The Huron Expositor, 1895-08-09, Page 621
7 It.,
'ht JIM 46111
ig r,byluilm
Q YOU 40 �Pqrfttiye
f ebtiveoi t
"WISk.R, IV" yI t ton' the eve immin W U a . rple adjectivesottl&have besir as I 1k
a lawthe W I Is, &nd aw. ?
39 T1 -the gl' n i V fi , AU(x
-a while re IaAjuiting Be e� very good ERTI I 04 long ra Inp. on ripture Us ADV
a6blan, I ca 6,wti- from 0, long ful I d, ISo-the�'ast
as a bird
(Colm-sia.rp FROM, $T Wtttk.) th a n 4) io a or Fl6ra. - 411 be fit�t,; and the fi ast.' Vof Place in o onvereation
e me .-ad inte d d inquir
e -by the I T -hen the 'ininisteir ked - Burn bra4 to Mfadiee ainono our inuirfowl. �<Uys. TbaCs the
But I Wks arr ated on, the st Z
THE TRANSF0 MATIOR f I Wor_ and the.NSpirit dei od i, J-1opps was so Inspired by one
Or of- Laolan�s voice 111 a Y ded on that Itis quite,& common oceurrenob to -
Cures glicLi'mrZitism, LAC11LAN C 'MPBELL: Ineart his credit' let that be
van, of Sim 6 hear a man ip h'i'll SC �llfula, hat he tried to drive Jamle into e
s6-ttic-.1 TThi my son was dead- an I is alive I - I
le are Thy puir ,once.. Ieeht ow-er the ConfpA
MAq'LARr"N. 0�-gsdin e i wat lost., tind is fou Ltd. Amd- Almic ty Father, BY 94
0ore d sinflul' airns wbawba-ied-61 hame'.4ild No aA 1 1 tall it glorious, ad if r Sernion, --------- th y e fifo be merrY?l ai i N
d but ted awa' r c IrY. iketo OWN HORN till its clean
ST Forkive hisn'ti, t ep I'd I a I nls�voice trembled. as lie r0a intie'thfr fo. D'unt, know- what his. reedikh
I,r tin,
he went on; sounds eat. :undwen they've he4l
ell Wr a V XE they hxe their first. spa
TV. replied Soitar austex*13, Je I
with much firmness: ir we #idna k we were IT, - .. t ty-firl "E of elf praise, but _5 -
ied go, Father. ' It Pres ill. ely keep, ae:-word for the
S A LITTLF, CHILD was in -the field." o tb6 sair fherb we gi
Now his elder son
f that 'eary work tae live wi 1 g ior we )' Rekrel tion. deal better it it com4 �s - from u&her - all. -I that gies th
a 0.%V, YL er
Drumtochty- ma4e up its win You will not be reading mor of I thait, source, - neAnely :—,I ll� Custom 'S. Aff they set -agaiin., and
;I w1m ICI
lid nrev' d"" 8' 'Haa a4y nativ-e used "magnificent,'? thei*
upon any tiew-comer, m61i�e pter, fatheri," in"terruoted Flor i,!'with a er bev come bac to, itno bet�� i for
t the far: istane when his" ar new note of authority� 6o.r Elder. �rither.. He Clain' alongroa tae vouldhalve bon an uneasy feeling in the patiet and the doctor.
eg (d
U,te r;und. -1'hey�y c�g (d
Ths i the secret
ued� He
looked in ne
Cures Liver, S fiimself wto, rupk And why not a lid Loch] an, q fi ad us, atiqt a, sore trava Ele had afore He len the 'man must be suffering from wind -or s" 4 -but the f
4, �b LUS free.! He?s been gade Brither tae la the head, and.. ight.upset -the rotation ot of our succe,.&s.,
asfference of;the p ri4b, himibl.
with the itudied indi ng hi tug grass after pot&' ishin' Ifteh, They sill
'lived under'the doll a t It b Because you Will be ballfing yf. urself the US"iL and chaitge
we've been a tae wops, sowi a Vol To ayone wishing ainting, p"r- -end, and then tby
and Ad
May -He keep a fi,: d o"us, and ;oes,.� gr replaci g turnip with beetroot. juir
d� of all I mlp 4E sPRINQ
the Bloo
fellt elder soualid mamy mor� bad nam es, 9ud I H in. bayn
escaped notice. Perha S he might bw Fe banging, &c., done" in a first�elass - said Archie in a tolae le
angpy m,th you.9. g , ide its in the richt reii 1, $lid li�rlf g, us But uo�hing of tl at sort happened in my
un pected Q atlie W he be
St 44 -s material !w OVI
aUn wander, and we kept� oi irse . I I -
Z 0 V, *rw nd thia us t YOU W1 LL agre to gi�o a�
am's comforl able if lie has S i1i nianner, With t oking As it were,
microscope,, a k dn But tki are true -n es, mod �b iss good b0k &in -we a. �ve need ;ime - well in hand. It
unde� I atb us it on find it to their adv eyes in the countey were V ry for w i the gloan�iri' com er us mined in torrent else Lere, wi
t1hi me to kAow myself." tfe kno, I e. call at
i I I Xoting affe
tl le. I A L ct
1en .1 threatened tae be wee, "—son 'pro
0t ket. ; HiW (ou he4 just one true- name, and that 'V�t y Theo, aW W we luve, no a I the deluge tri !.More p
niovemeiii at kirk and n now- er than tf
alai iss father."," alid may we sit doon for ever iad to be inade for 0 OTHER owerfullL
l*iru Y�iss�n,r&
ledge of thiedlogy, his erened. in �ar ifi uesolne SlUrgestion of
Pon, i'd -beallb, described them Willar 's
ki$! "'And pow you will be singing a, lin." ii�f oor ain ?ather's House, Amen."', n the pri e of inartures, his wife's Sa bath dre�s,
Skill Ig", ])lit Hill eks, who F But the riterary erl
Cures Old C1 llic C,,t,;C� �Q�.:icre There iss a book of himes (hyr ins) -here, fib for, anythir
in cattle', and his rnan& In tb�e _Kilifro U- ty w -WALL PAPER ST01
and maybe. you Will beliking one of thein." As Buriibrae said amen, Carmichael )pen- lied at nine and aever had�:n-hour's --rested;On A broatxl basis
a idenc6 in tile 'nd
all otli-Or ren-ledies mie train, went asev Case, live with us -without.
