The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-16, Page 4ITO
o0 r. and Mrs� McDonald, beiqg oaqh the ariiilrial kip(l bit" lPCr scrut
X It . � -1 `1 N, 11 )e 16 clo er petal.
up revio ears o age; ra. c Ona, Was
c%r years a ely 1114go, r P pox Q).a4 How did i gel tl;et*c
OX YO becotri, epi�emic� ided eal,s the younger, but suuvlv her-. b bet-
Wons, and'it will ofil-vbe a matter of a 9 in'. 10,
utiernp oyed of our. e ie to taki 1 tw6 Iny
LABEL,, rfel _,,gme of, this imp, it (1i 111 &in in i�c lit 1 the presby -
Place' of `eA the &-'V e a b4 tter priote �41iketelkfqr toli IdAbal pas- 1 land iti'the A y **oald h in W io", 1879 anct 1889' and was a fialf two years
W: hai
sell o i
r 14mers; mela.j�w cl�_A f tl
pro '14f t
ger and treig e factory�,. birt, %tt,,speut"ogd rn ars terian -h, Alksumed th
Sub or SIT03, pe of the Union fu.rnitur e o e e
pas or to f th M th isb �ixirchl LiEst(
d OAd to' are accustomed- to dur c a nephelv of
emplo� hurd
s 4tion price of the kxspo t- ve Vioinitly� of. McAehL
we if id a rictly in is 0 Xrl,' railwa�y.and the- biley, ite, ',We Timate, our customs He wa thA. proprietor of the in
ie absence of
Lng in it If three week riogr;t
1", LAR* land our 'modes of fart aing, IewoUld not only W, Ti upil, and leaves his wifoaml - -C. A. H ber X- Son, ofG6dCri9h,,, have +Q i 3 t& r'n a, 4ke 111P.
Wo ll� I i ( . . I 'r 'ibbons
I pretty
rk a 6ompletili ri�V40W t� 41iselthodol, Dr. Itoughby,
� _4� - faini is ell piovideSf6r, as lie carz sih- pUtetl the s;pElde that Sheiliff -G , I
A renew- within three niontli.s 5 or of
of locomotton,` These' rail.wayt�aft be! bt a decidedbe;ldfit to themselves, to tlife citiei thousaw in tarnidg1the firit so lthd. (44deirr� t.B. pit
If voll (io n i I - V. Geo'rge F_'Sa.totl,
label the price will be 00114 ried s Neral r. of insuranceon- use( 'ttat
(if tl ie e oil your The follow. ithe ntral Methoilis, ford,
now withirksi cheaply constructed; q tW* dinary high-- and to the ntrk,,,but'i1t would greatly in. h` lifil skating iink.
$1.25 if yan do not re .4� or 3, ich turling and
ssold his grocery,bul& ithe face of 'has ted to the Pas torate of the
million, and
nimlis af the date oil yottr label the price -ways,,and tbeylwoulif intiAere very little- crease the wealth .(if the I)o T. Vates ha ing inscription . is engraved 011 ist ChUrel homas, a he
lless iA , ingliain to Mr. Nortilan Vallriluar- thespa(16: "Present6il'toRobett Gibbons, First Al"Iethat I t t t
wil-11be $1.z)o. 'No paer will be sent longer with vehicle trafli�, %�-biletlie railway track would ensure a most desirable of farm. ilde year.
Sheriff of Huron, Hon. f'resident- of alOI e the, p .0gent -Vol fl
Boll, a', oung 111an of that town. A] r. Yates o
one year before being pad fo`r. ny: era who evt'le 80iiI has scil red tt situation. as' Uav6ller for a 0% erich Curling and 15ka-tin De-
vii�ould make a, permanent and good roadw wouldz tak from the f g
retiewals directly' to this office. troi -ti. 14 Mitchell, of
for the use of wheeled vehicles. oil I lie occasion of his turning'IM first tied
�We be- the.lintold weal�h of the' vast unoccupied large c rpet manufact6ry.
Oe ci e Mitchell, of
registered letter, post -office Smith, private 11 and breiiking the ground for the election of - Wil
lieve a. sell of ManitlA
11ey sent by enle Such that' proposed would acres 4 theNorthwest. Firs. Gillies & "hfic Iga - n; ",u- e Sp it i It g a fe %v days
In L er -e,
order, ex -press, moliev order or draft, ers, -of eeswater and Brusse 8, are o ning the building, July 4, 1895."
Gur risk. Apo ciffic, *a, good invest"nient, as well - its -a 'p'blic ptain I nine town ;her, Ct a 'orrie. ---Mrs. John Young.left Morr' ship it ti ieie in
is 4 e order up, to 64 By the coliti uQua rog'ress towards Ilet. a braii �i office at Wi
. . !I iA rt i, of X o on, has in his
benent. W r municipal bodies and, who W c6nd'acted! busi eoa there for a for Belfast, Ireland, oil Weiltesday I"t .. t.
V 80 only 81 Vill sh
thp, matter irilt their W
Uni ed. States under the 111
two cents. ter times in th circhan 11 a out e of it pewar
monied men= inbbr of yo�ri, is retiring. eek. Morris to'vmsh'p suip he nec-
Wilson tariff pbe bit y of . the Re- 'he grasshop-
the on -vonr labet will notify ild amity c Ed ward Wise, of Ooderich tpwn- essary funds. Hot- h sb&n 7ill follow treo - of 'this v 3 rs 1) 1
�'011 sericitts- considet�ution... It is feasible, ot i of 01i e, 4,iit it has E�gain
Ship, .,ertainly had a it p r
oft our receipt of the money. If not cliall-ed publicap party is raF idly losh g its uFeful- oil yield. oP fa shortly. This old -coup 6 were 711rought 01 e 3 a �Ppe�l t
0 bebeneflaial-an should'be Carried out. t -es, il a I fix tgled prof usely
US a wheat, threshing 500 u ols: of Red Claw. o this Qountryaby their none ov. r a yea put
ks, drop and we will f rth li
in� three wee'. ness. At :thel time of passi ag this bill a I
i son, has: I it It ossom i
t�hc�e tile Matter up. aveof depression W 9 passin over altylost son af the produce of,14 acres. This a over ago and since then one een killed, w
TI e fan r�l of the lut ohn Hodg,
-1 Aildress all lettorst and niake all cbeques at times are 3�5 Nil i tels an -4cre. and the whereabouts of the 9 -h r a not
the entire c6ninleroial. world, lady in'ff ullettl lost he'r gold -watell'i known, so Air. and NIrs. Yoitrig 1 hTnIcl they son of Hib� lit, on Fri(la ic"d init., was A.
le C lauging..
When,--renlitting moni-y do nut fail to give- aili-it Jje Awworica and it er a feir Weeka of anxi�by, it Was rei c4.,ii; fare better where they
d orders paable to McLeavwBros. 13 -t imufactu*rers are !,now i and 1Alr. odg on's Will
The sin -ttixera'of the United States ver I rge (Ile. In 19
lehilk 1 farm, be le t, old
the is )or,, f Clear of
have, for ore than a niolith. past, bee'll, f olling the beneft, of a lov� er tariff and stored to her recentiy1by Mr. Bedford, wh6 havil"relativ6s, hetice I their desi %net mbra ice to the y a n son,Robert
t lying Oil th side, on the 13bh the. tlantio again.
