HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-07-26, Page 4k,
7-7. -7-r--`r:
briiiiigin th� Medical q0U1 k 311 Under the iooi4n to the coiling. Buthedand action -4, hie ilwvwbrougbtbYian� eyinerj��of
I iot the Government in 1 4xis, way abbed th� can, which cou ained nearly a land in he ;ownshi i p.6f Elnia to restrain
1104 e, and staktqd to tfiiow the tow�ahil 60"f V and I passing -by-hlwo
ng it conform with the enlightened out ofi so in - "I
I at Jeababk door.� Whon he"got to the for the 0onst rtiM`o� 61 drainage works. Ap
(no: ofa free and self-gi Ive ad ooun* r lie , ; found it, ted, Put he pluckily &I Aj smia-vid' witheosts. Mabee(8trat-
ury will be inffigte C., for de -
("a her upon Id to the can and un olted.1 the d;oi and Jord) fot plaintiff. Garrow, Q,
i 34 profession or the P 6 le, -then raw the can out into he hick yard, where fendant6, the Township of G1 ey
,ie gasoline burned out withbut doing' any son, (ftatford) for defendants, the To*% -
admit that we ' have x o cue,.,:, .. r at ore damage, Me. Satherland's right hand. ship of E Ima.) I I
that 6 are working at ng v ifoing.. d arm were badly; burned." .-ThO iroters' list for the village of Exater .
not � sist 598 vote 'ng
I Tniil i�en, however, v -e contain the names.of ra, 254 bel
perople having their '�ij hts, a� we eligibleto serve as jurors. , I
Entr&nce Examifiation. -Th' swarnip part of lot 16, concession 3,
We print bet n;a anosh, has been s%% apt by fire,
contique to.. protest i a ;ainst any West I w
OW t a names a d marks of
passing and l4ir a amount of valuabl timber was
ire, absolving a govqn nent from 11 ceeded the
Pose who have, i I a
M .1 Ahe
and responsibilitie8 wl�c rightfully -1 Intrance Exam, ion at CIE :o1ft and da�tr�uey.-
ring the six months enling July lot,
th it a nd. placing them in i the hands 1 iffiliated centres of Wingba. n and BtTth. there were 17 birtbe, 4 marriages, and 9
'The result his been oonfirme I bV tl,e Edu-
wb) are Aot in any iv y responst- �tion Department and certil ic ' sent to deaths registered with the Clinton town
he po )lie for their td iinistrativell I whose names are given he -a, The marks cterk.. 1
4 tained were sent out to i lb 3 candidates .-Miia Rhoda Wilson; dau I ter of Mr.
-,Wm. Wilson, formerly of 1TUckuow, but
ome time ago. The total nun Lber of marks'
Notes and ComTr ents. Aainable ar;845, and 422- nit at be obtain- now of Fargo, North Dakota,.died . at that
)Iac-3 recently
ixth I ession of the pre ici it Dominion to paos. . he Public Schc A Leaving list I _ A
ill be published a's soon a i confirm,M by James Slemin, baker, of Wingliam, has
ent, Wbich is promise I f)r Jannar Mr.
,y t. r he
Education: Departmen marks of dis oeell of his businesi in that town to
ill cost!tha d ountry w 11 igh half a nose writing at the Public 8 6 iool Leavin Mirton. Blackwell, -;.rho takes pos"asion im-
dollars�'au4,all becauf the Goverw xaminatio# were sent on -0 on the 220ul mediately.
t. I --We regret to h or of the sudden death
uld nDti recoIncile its a ipporters and
CLINTON. of A. Scott, isr., a highly eateemed resident
the cc uTage to fIRP11 EDUCkryb. of West Wa wano8h, which occurred On $at-
. pursue %e course it AftKo. . MAN114
t right. Here are sob I a of the items* 32 Aitken, Lizzie ............ 01iAlten, M S urday niorning after a -very short illuass.
i r, 166i 69 -Oa Jaly Efth, Joseph Wilson bf the
sessi�na expenases 3.Bedtliey, May ..............
;o to make up IC. 'it deparied this
ity to tilLembeirs... ... $215,000 4 Courtice, Sibyl ........... Huron roiaid, near Gxoderich, �
41 Chidley, Clara ........... Iti as life. Mr., Wilson was one of the old settlers.
ity to Sena,6)rs, .... 81,00.0 4Z
$enate) qil� 38 Davis, Maggie ........... tc and wao-highly respected. He had been 941.
It ............ ..... is 'it ing for along time.
A messeiigerS (Senat4 I, 7,5� 37 Grant, 64 i --wT here were rightered with the divibion
37 MeLe an, Maggie. -
it registrar for the township of Hity, for the
(Uommo�s)J".. 2,400 nn :ell
&I messengers. (Commo n) ... 11,250 39 - MeRiven, Aggie ......... It: 49 six monthr ending on July let, the follow -
6. Miller," Edna .......
tat bathroom washroor i-, � �Ab. . 850 1) females;
62 Miller, Ella ......... . is 11 ig :, Births, 44�19 males and V
vien (Senate) .............. 1,000 2 O'Neil, Winnie ..... �44 441 deaths, 9-4 males and 5 females, and 12
during session i ........... 125
81 * a, Ell,;,� .............. I, marriages.
men. (Cominons) ...... 350 111 94 --Typhoid lever is becoming quite pre
g debates.. ........ 4 . 0,000 "llson, ith ............
87 S�nith, Ida ........ .....
ery ... )2,000 cl! :, v�l�nt throughout Fixeter and vicinity. The
, ......... 57 Stevenson, Floretta. .... following cues are reported : Mr. L. Kraft,
....... ......... 2;000 Ste 'h 'Miss Kuhn, Crediton ; Air. A.
3 Wiseman, Jessie ....... p en;
ancous and inforeseeh 4,800 Afcl)onald and daughter, of the Thames
5 Dean,- 1�erbcrt .........
It road.
3 Jackson, Walter ......... l
074, 525 1fra. John Sullivan, of Wingham, has
4 McPherson, Stuart .......
pecial pleadinj of some of the ol(I )2- McDonald, Dan .......... it been seriously ill for the put =cou Ile of
37 Sheppard, Arthur ........ weeks or so. On Monday of last her
ries who spoke on Mr. AlcCarthy's- 30 Tedford, Bert.. Is. it life was des aired of, but since then she has
on in the House the otherl day, was 30 Wilson, Foster ........... I& cc rallied and ger recovery is looked 'for. A
clot of Vood on the brain is her ailment.
McNeil, Weldon, Wiialla,be, Davin� TUCKERSMIT11. -On Mondixy evening of last week, Del-
ers,- all spoke in favor of-. the very 37 Catwell-, Grant ........... No. 1 phim, daughter of 0. A. Nairn, severely
es which MO. 'MoCarthy' resolution 0 Acheson, Steinie ........ 2 fractured her right arm. She had been'
.2 Annie ........
Butti .... 1 2 id, jumping off while in motion,
ad, but fo!r all -that they must swingh1g, all
?3 McLi an, Maggie..- I ...... 2 fell on her right arm, which, on being ex-
Ainst it, aiiA it was tie agony it 4 MeN win, Alex ... ....... 2 1 1 a
I. - . I ainined, was found to be injured as abol-
them to i3 Bair�, Walter .... 3 stated.
get arguments to justify
irse-that w" so calculated to elicit )2 UcKenzie, Peter ......... . i 3 -The iarae barn of Mr.. Edwin Day,' a
J hUS, Addison .... 4 short distan-ce north of Gorrie, was bumed
)y. They _had undertaken a big r) 94 * lock on Wednesd4y
f ccl:)Y, John .... ....... 1 9 to the ground about 9 o,.c
idently, to Square their support of
JIULLFTT. noriling !of last week. M r. Day and the
yarn ant with the' wisb is of their
I To. 2 )oys were at work back in the field, and no
uents, and they made a nighty bad. 9 8 ell, John C ..... .... .. one was seen near the building. The cause,
in ......... ..
jO Vodden, W'
t. 63 Mills, Kezia ...... h ...... . 'g 6 of the fire is a,mystery.
i 1 6 -A few days since, Mr. M. MeEwen, of
47 Allen, H. W.....;, ...... . I I
:1 6 the .3rd oncession, Sitanley, removed art old
week the Bijussels Post is itered upon � 37 Taylor, Hugh...., I ...... I
ct 1 *11 ; I (,, laudm�rlf, in the shape *of a -which
ird ye4r with eve 6.2.8tapleS. Cecilia ... og house
ly proope 99 8 waseqcredinthe earI85y2,. The timbers
nty tii 79 Fair, Edith ........ ; ....... i
years of prog�ress and pro�perily be- 80 Lyon, Nellie.....] ........ ii S initwpreappareiniti'ya.egoiind ais the day
Likeman�other thing the Post 'i 16 Riley, Rose ...... ....... (1 8 they w�re put together f0ty-thren years
99 with age,. and we ho )a brother 124 Jackson, Annie ........... go.
23 Brown, i. P .............. 11. N. 0. 5 -Wednesday of last week - Benjamin
ill still cona,nue to grow 'old, conse- - ' I I r asels, a mpted to
36 Carter, Gedrge ........... Driveri of Bra descend
continue tp! im prove. froftia1ay1nowiniJ. J. Livingstone's barn
26 Cummings, Bert ........ 5
-ekchdd for the r( of the hay fork to
-meeting 65 Blake, Riebaril J ........ R. C" S. and i
Pan-America�'n Congre I assist im. He misse: it and fell a distance
(10DERICH 111OWN817P. i
uto, is being several Rsu red by i of 30 Pelqt to' the gro' d floori injuring his
26 Ye6, Lenus... No. 3 back. i He was unconacioug for a while.
as of that city, one pa er even going. m
1 63 Livei more, Maud ......... it
Ls'to call it fake. I 4tead. of the -May Gibson, of Brussels, was before
S!rANXLEY. i for at ti6n,. on a charge of
to expect& to be * preseitt JU(Ife Doyle
do who No. I stea ing a dress, and i as -remanded for two
ndance i limited to a few hundri . ad . 87 MeE,Yen,. Lizzie... weeks.. She was committed by J. P.'a Kerr
30 Wallron, Byron .......... lic 3 and Ranter, of that village, and is the same
ge numb r of 6minent and eloqu en't 68 Reid� Rabbet ............. 10 May Gibson who was 1committed b Judge
30 Ch' star, Helen ..... ....
io were ei,�pected to ta a ar in a r gereer in
09 (11 rZam, Ellie ........... Tome to eighteen months in the
a on flie various imporint topics pre.' I 1, '0 1893.
� n . . 30 Aikenheiad, Albert ........ 10
or the programme, hai failed to put 131 Cameron,- Harriet ........ 14 -Henry Hearns, t a youth who pleaded
.1 9.1 z guilty to stealing a h a fr m. Mr. Elston,
�The conin itti ie in charg 1,18 Morrison, Emily ........ :14
ppearance. a
of Hiy township, ani�ranother from Mr. Na-
.ffair can hardly be he d responsible BLYTIL than Ca mpbell, of Sodthwold, has been San:
a slim attendance, b t ev , Inust 133 Elder, AMY ............... P. 1 School. tenced. by Judge Ermatinger,of St. Thomas,
lave known'th4t man of thei speak- 55 Metcalf, Ella ............. to afic months in the Central Prisoulon each
0 5) Sa a, Abbie ...... ........ is :
9 charge Sentences to run concurrently.
ertiseil to attend coul nob b�� there- 32': Watson, Mattie ..........
-Lord Tennyson, a very valuable pace
41 Campbell, Edgar ...... the property of Mr. J, E. Swartz, of Wing-
estincr is about to begin in Manito-ba
FAST WAVM ham, while being exercised on Wednesday
ps !of all kinds peontise & ood yield.
I ,74.,Agnew, Millie ............. NQL 8 morning Of last week, broke a tendon in the
th� grain turn out as we as expect- 91 1WcB urney, Minnie ......... left front leg below he fetlock. 'I he horse
a . Should boom this fall i the Prairie 53 Scaudrett, Lillk M ........ was being pre aredibir the Wingliam races
this w( , was n splendid condition,
ce. � Some idea of the . amount at 31 Stewart, Dora ............ i 8 but this accident wi Hay him up.for sll�tbis
3 Walsh, Wm. C ........... 8
in be had from the* follow.ng figures 70 Quinn, Rachel. 10 season,
ere ' under crop in th� Provine' it 10 -Mr. John M�Iheson, of Exeter, has
age a 47 Wilson, Susanna ..........
Wheat, 1,140,276 acres ; oats, 482,'-.; 32 Jenkins, Wrn ........... 1, 16 purchased a general. tore business in Otter -
as barley-, 153,839 . acres flax,' 82'. 92 Quinn, Isaac; ............ 10 ville, and last week' ioVed his stock from
50.Shiell, A-ndrew T ........ I I Exeter to tbtt place, and combining the two
as; other crops, 26,333. The to�al'; will have a stock Oi about $12,09LO. Mr.
under crop is 1,887,774. MORUIS. I
Matheson has conducted a geneValatore
Bielby, Louise ......... No.. 1 business in Exeter for the. past 10 or' 12
1 482 Smith, Ida. years.
