HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-07-12, Page 8V
i er
' . t - I
41 i'
JULTY. 40- 18ft-9-
camOin for 6ek-or so.- 'r.
77 cei od oA Tues- cottage, an
TWU lk�. -.Mat ematical M"teT pod,position
as of pointed to preps-ke a suitable liaht �iice, �f t work, Judging f rom,,, in the Ingersoll Col- rnaknso,��Mr. J. S. Por mr recei _g
i son* s Cash Grocery. milee of I ilook has n, iihd h
packed in i �use
aelive ance in, reference to- Mr., \IcKay's quality,of tht jo�me which they put Up.y liegit a Institute, is h6in4 i for, the h( Olidaylss'- day a splendid lot Minnes polis,
-,a a It
il th( vil a 0 !of Hastin in one Ink t
they. ire, likely to be evolved: t ie Mes a. Mi Morris, Jami i Scott, F. Holmes- ice from his son i 19 989 6 leading a,
iceive&B, resi tion. The next meeting of, Pn�sby--; �erda ate. He
-a few bf 4his nei *bbDrs imw bon e wfif iis, 'i v hisi pare
Extra value in now Teas. Wa have just rI consequence- 9
iryi to be Oth . of -winners of the championship. for a and &a
lot ot new - Ceylon Tea guarante4 to be thW11heal t heldin Clinton on -the -1
l; The Beav rs ted nd W.i 0. Reid,: lef i on Friday, Kilgiv "giirtils .4ominion
l.t __�Iirt-861omon D looks a 1. S. T
be bad wt arky price. We are selling them At 40a a in Seaforth n Wee S Manitowant Fhared the delicit
i%_pte 'bar. The�-folliiiwin re"th 'ciantri--� und St. Ca �,hprinkes play 4nd-re,creltion at
or we I g th jog, zig re th hift
50c p � C i Mr. Harry Cowan ald, of Strongvil r
er Ili, the import anitd'u in Island I � Ia igan is visiti 42
1m, one Of the butioi a of tli a Preabytery i of Hurc n f dr 6&� Wednesday text, I a last tend -
at er i io Ano er 0 in a old f riends aroun iere. d4 r wis iii,70.
;knada, s has
lwyest dealers in 0 to town hn�.11 is at t inong her Hen
t1mir customers Bolling theta OT for leeii than year 18( 95 - To Home - missions, noladiiiPlIg, etncnea V.1esen i -I % of
10k Ti
a meeki(i, it. �ihe E an& of Knox cone 6
-m re. J. S. Roberts' drug store. -M it a Elliott,
If 3 611 like a really iftils Blae Tiog-Foitiiimm.-A meeting of . . . . . . .
Wand.75c per lb, -k Tea Frenci Evangelization and -supil lo�meintiil� Aj� AftocA net b - r. ;;.'H- These are behig advertised in every fin
Building and an
aid, 748 ; Foreign missions, $2,934'- ��ho'o��rio I "'N of T )ronto, I is visiting i at the resi, Ia
try zii polunkli of our fine Youi ig Iflyson. st40o per ", ) of whichL no*� at. M a,
find our OFroken aoik and Jarkan: Teas it 25 ., per rmanent rP Ti M VW114 R—eyncilds of'this vi Ili i - has been appoint- of business, and in every CO ceivable mray
-in T--r,.n wb It- i "i
retheb"tvaluokin town.
Out Bourbon and of
,affee Is givinir the best c
adites tell us It is tbabesbt
sAisfaction. rho boat
key 6angetiny* hero. All
3nds of.(,hoica f resh grocer
es ii�s low or, 1W ver than
nywhorb else. The finest ol
ny the- highest pri for go
VilL ;;� Sic per ducen cash
)d Va 4ter ano f rPsh cg0s.
for om� olpa, utit- of fresh
%nk of Conim otice Birwk.
Windsor, Detroit._']
and Line.
gtm Cambin'd
and Carmo 4
The popular i ote bo L
%ke 4perior all(] the S6o 2�
,itlso to Sartila,
Detr it &C. Beata 0,10,
00deriell for tile 600 evil*
Weejv�iday and Satt rday
Windsor and Darolt.
at 6 p� W.
rat',0S.&Ild iviell'uts, apply Do
No Agentp
,s S2
When you are passing tak(
a few minutes- and look
ot I i��Lards Great Bargains
iAe"o,yGu. It,v_il1payyo,,.
in Clothing. It,will
Itwill rnolke yowleel
rich. Never before h%ve w4
theelothing bu-ineas, hming
a had such a on
just bought lar el
claaring- lines f roll, leading
prices ii . stonishiag. Over fl
manufactur0a, and : at
m hundred (5QO)' suitq: at
lea% thin halt �iriae. W(
This line %N
new sell %- -6041 genuine
ith ciihers, wnt, be found
suit for $5 2-p.
with. ut as long as they 1�si.
WAI not last long. Our trrk
This sumwei's purchim4e
le in this departmeni �s
& CO'S.
Bargain, Clothing #md Dry
G,06da House,
Seaf rth
TnE Buwr,r-m� NMATVTL_Tv�o
fin] a of the
Seaforth Bowlia- Club
played tile re-
turn match with Clinton
on the grounds of
that club oil Friday Iv
at. In the �-ftelmoon
two, rinks of each ch Lb
played off, -w-h-en Clin-
ton came off victoriou:
by twenty four sh-otb.
In the everlting Mr. NT
M -orris' rinik played
off vVith Clinton"s ubw
npion rink, when �the
Seaforth players retrieved
their honors 4-nd
Corvered thernselves i.vit�
glory by dt�fe&�
their oppon�uts by 24
shots tia 3.
ing of the Huron Afe
1. -ociation was
Lical'As. :
held, in the town hal,
Se forth, oil Toes -
(lay. The preaident,
Dr. Smith, of, Alif,-
chell, presided, and
a Mtge iatiniber of
Medical men were p�esert.
Dr,. �,oljins
a -6d Amos, of Exeter, iritroi
Luced. aTi jrn�pprf -
ar.t subject, bearing
on itupropriaties in
publiesehools, which,
will be further ' dis-
cussed'at itanext mee-drig.
Drs. S�kiubjlry
mud Gnan exhibited p94tients,
find Dr., Rol -
i er
' . t - I
41 i'
JULTY. 40- 18ft-9-
camOin for 6ek-or so.- 'r.
77 cei od oA Tues- cottage, an
TWU lk�. -.Mat ematical M"teT pod,position
as of pointed to preps-ke a suitable liaht �iice, �f t work, Judging f rom,,, in the Ingersoll Col- rnaknso,��Mr. J. S. Por mr recei _g
i son* s Cash Grocery. milee of I ilook has n, iihd h
packed in i �use
aelive ance in, reference to- Mr., \IcKay's quality,of tht jo�me which they put Up.y liegit a Institute, is h6in4 i for, the h( Olidaylss'- day a splendid lot Minnes polis,
-,a a It
il th( vil a 0 !of Hastin in one Ink t
they. ire, likely to be evolved: t ie Mes a. Mi Morris, Jami i Scott, F. Holmes- ice from his son i 19 989 6 leading a,
iceive&B, resi tion. The next meeting of, Pn�sby--; �erda ate. He
-a few bf 4his nei *bbDrs imw bon e wfif iis, 'i v hisi pare
Extra value in now Teas. Wa have just rI consequence- 9
iryi to be Oth . of -winners of the championship. for a and &a
lot ot new - Ceylon Tea guarante4 to be thW11heal t heldin Clinton on -the -1
l; The Beav rs ted nd W.i 0. Reid,: lef i on Friday, Kilgiv "giirtils .4ominion
l.t __�Iirt-861omon D looks a 1. S. T
be bad wt arky price. We are selling them At 40a a in Seaforth n Wee S Manitowant Fhared the delicit
i%_pte 'bar. The�-folliiiwin re"th 'ciantri--� und St. Ca �,hprinkes play 4nd-re,creltion at
or we I g th jog, zig re th hift
50c p � C i Mr. Harry Cowan ald, of Strongvil r
er Ili, the import anitd'u in Island I � Ia igan is visiti 42
1m, one Of the butioi a of tli a Preabytery i of Hurc n f dr 6&� Wednesday text, I a last tend -
at er i io Ano er 0 in a old f riends aroun iere. d4 r wis iii,70.
;knada, s has
lwyest dealers in 0 to town hn�.11 is at t inong her Hen
t1mir customers Bolling theta OT for leeii than year 18( 95 - To Home - missions, noladiiiPlIg, etncnea V.1esen i -I % of
10k Ti
a meeki(i, it. �ihe E an& of Knox cone 6
-m re. J. S. Roberts' drug store. -M it a Elliott,
If 3 611 like a really iftils Blae Tiog-Foitiiimm.-A meeting of . . . . . . .
Wand.75c per lb, -k Tea Frenci Evangelization and -supil lo�meintiil� Aj� AftocA net b - r. ;;.'H- These are behig advertised in every fin
Building and an
aid, 748 ; Foreign missions, $2,934'- ��ho'o��rio I "'N of T )ronto, I is visiting i at the resi, Ia
try zii polunkli of our fine Youi ig Iflyson. st40o per ", ) of whichL no*� at. M a,
find our OFroken aoik and Jarkan: Teas it 25 ., per rmanent rP Ti M VW114 R—eyncilds of'this vi Ili i - has been appoint- of business, and in every CO ceivable mray
-in T--r,.n wb It- i "i
retheb"tvaluokin town.
