The Huron Expositor, 1895-07-19, Page 44
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Ac., -Marsden Smith. (6)
Threshing Nachineg
hoto&--�Wzn. F. Tate, (8)
fuly-Wiu. F. Tate. (8),
Dry Goads -E. McFaul & Co. (8)
Settle at onee-J. A. McIntosh. (5)
campers -R. F. Edwards. (8)
Final Notice -M. Jordan. (6)
Sailing RztesJ S., Jac"on. (8)
Farm for sala--R. Bratherst6n. (6)
New Store- -A. E, Penbecost. (1)
School Teacher Wanted -J. Hudso
-lex. 0. Smillie.' (5)
It you are blind -Prof. Chamberlain. (5)'
Something worth Seeing -Robb & Currie. (9
Central Business CollegiL-11 Molatosh. (6)
Go to the Rest --R. Me [Aughlin. (1)
Belt prsis"ackson & Greig. (1)
i Away up high -EL Willis. (5)
Have you a boy -E. McFaul & Co. (5)
Cheapest place -W. H. Willis. (8,)
Roots and Shoes. -W. H. Willis. (8)
We want your trade -Gilroy & Wiseman, (5
Look Out for Y. X_ C. A.ExeUrfll(
Central Grocery ada.-(61-Fred Davis. (8)
Pumps, Pump"ohn Wanlem. (8)
The up to daW store -(51 --- �A. E. Pent'lit., m
UVOU fra"DO p'tor,
SBAFORTH, FRIDAY, July 19th 18-k
All' Quiet Once More.
Last week- we intimated that the DoM411-
-a Go
a vernmeat had submitted their
on the Manitoba", school question to ' the
sh that the. policy
House, and it was own
little satisfaction to their English
speaking followers as to those 4f the French
Unguage. The three Frenobl., members of
-ternment went on strike, but. after
the Gov
tak-ing a sniff or two of the, chilling atmos-
P�here outside of Cabinet, circles, two of
them returned to the fold and are, to all
appearances, *Putting peaceably in the Gov-
ernment, traces once more. The returned min-
isters are Messrs- Caron and OuLimet. These
Yentlemen have seats iri the Com mons. xvir.
Angers,-' who has & seat in the Senate, re -
his seat
I to, return to, the Cabinet and
1 basl been declared Facant. Mr. Angale
"ons for remaining out in the cold are,
first, that he considers the Mauitoba.pteo-
e haive already given their ultimatum,
and; that, eGnsequeutly'L there is no use in
ing farther delay to recousult The.m,
and second he believes the Government is
:not sincere in its promise to give remedial
legislation at the January session,. and- even
if it! is sincere that its followers in Piirlia-
luent-will. not'allow it to' do so. 'How :near
iglit Mr. Angers may b%-. it is not for as to
say time will reveal. He should know
h(P was a member the Cabineti lind. he- had
opportunity of jud of the sincerity
an ng
of his colleagues and the probability of their
implemeriting their promises by 'action.
In the mean, time business in the Com -
Mons is progressing about'the same as be-
fore. The supporters of the Governmeni,
both E uglish and French, have,' evidently,
madeup their minds to- oaxry the Govern-
fe'y through this session, although
-ows veiigeance upon the Govern -
each side v
meat if it fails, in its duty in Jan�&.ry.
Daty,L howevier, il looked at from' difflirent
tand points. Ute Protestant Supporters
-e the, , in,' the
of the Govern. nt declat
event -of the Government submitti
qg remed-
it4l legislation, they will -vote against it
while�theirFrenclt supporters say th if
they do not stibmi t a remedial lam they," -will
vote'agai�nst them, so that, when the
axy se . ssion cam es the (loverament is sare to
be between. two, fixes. If they do it t')ey
ill be hoisted, and if they don't do it they
ill be hoisted. "he one7 bright'spot "'forr
'them is, that in ,he m Ban time Manitoba
may capitulate. hat prospeAs - there are
of A-1-haitoba doi that, - our readers can
Judgefor-themsel4re from past evelil's. i
The inota4le ev ats Of the we k N+e
ria otious of want of (olifidence in le, Gov-
ernmentby '.Nlr. Lwurier and by Mr. Me-
Carthy. Both motipas were based on 'the
aaf'lool (liffieUlty. Both w�re' suppo,,teel ;�by
able speech es, by t ieir movers' aad were re-
plied to'L the first by Mr. Foster f I ind the
ext by Mr., Tupp�r, and then 11 the inem-
bers were CiLlIed i4 " and the motions noted
(,Iowa on a straight party vote, exec, -
two, or three of tAe' Preach members who
are still on the strike'voted agairist the
0overnmeat, knowing rbat it w4s in no
daacmr of defeat, and they could, conse-
quentbv- affard to show their' heels. This,
)rettV much embraces the business of the
'WeeL, and - prorog tion is expected about
Wednesday- next.
The. British Elections.,
The good people of t1leL old land are just
now in the midat of a general election. The
defeat of.the Rosebery golvf�rzll�en,b arid the
formation of the new governmelit witia Salis-
bury at its- head, was followed by a aiss'olu-,
tion. Thus far the elections jiave gone
largely in favor of the, n ew go teranient, or
Ip nioni
tl U as their suppor�ers are call-
efl,�'and it ishkelv that in,tb� newll&rlia-
meat they will have a large m4j )rity, ' M -any
Liberal seats have been gai ed by the
Uaionists and the count nolv�tands231
Uiionists ; 45 Liberals; 13 ant i-Parnellities
and 4' Parnellites. Of coarse, there are
many elections yet to b6 held, but it Is im.
poosilyle Lhat the Liberals ca, nearly make
you d
Ile dat
UP the ground they have lod. One. of the
st notable defeats on the L [be ral side was
hat 31- Sir Willian III %rco, urt, the leader of 1, of jaine, n ih ' consti odd th W'"! not satia'fictorV, to the Minister of bee slized. forl.- i tio,their marriage It 6
hie has &I a n align to
he Liberal party i the Commons.' foi�'& a nse -votive majority a from five to Pit ip Works, and he wal i rox aye of erance and jiliskice to m i .He M�ae bf th - bi min. and, intend returniti
eS& `Anderson is an 6xtwii
si urb of every member I 11A d he'll the time comes 'for- the
te, a constit�ue ac he has L, or la
I f _It d ' Derb se;en uni red. Oraingemen' ha;ve:polilics 1 0 11 'Oil -Ad by mul u
in W me a honor of I iberal ' rty d &I with this questi n I �00`1111ntry, a
It for man. -a as well as i eliglon. They party to Canada,
1:1e gainat a - coin y p iat � by hal a the drits.: lot hav bein suffibient.' Not st: �Lon t link I can Mill the Pledge for every, am, w tri 0
W k
[Tri nist,And his Lit 1131,1111. [ coilles gtf� for ; he less then t�ey ibhor gap schools. No frie, a the I Minister of P i 13� tar of -the Lib irI party. that we will"en- t�e nuptial lulot lam, 6onatituendy e4l'o rme a like ftte, Twc, initter what the"Gio-�erzi do ' Ill a war d to h the indi i 41 signatures of ( eavor to so1v ) at problem on lialles that -G. A, �Dexdff az i -1. � I - . eel 0 my on.,1 frie id, the Mini If rinanillop afid I rill 1$e foundfai equitable and satisfaciary eolbnies of, bees, I no
Ah r1eading Libor 9, M-6sors.1, haw-Ijef' small, per�eni�jd of . Oran ral6n. will Otte minor ty honey yet;',.
