HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-09-20, Page 6'T -10 V ip 0100y' tad: 'iiik !0 them I oclitin' their bras filaotared ribs in a Mfb and thq Jtneltdowhn sin I W1 _ea off fha ow tb ie a W a(, ad RUM tglk 110NNIZZIMR )1own on Qrran, & Piano 13101111�11 Ther6 wes:ntte d art se'trying; ta,ei dig doon frae Ien t7r(aoh, and - oiling roand urth a, Dutileith ti Laii, had his own rea. he th( front door yleitreeajol wuA hae be! in f ae the hei 1 4111'11s. 1G, Aship driv. 8 ol r;membrance, which lied, bov 3red t e namej, and w bof - � t. 1. Thenle bow"$ I; od% �,ppeared behind f dri ted tip again ore I no�', 2ing. We' re i g throu e rifts &I t� e road free He's Ui Uchter than ye wad expeck fo had' done th a 1e, aim ZUED: FR(M LAT WEEK,.) d awa tfie-snow at, th a �,l iack',� for t id nirto*n, rumalidugh Company, 61 we co i ist honor -W Slum Mae. big a man,4here *vona tickle left others, so this ent, A D(,)CTOR THROLD pri yer ye 'ill geal In at tt e �-itohen do ro Lures,beerial. im yesee—but the road is heav an findim to ta a a, cord. For thee werethe humr tro bl 0, 7, an h*r6 ub
There's a pubkld Dun] eith i -e—Lord Kil- YOU
What we say is true, and -1 CHOOL. men It's nae,oerOim�ny the. day, ye ma? lip- I 'obange,ye sifter the first half mile." eight that btiri a Dr. blaLux is liavlax aianiieim an' instant. pen tse it; it's the hert 1) oblit the fouk, anl Ye needriel tribble yersel, wricht,`�L sai4 kw 61M W ho. crie s in�i
�e at the a" 11ndlord and Drum- eon"
ows it. Duuleith;tnen," said Drtiiingheugh, I ye can see it inthe�ir f4ces ilka'dian bes his at t b feet as his friend the- two J�
euX e man -from Glen U rtich - the'll be uaA inIV e, y Ire h whar'vo hange in the cairry! I the aayl minitte
ean they 8, a Teason, an' li�ls think alt, though and Taii# ra o ptirish. came first on the Out sucam demonstraws that business can be h 3's speakin LU but th, itil, -0hen. Burnbrae'and Hillocks W mtb'th* I e Storm ; he's as was thankful obi ie one had, Saved h" right -and I the 1done an a fair, square basis, and be utiocessful. TUE F TIRE GLEN,' I rying themsels at- the e� an, no u indin' tj 'he &'r I Tammas he day NN�eeliim pued him oot frae p alking. of t 9 a a died during the great ti for the'�10 tSo the Gleu'he loved laid Therejwa reason �or 1M' coittliatially etting the Dr. MaoL re w,as b 00 need ; ane of them gie 0 ver the het ie jaw* o' death, pr theL nicht he bavit the neral is like un6.. that bfi 4. grestestsbareof trade. Neverhaso WrAtery.been Surely no f u, call $41 'ken of, a will in -drift, and his neebure e4 bae, p4' to rest:, Snowstorm, Woh is 4 W apo nd hl in' .9 ide wife'in her oOr, ol tribble. octor for path0B a d al peculiar sadneisi him an give you the remain the adard sfiowf�ll in Drum. 001. That's why th Ypib on thei ack is ell on that compan ashis body was obcd.-elbad. flaished his oarrie4, When th; work FS' aw_
choice -of so fine w line of Instruments as ours, to t afore it ent Thenow was I for church or palor tochty f9 -r t 0 leep It tol, them i kud4"fow6f �ie�, m ornin' a hiolil la Wras Out who for nearly 61f a bentury had bee� an rf I iad ieen spiead, Lord Kil- tle (I the tu
square or upright pioaco. -or t li throughi the..,stia, jiLt Wee coorge i 7ark ;-they Jit
and, . men 'that - gavp no- act ose, an' a; ol on the Mon fr liN their help in sickume, and had beaten back- SPIT ie'4A k id e and plaiios warrantod for the term tioe of his funeral h hard. Work 0 r,esch hit i weel d oon ithat wy, p ', ,lamie rna* IC rumtoch y fo C It na. Friends of I *uIntoolityl, it Would not, now oligans m le, it's a* death time �f me from their door� -of th 0 Matt M6%0- idistant Ltients. Or v6 ce ,hanged a V of seven yeam, ,or ]PAIPItation or A' the doctor's i Tti4day —1 tore , Di w9sheugh's a fu' * tt an' ey'illda t eir e ttse-sho* Death after SO Was V otor, for the man tha�- be right that :e should part i dlence and. paid. in I
TERXS.-*�,$5, or $10 or more moiitbly.until morning IV began t fall �e, ud- I Ing spelb at AWOUIng -Of the fe'" "I Wh"can be more liberal more "Inducive. more in in heavy no &blic mann 3r. d iiappeare n kethin',' ut a' can read it a' i their - een,. -bayed them had -not. een able to save hirn� no ufah say W a I I every heart We
brextb, Van in the 1e4k. I ? �e ery. man .61 But so' ii;e ".;-a jar KAM. llakes, and co a inued Mill vhat dh yethink o' thil auXes, stortuoloono