News of the Wei
E Ly -sen �iN . AitKAMAS.—NeWs '49-9 Cummings,. Katie . ...... U. NOW 3 -At the fire in Detroit !on Tednes ay
from Fordyce, Arkans , of,three' Wethery, Ellen ... ...... 1 3 last week, by wh�',
go that have recently tak: u place in 7 momir & of ch six fire an
i 11 Mcclymont, May ....... No r lives there were many narrow - as-
cinity, and a fourth is exp d. 6 Proctor, Mina. . 7 lost thel Ain6ng those Sleeping in the ive
LITY AT - SEA. —One - hu dred and �l �Arf. 1 Storey I building was Mr. Ben Gibbon ii, a
ght lives were lost by the sinkIng of 41 Bell, Gladys .............. P: School. gentlewan well known in Goderich, who, it
ii,mer Maria P. in &-coWaic n *ith-the '4L53 Hiscock1s, G I y - 11 seems 'had a miraculous eseap
ad a ...... _e from dei th,
in the Gulf of Spezzia"Iti Mercer, by a Lasty run down stairs in his nightly
.-Charles Xininianuel S'Lni, the attire.
uished Swiss politician 1 is lead from. i ,,6, McGillivray,— -,-rena .... Councillor Leatherdale, of Brusgels, do
507 lCitchie, Annie ...........
ilt of injuries sustained in a. runaway 4557 Wade, Ethel.-.. the 'Owner of % Jersey calf three months Id
t on July 8th. 4�2 Ameley, Harri that he had sold to a gentleman at Br t-.
oRy. -The : Hon. Edward Blake of ford for $18, And to be forwarded shor y.,
P C !8, James - t bold -of som
Ontario, Liberal and.Ir6 h Natio 47r7 Gummhma min, David .........
The calf g e rope used by the
as been returned for the'� 3outh di.' bricklaye at Mr. Leatherdale's and cheW-
I 10�O� Hessian, Harry...
f Longford Ireland, wit I t opp 3 ou,1th,AWli1lon,..* ...
biu o- ed and Swallowed a short, end, about 4 fee
33 Kerr Wellington ......... causin herdeath. The veterinary found
iLED WITFt K�NiGfITHOCVD.—Henr fr- undige ted in the animal's stomach.
j8 MoG iire, Frank ..........
a actor Walter Besa�t, I he i, ove- del
Morris, the t, have )een 4 Peon in, John... ...... -A pl asant meeting was held in t1l a
d Lewis 5 Ross, Robert C ............ basement of 0e Wingliam. 'Presbyterian
ighted by the Queen. 484 Snell, RAuben..-......, church, ou Tuesday eve Of last weet,
Duri.-Ex-Premier Si am- nin
BULOFF TUTUNBERRY. when alai ge numbei of th6g members an I
the Bulgarian -hero, - wl o wi a att tok - evation, and o.theri,
shot in the stroet on Mondi of last 415 Aitken, Mary ............. No. 3 adherents of the congi
66 gathered I o welcome Mr.- and Mrs'. Perrie
ied fron! the terrible , v uji a he ' 470 We, r, Robert.� ...........
.0 re, on thej4r rii turn froin the Old Country,where
�t the hands!, of �his a 3sailij nts. He i 10WICK.
years of -age., i Mr. Perrif has been recuperating his health,
4 23 Millen, Marth t ............ Nbi� 5 for the Put two or three months.
FLATro.,q DEMANDED. a, represen-
1�1 ( ULROSS. -The icense commissioners !fOr West
of England,:: France, d tl e United - I Huron n
t Pekin: are: demandi g r -paration 6 Campbell, Bel a J ......... No. 2 wi in'Clinton on Tue d4y of last
week. The proprietor of the BenneItt House,
ill-treatment'of missio arie rand the
Blyth, applied for a transfer of the license
tion of foreign proper in he' Pro- Huroi! - Notes. - to'the hotel known " the Mason House, the
Szi-Chuan, �Chiva. t
ED A bas4all club has been formed' in license still to be held by the original hold-
Cmrs DAUA�- y N 712M.—A 4xieter. er. The cause of the application' was the
ind storm, last eek, dan i ad - the. 1, -Blectri . e -belle have been pla in !the burning on July 12th of five - buildirigs, in -
the Michigan fr it be It. 11 fruit *tels and, several of th 9 rims -ing the
k a. private e ide clud Bennett House.
ere . badly 1 bro ken a nd a Yples and of Exeter' - I -- ced c;f Bertha
The deaW is announ
ere nea all bI wit ni b te trees. - I I I I
11 ---�'Mro., U,. Murray, of Iowa, is visiting a�t Helen Heritage, daughter of Mr. Thomas
TING IN =40 . -A force of '- ' rot) er's, Mr. Georg,la K. Holland of Heritage, Woodbine Cottage, Lon�ilon town -
y at,ackeis"r �era woo L ohip� formerly Of Grey tov-vnship,,9ji Wed-
lago rec ntl teee lapanese
� 181 - ,
t Toko m, nd of Fornioss, #Lnd r. 1. Blair has *old his house in ne8day afternoon, l8th inst. Mis Heritage
With des rate couragii. Tbe apa- U
8 J a leading member -of eat Me -
*n Mr. H. Schaffer. Mr. Blair inten a w" London,
re onl ave(I fiom, defeat by itbe. tbodist church,'and also of
. Y, i Algoma shortly. eing
r discipline; of their troops. But fie co�tracb for the -new horm. shedg at a valued Singer) On Satuiday she W'ams a t -
re; finally CCO' pe�led b) retreat be- c church, Cranbrook, has beei let to Y. tacked with in0ammatign, which vent"lly
onslaught o the C1 inese. - When 11
dvices left tb I I tat d ie Black Ol latz for $400. proved fatal.
r 0 advancir g ttick ' ekhani lChe two-year-old. kon of �r. David -Wednesday of last week Davie, alias
c) rane, of the 2nd cone46asion o Howi.04,- Lockhart, left 0'oderich for Kingston where
ther battle i (asimm:i ent.. died od Wednesday of last wee he will undergothis five years' sentence of
�OLDFN WE01MISO OF ME FniEND1811 -%Vm. Armstrong, Brussels, hii a been imprisonment and receive twenty strokes.
FMUTF-S.—Onjuly Mth 800 deaf. 001,
g ' i as teacher of Whitfield's s(h 12 with the eat. The prisoi er was in charge
alebrated the golden i eddii g anni- f9e
11 e pue nsion, Grey, for nixt year. of deouty-sheriff - Reynolds and, constable
of the P ralladite
Key. Dr. Tho � ias ( - sae� Knox, una went right' throu'
wife, at theNew Yo -k Iinstitution-1 Ar. Cameron, Vriniiipal of the Bru gh'without a
E Alle school, has rid6� over 1,0(9 miles, on stop. Davie is one of the train a, that Col-
eaf and Dumb. 1 Det igatic no. were I i P
froin many eastern cil ies. Dr. Gat is I icycl&this year. borne residents will be pleased to heikr, has
- - U left the neighborhood,
as devoted �iany yea nwa, , 0 cKillop, has ee in
of I I is life to p)orihealth for a, Ion ime, and no ho Is One of thom events which always claim
c6ed. As rector of St Ana's . Pro� are entertained for her covery. the interested attention of old and young
.EPiseopal chure 1, 11
' ' 'a i -James Ross, uncle f Rev. John ROs s, took place on Wednesday eve nt. 10th
he: established. the* fin t hi.w. inst.', at the home of L.. McNeil, ni t
As, Of Brussels, die at his lhome in M con -
hip for deaf mutes, at -d hi i 4abora pelphonTuesdayof lastweek. cession, Grey, when his estimable daughter,
nproved educational s3 Stems and the 'Miss Tana, was joine M
---The Ii litning n onday afternoon of d in I atrimony to Mr.
g of church services in sign anguage I I id cons The care.
out the country. week 9 i0dera le aamage to the James M. Knight, of Petrolea.
candescent light plan in Winghani mony was performed by Rev. D. B. Al 'Rae
-According to the linton vote;�, J�t in -the presence of a large assemblage A re'�
Thursday evening, 11 th i ist., Mr. them are. 938 voters in the town. Of th* lativea and friends.
erland's store in Win
fig�ani iarrowly 2.)l are eligible to s6rve as jurors. -The financial report of the Mettodist
rii _IM&
being destroyed by . T liat even.! -Once more the B4oughton, h and churches ow the Aubumeircuit, for the yeaf
it dusk a e stomer cal ad get an C rey ditch case has beeiii dealt with and the ending May 30th, show that the follolw,ing
oldered, ai d Mr. Snt er a id went p 14intiff once more a feated, T, he legal. amounts were raised on the different ap-
back shop to do the j I le went nOte concerning the a is as follows pointment %�bich includes the amoun b for
the fire- to ie&t the. a eri ig iro 46B lito teria support an
n, roug in vs. Tow ships of Grey and minis A local Pur 91.8
some ML the fire ea6 in contact ma. --judgment peal by adii�jff- Auburn R 99. Westfield, $478.20;DDnny-*
an of gasoline, -which is.uoe I as fuel f dgmebt . Of Fa coubridge, who brook, $294.10. In addition the followin
re pot to beat the irons wi In a W M ttle, action at Toroi itO upon Pleadings amotints.were raised for-connexional funds:
,the blaze was running up ie side aZd admissions, in so fai as it dismissed the Missionary fund, $241.6a; General Confer-
NIl 10 111 1
J ULY 20_9 1895
oupom MnU no
,DO $63 oontin frotin whom I'mi vdiena" haa oraervA
10' - ,
it " ` ! Urc. as . . . . . . . . . . Mr�, and 1:
1), . 1 M.35) ch h ood came to Clinton on A e 1146.1b
,enl J5 edueai na,
I I . L - F a f meeting the =d in the pleasa:utt
Ink a relie $3.40 -. fsus ion,� 4.).;, hopLeg ol tra e or, wbo,
50A omen, min- call thel ter
gid - -e for his goods -but no go. Af i neer life- TO tliv
5 watcb;ng and W&itin
iolniir making a. C of 1 1 8.45 pati, �ntly for three nthe sons and thi
days, �e returned to Oront P. win,
aised on Uit. . . on Alorf&
I LM . . o1re morning, however, the 7 ich 1owii
D. eisinifl2w)r of, gensall was at wro 2gad wife 41- Henry, Godera
i�. f- ur- peare endeavored to 'Fleming aiid.James- an
mci�now Mi. the 12t1l of Ju �yfor. a p d upon the scene and
Posef el0eiring-mu add 8� at great -leeate her husband, which she succeeded in -John of 1101yrood ; A
)rafi i cel4bratio'n held tere, b on ac- doing, he having arrived- in town next ia"X�i and Tbornas, J.
ouut of is � lie rain wl ich oo meuced morning. Mrs. Silverstein udLelighted to -son. deceased. The dvl
ID fail as thii cirowd reache the g ve, the meet bar lost man, and the 1 baP)r couple. -was a true woman -and
ticii of Bympathising
d wi h. The took in the town for a co�pl ur, me
e4king ha Ito disper 0 ho
tb,r �she was a ztaunch Ept
speak iris con wid war essrs. Dick- doubt recounting their tr,.Oles and trials
since last they met. The e ting
nsojit and Yj -of Wi0hom* and J.H. Mau ral took place to Chab
,cott, of K P id no, ad the woman to
compani orontop W -hers. :ur&- y emerno.on,
--LAt Wit ipe i Oil atu afternoon, two little children were anx� awaiting
ou"'y MCI
�3tg inst dyt I hird d. jmg ter of Hor- the retunt. of their fatheor an, I mother.
; x Horiou 0)3XTI y, -At SIX
e eX- Cel tre Huron, and
dontague !Bake Ifis e(tor Northwest staffa. 17th imt., th
do�nted P( ce, w re UnItood *in wedloek's NoTE.,4.-Mi--s Hills, of E, PlOnavill,
)onds, Rev.1 Can Mat�#aon erfoirrnmg -was be ed Way.
a few d&Y8, with bee ancle, r, David
�he car o T I M Eat a )o place in -de had -a str6ke,!
