HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-09-06, Page 1intt the tit TWENTY-SEVENTEE YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, RTH
whole, 1,44-7. st Ni'l) H1S:"W0][tK haja doine, for"5 n 119100. 0 'has U_
2500100 vo IKe en
qqw W G, NJ SPTRO A brary � of I Meg, �ch 61 in- le' co
MnV1 I terldi�,4 10 give th
or� ol.. At 'agent �) I age eaders T�IE PICTURESQUE ANb I�LUCI(Y VOlumPs, in a at d most pre. Cor- mostI,
clouts l000ks to be I u ad for l.'V() Or 31 :)n- MAYOR OF SAN FRANCIS100. ties be
S Fall. We"'hove Moved our stock froui the old! Iey, are . stored In is down t n offiles,
a will tand ana now may be seeii in our new but It Is the maycii 16 I tention 0 builif a -
'ed at a of Wes
L quattsrs across the. street ia the IEK( Tells Edith Sessions Tupper A bout His sultab recepi acid fo them I tI.;me t ad
k- f rom ity. died o
to -bestow the 11b r pan the g W IM r. Sutro j as sin IM r. SuLtro.
mueb, l"ght. Wlth the Southern Pael 1; T�sdl- 4 �etln dent o
B ths. larly _A.
t (VII see t oleo. eeable, IMAI sod him' the c ty
IV-1[wfo C14 H and th I i . Piince
-t, and rong Block Vle I -11, b t a brI.Ek.cony risation l ie worth
on Womap Suffraze. lid t ugh teleph ne iada a Y;r
t!p f o6r lie disap; tm t- to pick
(Special Corrv.�pondenco.l see tj
n 43 His pr4 vato see a oryl ritertain
0 �k I ' ing p SAN FRAN4618CO, g. 28.—Possl lyltbe hishonorlsew;i 0 a a wo n gookI . ii
When people eak of voving they lag iv of Nia
SP usually
most picturosquefiguro in San Fr OiscO, the strii at. The throu h devi and wh d- Aug . us
IC are, Meati, that they haN-0 left one place today IS. its Hou. Adolph - utro. Ing staircases 4 was ic nductalt to'the a ty
by fire
chpand taken up their al�ode in another, takiiig He looks like a Bedouln of the descrt, with family biltrail a, whert in, a lit e
e i black hall's at -the, all that belongs to them. This we his swarthy oompl xion, piercing courtyard,milking u', and dow�.i awaitl ig Caend
IM L eyes and snoNly liair. He only neals the a, was the ibayor of this big I u. r.
have done, and the nicist, interesting part of ainag
folds -of a gaybil�_u ose and tba'white tur- u il have 0 Sutrd�, the gh � nearly 80 yeark old, is as
the moving tool� p%ce, when we -ban swathed about his forehead to make on wh
particular about his dress as. 1.4y YOU I 19 $11,00
b moved the confl. - felt, a i
d knew, that Nve, �d the resomblan66 bomplete. Ife* has SOme- bloodo and. certainly, in. his � early gi i ty � —Th
6c are dencie of the peopl� of Seaforth alid atofthoArAirlhlst� mament, too, slouch hat his biscuit colored topcoart, Ms Watf
or ospecially when, It comes. fighitilig, for terra cotta gloves and Irroprow bable b vicinity with las to ourinew home, mud thab W mornin
t a_) he makes ar diectli, a wsst�ely and nesa: suit, wasasile 1) king !Pan -as ono 0 cendia,
I lle&tl If tl,ie escould sea on Fi or 4 9Wn In the
y The loi
th the past for carrybag! il Jot class goods -will in. go swo down upon air On6mies. an i the ieputation th firm has had in br liantlyi. even as the so fth &V mu
'arm tock Exch ge in W ill treat. : —D
ro be*11. omayor of tfis city through. a
no wise diminiW441 time to com6. Sut Kindly expregi,iing ille pleas re he f, it David
hot flght.;4Ali dacilius
.2c, oneof thomost au III �i
-Whenweget3traig4te�cdup we will dis- renewin� a-formel- q a nti licaj he i s- ly of 9
jktld grasping monopolies ivthe country., ,if anv- Isted me iiOtbo:- his oar]i Iftgi, ftnd� iwe turn id fatally
es: play some of th.p.'q6west lines of He is es h ally the friend of the PeOP10; ward his hdUse on ,1� nitir;(Heights, wh( m, inspect
go- He fouglt or their right ai;d was ro- was to dine �'vlth hix i. at ie NJ
rLnL I s h i ngS, stoj.pod
Woollens, warded by 0 gift of tlio:hi lost office in athai wherialwith juE i pride WhISL grE terod s
the v
Ity. ario, is Ing i
chievemepti lie poin ted lout are tc, H�ds andiOaps n is popularly calla' features of Mid afte� a look A, larti6er
d a Jew -plac 61 Dress, a (0144 an, bo�n at- Aix-la-Chapelle. 'the seals 'and the. Cliff House� we,tur d on Hu
Alp I d' L In the early fifties Pie canio to California ve up: a —T
r -ti, -N)C- into big private grounds and &o
au& built ill a fortu io in trde. H
Rr is groat his house, a quaint, p ctiuresqu�, rambli g ville, 0
shades, eady adier!l Clothing strike, how wer, 1.9 in 7 t lie Comstock soitof V,
which buildiug� fil 1 of od&jdooks W -d Thiirs,d
reallv IFor� mincii apd t, io fainoits Slitro turincl, from. corners, every rooirt mmandl
,pg supe: b electe4
*111011 be 00 , which views of the ocean' t nbllug:&��ost at: is - and re
(ght f jr 'Men Boys 'he invested In Sall f)ropqrty-L 40 doors. Mr. urtel
les we fo
utro's wn -apat,onent 3o-
nowowns the. ou tire. occan front -of this
500 and minds orie[ of a ship' ca6ln� lboo 014e L .8 —Th
That the affords. vity and - oy-or 2, 000 acres of t . he opburban au- of glass, - r
d Dress and] 4ands an imm a dents o
(3- bet
lands that !I -ween the acean and the whicl t I, Is ordinax
te the ollection of spygl tbrougW
ext week v aexpect, a' full range of FALL Improved districts. He ons the Cliff' -r mayor never tires vatobini'the oc m I i. there h
ouse, a ritiagnificeiA roadhous
.krantles MY �ey ROW The dining room is be ow, iLnd & one Kc As years o
HATS ii It. ' Wait for them, the
gluilding o r'oplaoo the. ox 0 WhIGJl Was - d *own the Istairs, whi look out upon, tic and th
from. are tb ez. �6west. burned, and- all the laud abou I it, se I rock a 8, Pacific, one is- again impressed-; with 0 a —Th
are m, ............. everything. And above thi 3 region is his idea thdt he -is aboard i hip and 'going down excursi
a: nice Ive sa oon. I
own extems state Sutrq I �Iejghts, where to the I T a m i o has a� large fani-
_f light, 11 oI u The..b
ONF, PRICU TO ALL. e lives ta prinoia]y ease and luxury. rs o goos. He a eye4in
Column ily, our daug4i ....... 'The Sutro-Baths.( quite a a as
f a five hei.oits at b s N. Ze
g Lrf wines aud Mll
as been board. a Is ,
For years Mr. St.�o's ambition h' Ei
;a bar- Dn�qtod sica
IGPEIG & WqDONALD, tolma.4-e the Cliff House not 6illy the b.6st delight lly a itertatillilig host., —W
f4ething on the -P&IA116 coast, but on a of the M.bst_ 20 yev
Mail Flght�lr
SUCCESSORS TO JACKSON GREIG. famous'In the world; . He haF thrown open i1mr. Stepholi
Su- tell m about ;tour fig t Fumialiers and iAle: han t Tailors Ili I t out ds to the public and per- th th Soutli�,in Pac 0 road I aske( Adding
in less, L ;a r W1
3n-i?b19)rZ!ee them t amy time. Five -,,It lake, n
of our- ovor.the far. to tile I beach ai d ye Lrs ago he beigi in what arp now the lar- Cliff H i - I dentll
vSEAFORT-ALL ONT. use, you knLo I" repII( gel;t and fluest public baths In themorld. 'tro. II wanted the to all go only a Toront
ft from The. utrio baths XCee'd the fanious Ronian single fare heN themyyy ere ch ging tN -o 'h of antIq ba, ility in -81 0 1 a well as in r Ir )I
WL show al ) cent a. C,: Uni m
trb with eq L ip ent. The largest of: the ancient are C I is HU0 gton s 6t gag d
t rjght Where, you are a tting n when I against
R* in n baths had only 900 toot frontage.
