The Huron Expositor, 1895-07-12, Page 1ett it 0
Lln9Z, boolil dur-' W1 for.elmr- � o nd the bal,
ery A erchant po f -r the fall ,willi lllakk� twr. L tO 110te thiS II(I 1041r,
:t Olt -
rag( Is. ki hite ith f I ills�
'toys ,u t in'l, X, - it 0 d J. AM U L Y�
t A �-e ion oth rs, A.11 ex-
1�f tile 5ermon t(, A. twas then
at I seconded
il, lj��-rtv vote at W. - 1r. N,Ixtir for
5 Innalihnous- th4 Drueefield
rote Of thanks to,
fi-ich �uitable re-
�Plaalt -then -&A-
antk'the meet -
Star ed in this Xe t ie hay erop
ibringinf- her ,q has been Stay-
ths.—The- pa, y in r
Gil riday, and ebest party evet
,arly L11 oI vil-
at the Ire, st, id- &11 re- the the-9varw0rienj
_*uded11 Rev. IX'
ia, aniat slad-'resses,
The eh4rmftm'��
�il the tI up
ove subioet I_6,Fauat.� but lie oak jip t4e sall-
�benedts CIO the-
npress n4i&CJi0n,_ Nl Pdig-
lect, ky sch c, The
instructive re-
t `bnI to r ardav we big,est Ina -
in t1lis: bi )t,,en for timel)
�.&q -where the -it- would have-.- Jre astood
it:riou., daiii�
mir new brid"e v itms te,
pf our sportig
at Seilforth )a
oil its holi- v t1 at & . le Inc
_t ant'. Presb
-heirpienif, in A. rinity Chni-0, a the Jf Mr. and.
Ithe t-reen iu -
�y to tht, bed.- Mail toek r.
wet e haagL beil, and Nkhert- thei takOl
whi(Al wa.+
till top of U14 were tmr
111(illev 'heirl,
.it v, tit turned.
An i1irluest
JL, W _A_ rw _A_ N -.i a a XeE6r l_U AUV:Cb '01" xuMBER 1XV. ir fi it becomes it Sul)Stlt lite fol glass, I 111t, aS ip tish forces in Afghanistan for t-wenty- )u' liark for some Ke Bri I t, has! since recovi red rapidly, though the was. performe by �Rev. Mr.
�y tills A tr tip Indiana. hen h6 decided to take -up aci, will, d ubtle3s, leave its I Mitchell, in the pr6ence of a select coin -
none of the material 3 Used. is CoA (WRITTEN FOR I 119 EXPOSITOR.) five years. W NABL IFAS1110. E ITSL�8 OF ill r tal L S the of relatives. and friends of the con-
-last product ;of the spruce re DFuB, Sim.—I left Brussels on Monday, farming he settled on Canada as- the oat e J �A7 pany a company ba -d
I i I ick ay of Thessalon, writes the tracting parties. After th,
as$ b114 makes all of the. ga pro- suitable place in the i�orld. He w"aq se : HOW H FO sli�T& ARE BEC MING obeapil JILIY ist, in charge of Florence G, to deliver m of T -an dinner the bridal party started for
I ; I . ductlons of such V&H� scivide to niti 1 ikind. a weeks travelling fron� his Indiain hom to chi f of poli ronto, that a, bald w tak
P her at the Le h sto(k farm, there to be, In4i white -wly iiiarrie(I ouple
RAPIDLY DE .D., The stook- Park Head. anI be.-% io 'I, -where the ne
HEADWEARm LETE call be sia�wedjaauysijo rind gineompany a you Mitt
bred to the great Online, with a pacing h pa. tbor be nalled A large area of cw'bba e plants b 'as b e -gi balve eneam near that village. He took train for New York on a bridal tour�
Shape, And in Wiarton. went -
by A. record of 2;04 as a fol: r year old. Iset out at Hickson, Okforl county, be ata gi-I was stolen by Indiana On tlieir return tbey:will Settle A'�,ft�t; In, tlstr:�-How It Is $1�P016iting in place or 9 In with pritly or g, b 6y of Wingliam, � to'. London, reaching, Masters Coln mny, of Chicago. �ov i4wbere I tesir Fonto, :and he wants the -The- Methodists at 2NJaine, in Wallace it is light In -wel.ght the u--unic- y W� there about 6 in. Haron is the best I la ott, of Woodstock, had ** a e, gnotl chilreh, an excellent
OtIler a d 3wore.. Common Iv4perials. work does not; roclulro to I e so he III in -Tholi �.olice to. to ke Re iou. The girl with thp, towilship, ha
i . .1 t rrops I seen rent
d- 6,ira- d' ion t6 advanW. county and has the be, N orgaii. On a Ligist, strons, 19-la4le, Tough an ��'I_Oand near assalca has auburn bair, is eboir and fine
ad it go the Oat week, I 'it have covered over 700 � potatoes of the " Gem` ariety lost. ve y fair, a'., is - c lIntinually in -tears. She Sabbath the Rev. T. W. Coseus, -any place, anq I a as large as duck eggs. who
Y redit6e. -ble- -an* frolgItI is ;rcatly i Mile- 1,41 M - vis w become the pastor of the Fordwith Fro(ess of Its DIE facture. miles of,railway. Fall wheat. s a very fair' Kingston hitatue of Sir JcI -i-.ys wa�l aws and. this liks'
Use of tile Reft go. -The a wA betw two squi .1
prop ; pe, .cial �orrespou( once. 10 nr an '%V� pro ;1P as the ease,
Iare excellent; oats and - spring pre.
