HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-09-13, Page 4I77 7 7 f
It W aj he 1 oat at (.0de r. Sob's strong horse, he piws6th in the valley i that village on Thursdiy of lost 1 iek, at -on# of Mi feet. About, mo nth chj arid enjoyed the trip for % NEW ADV th on the age of nearly 70 years. * to' the hospital. at Brandon,, where while, bt t at last th4 waters began to roll,: d ceth in lits,attength. 'go en an pajoi —One day l"t week,, Uts. W. A. Gte nt thp-ea pikes of bone were taken oat of his d the I loat, to lure the V
f4a.1jas fture between the ritheala Ote'r eac Olt . adven- and our two ti as denotes the page of the paper on which thi to meet the anudd men and am eth the of -,Walkerton, rods from that town to H r. 10 4 buthe still obin nued to, (row worse, tureril te a e 0 a ort Elgin dvertleement wiWba found. battleafaroff. Thatia-to. Mr Cam. r1ston on her bicycle, making the distanQe ai 4 the. foot was taken off 0 is day last and ufloofedIt"tc ineardine, nd have been Settled Down -Greig & 31s,04-013 Ald (1) I hours and 8 minutes. fe beir'w*y bacl ..here, and ai -e now at aron -simply hungering for a chance to w c. 110,`itood the operation.bmvelyi not made t About Advertising -Rod ns I ros. (t ong- enough to take chloroform. home,im douib'b thi king over their brave To the Nople-IL Mo I give the Government candidate a royal bid. 1 —William Mason has -sold' hie '100.aar6 b4 im g att firm, -beirig lot 21, eoncession I 1, Grey, to if N I" been improving ome W'h t since the d6ed, an I wishing th had - nev, ir bought Ceniral Rusiness., Coll atosh (6) ing Ill West Huron. !['hat is'itoba Nye Have a conimmot---j. W. mli (6) bly why* V`illiarn Schnooki of Elm& foot Was autputf —M B. Mcvittiej ot _TJ
0 sum of ose 1P a' mulle 'for tb ded, and his recovery is tb ti k t stoyee- and Vurnaces- S. Mulle Co. (6) the Government does not open: West Huron af dent! 500. The purchaser takes possess i4on ed 7 expected. North B y, i visiti'g hero. Go. to the B"t-P. 1101,%o hkn 5) rall-Robert Willis.. right ofE his fall. The financial report of the L6ndeabora Shoesfor I . A _4*AWM__10F,-wwm@& - The Right Things -A. G An' 1 -1 -The Fordwi leircuib oithe Methodist churches fo —A
ell, townehip'of Howi)k, r the only One past -Gilroy Wise Cro V Wise 61 -ER. IM, I Co. (8). cheese factoryi, having sold their ehevoe at y &I ei idihg'May 31st, 1895, shows that the &as I)e
To Twe staterne the Montreal Gazette -A ELL Pon ivered ib at the cold storage, in I f 'i 41 wing Amoun e e Millinery, kt-4 lit of ts wer esers. Xampbell'. "Er. Noriial"
7 . cents, del raised for ton are atten
X toods kc-f6l djng, that development of the iron. indust e rge in Dry, Goods; fland Wanted -W. rY In Harriston, one' do& last '.week. They I ad' th
Hoffman (8) t;; ijl sup oirt -, Loudesboro, $513.53; Kin- McKil$ Tuck r$pli Toronto is week.—Miss Lizzie' _11rpt. Chwber! In (t) the fair i i 340SPe- &1W the. United States durin the last decade, is over 400 boges, anlit,required 15 teams to b 'rl' $2 6.67 ; circuit and con ueotional bem Z
te h eu viax it I jersey Bull for Sale C. HzZlewood (6) W'h is bqeu viax g friends in'Toroilto. ring i in. fT ionary, $162,20 superannua- all, due to protection, its, contemporary, the it ise -Mrs. Murohy N Dressmaking wiss 4essie Gille ie has gone to Hamil_:_ —The 0 er Hill -h Hay Notice -john i-eftenon (6) L Methodist., obur ti) $30; educational, $15.10; contingent _TJ
Herald, 'very aptly replies.: gow, the 'r n t; g ton to a nd f few eeks with he relatives. ence $5,84; n* Ooat Lost -R, Banthron (5) Howick to,Znstip, having recently 6nd r $61 Lynio' W -o Lead the Procesdon-A. W ".oh (8) most: remaikable progress' made "b there, r. Killer's little y an3[ extensive repairs, the -re6opeuing ear- elurch relief, $3.50; n eorge daughter:, A Bargain-EXIpositor Offloe (5) zzle h d to break. one of:: bertson (5.): sus'e tst'", $3-611 L e mie fortune -P.
Ro State in this industry was that -of Alabar*,* Noices took place on Sunday last, and a very 8 L day school aid, $2; Sunday- sch Ste e: n,
ag New-Itc bert Bette (5) 00161 her ar Saturday evening while out'l y Slonlethi id on --of eoxm
New Boots Ard Shoe# -W. R. I Villis (8) 3 layin M_r . John Scott has returned ! evening. V. Er vorth Leagues, $35 ; all other pur' .; n -18901 ' 4 - - --and at,`
chool Shoes -W. H. W lilts (8) of pig iron in 1880 to $90,432 tons i F, X. Ll b6me which increased its output fro n 62.336. tout successful tea ineeting waa hel Monday $' tt tee bbards, $1,175 ; Ladies' Ai&
10 0 ; total, $3,355.09. eme ro ter father' a in Gre . She is-- Baby Day at the Ground F ir Studio (S) Mr. George Eno, of lot, 35,_ concession, N a 8,$5 I tt _FX
still very but hpe. e 10, Hullett, has rente is, farin' to Mr. he 4arns and outbuildings of Mrl lwe are sorry to say tion. against th' kut Alabarna had -no protee tl
New Tweeds -H. F. d M _soon to ear pf -lie r recovery, Mr. e I with to Ren (8) a tes Etlierington, of Usborne, Weis d Good. House 0 Ren ider -and richer oianufacturers' of Perineyll' 'John Govier, jr., and will veup farnibig. J, e- gi Gillespie is cylon ea a no 8) now 1he proud pos essor of w it nley ibbeft van It- Mr. Eno retain's tile use of the house and .81 x d b fire on Tuesday afternoon of last no (8 i1a. If protection was noi needed &gains' cheap PI 0 t young fprm as -a ve!7:1 e - o a 8). a' n,,and receives $17' 6r f Ea,b 5 o'clock, together with all the Horses rdo ndo ncf the competition of Pennsylvania; was it : - 01 ncluding this season's crops. Thp atte t the' Young Peoplem ve years. large "n ea or i ee ing on jail for
Christian B V t, StIl &Y even- needed against the comp tition of- far off- --Mr. Charles Shobbrook, eldest son of h r rester were busy drawing peas, and had e, er.