s, * I to him: 'Mr. Run ington, a SOUNI: damage
TI to E lutro: baths we 8-50 f* long.. The ern Pacific road ought ot io� . i Prof. Chamberlain, the pelp
With ne
br, lliLl ig of iron and glass: Sutro, is a pie b ut 8 cents to -00111 he beac 1.
41 can ng Out Eye Specialist, will be f t his owni suite of fix Ish ad and practical ougincior. and noph- a --A
I sk t d ce are. I Al how ore the
_�r store Optical Pa1ors, to, test Eyesight, 87 King YOU 'Vey for I la
'it. E. Toronto-, Ont,, September Huntliagon smnN,,d an ref u 1�i;l,
le in
11;ng for - 29nd to 14th Well" I said, 'then sbi I fight you.' We Falls.
Oro 1 f xhibitiont. enj
(luring T lito X were pleasant and A ( ly enoi] ,h over J i, _A:L III He Is now giving away a lariie and Ytaluable book on I, eye, called How to Preserve the Eyeo�ght.11 but from that hour 1, be an wal. fare. wb,�i h
I never cease(ruiltil the ailroa�, gave In, ALL F�EE. ed his
1447-1 "What were your tact as ?" - other p
'I had an &Tiny of 1 m(n next day bul. I d —An
the high wall yoll notice I os wi I drove.0 Lt posit,of
BAGIN around the *Cliff House propel�i y, go as I o
:keep out tbo passonken brou
it out y Northm
d-11 _D 0 tibera-ilroadcompany'. "ravelftoncef 11 much U
VXXXI CERY-li off 50 'per.cen't. Then I foug i them n. vaue
Washington, where I coi Id Mae them. n tween The Bargain (1 rorcer still tik their own ground. 'I I ad th, asiaLidis RO
es the lead y expoll if
in all kinds of Groceri ps,r Flou,r Cornmeal, pamphlets printed at i ak OW y both � I
0- Whea t, Smoked H 'How Members of ' Cong.ess-A Bough, tineal, Roll ams, House
'Sreakfast Bacon; Borie-,ss P16rk, Lard and iand..eirculated not onlY in -hingto I," born n
'but at the hoines of the 0 I,ngre. a on. T1 A
all kinds of Provisions, Crockery and file a farme
produced a very*good effect. Rraked � P ref age
"Ware. Also another (ansignment of new P
-n Pacif I-%vill be the entlie hiatory- of the Sout a
ever�d season's Teas just to ]land, which was aB
which no one kbew bett(r th as I h d
sold at the very lowest. prices. I will quote, -the ref
a few of the ii�any bargains that are to be spent ton. years in Washi ag.tion. I denic I- er all- i fact on O I On
had at the Great Grocer ADOLPH SUTRO, UAY N FRANO Co. strated tie stis werybo y
the gan
on that the ra.0 road wislie� to at f
The best Greem. BlacK and: Japan Teas for 40c, per Ing iso.dolights hijil.as ,,difficult quc;ti control deer. _A� county lb-, worth 90a; Green,. Blac and Japan Teas f6t 26c, of mechanics or coDStrUCti0l3. He do dgn- the beach aid the Cli f ou a that it been al
give -you alvery worth 36c; I can good Japan To& for ad the building over the! - J)atll, plan, � for miglitbave �hcmojAbpc1y,qf t.is resa t,
15c 4. lb_ or two lbs. for 25c;l bist Silver Drip Syrup Novem,
sithaslof i Jib Yosemite, and -g! Ia.
�:ho is a at 50c per gallon, worth 000 i best Pare Sugar Syrup water sifpp�y and invented and. patented A _1�01 MO)ll to 15tb
t Well, my battlofor th ight he III() -
a 40c, per gallon, worth ! Oc �, three cans SarAries for tbbiap�aratutsoi heating the water. In
day A Plains for 25c, 2 tbs. Evaporat. �chcmo_of . construction Mr. Sutro, used la�ta 10
b4r. 25c, 2 lbs. Evaporate ple madq me mayor- old pe y lead(
ed Apricots for 26c, 3 lbo. E a rated Apple for 25c # tried every combinat-lor . again10, M , bit 4 lbs. Dried Ap0ts the :—Ku
for 2Fc,' 'Ir socond� iriesoflils'ti'lLinels. Finding ,e othe; I I.bestPrune forMe thout sAccess. Thrc( days �cfor ele I- Doc Y
�ie coli- Ifi ll�s.`best icu�rants for 25c, lba. Currants. or 25c: ther ocean at bank the J�rc akers dashing wi a
4 tbs. best select Raisins for 5c, 6 lbe. good. bright -a, 'this clever an ineer decId tio the Southern P�CiII3, annopiticed tbat
4etory- upon the rock I jolly P
Raleins for 25c, 8 lbs� Sulph r for 2-6c, 4 lbs, Bone- g afterNov.11 a- single ticket wbuld I .
ad that as nature had protid ad ower suffi a' y 22nd.
lees Fleb for 251 ; 4 lbsJw11,,!y Pilot Biscuit for 26c, f .5
They 3 lb. tin Cream Sd, a from the ferries to the bl, pacb, T I le
3 boxes matIthes for cient to send', the water to tb tanks he aDY 013 big wif
25c, 3 packages Corn Starob for 25c. All kinds of railroad managers fiffly exp6eted tl
would wasterlo force oniartifil lal 'means. I'S dred III
Sugars very cheap. Accordingly a buge bast , was lasted out would take te ground from ��Lndev AN was re
f f. but h6y argued from a false sthndpoijit. $41000.
