HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-07-12, Page 47---7-11iiT1---'
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A Few DArgains--Wiri Piekard & Co. (6)
Great Bargains"LVLvi & wil8on; (6)
Grekt Summer Salo -J. P. Glark.
Beiniz Dam Wind -Prof. Chamberlain- (5)
Xorth Share Labh_Wfoxota Siw Mill. (8)
To School Teachers -A, Staivart. (5,)
Up to Date Store -[5j -A. R. Pani (a)
Toklo Ponsree-Win. Pickard & Co. 1 (8)
Valuable Farm for Salo -D. Stewart. (5)
Farm for Sale-��*rs. Wni Wood. (5)
Fancy Flower Potsi W.yapst..
Divider Twivi Wilson.
Perfurnery-Lurns e & Wilson. (8)
Paris Green-Luin n & Wdson. (8)
.Root Beer Fwtractf�uwisden & Wilson, (8)
Nini Twine -Jo nscin Bros. (8)
10.k Fork Rope--,Aoh Eonz Bros. (8)
1104ts and 9h6 -q8- -R1 harson & hicinnis. (8)
Rut�edxu's Spt 64-7. V. Rutledge. (5)
Thel new st3re [-,]-A. E. Pevi (8)
GroOery ii for sale in, Ilensall. (8)
Eltray ware -Charles Dodds (i
Meat lk downiJjh� bapp, (s)
Big -Laer.)ss2 filatch-L.. Jacksom (8)
Boor.s and ShoesiW.IL Milis- i
Anotherglauzhter- ATC114. ("i)
Lioile, Lime -J. Fo.A11- (8)
re[rebhtaentg_1iii Young,�(S)
So otbieg new -A. Yount(, ($)
Te4 and (iloffeew-A. Young. (8)
lintrie-an Btacutta 101-kred. Davis.
ht aroll cc) wye.
a Xani-toba Sch'641 'Embrocirlio.
The POlitiC81 R1MOSphere in allCI around
Ottawa has been exceedingly sultry'fo',r tife
rxs�, few days and it is not -vcr y 1n%,,1l
Lied yet. The long looked for crisis has at
len th 4it-irived, and.the excitement, *' I
jilt git
.rofa theraports, ig most intense. 1 -len
.he House opened on Monday, flon. Ur.
1�6 er read the following annotivicernept
I desive to state tbAL the 4 love�n tile a�.
1114; had under its consideration the rpplv ol
Manitt,,oba LeTqI3,ture to -the'r�m ddial
Wd.-r of the 121st of -March, 1895 ' and after
'ar(fuit deliberation haE arrived ELt fol�:_
oNv.n,r conclusion
f" 1hough there may be differ4i2es of
ip4lioaffln to the exact meaning of tfiJb reW
a question, the G'overnly itent believ6 that'
t ay be interpreted as 1161din" out sonipl,
[GY) of all amicable settlement (f th AT nil
0 �,;- school question -on the basis of I
icliibn by the M4-aitoba G0VernTne#it and
,,egislatare, and the *Domirri.oH 0ove nien
I Ot Willing to tak:e any ac�iou. IvilicIl
an. ie interpretedas forestalling or eclutl�
itf �Uch, N desirable conSaniinatioll;.-
rile 'GOverRInent 'lifts also coiuidere4
h difficulties Co be". M06 with ill t
.. e pre,
9, llitg and perfecting of Iegislationjort so
npqrtant and intricate a,- question Utiar"
ie last hours of the session. The Q6v ern- I
lent has. therefore decideill 110t to ask Pdr-
a ' eat to deal with telnedial,legi0ation
a X�g the present session.
�� Comm 11 nication. will be sent in niedl- I
Ay to the Manitoba Goverri
I the t
MI-ect, with al. view to ascertalnllfg iVilietber
,el0rovernuicat is disposed to inake I a set -
Omit of the q tiestion which will be., reas-
mtyty satisfactory to-Ahe minority of that i
-0'Vir1c6, withf,-ut making- it nee to
, ,
Ili 0 requisition the powers ofee1zly
t th 110.
in -4a, lament.
-session of the present Pa-rliam ent -will,
tv Hed together to meet net later tilan t
e f! stThursdayoffanuary HeNt. If- by n
at imelthe Mardtaba Government fails to
4 satisfikct.o�y arrangement to remedy
a n 'iev�nce the minority, the I)orninion so
ii'vP nineut will be prepared at the Inext III
lslo.i of''Parliament, t be called as
0 above tl
Lted, to introduce and press to. a: Qon-
�sio such leggislation as- will allior� d an C(
equ te measure of relief to the said rjin� NY
ty, based Upon the lines of the judgii ent ir
thelPrivy Council and the remedial�oi ti
the '2114 of March, M15."
Vni4 was the fase whiGh fired the. PoIN der
politic.d excitement. This was giver. as
ic�, of the (jovermil cut on the 'Vanif iy
1`&5 hoolquestion. It Is the result ot to
c -rid dayw of Governmental hatcbjngf�� to
a annOunceineat is on precisely the $i Ilit
!S is Tur, EPOISIT61i, has predictel. i ti
Ad be, only that it goes further thaH, "VI
:ev d the 446-vernment woul d ven ii ree th
S a ipuliey of proevakpination,-of placjl",
a ])a
-evil day as far distant as Poshil4m Ivitill
I er
hope that something will turli Up in 'lle!; If
altinic. It is Mao It, Policy"w'ith NVItfehl
,a -T IP71 th
'her'side is satisfied. T�l
:era I of the Gove'rument are'disiatisti T)r
mse, they my it promisea to the Fral ell' th
"M4 1 Cath0liCS a,11 that they asked, a nd I
F+ich supporters of the 0to-varnallint Pi
dissatisfied because it does not �d.
1 4 � "P
ri .vlutt they mked as speedity W"Wille*y ter
Ve i�- They witat a rernediewbill; tills
ou,j Thc�real orlgin. of the discoriltent,,
ie i.4, however, that they have no;
I -
AeNuc in their English Speaking col- th,
tites,; and tibey fear that *they. are . being in
�0, and that the Government, althoug" all(
haire promised to hold another 'session the
J�ot (10 go.. As a result of this dissatis (�, o
i�; Said. that the three Freriel a r
bers of the Cabinet haxe resigned, but ant
L'i Itilit-clitulCed it the House Wedneidity (I er
case. At any rate, t ar
) 'ov(
, raor-Gerierld has been summonedl Cho
his surnmer holidaying at Quebec, and! the
W il� Ottawa _N+tching and waitin- for tha
11.4. 11 'at, 1kotwitlistailding 'all this to-do, (",0)
.ie -Live alrealy st-.t-ted, there ig not sior.
to ifealir, or to I:IG.,e he resigna- arill
mber ,p :from
IV HIL e present �ovcrn. per
E0n(_,.0f thenr will resign until they (,lox
utely kicked out by the people*s thei
1PRI atives. 1;,).h sVIc;;, the Wallaces thal
Iughes oil the one. side, and the 0U1'_ nd
and' the An mrs on the other, -tvill dzll�
T Mid
& fulne lIntiltbey spread them- cenf
04, When theY . will quietly settle IGrov
alla walk Pelicefully in the party 'Jutte
T_ H__ E
S1- OR
JULY 1125 1 50
before, and as if 'nothing ap- have alread &A. vwri iLZJ,.. IiXl .7
traces as, bad h y� shown, by the iq' Aingi on t -4 ;�f_ 14
ivi eaving one He ad r. Usimp- LL1LW 4 staino 8`Q J V"I r6 Vile Xv, yefv of all lie
'in contact �witli
pened. he"flesh idod &4,lnore Rectleatio- ni of thi twoi.branah4 of -15 61 %rii- 63.1 av treated his came
tY' OWAA$-ILsumirierre4ort,%,nd�a—.�oow- e.1 f0119 A I ht,,Heqrn,anf1 Hot Abe b Lading thiii h a -oil e W10" ft"stanrich
I . ok 5pe
k .1. P. wh, go
to them A hku iprlucipllk� It -thei van only i ment-oppoi ition. It is 49 often tl &I the D. ppo en re consigtotit ber
al mre. Tlaving� thus enter %i4ed. And with,'fair et In Liberal.' and -of the
1t_ , ig, . .