England?' And if so, hy? The Gazette Mr. Thomas Shobbrook, of the 13th 'cone a. th by Uis read 1i .0 'Of B14
h Lena Kersla e.-rA was expect4 d, the so- won Cxfo h t1the b rn a few ininutes before to Irwere ing. Thle to0o' w a introduce(. s who ma this an- from gilt 4 Lnd' 'all"" will. have to admit either that protection sion of Hullett, died last week. Deoe d and -when they returnec cial of theZo - p pie held on tl e groundt it lop, d Or took cold sorne time ago, and deve prised to see the barn enveloped - i ng had nor. the i nouncMent. nAnence it ell ims for th&L aye* into consumption. He was much :an' fli I he cause is unknown, unless so of Mr. Ale a, hlan t Irriday evenin pass-, d e- wee. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Sept. 13bh,. 1895 ess,
te rn, or eke -'that Rugh ud"* being a f6e gerVedly respected. 01 e I had been smoking, or ed off ploasanbly. all Apt 1pose
tho ghtl deisired. T me wasi could -over 0
tade'couhir, is in, a p mition to produce —The Listowel people, ivre making a lig di opped a lighted match, There is an 1 feet loi
performers acting I eir parts' 'push to induce Me I. noe'of $1 000 in the Hay mutual, b varied The Torento Ixtdas-triai- gs6i. McTavish & Coin- the much more cheaply,' and co m pete much LOIL well, M -r. 1 obert Iqorris tna e er y ef' —Th
Liture manufacturers,', of Witi g stl . w 11 not 'nearly cover the- loss, as nearl olat Exhibition was in th gany, fU oronto Industri more advant geouly with new, rivals, - a op The T rn fioient haruian. - r. Willi uvn of am, to retnave their plant and -business to tl e whole of the season's cropt besides Aom It i cems to f till blast this week. have at- Hibbort, has inven ed an a or, protected Penusylvan'ia." The'Gazette Lis'towel. They offer a suitable i a ment for, po ,buildin g, plemetil 9, were im the barn. rowd i than ever before. his thr ing insach ne, for the ur o oil tracted, even larger e t' ree, and otfie rnay bkeakits teeth tryin to crack that ren f r indue, men a. .9 I - threshin peas wit o%it splitting reaking prac as tbem. t was tee don the farm rt: S Ev u the- prospect of havi kg to drink sewer nitt. —Dr A. M6Kelvey, who h tis d Kippen. PL T e Harvest is t his profession very successfully in Drusses, water, did not seem to. h ae deterred. any LD.—Mr. Win. McDougal, jr Hoggdar last Saturday,and was week t
for.thepast twelve years, ha; disposed of IFAP pronounced a. to Mr. Thomas -Forsythe, teacher, th;el yet been figtired up, but t iey wikl, no doubt, Tim IWAtsp. water ig gentlem Ni gara Fallo. r. hing'. on sn of th sum. A $3,4W. This is considered in the 1,;
d d not a receiptshave from attending. The 9 News of the Week. his praotio6*and residence ;o Dr, Proctor, a, 01 ITuckeramith, has sold his farm of a grand ucceos by every one present at the ummer is en
ebe as large as in; any previ )us year. Theen. supply -ed by a Ilandslide, which 112elvey'thinks dif going o New York. is mena( ( 9d price 'for these times, but it is a choi Bigned bhreat6s to destroy the a 17, i: n a -in. —Last fall,' Mr. Rio ard . Sellars, of tries, also, we're f ully, up t 3 the mra-. There fi in and, well located. Air. Forsythe in ased.'one pe(k of white Una has agt -h WILL PAY -eed Blyth, pure s. &lid ro. Mark Drake took —Tbi
d, 160 of which are, I bt. congrat ulat*d in seluritig so comforta, I SUP --Mr, are 910 horses entere 'to pay an indernnit of fou - millio, n franc% oats, known is the Farm y ere Friend, from gL wee re. abome, and Nye hope he will. be lonir,spare in the T(wonto Exhl Won this k --M Iroadsters;. 80L huntm and 106 carria e hpr,, foi the outrages on the French ,tile long in -& arbl 811achuse ts'. and 'sew A t* leb ad,] Ma t enjoy I We have, not learned wher James Ctimpbell, of taffa, and M iss But8on, bloollner
n. them. ast spring. ''He ha -vested his crop There -are 7a7 entries in the cattle _9ze Chue sea. I Whitby,, ave rted Benj. .F. the other day, and received 17 bushels An cyck th!
r. McD4 dgsll intend dressmaking in Jer 58 Ayrshire&; 12 PiTxzE's BoDy.—The MY or e he ir ay become as Me.. F. P. Hutchiso a store.—Quite a num- sheda. There are I Pitezel, the ..first of, Hoinfes victims, wai' return for the peekof-sped i citizeroi eoaflipt NY —Th.
