The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-23, Page 7ind,% It Is rly diacayetet$ er preparatio# - I DN E YS 3t SKIN rptis, diseast - 1 or cotxt2eou*l. AL ts nd -impuritle,4-. np tl4e wort�'� �Stenl, Thuvt ; �nd er ds 1. ion. E� ORKSm, Wagow-, Ate ; all halma. ri­ b forM 'bian, the work ; r 'spend your- d injure you.- CaU. and ite g Propt',- i>-� UN D11 ery by. an old' or' pertecti.r. Ask for- laft nosubaff- io, lu letter F'llsealeff es onlx. Z xpan:7-, at. Canada. uggists, Sea,— :1 Le in har - led to� a. nd we - t, C IAUGUST 2%)q HAD! SNAKE DINNER -T.HE`MA�QR:1S STORY OF -A.SPREAD ANiTH RAtTLER AS THE LEAI)EII. "ThO Snhke �p I , d Like tile Frid Bre"t 01 r 9 In a Tcnder;s� C Chicken' -but the Noviol Hold H.10 �ortlon Down With Frequen D*MU of Generous *iae. Clouds of tobticco, smoko filled the . corn9, 40f the little up town cafe wh -ore they werl telling i0ake - stories,, and the yarns th t were told : were decidedly thrilling. - f .course -thok were all true. The souther niaiia In the party, ' ftlior X., -for Sol T__ nyear past a successful lawyer In this cit' had been-telitug, A-�Oltt the Dcvil'8,swam�: -down South, and 4 c1traordinary nunibe-r and variety -of rept les, ,Suddenly, he aske "Did you ever (nit. pattlesnake? Oh, you noodn' laUgh, " he said. "I've eaten it, and it w good too. This Is the way it cainle about: At Bay- St. _Lbuis, the place, you know, Where,thavugilists hae in the last few ' years: tratled for their prig �o :ffgbts in the Ljoutb, there usbd to live an old.bW.Dchman nanied Plerrot. Ile cat�e froiia, the oountrybak of Lyons, France, where they oat snails, frogs, and, it sconiT, snakes as well. Plorrot was.a famo S hl�intor� and, thogh tbe'deerand turkey bad been driven away fraili the -@Icrb or _p@ g - - hood, he was the moA Suo9esf al hunter of uail, squirrel, rabbrit, -woodcook and jack - Snipe, with which the country back -of the bay &bounded-. "I bad hwLrd that Pierrot waga fle der on snakes and asked him L fil)OUt it. Helad_ mitted thatbe aterattlesnake wboneve-T he could get it, and invited me to din:e with him the next time he scoured a prize. �� : ".It was about a weak after tbat, In this -middle of June, that old Piorrot inform�d me that he had Captured a live rttler. Ile bad pinn(A the Snake down with a'forke'd stick and extracted ts fangs by jerking them out with a silk handkerchief, wbich the reptile had struck- at. The snake was kept'in a ooden box, and I was taken -�Axoulld to sea it. - It was a sleek, chubby looking fellow with eight rattles. We were to have the dlia:aer next day at r ratinils.. Cir.acoiq, Burrp6tinl caine.olzgi: nally from' soinewhero 'bear 1�aples and was as. fona of Snakes �&nd snails.as old -Plerrot was. A fourth member of the din- ner party was a- Marseilles man nanied Bayonne, who bad fed on escargots, sea spiders and things like that protqe much life. He Was a good cook besides. So the 'preparation of the dinner wds loft to him. "Burratini kept a saloon on the line of the Shel road, which sk - the Mississip! sound, with wide gallerie running round thehouge. A giant live Oak- tree, hanging with, -Sptw1%h kept the spot in con- tinual hado, and from the front yards at the house.4 ear. by floated the odors of ac- acias, Cape insaiines and oleanders. It was in this lowly Andalusian spot, with the Isea breezes floating in fresh from the Ulf, that -wo sat on the seaward i our fewq. We had Other things besides rattlesnake -of course, but snakc was served at each MM after the shrimp and soup. Shrimp, you know, the Small river variety, is one of thollest appetizor.land orwter fur- mishesfor thodclecttion of aneducatod Imlate. Well, we had shrimp, a rich, onion soup -and then a court bouillon of Spanish I'Don't know what a court bouillon is? The fish is sothered in' sherry with a sauce of finely chopped anions and garlic,. _parsley and spice, and it's a royal dish, I -I L n- baisse, but tell Yol . _N , itys not a bouilla, if you don't like highly spiced food I wouldn't 4d'viso you to try it- "Afte - �r t'ho court bouillon there was IlUot 4of rattlesnake. The Slice were fIrst dipped in the beata yolks of eggs, thinly sprin-' I -led with f liaely ground cornincaland fried in swimming oil. I forgot to sat that the court bouillon. was not wholly 01 Spanish Snake was one of thb compo- nents, and, that is how IfIrst got I I -my taste .,Of rattl : 'a. 11 was not told, ihowever, that was with thoflfh. _"Thero was a lot of wine, ot,courso, - a good, well bodied French claret, and by -the ti mo t Ao fillet. of snake was served, I war, pretty ell fortified for the gaqtronom - lo, ordeal. It looed -nice and te, mpting, -but I coul see snakes: as plainly as any old toper ever did after an, vnfed dobikuch. -,,A generous wine, though, is a great a lo- �viation of that sort of abh( Itackled the snake. .9 4 Taste? ' As wall as I Can remember, it buted like tbe fried breast of spring chick ,en, but it I hadn't kept my goblet; filled, I -don't know bowit%votld ha-vetasted.; I &-now th-at I bolted the inorsels and tlion instantly washed them daw-6 with wino� to lceep the thing from- wrig Eng- "Af tcr that we"had st1wed snake with i -mushrooms, with polonta Egs a side dish. i 'Xbo polenta was added,iii deference to MurratIM, as. most Itall.