Out Bourbon and of
,affee Is givinir the best c
adites tell us It is tbabesbt
sAisfaction. rho boat
key 6angetiny* hero. All
3nds of.(,hoica f resh grocer
es ii�s low or, 1W ver than
nywhorb else. The finest ol
I cb�eqo 1210 pe! lb. Will
ny the- highest pri for go
VilL ;;� Sic per ducen cash
)d Va 4ter ano f rPsh cg0s.
for om� olpa, utit- of fresh
%nk of Conim otice Birwk.
Windsor, Detroit._']
and Line.
gtm Cambin'd
and Carmo 4
The popular i ote bo L
%ke 4perior all(] the S6o 2�
,itlso to Sartila,
Detr it &C. Beata 0,10,
00deriell for tile 600 evil*
Weejv�iday and Satt rday
mOrning at �a� m ; fer Sainia,,
Weancadav ond �ilivday evening
Windsor and Darolt.
at 6 p� W.
rat',0S.&Ild iviell'uts, apply Do
No Agentp
,s S2
When you are passing tak(
a few minutes- and look
ot I i��Lards Great Bargains
iAe"o,yGu. It,v_il1payyo,,.
in Clothing. It,will
Itwill rnolke yowleel
rich. Never before h%ve w4
theelothing bu-ineas, hming
a had such a on
just bought lar el
claaring- lines f roll, leading
prices ii . stonishiag. Over fl
manufactur0a, and : at
m hundred (5QO)' suitq: at
lea% thin halt �iriae. W(
This line %N
new sell %- -6041 genuine
ith ciihers, wnt, be found
suit for $5 2-p.
with. ut as long as they 1�si.
WAI not last long. Our trrk
This sumwei's purchim4e
le in this departmeni �s
& CO'S.
Bargain, Clothing #md Dry
G,06da House,
Seaf rth
TnE Buwr,r-m� NMATVTL_Tv�o
fin] a of the
Seaforth Bowlia- Club
played tile re-
turn match with Clinton
on the grounds of
that club oil Friday Iv
at. In the �-ftelmoon
two, rinks of each ch Lb
played off, -w-h-en Clin-
ton came off victoriou:
by twenty four sh-otb.
In the everlting Mr. NT
M -orris' rinik played
off vVith Clinton"s ubw
npion rink, when �the
Seaforth players retrieved
their honors 4-nd
Corvered thernselves i.vit�
glory by dt�fe&�
their oppon�uts by 24
shots tia 3.
ing of the Huron Afe
1. -ociation was
Lical'As. :
held, in the town hal,
Se forth, oil Toes -
(lay. The preaident,
Dr. Smith, of, Alif,-
chell, presided, and
a Mtge iatiniber of
Medical men were p�esert.
Dr,. �,oljins
a -6d Amos, of Exeter, iritroi
Luced. aTi jrn�pprf -
ar.t subject, bearing
on itupropriaties in
publiesehools, which,
will be further ' dis-
cussed'at itanext mee-drig.
Drs. S�kiubjlry
mud Gnan exhibited p94tients,
find Dr., Rol -
total, for au purposes, o4lm) i 1-4 t ri gain 1n4. -.caued by Mr. J6 RK.- 0 v r, n -with thework ot for the purpose of making things boom dur-
- rnem�!rship ddring the year, aloitt- 20!Oit,� general agent. for. the Company, wame at has )een- -visiting friends heri for ;he pi`�i- Brothers have disposed of a fine five year-old e'd.iuo eo r in.co
t church in ing the months 0.f _&ll t&doi, 01111a fqr clear -
a -the I resbytor-:. the Ro�al_ hq*tel, oil Monday of last we k Yeeks, int( Arichibald, of Seaforth. buildi gthe fine new, eth6dis. Lfied for
T' esbytDry iDe.udes ah six ;1141s leaving for. her 'home in gelding. to r.1 ame
Uxetelr and io -Wel I fit't e, t and; �uokli ling out -certain lines of goods. and the b&.1.
ion congre Lion in the County 01 Ruroii, for the purpme 'forming � board of in C, ar, iery, Mani��obia, ', on - Tuesday n mit. On This elding was eired by blac)kan and rej merchant
of R t Portage, InT."Alurdoick pud ance of surnmerstock. EY
agementi*-h 'her AMY she will stop off at a rice paid for'it the pos`ition.-�-A.
as fa noMi as 118mith's Hill, 'Auburn and . wei 1, ueds. Thep Th raday, and re- _'.Dgg
en, the: following officerms w re :to anxious toget thi n, a
Bly ad ; ti`.'�, G. vanEgniond, - Prealde t whdre she will be mot by Mr. Lc gan and was 75. It always pays to bread first drove Brantford last U baw�� for the f
ec M13L turned ho L me this weeh. They were -favored goods, and in order to do so will make cer-
11 1 (r, lot Vice-Presi(]Le it-- othi ir mie era of bho' family, and at ivilich class horses. 1 .1. 1
'WillianJi D. r t I c. ant we)-ther, itild report having tain, sacrifices, so we ask you to note this.
G' LOE-y 1VE sal.-Froi� the Str&U04. Willian!i, 80mervi'�Y",C". �,n& be+ifrk1 pleasure resortMr. Logan -has a with exe.
DIDT - I I , - Vice.Prcsiden6 1. 'had pj ya �, visit witibi Mr. A. Each day with uswill be a sale and bargaiaL
Her Id of J lily 4th we clip the followi-�h N.' Fear Secretary-Treasurerf A. M. euti�iiierresideuce,'--Thereweee,44 writing Ashfleld. L
, g tifie&tft
in �,IjAb 'Cal 1 01 LoCIA rs. -The farme a iLre busy with their d elsewhere. in the trade.
noti of on inteeesting sociat,eveii(' for third class cer at Seaf rth this J o hnn at o d dit o t h r f ri! 4ols i: Brantford, an day
in .and thatwe, wonb-be und rsold by arly
i1pb 11, Valuator; F. Ho - Imest id, 8 111' it- - a H endig n Pa rig-
ity. It says: '-'To-daj,. our eight� 0 in D. McLean, A H. wee k- ; 3�1 for s6couds ; I I for juni ir matri- also
c, W illin hay the -, 1 1 1 Pic held in �100 a
,"ra r. rectors, wl dch is a light crop, owink to the -
t ii'ction with
aLcro the bordpr are ceilebrm�ating lie anin, Ifigrant, Jobir Beattie R Oul tion .and 2 for first - class.- r. John The 4�nnt I I
ch on A IPPUSH
Richardson, G. drough -The lake sh, ire of this township a h- se .1 ud chur , A-&
I ridence, a,4 1 in If. G*Ijb V 8 �A' J. Bright.. Agen A. St.. Pi�ul,,,'o Sa A'LG"R . F
f tli4jr indepoi �ke Voi Iker of Hay township, neai I-) shwood, has haj no rain of iy account since
Vera ly 0 . ra. - w4f ill town oil Tuesday. Mr. V elker is a the Thurs, of lots. eek at luowett's gro I On
mantier Mr. and M- J as Kyliti, of D�ly M. (�=1�beli wil't'-lok' af ter tho intares Of spring., -Rev. Mn' Vallittin, Me -odist Of il)oii flariest and eat
fi 'was on
fifti4thL the I
. bere, ar peeted
ArO to -day A4sdeia ow Ld I i6i if ex , successful breeder of pure `4 ad berk-
avenue, ob erving ti. ver r ILLINERY.
uliniste -, Luckiiow� go ve a vet -7 able and a
tr it ad be shipped 1,or b re.a pair . I ever h eld and a T lost ljbyable time was
r,mar iage, wilkin, as -thattliaboa �4�0,f6rmed.'-,witl eat i shi 0 $wine, ai , T, spirituc 88 he cbih rail, &m.b * E verything is ilew, cverytbf�g is stylisE
anniversaryof tllij . Ia , 4117. r% 4 h cl 1 0114 laoldre lasbf� unda�in Zion Church, and their
italy remarki -he t Ili$ 5li- ;the �adie'su&iasii thal fl1i; assoeiatiop b, I . 1, to the T iembers of Loyal Orange Lodg a
-lot ,r of i etry nice young pigs.whi ie had a 4 spent byll
Kyle hun 0 3 v No. ; boatid4 a ing, g imes, sports, everything is, inexpensive, leveryth&y i'�
- ' f ' vii. f ri. end 8-
d d 0 Afr. sibidl- Mrs. -1,Ckle -12re jj Eli' U'�'�ho n1eighboiiii4 ';Owns. Yto a: gentleman ili 8hakespeare6.- I . Me,- a id Belfast lod a. fri U1, .* le is 0
an 11b - K.ei 1,044 0 g e r iiiis idventure oc- guaranteed. everything is Dorrl(�(.t.
