The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-23, Page 16d j EX ITR THE POSITORO, poneA, ciel�y, it w. ;rdr dded h614 the fall show will remai nd this -wed adeA coons, which so delighti id 1he wk. -Rev. Mr. Inglelli, of Jackqon, Michi Moidq our pt�bho schools were re of October, - over to at curly he and 14th hi, and nep�ew aftft 1 fhe- aul er olid a -On on on e of Mri Robert &ott,of this 9 : 1 1,J J Clinton W. '44 %; Wilson's Cash Grocery' hr friielild,n-Miss Ids COO n a 6 audience as*o call ior A double encore, The P in Stock, lit - UeXt.---�MrL Robert Fairbai , of &I fornia, choruses of The Girls "were also much t wn, occund the pulpit in tle P b teT thO ar. ttin a of t 12th visio T. Jacksoi Uo Kilt a as Peb#dfoot, Master We have new sessotes Team nov A- U a S`t, r. wa he in dust hall, 146 re hIia Proo4foob, a JI And G r tb. and now Jap Pum-, arpreou� the enterWrim t urr r 0 x�)% and 6 an is the guest of Mr. and M si- , ami a ted.1, In fact An h re n Sunday eveni I th in W w1wof a Ill Ii dei an as lJudge� i oyle, S -V ral pas we At 25a h Tiis weet 'b I fDtincaia, of Guelph, is� visiting is 350 lb. - we Ne e best yalue we rMng t -le, holel or rmr,,� J evera,"I" W. Proud be, Doylej Miss Teresa -M e e Les6n, Goder1ch -re a iv 9 near credit: b6 th p'art in itq� jad an pin. d r, �ffored It and get a, sample. in Sagarp we most of the Summer, visiting I V ose who too the ther d' sisters- here.-T�e brou befo- " his honor for dispose, Doyj th Atob -1 an larch is 0 so,- a d wife 'and J Martin, best prunes, 4 hthel and expects to rqiurn to C liforli 1 in the Presbyteri Ki n n returned' a 84turd fro John *M selling R1;Pp04&tb`, beet granulated, 22 tbs. for t Al success which att%nde it must hav beeh ine 000iao i J. S,11 cKjun W9nI,1 (Aber grades equally low. The u I at Toronto, aro'gues -h Si and qvie best flout $2.40 1were instru ental. rid&y).evening promises to be ery inter. a fill '[weeks,�i holiday tour �n the M. sko 0 A _�e River house. Choice ogi Mrs, Joseg rest is oratifyingi to those. W1 1* for W. Try Out in September. "Do, . �1 I . ol'the' school bell is W Rogerson, of James W 00 lbs- Fine Oh - ending a _;ifeiek or two in t a vie '44, M M and beet no t at Ithen *18 no 0 bifig.-Mr. 4,. N ew regi" The famfliar: per I I cheese, 12te, i4ity liof in -getting! it up, It is we th iqA 4 4 us o i;1 key and Miss 11�gain heard.! Poftbrfield are oji dutyi after an ell- occ �g in will. se� as low or section, and tin of this r.ri ocs, rabinN Curran. 971% - . 11 ooderich.- lack of musical An r�heese,. loo per lb. Alt kinds -of canned goods ' 4auish Ri r And I erary � talent in the )rk, and who was at one time resident tottled pickles, pure spic", tarch rice, UPI- ve with relatives kind, i Abrds of Sunshif e, township of, Mo, ' a has beeg Siting friends and relativear his old Ale v4cation. lowerthan, shy k9use in a trade and aran A Youx(-, RUN.A.Nv'Ayi' -Mr. an d A r a 1, A . an exicellent, -oppor muity for develop ng it. at NOT 519.-* Hoimesj Clinto ably toe the .yor joy� It you Wn of it b )me. -T a ch 1&6� goods to 'L Dinner, D. Scott, ot Thornton Hall.farm, ra -eived A We hope that; other entertainment his week he was the i4cru at of Mrs. filled t",,e of North Street Chu town. -,"Mr. JO Tea, or To' tba WArwick, of this 7 s -h, Ilet, sot, a a look at out stock, goods good butter' Iftetty bad fright the oth4br da, thn ugh thei similar nature will be held in this A ection 8- SundA, J. A. Anderson fill Dd his and prices are ht. we want all the OV sowed a, Q ,on rn reigul a f 6 een n a dj�t j 01 in twee e, 3 il�ot 'can get slid 'A e of their Ii ear-�Id! during thewinter. d of fall own I ulpit, Ilast Sunday. He ha4 i been I i1pott and Fisher, and egge We -111 give a little more Ahan disappearanc rn, �f McKill% Lo(jAt JT$11S._� ev 1. �tl three I I the t August. ri e glistic. services il Q- Mr lissed the C il rusti "t, at. the old homestead for a of Toronto,� an ii market price for Alaythin; really choice ; i.0c per daughter. Mrs. 8cott d,and W; ieat on Monday t e hol ilal e hi X if you want anything itj our'� iis is the first fall Wh I L. ce a d our. RONITEs ARJOAD.-A tiorrespeni ant T. eat sew in we have Cal & and Metbodist dozen cash for to Search H agar&, has- roved in t,e tempera h I i worth your while to give us a, proceeded The house i a men r Wilson, NiL line wawillmar-oft -hi,ard of this season. We hopt 11"Ir. Brown P Without avilil She. writing from MeLennant AIg a rri?6#efficient th6 Christian mission roun4ing premi;,es, but oma, ont J Wj rust supply. -Miss a Otto chur in behalf of Iq 'I p , 'he in aetings are being largely al VII rea a yield of fifty bushel i the acre. �m h. became arme( and 'calling Mr. Scott to 15th, stye "One of the most el�lj Dyl 6bI arlid Us Mortie Johnson have gnie to work rs. 0. WILSON, Simfo H 'ron dia- essrs. McMann & Arichibi Id all ed a ON be beld n d,--jAnother meeting will C 1, KOL the former to the Normal 3cho, DI atten e ok. P rat id4 ince lep the or to�l a mlllin�ry establiabriont.- this out the rebuilding of her aid, they searched hither and thither times that has been ape t in the 0 Tor W4, Bank of Comm 10 for over an hour hen �hev found- the first *triet-of Alizoina. was event at the cir load - of - very good - horsei 0 t old I Teek th dedide ab' Detroit IT-indsor, and Soo e. If vou, desire tri on th r, to Itie 0 if ere a a e piliat is not equa led for e e . , yqu Detroit or Windsor. tA ex "i On 0 of go- these For rates andd milin ly 8,, JACKBON, Agent,, SEAFORNH. 1404 TORONTO, ONTAR102 lArgest, bast. equipped and 'most popular com nerdial school to the Dominion ; moderate rates,, evei ZM filet -class ; write for circulars.. SHAW & EV IM -62 EW GOODS N TO HA�D. ETY PIE of Drew Goods, 68 pinet Sorge Cheviot and Worsted Suitings, of Scotch Canadian Tweeds. Four ca�eo of clabing, White and GreyfCottons, Shirtiugf, made-up Flau- nelAttes, Hosiery, &c. WM/'. KARD & Gas. " PIC Bargain, clolihing and Dry Gooft House., Seafo th. DISTP-iCT MATTER -Si The C. L. A. Championsbip- The- championship pentiant of the senior series of the Canadian Lacrosse Association i I this y ar wave in Seaforth, f nd its w C -o CIO cast a hal of glory A rGim ad our j 0 lNeaver lacrosse team, who lis, re won this distinguished honor anlyL after m any hard fought ga:mes. They have beenheavily hai idicapped ; it wastheir first year -in the senior -series, they Were un(jer heavy ex- pellse, and they had to compete 1,gainst suc h old seniok teams as the Toront(s, and At iletics of St. Catharines. All the ;e diffi. culties they have surmounted, 111 have - marched straight on to victory, with a record seldom Obtained by any team, , -name- ly, one loss out of nine games played..' The championship was f ally' decid o , a( es day, when Brampton defeated St. Ca - ari lea at Brampton. St.. Cath �rines were a close second, and -,vere looking rward coufidentlytovictory. Hadthey (,%feated. Rr kmptun, it would 4,ve been necess j,.ry for out- boys to defeat Fergus in. t e pratested ��jLonday. Nov how- gaine at Brampton on r, ev�r, their standing will. not I e affe.ted by the result Of W-1—almatch,' altbc u �h tie boys should gaitiand win another vktory befit- tia 1 a' G, L. A. champions. The I oys are ),n 0.1 ci ti- ill'a tiv � roud of their victol V, d olue in a little kitten i: i on�o of. , �be � bick of Mr. P of il ucker� cOuntry.on Tuesday. -Messrs. G orge Mur- Sell opened oil Monday, re 11,a ry. It is eter Mooreo formerly the . nion I urnitu to be fielde,whioll the child was in the. babii�� of Smith, on Tuesday evening, Auguil 13th. 