A cordial invitation i� extended t all to of the solid .rock. . Rlgh�.over,. eedgeo Moth, On the: contrary, this ,oncessig elect d
call and get some of U. o -good barg-' ns at, this basin 'comes tho.water:o the huge 'ard re- the rollln� - billows of the Pacifle., Now,'In- me mayoi.'t great Bargain Orroo, 9 brough
he Day stead Of riding the. oresCcif the wave, Mr. Questions of It Victori
,,Ixter of WANTED—First�cla4ia Butter and fresh in your lop
Sutro trapsi and 'Suares and turns it to "Wh Inio n, will �4 a the I- to reco
of th(,; 1' . a, for whieh the highest market price 9 red t1w WN be paid in cash or tra,de. big own purpose. Fr6intlilsbasih,by*t-tin- ta qua long of t1lb near future her fal
riels and, a, "The struggle of the'licop, a Lust M acciden
c nals the Water flows to' the tes- i ervoir, -whuio it is wa m -ed by a patent -nopolies will be- the gr(atest o 11 qu is- f a gu
vast tions, " -was the earnest reply, on lie
PU lilu- AULT, Seaforth. and unr
A* G49 proccs,$,and. then 'it a Into the, PGU one I y Itanks in the building. 13� an Ingenious question. Per 3onally I umn a 'n
Gertie automatic !device the waterIs cleared of Met allist. princip
4 siiirid, slt would'not do to have the waves- Do you favor the. ufrage for�v
10. tea
S carry. fliel load into tb6 baths. A set- I'Toacertainextellti a Lap 9
a Willi appl ica
TEG 18T a. PEN: tiling place is provided,. the sa d is was, ad WoMen should have tie greatest opportu- IA
inted We so ince
baGk".intO'_'tlle ocearif ilrt� the cloar water Initles to improve t) .Ives �hnd ea in Sam a. p
'goes on way thTougUl � tui incils to the theirlIving. Butil-want am 1waysto plied w
New. Inaugyr4'tors: rem ember that they are W on. Tb ere is
eity 'gra
In (IM) tte tido s Verr! lo and the wa- where the danger wil' bi i. IS noin- . medical
ter cnn it dash a rock al of ing so lovely as a womanly woman, no :i-
#isclf O�or Vil W —Alt
School, ing so dreadf ul as a'won ian wh
into the )ailn, an �mprgebcty pipo has been 9, japes m i in ialit to Iin any WAY. ning at
Low P construded which will draw 000 gallons rices. steamb
a minute, whenever it Is neceE sory. The election of this b 11 nt d COIL: t-
I-_ haps T t 10 St. Vin
Snd J�&U]k
Tunnels- 8 lyold Oerman as may pal vehicle.
:most cosiriopplitan cit I th� Unit A
Not saiisfled with all t ese arlous&u- were ba
strVotionsi those canals all(! pipe's and tun- States was. a warning th,el people. bo Varmy
-Ipe t the monopolists.: His vi tory wa a rev it
A I r. Sutro devised an p Alet p 0 broken
friends a Inst graspin corpor tiobs. if demc 1-
T e up send th Water back- tosea qv�oral hun- ga :9 .1
ate zle a' Mes conclu ively tha the p.lopil I General
dred fe from whore it was bi 6ken, In or- 'Str a, io
3, der that the'Wat er m ight'not I a used ovet. long suffering poople, asess a 1 str( a- —On
DRY The tumicis for -l' ed
..7 feet and over. this- pipe are7 test �possible weapo�as nd se thi M nam
ou it Iwheu:Pushod too farto a;; Bentwi
severa. hundred feet long.,
G0608 41KI)ITH SE slows Tun rB shot hi
There are six , ilks in- the � baths. The died t
main swimminE tauk is V5 foat long and �v HOUE friends
a. -Unks.are small- w.ic' ("fanad 150 feet 4e other act of li
:An, wa er. . Quo is fIlled kith cold salt. wat6i I or IIIRev. Dr. Somerville' a bedh twei ty of his h
those who wish a bracer. , Some are; for flow beginner theri; for ladies years a PKesbyteran p�st r at 0 en Soul d' ing his
and childrolli. Mr. Cline, a VY, itiona farmer sold
it dis- *1 —A
There is one little tank. 'of freshwater, L easot's fruit crop for $4,'(00 cin t a grou, d. the Ke
supplied from NN aterworks above on Sutro D.'J. Alsedon!n6l I, of Ta -onto, as Heights. Every. dressing room is provid.
beeniseriously il atithe residence ofhis mg'
li4 I'Ll E,yery DepartmelA i,,3 teeming with ad with a fresh water and an. eloc- 01
fatber-in-law,- at erLyu 'p
a. 5, h ise
'41 :-trIQ light. Then ther a ti,ers upon tiers B opherd. of
ar: wick, N
—Cautain R. out in
Of OIUVrOOMS fOl b&th(3rS.;
at' go in Xt- The building itself is one of great at Comio, Quebec, on the i, 9th uh.4, rescued
rything niti the ne the Ottl6wa River !Navigat ion Coi�jany, d ed struck
beauty. I levators and grand staircases —The Canadian SP4 4.� to Mar e cana is L:1r. De
afford communication from quo tiQk to ala- to'be lopened, on Septe ibe � 9th. here i ill —A
A NA'e need inore room know bow ns are filled with other. Stairw and.hall bej no' public, �ceren tony. to (fet it, 0 i d. .nis and' tropical plants. Ottawa
statuary: an p —A maskinong weigh ng 33 p. )unds , IiIas satisfac
rat fortl There Is a mus)um crowded with curios, lle:� the ot i , er caught in:the riv at Br( ekvi
VN e sell first-class go6ds t such in' d - and pro
;W,hich Mr. -"Sutii o' hag brought from the significant prices' �baI,t yo . u- da . An there& igh 23 pour Is.