eat er11,'yt4i1,g r. IV as r `�reaehed t
itted hifi%�.or Q. -I Hej#dmitted haling fact, in Q 9, he true PreablytOrian chu ch. He hadii.
fool those who el Ilelievin po ey and Integrity a he
g in of '06vernment if tip nil 3anted ye Editor the-. daintily clad dam - - gl'; 8,6v
- �-1 � . I P � . - rl%;�n`awa the hors� and, buig which be typp� of t 1 1:9, tuird old Trigh ripe ld age f
theit sin ccrity,' so o, get th 4 " 4 , % s2dt YeaXs and
aves6ifti y
d that I Hiefly 'hild o -1 ad-frotnt -i fa' stock fr, i Whie e h( -For mainy abont four m
Cal oppdii�tita, n: i6clesely awai raf Mr. -John Elston, of onihs. Hii age(Lkirtner (lied
tl,thcydoino�-c. -wo Straws whether seems, ��p bit tile case la, the �r . e�ent in bance,J t t p Oeep watipirs, of Huron, tbodist little over two months ago,;:,JJL'bey vrI?g as %noria - in o-_ It the township of HWY, cognty yearm ho was a ei nl er o tt Me
or! not I . �,,v *Iagigiq
.thei a � is remedial I elation This as the ii sations of the one b6itch r� ifute" 4n( de wher lie had beli n employed." 1 was dwi roilloting had an' faily.---�M!*@ Fittl 9 as they came, leaving the 14 1 ac aY. �Ji% Y died
at the residence of
beilg our we.! not of" ihoie, Who thoi the other. —mi. Benja-7in Qainn-and a Pa 6 Of its in er� 3 ve, I g tile anse of the �Mr. J�ohjW, Carinicheel
d mi toi till his ve
a and- ai��ake to the r it' t useful last Friday.. She --&me to thisrVillage about
anti cipat any agrion upheaval as- a, ftsialt :friends lVigre thrown from their cab on Non,. Alifind h0l e jr; n acti ve and
-ate in. of life and th less enchani- day week) while about to cross life M aw 11 and t gap six -weeks ago, fatigued and %vorn out and
of t ie 90� called Gove ment crisis at OttA-. ie Binder Twi the Maitlan is of many noble hall noil 'home to go
a Bils, Ing BoOdli; of the voice � o d riv r, West of Westfield. They has en I -ft a the r to, co0equentl
Ina the printer's Y the
no The policy. of 'the �G drove up.6n An e, nbanknietit, which caused, t council had her sent to Mr.,: -Curmiehael)�
�fj'i J�olepll Stratfo President o the dei caillnl. f0r� more co .11 0hp, Dan I pnion roupt
1h the Cab io Hpsel, No one was seriolisIr — A( before ast Jr. Thomas wbere she died,-nii-Mr., Duncio. 81 J
wa "ust 0
me t as' laid down by Mr. Foster aod.as nd Farlet irs' I inder Twine i Mandactory, B ant- Die, a vision On a married 's' -t d b near Oorric, burt,-bilit the tol the cAb wao completdly Wal- ri id
lJord, make i father o one of the 13ilfield last week.
bei aw owed the folloi�iug Statement,,* dch, MW M114 th a fainil demolished. Wert; reW to 41 1 yrol:t n 1—NM r, Fran.4 Carlin went
(I oted above, , will tiltillinately of po and Mr. G. Dalgety speilt a � few
V qth fitlitionsi afid the tentio 1�ill'c —Mr. Sa4nul 'bambers, of Creditoi qrs�'s a b, eirne,up tene; 1. and Let the to Grand Bend this week to fisb,
in JUS ice to, that- establishment, we fi 6lish he
for he p esent.' . It all. furnishes an - excuse P _departe4 this life 6ill'Prida tongue d ir, Dp'tb the gl'O d. son"Tholl)R6,
1� wa of the a
in -ref i i6tion of theAtateinen't made Sir ek. y, 28th alt., was
for g off the final L day of re6lcT irig to t. aged 21. ye&L'S, 0 iniontilvi and 10 days ; his who was di iviig, in at iriptihg; to stop thie.
Hibbif rt T6 crand others in Paliab tell T �IF._4. DAu(.lr.rER.—Mr8. Cleveland, L 6 1 1 1 1 Da-ahwood. 1 83 d,b
C�istanf a datei possible. That is the- H e bir illine' Was of &"short duration, and h is, many horses hef 11 ig4niO Pashboi0tl reakibg B Wamb
Wif f relident Cleveland,gim pr
0 h� iill f�qber e says at
-e gone n a -visit to
dav )0 �r Sunday afternoon.' barber, and familv, hax
Tht �h to.a friends -fete surprised to hear -of his death. lt� off, wh frigbtened the
gas, Ca Sing ti)iLem o an
Referring -to the recent press. contiover- III t x, HAD IN C111CIA00.-T ri ie per- His reinqins Were laid. to rest on the SLunday. h ay. As soon absent on.19atuirday
'fr. Berlin and at he Nvill be
overinni following, tnany relatives and friends idii as: : e on jamped
he p slition of the eu t, Keived sy that has been taking, place at the.exiiense soil , were killed. and about 15 injured in te Mr. Stelk who is at present e
lin* the funeral. in ge(I at tfie
ft 01"n the Zrface, does not seem an unreason - of this en n(
`Ierprisv, we Simply iakethe open- var r as ways as a result of tile Fourth of on, �n 9r r to t and catch le talli, and
r trade at' the Grand Bend, will' be here able on' I although what they re likely'to statenienti that this: company is in no com- Jul if celebration in Chicago. acd Webb, youngest th is'escap in All the others %vere place. Sweet, o'
I of Mr. take his- wcrest in this i)r I 'RD RO of Clinton, met with a _mg re or le a. rt Wal ter, who is
bine with �iny -twine int —Th'e pitimor t -la i Lord Webbp ay. for tile Purpose of
gtirt fr46 i. it, except r. in the village an Mond
temporary. lief, it is serious a.cidentin New York thevot6r day, ge,ting up in e a, w prefty badly hurt
to marry one of the Pr nee of
other country, &it(] that to out know dge* Reif , bery is
itoba egis tute 3 C a one be Up this 'w 31ch will
difillicult, to �e. -The:Uan where taking Contracts for buil 1 1 1-
r' I in
Canadian manufacturer i and o r're- Wa es' 4augh6ers is revived, ind itJ is added niLV.7Ts.je bricklayers
not; striated' in the . naming of quotation i to bha lie of the n.that cit While areas- he collar bo'[le rLo receiving agec at ntiv church.—
have already given their answer. It is" may relinquish politics ai the are Pbusily., en -I the
tit ect she
either trader or consumer or ia dicti ting C ME M 11,Lq, inj a was struc by a trolley car, _90 at- injuries. a CSt of' tit occuf5ailts
likely th 4 they, will reverse thi 4r CLO,01).-Fie clotl mills l r. NV. intends to erect a ne
Policy in the retail'price, to the former," sit te(&nea. Leeds,101 aVe Wen a aud had, both of her'lega broken,,being were all badly 11 rt. The earriage w
4gland,h i - i - . -1
order to et tile Dominion Gov en imed -out otherwise injured, ihe( , 16 is nder dwelling house oil Ills lot, whi he purebas.
