HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-07-26, Page 4k, TRA ON Mp 7-7. -7-r--`r: 4; briiiiigin th� Medical q0U1 k 311 Under the iooi4n to the coiling. Buthedand action -4, hie ilwvwbrougbtbYian� eyinerj��of g I iot the Government in 1 4xis, way abbed th� can, which cou ained nearly a land in he ;ownshi i p.6f Elnia to restrain 1104 e, and staktqd to tfiiow the tow�ahil 60"f V and I passing -by-hlwo ng it conform with the enlightened out ofi so in - "I I at Jeababk door.� Whon he"got to the for the 0onst rtiM`o� 61 drainage works. Ap (no: ofa free and self-gi Ive ad ooun* r lie , ; found it, ted, Put he pluckily &I Aj smia-vid' witheosts. Mabee(8trat- ury will be inffigte C., for de - ("a her upon Id to the can and un olted.1 the d;oi and Jord) fot plaintiff. Garrow, Q, i 34 profession or the P 6 le, -then raw the can out into he hick yard, where fendant6, the Township of G1 ey ,ie gasoline burned out withbut doing' any son, (ftatford) for defendants, the To*% - admit that we ' have x o cue,.,:, .. r at ore damage, Me. Satherland's right hand. ship of E Ima.) I I that 6 are working at ng v ifoing.. d arm were badly; burned." .-ThO iroters' list for the village of Exater . not � sist 598 vote 'ng I Tniil i�en, however, v -e contain the names.of ra, 254 bel perople having their '�ij hts, a� we eligibleto serve as jurors. , I Entr&nce Examifiation. -Th' swarnip part of lot 16, concession 3, We print bet n;a anosh, has been s%% apt by fire, contique to.. protest i a ;ainst any West I w OW t a names a d marks of passing and l4ir a amount of valuabl timber was ire, absolving a govqn nent from 11 ceeded the Pose who have, i I a M .1 Ahe and responsibilitie8 wl�c rightfully -1 Intrance Exam, ion at CIE :o1ft and da�tr�uey.- ring the six months enling July lot, th it a nd. placing them in i the hands 1 iffiliated centres of Wingba. n and BtTth. there were 17 birtbe, 4 marriages, and 9 'The result his been oonfirme I bV tl,e Edu- wb) are Aot in any iv y responst- �tion Department and certil ic ' sent to deaths registered with the Clinton town he po )lie for their td iinistrativell I whose names are given he -a, The marks cterk.. 1 4 tained were sent out to i lb 3 candidates .-Miia Rhoda Wilson; dau I ter of Mr. -,Wm. Wilson, formerly of 1TUckuow, but ome time ago. The total nun Lber of marks' Notes and ComTr ents. Aainable ar;845, and 422- nit at be obtain- now of Fargo, North Dakota,.died . at that )Iac-3 recently ixth I ession of the pre ici it Dominion to paos. . he Public Schc A Leaving list I _ A ill be published a's soon a i confirm,M by James Slemin, baker, of Wingliam, has ent, Wbich is promise I f)r Jannar Mr. ,y t. r he Education: Departmen marks of dis oeell of his businesi in that town to ill cost!tha d ountry w 11 igh half a nose writing at the Public 8 6 iool Leavin Mirton. Blackwell, -;.rho takes pos"asion im- dollars�'au4,all becauf the Goverw xaminatio# were sent on -0 on the 220ul mediately. t. I --We regret to h or of the sudden death uld nDti recoIncile its a ipporters and CLINTON. of A. Scott, isr., a highly eateemed resident the cc uTage to fIRP11 EDUCkryb. of West Wa wano8h, which occurred On $at- . pursue %e course it AftKo. . MAN114 t right. Here are sob I a of the items* 32 Aitken, Lizzie ............ 01iAlten, M S urday niorning after a -very short illuass. i r, 166i 69 -Oa Jaly Efth, Joseph Wilson bf the sessi�na expenases 3.Bedtliey, May .............. ;o to make up IC. 'it deparied this ity to tilLembeirs... ... $215,000 4 Courtice, Sibyl ........... Huron roiaid, near Gxoderich, � 41 Chidley, Clara ........... Iti as life. Mr., Wilson was one of the old settlers. ity to Sena,6)rs, .... 81,00.0 4Z $enate) qil� 38 Davis, Maggie ........... tc and wao-highly respected. He had been 941. It ............ ..... is 'it ing for along time. A messeiigerS (Senat4 I, 7,5� 37 Grant, 64 i --wT here were rightered with the divibion 37 MeLe an, Maggie. - it registrar for the township of Hity, for the (Uommo�s)J".. 2,400 nn :ell &I messengers. (Commo n) ... 11,250 39 - MeRiven, Aggie ......... It: 49 six monthr ending on July let, the follow - 6. Miller," Edna ....... tat bathroom washroor i-, � �Ab. . 850 1) females; 62 Miller, Ella ......... . is 11 ig :, Births, 44�19 males and V vien (Senate) .............. 1,000 2 O'Neil, Winnie ..... �44 441 deaths, 9-4 males and 5 females, and 12 during session i ........... 125 81 * a, Ell,;,� .............. I, marriages. men. (Cominons) ...... 350 111 94 --Typhoid lever is becoming quite pre g debates.. ........ 4 . 0,000 "llson, ith ............ 87 S�nith, Ida ........ ..... ery ... )2,000 cl! :, v�l�nt throughout Fixeter and vicinity. The , ......... 57 Stevenson, Floretta. .... following cues are reported : Mr. L. Kraft, ....... ......... 2;000 Ste 'h 'Miss Kuhn, Crediton ; Air. A. 3 Wiseman, Jessie ....... p en; ancous and inforeseeh 4,800 Afcl)onald and daughter, of the Thames 5 Dean,- 1�erbcrt ......... It road. 3 Jackson, Walter ......... l 074, 525 1fra. John Sullivan, of Wingham, has 4 McPherson, Stuart ....... pecial pleadinj of some of the ol(I )2- McDonald, Dan .......... it been seriously ill for the put =cou Ile of 37 Sheppard, Arthur ........ weeks or so. On Monday of last her ries who spoke on Mr. AlcCarthy's- 30 Tedford, Bert.. Is. it life was des aired of, but since then she has on in the House the otherl day, was 30 Wilson, Foster ........... I& cc rallied and ger recovery is looked 'for. A clot of Vood on the brain is her ailment. McNeil, Weldon, Wiialla,be, Davin� TUCKERSMIT11. -On Mondixy evening of last week, Del- ers,- all spoke in favor of-. the very 37 Catwell-, Grant ........... No. 1 phim, daughter of 0. A. Nairn, severely es which MO. 'MoCarthy' resolution 0 Acheson, Steinie ........ 2 fractured her right arm. She had been' .2 Annie ........ Butti .... 1 2 id, jumping off while in motion, ad, but fo!r all -that they must swingh1g, all ?3 McLi an, Maggie..- I ...... 2 fell on her right arm, which, on being ex- Ainst it, aiiA it was tie agony it 4 MeN win, Alex ... ....... 2 1 1 a I. - . I ainined, was found to be injured as abol- them to i3 Bair�, Walter .... 3 stated. get arguments to justify irse-that w" so calculated to elicit )2 UcKenzie, Peter ......... . i 3 -The iarae barn of Mr.. Edwin Day,' a J hUS, Addison .... 4 short distan-ce north of Gorrie, was bumed )y. They _had undertaken a big r) 94 * lock on Wednesd4y f ccl:)Y, John .... ....... 1 9 to the ground about 9 o,.c idently, to Square their support of JIULLFTT. noriling !of last week. M r. Day and the yarn ant with the' wisb is of their I To. 2 )oys were at work back in the field, and no uents, and they made a nighty bad. 9 8 ell, John C ..... .... .. one was seen near the building. The cause, in ......... .. jO Vodden, W' t. 63 Mills, Kezia ...... h ...... . 'g 6 of the fire is a,mystery. i 1 6 -A few days since, Mr. M. MeEwen, of 47 Allen, H. W.....;, ...... . I I :1 6 the .3rd oncession, Sitanley, removed art old week the Bijussels Post is itered upon � 37 Taylor, Hugh...., I ...... I ct 1 *11 ; I (,, laudm�rlf, in the shape *of a -which ird ye4r with eve 6.2.8tapleS. Cecilia ... og house ly proope 99 8 waseqcredinthe earI85y2,. The timbers nty tii 79 Fair, Edith ........ ; ....... i years of prog�ress and pro�perily be- 80 Lyon, Nellie.....] ........ ii S initwpreappareiniti'ya.egoiind ais the day Likeman�other thing the Post 'i 16 Riley, Rose ...... ....... (1 8 they w�re put together f0ty-thren years 99 with age,. and we ho )a brother 124 Jackson, Annie ........... go. 23 Brown, i. P .............. 11. N. 0. 5 -Wednesday of last week - Benjamin ill still cona,nue to grow 'old, conse- - ' I I r asels, a mpted to 36 Carter, Gedrge ........... Driveri of Bra descend continue tp! im prove. froftia1ay1nowiniJ. J. Livingstone's barn 26 Cummings, Bert ........ 5 -ekchdd for the r( of the hay fork to -meeting 65 Blake, Riebaril J ........ R. C" S. and i Pan-America�'n Congre I assist im. He misse: it and fell a distance (10DERICH 111OWN817P. i uto, is being several Rsu red by i of 30 Pelqt to' the gro' d floori injuring his 26 Ye6, Lenus... No. 3 back. i He was unconacioug for a while. as of that city, one pa er even going. m 1 63 Livei more, Maud ......... it Ls'to call it fake. I 4tead. of the -May Gibson, of Brussels, was before S!rANXLEY. i for at ti6n,. on a charge of to expect& to be * preseitt JU(Ife Doyle do who No. I stea ing a dress, and i as -remanded for two ndance i limited to a few hundri . ad . 87 MeE,Yen,. Lizzie... weeks.. She was committed by J. P.'a Kerr 30 Wallron, Byron .......... lic 3 and Ranter, of that village, and is the same ge numb r of 6minent and eloqu en't 68 Reid� Rabbet ............. 10 May Gibson who was 1committed b Judge 30 Ch' star, Helen ..... .... io were ei,�pected to ta a ar in a r gereer in 09 (11 rZam, Ellie ........... Tome to eighteen months in the a on flie various imporint topics pre.' I 1, '0 1893. � n . . 30 Aikenheiad, Albert ........ 10 or the programme, hai failed to put 131 Cameron,- Harriet ........ 14 -Henry Hearns, t a youth who pleaded .1 9.1 z guilty to stealing a h a fr m. Mr. Elston, �The conin itti ie in charg 1,18 Morrison, Emily ........ :14 ppearance. a of Hiy township, ani�ranother from Mr. Na- .ffair can hardly be he d responsible BLYTIL than Ca mpbell, of Sodthwold, has been San: a slim attendance, b t ev , Inust 133 Elder, AMY ............... P. 1 School. tenced. by Judge Ermatinger,of St. Thomas, lave known'th4t man of thei speak- 55 Metcalf, Ella ............. to afic months in the Central Prisoulon each 0 5) Sa a, Abbie ...... ........ is : 9 charge Sentences to run concurrently. ertiseil to attend coul nob b�� there- 32': Watson, Mattie .......... -Lord Tennyson, a very valuable pace 41 Campbell, Edgar ...... the property of Mr. J, E. Swartz, of Wing- estincr is about to begin in Manito-ba NOS FAST WAVM ham, while being exercised on Wednesday ps !of all kinds peontise & ood yield. I ,74.,Agnew, Millie ............. NQL 8 morning Of last week, broke a tendon in the th� grain turn out as we as expect- 91 1WcB urney, Minnie ......... left front leg below he fetlock. 'I he horse a . Should boom this fall i the Prairie 53 Scaudrett, Lillk M ........ was being pre aredibir the Wingliam races this w( , was n splendid condition, T ce. � Some idea of the . amount at 31 Stewart, Dora ............ i 8 but this accident wi Hay him up.for sll�tbis 3 Walsh, Wm. C ........... 8 in be had from the* follow.ng figures 70 Quinn, Rachel. 10 season, ere ' under crop in th� Provine' it 10 -Mr. John M�Iheson, of Exeter, has age a 47 Wilson, Susanna .......... Wheat, 1,140,276 acres ; oats, 482,'-.; 32 Jenkins, Wrn ........... 1, 16 purchased a general. tore business in Otter - as barley-, 153,839 . acres flax,' 82'. 92 Quinn, Isaac; ............ 10 ville, and last week' ioVed his stock from 50.Shiell, A-ndrew T ........ I I Exeter to tbtt place, and combining the two as; other crops, 26,333. The to�al'; will have a stock Oi about $12,09LO. Mr. under crop is 1,887,774. MORUIS. I Matheson has conducted a geneValatore Bielby, Louise ......... No.. 1 business in Exeter for the. past 10 or' 12 1 482 Smith, Ida. years. News of the Wei E Ly -sen �iN . AitKAMAS.