We than to buy a fleecy Thursday, W nd'L' Jamiis brbko elf. have, buried- th- ) !omains of one that erved— �4 in"n and then on Thurs h. wind rooe them hes o rt hi� blacks." side, fainting a 2at the UK$ -a with mrn utte ,ly behi d a fir trie, so Asi the co$n p Bed the litubfe door 4 in out r -Omer. day thenort - 1 ' this Glen a de-otion that has known the a 'peas that, never fail- 0 fouk 'ill d Within no reserve, ani ki adli D o-wn'ej U. and swept Av i uto the hollows of, the It's mair t isin end bg ex eckit," d t Ling is oyni 'a h%&rt-14 that iiorse neighe and every man looke4 I L4, P. it his it as his old mare efy ed, for more tI. a I rty. yea;rs. I have seen Y IS 91 roads that went to In land farms,- and Janie 3at wbar dae yc n m n dome fh 3, a man's eat *arki a' bia Oays!.' withoot 4 i neighbo�. in oa uge h W 6rd an� built it il t h k at the m6ath of Dramaheug 1429 no dae hilin honor tillhe dees. Oh* 4 to 4er master. any brave mi 1 iL� day, but no man in across our If slippe"Ainto lit 8 _0P0l carried bimse EOUS a e- h7ed like this j uist sine Jamie the stable, wo in I an(! ie' tile ol Glen Urtach, and lai it Lin pl,, ids wer de cending t if they� bed only g3 W,
drifts of q%, size and the most bil behind the -doctor's roads in nto stall, C William MacLure. You Cott takilg* when.he wee liviiiLl )at him'see he hedn+ tip i the more knightly --crevices lovel sha a, an fi . up in the thr w feet at I& stridel a d oa rying lo g laboured in- vain. His reward hes coln VETEMNART. Pair less, ye Fe r o gaein' vil him thOl wpuld neveehas b ard from his lips what Note 1he paperis chrouL Ong 08 Aemlsi-
t of these walming" h e depth of f ty feet. c eta fs in their hands. ower late." day, an' ye lill�neiver see him again yg'vd I may tell you d 6y, that my father secur- of some one 'bY,- U let ri lug he wind h1ail Sun en the Cast] bed last ride thep. ither, ate ye were tru4 ed for! him it vii P e post in hi Z -111) resulttota 'Veteria2icy All d, ex"s. df weatic On riday mo to They're Ql' Urtach nien,'Jamie, r Du ing Jamie's vain regret, �h"l AIM yo er U0607 gausts th p dered your co licart treat C a promptly attended and pasaing ane oil th( in wl es at Kildrumi ie fair V ti ap, earing the n irks of a wila aseage in tae ir days, and he V�,� ed tQ work among is -cures at'; ith tle end." 'claaw.- qra 0 na entletry a Wty , ;vbite _and the a n a shining on 0aeL of 'shey, but hoo'; they'vq, wun von pass a t e Snow covered vheelis, br ah4ft After the funeral Prunisheug I can own people, an oelen W e. hilal ',I v 6he(l to do many things culsti6o, restoring ervIOVe"Oe "PI pzoie n !deuce on Goderich street, e door th )Zter land cap no - townsman can me VAST Of DR. &OWS 001CO, Soforth. 129 _08e t )d With ropell twisted Jamp) and Me 4elf for Jess,i and A -her to 'hi for him Mipti, lie �ya bld, but he w Aileen. il f ould have blood and relievik thebe^r� ItGb in be, Drunishe said Jam man evc 4, hit - a 6 a bed r her with soft, nothing forl, hit 6 t to d and side to side, gr d Glen Pdrtaah's Ptei far'mers� and - Drumobeugh' received bia, gotten whileoi le I iagine and no tint p utifig horses pullii�d Lip between two rows 43aunders made' �tf 09 �lf. He will never be for- G. H. cal RBF The Glen from e d tr forgets. e tly iL vJ ,
is Straw ad prepared � for her Supper I Site esi and I jp!a,y that SC ts sKV I SOAP dsbip with evide': it emotion. P I 114 P
n 1 mBntle whitc as up eked dODr. things horae�. i eve nay share his spirit. Veterinary $or *as clothed in & 10 a love.f , ess would n6itherl� all, doctor's I use
e _, i Toronto dollege of I , " X% lord we nover thocht I ak nor test, Ve a 1yoor Bath Feon and Dentist, no f tiller on e th d white. it, e r rely frae th a Gle lads - , . ;
terl d atiste Honor Graduate of Out*rie Vet- e fo d Wit ino in', If it, be your i �Piij e, I -shaR erect a. cross VIC d j Ainea9fly, eri=%on 'e, Honor memberof Onliarlo.-Vaterin- flung its skirts ov' r the-clumpsof trees and the en leg' the dyke at X1 crossed to t. d this: an' si6 a roa her stall, And seemedtoi be waiting for ome.1 above his grav Ainc. shall ask ray old friend e r. Dav'dson your minis- sty XedlcalElety.All diseases of dont tl'. IMAM scattered farm ho sea., and was only divided baeR door,' the snow, falling from' the r How are you, Drhmsheugh iand how one that ne and com a�ioti, rde' skilfully treatecll,, All calls promptl Ver came. o man Lkilowe iatl 3 at d to s.as th are you a wi try day day or night. Dentistry ana Surgeir 4 chaty ? ThaVs bow a horse or a do und feels, foO tei to cl oose th 6 t, 0 to'be in cribed. walkeld. all� thi rstands andi Is SEAFOR- H where the TQchty ran. with black swol len pl
an peaoh,� rice and Dispensary, Campbells o. office stream. Th 'ei' t moolr- rose. a ' ad fell in 6re hat an' nae inisttk', but Im half -an hou late it took us four Ood,hath not" iven 'hem our a if' 4dWe h Y, up ilspindie," -Dr e said 41- loc t w h u rs' Stiff work fo sis.teen 'Miles, mostly -In otetep w a hew, - in thR' court yard tho doe 4i oil your r6.sence with no in XAIn street. SaaortI2. swelling bilipwsloVano that arched tht el e wud be lickit'ae place;1 el torl 01 RRIAGE Selves over the bu 1� running deep n 'ohe Chai �ie ? a'n o sad weel. ioquant, )vi tl in the.drifts, of course." y 10 - i i f - I e began to n igh, a d was alws�s lookin