L11 zie, wife of A,ev. W. H. Me enzie 0 ja sin
netTllled ale$t, Oeorge,' In what was- t an shitre's'of siock, and Ivi f e�
'�ew-York, was i itiii her a r i1triar tl lea i ne of t ip- (lay. Mr.
a district of Q617e, " Up C -it's effi#ibrit-Auff. bf 611ficeis, Mr. 10livei, b 1-01, stollsbur(�, 1 U ie plea
per . in-. C,
as Wa3ton. 1� grapher, was
ada now th a county 'of /Brant J u p - act; DIC 1b bllfkry's board 'whibli r. J. 8, Welah.Lloiat it our e -eel-If c f plfo A Grtieat Push .-erials
Vro her, M week ao lef t on Dress, Mat
18-K . Alr. E7.yle is a riative of Pumfrles- f, " for ionic oplviondxy._P�ay. 'Mr. Perry and LocA ITru-sys.-31ts' D of k�p'otu)CSLof t a sc-booi and
has I aiAip-1 Cal b 11 Irrenti
Lal�en oiver� fox r buiikolred shiires 41 ve li� C atlile has returned Tile newest Prints, the beat i ateens, the -
S -w-bere lie was born inl,'�' a ill� th 1v at, Mr Perry of Wingliam, ire in town this Varna, idvisiting friends hero- this v4e tber 1 g UPS. 88
otland, W, -
shir mont4. This'a'ssopiatiOn, ha vis rig frILIQ r] r- Tor
weRi the guests of Mrs. Perry's mother The saiv'mill wbich has-4;W61olle for I ome outoii in choicest Cballiea, the finesti M nslins t
ing tc C,buada in 1842. Mrs.. Xyle.�yaii - I . I i . 3 LL .
six niololths more thexk dinkublitio �,t4e, b , na's$ gain. I Vooc st It 4t bet in Sea- richest Deldines the lateSt'.�;Jepol)13,
ld I oule. U trier
'bo' . in J -A' Scotlarld, -in 1924; of it'i A , t d tend yeari thus ImItkin , for Mr i. J. N. Kpechtel, Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Wat(r, is now running in f till bILaS,t a ris, u1n.
I' ra' alid t8eC -J. W. Morri on, teitober at - 1,eftd bug, -is J 3,rth. i io J�Ioi� 'returt ed home re- mer Gingbams, Summer Pticks,
rf City t places it in the ront
-tit to Ne w Ok in 1830,:aud to- ban", reCor h hit've, been, in the old country and called here
OU. Rself'
b On heirway bpme to, V spendii g his vacation. in I)eol, With fov it in Goderich.- DelainetG,
ingham.�Afiss I',. er,, 1< entN f, I a� p e4san t Nis
adal in 1337. ' M r, and Mrs. &lnky'of Arthur,
oil of Askivibb,-Bruce county, is ..the but, tilider the _tkilful f Dr. The wa riew 8 of 11
since 18t)8, with tho � i n*asJ �n the same plan.
� �d have lien, r4n the Associations doing bus- treatmentl 0 r- John. A�
resi�aautlB of Stratford Aitiblies
A. i r ierebant, w Ply to learn P
me. Armsbiong, b is ge�tihgall- fight '4gain.+ hardNiak A Ore�t rush on
pefit:.ab Brunnf,�I; u st of her uncle, Mr. -J. S. Welsh. -So 11. be soi
ex�c!Rtioi,n oJ a6 few yearsla e� � jur, w i a
HaitptE OF Rtvr(m NoTr,4,�-The.Hox se of n Mr. Gc orge M a renovatoina his hote a (h an t i 1lat be Ii I hil
-f driving
a mers'in the township of 'HiLy, betwee f the,
r I Kyle,was in.the 1 b It
11 , D ' shwoor Al r.' - H. Sef t) 'Grai lBen�], �vhere he is Cream: Parasols'with frills, I White Para -
family ga�thf C I ar.- 6rlet 1; - paid roni If 1111'. t 0 rw I
. I i Uefugle is rapidly putting on its on ard Zui 1 h and a had whe4t out on Jroi�n top tb eel
��A a. I he re wtis a 1.rMZ1 . - 0 with f 2�
Mo day last the 8th.inst.. This. is the 6arli age a vipit this week. -Mr. 3%1.'Mor- ampi� 6 io'ev etting I it we sole with frills, Colored Paras I rl s
-&o (yr of the evenit. to -day anol'tbis a in share The walling is now carried up alinost our vil pk., His horse I J
risen m ant to Blyth lot -week to attend a, ci� fr t at a cow t1l 19 t 1wa# lybig . at the Black and Fancy Parasols.
ih %v-ortl:ypouplbWillbe'L"&6 horn to, a eat har'vestina We have heard of.�Tlie Or- I I
its lz -height and preparation, arek� eing n -with the Orange reciadsid and, jumpi, i, to L! one side, it
are rMined. to make the town black I Age i connection
anE ernen i
idi baV6 licibil- it d 'Made- or the roof. Contra OP I in A Grep6t 'Push on 01o�4ing.
r 4 if fri6 'Obol all
nul be s" 'Who S. eitber labor order. - -W. E. A. Beat is in: town m the in-:" (lite a i I. u etti lie I I g , which
-w ing n tb
fortheoccasien. Golden weddings, are very will , loo c its, best'at are 'spatt,
b�,.ve his stiff at the roof this , ee and
mu h the exe-epti0h: aintot the Herald CO] J_ 00 nor . oney to makb things pleasant' and at- terest (if the Temperance find C eneral. Life- Ja ing ghU Cs �1�g, m v1er6 y i juring it,
nfcl�ently expects to have slating arid I Ill In MeWs Suits, in Youths* Suits, in Boys�
Re is meeting an r
gr tulate. Mr. iii-nd Mrs.1 1Kyle Assurance Company. with i ag one of t) 14 � �m 1 jones. -10 r.
.n go 0 R�cll 'd I.Me0kre. -.0
n -trusts they on. -the di3-' allan6gbythe time the longed4or rains trat:ve for their visiting brethren and gor, Suits, in Odd Coats�, in Odd I stsin Odd'
tin tio, d may be spar d t, i� antLInspec 'or of frio: atols. Among other adornments they have od success. McGre son:of Al r.
come.!' Provincial Governm Pants.
ere ite!d four or five handsome ever green of Toron� is lvisiting j,hig ra dinother's,
er for many years, more."' jails, 4sylains, tC., Daid, an official visit to-
'Xr' . Ilwo
ion' Grey. Mrs. R. N1 CA '> 0
0 the and buildings on Friday last, in are iiesonMalu street.. If-thedekinonstrat rt-hurar - fn. d has THK
rm Mis a retif . rn 'from visiting �e ati a Exeter.
2 ibs ranUlated sugar r $1 40avis, c(o) f Miss McL% hlin and ad lat
111SItIng, friends in
-Gr 1489-1 auft o f the local- committee. -Mr. David -L-Aliss'. 8utherjau 3
f Cr is not a success, it will not be the A Jk�x-xT.-
er ny with Architect J.! A. F ow'lex, und bc-'-ay M itebe,l drove down to- Winthrop this week,.
exp -r sed bimailf well satisfied with the 10 -
Ea iffeF 11L
hind, L d sboro agh of Tuickersmith, left on Wed- that Lond
he up to date store-speiial-. -gibbons catio and,*!quality of the itE 'op- I visitinE frienda vicinity. They: �Jl, Woodsto9k al. Pea0hyll1e.
at 'no, is yc u won't see outside of 'lliflik store. 1 Our lie ay on, a trip to. Moosomin, North eat spent o ae pleasant day at the hos: itable!
WL) proa es andizeneralfeatures. The"likitild- OL
Terfirtory. Heexpectstobe: gone abouta, residen,,e of Mrs. John Cowan, the vaX ; J,
ri'� es ire I)wer th-an the lowest. havii a full Boot D
ing, ith the improvement � in-wa of more
sortime 21; al all colore in stock. Duntah's old stand'... y mo th.-Mr, andilra. Holcombe left Sea-
A.:E. PFNTecosr, Staforth. 1439.2' cc N§ i;eparation of the s: 'now sug- Maitland. Ln%m, LME.-Auy ' )erson. in want Of
exes any'.
for on lk�lednesday for Thessalon, Algoma. Lime, shoiuid'i��ll on �16. Feint Bannockburn.
1 at D: %i geste by, the authorities, I a pronounc ad to gC He hat 500 u8hels of. $ton. Lime ek;' ill L k class qual- Col
lbve t best arranged for economy Of space
Bu ter crackers, 25c par pai 4, Th , P by theNliTindsor and,Soo line from Surnmertiffl.