-�us of is class -tihink a nical is incamplito without that most 111.1ing,but xftthor 4cuous of boiled grits. The snake,was used, tip by this time, and we finished our repast with a feast of esetirgots, or rather sea sialails: " The suails the oystermen bring up with their - twigs from the sol4n.ds and bayous -tributry to the gulf are lmost as -palata- ble as the., tscargots ini orted from the south of France. resi I aw snakes next day, but I attribUZed th deluslon. to the wine. I —Now York Worl(. Exr,hauje No Rpbbery Jn This Case. A young, governe. s was', -Itting in a train car when a stYlishl wa entered, -who displaed pr a valuable. dia mond ring on one f his fll'agRs. He soon .after got out, an. the lady, on ar- P9 riving at her destination& .4,topped out as well and fo ad, on putt. il�g her had in bar, pocket,'that he.i was gone. .1 She, however, found a, trange article in .3ler poek-et, which, to ll�.- stonishment, turned out to be the id in tical. ri g which bL�r fellow, t-raveler h�d �1:)eo so ostenta- tiously displayiDg. Examination -proved diat the ring was Ila flash article, a jewuler appraising itas of the value of at 4: 0, Fortu n ately - for the lady thero,was only sbillings in the pursesbohadlost. The r,D.g had evideht- ly slipped off the finger when he was in the act of abstr4otilig the purse. —London Glube. Vocation and j� ilon. 'PC, � . As tlivy talked there nx�wftglcd w1th the -ices t h, !iDurinur of the soud of their va caaract of the, Sioux, The scene, the shre-w d; i'reader will na- turally conj octure, is th �� 'located at Sioux Falls. "I love ou,"Jicx4adlycriod. "Be mine. j -A.; He Sighed w(larily, 11011, let, 9 �;bop,j,ll she rejoined. —Dutroit TrIbIl'1110 ybu n4liage to findtho Of eggfi t: lat was On: the pantry floor, so' t oh uni � aisily. I rvan,F 17es, m IWkepped n ti. t iGk Mq tl i). WATCHES CHEAP ND 4100D. Women the, Chi ef victims owadaysofthe Graze to Possess a Goli I Timekeeper. Good wati *IlO4 were probably never before nearly so (lio6p as th noware.� You. may buy'fol L 106S than $1.2 A'%Vatch Warralt- ed to. var iot, more tha`14 a few sewnds�a monxth� TI a silver in th case of a watch xiovar was an important -part of the cost Of 4a aood wint2kemex. 7--77777777 ITHE HU]t N, 11XPOSIT 0 OR 7 business 'has, been gT mIxod wto on, u, tab Imug ma- tl subdivided., Zurich. She d Crystals aio � "lade at ono!--plape, -oases at an- chinory, and whiol, if llowed t9 accumu- is &6 gra, uate and orks, at still another. There %W in heaps,] I �s as da gerous q a lig4ted radtiate of Cornell Uni- other versity,'and a posIt nion'jg men of The- 'larger versitv. 19 a grow ig belief a modet- cigar In a powder'mil tile T. DeWitt 11 who (lied re- ate means, that a gold )4htch is avanity, heap of such rubbish a greater the dau- and th bi ie Ole. iMbL t _ b tl J,.g u_ a o t of the extra lia- cently, leaves a fortune of $166,000) of r an i n gor lucurr(30, on aco watch Is the works. bility to woumulate ioat. 11pokages of which $30,000 isreal, and $130,000 ' arenal lose were never 0 y cbe�p i to incease welghtoft n a 8 �mystQrious a yow 1g. ad named ho Carr C Til baye beo lrcpollrn`�riday, 9t`h �nst. silks which t Her h -sbana is the sole tgatee, good or so icap as now' The nul1n)er of- men overeign, of Watex ford, went to Brantford watches IS con t tly t'hq, incease. railway, steamship an -war �hc use Ilies by V'hich th— with theMount Pleisaht football team, to oxidizabion of the oil wit i , ;r %A/ I V ryearsago co I i have been saturted. Fire m ,aste hen a The exeV1cise being too great, hardly succeed n w, because -men are less p Ee Satratel, as takenilto the hos- under the fetich. of the,; gold watch than at coal mines Is anoth r for, a c f spontan6- I pus Combustion, t pita.1, a;n failure next day. ImMany men. 14y. aside. their gold hocillse n thigoaoto , . I WehaveasplendiA line Of —Arrangements are in prog rOs - in Ohi- �aps for M wear watches, lc�rlooms, gif�s, and. the like be lonk,od for In the oAdizallor of the ir )n Knock -abouts for rainy weathor And neglige --wefw. 00( d tbep and ca -eep'ers that cost only and sulphur 1�articleg o0un in, Oal, cage to entertain'the rapresentatives of the We also have the I eat Waterp*00f c0aits, unibrellw rry timok Irisk race froz every part of the world,who asmucb. t-th6samothmsome a tonth will usemblelon eptoniber 246,.�'25bh, and and other requisi4ea for the'i season. iraen of n, U h less -111e�ns are willing to 26th ,in that ity, to d E cide on & policy to KEPT IN A S EEL save and de y thoms6lv6s In order to buy A S El FE.1 be pursued rellspecting Ireland nd her. peo. BE' Chem f t U all The well tp do merchant Is 0 a le. Over 1,000 delegates are 9pected. The C 3notitut Ion of a uni tates k�ed ave yo rhaps.m ely to 6'4rry g -old watch u bought Fall pe ' 'Vat 6re, lik �6. p 0 ., caug maini i In Goo Condit U. —A sp 0 trout !recent t at CURES YoUr O� C than the professional ma�n of tell times his ill of tth 0 TJn It d States— epigon, a Income. The oonstitutio red 12h inches in length , and 80L10v when cleaned weighed over five pounds; its. the 091ginal on writ ton cons �Ubtion, 60 u -it and Hat yet ? There still in'use a fe Ind- p CRAMM9 w old key W, nb6r d—is kopt in a weight when ptur�d must have beenover .109 silver wateboA of the sort tibat began it ran ?01 a 3al safe In six pounds. It *as beautif Ily marked,. thearary of the a CHOLERAip, to disappear with. the ne, ventof 'the stem fo, tate departij ant. The and the mere view of it Wa's enough to thrill windefs. �Tani ' Sa quite a � ketty: affair I# .gray and y of those i xe excell6rit time- the heart of fisherm an*' See -our line. G60d G00dg,'rlight prices, Intni-e R gold, is maissive and f trong. )L doir bina, - IF I keeporq. They.cosh when -now from $25 to ssor eorga 01Aj RH 00 and have st000 t1ke, -wQar of a quarter tion look rrdtocts Its priceles4 1 oin ients, rofe Stephens, L. L. A, eliability. Raor of -English- language and r -of a ce and the combination IS carefu (pt by Ph. D. profe 13Y NTt R If n r, . They ara better than the $5 k one or two officialA. Yester&4 however perature in the University of Copenhagen Alld $6 stemvOndbrs fi6ely6ffered'Dow, I I died at that place on the 9th t He wa' -OT th the steel doo -the sacred s CHOLE M B."