The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-16, Page 1forthlif ota er dailyl.- i -,r Robert lie entrrj --e 111110a ce. AW -.t on i wer ou Tae;-;- 44ch neeiedl.- started Ivitli Llay afterril. on� r31 t e lie very lov;[ at !opes of hel� rr,- �action of Ue . . . . . been ta�jpe'd and ln'�.,ttier r, of Seaf�rt velling es,tab- ill,er er" se for ang inany inx- ill, when fill- in the. .4cQknnrne, ot are glad to, -tteaidily im- ktm.etia. - Ir. aiceiv. These . &oid fever in to ats are not ;�s the lake. hled the public v to the Cel- ss attend their dt shat, down ter, but is now and tile yard 0wing to goo Llie proprietw liner and tvro are renewi, vicinity. -Mr. w te r, of -dw sister, 1019. of *-Nlr. Jobn McLarext, tvisited r Larty, were t e. ew l tia- 50.�. of Kippenu, Ing .known thresh- 5. work on t4e, 1-thaullast yeair.. for David Cqt-' the product Farmers de- v's work doue teai a trial, S �ror� to put �a E owers, authpr -vith I m, assisted bof Lue e ,h7.- _.,;, � � I T - ,Miss .home in W* t.ending -a' pleiwt C �1, wheeled tQ at th4 ty trip in Al, Hirough here oh Ffield, to occupy ids plaZ-e -to ill l[iorildale. -.1l rs, of Goderieh, anti te 111illin ing few .5111a,qt, visit �Ug 4er, spent T A. 11a;iiv- mother a,nd or wre on his way to m. days, with I�st week. With his rela- )airn visited tile vicinity West Nissauri, the season tG I at Near & 611pounds to ithett, of DOW- Iessro,. -Clirter 4. day, weighing r II -7 IITW=TT'.SMNTA 72MA.&R.- IAUGU,- ST 16 18951 NMOLE U11 SE AFORT119 FRIDA A�; tROS., �ftblishewa in Advane. $1.00;a Y, ear and shows yu how to llqdle tnb four -'11- ported to tl e cry portff of Paradise. t ITII SEssiox,% TuPPE he samb *time the ql1lantity of work require4 �nd THE GRAND CA 10 N. I)aiidan(l�:t�-nll,litonr4yoilt', othetricks.of t NY IL Nglish has bee Ors. Bu4hanan are in the�' enjoyment of revolvers by the lutru )rdered him in K the leaders an � in every:w ders, who helps to make n onsiderably inereAsed; ox64ent*health. Mrs. A. Bauslan h, of 4 I tn throw up his hands. T1- eaf�t rtb, ;a a, niece of Afr. Buchanan. did, and gave up1whatver lie hatl oil his -N Two impoitant co It his It reluctantly RIS GLOWI the tedious jo irnej tickly. He's a d the same is tru of tbe�aciien6e Subjects.' aracter, is western, -arned Hil- C o SOU 0d, MoOzy, , -�] 4r- Howard Biasell,,of Brock 'They then 4% EDITH SESSION� T U �-P� ell- SIAS OKSETT-INITHE-SEA. nilessioliq ave, ho�ve%,�r Ville, re- pers0n,-&bout �410. DES I�TJON' 'OF IT. been granted that are of co�jsideribl� ;valu whol cfii��,Olrous, a rough Orr. 31upkittritic Pays III llegular Annual Jklities-Alexander, of Alont- bornito raise no alarm, anil aftei the hR41 SAIRT e es Sir Walter! R411 11gli WTI to students. First, -he II forni ind the IV toal. bou�jt 16,00 gy 0 lij ts his,co-rduro TrIbOto to the Sandy Sliore." Oboxes of cheese in the f Sig] t I r. - Hilborn went to the y t out 0 1 Ske Says it is th4 Most Stupendous Thing Jacket under foot for footstool. pecial orresixudence.] examinations have been each divided into I�e r district, at 7-5-16 to 74, cents. llous� and toIAI his experience. Detectives part I and part 2 and a student who'' on 1 Wben you.itach tit allilyp, YOU hill into 'passes iarth find �dyl8es Aniericantili to -See SIASCONSI:Tll, A iss Clara -Brett Xartiyn, of Toronto, are 1low on thewarpath. the -band.4, not of the but tfic sott is stil 0oating Ill I 9. 13—SI-1-10011 on part I may in -a succeeding yesit complete I *e hadlaif w6man lawyer, has received a' prizeman part 2. Second the following provision. has 4 o $r of a p4rtnerabip in a leading XeNv with.tbe other members of tile 1t Before Goink provid-A Marvelous Tolfrebs anti It Ming. Tlie Tolfreas are chored just o he sea afely an- �te. Hayllurst, the Queen' Leap. PPO1te Spain, but far elloug.11 been made for candidates who bave: been "lor 4aw firm. Disley . team Califorilla folk; who it to the canyon awtiy to ke3p,froni-bring Illixotl lip In tit There is at present no lady arrivoid. in Montreal last Kenklasr n workina under former regulations 91 in New York night every 8111111.1-101 -) U�IW3� Several thousawl people gthered on the [� ito take of the wayfar I 0 citv. fortnightly WT%.qt Indian revolution, wl iell Candid2tes who, in 1895 hold 0'ertificato I- r. Al. ;Pettit - of Winona, e-xpee a wharves in expectationf Son e of (le- nd-STAFr, A. T., Aug. 7.-I las nfact FLAC arO ncr rl�-Ows, cipbor, you arc 75 'Ing Into bankrup n t Cii'llastial who does keeps bho inlil urers Of arms from go- obtained under former-regulati*1 signment of fruit reaxly for mostration but it being Sun,lay evening to the cooki Of, Ve a large con watding to E tcY. -ft('r tho, usual e' tit -led to write, for a . junior or � a Sell 'i tics pver� �cgotable, r� t6 Midsu mer Snap,, 80,011 010 3110-st stuPoildous th�ng dil.earth, in Sul-fliner swel er Ju Nov r York I i1nd it a Sent f6 nglandbythe first steamer the proceed llg,,� were Yon of tile Colorado river.. Irolli a r"Ilrolid, leaving certificate, thay, at the OP $ fi Fted '\vith cold storage accommodation. naturLe, the only 'of, a --fornial the Graiid can every steak, 0 ex4minati fi g ollicial welcome behig deferred It is, I supstile 014y'sconer 9 that dis- very cojnfortal�lc I pro Ili ail overcoat, not of 1896 or 1897 write for certificales in th6 i�- crumpled horned cow belol)gillg to hl�irst receiv- y