ed,4 ing to a �isputereigarding wagifis, . he totally demoli t hey
of w perplexing position into which :ph'ey':i Clod g of thw mills affee Mr. lAbram Bish barn, o the 3rd werei not all.1 a(] lately.-Ourmiller,31r. IF, d is im Provin
Notes iand Co ts two thi)usl Lnd opa� the appearance of his mill by �'pvxng it a Coat
have bro ight themselves. 'In 1!ac�, in view` Vimer �s. : line of -01rey, wa i raised the other Vile follo in g de th i h� ice is tak�n
P enj no. 1 day. , It I- AS thei tim4 for the -gene is 54-b .74, feet. Messrs. Joseph I�aypard frot the Yelh stone J arna'.1 published iit 0, paint. -The farmers are lisy ma�infl_r_r
r IeW n in IN A PICTunE.-The 'Queen bay, which -is a very poor crop ith us tbig;-
Fharleo Rose were the caplaIns, the Mile. Cit Hit in a, a (Ire a to a neice
of the anderstatilding they persist in d ele4i and
-t of th - remedial ordi England d ra'we nearer the hopes A the Lib- has i �iven U. Bell-Sinith a sitting for er 'Ilan of Blytli-. " I
ou - . . . I � I ear.
not re latter winning.
r ral -There was the (ustomary of John 11 -M t is
erals�rjse correspo, Heir majeaty will appear in a. his-
cede- They Say that the remedial orde'' ndingly.. * Tt'i prophesied. 1; lo in that w
r re- party in the, eve ling, and a jolly me spent sel �e to otice -a Sadder be -
A ori picture represeiiiiDg her in tne act 6f
-quires flem to adopt the old Flysteni in by ill informed persons- that "tlpo Unionist Int -by all. Afr.:, PeEr Bishop was th framer. res vemen, t t1i i that just experienced by Exeter.
.1 ing a wr th th coffin of Sir John
ninjort le The stoi st4bliog was built by' I fr.. John on a Vlgoperation before the present law came'into ty i i the next Parliament will e so 8a . I�Inimieer of Canada friend and ow townsman, Mr. J ess INTERESTING ITEMS.
`hc ison, the late' -This'
. S' )6�1[S i,N Tim, WNSTERN Hiotion, whose -a die� tl�ia morning at a favored.with a . beautiful shower of rain on
-his, no reas eid asu.lcave theGoveiinneiltvirtialy the id�Hce in eveni
limi . t lErolme
force. 9, abi 'person . would as STATES. -Gr -Aii8s Aiken. 'ollegiate qui Lrter to one, at fauWy res
9 'ye h t oni,3 in Missouri, kans", of the Goderich 3-fonday last, which was ask or expec; them -doi - Conseq til helpi There' is manifest discontent' it 0' ' , institute" only few days. n oinas
Hen 5jacent Stat and floo4s. has � obtairtkid, - one thig city, after an illnesE of eeded.- r. '11b
y, i ind es �y Stoi M P -11-i has beaH,
unless th 3 Do nnion. GDverE mient witbdra-ViVis among tb6 Conservatives proper over the lg� woo also visited by a violent Storm, year's lewv e of al ii'seqce, to visit ) 'frica and Mrs� Haston i as Wrinu r1i Miss Dor Id. seriously ill the past few days 1,with hiflam-
that reir edial order, need . 'not expect appointments. made by Lord Salisb iry.' iind e destruction of property and loss of other points. of 1 interest to tour sts. She MC�Jjl and liw, lb�or ii Toionto, Can- matidn of the bowels, but he -is slowl
will pirooced vla England, a -While Choi 9 W a one day
se'or settlement with They I fe :;re !bad and excessive. taft Ing from' -adi, be the ee rid di u ter of NIalcolm. coverig,- Ing W - y to make an (omproini .'are so-cloady confined tollis own laim- Bout] a;mbt6n toBouth Africa, nd after a Cameron CM, Is,, and! ritheria MeMil- last week, Thomas Elliott of olt
ily that'th 'nation has been a,
Manitobu. .1 nd, even if th e Com, ter: ned' sojourn in that tiropicA portion of the E m- Ian. Wbilealemasachil her parents re- : cut big foot badly and -now goe
do withdraw com ar i 'a right'to levy tolls on all ves'sels P"S- oe -around with
it, Manit)ba is not likky t D agree to any the" family corn. act, no fewer than si K of ugh the Kaiser Wilhelm einal forms pire, *the journey will he continued' to Ana- mo ved -to M Sao i,:� - Sb came to Alile-s the- aid of crutches. -Mr. an(, Mrs,
e the most importa#t offices bejugfille tralia and other British possessions. Cit�, a ap y'. an� p�rett ri& five years Daltry, of Lucali, who have I compk o satisfacto to d by his tie bject of diplomatic correspondence u - pending-
immedia Oil t a -part of 041 reat Britain, Russia . , De - --Amon ha be. iairie 'Mr. Flaston., �en
ry g the names of those who have- !go the pastweek at the residence of Mr�- A -
Quebec, becat file they knoNf that they te relativip's.
h il Lar �§weden, and Norway. i passed in the recent Universit dXalilin., Holden, Aliss the 2 rd day of April, Dempsey, returned home on -Tuesday the key to -the situation.. The Dominion 0 f�,�ISID STAND COLLA1189. A portion A litions, -Iva notice two promising- young 1890, She I a am& 41 11 ran. -The well at th bei ng (leep
There- is considerable agitatiou'in Albert'4 e to.wn hall if
may pass is, the� rand stand at the Bu lo Staillei Mr. � W. I G. Richardson, who. .--Wnl. I ei�l pp,- -y of � Rxe�er, departed ened.. Mr. R. Crocker
any remedial leg aition -it lit eg,. races la it, has t e ob.-Th erritory for Provincial poWe* ra.. A conven- m eie collapsed and obtained the degree of B. life' 01 We( n ay, rd, at the e
A., and Mr. R. J, this Ju
but how isit going to elli it conrary a terrible panic, enstl . Richards' village council. met on We day . evening
.VZ tc - tion will sh6rbly be had to, consider he itat- Sixt - piople, men, women and on, who took first class honors in Carly age of -41 yet r moq�hfi or, d 5 days. last." The Exeter cricket are practis-
ba? CH, L thereft rej. te� - child"n Ehglish, logi - Deceased bad: beei L i ng since
the will of In -the meAbitime - a circular is bf ing C, psychology, tbeory of know London in the near
mither-in a "Screaming maes, ing for a with
Ni en thrown tog his return
Parliament meets in anuary, the Govern. lel,,, Lnd the sefiolarship of 55d in philo- Irom Manitoba a ove - a yen r agoi and fat
issued, setting forth its cla, n mi y all of them recehing injuries. so� y ui:e.-An ol estpelmed Yes ident of li.x-
ap )arent y - better, I
y verY is eter, in the person of olan H(Oper Huron
t'h atwhen'Manitobli was admitted 11 )p( I ich -of
ment will, be in as.diffielilt a box as'tbey Are �mg. It is po lit 8 3vi al werei so bad) hurt thkt reco' though at ti '4 a h
ed� out _We are pleased to notice the Success of!� his, disea ionary
ess. so) na- street died on Tuesday m
now, and they- Nvill have put,the country to it ornii g last i his
hadL another H
only'a population - of" 17,000,' * lile uron boy, INIr. John Ross, who,: ture, was m; kg atil, pr ress,,t rid I or. The funeraLl
the. expei so of another -It isting4ishe I I ni Ig 11 L tr 3�e i to)k place oil
usele, a session.. has litilslf at the recent ex- -steadily w
Alberta no -w has 40,000. Notim i. he lExeter came,-
. ? It uld . seem Huron atninat rsday, afteffloon last- to t
would. hal ic been far better; h: Ld they . tQcH ioll's of Manit�bx college, - Winnipe sei�celyy.mnoo rn th
roill this that despite the hatd tinies A number of shcep- ha"Ve been worri(d released hi'll terv.-H6 leaves a widow four grown
by secarin to
a fivm st Lull no' 2g first ChLis bonors" and cairyih i Irom. the, suf �er iil�i he aidured after it be- ML Urn 121
w, and let '-he - mait,ter be by d go in Hulleft township. 0 p sona and one (laughter '. 0
li� pe6ple of the far west are ptos ering, off ti e 31 prize, 'Ross is fron, -til. )ballne certain C(uld not P y a uee.e- alise.-A teaillL of 11 orses own
finally.and definitely settledii, stead' of the ultes, sr., of'Vestfield,so' town iihip'�f 11,,ast Wwwauosb, And if succesE - part in li�e ed by the 4r. John Cc
d hils & williatns M illitify Co.