his i colleagui is. Has . my, c It. frien I the t o the on those broal lines- of, nor Ac a
ab�vrej and Keir-Hdraio baive 01801,be'llan, Grit. A lqrge proportion will atat at h( me Mil isteir of Finarice tak( a new pledge? equal rights o, ]I Leticia to all which underlie The' bees4 will ) ita
I L . ve 11 Q' I L .1 . I Feated. AmongthiaLYniotfistsele e-d-isigr.- in the t of thd Bowe oven ment at-. H he iignc the pledge (Laughte!.) If, car constituti ti (Qheers.)
keep�theml over v in�tdr
he a iigne' the pled , bo knows Put at a�.
tailley, a cok law, and the -Bruseola LL I , ,
Reary, M. S til tabratted Afri b&nL tempti, go pol'se a reme-dial I so day and Fhds e , te
this! campaign is borrip icated by nturib) a he in& say that be did
ey-Floirer, who defieBited- Mr. Trevelyan, iblia situat! so IMO t. of weak as (Liberal a H.4h do- Deefigiona. yy
Lib Brat candidate iin tha Worth Diviiii Of. the fa b�t 0'rangen- The follbwi�g iscisions, of interest In this.. ;Liautenan�-Govern len -who do lot v ant PD use.) H 1my hon. fri n the Minis r lceptedaniAvftation! 0
ounty, *ere gi an by Chief Justice Mered-
Lat ribeth. It w'al fearei L' th%t SirWi iam to vot, 5 Copservative, Blind will no )te rit, of notice a* A the - pled e also HIM my
i I- . 11h in the ChancIary division - of - the High 0 tj
uld ret#_e from public �li. [-011 coin vote atron." it 21or I friand a Minister f Railways, the d � i I -Alr. Houliten,
Ha -court wo 'on ky:1 .
A at oron on Wednead
i ve Ru mrt:'of Dominion Parlament, signed Public 3chool - Tr�atees of Thii6n School .1ustitute,bas been,,ffe
see 3unt of his defeat in I is old ctonsti�� i - 4. of the pledge� o � Has 'my friend the of the Port I
C -8 hoot I atee Section Eve of t Township of Hallett vs.. r
ht, TheBoalrd of Publi o .
Sec. -eta 8 Ate
but the arniouncemout is now made It Lq who ias just come tute, at a pal of the ell, y 0 hae decid d that the Lockart.- -Judiatani in action trie I without
wil L stand for West Motimouthshire, Mi C., I to L Ltio thr� I )ugh an leel ion in Hal limand, signed however, to ,main in
in Ill serieqofsunday oolles5ons thge "pledge so9 And MybDI1. friend,the a jiLl 4t Ooderich, in which the Wn It
th a Liberal. member* idity bf I �Miss ni ie ..a I I , t ings by
M. Wamington, shall I hod. mem i1ir Huron,,�fr. Patterson attacked the val be proceeN
in he'public: schools ot bhat,, Alberti was ving,to
had been porninated by the. party,', ro- City ach, 'norning� A meeting*. f the re h from a milder climatel, hila'be also hich Im on school section numb III sixteen. day, when th horso
�: . 0 id. - Action dismissed ith Cd its. . I a
ti,r ng in his -leade�es favor. As thelf , d ;a? And. hat about the umped f h ri
0 11
Angli� an ic� ergymen of the. eit pasol 01 r rtb� Was for i do Mil tial has he -Ialso simiod the u n.
Ite Tow � ip of Morris vs. Cou�t fH
stinenc, gaedmajori of betwelaul P-000 wt CrokerL
y ty I solu io --Judgmi int in action tried I a j ry
t re n;',' unaim6usly. approlving. (if the le Ige 9 An , Ill bull. friend, the 6ntroller
_H.: C. Priest,
an 6,000 in 1892, it� , o be priesumilid. Sir at Goderi -.h ction to recover 4( ere nt.
actio, I of the trustees. We believe the f i custom tl 00position. 1 laught4.) I %bout ingharn, w a k
of the am unt xpended by the pl, Lin i in
1"T �lliam will have no' difficulty in. ng King ton --trustees have done right all I we 6 ogize my on. friend sad by Torun t,
y in. go ri, at
ii sitio fro the maintenan le of certain of tl�ei r bri as,
this time, thou h the Unio !are the necessity of giv.. his preac
elected 9 i � � . I week.h' Mr. Pries hi
an found Judgm to BLin.
%gine we lave
IT shout I ke to see the trustibes of other li , a ure. Xovt, air, I im d on an award. ant for nary.
,l uch groat: turnovers that ,,e is There see a the last of this n4 tiffs, ith coo 9, for 40 per cent. of t elex- a missi
g "I' I publii schools follow their example. understanding. _Mf W. 'D.
y itively that any seats ode RO
ing pos pendituro nia a by them � for the maffi�te'_
is nothing. in these lliessons which the ! ild Th re is i grave lesson,. !however, it! all years �as been a r ii�4
for LibefUl cand1daies until they::aria-- I nance of the' b idges mentioned in 1e a ard
tho'se proceedings, and thia lesson lathis, cided to remove f Ova
of an, r Protestant might not study ithout before the Ist, September, 1894. If the air -
elected. thq't these tlemen who sit together, leased iL: roller flo
tril 29
0 mount the will
ff I tealL 'of making our ublic 4eamen, a ' G vernmeint. Of CaChads, ties cannot agi -ee as to a be and w I ta�kepos 0 ic
thi 'reat e *no "I "I
--Wba,,t it is thathas caused I :0'he�o'jj�g` purelv secular, as some I a reference me de t6 ascertain it.
t -W won like they h ve so little cohfidence, in each ab 1',he P
cl�ange in public seliatim it is. diffidv fi� ha we believe er that, unless they are booked* in Young
seem to ble- much I note �e th m, it would be Is rgely thig, one of their own colleagues will not w
The elector 4 th adv. Lntage offuture gene Nei rs of the Week 6 Magist�m Sdager; o
t4-th rations if a
aTkle now than ey� formerl were, a id it take. the r word ! Thial is; the Govern-
fi PITY. -Sam let L. Clemens (Maik Twain) alla was' fo ill I
to d
m:uct. grpa kr degree' of religious instri. ction n" to lCeI a, air; this'is the Govern-. is
is doubtful if any government can hold ub- p9or, and it very bad heaith. ing a 4.4antity of
I were gi0er in them than N* no pernatted. n t 'Canada that we have in thisl -The great Con- was, di�Th a-rged on a 8
avcl for a lengthen reelo Be MONSTF.P. CONVENTiol
h f ed period. I One; - We e my, If t ille'll Catholics have their YOU searph 'in vain the all -I vention of Christian Endeavorer's i I Boston, a prorm
Oman se to leave t 1B
s4n no doubt is, the conflict a I of any Prit0h country, liaK, Or any! Massachusetts, was attended by lo�er 11,000
I C P�riion sepai -a to s; hools in pIe we wh4 a the3 are 4 - I a Ake of: -04 edues In
among the Liberals themselveq, Rey 4ave er c vilizie unt , t !find persons. while - ithe, son Of N
able to support thein. and wl ere th y are ih t.. -hero if, ne thing,, however,j which: TLmRipic CycroNF,, --A terriblb cyclone Clinton, a ed a th
become divided into many factio as an h
.t effiCiently maintained, an let I e P test- i do t 60 - g litlemen together, arlid that struck New York and vicinity on, Saturday
interdal dissenSions have done th 11.1 Much ing in till h(
n- 8),not !the sigi ;ure of thtehon. gentlemen, afternoon, killing several personsalid wreck -
ants bry to get a little ore ei io 8 1 nail, wbicl 1i
harm. By the man changes WE have Ich 1wss 'demanded by1he Minister of ing a large amount of propert
stru on in Job I th they Pt bc,!Works, bat the cement of office.