on For ShiT less 'Men. ietance b stag�,�­But w elk i6ii sit down the leather oVorcoft until Monday nigl,it. "Mr. Hay globe that dooS not A'f ' t with, col)])er lining subjects prescribed therefor undet the regai dhn Howdeb, Wisbeach, while endeavor- ed se%'er o - tio ister, you y "I elc 0 to:a local !an t 16 In the dining worn durin lie n on his % Up to have staged 05 across tile plains of uniniq by the Jersey- Iations of 1893 and as defined in the ay regu- to'kik flies off her horns with her hind hom , in liomilton.. tent ail(] c ybooked, p'petiz-, 'man to keep, tile Ill e: -rizonf-6 3-011 IYAturally rather iiki sqtlito's seallpin from lations of 1895. For candidate9461- a junior g6t her foot caught between her horns --Governor M'aekintosb anil the managers ,A! -inds blo Ing Illeal, diih) Ily sorve( pbu b two blond ine' and begin to m6k�n how many L y ponetratlingtho effiderm�s, but tile light, leaving certificate under the regu)a'tion, the rpll a '4 b�ke her neck.,- 0f thq Regina Fair came a J?y dint of our dal"Ilig raethods Of a Robes, the )n tty To] tl1ji n a_ you _fUl fool you are for q'itting tile eilinforts of a I JY ! c&�gfrls, you rub' airy overe in for 1 sball be the ph;ysias! and ��R bert, I-ronsidei, of Winnipeg, explacts roast from the !clergymen iu that cit for Ca OcIt �1'bicll is t. to brotiber of the science tion bave your'pick- of' our Fancy Pei- your, eyes an( wonder w1pether .3-ou are roseate sum7ber (11 lak -w. i1ch waf ts on6 to' botany'sn'Escrib d for - fortli III undei the It I20 (Mead of beef cattle from Alani keepi�g the exhibition open oil -ng Car and I -aviig thiLS I rol lotc. os Ill (2� Can re ex�o and' tilill. I lovely as an 8 announement that the fair would be ten at -Ili- have failed at the junior leavin t ir, t1le. the camp youli�a. oneo Ui) tile bi dthe Territories this 'eason. He The l Sbirts at a price; less than mo.�t region. -, 13 t, t wile I -you Ion 0 lit beds, t o, a fairyland. The pea(lock disports in his regulations of 1895 Aidates who 4a a L Su pedple know. Not a bad. sbir 4 .1 to collif0table, a d as I you featlick dusto 9 exalnin4 0 a read lot as posFiblethoex-5011t rt Sin CODSOtb 14 still Siascon- ations of 1895, or a prepedinglyea huthav shipped *arly.half that num- opetion Sanay we bnl made late on S,I:t- myou can% find a flaw or a fault -in T ent you fant's div S y 11 to the nwor ing, ougl1ing urday; night, &nil heel of your hate � qpd. of tile sott, �aud that 1 i the highast praise one can passed J I t ergymen, when they h anti-&hirtable, well-pi-oporl* .111ty , Up through the olori;� wind through tile n gr &r, rhetoric, arithmetic' t1w .skylis Andre fln forest you in in Ou Ibilic that bestow upon It., N6t*ilillg ever changes inensu w -Fulls, Harrietsville,' tried �o get a inj4nction, found that they trudg5 and as iation, hfitory, and physics, sball, on he otber day while picking apple3 and broke couhl'not do anyt4ing until Mnday morn - YOU wild and wool y A Ona ii I not a Ili If bad down here exec t the atheand $5 bills, application to th Educational Department,; I ieti bi� ne. She is nearly 78 7ears of age. ihg. Ion sbirts. reach tile ,;It 11111lit, SuddoulyI Without all Yr e 1p y place af ter all ve, that camp buttliefornier'Istbonlor easilychnilg e O will [0,11. the fair was; subsidi7ed by th Domi�n- ( Prolliollitio, the " irth yawil.4belicath youl dol, be entitled to'& -e'rtificate bf bavi�ig assed I li� ione, owing-- to her ad- G erl. ic eals Pereale Shirt�, .,atripes and solid you Poacof dl, re it even by 0110 w1lo ling nover had profession- part I of the II form examination) an linay v ced 1r. Sebastian Wells,who has been ors, open front, cuffig attached, were regret -f ully- I) wo lihat ion -Tviernment. 0 Uw.briilk of the bottoni- 1.4j! _and n,oro thall ol ce I yo� th nk of al experience in the weatber burcall. Yns- write fb'r a juuio,r or a senir leavilig- ertifi- ohn J. Hastie, son of Mr. James- livinkiat New Hawburgor the pas leq.4 pit. Terr oscribabldeo- " ming"s . coo Icing- �10 torday a man found a diamond pin that.he cate under the regulations jof 189 1. (1) Ka tie, -concession I 8 ib .1, An �nd tile 011(i U pies, tioll seizes 3-011. Irou'whsh to topplelfo- so , , t eight Varemont who has years,l-died at his residence there on A16 - that cake, tbow 11a jackell lost -lust summer ]right n a beaten patb­ Candid4tes who hold commerq Percale Shirts, fine stripes to flinigi yourself' into that aN�ful- p ilirti icates, I ee and r� al C. A Presbyterian minister in Australia day, 'th inst., at the age of 68 years. De - chaotic eba Jot n Aance's *iiirll. In Now York It would I lave been cangbt obtained under the regulations 0 igh years, is sni.. on recoil, SteP4 jn- is way back to v open front, were now back and 0 1893, and- If )r. iBit cease was born ill 'Elsace, France, and came All the i*ay ill Albuq�Prquo you ]lave on tile fly While descending front tlib own- who present themselves at tb 'ex tinin�tions !Eis alift your c3 nd,�Io,.tbo gates of paradise I , e� I to thi country with his parents in ls33. He j bempt it A ector of the aves'a widow an4 seven cliflu'ren, twoBns 'ou,'and through Hance from the r. �Alexander� Blue, Dir' .Men�s Negligee Shlrts,. soft co'llars ail bo�foro 1 licarlilg 1) ut JohnlRalic or s scarf. If you were to stand tacks on of 1896 or 189',-sball be ex le ctldo, all new Pat terns, Were ow 90 Talls. iind ra-1 1p.