Gr . I - . I 1 14 .. 3.9.4 Go erich.�-Miss Jessie Oldham _cfBeams- Itk, at Itica. bushel. mm.e, first irrIved. 1439xt
a a0eci and, onvenience of services of any i MEETI.-,w.—The Inde rident ILOCAI, XOTi§.—On Sunday last Varna
Ce - a w store. Have -you seen th the vil , is V siting her bisterj Mrs.T. q,Ke -GOSPEY, S 01iforth,
h this being in many respe� ts all Ir _V.
ies cambric drawers at Igo. 'We r!i P' Order of Good Templars hav� comme md" a. Loyal Or
12401TIsd h4ve; di PrOvince, T_
fer6fit makes at same pri-3e. Duncan's old- stan Jinpivived edition, althou f the — 1 out te o'clock " Wednesda'y ifiorning ofg9speIrtern d the a Lodge N 6.1035 m4 in their
91, smaller, ( series perance meetings a a halk amad arched in odv to the Method -
Sign of Big Ship. A. VzNrzc&T,,,Ser$orth A,,ous a of Refuge rof the county'of Oxfo rd, of �h f re alarm. sounded, arousing m iny from a
first of thoi series was held on Sunday a ist chur Rev. 'Mr. Leech will be greatly mined in this �Iace an he-
li6.2 tb 'r' peaceful slumbers, who hurriedly don- 1�en- 1h, where 'tb
was a a abI slid practical sermon. was es
was designer, and -1 irchi-
Owhic.nk Mr. Fowler
ing last There I rger turnout. than. teemedby all who knew 1�iln.—Wiffie.,
A choi e stock of American. Biscuits Ab ne i varied description of wardi obe and pretched
tact. The barn is not yet -built, al1liough Was expected and if the interest at th6 first 'h' D6Longj five year old son of R. J. H.
The chur.- De-
Da'vis' Grotery. the ehilty atmosph , wa� er(ildud to the door.—AIrs.
1439 ru, d out into ere to
'ting iA continued, much good may-lbe the Long, -met with a bad. accidel
lieu Pe itecost's White hern-atitched law the harvest is j usit on us. Some niattivial is fin, hat the fire was confined to a sm4ll dut- mee Joseph bble!, of 86�krtb, whowas visiting Rt on Sundar
4 t n , land for - it. Next, week Contractor
Ink result. The meeting was Conducted by Mr. of - ',Hak was driving some eat
among r nc 8 ere f t a ast w
handkerchefs at S.for 10a, ea8ilyworth hoi s4 l in rear of bhe Dom inion bank, an had eek re-' last.
5 cop ek�expects to have thirty men at. work. owery: The"next meeting is -to be orchard when one of t kicked-
Duncan's c ld stand. Sign of BI Sh' A turned h, a on 46 : Oaday ast, no doubt
_I . . f J. 11. L
R �1�- be( extinguirshed ere most of them reiched his
-king leg above tho knm Dr..
COsT, Seaf(rth. held the 'first i Sunday' in August, anpunce- great I On ' tted lie change.—We were him, brea
th( cone of disaster. But for the timely
ments fo which will be given later.
Bro e a d Trilby just received AMDEN.M., On Friday last Mr. William : see t a 'Mr. Case, of Dungannon, -was sentfor and a
dis very of the fire the results would,! have pleased' i I countenance of .
S Will and Miss Tressie Chris- V visit had the injured leg at.
at Dav"i72V ro,enr) , 1 14319-1 Habl:irk met with a - s6rious accident He bef n hiore serio�s_ —Mrs. Udden of near NoTliii�-�r. JOsaPD a rkiow. 1. aid its flying The little fellow is
yg r
The Modern Store..�-Dcn'tl forget to see was riding on a c4rt driving a borse, d Ga t, lis visitingl at - the residence o. her t� her, 4i W4LIton,spenb Sunday herre among on Wed esday - las .— a Wednesday- last doing nicely. --Some bad bo _ took -a boat-
ngoa of Laces- at Isa. to Thomas WilaGn from its ='car-
Penteeost'� splendid prices that leadi g his stallion behind. When ceossi 9 me -b 'Mrs. I'viiWlan, Soutih ward.- relatives', —Several from here attended- the 19r. I Jam 's Ross, Of "Ba uiiockburn, got tired On in
will please you. Sig,2 of Big Ship. A, R. PfVNT�- the a all bridge -east of �,'gmondville, so a service in St. PAul's church, Clinton,on Sun- in a on 'lifiday evening andr have not shown.
coar, Seakforth. 1439-2 1 'bela llian, thefive year old daugh r of of keepi Tr I blatchl aphol took'.0 to himself a
Ur since.
day last to hear the address to the Orange-, *if Ifo i Mr. Wilson intends to investigate
1. boys w6wefe.fishing ill ibe river- nd ome, y I . I
11 r Mt 3. 11railmes Stftherlan�d,. died at her wifof. T rturiater lad Miis Md'_
A few more'�peac Les left, 25c per� C I men by Rev. Mr. Stout.—Mr. J.H. Low�rY Gregor,! f Ta e h. Th have gone the a air and punish the offe4ders.
Davis' Grocery. an the t. ridge frightened 1ble stallion, C1.11.849 th Main street, on - Saturday- mo i
him -i io i u mp forward on to the rf. M:
visited friends at Harlock on Friday.--Sev., h 81, ey
r. a- to Vic M to ;he honeymoon. We
Much -sympat-by is felt for t tj spe
PERMVERY by the- ounce or bottle� in eral have suffered losses owing to the worry-
Habkirk was th d C she y
rown fo ward -and w re -ad mother, as it is not long si Wis 1, lolling Coup] 0 a happy mud pros- Cromaity
choice variety at Lumaderi'& Wilson's drug.6itor, 'tot ing of sheep, in this via
Sesforth. have fallen off V4 for onerof his leffs g 9 'W called upon to n ourn the loss. er ini y- F, i r
14 9-1 perou
NEW-,-, NOT.Es.—The welcome ghower o�F'
caugltinthe.c6oss bar.,.', This frighlxkikic�d
e 12th
PARTIEK.ViSiting Seaforth on' All hu baud.—Mr. Thomas Govenlock shipped Monday evening laid the &U Sj nic1e.y an
the.4orse be was drivin hnd both horse's Iffia rqi Lhar.
and wighirig to make d the air, %ut many sue
:heir expenses, a -in do s6, by 91 a; I �t of very file fat cattle from here for t4e 1coole i showers win.
o the
'0" 9
0 el
a io
x g
ale bl-
buying, Boots and Shot a. at i Richardson &.3le qlj,As. start I �d at -full ruh. When the got ol(', country on Wednesday. AfrAwovenlock ANOTTIER slaughter in Twine; down goes NOTES. --�Ira Colemitin, of Llstowel,is the be required before its effects' will be no A
1439.1 turn �in the* road' the cart ran loul of 1, tele- int prices; T.� Mellid will not be undersold. Starting at I at of hersist Mr., Mr p Boreland.— ticeable in the fields.—Th� -in have
.11nded going with'them, but be was pre- 6ic Red:CAp. 6c , Rjue Ribbon. Qc. Call early a fai� ers
graph pole and the horse got loose from it,
- x is Isure URI th Rr. Garflrer idid %vif3; of L nolon, spent� started h iug now,, but OW11101 t th
P&JtIS (4REE_.\- tl1l&b to' vented on account of Ill health.—Mr. Alexm sn� get Your supply at thm prices. T. MIC1.1,141' ay L Or a sevem,
0 'a and �oth horses i an ler' McArthur started on his aunnal trip Hippen. 14392 Sunday with frionds in this i�inity�--Mrs. frostand prolonged drou� t
pollato bugs, 30c per cand, ia� Lumedeu It *4 ' a n �tarted off but had only,
drjjg store, Seafortl �43,94 i. rid crop is the-
gonel a short i distance when they were to -he old country on Wednesday. I He is . NOTES. Forsyth, teacher of school Dr. Irvi g,,a laughters of t.� Marys,..spent poorest ' that has b f
keen Dr many years
See Pickard Co's Tokio Pongee, Iagb. _c�auglit'by Mr. Beek, and fortunatelly n �ither Sundity t the- Tarise. —While "Air. Hicks, -Several members of th a choir t
i I tic mpanied by his brother Colin it�d Rob-- section 'No. Tuckeramith, was in Seafortb ook
colors, about 25 beautifi�l designs at 91c per yaro. of, ill , Was hu t. Mr. Ha I .
--am bkirk. dil not at McDouald,ofl%lorris. The two last nam-, last we nd Dart of this fulfillin of Hibb I t, was going'; dong t hi6 s1deroad a in the choir excursio 0.,
14 -1 1 n, to 110114! n this wetik.
ins geove an interesting papar. r. Gr nn
Come, off so well, as one of his legi was e(Iloen�icin�iittikefat-cattle with ihem,� duties o re mile an( quar er was of t is,village with -Afiss Selena. Ma-bally, of A.Utchell, spe#t,
ROOT BEER siding examiner at the
frave a len�gthy and interesting report of the �XtIRAcr; 106 laottle, in'kka 3 severir.ly injured and he -was otberwi( bad-,
Mr: 3. Jame,R.- ARcheson and family left on school a load I Wi
ceedi 's'of the 'Medical �'ouncil. five gallone. Also Lime Fruit; Juice, in �50 bottleii, ly s4aken up and brnis-M. He had to be prim, try exainina ons. Ow a. d d, 6r fraines, two last week with her cousins, Aliases An4e
PrQ rig at Lumsden & Wils�Dndru; itore,,Seaforth. 1�39 L Tu day for Paisley %,here they will spend OTES.'�Urs. James arming, who'was, wheels his agoil cr Ve cut,. and eonse- aud Aggie Xliller.—Alr. Jack,16h, of -sairnia
convi6yedhome aild is still confined t) the quently had 0 leavEit on the' road *d'
a 6uple OL weeks visitino frierids.-m-A large a had si a aid a brief visit to hi ep
of dress gp7odh very'poorly for some da a last week, is now ' uen v at ol the farmers, aro nd week.