—NeWs '49-9 Cummings,. Katie . ...... U. NOW 3 -At the fire in Detroit !on Tednes ay from Fordyce, Arkans , of,three' Wethery, Ellen ... ...... 1 3 last week, by wh�', go that have recently tak: u place in 7 momir & of ch six fire an i 11 Mcclymont, May ....... No r lives there were many narrow - as- cinity, and a fourth is exp d. 6 Proctor, Mina. . 7 lost thel Ain6ng those Sleeping in the ive capes.. LITY AT - SEA. —One - hu dred and �l �Arf. 1 Storey I building was Mr. Ben Gibbon ii, a ght lives were lost by the sinkIng of 41 Bell, Gladys .............. P: School. gentlewan well known in Goderich, who, it ii,mer Maria P. in &-coWaic n *ith-the '4L53 Hiscock1s, G I y - 11 seems 'had a miraculous eseap ad a ...... _e from dei th, in the Gulf of Spezzia"Iti Mercer, by a Lasty run down stairs in his nightly .-Charles Xininianuel S'Lni, the attire. uished Swiss politician 1 is lead from. i ,,6, McGillivray,— -,-rena .... Councillor Leatherdale, of Brusgels, do 507 lCitchie, Annie ........... ilt of injuries sustained in a. runaway 4557 Wade, Ethel.-.. the 'Owner of % Jersey calf three months Id t on July 8th. 4�2 Ameley, Harri that he had sold to a gentleman at Br t-. oRy. -The : Hon. Edward Blake of ford for $18, And to be forwarded shor y., P C !8, James - t bold -of som Ontario, Liberal and.Ir6 h Natio 47r7 Gummhma min, David ......... The calf g e rope used by the as been returned for the'� 3outh di.' bricklaye at Mr. Leatherdale's and cheW- H I 10�O� Hessian, Harry... f Longford Ireland, wit I t opp 3 ou,1th,AWli1lon,.­­.* ... biu o- ed and Swallowed a short, end, about 4 fee 33 Kerr Wellington ......... causin herdeath. The veterinary found iLED WITFt K�NiGfITHOCVD.—Henr fr- undige ted in the animal's stomach. j8 MoG iire, Frank .......... a actor Walter Besa�t, I he i, ove- del Morris, the t, have )een 4 Peon in, John... ...... -A pl asant meeting was held in t1l a d Lewis 5 Ross, Robert C ............ basement of 0e Wingliam. 'Presbyterian ighted by the Queen. 484 Snell, RAuben..-......, church, ou Tuesday eve Of last weet, Duri.-Ex-Premier Si am- nin BULOFF TUTUNBERRY. when alai ge numbei of th6g members an I the Bulgarian -hero, - wl o wi a att tok - evation, and o.theri, shot in the stroet on Mondi of last 415 Aitken, Mary ............. No. 3 adherents of the congi 66 gathered I o welcome Mr.- and Mrs'. Perrie ied fron! the terrible , v uji a he ' 470 We, r, Robert.� ........... .0 re, on thej4r rii turn froin the Old Country,where �t the hands!, of �his a 3sailij nts. He i 10WICK. years of -age., i Mr. Perrif has been recuperating his health, 4 23 Millen, Marth t ............ Nbi� 5 for the Put two or three months. FLATro.,q DEMANDED. a, represen- 1�1 ( ULROSS. -The icense commissioners !fOr West of England,:: France, d tl e United - I Huron n t Pekin: are: demandi g r -paration 6 Campbell, Bel a J ......... No. 2 wi in'Clinton on Tue d4y of last week. The proprietor of the BenneItt House, ill-treatment'of missio arie rand the Blyth, applied for a transfer of the license tion of foreign proper in he' Pro- Huroi! - Notes. - to'the hotel known " the Mason House, the Szi-Chuan, �Chiva. t ED A bas4all club has been formed' in license still to be held by the original hold- Cmrs DAUA�- y N 712M.—A 4xieter. er. The cause of the application' was the ind storm, last eek, dan i ad - the. 1, -Blectri . e -belle have been pla in !the burning on July 12th of five - buildirigs, in - the Michigan fr it be It. 11 fruit *tels and, several of th 9 rims -ing the k a. private e ide clud Bennett House. ere . badly 1 bro ken a nd a Yples and of Exeter' - I -- ced c;f Bertha The deaW is announ ere nea all bI wit ni b te trees. - I I I I 11 ---�'Mro., U,. Murray, of Iowa, is visiting a�t Helen Heritage, daughter of Mr. Thomas TING IN =40 . -A force of '- ' rot) er's, Mr. Georg,la K. Holland of Heritage, Woodbine Cottage, Lon�ilon town - y at,ackeis"r �era woo L ohip� formerly Of Grey tov-vnship,,9ji Wed- lago rec ntl teee lapanese � 181 - , t Toko m, nd of Fornioss, #Lnd r. 1. Blair has *old his house in ne8day afternoon, l8th inst. Mis Heritage With des rate couragii. Tbe apa- U 8 J a leading member -of eat Me - *n Mr. H. Schaffer. Mr. Blair inten a w" London, re onl ave(I fiom, defeat by itbe. tbodist church,'and also of . Y, i Algoma shortly. eing r discipline; of their troops. But fie co�tracb for the -new horm. shedg at a valued Singer) On Satuiday she W'ams a t - re; finally CCO' pe�led b) retreat be- c church, Cranbrook, has beei let to Y. tacked with in0ammatign, which vent"lly onslaught o the C1 inese. - When 11 dvices left tb I I tat d ie Black Ol latz for $400. proved fatal. r 0 advancir g ttick ' ekhani lChe two-year-old. kon of �r. David -Wednesday of last week Davie, alias c) rane, of the 2nd cone46asion o Howi.04,- Lockhart, left 0'oderich for Kingston where ther battle i (asimm:i ent.. died od Wednesday of last wee he will undergothis five years' sentence of �OLDFN WE01MISO OF ME FniEND1811 -%Vm. Armstrong, Brussels, hii a been imprisonment and receive twenty strokes. FMUTF-S.—Onjuly Mth 800 deaf. 001, g ' i as teacher of Whitfield's s(h 12 with the eat. The prisoi er was in charge alebrated the golden i eddii g anni- f9e 11 e pue nsion, Grey, for nixt year. of deouty-sheriff - Reynolds and, constable of the P ralladite Key. Dr. Tho � ias ( - sae� Knox, una went right' throu' wife, at theNew Yo -k Iinstitution-1 Ar. Cameron, Vriniiipal of the Bru gh'without a E Alle school, has rid6� over 1,0(9 miles, on stop. Davie is one of the train a, that Col- eaf and Dumb. 1 Det igatic no. were I i P froin many eastern cil ies. Dr. Gat is I icycl&this year. borne residents will be pleased to heikr, has - - U left the neighborhood, rs. as devoted �iany yea nwa, , 0 cKillop, has ee in of I I is life to p)orihealth for a, Ion ime, and no ho Is One of thom events which always claim c6ed. As rector of St Ana's . Pro� are entertained for her covery. the interested attention of old and young .EPiseopal chure 1, 11 ' ' 'a i -James Ross, uncle f Rev. John ROs s, took place on Wednesday eve nt. 10th he: established. the* fin t hi.w. inst.', at the home of L.. McNeil, ni t As, Of Brussels, die at his lhome in M con - hip for deaf mutes, at -d hi i 4abora pelphonTuesdayof lastweek. cession, Grey, when his estimable daughter, nproved educational s3 Stems and the 'Miss Tana, was joine M ---The Ii litning n onday afternoon of d in I atrimony to Mr. g of church services in sign anguage I I id cons The care. out the country. week 9 i0dera le aamage to the James M. Knight, of Petrolea. candescent light plan in Winghani mony was performed by Rev. D. B. Al 'Rae -According to the linton vote;�, J�t in -the presence of a large assemblage A re'� Thursday evening, 11 th i ist., Mr. them are. 938 voters in the town. Of th* lativea and friends. erland's store in Win fig�ani iarrowly 2.)l are eligible to s6rve as jurors. -The financial report of the Mettodist rii _IM& being destroyed by . T liat even.! -Once more the B4oughton, h and churches ow the Aubumeircuit, for the yeaf it dusk a e stomer cal ad get an C rey ditch case has beeiii dealt with and the ending May 30th, show that the follolw,ing oldered, ai d Mr. Snt er a id went p 14intiff once more a feated, T, he legal. amounts were raised on the different ap- back shop to do the j I le went nOte concerning the a is as follows pointment %�bich includes the amoun b for b6i r d the fire- to ie&t the. a eri ig iro 46B lito teria support an n, roug in vs. Tow ships of Grey and minis A local Pur 91.8 ean, some ML the fire ea6 in contact ma. --judgment peal by adii�jff- Auburn R 99. Westfield, $478.20;DDnny-* 01, an of gasoline, -which is.uoe I as fuel f dgmebt . Of Fa coubridge, who brook, $294.10. In addition the followin 9 re pot to beat the irons wi In a W M ttle, action at Toroi itO upon Pleadings amotints.were raised for-connexional funds: ,the blaze was running up ie side aZd admissions, in so fai as it dismissed the Missionary fund, $241.6a; General Confer- NIl 10 111 1 _4 J ULY 20_9 1895 JULY 26 oupom MnU no ,DO $63 oontin frotin whom I'mi vdiena" haa oraervA 10' - , it " ` ! Urc. as . . . . . . . . . . Mr�, and 1: 1), . 1 M.35) ch h ood came to Clinton on A e 1146.1b ,enl J5 edueai na, I I . L - F a f meeting the =d in the pleasa:utt Ink a relie $3.40 -. fsus ion,� 4.).;, hopLeg ol tra e or, wbo, would 50A omen, min- call thel ter gid - -e for his goods -but no go. Af i neer life- TO tliv iuu 5 watcb;ng and W&itin iolniir making a. C of 1 1 8.45 pati, �ntly for three nthe sons and thi days, �e returned to Oront P. win, aised on Uit. . . on Alorf& I LM . . o1re morning, however, the 7 ich 1owii D. eisinifl2w)r of, gensall was at wro 2gad wife 41- Henry, Godera i�. f- ur- peare endeavored to 'Fleming aiid.James- an mci�now Mi. the 12t1l of Ju �y­for. a p d upon the scene and Posef el0eiring-mu add 8� at great -leeate her husband, which she succeeded in -John of 1101yrood ; A )rafi i cel4bratio'n held tere, b on ac- doing, he having arrived- in town next ia"X�i and Tbornas, J. ouut of is � lie rain wl ich oo meuced morning. Mrs. Silverstein udLelighted to -son. deceased. The dvl ID fail as thii cirowd reache the g ve, the meet bar lost man, and the 1 baP)r couple. -was a true woman -and ticii of Bympathising d wi h. The took in the town for a co�pl ur, me e4king ha Ito disper 0 ho tb,r �she was a ztaunch Ept speak iris con wid war essrs. Dick- doubt recounting their tr,.Oles and trials since last they met. The e ting nsojit and Yj -of Wi0hom* and J.H. Mau ral took place to Chab ,cott, of K P id no, ad the woman to compani orontop W -hers. :ur&- y emerno.on, Z --LAt Wit ipe i Oil atu afternoon, two little children were anx� awaiting ou"'y MCI �3tg inst dyt I hird d. jmg ter of Hor- the retunt. of their fatheor an, I mother. ; x Horiou 0)3XTI y, -At SIX e eX- Cel tre Huron, and dontague !Bake Ifis e(tor Northwest staffa. 17th imt., th Marsh beloved Marsh do�nted P( ce, w re UnItood *in wedloek's NoTE.,4.-Mi--s Hills, of E, PlOnavill, )onds, Rev.1 Can Mat�#aon erfoirrnmg -was be ed Way. a few d&Y8, with bee ancle, r, David �he car o T I M Eat a )o place in -de had -a str6ke,! I ` last week., -Mr. Lou Kem of Toronto it 18ide, and reA VII 1 Saints ichure Mr a d ,Nirs. Cayley -her ri t in spend' ; a week under the arental roof.— 4—. rvdon 'was lamilton a, d4lit-lif i ea of the b hire, Scotl N71 r. F. & Hatchinion spent Sunday in Nfit- 110 Zuther agent. -1 in jr XaCtirlg arties be P chell. —Min Bertha.Hutchi a spent jut I 01 Ln oll n an is bride have got: week with her sister, Alirns. and was- unite-, At U Robbins,— bereft partner al>out iettled dow,t t 3 th � f �e r4lities of life at Dr. Naysmith and wife are rusticating at Br$Jon -w" shepherd I ,heir home :L NOT p. i �They gave the Grand Bend. —Two of our el tizeins, went to roung folks 6, grav I r, op Monday night land for 30 years ; ean' Bayfield to fish this week. They met with Ago, aud the old "0 I P11 )f last week' wher r, j, 00 of the youth fair success.—There died at her home last their sou�inllaw, Walti JgI ideic a ilil � Lnd beauty a . I d � the sweet Monday, Afro. George Aliller4 relict of the have four chil&-en livi itrains of th iWi I ti 6.4an a of Messrs. late George Miller.' D-deeas.