Cre Of address co uliarly'active dam.. aign in
ll �arlet. Canarlaalsof Itt; The otl lersoj iE i n
its of chful his depres- found e 4-oad
aductinT-a pec trece I all
a Al h fi efd _,get not
o.nat fal to give both Qldttand new post Conod it lion, lFlia,fe, and W. John F Andrew, of
aware. The are 6oucen- ty, f
%I are'ini the fortunate ra -M Me Ilist6r, 0 el, the io-
I - I lin has, disp
office address. . 1 4 1
tratin-l-beir efforts upon it single state �n siui ' h Fispent Fi� 4 levels vears in
�rettirn of It a Wr Mrs Lar w o
anAvIe Will a(, Six illiam, Jack osed of his juji returnedfr6nia visit to ac Colin
ttegthies. But thd wave of fapil cession of to Mil ilgan, the home�,Of. his.
he, lluti 8,0, la
Bri -gs, and'the Scene f ll r e A sum. of ie g a4r�,-,tlj fr ica, njon'l Liber* ; a(.
order to'secure a trial of Aheii experiment M1r, T11 air, of ),N7hiteclint-ch, for the, rospo-rity ger inl�corn I
I be IDTI, C!O rej iq, Q Metlio-
g "the' SHU k. dre3se( a lar,,,, le
R31500, Mr. Jacklin; inlends tryin Ee frCon4which cause "'t e 11dai Look at Your Lab I of the
and have selected Delaware ecause of i Its
"will, lose mue j of its 'orce oil account on e thi, owbridl on onday even-
li�%� tininess again. rtediiyears ago, Al drew-st#ys O�Ulol io'n, At first
Fill -t'of jhd� ing, last wee c Miss CiAl i ter's address
Witless in area and almost nitilountaile tariff walls with old Louis -Fo
a -ii nam liter, of Zurich, tha; t)je psi wl ch, lie was
ance DO'wwaxe would seem ie most hope- ww I very int iestinga1W.verv entertairlint�.
visi iing would dompkeo favotAll wit
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Nvbich� this country is Eitirrounded, With a h da. arrow pscape roni atiffocation 1 h' the,
apuggasiarrie i y otol, London, one sell hern 00 of ;the, county ol aron, Find ratf(,Fd,. fam
at ruetions to - iour trade 'e4 . - d'who -makes-
less of all states for,so radlea an' 4igi-tatjoa. removal of these ob --A residaa it of S I ilia
known as Ili oc", mToe figure between the parenth-egis after esoh dt,y, Im t, week,.blult I is condition was disco% altlloughthejhav�e suffred so from dry
'Ot 0 - U1 ace of the we ther the ba ! :1 me, III cines, ISIS119,
one denotes, the page of � the paper on which the did the anti -9 av ry movement and an'opelimarket lor. the prod a, living b� mel &tent
ered i Ome, He h failed to turn off the y crop yielded full ton to 19 1)
er, such a wav gas. thelacre and'the other crops a e looking- pec d- of hav v a
advertisement will be found. find it,.the most conservative state in the farm- e of proqperity ..-would yed the life of hii
i -a a has 'aunt & Sons, of West W
oughl this anadit. of. , on (� 19 alter
lo north,,but the- great ve wel Y F, 1�.tlitjg �
Glirreson & C -(5) ati-inoilopoly' me - -pass thr a- VeO fair ily, b r und glass in their
Pieture Franieq, 4c -at Tato's Noto Studio, (8)
Snap- A. Wes:oh. (F.) lents*since the war have found it the most have 03spo fine short -The oth r afternoon, while a nutriber bf. ROUP-
ReVer heretofore bee expaili.citeed. i on of. A-1 ArclYL Miller, who
t P�,ys of -enue "at a figilre to a Pic] le &a, ac- --Ayo g
liorn bRin
to go to the Rest - D big lir ton p9opte were having
coriserva4ve tate,in. the Voicill. One Shakespeare
& Shirt $a hi rels des on Ith a Hamiltor farI n, H(,n. ohn Dr den, MiAister of'Agriculture cidmit happened w ch came veill near be -
it ousd for C. Lid Ilaw, (6) the radieal western st!Lte. w, III -smaller' News 'f ;he -Week. -for 011;ario. s. . Mm James Fin 1 8
it Dryden Will Put'llia bull ing serip cl; and Min ro" 1, near Sir tford, 0 At wit I. a, painful ad
Iport-mr.t Chanme--Giilro lwiwnian. 0
cid t the ot It r day.' He wast Swinging,
p6pal&tion -and with Smaller ieated inter- HOL-Nirs A(IAIN.'— dore stispicioas rellici le a Of Ii a ej�
Coitra.1 Ru4nes Qolleg_--shaw & E'liatt. (8) tit the a i n erd. Tro whi were enjoying thcni3 dves �n a
men ris I I arms got augh t by
c,-ts in land values, would seem to offer -a have been found in tl e investigation going —A. fire'started in t�e house on- the frin bigh owing, and i�liile they were-pell up in Wh -""by- 8'
n at the Holmes bui gling, in Chicago. ard ix of Turii�- tITe air, one nd of the i the Chain of hicli th do, and
tton, O'ch i o5ficesion swing ave way. i wing i v4s ma
'0 of Ric
Wore favorable field. Bat the single.
Eill AFMO.—A de, Wiry, last the it had on
a p)rtion oft I e flesh a t , aawav,
Till,, 0ATill. 'Ein termined Th4isday nl6rnipg,aftd ho,' se Miss Trnwhill lituAg oil to the ro, and
S" wisely avoided ti t effort is to be* inade. by the Scotch breeders wits b, 3e Ough t a' xer le wes, . TI r amen d- thr
Ite --Two Ch
rued to the growid.' It had been oc- her fingers soverely burnerd by running -a on ayclel h Tie
take to obtain the remoi a] of the Canadian cattle WDA less for, I the 9thOr d ey Cal
radicalism of the West doe not pied i by K I nd khrough her liandl; but Mrs. Fine i T
illop. JPhc iouse a
e fto ro
directlion a, a
I. The People a', d A il I ..rgo. i foi-tanatei as ishe fell to the grou id, &light- ani went' d 6y d
emba, Context .a were :1 i� n t
*AFGRT1fi FRIDAY,. Aug. loth, I
S, CRIM-111 Two attendaits. in the —A] �'6 W.. R�binson. 1 f tl e Huron rclail, itig ou her shoulder and being, rei idere un- sto ), but pas thran, I the, as if, t ey
7 ig ad th�
more. the radicals—are largeb- far mers and I iiiii, '611 leago" are on trial. for diaYt no 6" Ut that eirl
Dunning tay ('oder
i Ji towuship, j L St. West of Clinton, cotscious. Fortunately no- bones ere
pig 'behind ke a p�xjnant ata
;ails fic ate 'behind
The Ch; Itind-owijers. The tax reforms they are in- ki�kino, to d eath all iniii1be in an attempt to has bo ight the 80 acre� belonging to Henry broken.
ese stores --On Wednesday, 31st tilt., i spiliC of terested in are the equai taxation of siibdue him. Dyke ninedillitely to Lhe rear of his own
lex'l Jair Aku �,,AAi4el,ind
The destruction of m ission property soille (ARR.iP BRT A�,;x) Ttm STATIS' ML'ST 6 h ot f Ant. Anderson,bel
CL -les, and the progressive taxation 'Ile
nLlf&ctoi pla6e.' The price k in neiglib r o I o oved wife of Roi [Crick For- -a stia -a,,, ha I a IYqeii T,%iKF Ac,pro —A fficetinj of the foile n re- yth, Sullivan townshi G.ey qunty,- was
week ce at Chengtilt, Chin p
of incomes and inheritances,. -h* bo d C; r- im r news I , 'ien-Tsfilt as held.Mondli , NvIlen the awayto eternal rest. Deceage�l in i he
followed. as w" anouricell, in oil sidents of --ITi amps visited cellar of Mr. A. Md- beckot4d -th'
0 'tr uW Lis
Delaware, on the coiitrary� arelargeVlor resplutions were carti �d de(-.Idi-.ii)g the oria1g, of Chilton, the Other niglit, 'and had bedn ill for abo t t yeara,,, lie U I e
ecess' D day Ist 0 driving I t;ower e
colutilas last week, by the massacre of ten In * a' ce, be
and landless ouly griA.7-falnily in ity of intervention :)n the part nf th took-ev'arything the,, could get their hands' r. ro
icer in thelrba`wst and Cot laum tion. sarne eve a# in eil
British missionaries, men and- women, and oil a farm, and h Goverilinelits oi Gnat Brittiin and th on 111,114e shape of eatables. They out the She was. born in the I6ownallip of Dual k iiib0y 44c ll�g I .04 atl<jnt �Of
sif of the tfarr�erq r
upited States. iiear Avr, nd calle to Mc- s -
h speaki g ri with big n1a4y frie a.