James!' cper, public sl
I seys and I21 Aolst6iria. likur hundred and —The real estate Leona 7d 1ORE OD S ber fromi, here atten d the garden party at taken from its gtave at Philadelphia for' df the 'late * o has ained such 4 And fortv seren sheepL are ente red, and 435 pigs. farthe idefitifloation. wide notori ty'as .. Mr. Donald Me , ughlin a last Fri,,Iay I
qLne, was offered for as, Hunter, of Usb le b eder wild importer of -TS 'RUSNA'S H 'last week in vening. -rep rt hw6,iDg had an ex- than 1"i
There are 400 entries in the poultry depat- ,CHWA WAN ELP. —A cable4 ExetT. The 100 acres UP' m e. s nnie e It gram from Shanghai says t iat the rebellion which the family reside w" th4 only par(el, e froin the old -country, on ridsy last, client t 'Miss wao mo- —one
618 entries. I ment. The dog show has ill r, a M r. Na e Y ay.—Mr. Now comes I e' tillne to lay in your su the Fall -8imon Hunter, of a the Pidvince of Kau -Sul is becoilling for sold, Mr. Tuckersm ith, W h ti t 'high breA sheep, whiall ar ried to t Tue d Pi4lies for nd Winter. lil
t surpases anything of the Idad ever held in. 8 d to be tKe best that ever came 0 thee Charles A.ber ardt I ad 62 bushels of oats gone W.M
midable, the insurgenus ha, ing 0gauiieid.-ain being the purchaser, at $4,000. Th adjoin-. 'It is a very 11p6rtailt thing to know just where to Spend our I ! . 031'ey rts. Mr. Cooper. -is this we6k sh -a off half i n a2le of gi ound. F. A gliet of Bosion, shows army and captured eleen Ities, ing lot$ were- not sold. an Toronto. Dr. Lou, It - is re 0 -ing in for, what ay.'need in the way of Millinery 0 In(r ir n spent lost we -Toronto.— ronto, iad next week he will be, Hutebia" ek in W bloodhounda, which, are each valued at- ported that the Governmen at Pekin medi. ,—Mr. George Moore,:of the nort part of.. t Lo Our, Villa dorninie is ti Goods. TI Lf re aTe so many stores—seemingly n end to taltes calling upon Russia, for :aid in sup. -lot 29,13th concession, of Hullett, as sold d lie has always bbensuccessful &"a 9 aking in the sights th.em —Oacb- 0 ze win' bition this and the sarne *ralue is F i r and we. predict that th A year of the Dr,)n6 Exhi One, elaimin g 36 'e speeiatty, wherewith to attract the tto Of the pressing the rebellion his farm of .50 acres - to Mr. -Robert Cr er, V U Jaines 0,
w e prize ring. f isi ing, ho doubt,
-ford., for -the sum 'of $2,2% publi6. It h otteu occurred to the minds ff the teaderal 17n, &t AfAiR TWAIN AN I ill mi, a big score in th Carlin, souie mastiffs.' Next wee the WeAe 1D.-'S%`muel L,, Mr. Josling ke, afortb, wasthis week i'were con
STOLmIt.—Mr. R. MeMordie 13 horea her s6u, Frank Naysinit each,
Loudon, ivilbbe attraetin ,the crowds. Clemens has -sailed 1'4-'- Vancouver, for has bought from' Mr. Wrn. Carter, his tat in big—Mazing--4dver which # hie wai night by 8 foith this week, 6f some of tisements." visited last Saturday ithol fan moved t) ea Sydney,, Australia, f on with, him wife-, arid of 150 acres, oil the Sth! concession of Hal- -one of all t 11 0ores is really the cheapest and best place to tr4de in. schie evi disposed perso t reside, for a short 'lett, but we'li'a've not le na, who helpe# where, he In en to in ger a sing e doubt about this -or Caada s Pro'mier. daughter arid Mr. and Mrs. Pondi on his arned tke price. ti rnselveiby taking bir. MeMordI'dadriv- ti e,' Ita a -loses good. citizen. when she The're nee(I i: be any Ion: I Airs, J. I
wav around the world. He is in very poor —One,night last week some evil dispos d 0 0 inatter f hors( d ct r, b u our loss will be Sea. 0%nada'i Premier, Sir A ackenzie Bowelli in buggy- and harness, also.som loses th he lth, and the voyage is under* ken in the. attacked it horse.!bel6ngin to may 3t e severe atil
in f ukets hat wei*. used' f9t fortwe i b. r. ford has got down to tQ re
has' -been spending his 14olidays touring hopethatchange of air =nshi,re of'Wingham, *hief was pas- the b irn om froln' al epin ses.' They to -ope busines now, and, Ithough iiot long in our 0k tIr pi rity n worry may avert -, the turing- in a fiel The El UL Dry Goods 00 Pa 'through Manitoba and the: North-westb.. Sir collapse which d near the town, and cut off aE far a Clinton, where they dro: ve -the midst, he seet I b, ne to have grown Very popu- pears to threaten him. ie its mane and shoared it 1 the hair- offt —The Mackenzie. is 772 years ot age, but he still- I - gy ' b ide the side -w lar.—MA Fra)ak Carlin and'his s6n Jamies as