--up to date goods'at modern Pricq A. E. PtNTF - McKillop as �well er f M eginning o
Doret iorget.our grea-Vs4le ho:�tiso- 16 is a mercy,. Ilowever, b( was nu bar of Orangemen frooml over Sun i U Mmilton at tlie b
Ef bott,er.—A ilumb this part took in the
The studeuts in the following list have 4een not kitled, as lie would almost , certainly as
COST, Sraforth. 143b-2 lie Seaforth lodge attended the special the choi� excursion to L don on Wedues- here are- sily ay�nj. All) report a very Mrs. Aike'ns and daugh-t-er ogether WAh-
prom lia'iiebeo�n had t a horges!: not gob freed f om 'nber' bAve also cut; Mrs. White and her' daug tqr, were tl
oted from A forni io Btlfort ,,H.:
Fop.K- ROPE. se ices in St. Thomas ehurch on Sunk(14 af- � day.—Afts. Geoirice Taylor, who was i ton- light Cr`61) Qu
e a nAT,
Broadfoot, F. Be&ttie, A. -N. the -v�hible. er, ich ii; also vei
t, t9eir Al� �( clove
a good stock of the above rope in.j.. J� and 11 in terioonW9 when Rev-�Mr. Hodgins preach don for. spi a v1si iint her dallg�ter, !y,short guest's of Mr. and Mrs. D. ��k this week.
an 14�Hodrrins, Extraqualiby. Joqsmr Enos .Seaforbh
bell, R. E liott, J. Hor very serious accident hap- e(I
i is stay--.
i sermon suiti%,ble.�oi the occasion. 'The Mrs. CaOe, and grand -di ug ter, has retpra- and diffiedt, to Cut, b is'. inq
a a wit —Miss Ida Upshall of
Hawthorne, C. H-offnian, A. cLean, D. ed on Saiturday, at a barn raising at, Mr.'
Tile New Store. —Ladies* RibbeolVeitIs A! pan Orn t Club intend holding a oirrnailie�t In ed hoitne.—Mrs. James I [core was in:7,u1riuh excellent E eed.'_-Af r. h Dias! Carrierdn re- Ing,, with 'her aunt, Mrs. Vinqent.-4�A num-
nJ. 4c, 7c, go, 15c,Mv, 25e,- Sic, 3(ic!,49z. See our window, -;Georje -McClure's, in Me I op.. rn. Se, fo l oi er of cattle to bar of the outh and beau�i 'o the neigh -
V010 a
rth on July. 19th, ien it is epected for some days, waitiA in �1, 6sed of 11 fi a a
p, and Mr. Hugh i "y Ittyne, of Ro, Or, "Ille, —Alr. Dun- borhood spent pleasant ev g &L Xlr-..
Henderson, A. McLeo(l, A. A. E. Pentecost, S�afortb. 1430-1 Adanis�, of MoKillo r
m thE t clubs f out Clinton, Brussels, 1&6ter is poorly.—AIr. Ph� iLp Johnston, of St.
Twf_N� Balj�i'
Kinney, F. Porter, -1. Rennie,. B. Soutt -L. E.—Bindelr. Twine o -a3 son, 8fiEgmondville, liaoll gone up or Ye Mf ichell, S xatford and other Louis, is paying a visit to, his sister Mrs. canHay i a greatly ii p,lot"el the aarRobert. Ulvingston7s last Firi
places will Ward, X, Yotiug� Of these, -the folloj��irlg down Bl�e Ribbon; 01c; Eurekii Flax, �Ic; �uit top plate of the frAnte to place: some bt aces, ances o.' i� store by gLr', bl
a part.—Mr. W I foun ry in our vilUge- f
tA your supply t is price -hen! in some wa or other the timb oil I
Rawkshaw of 86. Marys The lit a fresh coat of
-r ceritt. and over, and arre th ere- I Flax, l3c. G at once whilit h James M21ler.
R is- kept very busy repai very pleas nt little party was
to right- JoimsoN B os,, Saafortla., 1430-21, Nikra 5 visitinf friends in town. this week. -The I t.— 'Chiselh=s
rin maebinery, and
fure entitlett-to honors: NL. Camp they Vera s; andink all U111 pic-1 ic in connection with the Tres- the proprietor is at his w i end to supply lel 0 a grounds of th, ilonse last'Wed-
,bell, 72; gave:'way, and
tec, at, a sa
ent last Mon -
E P1 the �nklss*
A. McLeo(l, 71 ; C. Roffinan, �' 2 160 they ere precipi ated he grOnd, a dis by 'erian Sabbath School will be hitld all wants.—Miss Sarah if -Clymoub, of Lon- r the. au� pie (if day for his'home
Beattie, Don't miss P Cbriset'� f �fiilq at 66c per pair. A. ritecost, sign of -big t1i to t in nes( a d
D torice, 214 feet. !! OV
A, _MeLean, 6"L; L. HodginA, (37 J i oth inen -were com ideir- Omas, after
U an's old stand. Sea orth. Co'en)an's gr a on Tuesday afternoon next. don, pbi e afternoollL a ispeilt with di- t
davisit to the� :)arental home on spending a few. dE
'ing land
Goverilock, 66. alAy up, b t.neither 'of- thelli bad -we, fe r ds of games, ape a i sin ityta Jitl r atives in this
the be t 1T6i' xent ki"
Yar-'e, Seafortb, keeps he other still continues very dry, al- Saturday now in full swfn ging
vicinity.—Miss Shepherd andjAE4 Jackson
�6rokeii,� nor were they da cy tons- g' by the choir, after which ill partook of L
any bones
and Coffee that dan be had I buy all my Tiev! am tlubgk since Monday it has been cold. On and some are flndi it in easy task this a
COD na
—The Coutnil met of Montreal, are visiting
not k6nday last there was a nice . rain a supper pro
MEETi_N(;. t006cat A. Young's, Seaforth; cinnotket the. a ly ..in uhred. In fact, M' Simpson Wa fe* season Mr. Samuel I ompson was the LLLL atll,thew uncle)s,
�y the, ladies
the Council Chmber on onda3i everking,, flarc r at any other place. Ad' J. Shepherd"s. a "vorse, but Al r ams was E Other a east of this, but this locality was not first to finish. He oted All On� the ion, wh n for the od6as -ad to their
i1i i i.e coin till r pair P111311110 In Connection With -a ANIefthodist lyut very little business was transaPted. �The The New Store.—Great sale of. Corsd� oil wb&tR'n tired inteinally, although -Dr. Ir-utitti
faN',",Dred. It should rain on the just as well 6th i and M homes *q�i —Miss 0. V. Smih satisfied I ith ir afternoon's
t anticipate nst. iss %Nolet church. was held. and by th f i de d ay out!
were given permission to Use the Friday and Saturday -100 J)alra ' cf.'Corse6 besi �-*vhoiii attending him, does n *0 iting.—We a
makes, worth froin $1 to . 6, -all zo for 0 c per itesides, of Hensall ivere the guests Ot re sorry toi r cord the illness Ia, Irge gathering thal
aniber for a while on Friday mor- any,serio Lis result.,'. Theybaditn'arroffes-. as bn the unjust.—ir. Stewart, editor of V. Wb
council 6 W" berl; the p
r. A. E. Pentecost, sign of the bg whir, -Dii coin's tbd Finibro Courier, and Al r. Brand,� mer- of the N-lisses Wbiteman 111 or a few day' of three o�l Aft Alexandi McDonalds fain- 1. 1 )
ilincir to arrange their prograname., Acc:ounts capoi 1oweveir as it is. 'almost miraculous ai last mot -era -of the affair may ��el proud.
Old stand, Soxforth. chi rit of 11,mbro, were in town this. week.� week.-' ily, typh id fe�rer bein t ie c se of - sick-
�Mrs. George Ta�yl r, who as 1
nol i both' ce;n
to tile amount ofiV4693.41 were passed and ot - that tihey were killed; Evei -tile The brass baud of It' xeter a m, to be Tim Bic,4-Kn Lacrosse m4tch Of the, 'Sao,- Th.y are drivin tbrou glil tile country taking visiting her daught r 4 ILopolon, for ss.
i - ie special attraction, and the Afreshmet
dered tOL lip i is! ati� ce they fell vas great, and tile' d 6nger
p id. The, fire and iNter.com- son. Athletics of St. Cathazines -of sea- ii he sigh ts -an(I the - fre�h. air. —Dr. Bal 1, past fourweeka, retiir a(,, home on &tur- bootli could hardly supply tb
mitteek Nvir -re authorised to ent 6ff all lawnaud mand for.
torth on We!int solay next, July 17th.l. Game'ealled froin fall1iii-tirribe -a was even -more. 'hey, andi formerly of Sea- day latit.—Aligs A. fiss E. a L
Ladies �15a.; n - - a itist, of Toronto, il f T�Ieki at ifth, ice cream lemonade etc. 1he
gardim. hydra-uts of persons not using water, at 2 Ito p.m. Admiation, Ge&B are to be congratu ated on their Oarro as- P Ve eks and I I ies also�
fbir �h, visitet. f - i d i wn this week.— t lase Sun& with N o i l(poiald h a begun. had , the tables set 'with eVeryti that
Children, 14-c. 14 . -1 r en 13 Ill 0 Logan, of Varna, spen ay
1111V the 4top lock oiA the street� Tliose not cape.