�'Aud Lachlan produf6ed the' little book a his eyei , and bad a lvisIon which w'll re- 11ness, did not -venture, in his l)rhne, be- Two doers n orth f P ist Office# Ime niorr
Were duly weighed. So am with. him he yon�4 ,)e,,n-' aboot, ala th 4)raced for life. - You le
nd aLeK yo;ur Druagiit for 8eaforth.
B6 sare a ankf t� to say� Of I dAoaing opinion suidenly cryst iz��d i n the. 7lora got in that Londou ebL=h when the until tbe-daybreak and t d 11G i Wucy, were always
ed, g�eirn, aboo
kirkyard, and there is! Only 0 histo pr acber.told her she was miss 6 iadows fle way.
e ria e ,e a,
nyw fat ieri for I ' The Six; elderi—thred � small farmers, a I When one was serioal ill, be was said X.B.—Sign painting 8, 8 Cialty. 1437- kanin vith some dearl
uWRO, - � �rsed. Wb will not sing hymns, I he lu u -_ 01
instance in which judgine' I J -is one of t X ries
nt w rey I
t tilor, a Stonemason, a -+Nvere gey an' sober' a ail
id it shepherd -insts-no, a type 'of ia-]
ani'reindthbering that you bef a onbcielnce to be no on 3 died in
It', was a- strong proof of Laoblai nipbell's
v,,g ins b nine and I did not kno that�yoa s ianditig b.pneath fhe I P "he slippl awa.
es and the Iliglib to ell &Y— r le to tfie�_ oint, of assa
individuality that be 'im,p Drum
ed bimsetf
heWs. iThat Hell and heaven were pulp t it words; in
ap ar a Uok f ll like, a lialo on the r
twibe on the arish' and each time' with a.
p es li� 1, oor littl 5 spoke of the ill p�aee and -huiager %,0
con evestry bad di appeared, and this private life wo U
marked adjective. science. as sorpet tter Photo St dio
I'll", ner. Ile Ni, as rare m
'aten ingl-the the- than the.Bible, Flora, and if Go will be :1 resent World was fo tten. The sons of oor lang bame," ha -1 Prod .
Lachlan had been supert Nor
th, bat it
0 Ing our lg- o bi' d u,, When the corn sprout ed -in the i itooks one and it Inv tinasw] ell are seen are teilipora1,-bat the lat',wtr�liarvest, and urnbrae lost half H
and. sen me Ic a W ad come into thea-,heritago, "forthe
elegy f - the _ glen e ding a hi p yo�ar! h art hen �Qd It AFORTH
SEE wa's
-roac height for. it wass broken, it !as -your fathr hat ill 1i Chanow ands.
VETERWARY. I I norance from an unapproa 1w
ara before the word 11 forth �but�- be wanting to sinq that bime. in- ell are liCht7
go Whi not see)a ii0 eternal," his ca!,ital, lie only sad, "It's -,no
tartbL I . IPA RiA E ar - -lcicom�;
two ye
me I amie 8ot z
g, V, S., boner Fraduate of On estle tb6 glen had been thinking. It iss here, continue chla in so and no congrati good
Dolloge. All diseases of Dow
ell be or frdill Drum -
V3 Veterinary I C*11,,t promptly attended to and Lachlan is a carefu' sbepeerd an ifine triumph re din-' a harvest ever extracted in e ORKS.- antinals treated.
Bauslaugh's Floor E tudio, Seafoix
are a Ii e, a I am not seeing it h in slieugh than "IV daurn iomplair."
Vote rinary DentistrY a ipeclaitY for I hef often be THE CUNNING S]�IEECH OF Ground
rharZe4 mod wi' the ewes at the, lambing tirnei t 'tin L *ron r' -Seed Prod'
41be well -d
OffioaL and rdaideaco on Goderich streakone door le be DRUMTOCH#. Drumsheugh might -be led beyond bounds hasbeen bought catby
�1112tt nae doot o' that) but -a' canna ;tho d
zAn of Dr. SCOW& offtee, Sep4orth. I - ies ana Waphs 14 this is a Prot) m0Me13
go lits, c wn 0
ing a certai s � ion, The best BU4 Aa'lld an lawf W elief Lae I
himsel'. Ye wud think there was na e re. "But each hymn has b tune, in review -a p tato tr art
ill not knoiv. th
G. H. lee�ion in the parish till he cam: e frap fat peech in Drunitoollity distilled slowly, I
her, and you e wa, but, as a rule, bewas a master'ofl me
inter- M1 Btock ot Caris Te herna, wantee meat I
Speech. After the priv ge o muc
wishing ges is Very complete; all hand
'A�chindaroch.; What Say ye, L D ns it goes, an&the octorill hot. b. i top by drop, and the- faces of our men
W. s . . -i rael neeburly o' yt tai
Toronto College o .. i I , I Was able madi �, 1pnder ourown supervision. � 3on't buy foreign
Veterinary Sur eon and Dentist, rum. vne to sing." p -x-cell nt
vat. Campbell's a, censorious body'i Were carved in- ston6. .visitors, with' _ourse with that ex man
of OntArio. out UiV&,L,-
ve�erivary dentists,, Honor Grad factcry�madebu tea. when you ow i get better made �auld-faabioued fouk.
enn- and Domsie you a�re: UllLness t6 draw, up his table of eq ents for the "esp. if not cheq er than the Work 1h e e facility for turd'ing out flrst�elass-� Ye teedna. lool,
t sed to pit, our d
.4iscernmen ,
ice of t. W. Dovi
erinary Gollege'L Honor member of Ontario Vot sliengh, shat his snuff+b x lid You aire `4 go Dd girl, Flora,, bt When here at bc and 'an no. why spend your workavheavv';y
All diaeaffee of domestic antinalS not so clever as your fatber,'oh no, for I bef three degrees. of ickedness. me" I, �etij,ged the service snap. f late Oper&L C. -Coebrane's studio oil W
ary medriCalL Society id lay t,aemselves out for assionary work bat, a from outside tow
Kit' 1 butiftig up rival towns and injure you tor an manager for
treated. An calls promptly- attended to f our beet W 8 —neglect- mon,
nodded to tbelotherl i tryi4g that hime on Ghe b Ili was just a susp -ess 'y in
t- Dentistry and Surgel a j Drumshcugl ill,and it W� efore their month 0 er they, spoke . _icion of trickir ban yoit� can -do bitter at ho c. Call and ace Brantford. A nice -selection- iDt Frames, JE;tcb1niV' And yi puir griany lw�
ay Oi a! IWecialty. ink beautiful t Psalm tune. You will in 16 and your Owa.,
otfice,L jaoilutnonwealth,. and. they went h c kirk s Eterly of us, as.if we ail leceived them, g the Palingr betweenyour eat 2ndbec vinCed. Pastels, Oil Paintings, &c., on ha�d. Artistic photoot
cc and viapeasary—Dr. Campbell$, 01 oi
140&52 Lachlan ):- ad- been lie Still slid hear. neighbors clover Eeld— I He's no juis�i the aboot ye *ban a�,wes.
