The Huron Expositor, 1895-07-19, Page 67-- T d 41 AW" V. — — ­­­ I—- pt'�-: P 111895w. lu J LT O�- TO -W E- E r e T T -T 'll on the� books te lov' W mind fras the sight H it 1,06 ores were under th' BES1 TRZ BONNIZ ]MIAR t lamp fe of %ifiet., owe. so 'b 4s death, and bar )n of Amos Cruicksbank. 0 6. 0 jq� r avv wan el fl 3iRIESTOL% BUSH. w iob bade him welcome. 0 Lei ites"h i white hiiiing through a i h -arra, a I'tho hsid-bougt b wonderful grey eyes were a J I tor is weri the biced selected for his a in an, niList of Oarss'so thitt'I caagh� JILe light in I iol sithe f( iindatibn for the herd havin n ca V00,14W LA$1 WAEX.�), hi I for "he IT' at o t�e mans pew. she thinking of t bt tined int. in t be OnJo: re4 when 1 ..! J I i ADVERTI ;,11NIG urps 0 at dent d a I wk -c Sarsainar I? himse f this, aw a was Eiiiglandand'fromt4hebes a I it idm�nged'eosidition a OrTes are The scale on whi6h V edi: ig an es, k%n evening of desultory i adjug (Jeorge, and fiad,taken the m1nister to h6k Tin f eotla�ndo use othe a y HIS TotHEIRIS 813AM0 N'. Of tl 41aart. I glippy C f nerve 0 ri a Gout, loh' b(oks.-wentoutofinipas hw,looke� ondu ited. may be inferred fr 't t r It is quite, a common Ourrence to, Cures Rl1Cu'rh*ati.%111-. wpive theil aot a ser on shining ben(atl the lare o� The- elders one, grip�ed the min- 11valoul that V t;e annual 0, of calves nu bi r- - i - 6 is! ti tatbd near -4 1 ho nervIll nt, ;sI H4 ittertir vestryo 4m Y ith one b . I . I 'Sciatica, NCUral�,ia, BY i1AN -XXOLAPti-N. th a nm) , and -hand in t 3;, though ed 120. A�hual sales of young bulls we Aluid hoar a man demsudin idgme . � I : '. I I I - . I the 1,A the ar IT ana 201L r10rVQ.- g as a --wes, and all Erupti6ns�,-- as a -with the call6 finis ditsi t V lid � bonds tp�idO ain, homely men, they' were the i odli - t held, which were much ap resaiated by lo( TOOT HIS He w n ingenious lad, W 1 0 loses 4A b afternoon and d 0 dined fac., I the glen ; llut 110 an spoke BOA Burii- I reeders. From 1870 on faiges 111111111W#s f food 410ff�l simplicity of a theologic4 college Still.-uli- leir Way, In I I f"c Inal POW OWN HORN I BIUST"OLPS touched,'m A had arrived'- on -the i eceding the south am W 11dow, with a i4coess' ass. Oruicksba;nk cAttle found ;hat lie "I a? but lost ae fairm. for the Fr3e Kirk, Canada and the United St�teg, their'gre�t Alond at. Free Kirk manse withlour. cart- tl. t amazed himself. His bo pe was 0 A I . mine, but it tics tn�s a great lit be,kept humble, i lied to and I wild bae lost ten tite Win the Kirk 1 orits.bringing�theih to thelfront. of self pr. 1� ioads o fui nitureand &'madden aint.. For nil an not be 0, u r h It her ng. d h IS y anti I r'I 4. d Iii r a 0. r- t a b P49 t h A n 0 '0 n ars at d ,now Itli In 1889 Ri- Cruickslsanl� sold out his ez; deal better if it comes from another - lzars",!7 i3a three d ys. ie roamed from in t r in An E burgb for at least tww y, cc the axe an eut, of house -h 1%'g, '0 hojifted the sheets wi 1 f , I ar, Thet rillia t 'Donald walked wi i me homew ds, 'but tire'herd to Messrs. Nelson, of Liverpool, source, namely -.—The Customers, find made is Z- Would only say: the intention of these gentlemenba;vilig been which were reFelk,e& with hilati. OP11silsig, with its 1historica. rallel, 1 r curos 1-iVer, stomack 1106 suggestiong There was a fro -Go I whose to export them"to - entiva. Owing, is This is the secre ous contempt; then he -shu' himself up V16w of modern thoug ht i iforced �y tell. "'I at. sent In jiovi Troub1cs, I C C�Iln es t A, entei rigb of Mr. Duthie antl ( tations, that it Islil of 11 J of our success.' 'K i dlic 0 t reno crit a -me was John." the cottage hi added: evef, to the I 0 ilia study t3 prepare the gr at sermon, aqd �u h.- b- t ti t Ing inei his aunt'Vilant a i Olt on ip cc. Duri' i - I lanor who purclias the best of tbe stock, "lood of' a I lm� a] so bridegroom rejoiced Collynte and Mr. Wea he - Willis, of Baps on y 4a oh -'an ioned views, w not eliver. The friend' of It) the B (I on Frid ha ex0lairsea c"pally -thak his. For thci audience bad ani le), and left one proatly because of itlie biiidegrooms voice*": To anyone WiShLing iiiiing paper-. ply simp, a sormow careworn but levp! eau A 11 Mot , w ose, Acts U � 11 11 i rsli-c 91 I lylagic in 11"Y'l"g, . C.., 0118 L Ck own s to prdneh a, it, I I � : The'decelised waa a 'man of a quiet and 1 gentle eyes werl VVI h a " a'rnin ate tit,woman was waa 111ig. manner, with the beat niteri&l, wilt, 9 t a sihiple. life, 1 and that he would have d0e so had'he been: I j� h. A - h.i.4 aqo' look. Twi serm; I in hiss M a,me Market �Towe, gild I'm �nely disposition, and led vs it A 1 1, 4-- rii , 6 is I . . Ves*tn Irill C% ha'tl ir ed N ,A find ' to their advantap:o t�o give a. 8, pl, V ft I IM V - f - AT.. V i I - Ing one aolsolarship.1 a, deliveiande 6nds, and a 6 am call at re his all �'a care �,ife of' Willi owe, of Wilinnie Kno sa� Member of F�ienas. HIS i%ksapar is lillis me will last as long an Shorthorns are 9 arvcUous MacWhamn: el y on, y soil was ariln' for the r a It, "Pos .6 uci a was exp ni uffill 11 for stre Ji ning I rob ng Say tit'God waftted aini netirly a yet Ir syl e� own in the world. be earefu thi rash bt P or a nor centr Cas s where- illness I reache -1 the Bvaiigel o' Jesus tb� vp v� Aeadache I and say no it it Was 8' d had kindled and twice a repen I ad and, prep seated *by'the.country. He would ii�ioothed it out, What epse could lie Willar to no an Cures O'd Chnmic due*to himself to state'. the present posi.i*ni to the kQple ? d then in'the b t the roOm, he heard a voice, peak a d tl�d Ilia Voice, and I! loved you. Y� The Baby Over the, way, nerv9fts �.Tspep -1, 8 isierve de- WALL PAPER STORE; CX A1.18 BLOCK -,s fa -ht have' Of ity all oth' r rcmediL ain 