11 !Have you seen Pentecost' �h - last hom e in t junior lacrosse Miss 1. Whiteman.
having & bup lo(. -k and Using t1le ivater, wi a v�hite :1 atirn. would tempt the appetit
fr as in this wi! 11 be played this, the hay harvest, Mr. M �,D a.
i The spea, ra of
either 1�ave to pay for it- ot be prosecuted. w9lats at 29�. Corset covers, all slies,-atl a -were the r
of a lightero r (4 Lecc -he the day or, Re Mr' Walke
Nntecos-Ve. Pointecost'i fancy China;' Silki a � 250, LOdAL BR!r.,y,,3_Nearly every faemet N%Ilio ri lay, morr ing betweenlVitcliell and Se Wroxetbr. p ttise unt of t
'Phe eni Clixistian Associatton ana -)g fASt. sprinIg frosts an dry Aller, - -Af r% Rev. Mr. Swnn" 7ensall Rev. Ken—
ar selli Roap y,our e�c onL � our win lowilk, coin Robt.
a as ifito town aow-a4lays carries * iome offli, on tbelrecreation grounds. -Mr. Fred
_bAlls at the, electric light statio4 -will epcli I vaj a s,.mt-thin- new' A. E. Pentecost, §e' to th LAT .-Best quality'North Shore Lath Elgie hada', bee &ravel IT hi i lai lie the other ner, Staffs, and Mr. A Weistri'ller, Hen.
a, ly timoi
f water. . Tile Caulicil with him a caigo- of bind or twi Inc. -Mr Ar- ..Ta es arrived here f loin, Chicago on Wednas- for sale t Wroxeter Saw Mill. 1439-3 'The proceeds arnouute� o over $,0,'
be �or use Of obibald Cott, of tie firt 0 lietr%, and will sl�,kah iday wi d hio tpirpipises for the aMayor. eek A of -Se 4 Brot a d a short hol youl i Urt.
iiia ale'ets at the call of the I new at AI.Toung's this' NOT 8 Ouristreets have been beriefitted nk fplk inlitllIle near
119 returned, on,'Satun lay from a t$reo months )'vi; and friends. j Mr. says that bu i -
fn Dinner Sets; TeA.'set i.1 and Toil to tbei 500 ya da of �ravelthis KrFst
sbt�, -business via' #ent of egret o learn
down. it to' yknitoba. a' sayE - the lie: is comme cc, In � to boom ag OTES.- -a i
if 142)1. " ain in Chi Wingham.
A (�OOD PRES1'.VT1-,Rf' ;. season,'Ithe job being done by Messrs. Gib- that ItUs. Judles" Crieb a se riou lily ill -With
crop pfts -witoba war never bet- �n that The-Tieople th�re will harcea Lab w4k
pects in �T� soon n trinne of last -week makes Pentecost sells Ladies' 11 rappers a son& Willits. --4-Mr. George Dane and wife, somp� internal ant A pre ient her Miss Mago,; Anderson saw
is year. Healso P.tid often all about bard trines. -Airs. Dr. L a e
The Hrrist t ter tba they ae th Allibitious City, at via . iting friends pl mall- b(, eall of bp4r on
the reference to a gentlenitult well. ni�de in ho�d st5 le, from 32 to`4 2 -in( -h, bust we i of tile bar recovery. lie
-isit to No -nd her son Harry, returried from a iyou want oneT don't w�att too lonj.'. A. E. 1 1 1 N -ta and found the ci tt, a ya In, on the ]>Our elary'. SeveraL
'to if 19, ica 0 in holidayin
known Thost of our - rkders. It says..: here at present. -Mr. Frank Sanderson, of -Mr. Valeley, of C
co5b, Seforth. 143 -1 crops l6oking -equally well theta. A-fr. Rob- we We virit to Toronto on. Wednesday eve-- 1 9 men havegince been hunting for 1irubi but
a Toronto,i is home on a vi8it.-Mies Jessie here. -Mr. an1d Mrs. sh. r, of Be"buliller,
Rev, a-l'd R'v. 1�1`_Came�on 1P4v__Nic.-At A. Yo_ung'�, �)Seaortll ice Grieva, fomerly of this district, who nh r. -Miss Sarabel McLem a, who - wrote at have not found him. -The Mi �mbe�s Of 'Loy -at
ext;hangetl . pulpits l"t Sunday lug- Gibson ii i visiting her sister, Mrs. lrelan& sp ent SundAy �with roil tivps ere.-lirs. E.
- .1 Petted Ham, Potted Tongue, Canncd, ect, lives near Sheldoii-.� has 425 acres of as fine Lo idon in June, has passed the examination Orange Lodge ISr. 794, will celeibrate tile -
-,e OfJ the I Ila of.10wen Sou'nd,-A dea and dumb acrobat Johns visited relatives, ear Troi Fbridge last
Mr. Cameron spo d and brother- Chipped Canned Beef, Roilist Turkey, Rea . sptld�i,' keti, looking -whea -as fie ever 'saw growing. - -I%lr. as 6saistant Kindefgarten t acben-A valli- battle f the Boyne i?n Luck
IV relations hicl exi6ted between himself Lunch Tongitic suitable for picnicing. 14 I was verf �rming here on' a tight wre, one week. i 1 [low. -The fife,
even :h m, headed an.
Allan Reid has from a 51e snt aw;b brood. rnare' belonging o Mr. A. -Caw-d- auddrum band, of Wingh
%ntry an has no,, got caugh I b wire fence the .-Mr. H. Snell and Wife,
i(I Casioil. . In his removal'to anotber Bargains in all kinds of - boots and i i� ioes visit to friends in the old. 'cc ingla'st Week A PIIEAS��k
t i n a b ar EvilikO very pleasant Oran% mareb in -Belgrave ast Sunday, -
Ad of labor lie reialized tllti*t, t Ue at the Cheap Cash Boot and Shoe Store opposit I th, a of, Goder�ich, were visiting f1riends here on 'and happ�y` Cv 7nt--t lac At the residence Rev. Air
tic Ila los ti EX1.0si-OR k Mee.- W. H. lvmurs, M takenli.is fo)rmer-pq�itiori of hostler a. the� otl r day and hod one of i fore legs badly ool: i ) , Perrie is expected ome this weikr..
an;t devoted friend. Mr. Casson. precbed anager. 1439.1 Diominiop day. -Mr. Tholina� Hempliffl,: or., of Mr.' Jihnill% cOreg(r,' 2t
cot icessioin, on
Royal hotel, stables, -Tim Exposruou was 6ul !,-Mr. 3N.1. Jordan, who ias ))can visiting Carneio'n, f Knox Coleg,l Toronto,
a Xler 11(lecptable sermon in Knox to M EAT PS IN)WS. Mr. John Dop.p, th our protninent hardware and grain luer- Wednesday. a loccasion was
people's butcher, of the Central Meat.,Ifsrke 1 11 favored on Albridary with a shorti call frorn firlinds in Buflilo for 06� F ust two - weeks, fternoqn - I who has so abil y filled I
t, 'day tc a4riag
1utf bause, rld *e re of tile ()Pini(kll tlrat ffIir. I Mi. Robert chant, isl off on a,well earned hoh his the in of - hi t i 2� pulpit in Air,
fo'lowirig,jow pric f Or , . I - I 'dit �r of y,af '.-er having spent deIrt id, t liter,
inz the befit meat at the Fergusoq, iner yi 1, re , if ned hinne yesterda Pirrie's 4Nbsence, will go f a B -tissels to ve,
'It n CASH ONLY: Bo'l.Beel, 5.- and 6a,; old home, where he has not been for se en- Miss Q*e(?
lie wottltl'inaku alt;i te 7 I's Cast, lieve. Rev. 11r. Ross. -A larp a bar belong-
ON(-.ellellt PrC8IJY 0 Routs, 3. Fe the ListOW6 Banner and !aonr old- I time a 'hool 3ry enjoyable time. -Mit a Jessie Stobie, to Mr
preacher, Qameron and Mr. Cas1ion Qald 10c; Stleak,.8canil0q; Lalut, front clmrte�,-] te-en ye�rs.-.fr. - John Davidson, bl Lck- a ro at( no .,young
r of this locality. Mr. Fergusor has ]let droilliner in the l. Alc 1470"Ll d -' goods p rm& Of Stan- ing to? Air. Day, neir Belmori �, father of our -
8c; Lamb, bliij quarter- ry -T -.cremony
10a and- 120i; Mtk tom, betih a i about ight eat iblishment, leaves in a LYS on a trip fR Mr. H. Dity,
eXCIM1111ed PUlpits, nd* Air V smith, ol� Paln�trston, spent Sabbath , Vith ley.