g our sorrow an � out tribute to the memory mossy gToun an hid th b )g an' there ves E om L.VGAL e.blaok peat hill n tlii4 a'd 30 e kit It wes gude 0 tae mak sic round. as the oor pened. Bu�) of 1XVilliam Ma, ture, and I choose this -for WORKS.1 thin, trea herons cruet., Bev emp �t . . 4 r to t, an I in the 'night- ex hei h he ),r( er an the bills northwards an . d westwaild8c at, �o If, wes gi and o' ye ta.- Anak' the aC- tae ye, for ony kin ness t e him is kindness tim nothin h
ir lordship, 9
with a iaz rdouO drifts.". IVE effort, an' the h le Glen wull be grateful Jvoul hi t e S HA Ba titer, Solicitor, ConVeys* d F Greater lovoilix'th no man tban,tbis, e rums i her crying as if age 9 gg sollolt,cr for J�';'IDMmiulD high in white -majesty Save where the blLi ok mpb,- sai Drurnshetigli, an 0"m life for The best Bu. ies a#d WagonO 91 + t�xpected tobe taken outc for some I it a man lay d4 his I his friends." Worth. sudden 1235 41vae-v to loan. crags of G -le 4oke the line a idi e're. safe. You make too uch f itDrumsbeugh,'? Journe The ildrumm e veteriuv;ry came Milton *as, at th4b time,beld in the bonds my stock of Carriagles is )mplete all hn& above our lower Grairipians, we ',caught con tough its bad bimsel' tae hql wn d the clear,, firm �as heard of all lise. nothingi could be Of a, very bi 4ter 1;� ie6ldgy, and his indigna- made, -under our ow on Don't buy forel Ew MORRIS01f Wa'tori, IfiAntance glimpses of the distaot 1peaks that lif ied w Charlie's reply. it would have taken more than, few done wh h I tion was'stirred � y thi's unqualified euloium. .1,&TTH. to see � er,. and said appeted after thi 3 fashion factory -made buffri e, in got better viks, er43 SAow Agent, Commissioner' for adds their heads in hGline8s 4uto God, They're hree mair TJ t h she b drifts to keep! me from showing my ith an 101BIC?1h, OrS No doubt )r;, AlacLure lied mony notoge Conveances, &c. Maney W loan at thiifowioi rates. 0 qr than the wo a fittiog day sune ae PP6 iliespect in from on Re, to pend your-� an. " ;n ral Virtues, A he did his wark weel, money in hy X. MORRMN, Wait, I - to William kacLure�s memory. brought' was. -'It seemed to me foi i471, i! ill come in tlie�,'1,80 f e seeni. 1i a ince afore," L he sai building rival town� and Injure your-,, eAdac-Lure'is funera4 r1ther than s�mmer. Urtach, an' sa*.theni fordin the rivet; W- hen all had ga beeed; in':& half circle be- but it wee is peet he didna inake mair. pro- owb�. a C hristian instead ol & you call Dbetter ahune. a see, Xl BEST, Barrister, Solloltor, lotaq, Re IeEsiono'releegioi." me and be convinced, Office -Rooms, five doors n; Cowme is sal. ground floor, next door to, W Pat 8 t When'WRE4 n.,NlaoLure appears before PA -blackomithing and g -promptly JeWaIr All kinds &ot y store, X4a street,, Saaforth,v oderich thi Judge, IM I sad Lachlan Campbell, 0 ltd 1 and satisfactar-fly don�o, sgenta--Camerou, Holt and Cameron. 1215 *ere in Idefen6e of charity, He ri ARROW PROql)"Q� e 11S.R. S d1lig 00me �hd I r. NEW GO�DS IF'Ok Wlo that day spo Le his last words in public, t *;n I they 1 not be asking hin� p6bou his professions ILW ft., Godarlah. Ontario. 4. T. OA49w -Q. C.; T WS. PRouvrem, the doctor's jadgniont liass been ready Lewis McDlofizdd See SALE, May tt
SEFORT. g ago &-ad a r7good judgment, and m6n. if we get the ZRON, HOLT H: tpl
Py 1430 1 DAY
C".X Barrh"", go- if ot ra 1101tors: -in ChAnoee Gooerich, Out: W.C. e 1ave roatly -to! i and I will be , p 0-. ii,inproved our g e (ty ozai DUDIAT HO Itti ith el, iv, th or d C' lie of -it. It iss written in the G6spel but A iss tonRo store. ANNING & SCOTT. Ba ris6ra, Sollcitors, Con- 'of -Qecur,
W( noW bave.th oat illiam,Al tI in veyancers, etc. .0 icl rot for the Bank of AR 101 n New Dress Goods ,it., Johnston, Tisdale & Gale XoneV to lopn" Mae— �convenie at e -tilt t W et OOK S t Elliot Blwk, Clinton, biat irto.i A. H. store 0 "oWth. :1 Wh b Lachlan?" oked Jamie Sou- Dru I
eagerly. in New Silks, New COMPOUND. ttown to The old an, now very !feeble, stood in McCaughey & Holmeded,! Dress Trimmings hard, w a softenq intoop winsorne tend- ..Conxeyancer, and Notary. Solicitor for the Can that means grom-th. W6. i4re'sel ling goods at prices that inon&711 do Dip meangrow t are- running a, Zadie& adianBankof Commerce. litoniy to' lend. Farm ellAess. h and we' the =0Y ouccesio &in Street recent m - by = 614:
to� the late firm of are spending money, that mearis row We are surrounding ourselves wit 110IMESTED WJ 9 -h people e middle of the ro�Ld� and his face, once F. Barrister, Solicitor trade in. physician. Succes�fuUjf useZ 1or sale. Office in: Scott's wock, X Come, ye blesseA Of my Father . . . sae andr. tablemed1clue d1x. te e. covered. Bewam a ck, and ye vis"t d Al' rinctf�,led d=ggisfa 'W% unp [T oCer Inferior p1le of this. Ask toi, 1 --D.]