'j'and Hugh Grieve are buy in geese for 0" hope( it vilill be 'rebuilt Its destruction 0 U in Uie sam6 Mr. Moore has erected a very comfortable %A ipmeni to the United States. hey want has b en a aying with. - Fol Lun3ley. -�,gteat- oss to the town. -About traction, r. Scott at t a ile. phe l4le dwelling house, and of course he had io heat t6 get six or seven car loads. be many Cairns has n 10 p6pills,11who p sed here for third class wear. Bet t ei lit n Neville will regret to NOTES. -Miso Mary iturped red-frocke girlie out n t c kborough the floor -to rilake it" iiends of Mr. Job certilemes, have . ne t' ittend Harriston r gran& nd' nin . a o'clock in the even ng it filty 10'arn that he has bee'n in very p or health home from the ngrth.-Mrs. J. -Dunn d road, app rently ma g fc he a i children have gone home toLondon, afte a high !school. Th. V . il�t:noT to study for fatherl's, James 8 C* t. � I no time the Inv ted guests assembled kd 't d the f4r some time. -Mr. A Jo1inso , Who has sepou , class eertl;ateo. Messrs. J. Ruttel a two Mrs A. il. an a music- 16�en- seripusly -ill for the past Week, is now, weeks' visit io her cousin I rnnawi�y was baptured 'and brought back to ligI t fantastic toe to the unex�e nd, one, of Kinc rdine ave opened alarge the anxious m6ther, nd her',moveme . nts of Mr. Hu h McKi non's violm,_"81 ited by r14c although he is still ,onfitied to _Mr, A. Neil who has been if] for the ast yn n il v -Rrs' Corcoran aw her si8te' ound again -4 &r. W. el4hing store in t -be Xf onald block.-Nir. c.., 0 eril1g, week, is able i to be ar hanj in hand " cloth - Will I lik,elly be alose�; watched for some. M r. a !a. About twelvd o"d ick all his residence.. r, il�mpjld R,6bert�, of thei repast �,osa Wiplaile, Killoran, returned o Duluth Dunn, ear�enter, of this�place, 17 ,ime. down b6 rest, when a ptuoqis 'h' ork at ar B'm tin Ing - forward the W I irquh in -store, is having ction sales on g by. the young ladits of the on Tia6day.-There is a report going around t was prepare, Dorester's HAII.-Parmers are busV proper- urday evpnhTgs,-U Bit Murray and. A ConRECTI-0-N-.—A paragraph appeared ho�lse, and all einjoyed it to the full., The town thq1t the Bramptonites brought a quan, . g the -soil for fall wheat, �nd finial ing the nephews have 1returned fr m a three months' an treated to soine very thy OA fireworks and a number of broom4 in in our Huron- Notes -last week - to :the e&ob :company was th F late peas. visit to f riendi in Hersall and other places. that H6dginSL Brotbers,�of Clinton. bad com well selected songs. Again �hc Oct began v th th '�Jcjj visiting at L her �i epi ben they visited US on ri ay d ?1 -0 - -Miss Tens roy i' promised with 6eir creditors for 60 cents to trip lightly over the floor, An continued I#st, AS w� did not see then�i'L 01 course we 7 ay on the dollar. This Was an error. -The 'so until the sun began to show Ihis W�min Ot vpUch for the truth of the rumor. - If Ashfieldl. home in Blytbt-:: rs. and daughter Beatrice, who �have ee visiting friends firm writing t4)- us say As- vi have only rays, when all dispersed feeII[ng-jmtisfie I , is br4e, thqy might have lent taem'to our NoTFs.-Mrs. Wiltonii�'d family are,on and relatiVes in I ovni, piturned to tbeir 'been in �uslneas one -week, this iiij-1 obvious- with: their night's enjoyment "d � th4 i excel- ID or the occasion. -Mr; Joe PhL Brow- visit to friends in this doinity.-Quite ), - f home in Hamilton on Tues4ay. - Miss Jennie whichl-th floor was managed. j 0 I a mistake. ' What we� bav�q done is :. -.Ie#t w4y in - a I ile'llas gone on a trip to Manit ba. -Miss number of young men froin this nf ighboi Elder, gold Triedalis� of panada Business 9t'irch"ed - the . stock f the estate Of John by 14f. John MeK�nnon. When the,people I dith Campbell, of Goderich, is- visiting at bood: have -gon to Manitoba. We vi�ere �taking their leave all wished W W's College, Chathalm, 4as gone there'to take Rodgins, at 60 cents oin thi dollar." This, ii and t ie residence of 'Mr. 01. C. Willso a. -Mr. E. them every an eas.-A garden pa.-ty wi� 1 charge of the shortilknd department. -.Miss -it will be seen, is qui;e A diSerent thing, Mrs. Moore. health and prosperity, a] �� will pearp was visiting friends in Woodstock -he held at Mr. Robert Websier's, 12 1 con, Wallace, milline!r� bas gone on a trip to lake and we are sorry-ibe m stake occurred. The ciontinueto, look forward to the tilint when lis W,e*. He was also attendir g.tbe High passion, on'Tuesday evenins, 3rd Sep, Amber. of ille Thousand Xples. Alesers. Hodgins Brot4ers are most eatim.; :theysball give another such night iit the ourt of the Ancient Order of'foreaters in An interesting rarritne will be 'livant 0 Bly It, WAS in ai ableyoungmen wlio, have a thorough -bu'8- saind residende." littelph.-Dr. Ferguson, 9f t d an enjoyableMme may be expectel. p sail. raining and I erpriping -a- . W iness t with the ent Friday last, renewing 01 acquaint- LC on r.JiLB-RiEF%�-It has I een very sh6wery, Spirit and close attention to business, which SPECIAL Snow ATTRACTIONS T a fol� ;7ces and taking in thq lacros e match Crediton. f r, - his school 1 for �oe past �reek, grei 6tly hindering the the n' lei b n ar-, r. ( - NOTES. -Mr. M. Morlock and family are has hitherto been ch%reiPteristic, with I W special attractions hav, " . George Anderson returned farm-.ra from getti 4 in ti eir grain, but K: rongel ior the SouthPtiding Of Hiqro sho' itities in Windsor pn Saturd ay -The half I gj -of any, Buell fate W, removing to Shipka, where be will A there is not much danger a otiduct overtaking them. which. take, I O'e t Exeter oil onday early meeting of the ruri-des"o al chapter- a general store. -A great many loads I of flax few- fine days will� isee- %1l* secured. The i. are g90 . , 1 Ge r e Cam?bel , b . 