HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-09-20, Page 4IT X
4 SEP".
THE Aunv -ENPOSITORd INEW ADVERTISE MEXTS man of the Chamber of Commerce' of i hat sikd reliable a �ootlng as i 0� ev r V ras, -0" recent speech o� Cardina� Vaughan', in so m ith'relativ4 is and friends in Ingersoll. — city, suggested a hamb *batever may happen, the i0int io j u r is �d he d tb�t an essential -to unit Over 225 tickets were sold ist this de er of chimps. whioli which e tate pot on. VA_ en the parenthesis a! toy eskoh y Via agure betwo tion has n th adwisiion of the supremaoy of the theL 0 to, be anx.ious. a oig -,, as the was o ftonotoa the rage of the paper on A hic the the road 'might make, which *ould 1�, of th* We( nooddy morning for London Bxi its OM, finances of its are u - near Shoddou dvertisolueut w,114 be found. risdiation n Pope. biti(n,"Mise Ila Down, of advantage both A�i ib. and- tbq_ city.- Sir coubrol,and thi misapplueation of moil Ickard & Co. (5) NIMMIMMium warning—Wm- PI is Mug her aunt, Mrs. John Blatoliford, Charles' only roply,--wao that, if the city i4d any of the juri diations Makes jou smilo—Greig & Macdonald. (1� in the UOitid at 0 I lews. of the Week r this villa lie. Clam Thomson, of IA does not affect tie here in'i Concort-S. L. 0. (1) -- anythitigto Bugg -613t which would anable, the he slighte d Tor nto, daughter of.Mr. D, Thomson, for- wart, (0 8t K111; a 01 (RISTr oondi- �1 . Mono Lake Salts—C St gree." is so visitN'lier )beirt Lolzan. (6) road to inae more money,, he would < on. tion rArM for OXIG—R( A of this! village ��,NhNstian, of Denmark, who nil' v.. Fall Drees: Goods -A. H. Pentecost. (1) —The (6) .. . iider it. The railroad -of- which lie was- i has been ill f r me thne has bedome unc oi Mr. J Olin Blatchfo Rig Chance-Richordson & 11cronlL L of _Re . IL worse, Jai � i Walker 4nd Mrs. Walker left here a The Northwe A cluirsy walk bort Willis. (6) presiden.t.wasil't running. tiny, charity fac- t Indiana. OOULL Ia of wee a ago to via It 'relatives in & T 1`4 I � rs, P., HUNDIno LoST,—Three or the benefit, of.dissatisfied Amerl 3du Ain Willisoh, the managing editor (f the huq�r ad p-oople have bee' an near Xingoton, Mr. W dker returned n killed in UexiQor sale of Boat Estate- Donald Park. (6) cities. This was about the tdw it. of his -to- I by an earthq6a ho 0 this week, but Mrs. aker remains lobe, who accompanied Premier' �Ow k� The property loss w� Cheap Boots anzi Shoes -T. V. Rutledge. (1) 1 ujrgaia,%y_,vv,. ir, floff nan. (o Tbree york ahillinge-Uodgens BroL(l) (Frolm an ocaolonal CorrOpondent.) era
11e,-evidenty, doeshot �nd �arty on their recent North We I $"750!d0o, . for al couple of I*eeks longer. marks al around. ft love AL Mri�, k .Millinery Openlng�_W. AV., notralim. (1) want suggestions, from Canadians. 18ir Jand tour, in one of his letter's makoal me 30 miners pei C 110, TU ished in the Oseeolm mina at Houghto' or -0. W. PAPaL (8) P C1 1URCIT rlos however, may learn'th t, No j,m Carinel: Presbyt Cha -great as erian
still in iho rhig�R. 11axby. ion o ie gre-m progress being ina a in Michigan, duriiig an outbreak of L I - fire. 4 service wale larael attended on ohu] n( 0 1 g ex, 404 . - - I orr Heavy Boots and Shocs-W. H. Willis, (8) he is, he people who are oin the civilizing the, Indiana a I in Ing. �,rldi WILL VISIT Vlir,, Quncw.—Th evening.: a
Bab �&�h last, b th m6ri�g and Or For Salo or Ront�49. Wallace, (b) press Frederick, who is now at Kronbe gr und,. and who are doin business with 'them in the peaceful arts of -,agr cull r The past -or pre ohed in the moTni bil oreat sale of Art Goods at Ground Flqor St .9 I ng, w i e; will si art for Er ay -by day, are in a fully. bkter .11 'gland at the end of t the Dven' ey L!kdteV ackots—Wlm Piekard &Co. (8� the road d a says ipg ser rice Was condi icted' by Rev. Miffinery Oponing—Wm. Pickard* & Co. �(6), montl to visit the queen. Goo ,ge Lo * !of Toronto. Mr. Logie al- G I ep en I visited the'Peace Hills Oree' _Ul P Farui for salo-Jamea Coates. (o) position to advise for its welfare than bels,, ery .R. COLL, lox Ov CunrOSITYES, 7 way 4, Obaniberlain. (1) preaelies 4 good, thoughtful, gospel
�here Mr. Daniel Clink,is agent, a Kha'ie
.and on thi
I - is pecasi s good crops and stock its r havi i seen ne.