jelled ;a :In
..have 0 e J.' d xl(n man Suspicious. ost eloquent sernion widon0d is rcad� for sbipm
But Of all VIC e. but -hay is light -only --row
V! n grain k bably be unveiled on Labor Day. F arme can haial rails and, do other in this cb-urch to a ic ded liouse from the
'N -1111Y 9-0-110 114.9 to the'exaltaIO f tll( spr &bout one-balf a crop. Leaving London, the d -class 0 o -k on Sr a ay, v -as tb judgment in the words"' PrI without cellosilig." It is'wortby
in ()r L W _nd -4. road were light, of all _T OLLL Of In entiLon that -MrCosins ItI the plea.mre
L to Visit the o jnoi�nt& 0d] q- celit to tho litilizaltini of Wasite ali cropk along the be medalists in the secon ll, of Kent county,
ho, ��o 9 Ile 1 And. a -eat, I fessional examinations at Toronto anA Ottta- '43 rt of III strat( Yorba. tvicts and to Come in' co-titact With pr,16oVleal' peal most kpoifly to t e, n 11 1 b �very- I- jL Ith before four kinds, the corn lo6king th a farmer and or preaeiiing oil tbt�t oecasion
a Normal Schools are both lat leg. other Watts, woodi�illeii Ito real Zo -ill a 11 [at, 1roI Horotoforo, and indeed at th(i proser appitreiitlyleen affected by th6' w ly . ' -of
thing had Lon v isti has ing loii3, name C; Cosens, -Dr. F. L. Boyd, of don to, nabip, $e, �cth DR. y dy been keep generat Iy whole 75. per cont of tho ontive. aeld: is loft as dry weather, which.�revailv overn urday ills nao degrqc. how vAst an, iuterest _! . L wa .,rip died the other day from Injuries recoivedl in $aF ad o Sunday, as the Biblical Wallace, his grandfather us ster in te slab pllo av d the Fi isvilust ,y! had been e CoSena,
mikildug!Nvood I p and how coni'. o6ly _T Chath aaI - vb ich, t1fit da nd late proseutited tb of Trowbridge, his father, hit elf
IIn e a city, was reached abouit eleven, an Ilision with a trolley ctIr. Sabbath, a e3 lethod' a4 d coming into co, ei.'WaI iaulo 'Is On Sunda, and end his little sou� tho prodl luting other d, of Galt, 1pullea a -ai
IcIt is sulUk Alt. Robert S. Hoo d r Ilvesigatiol 5;!. 90 to everything around the station as alive. The hi,test SOieutific I w alistra ahead and* -di -esajng� ccident ba familiar Goes. ripe toinato, from a vine grown in his r. h M so he could go, -A peculiarly stj Oallender, .T�ipissitig show tilat fiaill th is ellorin oils pr(, )ortion The whole city was illuminated, and hun- tin- 4y. 4y.