13) --On the Two doors -north of Post Office, St of theological thought, d, he mig gude word -for Jesus Christ." ngd�me�t wem Dr�g . Ewald. ev nae nither oi L earbb, I li� ear, alla Across ifi'iAy neighbor's window, ra til Be sure and ask your g for toxote once or twi a ir 8 1,� " 131 i t� th, that Next 'niinute� -he : was kneeling 6n the )) to 6011, and I walit'itta satin and face, if eds the is aunt wa firm ay that if ye evet To With Its folds of � , . I . min'l Scott's, is a with its crown of ring eto, a a a 10a'l �n;.Who$e hearth and -pressing the magnisr� Op.1s, that wisli tk6 speak to oily w1man as ye wud tos6 rain �Isffu'v, full; cps, makes truth, and tt r mys icis d1% 4 heart, ir mitber, come tae Wl�i Laby.'s Innocent face. a Wkes ab 11slobd and -Sign painting a spe 143'7' gs"s?in!,tion is the- obarm'of Sqottigh pfqy, I -N.B. coin was to shake Drumtochty,. -Jn0,tha nis a Knowe, an', The throng in the street look iiipward, and her fk�e was troubled. While'the min- is red fi oils. 14 E It, 12ES half weeping, the impressive � �D�48,. Sam- His aunt cc meet him in the Has a nod and a smile for the Paby ister was speaking in his boyish gomplaceii- -In the mansion over the way, 11,13 %di Lispear. -hey Cott's ki -Soal h of t re,and be saw, h If smi 1� mg and 1.11 coont it -ane o the V)rd's consolati nd every one, grave and gay, e4ity- i As Jd only itic ( nvironment " shrivel study, and when ie looked �on - her li a lip rs C1181 the Skin. ap ey, her thoughiswere in a room 4heret A* tie lait� blay -'flake_ od out of quivered, for his heart was wrung with one Just herb hi my cottage window',' n 0 ek ite S had both. stood, five years before,. by the a dimpled hands, Photo Studio �siglfl; the face looked at him tg�i�, mt this *istful regret. His obful in hi death -bed of his mother. And a patch on his faded apron.i ii i she had only been - spared He was,broken that dkv, and,his sobs time the sweet �browh eyes war full of ' 1011 lt'untie, i The child that I live for stand t seie' t!hi's day, 'id -her prayers, answered." SEAFORT all He has kept my heart frotu bred ng VIETE shook the bed, for be �iras bia mother's only peaces- Changed 'lands. But his aunt fiting herii arms round hi$ P or i#any a weary day OHN GRMR, V. S.. honor rs' at offttarl,L son,�'aad fatlierless, and his 'mother, brame It was no maiterpiece, but ion t a crude And big face is as pure and handi some OAR iAGE grars' rs' rs' pniestkt pro ul 1et V. - I ationofalidwhoknew li-Vale of - 'i4ok veteric�ary College. All And, so and faithful to the la�at, was bidding him 1 4, J) 7 fut a n ed to and farewell.. v I e3 As the baby'is,over the way. tly ATei, I*k 17 inise. be cast Antinals trosited. Calls promp ters owd.nothin of he world' - (loon, laddie, nor be uw ORKSs charges moderate. Vote Ana D -e- tfstry a opeolilty Yir mither bits heard -every ti b�ii Sometimes when we sit t ether, street, coo door- Dinna gi e4, like that," John, nor.break it 'would have dine either h4`rni not, good, My grave little man of t kree Bausluligh's Ground Floor "'a -0 Seafortis., i Oflloe. and residence on Go orl but it was his b�ast, ad lie gaive A for love's, 4nd is satisfied$ for ye did it. iii-. re, th 14121if yir hert for it's the will o'. Gcfd, and.that's Bore vexes me with t e qu stion bus heen, bought xAv of Dn soottle office, Seafor f 4 nb1ing in membrance o' her,- and yon, WE a yir mither's - T4e beat Buggi.0) ft-n�. WabonS aye best." "Does God, tip in Heave a, 1*6 n 0 ?1 17 a iuman life so.,predious to, God neither a rmon, And I saKs " Yes, yes, my Jarling Bake, a nd I -suppose bhat therp i. out y B Here's my wateb::and chain," placing 4 -W. IF - U A -tr-U- M Go -H -pl, mer,words nor famous d as �tl s'a (To be continued.)! Thoug I almost answer Nay My stock 0 Carriages Is ory com Uta. ;:E01 hand adua, and facory made�bugpes, wol A better made veterinary dentista, Eon I thern beside her Boll, wh could not' touch ee ie crin Veterinary Sur5i2reon and entiskTOronto rlege of fic 3 of love. As I seethe nursery eradl( 9 ma0e, under bur q!vnitsupi i, �sjon. D Vt buy foreign -f-it Hen r r of On rid Vet- -them, nor would lift li�a bead w4en or In the mansion over the way. n. bedror w,,h,,,,*l �5HERS. ou "a onor member of sitatio1voter T -k'it w' mind rbe moon flooded his f h, Iver A SITORY FOR M, at tions and fie cheap. If ffian the work J have every facility foy t out first-el"r.. rinary College, Iff ti ,� ye. feel the chain about noc Ili h u` 0 101 118. c "red to t ry Irledical Sooloty.. All diseases f omq0 a ye o 3 yir motber's armi.' 11, ht,and-he felt'the presian is �no er And oft when I draw the stockings. brought in from, outside olnablail 1 - spend your work, baying engaged the serviefs of. 11r. W. Do'..'a 11fully treated. ;. d, t for -C.S.Coebrane s s u io, All calls ro From his little tiTed feet, triopey in buiislino �dp rivi I towns t i d injure your Ws bed stood ghostly with its wh to. 'our *IHICH MkY SAVE THE, LIVE S OF late operator &lid manager t di Ye 'ill no, forget n1e, John; I.' �ssn that at hoon Cal i day or night. Derdistry 1119 U, ery.,A a Vil y- t I as. T 'EIR DAUGHTE S. And loosen the clumsyl ments own. when you can do �e er Fand see Brantford. Anice selection of Fra Los, Etchings iffice, and Diapeneary�Dr�. rgl"t ve loved Prom his limbs, so rou d and sweet, ms.'And be eohvinc�d. Pastels, Oil Paintings, &c., on hand. Arti#Ic photos e, weel, and I'll never fo you. I' & , and he remembeied how evex y night 3rain street Seaferth. hd;11 mother knelt by'llis side 'in pry er� Pr 1growtoobitterf raid here and 1`11 love ye I yonder. Will no any style, on gloss or matt surface- pf r. Enlarge. Youn Ijady at M rrickville M heart too hhe , o ra. lc�"It 13 re Iring a an 'odr when F11 no pray for ye, andi I -'ll hith. He is a, bo ce 'More, and epelits �11 men Ira, y on ill kinds ofibl romptly to made In Bromide, Crayon, Duplicate-. illy done., 4 Ali Ythink of the is Iment and satisfaisto tb6 Lord's Prayer, then he cries agai , "Aly t saiie wlien near D 'th' Doorl h too of all sittings, made by 3fr. sIgUgb, be - LEGAL 1 ken better what to ask than I did. here, sae Of the baby over the way. 0 BA Li Cd at studio. mother, 1 my mother I", and an indes(ribable -Her ness Brou-ga t about by' dinna be comfortless.'