the wolinding of cithet uglis e o it.,of a. screen door to gain their en
terittats Whater4i .1 h -e N6*SCB.14.tPy Fito.Nvi MN ) —11 i I i rs to of the
Is Ost trarice her pare�ilts 32 5 go. About four ea 'Rev. 0 ro,%, als
_6'. the 4i'ligle.4 .1 "4* j)f
tal, hJ:St
persons at a city of 50,000 inhabi- aL'hl'�el
io '-eneral war of New Ze Ilkild, Ila --- First-pires t
114 a .1 At United i i mi ge er now. all arys, left
y ia__ in star lie foundryllian, of after she was 0 11
ELY 11
'olterarnent that the expect Wingll whiRe liftinp) a, abaft and pulleys ber(ft prtric locateli in 'J'Xey other country'.
a ffl,
tant s, s�tuated iii, the Province of Fokin, henother. At all events, .4 hi�d bV li i
tl;tiety uliles from the coast, aud a, quarter �j - V( I I, coth
:, --- ---- le(T additional subsidy from (i'veat Bvtain. b Al ay fternbon, i; iscalculated the. county, where theyAlave contititiousl Coo n a
siliffle-taxers think, and, a,leomaxiitteq 4 11 re- 'the Citinadian-Australiati line woul(to not by bti e, 31118s, Ili td.'- d llt�r f, Mr. Itobert
at the d;stlee from Tforigking On a weighl�taeacli en(l of the shaft and was aided.. Deceased N% a kind h6arteTwo-
of by their bation, -ing � a te,
ointed jrr brow:]' xrds, r ceh very bad mar, ivlio enjoyed the' favor of both God W1 Al arys
line drawn between that place. and' Pekin. T t backwi t) i o d, foi m6rly of St.
carrying-fo inpaigii tof i dd iflic t-) INO JAI' .—Japa11. �ruis- and -mail. She w.As i I faithful �n
rward &'c' gash o! the back of his head, besides ember of le weddi p1g t king pl, etw� �ys previous
rican in the Clawe ty--. - t
Ilutli the Friglish and the Ante Lving it. )adl the, Presbyt�rian clurch. rf orsyth,
but- ese Consul Nosse, at i�alrdo'
licit only in- op,
iorts have mairlttined flotivishim-staions at has, mceived -worl. from his govehimen —S t Ll My evening last, Master Albert foui sons and a datur John A. Alecar ly, sr., 1ratforilCs
0 , - .,hter, survive a- true'
niong th4s faraileis- of lb of
ad Sussix, I
P�,%Sspo�ts 'will i ot be gran ed to an Frit I f S Itfo!'(1, Illet. 1k,ith a inisfort une and affetionate inother. veteran er,
co As� A� 8 C untry fo by I endured
of churctlies, Schools
unties. es�rib.ed ese U* leave their High* Constal i e, T. X Ale
P�Eea 6ffi e a rid "fat 101 Chief
of natives -more Japri .11�, lie'lst,part of oiie of his fill-ers. -After fotir yerFl of Suffering, McCarthyi aii� I
Cklluada, :unless tl ey. have (fil t Cattiltyi-c4lebiated hiIi;
rs that lie at. -it Ice 6f 1 84% 1 b 'th(lay oil
tan spirit,
account published N4w, 0 un, 8U,, Ie I I pp (I some other T)OYS N1 It the patien a Christ indeeil, it is said that the '11eth rr I, fl, e Tu�sday, &h list. R( s -the oldest police-
0- C mpaignel ilioney' to engage in farming or tr were r. laying a'6und a i it owe ndtheyoring Ann, -beloved Wife of Mr. John
the methods employ6rl by th r r,,
and .' ias
sitor LO
or in,
disthospitalisthe raostex-tensive connect- in of exti-, :r lad aci identally got his ha:nd into!the knives, Sex I on, on, passed to mail in On�t.(tri been conneutect
dc�er - xlejar�l with the cons ular i - r ove half a cen-
are orihe Same liues as those juse y t e SOL _ th t
severit -pan.. on Lily 25t, a �verili part of a finge r.-- Y 0
ed with a. OlAtiese tuissioli. It eems al visite( uth Ja C� 011, Sunday, 4th St. TI;Le he
at d estroyi g r 'dqted all
S&lvaticin and Coxey'armie's. e -y wear a '4;3' years is
clauing great loss of life —L-. 9t week Ur 1 3- O: ig wife� age(f, tu6l.
hlGVedible that the Al-acrican miisionaries . Wia.,Lshan, of G'oi - 9
Py. propefty 0 1111 ra Lit t that t P dii-i ed
iforni to attract attentioll, aq when th f , _41 rise value. A va'; IWay t erich iad the P-lisfortu. e to badly fracture the oresad froio th46 fac —On S4tur y, 3rd abont,, thirty-
%, 'a
-eaeaped injurT, bringin., soldiers from id . g on the steps leaves a devoted IjLas�and yo andsigat
there shcLuld have since title
ket�a crowct in, any oth -the a her ar hewas sta in fire b iered at �lhe farmf Mr. Dou�
un soN--_ and
closim the stdryti door, when a Strong gust mw i y relatives to mourn as.
aConsul y north.for hospital treatin6hyt--as ald Xlathe�on, Downie, wbere a flampu.11ing
9. -eN to t
ty of volit - I III . t bee. was blFild. Sides -w4E rechosen by Messrs.
off firework from ioWn'_ thrown and 120 persons killed or fatally i of I struck it arid the door swintin- Thi l; fidal. diseise, colisaulption the
Hixson, with a has
to -and dis' Jur6d.
Ltislimn, who fell heavily ca u e of de th, the deceased being `46ii
r(jund itruez arroll;
tow delivering their sp P. 0, ahi 1). RQVI andl at- file end
bro-uAit to - the coast--deplare tha-t their r Ol;lr Wr-rit T Y r of tw9 'Ijolir"s'�Jr. I
-tax lit6ra. have 0 -rou sustaillilig :a Severe fracture to, ier rb in aboW three itionths. Iler
expertexic ere horrible and that death faulting asL1 f Ilierr of larm greot courage and will power 'alonq pp* the victory. _'bont th -_ee.acres of-fla
ular hirs
songs pill
tributing single -t The� ifi, Gi,� (ra, roll -'a aide had- won
C' paign written , to lor 'the de tre rer tile x were
-the lezot part of the sufflerings of am, South Dakota, Will get off- with two yeas lwas Lille 4 i I I —T] ie other dai, Mooney, of Brus- lou2ed box days.� T �ie late Mrs. S
wilich they sin a to -hold the a�te tion of the'..
impri His bondsmen a 111d hims If —On Tiles(My' evening last -y 1 'k, light.
lvcin�,ea. 0 . .. - sonnient. els,* 10as thro ile wa§ a daug,iter of 121 r, Charles Mason, afid
The mandartnes are en� wit off a load'of heading wit
a native of Clinton.
audience, when interest in tll�e aieeting be, thaye turned over to the State Treasur r return ng from Seafortli, and had one of his %va nll)Cf struck Al r.'t Jell alkwell's brn, oil
t 1 0 Owe w the responsibility of th, g. From Liven tyL, �enty-fi "$100,000 k it ie Clinton We ra of last week con -
in checks and (Irafts, as agre d arms opil his bac jured. Heoes not TI the 4th couce idon, of to�, i e
gins to la, V� E Fullar and th
on reig �upon when he siurildridere msell III Ll whol and coneri were destroyod,!
n secret Societies. diii 3 the following touching ineident: "He . 9b
the ati-fo, speakenq are sent out each we : elk-, and they know: diethe r the wheel ran over his arm tai�l ts
alid also a list. of properties in which the e� as V r) a also Ills's a e and soir. e farm im lementsi
7 Whiler soilie of it undobtedly belongs there, or a of headin( felt oil it, the i - w, a an Old entlethan, probably three s*core
hrays travel. in p3.irs.7 The iiorta,lice of Mr. -Bal -Well d all his fall NvIkelal , barley
a eAfthefallrenderEd him unconscious aiul ten. is ruzzed'features and
faulter held equitiesI prioi toilis calloused
_IPPlng 0 lene
it is intoller le that Christians sho,�ild
mo epends upon South America. bam. Therelvas 'all insur-
t �for � Ttle while. and bay in th(
vement, of 'coursei lia ds told f loti"fic uaintance with weath-
A r offie It,
longer palliato the ofenses Of -a, (juarter- TiiL;, CIIIE$E 111ASSA01M. — 'It aXice f $1,300 kln the baild ng and its coil-
vvhether it proves toliave the religiouil per house occupied by Mr. Martin er ad w rk, ' but isguised beneath his
civilized After tlxe� Chengtu telegram, received -at L6ndon, England, 11 O'Do' I ell? of Clinton, t oil attirday ha i extei or were c,editable. feeliugii Such tents
St lice of the Salvatibn Arrri, dr.the �exxsa- a -
lay not
affitir the Anieriqan and British _?Ylirtist�ra a.� Augy6t ' 9tb, stet.tes that imperat�v'c Ord rEs morni. g, �i:d:inse, tind 11&4 it not been for a be found in the most e�iquisite In old m In - name, I J )hn Pa: zi el hs
tio -beeti, issued from I ekin t been'ying in I senii-tirthonscious,1 St, Lte at his
11 evanesce -nee t�e y I ssistance 'of' neighbors, -wo 1111 d p ty-faced dude.