a street Sestorth. �vith silent satisfaction, lin their hearts. any style, an gloss or matt surf," paper. - ]Enlarge-
nd departed with a grudge 'for an elder." if i Al: kinds ot blackornithing and To pairing promptly meats made In Bromile, Crayon.'&o. Duplicate— Am- feared that
classified. and Peter-Brac%-whapric ec him- Then* Lachlan lifted up his %Ooice in ma ed into do -
hen Hillocks ockildaize(I the Glen by let. deepen
self on keeping in touch with Dru "'itoclaty, horse for an hour and 11atisfactoxily done.. h too of all sittings, made by X� Bauslaugb r �in be
LEGAL French," 6 and living ceit—running a " g eas. at stud!,. -s lie
I ing his hous in the botbie rds taeHlloel, rf
before sellinLr-11 He wud be the better o'
I'! a f ritain filled Y�i
Thitre t h ugb sheer gi hia flesh aff )his ta-
Prices ar Right aaA 'Sat'isfatio m,
or and
a fussy little C e passed the Word round the. KilOr th bi _d of moncy—it was taken cae of doww
S_ HAys,B&rrIdsr,soiIeitor, Crinveyanc train next market night. Drawn from Imninnuels veins man from the South hose ttnither'dip.' And'in the is Donald
for the Dominion And blondro plunged beneath that ood ding on.,, what a man Lew' Guaante keep hermi le
Notary Public. Solicitor Ye haena that -censorious body, L chl n rol over the Mtte� It 11 wasun, right fralid—fin' had It was a: real satisu
_k. i Certain,
Yin Office--Cardnols block, Mala Street, 80afOrth hrus g is Lcie Alliheir guilty stains." ; . i and taking it over biw EAFORTHI.
Capbell, wi!, ye the nicht t 1 offered for his farn
-money to loan, whose -self-coiifidence bordered on the letter f me the backwood
head in on the thirds. he singing was fairly kood, wi,h 9, IF enlousi . As a deacon of the Social Re- bead—the o&ender a "An ill gettit WM. F' TATE, Ilicl-hoo-ae. in New Yorl
;ON, Walton, r' pe t wratch." The two latter,phrasesere dark used t
&TTRFW MORRIE Ilasuran'" 1VThere'.s naetbing Pete ten r from. F�ora. till tbe canto to igi nis s,�a,new denoniiiiation, )vhich had THE GROUND FLOOR �!STUDIO C4-tb. �what it o be—tell
ner for taking affidavita, Nvith theologyj and even tine positiv
Agent,, CommI5810 Hillock's remarked with admirati after- ver e i�*( e an 'it itliSunda e degr�e
enter ainments -thinkig o' your a-uhl gri,
&c. Money to loan 0 the lowest r&Uv-
1�bnvays U Chairm
wards he's as gude as the Advhrliser,- of condemnation had an ecclesiastic�l
moiatsoN, Walton. At Then fr� a P 3bler, 9 rooter song, of the Amalgam te4 Sdus of -t-ft come haine ad be a
When Flora. had,conie home, and run- flavour, Flour, Feed ad Seed Business.
i Bing Thy, power to s3ve, es-I�a Soo ty. of persons *i�h � conaci -*be %rud send Ve out tw�
tBEST Barrister, Solicitor. XotuY. &c- tochty resumed freedom -of criticis� 1, 1 no- When this poor lisping, stampierin tongue ious obijecti ns to wotk�between meals---Lhe When Druinsheugh Hproved any one, he 0-ovs coltdoot
FOR SA�F=. The bit tl�at afleeM- i
five doors riDirthotcommercia lAes silent In the grave."
office—Roomai iiced for the first time a certain va-.ill4tion as horrified at the prilne al simplicit, of Was content to say, " tile micht be waur," a
1, ground Roor, nexi osition beyond argilmejit. On occasion he
do -or to OF Papst a :C0 OUND.
rich in its treatment of Lachlan. -.v.h(n' Lachlan seemed to.lose the ne, and 'he len wh 'ire no meetin of Protest had
store, Main street, awforth- Gode . 0 For sale, the Flour, Feed'and �eed businessin'the, uaturAl. Mony a brok-eii
I entured upo bolder .4ssertions "There's Arecentdis -overy by anold
be f Iling into it co n
on, Holt and Came xin., 1215 He's plu�kit up his spearit, mai extra- be f ronacli, (Fle held in ibe memqry oi living, mani,. and
Town of Seaforth,eonducted by! Ifessm flinchley
P �ucceWlu 1)und up, as We ken xree�
UY used
he ministers preachel f the 'Bible. Hillocks ' explah in � th ay, I ive 'mischief in Demsie pid-bilce, I -beard Vy JAmb. This Iss, gaod business, good stand, Apd
ordinar'," led,' "and be -'Wemustliotbe singing�� t;,hfi to -d
tore, tin of Fit'sauiie a feck o' -sal
od to us,. tes. t to only
&MOW pRoUDFQOT,, BIf"18ters, Salle' 1whuppit by me like thtee Year auld Ai in x white thousands pening for right man. Ing purebas04 the
6 d I will as'understoDd that be Wa3 to doi his beat I
I at fatl heat pf,enthusiasm. pro -
4a Ggdadah Ontario. J. T. er,. for God is 4ur parishmini rrectly. business of Dorrance word o' the Maister. �, 11
f Tn e
you will r us, and their was Cuiosity in the kirk- �ounce Dr. Davidson; iter, t
lemedl0ne dis- are desirous of disposii -the waffi pay their pass
8abbath.11 be a tro�ger every 'Ory
G wee4 and mayb� saeand r teed bust. -
WK.)MOUDIr6cm i . i I A graund mail I AV� ye tak hint." ',B-nt
I I' I'm glad tae hear the Miss 1 a. be saying that we are thankful in, your 4rd. co red. Be*are of uuprincl ecl drugglstS bran i
------- L y new� Stock low, and will be sol cheap.