THE OLDEST INAB TANT. . Jk. despatch tail". This is a dastardl alk, anoi tied tile n has seonns, to possess iufficient of the enthslas, mean way to ta to hcL vse to t ie fence, where they. ere found spent a few d'%Ys in ucknow last we 4 v,'e solvo d the prom"M of CHEAP TRADING. -o Alitthi,
f rom Mayville, Michigan, on eptember, i geF and'the guiltyartiei desirve tie They 6vB n to save Vn
lit nday ni pplLng b Clinton's chief Of olice. Mr. Hutchison, of fSeaforth, rpent a ew spocialties, ,I)i a, very la r,g,e store packed fall of "gods, foi all d itaity of yoitth.to e4joy a suni-mer on says (Irandisna oldest - in. sev &-R vi Husterl, the est punishme T ey also left thellankets in the: days thli week lsitlng his dau!ghter, the niilfp
rs. elas,ges of.buy, —no lw price 'on one tRing, and a - ig i. price'qn'
'ton a back -bo -at v
habitant of Tuscola pounty, to -day cele ne. day. la angig a p c- v the pririe; while rouhing, i ard cele- — vek'while h uggy. ;.f hi .1 i I N Me"Alordie was finally commu icated John Robins.—Mr. 11ar!y Mille and Mr. an-
brated her one hundredth-birth(lay'anni%,e'r-- ture on the wall, Mrs. Sherman, an a d dL Joh by dAy, and in a. tent at has no ter -w an had b in, Al circus . in Goderich -6ther—ho iscounts or presents, but sary. a' Is property restored o hi e took in the '"7 - hatn, fell baek4ar a o et, She was 1 oral ill Sootlan d in 1795 and h dy, of ing n the past y
rom for him, - --In this w. ay; he has travelled n- last wee hat's the matter with the I came to America in 1835 and. toi thl Unit sbme article of Turnit. re, anA was paralyzad e the orse for the. He ten school
S CO li no suspicion of who the guilty footb 4b his lal ? It is about timie e ruarrieT for a timie, by the ftll. rties all from Edmonton to Battleford, and from in 1859. 8he 1jas' been twic It was feared her -&3[JMJ G_OCM)s af I but it is likely that so t they were itlinking of ieorgaiziug.—Mr the seven li ini, ohildreii by her ied. -back -had been broken, but luckily the ac I tne traw ook there to Prince Albert, covering a distance . - I 1* h im . ethod of getting a. cheap ride' 1saac Nc rriA I ias seci ired a position as te.ach' _1ag year-, I
along 1d, marriage are ra. ames ampt(ju' f dent was not so serious as was feared a id a the eiso
In no other ul I lck-Selli'au-Prices for Cash. It m'atter hot, where i yolt Of over VO imiles. lub." Any parties who inay hereafter erin,
way co, the'Dutn High school. Marked at qu Welland, On d Mrs.* Sarah'.'Wiley' f it' is expected that slidi,will be able td )e 'Tun V I. Mr. ideMordie's stables at ni*'.ht, un - g St. Catb lia-ve beeiiL trading in the past ---Five Afinutes ti i6f Elma, h
he have so good an op rtunlltyof see'int aines., Al.. Hu-stel isin tile best around again shortly. nic spent ai our coull- bil Lae W 11 not lik-ely getoff so easily. -fie]
and.'forin' an opirdon.-of of health. 1ATe regret to. have to chronicle the Leadbury. y to in the VE R1Y PLACE file bo-untry ters vill tell you, and,plainI 0, that you are decease of J. L. Picks,rd, a form'er t h r TnE SIIAI-17-ADA RE PARTS. oTES. Mr. Wni. C dmore shipped froin its.oap%biliti s.. It is a good thing for Can- —Xarulla Khali koi on S;tturday last, a car load of horses, DOTS. I a ie AlcE to make vour Casb.'Purc or Small, e 4p second son of the I'Allaieer ofL Afghanistan,- in' .84ine's' school,' Grey town w 10 wen, daughter haos whether -they be lar,,,,, a shee to the old buvehte m d day, after a..sL 'passed away at the -home a new ada's.statesmen to become acquainted with - left London Tuds acountrv.—Nessrs. of pos -mistress, has been hav- -journ in of a reii&P tive, ing an enjoiya le is t at. the residence of Canada, -and during his present trip the E . latd of four months as the guest oj the Ashgrove, Toronto Gore, ii, few J0 Cal ning and. Jdhn McNevin are do- 9 days ag in ;;the big show at Toronto this week.— her uncle,, ON,. Mr McKibben, Listowel.— Another Shipment of N-qw Goods came early t1iis week. They are -open- Premier will have gathered, from personal natioi EngLIftud is relieved at -seeing the T r hoid fever was the cause of his deal been fares)
-A nally of our-farmiter are finishing There are, a whole lo of newspaper writ" ed up, marked and ar going like wildfire, Here are a few of them. las't ofthe Shahzadi , b' f for all that'the APPickard 'Wiis a most -exemplary you ere I u e0m.ething
observation, a, buid, of info nlatioll concern g u week, a good many ha A p aroun Leadbury, and we no- he W,,JL oriental prince was bidden farewell in grea t man, and well,worthy of the respe arves this e "PrIn I.'. tie --fiv.