-Vrts and vdt e can't ei Rhead, do es, has gone to an,(.1 fi e daughters I Among tbe latter -are t*lu You Seo thu i f6i rsl wil here, te natives would, I form examination,'-' n C. p (book-kef ping, ro lincial Burea. of Min .goldvil strvotg of a city not Eade with owns two tkaR Into the ca�i�yon,. ias a peak never not%.e theill or pj(k them lip -with F r( this brief tatement iq is easily seen t ie Rainy Lake and Seine River gold region 'Mrs. allies Krauskopf und 'Mrs. Ja;eob 'hirts, starched eQllars hirin o�sslbly the most 24en's Negligee named forohin and is thel Astrestiltoftlio,:UDowcr.tll(.,r that tIMWO years' gr ce has be4n 4lo-wed4o o titspection to. the mines there. Bruxe lublin T14erth county. I visit of i -tOl'ics are larger. than they were le ill lie away for several weeks. �-.Ur. Hugh R�19e, one litI , of D dcuffs, and now J, -)c. And that is Grand canyozf� distinguished Utizon in 1; f ftt 81) rsely sot' w 1410 -9 Etude1tits under io, 8 reg latiOns, . al d IAp WS 0 lief;clab 0 year Ille that it is impera subIt persor a is tied locait 1�ut port th is tint. Inst I of Woodstock coul Df recil-ions inift nal and ican the sit ti t all lRev. George W. Racey, of Belmont, most, igbly esteeinid ci th-ens -died on We& ra at stories arg tit shoplill We sell all kinds and wak6s of to conside 10 a arises � fr4l largel inubli larger _ava es of the lebilcessica, ill ot, going to try to dcHeribe the fact tit ak it il them IV d red an interesting address at t1k, re-, nead It- for be -to he is undoubtedly the I, Ainewricn takes longo to tell tisoul Jill fnp-f. +ha not; later than Jul -7 ' r1`11 ast we Axed 48 ye� I" it -u , 3 r. I Mit c I . . i Mill tneeLing of the Sunday School -and Lay was a. Pointed a Justice of the Peace in -the I SEMI 11�s - * 1. words 1) fakir. Whether it III bo�al#o lit has wbales tbat figure Ili -ther I have grown to abb a�numberof such udeat 8 .............. (3001110' as lived y at Nvoi ers'.Asso.ciation at Byroil.� Hi's All])- early dos of tile 1N1,01vt administration, sounding, brass all A as a till 1�111lg cyIJ)nI alone go much, soinotinics jjot hearing the 90 great R Size that it Is by con- readers of TjiEl EXPOSITOR i(let as " How to manage unruly child- Ever s: 'nee taking uin Itis resience h, 117- T _1P . I I a JUJI)III1 voice "mQ"g tJloSe awful 0VJ-V4&UJVe 1.,G'rSODS IJ at ea ders n Ow i-iine. I Ish only to say Qlat its 51 stood there and I hundreds of barrqls 0111d consult their own interests ren. stock he has be6 've member -,of act looked solitudes fotsj months 441as I alien into Of Oil were lost by gatlibring them too Ing sit once to complete fo ....... lit it firsti, flooded with tile soft III P trie, of Holstein, -vvho lost Knox thdi� cotrses Y4 ail energetic worker in the the habit' soon. junior or -senior leaving next yeal go blut lights of sunset, . 04L, oppass the r. Thl Tr IDS Iid vi I lo ed roperty a, few wee --o, and Sundkv school,. and ifor many U , ka new a years has beet ta;hdard will -place them atia great h td lint e i e nsurance, is at present re- one of Ithe elders of� the tlilIreh, He leaves A trull.lPet to' forth a 'Jai lon -ail time know not, but cuitanlyMunchan- The bI u'dIsh nre also rur. ming and swihl. disadvantage in many ways if thq fail to b Ali over this vst cun try and to cry: sell must balig, iis head befo Jol in Hance. m 9 well. T.,aw an 11 pounder yesterday ling, lis mill with the assistance f L Sto the a widow, one son and tbree daughters. Jacksoi reig P' I was warned before Ywe to the camp,.. tbFt was c tight by a ni take advantage of the tw'o 1 stop, Do - not* go abroad ail who bad d Her6z�t men of the tow�ship, some b -,r giv- —A, ong the (XL� wired ests registered at the Iyeats 1race "Be sure and et him to to you tit() story a ilver dollar on his Ito,) This shows ward, ob iged i Lo -ow. a country fIrst4 COMO I 0 allowed to them,and are after' r itiono, otherswork. So days'there Rossi -n i House, Toronto, during the past 8 1111ping - ovi n- tha to I begin the study of the two Or The Legiing Clothiers, iecl�Nrllat 'Od has f his horse" into the on three at -`e ivrought." t even I)lu(!JWI are imbtled by the spirit 0 I�qny as flft� men work.mg. %veek,N�Iere a disting6islied part &I, I of tile agoL i ,y from Cuba, y So wl his � daintily languaes which will after that da4 be. co M�e omas tw to Get There. we fsat J 71 Which Wo live. 1b is proba- Somerville, of Haysville, who ar, -takin ai towr.through Canada. this litter to toll'Americans swept and frOsb ly scrubbed I )g cabin, bang- blydue to tile fact that'When close toshore compulsory. All such persons sboold write le Ft io Hamburg Indppendent o iffiee, the Their n esre Sellers te-LUndo Alvarerz to way to r(ILLCII the Grand rz, 8 EAWRIM, ONT. wish ill Ing on tile riin if tile can J like an oagle immediately to the Educational Departmen ol he a stalk of his new of fl yo 8 they hear nercenary peop 16 discussilig cl crimson clover, an'd wi , Juan Al-6reiz n I Alvare nest to a treic, after nine]) ell - crytbing fron View or circular No. 4, June, 1895, m e : aining con -i tile dollar Lpoint of -1 an& ad i 1, It 'had sown ito his fall wheat field Senorit Dulce AI4ierz,-,N1ercedesAIvarer7,, What to ex pect in tA c, way of fare versatlou ' 'themselves fully conversant with tit . e nature ti is --I 'What was the One of tho great charm of t 1 pi c it measured 21 inches, which -Visitac;'on Alvarer'Isenor Francisco Dumas A and eutertaiD neut how to dress and to greatest p I al I t1d,."Captain, is a 6 Is I 'f �bf the changes sketched above. They will is so cril tf lie spirit c f A inorIca tbat PC it iqingL % I were level jbxposod to?" nisIll c ing wo - not in *s Pinon, ASenorita Fer- give a fow -otillep plactical Iiints and,facts Wat, Id pronip a dry season nd,%vif�, Sener luoul lie sal rv"'des It Ifind advantageou Ct SoMeL li rega rc�kon fro))) SUDUOV lighthouse. to Underhill's also to seld e e, esent one. nainda It. de Pinon*, and Senorita Belen PIrof Chamberlain, School or Collegiate' n rdiig this yet alnio�t upknown land. 