ite globe. There are three y great
captil e
cui hardly agopd to ;0estrawcorann ersafiti n d-conserva- Wm' MeGrek or, M. red. 1 the refy,
(10 With6l�t ts aquarium all golil-bead ml came the t(*e Cath, � ilic t it. 0
'Ory. T lofty -roof, that I be 3pannLed s more pie4ic. Hz �pponentg 7we on WJdte facturir
than two "reg in e:Ktent, giv au'effect Solozp
and. A.. Reauiii64 plant I ix
i1th, f( i of spacoarld grandewr at pl describa-
—Rev. Williard W' ylie Ph I delp�' ia, a test,
up ble. Aboutthe Lathing tanks seats f iaiior'of "', r S lade . 01 formerly Zv e reet Pr, yter Lan :.over 6,000. people, with ample'i room 02
f Church, 11aris, has be6n sp ridine ew 1. )It. ar
days withi P4ris h lend., . M, I
'k f of
,all or :'15,000. more to promenade. At�theooeau own of end of the tanl�: id'a vast,'stagd on which —A very 4ntor estin r dilingl as c! le- di g
en�. bVcryL
ultural free concerts are. gly Sunday. brated in 9trathroy 0) rpip, ednead of ast or
JLA� I Ai El. PEN.'' OOSTI There is, abS othing- forgotten in week, 2NIiEs MErth Rop� !of I lat a man wn, and niece ofHom G �,orge in the
witc this spazious I ilding erected by the an- to 88,
yei SEALFORT gtneer-ma�yor c this city. at a cost of - $1, -' wasmarriedioRev AhnCrawfck i B. 0 in co
i . � P 000, 000. to tea �h his- pe6 le that oleanll- B. D., iaai�ar of tb e F �rst rps 1e 'an d er-
In o f ft h 1P ness is next to godliness. churdh, 1�iagarw Falls.
ol ! T ie cerein ny
Sig m
I tllr� Mayor Stitro's Ulbrary�. Dr. J6rdaii,l at the performied by the Rev. Duncan a Old and. his LIS oub, one thina whieb Wz Sutro residence of Mrs. se, and gqe to 'ere connee
IIa i In
c I
h 3 are
0 I, (1) tt,
I m
n c
IFRIPAY, 1SIEPTEINIBER 6 19954, from T �onto, L6ndon, Detroit,', a few years ago. T a keleton and k T--fe Ken na, Dubli lehi3saMeGee, F uliartc,4 audwiag�lra Falls. The. wed;ffing were removed to �& I ce of safe fo �, he 14&b al Sin so'n, Walton ; Agnes Smith,
rpose of investig ti n, 3teri 3,11sly Carr iunu46 ;,Annie F. Waugh, Seaforth.
owev'er, a �very quiet one, onlY.. the PU ut T
-4 1 h Mille�, Egmondville ; H.
timate friends of the contrao.ing'par, due
disappeared daring 'Jdayrnnyil 4t. i 11 a It Is
4 r i ' _J P
iug present. —Occasionally in.l nito ers, nb driv-: A-Icl'ellan ibbert ; James L. Dorsey, Sea-
rs,. James Blaikie, the -oldest resident, -ing through L the co ntryl,w* I no ih: ro 8
nater township. and aged 95 )years &Wer bed co- 'sis '-ng f r k; crid. rge A. Alothersill, of the De-
tini n isti es, a i the 29th ult. 8he, had been a resi- sunflowers g n air, a ! 9- pir! Ment 6f �ai sand Canals, Ottawa,
f the township since 1831. ported by o es'. Th se de n -"ng %*sin Stra- for Mly. week, having ridden
C. Parks, of.Hay Bay fruit farin, 1 garde. ns are the old so ffof,!of sli e,s, Or- Tibe wa om the 0 L pital, on the modern
Edward county, marketd# $1000! meil7l . use& fobr cattl , an the pl 04ul de of 061 Tay nee, his bicycle.
of raspberries tills year. He expectsi moistare of, this seaso has aused A. I ix ri. .—The Ili%— cropwas not a profitable one
a thou and barrels of winter ap�les.' ant growth of native p ants these a, ri 'us ixi� the nei �, rhood of Avonton this year.
ra. me ally,wife of enry l cNally,j plapes. Jaln�#�: rooke secured only one load,
4ara Falls, -.Who was badly burned on'i —John Af4ttbews, o �elt n, a inem e �of wid: Mr. A.1 8trathdee, hauled in the pro -
t 23rd, when her home was destroyed, the 8eventh Day Adv Ist sect, wh ras , clif five cres in one load.
duet died Friday. convicted at W al,lac eb tg - nder ab- �LRev.v'"I'r. Littwein has returned to�
Re BootWs 10 hauling station,near. bath Day Observande Act, is spendin 30 'visit to Germany, for i I t.
days in Chathaith jail. Bid rodh gen, rom1his
ar was -bu;rneN Ahe other night. urrill an, I a, short 1.1
0 1 Hel goes back to Germany
e to the extent of 20,000 was done, number: of his - Ad4 tist ck are.ia that s n, b avi . acelpted a call to act as pas -
tell thel e is' an ineuranc,ii of about. city distributing sensa ionit dodger t at t to i 11 �heran congregation -in Stras-
i tract attention to the se n to- liciarg. 9 n J .a ciar inill of .Mr. A. unlop, it; riaty. They have a b g to to preach ]in —11 i -. A Wright of Eden Farm, Logan,
d, was burned d wn I t Sandayi- and are creating consi era excite nen t1l �esh(d 4 bushels of wheat, -900 of bar -
9. Thefiroiss posedt beef in-� —Mrs. 'Mary AmiBush died. -4 Novi, jey� an,l IS of oats in one forenoon last
-y or1gi n. The ugooks ,, re sairea.: Michigan, , at mid -dight Friday, aged 110 Th work was done by Mi. Peter
w4 ek, Th
s is about $12,009 ; partly insured. , years and 2 montbp. These figures M -Alu Y. The 185 busb0s of oats wa
�,x .1 5
Arid Alit chel , jr. :,son of t e Rev. Dr. based upon authentic- records in the posses th ce -of two acres of land. to Mitchefl, of erseyLCi Y, a, - former- sion of the family-. Mrs. �Bush Ia's of -+Roberp, orrest, of Atwood, wheeled oronto, - Car ada, Dn architect, was French-Canadian parentage, an&'was- born JStfratfol Thesday, last week, to the injured by a fall at a uilding h was in Montreal, Quebec, , Fu a ne 23rd, 1783. - She bi,,Ycle meet�m that city..' Although an old, arm& Was h IN) F ilij in New . r city. seldom used spectadli s. Hier he r;, orrest is an enthusiastic cyclist, I
rly perfect and he ai ost blacki r s� rs. Dora Huc o of T ront6, has en- nea: r alln d Its, a,�e sevbral. long trips this sea -son nit against the Mutu Reserve Life She was the �bidest 11asonis widow.'' He or his *he 10 C:)mpany !for $8.00, an alleged bal-: lae husband had beco ne a Freemason a$ --The iwo�new bridges recently erected
o� the life -of her husband, olow- New Amsterdam near.y a century. -ago. M* Elmo, by the Lecancil are a credit to the
—Last Flida, Jam .a Owen, 60 -years old ;builders ind to I the township. They are
ISO ho died last Apri re
a 'I of the Station hotel, Oak"'ill ketLe of Saniiiiel Ault of Avlts- proprietor a rtly biRilt ��of and partly of wood, and
In rio, aged- 81 D7ears, took plac:e on, went to board the 5.55 train for Toronto 8 7 th -the 'r,( the municipa-
. t�n 99th ult. I The was as S W MOVInL Oil it about.; a �o
a He missed t; !r?a�cihes will cost
Parliament before.Confedera ion, railing and fell betwe i the platforms of 10 Robert Broiiiih;tlee, of Stratford, and A.