-d 'was an o1a )'Hara, and 'No elfig being kept (1, Mrs; W. Lawson. whiii .1 and respeeted resident of Hibbert., Her ip till the oc to h . ho#r for retiring, L Her k—deper to Sir Floi�;i f I husband preceded her thrae years -ago. Shis �Scotiand - wmiam B, when all we�t on *i ing Xr.i and Mrs. had reached the . pe Old golan a lon ggrILL a d I liM., rA a ' 94 of 74 years 'G. and 3ass Brydon. I I li months and 14 days. She 1 ves a growim I —Aii old In aide 1, 6 HowiclJ township notice was a person ias d L t e ii I the per$on . I of Mr. up family. AVe extendour � athy tothe true wife., affectionate, e or y 1. bereaved family in their ho o trouble. Luke ush, the 15bh cone4ossion, who Christian. Her agod, -oT- 'age, is d, lied on 1I ri E th inot. ThLe L remains yearB . 4 1 Port�,. The funeral tookplacie were laid in 6 ir I 9A t restlint PI4'ce in the 7� thi �01 owing, L Sunday -TF 24, eoncession .5. on� Fj xorrle cemcw'y 4 i I.. I m.s.—Mm Mitchell, Of Hamilton, ig W in jx,�P,7 - ternient took place in I diternoon. T1 a t in irA a at visiting at Mr. James -Stelvenson's.—Mm y large one. i D e m sed h d real pq in OW- Bell and daughter, of Tiver n, are at Mir, . . . . . NbTES _Tfie.hu `wh in this loeslfttv� The a �ck township for o m a q, arter of 6, century Strouds.—Mrs. A. C. Benn tt, accompanied. tud was a quiet � it af Sul al He was b)r her little son 'and Ro R. tubbs' e@fld was b, Benne tt.. sr - at Belgra tery-l-, .n his 75th yitiar� rived from. Chi t Wee to visit J '*eoeme leagoLaa 0aedav100,e,k-ia-M,r. Gu* Hicks, in this section.—Mrs. ing last some -one, enten 'of St Hill onthe'Uhvonceb er .1 --oder i haulin my Michigan, is visiting.h 3 A i *11 ih p, wom _g in h %Zs firs.1homas of preserves, two I Lnd unloadi by ffIf �nj OfS Lhay fork into a Hawkins.—Mrs. Wamock a4d I little dough- lars' ibed, that h ot ecen 33 � been raised and ter Grace, of Goderich. were M 'the villa- -1 Of Zatter. So fox thep ge - -thie:f, although the plarl let" 0 POS a at fg 01 high, the props on Saturday.—Mrs. Elliott sind Alias clai-& 4- Aistauceoff. The doot . �ave� - ay, and dom cai ie thewhole build- McLeau, of Lucknow, a:nd MiSo Wilson of 1 railk hou4ei-shoidd be ug, wealchig Toof b r and, in fact, mak% Dungatinon, called on friend 8 in the vililge "le--$ are gett Mg compl�td *r e .0 a) most everything. I on Thursday.—Miss Lizvie I ierce, of Crewe I I Aliss XaggieAgen has� as ast k. —Mift J, fart Aic W kg back, and &I- visited in Port Albert last d whereshe has 16ii got a nost mirac!41011�jy being hurt,, but. W. Motrison and nelft, 114 Cowara of r -shop there.-w4ervlcew..' .raw,,, gid ouOfiL froun der the timbers with. Winchelsea, are Visiting at Quaid)L_ Im FLresbyterian -church -0 litth more th ' "a Jsfiaki a up. Mrs. Richardson.and daughter Mrs. Shaw, week, by the Plev. �-A)n Moikdiy!o0&8t el� Allies ' LeIIA of Toronto, are visiting. friend; here.—Mr, heavy.rainstorm, acco! "'ampbell, tof I IiViao6 � oah, i lied !a a:t and Mrs. R. Martin and Mr. S. J. Martin IN , I and lightning, ))sued �d "od, rich,. tS�ebad bee' 1 in a poor B;ate of of Chatham, were visiting fr) ends here i -.;t ieal f0i sbm� ba i gplaced herself week.—Rev. Mr. Ga -Higher visiting Mr. Idwy morbing -eal roadaides,"d drills iii� Ina the cia6re (if hitel f Gode- H. Blake —.Nir. George Fms and cousin, -water. Some say tb rich,. and of 0 t . Pero Aisease Aliss Fraser, of (31oderich, viiited Port At- Ar"Med in it, -but Som was dropsy. J,SheTwas-' ad 47 j#,ea. a, 4 ])art one day last week.�M­r,' A R. feuting o)lfhe oat --Xt rnon,68 and .3 days., inains weire in- Phail, of this place, Visited f rJendsin worth thousands of do] terred ill !D�rl g L110101 b metery. 1rhe be- 'ton this week. —There W a large pie- 'lie erops of ull kind eavod motliieiif s nadl relattv s have the - syrn- nic froni LucknoW on as t u WV, lui week. �0-ats bav�gro4m nearl, t Im.11 Of e, Lond6k iiathy 0 t aijty �4tended tio them -m-Xr. rverrie I - i r, Beasons, exioept, late tali C 4-1 ­ r barge of the n rist U tboir ement., had e . . I i church. ,j -1)aittier crop than lat —Thcotlie mominFinQo4erich as the onSunday. 11T.Ferrierwil have charke — I I ;growin Vry well, to f 'ter rain, was n1ea itig. the st4tian from the dock of this parish until the n wly appointed allmithisV C�N I disp te ts Hg - t bf Wiay� and, though 6lergyIntin will come to take his place.—We ngi cef Mi a ti -le to- stop, the engine understand that the Bishop of Huron has ug it !the an �4liiial �Wfi n ft, was at the north appointed Mr. Armstrong, of Buyfleld, to The Doig a�id # nd of the plat Orin. _ efore the train could take charge ofthe Dungannon and. Port An iinCi4aieut which 1W, b#ought t t1le.Plow was dragged Albert parish -and that he will enter unlon that a dog seems to g � ly%e of his ome, ten yards r 1, 0� -e, bbing crushed all his duties some time nex� I molltb�—Aw. lie time b James McConnell, after 'a geritt �ivviWng to youth for AA etwe �ne and platform. The -g fliness �vaa W zed.::along the spine ofsomemonths, passed )ea, fully aw to the story I 81Y III A dog had come and t hind e� i vere, brok-en.- Shortly her Ion home on t.' The funeral Friday in 46 dcoul . -IV Ate eAniii a was car away an t place on Sunday to the Dtingannon Lille ce a ry, and wzs one.of he largest Seen famil, remark-edoxi.jat — X. Li4later,iy inciial of Ganatioque, in secifion. Rev. Edmunds of in the room. ,F I I think Saucho- -Oln Public Sch in a ter to the editor of Dungannon, conducted the services.- . The bbe Ziil ton New Eia, makes the. following a inpathy of the community is extended to the Way. X-6. M 004Y A Difleilth Lt viere'slidu 1 1) 1 noi '�e * Much diffi- Ze husband and family. Thatafternoozi Sinc [Aty in ackeptiag " NrhAps you are ac- 11111 , i as the -days plaasta Aid; justifited m ith a! 9 1 teii�clier iiiiho would EtheL course of a vmek -a oeip' &'e to Spend * few 3rithi by the St. Law- -see �-b-At your U., rence: and . the , 1 :0 ank Islands. If you. NOTES.—Will. Newcombe and sister 8un- house.*' 'OA -W�Quiry ir you id adit -'se such to apply dayed at Trowbridge.—The brick layers Sancho, baving,!CAN wishj�X­011 . q � have commenced work :on Mr. Hanaul&s and been k4lidl�y receiV4 [or ' the position assistant in -A DUr school I dar next 1%lo;del School kitchen, John Cober has the contract for iks a guest. " aid eV term, I The -has su dtatia *1 have' had since the wood work.—The CAu adiau- .:Order of sometimes raiaAe a A comin here was fir' kHufon� Forestees concert last Thur* lay evening was 'bome, he livied at the f —A,, half-pae � nh ic i4xi Moqday� morning, success. Although the F, resters prolitted. peacefully ended his,& little by it,- they have the [5th,i: Lot., John; eldeat son (if town clerk satisfaction of Friends. Ritehill, of-Go,ieri(h, die4 rathii�' suddenly knowingthit they furnish �d a good pro�; fromi I cart faili � re *g painteirl a colict gramme. ProfeswrDucker and daughter, A FeW Word dise a fr'. in ' vbie' a -hid been suffering of Palmerston, gave some I Violin selections How mamy husbands i �. and For Some tilh,-. ;P -, v ous o his rotam home which were, wellrecei-Nred. iss Spence' and dhadren &ra dW� 7. few wee 4 n ofte jad een s6iously ill Miss Laug each sang two" retty solos in vaer? Youdon!t ]rnow' in Clevelai i their usual excellent styl is -had 't one jday �1 a I ta ft tha city for home to ityl Alias 13. Milne in I ieck r0ne d stirengt�. ince his arrival in and Miss A. Davis gave an i ittruniental on work. lZea goolla (A the piano. But the beat of was thoeomic -doet have too fuS& 01 Yoderich haa beaii con ned to:. his bed, bitioln8a#day,feelibig)�* rhe,'walkedto singing byour own Ben Dayies. Although 'nice fresh bread or Mai Ch6 H�irl--6 i Park"al4d. it is thou this was only his second attempt before Ae �M"t onions radwhes, I ght *that e labor the jou . kitey astened. his de- forget jug V bh public, he fully convinced the audience that Your Deane. he could sing and act comic soilga. His Take alou 4011ne - 041 —Whil IMr. Geo,, a.. job lot" was perhaps the i nost laughable. books I =5 s;re IM iii, of Exeter, c A 'a —Someofthe farmers commenced cutting -mixt#ure of.solemin and, ind se!lveraJ, others W re en age in remov- ing th� earth for the pave ant in front of their fall wheat this week. some nice take, lamw -1 bhe girlitnollihicwalk, n th t village, on Mon-. ` A PtiAsA'2qT0UTLx(,.—A )arty of friends, Vired out gietting iie7lre 0 lay of, laist; �week, hei pet ith an a, uUmbering sixteen, from Adinerston, At- ceident wood an(I - Ethel spent a 4 d ViVe which,ni it have t bi n his life. He. uple of very � - L, was wprkigg in fron pf Mi -. Walter West- Pleasant days in the prett town of Kin- V e Y. !Oft at the time, when Walter was cardinis recently. They were, -%-cry muck 'run wish, xbo4tto ra, 846 his pi it a(cidentalycame in taken with both the place and fli I for the a - �ontae1t w th Mr. i odgi as' head, striking ie ralded; Now try, MY P but more especially with tkose whopeo lint erri le , ow the left temple, -ren- so materially to their are, foremost, feeling nearer to your�( le him inse ih and i nflicting a very limong whom was Conductiox Quirk. He is My w6ufid the,piok hi�iug bachy grazed a jollyogood-naturiiid fellow, and be and his i I I - �� -SM 1e- Lill. 1 4 amiable wife entertained -,he partymost JAPM 1�—InOuelpilv), J, R. Jaekeort, ii this I th of J al� John Brown�s hospitably at their beautiUf I home. The �Ur. thiq a mill, iu'y'rev and the machinery, party will long remember thi � pleasant -even- ;SffARP1R­4n Uullett On neld ing thhe t res in m3thine engine and lng spent there, neither will they forget the 10 bunchel Of sh les, belonging to Mr. delightful trips on the water in the boats of �Ool �and r. � 'a a destro Messrs. MeGaw & Barton. ey also bave FAPSQ�%M—1 ,,ate yed by 11 ire. Mr. rowh wass ru ng that day and Pleasant recollections of the hospitable Inst.. this *ffo 61 Ur. f i 1 0 reatment of the host of f le Roy'Alotelp 'BnWy,.�-In Mushard. ej vas away t) dit.iner abot n1mutes when t mr�,wm2due, of *-a hey Saw tl a snioke com n out of the Mill. and his homelike quarten. That they .�CuftRJE.�Jn Dist Wawrl Vheo they got to the � might have ma-ny mere suet trips was the Wife -iDf Mr. Wlo- J- ACU :in 11 t was too late to %ve �kythihg. He thin is 1 the fire caught wish of all tile party. U-0wickvulb nder� the Wier. ?., There wits no insurance Vance iftne. *1 *dlws 'MCLAUGOVIN'In H4* Md We lost I is about Uft 1 Mr. Brown had wife- of xr. wo-ma- PhRadebbb L� A ItESPFCTED 'REsinmNT (16�-;E.—Tbere 'Taman id:R4 Ila -face, �burned.r He right off to laly-ft vn -6 Ira Ord and purcliased new I Outfit died near this plapue, on Saturday is,$ Olt -1-4 —1-1, UU1114, on thre, or is c men. another of our most h1JVhI vapected resil mr. Enoollxorr)s. of A y.X oN,—In -Uhel, -.On'% — -A r Said en ee in Clinton recently, had a dents, -in the person Of Jr. John Schnell, xr, George Dobiii)nt v am kirkably n w ca efrom destruction at the ripe old age of 7 years, three Virey VI'th A t 'a th 'i " iyfire. The ifly ant4i;�d for church mon he and nine days. He born 'i e e 0 081 i e a e a eni a . house. Go- village of Schreksbauch, �up 1 -many, in th �up ag. ba 801111 in le: he4d of the ear 1816. He came to thi t with 10 , a ai d after. looking for C wife and family, in 1848,1 Ta"etrtfed in ir nit he wani th w tligi match, which New Hamburg; where he r ided for eight, f -Valvosii :1upgaed. gone out, kijito the wood, years, and then -moved to th 14th conces or TurrsIMML% E t -e 63 �hial house, and sion of the township of 'fay, where. ...'he Ten On. U t r ad )n it ray to ; the church. A few lived until his death, He Is aives four so= *me# N"Icubtlit. of .1 tit4afterj %nothiii. met of the'lamily and four da-sighters. Asughttir of Mr. asisted on hii going bac fbr something Xons.