PENTECOST'S Cook's Cotton no a. taled no subism
UP* TO [)ATE tute, or funclose 41 �o B.G. BEIDELN I4 D. S., Pentist. All kinds ,eu Morris Co�nc:a eeting. tW In letter- lnau'gui,%ators e Tre andweWillse �se Fullsealed- of Mwork done known to 31adern Dentistry. �lhe cqunc usti to adjournment particulars in plat envelop% to ladles only, z. QvIdi Aluminum and Porce19 in qrowns a specialty. berkall present,the stamps. e Cool: -colurn-n-Y, nd re o*! August 26th. Doorbell answered at all hours. Office a of Pickard's otwe, in rooms lately'3cc`1: "3COU Dry Goolld,,'-n; House r 0ve in the chair.. in'te' 'Wind sor,Out, Canada. dence over Mr. u a of last meeting 13iea by hieehauL a' Institute. I 1160 r old and passed. oved by� George Kirkby, For sale, _,bo� OU MIS Do, druggists, Sea. VY Prices. labister, that Thomas lotth, Ont Lo �8 �o-aded by William,
0 C b W. TWEDDE, DentiotL Office overichardson 0 0 ructed t�io h The
Cbde be! inst & McInnes',14hoe Store corner Main and John en eer's drain 'IF uxide Gas ad- a �iLot 9, on '7bh C':tcess*. n line, cleaned but was recelve(
Streets, Seatortk Ontario itroUSL e�%racbion of teeth. 1160 oii� according to aw, rd. arrie antaistered for the ainlesis If you want to get a! little betterartlele d. aloved
te I Th store JUST :A AVORM aW
b*': Wm� Isbi a little lower price than youxpac6ed to ry 8"" onded by James Bow� rraditite of' Roval College If. S. ANDEMON, Wh re you get n ome to otir store. thkt John oney be appointed eol-'
ntairio, D. D SL. of To- pay,c EXT11 at I (a 0, S' —A toUT- - of Dental Surgeons,; 0 P The most ofiange back. I for . the cu ent � Fear, at a salary of roitto, University. Office'. -ar Vitchell, tor Bell, of Ahis plat.
ket Block, Gatario. 1402 on.�giving atiefacur security to the after a severe ah
n atiort, which he'
AG,NEW, Dentist, CllntoD_- will ens'Hotsl see , tonfirmin a aid a )Ij oint ent. —Car- He, was over 80 visit HensaU at Ho a . lonie
every Monday, and at Zurich the Moved for aeveri
Norais. in, pric because hard tol' is mo ri T 0 re. We have become swaccustomed . oved by a. 1,81 is r, econded by We are glym the be t Value 11n- hur. nd-Thursday in eaca mouth 1288 es owman, tha th 11eve be ine'truct- friend of Mr. Jbi
-e li6itor, respecting C� ness ever ere& in Se Drtb ma -d by two and. a hal
ed. to co, er with a r
0. m, aki we a 11 0 d t * n in skilled worEmen, eblors at on
KINSMAN, Dentist, L. D 8.t n close figtires th�t "t -and change, ouel dq�men ive 1action of Morris nd e ExeW Ont. WIU be at ZurlohL u g L VE r re Thames
abe the iiur;� 13lotel, oxr-Y on the Q port at aext ineeting.— material iised.: road t TART Q ried. Accounts wer �, presented f ol. Allenlsaoraer
Tmnm.&T In each month, and as -
RMAT L romptly at
at Xurdooles. Hotel, Hensalll the FIR" F laws: James Watt,' Repairing teuded to. Tlagggartls buryini
ala, a e for gra ellin -h- cted with the lea,st to each mont Tealh ;.'.tion V cr ng our old
poln possible. All. work first-elas,iii at liberal rates. 8 ; James Cook Collars and w&4 Wn oej $9L.31. ; S.Love will make them work. _%T TV F� ark alio oq amith boundary, � .-O Bring
4proach tot G T I N n4rb b#dge,$20.50 P. I ht N, ot � t P0
A re, lonso �ess C46 eloi�, fil i- 'Visiting TS. MONEY TO LO --%-NL. ling soub. a; oacli to Clarks
ge, -$48 P. Ca atel placing stones _0L ratumed to -her I
d pier, filling m ash. ut, and gravelling,
is pal' t a IvIoPhait of Tive
oent, with the privilege to bqrrewsy of Try 'ws. If yo:111a�ve_ bever -teen a We have 121� James Russe been fortunate in securir g he sery oes P'a first-cla�s up-to-date M pu 'ng n
illi er. Wait �i culvert on s0; -at M, r. John .St(
or 3 the hill; 38,5 .1, F re t repairing mer Ma
psvi-ig part.of the principal money at any time. j&pply to Y. HOLMMUD, Barristar, 8eatorth,. customer, conie and learn the Tesudt of GO i. and John St on Clark's hit .50 John For- 1h.