lie seemed ashimol
0 Whatua ike man
praver. s tbat Eng ish veesi f ( r Inferior: mod B, Seaforth. b)�r start in'bic far 4wu
.HOLT RoLxo, Barristers So- ro nd fine,' says I. ! 12 ed after this outburst, and 1clu4s 1upI o of thisF. Ask -for. RINCHLEY & L
X. C. Its the fouk 6' brlimtocht� t. off illooks'll �' bear he's fleein' 1 - C, tolklio Cotton Root ComPol n a. twm no substi- 1433-tt
AJ Bdto in. Chancery, kc.,Godtrich, Ont S -,n 11 shooed." the crows off the corn with need- c
1, made
hen I- realized my baseneso, and well ye've got, F1
Ne dirta, turn rell
C... Parwr Helffl, JWDLIT, HOLKA 1�ss vigour. id cents ostage In letter
her weel. -Godbless 1you, for y ey "done on - t (I d the dogs been 4t1ome it bad 'ower-theGleh, amtneiil' and, haverW like t �4 � or Incloae $1. ai
y Ileebers Inen N-,-- were tao
1* iors, con- good for evil,'- aW wi` that he was. aff afore notIT'e0een 1sao easy to 'escapb) ; bit Arat I starlin"." No Drumtochty man --would 'Commit him- a, we willsend sealed, by To aled
ING & SCOTT, Barriste, 9, So 1C had it no beimi for i ANN self to a pos't' statement on any subject ticuiars In plain envelope, I o, ladies only. 2 i ive pi I
veyancers, etc. Solicitors '[for the Bank of ord. heard, "Our ti ather. WY a -word He's a gabby (tal )odly, Drum -
I cud fin' a w, It new iative) I Uk of raseals Ill 'sorn
Office— 9 if he could flnda way of escape, not because at L, rips, Addieis 'Tftp� Coot: tompEum-y. t
I-Lto. loan.
Johnston, Tisdale & G.,%Ie. Mone, I He's chaiiged, the body, some -4 ay c r for Lachlan be, used to say ebovah. 1 beugh, therE a nae doi t! o' that bu terrible �Rob
A. H. PUiot Block, Cuutoo, Ontario., -his toind Was confused, but because he was W$ad sc r, Ont., Canada.
JAXZ3 SCOTTF 791 itber, and there's a, k�ind o'. -warnirth a, bQc t 1�su Ily in despair for ail accurate expres- 99
The doctor pad his visit one froi ty win- i gora b. I I F4 ir sale by Lurnade;i Wiloal, dru latit Bew-
ter day, and was mercile'as on Lacl Jan. Says he tae me 11111, later they o
bini ye cannaget oiver." than yester Ues Wages, milli if
into NT fOT 2, OatariO-
I What for ae ye cockering up tl is las*sie, hy That's a fine field o' barley yove B10n It was Iold for years in the Glen,
m of
UOLMEST113, ouccesior to ,the late fir Next -day. I turbed' frs. Macfalyen' RIPY A Anne bodv 0, ehybtlk�*ill
d Barrister, oic or OttagE inand no getting her doon tae the �irk? its there, IvIgistet Harris,l' n' its sure as d6ith
for the Can c Man, 0hairlie-, it a�
and Notary. S sole nuit. litochty 'witness had
F. McCaughey & Holmeate olicitor for a cup of tea and tho 6ck with touch relish An,(l almost funeral
j, how a Drill
'Alonq to lend, Farm that wise - Wom�n's' Co"llve clean disgracef a' in an Elder, and - if I were J.didna k6n whaur tao uik, for it was IL Cigar -thae wawfies, I wad A1i
adian Bank of Conkmerc roation, bu,
Bibch-, main 'not sible to pass the inner door for'the, sigb hel� his �own in the ecclesiastical court. and wi' ae'v_aet,�
ftice in catt.'a yir, minister a' wild hae ye sessione IF for sale. desert isli
Y9, it e beadle in the parish of P'it-
wbiah met my eyes. Keep's a' ORD
ye're hard enough on ither fouk th it are no said jhiliuie� "bes been t And anitb
egan the advocate with a light
ies nobecause r nee. X tea yfr Y"
Lachlan Was sitting, oil a'chair. iri the mll. kir lL 5reedy. f tV neglect: it when a's or 0
a heai tjot knowing the witness's bir h- �—ABOUT,
dle of the kitchen with Elsie, Mrs, W a bairn, I'm Scotch but
DENTISTRY. �X oil will not be speaking that i vay next I the pair c -led an independent spin'
ybe there's a want ratur.
xb Sabbath Mr.0 ijah
fady6n's pet child on his knee all(. theo We. place.
I �Iil Ise bend vir back.
Sabbath, for it iss in her pew Flonv will �e L Hopps appeared
n p person among N2 ...... you canna
1, D. SF, Dentist. All kinds heads so close tocreth'er-that his W"bA4 -h the fa"thers—who, looked at a fac" after a brief partse and a TIA
F.,BELDrF own to Modern Dentistry. wo sit! ing with her father," said Laelilan') . i .1 X004 if a' cam across
of work done ka mingling ith her burnished goh. Ai gre ch other over his head—and clilighteiie(l. eare,fulreview of the lible situation. Smoke a better obiects in Drialillooll,
(�old, Aluminum and Porcelain Crowns specialty IV Rt spirits. IiiYou remember'that Sabbath, when the
ered at ad resi: odori of peppermint floated out: at. th( door 1 Flora, Caught him studying her closeN for I em on suprly and dem!and,the Game Laws, advice I wild gle biol.