fill a b i I d. He on
a id, L,. by aDn. ill a orne ii 1874 aHd !,,t the age �Nlolldi�y las
te JiLchtheT have purp' ow authoritatively stated a, fin: drii,ing mare the other day for $25). fal i� k his !next cxan�ination will be a, fall 9, hile pla-yin foot ball, t1 ie� other da, -, fledg �d bachelor of arts. t and was' captur cl 'neeLr -the
,all OIL please 6- tractor Foley of,l-, - years h' , o eu led to Ferve all ap-
d whi We -is not lik -Manson liouse.-A fire iS being
a n p on a ad who has been handling a W. .1 e a
to surve oecanip) of . �Volesworth, had his 1'(.g -"he (Tnited $tafes � Secretary of tate" ticeship as P I I r with eore
ly to afl4rd themselves more tha ying-ofthe Hudson Bay Road, �tbat its brok n.- held befor'e Dr. Hyfidniall, coroner, in the
has designated obert 8. Chilton, jr., aI elg Of a clever na-
in Bxete town hall this Nveek, regardiva tI)e recent
por�r relief,L constradtion will be con Ir. Lack Kennedy bas dif posed of he clerl in the State Department at Wasitina. turtil he soon eq
y tinued and learr iied eli�
. : . a thorouh know- fires whl.ell took plac o"
thelGovernment is n5t i bute business in Clinton to Mr. toti, G- n March 24th, '_Nfay
hoe fo deal to C,(implction whether the Dominion, Hill 0, son of United ldge of the ar ter,remai'nini'there for
G)v- 1anj dith and 20Lh, There are over 60
with. any importaift,' or critical'questidn. ernment votes the bonits asked tell, f 0,qderich, to 4 pro'ceed to Erz yearms ha w t J Brandon, anitoba, being'exalinined.-X11P races -on Thursday for�4r 11 A. erouin several
child of.Ur. an' avii Armenia, and establish the He ff consulate oi where lie work 3d 0 1 tIl 6
Thcre Sail up t the time ht last were-laigely attended. A-fr. W.
is u proper leader,while the mdulbeirs It ill be 9 titite novelty. to have Behr', wood,' died sudden y o i be came home.
a a ord
he' i'lfan I Mrs.
de Dash the United 8tat" it�iere. E-zerouni is one
r' of utre 8,11 at,,, d the Cc 1�- va-v constructed'in Can"ada strie SItt' a 29t Ult. Hod I se Hensall'%ronthe trotting
of two consular pots anthoi-ized by the last -On Friday, 9,S li a ap, 0 hot
rax with etch other, all tlyl on i! s
itiet is d 4ad into fictions L lamp exploded n Swartz,.. livery, C Leathorn's$ -2!nd - �k Tehilants
With. leads. as own"merits and without 0"oviiirnment aid. i ongreas 4&S & 'result of tile Art ian ofGreytownsbip, bo line from
0,ode ich, the pther morning, -but t,he firb the niusi-
bitter as t iose which divide the"' troubles. Whance no travelle re�! heperson cal festival at London or; Wednesd.a�y last,
was 11 it dut before- any damage was done. -In One of the'niail. bags 11W week of lot 6, cone � sion
e- The State.of Illinois flow has in, ore 1% �r*r.! James A. _11ost- of Alexander Al cD( nah -Tbe corner stone of the new street
parties.. Shileh a Go% erninent does not, c' Of Winghaiv, has master Campbell, L of Goderiell fell ind a ick 4, at the advan
law providing for -the superannuation �f recei f $2 Jears'. 8 lilon tIls Method ist church was laid on Tuesday last
serve to liv-e, and it 'a -impossible that this a tempbinglofferfroin the Sbrathroy age containing a and 12 days. DcCC4 & born in the by Rev. :W. MeDo
powder, ad badly broken UP Ival
chool te The rhile teachers may. i e- coun( I tv establish;, a furnitnre factory in that the contents High, of incardin
ie. , � 1 1 7 Were scattere�l over & Itrge i qy -
one caft ou t-lve. an. electid although tj their parish 6f Urrikh, ire, 3cotlaud, and
o n. Mrs. R. Locke, 31rs. J. Brawn an(Olrs A. Q.
power for plunder imy keep the various difi-I tire 4ter 255.yewrs active'-servielf!, and fern le r part of, the mail watter. Wondering what came, to Canada in I ;58,a long vrah his Bobier. There -was
he old school '.k ndN%,n as B roa(lfoot's a, large cro114 present
-teachers after 2P years, on half pity, Tli it was he �asted the powder 6n the tip of nephew, Donald Forayt 1.. 1 a toDk up the. towtnessithe (-eremny. Tea cordant elalents toz -,ther until theL -people its o. ), Tuakeramitil, h6s been torn Ao�,n his �nger,land asd e and an -asistaht w6re above mentioned lot on whic i' he cmitinued in t
onat the du ti
have a Ch ace to express an opini may b i e suggestive, for further additions o and 4 n -w- one will be erected as soon &a he church grounds. The band
I I ng, it off', they inhaled enough to set 'to teside until he Was. call, i to -a better was in attendan6e.-Nfr. Charls othe already very, broad and sympathetic -a i- pois5si le. 11 ]H a
polls. th A close examination of the home. Mr. MeD aid -li'e severe frost in the nee on vas Thotbas spent the -oLast week, d- I he
.p rannuation s�;st otwithstanding t
am nowi, in' existence in 71 ad Ireas that tile powder was in religion and ia Libe -al ill po. itics. ;He �Z: er the
of. -T. A. P.0
sprin and the subsequent dry we4ther, the re' sse Il '"i at the
'Canada,. Shoulo tile Dom in Goveranie t ari enic, and ifter,that, the stuff was Ilan, Iled was� unmarried,; his sist rr`� k e )ing 11 'f To
case or . fonto, r amillAtion f�st week,
-e r
,rops in 'the vicinity of G'o�rie have wi',h great bare. '!
onsidbir slAtionto this effect they inicyl- t himiuntil her de
cea"se ree a Id. 0� half N ars
F - of Britian ':'Columbia
Unr0a;so1niv.0%,Criti'c1sn1.. C legi 896118(110n, i promised better. cominiunicatioll of -warning He had been ill f r -a
The Ont).rio Goveit h been sUb'- or protest b t flit month-, is -visiting an(
imeHt ave secure a: few votes from thi � teaehers,,to'kee p ? esars. A. Cook and T. Miller", of Clin- been lipaided to Mayor Brockenabire, of but previous to that haq-bee4' afflict6l 17S. ames
jected to a good -dea.1 too, h �ve obtairi wit), Toni.
lof abuse from 'time - to afluat their'fast sinkfing. all p of power. o..pOu acture XA�vgham,'cautioninghirnand the co Heil partial blindness,th
ad thrightt
U rough catarar,- oi-some
binie on acc a Pat, at Close reel, and are alre�dyi d
ount ofl t eir. administration* V oi ng a ag inst enforcing the by-law to extend the time. Mr. McDonald s ins a;i ver big bi siness. ve
the liquor licenselaw, a, Id Ok ti e foi re -pa
They have been aC'_ Tire Farmer's Still say ford. Count 7 yinept of the $S,000 loanell to astic Scotchirriani who 14 lved !to 'talk of bis Hullett.