'twas When 1133 hoss Juill 3d right clean china Shop on the bluff. 'Won you go to od wte ve)r a thousand excursioni8ts from Cin- Garcia e work un indLqi YOLL fulicy J'at Y<) Ui call make tile over the proolpeo and * fell �auod enter at once upoh th der the� cii d the ititel�venlng country tr S� King St.; Fast, Tot -onto, Eye Specialist and Prac- *�er 3, 000 foetl be shaved, you don't land on till earl and a- members q� the 1. 0. 0. F. have tie&j OptlLian, regulations of 1895, in order to mike pure� v rso-, y the ig 90 year:� experience, wit], nie oil his back." oaront on r. duke even in the barber. It is b Four road, cattle to To- just hel I the III27 3 dernonstration ever at- Isald, "and! on lived?", a great b owing, and on for which we of the optional course Inch will terminate ro t4 on Thursday last week, aboarol the tempt& by Od ..e l�o a in the first district t4e examinations of July, Those' at RS97. amars Chipp Ile has f1tted more spectacles than any man in "Wily, yesl "Tln't so,'0asy ter kill should be C lily 041311ful, tl at there are not- with ewa and Chicora. They of Onta. -io, of wbich;Fssex county is a part. (jaunda, He makes a � specialty of defective eN es nther natim 61 nor urtifici al noblemen here, John Hance. I reckon I I hain't who �ropoe to take a Univerai�y coarse: spent the day sight-seeing, and had as good ThIi d( motittiatin was held in Paradise lied. soared and it is fortunate thlit tile I)Cst marketsfor others have lidLfled to benefit, Send for Paper on the enough torgit 0 ly kloss got should also get the new ourriculm oin'tibe atime as they could desire. Park, a'. Kingsville, ond there were 6,01M. Eye, free. fbe afLUAISDEN & WILSON'S Drug -at settle Inoun till sheop coronets ar d.fendal. ensf les are at NN ewport T. A., Toroi itio, , ind John Kennedy, chief ell ineer of peo-ole oil the groun.446 A feal-m— of +1 Store, Seafort�,,, Ont., Wi4ch, for"date soan. d drove 'em registrar, J. Brebuer, 1v Nix 9alierpnems ea acquainted with the-4ew theMontreal Harbor Board 1443-1 ; "I I ght over Into thocally011. 11 seen lie was and Bar H ar or. The oil) y royal per'son- has gone to day Nvas the preentation of a gold headed anI seq, i low, John, ages recog it izlild here a ro tb e regulations ii, re ard I o -junior. ail panied by half a doze� oth -golin. fter "orl, or a 0, accoln a kings Bud er, cane to Williamillyal, of Leamington, matriculatio: -opose to give a itiiore gent bal3g 0,11,' and I jest give b1i ep. I A Tp�cwhip and queens th.1 LbOund ill packs like fox lemeninterestedinewrineering, to in- D. A M spur and over we went. ow miDd ye, hounds. detailed �tat 3ment , of i phe work in I V lie I Wer a et �he. great work of th� drw.nage canal, -The London town - II b)autiful inaimdamized road; —An K change sais while - lie f in a ft ture article. a U e enace which it is supposed to pre- -abilp ma W s -fallin I wds a-ridin, and Is Dow beil, g Ili(] from to Sias-: 0 ae d by a widow will jest befo N�-c struck the ;bottom of the cousett. bout tw sent to tl eSt. Lawrence shipping. re O miles of it are now, shor. tition t e ourts to make her re - canyon I junip)(I off, and sol�avcd my life. 11111shod, aid )uoxt yetti, when it is com-- —A 12 r old boy was arrested Satlir- turn th plow and es and boes he gave 1-10 went on fin I was dasbed�U pieces. day, near arleton Place, for incendiarlsni�: her duri ig the caur: pleted, the bicycler will be In -bis element CHANI IONS: II� ng days These are -r .1 � bandry and the man . . . . . . . . All this Wit, ,out a bluslill or tremor of and never know a pultictilro. This will haviiig setfire to a barn on the farm on al"inipl. -.n)ents of hu put tile 116 sea Into eaves for Nvint use, -which. be was working and twel-ve i' s of q1q1MFM—­M2QnrT�­ the DI its silenelp �for the space -acricsse on who ww to havie bee the lius;band seems to I , or of lialf -a Illiniv (I the ha were destroyedo He sayssome toys in be entitf d to th- in. e i t reap Illlo the and the poor equines who It obecutrudg-I SENIOR S E-RIEP. e an y w, I Carleton Place taught him how -to -start benefit' om the r vard prol ' -hl ]Ile, looked fr -eoff as I e was Ing across th 1� 0 Imorass through the ruts' Ong as h L sadly at tile 11 r, I said,' ow., captain, will doubtleso feel happier ompounded Bran ipt n -vs. Seafo h. fi r, 31's. couldnti binder'. aliR while his -hoes may lkinowjustlt,Z) Iasyout ot I am ten - as mock turt i . .