! i A S, HAYS, Bar ter, 8 ksr, 60conve so r'! and Then she felt for his head and . stro�k,�o it 'cohten men 8 Ailmerts Pecuh t He� Sex Ob. God 10 heaven, for ve in B mms, M nald, Prices are Right aad IV 011ofi his heart, Le 1 0 8011030 rr,-tho 0- Won Sati actiom. Notary Publio.1 car- rth.. once more, but he could not look V . His er next !morning -*a;s ve --short, —Only One Wa i *rhic41 they For all ; have thoug and Said Guaranteed. I offico-Cardsio's block, Main'soleat, seat UOr:pq-!­ a stood at th Can be Success Resi ted. S9 v 36- Yes 'ill follow Christ,-.Fknd gin � o7ers but afJ erwards is a wi w i for Mylenviotto heart Is bu bled AF( 1 oneytoloans. My qefillbor's baby dead - ad, bi aunt . i ' : 1,480 a apa(e, and when h n I �orn. the Ott iwit Ci tizet ir - WM. F. TAT ye His cross *ye 'll no rofnae - it, for He 'aye I saw the ilittle. white odffin No JUSON, Wallionf, Inqui 111006 carries nd, He's gUlded said Perhaps th a is no hiaaltbie'� e6 le on AJ tbe�, carried it out to -day, Com i9oloner for taking siffla v3s, H� . mael' Yf will get yir serm VV0011308 :PFU 01131MMO. GROUND FLOOR TD10 C4th. fATTHEW 'he he" STI Agent� mot�er a,' thye ye�rs; arid b ll� %nd 'it 41l b Andithe heart of a mother in reaking &a. M ney to loan at the: lowesi': r too. can as gude U a continent of Amdrica to -da' than the I 'rent En 111sills, Reinedir. InIthe mansion over the i i, Thei ts worth, iearing 1� Ko"MON, WAllso as - a ; bulband since yitfather's Aeath, and . 4 w.did 3 know?"� r: sidents of I heVicturesque v:' A a of . er- 'The light� Is fair in my windo Si ages Guaran�-­ Er ';o me fag . �ae, the end. Ile 'ill He 'ill ilre,- situated oil the Rid utu river, Paid V0 Flour, Feed and Seed 80siness- r0ky The flowers bloom at my d r in I ly, and pe lain ntly But she ��4'ly smiled, I hea you rn=e ster, Solicitor, :No", keep ye too, and, olin, Pll, be watelif a' for C a reason is not so much -in Its Salubrious My boy 1 0 r, _4 vh%sing the ounbe I fOrMS Of XF FOR SALE. X.. REST, Bar we doors. north 0004Trnctsc- rll �o rv6us Offl cc, no &I IP an he shut himself the stuLdy that by a 'L. Vapst yd. Ye.11 f *1 and. her poor cold P, a climate as -in the wine precautions taken by That donee on the kitchen o r, next door to Q.' 4P a:kn V h into The rooe4 of health we crown til ptr Is seaforth. God a that him.'all his days -1 g t- nir jewelry store,, �Prfch hand had ten, a 'i it�p hLbabitant in warding off! disestse My da atn 4a, Impotencygnd itU For Saturday mornin his aunV went ii to her If h d to 4 sale the Flour Feed and Seed busingss in thv�- o all(i Cameron, J215 - , IS ellesirom ichI74 agents--Camero.t.1 ts ened on his head. Ts tiffiely use of -proper medicine. The great. But the )alby*: 'gone Indow Town of Asaforth,;;;nduck-d byMe rai- �Hnohley in, law at e.V dot (�f Abuse or Ezooses, eiLk But he could no md her ioioe roo, above, and kn ie bad gpne,to eit favorite it, D1% Williams' Pink Fills, vaid Of the mission over the, w I Ment lAmb. � This IS a good business, stsind, and sk,, rctry, excessFva use IGARROW & PROU FOOT, Barristers,'Sallo intercede tor him. &c.,�Godorloh, Odiario. J.. T. QAsow, �Q U.; was failing fast. any axe the testimonials in regard to their -CraffleandAmch r. of To C 00, Opium or stima- Dod openIngfor right man. 0 n puichaned tbe� 661 An hour afterwards he ivas pacing the re, dAfkn a business of borrince, & an,the under- anna see in 00, John but I know c rtues- YO1111 pol-respoildelit, on Monday t 11 tchsoon ka to 14- !0�enriyt are desirous of d feed busi- Isposing of there, an� I've ui �A one other wish. If garden' iq such anxious thought that he t, Qled tit th 1, residence'of Mr. and Mrs, Rules For BDY13. JR it� r. t cr, troy ear7V grave. neon. Stock low, and will be . of eir s�)d cbear- B to go. tor Crushed w1ith his foot a 'rose lying. -(n the On bee'=c ov r S-5,yin Inthousaudsof 1CAM11R N HOLT a HO d calls ye to the iiii,istry, ye 'ill- no ro-. Easton$ as td interviewed their daughter, Itolf 0 saying Goodbye or es0s the otair lul oltore in Chano�ry. ad =1 rich, Oni. -0- fuse, &W the first'd ye preach in and,thenshe saw� his face suddenly Hats lifted in V �'nel a� i J Uam st .5fediolno IftNCHLEY & LAMB, Seaforth. Ylir ain iss Hattie Easton, 06 bandabine youtij lady H t 13ANN fig4ten, and he burried :to the housa, but ow do you do . A; Aakdrug&tf 1 00, a rhol 1phoAtne; If pn%w Iffotffl. DuiD Hopm kirk, a eak a gude ord. for Jesus Clidet, 0 20 ye'ari,,willo is kno n to have been very, fir,8 he- plucked a butich of forget -mi �-nots. rs [no In-!. 4ce of this, an JO n, I'll h a a that day, though Hats lifted when offering a seat in a art 114 Off9 aGme worthi e4il i NG SCOTT, Barristers, Sol oftors; I Con- Jw and has been restored to health by the I byisreturn n '11 be i for tte Baisik of In 'he evening she found tlam- on b',s ser- -Pills. "Yes," she said, "I or in a6knowled ing a favor I , ooepride Inlet r,. ii ivt- NwIli Sal 4 IVI voyaucers etc solicitors ye'ill n :s see me, a satisfied.