esidmit of B7 w
60, 80 a?,d 10c; lve-l'-fic, SPc and 10c; u ffa o for p -,r rormed bY townsman. Waal des�royed by -
'k in qw his uncle here, of the same name and tr or-
a in go d Rev. J t
sson as tiltt-aya welcomed by f-'n()X 1H enders 0 at
!or 6t --engageolf *the insur ' a n the
-10C This reduction ommences wil-h Jl h. years 'nd is one busi- to Duluth, St. Paul, Chics, , and other fire on Wednesday. The fire nia'upposed '0
re aitre he will, carry wXtll Joti Doin-, Seaforth. iiess there. He came over last Week to at- ohn d has sc Id his driv- th, nime te relatives have been startecl b. tr rybody-
gregaion. We Onto,
y Mrs. J. R. Forsyth, of Tor at lires- presence of 1
War 'n -in
him the bc.it NvisheS of tile entire Cowillulifty mare to Mr. John I y� n ract a ;Lte (Of McKillop, eat on a visit to her father,has been serioui- and friian a )f Ithe n s rties- Tbe
lie -.-a o Clock train of July to the borfite mces.' A 1�
'-The Bemrers, .11yeat He looks well, ftnd: is as full of ly indisposed during the iast week. -T. F. young c Ia took
She was one of the best,drivers
Miller will represent FoIreit'lodge at the at g time is
will have an abuiviaii-t blessing." o Toroxito:bn Tue da and pl4ed th�� ipe- i ;en route to. leve'and, Ohio,
"Insiaim as he was t�iventy years in' tow'n.-No -tickets we�e i a I
-w tield of labor, wl ere ivt- trUat tel�l the f eral of his mother, 6e I, should come to town on the 9.5,tb 'and 26tlL
to his no. f e,
At,.krx WT 1. eill 0
vitni in d a old at thi expected. July 26th will be. ur i6iVic holi-
meeting of the Orand Lodge, A. F. A4 where, the ;: o to ape il" t lair Loncyrnoon
'Tecturiselis of !that ago He is still a to -London on day. -Mr. George Duffield nd� bride re-
turn. match wit, !n ardent politi �ianbarld has sta�ion for the choir excursion
Preibytery City, i ' H. - M." to be held in Toronto next we�k.-'-- The Their,: man friends
a the ell ship.. series., �The �tali�np.-vvit i the ,Democratic r y. is Woduesday.-.1rs. Spaidman and familv ish their fill 'pros- turneolh. Saturaav from thei; -iiveoiding tour-
ulet -in on the 9th inst. Dv- '-Nlc- Beavers were in Methodist Sundaiy schools of this circuit petit nd I the ir married life.
rious, - repeatino I
etc bro6her James, millo. now resides � in Det roit, and Mrs. Widow, of Bay City, Michigan, X A and have talven tip house u town. -Mr.
0 n held their annual picnic last week. F -A ;!frly 41
Dont1d wag moderator for the ert- the score of four to oa& made heroi o Ny s'l also here. �ray of -Toronto, and aret THERIN ver y pleasant and NITis- McLeod mid b y I Mr. F_
ft _? -Mrs. 0 1 -visiting their'sister, Mrs. Char,16s Boole,
In speak n U g1s, of �Tohrik loh i IE
kittm -86n ar Mr. A. You street. place in Mel.
i"g ix illorithi. Fletcher, million 1) t I g of the ma:tch the he a visiting at affair forton's Da vson, of Toronto are tille lo2 ts 'Of
it being
-rson aad tiatililtoll awi Foth- Olobe of 1-�'edrlesday sal -s "It *%-as pl inl --it th,47kcresters' demonstration hel(
T at wood4. Iturday aftrn n Iasi
the o ' as't I of the out ual and Alex. Da
Yaxtcr, elders, teave a report evident yesterday-thatIthe. Tecumseh,, to IN- Mrs. Grocery Stock for sale in the flouris
dkert6n, on July I at, it was decided Aiat NOTE.S.-Mr. and Ing re atbei ing of the tendance, at the Assembly in Lon.- put it vu[g I of Uieir at rarly, had bittIen bff � more. thall 60. fiex"t-clemonstration in Division,.o. , be, Jarpes Rvan left last week for D'aluth on a vil Horto:h fal lage of Hensall, Choice, Fresh 'Stock. Ado teas Th eir( a n this neighbor-
thened visit tio their children several of " Grocer," Box 49, Ifeneall. 1431 o the cast tb �s, a lag�
doll. essri. Crriere, Anderson ;wd they could cheiv, a great dei more. Thd); bei d at.8eafordi in 1896., -The li'ttle six :ear len� 4f bood and b k to thee ast Brussels ppointed to nominelte were not able to witlistalid the detorl, nilinboit of r0atives of ha6 and it is
, c' o I . , son of Mr. Robert French, Jr'.j, - fell rom whorTi reside in.th4 city. Thegenial.pres- NEWSY NOTFS. -icnics aro� now tbi orl time, . ohn's. chur'ch ji6 their alft,_A
the r11111tLees for the A onslaughts of the burl� r en who raprE t -cc oil Monday last O'Llld fractured o a of ende of out, o14 -friend will be much missed der of the season, coupled i ex- �b autiftil ore it is, to
I vith, raffivayl' their 6, stou , and a, (
re.,olutirin �rf avillp-Ldly ed 8eaforth at an5 nual piellic in Davidsori'p gro hrs-
meet geth.-irince, Teay. 9
as n A
stage of the gaine nev- biJ Lizzie MCK who h on frour treeo, as he is'one of our' oldest cursions.�A de�f mute gave n exhibitio' y en o� each
Mary Mul- of l
ru- ertlielegs it N, leng ack4fre, walking, vaulting, tumbling'! n an and the etboditt eii Tues I They---' hi.; faini1v was ret otbe t4eir day of last week, T lville cilarch an Friday --
ragged i 5 1% Ca
th � along -chardo of a department the �17inlsor an most kindly !society, and kh 6
y . an
lately for neLtirly an hour'bifore.the decidbig- achool, is spending her holi(laysatlionle oll, andliar sister Miss Jennie, arrived etc.,' on 4urM;L'in streeb oil Monday �yenj' i
The al94, , i I i =ni "th% young-
outin and 6ul ffairl[this year was a were all very tit.-cessful, (a
Ltioll Of g lie was scored. The'. green shift'0 herc.-Tbe members of the Lawh Tennis -oil He is an� succe Tbere was i 'e. ctfeam i d lemon-
hoi a f i I! Chatham on Thursday of last ing, in frion� o" Marsball'd block.
of Leeburn aud 'Union virtuall oniv-terimenoii- $ters.aswell astheolder on , fleenied to -
the field, i4a ade, od a, table of 101 adi a I at would
T�unu 'club_enjq�ed a pleasantuting at Boy ield Nve k. -Mr. Oeorge Anderson, mat&tnatical expert that scareely be su',passed, undl P enjpy themselves. The and
re we games
churtch, township, me.ts acceptl�d- was Plearly-iiiiout of condition,- -and Boyd, o' AngttW have suited We , taste inBuchanan. of m . ter of i-N'iudaor 4olle,glate Instiiute is a liberal collo ion was gil n him at the ic re. There for.whi
sports for the chi
pulpit., are to be v4cat :oil though lie lyluckily lilae(l the a �1 I �h prizes treN -
qinlej, was -Newcastle Perinsylvanitc, is r siting at MrA. hi d �,ing �t the paro�inktal home her � -Two close of tile performance. 110bp and all kib, d' �fp
b were 9win a
aMr. r I oiieetnerlt�, giveri.-On Tuesday two inasiled Men ell-
Ifendor- -not ttbla in which
a Clark's, Ooderich stree..-Alr. and ur ald oss,of Murray, one o the p in al; 1 the Normal joined hea.-til' 'nost, anius-
xc mpanied by i�lforan' roll,
r ei tered the dwelling �f lr. D'. �)Jaxwell, Of
cover any extent of territtory 6le of citiz�ns- called on Mr, Don
sgrx, anil %1r. to be nioderatoricif owriug to an injured leg. The 8ea,16rth- AIrs. J.. D odds, Miss Roberts,* Mr. L. U. 8 n1ey, onlabba�b'last.. He bas Ia. ely un- ell9ol, Toron -o, is OP
re the Standing, 6re a, gir . nd colilectfon, 6 . f Nv,j here� vas &'uee Ilei l-onris, and abused him so as
nged- and M�. and Al vis" J. os of 1%'ing- of ti fourth operation for the eniovlal his son, visiting his irents, M - an d Mrs. which' -was v on b Mrs, V�i. 110clus IR16r on, of
P to tell where bis money was. They got a
play he 11 IR1116. all -11,0111, wheeled f rl liere'to Gra, id Band ()It Usbornc.i others would inlitata tbi good I
fOr tilf,- VeAv �lsioii�: footed ill the lower ja%v,'and his ina4y James Murrayf'-Quite a nut ib r of singers, bank book and .519.40, which-theytii3ol, �,rit
NlArtlll, tearn 1g'radu'0-' S&t' rob as excursio --trace of t1e, parties, -
and . the Jost (if 06 bveil'ing. It hope that it will be successful in as Nveli lists too k vantage of eX&MP1e:t a 014-' ;lit tc b less famil and them. There i� no
y ad U. AY.' retur f It" i (is Vill d
with thviv from the kindet
-garteii t elve many, motnyt-. is over thirty miles; from 8eaforLIl.- . (2, n tl , obeck irig -theterrible disease, - the cheap rail -way t ip to Lori n on Wed- society j Pdr n= The i3onsof &otlaud Attend vir a worship,
tate of R. . Mender- years id have th IF S' of hie 8heri ff, a formel,�Sd"
I cies iiforth boy, but 10 of 'T\ 1', Janic " Cumming leaves this week on a nesday,outheoccasonoftbe andmusical at Melville church On Sun next, Re.