'I, atid the 01-tinbse Neveirtheless, the 1a -din t i e-- -Iil�
Pekin tl e t,iq* I ely ducle. is wife died a few
ti ao, and had requested that some of
�el` ia�e A)een burnt to the ground. A men is
ot that it was -initiated of Fulden; directing 1 0 us antly home in Str from the 1,e ets bf a
castoiaary assur- indiutes what a surprisingly Strong -hol(i spatch troops to augh or of Mr. 011�'oukielll was lighting lier-p6risonal belonginizs be divided ]�hini ll� Ale5mude
Iie(l by' orle, of its Ku Clieni, to Protect the- d C,owal dl blol, given r
rerpainin missionar a
building, He A% as -e with col oil, which started the 'the �vives of ten Frarn al, rame) w4 the biga
ances of aivin4atiorto p in 8"' ing 110
urli the offend has upon the niinds the 6 sons1 living in the StatZ
the single -tax theori gst I r z in I- e count of: Perth, Frame
ers Mild prevent a repetition 'of' the Offense. also instructed to enquire Into the origin'of blaze. 1, InIs ipping tbear�tic e from Clinton, itwas
whil 'accept it. there, andi to 84 -aign e struck him tw a, the secoad blo�, causing
0e outrages -John Cluftoil,!�oi ]Ieeb�urn, iclat a neo sary to mali ta invexjtoi�v' of1thein,
A ceimatission. of 4 lultry Was Isent to Chenirt- i . . . It
crililty perso s as quickly'" possible. The. V him t) fall -to the ground striking
alaa, milking cow e 6ther dav,'dud and n doing so the old gentleirl'an broke
his head wi�h gr..,at force, - 11r.� jD
tu, it is it was a farce. 18olne-of Vicerov obe ed the order as soon &.9 it I% as has a �oer very sick. It is supposed to be ON as he rjanied'W-e articles belonging to alziel's
the ollicia-Is charged with Complicity itir the the dry food packing in the ie man' stat4ents ke, terally ate p �etty clo 3e to the
Notes aadComment received and sent 1,500 troops toIKu Cheng cause his artfie of years. The severest
ted. London at once. tolillt h slid causing" inflammation. truth
autra-ge hae since beell ptomo 8 it trial -was is Partin N,vith the old.fasnily
It is estimaed th�Jt no less� i' Sam than
Bibla—in't ier Is B fe as he callo it r e
seem S.11 itifteila illisfortune-to Mr. Clutton, as h aeat jauillals of all Shades unite in expressions will -be spent in the United tratfor4-
hValueless. Th- Mon� my, an Tuesda
11s, to leave the liotvie 'Lot thou -11 it as-commereially e A, r 11 ornfl g. iyas given
al I
Of inilignation. . The Conserx ative 8tandard States next y)ear in the pnrchase of,bicyqles.- Huron Notes. ' -
iiix W611 it "Inflinniatdry rheumatism. oldeict son wished it especially. The old a Pre fillillamy, earing h � t. to P 4cia Court,'
�y, 5th inst.,: Thomas A. mail brace(�J up, savin : 'Well, he ast. al-- FhaTp ed with lilitlistc.,ii�lg de 10
deel that if the KiTil-peror Cannot or This is placing the cost 'of elach W ee-1 Olt Whighain's rabe of ta. ation "a tivenly- _0! I Aldrid de ter us food
e I the.
wi Pho -f Pp`rtilge-la-P�airio, Manitoba, and way, i it good in the shap4 0 gro�n ak 3, to Members of
I protect Rritizh residents, we must an avera4e -of'865. Th is looks, as' i f th e one mills oil the dollar. boy fLnil fie'lias not bellel(
en his fa rnily.. I 1E e p1qadee no; �gui -ty, clainting
give i m assitance of a kind he will —WilliamArnith hu Urchased the an- IiF1 "fane I Bateman, f : Grey, -towliship, early training of his poor mother wti be
not bike had coirte to. stay. - -"t I I I I
Were iited.�.h� the holy'lestate of mat- wrQt e me saying that he Would be salbiafie4 Innoo mee ofi t, e matter a d w remanded
dertak-ing buginess of D� B. Calbick, in
'Weleo The Times says that. thk-
Godericb. qw ays to allow 6 c e to �e procured
for a F d
by 1:R' NI It". �Mrton, at the witli only mother'�s Bible. Money could not
The -Motrea Iffier4ld remarks 'rb's daughte is serioi: sly! ill, upposed to
Ba t i'
ra-e i list, Of course', form the subject of pars"onTq, Owen 860nd. The hap- buy it, but lie shail have t—The Holinesville Met odists! have ce- Bapt i
Manitoba " steamer en be from the
Will be- pleiiiing 'to i-qespective'
o China froni Eng. , urnace le took the a ove can&,,.
strow representation t cided to 'tit another in their P3- co
of party, who adlilliellionor drx(1., ability as,. church. outel o their new home the same after-
knd, possibAy froni the United States Perth Items.
indicated by admiuistrati�-e capacity to —Mr. C. C. Crabb, a forl,Lr 'resident of @,ops around Crorkitirty, taken as a bert.
also. It m ust not be Passed ever as a trifle. .1 - ' I . _. 1. . ?ort'.
learn thal r ich, is erecting A, gentleman had his horse shod
odet a, $5�,1600 residence in. at M A. Air. -1;
Sil� Oliver Mow4 has been -e-.; T -,i .41 oh Fitorl's all hoi eli were never better.than thin season. INI? ESTIX, -IT arker and
cause a -e — Mr. Thoms# French of north-west I*-- fantAl iLnd r,Afy
aity of them rderet 8 would Oli� n C1 inton, the other
Con- C1 day, m o �s indulging in ra 1
-es and property f 1 . , . . . —Mr. Wm. -Scott, tof.Brfieffield, ship ther e:kten- gan, has tlireshedj and his 4heat-turned out -are q din a fei�.w,66 a a liss
stnding trictiace to, the IiN. ceived in Caithness, �'cotland, with- a p - . d family, Stra
-ive He was a. rf t th lake - A
of th a isl teration of whic� 116 is fully deserving. It 12,.000 pounds of wool to Lawrence, M w a- 81 ve f, sident of New 35 b,i ishels to this acrel; , i has een VIE deuds
ommanity in I M, C ho fi
0 9_0
iiritt his Wife, bad — rlie� Wornen's Christian Temperance in hi sectilan,ptum - hom
York,': �nd in company
a. pears that the littI6 pternier's father and achutotts,. 1ast week.
The .adiea Chronicle hopes that Great veil en ire e this week.