03rd and t :A Huron, in connection with th Church of z crop d -:Mr.j� ft a I of nd Tuesday, 1 a -in in er have paSsed through the vill 9 te e an rou to the nd co0essi n of; al fe ew days Bm TOMATOES. 7 -This year tomatoes -seem prize of $9, divWd as follows : Fir it, $4 gland, will be hdd in St. Pa I's church, to the flax mill during the past two weeks. ago mt a idasantr! tri to Manitoba, -'Mrs. to -be a. most favorable crop, and are grow-- 2nd $3 - 3 4�- 82, will be 'given for the best linton on Tuesda next at ten i,. m. -Mr. -Mk. Stevens occupied the pulpit of tho P 7. Aint wbrtt, of the, Vwvit ' ompany, was in n t an 'abnormal size. as wellas ripening And fasiesi., -;alking: teams shown in the ro. MeiFaul has ma7e a great cha ige in the Methodist church last Sabbath morn ngand the village for A, f(w di yo last week, and I were heavy draught, agr 1 7 in eref -The g Itural -or gener 61 pur- ijiterior of his storeand has givei i it a fresh �ered iting discours, i. evenly and well on the, lvines. " We il�u delij a vei t Spso, - ga,_ a lecture tc (li, ,a it, Coxwortl2i hall, shown the o'bh d b Mr. C. W. P classe&- A prize of $20, let, $1( ; 2nd,' 49at of paint outsiae. One' -won d scarcely iefaut child of.Mr., d led last erL ay, se Samuel. Swt'tzer what a town man can L in tomato culture. now the pla on Wednead Afteinoot.-Q. J. Suther- aM`3rd;$4, will be given for the "test ce. It looks as though he weelk, and the funeral, which took ay� .1 lam on Mr. Papst had one trotting horse, in harness and bugge it leans to keepup his reputatioi for having S&t land has been vis t" in I crest Land Detroit- growin '0111 urday, was largely attended. 0 +_ 'in in his -garden - y for the last two I eels,­� &. and Miss Ena that weighed twenty-tvie olunces, and meas, 'horses that have competed in the r adater the handsomest store.in the con ity, -Mon. Irt?. ilsal Cra�g, spent Sunday ured 14� inebas by 16 L riches. Besides this' and. carriage classes allowed to comp to for � ay being labor da will be. lie nerally ob- Mae Ur, - of .41 Walton.' herd -Mr. A aselph, ie of our boot and one - thtre are many more - almost, - if not this prize. Distance, rn a heats, , t two a erved as a holiday" No. doub� nite a num- equally as! iargi. : But. this monster from' in three. No horse that has ever co peted. er will go to D-rampi on to. see he lacrosse LIDIRS' AID. -A lawn social in conge tion ithod merehapt4,;Was 4wa.3 for &-week mak- f 'L I businesi Contras, He re- 'th the Ladies' Aid of ing k tour. of the public, race meetngallowed com- r iatch between the B. -,avers and the'Fergus I - town is-diaeounted by -one from the c6untry,. at a w the 1� odist am. -]Nfr. J. eave a oll of which Mr.. Robert Govenjock-'is �the Poo- pate for �thls prize. There must.be least S. Roberts I Satur- church will be held on th a 6p . onage turz ed home 6 Tuead Mrs. - Fred nd v:� Mr. Govenlock's Itomato weighs jon nds on the �fteinoon i _ng Of Arnbld left Wild daX) orning.for Toron- - prize three ay for Chicago, where he will take a course groll sessor. r . competitors or no third prize I 29)1 ounces, and measures I$t inches by 16� Sept�eniber Ilth, tea will be served too ). attend the 1 Milli -net y openings. -Mrs. competitors or' no"second pdze,'� Ann two. pt the ophthalmic colege.'�--Mi, Youill, of I 1,riolp, mHunter and fa�nii left for -Manitobs, 'c A priie f $40 , -01-tielph, was a visit)r at Mrs, Kirkman's. inches. Like Mr. Papst, Mr. G iverflock competitors. or no 'prize. I ( to,7,lafter which a good programme, i Si has many more large ones, all of which let, $25 ; 2nd, $10 and 3rd, $55, ill be f3r some days this week.�-Mrs, Coulter re-'� -rendered. - All are welcome. -The Q, rterl, t I A"Wa week, to jc�ip Mr..,Hunt*r, who has ripenin . g nicely. Official Board of the Methodist ch2eh �t' be 1 . In business therp for 1 some time. �Chlef outiny of several 1 . i, � I 0 1311 W' dred � v�f �nd daughter, of an for single horses in harness, speed, turned Saturday fronia4 its I � t meeting, May 29th, de�irinf jt�,, ex; P W in fp; -Since the Aove was in'�.' t N 91", Res Edith -Fowler, as ype, I lies Hu- style and value to�� be 'considered ; mile reeks in Muskoka. --IW p u the village, the I or gill, of John street, has just'shoWn us a heats, best 3 aughter of Mr. George Towler, of ress 1 9 appreciation of the hel Sar I nt tomato that outclassed.tlie ibove mentioned None by the Ladies'Aid unanimo�sly ad Ue to Of7rmr. G -On the first day of t�he- Tucke Smith hardon, -North Da. ota has teturued to pass iM Pe -Mr. C. A. Me *ones. This molaiter weighs two pounds, One Agricultural Society's show, to be h Id at. er grand -mother's n Harpurhey, after th� following resolution: "We re o#nize 01 spent a f&W a in Forest last Rev. Mr.' bon, of Moncton, ptem- pendin the holiday term at fier Dakota, ce r de d W ounce. 8he has also aw;ther which weighs S"forth on Thursday and F r �id �ye, h, �j th4 efficient work and assistan rr bylthe Ladies' Aid toward our ona e e ch. dl: with. much ceptance in the two undo all bat'one ounce : three that aigiv n for om iss Edith has been' bar 26th and 27th, prizes will be a ending the I at ay. evening. foutl� d `tnd several that. weigh ladies' bicycle face ; 'men's bicycle race; eaforth Public Scho, �1 since last New Year's AveVO anO church !funds and desire to expre a o 31rehodi 1 church here la t Sund n 0,'U-hn Isf ;a a a Robertson, of am n pound a foot race for men over - 0 years of age ; foot nd, will still continu ie'to, further her educa. th4nks, an .�6pe that the societ3 a -3 who has race for'boys under I years of age foot. n our collegiate inatitti-e. 1MiSS able to.c i1nue faithfully -4n. our mmon bee i, visit! ng Mrs. Arnold, returned ho 0 Wednesday' le in -3%liss Urqu- Europe, are race open to all ; foot r a for boys un or 15 c of Boissevain, Manitoba, who' has Master's, a rvice until, each membe hall , I . on ha w We-18sti'Z11s, the Golden hear the rd say tiell done; ente 6r i; oi� New Dress Goods, i h g. �,elmg opened up this ej 'of age; aft�g of een visiting frienaajw Huron durin the as been visiting ,,On Store. 1446-1 years .- ax betweens' men . 1) -hi ir, Mr. 11 Vr art, left Tuesday 'from any two toWns'llips in the coun y ; a last year, is at !present the guest of Miss into the jo of -thy, Lord.' hat bript _46 1 1, . for 40&�, 1 Miss B,� In in- is visiting her WAX -TED.-. -A refined,- int�lligent Lady for trot or pa.ce by horses weighing no, less 'Ider. hou h the straW of most- ;rain af & ' letter from August t 11 1i si+ 6, Mrs. R. Wt on. ai..