The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-09, Page 7- - - - - - - --- I___08XT0R4 "Ro XP _AU G UST THE N days., Thats! the second 'stage; that's erMud has rel*io�us' ollar.; in the �11 lage of .0. Straelian neighbor4, a ia telt V f a burden to' his 4tAptin�.' Theii they need it reg'Ur every _&�Dter, but there has.beE A to reagious cant and Hislop to exam' e t 6 prilt- ises and re� family. Hi I wife ind I Aa given up -e part at next meetiu ow -they'll sit on at limong theni. 'They ha v B put o1i :o a Couno' 1---o-Carriied. hope, and, h s neighbors 'y �)llghb it,was -A- nicht an, *ioriiin, and th Applications: Wm. wolit till they're turned Oct. They 'ill airs, and whethea� at thex iotelsi or! board- ul �, for 8 itch on road merely &-,qn �stion of till whet Mr, Little's and laist ing houm,�:or amuse )n or � in I vim Ufflaringi. While leolitowerthe Confession noo, my Ir.Brown to deah wook relieve hh: �ing in front of lot qn 4; 11 -SabbatWs sermon, in the Kildrumrnie train, historic spots, there has be. m 4 u�nif6 rintbue iittend to,it. I enry W Od 8, f( avelling his limbs w we partiall y paralyzed he could r gr of dignified r a S till its clean reedik-lus, Th estraint till t ha made a very V6 be done on lots 15 and use them � si ifficient, to hobble about the als; dranimin" qe M Ld Obweeu i- JL ve represene a spiritual W I at ii com�u 'ica�e.d its for a,week'aiftw.� HIS S e )y their niot�est ary of -Grey gumb and cold. During - the bottest Sam - an Einia, con, sp.atie, and the doctor hes t�e bring them -and manly and wom: Customers. zff they set again, and then comes anither others. They Ila), gr�ding oil bound OF W n. , Carrie d IN ni� Duke, limb grew table,he ould b a confined ..to and when they've hed a year or t-wa at -that favorable impression PC our citizens, 10, concessio es Lind. house anai a or yvard, b t if he and n 16 ; ni 5Ve by artook to unds grmt thev hae their first spatie (spate. is a river' They, ha force say, Seconded by a ae. walk to t4e J2' f V-0111 another - -Aoc�'dj, aiul that gies them a bit fricht. Bub, that hu insensibly elf' to ti6n ani r�se 1 -control the re- cessioa,17; Alr,�.Ms�op to atben'd to the mer dayis lie was oblige to sit 11vith hi's feet round, The� ca.' (drive) minie. for a, year spect of their hosts, and tl ie - city- has been m tter. John A 'Ta ;ga. -t, to hie'Govern.�' and legs in , V hot oven, rappe I in flannels - a We have 0. splendid linelof caps *r sae, but the feein' miiket puts the feen- Made better by their presence. The impres- in ent Drain Xo. �l CIE anea out I roul. Centre. itnd hot cjOtlis until the kill would coto-o off for spring wew Ullin' titch. They slip aff sudden in the sions has, gone - abrQ44 t iat they are in of lot 25, con�es ion .5, Arest the b6ad of in Scales. A] r. Little $Nlieved that his P11y_ Knock bouts for that theio Ireligion is a pawt (f drain ; moved b NRN'r'ii. I raw econded by siofau Ivas�Mng all that could �e done ind We also haw 'best waterproof wats, umbrellas a-*nd, timd then they juist gang plunk—ay earnest, and the rain ather and neglige war. Sid Archie in a tone. of gentle nieditatioul, their daily life.—Bosto rald. James Turnbul , that Tleasr d has- nothing. but kin r the s. islop all dly feeli ngs fo as it were, over 'the edge, 'Ijuil�� 2 - 1. 1 1 other requisites for the Season. Lii idsay exalmille the - ye: nises a irterial, wilt 4 report at treatment he received al. his "hands, but he n to give a -Singing in the Rain.. next meeting of Coulle I,_Car ied. Peti- is certain that ilie doctor had no hope of d be we lots PO. and 31, mineralwater, taking i all seven gallons of ave you: bou Nothing ever affected my imagination I sit bealde My wIndo tioa of V17m. Smith and 5 othe,s for grav- his recovery, He had t ried an advertised more'powerfully tha the sirift surprise said And listen to the rain eU ng on able ro H As It cames: w1oh a d *bIrlaril a splash is CURES 9 YoLr Soring -gruesome suggestion of that " plunk." concessio 111 ve )v t allies nds4y, see- t, Lit a to 0 5tain. Against the window P k Q relief. Kfter suf-. GOL10 But the literary credit of Drumtooliy ond ed'by Ja;mes Turr �ul that r. Brown fering for two and a, years, Mr. Little, k VS 'rested on a broad basis, and no one could Sombre and gray- the 91r. tj at ud.tQ the matter vAd let t contract., in the .9 u ' or of 1803, Itad of a case similar CRAM",, Suit an - e 'live with us without having 'his Speech 'Drenelied are the I nt m e, a engia to his ow that had beeii ctiral by tile use ,. !I 3111i wit4 min: er s certifi n The wind whistles low with A *alf of woe, a -under the ite es and a ()H0LEhAF' braceA for life. You felt equal to any emer- As It sweeps o'er the g %94Y plai#. tercourses Of Dr -1 IVillialus' PALk Pills. 