—Thomas Hanna, lot "15, concession 6, have something to 6 with removing the and ox tail so -up. This THE LAST IP THE iks, ON. ;o ail ted bluesto S derfoot, but, yol It (,XPcc 'Ule t believe -finely b ll� ru d frightens West Gamfraxa, on Wednesday last week -widow's weeds, it another fell w wbo W3 0 that yarn. the horses in thos�tmo way t'lat a largb idin game I e ieeding. Iteht it all harrowing, PEN 1ECO"01 Is ro TI e de fell into a sand pib which be was digging, ��did th ; I +'h was coveied by sand. When taiken o -iii —The� heav st t6understorm in years or. wholosoino meal frightens a hungry fol- the cha ionsh an le P 1p -in bout fi�e i I Dever tell I o storle and tile drivers are now in minutes' time he was. dead,andr passed ov�er Owen Sound and the whole f y'n't Provo certain that,thes, Recreatio Ground' 'C, th'.. that the'-,wel lit the a 46ding Aist�ict on Friday Ina replied John 4ance of Coj')'w wasted the Atoll toy they Spoil I i oil their her af rw4rds found TA rat rs Ai�l n J0119 RANCE or, AitizoNA. Urro ght. I J� J I f th sand aid broken his -ribs allad Evii large 4 or -cArs for nery ber of bu1ildngs were destroyed. bero, inoul. nd loindilig 11 e to file door- In former ous prostration! August,23rq., th, I trip -on [flowery bed,4 of C io, live on truffles, I i in III I heart. of . u way of his cabli i lie pointod d, will. q, 00 feet. They are sc lively that ti cy don't seenji 'rand staid reser e for' by lightliiing.- -AtH�Ipworth, one ullan as sllr�ollls and qlIqU, take Saratbgas fill- d ladi�s. into the callyol 1. he old n. wedding Of mt. oiana-'Krs. killed by ight wit the c, do like Siassc,%, horses, which will probably was celebrat lightning and teveral others badly .ed wit] cxpensive i1n(-txy-!to flaunt before you see that vhIte spot? tol Ital ed. ^There was it birthday party -at tile LOW Ti8es�- the-ittatives -of Arizona ditlin't O—wi make tilclu aenable sooncror later to ed at thei injur hol-ne in 4 them's the' III go meA of that thar Atter. some tyrannical blue law. About a week )ith Ridge,'Easex county,on Fr: house of' -Nir. John -Currie, at very largo�capitl!D. - I!. I . Cand, A. t . Repivorth, . i . arbloadb in. ago'tbe stone ar6hos bro'co down, and Mrs. -�' . day. le family is one of the oldest in the when tile the thunderstorny passed over. But if you ley nut re so ivell that for &I ' I . i '�rl i Leo'nard. of Lq-ndob, I as Col afii and �he'lionle was crowded with, The I lig4ttling struck Mr. Carrie's house, ot i(lina rkablo * the0q, lin P11Y., ics, since the! date of that accident so anxious fallen heir to an estate . I J her Salikio you can onduvo. bortain discom- �alued at $25( (04) uestm, They were mbrried in wbat is now killing hiin a;nd baAly injuring his son am -used tbollr =d profos we walked are tl cY ��O push tile good," ork ahe(i that in Demerara. nown an Foothill, ufolits aro propared to roitgli It in or- back to caimp. The I crag falling, thoy-bave been crushing tho stone with Willi�ul 0irrie, and a; visit -or inalned Loui;�-'. der to tool, will III -a "The barn! was also stiadk nd four horses - tipon scene h Ic -Mrs. Wm. -Gibson, m6th M1 -Tie reT#j1iablo scene of four genera- er ot Ron. and buTo. you nptle 11 ail, I Hance Iwas 'Xid'ing. As- litillawater. Gibson, died in Hamilt�n on Frld��y -at The lu P idate touliding Aj: d 10 Is( ceupyling.one pew in a Port Stanley killed. ook bij., cad gravel, . The only mosqulio I emr 'an ge of 86 yea -a ever aT4 ayl� -which ivil.l moTe you if on .!I . I I I �. i rel was witnessed on -a recent Sundiy. ion Subs 'Ir ve,stgat, h4vo on4 Itt-fle bit of sDul In your body them )on ;oved "ti t 'Atist have come down witil me front Now —The aspb At paving, work which wai I�e- h i�� verer Mr. Jesse Broderick iLud -his son, Perth4tems. URY Jersey in my boat. After I had gone to tin this wee] in London- will gi 0. -of then -o With n we go 11341pikill G. in d 9 am E. Broderick, St. Thomas; the Pupils 9f 41itchell. high sabo,ol' who" bed th4q Morristown Dightingale began to� tit onging to a cowboy. 9091 1� .31 I kilroad" which "I I a er i daugfiter, Kra. WALIter , Barr, - of passed- tifiv prima of 'a fitir4o bel ent to 200 in ten. John widently found '-then 1 bono-s" alul pl� drum solo upon my tiupantun un ewmnatio , awl, 'No - S great - —A censu i just laken she 0 is sure to billd W$ 11V'alla�6,e- A bler e,. Kansas, and her little.daughter. have Secured hird-eflIss certificateo,aremiss WQVO Ihis doIjilitful little 'ito arouni til I thought I was bite burg's population to be 2,608, npk ing the �mes Shipley;,. the Ails& Ciaig private Ella Carr"oll oi C within tile next f�w'yonrs, shall p6netiato t ry h in y own 11011, f DuWn - NESS 'A -gie Dell. in i kel whps� sus - i crested consider- erty, of I pension ess and bring the " H rikes -down I Ali H E this tre) WD(IOUS around which 06 mosquito; %.a are so pion- largest villag, in the N minio al co t. Jessie Nasmith, t 10 flesh ild t1 e other felloii to the People trails into tifulthatI throwtheni intothosninmer —Mr. Frank London, of unt try a abl 3 comment about a year and a h4f ago, St ffa I a f I] is Mlissa AfeGee, - of allarma, 11yonand charges for I is Pack borso tenant without,extral char a When I licard has bee inted inap!ctor of the d 8 dead ged 44- years. In Aprif last he ind Miss Maggie Doherty, of I0 pr4incts. 