-Rev. Mr. ,17sition of trust. Apply b rain- and -is accord- Londesboro. than 1200 pounds, to be ownea by far are as Buie Nod for lack of to September 3rd. Ad teas, " A. B. Giant)," P .1 CA Jof Fullerton, If rill of Hensall, this, office. 1446-1 and to be driven by the - owner or + his on 1gly abort, it is not so with'peai , and some uITE� -The Rev. M Fail cal ad on . his old friend here at week-- INTERFs n% Nis. Flannelette underwear for LAdies' Misses' a trot or,pace'for a farmqrs' driver th has may bp bad of the: pbenome al growth took the o rvice in' bhe Methodist c urcl Mr, Jarflei Softley and Ha ry Newman alled on fri do h re last and Children. including corset co re, gowns, sklits never won public jmoney�,- als� -for the b,est places, *om two vine� which - vere pulled here on Su day morning and Mr. Mill n_ ir of ndon week. and drawers. Examine these g=s mad prices. � A. and most apeedi, saddle horse.` -Th. it. none of.Mr.T. Case's f*rms. Oneofthese the evenin . N.1r. '.Rilson will take tb ser- Thy wi . brimakm*ff a 1 ur north on their E. Pentecost, Sign of bilf Alp, Senforth. 1446:1 111 AI will be renaambered. all take plibe the first ines measured 91eet two inches, while the an Mr. F ir in wh cia,_�._ he Misses Mwartil r, who have vice next unday moming 6nd Mr. F FREE HEALTH LECTuRi.—An. Illustrated day A there will be even a more ' te eat- 'ther measured 8 feet 3 inch, -9. -Messrs . taft T the eveftin .-Mr.R, Webb took the- rvice be.( i viox*ng their wnej I �ew, r. J. Mae - Health Lecture to Ladies, v 4VQD iiii cardilo's - harhe Carnpb Aitz I haveg'one 13 ra. ,111 be a p1m. iM programme for the second day. all and Goo. at Ebanez on Sunday afternoon M art tur, returned to AiIE a Or this week. - Hall on Wednesday, September 4th, at 2.80 11 a bicycling tour'to New H mburg�a�d Ashley is a ay taking a trip up the, as. - The speaker. Mro. Airnsworth, is well known in thla po' t , �l a Mi a Hawkshaw Is spe 1. 13) a few days D Y -It is 8omb thile 'nee ther in a. -Mrs. Brett, of M chigan, 818- The Rev. . Medd and 'wife are he, !± hp;r ister, Mrs. 1red,.MbDonell, this ir country and in England. 'The jyn000logical plate7 SEAFORTH S A �e isit- .used in the lecture are mid to be the flne!t in use: 0 W as I ge a crowd in. tow as r of Mr. Sidney Jacobs, is at nesent vis- n their f iends.--4,liss Addie Crisp, who returhs:to Vp�.troition Saturday - any platform. 1446#`L� there was g ther d here on 'Friday ,ing Among friends in Seaforth -Mrs. M. g been si .a have had I t has with typhoid fever, is a e to ilas tt�ennie Muriiay, w� io, bar been syen'd- in "6 ji The new fall stock is j net about. cOrilPfote-- Seaforth people g nei�lly turn out w6, P�orrison, of Woodstock, a former residen ,# 0 i" 4�( t be up again.. -M. R.'Bowcock is on the sic!k eye at her �'$;her* 'Mr. j ames wd've tacked only a little profit on the goods.,-4preel- f this t6wn, i renewing former friendships ifig P a a p d s a h i ZRO WM 0 r)r not V t n d F, 4 i ous little—just enough to make the liveliest "kind of WiPless -i lacrosse match, but the apecia at� 11 _M list this wtek. We hope soon to heal (f his M rrayfs, returned to Wingliam, on -Mon, cash selling necessary to ma . ke-,both ends Oieet.�.-E. tractions on Friday induced many fron;t the., erle at present. rs. William Moxley of recover . I y d .—Mrs. (Dr.) Griffir,i )f Detroit, i's visit� Co. 1446-1 COU u6ljph; formerly of this town, is aX present .XCFAUL, Dry Goods li try to spend a holiday in town. ! That 11 isitilif here, i herl,fither aud flier Mr. and M.rs. BOARDER -3 WAN-Ttf) —Good -1,,�ard 411 mat(h was -betwaen the Excelsion- of the guest of her d;aujzbter, Drysdale. Bu -han4n* st.—Mr. T%Iloir, of - Pull - be got cheap by :ppl�fng:at Tim ZXi�OGITOR 6ffte,' Brampton, and the Beavers -of Seaft rth. rs. El. Hunt.�Measra Reid & Wlils�n ar i : ma 0 ape; a DOTS. —Harvesting in this locality is get- Illinois, wh A couple of weeks also furnished room to 6t. 1446-1, Tho.Brampton fireme new tval of put on,their hard-. d n ran � a special ex,ur- aving ro ting worked down to close corners and B at is u0cle's, Wil aTil oir's, returne If money,grew on bushes it y�o'ld not be sion here on that day, and they, toge;Lr I rare 91 Dye. ft a nineteen yeari since the' 4 V ;alimll � ov �p 11,r"aA -MIS are equally proud of them. 18'arelY much easier to pick than it will be AO pick up the 'With their band all.in uniform r -a Id on was put Ion. The work ii being done and ov fail. I ? i be can lay hi 'a"' "71 u_p8on&-;-Mj frofliNeiw Harrburj I week, where she many bargains we will be putting p lor "y this' grain Serforth will be given clue' credit by hundreid other citizens came up to see the ya�r, Atuley f B saels,—Pr Scott,who pa e Miss Bertha linc for cash will be our q Ackstop. E.. MC- I .­� Flo, V Quickeell iii -j: ru William J. Wray, of London, was �n the had bee� Yisitin g bPr thf Toronto papers and, others -�rho have ap- FAVL, Dry Goods Co. match. When the special train arrived at a 'a. ii eye 1,,;r tbe beautiful both in na- ; returned �on a e8day from To - an neighborhood last- week.- Miss 'al. J. ow. Hodgiul artj is. �aving his residei ice on God- pareatly hold the opinion that no good can the itation it was met by our band and ire- Urb Vio_m,.,�� CL,,iss. -All -Who esi. to take ard, w10 has been spending a few.. eeks ronto, rhere �he� hLaj 1peen for several cot -ie out of any place sa�ie Toronto and im- lemons on the violin 6r violince to fhis'fsll�and Mer,'and they, ;with the visitors, pare ded :rich a: reet n14 d. -Th Bible class OM .0 niainte under the parental roof, has�, this week re- weeks. Tb as Mv rt�ay , has retuined rae,,liate vicinity. They have been prone to' vdinter, under the tuition of:111sethf., Ai Pennechmill Main street. - Ila the afternoon an hn'm4 nee. ?l the Coung Chris'tian ssociation tumed to, Soaforth. -A number of our� to � Brampton, Where ha is a teacher in the 04 the Beavers the boys fro m the back confer &-favor by.. leaving their n" �m.s � at once with. crowd congregated . on the rearea, rion OOms r�-opena , next Sabbath norning at 'y u I Mr.. Wm. Someryille at the X 8 pffice. .144641 folks spent Saturday dvening in the Ce Collegiate Ins tifute. �, Re w, and Mrs. Walker has prevented grounds. Brampton people were confi( ant .30;- ' b Early life of D Mid." All ey tr leave thiB I week for; a tr to'Kingstjop and an City. Th claim it to W an exce 16 t toA�nships, and their egotisin C' IeTt Read ouc a Ivertiserp 8 IIA5 ijn*v thqm frow Seeing that there is at least ione poges, of victorV. w le the result of the match re edr ted.