—The flax mill Will be in operation h a, and ii "I (as f�,rtuuate tbat he did, as in a few days.—Mrs. 1). Wiag� . of New july -11th, byftv. W., I x and to -miss Aznle X h, -. woodb6 townffbl-�. ourrounilings were all Hambui-�g, was the guest of Mr. -C. Schoch baze. Roberl 2! a few dap last week.—Mr. A. Rotbermill, AN�-PFRsox ty I i; i3M! - A rathe rious accid a t . occurred at who has been our enterprising blacksmith A:IB.L Do r the -0-m. ::el bratibn at I C inow -on a cm raLngemen re of Julyr�l When- a, W w ere "he h FL9 seenred it jo 1'. Got U from the gro'e where! the speaking C. u., of Clandeboye, now occupieg hey assemble ig business.— by (ais to have taken ace, I d in his Place, Land i4 doing a rush h Rey� Z Z. ront of M arry I tel, are a regular Air. W. Beaver is greatly improving his jwcmveto Marjory o lusical ji' bore( ook ace among t ' dwelling byputtint�n it a new roof and Bryllges, *1 he everal drummer i 'an 011a. The large veneering i wi h rick.—Miss B'. Schilbe, alcony iii front o th e M ii ;I ��'ry House was had a quilting beeon WedneA day� afternoon,' 7von* ow n good Imit fr)= w4A view every- andintheavening she gave to the young 'peo�l q c me out —Nfr. Perr erholt,,o 1 70- c hing, adoover.&O up;n folks &good party. y Ov near Brucefield, was the guest of his he structure, whf in it -:ed ly gave way -and 7 ire S i the cent: and betw' np 13 and 40 per- brother Amos on I unday,--Mias Entina, �Cu: WF .—In uxtile, )ns wore carried Oow. ford, agril 10 YeAft, Riekbeil was in town' a few d tys last Week i0i It. Fortunate r Only a few werd I ured.- Among aired 7.3,yearsisftd4 a iose seriou"i r r a B. Camp- Goderiell: To ip. FRASM—In Giey.�=J o of Finlay Vrsaer* ell, near LU $1.1 n, of A.Sh- (,'ONE TO HER REWARD. d still an- NEEL1TAGV,,—,1, Liondo, eld Afrrs. istr f daughter of Mr, W -a of Hur, ingliam, and- *other of the pioneers of Hur, has passed to Ira. Robb, Ina 12� A number of the great o�d, in the pers of Prudence, Orel township, Wd -%,ad sli lit bruises i but how et of tl�y bhers re.cei I in�,U�ieL� some.. reli la Tho e. ue of Code - E them esca�ed fata iraCUJOUS. _ � L I ism rich township, on Fi, a t, aged 80 years. and 3 months, —A somewbat antio incident happen- A short time, since t a Ic ed fell from a CAxp8ELL.—lu West I iu Clinton as es i . OuTuesdaymom- chair and fractured �one of bar limbs, from bellAcampbell, aged i rs. Silverste n, a Giiarman' Jewess of whichshe never recovered. - kbout the year days. MYTIO'ELL.—In 0"aw, ronto, who has been dit.1tha lookout for 18.3-4 the late Mrs. Perdue wl o was a native eldeot mA of MY E r husband ever i ince lie Lleft her some I of Tipperary, Ireland, came t'3 Canada with od 21 yews. R4,_In L SpXltfb E arm ago, in I 4ew York, ou"' eeded in to- berparents, Mr. and IN -firs. J �hn 'Smeltzer, GILVD Gildem aged fS Y i ting him ini Clin on. Mk. Silverstein is a and the fanfily settled at St,-eetsville, near JEFFF'RSON.—Ift P111my ft of dru6me in th� spectacle line, Toronto. There Miss Sm, �Itzer married mrarson, son al aux 0 or an I Fnu i�a onli OuL g the I�u t12 ., le L ill Iola PIMP tir f lTd I or i a ago, he ,I d some two wee. is ordered a fresh Thomas Perdue in 18*38 and a ioitly after re- and son4n Uw -01 sood 29 Pmm ipply of stock from ti f4low-countryman. moved to the 7th concession, 1 loderich town- A-RUSTRON-0,At 8%u L Toronto, who al once conveyed the news ship, residing in the township till the time July lah, Jo"ph i the "weAer ha f " of the "; W andering of bar decease, for the last Six *years with *f Us, J, -5. "w " and thea searet �*mimeneed in bar dau COWAN,—JU MA11110P, ,gbter, Mrs. Wm. Smi�b­ Her bus 4�est. - M iR senthall the widow ef tho We gentle . man baud crossed the river of death about nine dim 4 hat by won %ie a oti. S AT Only by one int in the threelie a LO! LA OK xo.-UR is ;I When it was knc wn that a Canadian`1ad he (out won, the *�Idegt excitement reigned ong' iiind. T�e SubspriDtiOn price of the E, ro$90: t" his companions. , He was h isted into the insti,hiti if Ird strictly in advance, is- ON X airind totapri6d a nind the mp,in a at Lair try, any D 0 APL �vhi 0 an a iy playing 11 8re, a �i d led the comi the med If yon do not-renwvr Nqtthin three merit i . ill - data, label the w ,the Conquering tero Cou�e&" When I lay. W a will Of the on your price 1.25 - if you do. nof renew ivith in- a months of th� da te on your label the pri hurst reaches hot'ne, he will, iiel most at t) tuai tically receive4 any raie lines. ill be No paper will be s t IORg k PIS M upon th than one ye4k before being paiO for I t ffica� Send renewals directly toi- �i; 0 I The Englisb - E14 i6tions. i, us at t Money sent by registered le i post-offi The old c( ntry wism, to gi� pi at y Legislal money order, express money o at or draft, much -the same as they startod., The -latest, PO*ero rd is at our risk. A post -office o dei reports give 309' Conser�at ves 55' U1 io belong osts only two- ista ; 1229 Liberal,, 56 me artbyites 11 d 9 ofa, bo The change on your label will li�otify you "c' Parretti. b seen that tlik a tl 'tes. It wil t -4 -ble to t acts. of Our receiit Of the mo If t. changed It ilear new ovemmen is ured of a Tory C bt three weeks drop --as a card we will d on - working in&; jority indepe d int of the Uri trace the matter tip. ists and all�other fadtions. The sweep has The! 8 Address all letters �nd make a I cheques be a rather more than Chamberam, Parlian and o--,Iers payable to - McLean Br k Whea remitting money do not to, give the leader of the Unionists,, counted ot or next, w post Gffice, address. W lien notifying us of c an 2f. address desired. While i6tpporting1theGovernmenb he hoped to' be able it�o kee�, 66titrol of the million r10 not fail -to, give both- old new at PO balance of.power. This$ #,owever. is - now ment c( lac4d 0 ffice address. 'at lost to hirn, as Salisbury W11 It be in -a posli- his fingers Ch!kmlerlain. thou�h Look Your ia-iel- tion to snap at �jr. whiob andhisfollowers. Amongflie-slain tiring IDdemn NEW ADIVERTISEME�� the past week was Mr. io�n Morlay, who defeated in a tit, Air. Mar ley's WeAs Indemr, PLL9408 was Session VLTrie idgure between the parenthesl# after each e defeat was can$ (I the- 4 P sitiO� ef the a by pages one denote$ the page ot the paper whlich the d ag list im Pt�nelite Iriffsh ho. o aillat men w 4( Session sciveetleemeat will be found. and of the working -men, 0 support& -an Servan Cheap Furnititre-Broadloot. & Co. (6) i Canadns Industrial Fair -H. J. Hill. (6) inipossiblecan'didaiioftbeir,own- Tie_.re dharwo To School Teachers --D. ),,ldTsgzPr 4. (6) Havetour Kyes Tested -Prof. Chamberlain (1) suit was the defeat of John Mode r the Gasmal Qharwo fty, (6) 1. A Tobacco Company's Gencrosis sincerest friend Ireland has ever.hadin Printin Far -in for Sale�Goorga Plerc#� %) A rook too rArgs.-R., willLs. ('5) office, ane a warm friend of the WO 71.ing- 13 tatior? Great Sale of Summer G 3ode--Mccosh &I.T4,ry (8) Palace Meat Maiket-Goetz & Shelley. (0) man. In his place a Tory, hostile to ire. P6stag4 Boots and Shoe* --A Wraloh. (8) land and indifferebt to the lower socia Toronto Incinstri-iii Ysir—R.J. Hill. (5) 1 1 Vottray List Xotice�john 0 � Mw.. ison. (1) &-Oreij- (1) classes, goes to Parliament. This -has: *en She made a mistakt-Jscks�n repmbe,4 in scores of other' -constitne ies. Farm for Sale -David Sproat. (5) Notice to Insurera-Will7lam. Som ervilleAg) These malcontents will have some, ii anse- Via a 14otice to All -T. Mells. (8) Sale cf Valuable Farnw-David %w knocked into their skulls by the cool 4if w 'line To -k. Wllson�a Cash Wilson. (8) Farm Uorre 8.11 Ruilett Co. felrence which will be shown to thein L & ii ring res oluti r Hard and Soft Wood -S. klul!ett Co., the next seven years ; and art . the and of pitiful. Cheap meat --John Dopp. (5) Reduction in Gasoline stoves -S. Mulivti 4; Co. that time they will be prepared- to vote'..� and oth Op-e-ra House Grocery. (5) Liberal again. The return of a Sub t princip A Great Staughter-A. G. Ault. 8.0 Reward�A,�E. Pentecost. (6) number of Liberal -Unionists 'to tbeir old ad 1OcR,1 Summer Goods Cheap -H- F. FAwards. S) whiteman Pea Ilarresiter-Tbomas BrUVLn. (8) at$ when fhLe ; Party allegiance. is 0 vote ag h ­ To, All W on Wgay Coneern-E., -Nable. (8) Administration display itself m pa;rely caused Noticii-J- A. Clark. (9) Do You Know -Gilroy Witeman. (6) Tory in its policy and its methods of ad- this cot 6 he milifistration, as. it. is likely to d T Y"'P&t Liberals in office, with narrow majority, were, in the last Porliament at'the m.er ey task, a' the Go constit of half a dozen hitransigent fa'ctious,� wb6 SEAFGRTH�, FRIDAY" July, m th, 1895 deprived it of t�he.poWer to achieve job of i andfinally wrecked it. In oppositi on, these Last differences will be adjust�d, and the part y its twe Be The Show Clo C will again become United anil enthusiastic. oflong Fued The Dominion Pa�rliament was i prorog Meanwhile, aniii the time comes for it to fore it. on Monday. It would be diffic to, say - embark on a, campaign whose result g will- be illoprov which was most deliahted, the G overathent' e more glorious than:those of th present, the Kerr to get rid of the membera, or tht � mem bars' I Liberal party can well afford, as Ar. Glad- qn entlj to be relieved of their Parliame-ittary duties. stone says,, to stand upon -its rec�jld There was barely a quorain left for proro- The gat -ion day- All preparations �rere made Dr. Graham's Letterli in Toro 1 for prorogation on Saturday. Phe bands We publish in another column' second the pre and military bad marched up. the, hill to a letter from Dr. Oraham, of Biussels, in de. so far Parliament house ;I the Governor Nras wait- 'Rideau fence; of the Medical and 'th 6 ex ing at li� I in readines i to mount ordinary Powers with which they b4ye Wen the att� his chariot at the ippointed in eat ; the endowed by the Ontario LegisIALi[re,: As Th6 lar? old cannon. was primed ; loadel. for the ­ Upper 'Can," who will be seen, the doctor does not a an men w royal Salute, and t lie' new points. In former articles' I e -have debate usually cong state occaSigns, regate Oil au i covered the ground fully, and it -is goalreely Pared thronged the But" galleri�x and corrid, ra. necessary to re -traverse the "fround ;0. meet b in an a alas, for hunaam ekpectatiorisl thel band& and had down �-arliameut . _ 1 1, -the same or similar points, ­now raised- by �f the f the military to march him, to those which we have &Ire replied. for th bill again the anxious i spectat rs had ti� to. The only,new feature in octor's lurely disperse 'without seeing the sjg�ts ; the letter is, that he repudiates the statements �rs adv cannon was not