9 n &PP( a (lay r each per- Of till spocitil and felt hl 0 erecte in Strathz4 ok i with paralysis the brain and --Coid&-s, forme -,of )r �11 )w 0 I0 'Of its groatest,charms Is an d h4s,conip�ary4us the frou'frou 8 seb'ol novi bi ing fy a� stil ej SPD, which 0 qo 0 is n; isall, Helen that It illes 4'emote': lono in �it exorbitant tail feathers tralling, softly along my nose, —The fla n the vieii of Be] ever 4-ully recevdred from the shock. -'The dhe Je, )uple of we( ks ago to s awful IlIvnUmix w w D i w mi arri a d( when*you cc der tile ontditalmnent Ile it'linade me said surch, 6r*cd my soul early all I een pullb T he a was ivvidely known and highly Air. rry, B. A *.- 1prm,C)PAI of ihe Strat� grandmir'.a flibig- apart Irom X tile wo-ild creap i 3' e�e pr?�,Ide$. It b A- frightfull rough trip with a. Melancholy about Jiico -sizeig too ist'nall and the crop is be) DW the averaj sti-e his iInfortunate Iyusin"a career' ford Co4 - egiite Institute. wrpped! 1.11 prilliev-1 alone �cmandilly ye 9 .1 I Mr. *ayberry s in F -'a lady And seldom tit) ortaken. i� didn't I Labiador fish* this season re� .1 Every D-apartwel-It is te+ing with dU'D 110111ago fromthe ligri for �A large for ib. But I ttonipt to bite —Tlie , t ofily 6awbak to an. imblenifilled -at wifel died aiwut two years ago pks 010 travel it, woinan muQt wifln 11Q�W`111- IT- i 4-- L.. fit fropi- wai to kneel at it IT U. - I I . torri (I h el in the fact, tnat porLed iGue Dest, on re ord, unpr cedented Ii Miss CfoAes was a. rino� �She should prr. I P i !do herself w' ap equestrian 110 *as with 11101tithat know Ills ways. And catches being made. upilinthe institute, 0 Sati 3rd inst.'a.lar &'recent Sunday. s� tram entered A Loiag:Staxei n1do. IgIlt lr.4�y evenin I e, -On I 8; high cictil N Jersey, tal Nova ba;Znk bIrn low`hit�d by iMrgD. McKinnon, of tile 'd 3,'biliRg in'! the neit, gaiters or Ile Ings,,thlok then I know lie was from for -Crop 6ports from i 611 ave the rllr ad at �Fldgstaff !,A. shoos one or tv, si os too lar for 11 or fed. he perched u on $4T %V. 1-3. You. y ze real vnee, of Mr. V. Miller,li;t­U U 0 WOUIU 0 1120 a I erage out- con essipn�%, wnLoss, . P I "struck by, light- while thel flr�ily iverd -away at T., it.. typically rougla f1robtler town. If and a very shor skirt. AA so blouse of ten(lorly onibraco me and bil i an to dry in turn, n0twithstanding the recent drought. ning 11 burn e 1�6t arwa at onoo, t( an.4 ed to tti ground. The build- quickly Wkebanged his rags and dirt for a We nee`4 moarevo6l,l 4 Pi d I Mom- ho' y tl�b canyop) silk or some W v It fabric hat which the bitterness of his woo. Ali(] as great sa- �Re� Mr. Cameron, of Mornington,; has ing nitainwfa quantity of hay., a wagon.i IV for tile Uill D6 tears dropped lovingly froy big eyes Church tw( bug-gies, a.fanning mill, a hay -rake and new suit.of clothes helolt -to Mr. John to Ot :it. Y'llotel in thetown 48 all impos-, Shades the fwe� tire absolutel"ji necel been Wled to. St. in kndrel helped g .811)10 fbr.�clean Aliller. Oe also ly people Moreover, Ali Alpfi`1ic st ; - himgelf to $36 in iviii be f[ol �id. nseful oil into mine lie &vt on Ili Thamesford, at a stipen Of $91W. a bin legs like the oth -,r . ielf ta, pone of which were saved. cash and then took his dep ro for xoma We 6eU lrst-cl OC s at such in- you can oat m9thing Ilioll � j ot before/ the return if o rly:weti ries of �he horse. an'd leaderof , Liu or6liestra and began In toniDg -The fall N tfieat It st in East Willia�rns Tilt artu re as �r 6 -Insuran 4' -of labor. I .3 i other fiel you. This phice, is n cry b to walk while. , Monti' Ware, Is nov igrificaut th you, for 'its v ad . wishos should pro- the names )f t1lo stations on tile Dola v oompleted. SOM41 lo, have yielded imeal V old man.was attacked J. cooking..'In may Of Ithe ro " Nil Mining gen lie Ailmns, -the well -know h a r d I y 0 ff o r d 6i vido themsel-ve; with! Ill t�nd NVesteri iailroad. But IS t bush s per acre an *# theloth r night in the gh bbots such as o 20 bush even as' high by I i019 'it. Xotit -or leather log4ings corn Ing tile mosquitoes of New Jet soy, biting'Its as -30 biisheld. -Fal Aai loder ch, left tho '4101 Nirl -ot,,Colorittlo I ]Live had anuch-better w Re se, G4 ra Clifton lecturer, Jiid his sister - Miss Aiens, of the fare. _N11% Tburb boruns ithe stag , Is us- One Of & gang Collegiai4 bstitirte 6 (i or, to tile Rncos. -Neyer go iiA4 the canyon they do with the 4ing of a Henry P. aax collector, Jones, of Otte -ville, a pioneer o� x bl twl the bus I e another old homestead St Mar 8, on- Saturday, into 11pting - Ina: 1 without whis cy l,nd alnmonll� -Lill bers than the amp -to tile callyon, isn..100011 of Oxford, died on WednesdE k. thrusti.. In case of are not much greater In it of last 9 Ill nd into the gen&weln pocket 3rd inst. 1)41 a trip arouli the world, sail- on altyl to-tir dier iiattlers. Thil i -b(st plan to folilow in visit- 'prairie dogs will shortly be )n tj He was a vete ran of 1837 an� was lit le plan did no b IP ing f; N, Ila Mill 77' 'ye m but ill t work, as e ' y o4gn,, olthouggh�, the guAcliboiaks,ad- Ing the bottoi it 10'the capy to go down sland They arc old. �o iv York for Southampton, Iiestages s! nlu�UPIYinl � liket, lians IV" a *n 1. Two of the thiel were hiInce t 11-runninirt but 6Te-3 i�xibo's winter t Present, and' when t le inativ sees -There were 65 witt en i pplication'g ,or arr( s but the others. escaped, British le I One day, stay 1111 night at just a ey will the chief ciies of the t,V'eek. Wbiloj,was -he a, afterwards the Continent, unci ro -a Nti� 7 cabin anfl retur'n the next �hfing. the them cating the col for wit. chl I the position- of janitol of the new free 10rew e IAwles1s, I& -well-known clerk e c 3,rg,, spend tho winter in Southern Afifica re - York Ina ft'lle in to +he cant -pt 2 x. m. P view at night 10( king lull) tl tile alien from New-' library building, London. The sal '',lis in Lo n' post -office, committed g i0ide, in I anyon walls York- 80 cents a ozen ailry 41,94, - turning. o c time ---next sunimeri by 6isp o1l d I very fri it i Is indescribably. nagnince he iminedalately pulls the lobster pot out ej $400 per yeani lait !?II4(ay light by Lot- - . He: emptie(I A. E. PENTE Flagpstff. there o reap many ds in t. arys v;4h th�m both wby yoll 1tit 3P the Gor sets It on tile flrll. -A flooli -Mr.