` use of Pink ne ac Imn L Price, o 31 :91 SIX, s 4 0�6 will Johnston, Ti9dafe & GMe. Money to Who. Office- Keep stop witTi any one y u walk' wit ble free to Dt Block, Cliato A, -eat deal, but I am so thankful ible Outarlo. A in ute after al a whispered, ", Pray for -forl still she pray suffered it gi Always precede a lady upstairs and ask V� qosei six wiU 'ure. rii. anyaiddrcsw. Rob 783, me, nd he cri,d, "zXy- mAheri MY '0 b a I ter ed and that I am once more testored to health. hO JAxEk Scorr. Wodid Compal�yl nil) in pas ng: mother!" ws �bedoi�7ai'tbfulnes&-to her and son� You have no idea What �t! ip to be so ndar her if you may precede' her Will Ont., C"a. �o tho,* In of �eft'icdjhiIsg ull- abel bserviad 'him come out an d der through a crowd or public pace. -or' HOLMESTED, succesior I to It was a full prayIer, ind I the portals and feel tha�t eve�ytbing in life's For nall by Lum�sdotl 4 Wi) DO. druggists, Bea- LrAger,sT, I f Roy -ested, BE olicitor McGaughey & yol isked of M�ry's Son'. rouiid the garden in great y. He lifted Hats off the mbmeDt you enter a a eat fc,th, Ontario. Notary. solicitor for theCan future is about to slip from your grasp and t be soiled rose and put it i I lii� coat, ; he door, and when you step. ini o a private hall Lxeyaacer, and t, ti adianBankLot commorca. Money to lend.'Farm John," said his;aun your. is Up. all eariy grave your doolil I was taken ill fo and he saw (lesth for the m sale. office in Scott's -1th troubles peculiar to my Block, Main !Street with the Lord," re�eased 4 butterfly caught n some inesh ; four years ago u or bffice. Cierar I firattime, but it Let a lad a she 0 baa�utifu with the �he-biuriedbia face in ftagran - honeys ckle. y pass flrst; always, unle"s sex and which has hurried many a youll UST WO Ri D peace t, etb Th u she sindiarstdod tb4i hili ieart wi 8 full asks you to precede her.. iderstau� ing.. -woman to ber doom-aii�earl.. In th Ies no because amt pass Five years - had! passed, L cro, Mad with Ot -B OU, T a pat lorstand till every lady i the —A DENTISTRY. of- cive, and was sure that it , Id bi well I hav,e taken in all a -bout %twenty boxes of though. room is I'm Scotch but Ind his a;untl wondered On a morro seated ; also older people. -and work, I R. G. F. BELDEN, L D. S., TIMIlds Pink Pills, and I ain only t;o glad to let the Dentist_ A h a' hen the all began t;o rir f , t -ie'mi nister Rise if. a lady comes ii ter you iare whoth he rememb�red th t - last request,- ....... Gfworkidone loown to 'Modern -Dedtiatry. w,60(1 know whit these jwonderful little ITAIRNE you canna D f hi wen t( his seated, and a tand till ahe'ta res a seat.: ros rol� is, nees an tunt a Crowns a sp�cialt�. or inde d had heard it� in'his sorrow. Gold Alumillitm and Porcelain pellets have done for me, hoping that some smoke abetter f re ss� to b is yv rl A 1, co"v I What are you thin cing about, aunt -9 ro w - unfortuna a young woman may be we are giving the bes'tjvalue io har. Door bell answiered at all hours. Office and re8i- 0 Ded, for t nant Look people�straight in the face1when -3ccu- Are e Cigar than dence over Mr. Pickard's store, in rooms lately be ,an am. pe�king or being spoken to 1160 n afraid of in' th I pled by Mechanics' Institute. y I benefitted as I w a. When sixteeii !years of n4as ever 6:96red iii Seiif4th,,made by leo Ogy a gown was spread put in its black silk- 4, at ladies pass through a loor first, d-, it's no th it, laddie, for I ken st an 6, John, age I began to �.row pare, and weak and I skilled work,"men, and ouly -first-class en.g cry, but- he sat down in despair. in I aside for them. W,TNVZI5DLE,Dentist. Oflice over Richardson ye 'ill say wbat ye. belie- re to be true ith- many thought I was goinq into decline. I Wi Aunt a a sh3 hesitated..' W do, foi I've 9 MROY, McInnes'Shoe Store cornor Main and -John Oct fear o' man," All hatbver shall the dinin take your seat fter m4terial usbd. F. bebame - subject. �o fainting spells and at 00111 Streets, eaforth, ontarlo, IjItrous oxide Gas ad- fo g�tten the ba�da 911 ladies iand eldeas. ',Repair �rompi ly for the painless ex.traction of teeth. 1100 Come, out with 'it, auntie.; you're.. my I titnes Would become unconscious. P attelided 1, to, m1nistere 've uot, , forgot the ii, Johin, and "'y 17 with knifJ, fork or a con, ut ever p strength gr ecame 5o� a are six pair wrought vith ni-� own Do not Ue only mother now, yon know," and the min- b a adually decreased and I b our napkin, in a tune. i in ng alon 6'r your 0" d c4ars and we They cost so, emaciated that 1. was a living t.�tili I'll tie them Housekee w: 11 make 0 em W: 01 k, S., of T ies gOode t: a,untie over N d ing. R, H. ANDERSON, -graduate, al College ister put his arm -round her, is well as th' simply a ha--- a and new a )ur hand.�;G 0 Snrgeonse Ont&riool 0� 0- kindest, boan man and y D of Dehtal D!� skeleton. My blood seemed to turn to but I get sax P, iroutc, uriversit). difice, Market Block, Mitchell, ro n my laddie's neck2' Ligh� �iarnm A qp�, cia ity. bad." t waterandmyfll wasthe color�ofa corpse. a IL402 an sbe I for a Ontario. ad given the la 3t oucli, and Chaff. M1 of thein Below his stu(, ent sell -conceit he Was a I -1had tried different kinds of medicines, but hef a ready to I go, a suddf n seriousness �-tommY-" Pa, what makes the sta rs aD R AI�P'IR Dentist, Clinton, will good lad,� and a nd of he they did menog6od. I was at last confined quarter. fe on then, t art. is 'I Wl�e�sall at Hodgen-3'llotel Shame on �, u, Johii, fel td, my room for s0eral mokiths and hope of -ight?" !Mr. Figg---�"Oh these aA R K foal o' iss o era are scouring FIOIX Uonday, and at Zurich, th to ake a J me, I; aintie. my recove4y was g�iveil up. At.last a friend the h1avens all on �the T4013ACC0 CO.. A10-NTRICA so -.Ut a ae round tMPIRIn L. Thursday in exon month 1288 ati w4ld dune Y, b 10 COD ur no er E�pd her God b Corne r a, i n ap d Jbh r I S�fs L or yo th 6 with Iv i1rued the iise of Dr Williams-* a 4- - -.1 1 .1 ) 7 on t me." L Ury. nye war ee