to 'the advailt�ge.-of hi� Amon the artiol 3s
'Bootsand Shoes -John Stoot. (6) company if he Would lower h him to Afghanist q and appreci- and it, might be �d Nollan& (6) 13 sern on on fie was atten- s r
1T6oher Wanted takinj home 'from tivel y listened to by% larg Ilett is dignity and. an Wall Fair -It. IraXbY. (8) the-IN01-thwest, A mounted guard of I' E I id, are elev ail I bicycles,. a Punch and "*V, —The praer ieeting of pay more heed to the advice,of friends'than ativ, ngregat oLn. Co. (8) he seems dispo liristian udeavor Society, imine. i- god to do. There is oige Mr. -Fred White of the mounted p tic show, '"i b eft
oatora_-R. diAns met Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Mr. Dal I; u and !a' number of nursing the �Co
NVoleome-Uroadfoot, Box & di
A snap -1. V. Fear. (9) atel following was also well attended. and, n ; bo6l�le i. Cho, ee olonel Herchmer and 'Mr. Hayte RAI'll) INOE Fall Stock -D. S. Faust. thing certain, that old fogy methods in 0-�-Sevo'ral of the larger of I nusual �FUrin for Sxle-P. Kexting. (6) ndian ,'Con�misdoner at -the *1 erest. The mei;iting: 6 I I ral wa. Massachugetts cM�s have increased, pained in the fisual -way, an was led Vogue in the old count' ,will not do here, - ad. 0
ill , . I -an 'Cheap Footwear -W. 1K* Willis. (8) scorteStheni out to' the reserve bai; cordir g to the tile Xotloe-A. G Smillie, (6) recently published returns by, Ezra and if the managemenn of the concern were dding. Sbor and point- tf, of, t41) &
Vecee Wanted.-Griuve & Murray. (8) eeft nothing more picture9que in ate eensiis, nluch.m6rib fapil dre�ses And all c ther, s who may read, his an-
lWilson's Jash Greciny-01. Wilson.-($) me tb the ways of' the.. st. Thes� Indianq of to-dEaLyv- n be since 1800. than either Minneapolis or S . appropriate to t subject for f my the Oven re in isympathy Nf a
Q%pes and Coti-Gilroy & Wiseman. (0) 'ng, W a given by Rev. Mr. Hen-
coantry, the dividends- 1would, no -doubt, be arrie race in a'dull time, but even yet the Paul. Men wanted -Scott Bros. (8) dersOn and Rev, Mr. Logie, after which a nouncement. -n ide i h a splendid vigor, and -one ca in Gmqvlarm) OF Te11TltDER,Ten mi-teiially increased, at it would be in -a emberi of earefully writtet report ofthe late conven- gine he terrible dash and sweep of tl the'Vegetarian Socioty of China better pel tion to co The sigh LTave bee", tion held at Bly h, wa's read before te So- P, fie, -riv',al, the Canadian is entir' -iegated costumes and fine moun is missionaries'. go 11 heir v conibilerof the report aimed to with' ifs -great ar pa ty. t of' this esoot- wit4 oonvicted of part�cipation in the mur&er of ciety The
aci pete which a i Aft
�ive a synopsis
ly-1 controlled and its affirs directe4, by weeping across the prairie rei6v a one's KIDNAPPED.—IJ ld I a well f the leading features of I el ry D. Fitzger each session of 61 to convention, followed by lmor3 of the 3,61lowbacked literAitire of known attorney, an M a on the spot". It.Lgeenis ridiodloxis to for many years United two or three of it ie brightest and best'sert- IdS VOU11h, and one.feels that $E%&FORT11, FRIDAY, Sept' 90th, 1895 ev�n tie wel States commission I was kidnapped at th nk that a great concern like the Grand (r's tences taken ierbatim. from eich of the or of this gory school told a at t hat was Buffixto last Saturd%night and held until prin ipal spa e unk can be -mallaged a full of I fe faithful to the condit I $60 for Ilia lit ertyl. -a and r Th Ha vest,., -is )as %,successfully or as low of. tb� he A ess I The -re
a al�, u ied ab an minutes ce prpfit6;bly with its head quarters thousands t, I -realistic in its presentatiot of Id- wz;ED.—Miss )Mean�or Chitty, daugh- in reading, W i I well recei'ved, and favor- p6rt which oce
The Great Ra Out Vfltlo
lall portraiture. The Indiana of tl e Pead ter of Sir Joseph Oil tty, justije iq the The great int I yachting �ontegt, of i iles distant from. --the scene of actli ve 0 ably,commente )n by leading members ernationa I T h s, ende of Summer
serve have 640 he�
acres of cr chancery division of the h
court of jus. a socie voll as by the pastor. The Which wits to have, taken pla6a at New op'prations, ud by men1who know little or ilk 8 cows, and within four yeals their tice, ML ty, as as drownedila. ln.%,�. I 0 ally, county In- repor't was read by Miss Ag ie Hoggarth. Y'Ll in whi'dh it. o�ej... b�ock of cattle hag iiiere�sed from 300 6 vernes , Seotl tork- last"Week, has created a good deal of not'hing of t! ie countr an Frida, while fishing F19 7 'here is nothing -strange n o , " f intercst�, even in this 0 The po"ntest atpl s, as if th manager+ b was. loe'tited near. 0 er 80(1 head. During this time th 3y ha in Loc i El il. P#, s� Id $3,000 worth,of cattle, while he i A Blv CREANER-�, or starth t, I roniclerthis week.—Mrs. —Th St. Alban's,Ver- Moi ilk�Vmlue L f was arrallfred for to take ce b6tWeen the wbere the w is and a in the h uds -Of a -ease 0 the stock ou the resory a mont, ,reamery ban lea Ithe milk product has )ee presented lately by the louhts to $10,000. output of: bu, t- of Carmel church with a e ments; and are in sympithy. with the peo 9 life membdrebip ertifica Defender. . The ATE I rie is owned by lm�ist ill built'by their own hands and ter dti the a int to in the We] 13ritish yacht, Valkyrie, an( t413 American Illen who'know the courtty and its vaqtlire.