I ` last week., -Mr. Lou Kem of Toronto it 18ide, and reA
VII 1 Saints ichure Mr a d ,Nirs. Cayley -her ri t
spend' ; a week under the arental roof.— 4—. rvdon 'was
lamilton a, d4lit-lif i ea of the b
hire, Scotl
N71 r. F. & Hatchinion spent Sunday in Nfit- 110
-1 in jr
XaCtirlg arties be P chell. —Min Bertha.Hutchi a spent jut
01 Ln oll n an is bride have got: week with her sister, Alirns. and was- unite-, At
U Robbins,— bereft partner al>out
iettled dow,t t 3 th � f �e r4lities of life at Dr. Naysmith and wife are rusticating at Br$Jon -w" shepherd I
,heir home :L NOT p. i �They gave the Grand Bend. —Two of our el tizeins, went to
roung folks 6, grav I r, op Monday night land for 30 years ; ean'
Bayfield to fish this week. They met with Ago, aud the old "0
I P11
)f last week' wher r, j, 00 of the youth fair success.—There died at her home last their sou�inllaw, Walti
JgI ideic a ilil �
Lnd beauty a . I d � the sweet Monday, Afro. George Aliller4 relict of the have four chil&-en livi
itrains of th iWi I ti 6.4an a of Messrs. late George Miller.' D-deeas.-d 'was an o1a
)'Hara, and 'No elfig being kept (1, Mrs; W. Lawson. whiii
.1 and respeeted resident of Hibbert., Her
ip till the oc to h . ho#r for retiring, L Her k—deper to Sir Floi�;i
f I husband preceded her thrae years -ago. Shis �Scotiand - wmiam B,
when all we�t on *i ing Xr.i and Mrs. had reached the . pe Old
golan a lon ggrILL a d I liM., rA a ' 94 of 74 years 'G. and 3ass Brydon. I
I li months and 14 days. She 1 ves a growim I
—Aii old In aide 1, 6 HowiclJ township notice was a person
ias d L t e ii I the per$on . I of Mr. up family. AVe extendour � athy tothe true wife., affectionate,
e or
y 1. bereaved family in their ho o trouble.
Luke ush, the 15bh cone4ossion, who Christian. Her agod,
-oT- 'age, is d,
lied on 1I ri E th inot. ThLe L remains yearB
. 4 1 Port�,. The funeral tookplacie
were laid in 6 ir I 9A t restlint PI4'ce in the 7�
thi �01 owing, L Sunday -TF 24, eoncession .5. on� Fj
xorrle cemcw'y 4 i I.. I m.s.—Mm Mitchell, Of Hamilton, ig
W in jx,�P,7 - ternient took place in I
diternoon. T1 a t in irA a at visiting at Mr. James -Stelvenson's.—Mm
y large one. i D e m sed h d real pq in OW- Bell and daughter, of Tiver n, are at Mir, . . . . . NbTES _Tfie.hu `wh
in this loeslfttv� The a
�ck township for o m a q, arter of 6, century Strouds.—Mrs. A. C. Benn tt, accompanied.
tud was a quiet � it af Sul al He was b)r her little son 'and Ro R. tubbs' e@fld was b,
tt.. sr -
at Belgra tery-l-,
.n his 75th yitiar� rived from. Chi t Wee to visit J '*eoeme
0aedav100,e,k-ia-M,r. Gu* Hicks, in this section.—Mrs. ing last some -one, enten
St Hill onthe'Uhvonceb
er .1
--oder i haulin my Michigan, is visiting.h 3
A i *11 ih p, wom _g in h %Zs firs.1homas of preserves, two I
Lnd unloadi by ffIf �nj OfS Lhay fork into a Hawkins.—Mrs. Wamock a4d I little dough- lars'
ibed, that h ot ecen 33 � been raised and ter Grace, of Goderich. were M 'the villa- -1 Of Zatter. So fox thep
ge - -thie:f, although the plarl
let" 0 POS a at fg 01 high, the props on Saturday.—Mrs. Elliott sind Alias clai-& 4- Aistauceoff. The doot .
�ave� - ay, and dom cai ie thewhole build- McLeau, of Lucknow, a:nd MiSo Wilson of 1
railk hou4ei-shoidd be
ug, wealchig Toof b r and, in fact, mak% Dungatinon, called on friend 8 in the vililge "le--$ are gett
Mg compl�td *r e .0 a) most everything. I on Thursday.—Miss Lizvie I ierce, of Crewe
I I Aliss XaggieAgen has�
as ast k. —Mift J,
fart Aic W kg back, and &I- visited in Port Albert last
d whereshe has 16ii
got a
nost mirac!41011�jy being hurt,, but. W. Motrison and nelft, 114 Cowara of
r -shop there.-w4ervlcew..'
.raw,,, gid ouOfiL froun der the timbers with. Winchelsea, are Visiting at Quaid)L_
Im FLresbyterian -church -0
litth more th ' "a Jsfiaki a up. Mrs. Richardson.and daughter Mrs. Shaw, week, by the Plev.
�-A)n Moikdiy!o0&8t el� Allies ' LeIIA of Toronto, are visiting. friend; here.—Mr, heavy.rainstorm, acco!
"'ampbell, tof I IiViao6 � oah, i lied
!a a:t and Mrs. R. Martin and Mr. S. J. Martin
IN , I and lightning, ))sued �d
"od, rich,. tS�ebad bee' 1 in a poor B;ate of of Chatham, were visiting fr) ends here i -.;t
ieal f0i sbm� ba i gplaced herself week.—Rev. Mr. Ga -Higher visiting Mr. Idwy morbing -eal
roadaides,"d drills iii�
Ina the cia6re (if hitel f Gode- H. Blake —.Nir. George Fms and cousin,
-water. Some say tb
rich,. and of 0 t . Pero Aisease Aliss Fraser, of (31oderich, viiited Port At- Ar"Med in it, -but Som
was dropsy. J,SheTwas-' ad 47 j#,ea. a, 4 ])art one day last week.�Mr,' A R. feuting o)lfhe oat --Xt
rnon,68 and .3 days., inains weire in- Phail, of this place, Visited f rJendsin worth thousands of do]
terred ill !D�rl g L110101 b metery. 1rhe be- 'ton this week. —There W a large pie- 'lie erops of ull kind
eavod motliieiif s nadl relattv s have the - syrn- nic froni LucknoW on as t
u WV, lui week. �0-ats bav�gro4m nearl,
t Im.11 Of e, Lond6k
iiathy 0 t aijty �4tended tio them -m-Xr. rverrie
I - i r, Beasons, exioept, late tali
C 4-1 r
barge of the n rist
U tboir ement., had e . . I
i church.
,j -1)aittier crop than lat
—Thcotlie mominFinQo4erich as the onSunday. 11T.Ferrierwil have charke — I I
;growin Vry well, to f
rain, was n1ea itig. the st4tian from the dock of this parish until the n wly appointed allmithisV
C�N I disp te ts Hg - t bf Wiay� and, though
6lergyIntin will come to take his place.—We
ngi cef Mi a ti -le to- stop, the engine understand that the Bishop of Huron has
ug it !the an �4liiial �Wfi n ft, was at the north appointed Mr. Armstrong, of Buyfleld, to The Doig a�id #
nd of the plat Orin. _ efore the train could take charge ofthe Dungannon and. Port An iinCi4aieut which 1W,
b#ought t t1le.Plow was dragged Albert parish -and that he will enter unlon that a dog seems to
� ly%e of his
ome, ten yards r 1, 0� -e, bbing crushed all his duties some time nex� I molltb�—Aw.
lie time b James McConnell, after 'a geritt �ivviWng to youth for AA
etwe �ne and platform. The -g fliness
�vaa W zed.::along the spine ofsomemonths, passed )ea, fully aw to the story
I 81Y III A dog had come
and t hind e� i vere, brok-en.- Shortly her Ion home on t.' The funeral
Friday in 46 dcoul . -IV
Ate eAniii a was car away an t place on Sunday to the Dtingannon
Lille ce a ry, and wzs one.of he largest Seen famil, remark-edoxi.jat
— X. Li4later,iy inciial of Ganatioque, in secifion. Rev. Edmunds of in the room.
,F I I think Saucho- -Oln
Public Sch in a ter to the editor of Dungannon, conducted the services.- . The
bbe Ziil ton New Eia, makes the. following a inpathy of the community is extended to the Way. X-6. M 004Y A
Difleilth Lt viere'slidu 1 1) 1 noi '�e * Much diffi- Ze husband and family. Thatafternoozi Sinc
[Aty in ackeptiag " NrhAps you are ac- 11111 , i as the -days plaasta Aid;
justifited m ith a! 9 1 teii�clier iiiiho would EtheL course of a vmek -a oeip'
&'e to Spend * few 3rithi by the St. Law- -see �-b-At your U.,
rence: and . the , 1 :0 ank Islands. If you. NOTES.—Will. Newcombe and sister 8un- house.*' 'OA -W�Quiry
ir you id adit -'se such to apply dayed at Trowbridge.—The brick layers Sancho, baving,!CAN
wishj�X011 . q � have commenced work :on Mr. Hanaul&s and been k4lidl�y receiV4
[or ' the position assistant in
DUr school I dar next 1%lo;del School kitchen, John Cober has the contract for iks a guest. " aid eV
term, I The -has su dtatia *1 have' had since the wood work.—The CAu adiau- .:Order of sometimes raiaAe a A
comin here was fir' kHufon� Forestees concert last Thur* lay evening was 'bome, he livied at the f
—A,, half-pae � nh ic i4xi Moqday� morning, success. Although the F, resters prolitted. peacefully ended his,&
little by it,- they have the
[5th,i: Lot., John; eldeat son (if town clerk satisfaction of Friends.
Ritehill, of-Go,ieri(h, die4 rathii�' suddenly knowingthit they furnish �d a good pro�;
fromi I cart faili � re *g painteirl a colict gramme. ProfeswrDucker and daughter, A FeW Word
dise a fr'. in ' vbie' a -hid been suffering of Palmerston, gave some I Violin selections How mamy husbands
i �. and
For Some tilh,-. ;P -, v ous o his rotam home which were, wellrecei-Nred. iss Spence' and dhadren &ra dW�
7. few wee 4 n ofte jad een s6iously ill Miss Laug each sang two" retty solos in vaer? Youdon!t ]rnow'
in Clevelai i their usual excellent styl is -had 't one jday �1
a I ta ft tha city for home to ityl Alias 13. Milne
in I
ieck r0ne d stirengt�. ince his arrival in and Miss A. Davis gave an i ittruniental on work. lZea goolla
(A the piano. But the beat of was thoeomic -doet have too fuS& 01
Yoderich haa beaii con ned to:. his bed,
bitioln8a#day,feelibig)�* rhe,'walkedto singing byour own Ben Dayies. Although 'nice fresh bread or Mai
Ch6 H�irl--6 i Park"al4d. it is thou this was only his second attempt before Ae �M"t onions radwhes,
I ght *that
e labor the jou . kitey astened. his de- forget jug V
bh public, he fully convinced the audience that Your
Deane. he could sing and act comic soilga. His Take alou 4011ne - 041
—Whil IMr. Geo,, a.. job lot" was perhaps the i nost laughable. books I =5 s;re IM
iii, of Exeter,
c A
'a —Someofthe farmers commenced cutting -mixt#ure of.solemin and,
ind se!lveraJ, others W re en age in remov-
ing th� earth for the pave ant in front of their fall wheat this week. some nice take, lamw -1
bhe girlitnollihicwalk, n th t village, on Mon-. ` A PtiAsA'2qT0UTLx(,.—A )arty of friends, Vired out gietting iie7lre
lay of, laist; �week, hei pet ith an a, uUmbering sixteen, from Adinerston, At-
wood an(I - Ethel spent a 4 d ViVe
which,ni it have t bi n his life. He. uple of very � - L,
was wprkigg in fron pf Mi -. Walter West- Pleasant days in the prett town of Kin- V e Y.
!Oft at the time, when Walter was cardinis recently. They were, -%-cry muck 'run wish,
xbo4tto ra, 846 his pi it a(cidentalycame in taken with both the place and fli I for the a -
�ontae1t w th Mr. i odgi as' head, striking ie ralded; Now try, MY P
but more especially with tkose whopeo
lint erri le , ow the left temple, -ren- so materially to their are, foremost, feeling nearer to your�(
le him inse ih and i nflicting a very limong whom was Conductiox Quirk. He is
My w6ufid the,piok hi�iug bachy grazed a jollyogood-naturiiid fellow, and be and his
i I I - �� -SM
1e- Lill. 1 4 amiable wife entertained -,he partymost JAPM 1�—InOuelpilv),
J, R. Jaekeort,
ii this I th of J al� John Brown�s hospitably at their beautiUf I home. The �Ur.