11I)r ; ' re liav� been e ri th ' t' ' distance to (4oderich. Unic n, mt'Staffa, have reaunied their ul r a fora isi, isiting as it. Al -C, 1
ther weboril, in that shire, and on the Since-Tanuary Ist; the ix d reg a' I Miss tta, Cl
Drit-ttiIx and the United States - will combine r ... fires in NVingliam, two of which i1roved t)o They i �,ere oh their hotneWar d journey wli Ir.
en meet ings. Greg Xi t ��Ber .'Irwin returned to
asion, of the 4 the freedom they a cippxj in Clinton
&�h the Chinese a lesson that ill cause . 1 It' was the gell- Ur. G. Rock, of 1�ogan, reports a Uplat visitAirl 1his coll'sini
to te, inuch for the fire. company.:
foreigners to, be respected forever,, but says of the town of e Yi niallf'o fit anada, and lie was. yieli' of near ly 5W bushels.6f wheat 1roin
�k to Oliver r c6lith --Bluevale che�e act6r� has disposed of Lie 3 trip into
is tho Aeotd�- An k allou'� h grand-
d0igh ed w r(
their June cheese, 500 boxes -to A] Ill. Rdi 11 and the )ads.
that, in view of the Conditions: existing irt, fla ttering referelkic made by th Provost I P. no 11' ed at the
hhild of'J ft
tiger, -.S
of I ' Soll, at 8g cents per poun(l. Its. 91inst6n, of Pl'r�t Jarvis; . Penn �lr, J. Dmil 6ke" 'Thurm a Dr. A C"*e and,
top, laheeserriaker. for Blan -
of that Place to d 6 inil
the coLintry, the bodies nitssiou4nes 1 H. Roderus, of Wingham,ba- a, Sy sr, I visitinct, her . Elie ter, Mrs. John shar, I Choose Compa�)-, left the other day.. famil_� spi;�t' Ltur t J:kI con I ri'me of Aftat it' that uriosity in his garden, the same being'a,
there, cspecially.women, incar the greatest nected with 1111 c. P It of Colborne to if- - It is fiftY- for Russell,'.�liinitoba. 'Raine.y"is k1i SIS r, ra, W.. bilxll.,� olanish; stinflow"e'r bearing about fifty blooms. eight on.
re U lestion, the dirict. Scots prover par.-; �ixjce - the W,o sisters last taw —Al ej.Roberts, of Fallarton, han- so J S. Bron.—M oup hi ton nephew'
Spot ,it ility. The- whole (it had
Cllrolx W - of one of, —Thb other da Miss Lewis, of Ooder- each ot�er. i soile inanne the.1 .g0t Ilia t Po '1111 on Mich igan
cle a4da, oil,, d their appreci�14,1on of the ork -Y Charles Reed for of r
lit to be recon �,5.4,000, and Ralph Marsde
I 0
ar' ed' in early Ii d neither no
ic,h stepped on a nail, whioh penetrated,the sepriil� purpmes offigtoHensalfto live. visAitit her ol frie homas awk-
fid, ra.
missionaries in S - cotland's sons ting a nasty wound. -Texas, i biP, Oil 14o'n ta�.—'.Nfiss Bert a
the lever more worth.ily
Thus far nfftc� knew *here the other was d: til a short tim
soi�'of the foot, T. Austin, of Luredo, a Barker, of
'Iencoe long time Tor
Chinab shown., Nalessrs. Collins Son ' Thisl W an exceedingil
ave not beell. m oleted, but it would of (r have --go. Listowel. He brought Stratford e misfortune o 1spr4in`,h
visiting fl" d
Exelen] as ifL thL4 �oolen
P rchased B stock and pant of the w od. his Nvifl
to si 'teri. to. be separat t he h I hope
the mat' ;, raled 'in China, o Canadawith him. We
The. f urteentliparl ament of .�2qeen Vic 1mill in Goderich, and are runn following from t4 'ews. of e and 'child ankle while pi� ying on I
ing it aga ti. Willi t, knd eii.-
Rev. Ja ies.Ballahtyrie, of Ottawa, elaid the little girt i rill son be h
an(I itnIess prompt and decisive taeasurea orne persons entere bledo;i' North Dakota, refets to the sion of fmil are . IlOIi(
toria, was opened oil onday with the usual d the slau lit r- .7 laying at the residence of his joy her hii'lld C eW
h 64R- ij`�, 1 are tatcen b S. �Cox� of (Ioderic for Some, -ifil
v Britain and the United 8tates, house (if T. E'Walker, AVinigham,- the o fatille Hon Thomas Ballantyrie" of StratT J Hawk N. Cunni gl and.J. T%lc-
PC In P and red t) Lnics,l 'Prior 'to
night an& stole a quantityof tneat., time past marta per of tlxl� Daborne-MoMil. ues
it is not praballle that our �own inissio1qiries I ill 0 to Inn lieft, !#i! a"oditoba
the formal opoxiing U I re was t4o'custofa-" on. —IvTr: Williani'Day has isposed of his Ian Elq�ator Co., at this; ace, has beer —1 K P , *
will be allowed to escape. rd. . 8 moffatt, post rhaste r M Th on i is who has been
d6 11. It ,RcKenziel
a ry art of the.mernbers property Ana Londesbaro, to Mr. Thonas f travelling agre
Scramble oil thO Dnictied'lbo the pogitiol, 1 10 Car unnoek� died oil Tuesday inorning, last "i4iting her mi' left
-purposes moving. to Manitoba. Or III hav
fo-- seats, one member �eacllixxg the houlae as Miller' and that 60111pai fr. -40-K w r d_ -
week, -after A painful illness of two or three - for Goderich �Q NV,llopday.- -Albert Johnston,
_,early sts five cl'clo'ok 'in the morning. The I —A horse belonging to John Harris; of cllar�'ei9f all tile e e% ators bi tween Hanki days. of Oroderic eelO to Port Al
A Radial* Railway for Huron- %- I V1, 4ert oil his
0,odericli township,, made it lively rnna ay son dnd'H#t el", and Will , a8ume the te bike ". on hday. --uh is
L; berals showed little eagerness in. th-is di- in Goderich the otb qsponsi�ility of . his Oosition- j. August is I �-j r.. N. 4. Currie, who!bas been taking I' tiary, Endeavor
The Goderich Signal. -and the citizengi er d4y.' The -result as t. the smiller =ra,e in the engineering de- on `Wednesds�y eyening was ffell attended.,
re, -tion. The fitial 0ection results* allow! a badly smashed buggy. —A* ett r from Councillor Gerr us partr ient, of �he Michigan i3tate University Miss'Annii6 Bu rris, of S1 ep Daraton, read the
of Br
couxuLittee, of that town a�re consideritcr els, Wr4tt n it Indian
that the Governnie4, together -with the —On and after Sepiember 2ild, Gilro & ad, iisiniboia., at At n Arb r,- has returned home. addressj�Tfie C, oung peo-
I of,
Wise an, dry g6ods merchants, qf �',Jint n, I] coutitr suffer —3 fr. The man Holliday,- sr., of Downie, ple', from. orich I W
somewhat, exteusive-electillk: railway selienti Liberl-t:nionists, Nvil have a majority in a section of thi and
Nates, tilbat
troduce the -cash system intp, t e torni, t e cro
The scheme is a radial line- I north to Durii ,Vill i"n' ed consili0e ably froi-n a hai�l T1. hash id a fine residence built on the site of' every person,, 11e;e t tbie -lake and
t1i e House of 15-2), an Ole', Couervatives, of . Mes�rs. Mooney and Gzry,"amo thep.d. one, which,was destroyed sonie time al k Vei t
crallIn011, thence to Winghain, to Brusselza business. Ong 01 go th hiel e ey I will come
WE have a"mjority . sl,�Over arry post —The voters' lists' for 1895 are out nd. grs, bei0geaught. I '�h
via the boundar betweett' Turn says there i ago:h y fire. !I'r' mil 01 ed I his family
y berry and e first posted'up August I at, III th 6, a finerost eict, for a. big an bountiful bar
ecalition, of the partic Air. Win. Ca.urt! wer ��Ilr. John ,Vipond, of Hibbert, hs� from Tiv rthi I n - ues( AG. cphail
Morritq,-and the gravel road between. Mail- d ivisions there are 883 names, 429 of wl Om. vest. ,Tli were going to lie fall exhi
last P, threshed hit; fall wheat, and be has betwee�v; has enter d into r
Lilly, speker in. I tlx�� rliaent, wits 1 ith his broth-
ri.4 and G'rev, then(�e to Scaforthaad to Bay- ae qualified toi eiTe as jurors. tion at- Re ina,,. intending to. arilp Out durin 7W. a id 800 ushels.. The' yield was over er in the iollerpillbe -
re d will ,xeside in
re-elected without, O,�positiorx. . The . pl)pu- —A stablebelongilig to Sa�jjitl Wi ng� their Stay at the ca thirtv bushe 'a to the acre. Port Albert in'future.