� -T. hey have i � am&. I of 20, C )0. co we, ati a he d 4ily Litts'. Auxilia, 11onths runs'. fro -a er man,s - An ich ley run, and' a 111il al d raep. 12,000 to 20,0 Foreign Mission -y Society. �-I.n add ition. to and th a, Defender b Iord Duntraven, y an plell The sc oner the 01, h nggs and Trunk c, a Who owed erican sylidi he its method, in this raspkt an(I soopts that ar also the creation of Indiat labo9t . '810TZ13D His TrT, r, —A iii.an the ore and dru hand recently organized, cate of wealtilly sports. T T�-e cro and. stock are sold under the"4L, his 4andlord in Maine, for eight and for which �e w instruments were pro- w nies the, ime to lay i supplies for the F,, ill and No co n youi Wioter- c cure4, there is ome talk of organizing a dontest was for the AineH an. champion purely Canadian.management, the sooner rdetion of the agent, and th' e board, is tryti g t a me- iey I �
regain possession It auti the race was to be t mence to. receive re t W will the shareholdors sited. If an Indian desires to make k �y ine ins of a w i!, bras4 bairid for t 'benefit of the -village, A is. a N )rtalit thing to know just whe' O:sP �id Yom- mol
sAted %t Ne PO of're:plevin,'of his- two b rery imip ley
rchase berouit consult the age band is good in it� popularity rage stitutlon in its York. T6 boat which ga.lue�d two. out of satisfactory dividends il, tit and'if pets of false teeth, Ni hich were seN,ed by th prop foriwht iyon'.lriay nied in the way of Millinery, Clotbing or Dry the ager t approves the necessary �i oney i- landlord as a security for the. debt. or place, I u t we are decidedly of the Goo4s. I There'-, re so many stores—see' irgly, no end to the I m—ea opinion the three, races *as to be the winnerbi the will be in -vithi d. its' useful-' dr�,wii From- tile reserve fund. T iis, SETEN broke out oil Icrev ied forth ail
thatitbis )lace is "brassy!' emough. ests a greakt i -lie steimer Presentfor al necessary and practical cup. The first race was Von fai and square Ress e bance, to. 'tho's who are dQpend coi at one aimpig so es e wherewith to attract the a Ltentio. of the
r uIsse, ind perhaps a erilou boa. 16na, hioni. Edinbur 11 to p cialty, ent upon wjU-,,als) be vastly �utliori - in thellands- of the agent, but i Low lo Monday, �nd siN -Acorporation. for this vill public. Ii has h doubt, otten Occurred to the mind of the readers
by the Dafender. The s xon d was won by it. it better ang o, age is women ne p"
18 argued that the - I idian is wh 11 ebilc er ad 3 a theme for discuss I 0 unfi. for p,%trons and, �hare liolders. a a burned t death. ion Ili Of solne 01 the �,c,—blazin--adverti-qement,--." r -*%,hich V but it was elai led. by the manag- Until tb ag?i Ntsonally we believe that as ,vrie ta is own earning I tl t 'it I St FlkTu" HER CRE)TL.S.—Minlitie handle Ili a, aiiid th D Fon local ne of ill these 5tores is really the cheapest,anJ be't
ers of her Opponent 'hat qlie had been fouled proprietors-,c4)me to ri�al ze this fact and'acl Deaj w a vil ago we are ill trdly ripe for incorpora. s P la-ce to 1 rade in. t infinitely- easier to teach ini t -wor he was cQnd 6 mued to de'ath for the A i rhile It, no doubt, would on it they tion yet, an to need not. 6 any Ion -or a Zingle doibt about ter - -for will have to - complain about thll to "wisely employ, th fruit of h1i lhur, aof infants entrusted to bar care, has by the winning boat.- The iianagers of the :up The
tabl' labor. hav onie advai taqge %pecessfalbo&-tadmitted the foul?b�tsaid low dividends and an unproh b executed at Invercargi Auckland, Os, it would also have 4 ane prop- a its 41 sadvantage; disad-vantaze would ealand. flie -)retested her in' it could not 1;6 a -voided on account 4f the erty. uocence to �, i be t at our tax ition would be %_ T tlo� E.' McFAUL Dry Goods :Co M pa ny he last, but tl�e evidence against haw ery 7na- crowding of the course h onit S. Manitoba Menn I y tl�e b ats.of was overwhelming. teri illy increase pally to. the % Owing princil rincipal Grant, of Q6een`s ollege -The committee to-'whi. h the n -111,11C on Only. s- I RZ ectator.3. Do n Jurisi 466 h�glt Achool rate,' wbich, the maintenance of
Kingstoi, has be a public' school would Hae solved e problem of CHEAP TR-kDTNG. Th 'have no
an spending his uintrie impose. y
matter w" referred, he I ve �uother 6 ever,: g4v the The tiestio:L as to wiether the --is wo,u Ia be thit- ui as rarely hap�exis, a SlAcIaltie' bix Very la,ge -Aore packed f till q a ral of good� silitabIe, for all a .41, holidays:,making obaervatio'ns'in -M ni toba - on have, Vow' W1g( 1 race- to Defender, but Ordered th t other Provinces of t �is Domi)o at to !And economi al council were 4lected, classes of bl.,i�ers o low price on One thing and a bl&li price _ 0 Wii, leadj� others J follow. One - hund'red and i,&contributing a series of iliterestin'tr 0 O� i. in L-119 - - 0, A pr)hibitin the manufacture and 1, r.a. oy ls mwn,er footwear to be sold at hAlf price. contest take place OR tht 11 day. pass ail a the - evitable r sAt would be that! in ten ther—no disco-unts or presents, but oronto G(.,'rlob 'a eek reoei ietteirs to the T, in,%i dch b .1 ed 39 cases cf hoes and 1r) yew a time or less 1 he vagLord Danraen refused to sail sale of iritoxicatin liqixors� would' be an- Nis boat as. is likely, now, d z pa r Long B . -bolt oot Igive erty Nv .9 his views O 41donal roble " lould depeei- 9 gbt direct fr,m the leading velo ped in debt,, ?rop spot ka8h IL mmittee to be definitelt, settled. The quest nd before the rise in directed byVie co unless-.! thei. com. ion was the educ aurers for ate ii value, and p eberal tagnation and de- l lee, which we will Fell[ at, -A.T-,T-j G�001DS lutbePr4irib Pr ince. In ohe of his at,,,' pourse argued Tn TH P