den in the. open air, on Diolllini�n d1m. 4y. d, being by
The siIIII)lp s Moment, mado o;p 11 Oe Sa I. 4y rk he . want cat: be Pr duc'I dreds of carriages were passing an -pass- dubted L�ut hori y, th co, which left Mon- mptas a. ariaen. which a popular Tavistock boy, named
materials re pened recently at has� in, The city, wa! ----�-The steamship Mexi PiI n: Prince, ominion Commis- his ife. He was 0 'ilipply 0Do -Of tb0 loading FrOlIC11 cilgin (Y the station. a gaily decQr- SityL' '.. Ist ono. Yorl - paper requires tell treal last Friday, took a shipment of Professo: Philip, lost nly just niado a discovery by w hich tb �Vholc ated with bunting and. mottoes. We were f of sp tons of Canadian butter, in cold stotI for kiner of FislE left Qualwan Saturday in is 21it. year,. and hail - left home
40 sp - ice lumber, or'the e4TIY u be convYrted I -500 acres, is im it -self suffil- of the wobd ca A I giO -there for aft bdur, shunting around tbe'sta on an important de- ju aceident,
comiumptioll 3, that the British markets. a# British ol at three weeks before
The apparatus for so doing Is a] � ad to: tion yard, and I may say, in passing, He will first visit the It to stai,tle t, 10 average Ix -That tb&town of Penetanguishone :has Adam ebaefet in his new �ader- and -to #tmental �Mlop to work ivitltI
toboithslinplottildcheap, othn't. ithout this was not the inost enjoyable part of the z"d h illill at Callender. - He,in comptt account f )r iiiii(h of Clio forl,t talk. that at out 1,000 maple trees thi§ seasoni, speaks X.eena .6nd [vers itr�the northern. dis- Saw Lny with
"I . . great expOnle It can b6 placed ". ro'blont '6�1p. After; leaving Chatham* it was too 8 I r r . I ;'n", "
�ia beard op 111,11 In file olumes for the intelligence of the council ri;et, and th' ma e? an inv6sti tion of the Ezra Schaeftrl was returning from work, -,and to saw-nillIq and "forests. As yet �ho dIs` dark to sed ;the crops. We arrived at v �'T I conceded ( - -
there ar dicals - 9 ndi people. �i; out fisher' . T ese, alth gl although warnea against itL) insteadi of Te oovery has I: ot been put to practict I ue. Windsor abo t 30 : resent prill- o a _-�-Mattbew Palmyra,, 140gin 1.01b most u b t, are 1 at turning by the road they sprang -upon the
"I 0 something so c0l'�' light were takIn 10 I a United States citizens, I - Driver, of
00 000 in., and after day their c* In' Vast qua itities of starch are a across the ferry, and then '&nd it coul III at see lqu. oinall pre tl�by logs to float down the river. The first inti- bit IYV foi k ;l1sappearance was
Childrelfs Sailors tiiorious� reflect..! that these ity, is the fr it king of th t, Ir ta*d1nthIq75porcout,cf waste fiad to wait until the officelsoWere opened so figures, b , g as, tl ok fire repke cut oiijy the He bass 10,000 berry bushes,,1,000 plum a 0. exploftation. Professor Illation they had of his
is sold that )nee the exper! III t 7 free- I could make an entry of the mare in the fisherie Cr between the logs. On; a
will 13 his bat lying
ince will oil ot the salmon -search
Boys 'Sailors can� he wi,nddr alifflic I 1000 peach trees. lad 110 Ing It, are complete - that indu4. alone custom3. This is something that, if every a of 'the Fr �ound in the river
Ylo approlion0lion fola lest In thil -wo hay.e.-no jild cease --78ome members of the Toronto P44 being made the body' was I uths' Sailors . - ho ald be worth nearly J f not ito 'ILS Canadian voter had it to do, he wo d decidedly object to any of 0e -The de rs. a6ob Beek, former- inaoout seven feiat o
forests? - . to vote for protection, and so do sly in School B6&r f water. Hi was a.
f pulp. nn
lfnr�w I Of Waterl' ?O co olee ill D's- son of Mr. 11. Phillip, of Tavistock.