a ented the county of Stormont for: Of the coaches. Brakesman,M. Connell, Durand,' of;, Lo don, representing Knox
ears. i Jumped to save the m m from lbeing p Iled church congregir. tion and insurance com-
e -1 ortality aniong#the oldest reai-, u ider the wheels, bi t as 4ansucces fUl_ I : ,
panies , r"ndeti ly, have -estiniaed the
f Belleville this year has oeen -extra. aAd narrowly escape �uued U der 'sAs �
daimagi � % i 1 recen it -fire' to the spire of traj ged,11 K46.x chore 9ratford, at 750.
y.' Since the Ist of January last the train himself. wen was (I $ ave died there 13 persons, over 70 about 30 feet and one leg waIs cut 00 at )Ove� lzg, a resident of lot 4,
move4 :to the f acre 9 over 80 years, one aged �94, the knee Hewas re ity concession Fullarton, sineb 1843, passed
ree iged 95 years each. H peacefully away on the 22nd ult., _ at the
a Waterloo band took a monstrous filey Murra , who formerly beloi d
on to Niagara Falls last Saturday.� -to Chaiham, bat wKo lotely hag been hy 9 ripe old age of. 82 years. Mrs. Tinning,who
- I I survives 'her husband, a -ad who assisted hilin Schenectady, New York State, is in e; in the toil and I& of clearing up a new
�nd gave &-concert in -the rink in the, under tbe,,leadership of Professor county J�ail 4' Chatilli1ani, Ne -4 Bruns k farm, is n w 77 Is old
eler, bandmasier of the Waterloo. on a supreme coi le writ. Mu DY," Of Elnia proposes
1 Society. Who is tiuite a young w 5 I a ity erecting povi�eiq wi mill on his illie Gibson,. a. young man of about on his Wleddingi tour, h ving been mar led � 'which, besideft ing water, -will run
ppmpr rs of age, and eldest -son of Mr.: on Friday to Miss e s6n, a daugbte ' of grain choppe Cutting box, tnrnip pulper,
Gib n, re istrar of Lennox and � M. Benson, Cl� am. �ome few is etc. Sevo'fal othor farmers in the same
toni iile Eck bunting at Gull ago Murra 7 III usi n Tr u-ro, ' N 9va, i1neithborhoud contemplate erecting wind
ear Clarendon, on Friday, was acei-: Scotia, an( wh le there it"Isialleged bee One rail this fall. y shot and killed. indebted to a ' sinesS L rm in tha, placi to �Them' A. Co de, a nati ve' of Mitchell,
ess ; 'ded, i that town until a few
arlea Davis, of AeOaul stfeet, a large aniciant'; hence t e arrest *Uq. who o, who had his leg -fIroken aF the: —.Allr. John Little, a Ratho'L litothe of yee ra alto, 4 liedat orkmixia, Manitoba on
'ago while en_ L London� Colle tte -An ;ust 20 5 �0 af to along illness. Air. C '
station three' men hs' li Mr. R. A. LLittle, of th oade
at work there, h Is 3ssued a writ: Institute, died very and y on Tl� r iay wa I �niy 3.5 jears a as married
V, and w
the' Grand link f6r $5,000 even' , of -last week, ju t as be I -
was: rep tK a aaugb t er o Charles Griffin, late of
a. lie charges th railway Company ing to retire fo i the * t eath said IN i �chell, i v ho sarx mg �ves hiln, with two small
gligence. to h e been - a to the buratin a:b1c, III �cffi 40en. Iman na nod H. 1'. Whipple, bound' vessel in the I brain, e was �02f Year� of 95th ult,
nilton,.had. his.pookA picked while age, and lea es -a wif6—tbe daugater!of �TA the storm Saturday, arn � D.i A; Canipbell's farm, on the
tbeLGtand Trunk�trtjin at -Niagara David Bell, of e. e —and thre a ic In
n r her toun4iry of Listowel, was struck
�Ionday afternoon. -Three or four ran. Hisfune. is to have, �be(ini, one by 111ghtnit Lg antl destroyed with contents,
ous characters jotled against hirn. of the largest e seen i that se(:ti:) I)o- con�isting Df 251 tons of bay, besides other
e came to pay .or hisl lunch he miss- ing oi er one in le in long produce, a binder and a grain thresher. The
pocket book, recintaining 350 —Sinne rad cal. chan es have beeii 411de con ts mere not insured, an. belonged to
apers, besides big watch and chain: -- id tl�e staff of Assum tion College� S, Ad-; He�� $m th, *he has the place rented.
important 'discovery of.a large cl�_ wich.' Rev. Father For ason, who The rh i ras insured. mang ese ore, has recently been aps, 4evoted more years of big life to aM Ve Iilol bar day Dr. W. Gibb, of St.