their pubjio GO I an of an inch, n
recently taken plaoce, the Irish Hit)` RuI4 ROUGH USAGE.—Sir WilTiaM Harcourt
I now -have.. Roman C ics *ho de ire to Mjr. and Mrs. C.
d and it
Crete has eu iotalky snowed n e and wife, while returning, from a political last wqek their pr 66
ha their childrah i, ran religi ous i strue. it Too Ba4. meeting in a carriage one d � 3
ay that week,
c %4not be reautrected for. many gei ierllLtions.. tion. along -with seculai in- I �heir chool area, were vigorously petted with cabbage stalk Toron 0. 1 bero rs
I I On. I Wilfridl Laurier, the leader of the a Qrace 01PI a : ee
T,�;ie Irish 3eeple have themselves mostly 0 U le ral party in th and rubbish while passing through a suburb, neffil h . ' it I to e
gooc . deal more clorisist, int 'ith t air re igious a Dominion Parliament, of Derby. The two were h , butwere not be 'fr. CaTh
Itme for ;his. As they were almost on Ithe to ;estan to are ' who a a richl abused man t I h e dayi. , The injured. Lady Harcourf it was litiarall if the
f prof)seion.: than the- 3 to En .1
a 9,60 victory, they co�-Ilienced quarrial g denounce all re I ligiou 1 i1struction in the Co. y permit it.
P 11
ided up into bi, v papers and Tory- i icians do not covered with dirt an� filth, which besirairch.
an!iong themselves and tter --�Tfio ollowing b
schools and demand a, purely Blecular cystem i I her garments and -wont down her -neck'
ke the course, he is pursuing. on the M ni- taketiftom the Voters'
f�ctions, thus destroying -eprosplacts-ofthe HEXT IN ITALY. Intenseheab prIevails
of oducatimi alschool question. While they'are fight- throughout taly, of Or% - There i:Lre ise
,c� e professed. to have so much at severa deaths caused
a ran on nis c atainiiag 964 na
__:e n nd quarrelling and w I gling arii gst thereby have been eported. At Palermo
t. ith
any may r re -this, although the Taxt IR 61 inde r in
of the Irish epresentativea a �d nine are
V ifollp ing is a* ri, Port of Pee h de- sbade.
act OL a r quietly looking on and enjoying the fun. itircirs.
h maelves, Mr. Laurier and his follow�rs he' mercury registered lN, degrees in the ru 11
i _ c= lead those who Iformerly fa-, li j[ by Mr. Lauri r, 0e h er IOWA'S-G-R�ATET MILLIONAIRE DEAD.—
calcula d to ve,�e ad f. the
r Om ral -I - I By say Mr. !Aurier is 1&6'king in patriot- v rork Jf dret]
to : doubt
ed h e e t t;'would be 0" on, in the Hc use of- C ommo s im- Seth Richards, Iowa's richest landowner,
pp ist i,and is devoid of courage, because he doee and an Iowa pioneer, died, at Oakland Cali- the Hul, lit co it$
truatthem with any._Joat measure M . M tely 1 Lfter Mr.� Foi ter n ade b's ex- F 1 93' let
9 t en'II policy cull important tornia, on the 10th inst.,'aged His
no declare his
*-t'elielof overnment. plap ibris concerning the disser sions i n he wealth is estimated at $6 000 000, Eileen uls le an I out
Ca�i BL I on )lee r ing rernii ruii o 1 , do,,,
t; pr1perhaps, more'prope�ly speak
t outlines th y me. Fitom-toRE LODG-E.-:-We Queen his order- C Ilt I
posi Alon ve
in he does not declare it in the way they ed that extensions be� mad� 'to Froginore, ma. e more i
'cark ely an I contains !rnore refined an cut- Notes and:COM33 ients.' resid6nee of. butltbe con ract)rs h
tirill -have level before stpen would like him to : I. ir. -Laurier on the lodge, 'which will become thiia
'of tin. C!113 than w6 - gin neVerthelea
ler hand saye, ve - correctly,1- that the Prince and Princess Henry of Battellibier
1 On Mol U3, A lag
he Toronto Mail laturday last, Ot ry
in U same space.- It i well worth 4d- the event of her death.
sa, 8 Dr. Macdonald, of., . Huro. lu ti, iiiie for. him to mae a definite eclarat�on S. can, 1 4 C [into,
He st %inese
i In gr. id STiTL FmHTUITCL—Seven hundred. U
in Hui on str( A ii th
w yesterday presented with a ilver- of what he w6uld'do (lid he 1 have 'the I
I I I attacked Hainchu,on the Islantl of Fo)rmosa,
ha dled umbrella in Ottawa by his� fellow. On e updri a time Mr Spea. r, not ery I pov er in hij limbs an
Pof Ner, has not -yet co-Tne ; the country has on July 10. 'Two hundred of them were "rier)
I in ; a co'ulltri whicl: 11 need not . I killed and many were- captured. On the sidewalk. . J ds cc
Li Brats, among -whom he isivery popular.". Ong 114 charged him.witil,the duty of settling ad helped im home.
name 8 a rumor preva Ont tha the I
Japanese sidethe logo was eleven men.
W beg to congratulate the �vqrth memlopir cat t the dispu4. The country, by its represeii- wef the' da before,
y C me b ek to t ie Cream. !(Lau r.) NFw WAY W MAKm D"IASerl.3 STEkL.--
i�`L 9 tew ant is of -! �he
for East Huron on this Very poin,tedi evi. Felin 'nattire will assert itsel: I and to. ay ta, ives in Parliament, persists in dee aring S. R. Dawson, of Des Moines, -lo
wa, ha's dii-
we ha e a,,Il fa likle y a: cas of shnstr
ae of the esteem in whicli he is-jiel� Co, ifidence in the presdut administr tion process of making Damascus steel.
!ay ily of kit bns,co � ng covered a.
v a iv dav 'a
ba6k o the Pr amier. Only a. 1 8 ago -4 There ae I so raies
his fellow members. The'Doctor The beat skilled metal workers declare -his
seems; o theys�&rted u )on w] iat resente that, consequently, the dutyv of a min -
to ge instruments to have every prol arty of of tesd .be other
I . ed: Oil,
ast be a c usade f(.,'r a 7hol cause', B6t* a ist Bring the affairs of, the Dominion, de-
beAs popul r 'in Ottawa as fle -is in y the old Damascus blade. Hekeepe ihepro- au4b with histru,,tion
liuron. 1 three ays'ex1)erie4(,' inthe c(,Id,f&xr f. )m voes, upon the Government and they cess a secret. her, cards, ae theboy'
1 0 en 07
the k h)uld settle tbeAlanitobai question and all RA-,clixxx ATTACKED BY INI)LAIN 9.—An-.