3,rasping ab -geuc3� and Nvere alwaa able to express youi A filed with the clerk, we. examined this la�b hope, he sent for a fe: -v boxes ind HOEA, See our H Good Glroods,, right prices, entire passed. A commin icatio, lanind4ith sonie dogred of accuracy, Which And my head'ig dreary, rel was, read began taking them. ' Bef6 re the DIARR d itobes with a bitte ain, 14" An from M r. Gar row, re second bo,.x reliability.' is one of the luxuries of life. There is, for For sunshine bag fiel, a d ope is dead, lib �lughton vs I. was all usetf, 11r. LIW6,was satisfied that -instaqce, a type at idler who exasperates And:fife Is but- mi; Grey. Moved byy NWV4.. Er DYSEAUTIE I tar d rain. iconded by he hid fonod a remedy that would- a ure him -one to the point 4 assault, and whoni one ames Lindsay that t lie I e linstructed of his exceedingly -painful and mysterious CH, LEIRA 100 .4lungers-to describe after a becoming man- As sadly I think,: a bird a have by-law No. 53 - my i e lin acdord- ailment. Mr, Little continued the use of i RIGHT B 0 E*ioril a tree Aotws the lan'e, meA giver MW M nth 3 and was --ner. 1 He as rare in the cold air of the Fours fbirth a song, pure. sweet aud strong, ance hjudg in Said Suit, and thei Pink ills for several me CHO EIRA I j, but it had produced one specim' I 1rite tothe reeves'of Klrr a and VcKillQp, abl� to get out and do light -wox k about his Nir A _KAiN r,\SEAF RTH. Nortlt on, A, go I ng in a storm. of ri A. and all S er. C th t ornplaint4 ind Xes a and �t was my * Itick to be present when 1 rgin em. whave t e by-I&N� 1�passed at farih wbid he had not been able to do for Out n the air it -floal y, a - date as POSE ible. — Car - "v 'Pink It 4s saf nands. And this is the swo ta , - Bow an.0 rell"Irle for he canie back from. a distant colony, and -0 1 led. Mo�- ove e?r �,two years. He continued t lking, Chqdren,or Adults. utar welcomed him in the kirkI "Stormacannotlast,thi so6n will be past, Arch. Hislop, seCDA� James Pil a a.while longer, when he w full� re- 47aulie So Ed by F r Sale by all Realer:0--, And the sun will shine again. Turlibull that the reeve an .yard. d t aasurer be covered and was able to d any a the bard. 1yeel, Charlie,"i and Jamie; examined ear h, the fl-mvers, instructed and autho�rize to rrow from est Work On his faim, and in the winter ButUay froo-hen the d 0 almost steadily at i the iell-dressed prodityal. fl-om. top to tGe, `14e gardefie; and fields a gi &in RachelSpence the sum -cif 0%.e h iudred d4 time worke iw4ogging sponse, lfvcrc4 witTi d IRV -is a. prood mo�nenf for Drurntochty, And the eIrth will b3 gky when theclou-19 �bbwpshil urposo,, un tiring tba past.fall, U0 by this p�ss lars for til taxes-af.e ax �d wood-e�oppin 11cre th 3 wic ed one, (11 nd In, erumted. in Lw w I iovdd row he says, hei I was ently tae ken yi M411 �e a P 'was a serf ping f obairs L ab e r d an awfu' relief safe. a Paid.—"rried. lk AM, i i. B Caqylit Out f1talki T; in k(!� fort i y e mlsl aiid rain." n away -na wan ul�, tha:t the hqwy rain' Storms ;Yhe :a frquffov of sl eyes an s ve heN ted m6at'nor claithes; a? t�K seconded.., by,� James Tu ab rom home 4fi&then. 'it rael neebnrly a' ye tse Ispeak aa wil.1-is An'd`,my hoart is oorufortA d, grant d to! rs. %V�. 4athe hadso far recoverod that his expo, ew 'pring and Su. ailild-fasbiowA fout-.: And stilled is thi I Aching pad, Shine'for kee I artialli tson's t su res h "I hope Nye hilivell't kept 6fef a magniffeent n stock for S r at il Will. 14, wo, &VQL not brough; any ba OU w1ifflng?l I d results. X ut, first -claw- ct'Ve needne, look soor gor Coelc A lt�sson I've hearc in the soul at a bird— children be i doced to i 5, on( -that the D ring th6lvery cold wea bher of the 'past TowlilCh theiliostes p9l tke yir nose s responde(I nj she lowest, yet named for trictly first -d %as goodi A bird who s f W, Dowm_ Ut the air, for yon ILU m. e,�re auI4 freends, 1 i clerk notify.Rm.' Shine to that ei fect.—C&rl- w liter he *�as bauli g wood to.) beld1barsd f back from springlil g, imuthet- hmne's studio" r, Vindsbr a e rariles, Etchinp v.r pull- granny we na inatr Auxious LifewLill no't always�be si ried. liko, I upoll the -first course: HIG -a�d yx mbr t, A pum )er of accoll ilits w . pased di P tance of � fif been miles. Ile looks at res- ES IN ALL DIEPARTML Artistic, photos mb ; And darkien ed by storlo, A of in, 0 id. slit as if he' h ootyethana"wes. . and tdered t D be pa ad een a ibk d in Souls are made pure by #.e gr: efa they endure, i hardly s p1per, tit 'ill -unipbs of civilIzation I ir is refreshed y i his life timf, about the trI it"a MERIT IN EVERY ARVOL-El, A�m feared that I ddie a': Bell' 49the ea Adakill hims wiky';' wer4 ma verra Mr. Little feels. deeply pr, —Polly P] Y In Now Yorl el' not in Am( Eay cour CU. grat al to I -1WWWords tae 1�illocks 'here be slavin' ven, when the clouds'l re d 4kesb he 'ill' Soe O� Williams' Pink Pil and Clai a th HONESTQUALITY EVER W14E Ev flesh aff h Cromwell's ILMerty of Can F Let us t4ki Can cil met pursuilt to adjounment, t his is baneis tae a fdrtune and . t complete re'.6very ik entirely due to the �ts� -dear little August. Ist, �l 10 o'clock i . in..: : All meni, I I Let our be�rt 0 a Irr likei that AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT. ep, her comfortabl�,e.' t bled bErs &esent.1 In regar of the pills,,:i s testimi ny for tpe Certain EnglIshilien have li�cu grossly. d tc the a] aning Oil "Itwasa,real s4tisfaction tad� read vir 'To thaukGz)d for the n�lit arid, tile rain. benefit of thers w[iO may be Similarly af- Intolerant, but at h!.cart the inatibn has, w of the Z6rich drain, after ieari�JV eviaene 11 er frae the back ' oods—.or was t a l� flicted. At, Little's wi who wis preseit behove, away$ been toldrail"nXious; bf. H. fe by the interesed-parties, who, wo. FT, E) ew lory s ao �,�e present ngl miss M_ ioose in ew ork ? ing, everything the best. The -quality �Wiill ma men at'the interview, corroborateilIr. Lifitle's that I-,, llot to limit the action of the hu - at it us action was aken at th( ti Thel a, UD10, C4tb ed to be --telling hoo ye were aye Healtha6dHOU4011014-HInts "a roi I testimony nd believes' lie owes his entire man niin& or to constraffithe priGe will sell * it, an t is e reason;you lowing "Ouni S are require i for I Curren e to!