you, and th; hr. went-throu lithe gv rden a Exeter, O�f. Will be as Zurich a his face, and anderne th h kle and into KIN$LMAN Don$I%r1,' L. D. S., and as a c t Ank Tills and after using a few boxes I be- —Bridget--" Soy, Pat, for rwhy does tb g t the likeness the one�rsli her eye lie kidden1v g, n to grow -sligh �ly stronger. c iltipued c Is this our tin w ddin�t'l Patr,e g(w i: the k1irk, wheie every Frete ( hurchihan in 'Liith an' it's at the Huron Hotel, o.ny on. the I rA8T TnuasRAY in, each. month, and hitt's e�'ma-tter, auntie? t �ir use until I had used abou twelve becaze we've 'been ma rr ad, Will Ye Drun�tochty that: could get oil- of bed, -and M years. at Xurd les Hotel, HenS&II,L on the FiRsT- FimAr no tell me"," b xes, when I f)und -mytshelf res;oreO to t 0 half he Established Kirk, we a waitii a in er W each month. Tooth'extracted with the least D health. .I now qu�t. a pills and for Th ' a's a bonnet " said the d Ur's tation. 118i life. i rife, "that i gain posa ble. All. work first-class at liberal rsies. Inna be Lngry wl' ine, John, but expe� 4r felutg-bett a a perfeWpoeiri 44 a 3" h concerned :abolot Sabbath, for a've beeh 81' K moilths 'I iiev er in I my a gn I alt with his aunt in the ir inister'8 eW, -plied, absent-mindedly, 0 but w praying ever syne ye Milan I began to a th t I was n t as egu- r weie" called to Drum- c ever and shall alwa, d tb at I was at hou d b Fay for poetry. ys be glA lar as 1 a and to feel The old ired tochty that it miclit be a great diy, find -Y TO L -winter li a hestv ipon fe ling once inor on, medical s0dent) NIONE that I micht, see ye t. tfiatl�ervice. : When 0 rnin Oil "e more I -Lecturer (to This comm &a, Tir people , t�e glen I go upon my travels, and h 111Y re to )ink il. 8, a abject's right leg is longer i tham hi left, I lqm. wil the beauti, o' the LOr( u on Ad by the time I had wwiTOL LOAN`.--SbraIghtL loan$ at 6 pal , with the privilege to berrowel of paying poirk of Is e rincipal money at an� time. according tae -the beautiful on the mg auld 4ave seen many religious prophecy: .1 How I 7have been, in Mr. Spurgeon ntains E�Ve the feet of function a Taberu �. I acle, us stored ad a x boxes I I ou I keep a. box nd my 'healtl by ine and cc f 11 L' asi re illy, which causes him to' limp� Now, what I ould you do in such- 9, case Student Apply to IF. HOZAKSTED, B*rriotoj, Se4forth. him that brinaeth good r whe 0 the people wept ond tidings, -- that pub- laulghed th have beard In minute Canon and Lid: when it feel 4nv sy M ptoms of a rei urn the Limp, too, I guess." lisheth peace,0 and a next; agal she'li;topped. 01(1 trouble. ke rta it few and I am all right —A man, -with a donkey for sale, hea ng rh ME, DIC t C GO.L. on, r auntie, dbn iO St. -Paul's, and. the so gu qn," li� wh red - 'sPe 1i Igh, i clear, voice i's still wi h Y and of . ie, 9 t Awake, that ageun. I cannot find 'words 'ation! suffi(ient Mat a friend wanted to buy o i no, sent, m t 'card J. bid. Ing bett PR.IS. S. MURAAy I oayallthaVainyirmind,". "It's no for me tae . I . I ill a3vak put on thy� strangti , C advise ye'.*ho aynon- sqen ]Righ'plass in St. Peter's, I . I Zion;" alid'sto(d have in to express my apprect curative qualitilaa,of Is and sinceroly of th D�% Williams' finneL that all W , w wh( er- ink are a Owing Written on a porsta Dear Jack, if you are look' f 0 r a �esll a iDod donkey, don't forget.me. & L.', A. E-.' & L. Ali M - Wu! I arNn&'aqd 461.40 on �at u Cbehe, writeb: Noth. � and mbago �tbati the fron twoor, "The D. cuTil g Sore Backs and I �Yas Feall Wollan"Who n.8 eTIn 11 give them a Friend (pointing to sketch)— Rbeumati8m:0.Z a gre4ti ,ate in Couatyol'Aliddlesex. Office-- opposite Town Hall d iV,, Member �ritijh Medical A980-Astlon, late corone the dilsk of the Duonio at Florence ben icted as I was 1vi trial v nd I —Artist's 25c. each its airAigbVl in box.1 but her Dible and ho Cateolil am, P d Agostino thundered -agai6t, the atri certain they will find renewed healtl. I y, Harry, where did ill the C11y block, Resid a- 67 In Victoria Street no that &'in feared Apr the ne- v views, or 13a u get that!" ne�No. 90. 14M62 a the day. ButInever realize '"The facts above related are i orte I farr Wh I got that oft of my, head." Telopho abo.t. yir faith, for ' aye mind tha:t there's %rents as there are many you g girls ,,d tb a L,tt k ,0 y mony, tb utgee world a's I did that day in the Free 11 ust Frien�- We iVa a. lucky t)aing for y -our -Ionor Gri ings the Smerit has sti. I tae teach R,, CAM11BELL, I duate of Medical Fa Xirk lof brunito'clity. RMF di on I ead that yoll got it out." 1HE FA EMY eult of Toronto University, Physician, Sur- us, and I ken -weel he mam -.hat follows E;ilding into Woma, ood Whose con �i Editor -Well did you erview rs ct, because it is largely Esn:atmosp]iere,' parents iniagine. - T ieir complexion is pale et. But it's the fos: -, John, L," a u se, Christ will never lom his way in Oily offlice-�elleeii Ilock; eight calls-- ze a ppiritua e4- It i]ls impon,'616 to anab-1 ef. is,Fto say the least, p critical -;ban air t2roe110 01, Zurich, On'.. 1387 t B nif n' �ta' m anxious fe waddle,of the Woman's RiXts Club? Re- a cot, the flock o' sk, 0 but 0iiartain, circumstances asoisted. One ep the, L al troubled , vith h eart porter -I say, h d h. aid . she bad A. oNa, m. B., Toronto M. D. 0. M., -d bes given It. AIR ISTR was' iliikantl -prepossesse tatiou, beadac es, shortnes of breith, i othink to *my. Editor- ell,' squeeze it KEZ, 311 Dr. ye.tae.feed for Him, y d, in favor of a alPi Viet M. C. P. S., OntArio, oiwr,�ssor N C /lately o ng minister -who gave out the se ond on the 51ightes t exercise, fain ne as in o � er into column ; we,ro crowded to- (In oons!iec! Z1,1104, of 06 -;��upje(f ky pr, pum. Bruce- She could not seo'his face, 1, tit she felt y :oaw t th Aetd, Outs 'a. 70.09 him gently press hel�! hand, and took 001', paruphrase at his first sery e,'fot i, de. dii ressim symptoms which invariably ead ay.' r olirea.his filial reverence nd on for him tolaprem ture grave unless pror t �Ads of Sanch-e G'0.1- -Wife -Why do the f age. z ey a a. �14AVI ill, Physician, Surgeon, i Of NViblesses. 