Ose to the - iticlemenci Of Ut callilig. so
TI le Division CourbOlerks'ILssociation have' ithe a ion, tl ey b*. re come ck to ' ihe other sanguinary depredation b real hed h
i r ive
creAn (Laughter ind c� IT erf.) - And a 'It ierg with which they are charge . d,without Y _1evhenty- M her
-jusin issued their annual repo t of the emolu4 five Indians upon a settlement of r men A Lint A 7
once ir ust te ader ri iy apololgie!,. to my'l )n: (in iside help, or, failing, in -that, th�y should and cowboys in the Yaqui - river vallo M.ex- ant: she iv�ntla
from East Yor (Mr. McLean.) I kat acknowledge' their. inability, and step down ico, his taken place. The Indians were Monte, recei . ved by the varioti i . clerks in' the frien(' Pat:
Province of 'Ontario,. The. report claims genll r. LA in 4is pal, r ' the Tor:,)nto WO: d, made their at- -,-The other al erno
two � : an I out, and let others ccomplish that in fully, equipped for war, and I
thal division court clerks are the most pov- . i ago, had a Paragrap6 which r( 'ad tack by lit. Manuel Pera;ra,a Cattleman, 9111 on, of G6deri A,
as foll) �� a: IlThe rench Ministers ; 6re Wl ich they have failed. When this time th
ertir pjaid officials in the_DQminion an hissonu. three cowboys were killed.
said t; haVe resign& 11hut the resignati ins dothes -Alf. Laurier says, himself a n'd his. so I riou y f ctur
I fe , steriou
'toy i 1confirmed Bid may a bluff.' I
wails this as a huiliation, tc emp pi and are f a to undertake iffuron Note 'be0eg.1 T emos� s
0 Jty will be fully prepared
e ' ioyed. The average sillary for' 6-�ty -con 1088,.Mr. Speae.' that ha-ing French
-11 e accident
in] �ffij duty, and be will then submit his policy Goderich is agitating for a bicycle'man- tiO�, with t
d and nlv Fre �tt
Until is 4-t
c1eiks,is,.$l,303.L35 pieir annumi andithE avt bloo 0 Oh blood, fi my ve Lis, foi the approval of the people. this ufactory. turlo a pli 6C 0
when- saw -that. at tement m6de concern-
era;e for Ontario is $341.- M. - Of —A lawn tennis club has been organized from hie the I ad3
I I �er annAi ee, E to
Ing U 3 French fello 0 -members who rer re- TTe does come, however, he does not f 1 1, in xe r. se%!er*ai Orqths, ome
course, it is necessary for thle clerks to proa siantile I t h mijorit- �Of this House in ihe in duty or honor bound to say what lie —Building operations in Goderich are -OnlFridayl t -a
vid,- offices out of ths, but a$ many of thern Cabir E tj lat their e was oldy a ga of quit brisk this year.
would do under certain c'cumstances.! This about. eet (I nor
blftff, I could 'not fee ind' , Lut
again;, � the hoh. 1p Ir
are engaged in other rem; uner'iative busin ei M ��er for 'Einaga Y. .1] 1 seo me i reasonable poktion loentrUia has been connected with prom 0!, Job t to takel, but Exet - er by telephone. i
we ailtoseewhere he humiliation -comes, nosh
musi fleir. my 0 wilas for that feeling of th s doels not suit his Tory opponents. They I. C. Dune'wrd
—Mrs. of Brusselsi . is. raising 4bo t2
in. It is the 'gene impression of, � ."Indig Won. If 81 was not - a arnE of set that they have got themselves into @L seri,liusly ill with an abscess in her left side. wh have business in: the Divisi C otirt, bluff, hat was iL9 t was simply a mif un- is geneO
)een D i'ld 33 1 lid Jose
dersta iding in( ss, and they cry to Mr. Laurier to 1. help �Wiugham town debentures have I
--p friend says. T larte in
ite ly But, thus far, at any rate, Mr. sold to R. Wilson Smith, of Mo
th ive enough.,,;, ntre4l, for in 1 Itain
a;t it is qu. 'ap
was or a 1� isunde6tanding during Amalie thi m. Icellent Ata �'of office
thre� lays in which the countrylias earl Lairier has been wise enadgh not to heed —Wingham fall show will. be hilld th
his is arogre'ssi, e age,and the- p;oliee � and file�, w ; the sue
kept ii i suspense. 71e had supposed t ere t n, and h refuses to pull the �ear c n Tuesday and Wednesday, 16p Is
Rr ntford appm wish. to kee. to, hi supplicatio tem- —Atithe J'arn raisu
was aI grave crisis. We bad sugosed. t, t a f,
tw out U the fire. . er S �th and 25th.
sivialless. Instdad of'ells'cisind' deep, chasm existed Bitween the on. Iget tt e- lch�lstnuts of bi Morris I Tu -8day a&
thi progres
P en�*ho had thrown up their po I rtfolicts O�ce upon a time when Mr. Blake was Op- —Messrs. Baker and Van tone shipped about io(i V fare in at!
Of vagabond Canines, whose owners ba4 10,000 pounds of wool from: Brussels la t and J&_mea
and the majority of �4e Cain t; but it was p ition leader, 6 gave his able assistance week. Irfela, jr
i �ed to deposit with the cityautho 'tieq Blimp, wao Aecl
faT a mistinderst inding. 6 mem Ders in this way, d aided the Government out —I iphtheria has broken out on the 14t 1 The result
ti� neiiessary. funds o insure life an�� lib- of the Cabinet had 1: Bien sittin Dh walli taken a
ogethei and grat
;the bog int � which their own trimming cones sion of McKillop, lint all the cases at a
.er , with the eild-fashioned gun they am-, discus ing the quest ons beforf t hem not for WedneAd by R.
. ! � P : .. - them. But doini well. eels. The . h
pl y electricity and-ellectrocute them ill th day's ly, but for w -,eks, and m�y sa� for an4. stupidity had. landed he sap iarn
e v. Mr. Ro I of Aferville churcil
mon di4 not receiv - much thanks for his � good Bruse its, intends taking a trip throug' pro
It . And the n ore they ( h cussed i vith rovement I P. J.
mo t approved and scientific manner. A viem to 9. settlerne it, the lei i they un der-
ofl�ceo. No sooner did those whose et Mait 3ba and the Northwest. e'
stood Bach other. 13�t . one ection, it so --- 4 It. Walter Ounningliam, of Hullett, —On W hiesday,
he a,4�ity with which the,,' I stais we're fast in ite mi Ire, get landed � safely on f Richard Trelealver
and happened, renained � inside a d the o her
I near jondesboro, has made an assignment' Owes the spe a of a er
sti es!'Adispiayed in some tovvps�. has secti d ( atside in th� Ic -old. hat te ra, firma than they laughed at L I fr. to Silt riff Gibbons, f Goderich.
cleare* MirTuend 0 ced event, it el
iupion y many. a nice eyery Bla� a for his simplicity ; so *o2ld —1V. lasers. Wilson & How have sold their
-�hatthefemas nothing etween' em t be no -o r. Ill
them A wedding
oc alion on whi6h theI, own is decorated ivith Mr. Laurier, if he lot two story framie house in Clinton' t) we pres
-but, A very little matter, which was not There re erit u
nu er of Ame�ican flags can' be Bill un-. we e to puriul a similar coti Mr. J)hn MoNaughbon, for $"65.
rse. But he re. ti of the'vinem� le
-wortb�� resigning (:ver. Whi�tlas the mis. I r ve
Whilewe as c or u tandin ? 'I unders" . that'the fues to be caught in thisway, and hia, is in OCC
ilet. have all dde r .7 iugham firemen will take part ' th
.9 ion, prominent a
Ii firem n a demonstration in St. Ma
polie of the - Go,,ernmdnt ha been laid e eaven an in
0111 71 Leig-bbofe. a0ross the line, we fail wise. - He sgys he does not des* his party July 5th..