�the use of fink Pills. The'. e i- Hero Cromwell was prophetically typical. t] iinking a', your grann Rinew ior, coun and waritin' OrMs 1will yield o'bar4x:treatinent. year: r ty- purpows, 3 foo an U come early to get your Bargains froni our plendid Business. tE come liame and bea comfort tae her if �Pply a Strong Sol ti.tioll of bdrax three tirnes tire family 11ook upon the husband ngible 9bape England's lil Le cyeneral townabip purpoF(s, ex sive of d fatli 1, o:fl;rst put Into t. she ild send ye 0.11 twenty pund. also d4st on the' dry powder ver er as one iescu�d fr6i i' e grave y ie I m 0 re glo-me liberty—, all ideal slowly The bit'Umt 8, ekit me maist. wes the Y�- other assets, $2,674.84; �or ' 16gisla-ti, , timely use 4f Pink Pill i. For an ulva sc �eq ent, $1,974. 6, an( . amountsi Oninquix-y among INJ Littl&s n6ighbors, his -othing. cou.d be botter. put tfxt frae the Prodigal Son—it car-. nflaminatory rhialmatism dissolve in accord -ill 'si ions I I all oes, run nee vith requisi from trus-1 a es. ed btrainesa in the niatu i nee of p�llver )ubte(I ve "Every Sect �al. Monv a. lyxokeii bert hes that story lato"apiritof weetoiloreo ivefindthatheisamai of und( than his words on tolera� and tharol L 1 a neil -, follows 1) u n d' -en weel n this G'Ien; but ized si,ltpetr ri!ib the parts 1 rates w rq str ck by the saltb, Ob, give me libert4r.' But give him up as w e ghl tees of he s erl sell sect �n. Th ra He'lias lived in Essex coulitj�r 811 [zood �tand, and a.' 0 hi c�re CC I- it nd to his poi mr, be will not y 1�1d. it to Ying purcbAsed the -it's tine a feck a' tnischief tae—that gude �tffeatc d. dotifitli. e, 1118-10 s Iiietime,, and on his.4 sent fa -m ill argan, IS Nor , about f616 years. Ile i the allybody cq..;e. 1. il)erty oj� is a RoD 'rN th 0OLInt3l; th mAls on t 1.6 dollar IC1 ; Chester 10 SON& MCII ,M C4 11 the under. - woN o' the Half the -wastrel in Spq: ige old black silk with cold boffe� and rate,il 4 -10th inill oil t ie dollarl, I bus4- - AllfI6 pay their passage Imme r NV thait a little ammonia. Do not stieh llaces,j superintend nt of the idgar blilm -Sun&y natural Abht, ax d he tl)'at wouhU have it for general, school rate.a (11 gislit ive equiv- 4* d school, and US case TfaralAe, atl get a bran neiv outfib for an- 1, u - t, after rinin ip them. in a little *7&ter on is'ltoo well knownin ought to gj�,e. it.v aforth some white sum, -has been di cl to e dispilted. eia Se. alen t, I 6_100th mills th dI t":I -ither Start iq the fa coa trv.. in wl i0h r A by- that istri' libo.-s Oil 4,1100jer oe`ia His n is- confirming the abo rate4 was d 131011 Ilei 9 ve oo turn red, Chairlia, for the s3lved, ul asl a most iniraculoils defliAtely, "I de-11re fromx'ny hear; ­'I have r passed.! The follolviq- 0 ints 'ere a dW looked upon his cure ileeburs ken ve were tae work vir Ivy Kemsene is an excellen't aid in the one, his de4ih having �en expeded. amol pryod for it—I lve witc(l for t] li� day to y, Sobk your clothes over saine - 'Cleorge Penh'a re b�garl tI li� and i -lit um e, r, nirincr El S 7 pekof4aseals'illsorn on their fatheru 8 into which Iiberal amount use of Pink'l'ills. a a e, Ines of ed to be paid. and chequ a � asue for th them foi, n-wny months , 3at therd'�a a 1ju.n 3efo had, it no lie for vir hmdth. r iligh oward" e he e see linio of. bridge $13 Wi r tweall the godly pCople—'Scots, E.130-lish, %ncy as he's livin', and they 'ill StUrve, k m a6 has b en poured, Thy Iv wasb 05 n. ldwell�� epalrilig 'er 0 Ose nt 111. tak a. sis- 11 uc nore easily and 4ill, appear ninch ippev, re, -weedbied rilitlier, and thev h t I. , and to culvdrt, S. B.-. - D Surerus Skill in� e Dair and Farin. pairing�, 7 ter's get Ouy better )elng.&b e to give Illy own in istak(� V grant sUle litie, $3; Henry! ei)di repair- ivelall Cromwell's utteranc ".oil �h�, sub- dune.boily a* ei-My 'ill serve them., i Try a at salt outside the facei 'ng ctil%,ert,: conce'issiow 14, $ 1. 5 sail] tiel and failures I thought I would give, earin., P dees, f thev caa4 better Not 'bandage of h Lit C1 ic0t 'of toklratioll,we should fill our Cal - far near�.Igia fill the mbuth'with hot: 88t, -ief, wha -tyself and. by, U11111s. Wo will, however, add on' iniore an, Chairlie if a' hed ma wull wi Treffv repairing Heyrock's bri $1 D. 61 .1; h ve li�arr e(I n f to Observing tile J`n t, lie w,, repair -thae Wawfles, I wild ship them aff tae a in c!tzes othache put EL little' hot 1 m1t; 'tile, S. B, 81.2 Vit istakes ind failurEs ef at example: "I moddle- no desert island, wV ae sack a,* seed potatoes in a piece of mu p'tit it in thel slin, and then I- ers- Iiiii-ltsayitis nuch easier to see any 1111111'seollseloi)cc. As for th a people, 1) cents R. �301, *tI - o'*Seed earn- and let theiii work ei w for 4 secon at two - wilen. -earache: is 3- _McTagg alve I", London in. But I tll(,:V have ii) of ra- ani ier I art, �O ' ken yir Nvi' hie there, for ve ve ti �ouble§ beg;lt$:'0 the mistaGes of others than my a w1lt thou�li r dee. � A ome- I: roa� Barpi Prints B 91; R.Carlislo, brea rig S -R. can assure lig"1011 in � their own argains ir Cbambray am *ndepeadeut spirif, au(i wesna feared 3 o y Po argains in n work n si -.