touched off and a. messen- I of Drs."Satagater, McLaughli i - othe P and' ars ger w." dispatched to the, Governor with a informing him that his king] who L were. honest -. enough to spe k tbeir and cro message, in inds freely. These men may b 1;he Should habilime nts might be laid out to adr Ovar'- .as a ir Doctor Styles th in, very bad.men, al d the' �d time 8anday, as prorogation must. be' postpone Mondak. And -all thi 8, bee use at th colleagues may be just as good and 68 guile - Provin until last momenta row had sprung i tp, in th less as they are, wicked and crafty. We ',do st a-ke c; ghos-N cliamber, more familiarly 'known it a not know about that, but we do know Wit: -.yieked of the a the -Senate, and it must nec�,ssarily b-, the suggestions 9 de by �hese very� M alone fought out to a finish, A bill making soil men, and for what the Doctor admitsllo be I 658 aer changes in the mode of aying a bonus a. P an impr a ultimately' car-; pper purpose, war 668 acr $80,0W, which had some sessions� ago. been ried out by, the whole Council. Who;:t ob- acreage a granted to a fishy concern, known as th! ject they had in view in* doing thisA course Winnipeg and Great Northweatet�-n Railway it is not for us to sayJ We -do not know 'JUDO Company, was introdated into the Common� wb at they may have had in their min s,but comes IOU a 0 during the dy' ing h f the session, aiid� we do 1know what was� atter;d and r rted, Ivnchin passed having been y that body was subi and of this -we gave samplas which th Doe- that vi FATA mittedtotheg'enatefo tatificatioo just a few tor admits are correct.z forty-ei minixt-ea before the ho r set for prorogati on -Now, without goin further into d0tail sl� the Ste Mr. Scott, the leader -of the oppOsition-in or, quibbling about wo -do, what we c4latend Ortigia the Sen&te, twitted the Governmeixt . Wit 00 for is this : That the I fedical..' Council,, if , -it dieting baving passed -an order i�n council, agreeing. co sed is what is claimed for a body- mpo the r'es to give this same rett6n comPany a bo, nu for the protection' Of t a people, -and having acciden '8,2,8()0,000, with the view, as It was report- the absolute control o a profession or ocou� . VlcT Toront( ed, Of getting a share of the bonus for elee- pation necessary for e peopI6, shoal 'be, . ali8t, h tion b*bdle, bat that when they came in some way, as direc ly under the 6: trot vision 0 Parliament their coti-rage f ailed -them, apd of the people as pos4i le. We say that the sition. they dare not carry oat their pledge and the people, either diree y or through! tbeir ' HON( v1ng1 t I otorious scheme fell through. This raffled 8 oufd ha- i chosen representativ , It ve 1 1 orne I. ; a, lot the plumage of the ordinari cool and stem voice in the �omposit n of that body it duly kn Premier, who is Government leader in tLhc should allio be subjecio to the control o, f the $TAM 911oat's house, and lie fleW'Lt his opponent people, either directl. or tbrougli their - I buloff, in great style.- The two old- roosters had it . presew �atives in the overnment ital I -,gis- ed and week,- I grand set to, and. thLey tore eachotber alp lative act$ Should be mitted to airxd ;�hould ceived, with their tongues, in fine shape. This dio- receivel the approval, of the Government be- was �O I. verRion lasted Until six o'clock, and heDee - -fore thqy 1*come operative. We also Say that. . REPA �jt I atives, there could be no prorogation that day. �1,ivision i the Legisl - are should not delega te to -'any I States. k The bill was- finally pusk by � body pow a which a ould belo, g alone lo Jor.the I I to 7. This is sai( .1 tcF be the flirst time in� the p rapresian itive�s or be' eople directly destrue the history of Canada that Ororoef Under their control. I arely therek.is nothing vince of Furk ceremonies were postponed in 1 this. way. in this cal tilia t6d - to bi -ing about free trade I li�avy But, a good many queer things 'have been in medioin �., ul dess the I people desire it, -and fruit iii done this session. if we. shipUld 1, ecome a@icte& by a monopoly trees W This was the fifth session of the seventh 1, the peOT)le wo,uld w to whom to look ,pears Fioll unis and to h for the establishment of that NParliament. It lasted thirteen *,eeks and a P -Black half,, and the Cot -nmons was actually in ses- mOH','1PO1.y-bete is no. reason that we can in the int troo 18 f 0 agKtsee, Sion sixty five days. It was more notable why, rest8 of the People, Xi6se we for talk than legWation. Although a good special powers should be given to:Rither doctors )r lawyers that are sulpe)rlo maxiy private bills were put through, the not given:lto or th;y we Government measures were few and unim- asked for by school t�achers or other classes. fore the portant, n liost of those promised at the All organimtionslormed for' the bea6fit or these a opening of the session havhtg,been droppe& protection of the pubiic should be and the. Flags w and ano hy the way. As is already known, there is control of the GovemMent or riaprel an ta,- tives Tin,, to be a sixth sessian held in January, when of th people. And when the gis- oF.DEA the 0 overnment have promised ;to sub m -it lature deprives the overnme4t of th re- mutes c their remedial bill, providing for Separate sponsibilities and powers and faci as. t am in v0rsary land hLis Schools in. �Nlanitoba, if the Manitobans do the hands of interesitpd individuals.. or. of the I ation who a t nder the dire n the meantime, This is ganiz rel Gt capitulate in et present the first time in the history of the, Dominion control of theycoplel they Idy the. Idoors *r4bery ladu6t I theailli that a sixth session has' been held lin any open for the imposition and of - thie testaill i one Parliamen�t. The last two pjLrlianients people, in. some form or other by,: that York, '.had only four sessions each. favored class. If this Medical Council has Ofivorl for its printaryobj- act the protection Of the -imposition, led to �1 adopti I Although the Canadians have been more people from 'fraud, and 4 nd- is throng h Or less successful in the shooting matches Of as Sin le composed mind-ediabd aisin. at Disley 14,'.1iglaj)d, during the 'past fe%v tereated men as the oetor says it is, then, -On years, until now Ane of their members have surely, it can not des ire to continue in, pos. D. Suth been ahle to carry off the most coveted of e seseion of power's which rightfully b long to escaped lug &be --a gold m dal -gold all prizes, the quet 8 a the people's representatives. Although we oil can a badge audrz-)O. This is the highest of all do not blame thern for - acclepting them, for,� into the honors, and waA won after a hard and excit- despite their good.. ualities they are still to: start ing struggle by Private. Hayhurst, of the human, we should ex act them not to coin. and -by with a c 13th, Battalion, Hamilton." Hayhurst tied plain if they are taken from them- Nov6'. in the 6 with Boyd, one Of the Lanevabires, and if the- Doctor can show usy or the- p�blio, moment k, TRA ON Mp 7-7. -7-r--`r: 4; briiiiigin th� Medical q0U1 k 311 Under the iooi4n to the coiling. Buthedand action -4, hie ilwvwbrougbtbYian� eyinerj��of g I iot the Government in 1 4xis, way abbed th� can, which cou ained nearly a land in he ;ownshi i p.6f Elnia to restrain 1104 e, and staktqd to tfiiow the tow�ahil 60"f V and I passing -by-hlwo ng it conform with the enlightened out ofi so in - "I I at Jeababk door.� Whon he"got to the for the 0onst rtiM`o� 61 drainage works. Ap (no: ofa free and self-gi Ive ad ooun* r lie , ; found it, ted, Put he pluckily &I Aj smia-vid' witheosts. Mabee(8trat- ury will be inffigte C., for de - ("a her upon Id to the can and un olted.1 the d;oi and Jord) fot plaintiff. Garrow, Q, i 34 profession or the P 6 le, -then raw the can out into he hick yard, where fendant6, the Township of G1 ey ,ie gasoline burned out withbut doing' any son, (ftatford) for defendants, the To*% - admit that we ' have x o cue,.,:, .. r at ore damage, Me. Satherland's right hand. ship of E Ima.) I I that 6 are working at ng v ifoing.. d arm were badly; burned." .-ThO iroters' list for the village of Exater . not � sist 598 vote 'ng I Tniil i�en, however, v -e contain the names.of ra, 254 bel perople having their '�ij hts, a� we eligibleto serve as jurors. , I Entr&nce Examifiation. -Th' swarnip part of lot 16, concession 3, We print bet n;a anosh, has been s%% apt by fire, contique to.. protest i a ;ainst any West I w OW t a names a d marks of passing and l4ir a amount of valuabl timber was ire, absolving a govqn nent from 11 ceeded the Pose who have, i I a M .1 Ahe and responsibilitie8 wl�c rightfully -1 Intrance Exam, ion at CIE :o1ft and da�tr�uey.- ring the six months enling July lot, th it a nd. placing them in i the hands 1 iffiliated centres of Wingba. n and BtTth. there were 17 birtbe, 4 marriages, and 9 'The result his been oonfirme I bV tl,e Edu- wb) are Aot in any iv y responst- �tion Department and certil ic ' sent to deaths registered with the Clinton town he po )lie for their td iinistrativell I whose names are given he -a, The marks cterk.. 1 4 tained were sent out to i lb 3 candidates .-Miia Rhoda Wilson; dau I ter of Mr. -,Wm. Wilson, formerly of 1TUckuow, but ome time ago. The total nun Lber of marks' Notes and ComTr ents. Aainable ar;845, and 422- nit at be obtain- now of Fargo, North Dakota,.died . at that )Iac-3 recently ixth I ession of the pre ici it Dominion to paos. . he Public Schc A Leaving list I _ A ill be published a's soon a i confirm,M by James Slemin, baker, of Wingliam, has ent, Wbich is promise I f)r Jannar Mr. ,y t. r he Education: Departmen marks of dis oeell of his businesi in that town to ill cost!tha d ountry w 11 igh half a nose writing at the Public 8 6 iool Leavin Mirton. Blackwell, -;.rho takes pos"asion im- dollars�'au4,all becauf the Goverw xaminatio# were sent on -0 on the 220ul mediately. t. I --We regret to h or of the sudden death uld nDti recoIncile its a ipporters and CLINTON. of A. Scott, isr., a highly eateemed resident the cc uTage to fIRP11 EDUCkryb. of West Wa wano8h, which occurred On $at- . pursue %e course it AftKo. . MAN114 t right. Here are sob I a of the items* 32 Aitken, Lizzie ............ 01iAlten, M S urday niorning after a -very short illuass. i r, 166i 69 -Oa Jaly Efth, Joseph Wilson bf the sessi�na expenases 3.Bedtliey, May .............. ;o to make up IC. 'it deparied this ity to tilLembeirs... ... $215,000 4 Courtice, Sibyl ........... Huron roiaid, near Gxoderich, � 41 Chidley, Clara ........... Iti as life. Mr., Wilson was one of the old settlers. ity to Sena,6)rs, .... 81,00.0 4Z $enate) qil� 38 Davis, Maggie ........... tc and wao-highly respected. He had been 941. It ............ ..... is 'it ing for along time. A messeiigerS (Senat4 I, 7,5� 37 Grant, 64 i --wT here were rightered with the divibion 37 MeLe an, Maggie. - it registrar for the township of Hity, for the (Uommo�s)J".. 2,400 nn :ell &I messengers. (Commo n) ... 11,250 39 - MeRiven, Aggie ......... It: 49 six monthr ending on July let, the follow - 6. Miller," Edna ....... tat bathroom washroor i-, � �Ab. . 850 1) females; 62 Miller, Ella ......... . is 11 ig :, Births, 44�19 males and V vien (Senate) .............. 