4 m;ttee would ouarantee that the Pri�'y- ouncil several A call will- con y.ivae ),on before the small ad%anee on cost FIrr, c, uld ensue. We have another phase that )-on oan save it their, wouhl -be kept free from outside ters h6 ddals mith the Aleallon nioney �y dealing wilt,ilt 11 t. Our motto is irha H profits of t1to question in our inind's eye. boat.. weeks ago, ba the decision is not to be and It i --k returns. OrPered fid rep-iiring work a Marl e� at 0111c -Sellin- Prices for Cash. It Matt rs flt where yon schools, and t.6 ifficalbies whic - Ji lin thel prompt ly done. e
Saile say the comnatee aq,peed to dq this givenuntilNoveinber. EbseWs, however, Itiou. 0 .
A. WI;,s -3 1448 lia�,e been tr�dii�, in the past—Five finutes thne spent
a others say they Nvay of carrying Out the- provision of thel i at r coiin� declin �d- to in�ake, any to be a foregone conclusi LocAL B .—L rgeauumber's are leav- Wingham.
on among those pre eculiaiii in ou r. depot this w ek y he ERY rLACE,
prDM ses. However,the Vhlkyrie was sent .9chool lhw amonop these ' * I i � ters' Ivil I tefl-yo,�, -aildplaitil too, that you are in t �tglrt- who bav6 intel ested tbe'riselves in the. inat.: p to atte � d the ex- n an a, eople. Concerning their material hitition at London.--aliss A' h' d o ilia 1%.e vo iir Cash Purchases whether they be or s ad on the third day, but withdrew p rogresil . Pnie UcArtbur oberts,. of th -1 � be. that the L- +11, I f Qhi the ter, that the decision wil ban clothina store has moed into i-1,beayp an,,. of ast,'Week Iroll). Occu ied bv.Mr,..(-
both the 'manufactur 'To,"ronto, where she had been' visitinc, her I rce before it was well ta,-ted, the 144aso. power to pToldbit stor lately E. King -
n A ni pting Was c t( New
given for the withdrawal teing t rese s In drivi'g, through theii rves the vil;1 sis',er, Mrs. 9. a aid on Monday to decid r 4ii of 'INY this week, 7heya:;e open- he crowd- andsale reA xclusively with. the.Do MdGre.or. ,)In Goods. came e�
mln- lages appear. nost attractive on the �rizon;: lf(dgens, of the Conimercial hotel, -is co'n- 'factoYy.� ot e hIt. W. R,
iug on the course of other )oats. Tilq De- ion. Th ;r0ionto �corre' abott the rebuil ing of the Union furnitur e .4, Ced Lnd are &oil),, like wildfire. Here 'are spondent of the breaking the dead level of the o lierwise sta litl 7 im proving ani It was decided to rebuild on th adding convenienbes
fender went over the cour, and wa pro. Royal Templ tr says 0 -treeless lim I . . I i L ntario is power�- irie with little bluffs.of Wood to liisffiotel, afid tbi; s adding a old A nuin 'at of nion are bilay clean - I " I ;week be i ing a a, y t lialf-biding'die hofises. In'tbis poet the sai ipI - room, � Rush has pu
claimed t -inner of the char-apion c u less to cope w: th the iquor''traffi''e. The !Which r —,Air. D, lie re commercial. travellers he lipol The victory, however, under tho cirpilm- lawyers, greo who went Alelinqpite4-are far in advance of 'ahadiaii, W1 I fi. Id. -one of the Ia' chas6l the grocer r stock of Mr.Diver, of tb Iffrore new Glove md, 1kosier-Y
32 and bost on the -f rom. and other lers. They i asXXN store and.has inove have giv ii, great rof d. --Miss 'Belle I is soending a d tIfe stock of bi - urprisi ag how cheap we have
stances, is not much to bc ast aboat. �ichol Toqua, I'ams', ft. it is 8
The Canada to fi ht the cons4tational question. attention to tile planting of tree andith -weikbrso�witifriendsin Wingham restat rant there,- -Mr. H. F. Gordon in- these Ang at 10,
i ally 3eautiful range at the fol- oods. They ate g( oren cultivation o, fruit, succeeding %vib i t, d rug and book store in thE t the hildren
complication $ -ea cause have returned, The gre4t f -sic battle� is ten A opening a(
gii lie xi� J. _34apman, o ]Brant ford, and who is on Tal lo i 18, 23, 27 36, 477 1.3, IS and 2'o, and fo for a great deal of tall-N.vAtig au(I load over. Afthoa6,! the foriilial judgment I will e fore( thero, i h N �, block in t 4 u ing y 0 1'2 tive plums, dab apples and cherrie b the a store lately vacated by r'iehs,
ut, so 00 lie at 6, 8, 11, 1.4 16 nd' 18c. Coin J Js ere t present an� 59c. y rlikely the best far, not to a, iy great ex to i Mr. usli. —A px )imen and. see them. visitilig his ni my re�ative.s and friends ert will be L J�a_ve nt with r inary ade cone
on both sides, aad ;6 NJ d.e I 11 val ie yoi ever seen. go &I of not be rendered until Not6mber, it is frank- 'y belte'r....' wi Shirr-a'y, y i�r sister, Pl ea. Y re. illage is a held ii, the rink, n aid of the to n. band,1 alp] th M if s aleco op mp;nied b I re Handkerablefs. f ill feeling will be the msult. But t6 affair lY .stated by hose bdst (Iiialified to'speak-, -windbreakE of maples and bals ma 'i on 80 Aember 25- b. About four 1und I : -Mids Aggie, is �isi�in iends in Clinton.— Keep Wam Pretty
'Was not Of verY vital impc� rtance. So far th t th b or s a erous it, 11"19, are taking part I i - to prohibit rests exclusively bell Mr. R. Patterson hasirented his grain Ware- Boxes upon boxes Q ened up—no.