e e ing: that great country, ich. be satf, PC hict, are still so green that they will x ew a little mixed a w y got thei style.L The Queensent,the State panages ed. .,wheat w.A
'be rea, ly to pull ubtil next. week.—Mr. -of weeks a e, of iClin- couple g(,—Mr. Hoir to put to a practical and beneticial use. Sir to convey him to t e troops lined —Professor Maitland, of Guelph, tock G egge Taylor goes to; L ondon next week-, ton, has been tbroug here and has Sol Mackenzie is to be highly commended far the route,and he w es orted by a guard of o axge.of the singing in the w - I ): Presbyteris n number(f hispiano-toned dulciluers.—II., ChildreWs, cam No new Glovei. a ad ifflos ery- known r, -A
4CL-, itwo, Itorses for the show. We expect honor. The Shahz as parting gi church, Wingham, , on Stind fts were ay,, Ist inst. the zeal and courage which prompts hirn to 11, i to mA Ke a good record, as- he- J. J.- Irv ne and his two'eldest soils, Jo"n Toques, ftms,ft. an sin y days, 0,;
very generous. He' avo, reel to varioqa and the large congregations were* delighted it is g, low e we have ew, get accaratte, information in this way, and 11 d !s. —Laii ge loads of ooaree grains Robert Gray, are in ng at 10 and
Re institutions alid in& 6 presents to with h riging. , He is an aDpli- A really beautif il range at the fol- these ey are g i 91 arita ini ai d hie si are be and Togiy, and Aft. we trus trit for the leadership of the choir of that -in ch' ped at the Kippewrnill s for feeding Toronto 1is week geeing the sights 4nd t his outing may h ve the resulb of roya personages andoffleials with. whom he 0 OP lowiliIg prices 27 36 47 and 2.30, ad for thle childrea poor healtl
oses. 18, zl I gof lurah P re- at .31 81 11, 14, 16 and I C. Come, —The I
giving I t That is the place to get it done viewing he big fair. -Farmers are busy -kely the 'Lest iini icreased streng h of body &u,& had come in contact, which were and if he can imake satisfactory a - lLftd The , re li
che arin in the extrerne,and whidh - re r Lngernents, will likef -becoine a re pJ mptly. --The many friends of Mrs. A - Ig the ground a d, sowing fall wheat. them ' we said to have- y sident, f Valli, ou have vereew ovi,cgrpr of mind, and in this way prolong his 80 of the mani lome, however, fin is ed seeding la'st week. 0,WO. To'the set- N 7inghain shortl 16
cost him M'Qre than 85 Y. Re, will be pleased to learn dre t she is reco, day of usefulness, so that he will be per- -as th vering froni her recent ill- ftetty andker&i —Four of the chil s of Dorchester : Hause.. where he W n of Mr. Patrick 'Keep W am., efs. gent n than $5,QW.. 0,&—Mi Clarisa Mellis anrl her sister Fdr4uhar. sonaRy benefittea,.while tie confers -benefits domicile(T, he gave more., Brown,. of' Winghain, have been notified Boxes upon bam opened near Glas
t;. of WL "ties 4
Mat they are. joint heirs to an estate i rf A 1 Fggie, w o have been visiting friends at Another lo Ladies' and Chil- Laren trash, but good q_uali upon his country. I pw NOTFS. —Mr. Joh a 0'ampbell,a well-kno Nvin drela s under oar has arrived to 6 and Se each, 13ro I aVil on,, Genessee county, New Yor c. ' young man of this i ieighborhood, who left bably dif- orth Wiarton and other places for can, B
Death of Mr., Peier n., ed home. take the place of the first lot'tbat
It is possible also, that Premier Bowell may Thompso 11 past foar Week , have return I here: are nineteen heirs in all, - and A r for Manitoba some two weeks ago, writ' i ferentpatterns. Ney4rStle da Mauy of our readers in this ounty Butt, student from Toronto, conduct- es n t kl t 10, 12, 14, 18, 23,- wife, of To
in ell wen so quic a obtai new light.on the great schoo questi, deeply regret, to witl I roivnas no, idea of the amount that w: li betore for go little Mon e3- learn of' the deafh of Mr. e a privatedetter that he arrived all right a store has only- duriar his perigrinations over the prairies, b coming to. the children. It is the esta;e the ser.N ices in St. Andrew a church last 29 arid 36c. i Donegal. and likes t xr9pleadid. Hi he c'oun, y years a promin.. )bath,- i is inany Peter Thompson,, for man o: aunt of the children, a sistee of M Sa the absence of Rev. S. Ache. quick -selling prices. Dolet Forget time takin
he may learn with what amiount of cor'. ent resident 01 Bru 80]I friends around here ill be glad to hear ssels. . The Globe. pf , who'was called away. --The many bout wn's first wife, to diality q, remedial act would be received. by Saturday has the following. concerning the fri mols of Mrs. a -as a gene B, lair,. who has been very hir4, as John ral favorite, Lots'of Handsome Dresses, What we pd a Dout Rib ne. An- --- Mrs. Thomias McK e, zie, an bid reE i - -0 came ill am poi irly for some days, will be pleased to hear i the good people of the Prairie Province. sad event: ]E[Qnorable' b1r,. Hardy, Com. ngst ithe yyoui 3 people.—IN1r. Thomas other lot of 05 I teces wek,with 1
ini d nt of Wept Wawanosh, -departed this We Ca eron as away 0 itchel on Saturdav Toobriany kinds 6 mention here. and all going Llil e t Bowell. Inuat have Indeed, we ssioner of Crown Lands received a. tele. t -hl t she. is impro-vi ig, and i - b e be go- 'a Call and see what we are showing he 11a8t on busine Take a look at t he 4, -,believe Mst week. She had sulTered frorn a diseai ie in around, -Our N illage ha's' a' h tdo ay a as. ts- obert Hamilion, if gram yesterday afternoon frorn John 0 the heart,, for several years. Deceasf d at $1.75, $1.95, $2. , $2.85, up to and 15o lih -of the Algonquin M S a qiiiet and retiring dis Str tford, is Via Iffiends in this; i h- 6fl Vore for the an -this, subject, for it is Simpson, - Chief Ranger farm ol 6 a r !
received new light on pe rance ti Lese day. `as the er r6 U rib4n itio $5 per dress. Bea ies they are. you got before- him National. Park apprising 80 borhood.—Mr. Dun an ay is confl ed to money than ee. 5tated. that he has expressed his intention -that on Th ail, an Povot d some ull- k n and affectionate to d a, de bed through sickness. orge 'lay of last week- Mr. Pbter Thomipson, the —Messrs. -iew with Piernier Gr tG,hae andnter _ee-n - a i consis en mern r o e res yteri n tr"oublest bti
Smalia-combe and Ch rles Treble ape Keep. in Mind as pleuejo
well-known SLuperiatend6ilt of the parkdiea Chiqelh' rst. h un. Veflings and rr M w
,ay at. Winnipeg, an his return trip, and church.. Three sow, two daug,ters, a d xeter. Several ne
suddenly. Mr. Thompsoul death Vi day w th friends in
Jennie Vanhorn, who. h That our new stock of Mantles has things added this occurred h ar husband sur ve her. as and owned
that he hopes good will result from this in- at Dorset, a place near Huntsville, - and had more addid to t', and We —Mr. W". Lobb of the Maitland conces be rivisitingat the home of her mother,, week—some vo'W.have not seen be- He 1 avea A;
about 30 -miles from the borders of the park,. al op ei ey. er pri Is: terView. We are sure a great majority of d -ich townshi has rented Mr. M iI. L. ShIlinglaw, for the past 4 weeks have low 1.95, fore—all swaAea and colorbage, J1186 I—A Tout
py the people of this Dominion will share in- Mr. Simpson stated that he was brin J es Elliott's farm, on the cut line. The h a.. returned to Landen.—Miss Ei8ie Me- $2.37, $3. 2 $3.95, $4.50 and what is worn in the citiois. S V31E_VEAL.—Wedhes Ay morning lof last ame rin 'Occupied by Mr. Lo 3b has, it is sai ':r4.garb accompanied by Miss Myrtle E re $4.95. Perfect Itt'Llig., quick -selling the remains to I Huntsville, Few partcut- f , f wee th l7th this hope. , Bat, if the statements credited igib A seents -almost -certain y e home 'of Robert MeGati 3 he other dA
ars were given, been renteato'4arnes Johnston, formerly )f A present -in Toronto,.: Bpoin W .