-Kenn�eth Turnbull,` Ile' Glanw�rthj a se iren barr"A -revolvqr n is br�ast, au& a happy yage and a safe return. ,shoul(I stop l)(I In tit Tlwn. The It Is an of . these dogs . willattackallniog ellfa�ln who for years ha suffered frda enlarg�men -when was quitti dea man. fr -T 11SE A event - vhon the litt. 0 procession re He was a 0 of tile Pilgrims to St. Anne de. ride ISM of i1b miles. There are licaves tile caml Ito take' and Ili a few lion a leave n thing Intac6' (if the tdnsils 1 bad the dise"e i glanas' re of'Zrin inibits, aii1d lately had seeparate(l' Beaup ' Quebee's gieat healing hrine - thili trail down re heof 8igla of Big ShIJ11. t hOr 0 3 tile I onto, and oved f om. Elie throat 010 Moni lay last.! Ino the awful gerie. First g S the grent but tile utensils -a4d the mor - agb. Foxes in r ffrom )g This 1�ae'paration seemed to- Alessrs. of the Out, top is Illado 41 'Cod i: Ranch for H111ce himself, 84�oldlng and quail have ala� been put ;n hb spHts. inducinz melan-' John CITan trio Ro;'se 7 becau ie so few ale 0 )n the Island, -Work oll the electri str0et railway i have p ti. Stratford and( of North 4inner. Tho firint'and; last s iagos of tile T14149 ­40l rhen Yqu _ ccmci feeling. The former are now extinct here and! the Guelph is pr6gressing awl indications choly� hope-ha� Jouruoylro -very pleasant, vs the' trall hke ascarecrowand assuredly looking like quail were so greatly reduce In I numbers at T e returned �ome � 'They are both resent peolnise it�a etion by th'.1sp 4q:1Brc akville ROcorder has. a notice of highly pleased with.. 'wha�t they -saw, and Of Pi winds rough grand forests 6' one. The pack hol -so, Indon wit last winter by the snow and cold weather the isgi of Chailes W. Brown wid. Id -�Ino unn 11 provisioins,- September. I I 11� eregrestly impressed with the graIdeur of nderbrush. For 'blankets, etc.., bAlligs''Ilp tile -ell passed tc ro Ogilvie- the Bro, residencepf the bride"o father,* t)le chur � a 'St. Anne. This ebitreb .1% r, 4r.- Every- t anadian lllilvs-on� citherside look -far d0win body copies out �)f the tenfs'tcf wish you for tbre I o ycariq during which t !me the poor miller, loft on Saturday morning foi, I Mani J. 13 n owmanille, by Rev. George said to ceIitain relics Of �Sain� Anne and it long isles of gr6, M W. cunilwred with any that a law has b- tect them f f.; W. well - knowl: L V en flooded wIth golden native niust I toba on his an vn� bed mail was Fred goodby and goal luo ual inspection a the wheat Bro, 'k. 'rho !do barks, 10 �h fulwhih betakeshis Broiv�n, is through her intercession that the miraicul- Tile two mi Idlo stages aic not f'.Alingi wa toast Straight h weal,ther i like that of crop. 4nd e id 'd re Lottie Brown'and: onfietiresp6rpsa;idtal)�etlect,ed, U towel c iFe ell,the 0m Yes I I ,s we Cryan aci -c so as you drve ova7. thosp eUd- Pixies sh-Lib out -the friendly-," Septeml -Thomas H. Laner, of Oil Springs, who; Edi 4 Bi w often read of f nil) front jer at,the resent thy % and this is 4shionaWe was not oured of his own deafness. but say's less irio s has been working in the oil fielas of A.ustri4 i' throughl 61ouds. of yo�r isight, and you begin ur descent aboub the reg ilar hing. it 1; i a poor man's wed ling#, q -t iet weddings and pietty wed- he supposps he is too old to be benefitted, blin -ing dust.. - At's nbt wailn,l though. 1. into the unearthly chasin. oven thou- paradise, J as - W- bicycle is % po for the past three ye.srs aiad three months, �dlugq, bixt tl a above may ly be desig-, -The district nee dbut In July, or man's ed his pai-rental ,r Kirkton has sustain - d feet doivh I a tile river, qpd to reach ate i al row -Aug st .1 o be g.ril San four-lu-hand.� Welie Sconsetb near has retutil home. I He was r, i wedding.. tru ed duriiig�one week a ivery 'severe, loss �by- crossin th eso p14 er Ndw successful in I u pe wl Ild 1 tvorq � thick jack- .1y Inillionairescou d, of1P i -aday,lst inst., Mr. T youlllusb'rido 1XIIIAles- York, oil Id enjoy it, but hOmas the death of Mr. Cornei-lus Swifter and. Al.r. TT elt and had, n heavy w6DI Toi,be across iny Two bundrod mi ..You see a -Sim6on 'N, Zo ark -hill, reeve of Chil John Irvine. Bot)l- -4eutl0men Were old down here Ili' lionalres can" les away 41 enjoy it be- f osslg, near ngersoll,-who is 1-3 TI[I and .26 T -U lap d w#s none too wt rm. � West Wiflian a, was seriously injured- by 1an 0 - Mountain peak n and e canyon cause, having! all tile mon they wan, d -. i ie, c6AI thresher, dxtw up residerts, highly respe6ted by everyone for .The Dri-4er. fallinv t�6 otb,-r evenin when walking in iattl, sid 0,10 WILL R U -N Itself stretches be'Ore, you, One