---�Miss M.A. Bermoch, of this paper. The pi�lce I t t e e a oaly a sp syl evening rest. Blake is bound to take t e other plitees.-Mr, an rs. MeEwen, of wh taught the viol n class in PNce thait can produce a lacrosse team' red to the bit buno t a's mint. E. me.; with S�t. 611't6rines, on the previous Mon f Stra. ifor lead in one thing or the other.-Lamat I fo, Ail C unday at, Mr. T. Mur - Comps i as ra; , spout e tty superior to any aggregation -of stick FAUL. Dry Good i Co. 1446-1 day, still rankI4 in the ininds of our Peo- onnec ion with he Young Men j C�riistian a. so an, Ij cessfully two m nt day evening our mail carrierb 'Loyal Job ni( dock's.- jas Magizie AftLeari is attending handlers which. can be got together in the The New lall Millinery wll arrive'ithe 1ple. ' All was excitement. and a,.nxif by; WaOcil tion, bad no Sooner ended Her Majesty's trip theClinto Colleifate Institute. Mrs, r. q�ueen City. And we feel safe in saying tatter pwri of next week and our staff of trimmers I every p son Was 4n. a hurry for the :ace 6kes 4 arge again this season, 11 0 Harold is � isiti6g her a a �er, 11ra. Murdock, 6an he made things fiuin for a few minatels will be on hand with It.! W41 be re dy st once.. for off. Th long looked foe clime ; our I oys leligh: of the old pupils. Havin alified I i b ck from that outside of the Capitals, of Ottawa through a ten acre field.:' However he wa in Thames�ille.�-Mr. 7. Be business: Trimi oing and selling or Selling without., be r� , '8 a the Shamrocks, of Montreal, and the Corn- t t the ball a' fid made things hot aro �d o teadi the. violincello, � her usef In as may go ri nming, just as ypu pie*. 1 KoFAUG, 'Dry brought to a Standstill by our popular bl Let.- ngland, J!je� la Zoor some time. he as! walls, there is no othe ac)ds Co. also. - a are Smith, before any harm wuUone. -The Mp e ll I rt r team in Canada,' or he Brampton flags. Then the' ball trave'led Pe ex;ended to that line ist ch#c ho rs of Hensall in Ontario at least, which can defeat the �FASONABLE,.-I;kdiers' wool VeAs at 1.5c down the held, but soon was back. f a&- deased to learn that Mrs. R. Cart ichael, -will -a ge nd Exe e' -give and sacred con.,�rt Beavers. 19c, 915� ; also to dies' w45.6i drawers I ) match at �2-50` forth had most of the play, and' after I M rho wis recently so unfortunate as t have pre in it� Methodist church, on the even- Zurieh. A. E. entecost, Beaforth 'Sign of b ship. . 1446.1 minutes play H, Jackson , Scored for fea- er aria.broken in two places by a Ifall, is NOTES 'Lr 'Damm, from Eden, has I ee a Wgof8e ember5th. It *ill be remem- Cl11a.qT1.X_N ENREAVoRERS. -The fourth Ma a your childr look p etty.-Pente- forth. During this game Bell received si ich ek sing favorably, 1 and the 1 ij u ry will ' - d th t these choir jwo# the prize at to r red th annual Convention of the Huron county Cost It . pened out the largest &1140 -went of child- injuries by a check from Shaw, of Brat i totgbe perinanent.-The thirty-thir4 bat. in'the viiiai a Jor a few. days, 'n'd enizi ei I - t1b time of t]a ulait4d choir excurA ren's hoadwear ver show'An in Senfo h in wool, silk, ton Miles Netta Well as milliner f this ral don will be liel thiLt hi was unable to go oq the, fi -Z � alion land will run a excursion to B' ion, ad I thel 1" Christian Endetwor Society d i m I fi�r-in hoodo, -tame, oqu6s, hour, 6ts . 1 ebmere stic -the PO c rti sure to be -erian. church, Blyth -on T -u- y A. agaip� and one of the Brampton llrge pictu ramp* Miss Tiny Janet was in London this' wi a& torus of thirty the Presbyt _p ybra i ras non Monday. -A re of the esda and all the late styles for,the pre at season., d.. � There, *111 91 0 11, attending jhe milliner S ember and T 895 11aso of students at the Forest City, bT openings for - hi and Wednesday next, � ept E. Pentecost, D nean's old stand, 8 forth. 1446.1 retited to even things- tip. a see( nd a d 61 orchestra bf ten instruments. r. F., Kib e 4 r has already r ices, 4th. The apening session will commence on" Foia SALE 011EAP.—A quki,tity of seats game � was a repetition, of tile irst, nd- usineliS College, London, is on Rixhibition fall trade. --7The- nj Band of I the Presbyterian c�f?r minutes. Mr. W. - R. Counter's show window.- C6 cases of --� shoes for the fa I d scored for Seaforth in li minutes.. "Itureb, an ch irch, Brucefteld iveid twe Ity _ssi� � 64 on i the Chureh Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. There Will belonging to the old Presbvteri A th f er ne ill give a So menting Apply to W. Set TT, Bruceffeld. a ;iir( and fourth games also, fell to Sea- r. "arles Stewart of this. tr. de. -W 0. Jones is a guest o be three sessions on Wednesday cot, i44�o,2 town, bas oun ds, this (Friday) ei76ning; from five � to a c 010- t'S forth J.: A. -Jacks and P. Freeman'doing ade o -rangements where'by he . �as se ew, LN1r.. H; 0. Doan.' There will be qns - at 9 a.m.; 2 and 7,.30 p.m. -An excellent and SOIIDCoii..-oRr.-Tr.yon6,'�',,f Pent c0ed 'eterly meetiiIig In the Evangelica churo i igbt. .4dmiss�on to th 6 grounds is free, has b the needul, in 411 nd 8 minutes respect' e-. whob sale 0 in Ontario for MOno at therei will I e refreshinent �tables and a inbaresting programme een provided down cushions mircred with mteen,�in all $,polorsand agen desirns. witfi wide -frill. our priceii ale�69b, 79c and ly- -�, he game t iroughotit was a most 3 ke so ts, a Tor', all skin. diseases and here, commq�ncing next Saturday al 2 ocl o4 c and it is hoped that every -society in the upward@. A.R. Pe A Wiand, 10a� program tecost, Duncan.11 01 r�e after. -Mr. C. Stoneman is at fo cured from p nday. Rei, (*uuty will be we.11 represented. gentlemanly one, o latirely devoid of iough yspey ia. These'salts are . to m., and 6ontinuing over Su 1446-1 Toronto takinK I thkq a course A the -Optical In - play. It waW.-fast 'rom start 'to finish, but ike.11 'ono, Mono'county, California. Mr. D. Krell, presiding elder from Stra atitu Mr. Swata in visiting this V throughout. -Rev. H: Leilloll. will'officiate A U x o,,; it was evident that the Excelsiors were Al E f -.T f N -A u oil meeting, CHANGE BusnxEss. - Ilessra. J.