down� on Mondair� last by the Minister of -and so about 35 &1
our 91- 0
.e. ere iis an announce ent, if
w-1 y their flag �hould be floaed on e ry Finan, to po ne into power on -any an ques ion, ag to Andrew
am "I n Monday as
possible occasi6n. How many Cana ian bu.f* 'the people impose on: hinithe duty of Colb e, made tb n s lively for awhi
able and ral0d plain Bug ish ph inly i of oung peopTe f
)88 1 1 Godet ich the othe ay, but did no ai; field They'chartet d
flags would be. lalowed to wave acl Ife spoke . It was ktated that at the iext �e4,yiag it, lie is willing to :urldertake it- —V 1hile wo� i in the Goderich (rga r
I sessiop of P rliamerit, to be callid not'i and he thinks he can to tc w them to Go,
lines It It may 11he that theste worthy toii'ms- Aer effect al settlemen; factor y -the other da , S. Gilchrist - had' tb
than, anuar -4th, if, in the meat time, A, ani. Ing goull bit K -ups, U
men are lookin�' forward to the da 7 when toba I �cl not' been bro h to erms, I here thatwill be satisfadtory to, I p rties. But, to I c III -his little finger taken off ii th. was - ,omme w
P need th
t4 r tates will �gain be a pare of tbe- JK ug duced-to give shape
won] be so e legislation ri unil it that time comesi.he thi�kal: it best to- whel L they reached!: 3a
-evening r( ra
—One ently, some oil bli It D make the* bar 30
lie' the� fellows . :trug- placee -a dead sheep on the crossing Ine tuin to Goderich,
phof which wel are all'so proud. s6tis fi i ction I io the minoritiy. undere tood iet and watch the.lo P,
af 1171
abt spe ch in the 2E d line, Morris, nearly causing midnight, sick. tire
thio as binding upon the' GoVernment, and glipg with it. . In his very
!ere are nie+een members in the &lis� if I h �d beer i a mei�lher of, th� AAMini Am.
the House on Monday, lie: laid down his away.
bury, OvolvernmerA, an'd its abnormal Iro or- tion would have been di: pospd to take this —There %vem 11 dandid- One of Tar
attis wr'
as a I edge bindin� upon thp kdminiitra- pol cy, and the policy of his Party so plainly Itil ik il I witVay, on gunday.te on
ticias. create astonishment, notwiths a ingi Exeter last week for the commercial, 29 fo
tion. 1 But air, if I i arn to ac�cept an ii iter- th "t t shou d be satisfactory- to every pne the pt blic school leaving person of Catharine � r
that it supervises the a11airs of' ver view, ishe, t in, t ie Mon zeal and 61 for. en - Johnston. who did
w�ich,v�aa pu - i w be saisfied. He said tr examination. I .
300,000,000 Pe ple, Theie are e' ieen Star yqsterday, mv on..frie�d, the M�nls- all, yeara ago. Deceased
say, again, w
f Public hat I have said before more irs. B. P. Sibley, of.Clinton, hap�ened daughter, Mrs. Joh l
ter*c Works. �foiilhne,l a, d, -1 sup- n Once tha I have no desire that my -ad the otherlday
members of th Canadi n Govern or to break a needle in her ha
were before III pose - rny6n. friend Jh Postmaster-Genter- and it needed a doctor's serI to got to Tahip, for some ti
ned, at il 6, were not sati. Pa y -should walk into power over the Mani- bewrs f the familly
Angers resig et"',with the pledge
'wl, �ole care is oy.ier a cot ntry of 5, 000A 0 giVen upon the honor of the. Crown b3 the to school i:lue'stion. Let honorable gentle- out. her demise, are Mrs.
H r : men opposite settle at question. I will —Patrick Glavin, to sustained severe TbGmis K. Powell, ar
people. e men who ere the r re ntativ -a of
This is what api
g al' be nost happy to give t- t E' ter, from of London;
the 0. own. ears . i the b ein my supportbut injury one day last wee . a
Montil6al Star of yeffterda . in tl e form of a being thrown out of his - bu has be -longi g
the astset4e it in sorne otlrer manner 9 ten , —A 1�orhe b,
tro6iouBi crimes that have' athahaveltriedh(retofore. Something y
solemil interview i4th the- Ifiniste'll b t Car g i near N Anghlv
thA Y ml
he num ber df a conveyed to his home n(- Man me,. sidin
'during the past fev�. years put
tedi, ti,,Works. The iinan6te nister e iner resident Main at
been Commit mu it one &f; once, )ecause this policy of —Miss M. E. Langdale, a for liberty, on the
I I �Ol
fo the purpo4b of aefrauding insural e. me A e other day—a d in - th vadlation, is not only iaralyzing, but it is of Brussels, was mari ied -at Vancouver Tti of� e
at ( nly rel Cat-
lipanies is ber'ming alqrmi-n T atm ed WILat hail been said before—that not fas t disintevrabin� theist I at life—l(cheer) British Columbia, last Mont. , to George, caught several ItirnI i,
much depeno lence we s to 1-4 Lot disintezratinu tl e national life, Iay, WilbV, of that city. aw t at Im it
be placed upoi L the ny
6f these has Jult be L broug1it to) igh n L be( ause it is Iry ng cl.-eied against creed —The other day Mrs. William Catelon, ght wa
I f utterInces o minist iri newspapers. But ayi gon it, was att
a, Ill rci a �ndepenc . ent newspaper. . And, an
Tdronto by the 6 di 17of the bodie 0 1 ti this 8 a, race against race. Something must be of Clinton, stepped on a wire nail, and the Vale road. The ' brat
,intery w has such an done, and at once. W hat should be � done? projectingiron pierced hiar foot. She has to le v he ri' and g
ldren buried in t14 c6llar of a house in 'a r 'of h�
moe'ver, t e leave the rii
al it i, possible.
a 1, that s- difficult I ve no hesitatiod for my part, here speak. since been conOned to t e house.
th, t city. The�e childrIen h d. been most ',D bc4leve ing! my own personal sentiment, to say that _Ryingham council his placed a tax of �Soimatime. 1) . etwee
that 't", nol perfect! y genuine. I rre.
fo Ily murdered: by a man goingy the name Is -%vish that th in
goes on to my: " I ha6 an ter- P $2 on: dogs. It will also be necessary for Alonday morni g of
sponjeInt I , " desire and do e min ity
J Manitoba ma be lowed the p iyil 'Idereof every dog to be registered and to, wear a
of Holmes. This fellow is -no . w in: ia;l in view rith the . Hon. I L.A. Ouinill 6 Mir Lister I i Lean's buteb shop,
taching-in th
P, I Liladelphia c4arged with -several � frauds' of Public Wprks, this morning. lie looked ose a hoola to the" I ta glariously en ed,and
in-sp��endiet fighting trim. MtV,
(Greap lailgl ter.) th duties to God and to man 'ai i' Mr. William Lithgrew, a well known saus�ge 'ad the
�9 %inst insurance' companies,. and 06180 with they
I May Say., that this ls�ems athertic en( ugh; un erstan4 their duties, a their duties are re$ident of, Bluevale, left laal� week for left in the t �tolen,,
we ta ht ' o th m b their church. that is Manitoba, where e will make'his future by cuttin
4tereral murders' It is generally supposed -this ulfl not be disputed. " Seatq 1. in ri ite -.wire 86
hat HolmeB was !the leader of a going ho his library 'with Hon. Joseph my wish. ut I (Io say. th it if that Object home. for ventil-a tio, i, The
lRoyal, ex.