ding a few con ssionj Grey, was the scene of a pretty ea
to Nanitoba's Premier are correct, we fear that Mr.'Thom $on was coni* Irorn the ing the 16th 0. Me- we ing wheri l is I Ella, the esl iniab &p linery New Tri i gs.l merry -1
ark ta Hants,41e whenL _poncession. Mr. Thomas Cook r 3. d a -. with her b ther, M r. W le Talk about Cho I di cl .0 r clntl b- ' ht: the Potter :*arm, a the llffi Ta ga t. —Mrs. J. Bell, of Winnipeg, Teturning oug dau ter'of the host and hostess, was united We have on will say so Velvets Mr. Bowotl*a hopes are vain. Aln. Green- P death overtook an I y L wa aVing Said toL ainip 'likely 'concession of the same tom vship, containh , h returned in it e holy estate of matrimony to James when you- see the beautiful -new shin - The cau e1of his decease was -y is reported as h a, news- bie'ter luiown as 'rennie Coue pleurisy, as he sluffered from an attack of 11 wil Buck, s La, .80, a6ies ho lie on TILeaday I st. Mrs mental Silks and for the sum of SUM. The la 'Donald'Stew- A.j re, a well ku and highly -,spect- thxngs and the littlq pr* paper interviewer, that he is quite willing a: r ices. a ar of Tuckerainith was the guest o her any other !n %ing -ained., L
ed you m r match the new —On Thursday of last Week, while r. ghter, Mrs. George- Wren on Tuesday LV4 Of t
ht on by an lave a big stock and i's going to go that' disease aboij two months ago, -the is!i good, but needs t6 be d to
toL. eat Premier B well, and will' have taek being b accidental. ex- ng farmer of be Sth conces don of aosure. Ue 'a very,bealth L f rest, U NValton, was at quick selling prices. Morris. LRev. D. Fo, Same low prites as th istening -to any y man It - i -
pleasure in I proposition'he I and P la' ra. Stewart has reached the rile old eo er Foods. 7 t
_ obert Patteison, bridge Builder, 0 M G_ ad practiml the officiating minister and perfonl the ever been iftbefore. c ' - tending t;
an i is almost as stria, rt as ak have to make le to a solution of livray, W" proc eding homeward fro ag of 84, 3 ears, The ne of 4r. *Thompson's 1 death will in t.e ceremonyin the orthodox fashion. Miss 9101491
0 ye r of age Al ve regret by , his hosts of ister play d fL passing through Exeter, he accidentally N ghton presente her husband one da, ri ne ye f 11 Y as the principals were taking their respecti'Ve nn she was 5 .—Mrs. D
-ulty but as the Legislatar be re ei I %,itl- great +-Y swatup,.with- &-load of cedar, and wb n 'wb MC- Dora Me the weddin
the school diffic e C g march
of Manitob-a has already given its decision, ends,an, I in him the Government -Will lose f om the load, 4nd in the fall injured is week N dth'a yo, ing son. —Mri. J. Foote, 's fy but -is
e DOS' MCI , ow 1 home as in Brus- 14 places on the floor. The bride was attend- Th ew Fall Alillineir eous to look at, not an efficien, servant. His and the prices :are so and, as it has as yet man sted no dis I- 8414 Oatario pine,, He was removed to the Commere al V [na pres dhed an able gospel sermon i a the ed -by Aliss Lizzie Moore, sister to the that they are (if we' na0y ae a comul he was known 11 over the s ous on everydsy- express ibu) lainip, oned,Aut groon), and John MeGavin, brother of -the —The tiGn to, chage that decisioa, he'does ot b and mediqal aidmas sunim' M(phodist ,hrch o' this place on Sabbath country there. He out of sight. Ready trimmed 119ts (stylish one too) as Iq was a carpenter and' it was not -until the Monday t qL8 was announ- bridei lent valual#e a sistamce to. the.*170= . . .
follow g hat ast ifistead of M. J Wilson as 11116 thout any trimming. think- that any bonfereace between himself builder by occuration, and was -the builder' he was Look at our advertise- imt.4 _ J.