_LGHt BROS, . ought [le key- wInhers brin s were s- Wung opb!�py In order bOrn in Live ool in 1813. ;a an ac- �JRBVSp ing in exchange. I . g almost noth- to- allow A rop, rter to 'a Ok ppo i It would take half a UVe write �ltidin CHOLER dozen good time ked pages.- No do0umentzin the Id has been r,. his ublication in( we prose, a lin 613-lor A 1111MI UN STREM SEAFORTH. I silver cased key -lore, !.a fraught W�Jbh dcs�liy as th S , -very same folk isties, an d all Sumner plaitift Md, luxes of a winders to buy - 0 the cheap stem p4litical contxibutions. th Windora T�e AJ -1 �# 0�n 14 _T1 constitution. 11 It Is Odav- the! foundation BoWels. It rlssafe an4 rellrble',1for Isample of Manitoba's wheat Chilc�en or Ad�lis Wa6h 1.9 usually numbered. in Arabic In- of the, goveroment. To see it -as it came nra Ste Iran) the pen. the ongrosserbu. the 17tb of 1895 vras received in M'innipeg, on For Sale by all Ddail Ira. ad of R�man numer I 0 0 i d any watch th� Pth inst., from Melita. .a: S, an e9 t was a splen- bearing sui Ily far day of Septc, bet, - 17 i7, Is a iiight Worth eolm a _tl I sand itilles to I litness. 4 9,'2 mills - School latter is �u rom new.., d i'd is ein: of the red fife -variety, the nion School Wonleli. �till 01141 to the -,gold watch, traveling 1� 1101 berry eing linusually brighti plunip, and See ion No. am', o a g' tl i a i qi'6- a t, a x n sie watches are Jr and 0. n 0 -the state eo bion No. 10, I' mills )eCtion, ka is W 11 wn, there ate'i'* ter- Os d in - w trices 1�- remarkabl h iird i 0 thoe inad6 in Switze department tivo copies of'the 'Jeclaratior v weighing 64 pounds pe'ir 1 13, 1 1 -5th ills; School - Sect: on No. 4 ou iland for women. It bushel. ft is'said' toibe a flair sample of the Usual. for one of'these small and of Indopendohce-�—one the oiflil'l and on, I 7 -10th mills ; Union Sc400l sqctior� is riot Un whole crop disthet. F' I the Mehta if ty riohl� ena-moled2affiurs Ito oo'st:. $_2_ grossed dooll out 4tnd the othip'l the orig- 1, 2 mills ; Uplion Separate I School See- We )ffet a mag'niftcen new stock fe 50, and cents per bust el was he openin quotation pring ana Summer at inal, draft the handwriting O`Thomm in. Wi No.- 1, 4 9 -10th millp. iley," the pr1ces-r;u'n1fronv'tbat intolthe th6u- nnipeg. otlocil., pri(x s the lowe�t yet nained for strictl sand& ' The g Jefferson, with all the erashresi h nd altera- J. Baskei as. agairl appol ��ollector. y first -01989 gODdS. old faced �vatch, is' such. a 7ville, principal of one of meets again,on Sep nuisance that it is dsap ions made before t tembe'r 23rd, at I olclq'ek- I �earibg. ' Th6 ex- 4 lnguage the Duluth chools, was in Toronto last In. FIL psu- n. In I�GH IN ALL D&AR INIzENT pe4sive watches made f(jil women are' was finally agreed L ur 0 Ae case Of week, Mr. B iskerville rode the � 'Whole dis- v excellefit timeke6poisI. There are, how- 10 Copy— tance on his 2 I -Pound llthe Constittion there to olDly Wheel, ana' :the trip A Uniq-de -Money-Redsing Scheme. ERIT EVERY RTI-CLEs ever, many cl�e7ap.an� ga I the final ellgrOMillent, with tb IgnatIlres occu ied 13 C rhet tidy watches �nade 4ya. 1"is Cy lo, er re IS- Md it con. 0 ge H. Boo in answer t6the.cmae orwatchesaoor7r d.uly attached. As thlis presei tereT 1,674 niles. 1 1 fe is an old W n In. 1892 Commandant � T th iiit HONEST QUALITY RYWAKRIEl of naments, and these inbt go well be do- alsts of four lairge - sl cots, 6rchmOut ',Sound boy, laind qu� Re prominent - in— the upon a ne, idea for rais�ing funds', by i in- each 22, by 28 Inches, ith- th )rds writ- Auguratin a plan -for clearing poo'r corps Upon. pended 0 athletics of the western state'�. where bf 9 AN, IMMENSE SORT0.1EN T. . ten out in the old fask graph rode the cliam He and o cars of debt. Watches :that hav,4 'more or less gold in onedobi, ILOU Y 0 a close race. tb( �ion Cyclist tb& case are very obotip p6w. Women of 1111 a century ago and our lapitaliza-.1 is captain of the I'D I th I Osse team; The plan was an annual Harvest Few- sorts bave t on of letters then : n' vogu ulu 'ap them, ant; it s. not' Unusual to ev ', The first which be says is C014osd. sole y of Cana- �val So ema," to be held all over the Domin- t roe words, "We, tb ) Oeople, �' are PI L ? Nothingi missing, everything the best The quiJity wil see one in! the hands o t. : (311-' dian ayera. ion a d Newfoundlana oin certain, 8 a maldservan ossed, in very large back lettc 1, S, 1 SO fllat e Will, -'Bell it, and t, at is the reason you ear t a dates ay 11 Showy watces are !'11144fe to be' given as —,Mrs. P, T. Barnum was mia ried a few This are : Saturd , Sail tell it Od the pric prizes for tlJose that �layltho hundred and t ey stand out in bold relief. 