aused by the Conservg tive Opp -U lie 14,xeter Advocate save Ue (Iii Christ, �reen & vompany. -The CoUne
�is our3 . It is stated ]native- land. -was b pected oy
coition in the a recent meeting 14 Norwial were hown yesterday probably re, I il, of Hallett
the malleit t1j&t net iii Londek
;South Qxfordi the patrons re6omniended tb hen's by-law is illegal, and should it be all who k He J)orough on July 244 A air -
was. scardel F,, ie -ith, voted on carried and put in -Alr. . -ic cular was read from the se;re6r� of the
r,egislatnre with hav:ng coerced the com-: gl on record. It ' Jars 00 t u Glav of
large tv robin's egg, and bad a go e Oth conces
n of -Mr. T. - R. Mayberi Good Roads ASSOCiation
inssioners who have. the control of the� Ii' oinir &tio -y, a forii - od ce, 4n action will be entered at Sion: of Step an, narrow] %pedi beiin-, in- J about the improve -
I age t,
al fa- ooc- antly L kil d oil Tliur�djrj Wilship roads, and asking for sug-
muses into granting 11 en'ses. to politic than ih the Karn organ works in '11' ' --N ay�r Brockenshire, of Wingham h a YL . .0
shell. On!eb Some of the property holders in that a It nlent of to.
I to n againSt the own council. gestionsaal to the advisiabilityof baving the
-oriteff and withhold' g theiHfrom.thos stock, ad formerly a fa t week. Itijeemshewas'lldriOng alo
Mrr In a
C oP_ rimer, as their an' - -a pea, tree which was in full bloom wheii le many friends of Mr. Dan Ross, of roa4 cart a: lout 2� milesi, -est xetec' a old statute laboi system re -,i or &bol-
. H Nix es ro e
)osed to th em in po!i 'as, and ithis way didate. orth Oxford, Mr the fr at oa�me in of L I, adInN ugh May and' di t ,8rd concession of Stanley, are- glad to when neari, ished altDietberi Also a circultfi wi laid
ig the bri4 in - front of Mr.
ising *the a irstem as a olitic blosac ns.' Now it is covered before the Ouncil for ii cosid
al engine to se- Donal i, a farimer, will probably Carry th, - with Oms see I�irn back from Chicago, although the Frauk Titi -Ance1q; hi, I e atlol -from
again. last' a
lure them streart a, operation he' underwent there was a the Forestry Departmen of lam Lands
oth th t they would not Paro 1 banner. These inien, althougit block of WO)d on the ro i4k andi upset the
James Mustard, of the Lo on very severe one, necessitating the removal rig. In soil to way his I aeallile C(Lught concerning the free plantin ac nd an'
therwise get. hithe almost unknown in political circles reiad, ' )tanley, who has for so*m* e* time been of almost the entire lower jaw. He ha's n in tI e ironi And bctw he �qpol�- a c [Uiring if the township has 'to' en L adVani
�Ie ely� may be honest and clever, but certainly -lacl afflict, d with a cancer, is daily growin t , act, f the "I 3�1
By another section the are se 9 e' whe 1, and in t1liS perij tage 6f theL said act 'a -with iii�
OBI _io
yet fully recovered froni th effectsofi6,ara will a )1.1 , In &a or
to L ie %vas a nin
lai bee Luse th t�o weakc -, and: small hopes are entertained for finds it difficult carr ed a Co asilerahle dl! with Ili provisions il
ev f, il interfere iiiiii the ex perience and influence of the me wh( !converse freely, but he is A which any munitipi.
his re every, 1i s head lie coinis3ion6is a -nil o not coerce them at, prE senI represent Oxford _8i - Ri 1 1 mproving, and his host of -friends are : in dra., ing ab ling on the g, I 11ia adoptsa, by -lam, providing for � t4i
hopes that no urther operation may e fort nately got free fron 'ee
--kirs. Watterso'n, a.fcrmer reside�t Of - 'in' ; be � ito refusing Ii tr 411he"'ceirt: �t t when of a lJonlis of 25 cents for eaCh' tr planted
- or on boundariesbetween
canoes a d ot 'Ier pti-vileges to CartW rig t and James Sutherland. Clinic 1, and sister of Airs. Jaines 8011, necessa e pi�ked xp y 11 r. Chris. � �ah�ier, who hap.
e are Hew ry, and thal b'� may speedily becon Oil the highwa3
otel keepers. Thi I ter �Attaaking y aure-that -lien the time comes b e good oftha town�, had her residence in Wood- his wonted self tin. a I farms, Will ceive frona the Provincial.
empla Pe stock -completely destroyed --By fire last. e u on re
led mail . :8 ; -The man Pen d to col d an face bE
a il"n T r the' ople of Qxford will ch,i e t ti time, he Nvasun- treasury one-half of the amn
ily by the )oe fl�right ind not week 'loss about $800. ockhart, whose prant a conscious at d his I idly mutil. nt .5(? Paid out,
amongst women have made him so notoriot a ated. He was imnmi diatel removed to
rgan of Royal Te lars I the sum tof baving�'been set
�f Temperaii ice.. put -*way tr ed men and tritie, who wield a J. 0. Reid, of Lucknow, formerly a %bi Goderich, was up bef Tr' ubner's that purp�se. James &rniaj; : apart for
hree casesiare cited by*the Te ore Judge Day I residen e, a Dr. 11 lidman "and Isaac
inplar:as- of- P.owerful or menj who a
tnfl uefice, at Ottawa, f studeilt at Goderich Collegiate Institute,- last weeki ul l fo r summoned,,but his injH Brownlee Njrere each paid the sum -of for
wding it cause for serious co' a'Just, wi�ul&: probably be lost sight of a Ila
inplaia bi�en successful in passing his seccq�d
ag t the ohargesdg'ainst inl-�! His Honor deferre nature that it is ed he ill not ecover, lambs tba were destroyed by,,, dogs last
e. �arnination, taking honor in. -philoso- -The
ie lbovernment. First, the '1' sentence until the 136 inet. The �-Late o allowance h'
icenso' a �Pital. prisonei, in a re Sa,tur. a nighi ei epoi m e to
phy as a ad
At 'Toronto University, who wa's undefended this time, shows COE, M
iss ! loners of London extended the h urs -P 'oil to the closi b fleas man of Clintoil W&S pro2eed, rs. StiniK n, of MitnAester, bridered,
ng of -the school-, Miss siderable change in his appearan a to
Thet else it wages throughotit the Ujiited Potts, awe, and-th lo, I the i treet from I inertpil's barbe�r be stopped front andsifte-rjuli lat, 1895,
r selling in that city -from .10 to 11 6)cl ck he has taught suc(essfull h I opinion of most of 'those who s a -w him i 6 d', lie Wei close ly follon d me Man A sinaff all was gmilted for therefief of u
in :1i
cond, the commissioner Staverthrow of McKin- sectio No. 9, Colborne, foi- soin y
H. a of Toroni Py foloCng the 6 n Hit- a prpsen ed witl ie w Court is, that he is almost, -if not quite, in !had-splarently loi! famil
�ense to an hotel 0* l_� an addre3s and a ai ble sane. He has aged- in� countenance, hid gait inking the fello m's acti ofHaack &'Company for tilei $19,.53, and
he Island, and I ism, Con6nnes, and is fist becQmi b4n for him, Po i felind on concession -4 The accounts
animodo. Ae recor' token,� f appreciation from her sCholars. 0 a w4pre P, Soil for teams for grader 847,
une, 0 i I " let' Brunadon [a commissioners of Hamilton g d ending wit J is feeble, and generally the signs indicate OUNI: the irn"erchant *walk into &
0overir g the three . onths since -Wilson, who. has beeh, in 'the e 'w the
to a- man who is now in j�jii d arch *mentul and physical collapse. street., and war. again fo I d by re ordered to be pai& The -re
r. Dennis, bine�sl maker, of 0 the � fel we eve and
'Which: � iiiis lken closely ke The Huron NeW_s-Record says Th,- low,,'Whowassee ing air e - ire"drer Were authoirized to borroi,.,'
ith shooting a man who was raising pt by t Vew rulase. for Ole past three yearsi has taken r6rt t
& ro d. late Mrs. - Hun it, who � died in Bru fet,,,,lose enough o at 0 for current
'iri each of' illes, allows thit a E41 in etrolia asels on i I expenses, until tixe are pay -
]!is bar rown. York ia that time 'toa oft , witfi Alcisart. Pen Sunday week, owned 4 little black and la'n g in Dr. i Slis him. Seeing a able.