field viL Reticefield and and 6itally a rty 0
f Ron. Edwit rd Blake gm6ng the ham, burned to the grount'l last - week, _A:'let er from William i8cott, formerI3 11r. Wr gbt, on the Eden farm, Logan"
Urtking the ecithplete circuit by returning to �Logijther ivith a set of double 'harness ui& of w . nship, who is . i
Irish. people has beerl'iteadily on...the in -i ianaging a. 30L has'a forty -a ere field of splendid oats, some'
(,o(leriullby the Lake Shore road.. To. ths three sets of sinale1arness.
a'rt*n r' a Mr. Webster� near Saginaw, of w I ich sta id five feet in length, and car 1! Zurich,,,
acre f
crease, and- there is probability tha, he.
dvantages _%NTIlile orkin at the new �school: hc rise -Alichicran, ays they have 501 acres of ea4 ry grain to t e -head. _-_T1l Young Peoplels
the,gigual e rtallifold a
`�Aorge a. vin b el, I T I 1W
ly be appointed leadt'er of the Irish p; Xty in Bruss ils t he other dpLy, ts are Set oA by a machinii' ok&SoiilofListowel,madea.,Alliaiace
'quell Elselleale will be aparen to i . . ill h6ld there art il?tltemperance
i was stq�tle e bead bv a
allyn in I-, fall ink sc ff)ld, tj
arliament.' a e. rate 0 ree or our creg per all, rge a ipm t o woo recently, our cam in festival in the E ai� elical li*gh - here
is at all conversant witit: t ori
one he -inflictihg a n isty wound.' Two acres Y�er occupied in growing. 6e II, ind a 'ounting to about $10,000 Tuesday' the 20t 6, this mbnth'4-mm&t
t r' the half year ndin cing
y I The press * —Fo' g June 30bit, 'plantstrout!see(l. Theyalo) grow.a-large, -%voddi. It was exported to the UWted at balf past 8
graphy oi the The proposed 'line of Marlitobit and the No'rth4-,-5
t,here were registered,w�th the regist a[ quxanti�,y of th'e giograninie
W011M ncit'only*give a Ikusines connectoicin i� demanding a gorous hill J.- n7y. Mr. Scott hag been in Stal 6s.
nigration! Will consist of -reelta-
e es,
Cl rk, Wingf,
B.. Ferguson, town -14 Aliehigan for -six or seven Vears. e practh r an min �OgUGIV�
d g A is to
soxx!�f this is -that theY births,' 14'riArriag a an( -y'Of
-with eve -y part of the coutiti,but woul(I be policy." The re, 7hil drig athletic sports ',Nl"te tions'
14 deaths. Jolsepli 11c3lusk 3rd Concession, Tuttle Mille, of Woodham, had the.misfor-, Or " it late tl oked
-able to c6atroll a perfect tourist service foi- w:sIl to see th ie Pnglish
e pral -ies filled up, and it - --)Iiss Alar ret urray, daughter of the Poderibli- towr�ship,-Iiaa ne'arl
y completed tun6 to break his left arm- This is the 'see- and Ger ageX -a �4
-f of i n-
otl.ers thall those eu'aged exclusively- in -w ')uld. also be �o the of as here in, late Aldxand'er Miurray, of Lticknow, �as tl�ec6in!fr a ndmt and substatitia residence on ond 'me inside df about six months that hd terest. 49 ex. 'to
rdia WN te ed.
arried'at Aloo, Worth Dakota, oii, illy; is fitr as it c
th6 litt.,itwas, 'To men of.oapital there is tf e East. Foe a uuni�er of vexrs' the GOO Z� c- has broken t)iis limb, all, will p). The houp-6 will bi ready for o
31st, to Me. FraprciEi Jefirsoii, of that P1 ice. in a, few -we
cup&1iqi eks,- and is a marvel,* of —11r. C. � A. Clarke, 6beese maker of Hamachei a' . . . . . h e 'last
bi- money in the propose(l. Scheme hich cinment hills been expendiii& large suilis of —During the latterpikrt of last week bwo. architectural beauti,
combining elegance Broo'kadale, lately,t9ok a trip of tbout 200 Tuead
ay e'venihig f -sit to
or more fa�mers loa: t d4,y
wou-141 prove to be tile most servicelile s from the old by� Itay. fort 'in -ed d ree.,. Situated miles on his wheel. through the,counti f friends iii Sagm' u 11CO #1 �n
Miley in,iii.0�cingilettle g sliqep w6r and c'6t6 a mark e unty, Mich- that the coun-tv h ried by ditga, JAB. Cochlrone, a few'�6ds ft;bnl with a back: Pertq, Huron and Bruce, and visited a nurn- ig elas hd'before it to come out to couribry. But, as the main roa
gaij. They wei -ewed with the,trip.,
East Wawanosb, aid..James Fife ot, ground'i of troes', theappeara ce is pleasijig� ber the cheese fictories oh his route. Louis Pine; fri)d� �i I
for in.L�i -a. Year," The scheitte is, undaubt. tl e cen sus fe8� of th6se hm e staid 0 e to -Ifambprg,. has
a gD0d olle, 11.11(1 it is not lit all initprob- in this country wlien I they got here'... anv Orris, were- among th. tin rtunates. 0 ste of the propri- _2'I and de tea the good tit
x1adys, the six- etor. !1
eiltv Saturday last, little C ie vacancy i�h fhe junior department; been herle via, in is
Or an�' othei
of th, i AtWood public school, Caused by the vad last I Ved-nes
able. -It would be at i mmense to 0 thern aria not'accusit med to our climate - ve-ar-old daghter of Ir. S_. PI'att, of .41a.- Ppine and
;Od_ —A( joining Bructefield to tber resig iation of Mrs. Austin,- ha -and ID e
by, aving
9, been filled. �ife jQhri tar a -4 him.
the'see-tiolls of c ;:ich,, Was severelv scalded the north, ive two of the oldest 1farrijers'of ther by er gaging Mis's Mary Thompson, of thq lb�
ountry covered. would fL ey are una'equairiteo' with ouil methods i�; G�ana'_Bend reez�i for a
t sp Ir. Ne oss a et th-, loke,
ilt oil It the' Provin:e, A ifit d M�. Duncan 6th concession of 14"Ima. few hours.—Rev.
be like cotArxien ts of a teapo'
t n(I se viceabAe to the d not a few -a ed.
f min- ; an re disap
burn is a sley H. Bmund 46d famil
ere one. AlcDooald� the former being 38 years of age —The other day while the men were have gone to Ph . abut � I Y
xured and lllurlici- because gold o 0 latter 90 -1 q 0 visit their Pa -
People of botli the is not tobe picked up on tl�e —There died in file �itv of Aurora, Mr. -R6" cavilling " eggs at' Mr. Wm. Duntneith's 8'rn . T, ase, fr in L61doil, h
[Ili- land t
It could also beworkedin con. pavementain our citi�s. To -impress then). nois. oii'8uhday, ith lins t. "'a formor re' gident
ey are hop; St. Alar s-, a datk objectas observed �een visiting Id ho e, Elit� 11r. D, 8tein-
was th settler ielfftirbri. Th his.. as
x -4 ernic in 'herli"riend Win
neetiou with the existing lines of ste- I e idea'diat the States are sindlar to IVlig�bam, in the per son of Lorenzo I �et- both h �.e and hearty, and -;are living wit. ill Dickenson.- He opbned the bach's 9�d ot
m. wth th im - )f Nye &at nesqoa �o ablv-, NniffiWili C� L one by Wilf -the and h 9
might subsequ*e'n.tly be made Canada in this later; respect is tle Small po ' i epid ie iemar4- railways, it ti. liaw em to discovir itlli%t it was,'but with er-Vehildre are he�e visitilig her
city, aiih the deceased jbook it and only' ved flueffeeir, 01 Urii6Qd'td`I -nakddeye,was- na letodo so.. A o4ver-
-thither 1 the -great majorib�, of I , line ;or tent aste, fro
to cover Other sections ol ttie county. Elec� possible, al�ad u 1) M�
iays& HQ leaves a wife ind nth oft hat. village, lie fill tn).gnif� ins6riim�nt -Wil4 bro in6) N his paid Mr. ib cerilletery t' the so' ew un I
tric, railways are now being in ll di, o d three, small children, wto are at preson, in 11,111t. thwoldest, couple, in mer- use, and at D 'd
them d.rifL Now, ifthe,0rovernnient.-tv ul buried, I Ki' e, wl sil w agp.—A-1r.
lfillrgat, if wom thijugh� to; 1*104 to
reatly improved tbla seaSo);11and thlas" ""n
ation of f ast -men from the Unittted St& Fit
, A .
nd Canidawho will be there, a dayEof
rime a Qrt. is ass' ilred t hose who at64d.