-1). ut pewaii has proof. of - their 4 fficacy by an j*Vj WaAer Petty in- claised, and.1he speed with which our ' a Ifecti a ure of dyspepsia. VVe �vish 'him arrived home from Elmwood a iew days week 4 kwoo'd.,- 'froyd ]EI held oti Tuesday evening in f1iie Methodist Jackson and J. C. Gr tends a-- ei sall t� Yorkshire, 0 eig, whoi have carried He intends to stay over 8 nk 1119i nin on -a gent opener o c, a a in hisinew enterpr se. -On Sun. a unda� church,replace(l for that eve the regular S"f rnishinT And tailbring-busineas handled the - ball was an eye t 11 an j a tHem OF y evening ii Leibold, who has been visiting i th e En I g 44 meetings of the Chrigtiai gleavor Soci- under the n e of ackson & Greig, haie Seaf th goes'to BramKtoi M *,v..S. Bond, in the reig 4till con- a �on )n- a 6xt e" rreep inden eties and hpwortli League of Se'afqrth and dissolved pat tnership.* - T ramp �on ethodik t church, 'will discuss the adap. eas 4rrived home a few days an Oc ional day, o play with Fergus; Mr. G Ra lily had.. a picnic o PENCIL A -Wb ar PI -E1grn.ondvjIIe­. Representatives of those - or- tinues in the-lbusiness, and has taken into peop evidently think a lot of the'ir Iacrc ase' tion of Christian life to young:n-ien.-Dr. n ie , and his farr his eased to cbron- f oil the Aof a new resident ganizations,. dealing with the different partnership wi . th him Mr. R. J. MaCdonahf, club, and',give it good �'b"Wing. The' to tra ethune a attendilig the annual con ention Lake road recently. They bad icle this ill 3 adve t refer to phases of Christian Endeavor -work, read lat�ly a meffiber of the firm of Jackscu �bat laybd here on Friday I was 'compoi ied f the adian Medical association, being intinled taking a boat ride on the lake, bu t on Londo i . toad a -venue i. w Ff Mr. Ma,,donald is 'a h,.-Dumert &- Compan fact that �b 3 wife of R. itttei#on, jr., pr 31 papers which w4re full of practical thoaght Brothers Clinton. ofa ne athletic looking lOt of young fel. eld in 1K ing.4on this we(,k.'- M r. M. Rob- jt.wP1s too rong -ceived a quantity of green hides a few �d ty 3 se d wAlill a bound and suggestion. Singing by the entire gath- young man of �nterprise and 1 pod business Iowa: who eviden know how to �act as rtson ia 3 started in ibe undertaking busi- nted M6 �he other say they arescarde.-Miss b03 No 7onde e a eiring -and.musical scler-tiOns by members of gent Mag- baby over y ability, and together with Mr. Greig, they 14 men even �J, n the facelof defeat. They eas in ti a at -ore recently occupied by the ago. They i r Ifl I tie Wells,firdni Berfin, is aepresent athoue. and looks a, ren L Mort aaan� than societies, interspersed the papers, and a dis- should do a good business. Tie new firm -pu u; )-a good gai a, and have among- th 3m::: ' hines i ' laundry.-Mt8. - Adam, ScoU, of usual b riomBerlin, is also here on,% these days, The the i -u-sion afterwards, added much to the. in- fie ez'!' ne pla faisley i 4 visiting her� sister, Mrs. R I iss Beam, f omer can at least c Greig & Macdonald, will at ortly remove .11 fi a. Di�! ' McKay, of 83a J. Vial he fi -at born real.- terest and benefit of the evening. This was from thei fo, i1elted as eree, and- seemed: to g ve 11itchism, John street. -Mr. J. S. Welsh, t claim the honor of be in r present stand to tho store lately the fit -at meeting held under the anspices -of the b at of satis i ejjon to both- sides. if Sec. 'orth, bag 40t in a large stock of dent of what we e peL will. yet be the 4 occupied. by Mr. M. ROW, tool! as a f ar- Fifth I avenue" t so. ne-time-to-be 1 Ump bimber. Mr4 the Local Union, recently organized, which, niture store. This, I Velsh is one of the Bayfield. J! u T.ace. is b�iiig, fitted' up out d tio the c( allaong its ouiects, has in view the intitual ir M Lo(AL B.RrEF.4.­1v1r. Ida 04 the county, and his r.Wai.Gernmell, and daugh metropolis. -As - )ngre- for thel Be an In it pors. Greig & T�kprnas Downey'vv ho' NOTES. —M ei V ga 'on of Carmel oh ch- 4. U -Akth all who Sa )bath last, by imlorqvement of the different societies, and, Macdonald will have enlarged1jand improved ha4'b,-en shedding the Ii bt of 0 ori as use them, of East SA aw are guests this Wee]: cf Ilia g�riial, gin a Isaor aw consequence' ',he th pastor, th t o; the Lord's by-ullite(I effort, the in king of work- done facilities for cateringto 6 ular eustom. count mance on his numerous friends in tnis nd, el does4 large �us- Mr. . J7arftesVbitien.-.1frs.Joh T' t ai I S r will be o er'ved t ere, I God wilhng, inore.effective and extelp�ive. Mr. Jackson si[11 Ilk to Clinton, vicini ess. y �y,for �he past'few weeks, left 'on Tu as- family are spend* the week"at1rar ul '-- !on. Sabbath 1110 9. Se iemb�r 8th. Pre - where he will take charge of store for his day for his home in Chiciago. M Mr. Win. Knight, principal of Bklev ii Dow a Y. 1 1 118 1paratory s6ry b h Id in the pre - E(; �to.,; 1__)L%7jffk, NoTit m4rt ently visit. a a t He is d Dust as man, and -is erei Iing a, new residence th ar'nS intert 7s Cro C 11 life, -who, was here ree 1!Vious Frida 77 e . Rev. INI r. s. -As 1 -we have sever- brotheilM. ere 9 yj when Locii ting is almost ovet in e - 9 mirers of the a po-pul ir citizen a go0while a regret -his. making it his. permanent home.-Mr.'11i Mor Bates, was ad with B 11: al to and is -Harves delight 1; : P, Td players and many a(q he- n( ghborhood and fine crops'arej re. . I�Mufr, of Brucefi wil, be present a�d removall from .8e&fo .8 t game a large number of our people attend rth we join witE his chael Purcill, of McKillop, says lie as b(e'n field ae a -summer resort, and p I Be 6 - �jpre h. Cal� elit� h loo'� r forward with lw�rosse match on Friday last. It is numero4s i w I in -him sumbso la ag in that township for over 40 ye Lrs r �,heat aversging , about thirty- in a cottage here neitt season.- Nir. Lc uis e,l th� friends n ish ted, ple, sure eari� it th rucefield divi mi 've bishels to the �cre_.-Mr� W, W. . : ne, 'Iese redly popull"r as a summer IMuse- whereve� his future lot may b ai.cast. a '�d h does not iremember of any yi ar wl an -Wild left on Saturday to taki a 8ituatior 4 # I' . q n t at th ir e. and," we t pectations wi inent and far'the phLyer no field of sport there tas such a universally'good gi Icin -61 Op homp; on, Who fo, Jai at . 11 be rinerly. taught school book-keeper in St. Louis. -Mr. es Min. the different affbr( a better muscle cult_re, qui1ness.--, BROAJ)�LFO()VS SCHOOL 116175E. -The new ai�rthi� year.-.7-Mr.,J. A. Morton; 1),rrist-Ir 'ere M, 8 paytil r his old friends a visit last. a realized. a: soci s c this place, to the and &6nlptness of actimi, and gives neces Alias Sale Mitchell of St. Thomas, Packman, who has carried on apump bii. young peopl: -school building know�as Bro foot'sichool. Wingbam,wheetedto Seaforth or!Fii&y eek. nose here for some time, intends to move Cc Unty Convnition C I tristi&n' E, ig her aunt, Mrs. F. L. Hamilton.