4, n the �last imonday and Tuesday, kU'gLU$t lat I '.days ago to Demetri Callas Bey, at - the epi iallould come early to get your. from our, splendid )f the d one gam b S. Gree4 church on 53rd I street, New York. 6f the vario ling devices s�,t up In saloon pAge tire the signatures ifies fiom tembe r lst;'2nd and 1rd. i a us ates, beg] nniDg W'Ji the'fa- The young widow of V. t. Barn`um met her his soheme it is possible I -v hi Some - Saloon keopois get of tbe L In t for I i same sort and -offer ihem� as prizes for the miliar autoc raph of ( eorge W bington, new lilusbad,in Cairo, �0,gypt, a year'and a appreciate y -a Y�rork' ist man gettl n 1o;. a.cer who Figned I huself as"P the Arm nin n ered- ticket a resioe ' and.Dep-! half ago, upon h4 - some way or other. 00 md Shoes, Trunk and Valises. tain n mb at, firsi trip to the east, 110 ticket being given ut ith -'every drink uty fr6m -�l -ginia. any of be nameE �' after the death of her first husband. After I The offic4rs of the aigus corps' ire, in- sold. These watch are clbscly� i ssociated Ith the arly his a es,are olways advertised stop in Paris they will make their home structedtoll-visit friends'land collect fr:)m ory.of ther(public— lexander Hamilton, them *n fis gold. , Their chq� n0s9 1.9, 'Proclaimed in Greece. - Under M6 ing. they are "le -to Conti Vp lRufus KID* Barnum's will his -ibr te C4 g,.-iouverne, r Morris, '3.:Frank- widow inherited, beside� Marin, which NIS, t& in the character o lie decoration hibb bather it be in cash or 6therwise.; IT lin, Daniel an f is crudely elaborate. aw, ork Sun 11 d Roger St an be- cost $300,000, a�n annuity, of -1,940,000, and Gifts of produce, graj� rui grain -ries ing amen the number, aiiyt 9 $1,000,000, cattle, oultry, oi bg oi any, escri The cons'-filualtion 4s a be OPE RA TING. ON TH-E 'BRAIN. most 1 reellently —A fa, tion wbich is saieable wit t le.1 rewell service was lield �'In 1"'nox t After th preserved dc0unilent. rho ink 1:1, Is faded a church, Toronto,! on Sabbath ev�nnjg, 11th colf ction of these imr i t, 0 e arra s ar i- How the 41.0innib Conter"'Mr4s Safely and little, but not stifficient to'deiract from inst., for Goforth, Alliss I INI Kenzie, cles a sale of Uid same ia or the I C00011 Amuratel* Removed. egibill or, 4ppearawe. The f tographs an Tuegday night and the 6 a e4d placed tY, d Rev. Bober ' f, re espec till Allitchell, to pro Able 11611els of� J"W� It has become quite: coi�nno in rodent Clear. T'ils'might ia-vobeen Henan, China. The church was 'qrmyded, into,one c6inm on fun to. help u debts!, years forsu geons torpylIlqvo certain-por- PIC case i 1.90 -%v' t a Xclarati( i of In'do, and the �ommullion service, in which the ment ioned. I peDdenc tions oi the brain In Such cases of opile Sy 6 t it sd bappeiuod t t when a members'of the 4huiroh Wmmandan!t 800tii hopes by thi4l i cheme, �Was -a and the departing Akio vrious institutions, such as Re mes was d a to it -casion. At*the close, Mrs. Goforth Miss Is' U00 It facsimile of thitt pa . tt, 0 narles join d, was a ve 0 as have beei shown to bo�due to IT i n'- p ptid in missfo ry solemn oc- also, to. r�ple��Iish -the store ho"e' f Ili originati g tb&o centcrs. I), 1824 irreparable liar e �o It cle-armLy W. W. Kee of Phil' IT E, through wlrolcs�i ics.; ni d ignora q. In the McKenzie and Nr. Alitchell. ea for fallen -women, Meii?s Shelters, Ch. ldten�s adelplhia recei tly .81 ag E1 a patient wl loso� epileptic lattacks a- case - of the com, tAutim the ut ost. care few words of far4well. On -Saturday even- Instieutions. Home 'for Sick Office 8, Idso bly began v, ith. twitcliini in ono'thu b. has been observed an I no Inj­ y.1las re- ing a, very larg�ly attended farewell meet_ his IndustrW Farm, so that it -wil I be nw. -This fct,5�jas well au'th�ntict6d by a sulted.—Wasbing on. T. ost. ing was held in the Mission. hadl, _,Nlission necessary to spend monev on these articles most pain. CY -a avenue, when a presentati during thie fall and winter. B ri in Chambrays, Rtznkin,, nd. oil was made to �rgaiju's in P ants Bargai.. r�peated obso a- DON'T D013GE A BICY E.- He I tion. it was docided'tor6mo-v th I Alis contends that, though m(?ney e� tho� ib a Annie MeKenzi been a is e, who has f t-obt4 promine' ,,r,6, the land isladen with �gho,4 hings,l Bargains in Sp t Mushin s Bar ains in Center from that side o in oppos. to nt teacher in the Bible class in con- -1 i .0 It. Ouly -Confuses Vie ideritnd Y C�aum nection with' and he calls upon tho I nough B tothatof tboaffectod Tbebone the mission. The presentation lEv A -eel L. i andlto sparb to remember those vh4 are not 1. i consisted of a P1 in gold on which was was trephined, and afteR the, "center h id Shirt Waists argains in u ntsl been Io6alized by electricol ver "and a stim o stimulation it "Before bicyeling. -vill becorile a. engraved, S. S. - Class," f 80 favorably circumstanced. was cut down Upon success amectin illu -t be callq4 for the money from the ible class The'three de- Collars. Culls, Etc., purpose of allowin tl:,e wbeolme4 and the scoop. As is always the [,case -with opera- psfrting mission. ies left Toronto Monday The" I ate Doi�ald Fr as 9r. tions Upon tbo'brain, -tbetb was. but little Pedestriar to arri �e tv i some un,lyorst4n afternoon 1 f enrou e for China. Mrs. G6fortb, bleeding, even less pain �6-nd a speedy re- iDg- I am in fa vor of* a conyp,nt1o# topk, wth 'her er 'little family of three Many friends - will sincere1y n�gret' the AT THE )I - death of Mr. Donald Fraset, A . Lake cover from t1lio operatio ?,with no unfa- something of that sort, "' Said a VTomih children. he to join her husband, -goes a porte r a Louise Farm, Emerson, Manitob