ns, 1141 there . are num, n the programme, which a ll N, will -,onsist of batriotic son An4ber 14'of'Ladies' and Chil-
a's we see, there is no practical b a- 'With'the IfCO inion."' d ower gardens)- whose brilliant blooins; ouse t gs� a trash, but go quali
I nd an o a grain buye� from Lon on, and OS a
Tbe wisdom of the is es at I 4
a lmusic by the land.- A spectators' prize g it and putt ty di-
-ttaiaed by contests of pradentcours, taken by."Onta'ri�'s Premie Ing on a good, � new 6 and. Se eaq proba twen 66al result to be P dd another pleasing feathre to t re dren's im�prwear has arrived to will b a an. —Tie Turnb -take I lie I�ee of the fi scape. roof., The Rev. Gedrge Lojie, of. Toronto, iiiry fall'fair.,will rst lot that atte, r isuch
this kind, further -than t) givel a lot of is, thil , once ferent I goods
stein bad great advant ages. It re _24th and welit i,,,) q ly at 10, 12, 14, 18, 23,
s more ma4e manifest. -Had The village sy be lieldlev on tite Cl 1J, lor so Little mo ey.
son o. the late- Rev. John Logie, and for 25th of Sep- before
wealthy idlers something to think and talk lie been wc secured schools near ev vening of the 25th a con-
M� enough tell tember. On the 29.and. 'This store has only
give, ,way to the cry farm ho.i ise, pro- mer13 of -near tbi i illage, conducted ser- and afford them 'an utlet Yided,for U roing in times of.sickness, gave resbyterian cart m ill be given in the town h II Mr, quick-st-11 ijj�g prices. for their s brought upon him 0 0 1 V-106 'a Carmel P church on pressure that a - easan . . Fax of T r.onto, Don!t Forget up p"I Sant -e panionship to peo le whose Sabbi h evening Ia, Jamok will assist ithe best, sltIrplus wealth. The -contests do not even pc�rt theAfa, ter Bill when it was befor T tj wi�h. much ace.ep- r a the views � of world suoplied not Ing to tan local talent.— �. C. w. What we zaid ab
uv fr �nds were soit Dresses, ibbons. An -
Se Eve to develop the physica man a;s ro ce. - His. ma pleased to.. and R,v. 1-1. Mote, of- the C of Lots 4 Hand other pieces u*t came ill
Legislature, and thus secure its - passage, it *break the d6aAl monotony of life, nd ail- see hi a looking. much, improved IA health, Wrox ter, Too man Tuds to mention here.
y n-
gre I nd going like the abled them P6 herd their -cattle in ,ommon -2�-Mr. and -Mrs. McP erson, and daughter; ulpits- I st .0 'Would ha%'e aided in placing btational church, exchanged p ;a rest—cheap
malt-ches d the bcats are so con- is -now clea ll�, a icall and what * a are showing Tak look at the 4,
and to O'btaint'.'�,easily a supply� of water a. a .—Mr. K' Linklater and r. 1J. S, 10, Ia
structed that they are practicaily valueless on the Prot -in ial stAtute book 'legislation but 'of Sa mou City, Idaho, re here*, visitink ;5t $1.75, $11.95, $2.2-5, $2.85, up t n spite of everything it is break po, up. it Terriff, ivho have been working in Wood- 0 and 15c lnes. 'More on for the
Mr. McPherson's brother. They �*ave been ock for a few days thi i we�k ioney t before for anythin, but qpeed-' The one great aim 'Which it is now shown the' legislatures asted for generations in, Ru because in travellin for several pionths on a :pleasure per dr6s§. Beanties they are.