-line $4- -pocket. walk holle to cause for ti same. t e ken, the fit —"�9aturdqy 1�ev s argains op e, $47 rill profi able, !it is h6cessary to have Advice I wud gie him? in Fro �t le objects in Dr - oeat�, div y 0 )era I ike other Pa I 14rs. R. Adams, ontract, South 3ou ft* W�dst', B EImblcil. as sh6 aid her Spouse were F.Hess) sr..? 6 inonths F. Hess, capital enoilgh of on&s own, or I of rowed, tell the dlidlin" _tl .5 : Lowless, feald, r Noo, if a' cat inqese akes as they' always affect ni r rech, butOial-I think it my duty, it th Z5 $7.25; J. Wagner, commiss wm B., n)ist, eOnI3 ae bend. yir back. It was,the T� ou, that I Ilways feel my ow i oy Bo 110 n across ane a' thae f Fate. H.Nalbf1eisch' I _n i I in. S t I ( �on't. see why. W6 't go 0 the J. e, 'repairing th I have f ake th,- then, an, that, in order to i ill th" least tO suffer I sr., re�lis ering. W, lis niarda s a I V e, L ke ]EIer.1 walking'b'o a tl)pelhl t b t ( h o enable,the farmer to stock- his f rm well, Wanted—. or,,' Collar. Cuffs etc. 7 k )o e ltiou6ry, Ies& fushionless wratch o' a crat"ili, tab. ',,Ve coN11( if* �017L (I dn't ilao $6. H�ess, sr., posta nd and put hinisell in a- position to g( b Ibe las It was ch evy C, She ws t1_11,11 tqh for the first Spate nd droon hi msel" wa $7.07. Council ineet, pj in ii'Au(yust t out of �verytlii in proportion. was upon Wign r a, cen -4g 4p., handles. and broad golivu in the Toebty." s - lock a.m.' 9 ier, My. 0111 y jetcl!i( n. to 'him is the Jact 26thiex.,�,a.6 10oc If a mail loses �he iright of to Ilia very tightand I —AT THF� Y Y hich have i What's he aff Oxroilgh the graves for i1i that he iends yod to, leep and then won't School sections w �Ot sa t in th�ir work Th the spr [ng, be isl behind all 6le sea, large an(I spaTkIbig. sl a' 81 t. n-mir t ie and Jaillie fall sic 4 h oN%:�d CliarlieB nilikin req�iisitions.. They wiplo letyOulit r therip repli.6d M�. ase a so at son. And he is cold 011't�d with the hic 113 end of the eat, al)(1 sheml ht b�T6luoyA I-etreatirij finire with glance of admirable 4 as Profitable as will Then, basely anxious to chage th subject', once to save. trouble'. Pothi that his fahii has nol,,bee� 0 Store, 'Oardno's Block, 8eaforth., thae[s no very gude mainners 11101ig to Inke noul fo: somebody.el heali C amazement he -remarked, 4' 1 do believe it inigb0haVe b ;is Airs, also bear in mind that �-th kilight be on, besides the annoyance butsbodidil't. Slieilup �t aild stai lie's learned in Americky.'� y sa ud st ; (I Fit in another new gow I.." charged wiith.all the stati nd wor��, that such a Ute IL on I their 5t1te of affairs always haughtily.1111(,ad.1 There ' illt; it tiny lit le Thank ye, Jeenies, thmk ye; we re a' 'No00'ubb. Her husbarid is-sogetlef-ous lists if :not returned- be brins.' fore 8 p er ist. 111ou.so colored wounall At Ivd g, Lind e ee"ed tae ye Sad, Drumsheugh.- AW W. W. HOFF A to her. NVhy, she tells me Experi nee bi al� t lit ie that two nien that hiey were FyRmw: HE Sr.'' Clerk. M ettlin' tae 1,%Y- ilia hands on the 'wbup- Sight of- flic bediamonded ox e mad`4 ITr 1. - le wall a. irlie-a)era last evening and 'ex�ect togo, call perf rm met' hall do ae in it i ous. You could see lie! vor t( r er. i e three Walton. PlOpe A's Patterns and Niblicitions. ma.denty (fop) masel, but ma certes, he's again tinorrow." t' th m dan, if the work has twit6h. A 5 length -d over wit Ageit for Bu*ric hed his kail het this moridn". Div ye think neg ected or. some, InA I�d.. iAb by th6 wa, 1 t idn't,you been neg ime ; pqrti6uIarh- le 'ill tak vir advice?" tended for, last. ask) tell Ole 'hat , 6u IN -ocks and so with ota�-toes, corn an roots o['all de. T o Pardon me, S113 maid, Nae. fear a' him. thae neendae-we68 Aliss FfI e hau -quarrelled ILA OT,. BALI. A scriptiou --Ia* re,�erence to &n art,iale -hicli!�a�peared a� all, it pays. to do 'have you pt id for two seat0, thei-I'mee V�rayer many Of both sexes oi id ad imselves with life belts, i 'hhena the Spu . nk; but am expecli- in' he 'i Ver' lik y. I notice.that D ck is pa- in last week's issue, a,.b ball match If it p, ys to do work The woman pr th Out a foot ticuldrly ton' iy *henever grand (,Per& i in it well. If ny branph of farming M. EIR3 DR, FD L fice, the pairish." Which lie did. Had you exIled Mini in- thart tobk place in Kifiburn, wil Ivi'lit Oil the mo, ISO mlored a ever. t1 ie a nilmodore uj� to that time—ealm town," neglecte ,it will be unprofitable.1 Order -"Ithought,'youlia.d. 4PI dolelit or useles he had Smiled, bnt cc that the Kinburn a, trpy in the ease move alo and inwepid the young Napoleon who Extractof wild Stra rberry is arellaitle remedy th4 91. Aepen ed.on to cure 01 Ahjndee'd� By the way, how should and system is a ways sure to brin succes hecan always be bolerz� Cholam lution by firing his Infanturn, at your piother's i his even- It y COW t 'n., CoNe, Orampa, Mirrhoeal Dysentery,.an& ldaidlixi'.. thavrIess, feckless, fusbionlers r, umbei of goals. totild be tV,o instead eud(d the el� cm -like to call The dair is a machine, anT a mak r t shot v stro i 'nvratch," drew blood at ev ke, li�e& i',ig -,;Y of tbreb.