Tho -a vilravgo houe-bolder ibk A ith. mmll as th( that bef, long some female teachers employed bj the bcI ly took pi Men's.. Sailors % To the layinan it seems manner with the cu,atoms. : T(hwe mare go. he deceased la;dy Wood fthet in Aujidr t.l. cony mlent forms, I wearing bloomersivitch bicy31ing. I tr it a - few 2 -Oil June 28tb, tbe ons, -of seoeana of
the tree can be nindo to. su- )plv all human is Supposed to be eiAered 1 free, bit,t, by the ghtning last . Friday night struck moth J. F. Diekie, Glastone camp, 'Z\+_Nvtou held their annual In all makes of s3tra . ws, Yeddo. and and tbo term � IlAttiffly sag ts to�linl needs, excep) that of food, a: I id in the time she is ba, Mr. of' Rev. in some years ck on alladian soil W. C.� CametI stables at Edgely, Asi i- P eabyteiia min stee at Berli festial at "' Braehead wit boxos)und Ice4l foolug of asslirailce ffiat ow. forests O'Leary.w4l have paid a)Out $15 to cue- a O. Mrra'. - ek I� Ld, lived in Preston boia, burning them to the ground, togeth r Among the many branches of entertainment tholike. can be tru tod to reprod uce. the Inselves tome house officers And th air attendants. I 15 ce.nts to $2.00. utilized f6r'sailk for beI i6t 81 oes? stook- with eleven horses. Thestormwas a tl- B*den -in this eb ntry. She was born in was a tug of war between Gladstone cam.p,
the looker o [I can but woni ter how 1 ong the should have left Detroit `or Toledo about We show the nobbiest line in town. ings, bi LA and rake t6efix is- so of 'the rific one. B-iden-Badex, in . rmay, and was & sister -of Nowtou, and Melrose camp of Atwood. f�- � a tUes, bricks I I -supply will equal th6 deI %nd anO i marvel 10 o'clock noon, but carlessue -Mr. W. A. Munro, lately of the Par�_ of I the late Jacob Hespeler, of , Hespeler. Atwood won. The '(11adstolie team were -
to sulltp trprisio -tllatiis almos't a 6. Book's iusb�wd and her only daug.;
at nioro care is not takell to PI: transferring
Serve a, t
�Ild md tb Grand Trunk Railway i not hill Gazette-Rtaview stafT, has gone to Chi. M composed of thie'follwing gen, lemen : Jphn
shock. I Yet all'thosb objects rd are of slich immense a ad such Increas- the Shippi bitll t� the S. & L. IS., I was alretuly on the niarket., itlid , daily�.' M p. in I went out to wofstudying for the t6ir, Airs. J. , F. Die kde, left Detroit about Davidson, James 'Baird John cKenzie, there ago on a prolonged visit to Zle Roderick Rosilt
gil fil un illthVee weeks Sceart Dan. McKen' growth left cago, with a Vila nicuts are constantly bringing 1 o 11 e to NlAch t1 3sprnco Detiroltls'g reat race track -and saw a ood I.Stry. ow travelling in Ger- Will. S ture poasiliffiLics abd adding to the list., -At prief.76nt the onals Save' I doxna- -Alessrs. Harry Priest . and, Harry SO 1- F 4rope, an are n traclian, Air. Houston, D. B. Grieve.
g race ra pulp is I ut �Yhicyl in any way cox torbal,- afterlibon's runnin well, two graduates of Mc v - m"y. The Melrose team were: Alex. Cameron,
Cloth From Wood Fulp. i a1aC09 the #nnie dian horses ran,but none' were lu-,ky enough r I 'On the ght July 2nd, about nine nqo do Lud up( i forest Bity, Toronto, have been selected to goJI 10 George Hamilton, Donald Murray, JI
England, and Itrahle 11111 are -lei :making of' �blcgrtsp I poles. to land the money. Frory Detroit to Toledo linedy, who lived on Cowan Win. -Stevenson, India in the fall and engage in mission o'clock, whil Mrs. III Robb, Andrew. hft'�) 6P- They ar( My plant ng tho' 11 s it w 4 ';farm to ahead of 'Is ill "anu al), slip I tree " too dark to see tho � country. , 843 far work. in hip, Peterborough, James 1, ',itrutbers, Dr. Kidd and Thomas
a I ati- Toledo aplictl illo pulp to 11.10ro. ilsos 'tial u I could see, the statior y rds th It wa a grand gather' - f uned ssell -Mr. J. T. Gordon, a leading cattle deal- was art ving me, In 0
that hibI kortp have been doe, horse became fright- Ballantyne. I
but oiio only to'indulgo i6 am and so In 8 to ogreccon'lpensat fo�the are very. large ones and there w6re a great a to ellisd, d,ru ning the over som, � l �ehaved people. the
I or of Winnipeg, a th t his firm.expect dome five hu dred well I trains in P iem. Is' - rai�js, t raw e I;I of _I ' * I a' ro wn -Ograml stat on of