We a i)ract f. defrauding the se om- I enant-Governor of the Rorthwest Ter- by liter half of June cheese from the and itmuEt h ve tak
'Ae4 is t D be restored, it is not to be restored I i —The la
ice o 111 1). mi,erious dictation nor by administmitive -Holmesville factory, was' sold for Sa centiii` and. the al, Lrm bell att
'tories, and Mr. Joricas, 14. wb, had
ilies by substitutin a corpse for the ��rclil hid shipped on Monday of last week, from set off several �imesl 9'. i- . ust finished breakfast with him. co cion. Ifthato-*eet is to be rl�stored a
1) rty insured. The Oriisent affair, prc,Z`rse� the hand must be & -m -and - the touch must intorr. —On Fri
e V of I
Dri Aontaoe—" Wha, did I e ha: fo be oft. the touch has been rude —Mr. R. H. Cutt, of:Grey, I
t be the most sensailti,6nal that �has 1;ieen breakf Bit?"- fia richased Proudfoot, of! ode �C'
t a anic. the hand'� has bli en weak, Sir, this is my tTe grocery buriness of his Zeeur-in-law dnt in his wo�. -k
ought to light for many a year, f
Air. Laurier—These det
a�ls give poll cv. We must I aild up a nation here. r. Hubier, of Goderich, and will . give up Aalmost-cosi hii n� his, i
liiona�. character of veracity to rai,: We. Ponfeder- fitrming in the fall. while attei din i g to 8 11
the must car ry oul the i da, of
This is the way the �orouto -Telegram, tive. i He sad: "' You I may ann)unce, ation; wern at have a nation here,we must —Mr. James Robinson, dry -goods mer- ting out hi 3 alr� n it c1ar,
w ose proprietor is a member of the. 0ralnge' through the Star that s the G(vern,= bui d. -up a, n 'on; but if. this is to be done chant, of Godericb, th ? er a attracte r - I rei
,: . I ol�_
I tl,at 3 o'clock thisl!a tea ve I citizen,no matte what genera attention to his show win an t I se der,puts,it: Usua,111F the Conservative meal ften Loon, brhiigE in a we ust e e ry . r dow by c , 'eral fin
written pled igned. bv eve y Mi lister hi s ii, reed or I is rac6 may be, in t having a- family of Indians in it, weaving enough to sever4l:
1,.,ade,rs have been 'pecure lin the: cot . isciou 9�_ heiprosecu- 0
8- agreeing 0, remedial legisl& A' o exact the lAt pound b wound ww qu ckly 41t
on nexts osion ti of his rights not t makets.
will ta�e my seat 069 in inleper esh. Wemustteach ovtiry eidzen, in
U sa that the O,ran#emen of Out I Rrio would I of �A very 11easant evening was spent at tely the c oirdi were I
A t vote Grit, and ithat they could notarin Udmove:a wantof co ifider te M(tiou.1 the prosecution of his rights, to make some the residence of Mr. Robert Hyndman, er as will iper nit of ti
bi e Conservativ�e party without Itoting Grit A,, Thisilangaage referred to yeste?day. But cc -,essions to the feelings, nay, Itio the pre- Harriston, cot sin of the bride, on Thursday —On Wednesda�
vestdrda3 - rny hon. friend di I no, - ap.-ar i ju ces, of his fellow -countrymen, so that ev6ning, July 4th, on the occasion of the Campbell, f I an
rangemen of Onta66 5ho%ve'd iin the 1ast hisTs4at. To -day, however he Lppea a' the may not find themselves oppressed by iage of Ad iss Margaret J. Hyndman, erf )r gan"i
h a -W
U, t as
as h Jave ke
arat- frie 4 ui�l
we, to V all
ment ste g
04111 tn
'0 Vill h I
rl ro m L
I ispo'
the Iat 0
ee i
Marr ter (peraion ed
uld stay at horneI if his. seat, apparently satis ed. Wh( h the aws� of the country,but, or) the contrary, of Al r. William Hyndinan, of the (yet and t e (xamina
ellection that they col daugb
they could not vote Gri r.' Sproule, t sighedthy-ledgeZ Itwas only a mist nde tha; all in the country may have in their county of AnUini, Ireland, and niece of
D t the �avily. T e i�atient
standing ter all,'as we hw Ire bee nl� to'd V hea.-ts a !pride in Canada-, aI in our . 111- late Campbell Hyndman 'and Mr. Samuel erve d
V)ted for the all-owalice of the Jes; I I I an rtitude, 9(
th Ninister of Filiance. - he -pledg4 hall stit ti (Cheers.) Hyndma
ouO, a pride in our; laws. 11, of"E[owick, the contracting par- table " co Ily! as if sh
states Act, escaped alive with P., mijority. been:given on the �!faith of e Orowi, bu 8ir I be'l'oi*, I am proud to say, to a par - ties having on y arrived. a few days previous to din I
The opera
JULY 1.9 1 Me
ihe0 an Id Ule, faw�ed by Drs. Whitely, of ;Gcklonil� and
S.-fewteels. Mr. Gunn; of 'Clinton, assisted 'by- A, r4 1W. B_
NO , �r in.the oid Strutherc The patient is now I rogtessing
61 ig re, lit ar�anged Very favorably.
it i a 14 hive -The Rev. Henry W. mote, I has;
u Can n a! lil,Ll, accepted the unanimous call ter dared him
)f Brussels' wifb-.1,40, by the C ional congr(gat6on of
i -Ongregat
ti,i aken a Of Win,11lam., Z become theiti patistor, said was
el", year. insta. led into the pastorate of th 3
pect, -to I - .(ongre-
" I'll a I ChLarch ;on Tuesday.
bill tottl! 'a to gation&
-Ge' r e a fl� I r. L e hairt who,
vil - be a lo� �hrlLri- a houg'eT in Goder! -Jitit Ilon-
in er 2 and, 27th. several serious charges, is getti. -into now
K rkpatrok has ac- trouble. An owner has been I A for t1le,
rg with which. he' or terted thia
bl,presenb th secolid horse and
Countyi in e person of Jonathat 1'. Quig-
q Clintion C, te ley, Of lot 23, concession 3, Lani bton, Conn.;.
ril�� I the Insatia Ate dootor.
Cw rincip bi ty, who is an uncle of the
Q leorge was charged before P. AL Seeger
11' �e late sti
d_' with stealing the horse, haimess,,aulky,
robe and an -overcoat, and as the evidence
G in A.
0, , te . cier a' Pdrt was overwhelming, he. owned �Ip. without
ticar'di e the other any waste of words,
h A
ied. Alfiss B rrowe
9 and had. one arm morrm.
NoTEs.-The rain onAlonday wag of
who is[well.-known this week was a welcome visitor.- -The gar -
ii ained as & Baptist den party at Mr. Thomas Wilkinsoys on
P] . Tues 4y. of -last Monday evening was almost a failure, owing
ay �e, sellb to Ifidis as to the rain. The proceeds amounted to
some twenty-four dollars. he evening-
er.lon, w1io- for ten bden fine the whole affair WO - lm-ve heart
n of Hen allo has de- SL grand s ' access. -Fall wheat is t . ihg and
h l Vi I I. He lisp- with a few hot days Will soon be reidy for
III n r, DL'nfielLdL,. the binder. -Raying is.about over now and
A his n(wpropetty of Course at the rate the el -op wai taken in
t.' the job was,a short one. -Frost on Sunday
aEll fore Police morning last froze some com ir I )w -'plam.
del, C th other day,
DAnrwG RowaERY.-About 12' ecloek
4 1 he ch e o 1 Tueodky night last week," two mi in, wean*ug
I oth ni
black cloth masks, burst in the d6or Of , Do-
ied n en vid Maxwell's ho'hae, lot 19 CO ioesoion 7,
I and before the old entlernan lit Ai #Line -to
AtV ot, lasb-.week. make any defence fe was seized �y the
ir.� 11 . I Beesley, of throatj the muzzle of a revolve], pl*ced iii,
I y ea . was play'- his face and a demand made , �'or uioneyL-
It on he head of a Mr. Maxwell refused to accede tlo their re -
M igh theAepth quest, so a ro halter was secur -.d' !and tied
ast flea wountl. around the r, entlenizes neck 0� ifireats,
L b Qinton
0 rl' e of hanging mallet. The robbers ulti !a quilt
nV L des A, e . g over the window so that the ligh would not
",arli A ill be seen from the outside, and on 'made a
go to
y 'use Ifin
if she liet an thorough search of the house, fin ng� $19.48
wi d'on-a visit ili two pocket books. They a - o took a
10 Fj wif6 will f5tandalrd.Bank pass boo oil -Mr.
Maxwell is 83 years of age, 4 a grappled
I t4 'estiLip items are with one of the intruders -an tlik�w him
li t foi t townsh' down, but his companion came. o the res-
sub-divis- cue and jumped on the old ittemates
x I [it
M, ni. pi Irt. 1-;. 127 in back and the midnight owlers heri threw
Seven Mr. Maxwell on the - Ur inj- h - h'ts back
qu fiel' to, serve as in the fall- They;.told i tn did not
thank him for thEi"L EaLmorl d found
are.oi-AA-prtak-en by and cursea and swore a
.p &'fit b com- Maxwell is an old resident of th J�CaI
It e have having lived here f6l�bver fif �Y. e_;Nris. He
y a a] te re g- is unmarried and hivei alone. P� oplo have
hl, vwv o r' been their suspicions, but' nothing i� dejInit-
y t_( ic ry weather ' known yet as to who, the rob oerle were.