- In-rerard tie nial.dli, combi And the at] r:1110yed, I I t Ilfeel sure s le into the church of gaint .11 looseness of the bowels. It never falls. her profit ble she inkist be run to her ful 1 f Eationplay-wasimpoihibe nsliel�!groullds. ll( _It C#. Roo' bell she got Out of t1l, ow signs of tremor. --At Russian knout, z Very much, if to b c anybo(ly ivas lik*el� e 1"lle ohl� col . ti PI y wi 4S the com- y- You could celt coming -on.—Avashingt6in this time the�, race haar perforce,,to cease, I apoplex) b !g ap t a� 0811 nb We had tender words also, that Stil bring "Kill is requi ed in'the dairy, from thE m f to -at home.' But of course they willall 0 Ito bined 6flNrts a b rn n. post. i The hc se wakbrough t into play, the red hot NO -OTBER REIKED—Y. �the tears to my eyes, nd chief amon the the oper�." cow to,the Anis ed product. It, a' not sc was "couthy." What (lid it inea, '! 11, play diAland, use! tip he ghte =rds, sta�6 C 'NVW a e an e. danger much in -the, br d as in the iudivWuMlity C Dagerous list Poison. other remedy e ireo Summer Oomplaint, D.arr- a ve just ret emb ..Al t and. in di�sputing and Aling aver be, 1, bi It he scare will nean never be fo t a letter to sonle tired towaman!, :over the this is church 'evening. Suppose IMP I AVe' the cow, as'po cows are' to be foi ind in a! A favorite 1110tho(I of 411ilig the hu t'e ten by tho e he were the victims of 1 t oes, Dysentery, etc., so promptly,,and quiets paitt ritten in homel Scotch, �nd bi ( I �g llqL haven t been: to Ovening a uro lainc we referees decisions. - Ideet is boys, the milking breeds. ayleriminal. quicklyasDr.Poviler's Fxfract'10't Wild Strx�- accidentS rats that, the l7umber loniiijis In nort h- -was 8, 3il experiment. err -9, T nd,bring your doeboi in se or Y� It 18 a packel doetor f3r tourist ravellerg to some of your best p]aye - . qame to get new life from Ithe D u: tochtk were first married." The dairytrial. needs to! make provision! is ratbei hawirdous of an I a the .4 urSionistswere out for ildrunimie platform wl.oJe 'hey Catch[ a am( a rig ImpossiLle, George., a ould be themselves. 9. for'a- supply if feed fQr-each a nd everi 4ir -and the grip odest had the lumliern ure, n(tJo eril. No ojie' h I asted ashamed to Ila ve any one kno �v t at I was month in. the: year. The hog mquires ir rder to es big rattle9nake live, hold it to the gro play wilth. h T V a ATTACXED, 111youreachedthe0ler, ndano,�he- wel- well enongh t be out after llijht at IS PARALYS13 0 R��BLE. balanced r ion in order to obtai the best SUDDENI-4.L d n, t Ing forked. stick across its bac Clailli ir no earthly e- I e �T picker you[ ca4 get a hog f c ai�d then placo In front of it a p' ece !quencele-11 IP4 ie a ome at the gargen-gate Aint rrunkl& wit4 Plitt th eople would bo suire to Say results e q Scent of haneysuck]ie, and mos -roses, that y u are stingy, and I would &ther die MR. GEORGE LiTrLE84% 0 i E' 88 E X weigh 200 1 s., Ae moeb pro it& e e wi I r 'has had nough of risk and Children are often attaekwd suddinly by, painfut COUNTY, IT TS,l cailf's liver. -The rattler Is toused, tild D venta 4. It and Aangerous,Clj(!, Cramps,Dlarrhoex, Dysentay Ite, thye, and caximtioins ; and theliest of than -c use such remarkg." be. Corns ould never be I lante before anger bitos the mcat. over an disaster a I proba ly nQt repeat the Cholera Morbus, Chclera Infautum,' eto� Dr. Few 4=rhing that could be given you; and Viet is, Fuclora,, I'm as anxious as you the ground S in a, fit conditio n,and it S Ott d ov onda ly iphey is to a -a-ili. In filet, all of itspoisoll I.-; thi.1's _I:: - expei,i�nen y i orning. If a like lees Evtmet of Wild Strawberry Is! a prompt and r nursing in illness, wiih skilly are - t go to the op ra,,. bul, n He Gives Hi8 0. n re Uble' Ex- be cut er, cure cure, wMeb sbouldalw. i I em. 6 0 . before it gets too ripe. --Ohio Fa i"ted into the liver, -which is then pi t instance an other line, it may, aye be kept in tbeliouse. edies of -the Oldell time; and wise, hadt .14�rience to Prove th Truth of Q,c 4 with a e y to in oke legislation in become ne. ai aight I a mak paymeit to -clay wbero tho rats can got it, In a Pott fr Norway Pine Syrul eures Coughs, Colds, audalt Theery talk that spake no ill of man a G ais Asgortic r 4u red -for r--- - - ami I *doutif. I have a dollar*in pocket. "HE AFTERGLCW. -atswerelkiiie(I in ojL, rder to pi e�' nt such r less exp, Throat and Lung T county Camp 18 r, eri-inents _e can have a i e i . I iio g even- er 8 0 Hi L,ud lotid reprbaches il you propa ed to Never inind, Two Yef A, imself 11141yn Dig g t'snake poi ro Meg. Price, 25e.and We. Soft qlla(.es 0 Oray stoni Wbr tb( Wayl I d I roperty . 1 Oeave under a month or two; and al solute at only i ing at IlG.,me albile, ckn't we AndFamily Thou t lit by llibblil) soned nie4, with life a, 1 that you must return; and a load Vetrult Free Prois. londitions Hurnph 1 We a6re sure to ..)e a-laiie, De�ih could Ein s JSuffer- And tb,.