i he died, vorable Symptoms; p tient was at -wbeelman to A ro tb Rev. J. Goforth. - I i on Sunday evening, July 76hl.' Bor*a at! ("ash Store, Oardno's;. Bloc Seaforth. first entirely relieved of bar. epileptic at- - 'As it is now, it rt lor comes down eap tacks. Although theyfina I I lyreenrivd, their Areet and! sees alioad of him at a"! Crossing Some Palatable Sweet Pickles., Strathnairn,hiverness,in 1828, h I pen the early portion of his life in the 01 I ind. ILL severity was mitigated t hd'tbey were1ar - a man or'woman whois suppose4l"to b6 an- Use for, these the rind of a good.s' dowed with reasoable intelligence.. � T11is he Marr d Miss Alarjory 3mith, a I ato ofhis voting laoyh, and less fr&lUent. This was A A oporaion, -of re- I person is in th act of orpssing waterinelon., Piwe and cub into thick slices. school -M in the AND marImble nicefy, as the antiro substande the ';treat- Boil one ounce of alum in a gallon of wat m I we HO � Oaks up! ;ces th rider wmingiand ar left for Canada, Aftersi ureeks of tlicItbumb, conterba&to be remo4od He I and ourover the sliced melo f stands' still right in, the iniddli n, letti—ft it travel lie a4d his wife arrive' d at B� � ton 1: without including any a t -ho other Variou street. Of course b 0 fiet h (.3 stang oil the back of the. stove for half a '1%, 9 B 7 finge . *, Shq I a is mentall , ac at- here they resided for a ie'year', a then A dnt fJr utterick s Patterns and, Publicationq. r, Wrist, elbo der or face can- y 0 r day. Remove'from the alum water and let removed t4 the townshn of 1'1rA-,stdwn, ters, ing his chances for getting wros; a y It Hai in cold'w ' - I Which impinge UPOElibou all sides. 5 a�ter Until cold - drain. Have county of enno Hem Air. Fraser re Dr. cen has also 'per tormed similar One can see tie Worl'ings of, his ruind ip pattent -was. a boy *hose attack rider Is getl I n' ounce of stick cinna� on - tbot i e latt" part a: iis per- he gular lo,3,,s wood. It rests on piles. INED A T1 81 T ood! i ase is of native growt 8 al- "In the 11101111 time the 139 ard'half an ofince of cloves. Boil gar' iod, te'llad! no lles� than four, rentek farms h and GA POUNI D EVERY in re (V* a quar ree ears muscular c ntortions of bisfa3b. 11 to vinegar, th pounds of mained f 27tl;* oil the. ami-. farm, opeiation for removal of itbo hand ccnte'r. brC1)Ni,,n sugar; a 0 wh 4ing ng vinegan in twitdii-f -of the eloterandclos -and -inastudy 4 cqi4i�lly aT d rain; add the spices nd at the same time. extens! vely a;c rdi lasting wer, consid- ways began With mem- engaging shows extr ber.4 at *one entire band. -He rocove as profound as o whal; the PQrsoll Is 9?1119 ri id, and b erin the t ate whi it has had to .,red .oil U til the rind is soft, 01, the-irnport4tion a:4d brieeding,of th . 3rough- r ng,C Cr ia and C. itaiTh of the -he e to do. The pedestria n takes', a 'Rtep for- p(ach rs ue the same propor ons bred stock, He was amongst the irst to r ve culiar Dyssas promptilly from t ffects! of the operation es and P�g 0 endure fo 1,200 years. A pe n� ilding f ture ab a logs of which the bui. an was free from attaC4 for, some time', ward, takes another a-11ce tip the sttcct, of vinegar and k ugar, but riot quite so much introduce the high grades of stock nto the o: i tl a -ch cured by B. R B. buti. e6ntuall.v Aiffored 4 ain from them steps, starts backi makes an effort: to roach 9 pice. Ladies' Flotne Journal, counties 'of Lennox and Addington, and onatructe I ii that, in the parts most ex- aft hope w is nearl to vbry limited extent.—New .8cleive the pavement,'stops again, st �i ixit4lrorlord, always took'a, very prominent h ; 0 6d:totheedher, the 10 8 are thinner given ap. StOP4— part, n be ROIeNi I : . t - several inalles:Ahan in f.cae in a more Joke on A Physician. the Provincia.l. and local agriculturs' Some- "Of course by tb is t Ime the cyclist Is al- i ring g IGEI ever thr4montlis I was very ill A Spool of Thresid. The late Dr. ties of his ilistrict. A�thcugh he usual sholtered poi ition . , the wood lim rad- fro, what r I elleve was am lignant., a of L most at a standstill d I also z andell of Chicago was fond Dlyapep- g . ly u&�.ly worii aw's, r. 1 The treasures which the I I zagging at&. I -At oncezonulted a p 4sician w. o t of. succeeded 'in carrying, away mor� prues U, rtased toe To rl�lako 'a s'pool of thi -oad, says a mt�n_ from one side to ;,tl 0&r waiting -'and elling the fo lowing i' joke: -A-lady pa- c4ntd6areof great antiquity, for D ithout sum we. I then went to -A 6 int one therni ig gr�e ed him with the re- from the :exhibitions than,,IlmosC anyone stdrehous'e 4 e e - rho ufacturer; i.4 complicatc., muttering. What' b( - says depends 1pon -e a by Europeans ilarin P Iwisgosed -the come as d process. Only anA haei bed1n i specialist 1 Caturrh of the else, he seeme whether he Is a inai or a woman., :The mik: "Doctor I ad such d to take as much pl6wure in Stomach, his . reamentlso failed and I w*x get&ing the very beit Island c)ttLon can banged a singular only the tastith -e,- yearw . They- consist of d pedestrian seeing to g Ive tip all possibility I night. " "Indeed. po-inting out the good qualities of an ani al worse -every d iy. I coul .not st at night -and -had to S purpose. The CD rarean e- oo a of escape, faces the rider, bo "iirmsi ex- A*hat was for thi tton is. taken in . lit?'71 h belonging to ano her as d beautif d fabrics of Persianjndian, walk th 11 to t th I dreamed, that I if it belonged to 0 fe an e r failed froin 195 to M the r and torn all to ploceg -by nufacture IF s Chinese and, Titmish ma and an- pounds and so 1 U jgaVe U 1 .4fespair when I beard R God 11 s fr m all pa. machinecallega "breaker.." Ittbengoes tended, jumps from c no foot:to th died and went t1o, heav n., himself. - - 6 other, I ed at the cient, arti As of the' world. of Burdock R God _B . as remedy for dyspepoisi. *-he 0yell gC Iden gate and was'an swered by Peter, who In 1869 lie, accompanied by Ids 81n, Amon TherslbottlBwadeach."