. I j They will receive a lively rece ion'0 they
,av I ia eo good ob.
call at some houses in this to v,,
elj,� hilb Air. 0.
w is -walkling al6n CrO132=17-
a,t lown, lost NOTES.-Mials "Jessie Rasson and Miss
If lt� I so on the Ethel Scrinigeour, of Stratford, are rusti-
M o , siassistance, eating at'the residence of Mr. Duncan MC -
t feeling Larenr�-Our villa e teacher Mr.- 11cNaugh-
an I his rpedical at- 'a amia le partner, are visiting
ton, and hi t
op njoi I t1- 4�Jb is more friends in the Classic Ci-ty.-2*1r*. dolenian.
ok, �han p 1. al 1 0'
�Tj ysls- and her little daughter, -el,� are re -
of List i
na t1boya Godericb, ne-wing acquaintances here. -Mr. All.xander
d w&f sent to an Cavell, of the Intend Revenue, Utment.
a t tell Ito bring Stratford, attended -the Inne 4 e late
ino te zended to Alexander Ferguson. -�-Rev. P. Sq6t� I is -
On as the on and heir ing a few well earned holidays & notig rela- -
a 6bo shouted, tives. The pulpit"WaS oecupiedi 1) V.
i 0111g; oilt calling, Mr. Stewart, of Ion.don, on Sun, ay. wWrs.
cig '. rour euchre Park,:of Dletrclit,. is Visiting. reh iveslere.
-On Thursday evening last, Tvir. fachard.
On Mrs. 'harles Fer- Hoggarth-, who has, j fist erected a handsome
w1h, m w king across residence on the farm. recently 110111 based-,
in �!carpet and gathered in about two. hundred o
ng ig;h bone of, and beain-ty of this vicinity for. al oLL ening'S
iric a � it in counec- enjoyment. Air. Hioggarth -voes t6 whole
ii that, Mile- new frac- way when he undertakes - h Li
any illg.-On
mis one, und Saturday evenimg Ust, our villagets were
I )red sever�lyf for surprised to hear of 'the death of aB�
ih -ee yeaka sin0e. G iltespie. Mr. Gillespie has been ailing
111 vr �� ),Y'6 e bank barn since July Ist, havhig4",n troubl6a with a
was sed on the slight attack of* paralysis, but was consid-
8 est awa- ered to be corrvales ' 9 un 1 Saturday
died wherithe-took suddenly worse, and
I d e Nevins, who ih a few minitfes. Decease has been a
tle-cogromen "Tall. resident of this neighborhood L r a grea*
A. M Ilough wer&,- number of years, having SpLent t e first few
A e vi I LOS I I years as school teacher in scho-ol ection No.
or i 5, after which he engaged in :::::: "I'll LLLLL .
derb and raink g until
last year, when he decided :to ire
17 at. a. BrypAit's, the eares of business and remoy( a into the
Z2 . village. He was highly. respe -tied by a
ru� it 0. � last week, large circle of w -arm f rieuds. Tht sympatby
on an! e. R. H. Clitt of the community is extended the 'be-
i erg, he captaias. reeved wffo.a4d family.
. nh
are :a
t e e wo`rk on
B wer, artist, Bras-
av, &117 t1i e latest i m- PITIFY Mwms. -Thursday next, 25th. inst,,
VIC". )on � Id is the con- is �Exeter's. eivie holi&�y.--�-The inqu'est re-
garding the Exeter fir#s, which was 1held in
ut 3 the reside e Who town hall on Weduesda6y, Thursd*'yand
) ;;,., f Durigarm, m, Friday of. lialat week., was adjo ad untit
yp e 'g and hal�py Monday, -the 299th inst.-Mr. J. H,.'Petty.
'ti i
e A f the got of Helleal-l' was t ' he guest of I
ra. R Treleav, m. Weatcott on Tuesdav last. u
-R w I �di o fifty r I piore and f-amily visited relatives at Kippen.
0i upl� ro gra6ce, he on Sunday last. -Mrs. W. erit :-of Brant -
m10 Lg whom wereR -V. ford, is the. 9 . hest, of her parents, I Mr. ant!
4 of ynier ciretit, Airs. Richard Pickard. -Miss loujeaCtI&
more, of Kippen, it visiting at I er uncle's.
t,V eeki a picnic p ty Mr. John -Cudmore's, Mdron streetill.-The
Cli ton went to 6y granotithie sidewalk is very muLd I appreci,
Jo vett's i iteam ch ated by pedestrians. -Mr. Ed. 14 � J16ward
ch : All vas f!�lr sail- and family were rusticating at -C rana' Bend
re the relt arn jeurr Iev
. park last week. -Some twitent 3f
in( lyigar to rise, and lagers drove to the lake on Kupdiica'rlas,
yfi el . t -was impoEsi- and spent a- few pleasant hours at Gr
r, i ) -they he&; to re- Berid , park. -Airs. John Le -and
ch they did. abi(lat dLaughter, 31abol, visited[ re;,�-10_rrle
at St-
arl fri einett. Thomas and London last we�l t!ro-
1.1pi Blare Passed James Bissett visited relative�s 41� -00L
ipg, Ith in8t., in the this week. -7 -The Exeter combi ed ehoiraL
jof be 111ite4obn took the - first prize at the Lond sanger-
t., re , -,o� thirteen feet last week. -IN -Tr.- Gregory To of Van -
a( res-dod) with her- couver,, British Columbia, is V, sitlilig his
ins. 7 of the same parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Tor i Rumor
Yte :last. fther mem- has it that he Will not return a cri��-The,
a -e left to mourn young men of the village succe xioa in or -
IR )bert Weir, "Urs. ganizing a base ball team on Ma day even-
t * Villiam �Johriston, ing last. -Mr. J. A. Stewart?s'me v house is
receiving the frat Coat of plaster %J4, Week.
Ito Hugh AkcKay, re- �Niew hay is selling at 89 per t4m; -Mr� .
Tiade a. break- for- Clarke, of St. Thomas, the genetIal, agent
eez-of thatt non for the Provincial Providetit ssuratilee,
(k,1 aml after being . I . Tuesday
Company -was in the village
anc P t tithe gettini last, and paid the death claim of Of
I to I smash the the late William Wood, nor d
61. d to$ on the Blue- Usborne.-Mr. Tho
el i det, mas Pe la� itchelL
is ieme ermined spent.last Thursday and Frida_T
i the vil-
% iome agi uickly as lage.-Mr. Charles Wilson, north of gxeter,
the JaIte Wilr
purchased the property of I , ism,
i �unset and BrizilimacombLe, situated on the lAo road,
Wiveek 1�3bert,'Alc- by auction, on Thursday of lastl week. -
4 Goder'. h was ',bur- Mrs. John Bogue, Paisley, was the! st of
�Ijua of bologna Mr. Henry 'Harris Huron street,; cli
s!m III langre Usually urday last. -Mr. and Alm VVilliam Dow-*
he entry was made Holmesville, spent last ISunday the vil-
00 8,; tlid. are used- lage, visiting relatives.-AIr. - I. Hardy.,
a I 46nt one, who is building the Holmesvil lo bridge,,.
s e time 6 -five it, spent last Sunday with his family fiere.-�
ed must ll�ve been Mr. J.. T. Westeotb has taken- out an
auctioneer'SL license for the county of - u
1.1. ro.n.
t ��,eek, RTr!. J. M, He has a sale of a farm on Wednet day after-
hl,ldet witb 4n acci- noon next, at the Central hotel.- �Kr. Robt.
ianIactory,which Sanders intenda t&*king a tri p Detroit
..arm.. He slipped next week in search of h6alth.
lik,wing, and put -
e k bentaietwith the
a, he result L eing a orne.