It is said that .1 . foundi't IC -night. C. and not a&, The clerk was ins noted to nowy
.64ployinglconcerns have raised their,.jkges, for
rh. Tbe animal Was I'ver-Y a tussle in the d
-7—M A Wm. Harla assail- ov-0 his fence fro."I.
efie cases-lienses. Nv re, granted in.. o dog well up in yea a it an ankliolili 0-0171'elil's House i� rem �r
nd, of HarI d B affecti much attached to his mistress, and Could. i he rta t,
)it' to th- ti - not eas than 315,00 "e)'foi A ers' 0 a o the office, the fellow f�ollo off road allowaue� lot 2�,o
a large� -number,* pe�-' toil, has stiocessfull y woMed. roth ing i $ 1 concession 2. Out It hardly be driien � firom under the daiket. I im to the door. - TIxe office W_ Council adj:
signific nt feature 'of thl ls�a nee is the: iin- nov a' is. rn 4ir e.
.a the 116- el. n riv4nce. I is open, OurlIed. until called by, the ree
.ps majority,of the ratepayers jitlf wat6r . pressure Finally, on the day; of the funeral the d tor was out, and
provem the tron I , ' � untain; which works: with P but the doe tile iioulid-be
'I stry gml 1 11
lit in f . Irqn a -xa, I in a 9 8, followed the, remains to the door ai
u andl )h Wa handsome spri ity. of r w1hich Go'derich -Towshii)
'overnment, sheal nsi an the South fire two up against -Mr. Harry Hu uIly chant- went, home,
the G H il to �id �2* . t and in
active munioipalitie and �hat c4nsequent-. r �'� ritibZ:1 highwayniai� then left, afte (lie iner-
d have interposed parties 41 Pe r7lyafiia fee he hir. 5azed a ournf U der Lr�ard f Some A To CJfFF,.iE YA4 ;Mn- -ni
I t him as though it its human. : T friends who ba ene to come al
missioners going contra a Pp He t
r he' -
prevent the COM : Avaric . il, ice Of Pi,g ifon a dollar George Burrows, milile iiork�ng at og knew its mistress was gone, atid inoum. is convinced.the felfll 9 Jill 2ndInspector
ry toil. ., The. roa trade is an index to business, 'Bac v's mill, Goderich, the othe day,had d for the departed:: It seemed eierything rob him7 andi thinks t a intention was to e4 thd the wdl of the p6ople.- r d - the Guvern. e at -when lie 110mesvIe Cheese faetory- 411d Prose -
ant done this thA bVsiiiess is in a good the is oi�rtune to get his foot janlimed be- but human.',' moed eted three:patrons for up,
they 1 uld be guilty the the day's re6eipts ro the emah I d P)YingAeteriora-
of tween tiv�o logs, the result bejug an: injured Wer of tedinilk, Iiipel Disney an 'i
ty bffence 15�lthy condlion. tict the the ih;p, t6 gree yv d Jolvi Nlay(
of which t hey h i ve -so long' been In. the i6n diati ailkle -Mr. Joseph Saint, of Winghan�, had An. yes of the fe
010 will. lay him tip for two or three 10W Saw pleaded guilty before -Ala
msed by soale of wages is; fi jed in. a ratio with the w6eks. experience with a bicycle tile other aftep him from the', street. or'H0114S of
their �Ppo ents" 'The fact tyli ton, and were fined, the former UP #-nd the
rice of bar it on r h Gorrie Vidette of ast week says : noon, that he will not, forget for some tim�.� :--Helen Marti w late Rev, latter $54 wil ,y bave not do#e P. apd*the i�ow of,the!
to. ecent advance in it -T Charles F let -A an If eLeed was i
this industry, whidh. is figure Xre. ow, of Hibbi is t pres He was riding a -wheel. along Josephine a;' Ny-ell-khown nd befo .4�
th !per er re Police Ilagq8tr e eafer,o
baseless. tv v- d at M ant visit. th t, street, And when nearly in, front of Mr. T. ll� Ally esteemed resident of
Si Of any years, pa t aVi'm 'ent in refusing to in -a -did riAt. h concession. The old lady is- over ge- 9,) Coats
Ceti ., has ca
lrn (V .. I r, mighter, Mrs. Roberb'McLa�ghlin for -vrbere lie pleaded fined er' July
ried Jp ithe'wages of te A. Mills' store,tbe *beel becarne witnana
thousands of nir fd workmen. able, and landed him at the*heeI8 let, after a 1i go in illnesp. Dece- ed
Cults i all, GI odc-
they were to interfe'--jn one case, thlere 87 years. of age, and is enjoying the best of of horses that wastanding 'on of a temn. v; as born ill A PiosErlt, (,,().vr -There-,die4y
uld soon be reasons f health.'! th side of Hear Cupar rich town
Or-thcoming mr�by 4 .1 S otland, in October 181, Shitil on Saturda ventpg, aniotIler
Herald the, street. :The horses took fright and S,. and I S. I
posse as -Oni (lay recently the daughter of Mr. Wasi there- of the noble WU
iy all fore, in her Seven -seve-,, 0ioneers of' ur-on, .4 the per.
d dowti the Stir et at a lively ould i ere in othens� Thel.few. the advocate of t!hei Society for the pie%1'en." are, of Clinton fell from a re year. She fWn of R o-bert Aelie'son, a
G'eorge Rog starte ace. was
thedaughterand:eIdest alild of the late 4 years
wides 9W6 licenses shill be issued un�ler' itiol, Swing ; pt was at q0t thought her neck was Mr. Saint saw the dangerb6 was in, and by County
of ;.,oruelty I nimals, or of the Born in tile
. bild-, a gres effort'i he "�Vi able t David pros of Ferm
diredion of the Colin ' i I .; broken 'and she Who unconsciou t et cleat- o il - , Martin, a Rlikagh H11881011era and 1hus [ren's aid sodiety, we, are not prepar(d ! tit a for . some fthe , Perot 8 fa;Tmerj whose in theyar IS011 he cani
tol s pting bi 11 youngest son, a to this Country
a, bill fortunately she had sostained no a efta;rni, 'ViVillich is now owner f
m : 0 with his -wife an family 1841,
ank, Fifes]) -C, _In 1. Ud set-
001nnitisgioners aie supreme in tf, is Ire- Judgingfrom-the foJilowing remarks i serious. was prei badly bruised where the wheel Priestfield il tled on the.