SiAfort Lizzie Stevenson
Open� IV(Tt n :6th concession for our. si
repairin on pei ng. the welfare, -atisfaetion and g6od feel- :Grand iiii by Z., xaodel tchool. MEDWAL. uar pa h Werald of e part. ry on )aIng Am is attex
n i, r, of our re" ns.. If you' -have 0 0 pq
�iug 1 ract, $18 - mes Paris build- DR. . So rd U R RAY lmai-'P, F F ato Institute
rriv otion is to sell - I I
been elsewher this �store '1� lilvert $8 J.Crai liank,e Uren, of edar,build. o=2 ! -two Cb U, 991119 itoh, $13.50; W. �GIENTLEME_ ril-No r Hughso,
Notion's - atn�s Porter, ditch Xamber British Medical Association, late coroner a call just to be enabled to e lounty of Middlesex. I Offle I S turned to Goderi
�nd resl4ence- 21 4n, graTelling, *4 I'delinE, i$10 ; D. Stal. LMLO firab do cer� epairing cul -
Alain Street, or NoaTa of D. D.Wilsou's Egg 1�0 .1C.Of mid price e e, son P' in dvert'2�d di
O(ILS, S�y P t ras PA AR OA Emporium. '1400-152 ve it W R.I. Taylor, reptiribg culvert,, $1 to frieu.& in thk at divay down, H.1 �ic d, rep 09. —Rev-. Alr. I
0 exog'LLENT lily, of Dani.
CAMPBELL, Ho or Graduate of Medical IF geon's, etc. Office-Zellees Block calls,- t( usj tore 6.11 cry. I DOS eaand 'utdug�iaculvert�$3L; ond, tile drd4 IT C EANSES TH, a thanksgi
1887 o bu a On South bound- Grob a Rotet, Ztuich, On� lt`s� because we give tlem that they come here t hurch Itext 15undi
y.' * I y
i ithe
ue v culby of Toronto, University, Phyffician, Sur� h night we sk 1,Y t Wh d flock deuce ou. 11 peop, Val f ar LOW -PRICES. t.68 S. Thornton -a ages through , AL SC IR REMUS: soniand EdwarA 31
plu, Ve, Sl; -W a & Brooks, bal. Low rices'does not with us mean Alug grA 6 th fro Iffaliburtion:
R, ARMSTItONG, X, B., Toront4, X. D, 0. N. h t) �?wor -I an 'for gra elh g on we i boundaily $19. 5o. THE OF YNtS3 AnD DYlctorta, M. C� P. S., Ontaro, successor ta Dr. ot re r, t the ex ri- ce lately occupied by DR, Eliott, Bruce- k,made up for'by exorbitant i WADI king. 'I'Valter
less stc aluott, offi Rgures J 664. Golloy, gold, Ontario. 1379.x52 in some other departments. ali ins CtU and preading to icrewic, 101 311i
TS 111M Our ptices. are ig V so a r *Y, R. Car- Ment. Bed o i equitablo calculation. Be4t of all- I�1011udli is �vbit
R, MeTAVISH, Physlcl%n, Surgeon, &c, Office di ' file d ag . i . I ,
ain Love, inspeeti FA ING OJJT�7_ ra,
e are kartioular not to scare patrons away a ea- i o Clark"s 1din-g o f aa'pn' t corner southwest of Dixon's Hotel, Brucefleld. en bir pr Out-] Ladish prices. It is it -good �plan to i Mr . Per.
Eight calls at the otiffee. 1323 As Lind bridge, n Lind aig&g eagi eal wi)h t e public on a profit-sharing neer's 81c, 11A Sig, of Bi h dri in on i. UP
ShiFellow of the Royal ot 26, co ces ic Win. LEX. BTHUNIK, X. D.v ew basis.. 11 5,' $60.46 - LY woe n Ru Wedge� diggin K r
A College of Physiclans.and Surgeom, Kingston. 9 ite ( n 2nd line, $2, H. AN050 to Dr. Maohld. Mc oney, o pay fo 1 Offlot lately occupied T iis' Stoce follows VrE? Voung's passage to coun, --Corner of-'Viatarta Square, In house lately co(.upled. Y) 1%30; by, Dr. Mackid, Mair Street Sesforth. _�Residence iSt n, dard D Vi ID kTAND old Alisse i xfordl charity, -2.85 S. -For- UYL. E Danoey. 1127' $6. For, 4 LOCAL hat IBy( olle 50; J Ol i ooney. P0 6e daughter a Patterr sJ ar do- _R rT n rule., nts W' G X. D., X. B., I.. F. P. and S., -8. Gray, '85.80; WM seviral Aepii
E. coo Lai 3.50 -plu 01= &O., Physician, Stirgcoii and Ae. Foi .90 Ge )rge Nacoc gouebbr, nc-3 Ont. k, $2.50 same Ulu
I' ng, $1.20; 1). Ffew. weekt time, with its floNjers and,golden. corn. He ma cert6s, it took the a' their' t,,4 me for fore the kitcen door, Lord kilsp: ndie came i' ADVE 11 81N'
horse e mich qu say she wes dying 01 & I ��r nj $14.30 H. amfjay, $1.2-5 ; Wim. i (I from LK
r DRS. SCOTT &;MAGKAY, had not been a so t man 'nor bad he LL ived itL wes tip tae their waists an e 4a I left his I broken t. 4*i'tinin' like.41 out-4very man notibed b le Litt L tt, $5�2 ? 4 , D 'an easy'life,.and vow he"was to. 18. Walker ith, Seaforth 1i
OFFICE, Gederieb Sfroet, opposite xethodit 'be la,k to mill lade, b they pried bandsLand cam overe6at, and was in lack, like!5 I e Glen— He recommendiadithat a Chareh, Seaforth. P%.ESIDF_.NC&, next Agricultural he should be Shot $7.70 J, Evans, L MeCracken on as Auffliner, al
rest ainid the auAere* majesty. of winter, et-, ower fine." ad the L rtach ook a place i wi James lin n men went in twd i n t�e- middl th Drum- to end he' . It