-n gently till, if eountr�y d&inties for a bachelar'S bar, f And gol� on ray in the far wstipfray Dead1v C&ancer Cored bY for every living oul Nre know willibe at the infs: — Again Ell the ed Uorses. Huxley's tables of the -V lonlinoris ; and far more, that cannot e put With it rose over all. ,eight.,; of mitu opera. B ssing of S nd M The buyer fair the foreigri markets do not want W11 bese ii�t rayqso so'tly stray show that the body is inado up bf blewished 11 1 t )rice. Spavins, areas a words, of hospitality, and kii dn;ss, All t e be 'Cu rn ter, my -dear. Just stepi in From the Rsspx Free Press. r 110.11i] sifid woodeI6 dells 13 different clenients, of wilicil Jlye a* Ripgboiies, tc.�, n be'entirely cured byDiek's A BO.- nd quietness, nd restfulness, au�i loyal here with rnea momput, will oil ? I have Th - I ( e(p ill niy heart I b(ar a I ay gases and eight solids. Bluter. P e,66cente. Nek'sLininient is invalu- able of hearts now turned to (lust in no cigars, and I don't *ant t have to igo Life is truly a burdha to :ties(,, no d Like distan Y"per J)ells. for apm ns ano bruises. P.rice'25 cchts. To be all W-uglisto. Full directions on the wra#per. the old kirkyard. t 0 q t for anythi to-iiight. - Yni See, I dZ't- With a full measure of health aild'! streni4th, ­Ainiie H. Quill in Minneapolis Hous per, had a Here Is the'Ptoof. ds werf kept t A Disgraceful Affair. But the best of all our war rs. oil hand no% - that mariey _bLlt.Nvben a strong inaii is brought ot,, keep many ciga 7 -forspiritual things, aud the desuril oil of so scarce.", vorge of almost utter helplessness, wlien TRIUMPHS 9F1 CIVIL12ATICN. The Sault Ste. Alariel: _SHILOIJ IS 6.418 Is old on a guarantee. It _press of last lt godly nian. We di4:.; not speak of the They-went'into the st Joctors fail, and then a appareutV not6ing week makes the followin eference to a curep iuclpiorit,06aan�aption. It is the best Cough M3811-9. T. MILK` & C Are, aid Mr. Laliib- - I It, d 25 ets, 60 ets. and $1. higher fife,` nor of :�'41:­beautiful Ch i do but wait th( dread summons t lat One of Them� Iftemplifled ly an 3(neierit most disgraceful affar whi h recenly took Cur8- on,3-� orif cep 06 os*. 81118,- About fou"71ars no kin selected his cigars, while. ij4 wife- stood 10f t to -;p I was. taken tick with For Sale. by It F40, Seafortb. st-omach trouble I ItAe - seveial leading Iiiiial tian,17 for this way of P.4ting it -*VOU (I ]lot by. He felt ly in hh, pockets for obines but once to l, 'the cas� asquines an 1n a Ilestauran place between two boats Of Lake d -anxious e tonpTnonounced wy disease Incur - 'have been in keepincr iiith the gel ius of s1liall chang . e, and fi Ink a bill I s ect of extreme In such- a C n- The captains of both boats should ar physicians all of wh. Su I I Sat I able cancer of the ist -1 ine I bad not Drumtochty. Religion toere was verj lowly P� I ii weR known nd poi ular req- diug nor 0 to sad. ii �ss. be, �e 10T, the great Blood purifier, mach, and. tol clition as this did Alr. George'Little Of ffie ly punished f there is any law td secu,,.Ve IgICARLIS L , E - d glaming warilk. at ngo, wid iiiv sy: npathies gives f resb 9) so rne.ss to the Complexionnd P lysict.a 0 ab of his notebook, ta-unwit not loig long to live. Two a attending me �gaveme suc punish�ui —tin in,,vaiki valk wid CIOCL ent it says up to die. Through reading your advertisement.and -ibkiii band Nort find 'himself, Z on1126 and modest Mrs. Lambki i band ib, ill crumbled. m tbwnship of Colchester hi welit out to a hear hie. cures Co sMat to, 60 eta, $1.00. For sale by L/ he a4id rece PI,6s§, hearing Majestic the R ship f I. V. Fe by advice of friends I tricil your� Burdiock Blood -No m an boasted of hims6l IQ the to the clerk. After all t -bat it did-seeni ntly. the- Their tble wiiis-laid fOr anq I very III— �ver S nee t e Bitters, -and I am bappy to Bay that % uf ter us-ing ono secrets (if the saul. 11kit the Glen took no- which made tba,.t individa -11101dentally that lie recover&d health viting it looked! with its wic"Wred chiduti, the- White Line, has been float, b , r cott- to I mve my bei ii any of f&te battle I was able d, wfilull X had been tice of its saints, and, did them Silent lryever- d strength, a repo er wi s sent !to inves- mander, Commodore , Cambbell li�! beo cmilned to f.,r a Joni � time. I am thankful now to oil] outin stentorian, tones to the cashier, an. appetizing olivvs and roll . rif I siiuwy n yo I lave to Swear Off a t B iqured my diseage wh eh baffied ..,euce, which they Lheniselves never J ne"v- Twenty-five from twenty, please te. When seen, r. Rittle e.Npressed a eager to inatch her Jor speed, n? on.,y cloth and riapkinsi ivith a h f doAtm IN1110- rs talkina t -I __T -Janiie Soutr bad a, *icked tongue, ---b rid, at to state tbe nalure of, 'his case, against the 0. 