- ndeavor, 'for cGol, temper, e(jual to -Canada's -,o' last to see the lacrosse match and returz ad back on his n the 2nd concession of Tuckerandtli, farm on the Sauble line', this �,ra G orge Hamilton', of Stratford, being fall. -on to he held a� Blyth qri Tilted y and Wed- lia[ional pastime. It needs, however, to H.R.S.,is now completed and was form.- bolneagmn the a me evening. As I Ir. M zir- aocount.of,-the anniversar'yser- __ , ntici&ta ableasant time, and ally,ope t nesday next have some abuses lopped off, such -as the tied by a mu' C*I d Iterary enter. ton w �n be scades at &;out E40 pc ad, is home for a week or two.- vices -in Bethany church next Sabbkth.' si an 11 bring do .0 gmon,v a anch, yer and the debasing habit tainment on Friday evenin r last jPhis Its., bis bike 40 to, carry a good load, morning and evenin the services here Of which mol professional phy $jigs B bolz,: f E d ille, wag th guest of betting, both of which tend very mueb to building is avery neat and I qo'� In,for ' e Mr. John Smith,j the genial Al. P P, - For f her Aunt, Mrs. Tlialop, last week. -Mrs. will be held in the a e, ginning degrade individiml, as well as national life. and is a credit to thesection..11 t t&bui of Peel was in town 0 Friday. He amuel Speare and family are visiting rela- Pefth Remo. bl kernoon, be at I ccoill 91-- 2.30 �o'clock. On Monday evening a -I)on't forget the farden piti-ty at Mr. brick, with a base ment the f 11 Size of tibe nied �he lacrosse p rty from Bjr tTpton - ves in Brampton., -Mr. Neil Currie,. who tea MeetLingL will be held at Bethan Harvea an sgiving se��-ces Will be Michigan, Mr. McDefrn d, formerly pas r of in t-amuel Carnochftn's tTis (Fridity) evenitij. building and is furnished ith -the -rjnCst Rev. I . L P;Ls�r jas.bee 11 studying in Ann Arbor, Misses A. and 1M. Johnstone, of LonRil, held rin ty ureb, Mit�cheil, on Sab- Mrs. Thomas Hills was naakiii al modern and improved desks nd seats, And UfPS church, McKf op, but n -Mr. and Mrs. who- have been spending their vaeation' h( ire, bath, Sapp ni -er let. As I D i d. ias reipri�ed home. Johh wo moon, is heated by hot air from a f ruace in the sor, having bee endi hi 0 Itice, ��avin ollasick net hhor- on -Monday are holidE 8 W th g returned from their bridal guests at the River hotel, returned home -Mr. 4oh White, sr., ha�jd returned to Is a w ip, at wted for their home in Aurora, on d by a, vicioub dog, which basement. It is light and try, and is' in, relati tes and frie ki a, I she T e �and , n tatiley, too un* last iveek.--,-Missee Reth Stanbury and te Mitch 11, fro lie trip to E�gland, looking bit her severely on the arm. For a time 'every wav a model. baildi#g.-Notwith- ovor to Seadorth on Moll av and made a' w �!.,ffhursd �y of 19,st week. much rov d i - health., Campbell- commenced their studies at C in' n she suffered considerable from the wound st6vilding 'the wat nightf thd building was friendly calls in.th . 9 ie is vici It It Is a Ut 1 toil coflegiate institute this week, -A198' -T adies'Aid socie y,' of the Baptist Ze on and nervous shock, but we are ple"ed to packed by old, rniddle- ed a, d young. The- twenty 4eaxs Since Mr,_ rmid 16ft-tbese I BlYth. AnnaWhidd left On Wedntsdaytoatt�nd church, Fullartm, at a re en�,, ice cream soc- legiate.-I G. Iii note is now recovering nicely. The, (log chair was occupied b;aVir. Y. McLeanj parts and he has not charged much in that il N Grieve and i iz&I 'th 0� sum -of 81 8, 1 .1 OT�A.-Rev'. J. F.�,�. Parke, of Clinton,�� London col . LI, re, 61 was shot immediately. -Miss McLarty one N ople of time a 3 he IoFo. cs as fresh ;,nd vigorous as ev "d th' town a flying visit on Saturd Baldwin, Seafortl d James In es -mi. ohn Phi L1. P. P., who congratulated the p�e ay.__�_ IM. lip, a f ;rmolr near Listo- in . er.---- r.Robert Ce I Wingham, were in to n- Sunday.- ed &�bad wound in his leg, the f the sectibil on their an 6rpen r, who form y- Mn V�Iay afternoon the remains of Misj of our teachers, has been off duty part 0 -in su ris� erl A wel receb thia week oil account of sickness. -Mr. so handsome and fort le a ach. 001 belong ad - to �hese parts, !but who �is no, v a oye -w we taken from her mother's resi',' Thoi�ipson and fami ly and Miss Li Wei othe'r day) by 'being Struck! by the $raln Russel Hill is confined to bed by an attack building. and then introdu'ed a lengthy, membf r of the Charles Mun * town to Clinton cemetery, for in' Young, . who have been, risiting Mrs. Ja es son Bel ing0m- dence I t n I binder. Ilia t�am . attaclied to the binder of rheumatism but we hope to see him varied and interestink pr6gra' me,consistin A Chicast 6 called, on us on Mond 6 . termen folll�wed bv a lame number oi Cc -we returned to their homes in Chic auo started fAi run AWA -V and in' a f tm around again soon. -Miss Agnes Cummin oRu choru ixpenteils P doing well e.wid y .6 el�icle -and Borrowing friends. -The annual thifjweek.-TheNliii8ioii'Bandmestsin Sti stop them M h i;r front of I $ ff fj 'I [ ?f songs, recitations, dial went to the country on Monday, and I i instrumental selections. W re all did so city and looks i though things the e a ied arvest thanksgiving Services are to b6 held Andrew's church on Saturday afterqoo at ihe knivoB, One ol -tphe iron guards pierced remain some time,%-ith her Sister M y rs. D. well, it would be invidious tOl paIrticul withbim. Helasinhistimploybr. bt. I'Tri Lity c1hurch on- Sunday, September 3 o'clock.�The Bayfield braise band has I een the'ealf of his Iteg, j. oing d ean th gh be- McC'rregor. Her many friends 4 b ere deepI and we 5hall only menti Roiss, formeily of McKillop, near V 7inth ay a a gar( y on the comical' es op. th� I v. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Sea- engaged to p) t len party on the tweerx the two 13 -one, i at" d projectin g an inch regret her continued feeble condition. -Miss of. Mr. G. B. Scott, who brought down the -Miss Coleman,of Hamilton, was a gue i at e ng, wound 6tb, i vill preach. A special offert6ry will Gooliqti-lineon Thursday next. -On Tues. on the either side., A Ike rati _fAara Porter is In Stratford this Nveek, and, house eyery time, and the qoartettie by the' the residence of Mr. A. K. Chitten Ien, is takal up at the closelot the service. -On day, iit anlec ng of the Agricultural 1130- about fiyo inches in lengt� was 11143 eti a where p 7 j� J-11.11. ----- - AVAGU'Qry 391. MR& 0 JL Ad "Got F N wro. IN FAL111a. On the ah page of is you will. see an advertise 'e contain [ng a few - of the prices at wt lch our X-ew Falk �_ bl. Goods are - markv4 ft r CASH. The stociL will bO cimplew Eibont the:,;:i- first week. -in 8 iber. � e havon!t room here to tee a much 'about it, for there are so 11V new da that we woula r . to Lity up 1e whole equi paper were we attw-empt describe them all and- tell their 6: However, there is on t ing *e can do, I. we can tell you. j n 1 lain, -corn on-sense� terms about some ol the th a. It is, more than- likely Ms t our 1, readerw will reqpire sornothifig in Gloves, r - sets or Under-wea'T 14W timej thisFall,, �m UY9 In the priet� column 0,. 