Pickard's BtGral, in roon's lat61Y -4ccu- and explaining tii-La6blan, -r hi inister of Netheraird preached." e ai-e givi�g he' value in har on ie days, as if he� were titking her neasar e.prodaction of cabl*ges for towns,tbeiin- in 4A' wild tell the daia
I'd -1160 'Weel, Wll admit that," making a Coll- ne 8 ever offered &4 n1i, m' ade by
ied, by blechartka'Xnatitute.
uid�nce atAhe shop, that the' round dropi an� lie announced, that be had bu it 'n uity of an 134stablished Church, and 'the -less. liveniouless wratel
'a better bargain than . the blac and cessionto justice. _floyj vatch for the -first spate
o,LE, Dentist. 0 ce 01 er Mchardson wetei. MI irtown on Friday. d metre of the Psaln�s of David. skIlled work ana oly first-class
W,TWEDE Did ye see b im in the vestry
t i I d in th Tocli
Shoe Store, c rner- lain 9knd John white rock.� When be canie up in the market train lie "'You mus ave henterprise, or W hall mi ena use_ 4
When Lac -ith gr acious
)ntarlo. Nitrous oxld� Gas ad Man bad departed,w W canna deny
ta, Seatorth, wa i carrying a large paper parcel and a n 1) uith yZarmers.." What's �Ie aff throng
tractioz of tc6tho 1169 i 0 , piopiptl�v attended to,
is red for the painless e, words on his lips and a; very sticky ini�rint a W ndow of Was he intoxicated ?" epairmg Theyst 5c., f3lea hurrv',,*' and amie
Iter ipted a joke ith Pete� at Ay, ay," responded Drumsheugh, after
:a, P(
on his right cheek, I settle down in the th tbird. . oint 0! The crudeness of this question took away ing &Ion your old collars and we
0 From a critic iew it �L long pa.use, and then every man concen- 9 figure a, i
Roval College
EL H. S. ANTUERSON, graduate Of Drumtochty'§, breath, and suggdsted that but I get� Sax
of Dental Snrgeons, Ontario, 1). big chair, beyond the power of 'Speec i, anc , a'hli v'11 make them v -ork. amazement thaes no
8., of To- wa beneath notice, )ut as e . n's firab r'-ated his attention on; the'lielfry of the
OCIC, 31itobell, Nlrff-. laefadyen o ened tbe.myatery.. something must have been left otit in the
11arket B3 , irk. h&s learned in Aerick5
ionto UniversitY. dmcc, , dffc rt it wA much'tasted. Light harn(S-0 a 0 ecialty. of them for a
ation of that advocate. Our men ere
Ye may Weel.T0ok,, for twa month syl Ye 'i' believe me .1100,-Petw, since Is there onythilig ava' in th6 body, ere I nev hnJeemes,
I adna hae believed this day, thot gh a' eie heall hit*. Did* ye ever see sic a f�iink ye, Domaie," tied not bigoted. abstainers, but quarter.
W Mr. Hopps bus tary obleeged tal; ye," said
_R AGNEW, Dent Hotel bed seen him. wi' wna:ain 6en. auge �Vs i-nai9t astonishin." i)ato kirk, or Wt a) wind ?12 any word so coarse and elemen as in- wes ettlin, tae lay- Ina bai
visit Heasall at I lodglsn4' r6h 2 BRPDERICK
every MLonday, and Conversa-
t 2,6r -h the It was juist this'tinle blan, Hillocks; divye no see be s gotteh �J Th echbfu's o� naething, Drt�ni- toxicatedusect in Dramtoclity. I
Imist year tl at be FMPIR!,; TOBACCO CO.. MOPJTRCA-k�
second Thursday in es onionth 1288 'cam here on his elder's veesitat�lon, pnd* be back his dochter, q -ad it's made hi tion touched this stance with
heiiihro'eal' W I
anither peety the uir man if Jamie 'Corner!Maini and John Sts, lied his kail bet 048 mor
Catches the b&irn in'this p delicacy and Caution, for we keenly reahied, - I
MR: I outar,gets A liaud o' him.-. Ke 111 tak adv
:T KINSMAN. Dentiat,i'L. D. S., the lim. itations. of buman knowledge.' Se4forth.
Exeter, oil, Elspeth,says lie—it was 140ie the daY, Bachlan showed Flora a new pair of Jamie was the cynic of the Glen----4ho '0 Icar ol him t
h. Will be 1 *1 Zurich
Xthe Huron Hotel, o nd�'djv'ye kenthatye'reian'�oreegil'7 a wind bag 'He bed his moridn', served all ordin-
�iuy on the ye nil abeDrs be had bought in N11nirtow i, and a )ad pricked many-. there haenia the Spuk but al�
d in cases of emergency,such
LABTTUZMDAr in each month, and al Sinner,' e ol sheep embronation, but'slie. did not as a general feeling th4t his meeting with arJV purposes,an flee the pairish.-
liturdooles Hotel, Hensall, on the .�FX"T Faim-ky It was the nichtfa' afore she t over sAluirtown marke%
t4,0 least 9 n w he had hidden his parcel in. t he b re, Jr. Hoppe would not li� devoid of interest. F -AA Which lie did, Had
Sit each month. Teeth. extracted , I y ; -2 1 1 5�ACKACME 4t*1
%j�. ystoa,, the friubt, and when -she saw him * on the Vhen be sbo Ye cud see he h d been tutin.-
alo possible. All work first-clagg. 11bar an� that e opened it four separa,.e times wed himself anxious to learn holeut or useless lie 971 road nextabliath, shelcorri-ed ja ahi When an r
nt M4 Oext Sabbath, any man outside Drumtochty thowlees. ff
on 3aturda advocate f6rgot himself So far I
Y. 54 8ore, achel 0
d cried till I t ocht; her her wud its to say inthxicated, a Drdnitg)chty man
goon, an b rom d break on- Sab tight have.been deceived, for Jamie could wratch 4rew blood at. i
bath Lachlin'went
excused for being upset. 0 -nont, break. Marget viblidraw every sign of intelligence from his might be
i and oul till be returned wi0 1,
3MONEY TO LOX -N, !"'It's niceserable Wfvrk for, ChrisVi Rowe. "Ldsh, mau," when be had recovered, WA MqC11br Pd1RA.aqd CW
upon a 13bop ad tender Words
ace, as when shutters close rrI Web
it at al pal [owe iss veryind, and she will �vindow. Our visitor fell at once into the cht- tKY TO LOAN,—Sbraigi oq rqa r to My eye's, aill
cent., With the �rxowol of death on;
it loi Elder,' s iys Jeems, tae. put the ' ear ot hoo Cud ony ri thinkin' man sweer tae 9C tear
thlnkin� h, wud� awf a' �Vord ? Na, na, a' daurna ;use 419
age to n ing to help you with your dresses, �r�vp, and inade tbings plain to the meanest -WaS
pril�u L t,9,rn, and a'i. �e Coin sic all kJ6 jql P any money ime.
ora, for will be wan look aneant a 10tter to som
I a, Ing part of n& get inu ckle thanks` frae his Maisteta I rspacity,until.Jainip eli ited froMrthe guile- that kin� o' langidge iVs no cannie." BanJ8 -er F Backachq
�Pply Baritat ting you to ;No
wes here,' and eems wasna fa wrong� The advocate -tzied again, a humbler,
4, well this d y, and here is some sm 11 thin less Southron that I' he never beard of writtien in bomely Scotcl
lgh, of course, a' told him tae teep to keep yo . Lachlan I roducea the Act of Union ; 'that �dam Smith wa -come to gt lie* life froi
thot 11 Nvarm," nd -Lachlan 8 a wiser man. �h 0
)ICAL quiet sou , and no center the elder. Wit Uns mbl '.'Was there a sm I of drink on him?"I 211� M
h i�oalk e pric e a jacket lit ed lith new book he hoped -to bu y - that be did Dot and the grip of a n I
CbVe'writcs: Noth-
eel omin' up. th e Noo, Si Point.