Grounds. ImisOv,1 bu t no man could be KZ Tin $7.20 is qit� a 01anIon OCCU aI ; J. Leech, in the shining of the sun. Jamie oufar' to the fire. rence t�c,, ten. found in th Gle ribeu 11i and Barnbrap, his two (hief a to do the d(ed, and Jess 85 6ents e Ge6rgei '�Aendersen hear -a lat
e, but was' g v I 174. AMPI
with- with whom I tailed across the. G a and ants, I on the right -1 and left, at d as the relieved them of 06 trouble. WhenDrum. Wrig*ht, 1 U. 295 A. �A D. Br- TOOT X_ b -SCOIT, lif - F). C r and Vietbria,) len, diaL - 'The Glen began to arrive in i wo $1 82 X. 0. P., S. 0. pot'tbink 0-5
ra, e y-, eon- threes, and Jamie, frorr a point of niUier appehr4d man )&rTd his' sheugh vVent t-1 the stable on rinigt'on, $1-80�; D. �'S�me whe
vantage, 'mij every y kvil e, $3.80 C1. AfAcluy, bL D. C Et T. Id C. M. cerned. Monda at tl�6 gate, and-u'rider, n appearan e head O;ft S. O� a of ut morningi &week �f1(er D Ma(Lure felf on Shurrie, $4,40.1 n0tion of Thomas Code, "ghteii
a gr -ter indifference, cheeked roll The doctqrlooked on the company--& Sleep, eas wi seco�ded by hr 4 Nae doot it1s land sicht thellike his as !r4sting at 'eat., buther owinan- the council OWN HOLRO i Y_ friends jo
ot is no gien tae lie t-wice i� a he a 8 generation, was satisfied.. hundred men such as for strength ndi grav- eyes w(re open rid) her 'face urned to the then! adjourned -t in it again on the 23rd 6t it sdunds a great,; ra. Henry Fo DR. F. J. BURROWsf annae king was (pver cairried,tae his tomb We6lum.'NlacLure 'ill,b' ity Y)kl Could hardly have inatebe in Seat. door. 9 ee of self prai�e, W
ae the beerial September, next. deal bettek if i comes from an tf ber -its -atet resident Physician and Surge)n,L Tor6nto Gen- in sic a cathedral otber erallfospital. Honor graduate Ti inity University, dL I he deservels in, spite o' ana and drifts ; it -, land-� I standing out. lin picturesque relief- �he wee 9' the �vife lie bed, said Jamie source the A WL CLARK, Clerk. But it's ulc'em aonsee An' :Th� Custemem I an' passes a' tae see hoo U ey've gi her,ad *. frae 'Jgai10s,t tb� white background, and he as he xejoined tbeiproc member of the College of Physich n 9 and Surgeon' hoo they 'ill win t hroU. h it's hard ssion an' they t of OrAAr!G AarOFFIGE.-Sarrie as, ormerly occupled 9 r uved ai wanither w6el. T h&, iecret Seh en li far tin' nea Said Hc by Dr. Smith, opposite P . for thein 'at's On the road, an' iLt)B cleam im- I Thi� Is w They Rise., is ublio Sch Seaforth. On thinkiuye can �aoilleck therri for tlie I Vs a bitter di�y� friends, and some of The Irlack thread I wound itself along the 6 I urday night im
p9ssible for the' lave. minister noo,. Drurnsheu�gb: A'b' A �%ng wonaan � -ecently found empl 0 our esi now nearly
od 'a here ou a e old ; perhape 1 it might b wise to whiteness of the 61�n, the coffin' first,- with men in a � oiieensW tre sii;re. AM I I have much pleasure in Introducing Dr. Burrows They 'ill dae 4heir beat, every 'man o' except the heich-Glen aril -we maunna luke co -ver your beads before I begin to ray.)) his lardsh' She i med- and Drainsheugh behind, iato1v begtku a cours recent ru"wA*
y So 41 my former patiento as % plkysician, in ever. tem, ye To anyone; may depend on that, an'- bed it for -them. of a udy in her leisu wis tig PaIntinip Lord Kilspindie, otanding 'er ot and the oXe -way warthy of 44�ir utmost confidence. re t In upon g, ging &c li, who hii'
Yon's 1 and obina. She and ra as -they pleased, - bu mommts, han hor
R. W. BIL 'hev been Dinna be sae' ure'o' that, Jamick eaded between !the two old men,.re- closer ranks than 'usual, because the I snow theri read some re0ent UCZ SXITj1., been open weather there Wudn% me Telephone-No.4a. 8 le-bodie�l men missin'. manner wilt� 0 try, returned
-ab terrible like them on the road, wP Whinnie rey the ap- lie� Works upon befit �aterial, wi-D, on either side was deep, and because this oi antle to h NVe thank'you was uot� as other fanerals� They could see, by I 20
W. BXlght calls answered from office. A) ves mad at them Dr. Davidson, for you pointimento fthe1able and �n a short time atoll,
n, b6cause tb�ey never 'at their head ;" and' so it wa, tivelve i * �o tlleir give find it a n YiDg he�rae)f call at i WM �e7t�o aid onithing wben he wee leevin', but they all, only. old Adam Ross absen atpk to he�' b-dsiness became t: ( etaiiied thoup htfnlness but he! endured many the women standing at the door of every we on the hi felt for W tha wb at he he ,.I d the 60st V ton bug.