�n for the better�and L I I through Several other i r Olines by which and the two collide. at 14 thrown is the earliest. re beinti delig& it is caret - U im- to.the ground' his wl i0e). twisteq, . and he asked mv name, and ad, reas and told the re- William, visited his old home in -0corwng Japanese printing. bougbt six m ed -to find myself .1 -et - .117 acinbed an I Jreed froin and the Royal Agricultural Exhibit'on h(ld, known mf n ting bett;er. . LT,nder the use of: B. B. B.lg&1n&d,& pbrities. A� machine called a "slipper" gets the blame. ecrding �ngel to brina his book.. He had ven t d Imai of the.-w4ords are easily pound a day. I t6ok A bott As in all -and am now t considerable, finding my name, - T I . ai,np nearly back 0 tak 8 it up add twists it Out int6 soft And !low easily al.. this can be avoided I difficuNrin that year in Edinburgh, and by this vis through some purchases which� hel decipb a "I e treasures have rem cl, xny old weig ib. I recommobd dys.- . peptics to trylthe old r.eU&bl 3 B. B. R. that, jaW&yS white yarn. This, .1s carefully combed Let the pedostrian, ii istead.of performing &Ed hesI't'ated so long over the entry when mac e undisti dn h � same building or 1,200 he -did find it that I was terribly afraid aided in' the improvement oti C�'Ilad 11 I agqin, and it is taeii,in4p another depart- all these trying evo Upions, merely walk i I . I Yeats, an de p te the troublous times AVIN., 80alethin U stook.� In 1881 Mr. Fraser moved t an il�o�t,, where several �m011 strands of this, along as though thev,was nothing behind t he suddenly look- 'throug iw chithasbeen in existence, itf 16 ang was wrong' toba with his family, Settling hrZel�i es , "a t56eet, yp,r-na,retwi,stotliiito-on6llne,oile. Three him, keep his course, and the cyclist will ed, up asked has never i4jured or disturbed. Many 1=6n, Ontario. What did from Emerson. Here he continued I b : r of these arg twistod,together,-and you tl�au knowwbattodo. H )will *turn- his wheel our name was 9 of t4e ir-eO r #,re still packed in the I ;old him again. fa,vorite occupation, of. -stock ralsill & Id, u The Best Cc ugh Care is gugryard's Pectoul Val. have six cord thraud.- whi6b_ -after it is to one side and 41W past with perfect ease W iy,' Said he, I I 9 . ; storehi use! cha ifiber undergrounf, where It heals- the lungs and ures Coughs and have no business here' ) , you farming on an extensive scale. He 61 1 Ram. bleached, is' ready., for the market.' - An- and safety. On the crossings lot &,man You re not due th me iain !4or hundreds of yeare, and ) as thol . igh there Were I r th e8e 10 ojr 15 years yet. extremely conscientious man and a do. oa, _w ey " I ,or intereSting thing -is the numbering Walk alol lot, a bI- It ban th - arel' brought to'.view some new —captain a U. S. :San Diego, Califor- .otb cycle ilf t: Well,' said 1, 'Dr. lindell said—) 619 Oh, Christian. Somelittle incidents g th r x ff ayj� thrown upon the "arle cat of thicad.- Everywoman know the size-, ic state,-* and the wheelman will by the writer from hims0f and me '. bers- M E& history n1a, "Ye . " E h1loNs' Reniedy is the tint of the throad thot sho'requires for doing a Pudge big -,ourse 'He b6q con- u re one of Yandell's patients, are you'! of the i Wu . ry. early medIdne I ba is ever found at wold do m's any �'iat accounts for ii the family may be �oth od." Pnce 5,0 cents. So6l by LV.Fear, Seatorib. t. - Come right in, Come interest* ' and 90 Certain picce�of wo L-, but very few Of thefft trol of his wheel and is its anxious r at t4 In , 9. al — - ri, ht in That man isalways upsetting Our profitable. During hisl first vear in n14 _SH1rJoH16 CdRE is sold on a guamntee. It know how it canic to be so unibered. collie a as the other f 11 Th't's all we eQ -le walk ell me way. ul t,�Yle n You r mec lations in so in the naighborhood �f Brat'n i I t It Is the best C a ed Hoilses. O'k uOlul W p 12 o af e. L26 eta, 60 cl o, !'when &tton thretidl wa� first u r* -,8 was �e 0 co� Is. a enga, ed with a fa nl� for One t . do, pd 1. The buyers or be foreig i sn�trkets do not wado, 840 yrds of It weighed one pound. along' about ir 'b#siness, a We shall t #_ - ga For lale 4 I 'ear. Seatorth. W40 I " 0 some9time after inakih this en ge en te blemished h es at any nice. pavins, uurss RWgboneA*, e ., can be tirely CU d by Dick, rh is was called No 1; and'if a pound con. not niolesi I 411oln McKfflop Counefl. it re gill discovered -he had rn a mistake, jag, ; I � tained just twice this number of ards it 1 �tllol 'base of a borso,wh-loh Is not I Blister. Pri bb centa. DIdes Litilmesit to Invalu- I - I Council met in on s' hall, Leadbury, on beina the oc6asion of. L e constructi e ou D?h t ave to Swear Off able for spralt is and brdises, Ptice 26 cente. To be was called o. %.and so on.