thiq a mill, iu'y'rev and the machinery, party will long remember thi � pleasant -even- ;SffARP1R4n Uullett On
neld ing thhe t res in m3thine engine and lng spent there, neither will they forget the
10 bunchel Of sh les, belonging to Mr. delightful trips on the water in the boats of
�Ool �and r. � 'a a destro Messrs. MeGaw & Barton. ey also bave FAPSQ�%M—1
,,ate yed by 11
ire. Mr. rowh wass ru ng that day and Pleasant recollections of the hospitable Inst.. this *ffo 61 Ur. f
i 1 0 reatment of the host of f le Roy'Alotelp 'BnWy,.�-In Mushard. ej
vas away t) dit.iner abot n1mutes when t mr�,wm2due, of *-a
hey Saw tl a snioke com n out of the Mill. and his homelike quarten. That they .�CuftRJE.�Jn Dist Wawrl
Vheo they got to the � might have ma-ny mere suet trips was the Wife -iDf Mr. Wlo- J- ACU
:in 11 t was too late to
%ve �kythihg. He thin is 1 the fire caught wish of all tile party. U-0wickvulb
nder� the Wier. ?., There wits no insurance Vance iftne. *1 *dlws
Md We lost I is about Uft 1 Mr. Brown had wife- of xr. wo-ma-
PhRadebbb L�
A ItESPFCTED 'REsinmNT (16�-;E.—Tbere 'Taman id:R4
Ila -face, �burned.r He right off to laly-ft vn -6
Ira Ord and purcliased new
I Outfit died near this plapue, on Saturday is,$ Olt -1-4 —1-1, UU1114, on
or is c men. another of our most h1JVhI vapected resil mr. Enoollxorr)s. of A
y.X oN,—In -Uhel, -.On'%
— -A r Said en ee in Clinton recently, had a dents, -in the person Of Jr. John Schnell,
xr, George Dobiii)nt v
am kirkably n w ca efrom destruction at the ripe old age of 7 years, three Virey VI'th
t 'a th 'i "
iyfire. The ifly ant4i;�d for church mon he
and nine days. He born 'i e
e 0 081
i e
a e a eni a . house. Go- village of Schreksbauch,
�up 1 -many, in th
ag. ba 801111 in le: he4d of the ear 1816. He came to thi t with
10 , a ai d after. looking for C wife and family, in 1848,1 Ta"etrtfed in
nit he wani th w tligi match, which New Hamburg; where he r ided for eight, f -Valvosii
gone out, kijito the wood, years, and then -moved to th 14th conces or TurrsIMML%
E t
-e 63 �hial house, and sion of the township of 'fay, where. ...'he
Ten On. U
t r ad )n it ray to ; the church. A few lived until his death, He Is aives four so= *me# N"Icubtlit. of
.1 tit4afterj %nothiii. met
of the'lamily and four da-sighters. Asughttir of Mr.
asisted on hii going bac fbr something Xons.—The flax mill Will be in operation
h a, and ii "I (as f�,rtuuate tbat he did, as in a few days.—Mrs. 1). Wiag� . of New july -11th, byftv. W.,
I x and to -miss Aznle X
h, -. woodb6 townffbl-�.
ourrounilings were all Hambui-�g, was the guest of Mr. -C. Schoch
Roberl 2!
a few dap last week.—Mr. A. Rotbermill, AN�-PFRsox ty
I i; i3M! -
A rathe rious accid a t . occurred at who has been our enterprising blacksmith A:IB.L Do
r the -0-m.
::el bratibn at I C inow -on a
raLngemen re
of Julyr�l When- a, W w ere "he h FL9 seenred it jo 1'. Got
U from the gro'e where! the speaking C. u., of Clandeboye, now occupieg
hey assemble ig business.— by
(ais to have taken ace, I d in his Place, Land i4 doing a rush h Rey� Z Z.
ront of M arry I tel, are a regular Air. W. Beaver is greatly improving his jwcmveto Marjory
lusical ji' bore( ook ace among t ' dwelling byputtint�n it a new roof and Bryllges, *1
everal drummer i 'an 011a. The large veneering i wi h rick.—Miss B'. Schilbe,
alcony iii front o
th e M ii ;I ��'ry House was had a quilting beeon WedneA day� afternoon,'
7von* ow
good Imit fr)= w4A view every- andintheavening she gave to the young
'peo�l q c me out —Nfr. Perr erholt,,o 1 70-
hing, adoover.&O up;n folks &good party. y Ov
near Brucefield, was the guest of his
he structure, whf in it -:ed ly gave way -and 7
ire S
i the cent: and betw' np 13 and 40 per- brother Amos on I unday,--Mias Entina, �Cu: WF .—In uxtile,
)ns wore carried Oow. ford, agril 10 YeAft,
Riekbeil was in town' a few d tys last Week
i0i It. Fortunate
r Only a few werd
I ured.- Among aired 7.3,yearsisftd4 a
iose seriou"i r r a B. Camp- Goderiell: To ip. FRASM—In Giey.�=J
o of Finlay Vrsaer*
ell, near LU $1.1 n, of A.Sh- (,'ONE TO HER REWARD. d still an- NEEL1TAGV,,—,1, Liondo,
eld Afrrs. istr f daughter of Mr,
W -a of Hur,
ingliam, and- *other of the pioneers of Hur, has passed to
Ira. Robb, Ina 12� A number of the great o�d, in the pers of Prudence, Orel township, Wd
-%,ad sli lit bruises i but how et of tl�y
bhers re.cei I in�,U�ieL� some.. reli la Tho e. ue of Code -
E them esca�ed fata iraCUJOUS. _ � L I
ism rich township, on Fi, a t, aged 80 years.
and 3 months,
—A somewbat antio incident happen- A short time, since t a Ic ed fell from a CAxp8ELL.—lu West
I iu Clinton as es i . OuTuesdaymom- chair and fractured �one of bar limbs, from bellAcampbell, aged
i rs. Silverste n, a Giiarman' Jewess of whichshe never recovered. - kbout the year days.
MYTIO'ELL.—In 0"aw,
ronto, who has been dit.1tha lookout for 18.3-4 the late Mrs. Perdue wl o was a native eldeot mA of MY
E r husband ever i ince lie Lleft her some
I of Tipperary, Ireland, came t'3 Canada with od 21 yews.
R4,_In L SpXltfb
E arm ago, in I 4ew York, ou"' eeded in to- berparents, Mr. and IN -firs. J �hn 'Smeltzer, GILVD
Gildem aged fS Y
i ting him ini Clin on. Mk. Silverstein is a and the fanfily settled at St,-eetsville, near JEFFF'RSON.—Ift P111my
ft of dru6me in th� spectacle line, Toronto. There Miss Sm, �Itzer married mrarson, son al
aux 0
or an I
Fnu i�a
., le
L ill Iola
tir f
I or
i a
ago, he
,I d some two wee. is ordered a fresh Thomas Perdue in 18*38 and a ioitly after re- and son4n Uw -01
sood 29 Pmm
ipply of stock from ti f4low-countryman. moved to the 7th concession, 1 loderich town- A-RUSTRON-0,At 8%u
L Toronto, who al once conveyed the news ship, residing in the township till the time July lah, Jo"ph
i the "weAer ha f " of the "; W andering of bar decease, for the last Six *years with *f Us, J, -5.
"w " and thea searet �*mimeneed in bar dau COWAN,—JU MA11110P,
,gbter, Mrs. Wm. Smi�b Her bus
4�est. - M iR senthall the widow ef tho We
gentle . man baud crossed the river of death about nine
hat by
won %ie a oti.
AT Only by one int in the threelie a
xo.-UR is
When it was knc wn that a Canadian`1ad
he (out
won, the *�Idegt excitement reigned ong'
T�e SubspriDtiOn price of the E, ro$90: t"
his companions. , He was h isted into the
if Ird strictly in advance, is- ON X
airind totapri6d a nind the mp,in a at Lair
try, any
�vhi 0 an a iy playing 11 8re,
a �i d led the comi
the med
If yon do not-renwvr Nqtthin three merit i
. ill -
data, label the w
,the Conquering tero Cou�e&" When I lay.
W a will
Of the on your price
1.25 - if you do. nof renew ivith in- a
months of th� da te on your label the pri
hurst reaches hot'ne, he will, iiel most at t) tuai
tically receive4
any raie
ill be No paper will be s t IORg k
upon th
than one ye4k before being paiO for I
t ffica�
Send renewals directly toi- �i; 0
I The Englisb - E14 i6tions.
i, us at
Money sent by registered le i post-offi
The old c( ntry wism, to gi� pi at y
money order, express money o at or draft,
much -the same as they startod., The -latest,
is at our risk. A post -office o dei
reports give 309' Conser�at ves 55' U1 io
osts only two-
ista ; 1229 Liberal,, 56 me artbyites 11 d 9
ofa, bo
The change on your label will li�otify you
Parretti. b seen that tlik a
'tes. It wil t
-ble to t
of Our receiit Of the mo If t. changed
It ilear
new ovemmen is ured of a
Tory C
bt three weeks drop --as a card we will
d on -
working in&; jority indepe d int of the Uri
trace the matter tip.
ists and all�other fadtions. The sweep has
The! 8
Address all letters �nd make a I cheques
be a rather more than Chamberam,
and o--,Iers payable to - McLean Br k
Whea remitting money do not to, give
the leader of the Unionists,, counted ot or
next, w
post Gffice, address.
W lien notifying us of c an 2f. address
desired. While i6tpporting1theGovernmenb
he hoped to' be able it�o kee�, 66titrol of the
r10 not fail -to, give both- old new at
balance of.power. This$ #,owever. is - now
ment c(
0 ffice address.
lost to hirn, as Salisbury W11 It be in -a posli-
his fingers Ch!kmlerlain.
Look Your ia-iel-
tion to snap at �jr.
andhisfollowers. Amongflie-slain tiring
the past week was Mr. io�n Morlay, who
defeated in a tit, Air. Mar ley's
VLTrie idgure between the parenthesl# after each
defeat was can$ (I the- 4 P sitiO� ef the
a by
one denote$ the page ot the paper whlich the
d ag list im
Pt�nelite Iriffsh ho. o aillat
men w 4(
sciveetleemeat will be found.
and of the working -men, 0 support& -an
Cheap Furnititre-Broadloot. & Co. (6) i
Canadns Industrial Fair -H. J. Hill. (6)
inipossiblecan'didaiioftbeir,own- Tie_.re
To School Teachers --D. ),,ldTsgzPr 4. (6)
Havetour Kyes Tested -Prof. Chamberlain (1)
suit was the defeat of John Mode r the
fty, (6) 1.
A Tobacco Company's Gencrosis
sincerest friend Ireland has ever.hadin
Far -in for Sale�Goorga Plerc#� %)
A rook too rArgs.-R., willLs. ('5)
office, ane a warm friend of the WO 71.ing-
13 tatior?
Great Sale of Summer G 3ode--Mccosh &I.T4,ry (8)
Palace Meat Maiket-Goetz & Shelley. (0)
man. In his place a Tory, hostile to ire.
Boots and Shoe* --A Wraloh. (8)
land and indifferebt to the lower socia
Toronto Incinstri-iii Ysir—R.J. Hill. (5) 1 1
Vottray List Xotice�john 0 � Mw.. ison. (1)
&-Oreij- (1)
classes, goes to Parliament. This -has: *en
She made a mistakt-Jscks�n
repmbe,4 in scores of other' -constitne ies.
Farm for Sale -David Sproat. (5)
Notice to Insurera-Will7lam. Som ervilleAg)
These malcontents will have some, ii anse-
Via a
14otice to All -T. Mells. (8)
Sale cf Valuable Farnw-David %w
knocked into their skulls by the cool 4if w
'line To
Wllson�a Cash Wilson. (8)
Farm Uorre 8.11 Ruilett Co.
felrence which will be shown to thein L & ii ring
res oluti
Hard and Soft Wood -S. klul!ett Co.,
the next seven years ; and art . the and of
Cheap meat --John Dopp. (5)
Reduction in Gasoline stoves -S. Mulivti 4; Co.
that time they will be prepared- to vote'..�
and oth
Op-e-ra House Grocery. (5)
Liberal again. The return of a Sub t
A Great Staughter-A. G. Ault.
8.0 Reward�A,�E. Pentecost. (6)
number of Liberal -Unionists 'to tbeir old
ad 1OcR,1
Summer Goods Cheap -H- F. FAwards. S)
whiteman Pea Ilarresiter-Tbomas BrUVLn. (8)
at$ when fhLe ;
Party allegiance. is 0
vote ag
To, All W on Wgay Coneern-E., -Nable. (8)
Administration display itself m pa;rely
Noticii-J- A. Clark. (9)
Do You Know -Gilroy Witeman. (6)
Tory in its policy and its methods of ad-
this cot
6 he
milifistration, as. it. is likely to d T
Liberals in office, with narrow majority,
were, in the last Porliament at'the m.er ey
task, a'
the Go
of half a dozen hitransigent fa'ctious,� wb6
SEAFGRTH�, FRIDAY" July, m th, 1895
deprived it of t�he.poWer to achieve
job of i
andfinally wrecked it. In oppositi on, these
differences will be adjust�d, and the part y
its twe
The Show Clo C
will again become United anil enthusiastic.