1,000 2 O'Neil, Winnie ..... �44 441 deaths, 9-4 males and 5 females, and 12 during session i ........... 125 81 * a, Ell,;,� .............. I, marriages. men. (Cominons) ...... 350 111 94 --Typhoid lever is becoming quite pre g debates.. ........ 4 . 0,000 "llson, ith ............ 87 S�nith, Ida ........ ..... ery ... )2,000 cl! :, v�l�nt throughout Fixeter and vicinity. The , ......... 57 Stevenson, Floretta. .... following cues are reported : Mr. L. Kraft, ....... ......... 2;000 Ste 'h 'Miss Kuhn, Crediton ; Air. A. 3 Wiseman, Jessie ....... p en; ancous and inforeseeh 4,800 Afcl)onald and daughter, of the Thames 5 Dean,- 1�erbcrt ......... It road. 3 Jackson, Walter ......... l 074, 525 1fra. John Sullivan, of Wingham, has 4 McPherson, Stuart ....... pecial pleadinj of some of the ol(I )2- McDonald, Dan .......... it been seriously ill for the put =cou Ile of 37 Sheppard, Arthur ........ weeks or so. On Monday of last her ries who spoke on Mr. AlcCarthy's- 30 Tedford, Bert.. Is. it life was des aired of, but since then she has on in the House the otherl day, was 30 Wilson, Foster ........... I& cc rallied and ger recovery is looked 'for. A clot of Vood on the brain is her ailment. McNeil, Weldon, Wiialla,be, Davin� TUCKERSMIT11. -On Mondixy evening of last week, Del- ers,- all spoke in favor of-. the very 37 Catwell-, Grant ........... No. 1 phim, daughter of 0. A. Nairn, severely es which MO. 'MoCarthy' resolution 0 Acheson, Steinie ........ 2 fractured her right arm. She had been' .2 Annie ........ Butti .... 1 2 id, jumping off while in motion, ad, but fo!r all -that they must swingh1g, all ?3 McLi an, Maggie..- I ...... 2 fell on her right arm, which, on being ex- Ainst it, aiiA it was tie agony it 4 MeN win, Alex ... ....... 2 1 1 a I. - . I ainined, was found to be injured as abol- them to i3 Bair�, Walter .... 3 stated. get arguments to justify irse-that w" so calculated to elicit )2 UcKenzie, Peter ......... . i 3 -The iarae barn of Mr.. Edwin Day,' a J hUS, Addison .... 4 short distan-ce north of Gorrie, was bumed )y. They _had undertaken a big r) 94 * lock on Wednesd4y f ccl:)Y, John .... ....... 1 9 to the ground about 9 o,.c idently, to Square their support of JIULLFTT. noriling !of last week. M r. Day and the yarn ant with the' wisb is of their I To. 2 )oys were at work back in the field, and no uents, and they made a nighty bad. 9 8 ell, John C ..... .... .. one was seen near the building. The cause, in ......... .. jO Vodden, W' t. 63 Mills, Kezia ...... h ...... . 'g 6 of the fire is a,mystery. i 1 6 -A few days since, Mr. M. MeEwen, of 47 Allen, H. W.....;, ...... . I I :1 6 the .3rd oncession, Sitanley, removed art old week the Bijussels Post is itered upon � 37 Taylor, Hugh...., I ...... I ct 1 *11 ; I (,, laudm�rlf, in the shape *of a -which ird ye4r with eve 6.2.8tapleS. Cecilia ... og house ly proope 99 8 waseqcredinthe earI85y2,. The timbers nty tii 79 Fair, Edith ........ ; ....... i years of prog�ress and pro�perily be- 80 Lyon, Nellie.....] ........ ii S initwpreappareiniti'ya.egoiind ais the day Likeman�other thing the Post 'i 16 Riley, Rose ...... ....... (1 8 they w�re put together f0ty-thren years 99 with age,. and we ho )a brother 124 Jackson, Annie ........... go. 23 Brown, i. P .............. 11. N. 0. 5 -Wednesday of last week - Benjamin ill still cona,nue to grow 'old, conse- - ' I I r asels, a mpted to 36 Carter, Gedrge ........... Driveri of Bra descend continue tp! im prove. froftia1ay1nowiniJ. J. Livingstone's barn 26 Cummings, Bert ........ 5 -ekchdd for the r( of the hay fork to -meeting 65 Blake, Riebaril J ........ R. C" S. and i Pan-America�'n Congre I assist im. He misse: it and fell a distance (10DERICH 111OWN817P. i uto, is being several Rsu red by i of 30 Pelqt to' the gro' d floori injuring his 26 Ye6, Lenus... No. 3 back. i He was unconacioug for a while. as of that city, one pa er even going. m 1 63 Livei more, Maud ......... it Ls'to call it fake. I 4tead. of the -May Gibson, of Brussels, was before S!rANXLEY. i for at ti6n,. on a charge of to expect& to be * preseitt JU(Ife Doyle do who No. I stea ing a dress, and i as -remanded for two ndance i limited to a few hundri . ad . 87 MeE,Yen,. Lizzie... weeks.. She was committed by J. P.'a Kerr 30 Wallron, Byron .......... lic 3 and Ranter, of that village, and is the same ge numb r of 6minent and eloqu en't 68 Reid� Rabbet ............. 10 May Gibson who was 1committed b Judge 30 Ch' star, Helen ..... .... io were ei,�pected to ta a ar in a r gereer in 09 (11 rZam, Ellie ........... Tome to eighteen months in the a on flie various imporint topics pre.' I 1, '0 1893. � n . . 30 Aikenheiad, Albert ........ 10 or the programme, hai failed to put 131 Cameron,- Harriet ........ 14 -Henry Hearns, t a youth who pleaded .1 9.1 z guilty to stealing a h a fr m. Mr. Elston, �The conin itti ie in charg 1,18 Morrison, Emily ........ :14 ppearance. a of Hiy township, ani�ranother from Mr. Na- .ffair can hardly be he d responsible BLYTIL than Ca mpbell, of Sodthwold, has been San: a slim attendance, b t ev , Inust 133 Elder, AMY ............... P. 1 School. tenced. by Judge Ermatinger,of St. Thomas, lave known'th4t man of thei speak- 55 Metcalf, Ella ............. to afic months in the Central Prisoulon each 0 5) Sa a, Abbie ...... ........ is : 9 charge Sentences to run concurrently. ertiseil to attend coul nob b�� there- 32': Watson, Mattie .......... -Lord Tennyson, a very valuable pace 41 Campbell, Edgar ...... the property of Mr. J, E. Swartz, of Wing- estincr is about to begin in Manito-ba NOS FAST WAVM ham, while being exercised on Wednesday ps !of all kinds peontise & ood yield. I ,74.,Agnew, Millie ............. NQL 8 morning Of last week, broke a tendon in the th� grain turn out as we as expect- 91 1WcB urney, Minnie ......... left front leg below he fetlock. 'I he horse a . Should boom this fall i the Prairie 53 Scaudrett, Lillk M ........ was being pre aredibir the Wingliam races this w( , was n splendid condition, T ce. � Some idea of the . amount at 31 Stewart, Dora ............ i 8 but this accident wi Hay him up.for sll�tbis 3 Walsh, Wm. C ........... 8 in be had from the* follow.ng figures 70 Quinn, Rachel. 10 season, ere ' under crop in th� Provine' it 10 -Mr. John M�Iheson, of Exeter, has age a 47 Wilson, Susanna .......... Wheat, 1,140,276 acres ; oats, 482,'-.; 32 Jenkins, Wrn ........... 1, 16 purchased a general. tore business in Otter - as barley-, 153,839 . acres flax,' 82'. 92 Quinn, Isaac; ............ 10 ville, and last week' ioVed his stock from 50.Shiell, A-ndrew T ........ I I Exeter to tbtt place, and combining the two as; other crops, 26,333. The to�al'; will have a stock Oi about $12,09LO. Mr. under crop is 1,887,774. MORUIS. I Matheson has conducted a geneValatore Bielby, Louise ......... No.. 1 business in Exeter for the. past 10 or' 12 1 482 Smith, Ida. years. News of the Wei E Ly -sen �iN . AitKAMAS.—NeWs '49-9 Cummings,. Katie . ...... U. NOW 3 -At the fire in Detroit !on Tednes ay from Fordyce, Arkans , of,three' Wethery, Ellen ... ...... 1 3 last week, by wh�', go that have recently tak: u place in 7 momir & of ch six fire an i 11 Mcclymont, May ....... No r lives there were many narrow - as- cinity, and a fourth is exp d. 6 Proctor, Mina. . 7 lost thel Ain6ng those Sleeping in the ive capes.. LITY AT - SEA. —One - hu dred and �l �Arf. 1 Storey I building was Mr. Ben Gibbon ii, a ght lives were lost by the sinkIng of 41 Bell, Gladys .............. P: School. gentlewan well known in Goderich, who, it ii,mer Maria P. in &-coWaic n *ith-the '4L53 Hiscock1s, G I y - 11 seems 'had a miraculous eseap ad a ...... _e from dei th, in the Gulf of Spezzia"Iti Mercer, by a Lasty run down stairs in his nightly .-Charles Xininianuel S'Lni, the attire. uished Swiss politician 1 is lead from. i ,,6, McGillivray,— -,-rena .... Councillor Leatherdale, of Brusgels, do 507 lCitchie, Annie ........... ilt of injuries sustained in a. runaway 4557 Wade, Ethel.-.. the 'Owner of % Jersey calf three months Id t on July 8th. 4�2 Ameley, Harri that he had sold to a gentleman at Br t-. oRy. -The : Hon. Edward Blake of ford for $18, And to be forwarded shor y., P C !8, James - t bold -of som Ontario, Liberal and.Ir6 h Natio 47r7 Gummhma min, David ......... The calf g e rope used by the as been returned for the'� 3outh di.' bricklaye at Mr. Leatherdale's and cheW- H I 10�O� Hessian, Harry... f Longford Ireland, wit I t opp 3 ou,1th,AWli1lon,.­­.* ... biu o- ed and Swallowed a short, end, about 4 fee 33 Kerr Wellington ......... causin herdeath. The veterinary found iLED WITFt K�NiGfITHOCVD.—Henr fr- undige ted in the animal's stomach. j8 MoG iire, Frank .......... a actor Walter Besa�t, I he i, ove- del Morris, the t, have )een 4 Peon in, John... ...... -A pl asant meeting was held in t1l a d Lewis 5 Ross, Robert C ............ basement of 0e Wingliam. 'Presbyterian ighted by the Queen. 484 Snell, RAuben..-......, church, ou Tuesday eve Of last weet, Duri.-Ex-Premier Si am- nin BULOFF TUTUNBERRY. when alai ge numbei of th6g members an I the Bulgarian -hero, - wl o wi a att tok - evation, and o.theri, shot in the stroet on Mondi of last 415 Aitken, Mary ............. No. 3 adherents of the congi 66 gathered I o welcome Mr.- and Mrs'. Perrie ied fron! the terrible , v uji a he ' 470 We, r, Robert.� ........... .0 re, on thej4r rii turn froin the Old Country,where �t the hands!, of �his a 3sailij nts. He i 10WICK. years of -age., i Mr. Perrif has been recuperating his health, 4 23 Millen, Marth t ............ Nbi� 5 for the Put two or three months. FLATro.,q DEMANDED. a, represen- 1�1 ( ULROSS. -The icense commissioners !fOr West of England,:: France, d tl e United - I Huron n t Pekin: are: demandi g r -paration 6 Campbell, Bel a J ......... No. 2 wi in'Clinton on Tue d4y of last week. The proprietor of the BenneItt House, ill-treatment'of missio arie rand the Blyth, applied for a transfer of the license tion of foreign proper in he' Pro- Huroi! - Notes. - to'the hotel known " the Mason House, the Szi-Chuan, �Chiva. t ED A bas4all club has been formed' in license still to be held by the original hold- Cmrs DAUA�- y N 712M.—A 4xieter. er. The cause of the application' was the ind storm, last eek, dan i ad - the. 1, -Blectri . e -belle have been pla in !the burning on July 12th of five - buildirigs, in - the Michigan fr it be It. 11 fruit *tels and, several of th 9 rims -ing the k a. private e ide clud Bennett House. ere . badly 1 bro ken a nd a Yples and of Exeter' - I -- ced c;f Bertha The deaW is announ ere nea all bI wit ni b te trees. - I I I I 11 ---�'Mro., U,. Murray, of Iowa, is visiting a�t Helen Heritage, daughter of Mr. Thomas TING IN =40 . -A force of '- ' rot) er's, Mr. Georg,la K. Holland of Heritage, Woodbine Cottage, Lon�ilon town - y at,ackeis"r �era woo L ohip� formerly Of Grey tov-vnship,,9ji Wed- lago rec ntl teee lapanese � 181 - , t Toko m, nd of Fornioss, #Lnd r. 1. Blair has *old his house in ne8day afternoon, l8th inst. Mis Heritage With des rate couragii. Tbe apa- U 8 J a leading member -of eat Me - *n Mr. H. Schaffer. Mr. Blair inten a w" London, re onl ave(I fiom, defeat by itbe. tbodist church,'and also of . Y, i Algoma shortly. eing r discipline; of their troops. But fie co�tracb for the -new horm. shedg at a valued Singer) On Satuiday she W'ams a t - re; finally CCO' pe�led b) retreat be- c church, Cranbrook, has beei let to Y. tacked with in0ammatign, which vent"lly onslaught o the C1 inese. - When 11 dvices left tb I I tat d ie Black Ol latz for $400. proved fatal. r 0 advancir g ttick ' ekhani lChe two-year-old. kon of �r. David -Wednesday of last week Davie, alias c) rane, of the 2nd cone46asion o Howi.04,- Lockhart, left 0'oderich for Kingston where ther battle i (asimm:i ent.. died od Wednesday of last wee he will undergothis five years' sentence of �OLDFN WE01MISO OF ME FniEND1811 -%Vm. Armstrong, Brussels, hii a been imprisonment and receive twenty strokes. FMUTF-S.