1p r11 oe bl�ssing. taken to bring about a na;ui o -Y; good fe low? BANKERS A NLD FIN kN.0 I AL AGE &o. Office of ai cloud No aO T cc - say that �he is such a NTS. JJ f mror on, 4hirest, of Dixon'is Hotel, Brucaold, ramun -mindjaddie, thaf they're no SOtti�h man can ever sing ti4p of heUtb. In this emerryenc no re ed Husband Because be in aA,ay� pleasa;nt clever and learned � ike what ye are, but- y -t cauq at c offir- ;�ef di rf call all ie a a o r. obli ing, a 417 I and g'od-tempered ; be is RE MOVED - V I God' , _! scov D Juist plain colintry fouk, ilka vi' mony i df our fathers, be th� o6d I ' a"' 1 4 '1111ams P1 ik Pills, wbich bu d anew the spends hill money freely, and neg ects 1his To,';)Ii* ROBE418iONIS llqirn�turo Store L t -EX. 1BEETHUNE 9. D., Follow of the rVoyal cares o' this world. ! They 'ill med Of their oucceedinF race "� 'i a elear - I Main Street. A General :Batiklng Business done' A doll�go. of Physicians and Surgeona, Kingston. bl0d,,stren then the nerves an( r� tore the- fa to a shameful extent. D raf to Issued and cashed. I � �Oti*a: Illowed on de: Nucc Boor Ito Dr. Miseldd. Office lately occupied Jow of Ne i to p4lo a' d sal w ell ths way everlastinT. riend-How are yon doing now? Scrib- ' Its 3 lern nce t wor(Itaecoi)ifort�h'i:ir-hertsan,ls wt] w�th dry hear�. It satisfie tie at I eeks. Poe y I)r Whakid, Mair, fibreat Seaforth. Residence Ye, �ill!, sa wbat'a tbattlip, minister �vas of a flne timper w1en, $hiay are yer;ain curp for bles peen- bler�Firstrate. The Rev. h1r. Saintlie all tr NEY TO 0 and I -have gone into partnership. ]Va n d to o n4 o� Victoria Square, In house lately occupied richt, nae doot o' th and ody 'ill be after 4 bmve attempt to join, 14ie bid hill ill to the female, By tem, young or old. ing 0 -goo 'n 9 or mortgages. by L E. D%noey. 1127 pleased wi' ye, but) laddi be sure ye f9ce and )vas silwit. We tbou�h� none Ithe 'h 9 say, a gudewot(l for Jesus C V' worse �of him that be was nervd . us,�,� money hand over fist. 11, . How do 1you R013ERT J . JOGA ATANTAGER, I:,. COOPE�R, M� D�, X B., L. F. P. and S., lid t,,v,(, manage?" I write booki and lie de Glaggow, &c., Physiolim, Surgeon and Ao. he minister's face whitened, and his arm 1r4o old'people wbo bu Lel e R IT of W omen Musicians. Ol- t Bit d sLispi: nounces them." cout her, Cormt ance, Ont. 1127 rel xed. ook h i 4L to th& hearts w en *robab] 7 -,there!', is no field where more He rose bestilyCnd went to the- suffici.61cy t Hypnotism," said t1ie 'in do I professor, vanying W tg or, but in going out be gave his aunt an the in�nister concluded the L a W �aid to Ivomen phan in the bud's Prayer 1 14EPS aim of music wiftes'Airs. G4rrettWeb- resent state'of knowledge, may b� de- ALL underzitanding,lo burriedly, baving omitted ti�ro.petitil ok, such as paases between wo 800TT & MACKAY �Unreyas the power exerted by one person U stel�, in, the July Lad ies' Home J, ournal. The people who hai-e sto d together. in a sorrow. But we know it was not nervousness- -VJ?h lh� over the mind of another. Wb gig- HAVt �ED fill I made him pause for'ten.seeonds after pt greatest a d tbelowast sums are alike re- y Goderich $troet, opposite Afethodist T4 soil had not for rotten his mothers re- y- iled the flu rl, " th�Lt is just the same M SOAP for�widows idid orphans, i lie ceived by hein in this profession,'while the �s falling in ove," "I said I mind',� in -TAq, �'$Iv NCE, nextNgricultural fly' C a f o r t h. ItL -E. quest. lit ai d in 91i aV ge is1probal ly ; Ls good as that receiVed y tiow At rr Th6 manse garden lies toward the west, lice1which fell npoii us the Divine Sp4tiL dear young lady," retorted the profeesor. T8 sme ',,('(YTT, 3t. I). C it., (Ann Arbor andVictoriaj alid as the rainisterjaced its lit�le square of. had fi�ee access His 1 youth commended wome wor, era in any other field, S.- 0. , I -,Sympathetic Old Lady -Will you M,u. V. I danie ttl is einarkable not only as the 13 THV� turf, sbeltJed by fir hedges, tile as also nodest, foi, ov.111V pleasetellmeif the ladyis in wbowrites 31 � sun was him, si�ice he w 10. MACKAY, 51. V. C� 1A., (Trinity,) E.. T. U. C. grqDtest of. liv, vocalists, but as the best going down behind bhe Grampians. Ome '-wit.1 all iliarti 61 S. 0; lcufltte P- Black mOthc11 had c an wor er Ln the world. Slie has. t�ie 'Mother's Colunin' in your paper every 25 ST BA BY�i SOAP nias 'had legun to gathe clouds r in the prayerithat the puir laddie wud -dae well Pa" Wom Week ? I want to tell her how much pleas- lin t6 fr6fluently recei ad five thousand ilbllars tor a mot J. SUR OWS evening, and,tbreatened to obs his. first day, and hinil only tiventy-fo) r. DR., ;F. ell * the sun- �011 f rir I has not sung R set, which was tile linest, sight a )r t 117 TexLs can iievc� reiuci�her; nor, for t lat a light for a perf ance, ant ure I had in perusing her articles on The e uni cc foi: nil Baby in. the Cradle." Office b -He's Late reuidert Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen. oy 8 ty mail inatter: the words of serilnons; but t Iny yea�h %.9t for less than th�ree i Honor graduate TrIniW University, Was ever 1i lrzc 137 to see a;nd a means b Yonder, maam. That's him who is tand- e a ib- ilect -%vi�s Jesus -Ch a meraher of the� College ot Physicians and Surgeona of (Nace to every seil3ible! heart in the alen. risCj rl� id befo�e he I ad thousand doTfarA. Madame Melba's fee R3abV 2a troubled with -sores on lica I' nd legg& i I there with a pini shirt on and smoking I.tried alnio.TartSoap," in,.