I sees Lachlan c roal -nnel -an tr Inmed with fur. know the difference betw� ee' li-inian nee ye Press me, all juist tell ye Kildru-mmie latform w!
n an An
fla Ing beLter for. Itine Back and LuNago, tban-the
S. -M U R RAY, the day, and a' ran oot to cach, Els P, and the 1i ale truth ; it wes doonrich t tupid o'
DR. S 4 - I i - - --till you reached the 4;ler
i . -So her- f�ther and Marget drosse I aoid a Calvinist, and that lie .-supposed the D. &1. Menthol. Pl'itster r ' i
ora ro
�idc her in the byre. But hae'.� tofeth me, but, as sure as d"m livin'.. a' clean E. NACLyi writes Odin Windsor: "The 1).
mber British Medlerl Associationi late oorone for the liir�, 'ud they went r down Confession of Faith was Invented in Edin- -come at the gargen-gata;
6; path ol which the light lia sbo e that �b h T -iefest space of time, Riieuinati�m ata great rat in tihis vicinitir.
ty of Middlesex. ftlee--opposite Town Trail Saved iny., �el' the trouble gore I gi t - tae, tap try him." & L. Slentbol IIK�tcr is ctitijii�w Sore Bcks And the sceitt of honey -sock]
--:-67 'Victoria Street n gi coming p as 'Then the chasten(d counsel gathered him-
ir I( return. \\iray of information to D ch 26CF each in tin box.
,, his in, the bi
in the Cady block. Itepidence th ite they were of -and thyme, and carnatioi
Idly) a, -6 like, and Lachli n Wag, rtimto 'y self up.for bis'last effort.
1400-62 1
c tef (frcie- att
qT11aphone NO. 8 ni 11 n b (D
There -A ere onlv tro dog -carts in tile J %lwvq� %i�4jng for- general liter ire (D ing
�Ine -everyth' -bas could
one question, si? �you
'Isie his bo 7ill you auswei motherly nning in
R CAMPBELL, Hot tor Graduate q�f Medic.I.Fa- calling 11, nnie Jawtle.- Free Kirk 8ession, mid Burnbrae v 3,s lid had still agriaplture� in reserve, when
o pe remedies of the 4den
If he �iadna a pock -Drunisheugil intpryeipga.'in the humanity of are oi i your oa
oulty of Toronto University, 1�bysiciaji, Sur PPernlint;�.��but itig With. hts for Flora ab'the foo� of Ue unus th. Did you see anything
Wit ep. -a Plock; night palls— hert N na, - 1hi his'heart, nal hilUr. MacOrnish's walk') Did he arid. EMOST 4heery talk- 64 spa-ke. rx�
. I" it wesna t[hat wiled 14 FIR ro
i nnd. -and loud reproachs al
Rnd �aicwi Qfkri read foaks' face* Stagg w?
1109 "1 bid Yb AVeldoie, lora, in -the nanle, o' dinna like tae int�rrupb yir conver8a-
-a w under a month or I
n&e? ra As. Olue
tion, aister Hopps, but it's no varra safe a when lie h; A spent two minutes in 0 b., totonte, X. oor kirk. -, It's a 9W day for your father,, 99, 0
U lv�or Vo Dr. Lachlan's �een a'. keilt lie Wes n 'n recallg the - scent Na, I cudna eay conditions that you musf
hada's reat
�Victorla, X. C. P. Z., oittario, a and for us a' tae 'see you back agEn and for ve tae be stanin' here sae lang. Oor 0a of wuntrv' dainties lor!
-uce- cc 0 t1aS Lit 00 9- cl t gie a bit
Motti affice lately oce apied by Dr. Eliott, Br strong. An(l noo ye 'ill just get v p aside r hes a Pit nip in% and i niair searebin' stag r, but be mi trimmil.'
He me aotl o 8
11a, Ontario. 137 x62 tons -'and far Moire
Sax moi�tlis sy- L a iik-the a Mistress Hoo� ill bap t an doori Sooth. 'ill be pearin�na' IN re are coming the truth now; what ae guess ne in( front, a ti
bit tAl
n the trimmil rds, hospi
ician, Surgeon, 40 Office ken b&� F�ther meant, and ye round.1 for we nlaunna let ye Come tae riornin' gin ye 'ill answer It did you consider the cause of into -we
R. YcTAVISIT, Phl i I A 0
t hlan d d
ing, its yo and quietnesis, and rest
corner south 3 1 U call and the inn cent I N D US T L
�ac na
the e as
wi' pri le_a�i ony ill the firstA-ay in thin'kin' we 'ill be Warmer in the kirk."
westoof Dixon's notel, rucefleld. WiZ4�ne(l in the breist o' hin-L ot, or we never ow
n 4dvoctite loQk -1d round in triump�, rieuilsbip of hearts n
I ight mila Lit the cilice.' aiveenit-A hear the end o%." AErdlo the honest an lAnd Drunishough escorted Mr.
Ctv?eel, re ie rulilboAty, inakip�g 0
t cove'r, ho; began t6 suspect hat he
L o, and a'na lalousini 'that went on, for hei.was as near the breaking as
Bu lt e 1 st of ail onr�
maun hae it, a?