1". R. lyde built bobLts, bt�t says the St., �o is J�u rnal of AgAirulture in an edi- Vne d a -di irmly convwed that D. 13. R. And Mrs. Lanibkin' wa Sti ab�u glas.qets t'lt each plate. torial about -No-Td-I ae,.the , famous tobacco babit sav ylie a tinie, it played round Arehie*s tenip,,,ranre o even the 14werfal -o'rt '�Testand it whed they reached hoine. hicago Tirhes an I his story is as fol ows,- But 011) of the party did ni it. arr Norph anv easea cured by Xo-To-Baa, G�_Atefully yours, 1) ; , oure, Ve4lowcflm -wh schemes, but when thiLt good nik7k k nd tho ... ife Land, ich run betweei 1 Buffalo and D�� oae,,a piolluent $t, fola architect, smoked and -LA, Tell mintes passudi thell BLIZ.A.BETEI GILHIJ 'Ly -e ente was turned Janiie was the first to' (I a him luth. The first opportu �.4 i�lt_, cheLyedifor venty ears; two boxes eu-ed him so i said: I that even t 41 of tobacco makes him sick." South Buxton, 0ut, iustice. i I I -� self on Mond morning, alid it will prolAi- - CTre-y Council Me�ting- "George.,: I am simply strving ho ddith i NO10-13ae 6 It -wild set us b6tter if Old and -k mranteed no cure no pay. Book N. B.—Mrs. Gilbula Is tbe wifeaf the Post Master as no stAmboatcompauyl free. SterIlEg-Remedy Co., 374 SLFaul St.,montre 1. at south Buxton, an we id, bly be the las foi will gladlyno er inuiries, council met, ab the Township Hall, on and I caimot wit ny 16iiger, I; rpusl eat w livin� can lien w' crazy expe Illuckle gude as Archie ; he's a rielit -� � y i., cefort afford to a � 41 — Jaly `�'3rd, pursuant to the, call of the reeve; k soi-aby 11. V. F ikt, Druggist, Seaforth a To] I aiiyway. " I --- - __ e !il loss of a era, � , 4 li 1 . - I m. an and i e�l prepared." inents involving the possib To remove w nis f all kinds frour ebil d"n or or is Of -e in the o,' lio!" 'interposed bar tild. Oi n emb"ers were all peeselib, thp reeN Low's orin Syru id a nale abd sm Our ch ceat tribute was paid by general adults Dr mys �C lair I minut 8 of list meeting wei'e r+ad F'Don't do that! YoWllspoil Y(,nr ppe- said to have 0'.lt Lhe'jeopardy ki Ch t edy. 4k4: I —Mrs. T. tanoogs, Tenn., says, rem consent *.a Burnbrae, and it ma b tia of some200 v�ialuable liv, The Alaiestiq id passed, 13y -law' No. G6, for d rainliIn v d Ily dinner, you. 'kinac Islan MY LIFE.' I eonsider it I it'� a qpevin ity, but it sounds to me the deepest in re- e Alb rta, left A debilitated system I ever 1( ts No. 21, 22, 293, 24 and 25, codeessio -ilow. and th it the li�st t einedy for a Or a! 1P Furnitur idney tro inen a .1igi6its Speech. P, midnight, on Sunday. 8)on after it be or Ki uble It very cottage, strimgers [)yapepsla, Liv-er l8th (being d gone from little yeek used.", For I ale Gives Fact part of a drainage: scheme 1�ut our party h. L IT. Fear, Sealorth. standerstand, had at least two rcoms— -came evident tht a trial of speed betw4�n exabis. Price.75ct- 'Soldb workwas done, that Orillia, Feb. loth,"14394� ii aing in the township of �McKillop) &&l chlihs to c, ip, and from soup to lob!:ter, that p6i -the kitclieft where the �fdr borrowing oil tbe,credit of the munici' u. nt and, Detour, wa contemplat yet.1110 In lite, (I 11 -tet did not lut tin -we are hiformed the ral Bat- BAT - ere all ki Rds of p EWIANSONT� � T & CO., awe called the I341tl" and t p tlitY the Sam of $244, for complet.lig the As challenge cm The Best Gough.Cufo is ayard's Pecto Gentlernen,—Abo utree or four weeks ago I had Pei ulpbell,'and C sam. It heals the longs And'eures Coughs and C olds. 3plecame; tridtheinner chainberiwhich frpm Comma4der C� apta� anattackof Itebin Plies. I tried two or tbrm rub e nd ,wdzed his sanic, was ihtrodticed and was read 0 en tbo husband ro.,� 1 lea held the hosehold Cteasurei, that we called 4 NIcAllister, of.the Alberta, as not slow different remW conimended by.druggists as -Ue flie clerk. Moved by mes- 'Turnbull, se.j. at. sil* Head ache And. Constipation aye promPtlY bestand only cure", etc., etc., but got no relief - the " Ben .1 there none 1but a fe* hon- acceptit. The. two boats steamed away Ondedby James Lindsay,th t by-law No, "I'll go olit and look for them he qid Curea by Budook Pills. Easy to take, sure in effect About the tinie I was beginning to desp,%ir of fluding .011red visitor�had entran�e. So w� ini- der full pressure with the odds in favor read, be provisionall. adopted,. that- ne usly, for sloniet h ill g in ii.4t .1 icive i ap- -40- any relief. With sligrlit misgivings I bought &-box of "W 6ned an. out�r court � -of the relicoi�s life rvo the Alberta, iniil an extra 10poull your ple cure, whiel i ab I am pleased to say -pve me tl1te'c"'1;erk be iiistrtfeted to LiNlish theby-laii �,ned. ITMIIr itirely Nvouldii't ke fi.dibner almost instant relief and permanent cure. I con - w its ilia t 011� e, "I Suffered for Olver 30 Years— e here most of d ; , hoin - 4nd a I put bn by the Majestic, whi ah, for a ti I nIv Go&s nbarEist. a] ice a we for four succe i-,�c weeks in th( ljk� tills." -ye TWO aiderDr.CbaEes-Oir,.twentsood-Eend. 