The Dominion Pa�rliament was i prorog
Meanwhile, aniii the time comes for it to
fore it.
on Monday. It would be diffic to, say
embark on a, campaign whose result g will- be
which was most deliahted, the G overathent'
more glorious than:those of th present, the
to get rid of the membera, or tht � mem bars'
Liberal party can well afford, as Ar. Glad-
qn entlj
to be relieved of their Parliame-ittary duties.
stone says,, to stand upon -its rec�jld
There was barely a quorain left for proro-
gat -ion day- All preparations �rere made
Dr. Graham's Letterli
in Toro
1 for prorogation on Saturday. Phe bands
We publish in another column' second
the pre
and military bad marched up. the, hill to
letter from Dr. Oraham, of Biussels, in de.
so far
Parliament house ;I the Governor Nras wait-
fence; of the Medical and 'th 6 ex
ing at li� I in readines i to mount
ordinary Powers with which they b4ye Wen
the att�
his chariot at the ippointed in eat ; the
endowed by the Ontario LegisIALi[re,: As
Th6 lar?
old cannon. was primed ; loadel. for the
Upper 'Can," who
will be seen, the doctor does not a an
men w
royal Salute, and t lie'
new points. In former articles' I e -have
usually cong state occaSigns,
regate Oil au i
covered the ground fully, and it -is goalreely
thronged the But"
galleri�x and corrid, ra.
necessary to re -traverse the "fround ;0. meet
in an a
alas, for hunaam ekpectatiorisl thel band& and
had down �-arliameut
. _ 1 1,
-the same or similar points, now raised- by
�f the f
the military to march
him, to those which we have &Ire replied.
for th
bill again the anxious i spectat rs had ti�
to. The only,new feature in octor's
disperse 'without seeing the sjg�ts ; the
letter is, that he repudiates the statements
�rs adv
cannon was not touched off and a. messen-
of Drs."Satagater, McLaughli i - othe
P and' ars
ger w." dispatched to the, Governor with a
informing him that his king]
who L were. honest -. enough to spe k tbeir
and cro
in inds freely. These men may b 1;he
habilime nts might be laid out to adr Ovar'-
a ir
Doctor Styles th in, very bad.men, al d the'
�d time
8anday, as prorogation must. be' postpone
Mondak. And -all thi 8, bee use at th
colleagues may be just as good and 68 guile -
last momenta row had sprung i tp, in th
less as they are, wicked and crafty. We ',do
st a-ke c;
ghos-N cliamber, more familiarly 'known it a
not know about that, but we do know Wit:
of the a
the -Senate, and it must nec�,ssarily b-,
the suggestions 9 de by �hese very�
fought out to a finish, A bill making soil
men, and for what the Doctor admitsllo be
658 aer
changes in the mode of aying a bonus a.
an impr a ultimately' car-;
pper purpose, war
668 acr
$80,0W, which had some sessions� ago. been
ried out by, the whole Council. Who;:t ob-
granted to a fishy concern, known as th!
ject they had in view in* doing thisA course
Winnipeg and Great Northweatet�-n Railway
it is not for us to sayJ We -do not know
Company, was introdated into the Common�
wb at they may have had in their min s,but
IOU a 0
during the dy' ing h f the session, aiid�
we do 1know what was� atter;d and r rted,
having been y that body was subi
and of this -we gave samplas which th Doe-
that vi
mittedtotheg'enatefo tatificatioo just a few
tor admits are correct.z
minixt-ea before the ho r set for prorogati on
-Now, without goin further into d0tail sl�
the Ste
Mr. Scott, the leader -of the oppOsition-in
or, quibbling about wo -do, what we c4latend
the Sen&te, twitted the Governmeixt . Wit
for is this : That the I fedical..' Council,, if , -it
baving passed -an order i�n council, agreeing.
co sed
is what is claimed for a body- mpo
the r'es
to give this same rett6n comPany a bo, nu
for the protection' Of t a people, -and having
'8,2,8()0,000, with the view, as It was report-
the absolute control o a profession or ocou�
ed, Of getting a share of the bonus for elee-
pation necessary for e peopI6, shoal 'be,
ali8t, h
tion b*bdle, bat that when they came
in some way, as direc ly under the 6: trot
vision 0
Parliament their coti-rage f ailed -them, apd
of the people as pos4i le. We say that the
they dare not carry oat their pledge and the
people, either diree y or through! tbeir
v1ng1 t I
otorious scheme fell through. This raffled
8 oufd ha- i
chosen representativ , It ve 1 1 orne
I. ; a,
the plumage of the ordinari cool and stem
voice in the �omposit n of that body it
duly kn
Premier, who is Government leader in tLhc
should allio be subjecio to the control o, f the
911oat's house, and lie fleW'Lt his opponent
people, either directl. or tbrougli their - I
in great style.- The two old- roosters had it
presew �atives in the overnment ital I -,gis-
ed and
week,- I
grand set to, and. thLey tore eachotber alp
lative act$ Should be mitted to airxd ;�hould
with their tongues, in fine shape. This dio-
receivel the approval, of the Government be-
was �O
verRion lasted Until six o'clock, and heDee
-fore thqy 1*come operative. We also Say that.
�jt I
there could be no prorogation that day.
i the Legisl - are should not delega te to -'any
States. k
The bill was- finally pusk by
� body pow a which a ould belo, g alone lo
I I to 7. This is sai( .1 tcF be the flirst time in�
the p rapresian itive�s or be'
eople directly
the history of Canada that Ororoef
Under their control. I arely therek.is nothing
vince of
ceremonies were postponed in 1 this. way.
in this cal tilia t6d - to bi -ing about free trade
But, a good many queer things 'have been in medioin �., ul dess the I people desire it, -and
fruit iii
done this session.
if we. shipUld 1, ecome a@icte& by a monopoly
This was the fifth session of the seventh 1, the peOT)le wo,uld w to whom to look
and to h for the establishment of that
NParliament. It lasted thirteen *,eeks and a P
half,, and the Cot -nmons was actually in ses-
mOH','1PO1.y-bete is no. reason that we can
in the int
troo 18 f
Sion sixty five days. It was more notable
why, rest8 of the People,
Xi6se we
for talk than legWation. Although a good
special powers should be given to:Rither
doctors )r lawyers that are
maxiy private bills were put through, the
not given:lto or
th;y we
Government measures were few and unim-
asked for by school t�achers or other classes.
fore the
portant, n liost of those promised at the
All organimtionslormed for' the bea6fit or
these a
opening of the session havhtg,been droppe&
protection of the pubiic should be and the.
Flags w
and ano
hy the way. As is already known, there is
control of the GovemMent or riaprel an ta,-
to be a sixth sessian held in January, when
of th people. And when the gis-
the 0 overnment have promised ;to sub m -it
lature deprives the overnme4t of th re-
mutes c
their remedial bill, providing for Separate
sponsibilities and powers and faci as. t am in
land hLis
Schools in. �Nlanitoba, if the Manitobans do
the hands of interesitpd individuals.. or.
of the I
ation who a t nder the dire
n the meantime, This is ganiz rel
Gt capitulate in et
the first time in the history of the, Dominion
control of theycoplel they Idy the. Idoors
ladu6t I
that a sixth session has' been held lin any
open for the imposition and of - thie
testaill i
one Parliamen�t. The last two pjLrlianients
people, in. some form or other by,: that
'.had only four sessions each.
favored class. If this Medical Council has
for its printaryobj-
act the protection Of the
led to �1
adopti I
Although the Canadians have been more
people from 'fraud, and 4 nd- is
throng h
Or less successful in the shooting matches
Of as Sin le
composed mind-ediabd aisin.
at Disley 14,'.1iglaj)d, during the 'past fe%v
tereated men as the oetor says it is, then,
years, until now Ane of their members have
surely, it can not des ire to continue in, pos.
D. Suth
been ahle to carry off the most coveted of
seseion of power's which rightfully b long to
lug &be
--a gold m dal -gold
all prizes, the quet 8 a
the people's representatives. Although we
oil can a
badge audrz-)O. This is the highest of all
do not blame thern for - acclepting them, for,�
into the
honors, and waA won after a hard and excit-
despite their good.. ualities they are still
to: start
ing struggle by Private. Hayhurst, of the
human, we should ex act them not to coin.
and -by
with a c
13th, Battalion, Hamilton." Hayhurst tied
plain if they are taken from them- Nov6'.
in the 6
with Boyd, one Of the Lanevabires, and
if the- Doctor can show usy or the- p�blio,
7-7. -7-r--`r:
briiiiigin th� Medical q0U1 k 311 Under the iooi4n to the coiling. Buthedand action -4, hie ilwvwbrougbtbYian� eyinerj��of
I iot the Government in 1 4xis, way abbed th� can, which cou ained nearly a land in he ;ownshi i p.6f Elnia to restrain
1104 e, and staktqd to tfiiow the tow�ahil 60"f V and I passing -by-hlwo
ng it conform with the enlightened out ofi so in - "I
I at Jeababk door.� Whon he"got to the for the 0onst rtiM`o� 61 drainage works. Ap
(no: ofa free and self-gi Ive ad ooun* r lie , ; found it, ted, Put he pluckily &I Aj smia-vid' witheosts. Mabee(8trat-
ury will be inffigte C., for de -
("a her upon Id to the can and un olted.1 the d;oi and Jord) fot plaintiff. Garrow, Q,
i 34 profession or the P 6 le, -then raw the can out into he hick yard, where fendant6, the Township of G1 ey
,ie gasoline burned out withbut doing' any son, (ftatford) for defendants, the To*% -
admit that we ' have x o cue,.,:, .. r at ore damage, Me. Satherland's right hand. ship of E Ima.) I I
that 6 are working at ng v ifoing.. d arm were badly; burned." .-ThO iroters' list for the village of Exater .
not � sist 598 vote 'ng
I Tniil i�en, however, v -e contain the names.of ra, 254 bel
perople having their '�ij hts, a� we eligibleto serve as jurors. , I
Entr&nce Examifiation. -Th' swarnip part of lot 16, concession 3,
We print bet n;a anosh, has been s%% apt by fire,
contique to.. protest i a ;ainst any West I w
OW t a names a d marks of
passing and l4ir a amount of valuabl timber was
ire, absolving a govqn nent from 11 ceeded the
Pose who have, i I a
M .1 Ahe
and responsibilitie8 wl�c rightfully -1 Intrance Exam, ion at CIE :o1ft and da�tr�uey.-
ring the six months enling July lot,
th it a nd. placing them in i the hands 1 iffiliated centres of Wingba. n and BtTth. there were 17 birtbe, 4 marriages, and 9
'The result his been oonfirme I bV tl,e Edu-
wb) are Aot in any iv y responst- �tion Department and certil ic ' sent to deaths registered with the Clinton town
he po )lie for their td iinistrativell I whose names are given he -a, The marks cterk.. 1
4 tained were sent out to i lb 3 candidates .-Miia Rhoda Wilson; dau I ter of Mr.
-,Wm. Wilson, formerly of 1TUckuow, but
ome time ago. The total nun Lber of marks'
Notes and ComTr ents. Aainable ar;845, and 422- nit at be obtain- now of Fargo, North Dakota,.died . at that
)Iac-3 recently
ixth I ession of the pre ici it Dominion to paos. . he Public Schc A Leaving list I _ A
ill be published a's soon a i confirm,M by James Slemin, baker, of Wingliam, has
ent, Wbich is promise I f)r Jannar Mr.
,y t. r he
Education: Departmen marks of dis oeell of his businesi in that town to
ill cost!tha d ountry w 11 igh half a nose writing at the Public 8 6 iool Leavin Mirton. Blackwell, -;.rho takes pos"asion im-
dollars�'au4,all becauf the Goverw xaminatio# were sent on -0 on the 220ul mediately.
t. I --We regret to h or of the sudden death
uld nDti recoIncile its a ipporters and
CLINTON. of A. Scott, isr., a highly eateemed resident
the cc uTage to fIRP11 EDUCkryb. of West Wa wano8h, which occurred On $at-
. pursue %e course it AftKo. . MAN114
t right. Here are sob I a of the items* 32 Aitken, Lizzie ............ 01iAlten, M S urday niorning after a -very short illuass.
i r, 166i 69 -Oa Jaly Efth, Joseph Wilson bf the
sessi�na expenases 3.Bedtliey, May ..............
;o to make up IC. 'it deparied this
ity to tilLembeirs... ... $215,000 4 Courtice, Sibyl ........... Huron roiaid, near Gxoderich, �
41 Chidley, Clara ........... Iti as life. Mr., Wilson was one of the old settlers.
ity to Sena,6)rs, .... 81,00.0 4Z
$enate) qil� 38 Davis, Maggie ........... tc and wao-highly respected. He had been 941.
It ............ ..... is 'it ing for along time.
A messeiigerS (Senat4 I, 7,5� 37 Grant, 64 i --wT here were rightered with the divibion
37 MeLe an, Maggie. -
it registrar for the township of Hity, for the
(Uommo�s)J".. 2,400 nn :ell
&I messengers. (Commo n) ... 11,250 39 - MeRiven, Aggie ......... It: 49 six monthr ending on July let, the follow -
6. Miller," Edna .......
tat bathroom washroor i-, � �Ab. . 850 1) females;
62 Miller, Ella ......... . is 11 ig :, Births, 44�19 males and V
vien (Senate) .............. 1,000 2 O'Neil, Winnie ..... �44 441 deaths, 9-4 males and 5 females, and 12
during session i ........... 125
81 * a, Ell,;,� .............. I, marriages.
men. (Cominons) ...... 350 111 94 --Typhoid lever is becoming quite pre
g debates.. ........ 4 . 0,000 "llson, ith ............
87 S�nith, Ida ........ .....
ery ... )2,000 cl! :, v�l�nt throughout Fixeter and vicinity. The
, ......... 57 Stevenson, Floretta. .... following cues are reported : Mr. L. Kraft,
....... ......... 2;000 Ste 'h 'Miss Kuhn, Crediton ; Air. A.
3 Wiseman, Jessie ....... p en;
ancous and inforeseeh 4,800 Afcl)onald and daughter, of the Thames
5 Dean,- 1�erbcrt .........
It road.