Follow ot the Royal' clean breast o it, lince yel
4s ain -Drunitoclity uature allowed. '(I been tuned iia and found -want- 9b
iyaldi nil and surgeons, KI goton. nae man c in be a richt. father ta'e side o.ub, I 1 1 . -for spiritual things, and
face lately occu "ing sib (akin) tae ever ba tria he "A' ple4pe,0.11 b 'a lvim,get t, beard�l that he Wes avery le4rned man,: and
d. 0 pled without 1) _y l 0 0 Ze dia
-#i intae ma mind tha�b the � Hebrew, �a godly man,
Dr*,. MAakid, Mair Q sees, It ii es Flora he. Nvas dawting (p, t and gad listexied with 'huge de- it. ca I treat seat. rth� Readdnoe aing) L it fAli I rca g itruiptochb� (D higher life nor of a-,
tat on the back Sea
whict, a'm felt,
wor of Victoria Sqiii re, lit house lately ot ipied is a ve contrairy Ian -
"T', ye see the day,' and he's - learned his trade caught the faces of the -people. " This is; 11 gbt, but without a trace of expression, R0.1 T
2T it � , CD iau,' for this wayf pul
t R. Dancey. gidge hedgaen d61in andlettled in his
weel) thot gh'h.00sh blin a sair lesson ?I the first time I have seen the fift on Mr Hopps rea bing shelter, three
-p L e in Drumtochty. It's a bonnie sich� d , w offered J eq. 3mve been in keeping W!
B., L. F. P. 4nd S., laed throu yll.tlt_ DrumwchtyIi Religion 0,
COOPE Aoit4etful stdries circu
arld, Aa- alin lost, in i adm1ir at' be parish of N
"gQwj kde.-, r ysiolan, SurgOOM a'm thinkin' it's still bonnier in tile pres- The group was stil ion.
1, arl rl were t6id in the kirk ar d of -�a e 14th %Ad lnwa�r�
y �cx a * ere" etherair� was declared SE TI,
X me -ho Constance, Out 1127 glel ence o' �be angels." Vhen Druinlieugh reu ned-froni bis errand' vacart, but' t was . undetstood tblat the -and modea
Sabbath ni6rii' tfIL ia�sfor-
ing, concernin the ed to o man boasted of hllm�
9 Flora Cammil's in the kirk t1 ie; day,? mercy, beadl.- of Pitscourie had notl contribak, —1845 0 But'
mation A Lachlan Campbell. aseerets of the s ul,
11 is d ecie-ion.
and th precenter- looked at C nichael sall, e dune the job this time,
nla wee lassies, e-xpatiat -ticef its Saints, and did
"Ando' e trial with in.�,'
DRS. ed D�%- Rit own parish iollowed 4. The F e t 'and rullest Display of Live call
wi�h ex Yon man
wi�h ex 1�.J.
wi�h ex.. ectation. The fouk are. terrible Jande. Ye'r an awfu' creetic. Mal
opposite Methodist sie, fell comin! (loon :the near,,roa f7,e ill he gets tense n cres , an -Were muo pleased with:, Stock;� A� �ric til iro,, and Manufae- Ienee, which they the
OFFICB, Goderich stroet, taen up mT Lachlan -and her." 411 keep a quibt cheep Sooth.
]ZEIDMNCE, ncxtAgri�ultural Whinnip and cuttit her ek on Andr a appearance. Jamie S 4tar had it u
hurch, Seatorth What do yei think of the liand and t I asses me bo6 a body wl' sae little in him S to, e eeiabn th ontin6nt.
tii;ie it playeil roand 1
thi stones, and if Lachlan didna wa� h ier third P alm, R6bert, ? It would s the face tae'bpen hid m6oth.,*' 11 sad Hillocks, Andra has mair
go ell. this
butwhen tbAt
X., �Ann Arbor and Victoria,) face an( ali' mair, he arr ied ump tion than ye wild thin and yon a(
G SCOTT,S morning. Toots, fouk, yir niakin ower muckle o', Increa1sed rizes, ImproVed. Facilities and d J
comfort, her
her e t e road t tb schule, and siys be m-ackle hilip. Na, na, pal as turne lmi was 0
S. 0, The verra word ithat,wa it w8s lialit gruiid.,:no worth pnttin� in vocat didn� mak I Attractions etc.
a on' it lips AL D C. N., (Trinity,) E. T. X. C- BI- in his iss a brav i little and Laic hlan 'ill -be l6okin'. b ndr wesna broqhb up in tl e Glen for nae- Specia,
blACKAY, eland w y, Were
ill." a Cc. -
0. P. S. 0. 1 - hae taen b A Tri: t Toroi�tb: at Fair Ti e is an ideal I It wu'a get us b6
woman at hass lurt herself, but ahe ill 'Xil Maister MacOmish rr. my, is iat Fair Ti
�,achlin bad put Flora in his, �01 place A �r. Hbpps explained to me, before leav- hin P d Ar -l'
I e 8 V
npt'be c ing,' and he gave her a kiss aul a the Hebre-%v alld' the � Greek, wmw�
ne�t thd wall (he would not needl it agan, Ing that he li�d been much pleased with gless itween Holiday, 1 1-11 1 'S
R_0WS_ I Ulan an
F. J. BUR I p�niiy the buy some sweeties at the bbP- ba.'ving retired1rom the office of inquisitor), the scenery of our Olen, but dimp ointed in and its no verra suitable for a niiiiister, - There� is :more; to See,: more to learn a -ad 44
Late reBlideptPlivalcian. nd but that's anitlier thing fra intox- Our choicest tribute W�
Su am wit4n Fi consent to Buriabrae, =4
rgeon, Toronto Gen- It min�le(l ine o' the Oude 8 e bein'
I a,*d sat close beside her, with gre-.ixt dontelit- ibe people. more to enjoy It ib�
oral Hospital. ftonor g aduate Trinity Universitv, yboety- un&'
0' F
Physicians and E�urgeona "Theymaynotbe hignorant," said
toull'aface. The inanners:-of Drum- the
and ever rstood that
al a( C.-Lp -ur men I NT 'All
inember of the olleze perfect, and, no one turued his little inan doaUfully, biit, no 91 eep's a', if ye were tae pit OROAt TQM 0. ity, but it -sounds to me -1
eer ed eer ligil6us speec". vVery
r Ontario, ATOFFiCtL Same as formerly occupied LaOil - b .1 t" ed Domsie for lif an could box this meenut, 4' cladull SW 0 0
osite � lublic School, Scatorth. It I cats a' things," said Whinnie a' head by�-an inch; but lvlarget Howe, sitting i I if:, Than at alll. others Put t4ether.
by Dr. Smith, Opp 6all theni baffable."