UTIONEERS. uner tin by. force, b& qg e, D years. �f i ge. atorm in our service'I'and are not afrai house illued 01111?14�0 h! 4 large store. Iside, !and weeping, for tbink, he kent it.hfo 14 % millinery", !establishment the young hil bad me good reason in fort 'last-, was f
re he It wud gh ill e A a few minutes' coll each family bad a 9-ullock
He bed j ed iae becy te ptin. Pr( videne di dt Ibis funeral." Wil4rd
i i Ber woini m who fo4n4 time for reading &book or NVALL PA 0
ZORGE TAYLOR, Licensed Auctioneer for the a faut,'tae'ma t inkin, tae cross the muir," Whinnie'ex ilained, A look flashed rou in wid the stern faces, and vears to ieme Alaclaure. When PER 8T, RE BLOCK as, t
GCounty o Huron. It I tW4 on coldrs ai�d Aetir k"oniolis combi was r ected from I Sales promptly' attended for a' never jidged the waur o'. him or his and it's a -'ell stap roond all: dbo'; we'fe the minister, who Seem- ]Baxter Saw Sauiiders ahie, and the cOffin atioin n W-0 t i in all parts o � the 1 Pounty. Satisfaction "aran- titch.of roebriess.-guid- found li�r o1w taat� o- doors nor on Sun
trees hae - guarled lais -d to stand higher. greatly improved Tw t1 of Post Offl.c unal
t -ed. Charges%moderivte. GEO.-TAYLOR, �Ki of the doctor that I saved him on her mans e. no trace of th�
r, O� _�ie thoelit ower little. o' himsel'. See, me patrons much great. Se three burglav,
'ked bim hoo"mouy wleat to the iouse; gin there. bp o iy an... brecig tion- was comp o0ed -for the occasion, and the bairns in the village made spch a, ploy in bark—but I � alflo tth. i
136:f i 1 1 and I abi T- f Jamie," said Drnmsbeugli as lie 4 is prayer, we.notioedt with critics �houlders, she bov�ed her head on the dyke, eri ; %e wag soon 't Noo, gin al bed as f T Ill, f4voilite with the em -
GRIN T. WFOTCUTT, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed ouk wudorne tae his beprial, d custotnets,' with
e r an fm g speci �tY. 143 he wud* e terii body in sich t afore we beigin 1; w inaun And the first part was a thanksgiving to wail for him they loed that the men nearly, X-13-�-Sign paintin ,
disgraced them elVes. T young Wom attcntlorx givew to frms and farm stock -sales. ana, fod forthe lifewor)c Of our doctor, whe�ein 8 �an whoy,, to earn an honor, J Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special said, They 'ill be'Drumshe4gh an' yersel, mak allooandes the da� w1' twa feet -Th thilk nd
Charges moderate. Partieg co bu;la besides the on bring, went i n' mayb(� twa or three,nee able nteruplating having the grund, taesay naethin' o' drif al" Jach clause was a reference to. his services Alm gled we're throu�h 'that at on V into my Uly's. kitchen and -eWes tb is Fall 0ou!d i ve him a triali Forfurther Anitiiater,' an' thefLct is that! nae man in There's omething at, the y inste 4 gossiping evle evening dturni an' snd, i acrifices. No' one inovecl or said rate," -said Hillocks he"wes awful taen re U a few goo( rarticulars, apply by letter to Exbter P. 0. Orders oor, time wad hae Isii� a githerifil if it werena' it's no foulc it's a machine Some lie ii i;tran Ye with us—but L 0 a and hot, tim K-A�Ch
at tho Exi-osrroit office, Seaforth, will receive fbr ibe storm. ad or A n -it had beei p Avi'the bairns, bonseederiu'. he hed'nane -sebold ria wa soon too from the Loni
6.26 PrO111pu attenfloa. 144 ithe fvhen very man bad hearg the gratitude of o' his ain. id Ye see,23 a bread cart that's foe t it Valuable a housekeeper said Ja to onislat
een �-�ept
inie, who had r. The asvlu Wy up. his dii nb heart offered to Heaven, there was There wab on! one drift on: the road be be a 9. subordinatel Position in the ere's twa counting heads all;morninv 1'� there's. six Na it's no kitchopri. etknew'howa able hould Joel, WM. WOLOY that th orses, q. grea sigh tween his cottZ'ye and the kirk' ard, and it for & him on ch y shepherds in Glen Urta 0 re shut up e . re the i ther ; ff it's� no a dogoa rt wi' � Aft r which the rnkster prayed that we had been cuV earlv that mornin g__ r fast; an; there micht hae b her knife was
Auctioneer f r the Counties of Huron and Perth, an afo 4inner, shek ow �'vvhat dishes WA M Pd' And Agent at Hensall for the Xaoeey4farriq Manq. a gude half t �a men in the, front they 'Ill were.. a ,ise on, she ku w` how to sery be omin', might have grace to e as this man had Before daybreak Saund e a searched.
