatedLy, All simus 6f and und r cash * o r t 'Ci oncessLon 3 Ale. months' cre It Will be I lien on' 4 hi in at arpt on ot diq Prim ftnts per package, 4 % , 1, E. endo itount of ce 0 dollar OORNER MAIN AN M.&R01 STI M Live fto aplements. I roved' dress reed nt 1j * D. -�cLACHLAN & CO.t X0�161;LAKX 8 on in the UOK woode otch Kill;�, arim.-StOOk a Ir, III be allov �ed for am % on ere It !!am wit. h.—Best SO P. Firine and W in.- w eptemL pi opriptor ; J. McCLOY, A �ctioneex MRS. H. .$O Proprietor. Chatham, 04t. 2"Pe 4. iW4 by Djunistib, to ;01 FOS ITE TRE TON�X BIJILDING. ftondlry, 583 ttle, 63a to 64o Pe Me,010y, $61110tioneers �,Wt ; I er at to 5411 P 60s per cwt; be II r
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