'secret place with feet i i_a'hot oven." EVT yth, in an( her adecided advantage. Itwaswbi EMP10 Rad to sit gave I friends covId enter, add it -was said of fil' )urn- I B russei� last., the first publie, ion to appeal So lie and the n t lie age was main t] or irea. octors. ALF. J. DEAN. I this ad vant t tined that �4 lipt-later I han the 26th of J Ily, 18015 that ome four years agb Al . Litt Le SlIffered jWfts out of r".ght the '%Vffol smoke stack of tlie".Nlajesti,� was discover d A well hr own farm a t 9-32, Thorold "Hes far ben."i neighbo. s had 3 : . brae, HL , or say : Lo I tive-f3odrt of Revision for N aring a,, 1, fi �e adack of Is. arippe *bich left broke'it, btitte�ed an4l do it ene "U611 ud Iniore, -o a seve to be sending out flames some fifteen Towmnsbip, ell P, 0.,--111 For over 30 years my him, far a essment -on s Ld B v-1aw; N a. his lower limbs* partiallD e With a fanli.Awd air. rim a THE FARMERS' v �h ae e e -dd ain-t th a ass paralyzed., H wife had be rer froro most dreadful head- 'buyin- and selling, ploughiiag nd ir� vil �h3 -Thon slit) brushed away ll tb 7t t -enty feet high, illuminatiag, not only were ao bad she could neith" the township I all, ;u 8attir. cal.ed-in cne of �th-e best.7kno-v, - .611tale own aches.; at ti es 11 -sicias, deck, but that of the opposing steai6 be d wn, it berl head seemed as If it Would out andd the coniin n Ivas ofla fa - of Augpt,'1895, at the of 14,s8ex county., %vho appmred tc)'do all in runii). "ali innoceiii. face ull- I erything she couldhearof and liler*a life andl had not miss t t ie , ry of �e liel at er, which was so near thlt conve�sat, Banking House aping .6 1— tu d I ' the th. a ay p q and sat with" I sit nor She rie e, bu 'Ir lVed 1,)y o - cr I throe doctors, but. could not tile SOUI. cyn h 3�1- of 1��o �Ock in the f Yrencan. Can . hislpow.er for the relief of Ail r. L t to 61 ber could not or ly be cartied. a a, �ut, t nd was attcrid Thel le of ru t C - su nmed ried. Dr. AlcNaughtoli presented all d. no Javail. For two �and a' If y �rs he suf IT u find relief u til wa got StarlesPowders for head- C)_`P.W:EM. up his chaact "I cr- "T re's a pu�klcI4 gude ialf y Lo came k1alono and mrin 3 a ek could be read in the hirid glare cai.t Cas, neuralgia and the pap aebe, bilio sues count for 67.50 for attendaiwe and inedi ferod the most intense- ain niglAyfrown. costiven foak in the pl1rish, an� It a t the over the uneffending waters. Then itw4 liver. Sinc.tbq ahehas been free frmsuffering, (In connecti ith the B k of, 31ontreaL) cine, to the child of Mrs. R,. �ox'- ad actiot to.his bed for the eater pi�rt of the Tliis ab.suTd, he "a there' I on I s 'that ��tbe Passenaers on the � lajestic realizA d and any tel I lency� to pain Starles Powders remove m I I . ither kind, and the 9 a' 'Lis are haif and mf �.i rate fl, "a on1v inedicine she ever ol ino excuse Or v. "vis . U -V C.� 'betweeli," said Jamie, Outa7 there's 7 danger. TI ie hose was ordered out to pl, 5, 1113me" Ily L.%JJU re OL Vwo; to obtain Iiio relief, place perfectly. Here, -waff b us gotthattui been fbanefit, ).vina that aid be granted Allan La co sla, and as h6 en t PULGE . .; I I L f Cri 9 on t. e woo n S Me C, PriC6 25C -A box, or 5 boxes 81 at, all medielne deal- BANKERS Witjlon! Ffto'ul Bar Le late� alad pordauent. Aug. 9, 1895. 1 ae thin,, ye ma, Iie 814e, a',. Pumbrae is ar P"' � 5 work surro In A2" FINANCIAL AGBNTS. C, y rifoint, who is inflicted with a 4erious disease bechanged doctors for 'a period ' 'The SqC_ clams and ;soup for two ben.' i to 'Sol �e hq.5plbal for 0, Ld doctor did no better h th is ow d signs 6f 1i Xic 1, anle4 ofAbe eye, to send m otberAid ,-NLo 11a " interposeal �'We unibic a uta le reams the 1,e was a delay lof REMOV D -- (CU ha the AT Co. (To be colltinue�&.) TO IL BERTSON'S Purniture Store, �.UT;M�. (.41:fSCVS_r� teitment. Aloi-ed�yJaiiie�,Ttxral)ull,sec- R r. Little returned to tb one be had first mustn t be 11 bred'because t1ley'l e. Weill 1.-- mi tes, dLlriUg which the, passe about,15 mi �Fwts. A G neral Banking; Dustiatfis done. Y, e 6 ided bv Tames Lindsay, thatthe Reeve Iie ever bb- wait a llttl� while longem If I do it, to state of As taken -with Kidney i Draftsiseued and ci Iled.in. Finally, despa ring a' a I Main Street. Irapression of the Endeavo�rersl instruct' ,ers were worked up almosti in V, ls�!,, my json' ed to c0immunicalte w th the DrODer ti ining relief, he told the plivsicia ni-I na" 01-1+AA-v V., In J*tllt 3t - . Interest vlowed. on Ae- n4 n that h I ff� A A! IM U ­; A . I I e seasti., 11 ough a 1. J 1renZ.,V. veryuouy UU11"ve au p PC to. While these s4rangers frow ail pIrts Of offidii%ls and ascertain obable cost of d d not see any further se of taking hi That's true, replieq tbp Inno cent hus- w woe, and by 193 had Da -no trep, was on fire and. thatl nothing could f ve hqr, chs -99 01 cl imat$ be MONdy To dim AL. the Country liaN,6 been our guests for a, %Veek� kee e sai n arnont in, th en rot I a. 8 XOM I g e has ir edicines, and believed e s iou die if In band, gazWg at her in Adn1iration. "An- and, ad. there beenl a further delay of Ove On good notes or ln(rtrAg4N_ and have had great fscilities furnishea.for P4 I uring 'treatment,. report.�Car ddho 9 r ie in $bar ipime. H nie, youlre� -amp,� and # lio, mis -hke, and it is -no hum&l L poOer . M _Probable move a h ime In is no gained 60 lbs, and -TAox the object of their visit, they I� licheon too." BIRT WqAX Um xa, ba e i been ried, M. lvloiIrison� pr4entei an accoun b d waste 0. sy to littl mori3 tban a mar nsored f you ate suq a light lu joi d have rescued the haplesig W &U I by the meat thIs uiedi. 1, k N ,�keealy watched by our own Pe hei Le o gray road. a ele On,, pity to hi ohn ople. for`$2,1 j. 73, for ditch and �i t F. an 6b eet of om pall qre T r I J I I T 7 -1 -A- ...... J- , .— ., 1. . __ - . . _. .. _ _­__ . �. 1....1. 11 - I � ­ I ­