able to' continue , is journey home- ed. This wag Mr. Foot's first visit t) us The i diea wore ,64 iieat and becom g a Otores charge. for a hat wi
a-ud the Dominion cau have any re. of the Arlington Hotel. He was in all aqut -11 -. -ard. 6% I 1, We truib it ivill not be his last.—The nd each car tum of dotted white muslin-. a ent O the last p g, k of this e week, wh le say 0out for two year 'OuTu6say evening o'las me," hodist choir -of this place, which hsS ried eautif ul boquet of flowo ro, In addi. tween isix -a
sults. He has no propo.--itiou to make -to four years in the employment of the Ontario paper ad se 'what we hav 16 Government, having been Millineryprices T) e Quick-Sellina Cash- Prices bav-e beej put UP0 8 em' 6ut'drivin on Huron' at-, eet,* E xeter, .A' be l-broke:i ap for some time, has . . 0 - Mr. Dowell, and any proposition Mr. Bo -well 9 r ',gain tion relatives and friends the-- _&oir: of b t a bee ;a organiz d. all ihe goy'a ployed the Colonization :Roads. De *part. Fagal M8.3
Thoffias Fitton's horse tool: fright a Judging from the able and Afe i's suits, Overcoats, Under T , m).n weaT, Fla'n Bla nk-
raiv have to make to him must be laid be- meat in b ilding b idges and making roadg,. on horseback, and, tu inahner in Which they san ..Du church, of which the bride wab. a- baby in -,cor
ruifig around sudd(.n- g, last Sabbath, f ai et§,. Carpets, -Curtai , &6. This his ork eing of the -very best. A 1111 rpember, wa also present. The advertisement, is for & people: to ten Of such
e the Le-islature before action can be Vhen the" 1 icapsized th ri O may e) ' - T y e igithromriingtheoccupants pect to bear some excellent kng- pres ted' Mrs. Moo with a lo plus read. A me National ark- wa constituted'he was ap. Out. i,to vely and i $t What it says, iand the Company, whs an Porth
es oir now compris name i ,at taen. 'If' this is the position Mr. Green- Mr- F n fell on hi i 'head, and-," ing,. in the future. The ch ro k which, along with many other use. tli6bo4om. of it; -is prepare —At six.
i, tas I
pointed 8 perintei dent, and! discharged -his xi of -to d more for you t ssibly: b a 81 han call ay takes, and it must be confessed it is, a duties rendered insensible for a tie, while h a ;voices %flz: Mr.gichard Nichols, lAder; fule a d valuable g' ifts went to show bh pno e. we-ek, tho
d told ',It it great Acienc'y, beiug -an ex4 114axon alighted on his feet, M* s M. E. Pybas, or Miss in' lie limited grate Of an advertisemea.t When yo an esea ed n, U are in ea- reasonable one, there will be no settle -men t cellent Umi a id'a good adrh J. ularky of, the bride. After partakin -n. ar inistrator..'' MqWra, Mi3s Annie J. Miss or a an ee us, We may be'busy, b U_ 11ev4er So Jury. The horse was a.yo n anIrria -wh ch Trie$nt, I Ci, excellently, of the difficulty by compromise, especially He was about 5 ve prepared, wedding break t the Us, but h tv
ari rd T1
W Fitton had pu"rehased n y a few Vaiihorn ai A Mr. George; T. Wren., been struel
amily- of three Z i- asistant to show yoii through o nd leaves a f d yp happy twain were ac(pinpanied to B sse ve can:find some 411 i
i -before the January session.. aughters, before.. tock Side was a
one married bg a.. JoHy'company,from whence M . a - d Olive yol-i some examples -of Quic_k_Se1h*nr, Pri.,'e c Sumi '11 r8 _k trail i for Toronto an Mi. leaves a W1
and Ii n Brussels, -one The horse fo' ich IV. *cDermid 'tr'a ed r wh erhi Moore too ] OTES f ton for ot hort wedding tour. Ri o Ynarr_W daughter , I.Mrs. fames Humphrey of the one be hired from T. Ajurdoch, of Hn- Mr. J.H. Lo ery and wi e -spent OF the Conservative p.%pers are Fade avenue, Toronto, y and one unniar- f n ich belonged to: -Air. Stinson, of Sathrday aild Sunday-wi h riends in: Mit- ali,ppe, ra W sill, a d whi ried daughter alsol living in Toronto. ood wisb4, etc., were g that there will be ii The I I ing 91 ell ii hint' -o election -up in Wawa- —Rev,M Diehl, of'Ailss Craig, is fion. The youn couple will reside i i Bi yfreld, has been discovered, maius will probaly be interred in Brua- ch6.11. r in West' Huron, bnt that the constit- nosh, but thp present owner r efuse8 t9 %e pepted'to preach our hareit home sermon, -Morris, on the homes ead, whi McDermid is awa with sels. it up. ch will lbe vi - t hi
gated at h
uency will be allowed. to -remain open y horse ro. tho 'people intend he in a social and e ter- cated by 1 fr. and Moore sr., who ii - a hausomi
three, for which he traded, Phe horse he g -ot ta fir im but the da e is not Yet, fixed. tend removing to
els, where they --panied by,
until the election. If there is Hur4n"Notes. ment al io r as haN, e 1 0 as . C I . I Atinson, The-horseo as well as the r. G N. Kilty h een re-grigageid as purchase4 the resi e e of Dr. Cavans, Old Mrs. Work, of Grey,! -is' dangerousw 'reverend
to -)e a gh.. i
te4her ierl- for 1896 ; fit's a stayer. —'The 1 session of Parliament in Jan owners, are getting pretby badly mixed. Seafort, h S Dry ly ill,% and as she is well a surprise a
a anced in life MeDerraid' has sinew bee4; liary, as the Government promised there ca tured, and fol$wng at the officers of the Inde recovery is d0abtful: i e abiz- ternmis