3 Jackson, Walter ......... l
074, 525 1fra. John Sullivan, of Wingham, has
4 McPherson, Stuart .......
pecial pleadinj of some of the ol(I )2- McDonald, Dan .......... it been seriously ill for the put =cou Ile of
37 Sheppard, Arthur ........ weeks or so. On Monday of last her
ries who spoke on Mr. AlcCarthy's- 30 Tedford, Bert.. Is. it life was des aired of, but since then she has
on in the House the otherl day, was 30 Wilson, Foster ........... I& cc rallied and ger recovery is looked 'for. A
clot of Vood on the brain is her ailment.
McNeil, Weldon, Wiialla,be, Davin� TUCKERSMIT11. -On Mondixy evening of last week, Del-
ers,- all spoke in favor of-. the very 37 Catwell-, Grant ........... No. 1 phim, daughter of 0. A. Nairn, severely
es which MO. 'MoCarthy' resolution 0 Acheson, Steinie ........ 2 fractured her right arm. She had been'
.2 Annie ........
Butti .... 1 2 id, jumping off while in motion,
ad, but fo!r all -that they must swingh1g, all
?3 McLi an, Maggie..- I ...... 2 fell on her right arm, which, on being ex-
Ainst it, aiiA it was tie agony it 4 MeN win, Alex ... ....... 2 1 1 a
I. - . I ainined, was found to be injured as abol-
them to i3 Bair�, Walter .... 3 stated.
get arguments to justify
irse-that w" so calculated to elicit )2 UcKenzie, Peter ......... . i 3 -The iarae barn of Mr.. Edwin Day,' a
J hUS, Addison .... 4 short distan-ce north of Gorrie, was bumed
)y. They _had undertaken a big r) 94 * lock on Wednesd4y
f ccl:)Y, John .... ....... 1 9 to the ground about 9 o,.c
idently, to Square their support of
JIULLFTT. noriling !of last week. M r. Day and the
yarn ant with the' wisb is of their
I To. 2 )oys were at work back in the field, and no
uents, and they made a nighty bad. 9 8 ell, John C ..... .... .. one was seen near the building. The cause,
in ......... ..
jO Vodden, W'
t. 63 Mills, Kezia ...... h ...... . 'g 6 of the fire is a,mystery.
i 1 6 -A few days since, Mr. M. MeEwen, of
47 Allen, H. W.....;, ...... . I I
:1 6 the .3rd oncession, Sitanley, removed art old
week the Bijussels Post is itered upon � 37 Taylor, Hugh...., I ...... I
ct 1 *11 ; I (,, laudm�rlf, in the shape *of a -which
ird ye4r with eve 6.2.8tapleS. Cecilia ... og house
ly proope 99 8 waseqcredinthe earI85y2,. The timbers
nty tii 79 Fair, Edith ........ ; ....... i
years of prog�ress and pro�perily be- 80 Lyon, Nellie.....] ........ ii S initwpreappareiniti'ya.egoiind ais the day
Likeman�other thing the Post 'i 16 Riley, Rose ...... ....... (1 8 they w�re put together f0ty-thren years
99 with age,. and we ho )a brother 124 Jackson, Annie ........... go.
23 Brown, i. P .............. 11. N. 0. 5 -Wednesday of last week - Benjamin
ill still cona,nue to grow 'old, conse- - ' I I r asels, a mpted to
36 Carter, Gedrge ........... Driveri of Bra descend
continue tp! im prove. froftia1ay1nowiniJ. J. Livingstone's barn
26 Cummings, Bert ........ 5
-ekchdd for the r( of the hay fork to
-meeting 65 Blake, Riebaril J ........ R. C" S. and i
Pan-America�'n Congre I assist im. He misse: it and fell a distance
(10DERICH 111OWN817P. i
uto, is being several Rsu red by i of 30 Pelqt to' the gro' d floori injuring his
26 Ye6, Lenus... No. 3 back. i He was unconacioug for a while.
as of that city, one pa er even going. m
1 63 Livei more, Maud ......... it
Ls'to call it fake. I 4tead. of the -May Gibson, of Brussels, was before
S!rANXLEY. i for at ti6n,. on a charge of
to expect& to be * preseitt JU(Ife Doyle
do who No. I stea ing a dress, and i as -remanded for two
ndance i limited to a few hundri . ad . 87 MeE,Yen,. Lizzie... weeks.. She was committed by J. P.'a Kerr
30 Wallron, Byron .......... lic 3 and Ranter, of that village, and is the same
ge numb r of 6minent and eloqu en't 68 Reid� Rabbet ............. 10 May Gibson who was 1committed b Judge
30 Ch' star, Helen ..... ....
io were ei,�pected to ta a ar in a r gereer in
09 (11 rZam, Ellie ........... Tome to eighteen months in the
a on flie various imporint topics pre.' I 1, '0 1893.
� n . . 30 Aikenheiad, Albert ........ 10
or the programme, hai failed to put 131 Cameron,- Harriet ........ 14 -Henry Hearns, t a youth who pleaded
.1 9.1 z guilty to stealing a h a fr m. Mr. Elston,
�The conin itti ie in charg 1,18 Morrison, Emily ........ :14
ppearance. a
of Hiy township, ani�ranother from Mr. Na-
.ffair can hardly be he d responsible BLYTIL than Ca mpbell, of Sodthwold, has been San:
a slim attendance, b t ev , Inust 133 Elder, AMY ............... P. 1 School. tenced. by Judge Ermatinger,of St. Thomas,
lave known'th4t man of thei speak- 55 Metcalf, Ella ............. to afic months in the Central Prisoulon each
0 5) Sa a, Abbie ...... ........ is :
9 charge Sentences to run concurrently.
ertiseil to attend coul nob b�� there- 32': Watson, Mattie ..........
-Lord Tennyson, a very valuable pace
41 Campbell, Edgar ...... the property of Mr. J, E. Swartz, of Wing-
estincr is about to begin in Manito-ba
FAST WAVM ham, while being exercised on Wednesday
ps !of all kinds peontise & ood yield.
I ,74.,Agnew, Millie ............. NQL 8 morning Of last week, broke a tendon in the
th� grain turn out as we as expect- 91 1WcB urney, Minnie ......... left front leg below he fetlock. 'I he horse
a . Should boom this fall i the Prairie 53 Scaudrett, Lillk M ........ was being pre aredibir the Wingliam races
this w( , was n splendid condition,
ce. � Some idea of the . amount at 31 Stewart, Dora ............ i 8 but this accident wi Hay him up.for sll�tbis
3 Walsh, Wm. C ........... 8
in be had from the* follow.ng figures 70 Quinn, Rachel. 10 season,
ere ' under crop in th� Provine' it 10 -Mr. John M�Iheson, of Exeter, has
age a 47 Wilson, Susanna ..........
Wheat, 1,140,276 acres ; oats, 482,'-.; 32 Jenkins, Wrn ........... 1, 16 purchased a general. tore business in Otter -
as barley-, 153,839 . acres flax,' 82'. 92 Quinn, Isaac; ............ 10 ville, and last week' ioVed his stock from
50.Shiell, A-ndrew T ........ I I Exeter to tbtt place, and combining the two
as; other crops, 26,333. The to�al'; will have a stock Oi about $12,09LO. Mr.
under crop is 1,887,774. MORUIS. I
Matheson has conducted a geneValatore
Bielby, Louise ......... No.. 1 business in Exeter for the. past 10 or' 12
1 482 Smith, Ida. years.
News of the Wei
E Ly -sen �iN . AitKAMAS.—NeWs '49-9 Cummings,. Katie . ...... U. NOW 3 -At the fire in Detroit !on Tednes ay
from Fordyce, Arkans , of,three' Wethery, Ellen ... ...... 1 3 last week, by wh�',
go that have recently tak: u place in 7 momir & of ch six fire an
i 11 Mcclymont, May ....... No r lives there were many narrow - as-
cinity, and a fourth is exp d. 6 Proctor, Mina. . 7 lost thel Ain6ng those Sleeping in the ive
LITY AT - SEA. —One - hu dred and �l �Arf. 1 Storey I building was Mr. Ben Gibbon ii, a
ght lives were lost by the sinkIng of 41 Bell, Gladys .............. P: School. gentlewan well known in Goderich, who, it
ii,mer Maria P. in &-coWaic n *ith-the '4L53 Hiscock1s, G I y - 11 seems 'had a miraculous eseap
ad a ...... _e from dei th,
in the Gulf of Spezzia"Iti Mercer, by a Lasty run down stairs in his nightly
.-Charles Xininianuel S'Lni, the attire.
uished Swiss politician 1 is lead from. i ,,6, McGillivray,— -,-rena .... Councillor Leatherdale, of Brusgels, do
507 lCitchie, Annie ...........
ilt of injuries sustained in a. runaway 4557 Wade, Ethel.-.. the 'Owner of % Jersey calf three months Id
t on July 8th. 4�2 Ameley, Harri that he had sold to a gentleman at Br t-.
oRy. -The : Hon. Edward Blake of ford for $18, And to be forwarded shor y.,
P C !8, James - t bold -of som
Ontario, Liberal and.Ir6 h Natio 47r7 Gummhma min, David .........
The calf g e rope used by the
as been returned for the'� 3outh di.' bricklaye at Mr. Leatherdale's and cheW-
I 10�O� Hessian, Harry...
f Longford Ireland, wit I t opp 3 ou,1th,AWli1lon,..* ...
biu o- ed and Swallowed a short, end, about 4 fee
33 Kerr Wellington ......... causin herdeath. The veterinary found
iLED WITFt K�NiGfITHOCVD.—Henr fr- undige ted in the animal's stomach.
j8 MoG iire, Frank ..........
a actor Walter Besa�t, I he i, ove- del
Morris, the t, have )een 4 Peon in, John... ...... -A pl asant meeting was held in t1l a
d Lewis 5 Ross, Robert C ............ basement of 0e Wingliam. 'Presbyterian
ighted by the Queen. 484 Snell, RAuben..-......, church, ou Tuesday eve Of last weet,
Duri.-Ex-Premier Si am- nin
BULOFF TUTUNBERRY. when alai ge numbei of th6g members an I
the Bulgarian -hero, - wl o wi a att tok - evation, and o.theri,
shot in the stroet on Mondi of last 415 Aitken, Mary ............. No. 3 adherents of the congi
66 gathered I o welcome Mr.- and Mrs'. Perrie
ied fron! the terrible , v uji a he ' 470 We, r, Robert.� ...........
.0 re, on thej4r rii turn froin the Old Country,where
�t the hands!, of �his a 3sailij nts. He i 10WICK.
years of -age., i Mr. Perrif has been recuperating his health,
4 23 Millen, Marth t ............ Nbi� 5 for the Put two or three months.
FLATro.,q DEMANDED. a, represen-
1�1 ( ULROSS. -The icense commissioners !fOr West
of England,:: France, d tl e United - I Huron n
t Pekin: are: demandi g r -paration 6 Campbell, Bel a J ......... No. 2 wi in'Clinton on Tue d4y of last
week. The proprietor of the BenneItt House,
ill-treatment'of missio arie rand the
Blyth, applied for a transfer of the license
tion of foreign proper in he' Pro- Huroi! - Notes. - to'the hotel known " the Mason House, the
Szi-Chuan, �Chiva. t
ED A bas4all club has been formed' in license still to be held by the original hold-
Cmrs DAUA�- y N 712M.—A 4xieter. er. The cause of the application' was the
ind storm, last eek, dan i ad - the. 1, -Blectri . e -belle have been pla in !the burning on July 12th of five - buildirigs, in -
the Michigan fr it be It. 11 fruit *tels and, several of th 9 rims -ing the
k a. private e ide clud Bennett House.
ere . badly 1 bro ken a nd a Yples and of Exeter' - I -- ced c;f Bertha
The deaW is announ
ere nea all bI wit ni b te trees. - I I I I
11 ---�'Mro., U,. Murray, of Iowa, is visiting a�t Helen Heritage, daughter of Mr. Thomas
TING IN =40 . -A force of '- ' rot) er's, Mr. Georg,la K. Holland of Heritage, Woodbine Cottage, Lon�ilon town -
y at,ackeis"r �era woo L ohip� formerly Of Grey tov-vnship,,9ji Wed-
lago rec ntl teee lapanese
� 181 - ,
t Toko m, nd of Fornioss, #Lnd r. 1. Blair has *old his house in ne8day afternoon, l8th inst. Mis Heritage
With des rate couragii. Tbe apa- U
8 J a leading member -of eat Me -
*n Mr. H. Schaffer. Mr. Blair inten a w" London,
re onl ave(I fiom, defeat by itbe. tbodist church,'and also of
. Y, i Algoma shortly. eing
r discipline; of their troops. But fie co�tracb for the -new horm. shedg at a valued Singer) On Satuiday she W'ams a t -
re; finally CCO' pe�led b) retreat be- c church, Cranbrook, has beei let to Y. tacked with in0ammatign, which vent"lly
onslaught o the C1 inese. - When 11
dvices left tb I I tat d ie Black Ol latz for $400. proved fatal.
r 0 advancir g ttick ' ekhani lChe two-year-old. kon of �r. David -Wednesday of last week Davie, alias
c) rane, of the 2nd cone46asion o Howi.04,- Lockhart, left 0'oderich for Kingston where
ther battle i (asimm:i ent.. died od Wednesday of last wee he will undergothis five years' sentence of
�OLDFN WE01MISO OF ME FniEND1811 -%Vm. Armstrong, Brussels, hii a been imprisonment and receive twenty strokes.