% very short time of O-,,Aario. OFFICE. -Same as forit trly occupied B apolK ei i� fi vei ininutes I W� ther for ccnc rt or opem, is never less "9 back the , GI , �f -vifas convinced, 1, 1 tit the sun had bew.en on 8 Oil d, I, ho hds pipe." the sores disappear sibooth and adth it Public School. d, sl�in b caine by Dr. s oppos 0 e�forth, tha tin on side dogmals i lid churches, t (it white, and the chill go i shot them. through with n one thousand dollars. Madame Eames tp� eJT1,1y Ivell (I Madame Nordim -received each se 0 X pl�,Rmire in introducln�,, Pr,� Bur lory and now b etiv an 1jiled billov ,s of light, Christ was pretieht. either side, 1� rows a preacher fit ed ail Ve Only �50. Big Cal - ave much bundred'dollarsfor their operaticperforni� Didn't ]Knov,7 it' Was So Cheap e!Ll F, to all m fornn;r patients as a rbysie an �n . UveTy lid went along a shin 119 pathway into the from b'fpre one s eyes, nd there rose lie way we th) Gitth catep of the Wes -L The ininister zto(d in esdurii tbeseason justpast. Thelat' eir utmost confidew2c figure of tile Nazarene, est lovdr of every A gentleman in Piscataquis county, Who R. W. BRUOF SUITIL still before that specacle, Ilia faeo 'bat ad all P10111, Nviffi a faco of tender patieAc&- �f ke's a joke, although he has no purpose 'of Brucefteld rt fill. 1111 in" tcr% invarile fee f(r singing in concert of li Vlepl iorieL-ko. 46. ora,&K)-�ii five hun( red dollars. A.Ilidalne iave tbc�Nlhster in the Chui chi ill tbe groldenigI)ry, and the bef6re his such making light of serious things, tells a, story -red f rom C-11 eceived six iundred dollars a per: z4 B .Nigh� caII4 answe ve eye -9 tl i e goicl, epen 3d into awful red,, Of -­ Wrinunzinta, and ftretcliffig out Ma of an odd character -in his neighborhood who ff f6r!jnance during th f 1,494. Tlie� mixed up eccentricity, religious- fervor and T -be undersigii0d, h in� Im e(I the and the red jia'med 4ito sh2sides of Jiolet 41i(j� hands to old folk anJ lit, le children as I e a -,season 0 i aid". it I, iced, 01 ly t A U.CTIONEE"LO.S. as a B not ree�i, bey nd liaintdes ba d or t1be imag- profanity after a most singular fashion. 0 did, N,fore. His deatts, in Galilce. iris Pr" 111' P Brucefield Saw Alill 0' M 1 "Ah Jklex ination of nian. It se6inwY to hi elinigbit be beard' mw moment, 111�. I thO C who are the reittest in thei One fall, when the snow was too thin for 1`11 as if 'a VOW r atrt i of these women is not. only an artist Mustard, is nwliv I repa�610 to do all NORVE TAYLOR, Licensed Auctlo�eer'for the btwe injagilled it ill hly Ichicly hours 'by he victoribus saint had entered through the snow -shoeing, the "character" got very g County of- Ijuron. SaI03 t y atft..Oded the Counkv. th also a beau(iful wonian, and it cleve uneasy, as he was anxious to kinds of custom �awii on the j3 ortest gates into t td ili L61 fj re oi on the'sblit';wy bills-scft, he a ty, wasim btit to iii all partil of Satiefactian gullrail. c: blood of go hunting. Charges Wod,.rat(- L the ., . I low 11.11ills actress. teed. GEO. TAYLO�K, Kippen T%Mb1 an1 tho after gl6w -of -his weet, pelli2trating like music to f uslied about for several days, and at, notiae and most rieaso 3able' J 1,erw s. 1357-1- motlier's life fel saleninlyon1is soill. The 14st fell to praying fervently, " Snow T Le lg' est ca0h ce -w'11 be P. 0. the seclict of the heart, Come unto 1,qc paid last �race of suu sot had faded fs�om the hills 1111d I NV41 give you rest." Death of Mr. Amos Cruicksh�%iiki Lbrd send snow Send five dollars' for 1488wood, Rock Elm 11emloek wheii the millisle'r canie in� a4d his face' wa;s Jhrh pause Ille ScAioli. I glail ed rn breeders everywhere wi on. WN1. WOLOYip: ill vIorth"' -was the VuMen of his supplicati Shortho ctioneerfor the Counties of Huron and Per of one who had peen a vision. I Ile asked bis up the q and i)thei a th All, alables tivUrs ell, asid :1;aw the -Sallie spell (ld with re-gret of the death, at the ripe a a That Yery nigh t the storm struck, a regii- An s lac Oil la� blizzard, and before it was over thesnow -Vassey-Huris Manu- aunt� to have woIrship with flio servant, for the peo� le a (70 eighty-seven years, of Air. An OT Shi-hgle's aAd And Agent at Herisall for the )le.' Doiial(l 111emi I �' I I ule Lumber, dr4inir g tile Of 108 0 aratdripg COMPany. alea proin-ptly attended to, av 9. P. I lid must b6 alonp in his study been ew ight into th6 third lie P'll land mas shank of Sittyton, Aberdeenshir lay three �eet deep everpOiere., As it wAs .5,arges moderate and satIsfaction gvaranteed, I e,,Scotlamd. always on hand. C d' : I lti!vas a cheeilful room in the daytime, now h lich it is iiot The late.'Mr. Cruickshank was bom Lvith- as light 4s' feathers it was no better for Ord6ra Ity mail addressed to flensall Post Offl00 L ring Ivol 8 10 lawf I to' .1111pbell ill his Witte wer tit t lie ith its southerii -ivindow through which utt� h -t) in five miles of the faxin on which he, for 'OHO! oft at his residence, Lot 9, Concession 11, Tuck- W snow shoeing than when there waa none, oTaulth, will receive. prompt attentioa, 1-096-tf the minister saw the roses* touchisify the back lia closed b j� ieyes, and v :is pra 11 g. fiftytwo years, carried on liuccessfilib the and the distinguished blinter looked odt of Cho�sping ei.thqr by S CPO) -or �Irinder very glass, andl dwarf apple ti ecs lining the The women were �qeplllg quiet I Use business of breeding Shorthorns. In 1837 doors ruehilly. v and done prom y alid si,'daj ton gpara-n- walks ; 1here was alao a -%vestern. rugged..aces of men ;�iixlucd a id he and Iiisbrother-Anthonyfit-statarte(I