st were home th.au ever vou
--NJ to. J. Car ill I 'a the guest t d report Hei t in their constriletion 3 to have 'them have not power to pass. All.bee'n * ccordance with its co, in-munal em the - trip is4ll as being t�ie* neat- of Keep in Min 9
ad: tha-t I 1, M. of Cargill.—Mr W. 8 and 11 so that they will catch as i -nu passed, and belonged to the village; bully', Mani, � est. an'. most progres4ve illag- Cargi� J., Veiling ell wind and thcre�ore, inextticable confusion ii e they have di as� little water as possible and not capsize., �oba, where the land. was conve) ed and di- 'seen. - Fleuty andbride have 'returned rom their That our i6w stock f Mantles has
would ilomr- 11�e the st It, as its repeal Airs. (Rev.) Svfail is visiting rela- Severill, new - things added Ih�%
ided into sections, and each ian home- wedding tour to Toronto and othQr places. had more added to iii ��.and now we
To da this may be a very u �ce' � tives ! i Guelph. —AT r.r R. Carlile, sr., of the Sol' week—some ou have 3ot seen be -
mechanical wold be nepeisary. It pa to have & clear,- � te�mded and secured his own qualter sect' _I ite of -our toWnspeople are -a an have low �rl prices : $1.50, $1.95, fore—all- shalcls and coleringp just
ion to*ns � ip of, Hay, is adding to and very a he of the Govern- �' he London fair t4is week. achieSement, but no other I-eneficia result cool Ii.eacled x* at t.h &e difficaltieA of - working tb d from much 'niproving thb ap�earance of his $2.37, R. 3-3, $3.50, 9� 3.951 $4.50 and what is worn in the o ca n neither frightened nor a iiibtained. Sliguld this international con- meent wh f dwelli: $4.95.* P-.rfect fitti g. qtlick-selhiig, prices.- - e centit pro"d too great or le social g. —Mr. G. Petty, sr., recently.sqlat d other - advantages of the' villa o' shipment, of Vue cattle* to teat, therefore, I)e the meanif of placing a c3tjoled into doinly In. a laria the old Centraha. what hei can not approve C� damper upon so called sports of this kind, E ome cases all the inhabitants have I oved countr , where they � will be sohl by ilia Talk about Cbeap XPnery New Trimmings, o,f,'fQr fear of losing votes� It will now- be out to their respective farms, ther , I .am No�E'S. Mr Of Michi- L
S. ( -a,*,. Houston brothe James who �bas been in Englan 'ti And yOn will say So a5 i3 feared by some, d We balvi no person will be in order for those hot he a so f lad to say, aonco proceeding to sa,round Ivisit ii� for some moo gan, is -visiting b r sister, Airs, Velvets, G ps, Buttons, Orna,-
ds, who w hs. We Thomas
hope . a w an y A see� the ibeautiful new rAuch the poorer ei Handford. —Oury �Ilage doctor -ha! W, thi, and ments, Bui ek' es, Lace a, Silks and
S)m Ing 14 g( the littl ices. We many other ugs her in pui se or intellect, landiatbeirabi.i.eof Mr,.Mowat, because i A with their a na success in d" buggy. —ConstablE Alanis ofP&rkhi came new t leir bouns -with- trees and garde 9, and w a no
etinies also with the beginni gs of od market.—TAIrs. (Dr.) McLeo av t those who have baen fu the habit of. he opposed Mr. Marter a -bill, to of b ea g, stock and it's going to go match the n aw Hats and 1)resses.
Own up o?chaids. The -ve disa andtookaway tb' b old villag 4 ha, pear- Detroit is visiting hot parents, Air. an . at, quick s�lling prices. risking their money which Mr. T, on the result of the that he wa�i right and that they were w ong, Jng a. w- prifts as oth4 goods.
r e in those -cases, others are u de by ind inrbisubgigiysh on thb Fairfield tirg I Mrs. James Whitei. he is accompani H4ndford fot Same lo
rat!e% and no person will watto much sym - and they 'should be manly Ia f line. Itwas the one stolen at,the time p enough to ..ac- p recess of gradual dissolution great �er Sol r Kfnneth.—Tke_ Nlaste L sprrom -ancients of p%thy- o, ver them -,a that they did atario's grandold of the �e, to Lan s orough and. the� Misses Blac sses tile' Bullock ro ery. 0
knowled( peo —A c u I a of de' 1 Ld Whom the cliange betokens. t beats, who were a] ouni estr Iction selYng electric inan an injustice, -He generally knows 'Seafort � were in the -%411age last we the ..Of the old faith. ests of Mrs. Thomas &Uintyn Mr belts, skipp6d out without paying their r
illiam McDougall, of
uckers�iith, near
a as a rule, go very far astray. Kippen, who *recentl will occupy the pu pit lay in ornin JZ y sol his fine far to �t ILI The election of -Sir Cli, Alackenvie Bowell, anadas Prernieri -and evenin , 'respe . 1 -eloynl ina,n)ldt
rIes Rivers Wilson. 'DAY
F resident. dvice never nd Delgaty SA' is aboati and those who fo low his board bill. —Alesrs. Parsons a
what he The Grand Trunk �v FRf TU
P ace of Re of the' ('rand '�runk Railway has returned to Obtawa'from his E orth� week purchased a neat a be is templarily laid aside Air. bomas Forsyth, teacher, has this Mr. Butt w dwelling rom a short The Work .—A large number aretakixig time ago, was beralded West tour. On his W Mr.'Rol ert Bell, j r., of this place, and� we from his wo ay east be was uaited
in the West Fair at London this woek.�
ly a areat- flourish Of trIL Upets in some paragraph b are plew ad to say, intends moving into � our as been ing the rouods of on by a committee 'of in nentW lVin I 9 ipeg vill A lawn sbeial, - tinder the auspices of the iPTI 27th and 2 th