J njury.
ih farm now oi by Samuel
80 IoAg as they do nbt viofai4 aevqr, it 'must certainly be either --?vlr. Cofin Pentland, of 116. in at ried Rev. Charles
�Ct- 1 Z` Chicaoi wheel- went over it 840tiand. In 18-1 3
the Government has a one mor i F etcher, and al one call ne to i Walters, on the Hron read, 71(36dbrih
o rigbt'to inter- lie other, o ed from Ithat city td Goderich in five (layto -The Moleswortl corres�ondent of the America,
ettling, first at Chippew Ltbe e on the
3 with thuli. Thc� commissio asels Poit writes A woman and two A a 1)111 1
ets �r phia inan named Smith, the :)re i�iiportantp'ace than' o1%V_ C' I Opposite side of the roa I$ where
7 girls were returning home from Alblesworth Where Ifir. He was a,kne I m
rperhapi.both: ,A F 3,del- joining4rs.Pentls�id there on ls� vis t 0 tO'%I'nshiP and also bonght, the on
father of their re atives. B6 . th he and Mrs:Plentland th -lie did.
annually, and if a boar 'of. Coll ets, unfl F1 etcher I)adchat ge of 6 ber of the township Counci
erbook to boner to th
a Governor ate exp6t Cyclists,', and are low visiting United' Pres )Y- for several years, and was oi
sionera do an act whi when the line becoming entangled, the terian Congregation. TheY remailill d there
a wro g Dther fr, juds arouni'd,D1111gannon. horge twisted around, Upsetting the bugg -sesso for fZ
ch is cle& Lollio, by naming ithein respectively e i it.l. outrage upon public sentim yl for four years, when "Mr. F1 Acher 1�,as called rteeni Having owned it
McDonald, clerk for Mr. Woods, and throwing ont the occ-upant, one of
-stock farm irk Ireland
nt, Orm- if am - McKinley, 06vernor Mcl�inlei ft to Goderich, where they rej ilained 1 iuntil w
V, i 11 ell ild , the decea
air adininistrati f Moles1worth, was thrown 'from a wago whom was precipitated d his
Oil of the affaiiiss oulti a steep bank- health failed, some lour ye It of consiAlerable ineans, was thus
ai6 , rdsident Moxildey.. The Governor in all ',h had his arm d, into the di latef. Illev 'enabled to M, and
their charge, a othe r, evening, and tell. The others escaped unhurt. then removed to Tore tke a, fair start in life.
ao ty 4u,�ogiraph letter beapoke a boPPY futare-for ated at the shoulder. He is suff�r, No damage was done tothe bu 4 tol ere they I �%f r.
show a, lack of caiil i 7 1810- 793f r about a v C'd A-cbwso - I
I an evident unfitness for' the 'positio& rreat deal kng a One of fo even years, wheq they, pet itned n was �a devoted ethodist anti Was
family, bat them are grave do -from it, as it came out the second the girls was so excited anil. frig
Goderich,which Conti
coup.,,,, the,, iti would be niq carne
y 0 ubts as to litened to a. Class leader DefDre and after he here.
'proper for a t hel no 6andages having been applied to it that she would not get in atgain, preferring inue to be thei P
ace of resideHce. Co. Flete ier -as o"t"s be -Nii a CoiservintIve future of a-fa*ly with an idiot' 'at the ils Pi
rerrinient at the commencement of %not�_ I � ii the 19 rat place. to walk, Being left bebind� her mind be- leaves a fainily of Seve
%w to pro-
bdiiid of it. . -.There' Should be -a 1, — the mother of Mr. Davi le cher, No. 11 -five sons'And two
,ear ... - I I bin -Thursday, last week, Mr. G'eorge njare fear,, lest the horse should I a - I daughters.
to them over d select difti- hibit the saddli iin street; Iluffalo,, e
gain (10 row thelil York
men. 13 a t to ace use tile ng fQr life of children with licinsor, and Wife left Brussels an route to th out, and she ran i for Hill of Mrs. J. T. Ga cr,
ove lile in a V. a W, G
at 11n. effbit to ode5jell,
rnment of ditreat where they took ship for Glasgow, a outa n
outrageous names. It is hard oh ;th a Sco 1 the. umn&rri ro, I Res
�Iiction nif duty., because - they fail to:in ones. e IitQ tlandp sailing.on Saturday. They will overtake of ed glit, tile %I, nd; Clinton.
le ler, , orho residd
are itli the Commissioners in e away for six or eight weeks, visiting at -Anoth- Agnes and Annie F ith Looms. -The Bow
the dis. er of Huron's pioneer4i, in the her, and who ith
eir duty, an the old home in Aberdeen, and at, other rson of Mr. David Weir, 0 a Lre and t Xi y ers estate 'Was. disposed
c ni- k1urch"ed the two cottages %n(,l lots, oil
rge of d 'to The Editor -of the Godb. 'nursed her during a li)lig ill. less, wb . � Paisley
.dictate to the �ownsllip e ('lath 88 of 1) auctionn Saturday. W. j -
rich Pfe Howick, has passed overt e greAt river, inenced with a a
11 the Signal has 10illts�'%Vjth relatives and friends. 0
ri in which they alidll perform been drea-min -ns and seeing t � -The i troke! of Ill Sla Some
a Ir
g dr,e i vialionS, "Ilensall Observer of, last week says M r. W -a prominent figurle ve l ary Stret, for $390. H.
ditity, i.3 Cop6olls criticism.; if the it . nd in th I is weeks Sig' iat Mr. of the London Road,. nea i - air was in the years ago. The d eased, lov ing the 80 a Cook Secured
e raises a corner ere farm in Goderieb towilisiltip f
n and Charles Bowers bid
Ab this, the commis- of the iinys6ic curtain and gives his readers Laggy. fr. Elston and wife left the hired where he lived. ' He was born in th county .1'490tt ii. in the
ernment were to nai b ldre, is inus a horse, r county council for many years, and 1possess. mother, a good friend aftd. 3 kindly ell and Willi] or
Liggy. set of harness and ed. consideiable influen;e in the !vicinity tian woman who wil
titan, ind the scenes The Editor Se' t in a] large of the farm on Sit . inday last homestead On Huon street7 '40luding
er� Would lapse into mere figtire heads, a p6cp be�h not s: on I e fq
1823 Plano.
ood on the I 'Mr H.
the"whole dritty wold,,practial r of Fermanagh, Ireland, in the yea furl'i ture and 4,,60o
ailly, be ad oil a chunk of drift w while the yvisited. friends in. Centralia, but' At -the age of nineteen years e erni. J. W. Irwi
goldIn StafFa. left on Thursday for the old country On
ormed bBfore till, returned ip the evening the fel-
by the ('oVer.nment. Af the bea4h of lake.H' grateil to this country business and 'pleasure trip. He vill Sail
uron,pretending to read D - low d , setilink in tilie to
ernment w 6081, ped, tading with him the horse ship f C&i wn- NOT S. -Mr. A. Ferguson, IL11 Old a- I ere to interfer . e in. th S, way Malrier's Trilbyi" falls into a mentioned above, A trunk in 9bt, Durham county. t i d New Y'01�1%_ 011 84ttirdAy and 'i1i viaij.
doze, and� a id bug Her,- highly respected resident of L3is village. 11 Is 14,
,i be blameworthy, and he re., ided until 1862,, when
e �Jfct- -is sVirtled b a sweet voice from the great tj le lion E Was pried 'o be Canle weat one to that; bourne from w: '11gland, Scotland and Paria before' be re -
y pen, but nothing of and mttled in the � township of Howi '' nce 110 trarel- turns.-Fialesmall Con
I i* ek, ersreturn. Thedeceased fie noll
they decline to do so, is to thdir credit eee�.` On looki a iy cons Hence taken,' 'As yet nothing bag when he lived until ad been ail Y -On Monday ship -
mg up lie espies two lovely a few years ago,, Hav- for about two years v6, 1 9 ped 170 boxes of cheese averarging 70 p-ound.i
ith cO mum ption of it. le
shows t lot the eba bwu bea. 0 of the thief's whereabpu'Os.�The ing k, r his industry and in lige-n, been bowels, which te each, to G INT. Rielly, of Ingersoll, the r3rsl'
ion tim succ, sful in fartning, lie
, rges.,SQ frequently in. maiiIens, "'between the uncertain ages of following! telegraghic despatok fron', t. -tininated fAtally on Men- half of Jiiine'llillake, at Sic. This is ccn_
blout elect e, tbaf the r) Wud 25," emerging from the blue -%�,aters 3 homas a 4 Thurs ay "' led to (lay night at about ha
te t
ed in a wa
ives sequel. It Spend bit declining years in ease An<1 If post ti Ile -w, is sidere
ing dep rtment a coin- for twenty-seve
,a conduated and w the at Mis . feet, 7clad in x)at a.rb, Says Yestedy 4 y tl a 900di-price. The Second half of
are's choicest IlenrY aged 18 fort. For eighte6n yjars M- r Weir sat in townshi ars treasurer of t) a une linake b
ornmell is simply a politiaal inach, seating, themselves besidie him Y lars, - gi v �ng his home as Byroj �fter try- the Howick toWaShip P, and waaa of the oldest settler -. Nairn, of s been sold to Chails A.