I an intoxicab in ma I e;cepi a.
emina inak" oot whaVs. come ower the erat r. bebind: in Burnbrae's IBM m's 1; flashed onrne for the first ii-ne th I maust, understand, had At,
3 Flo (,C0R§10N$ - ON'- A-' 0 -,-he kitchen vhere the wi
I have much pleasure. it Introducing Dr. Burrows Muir- LINES.
There's a, puckle o' 'the u�land bairns' P s haad go, out t6 Lolilan's as the people per laps there may have been th faintest puir body o' an English bag -m t
40 all my former patient, . : Rntr' close August l0tb. we -called the Bat ali
I as a physic an, in every hilest'-Lachl n "ill *a t of geniality in the Druintochty man- town Station. A? doot he lied �,eddlin
oor wyfrae schurle, and -w Nbinan
WsLy worthy of thttir utmist confiderice.. sang ople came; the ini
n' him For ]�,rize psts,l Programmes 4c., address
it. w. RRUCE SMITH. meet tb -,m when be's a.ifter his SheE P, nd her but it� was simply the reticence of a wi' speerits, and tbey werb whe ana
All thine iniquities who dLth It 1-i t1teld the bouiechold. treael
i - W.
sub le and erri, barr
Teliphone—Xo.,16. -'here, he- 'ill ay kff Alo8tgnxciously forgive, Ige in a luggage im. j. W �L,' Manag !Toronto. the " Bell there no
as sure is a'rn ,tannib conscientious people. Intellect tae big 1,
X_ R Night Calla an9w.cred f rom, 6flfte- stories oob battles�.f"and fairies, till t ie )ad- *110 th�, diseases all and paina wit i us had been brou fearsome sicht, a-nd eneugh ta keep
bt to so flue an edge )ve8 t 1441-3 -our
!; ; ; 0 eAl visitors h%0 ent
dies 'I hardly c4e batne. I"wes ffling. Doth hial and thee relieve." �y the ho'rter Caeeciiisin that it could de- ony man frae speakirig aboot intox cat in- J, 1
�agmed urt
-101 oyon louse wy. an onter eo - 01
Alarrfet this verta The Session met that week, and young tect endless disMuctions! ever on
AUCTIDNEERS. Fain", aud Sai 8, and was ere most of us made
in-' in her exa na6on the 'watch against in4couracy. Fariners Archie 'Moncur 9; Cus
La('Han's, become s a little child.' I d' girl li�-Ioke down utterly fought the (!D (D
-secret , p1we vhere� 00
2ensed Auctioneer for the �d day With daer-
1-1 EORGE TAYLOR, 1A na baud wi' her there b t, a (lt.�idte mair for'06 Sacrament� so that not 9
e1en Burn- -,wlio could state the esoteric doctrine of toms of the Glen ni ht
frienB could euter, and
kX county of Huron. Sales promptly atboaddd e wi a gave cautiou. 131�e*�ould get a c6krect answer. sl dritual independence " betweei L the stilts ate success, and on 1 ter's night DoctorW it i-�
u in all parts of the Cc unty. guaran- body ye never lwkw. me a att a er Vood brae, " Hes far bein.-P
leed. Charges moderate TAYL GEO -Druir tochty was d6dg its best to! Jodas rose in great donNsioh and safrow. of tile plough, and talked fainili idy in his Sub ect -whicho
Kippen 19 J afly 0
1367-t. f Lachlar afresh, and- felt the respop9ibil see it wudna lid fit for the like o' me orMnateijurisdiction with inutu lapse of years, I still think adrjirabl4� ort!leansag the �calp and --watrelied him, for a get
P. 0. by al subordin- buying alid eelli
f 'I y
'but a' had set ma beft on?t; atio "were -not likel fo yeserve power and D�ntesq,',Ide� con-
ta;-e g e forrit, y to fall i4t o the vice r its Hair' V� Nied g, P -16M
lay on Do sie, who, accepted it cheerful- s e�. to- going out and in tb ' '
e cow
cc aye ritht, neebours, apud, - sh a it NV s the last, ithing He askit 0, His of eneralisation. When James Sontar w elusion.
-ILOYI �e �s a ni
M. PIS , r ,fc, nd ha -41 not
WM. the i -d everythin ark am in
t the .�rord on it noo. His tribble:1 es f reen i Is," &lid one lef b before any or e could in pod fettle, he,could trace' .They a' begin in a sma, wy," explaine air
Ajactioneerfor Ithe Courties of Huron sn� Perth, P r df Scott' h e sioll from vhole his-, Archie *1)h 1.8
w sto . I _�,_ the soul. Theoynic of
meted Lhohld's heart, an�—itlgl in ithe bid 1l, _y to almost hidden in the depths: 'of my I and Agent at Aenuall foi the Masaey-Harris Manu- I I . I he begin- MrSAAht very -up his eha-racter Thel
it L, ; f
'vang it le iE a gre , g winding hi way through
Sales promptly attended to, 14, e iye ke :—h&s become as a li',,t Xderat�r, said Lachlan, it a'� ni r�ading chair, and emphasing his points MY� h na e o Joult in the pairisli, and I
facturing Coral
a moderate and sath guararteed.'
nit ur (D
=ge ifaction _h i I C1.5 joy for me to move that Mary' Ma-.farlane OriginalSeceder andCamero;" g eXS1 nd; be3tf.M5Js.PAW0-T4!Ft SOAP
-to Hansa]] Post Office, or ither kind, end the InaU
ttn -h with a trentle motion of his. right1bal
by mail addressed ys when cc
dence, T4)t 2, Concession 11, Tuek- This lanknage too figura;tive and: Fi n- get h w tokenj and I will be wishi ig 'that and Anti-Burgbers there were d�' naetbcin' tae mention at'first, juist � gless
left at his real
is , Lit it - we all th he iv d, for %34iArt -between," said 801
0 pr,)mpt attenlbion. 1296-tf posing for Ith e an hence$ir had hei�'warrant, oh, yes, f( ould include the Glassites,--�-with un. at an orra time—a, beerial or a merrid
arstalth, will receiv �aa tbipg ye inay be sare -1
war iss Jalter step; but thi4 was' coiisidered a 2�, ben.,
ward in lour m odest speech, He's a di u - iss n rant like love And I here and maybe New York. That's the Ursrj
'they ca' that moderation. Aiftier a- fhe he Imen tious body." Cautiousi with us- means, at I 'must be askiii , of the eal even in -Drumtochty, and it was ad sta-ge B1 CLES
qn the 0 Young n- someffiffig tb
=men to Secur 7 i if - (To
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