i LoclLalsh. now reposes in Goderich Jail. Or er G,00d Tem ljars' lod r current i "would be, the government can hardly, with ge here fo t, of, —Ea pupil of the separate, school, in u. qr, Vh; ief Plar, 0. Lowe:r Locm9.1 Since theirains of a few 0 '. :_C I Ten e est weeli 8 anydegrree of decency, disfranchise West Grey, secured 100 bushels 0 ate from two (4oderic wa; succeeds in paskirig the m- Vi e Tern mr4eir has re e fresh- —The other day- Mr. _f I . G r it Go old.(,; I ar, W. Bdt ecretar ago, su tu ned in itA Jun Huron. That constituency was,practicall, medium sized loads of sheav's. trance -a.mination t( distance of
r consis 0 M )the 0611 giate Inj ti- B a; Ass twit Secretal S. Hill; iian- ness. rs. D, ess. —Alexander Campbell, 3r concession of -ite, ii presented- byf hter gnes, arm fractu
unrepresente(I diiiing the past s ion and i the 'pastor of 3t. ci Seceta,-y, G. M. Kift'r; Senior Junior Mrs, A. Mc- Ken a ir (4crey, has purchased the farril of Michael 'P tevs,church with $5 f Cas his se is-taugbt*by the sisters of St. Jol p- gold. h )ol Te lar, J. Rapson -,- T - aurer, G. W. Kenzie, Alks. A. Me e, Mrs. E. Beaton, HC woul d. lie rather too flagrant aa outrage -t MaRee, of Wallace, for usle Being an
the 'in, 'of 44,200. eph. Last Hi; Guar , J. arim; SeAtinel, W. and. Mr. P. Ross a d Eddie, left Kincai Bingh not kill4UL
have it without a, voice in the house (luring, —The fal meeting of the West,!'Rdroft Sunday week at the conclusic 1 of Mass, Jo iss Crosby, v' son.—. she is likel
next session. Th Teachers' Association will be held r io has been visit- dine eduesday 28th ult., for Re, I t Godeo Afaggie* Webb, Bessie MacCorma, M. Kilty's'ifor some Weeksi 'Jac an.--j'he Misses Fin][aysor, 0
e present Government chig
are. Andr w ing, _o Mr. I I - -
ket." M --JThe b:
pod for almost anything of a erookeo rich on the 3rd and 4th 6f October. Lynn, Frederick Shannon; Edward Tighe retlirled to her home in- Belf t on Satur. and Miss K tie Saturds; F as Came n left on seasoa is t
—A daughter of r. Findlay kppwen and Edmund, Campion received I their very da --:ZM r. 'eorge Hilli sr. I is laid up with last for Detroit. — he remains of M' uxtur6, but they will scarcely dare to delib, of Staley, has gone to Toren 6th -eonceai
to, here 8hQ handsoi*e prizes. ack o. typhoid fevdr. Master James Dougall M 4heson, Sand Beach, Mich - era,,'elv disfranchise the constituencies, will undergo treatment by an epert o' —It ig stated that,J' an yi tt acres I
oba Putland has, se. f ngb in hi a just recovered from an attack gan, were brought his bi cian. scarl rother's, Mi. a -age of neat
there is to be a January session -there will, dured the contract fo carrying Her Al aj ea- "s o Monday, 26th ult,, etfevei.—Rev. Mr. Diehl, of Ails a Donald Matbeson's, o ey, sowed fif wo ty's inal Heibine is
r —Lorenzo Frain, of Gr I from Brussels to W oxeter-and-ce- Crt. ig, condi icted the harN est - thanksgivin whence they were nierred in Lochals I no doubt,be a by-election in"eat Hur9n, C
and., -and his far
a. His dul ies serce Iasi, Sunda -ning. It was a cemetery on Tuesda 27th. Deceased wa 3 pounds f flax seed last spring, 'a rea tum, for the next four yezw y rno, 9 sult, harvested 5,640 pounds: of flax wl ich commence on October 16t. Thomas Th( m. pi kfju col
T11F. H -is said to be an extra good yi . eld. e . re to see the rev( rend gentleman s all old resident of As old., and lived for It pay's to c rald points out that i son, of - Seaforth, has the - Brussel I— fan iliar faie.—Mrs. H., Murphy has re- time on the 12bh con Gordon, the case of Westmoreland, the pa per4 —A few days since, engaged in Seafort4 route -for the same term. Mesi rs. tu ed from Dakota, brin' ing with _:_8 W,
h r the blackonitb, has returned from Seafortb, t hreshing, Moses Mann, of Hultett, rho are now doing - e lit' e ugMer, who has b, -en living ein' a- where iie attended thO f u'neral of his father Do wnie.. b,
which contained the announcement of Alrll t big Edgar &I Musgrove, the recent hand caught in a cogwheel, losing th tl[rlait, work for the wholed stance, have attended kot' I urin the past -fv -o or three ears —Miss Metennan and Malcolm MoDona-14i WOOd'-s appointment to the Senate con I 'joint of one 6nger. David Ifor
.G00 to theirwork well, and have given splew lid wi I r sis;er, Mrs. Lait 'Waite.—Mr. W. have left Dr Goderidh model school an4i, tained notice of the date l for the n r. leolm, who residej xieak, satisfa consi
omIna- John Ma is tidii to the public generall no N " N y, during ef. is way on a plei sure trip to the Miss e H. McK nzie sud Miss Jaiiiia Ltion d election. D Ony ws and a
lti wouders why equal Rogerville, the other day th-reshe five theJo 0 Jes4 10, R u r. years closing with this month. 806" iss Kmily Proctor, of Holmeaville McIntosh forinearollne model achool.—A. h of -ith a flail from twen _f ur —Mijohn Gregory, -froin an as e 13 not manifested in thee bushels of oats Ns 9 i - ase West of Neepawa, Mani, vis Up her a ister, Mrs. wer, last week. number of I.Molians frorn the'Saugeen reserve sheaves. toba, 1'rotber of Mr., Tbo w ped
T eeo HE il
I t 21 in th r
1!00 fT Edw d (8 4t"i t -A Card a
A C rd Card T Th mpso We t
n noi JWn
.3p ell, t
in01", and SaYa Mr. Cameron is wait- —Mr. William a inas. Gregory, of _%, our citizens a 4 W claya ag:o con- camped for a time in! John McRae's bush, !%A111 uderson, an ol and Winghaw, has been ill -for upwards of tb -ee and in -or the Governmen to ted a trip to at oxeter, died, months,: suffering from c es *of the bone in Uelan Two tiqket for that pur ose. rhey boarded the Lochalsh oil b. l 't co -me, on. Lfke much respected resident of 'Wr theS kd purchased excharged foo6all kicks with the p 0 JL.
.. I