. -e ra ilway rates. have been arrat d
)r from, all points.
B-m),.s.—Miss E. Cashl ef 'Sexforth,, is
.ie guest of Miss A.Ali Iler. --3 IM Fisher with i
er daughter Ruby, of Kihe Lrdine, -is viii
ig her sistbr, Mrs. (Rev.) K win.—A 1
)adf of young people droved:)wn frornma
rich on Saturday last, -and iad a most
).yable time liere at the Qcreenla.' After
danding was indulged in, and all 4�re
irprised to find our village so fi.Red � -WI_t1i
crowds of Summer g;uests, T, be
,asonhas. been a very dull o ae for Go4r
,h.—Captain Creamer, of AN' arton, a. foil-
ier Bayfield favorite,, is - renewing
rtaintances here. Mr. an4i'Mrs.
,ell and family have returned'to Bay City,
lichigan, after a ple4aant. vinikt to Vr
Ai S.�
aldweWs parents, Mt. . Old All rs- T. j X�
lobreliouse. Mr. Caldwell1i I � I I
an excellent
%se-ballist, and played welY with the E;'ay-
eld boya in a recent game With Cltrxton�,' i
I In
ie pitcher's box, striking o t eig1r; meiii.—
Irs, Brydges, of BeIgi t
� if
3 ere, ithe
nest of her daughter, Mrs. *iandon.—Miss
- Kennedy, of the River lHotel, *as' at
Angharil this week, acting � as �.ridesniai(l
'a the wed-diniz of Aliss F. ATorrAon �'of
7ihghs,ni, to -Mr. P. Kel I
_y, of ,nouInt
oregit.—Mrs. Jennings an(I son -Roy,� of
siY i0ity, Michigaw, who -h beea visitilio,
Ire. J41inings' father, Xr.wl�rTe.' J. Moore-—
.A Al�
�ftjzo fte
l000d-ful's- � So,
spring aro made
nies, Tiltrwayot
1man, �JUIVU
ww%- . .3
isvmrflisamd got
1bifttill bo ivm�;
1)erfectly wJ14,
S . I Uid Inaull, hi
,lRTS*,r, t1latts 14
blood, , If iskiza I
�pulled. opplit 140
what Owyhad
wlietl�pr Tbey Bk,
. "HIN had erldill
-and, isbakitig a 0
B, 08 Way, hopicl,
The Aft
&J>U4.�, tbe 1,14
Aron buck.,et fm
lnaTjg�111'of thovej
t1le JneJ'.qJQ, Who!
and a coxnb� V
she wasbes ber f4.
fetter�pg Inerstoll
�Ohe le'ans forwari
t 'h *oniewbot 0
0 ,
�brown buir -is, t
'house; r4tjx�6
li 4
J 1. . b
ff� W'Cll fl,.O,. ca,�, a ier, lk�rth
111er*e 'leg
Dakota, is vi's'ielng bis� uric,
aunts. He came bere frolllnr�exana
David Selilu-chter left last �.Afopday
pred Bakle��
home, Borne,- Michigan.1 1%
(I eorge Wing, left last w4k,f�r
IS His -
-do 1�4t
plac�- — Afra..8. J. Latta ak t c gielst
of 31 ills. H. C. Doane for a we 1C. ---Mr.
Oat -
rch dur!A�
more ran the barber bnextel0'' whileIMIr.
Hamacher was away.—M m I.;
dam I
ed I lie pait, tj.
�antl thouglitt
inove(I into Mr, Thornas Jo insi lns d
resii lenters, A
-fast week.—A host of our y iiiij � ladie
gone to Grand Bejid for a, co upli 'of week
SUTTillier gites
Mr. Gleorge Buchanan took in t i h L
vere cloillsidc
P1 ace as a, SU
carsion to Dakotau couple ofidweekii
,She wits well pleased with the i ri
turn to' Ball
well entertained by relaties T.
who has n .bill
Sippel, ot beer Is fo
the - sea k-;!.
zitle, -our harl;
big ,
seven years, has retumed tose' r
broaght a _lvarj
—Mr. Philip Sippel went t.( D' roit on
riell who Ivid
cheap . ex also ' P. Fii1bgsald., �
Anitie Warm, at ter a few weei,,��, visilbi ng
bur-iness flil'.5-1
Detroit hits arrived home agolu_—Z� nVie0h,
-of TI
Mrs hamesfor�
fair will- be beld oil the 25tJj!;and 20
fSepteniber. Get read Y_
Winchelsea. 1,
who ha en
t I
V111 Soon re 111
visiting.friends in this neig iborho—o&--4-
'Alliss, Mar DO
Annie )Juneau was the guest'
am., 1;all
Coward last Sunday.—The Chosen Friends
;&UAfanjily, Au
of Eliniville and neigborhoo I purpose ba.'ring
Li Lee, of -clini
a picnic at the G'ritrid Berid next week.,
-Al ra . T, Fo k- 8
good time is anticipated, its the Bev�
aro the gitesti
favorite resort for such mer y-makin 9E
(I n . tended for last week)
'Clixltoji, aod V
N(,)TF,-;.—Cro s in this district arelooking
P-111 )Pit$ DU
splendid. Numerous showers of- raby#lur-
Ing the Past few weeks have- done. the, �vot
-come visjtors�,
Bre-wer, inallal
crop trinch good.—The MiEses Howa�d, of
Avbo iii here tin
Loudon, visited at,Nlr. Sid ley 'Clarks Ilast
'the River. h�
-week.—Two of the pioneer esidents of Ods
county passed away last -,veek, in the 'per-
thing lie JeenlE
sous of Mr. Switzer and Mr. John. I r VI"n
for -future us
both bavina lived near K irkton. They
,%(,or(, highly ;re I - 'i
spected. in and will
Amatelir A46
-also prepared
f , as
ill uch-missed bv the nef-h )ors, as
'es for �exhi
their families. The funerals took on.
Tuesday, August 4-th, and ivere Ia. at-
our visitors w;ej
- tendled.—Owing to the recent dry w'
room of the Ril
having causietl ascarcity of imsture a,
--views of t4
ber of the- ereamery pat,ons haye
manufacturing dairy proil ce at, hojlne,—
around B A,
_4 ent re-sidew-'s 0
Master Melvin Faliorl, of Hensall, is�
were �eaught wl
ilaTing at 'TNI r. George Coward's. —Thres)
He also rteiteili
operations have bWlln for ;izo er a
-Might, " with vi I
and it sounds au- tu-nin-like 1, agga: 1 ---the
At it -lie tlose, R
sharp Whistle of the Steam c n i
-of th.e.guests, iii,
IV. '11orrison and niece,- bav e returne f'om
a two wee is� visit to Port Abert aud 1,
thebovs gave 11,11
hani a jolt
prollilised. Ibblem
LocAt NF,,,vs.—Rer_ J`4
-.future and it.
haNe a crowd. —I
anil three ehilar
family, of.Florence, spenta, nxiiiiiber of,d
jday beve, guq
VIS a old acquaintances on Oraild b6lla
'33eeerd, of Vali,�
circuit, and preached.a hirgyb1Y iristrriA
fri-enas here. --�O
and interesting sermon in 116stou Afet,W.�Iist
amen-st the all
clia * rcliSumlayevening.—Mr. CTeorgelFos-
-on thii i
ter, of V,.a"rna,,spent Eeverl !dAYs visiting
t-hev call a'bea,,
friends in this vkinity.—.-Sliss Louisa, ivel-
lin and her sister Mary, of Detroit� 'are
and various iga;mx!
visiting their relative$ in -,his vieinal
ties -of this kind'
All'. Win: Hulyllble passed tbrougli here' ltai!�t
n by campers
week on his bicycle.—Air. J ames 361eWilson
111as reduced the price of threshing
- grailli to
N. is.s Freeli W110-
I �7. 00 per,� day. —Mrs.Robert English is �vleit-
Rut , ge's jet
ing frieMls in Stanley this yieek.—Wq'
f lie past 1xionth,ri
bavilirr beautiful showery weather, whic it
Satur(Ay,. well p!
needed.—Alr. Andrew � Glende4ing
let t here for Alanitoba Iasi, T esday.l ke
them, ArTs. XbTmt
goes by excit. and expe6ts to r'turn
r P
wright" "wif-I All
some -time in T�,ONIIeki lber.— Mr.: and i -Mrs.