a -t iis winter. —We- His &iAlities as a business mian the papers for'. some w eks, to the effect onerva' -wh ag are sorry to state Woman's Missionary see , it is said,:, scored him '.that Mr. Robert Bell iky of the ALeth(I - %4��re extolled to th sr., of the London dit eburob, was held at* Mr, Wes. Hustonts _e highe-st iitch, and Iiis thmt a misrapp'ropriation! o,*, the f Linda of -the 5everely for the. Government's treatme)t of road isluffering from, another.severe at-. on Wedi iesday ei-ening, Jast week. 1 Tle WILL BY, 111 (I.-talties far a successfulralwkViva
nager Ancient -Order of United -Work an, by, �Ianitoba. They complaned bitterly of tack of paalysis.—Miss Mary Carlile is inevening i ms fine, the atte#dance good. the d were a the officers, ha caused additional ;he remedial order on the school quesi Droaramn e'excelleat. much dwelt upon. r Chales Iliky son, of 9, 1 spending a few dmyd with relatives an
ion * asses.6ent to friends in Ingersoll r�ntford and Toronto. the results gratif ying, possessed of the "VeRt ability, and he be mad6, arid has resulted lovernment to i �nethellldies f the refus&I of the ipIe- are o be laongratulate, d on s (Xauley, Clinton, is L of lit -v 1mve all.the gifts ati(I gruees-hii fr in much disstisfac L-�Mis I here this iends UOD aut. nr.membar of lient theiv,promises Of a gi-ant to the the good � vork the are doing, over $86 be -
.0 ud-. week renewing old qcquaintauces.—Rev. raisO by them last vear for neces4ries. him, but his intercourse witIl t�e ion's Bay Ralway Com "Mr. Roy returned last �veek from his :trip patiy, ad th ap-! -till' fo the order, To members ,)f -the order who ln%r. James Delgaty, the principal 01' Our loadiau people, t1ills, far, (10, s flat seem to know the facts of the ca no such 'reports )ointment of Mr. Patt to Mont real and Qu�bec, liam, -Mr. Wil 'ING; arson' as Lieute aut- NILI INE; OPEA
Logan, o: Stanley, b s public school, has been ro;angaged a 5 an impress the m that way. Ire astbis will cause any'lllu� but, as 6.11 xO urebased M . David ell has, been, for vernor. The Premier,i it would i farmin .06m, hicreas dsalary, and be esery �s it. dd Clark's fi ae tainleY.—Miss Gilgan Migs ...raw* ----- a ...... AM*..-V.M** .... ftw--
are not so vrell posted, it w vime time, on a visit to and, in :il ull (Lid not submit to his *cliastisement with i who resides in the ne ghborhood of Cl;isel' ll that a f aent s bertsonj big assistant, has also oeen pugaged f9r another year. Out sebool has explanation should be ig ven, This Mr. TerY. d grace; and k�cked ba �urst, an I nearly fiv. n1ii1es from with other afficers of the 'company, goo e kc. The here, has anAftecordin the elitrance and Ia ving been inspecting the NVarren Totten, of Wood' s op given. a, contract fprl the movi r t) fine aid the'numer- _1" NN -110 holds (,onference Was not of a iver h em ng of her Eve' y lady- i n the Co MY 'is nWedw
y inati6ns.—A terrific U
"!in "'Ous -welling into He Sall. This speaks w thunders orm tlie positio' i itor f re 3rm d a Ve se ee lassed ovqr this section about two ol, lock ins for the duawing power of our village.—Mr rie liq., bci been niost entliusiastj�allv received does in a, letter to the Sentiuej-Review of to be in rather m bad w J P. Ma -shall has been, improving the ap- T Works of the conapally. At all points n of Grand. Sol, atu , n ell
or. onta iol I and' tb ConservIti call
60 in the ra uesdayE �morniug. A house andL 'barn. are-"
a little iO4 th-west of the village,were struelk The desire of t1lat town, Mr. Totten says Gity._: The much talked about and an. ious- of his fine No k of stores by paint Lllil 1105pitably entertained. by -lightning and b4rned. t1te people seems to be to impress him with. "In the f ing the fxont sashes an irst place, th�ar,e is Dothing that Iv. looked for interview b6tw ell P wood woric.—Mr. a and Mrs. R. Reichert are this week visit- need pause the members in�this- jurisdiction favorable ail opnion of the country as pos. Dowell and Premier GrEl the slightest'inxiety enway di not, ipg relatives in Berlin—Mr. John Pope' nor is -theie an 8 ything -nilton, ques- mere Atsome plaaes, notably Ha't tliatN% llaffeettbeorderasan, order. -Tile and the school haut tailor shop has'. been.. much irrk- e I owever, take place, Phil4delphia. prove d . by the addition of a work shop to rX7
9%�rtxito. an,.1 I)t#::t Ifuron, his entertainers trouble is purely local &n4 confined to the tion, as far as outsiders A KiPPY WEDDI'No.—Ail interesting and afor'th s know- -at'an rate un,lertook to advi,,;e sonle changes in th� jurisdiction of the stat the rear. --Mrs. Louis I�arold has r pretty weddin took place at the refdd a of Illinois. It remains as it was. eturned ence was -visiting 0
and t from Thamesville, where she' f Mr. Lane pfer� oil Tuesday last. The
101es-nt MethWls of conducting tile Crand pears, as I undepst he matter, that A. �1 B. ?ontracting partieswere Miss Mary Meid- (�'mnd Receiver of that jurisdiction, (who is her sister, Mrs. urdo'ck.�Mrs. reatest Ho -.N. MR. HARTY, Coiiln�tis b inger and Mr. John Hartman, both of near sioner o pu Thoilison, sr., is in Toronto visiting her T�unk Ititilway, ir Chaile,,4, however, does the persoli tbmt receives the f" G ods'