—Brooklyn readi Ly mahag6dthe i ider ori drivqr'm ay be on O' I M onday, "members and tre G. W. Railway, war,3 suddenly- in�ireatshed t of Agrieulturoln aim edi- had ALt I Dru gglats. Fall dit ectilons on the wxspW. Eagle. on tile alert and skillf ul, anq there may be August 5th as- says he St. Louls Jo mal nuer 1LI1 present ; minutes of foriner'meet- to$3perday. He,m-er'theless,refusedtol ri� abnut. O-To-'Pac,the famous tobacco habit a Collision, but with a bickole the Fider in g npad seek release from h L is a.gagement as : a mat- . c We k C w 4 if many cases cured by No-To-Rac, A Itemarkable Dog. i 'All onl land adopted. Accounts for 'jobs one, 1 win mt 4 Louis arebitect, smoked and Suffred for Over 30 Years,—Tried has control, and if the pedes rian w- gr�v P" I i -_ -Y terofprinciple, and f.,erformed. the game ew d for twen ears; wo boxes cured him so "I -have a d6g,'1-gafd-a minister, who- go�albng and pot iget rattW� there will be Of lin - and paying for gravel was eb I Ever3 rthing anq Employed Two y p ased, ang paid anounts, to, �$250. A work or $12 a mcn1h !as they diCwho' that ven the e ei of tobacco makes him 910W, bad just heard -a precocious cro*stor, no collision$. This Is w I It - I want tb or Tbree Doct-cra. a v was 1 No-o-BILc sold a 4 guaranteed no eure DOLP - Sy. Book 3a�ssedfor levying the -different wrought with -hini'at 3 'a day. He who is very sagacious ' One ;Osu day -be people to know, and thoo ],� Way, It seems, pasion �Ipee. aterling'Pe, edy Co., 374 St. Paul St.,.Montreal. A well Im L famer joys; Lot '232, Thorold r tes and school section rates that sent in bad a matter in court. On another oc I. V1 Townshi W . 11"d P. 0.,_ 'For . over �30 years iny followed me to church and sat am ng the for them to learn this is t .. lold t* convei"', r a `Sold;by Fear Druggist, Seaforth. te qui1sitions. County rat including muni- in early life, havi g & e wife = n a sufferer frorr -raost dreadful bead- peo eandw-ntebod.nlyinovernen intbe tion or something."--In4ianapoilis SejX5 e pulpit. Thatafternoon 1hearda orrible U-1 ci, &I school grant 2 lq-100-milis o6 the'dol. support Of the chUrC he was much . con- aches; at Vim s theyore so bad ebe could n6ither 1w, i; townsb ure, rne when the tim a for pityment to ]low ng in my buk yard, and of, course The menwry of a beloved in 'her' ,i 11 OnFIF vita lizer IS VED MY Lf I conef er e I 0 eve x e cou I ear of an or w ip e an 1 to see what It Illeant. I found my often wari i 1 the heart a d s y t)ie life the iiollar to mise , 100 for �ea public tind he had only $2, I ut be believed v kat in It th beit renied y for a debilitated system I ever wasattend ' y two or hr ' doe but could n . ok w school and proportionate part of union some way -Providence would ghe hini the used,' For Dyhlwpsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it find relief un I we got St 'rk's owders for hewl� dog was in a woodshed, standing on his strong wan as her or di, school, 68-1001 mills on the 'dolla�. Union other two, and just a �he last mom(nt, as exce 'irnee.; 7p et, Sold by I., V. rear, Soxforth. ache, bilious esej costiven so, neiiralgla and the hind logs- Iii a dry goods 'box. He 'held When, As Ll boy, She YP liver. Sjnce lienshe h" b free from suftriv& school sectioog Ifos.,, 2 ind.3, an4 Nos.,10 it were, there was put in his w 6y the and any tendi ney to tsrkls . Bowders remom. down a toZn almanac with one phw and Among jv6meu. p-ain and 13 sent n6 requisitions to collect thei amount, in -wbt seen ied to him nothing less 'Immediately. Theyaretbe onlymedielneshe eyer gesticulated1l with the wlilile he A This -Concentration. Kitty—I wouldn't tell my ago if I wei6 school rates. A resolution was put oil the than miraculous manner. The Se bbath One pill a dosc, one box 26 cents,'. One pill relieves got tbhat hous een of benifit.' PAOR i $1, atall medicine deal - swayed his head and bowled -to an audi- Price 26e a )ox,ok 5 boxes as Miss Pahstov hls.� book- if they requested a special b� was always strictly o )served by him, i nd he constipation. Coe box cures an ordinary came. One -of four; says -law neutralizes forwairlon of uric acid had d.bno In the morning." lie doesn't tell her 8 - tai show 61300 other dogs even iii0re sadly - Jal that they has been known positively to refuse i ken, week;ilg era. Nice, Intnedisteandpmanent. Aug.9,1*5. i. -O (scoffingly)— end $1 wiffixequest to raise the In"tthae - blood I Bnts Bright's disease and than I ae, —Detroit Fron PrOSA. money. People who want special worl� clone his stock to visitors in that day,"or th en- Diabetes. offl. of Dr. Chase?s Xidney-laiver The narrator of the crow story tl raw up So a of these i ourage their visits. I wit.), �there TrO MeMol Direct�ry for 1895. the sponge.�Lolqdon Tit -Bits. TO say little and perforni much Ia. the should pay for it. 3e6tiong all this P11111. he, e not s' s of their ' tru6tees* was coupled an exti emely unassumb ua characteristic of a'grcat ma v ent the name I - a. JOHN BEN Re Dublin P. 0. n. see'retaies or teachers in yet. They think ture. Many times fnexids pressed hK to KAKr,18 CLOVkR AOOT, the great Blood purifier, JAMES Zvi NS, D uty R mve, BeseliwaW. p All boys think they will be ric r than allow big name to be )r-buiht out for Politi- 91"s freshness a4d clearness to the Complexion and DANIEL X iNL;;. 