the Cypress I title, Assinib in oine, teacl itin than any other rnan in. the Dot in- Mar , toc k from his vines a tomato that
est Irritory. This mineral is ion of anada is about to retire from ve mwdi H a hai d to, beat for size and weight,
I hardeni : 3r- it wals of
sed i the of iron. The worl:.1 For. �rer thirty years Fatber he Poitileroso variety and weigh -
Of the,, binoxi,de c f-mabganese is be- guso ri� has, -o.ecu pied -the chair of Aet -ic ed It m& 4nd one ounce. It famished
60 and $100 per tob. and English literature- eight year's in St. a I tal six of a family. Three7 others
bert, fi ewart �nd Jes3ie Douglass, Miel AePs College, Torout o, and the'l rem& xt� aggregata� 3 pounds, 5 ounces, Mr. Gibb
00 ye4s old � di in the Oxford ing t wenty-two in Sand. wich. Ro- I Lwill 'be is t omewhi Lt of ELn allLthority oh tonlatoes'. of Ref 6ke'last we �k. Stewart was succeeded by. Rev. A. D ouchal, of To -'L aw Ia slic . oessful-grower4 A couple of sea -
1795, 1ih Armagh, Ireland, and -was. rontb. sor z ago h, � picked 35 lifishels off 14 vines. r'8 so 6. He. lea-% Is -a wife in the rs. Al ary A. Sincl , wife ofl Mr. A. --Mr. J )hn Livingston, of Listowel, th
who is 95 years ol . Jessie Douglass. Sinclaie, of Ritigetown, died on;'Sunday ex jor met lber of the Lim of Messrs. J. & J�
o born in Ireland, land had been in lastit � at. the age of 68 yeai,,. 8he Was orn i.11 inwho has not been entirely well
age since 1892, 1 1. at Heniyvill, Quebec, and was t daugh sllll,�ce Cos ivere.attack of l�a grippe last win-
e of -'the most important changes in ter -cif a.Writerloo'veteran, who oved to� tei, io6ka turn for ille worse one day 'last
a, I" this year is n'the shooting of Ketip county in 1837, ind cleai(d at fine' we�i or a time o seriously ill
an4 f of rare �tho V
Tb farmil. 'Mrs. Sinclair waE 41, W, an
e open season for deer hunting has meji�al:attainpient and C 111 6p the Wo7rt as feared, aua his family
tered from the datos October 20th 'to iristian character. _Iwer6 suroknoped to his bedside. He has
ber 15tb, to the dates Wo ember ,Fit Besf,dea her husband she leaves lir child- sin rad4' us n nin
led co iderably, a d is-- regai g
vie s%that the bulitin season for Ileer ren --Mr. SamuelB. Sinc [air Al. A. e- hiel' stren ily? tile first fifteen day's of Novem- rinciI541 of Ottawa Nornal geho Arthur A
'The� itchell Advocate says :
Sinclair, Al. -A., L. L B., ban -later, Tor- ge er of - lacrosse enthusiasts went
chinski, . the all ged murderer of onto ; Rpv. James Siaclair, Thorkdole,, and f t Friday last, to -witness the
1%1 iss An , . , �o. 3ea or on ..
in nere te, now in te lin jail, is a ery . �ie R . Slnciair. lai ion I mie,1 � Brampton vs. Seaforth.
rzon . He will I a tried Ott ber —Geor* ,, Rennie, a highly resl ected resi rh)ge 410i, on 1�ii6ycleswore rather uxlfor-
Keha[34eeded all his pr to f L e l
# dent of odstock, dropped dew Saturday ;ajL ate
opert, tey d scare covered half the
W un- night. He had attended ral of the Jig �an( o - eturn trip -when
wit� the exception of -a f a-... He late Mrs. Dav son, a. the un( I J thel a heavy
01larsi reserved for his defence. id , the Piesbyteian b(wei in, ��'tsting two hours,, began to
I cemetery. While there he lef i the other I i
ported, to -be worth from $3,000.to f4r.. � !.. ders were compelled to seek
friends and walked over to th �ve of his sh Iter, after the rain a wagon was seen
a gr -a. Charles Gramm, of Buffalo, has 41gter7in-l�w, Mrs. Amdrow Pau , lo. , Tho conveying 'the party into. town.
t action in Ontario against the Queen son, after completmg the ai e, started —The �.following candidates of Mitchell
a Niagara Falls Park Commissioners home, - and, passing till � placi �, ound Mr. ll�lgl� school hwvb. d the reqent cornmer-
ver $Q0L 006'for L iUjUL ' - Rennie lyint quite dead.' '-He w Its at once I passe
- Cliff 8. ries receiv d b remoi is h ciW exaininatioft..: -Fannie Annis, John
over �Ae 1me weeks.ago, hieK ome, an, I me� ice I aid 81111111- lon, nes: IDollerty, Minnie Farrant,
she alleges w�s due, to the br(aki moned,'but life had beer exti: et for some e i
r % arti, Herbert Love� Jessie Na-
�lng diaease. ',He i , Carlton, Ralph Hicks,
Lrd rail, weakened through n 3glect time. Death was duo) to heart .1 arry Mary
-an([ leal'es a do or epaired through carelessness. was 60 years of,age, i w an fla CiLviroll, M aLggie Doherty, Al -
response to an advertisen ent f the four sons and two dugh;ers. bert�a rant, T. -Gormley, Wmi. Lark-
ic E r worthy, OW&S Mullig in
alship of the Dutton I b 31hool) n, Reggio Canth chersapplied for the situatio,, the 11. rr n I W. F. James. Per, th Ite=3- n. of Mit.. m 1�nglis,' of the - 8th concession
910 of I
nts residing in all parts of the Mr. Henry W.i . . we 3t. .1 a,,, I 3t 'wi,aiek finished drawing big flax
d some 'of the letters borIe 'Uncle chell, has Corn 'stalks hich in�asi Lre Ili, Of 'to e At ivood mill. He had U act eat mark,, Amongst thos6 who ap- feet in length. res,
W) h vi Ided 545 pounds A flax or an.aver-
ere ex -high school teachers,� - unive- —Mr. J osegh Rankin, �f Stratford, has yi ago of abov t 2J tons to thp, acre. This flax
and even a -wh duates, grad ate of a new oven in s; bakery ich h a capti,
college., 1 WE sowed on May 13th, proving that it. is
ity of 2,000.10avesia day, Owen Sound last Friday while ran- —Alexan I der G,bod of Moth no advar ta ge so g very early. It might
.1 ell, hEO be men ed tha Mr. Inglis' flax was not
the rate' #if fifty miles, an hour he gone to Mxnitouli4� t6 take ch F e of t4f nij ped the bi frost of lastapring. The
oatexpr6ss crashed into the � staw at school there. II fla.i er in Eli ria this. year will average
ce t's e'rosing and demolishea the —Miss 41exia. Nlulber Dn I of Mi ch�II, hu Lrly o tons b) the acre. be three passenqers in the at age taken charge of a school at Kin ville Ea- -11 ( �. F
I I -Rev . Salton- of Stratford, in his
dl shill -I en up. A little.- girl nar i6d, sex co , iy. on c abbat h evening, 25th ult., a
ce serious injuries arill a —Mr. (saae Osborne, of north .west Lo. t hi Con Met', iodist .church, discoursed
hip'. The i j ured were faken to,' the gan, has the honor of gr wing the brightest on thebi me %it e ace t1be f01_ Hospital. and best, flax thal eii ered thiE. 1mving T sday a I follows 'I i a L Taes-
season. v's me 6 heaxt3 approval because 1 want
Thursday 196st week a young rian John Taylor,, of the to —Mr. John W. Baird, of Mothe�rwell,'whc t of a �preem some go om the devil. The'
ck, near Mooresburcr a=1ly intended- starting for G rmanf I week,�,
4e�_il ailmost verything,.1 dare notay
mself for a four years course f study, down! from the. effectis' of which ba I to Von- i 0 �o the illeatre ; the devil has it.