'Page 51 you-- will there see Cashm�re''Glovfs -: noted at �et cents a pair. I iou pay ink from tb price that the call.not 'be much, but you wilt be ur rised w, on see them. They a V.I*rted rectj and are as good as a �stores a 11 at 20,c! or 25re. Our finer Onalitiex a j 19c, 25e, 10 3 and 33c are ioxceptilo 900 N , Ue. The Corsets at 2MSe 206., 35e an 47c -are great Sellers. I ey are the at cheap Corsets we hav over sold but the special, do P o eV at 600 one of the greates t i bargains iyou haver - Read thepricesof tlle'j,�ieal- 41derwear. ever seen. The kinds at l0cA2e An& 16c are� among Ze best� 4 Canad� for the money, and the bie.' r' makes at 20c*1 25c, 33c and Up 'ards, . ai,�e neatly shvekand madei o the best warmth -- giving materials. The Ribbons (assortedi case lot),.At 1c, 2e So, 4c and 5c, Are sway ahenfl of Any— thing usually shovvr at an* low figures. You may talk about cheapi� Rilibons. See this "case lot,111 and know After - this where the epheap Ribbobs are to. be found Somewher; in the jol 46n All-N�Tool Dress Goods are priced a �! 10ci 15e I and 20c— That's a line of h LU A dozen shades,. worth 4 t more,70 . Oy,,Which.- ly- We are 6 realrain They are real . _g &I-1 wool, and in just1right for - some purposes; b �the f4beaiaties" we. are Showing Mt 2-5 � 33e, 39c� 5W and 60c, along with Or im.ported Dress Costumes, are sa to - Zaptivate the average feminine;h Art. i Fully one-third of' ' thousead Mantles, Capes and Wrap;,4 inportea direct from ,three or four ' anufacturers, &rein stock.now. We prepaied a room for them, entxi' of light quiet And cwo e price -column v al A— gives several fig in side"of .& five�. Aollar bill, any o a of Which', is a bar- gain, and on the,ot ter side of -a fiveor- ten dollix bill, et'somet-hinz: you'll never be �Zdutog we'ar. The new Fall MR4 - ,y will arrive in less. than a week. m'ery is one -of our - pet department and we intend to give it an ex-cellentwartning urp this season. There is seareA ly anything -left fronm� former Seasons, to ithat our.�new, Show - Room, wil�l be Ogged. right out witb, bran -new _tlaino, at prices,.that wi117 keep the- country P-huStIln t tj o. beat. 'We have many.bargains atl you can't. see anywhere elie. A visit 0 out store� any day this Fall will apea. your eyes - to what P.4ailiftig for - Cash. T E Es'; ry Gol ods I C ny. omi ia CASH OR PRODUOM the guard enteered. 'Hel wae r ned by the�- other men., and med. CA aid bein i sought it was found that an rtef had b 4' --severed and a cord -of the 14. ie Was "ak from loss of blood, but isi 11 ely to Ireeover AM right. of forty - Millbank has a cr cket el., I members, which incluil the t*ro. county, - members. -31r. John Str rs, of &I _wkO is a hunter of prowess illed a bear ), f4ew days. ago which weigh UiDds. -T. Ba tyne on mhipped Ahe other (lay at Tavistock, cheese in; pri-me con- dition, made at'the man Union -factory. the -Dr. end Miss Ildnipson, of ---Kirkton I W. .1 . *I areaway.0.11 a tr',,. ta . innipe& 'They- went'via boat fronr wen Soundl. ,-The typhoid fev r patients-i� tile fami-- lies of Messrs. is alld Baird... at, Xoth- n erwell, are progre SA 9 favorably. toward. re- ov I coftr WO-6zel, the thrtie-year-old daughter of' on Air. J. C. H,�y, of L' te wel, fell ' t of the hummock I T, and frbctured the `ai 1p, elbow bone of her arm neaj t -Misp Ella, Kid 11 of Listowel., has aonew to take -char o a a i rtment of the p�blic� school at r4linge a, and � Miss Gertie- Terbutte takes a Si r sitliqatio# at Learn Ington. -Mr. Herbert F. Till �ey, Mr. J*ht�. Tilley, of Mitchell; has be�ni tt ap in freight and ticket 0 �&e high a 1! ,Ake, New_ Valley Railroad at Hi ullock York. -',%fr. J. W. T ew;e.n, B A.; special- ist in classics, Of th L towe 4igh-, school' teaching staff, res I n his position to� accept anot I at Ci tft) whereille has thiso. week gun his J ti- it, -'M a. McFadden, of St. M11alrys, hasaus- tai eda In, paralytiestroke. Mrs. XcFadden. is the eldest sister ol Re v. Profes6or Cavan, of Toronto, and has � large circli of friendx who greatly regret. her i 11ness. A. Warr rn Of St. r has. gro ving hi his en a an r 7 feet - 6 inches in heighiC with 60 bloss me on it. Some of the leave' 'a meam are 5 3 inches-' in circumference. _D, � I R - L e t urn th storm of 8 rday, 17fb,- iust., as Aft. James rim, c lerton, wiits� j standi in his baLFn he re iei,,�cd a shock w; ich k nocke4, him downp fro; lgittlain Ill bruising his efibQw s(mewhat, but not dis- abling him. f or -Mrs. James Hen who a mally years a respected res: a t of itcheI4 but, after the death of hat - hisbanc,- Imoved to. jeagoL Ch twheremostof ierfamilYTeside,is- at present renewing old acqu iintaucesbips,_-" in Mitchell, �Pliilip Soeder, of 86 3 11�, who wasiz v ring laid up for a long titnevrith a ore leg, has so fsr recovered as to 'be able ��o ivork. He� spent. a considerable Vinia in t 81 Stratford - hospital last winter, wwb reil, it is, saild tbe- doctors proposed to remove tbr� dise'aised limb. He ascribes his recovery to a female physician in Dorchester. ito-Special prizes Will be give# at the Lis - Wei fail fair, SeptemIx r 19th �ankl 20th, for factory cheese. A purai � of 8112)55 is made up Of contributions of $25 etch from :the Listo- wel Deirymen Board of mde 'the Bank of Hamilton, the cheese bu ere, '*'he: town of Listowel, and the Lis wel Horticultural Soclet Thomas Forbes,j jr., of Elma, who U had hisarra hurt throu a runsway a year- anda half ago, weritto er'L_8;r0centjy,�tO- consult a doctor who t it i the bone - above the el,bow -was olit, exasing the-, Splinter to ieroe the fl all Whe4 the Arm - was raised . a remove the apynter, anl . 0 the arm is doing we 1. f ro When peopli q and UT all that I Ilave done,. wn the mai faq1t and 3ine-9 actleel.4 41 vicinity with the rppal the �past for t �Vhen we get Play, sq, Ready - met. ThVi XNext, week wi HATIS iz 'ONN -cam 8 t" Fl. T, He, U now G1 Aiikilad"f P, Ware., Also I xca"n!S Teas sold -at the ve) 4 few �d the -X had -at the Gr4l The beat Dreell 1b, Varth -60a; warth Uo ; I mri 16a a 1b., iot two at 400, r 1,0 1 � VAPO ed -4 T�X_ M -A Su 3 Packages .gan very clie A cordial _I �M-hA _-4. �call and get W X - s, for whv 'w� 11 be p�id h A. Go T he In I W In Ma q Sign -Of