—Onjuly Mth 800 deaf. 001, g ' i as teacher of Whitfield's s(h 12 with the eat. The prisoi er was in charge alebrated the golden i eddii g anni- f9e 11 e pue nsion, Grey, for nixt year. of deouty-sheriff - Reynolds and, constable of the P ralladite Key. Dr. Tho � ias ( - sae� Knox, una went right' throu' wife, at theNew Yo -k Iinstitution-1 Ar. Cameron, Vriniiipal of the Bru gh'without a E Alle school, has rid6� over 1,0(9 miles, on stop. Davie is one of the train a, that Col- eaf and Dumb. 1 Det igatic no. were I i P froin many eastern cil ies. Dr. Gat is I icycl&this year. borne residents will be pleased to heikr, has - - U left the neighborhood, rs. as devoted �iany yea nwa, , 0 cKillop, has ee in of I I is life to p)orihealth for a, Ion ime, and no ho Is One of thom events which always claim c6ed. As rector of St Ana's . Pro� are entertained for her covery. the interested attention of old and young .EPiseopal chure 1, 11 ' ' 'a i -James Ross, uncle f Rev. John ROs s, took place on Wednesday eve nt. 10th he: established. the* fin t hi.w. inst.', at the home of L.. McNeil, ni t As, Of Brussels, die at his lhome in M con - hip for deaf mutes, at -d hi i 4abora pelphonTuesdayof lastweek. cession, Grey, when his estimable daughter, nproved educational s3 Stems and the 'Miss Tana, was joine M ---The Ii litning n onday afternoon of d in I atrimony to Mr. g of church services in sign anguage I I id cons The care. out the country. week 9 i0dera le aamage to the James M. Knight, of Petrolea. candescent light plan in Winghani mony was performed by Rev. D. B. Al 'Rae -According to the linton vote;�, J�t in -the presence of a large assemblage A re'� Thursday evening, 11 th i ist., Mr. them are. 938 voters in the town. Of th* lativea and friends. erland's store in Win fig�ani iarrowly 2.)l are eligible to s6rve as jurors. -The financial report of the Mettodist rii _IM& being destroyed by . T liat even.! -Once more the B4oughton, h and churches ow the Aubumeircuit, for the yeaf it dusk a e stomer cal ad get an C rey ditch case has beeiii dealt with and the ending May 30th, show that the follolw,ing oldered, ai d Mr. Snt er a id went p 14intiff once more a feated, T, he legal. amounts were raised on the different ap- back shop to do the j I le went nOte concerning the a is as follows pointment %�bich includes the amoun b for b6i r d the fire- to ie&t the. a eri ig iro 46B lito teria support an n, roug in vs. Tow ships of Grey and minis A local Pur 91.8 ean, some ML the fire ea6 in contact ma. --judgment peal by adii�jff- Auburn R 99. Westfield, $478.20;DDnny-* 01, an of gasoline, -which is.uoe I as fuel f dgmebt . Of Fa coubridge, who brook, $294.10. In addition the followin 9 re pot to beat the irons wi In a W M ttle, action at Toroi itO upon Pleadings amotints.were raised for-connexional funds: ,the blaze was running up ie side aZd admissions, in so fai as it dismissed the Missionary fund, $241.6a; General Confer- NIl 10 111 1 _4 J ULY 20_9 1895 JULY 26 oupom MnU no ,DO $63 oontin frotin whom I'mi vdiena" haa oraervA 10' - , it " ` ! Urc. as . . . . . . . . . . Mr�, and 1: 1), . 1 M.35) ch h ood came to Clinton on A e 1146.1b ,enl J5 edueai na, I I . L - F a f meeting the =d in the pleasa:utt Ink a relie $3.40 -. fsus ion,� 4.).;, hopLeg ol tra e or, wbo, would 50A omen, min- call thel ter gid - -e for his goods -but no go. Af i neer life- TO tliv iuu 5 watcb;ng and W&itin iolniir making a. C of 1 1 8.45 pati, �ntly for three nthe sons and thi days, �e returned to Oront P. win, aised on Uit. . . on Alorf& I LM . . o1re morning, however, the 7 ich 1owii D. eisinifl2w)r of, gensall was at wro 2gad wife 41- Henry, Godera i�. f- ur- peare endeavored to 'Fleming aiid.James- an mci�now Mi. the 12t1l of Ju �y­for. a p d upon the scene and Posef el0eiring-mu add 8� at great -leeate her husband, which she succeeded in -John of 1101yrood ; A )rafi i cel4bratio'n held tere, b on ac- doing, he having arrived- in town next ia"X�i and Tbornas, J. ouut of is � lie rain wl ich oo meuced morning. Mrs. Silverstein udLelighted to -son. deceased. The dvl ID fail as thii cirowd reache the g ve, the meet bar lost man, and the 1 baP)r couple. -was a true woman -and ticii of Bympathising d wi h. The took in the town for a co�pl ur, me e4king ha Ito disper 0 ho tb,r �she was a ztaunch Ept speak iris con wid war essrs. Dick- doubt recounting their tr,.Oles and trials since last they met. The e ting nsojit and Yj -of Wi0hom* and J.H. Mau ral took place to Chab ,cott, of K P id no, ad the woman to compani orontop W -hers. :ur&- y emerno.on, Z --LAt Wit ipe i Oil atu afternoon, two little children were anx� awaiting ou"'y MCI �3tg inst dyt I hird d. jmg ter of Hor- the retunt. of their fatheor an, I mother. ; x Horiou 0)3XTI y, -At SIX e eX- Cel tre Huron, and dontague !Bake Ifis e(tor Northwest staffa. 17th imt., th Marsh beloved Marsh do�nted P( ce, w re UnItood *in wedloek's NoTE.,4.-Mi--s Hills, of E, PlOnavill, )onds, Rev.1 Can Mat�#aon erfoirrnmg -was be ed Way. a few d&Y8, with bee ancle, r, David �he car o T I M Eat a )o place in -de had -a str6ke,! I ` last week., -Mr. Lou Kem of Toronto it 18ide, and reA VII 1 Saints ichure Mr a d ,Nirs. Cayley -her ri t in spend' ; a week under the arental roof.— 4—. rvdon 'was lamilton a, d4lit-lif i ea of the b hire, Scotl N71 r. F. & Hatchinion spent Sunday in Nfit- 110 Zuther agent. -1 in jr XaCtirlg arties be P chell. —Min Bertha.Hutchi a spent jut I 01 Ln oll n an is bride have got: week with her sister, Alirns. and was- unite-, At U Robbins,— bereft partner al>out iettled dow,t t 3 th � f �e r4lities of life at Dr. Naysmith and wife are rusticating at Br$Jon -w" shepherd I ,heir home :L NOT p. i �They gave the Grand Bend. —Two of our el tizeins, went to roung folks 6, grav I r, op Monday night land for 30 years ; ean' Bayfield to fish this week. They met with Ago, aud the old "0 I P11 )f last week' wher r, j, 00 of the youth fair success.—There died at her home last their sou�inllaw, Walti JgI ideic a ilil � Lnd beauty a . I d � the sweet Monday, Afro. George Aliller4 relict of the have four chil&-en livi itrains of th iWi I ti 6.4an a of Messrs. late George Miller.' D-deeas.-d 'was an o1a )'Hara, and 'No elfig being kept (1, Mrs; W. Lawson. whiii .1 and respeeted resident of Hibbert., Her ip till the oc to h . ho#r for retiring, L Her k—deper to Sir Floi�;i f I husband preceded her thrae years -ago. Shis �Scotiand - wmiam B, when all we�t on *i ing Xr.i and Mrs. had reached the . pe Old golan a lon ggrILL a d I liM., rA a ' 94 of 74 years 'G. and 3ass Brydon. I I li months and 14 days. She 1 ves a growim I —Aii old In aide 1, 6 HowiclJ township notice was a person ias d L t e ii I the per$on . I of Mr. up family. AVe extendour � athy tothe true wife., affectionate, e or y 1. bereaved family in their ho o trouble. Luke ush, the 15bh cone4ossion, who Christian. Her agod, -oT- 'age, is d, lied on 1I ri E th inot. ThLe L remains yearB . 4 1 Port�,. The funeral tookplacie were laid in 6 ir I 9A t restlint PI4'ce in the 7� thi �01 owing, L Sunday -TF 24, eoncession .5. on� Fj xorrle cemcw'y 4 i I.. I m.s.—Mm Mitchell, Of Hamilton, ig W in jx,�P,7 - ternient took place in I diternoon. T1 a t in irA a at visiting at Mr. James -Stelvenson's.—Mm y large one. i D e m sed h d real pq in OW- Bell and daughter, of Tiver n, are at Mir, . . . . . NbTES _Tfie.hu `wh in this loeslfttv� The a �ck township for o m a q, arter of 6, century Strouds.—Mrs. A. C. Benn tt, accompanied. tud was a quiet � it af Sul al He was b)r her little son 'and Ro R. tubbs' e@fld was b, Benne tt.. sr - at Belgra tery-l-, .n his 75th yitiar� rived from. Chi t Wee to visit J '*eoeme leagoLaa 0aedav100,e,k-ia-M,r. Gu* Hicks, in this section.—Mrs. ing last some -one, enten 'of St Hill onthe'Uhvonceb er .1 --oder i haulin my Michigan, is visiting.h 3 A i *11 ih p, wom _g in h %Zs firs.1homas of preserves, two I Lnd unloadi by ffIf �nj OfS Lhay fork into a Hawkins.—Mrs. Wamock a4d I little dough- lars' ibed, that h ot ecen 33 � been raised and ter Grace, of Goderich. were M 'the villa- -1 Of Zatter. So fox thep ge - -thie:f, although the plarl let" 0 POS a at fg 01 high, the props on Saturday.—Mrs. Elliott sind Alias clai-& 4- Aistauceoff. The doot . �ave� - ay, and dom cai ie thewhole build- McLeau, of Lucknow, a:nd MiSo Wilson of 1 railk hou4ei-shoidd be ug, wealchig Toof b r and, in fact, mak% Dungatinon, called on friend 8 in the vililge "le--$ are gett Mg compl�td *r e .0 a) most everything. I on Thursday.—Miss Lizvie I ierce, of Crewe I I Aliss XaggieAgen has� as ast k. —Mift J, fart Aic W kg back, and &I- visited in Port Albert last d whereshe has 16ii got a nost mirac!41011�jy being hurt,, but. W. Motrison and nelft, 114 Cowara of r -shop there.-w4ervlcew..' .raw,,, gid ouOfiL froun der the timbers with. Winchelsea, are Visiting at Quaid)L_ Im FLresbyterian -church -0 litth more th ' "a Jsfiaki a up. Mrs. Richardson.and daughter Mrs. Shaw, week, by the Plev. �-A)n Moikdiy!o0&8t el� Allies ' LeIIA of Toronto, are visiting. friend; here.—Mr, heavy.rainstorm, acco! "'ampbell, tof I IiViao6 � oah, i lied !a a:t and Mrs. R. Martin and Mr. S. J. Martin IN , I and lightning, ))sued �d "od, rich,. tS�ebad bee' 1 in a poor B;ate of of Chatham, were visiting fr) ends here i -.;t ieal f0i sbm� ba i gplaced herself week.—Rev. Mr. Ga -Higher visiting Mr. Idwy morbing -eal roadaides,"d drills iii� Ina the cia6re (if hitel f Gode- H. Blake —.Nir. George Fms and cousin, -water. Some say tb rich,. and of 0 t . Pero Aisease Aliss Fraser, of (31oderich, viiited Port At- Ar"Med in it, -but Som was dropsy. J,SheTwas-' ad 47 j#,ea. a, 4 ])art one day last week.�M­r,' A R. feuting o)lfhe oat --Xt rnon,68 and .3 days., inains weire in- Phail, of this place, Visited f rJendsin worth thousands of do] terred ill !D�rl g L110101 b metery. 1rhe be- 'ton this week. —There W a large pie- 'lie erops of ull kind eavod motliieiif s nadl relattv s have the - syrn- nic froni LucknoW on as t u WV, lui week. �0-ats bav�gro4m nearl, t Im.11 Of e, Lond6k iiathy 0 t aijty �4tended tio them -m-Xr. rverrie I - i r, Beasons, exioept, late tali C 4-1 ­ r barge of the n rist U tboir ement., had e . . I i church. ,j -1)aittier crop than lat —Thcotlie mominFinQo4erich as the onSunday. 11T.Ferrierwil have charke — I I ;growin Vry well, to f 'ter rain, was n1ea itig. the st4tian from the dock of this parish until the n wly appointed allmithisV C�N I disp te ts Hg - t bf Wiay� and, though 6lergyIntin will come to take his place.