he next y orn . He and 8(, IM; with typhoid fever � St tf6rd he'spital. I fare �ot say to rou, go to the horse race )t1ng were, OUT) �oo inj and- while in the � —Mr. Walter Th so. and wif cra(lauddiin'ilishattinites, ldarenot�
ioof I __ - I U, go
gbting his pipe, his gun. slipped Dut chell, he have been visiting Sco nd, Ire- y to the ball; for his satanic
and aadLwent off, the charge enter. land, ales, London, an� other p irts, of the chest. . __ - y a already in possebsion." But he
04 la , have r turned It )Me. recoinmend his hearers to go to the
sad drowning accident, occurred on men.Anderson, of qothery 11, after! Themana2ementwas inthe
mebecasisriver, on Wurday eNen- tended tou r in he I 7eitern : 31 �ates, re-: ha 1s of young
I Im en whcr were clean and
pany withi dseethat everything was clean
ov. A -In Dewdney, r'el tor of the 4ned home Is 3t week in com. Iwo
Ew Bm no- frol be inhirig to a Another rew
al church', t. John hisson, Goorge An"Iersoll, ofi evotic, ;on
I ' 11- n
ith his wife,and four chl�ldren, went Michigan. wi, r b nld ree mend is bearers to at,
—Fred Tracksell. h eemeid x poll hat there would be' no
,a sal boat. litt craft lVas JI P 11 teii, I e L*M Was t
by a s4u0i and apsize�. All NY ere tor of South Eastho d ed -at! hi home bq* kni i i unmanly man migit
0 a rs, Poz ae except the 9-nionths-'4d child of Shakespeare on Thur, ay, 22nd . nit. le! P�z do iiis (tirty money and try to get
ii�dney. fu n*eral on the fo lowiu uud Jiivas. t] le so* e one ols io bet ;vith him ; but the
9 us -for olniti time, inal 4g6ment wo'uld not be responsible for
low ind try. i 9 bei 'g started in largest Oeen in S esp . i ei Ip of cats in th that, if successful, mila pro e � V ry —There is the largest cr thwy
tory o tion of the so, , st tion, section around Mitdhell V a seiso.Ahat b 4 --�eury Gi�son, of Listowel, aged vi(fe aicheap) and eas f6r the been known for a great na years. wa$ charged -by Gmstable Balmier with false
nills.of the Ch di of nu-mber of fields will yield 30 bushels to t1ii swi,�aring in eOuPT a, marriage license, and
ere W ow n lo
Inday, las -week, afte
t o Z"pe Or6i er. acre. se that is now t rown in _wosentd wo t
berry, I rincipB Vof StrE t a VreliminaV ey the inventoRif a process of Inflihil.- —Mr. C. 'A. May hea, ing to stand big trial in
g ,fuel from sawdust, is placing a ford Collegiate Institute, �and M�6- StUtford. bibson has been living with a
I -y, returned last 1weel from 3i, a buili ling at the Chandiere to make berr -Ole Mlis. Bake Liitowel, for a -bout a year,
he1v supported
-A-lassachusetts, where t spent it
eir via bein eal by his mother
horrible discovery was made on- a cation and honeymoon. I an4 gsieptre"r ems to have been arrang d
the Rathbun Company at Napgade —The Mitchell Model School re -opened! between IGTi go - and Mrs. I Zaker that C
on Wt dnesday. A gan 11 atilaent; former §hdi Id Marry a daughter of the 1 -
1,of ai�en, on Monday last with the fo I co -Arinstron ucknow ter, a -hoU
for terra cotta clay,' vexed, Females—, Lottie frnin youji i4d, t
Briabin,,, zirl un v"n mra gh the
Nettie Babb, Carlingfor tti sent.
bout, one fo?t bf earth, a skeletoli of WOA wl cow taker
r woman with a large knife stick'�in Listowrel ; Jane Campbell, Seaf(rith , Ejla, giveg x i tl e r0moashe wishedthe "criage
Dre�it.-- The bod as �ot enclosel Carroll, Dublin � Maggie. Mober was to get i iore au thority over the .1 Born- gir so ax
fin or' .. y kind oUx, iThe knife is holm ; Floren irroughs.� Mary to kop h wieff the Xtreet. Howevqrtbismay
t * . sha ed ab�ut 14 inclips long, and 11auna be,IGi&- A . "d- Z.0
an, . 8=rth ; MirJory Gmesple Ve over to Atwood
I, Siaf6r on the &!!! a F_ bnwiont alone to
ten by rust. The discovery has fWort -; Mabel Jordan, ; -Mary to ' excitement, aud1s generally Iiiamb, Seaforth ; Helen a Ian, Be&- Thouuw a and Is out a declar-
ed with the disappearance of a man forth; W6114e MoNan Mitchell ra Mc. ation on ich obtsined a marriage h -
tho Ia4
n� n n ;I , B in
Ive nt
ble Vi t �o I
I I , - , Publishers.
$140 a Ye,6rin Advance.
eense. ]-a e s Ate t at . oth ties
resided, in Elina, an I that the irl was of
the full al �e of 18i y ars. After securing the
enquiries for a:- clergy-
license G; i )son ni IIman
in ��Al wood t 1 erior the cer-einolly, but failill-'rhis ll� *ent back to Listowel,
and givin'g', the hcen�e to Dr. Gunner tried
to seci!Lre ' his services. G'ibson's mother
niade stro ig efforts prevent the marriage, declaring b to belb tascheme to rnintbe--.
girl, and the al:1, orities learning -of the
state of, af. irs Cmaus . action to be taken
against on a )ove noted. The -evi-
dence of r. Fulir_i on, Dr. Gunner, and of
the girl w"" talc on, Lnd an order of commit-
ment nlad4 'was. taken down to
the Stratf6�d jail.!
HUr-o* Notes.
To in Rudd i a pioneer resident f the lait and c6n�esion, Goderich town-
ship; weeklat the advanced age of
eighty yez �s. He e �Jcyed good health u -n-
til a zollpl. of Week@ before his death, when
h a k d by� hea;t disease. - He V" e
a and7 lived up to
high! .qesslon. i
—In 4 ouse of "ReNge otes, the Cli- ilra of week- Quys : The - bara ton 'qejb_
has a n c on.) pp. I � ed, and Contractor X�e-
Bethu .4eserving of great credit for the
manner IT 1 which, he has carried out his
contract. The work' is a credit to himself
and his sl -contractors and workmen and
will add t his already good repurtatijo� RS
skilful i Ile anic and. honestzonractor.