P h1eld - -,'. council, during twelve (roderieb, at
-ly foun ationless. This r to tra le heroes with Mr. Nathan Camp- He was universally lied a 8 7-16c. per:'
proven we w� of wh ch he was deputy-ree - was possessE di pound.
ve,� He was also of a large amount of 6'cotch ad in Clinton, on Sunday$ Robert
8 dt converse wit) hiin 'for over an hour, 1 fl, of 9( athwold, drove off Mr.'Campbell's amen iber of the Orange orderi 4#d in poli wit. He %vas a
inan of high character and of unimpeadlaly� c I"Irlow, aged 80 years and I I nl�nt�s. The
cause of death was due to.� e&r.1rg Out r)f
Cal W
rail alli
e r fl 1i
0 �c
-01 a il
re �
kq al
is4 iw,l
d y t1i
the hwnau maohinery,
WAIAllisPrilig" 411t vials I
-only a Couple of days. Ile
England, and c4me to -1
years ago, aettuilg fov V. shi
-erloo, - and aftej5rard egn
the- ha
,1koneer 4iii, 4�rily after
inarried 6. WMS'Pennebalkner
-resultbl fr1omi the WUW4, �
,dead.. tirs, Marlow -diel
aga.—W) fle
year , 11 . rettimitill
eothcr day" meas Cool
-had an ax.eitin- Brienw,
bro - horso
'Air. g o Wh ',driwing
icolitiderable di , stance beforl
AUdwife ast uellaayi
.�Urg, tv 4ttermul th funcraV
41is brother. —Mr, 1-M
troitl is lame livKh hia'-pare
'nelph reeen�
cher Was At Q
the Nloi Farm. Hoe Iras j
-with the institutiol), and sl
Mr., �
—� . John GA11i of the
has barley which- nleAisares,
-long- He hasiagood ef-pp.
and Haninab Orturineleft I
Ava,teiioo coitnty, *navislt
-tileir friends,—Mr. X Dolx
A Steiaacb, bas built �
,sunimer, ))esidesattending i
ness, W�ejuiderstalntllie._v
Lake Huron this week. It
peFteq. We eongratulate I
prase, as this is �9; ast booi
town,_Flax plulling,%ill col
4ays. The pullersar'-o prep.
time at some of the flax is I
flax compauy art lyell
Puget'i Wife andsop fbqrp D
the guests of M;. rr Ki.
Mr. Puget Speaks well of
customsant! the morality -pi
.Air. Ed. Appel and limil
Xsew Hawburg, � -visiting I
otb.er friends. !Haying is W,
fallwbeat is conAug on fwt'
on t I
he Bronson lita: Will 10
this L I good, well I
1). Avast ana I
here, took in the -singing fes
`Iast'Wedues(luy,of which thi
XoTF,-,,,—NXr. ana, Mrs. D4
Ro�ert Walker are rusti-pi
Bend.—Thomas Haudibrill I
iwith a car load of horses for
—Farniers -Are bagy haying]
.9luith has -a vi
�onsale.—Tbe DomillionDA
great success,, over S-240 bell
ceipts;of thedAy. Theexpe
but; the Hvvt reci�i.pfs it -ill les
�egg in tbe� bali of the'tru*
teushie improvements bein-
parsonage,—One of those J
we -R-ke to ahro nicle took plan
'residence of Mr. Vulendnel
big eldest daughtter. AlarS
iiiarriage to Mr. E'bewlaztr It
Junction. The ceremony V%,J
Rev. W. H. Bntt' in the py
�of the relutix-es of the familj
the Ptoyal, Templars of Tei
place attended 6"o funeral
Dellipse-y" of BX�ter� oH. RX,
eral from here tool in theelli
London on Wedlnesdlly.�-1
Crowded to its uwios�t =capi
evenibg, when an apprqpria
.Preached to the Oranamen
H. Butt, Besidi!a t,11 '140eal'
iatives were Present froin 13
Li andother places,
NToTris.—The hum 4 0
�ehine is beard in oar land.—
the li-lilteat �evereut in th6 ,
ah,urA at'sanshine is brit
painted,.—The Ri 31r. R.
bore, wMi- .
preach niext 113abba
evening.—There died at - f
Richard Armstrong�early Qn�
inglastO.Saviinel. Fisher. -0,
.an old man and was -kept ' I
this townabi.p. He maAe ho
4i'Mr, Peter cautdIons nal
H'. A
ha,l gone to visit; . -r
funeral - tool-, Place on- I th e sr,
13)rnssels -cemetery.—Fall iwl
fast bn account of the hot, V
The crop is a bi, 4t -00C.—.3
and men are butiC the IN
Thomas Rusdell?s tarn.—I
j7aly'ii about here, and istra
never beard the noisy drum
Say- Mr, Th'itell. behig --absent
James Kelly is working rat V
�summer, with Thomas. Arm
field burn -ed on FAday Im
fencing also.��Turnip thinnb4
_04 the day, along with.. b
,gravel pit has beenvpeenei
,arm, north of the sand hill
A Stewarf., Bluei;,410, are bi
bridge. on the 56 coucessi .
'�being very low givcs the miela
_to uvrk at the joh.:
A Wsm-'s
and Miss AnnieINCIA-u lini
visitiors last w Mlaftl
the and
'freods A
,g their Hi
-drives A"s fai -he!
f1i i, e n d a In `815 e a fo h - U
i 0,01NIrM. h (�uncil MP -
o6n lftnday. last.! The reeiw
-were authorise(l. io borrow fri
ion bank.!7,�2,00 -as required_'�
-penditure. Aetount,'s Were
rMon JAnS.-Brown,"s-
-of V, large class of r9tepaysCr.64 I
council, topass a loy-law- proli
mals rannin-at large,
-ways, ive a
- etion was takq
journed. to meet agafid in Joill
bury, on Monday, Ailgastztl
.when the school rate and irat-A,
and coililty parpoxes will bme- I
%visitling- friends in $ea-fior1bJ-'
irergasi of Owoderi(-h CoUlegi
T,Phompsonj of Clin, toigh
for their ho1idAyS,.-4)11 Sd
last Rev� T. L. ArmsfiNDHg pill
structive Anil interesting go
orangkmem—'Rural Dean I
jorth, was in town this week.1,
anta,wife, of Grand Bend, w,
.acquam . rances here Tuesda,
tion and ordination Services,,
-church-on Mondg were lai
and -we interesth
Muir, of Bruce -field, prwl
Hietiderson. of 'Allanthester,
'iniiiister Rev. Mr. Andem�
,,j�a,ddresscd the people, -and
Merson, of Hensill,'proided.
ing there was a large AN
garden.party on tile grounds,]
bury. Exoellent music W1
'�onr new bra -,5s band, the oi
Proceeds about '�
'were given by a number - vf
understand that on 113and
thirty members of the Lond
are to wheel to Bayfle-ld ala
till 11-onday-at the River li,
Dodds and wife, of S.'ealorth
Sunday, haivingeoiare from 41
bicycle, and af tzar tea at 84
to Seaforth. —Miss, Ho -vi
wad, her niece, Flossie HOW4
are guests of 'Mrs. Dr. Shep!