U- lexis had a family reunion a'U',61 icip
Punchttril, *ni:113
home this weel-,-i
treat last Saturday evennig.—W. J.
soil had. a large swarm of bees come 0
;otilne, campM&
Monday. Tiiisisa.-poorboiiey'seasoni.ind
Aost n'tinniber *1
nullabor reinatin,
a great inativ bees will r ot secure hoiritev
breezes.—This Ail)
enotig,li to winter on. Some are Preparing
ia:k= niore iae
to feed them.
ball MatcheA have
r-lomar-6 to 6110%
-XOTES.—'Aliss Lucy Ilutc:kiu
�son, 0
last theyplaye,"I
_��r Q �,L
ok tl
forth, is V�Elitiiig her sister, .. 17A. b-
bins, tbisl weeS',-.---'-Nlr. Al. _'4drinichael, ft
.,eral nie -a
-thescore. b&.n*-k
A% 1 -
for Manitoba last Tuesda V. --L . v.
A D.
Hunt, of I�xeter, �reached a excellent': or -
mon in (1race, Church last Sr liday mor 11 CIN
to London I-ast
-well 911ea each Sli
—Mrs. Georae Dalton, of 31 ftch�ll, sp it a
few- days wA her parents, Mr. and"Alra.1 1W.
being-gooA churtab
Hothain, last week.—It is %� ith regret 1we
A socrill, D_k�vh
learn of the deathof Mr, - Robert Gara�ller,
-spevet at, tbe' TRI
-wbich occurred at his re.6dence in Fari-jahar
evening whex the
last '.Nlondq,_ n r
lo iting, De emed has, car -, the tan*el
Yether with a nun
ried the inailbetwee . arqu bar and Du*iii
for several I)f
:Seaforth !Ftnil 'otl
years, and will � much oussed,
as lie was a genial and oblig ing old 2lentle:-
-passed the time
di rboin ha&l
-man. —Quitb a -n-ninber from here are riki-
eating _% -is v -iiek
at Grand Bend th —Mr. lias.
i+a1ti -And
Cameron., of Toronto, -is- visi dng his txl!r�'le,
-and'llow.ors while
;I1xlmi-;j;iWZ1 ot
Mr. A -Cameron, this weei.—Miss Ckft
Campbell, 1qf Toronto, la 8 ding her ajim-
and abadav zpotl!
mer vacation at home Ir. W. Canlpb�ll,
of Lonclon, Apent last Sundw r in our vil:
l, i mome s. Darin,
N� 10 1
Before thi a
a -appears i _P: int two f 11-17
-freshu),orits w.eroa
UP uAtil an "Ay,
young people, in. the persons of M11" - tie
ade 4 Z�
Allan ind-Mr. John Rice, ' 1-1 be in o e.
the giresta were in
—We are'sorry -to report. at r ch, ese
t] I oil
thelos itulityx) f
did all in their PM
f"tory it. Only turning out fx om. four to.1 five
ure and eiijoyinjilril
cheese a day.—Mr. Harry Y eo, -took in the
excursion to Manitoba tbis,%%eek.
lit stood as ij. J
Biryt'LB RA42.1-NI,.—The rapidity with
which bipycle racing has Spr, , g, into popu_
1144 pioneer 0.,
larity is one of the Yllost a i ing featittres; in
glois ;JjaJ-40 jr
the world of sport to -day
.,,and in this c4h-
I -as - plecos Inote I
nection the racingtouplanien It nuderthe AM-
-a nil xpt
ght be e,
pices of the Stratford bicycle:cliub, on Tu�s_
on -A forni lwnb-�
day, August th, is attracting wbala reacT
attention. XheLeagueofArreric=h�el.
men, the United States'Org- Ization c4r.6-
�8* Oven!; , w
ng I"
spending-with the Caluadiaii A Vbeelmen`a,4s_
since 4bandoxi-ed.
socistion in this coun try, is t lis year ran-
ni, ng a series of race meets't mil -h Canada.
.,corampli sight r
But Is-eyea Places" will be Vilibel"and, the
Stratford club has beenfortuhate enonotfo,
secure one of the dates, Augi ist,27tib.. - Tha
club IhAs been actively enSal ed -for niogoh;'
past preparing . for the meet,,aud, 4% lvV,,el
feature -Pr.1 I
Our bo4t. J
tween bts bcardj
in the M_'ay of Zen been intD
duded, every prize being a A diam
-n V rise o4dg
_I L ,
the total vall ye of -the-prizes.. 6 garin ao
$800. A host, of the fastest racin e lin
the United- States will visit, on dis
occasion for the first Time; an d as Stratford
Ile AhouX-lit be
is the in tbis districi to be vi4i.t-
ed, a. ve rylarge attenflance is looked'
Taking into cons ideration the club�s'uew-
third-inile bic Ma + 11 -L I
10TOT'yqu ex-. and
abdvt tiWirles nil.
reatly improved tbla seaSo);11and thlas" ""n
ation of f ast -men from the Unittted St& Fit
, A .
nd Canidawho will be there, a dayEof
rime a Qrt. is ass' ilred t hose who at64d.
. -e ra ilway rates. have been arrat d
)r from, all points.
B-m),.s.—Miss E. Cashl ef 'Sexforth,, is
.ie guest of Miss A.Ali Iler. --3 IM Fisher with i
er daughter Ruby, of Kihe Lrdine, -is viii
ig her sistbr, Mrs. (Rev.) K win.—A 1
)adf of young people droved:)wn frornma
rich on Saturday last, -and iad a most
).yable time liere at the Qcreenla.' After
danding was indulged in, and all 4�re
irprised to find our village so fi.Red � -WI_t1i
crowds of Summer g;uests, T, be
,asonhas. been a very dull o ae for Go4r
,h.—Captain Creamer, of AN' arton, a. foil-
ier Bayfield favorite,, is - renewing
rtaintances here. Mr. an4i'Mrs.
,ell and family have returned'to Bay City,
lichigan, after a ple4aant. vinikt to Vr
Ai S.�
aldweWs parents, Mt. . Old All rs- T. j X�
lobreliouse. Mr. Caldwell1i I � I I
an excellent
%se-ballist, and played welY with the E;'ay-
eld boya in a recent game With Cltrxton�,' i
I In
ie pitcher's box, striking o t eig1r; meiii.—
Irs, Brydges, of BeIgi t
� if
3 ere, ithe
nest of her daughter, Mrs. *iandon.—Miss
- Kennedy, of the River lHotel, *as' at
Angharil this week, acting � as �.ridesniai(l
'a the wed-diniz of Aliss F. ATorrAon �'of
7ihghs,ni, to -Mr. P. Kel I
_y, of ,nouInt
oregit.—Mrs. Jennings an(I son -Roy,� of
siY i0ity, Michigaw, who -h beea visitilio,
Ire. J41inings' father, Xr.wl�rTe.' J. Moore-—
.A Al�
�ftjzo fte
l000d-ful's- � So,
spring aro made
nies, Tiltrwayot
1man, �JUIVU
ww%- . .3
isvmrflisamd got
1bifttill bo ivm�;
1)erfectly wJ14,
S . I Uid Inaull, hi
,lRTS*,r, t1latts 14
blood, , If iskiza I
�pulled. opplit 140
what Owyhad
wlietl�pr Tbey Bk,
. "HIN had erldill
-and, isbakitig a 0
B, 08 Way, hopicl,
The Aft
&J>U4.�, tbe 1,14
Aron buck.,et fm
lnaTjg�111'of thovej
t1le JneJ'.qJQ, Who!
and a coxnb� V
she wasbes ber f4.
fetter�pg Inerstoll
�Ohe le'ans forwari
t 'h *oniewbot 0
0 ,
�brown buir -is, t