st, gigall- they call't take- tile time tit leave their Riehard Veimmg, *heir sterling intell wd upright Chris- t t , 1`0 1blint o indeed will you be If Y' shops.., Therefore the poor n! an is wrl the dark, Hij -hip joint as frac ,ured, andi X ou'lget tie rent In thb.c,14109 or t 14 f a: also f I �y, with his threshing outfit, tian charapter. he t** were fAst frienas, ell be. aust ined. other injurie ess serious. land li�s n ;N it with Robert Ferguson, dr�+er. rim to riiji. �And o ulis 1 meine ous man down 110re-so rich that he doesn't rst- and -the a 41dden -demise I of both by ataidenta, the I'm C urs ro e time, t e -Mr. Thomas. Steel rewer,. of Strat-i �'shea isltId' . ongl:t the - machine he had POrg 'son, 1), handsome br Dy tell- gash rise temple P ids, - , Ines, ,M- know lials poor until lie re iurns to the pf A ma ouble funeral, one 'Laborers, w Sc IF: h x uelph, It spital foil �threj hei -1440 bushe: de the ecasion of t4e Ainv ]oali, lins wintered for seven ye y1f4m ford, who has been -in of barley 'and 660. whic ars tics, ca edralsVtto Tampar -�j f6itil ica- Owling Zubtropolis and drea, its long and _h ga ered the la,rgest. assembly ver - d . In! t1ocil-ilyon, Re knows -every nook -tions, hilie M91114 = and of ) isks ind fondly of heather robed Siasc( nsett-in-the- sonie.time, has almost i recavelied from his': i bums b AUs winter wheat,--�& total Of 1,100 congregat(d at Kirktoo cemetery. . Alr, Ex6u'rsinons recent severe illness, in which twas neces-1 'buall., ;9 in, al inside of -10 hours. The. S, and �orn . of it, every bit of light and Spires, hpbg Sea. R. K. MIJ2�KITTRIGK. Mer7s I ras held at I I in the forenoon and 01#W 9nd elflah faill5les nd- hd(. J -1e uliderstands'its every mood, be 61hpes, stroets'4nd boulovaxdiof irdinod to amputate his right g near thel �barl( grown On an eight -acre field," Alr. Irvin s at 12, in the afternoon after To ail points '�%'eat of Winnipeg to W1183-0, W()Ilx(lvrfullybc.%utifullaniiiiige 61tios,liurled Me. she in an average of 55 busYela per. acre,7 which a ulion memorial service was beld; to e ek.,us if the) d which Departiqaental EPxamiatioins. -On Wednesday aftarnoog', 7tb inst.,i a he w6a t was all taken from a field of: Ii is eatimlated tbativer 1,(KX) people were I just lio�v. It. loo "- after a tbunderstorn-1 had caused th' dhitosbad fluni-thexu hoin The Educational De')artmeni, has just is'- there wasagrandfamily unlidnat-thbBu-'- i24::a es,�bei g an average of Z-� bushels-, present. WOOSEJAW' wbon tho silver re lifting front Its him in iigli us wrath. And, brood ng r. Irvine sustained injarles to. sued the new course study and examin. ebanan residence, in Wi dsoe.. 'Ph er(, , 007-rect,'.. bispin,d li� a fall from -the hay loft,, wIfich hiddon (tharInWas a l6voly- woman s]owly above all, the ftastf' bluest sk*, the most Ilegiae In- sion of tfiis gathering wasi the wed- 0 ti (ter the esti 'If anYthing. caua�A bU - witzi was itruck e occa., !pek e abovo,figures are all &tie sfor Higk� Scho �Awnd, or -'a I Uts I ar!V64, Or* Ilow, tile Illoolil Ight tou "Iles glorious 1,55tinli I t, the fleeeiesC'of clonds. itt) P mate eatli. W1r,'!S' ESTEVAN F0 ii stit es, which w 11 c me in lull fore'e ding of Mr. and Mrs. Sam UV 3AMelhanan k d arip g. burglary was� cornmitted early by aran its cr4gq ild pilinnolq's, briligino oil tits The whole sit erl panorama 3 suffu sod- durl g the next two years. In general the who have, travelled ife's'� joutnel. i + his sideit vd.hich rupturedoni,ei w4h new .,k Tibl�b al am"I P. side moining, -at, the -village SALTIZOATS, iloods A wii Ji -a light that nwer colorilig of . cl: ffs ranges - Buchainat: has ex- el ; ho -W the with soft crimson I �7,ht, The ntlof wol down has been some- side for years. Mr ght J miles south of Berlin, whenbuiglav� he knew t4at his end -was soon to come, he ttraction, or", yof Blair,-; internal cotds, and he lh�ed toeath, After in p es W at inereaseq, and for all -xaminations ceeded the patriarchal span d e a our mills n and eute ie WAS -on sea or land. Ferguson Is tile inan pin k- to depes r(k with b4nd of bro u,' abov . tb I OP Of J. ltlborn, an&, spoke of 14r. Irvine aini4 saidle beligv,et -M e p0mary the langtage options Mrs. Blichanan is 68 years.[ e per i leation, )Assengers ivho fAIlod u 4D ]is .,gray, wlifte, alld'blbe.c Col6rl 9, hii a;g!d �bl6vv, o :ibe safe. About this -time would be i4 heaven yet before John end so Upon pro Gertiffl ut Pol pack fo 110 IV ive been ma4i compulsory, oil that those couple VOere married in S at arines iJol will be returned to tArt-inff_ k014.1 01i PLY-. .41'st 6XVJorations of tb cani sape, nie, v ty, su round nd w in I lb m, on thb propiietor, ar-' he was. 1�ow little know bow V70in. az lie as no,, a, beau he iav6 not begun the study-, 3f , an Ian - 184-5. Fo ' sons. and a d g Ila tA, 0 Y01A O�' , be] Tbu. y ur Imaiden :tivR he In a drive, and no#cing earthly ties of amy.�of v the W-001 ervo al. -yon. e bitt Engbah W11114d the nsqlves bar. numerous other fidendsl W re pres6)1lt.,-tq L open P 0 are to be brokeill, ;* U &6Ve-u. �' t ' UlVeg-' Snia how ir4portant a t 14411-21 He lot"q- You Orlye, ti)m molur ow-ij WsIzui1calloo. YOU we MMU fiom' the higher examinatiof it is to be read -4 is, At celebrate -the intresting ev nt. Both. Mr. �tigat iftlan instant was -covered with w:�rh Y' gat gat gat the 411 contes. i: III . A