FMUTF-S.—Onjuly Mth 800 deaf. 001,
g ' i as teacher of Whitfield's s(h 12 with the eat. The prisoi er was in charge
alebrated the golden i eddii g anni- f9e
11 e pue nsion, Grey, for nixt year. of deouty-sheriff - Reynolds and, constable
of the P ralladite
Key. Dr. Tho � ias ( - sae� Knox, una went right' throu'
wife, at theNew Yo -k Iinstitution-1 Ar. Cameron, Vriniiipal of the Bru gh'without a
E Alle school, has rid6� over 1,0(9 miles, on stop. Davie is one of the train a, that Col-
eaf and Dumb. 1 Det igatic no. were I i P
froin many eastern cil ies. Dr. Gat is I icycl&this year. borne residents will be pleased to heikr, has
- - U left the neighborhood,
as devoted �iany yea nwa, , 0 cKillop, has ee in
of I I is life to p)orihealth for a, Ion ime, and no ho Is One of thom events which always claim
c6ed. As rector of St Ana's . Pro� are entertained for her covery. the interested attention of old and young
.EPiseopal chure 1, 11
' ' 'a i -James Ross, uncle f Rev. John ROs s, took place on Wednesday eve nt. 10th
he: established. the* fin t hi.w. inst.', at the home of L.. McNeil, ni t
As, Of Brussels, die at his lhome in M con -
hip for deaf mutes, at -d hi i 4abora pelphonTuesdayof lastweek. cession, Grey, when his estimable daughter,
nproved educational s3 Stems and the 'Miss Tana, was joine M
---The Ii litning n onday afternoon of d in I atrimony to Mr.
g of church services in sign anguage I I id cons The care.
out the country. week 9 i0dera le aamage to the James M. Knight, of Petrolea.
candescent light plan in Winghani mony was performed by Rev. D. B. Al 'Rae
-According to the linton vote;�, J�t in -the presence of a large assemblage A re'�
Thursday evening, 11 th i ist., Mr. them are. 938 voters in the town. Of th* lativea and friends.
erland's store in Win
fig�ani iarrowly 2.)l are eligible to s6rve as jurors. -The financial report of the Mettodist
rii _IM&
being destroyed by . T liat even.! -Once more the B4oughton, h and churches ow the Aubumeircuit, for the yeaf
it dusk a e stomer cal ad get an C rey ditch case has beeiii dealt with and the ending May 30th, show that the follolw,ing
oldered, ai d Mr. Snt er a id went p 14intiff once more a feated, T, he legal. amounts were raised on the different ap-
back shop to do the j I le went nOte concerning the a is as follows pointment %�bich includes the amoun b for
the fire- to ie&t the. a eri ig iro 46B lito teria support an
n, roug in vs. Tow ships of Grey and minis A local Pur 91.8
some ML the fire ea6 in contact ma. --judgment peal by adii�jff- Auburn R 99. Westfield, $478.20;DDnny-*
an of gasoline, -which is.uoe I as fuel f dgmebt . Of Fa coubridge, who brook, $294.10. In addition the followin
re pot to beat the irons wi In a W M ttle, action at Toroi itO upon Pleadings amotints.were raised for-connexional funds:
,the blaze was running up ie side aZd admissions, in so fai as it dismissed the Missionary fund, $241.6a; General Confer-
NIl 10 111 1
J ULY 20_9 1895
oupom MnU no
,DO $63 oontin frotin whom I'mi vdiena" haa oraervA
10' - ,
it " ` ! Urc. as . . . . . . . . . . Mr�, and 1:
1), . 1 M.35) ch h ood came to Clinton on A e 1146.1b
,enl J5 edueai na,
I I . L - F a f meeting the =d in the pleasa:utt
Ink a relie $3.40 -. fsus ion,� 4.).;, hopLeg ol tra e or, wbo,
50A omen, min- call thel ter
gid - -e for his goods -but no go. Af i neer life- TO tliv
5 watcb;ng and W&itin
iolniir making a. C of 1 1 8.45 pati, �ntly for three nthe sons and thi
days, �e returned to Oront P. win,
aised on Uit. . . on Alorf&
I LM . . o1re morning, however, the 7 ich 1owii
D. eisinifl2w)r of, gensall was at wro 2gad wife 41- Henry, Godera
i�. f- ur- peare endeavored to 'Fleming aiid.James- an
mci�now Mi. the 12t1l of Ju �yfor. a p d upon the scene and
Posef el0eiring-mu add 8� at great -leeate her husband, which she succeeded in -John of 1101yrood ; A
)rafi i cel4bratio'n held tere, b on ac- doing, he having arrived- in town next ia"X�i and Tbornas, J.
ouut of is � lie rain wl ich oo meuced morning. Mrs. Silverstein udLelighted to -son. deceased. The dvl
ID fail as thii cirowd reache the g ve, the meet bar lost man, and the 1 baP)r couple. -was a true woman -and
ticii of Bympathising
d wi h. The took in the town for a co�pl ur, me
e4king ha Ito disper 0 ho
tb,r �she was a ztaunch Ept
speak iris con wid war essrs. Dick- doubt recounting their tr,.Oles and trials
since last they met. The e ting
nsojit and Yj -of Wi0hom* and J.H. Mau ral took place to Chab
,cott, of K P id no, ad the woman to
compani orontop W -hers. :ur&- y emerno.on,
--LAt Wit ipe i Oil atu afternoon, two little children were anx� awaiting
ou"'y MCI
�3tg inst dyt I hird d. jmg ter of Hor- the retunt. of their fatheor an, I mother.
; x Horiou 0)3XTI y, -At SIX
e eX- Cel tre Huron, and
dontague !Bake Ifis e(tor Northwest staffa. 17th imt., th
do�nted P( ce, w re UnItood *in wedloek's NoTE.,4.-Mi--s Hills, of E, PlOnavill,
)onds, Rev.1 Can Mat�#aon erfoirrnmg -was be ed Way.
a few d&Y8, with bee ancle, r, David
�he car o T I M Eat a )o place in -de had -a str6ke,!
I ` last week., -Mr. Lou Kem of Toronto it 18ide, and reA
VII 1 Saints ichure Mr a d ,Nirs. Cayley -her ri t
spend' ; a week under the arental roof.— 4—. rvdon 'was
lamilton a, d4lit-lif i ea of the b
hire, Scotl
N71 r. F. & Hatchinion spent Sunday in Nfit- 110
-1 in jr
XaCtirlg arties be P chell. —Min Bertha.Hutchi a spent jut
01 Ln oll n an is bride have got: week with her sister, Alirns. and was- unite-, At
U Robbins,— bereft partner al>out
iettled dow,t t 3 th � f �e r4lities of life at Dr. Naysmith and wife are rusticating at Br$Jon -w" shepherd I
,heir home :L NOT p. i �They gave the Grand Bend. —Two of our el tizeins, went to
roung folks 6, grav I r, op Monday night land for 30 years ; ean'
Bayfield to fish this week. They met with Ago, aud the old "0
I P11
)f last week' wher r, j, 00 of the youth fair success.—There died at her home last their sou�inllaw, Walti
JgI ideic a ilil �
Lnd beauty a . I d � the sweet Monday, Afro. George Aliller4 relict of the have four chil&-en livi
itrains of th iWi I ti 6.4an a of Messrs. late George Miller.' D-deeas.-d 'was an o1a
)'Hara, and 'No elfig being kept (1, Mrs; W. Lawson. whiii
.1 and respeeted resident of Hibbert., Her
ip till the oc to h . ho#r for retiring, L Her k—deper to Sir Floi�;i
f I husband preceded her thrae years -ago. Shis �Scotiand - wmiam B,
when all we�t on *i ing Xr.i and Mrs. had reached the . pe Old
golan a lon ggrILL a d I liM., rA a ' 94 of 74 years 'G. and 3ass Brydon. I
I li months and 14 days. She 1 ves a growim I
—Aii old In aide 1, 6 HowiclJ township notice was a person
ias d L t e ii I the per$on . I of Mr. up family. AVe extendour � athy tothe true wife., affectionate,
e or
y 1. bereaved family in their ho o trouble.
Luke ush, the 15bh cone4ossion, who Christian. Her agod,
-oT- 'age, is d,
lied on 1I ri E th inot. ThLe L remains yearB
. 4 1 Port�,. The funeral tookplacie
were laid in 6 ir I 9A t restlint PI4'ce in the 7�
thi �01 owing, L Sunday -TF 24, eoncession .5. on� Fj
xorrle cemcw'y 4 i I.. I m.s.—Mm Mitchell, Of Hamilton, ig
W in jx,�P,7 - ternient took place in I
diternoon. T1 a t in irA a at visiting at Mr. James -Stelvenson's.—Mm
y large one. i D e m sed h d real pq in OW- Bell and daughter, of Tiver n, are at Mir, . . . . . NbTES _Tfie.hu `wh
in this loeslfttv� The a
�ck township for o m a q, arter of 6, century Strouds.—Mrs. A. C. Benn tt, accompanied.
tud was a quiet � it af Sul al He was b)r her little son 'and Ro R. tubbs' e@fld was b,
tt.. sr -
at Belgra tery-l-,
.n his 75th yitiar� rived from. Chi t Wee to visit J '*eoeme
0aedav100,e,k-ia-M,r. Gu* Hicks, in this section.—Mrs. ing last some -one, enten
St Hill onthe'Uhvonceb
er .1
--oder i haulin my Michigan, is visiting.h 3
A i *11 ih p, wom _g in h %Zs firs.1homas of preserves, two I
Lnd unloadi by ffIf �nj OfS Lhay fork into a Hawkins.—Mrs. Wamock a4d I little dough- lars'
ibed, that h ot ecen 33 � been raised and ter Grace, of Goderich. were M 'the villa- -1 Of Zatter. So fox thep
ge - -thie:f, although the plarl
let" 0 POS a at fg 01 high, the props on Saturday.—Mrs. Elliott sind Alias clai-& 4- Aistauceoff. The doot .
�ave� - ay, and dom cai ie thewhole build- McLeau, of Lucknow, a:nd MiSo Wilson of 1
railk hou4ei-shoidd be
ug, wealchig Toof b r and, in fact, mak% Dungatinon, called on friend 8 in the vililge "le--$ are gett
Mg compl�td *r e .0 a) most everything. I on Thursday.—Miss Lizvie I ierce, of Crewe
I I Aliss XaggieAgen has�
as ast k. —Mift J,
fart Aic W kg back, and &I- visited in Port Albert last
d whereshe has 16ii
got a
nost mirac!41011�jy being hurt,, but. W. Motrison and nelft, 114 Cowara of
r -shop there.-w4ervlcew..'
.raw,,, gid ouOfiL froun der the timbers with. Winchelsea, are Visiting at Quaid)L_
Im FLresbyterian -church -0
litth more th ' "a Jsfiaki a up. Mrs. Richardson.and daughter Mrs. Shaw, week, by the Plev.
�-A)n Moikdiy!o0&8t el� Allies ' LeIIA of Toronto, are visiting. friend; here.—Mr, heavy.rainstorm, acco!
"'ampbell, tof I IiViao6 � oah, i lied
!a a:t and Mrs. R. Martin and Mr. S. J. Martin
IN , I and lightning, ))sued �d
"od, rich,. tS�ebad bee' 1 in a poor B;ate of of Chatham, were visiting fr) ends here i -.;t
ieal f0i sbm� ba i gplaced herself week.—Rev. Mr. Ga -Higher visiting Mr. Idwy morbing -eal
roadaides,"d drills iii�
Ina the cia6re (if hitel f Gode- H. Blake —.Nir. George Fms and cousin,
-water. Some say tb
rich,. and of 0 t . Pero Aisease Aliss Fraser, of (31oderich, viiited Port At- Ar"Med in it, -but Som
was dropsy. J,SheTwas-' ad 47 j#,ea. a, 4 ])art one day last week.�Mr,' A R. feuting o)lfhe oat --Xt
rnon,68 and .3 days., inains weire in- Phail, of this place, Visited f rJendsin worth thousands of do]
terred ill !D�rl g L110101 b metery. 1rhe be- 'ton this week. —There W a large pie- 'lie erops of ull kind
eavod motliieiif s nadl relattv s have the - syrn- nic froni LucknoW on as t
u WV, lui week. �0-ats bav�gro4m nearl,
t Im.11 Of e, Lond6k
iiathy 0 t aijty �4tended tio them -m-Xr. rverrie
I - i r, Beasons, exioept, late tali
C 4-1 r
barge of the n rist
U tboir ement., had e . . I
i church.