unds- of tbat
not seem to take kindly tx) any suggestio"ns jurisdiction,) has bee iating the Ile Works for Ontario, w son, Dav'icl.—The storm which passed o or this place. The mmediate fr only n misappropr as unseated a v iends of; this kia(l, moneys, in his hands -i thereby ca I 1�pre on I nesday night as one of the worst were present, numbaring ab lection Court at Kingston 61 Ile evidently thinks he using a out forty. The n Tuesd on ceremony Was perf( als`h
I 1 we have had this season and six or seven tined in the' CAtholic sbortage Of MOneYs necessary to discharge Hous"
11:11OWS itull, nd his replies'were itiost curt, 4 nt of corrupt practises byagents the obligations of th t.tb-e fires 6ould be seen distinctly at no great church by Rev. Fa;ber Porteous and then 0 J diction in the if not impertinent. They were not, at mny paymEnt, of eth losse :nd in order the d' last election. At the geneial elect on in distance. --Mrs. Robertson, of, Dinfield, and all returned to the house where they' -par. to pay these Airs. O'Brien, of Londe4lioro, ii,re in the vil- feast, and In eourteou6, if reports are'to be relifd loses, ilia Grand Master has June, 1894, Air. Harty was d4eated y Dr, of a sumptu. Aedding OFhe lightfan-astic toe u' At Taronto, when bein eRtertainad made a small call upon' the members for one Smyth by a majori� age this Week visitin their parents, Mr. thlevening tripped 1tv of onel Dr. 'fnyth it, assesmetits to meet the our- 'in the L morn ne. The a, Subsequently unseated.- At tI a by- of Tuckeismith, was here lately friends i of the yo, g cou rent liailitie�, and to fbis the members of S ing a ple wis them a b- the Dxird of Trade, amaric, other things 9 - rX Ia
or two extri aTid Mrs. A. McPhersoa.—Miss Mc(,,owan until an early boar i Tfi Tendi McFar- long and happy life.i thai. it wotild be in the in- Ithnois.are prote in actioq of those we with Mr. 4nd A -Ira. t election Mr. Harty wa; s elected by a r iajpri ek, or s c) C, � 1, lane. —Mi -.'Roland Cudmore, our enterpris- NOTEs'.1 —The far !in th embers. does not attect the order - in anv Dr. Smyth again b bi sloe, if b road if the uranagetrIcut were ty of over 400,ing masor a I
fr-nij th' other locality,nor does it aftlect the S reme opp, nd contractor, has the: found&. finished sowin . th ir fall heal and the iis -side more than fr(,m onent. Now, Mr. Harty has �e d tin- the tbreh' t.'Le Other side of the Atla t tion laid for a fine now brick dwelling, sound of! g. histle nor any man connected the I cat. now be utic, as at preselit. o; d'e�i e S.Tated and there will have to be -a ioth,er which he Is buildiiig to sell or to rent.—M except in the juxisdiction of t a itate I �r. heard in all directio C. lKalb,fleisch -tion. Charlei replied that if the Canadians of Illinois, nor is there ail thing in t a ca and Mrs. Duncan, of Seaforth, were guests is now through threshing his ax. --There y a is at Mr. Sa nes Sparks' of !this place, on at onsiderable sickness diiiired to have a lrfr to cause the sligiktest alarip, even. -in that er �ay in the &&i,rs of among4 adults !a this I jurisdiction, for the Grand ' ceiver is' i urday and Sunday lat'�Mrs. Elder and 'einity �'l I=b.,—Mr. Ort and Mr. B t'le UWT bliould become poss ;in- P1101UNEXT POLITICTkx Dr_%D.—Colouel daughter, recently of -17upkersmith, have re- mist, Of were theiguest es -9'-d Mir heavy bonda, which is suretie� ill 4 of Mr, 0. 1110rcRtock ill the road, but so ngas so have to inake good for 3 W ohn Warren, well known oil both i lea of turned ho, ne from visiting frienyds in Hill- y m )pria- the Atlantic -because . of his promine: ice� in lett.—Mr . Lammie antd� Miss Lammie are �his week. DR GOOD' SE�ppr, drew Smith, oil Monday and T iesday of
lctrge a Share of the stock is. owned in the tion in his charge or cust6dy, i6ich, no —Mr. and Mrs. ol. J Lcobie, of Irish politics,"a,nd as aleader of t moving ilito their final new b Icountry, tile ma he Fenjan 04) doubt in time, will he made good :to the move guests at the rei idence o tnuat- come ouse.—Mr. near Zurich, ywer menl, died in Iloston on $aturday. f At 11%miltoll it w Grand Lodge Of Illinois, land all tiouble. I Andrew JDhnston, o Tl�illow 3fall, farm $ir. A. OveAnit on -Sunday last. -J. dr. Hem- f
London road, left here on Saturday last for a find famil as something PISCOP-ALTANS W.kLL NOT ASSENT.—All. over there will,be satisfactorily D-Ilayed. h pe of church iinity between the Catholics Y, Of McKillop, we'.e visitill ,to
wn V-10 same, At Part Huroil, also the spokes- This old and reliable orderl is in 'asl 9004 and Episcopalians, in England, is 0aslied by a,tri t k ngland. Messrs. Robert Carlile riends 4ixd elatives in a':Iew days and �v illiam Oarlile are, spending a day or t week� -7� 0
=d pr
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Clover Seed
Timothy So
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69 boxe% '7�
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farm dairy
the cheese
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