'I a, its proper courses facturing Company. Sales promptly attended to cuzea ira.e Dtinleith wy,- an' ers bad roused the meal done,: r tri'vo, an .1 more than �a telt, ithere's tse' th beerial." 0 nth to Yage, not for him- lads in the botby, and they bed set to work that, he Westcott has i
a moderate and satisfaction guaranteed' nae road ; an' tbere's the h ei0h Glen, riae J� tputolhat ie* something abo.it the food by -mall addressed to Hensall lPost Hi looks selfl b t fo� others, a d that we might be. by the light pf lanterns with Stich good valtxe6f di eroat dishes, constables are Office. or man oud'eross the muir the 4ay, Ian' ivs au iat wu-d ye sae, Jamie, t IWIt at his residence, Lot 2, Concession 11, Tuok- ggested, " but it miichtl be soffie o' thae 14,�ollow d to ur grave� by somewhat di I 'that that, when Drunisheugh ame' down to en.- 41 ier of Batkadt,5 pro
stramith, will receive prompt attention. &ucht mile roond ;" and Jan del proegeded to . M airtown doctors 1 they were a df �'OurseUislDua�aii. loo 12DO-tf perty.,
IwfW chief love w iere,% i ke an c Id th Ive-' r6ourn this day Th 4asbioned Y gipeer a circuit for the funeral, there was a Sunday hch6ol book, bq t review the Glen in every detail I of age w: MacLure. pervis IN b e 1ELct remains I 11,; departed." Again the sair, , fair pass # , %511kV driftine8s.of road and stren th of ie sig' age,,4ith walls of Snow twelve feet that fR mwv. IT
Directory 4�6 is always ,room av 41 OP sfor 1895. *dy, till It's nag. Muirtown doctors,"' ried 4nd fhe min �ster Said Amen. J_ MCLACMAX. Point au Chene, w4t�es, Nrot.b.-
high on either Bide le top and For that no �Iuna` sual iimouAtt ;elli Inir better for L- than thg we arri�ved t the doctor's c ttage, when be Jamie, in great excultati nor oiiy tber The 0' w�icht` stood in the dporway Man 8 neede4l to reach the - � 1 A 01 Pimste in gence is
XORN BENWEWI i�nders, he said this wes a D. & r.. Back 4nd Lumb. JAUZS EVANS Deputy Reeve, Beechwood. fai average convenient
-ES, Recve, Dublin P. 0. had settled on a red;uotion o f,ifty through doctor. A' ken thaelTorsea, and ha's 'thou � speakig, and four stalwart men kind thoc' of A., E.
I d r une." so I "The D
stress of weather. eel weel d MACI.F.JN a^
a pro a oun & L- lifelithol Plasttr i l'
DANIEL X.ANi!iiY, Counol &hint thom, Quick, mo Hillocks, stop parneforwara. They were the volunt good 60ne and ro;; of applica %vrites finmWind t kettle. Andf
Hor, Beechwood. eers But S I L- aund'ra' only reply was � this ion W4 8 ;�,i
Drutrisheugh was ackbowledged'as cbidf the fouk,' and tell DrutiMeugh tae ome, aCco a 11 I eve �bin .—Woman. rat# in this vie
V'K- XOGAVIN Councillor Leadbury. I is 1;� IM011111atism At great. g wAt-er that would lift, the coffan and carry it for Alony a t me he'd bed tae gan roond kind. 2. :nity. ; adA
I ! I f - 11 fdr-tigt tin �Oox. rapidly tv,*
JOHN- C- MORRISON, Clerk, Winthiop. en to i .
BALD, 'Councillor, Leladbury Mourner by the (',lea and rea-eived us. at the oob for Lord Kilspindie hes- come up frael -tlie first stage. One 'Was Tammao,. Annie he micht as .. el bae an Me. -each i gate with a labored attdin'pt at everyday MJ op al for his' throw int
J. HANNO-N, Treasurer,L Winthrop... M. ant,Ws. ir�own Castle _Ritche� I's Irian ; and auother was Saunders last.traivell,l),1 WX. EVANS, Assessor, Boechwood. amie bimseilf al p d —AIA-rge arty of 1 Chi I I , utes. pqt al
ip . �ehind, anddid not 13axter for whose life MacLure had his I a e #Javellers een. gre Flacein e W*rl d f the grave, the only blackness n, passed throu and WYO. en to 8ftu boilier, add, to in Ottal 4 on ' e Edu U. Rhorthsawn Me., Is tll* ze of a hen�s
RlCIIARD POfT!]&. Sanit"Y Inspector, Lead I be muld. It's hard wevAer for -the It's the respeck hee gettin' the day the Gle i Urtieb Shepherd for whose wife's . t� !, Ift 8 lay of. last wee gh all
CUA""M DDDS, Colledsor, Seaforth. : " YeNe bed heavy traivellin', a' dooi, an' w&i to be a- I When the WEin as laid down at the cludfug aboJ fifty �rome ye at fl glit with death I and the tWrd was mouth o JK. ry. of 11: did t usinem utivenity, 1)e- eri, an' am thiakin) ehis 'ill be a feeding frae high in' low" was Jamie's b sky Bike AlacLure suffered a broken leg and most beautif al th the 7 she a the kirkyatdl' Tammas 'Mitche m �ill attend coo exposition ig 0, i�g in all his life. He Illmtra,o i ?�felencel- All Detroit, #-SPEUE R� and Butter
a *mall loaf
bread, -34 J tr 1, DY1
Wn, l