,j -1)aittier crop than lat
—Thcotlie mominFinQo4erich as the onSunday. 11T.Ferrierwil have charke — I I
;growin Vry well, to f
rain, was n1ea itig. the st4tian from the dock of this parish until the n wly appointed allmithisV
C�N I disp te ts Hg - t bf Wiay� and, though
6lergyIntin will come to take his place.—We
ngi cef Mi a ti -le to- stop, the engine understand that the Bishop of Huron has
ug it !the an �4liiial �Wfi n ft, was at the north appointed Mr. Armstrong, of Buyfleld, to The Doig a�id #
nd of the plat Orin. _ efore the train could take charge ofthe Dungannon and. Port An iinCi4aieut which 1W,
b#ought t t1le.Plow was dragged Albert parish -and that he will enter unlon that a dog seems to
� ly%e of his
ome, ten yards r 1, 0� -e, bbing crushed all his duties some time nex� I molltb�—Aw.
lie time b James McConnell, after 'a geritt �ivviWng to youth for AA
etwe �ne and platform. The -g fliness
�vaa W zed.::along the spine ofsomemonths, passed )ea, fully aw to the story
I 81Y III A dog had come
and t hind e� i vere, brok-en.- Shortly her Ion home on t.' The funeral
Friday in 46 dcoul . -IV
Ate eAniii a was car away an t place on Sunday to the Dtingannon
Lille ce a ry, and wzs one.of he largest Seen famil, remark-edoxi.jat
— X. Li4later,iy inciial of Ganatioque, in secifion. Rev. Edmunds of in the room.
,F I I think Saucho- -Oln
Public Sch in a ter to the editor of Dungannon, conducted the services.- . The
bbe Ziil ton New Eia, makes the. following a inpathy of the community is extended to the Way. X-6. M 004Y A
Difleilth Lt viere'slidu 1 1) 1 noi '�e * Much diffi- Ze husband and family. Thatafternoozi Sinc
[Aty in ackeptiag " NrhAps you are ac- 11111 , i as the -days plaasta Aid;
justifited m ith a! 9 1 teii�clier iiiiho would EtheL course of a vmek -a oeip'
&'e to Spend * few 3rithi by the St. Law- -see �-b-At your U.,
rence: and . the , 1 :0 ank Islands. If you. NOTES.—Will. Newcombe and sister 8un- house.*' 'OA -W�Quiry
ir you id adit -'se such to apply dayed at Trowbridge.—The brick layers Sancho, baving,!CAN
wishj�X011 . q � have commenced work :on Mr. Hanaul&s and been k4lidl�y receiV4
[or ' the position assistant in
DUr school I dar next 1%lo;del School kitchen, John Cober has the contract for iks a guest. " aid eV
term, I The -has su dtatia *1 have' had since the wood work.—The CAu adiau- .:Order of sometimes raiaAe a A
comin here was fir' kHufon� Forestees concert last Thur* lay evening was 'bome, he livied at the f
—A,, half-pae � nh ic i4xi Moqday� morning, success. Although the F, resters prolitted. peacefully ended his,&
little by it,- they have the
[5th,i: Lot., John; eldeat son (if town clerk satisfaction of Friends.
Ritehill, of-Go,ieri(h, die4 rathii�' suddenly knowingthit they furnish �d a good pro�;
fromi I cart faili � re *g painteirl a colict gramme. ProfeswrDucker and daughter, A FeW Word
dise a fr'. in ' vbie' a -hid been suffering of Palmerston, gave some I Violin selections How mamy husbands
i �. and
For Some tilh,-. ;P -, v ous o his rotam home which were, wellrecei-Nred. iss Spence' and dhadren &ra dW�
7. few wee 4 n ofte jad een s6iously ill Miss Laug each sang two" retty solos in vaer? Youdon!t ]rnow'
in Clevelai i their usual excellent styl is -had 't one jday �1
a I ta ft tha city for home to ityl Alias 13. Milne
in I
ieck r0ne d stirengt�. ince his arrival in and Miss A. Davis gave an i ittruniental on work. lZea goolla
(A the piano. But the beat of was thoeomic -doet have too fuS& 01
Yoderich haa beaii con ned to:. his bed,
bitioln8a#day,feelibig)�* rhe,'walkedto singing byour own Ben Dayies. Although 'nice fresh bread or Mai
Ch6 H�irl--6 i Park"al4d. it is thou this was only his second attempt before Ae �M"t onions radwhes,
I ght *that
e labor the jou . kitey astened. his de- forget jug V
bh public, he fully convinced the audience that Your
Deane. he could sing and act comic soilga. His Take alou 4011ne - 041
—Whil IMr. Geo,, a.. job lot" was perhaps the i nost laughable. books I =5 s;re IM
iii, of Exeter,
c A
'a —Someofthe farmers commenced cutting -mixt#ure of.solemin and,
ind se!lveraJ, others W re en age in remov-
ing th� earth for the pave ant in front of their fall wheat this week. some nice take, lamw -1
bhe girlitnollihicwalk, n th t village, on Mon-. ` A PtiAsA'2qT0UTLx(,.—A )arty of friends, Vired out gietting iie7lre
lay of, laist; �week, hei pet ith an a, uUmbering sixteen, from Adinerston, At-
wood an(I - Ethel spent a 4 d ViVe
which,ni it have t bi n his life. He. uple of very � - L,
was wprkigg in fron pf Mi -. Walter West- Pleasant days in the prett town of Kin- V e Y.
!Oft at the time, when Walter was cardinis recently. They were, -%-cry muck 'run wish,
xbo4tto ra, 846 his pi it a(cidentalycame in taken with both the place and fli I for the a -
�ontae1t w th Mr. i odgi as' head, striking ie ralded; Now try, MY P
but more especially with tkose whopeo
lint erri le , ow the left temple, -ren- so materially to their are, foremost, feeling nearer to your�(
le him inse ih and i nflicting a very limong whom was Conductiox Quirk. He is
My w6ufid the,piok hi�iug bachy grazed a jollyogood-naturiiid fellow, and be and his
i I I - �� -SM
1e- Lill. 1 4 amiable wife entertained -,he partymost JAPM 1�—InOuelpilv),
J, R. Jaekeort,
ii this I th of J al� John Brown�s hospitably at their beautiUf I home. The �Ur.
thiq a mill, iu'y'rev and the machinery, party will long remember thi � pleasant -even- ;SffARP1R4n Uullett On
neld ing thhe t res in m3thine engine and lng spent there, neither will they forget the
10 bunchel Of sh les, belonging to Mr. delightful trips on the water in the boats of
�Ool �and r. � 'a a destro Messrs. MeGaw & Barton. ey also bave FAPSQ�%M—1
,,ate yed by 11
ire. Mr. rowh wass ru ng that day and Pleasant recollections of the hospitable Inst.. this *ffo 61 Ur. f
i 1 0 reatment of the host of f le Roy'Alotelp 'BnWy,.�-In Mushard. ej
vas away t) dit.iner abot n1mutes when t mr�,wm2due, of *-a
hey Saw tl a snioke com n out of the Mill. and his homelike quarten. That they .�CuftRJE.�Jn Dist Wawrl
Vheo they got to the � might have ma-ny mere suet trips was the Wife -iDf Mr. Wlo- J- ACU
:in 11 t was too late to
%ve �kythihg. He thin is 1 the fire caught wish of all tile party. U-0wickvulb
nder� the Wier. ?., There wits no insurance Vance iftne. *1 *dlws
Md We lost I is about Uft 1 Mr. Brown had wife- of xr. wo-ma-
PhRadebbb L�
A ItESPFCTED 'REsinmNT (16�-;E.—Tbere 'Taman id:R4
Ila -face, �burned.r He right off to laly-ft vn -6
Ira Ord and purcliased new
I Outfit died near this plapue, on Saturday is,$ Olt -1-4 —1-1, UU1114, on
or is c men. another of our most h1JVhI vapected resil mr. Enoollxorr)s. of A
y.X oN,—In -Uhel, -.On'%
— -A r Said en ee in Clinton recently, had a dents, -in the person Of Jr. John Schnell,
xr, George Dobiii)nt v
am kirkably n w ca efrom destruction at the ripe old age of 7 years, three Virey VI'th
t 'a th 'i "
iyfire. The ifly ant4i;�d for church mon he
and nine days. He born 'i e
e 0 081
i e
a e a eni a . house. Go- village of Schreksbauch,
�up 1 -many, in th
ag. ba 801111 in le: he4d of the ear 1816. He came to thi t with
10 , a ai d after. looking for C wife and family, in 1848,1 Ta"etrtfed in
nit he wani th w tligi match, which New Hamburg; where he r ided for eight, f -Valvosii
gone out, kijito the wood, years, and then -moved to th 14th conces or TurrsIMML%
E t
-e 63 �hial house, and sion of the township of 'fay, where. ...'he
Ten On. U
t r ad )n it ray to ; the church. A few lived until his death, He Is aives four so= *me# N"Icubtlit. of
.1 tit4afterj %nothiii. met
of the'lamily and four da-sighters. Asughttir of Mr.
asisted on hii going bac fbr something Xons.—The flax mill Will be in operation
h a, and ii "I (as f�,rtuuate tbat he did, as in a few days.—Mrs. 1). Wiag� . of New july -11th, byftv. W.,
I x and to -miss Aznle X
h, -. woodb6 townffbl-�.
ourrounilings were all Hambui-�g, was the guest of Mr. -C. Schoch
Roberl 2!
a few dap last week.—Mr. A. Rotbermill, AN�-PFRsox ty
I i; i3M! -
A rathe rious accid a t . occurred at who has been our enterprising blacksmith A:IB.L Do
r the -0-m.
::el bratibn at I C inow -on a
raLngemen re
of Julyr�l When- a, W w ere "he h FL9 seenred it jo 1'. Got
U from the gro'e where! the speaking C. u., of Clandeboye, now occupieg
hey assemble ig business.— by
(ais to have taken ace, I d in his Place, Land i4 doing a rush h Rey� Z Z.
ront of M arry I tel, are a regular Air. W. Beaver is greatly improving his jwcmveto Marjory
lusical ji' bore( ook ace among t ' dwelling byputtint�n it a new roof and Bryllges, *1
everal drummer i 'an 011a. The large veneering i wi h rick.—Miss B'. Schilbe,
alcony iii front o
th e M ii ;I ��'ry House was had a quilting beeon WedneA day� afternoon,'
7von* ow
good Imit fr)= w4A view every- andintheavening she gave to the young
'peo�l q c me out —Nfr. Perr erholt,,o 1 70-
hing, adoover.&O up;n folks &good party. y Ov
near Brucefield, was the guest of his
he structure, whf in it -:ed ly gave way -and 7
ire S
i the cent: and betw' np 13 and 40 per- brother Amos on I unday,--Mias Entina, �Cu: WF .—In uxtile,
)ns wore carried Oow. ford, agril 10 YeAft,
Riekbeil was in town' a few d tys last Week
i0i It. Fortunate
r Only a few werd
I ured.- Among aired 7.3,yearsisftd4 a
iose seriou"i r r a B. Camp- Goderiell: To ip. FRASM—In Giey.�=J
o of Finlay Vrsaer*
ell, near LU $1.1 n, of A.Sh- (,'ONE TO HER REWARD. d still an- NEEL1TAGV,,—,1, Liondo,
eld Afrrs. istr f daughter of Mr,
W -a of Hur,
ingliam, and- *other of the pioneers of Hur, has passed to
Ira. Robb, Ina 12� A number of the great o�d, in the pers of Prudence, Orel township, Wd
-%,ad sli lit bruises i but how et of tl�y
bhers re.cei I in�,U�ieL� some.. reli la Tho e. ue of Code -
E them esca�ed fata iraCUJOUS. _ � L I
ism rich township, on Fi, a t, aged 80 years.
and 3 months,
—A somewbat antio incident happen- A short time, since t a Ic ed fell from a CAxp8ELL.—lu West
I iu Clinton as es i . OuTuesdaymom- chair and fractured �one of bar limbs, from bellAcampbell, aged
i rs. Silverste n, a Giiarman' Jewess of whichshe never recovered. - kbout the year days.
MYTIO'ELL.—In 0"aw,
ronto, who has been dit.1tha lookout for 18.3-4 the late Mrs. Perdue wl o was a native eldeot mA of MY
E r husband ever i ince lie Lleft her some
I of Tipperary, Ireland, came t'3 Canada with od 21 yews.
R4,_In L SpXltfb
E arm ago, in I 4ew York, ou"' eeded in to- berparents, Mr. and IN -firs. J �hn 'Smeltzer, GILVD
Gildem aged fS Y
i ting him ini Clin on. Mk. Silverstein is a and the fanfily settled at St,-eetsville, near JEFFF'RSON.—Ift P111my
ft of dru6me in th� spectacle line, Toronto. There Miss Sm, �Itzer married mrarson, son al
aux 0
or an I
Fnu i�a
., le
L ill Iola
tir f
I or
i a
ago, he
,I d some two wee. is ordered a fresh Thomas Perdue in 18*38 and a ioitly after re- and son4n Uw -01
sood 29 Pmm
ipply of stock from ti f4low-countryman. moved to the 7th concession, 1 loderich town- A-RUSTRON-0,At 8%u
L Toronto, who al once conveyed the news ship, residing in the township till the time July lah, Jo"ph
i the "weAer ha f " of the "; W andering of bar decease, for the last Six *years with *f Us, J, -5.
"w " and thea searet �*mimeneed in bar dau COWAN,—JU MA11110P,
,gbter, Mrs. Wm. Smi�b Her bus
4�est. - M iR senthall the widow ef tho We
gentle . man baud crossed the river of death about nine