lAilt(jn and. Atiderson, 016V gaille a finget, ell
Froor' rt.
their Toronto,-isvisiting friends in town. vist to fric Mr. liam Elder, Port Albi . Ross will preach the
ds and relatives in Tor competition of -choir Th Rev. A Ir. haws driver. got one of his our enterprisix) i' lament agent; had a NOTE,5. r had Ma arm broken while
Second home ma�), is flicl deftest sh' 'ge Anderson, of Wind or Collegiat In
nger of (,,cc' Th.,', Rev. A Irs. Baird, of BrIl4cefle1c, has
as being Monday afternoon last, of retume to Play
Sturt nd Muir, with their the nette k that bas been , bere in stitule, i.-rspeuding hi holid tys at liff I onite. hipfl legs i the wrong place as lie w photo ta - n on Fred 10ute
ad er h0be, af to r a pleasan visit jig 0ot ball the other. vight.-Mr.
two of the. gam0 were here. --AT e -w binder
I good -.0b, i- C, all d iss Hallie Colell-lan is bon
le: f r a dvi�en lou the -Mill. road on Monday af- some fif to n, n 8, which he was de- with ber lli4ber Durib ur, of C InLnd Revenue Ispec.or, was in
derson, Ait0ics0i 'Wid wiQi the Joseph
iir icoredbylihn. -.McDOU(rall ndAlcboll�ld, d ties ter�oon, resulbing in d broken shaft, and for livering, ud had drawn up in line in front thi Smit) Lis visiting in Dun- tOW4 this 'week. -Brussels shooters wn
a couple of weeks"rest from her hospital
on the defen T
I IS vjSj g purnalnent at
ins in Hamilton. -Mrs. 0. C. Willson a4il li_�s a t -good deal 61 dust and confusion. of his em oritim, On King street. -M, and lop this Wdek,-Joseph X rig
are ilace, Airs.
ein a in Ist, 3ra and 4th prives at the t
cir Willson ire in Detroit this eek ar,,�i roliti 9baw's presence of mind and the pet*ons of 1). C.
and J. �k- in goweved over tj Mrs, A. rigg, of this village, Wr6x6ter on the Ist, ill
point of C�ivc, and On for Mi' ivere called Wiughanl��Miss J`Can(tt lair of Du
with their Finance- n_
ons Rosa, R. W.11, an ANI� 84rclair.-The-
annon, is 191 in
ch ekshiridicalousfash.on. Brierly, Reir thern'ariiageof Mr. Wills �i sonk br. cry, thi � consequences would have been iipo)ion abbat)iafteroon last to mourn g g at ob)) Sii-le is
on's elo:10
Sha and centre, is a ri"clialaub. sort of a'player, aiJid A. elebrai :.at Ltek-
J. Willson. -r. Atkinson :4 f De- mu, b more crious, its the animal is very the loss af their intcrestin Httle 14 months this we* -James 1B.1 Hawkins and Orangemen of Brussels t e
'Ph foot ball
elilevti. ysternatic took everything as a matter of �.course, roit, is visitingat'the residenceof1fl n oth higfi spiriti5, I nd in falling pulled off its oldgirl.. Thefuneralwas g eld on Tuesd Mira. Ha-,�kljns have �ne to nolon now on the 1201 this year.
K. Henderson and Ste*art, h
a ilt
to Blyth on I'Vedries
ans, team went an
inadc several forays on the Tecumsells' delk er Mrs 1NUChesney, J6hn St,reet; li, Ja� br�'iiffie. Bu wi hout lieita? endeT and St. Mitirys to
tion Mr. Shaw afternoon and was. lorgely att
-ir -Superintende-litt; of fenee, which were i Be' le ad over,the dash of the r and catch
r of Dunganion, was
8 lea
with thc elders. rr�, tire main e.\ nior7 aver� were defeated at I
showirig the respect and sympathy f Suw scoring a r goals e�
Dr' NI' a at T elt fo in 1 he 611age o victory of fou e.
astrous to the peace of mind of the home Mitchell on Fridaylast by t le h in th ,�p i q
.7 t am d Id it the 4pre, of following, are the officers eleet: in court
a lionqb b the head an neck, he ved parents. -Rev, George Me- day.-Afrs.� N11aldon anill �Inliireri,
nd Fleteher, with their elders. rooters, who, to the number of about 4UU by t a o one. . '.h return it at 1 Ibis fatbpr, 1,010 was in 'he buggy, came Kiul6y, -vvlio wab assistant? minister in the Kincardine,,', vi$iited fr,enos b4re last week. Princess Alexandria, Brussels, Ctv"dian Or -
ell t
Messrs. 8haw,: congregated in the centr of the stand, and will, be d. here this (Fri ay) fore4o ll.- to ffis aid. �Mr. Donald Hamilton; of Syra- MAhodist church a year 'or so ago, was: in -Walter B, Hawki
The ns attiveil home from d er of Foresters : C. R., Al. Clo akey - V�
gav The foot.
Anderson and Muir,with their elders. c their lung$ plenty of Oxopoise The ball mabeh mentioned last wee , to cusil, is holidaying at. the residence of his the v ting friends,�,revlous 'the Goderi4b C61legiato Inotitute on Satur- R., Jesse Willbee ; R. W. Smith 11
illage recently visil
first narned to be con"enCit' of each co,mrn4- prospective championshad a little contin- take place b 3tween the Huroils of Sea ofth fatl ��er-itl-la*,- M r. J. S. Porter. ewell ,, A.. Koenig -, treasurer, W �n. Blashill
M rs. Hain- to his leaving for his new field of abor in day.-�-Rev.�, Mr. Jeans e4ched b18 far
t Mr, McLean wer gent of 40 enthusiasts ori hind to applatid and the Hutons-of Toronto,
Dr. McDonald and e tl�ia (Fr d*ay) iltogi, who came over sev
evalweeks ago, is, Muskoka. th Ord -o# SO�y evening chaplain, J., Blashill ; S. W., Jt;
serh1o4 In
afilWinted to rePresent the Presbytery Jit eir winning efforts, and at times the local morning, bas been declared off oil accoul t of
we -egret to say, not in the best of bealtli. Miss Arnoldl Alr. and Mrs. Fred Arnold, o, a large14 Mr.- Jeans has 1 J. W., C, Ritchi -, 8. B., W. lWillbee J.
d t coiigrcgt'�)n I
the designation of Dr. Thompson, of. Kik- lovers of �llclmine unstintedly cheeried them the tea-iiis vol't being able to nu%ke satisfa, cry --Ajr. and 1kirs. Shaw left for home on Wed- Mr. A. Ai no�ild all left here on Afond�y for 1�., N. Hall, P. C. R. ; physiclans, A, Me-
t h near London and
toll, to the Foreiga issiori Field. m- when any of theni did a particularly bit. bden appoiiited to a,paIr is
CO W. M. Goven ock, nes4ay, after avigit of several weeks at the 0,ra d B6 d, wbere they intend renting esd Kelvey and Wm. Graham.
a le4ves on TA ay for I is� n6w home. He
,Soweti-mes whe
med webuifld castI,
vther fellows, but
rftzked the point I
-we are th6 buly perl,
Jehovah Jim placea'
An -
Newirle is -a,
There;are =&ny
-b-argains now be*
_Teum take the timei
1wk around, yva 11
'Cone'lusim that
*;ea little 'better 14
Wi6 �weclaskg vat 131
Iner "UmdS at Prim
Z 53; -how
V ' for 2ft, _V
-Bee ow specig 1,
made u ;neasum,
ftot& 'Tweed,
'822, meAe to yout
"Theses -re only a 1.
'have many more,
we we IAMWIer
The lead1mg
sl�yfi Jai -
190t Waste,-,
ing An
,GIT4,s -mlieh more tho
in elther business gubjfiefA
-its 9seadiall oontemporb
,ossoul in pheng its
Thel Ufa Orgsin a
Or s 1646t keT D Ali
a ri,
of FAIA110.
Wc have a
'ure-4 16 position i
b"Ifte. ,
po*, On Tucdd&Y We W4
sknom, oer for a leadl
none to send. It 'o to
roo,peris jor the F1 teril
ird. For i7jueaddr,