0- oung 111or, -Beechwoo4L township business is dc ne now the same as cures 6pstipxtlo�, 26 cts, 50 eta, 81.00. For sale by WX. XoGA nN &uzicillo , -LesAbury. their'fathers, and all girls think tboy.can. News lqotes. it wad -twenty years a� -o ; they were born Cal honors ; but he n fqse , on the ground 1. V. Fear, Seafolth. WILLIAM A13NIAD, Coundlldr TA&dbW. that there were othei s I availabl I who'were keep bouso bot ar than their mothers. Helen C. Stewart,has';been ap. late and never caught ip. The council�ad- 1OH-S 0. X DROMON Cie k, Winthro'p. They continue to thinki this untifthey "a pointed sberiffof Green county,'Misffouri, journed to eet in Cra Yford's hotel,Du�liii well able to fill the I osition. Sick Headache and Constip0lon are promptly 'SOLOMON J. si�uiol "'treasurer, whithrop., fathers and mthqmsclves. An anecdote is told 6 his re ring o the cured by Burd')elc Pills. Easy- to take,, sure in effect WX.ZVAN3 ' Asseswr, Bq eohwood. to sue'ceed,her hu8ba d, w on Mo^nday, Septemberf-16th, at I o'clo "I in he died thre� ck f - CHARLES DODDS, -0olleator, Regoirtb� Woods or prayer, with a youn ompluion, I ItIGRARD POLLARD, S�Itsry inspecWr. weeks ago. She is about 45 years of age, the afternoon, cr Spontaneous C Inl6ustion. has a large family. when nly fourteen year and 'a Of age. This The Mis'--ion Field in Far bury- 9,p011talleqns combustion maybe deflned —Advices' received fr6m 'Tari!fm, Asia Stanley Pouncii. spirit devotion c�aracteri7ed him in � is lis the ignitibli of inflammable substances Minor, say that a mob attacked the Ameri- family life to the last. lHe was an elder of I ;, Algoma. without i'lle lapplicat,1611 of"Are or without Council met on M00ay, August 12, a 1 1 ; - cti Mission sch6ol at at lace, rn�a.ltreated the 'Presbyterian chur�h, and i a fa, U1 fm HE �FARMERSO I 'T threatened the obvious causb'Of! increase Of temperature. several of the students an 0 clock p m. . The me bers-were all *pres. member of the ' Emerson c' gregi1ition. 0 t, ormerl consid en owing a coun a were he as a1w The ionary's Compamon. g .ecurre.ncos pf this sor missionaries. 1. The f6ll t id : When health on Sys -0 al Ban H use., ered as being-. very ny.� lolls, arTnow ex- Gavrow &,Proudfoot, on account, Hafi�dy fofind in his place, au�! was always ready to 31r. George dakin, missiouary for the Internation- =The United States. Government has ra- vs. Stanley suit $9200. Johnston Broth�re, l'i Cl. undorstbod liabilItY Of 'laxed the quarantini3 regulations ' give of his means, whi6h. from -the lit I ion to C)JRrr_7E3[_ plainod by the N el b id I � y t1e he al 4ouis and Northwest attributes his y Provi, - bZ01 ,�.For CS' 4 0 , 0_ io E E A a t I fij�! ip certain substances to' uDdorgo cemical ing that sl keep and Ian b intended for im- foe sevver pipe, $76.50; A. M. Todd, on could eiru with his hatids, had increased to ,I ese%pe from rore illness through summer com- -nneotio ith the Dank iof 31blitreAL) changes which do -clop sufficient heat to printing account, $25. The by-law to the value of some 9, , -2y0,000. Thosel.wbo 1pl�lntstothe_snelyuse-of Dr. Fowleet Extract :of (In co u vn set thein onfire. - 3ne of the grea causes mediate shughter ma be admitted from an oi �ze the clerk to l0y on the collector's specially mourn his lose -are�_ a Widow, thIree- iWild Strawbe)rry. He writes as f6flows: 'al Canada w len accompa aled by eriffictites of 1wish to say -,that Dr- Fowlees SAmet of LOGAN 94 CO.; of, the spont neous origin roll the rates required f in fac- clean heat �h. or the present year of fires sons arid three daughters, all residing'in 1wild Strawbe has been to me a wonderful sooth- BANKE-R,45. AWD FIX kN CIAL AGEWTS. !ing, "edy ;orlos, drug stores, etc., Is th6e exp sure of Hami ton R. I gan, who i inheriled was read and passed. The rates are as fol- iNlanitoba. M -ffeetu remedy. It his been rn 11 lows: County rate, 21 1 40th mills town- companion,for a iveral years during the labors anj Ixed olls. Wben,ep:&sed to light and air, about $925 000"a U6 -w yi ars since, and a year Well 1,; +.., I A X4-1 lexDoeures of iny missionary work In Algoma. �hese ols are dipciged tO MUM. I wilen, and a hal o parrie( Miss ]King, of Si". L iiLL a ; genera school AnCiE,nt Wood House in Japan.1 �t is for old and roung to hare it in storeagainst thi To IL U013ER-MO'S Furniture 90cm, ag I 3ndergoing o.;x1diZatIOnL, ab-: ohn, Newrui swick rate, 7 -10th mills. - Th school section rates I time of need, Nhich so often comes without Mxin.Stmt. A Geneml I widng Busineat done- sudden'llt: . left that Drafts issued and c"hed. '.nterest -allowed vn de- Ity, leavi g severa c a Yours truly, ci dit6rs. Is y arn ng ,orb oxygen and give off Carboni, Id gas under for this year, as fixed I by-law, are as fol- Japaa possesses what is probably the! �w polats. d hydrogen, which soon fir6s any in- stood he has gone thr ugh all his lower: 1§-,hool Section N`O- 1, 2 mills; 8chool 'oldest wooden structure in the world". E -D ammable'- substance through which the SectioniNo. 3, 1 3 -10th mills; School See- contains the art treasures of the'Mikado GEO. BUSKIN$ MON Y T1 LEK —A despatch fro Berne, S erland, 311"lonary. on good notes or mor4sm tion No. 4', 1 2 -5th mills_; School Section and is shuated in Nara, which for some ee. l 11 may be diffuspd. Says that Aiss Donal McFee , lighter 'b No. 5, 1 1 -5th mills; S,,hool Section NO. 6 a was the imperial residence. The OBERT rGAN� XA_1TAQXR. Fires of this character may, e.Mustritted of a resident of Mon al, has e'' e he ear Sorway iint! 6vru� viures Couglis, Colds, amd t s- �uilding is oblong in Shape, and iS of "at iiad Lun� Troubles. -Pirice, 26o. aud 5ft 105& bY. rd=wol -to "o,Q4 wm_tv . i wAd 0 w. egrei.- of Ph. D. (Dool ior of Philo phy) at 21. mills; School Section No. 7, limill.