61, long, ! a, deep NARnow Eschr_-On' Wedues, ay. - even-
thd ct�r The ing of last week �i ' .., 'L'OYM, Of
Vkile Mr. David N,
liel ed to, La; . ortun- the llth concession, was -
drawwing hay he
it 6-4 in!: such- a man- had. a narrow escape with his life� . lie ima
e�rire uniting. returned to the field and while t ie horses
, �as �� 'week, Miss werestanding it is supposed the L bit OnQ
�'j ta I an �abdominal of them on 'the heels causing it
01 be rer�i , cau ' * , make a
oval of a sudden Jump, and in so (ioingthe tongue
1 i1of the abdominal broke and the horses started off. 1T.hlBy haa
d: Lilib ited wonderful not gone far before the end of thie �rokari
iiL,,,! t6 the operating tongue stuck - in the ground, eB 'uslug the
mere sitting down n to -rise suddenly up and ll�rling
i was skiltAlly petI ZoWynn a considerible
e �n the.
adi I
I i ilm-Livinotoni
air. In the -fall he lit oil
shoulder and ,received s. 1
aeveral of his -ribs J)eingffn
bruis(-A and -was otherivise
The es-,- w indee4l:
Medical -aid was summonei
Acing as 'well os,"u -be -ex.
it -will U time befort
to work again.
bas so a his baii.clsomili
ITEMsi,- hay has b
is the poorest crop seen foi
whegt� will ripe 1111 Z
rule, il is a xdw standing 4.
believe, be an excellent mg
asuglifer -of Airs. Sparling,
130111415 time, aied on yzia!
which 1 took pla%,�on Sp
attended. The sorrawin A
Nre the - th
ters ba syrnpa y A
% their bereavernent.,-Tv
Petrie who h a*,e bi
re v ng,__yrhe�ra1n01f3,
=�ed.� wn4 has -done a go
-Aiiiss Emma Und miag 1,
tainte III a number �of girl b
'noon r Beently. -The
int b ad an viijoyAle tj
Sa ba ;h aelool. p, _ 10-111C. U
Blethil L Sabbicth se-hool,- t
aftern )on of Jul . 4th.
Amer canism. � unae
was i accessful All the 1811;
Oray ias _1haa three somev
a -r molon; a gmundliq
He ha� Bice given the pol L
in Rgzliiondvillt�, bat still
two. i
I i ilm-Livinotoni
a4d a doing a I
-The Salvation Army i
their fabora an. st� wiry
from th -at
-3dr. Charles lAraoll,
f th Z to f
fermg rom e ie , ee o -;i
is ned to his bed. i
bas so a his baii.clsomili
-rb late grain b
i4ew ks=6,
re to
te-lids n ing the Ji
-ter ardws
i. r. FreA Bloxam, of',
state -the residen
Thom 5 in Mitchell, wh'
exten ive improvements,
-N. re. Fraleigh, -
Aliss. L-ruistroug, of 8t.
Ill weeks at
-Mess WM. 3ftKel
Annis distributed -five ton
amo the Patrons of U
durin . e p t fewAla
Tender for the no
the Thames river, At 3'.
awarded to.. Messrs. Hill
thatUwn. Prb*',Q8`75.'
-Mrs. Borders.of W
frieu& in A -liell. 11
daughtier -of Dr. Dmismo
formerly of lfitchelL
L�kiaa Addie LAndsl
Air. J� Lindsay- iafst,
ant teaIcher in lNorgetowl,
enjoyf asalary of �KOG al
e fy re
Dr, tt side'nate,
C nity thur-9
e� or
ent O'd f F ters - --
ero" , ores -, is
'bers, ournewmembers I
last MEoltin&
—Wyoung zon of Ali; I
MitchIel, I had his a. -bro'
He w,4 in a 1boili:� awing
way --With the abor-te ftsUl
—Mr. Robert Stevensoli
kicked on the Uce -by a i
He ba& no teeth Imc
eheekeut, and -was uneon
Rich. Grant,.
fine speeime"nof the 0i0
on-exhibitionreceiWly *
atid � a
1� y 14J inches, we b�
—Mr. Jebo Morrow, -13
Airs. Cowie, Of cariingf*�ri
the Wl�ddillg of Rev. G. 7
and AUBs 1 -da, A. Walker,;
ly� Mr. Morrow being.9ro
—miss C. Botteeffl' cof
A. , -ulheren aud Mus 44S
chell, sucem.fully V assea
examinations, at T*r-olit.
having Pawed with honor
James Ptuase]Ll, 90
:sent to Bla�*hard townsh,
4 f ftor&mages sustail
b goingov rer the b
Robert Dawson?z.
s t -da Roberts, M
'Knox an -to -
BXolJegiite 1nistitutt
late examinattions
fram L
received Ixote from
-on t le -of June
_,dated 18th
he Laid wel COW
InA *bliged.
__.:NTVm. Pat%es, 4 Wvi
-formerty'a Stratford, ail
while P;
chair gettilli ;S0M
Clark's dental room
the.8th inst. He W" Uzi
,Nfx. Wm
rails�ahis-barn and �othei
and Mr. Tier has his new
&aj for thp, Crop. A - I
hOW-Ver, Crops aVe n&jej
Clench moth,
_401teneh, the.c6tebrattad vi.
711oxr�e 44 St. 1191 -81
-win romaba in Germauy�
under the tuitio4of thal
-err Joachim
-The Aeath Of �QaPt*
Iof 7the SalVatiou- Army). --st
mn A. Waraman " Carew
rCatharines a few Anyi
Iftesil o� several imolitho, Am
the stom"ll, I
-on Junt-29th, Miz.
tibe,age of 46 years, dil
ic4icagp, The deceaseA
-Ve&rgago a resident, of 11
the Wool! A. Al. Gibso
Man ropallv,.
alsughtersurvivie her 1
i-_:Xr. Richard 1101143
;away to the, Province 61
qxpects to spend most 40f -
and pressing bay. The I
in that 111T�
inj to be abloto hold ibul
with the lim%ea suppi
I ock 6r'jichter -fielda,-
-mr. A. Doherty.,oif I
of Logan, passed 4�viy -0)
At the age of 73
highly respected reSideril
A good ;1eighbor, -au,d
oenerrly- The f-unteral"oh",,
was the largest ever wit�
ship,, there being 115 14
-The St.. JAarYs Argu
, ia Crozier,,,
Miss Lyd
ThorrISS Crozier, will leaA
I I I , it relative
mipeLtto vial a
married to Mr,
of Rev. C. O"Meara, a,
T :;)
_amej) r C
-dlenc� win be at Killarn
--onjuly 22nd
of m6u were eiigaged in,"
-'`WnL PX;mpte, J�
stratture when Complete
in tbe�tolvnship. 1
'e", W
long�byfortY, X f
arte twenty�two feet big]
W" -all 4�a 0.