—We ngi cef Mi a ti -le to- stop, the engine understand that the Bishop of Huron has ug it !the an �4liiial �Wfi n ft, was at the north appointed Mr. Armstrong, of Buyfleld, to The Doig a�id # nd of the plat Orin. _ efore the train could take charge ofthe Dungannon and. Port An iinCi4aieut which 1W, b#ought t t1le.Plow was dragged Albert parish -and that he will enter unlon that a dog seems to g � ly%e of his ome, ten yards r 1, 0� -e, bbing crushed all his duties some time nex� I molltb�—Aw. lie time b James McConnell, after 'a geritt �ivviWng to youth for AA etwe �ne and platform. The -g fliness �vaa W zed.::along the spine ofsomemonths, passed )ea, fully aw to the story I 81Y III A dog had come and t hind e� i vere, brok-en.- Shortly her Ion home on t.' The funeral Friday in 46 dcoul . -IV Ate eAniii a was car away an t place on Sunday to the Dtingannon Lille ce a ry, and wzs one.of he largest Seen famil, remark-edoxi.jat — X. Li4later,iy inciial of Ganatioque, in secifion. Rev. Edmunds of in the room. ,F I I think Saucho- -Oln Public Sch in a ter to the editor of Dungannon, conducted the services.- . The bbe Ziil ton New Eia, makes the. following a inpathy of the community is extended to the Way. X-6. M 004Y A Difleilth Lt viere'slidu 1 1) 1 noi '�e * Much diffi- Ze husband and family. Thatafternoozi Sinc [Aty in ackeptiag " NrhAps you are ac- 11111 , i as the -days plaasta Aid; justifited m ith a! 9 1 teii�clier iiiiho would EtheL course of a vmek -a oeip' &'e to Spend * few 3rithi by the St. Law- -see �-b-At your U., rence: and . the , 1 :0 ank Islands. If you. NOTES.—Will. Newcombe and sister 8un- house.*' 'OA -W�Quiry ir you id adit -'se such to apply dayed at Trowbridge.—The brick layers Sancho, baving,!CAN wishj�X­011 . q � have commenced work :on Mr. Hanaul&s and been k4lidl�y receiV4 [or ' the position assistant in -A DUr school I dar next 1%lo;del School kitchen, John Cober has the contract for iks a guest. " aid eV term, I The -has su dtatia *1 have' had since the wood work.—The CAu adiau- .:Order of sometimes raiaAe a A comin here was fir' kHufon� Forestees concert last Thur* lay evening was 'bome, he livied at the f —A,, half-pae � nh ic i4xi Moqday� morning, success. Although the F, resters prolitted. peacefully ended his,& little by it,- they have the [5th,i: Lot., John; eldeat son (if town clerk satisfaction of Friends. Ritehill, of-Go,ieri(h, die4 rathii�' suddenly knowingthit they furnish �d a good pro�; fromi I cart faili � re *g painteirl a colict gramme. ProfeswrDucker and daughter, A FeW Word dise a fr'. in ' vbie' a -hid been suffering of Palmerston, gave some I Violin selections How mamy husbands i �. and For Some tilh,-. ;P -, v ous o his rotam home which were, wellrecei-Nred. iss Spence' and dhadren &ra dW� 7. few wee 4 n ofte jad een s6iously ill Miss Laug each sang two" retty solos in vaer? Youdon!t ]rnow' in Clevelai i their usual excellent styl is -had 't one jday �1 a I ta ft tha city for home to ityl Alias 13. Milne in I ieck r0ne d stirengt�. ince his arrival in and Miss A. Davis gave an i ittruniental on work. lZea goolla (A the piano. But the beat of was thoeomic -doet have too fuS& 01 Yoderich haa beaii con ned to:. his bed, bitioln8a#day,feelibig)�* rhe,'walkedto singing byour own Ben Dayies. Although 'nice fresh bread or Mai Ch6 H�irl--6 i Park"al4d. it is thou this was only his second attempt before Ae �M"t onions radwhes, I ght *that e labor the jou . kitey astened. his de- forget jug V bh public, he fully convinced the audience that Your Deane. he could sing and act comic soilga. His Take alou 4011ne - 041 —Whil IMr. Geo,, a.. job lot" was perhaps the i nost laughable. books I =5 s;re IM iii, of Exeter, c A 'a —Someofthe farmers commenced cutting -mixt#ure of.solemin and, ind se!lveraJ, others W re en age in remov- ing th� earth for the pave ant in front of their fall wheat this week. some nice take, lamw -1 bhe girlitnollihicwalk, n th t village, on Mon-. ` A PtiAsA'2qT0UTLx(,.—A )arty of friends, Vired out gietting iie7lre 0 lay of, laist; �week, hei pet ith an a, uUmbering sixteen, from Adinerston, At- ceident wood an(I - Ethel spent a 4 d ViVe which,ni it have t bi n his life. He. uple of very � - L, was wprkigg in fron pf Mi -. Walter West- Pleasant days in the prett town of Kin- V e Y. !Oft at the time, when Walter was cardinis recently. They were, -%-cry muck 'run wish, xbo4tto ra, 846 his pi it a(cidentalycame in taken with both the place and fli I for the a - �ontae1t w th Mr. i odgi as' head, striking ie ralded; Now try, MY P but more especially with tkose whopeo lint erri le , ow the left temple, -ren- so materially to their are, foremost, feeling nearer to your�( le him inse ih and i nflicting a very limong whom was Conductiox Quirk. He is My w6ufid the,piok hi�iug bachy grazed a jollyogood-naturiiid fellow, and be and his i I I - �� -SM 1e- Lill. 1 4 amiable wife entertained -,he partymost JAPM 1�—InOuelpilv), J, R. Jaekeort, ii this I th of J al� John Brown�s hospitably at their beautiUf I home. The �Ur. thiq a mill, iu'y'rev and the machinery, party will long remember thi � pleasant -even- ;SffARP1R­4n Uullett On neld ing thhe t res in m3thine engine and lng spent there, neither will they forget the 10 bunchel Of sh les, belonging to Mr. delightful trips on the water in the boats of �Ool �and r. � 'a a destro Messrs. MeGaw & Barton. ey also bave FAPSQ�%M—1 ,,ate yed by 11 ire. Mr. rowh wass ru ng that day and Pleasant recollections of the hospitable Inst.. this *ffo 61 Ur. f i 1 0 reatment of the host of f le Roy'Alotelp 'BnWy,.�-In Mushard. ej vas away t) dit.iner abot n1mutes when t mr�,wm2due, of *-a hey Saw tl a snioke com n out of the Mill. and his homelike quarten. That they .�CuftRJE.�Jn Dist Wawrl Vheo they got to the � might have ma-ny mere suet trips was the Wife -iDf Mr. Wlo- J- ACU :in 11 t was too late to %ve �kythihg. He thin is 1 the fire caught wish of all tile party. U-0wickvulb nder� the Wier. ?., There wits no insurance Vance iftne. *1 *dlws 'MCLAUGOVIN'In H4* Md We lost I is about Uft 1 Mr. Brown had wife- of xr. wo-ma- PhRadebbb L� A ItESPFCTED 'REsinmNT (16�-;E.—Tbere 'Taman id:R4 Ila -face, �burned.r He right off to laly-ft vn -6 Ira Ord and purcliased new I Outfit died near this plapue, on Saturday is,$ Olt -1-4 —1-1, UU1114, on thre, or is c men. another of our most h1JVhI vapected resil mr. Enoollxorr)s. of A y.X oN,—In -Uhel, -.On'% — -A r Said en ee in Clinton recently, had a dents, -in the person Of Jr. John Schnell, xr, George Dobiii)nt v am kirkably n w ca efrom destruction at the ripe old age of 7 years, three Virey VI'th A t 'a th 'i " iyfire. The ifly ant4i;�d for church mon he and nine days. He born 'i e e 0 081 i e a e a eni a . house. Go- village of Schreksbauch, �up 1 -many, in th �up ag. ba 801111 in le: he4d of the ear 1816. He came to thi t with 10 , a ai d after. looking for C wife and family, in 1848,1 Ta"etrtfed in ir nit he wani th w tligi match, which New Hamburg; where he r ided for eight, f -Valvosii :1upgaed. gone out, kijito the wood, years, and then -moved to th 14th conces or TurrsIMML% E t -e 63 �hial house, and sion of the township of 'fay, where. ...'he Ten On. U t r ad )n it ray to ; the church. A few lived until his death, He Is aives four so= *me# N"Icubtlit. of .1 tit4afterj %nothiii. met of the'lamily and four da-sighters. Asughttir of Mr. asisted on hii going bac fbr something Xons.—The flax mill Will be in operation h a, and ii "I (as f�,rtuuate tbat he did, as in a few days.—Mrs. 1). Wiag� . of New july -11th, byftv. W., I x and to -miss Aznle X h, -. woodb6 townffbl-�. ourrounilings were all Hambui-�g, was the guest of Mr. -C. Schoch baze. Roberl 2! a few dap last week.—Mr. A. Rotbermill, AN�-PFRsox ty I i; i3M! - A rathe rious accid a t . occurred at who has been our enterprising blacksmith A:IB.L Do r the -0-m. ::el bratibn at I C inow -on a cm raLngemen re of Julyr�l When- a, W w ere "he h FL9 seenred it jo 1'. Got U from the gro'e where! the speaking C. u., of Clandeboye, now occupieg hey assemble ig business.— by (ais to have taken ace, I d in his Place, Land i4 doing a rush h Rey� Z Z. ront of M arry I tel, are a regular Air. W. Beaver is greatly improving his jwcmveto Marjory o lusical ji' bore( ook ace among t ' dwelling byputtint�n it a new roof and Bryllges, *1 he everal drummer i 'an 011a. The large veneering i wi h rick.—Miss B'. Schilbe, alcony iii front o th e M ii ;I ��'ry House was had a quilting beeon WedneA day� afternoon,' 7von* ow n good Imit fr)= w4A view every- andintheavening she gave to the young 'peo�l q c me out —Nfr. Perr erholt,,o 1 70- c hing, adoover.&O up;n folks &good party. y Ov near Brucefield, was the guest of his he structure, whf in it -:ed ly gave way -and 7 ire S i the cent: and betw' np 13 and 40 per- brother Amos on I unday,--Mias Entina, �Cu: WF .—In uxtile, )ns wore carried Oow. ford, agril 10 YeAft, Riekbeil was in town' a few d tys last Week i0i It. Fortunate r Only a few werd I ured.- Among aired 7.3,yearsisftd4 a iose seriou"i r r a B. Camp- Goderiell: To ip. FRASM—In Giey.�=J o of Finlay Vrsaer* ell, near LU $1.1 n, of A.Sh- (,'ONE TO HER REWARD. d still an- NEEL1TAGV,,—,1, Liondo, eld Afrrs. istr f daughter of Mr, W -a of Hur, ingliam, and- *other of the pioneers of Hur, has passed to Ira. Robb, Ina 12� A number of the great o�d, in the pers of Prudence, Orel township, Wd -%,ad sli lit bruises i but how et of tl�y bhers re.cei I in�,U�ieL� some.. reli la Tho e. ue of Code - E them esca�ed fata iraCUJOUS. _ � L I ism rich township, on Fi, a t, aged 80 years. and 3 months, —A somewbat antio incident happen- A short time, since t a Ic ed fell from a CAxp8ELL.—lu West I iu Clinton as es i . OuTuesdaymom- chair and fractured �one of bar limbs, from bellAcampbell, aged i rs. Silverste n, a Giiarman' Jewess of whichshe never recovered. - kbout the year days. MYTIO'ELL.—In 0"aw, ronto, who has been dit.1tha lookout for 18.3-4 the late Mrs. Perdue wl o was a native eldeot mA of MY E r husband ever i ince lie Lleft her some I of Tipperary, Ireland, came t'3 Canada with od 21 yews. R4,_In L SpXltfb E arm ago, in I 4ew York, ou"' eeded in to- berparents, Mr. and IN -firs. J �hn 'Smeltzer, GILVD Gildem aged fS Y i ting him ini Clin on. Mk. Silverstein is a and the fanfily settled at St,-eetsville, near JEFFF'RSON.—Ift P111my ft of dru6me in th� spectacle line, Toronto. There Miss Sm, �Itzer married mrarson, son al aux 0 or an I Fnu i�a onli OuL g the I�u t12 ., le L ill Iola PIMP tir f lTd I or i a ago, he ,I d some two wee. is ordered a fresh Thomas Perdue in 18*38 and a ioitly after re- and son4n Uw -01 sood 29 Pmm ipply of stock from ti f4low-countryman. moved to the 7th concession, 1 loderich town- A-RUSTRON-0,At 8%u L Toronto, who al once conveyed the news ship, residing in the township till the time July lah, Jo"ph i the "weAer ha f " of the "; W andering of bar decease, for the last Six *years with *f Us, J, -5. "w " and thea searet �*mimeneed in bar dau COWAN,—JU MA11110P, ,gbter, Mrs. Wm. Smi�b­ Her bus 4�est. - M iR senthall the widow ef tho We gentle . man baud crossed the river of death about nine dim