R. Bone son of Mrs. Job# Bone, 01 Wawanosh- at the recent ex�;
aminatibil at the. Uniy'e'rsity of Torontlo� took scho*'rships, entitling hini to fou#
years fre I; tuition, and diAtixiguished hii- self in the 6everal
subjects which be Was
examim d. was a pupil f the LVIlden
where he succeeded in. taking i i t�edal last year. He is, a
young Man of groat prommi and East Wawanosh
shouldbe nf pirond. of 1:1111
—ThII � I Oil Teleph Company1asi always
appeale I IYaInst the asessineit of iti pJapt in Clin the �o and wben p.eal cam up
for hea#*n before e late Judge Torns, he
decided io each oce ilon - ag nat the Com-
T. is
pany year .n appea Was again en- st the as, essment, and th result
wi for witl some iterest,, Aroply
because! t e opmlou - Of Judge Doyle was unkn However the niader g.
him, a� is decision was
favorl ol the town.�
e I�ing of ilic PrIftbytiry of Mait-
I -and w0s eld in Luck -now on Tuesday of last wedk, w',hen a call froi'n the 'united 'on-
gregati�' ' f 8 tf �o t. H-41ens and East Ashfiel4p in favor if Aft. Sidney Al. Whaley,
B. A.
a. iecent gi -�Wae of! Knox Coilege Toronto
W no sus�ai jed. -- Stp'end A is 8 promise 00
per arm�n in semi-Jinnual paymprits, with
fre of:niansenki,glebe,anil inoffer of
once m tIlvacation Jeach year. Provisional
arrange mi -E 4ts for the ordin and kdue- tion of Ali Whaloyiwere
made., —on 3 cla of last week a painUr
named Ale erinid hired a rig from )Njr.
Thomat 1. urdoak,. livery man, of
stating, tl *t he intended going to se6 an
uncle of hi � who lived near Bayfield. After a roas0ab time - !,.bad elapsed, Mr. Atur,
dock iiiati rally be4ine anxioui nd
out in qu,, st of his, rig. On reaching 3�zy-
held e h nd tho- the horse had l4een-
trade to - Mr. Stiii on, f the Suble 1�ne,
for anothei aso givin 112 to boot.-
The fellow Ithen I wit 62,s horse
9bUd.M-InrdcW's r1ly Stinson i! n W I I Ix
ing for WY with 16�lo in his eye. � If Meber-
'kely Bi niid is; ca,�ght ill, li admploy-
tf i art' taste in emb 11i hill
w1v Pr ts tur d -out byth Contra
Prison. I lisnot" e tog wap horsesT any,- thing e ith -,stri -'ers. Mr. tinson
S. arse likely 1, se as well as his caslL
—Th g Itch we take from the
Paris It— last -week, will be f
interes to in1hia eounty,thereverex�,a
gentlenian,'ho 6ne of - the principal at-
tore beiing i old Huron boy, the son of 1r.
John Touf b, of $txuley. The Transcript says: ) Lt 8 , Andre*'a Presbyterian chutch,
Sault 85te. Marie,! Ontario, on Tuesday
August, 20 h, by !Rev, William Coc I no' A A)
Z Presbyterian
9f on
chure -4
4C A fqr��,*b tar , assisted by Rev. W. rui-
can, B.M." 6f St. 'Andrew's church,
Charles: Th mas - Tpugh, �f H,-ornby t
ship of Tra a gar, *sa mrAed, to Alias a
nette TNf iller of Sault Ste. Marle, forilie
of Paris. Ontario.i After the cereiinox1j:.. wh place at 8.30 a. m., in the pre�-
en niber I . of invited c uests,
-company repaired to the Algonq a
a sumptuous breakfast was partaken of i 2"
the mi4st or pleasant and pleasing ass
tions. !The hApp couple then returned t a�
the Anieri. idei where theytook tba
hprthwot for Mackinac Island
—A few 4 a four of the oldest an I
best kn gaitfeos. of Huron county mE t, own
in the qoun ty town� 'and bad their photo 3
taken i# a g 0 ese were Sheriff Gil
bons, of GIL 1 ;7 Will. iam Young.- sr.
Charles,Gir in ohn Morris, all of Co.
borne town i Their united ages reai34
328 yea�s, f average of'S"2and they are still
vigorou� a hearty, Worthy representativeI6
'Of theboo .kock that. turned this counti
from a ess of forest into the r1clJL
agricult' " garden t - is to -day JDoml
n to their
I as respectiie aebieve
wa4 found that three are ex-wabri.
dens -of he: ;onnty, -three were sergeants
the rebe li of '37,1 and two—Neisrs, Gib
bons and -G' winL-were district councillo
in the old %_y of fie unitea eounties
Huron, th and: ruce. It was agree... sh �Q d be acco: ded the f ollowing chaml-..
lie Sheiiiff, champion chopp ip,
plonsh ppe
the irman
of count ..Girv" ch
of aure alrbat was it%- socials; I 01ang, ve w
ob 'yes, te'! erance, -and n all-round gooc
fellow orrls—oh, John!—the ladie
favorite theyeach and sill , enjoy for I
many years ji et the f uits of their
and into
—1 ast:w�ek, The' and William Moorel
were e 'at put ing a tar and
roof or sanVA chair facto 11 on &
Winghamt 10n Thur#day af te-moo- n a�s
wereboi q'�lx e Aiaterial a frame St �110,
ture used that ork) upon which
were l anini way. Thomas was I
first to fall! he ileceeded. in _MtbiD2
hold of the ilding, Then teweak fraxlne.
t e roofiti6 aiteinl pulled if 'Work'
down, caug Willia and threw himlofi
gra a for Thon the ro las) 'V�hc
en dji� in 30 feet from Je hu%car susp
is t I cang uspenders, hich
way lror� i e great jerk, allowing him to
fall. In1isj descent !h1e strack a coupletof t
electric ljgh� wires alid afterwards thetr4z� and warei�p way betwee the faory am on
the gouth oide, aua from here to th(
iyik the
e was -on gro
ce came, en assiitan t,
J.dedical 4id was ly dead.
in summonod, ind after' a hast y ex atior
the atteindi �,g - physician concluded n-
bones h9A 1) lien brokm The back �f -h
head wag friahtfully! aised, and tIFe 'cord-
swtlled to 4nor6ous Proportions,eaused, i
issuppoged.ffm-min um ag in eontact with thei
trxa4ai, Imu i -wame Wae erwise bruised =4