farin- If I had known the blamed stuff was so garderf pti 1 wid m i d UPE teed. Cho1pping dot. I window-, that 1�e might watch each (lay. softenee. hs Who 1"Ne evening s in play 3 )11 ing. They soon, Sam the necessity for im- thunderin' cheap," he exclaimed in his vex- idays; Blacksmith Wanted. Were A good man who understands the trad I CS a in a close, es tript �s es e� tf4ily awzhw, Steady exuplo�'menr, and good w It -%vas a�plcasant room 'now "Wheli t provement in: cattle, and, thdrefore, ranted ation', " I wouldn't have prayed for a Married man preferred. Apply to J. C. X 4 1 1 . he grail'ite sto mor and Fridays. A LB: the ciirtains -%vc�e ra-wri, and the light Of But )�hat wl I stand t fJi,ever bt fc re the farm of Sittytoil 'and other. lands until than a.dollar's worth. s6li-cited. FL gl,5GII, Zurich, P. 0., Lot'25, Concession 1-t, bi xy. 1416 wok.A� WATWX Children Cry for Pitclherl' clastorilaisi Children ry or. Pitcher's Castorlau T C#V > C= 0 01 0 0 C:V- 0 CD M C+- 0 P 0 0 Oil Pt C.44 dip CD c+ - CD m $a4 PJ P 0 0 0 tonsil Id . jl:�& CD CD 1-3 INAW BI FIRR, UA CRESCE1W. T. . Ja. "k S. 811F X,, new and sewn -IAnd, Ule evernvIlore. Get our pri-w &-no sa a raoucy., Re. Valring and Wickelhig. CaWopofrea a ame gireat. T, I BOYD 1810111"3 '1119fINJ� CAL I -4 70 JULY 9-*YAI THE JWN G' At, XOrtulnes 147on and Lost A, - 'Come idown agnin to %n 'Lall hilluself sits eros,; lei] lal and wriukled, 1-1-t _V- see Yon. ITe never V ask the price, urmwe, 1 tongues 10 J)"ar and mltlt� =Urs 133/2, cow-'- let w; it!sdone. Hvre.ZjAs flor" broker hol& it up—Baor, L aught ng, more, fingvrs 111 you -be has :old it ant. 7; tj su'vosing visat it rains IJ at I 9 O'clock light, JV,0 ri for every rupee of Our ft Pee Inaking up -seven, tj 010011I Lail will. takean Z pee fpj� brokeragk-. R,3 -1 miany lacs� for fortu-nes Q7 here every4dly in tl)k�, men The very -,ugur cane Ed vbe doles out Sticks of A P, W, Is -Woitth tho,mands I -can bet efther Nviy, for or for todky or tonlorrow or I day, If -you tanfiud a t"0 -Tolir choice of the two ! ftom 6 a. ill. till noon or I 9 P. ni. Of rOurse to a Ig. Taln will'fall in the-firwt odds are offered. It ran the� nionsoon, between th. bave seen 41DO to I offered, P.1ch men ideposltlargw ni Lall-he isnlso a bank -ion the Tain filling withlu For the 11lonth in Which f ally breaks they lay b uIr raln, a-nd It wnuld undelI good bet, Dra-ers thernse, ly-their brokerage p16 course, there comes o(w, winiling -by ;easy hedeing nat'lisid- tZ foretell. Eve -the 01�en marl.-Ct"and th The place is reafli- a sort X' -and, &-i in the 2nonl;oo)a V stamtly full, Acre '18 nev.., Jn bettlzg either Wan, 151 .WMIng to tako the Curren . 'bers" Jouriial. ot South i-Carc What, so far as we"can Observations, is tho mosi, inetrien! au,.1 Imposing IS-Ilortb Amerim Is a ltve� T -ens, stfmdlog on ono sid to Drayton Xanof Rom% zearCharlvton. Tbebo ton ihmilra bui pdsonm *Isathun nmniiion, was bu ,Carsalln.a wms a Britfil-11 4 said that the s,;1t,-, of the h( �On aCcount of thM tm, 4 live oak gTovrs very rapit' possii)le that it AraspUnti the �otber side of thi home was first built.. At the p!eseiat time gifths 23 fMn 4 iniChos �o;t between the grotind ab which spricail 123 feet, In (' 119fLeot in the other. Thl, over a bed of phosphatcs� � of trado vvill 0-erv4bre p7 Aesti-ndtiola beforA Its t! once *o hwm visited th i visit �ias li.creased jour ,. tillre la�'we stood In the: Nv,ondorful exprvtsslou of one Who has 31ot jjfN�D:t,110 f0rM S trU04 iftl Of V�le IY the live Oak, tile most bim species, of Oat's Which grol 4ers Of the 1-�nitod S-taf mature 1xi a suprime efti �cau it dqesnit take much t� 7his *as 0 front of the Vedordl bullil stoppea 5nddenly on The 11 building and leated h against the curbstoile,- 'i ' usual, but wheu be droN beside the front wheel at with It the crowd began ,of five!mLinutes there iven �and I �oliceinft U- gatherell st. mcn:, f roin tl;e ic street paused 4ud lookwit 4 then -walkod �,Wracjs to se ,Tbe,crowd -closed In abo. aud traned their uo( -entirely lost to view. T46 and C11'.11bing dOWn fr403 Jolned the Onlookers, and., Zelling their Wares to st One eveltablo rnwn W�vm JV turn in an abi-init for the glues wben, he IVVAS stopp per" beforehogot to the 1, 419A1.01 abybody hurt"'-- tonishinent, "AiWt sion. -or stabbod or ssunstrackf suicide?" "Neltbar, replied Me -slowly .about ILIA free a Aiid be opoke trnthfi 41ribuno.. The, ftylug of Some of Diokwnsl most feCtiVe WOrd PICtUrtS W4 gatherbip wbere for -a ni the houseboM quietlybN �,on the repast. Who d(� the wedding feaszt at, - 011, vbpn even givilial '�Xr. F away, a tear and Dlekwa ings in tbat memorabli ,are Aar3c "ts -on the -fea ;shines brighter In the ,through a U-11st oil bapi. tho'home of the chevryl, typical f;mlllples, who -their proswrity, always jnealtime the "giver of these aud all otbor 1) -Charles, I I -sald Ned, "11ju .gratefli-1, 1)rota�or NIA. "I J Vhen Antoiiy And Cli te)nIfttingsuielde they : of a great variety Of I -each of thein on tWo Or I der to asc�,rtalu whether panied with InuchaPPATA 31istorlan declare -S th6V lost -their livies in mder �, tionmiglit bo-Ant-dued. -that Aiawij�v killed Will and Clk)patra t4ther'w liected poiF.on-,i ior by a se "I didn't tblilk yout Ing was Ilf) to PAW Ul fred I I I sald I& Nvite at their way hafflic frIOR cl) Ill know ft "VA"), t., the liev. Dr. F utt I - tellf-led to be. I CX1wCt ,effort nes t Sunday inorl -to Seem urflualit 1)y V) T4b­na -- - Pretty, &rvioeabli To.Vie, econo"licul fa�,blojjaj)le f --Ivor i6f all a -welcome que. Alpac thoin frtllu 0 Ance, ' which in war -Y M, and their tenapltyof. 1 ofE the dust and kov ' I I tile in.. -,t. It is an open ;akdn to 1110hair. in tjlt�.y are exprc�3.-ed ;as indhaim