chat with a woodsin, I) -to � di"ver general do sp: mco In The number of , ;jut. Sbiwas thro- c Scottish songs, I n . ship 19,000 head ofeattle from the North raI inLfli pt no consisted
that dur vast forests are f4st ni�ltil g, wa Of! p ve ninin y- morit icy After lilvilig Tolddo it got d iyli t, an . the peeches, in �� .- poles or bil, west and Manitoba, to the English markets, violen y on eting' such in-. usie, ieto.�: and lasted some thiee, -tit I w throng nio dNi from there to KendallvilUl e ran ust (it this spot there is no, factoryi, I weight, jin�iefs i th el er head that she died or four hours. are light the:, can i th a all v Rages. Th durin he next four months. ack 4 ault t6ld local inieriost-bm b&ji nra q tied any bel tit., andi its they i re hollo 7, Ir a flot clay country,wi o 16 ab4ut two hours R t - The accident hap- -The Mthodist dbureb, Wiarton., was
9 and tbore is to be one billit.a0so by.., �'All - "T., principal er f -%v eat, r re, oats Wed-
, Witli are all . Albert Andre , founder of pon'ed about Iwo mil a east of Bailliebor- the scene of 9. very pretty wedding on Iun(I however, are.. thd hills . VvIth W ,, ev are h
can be onto d n additl i)n t I a $ ha Kincardine Reporter, and recently li�ad
III 11 aro ar inov dural le t an. and corn, Ekn th ,b d she was 4
master of the Niagara -on -the -Lake It I ough, an, COV -1-d in a few mil` liesday, J-Oly 5th, wben Rev. Gerald Wil- 'The wo do at a elin, bass-' their spruce &-eowth, and the acitualm.i=U- Ith at be' c1lent. Vhe wo. by a fart aer in she had pawed On ral 1. I 'LABE CYNCE. P1 exu� formerly of Fullato
school, died'at the General hospital :I utes laughby, of Sarnia, fack-livo, is Dow going Oil not many -mers, -The d ce out thirty it, and Miss Ida Walker, of Wiar _Gn,
wou , hickory and,walnut. I he 'fai ergoing -an p ! to,, on Fi iday, while und r I- the road. -ed was ab, A,pime of tbo cru.'de difino, or however, don't seem as Prosperous as in L 'ears of age, 1 a] I .Y �Df ceremony JULIAN 'RALPH. d leaves a farnil were united in in iage. The
tion. SeI just out!�.of tile press was I put Iiii 6 11 Canada. Their- fences are veiy good,bu6 lWn& IiI - __�_During the month of June,the Galt and four a ildren. .1 wa's performed by. - ev. R, 'Walker, father ands wily it few days ago, nad It isindood Ups axid D the Life Of A'N trcll the buildings, neither houses nor bains� C6 of Mr, DaI BIlick at ride,, are Dr. willough- �h I - - Preston electric railway carried 1,1.100,))O -Tt e residen 0. of the b iste( by Diev-
ditbe'.iitlo realize that tis ourlous 11.6rous linown Jpurmallist. here or ny other place I ItI seen, p ds of freight between Galt and Priest 6 ri. Paisl*I3, was ent . ear on �riday morn- by, of Listowl1 fatjor of t e groom. Miss _oun Is exhaing a dc-6ided odor, 4I th Corre.4poridence.] can. compare with the buildings of Cauf4iau R - ing �y thiets In ad 1arglars. After bind- Hattie Walker, ai�ter of the bride, 'was
U t� The number of passengers carried was . �. 3 Kathleen Wats MY 9.-J Ov ii, Blacir h a I d foot Lid ana Ali a Wbodk can In a Slightly difforent- form, b AsBuRy PAUX 1111al Ra� ph, farmers. They seem to foll only grain and throw* 011, the
000. is an unusually large numN r, 9 I Ing bridearat growing -no mixed farming -and don't seem little -niece c ninid ink whose articles - of travel, a' ays only one o er is the robbers threatened if the grbom of honor* -itoll �Ls to pass for such t64Dexpor144ccd 'of :New 'Yor life are at;- t him oil, if id mo o iu fre a straw cons that for some d oil
to' a, cloth so 010901Y idling car EL (111 aSiI
to manure their soil, as you ca m So i� to rir him aind So of Fullarton, 0 1 q�icut Sketches i was on the road. wb ile X r. 37. D. . M4,,row, O attenton n the m igaz es stacks standing all over the farms, some of V Ivi ilge where they could Ieyes. To bo the .manuffebtu.T tt�aetilng 311uIll -James Ketchumsen, of Cherpy Valliely, fire i b no ported- the groom.11 The ushers were Alr4 )y � of LiStGI anDr. its lilf No) al t teni evidently years old. They appa�rently froin:-%vood pulp is'as, Yet iLu of late, Is la� native of Rod Bank i I fr. Black was just a far Prince. Edward c6unty, died Friday nicI findi I a Harold Willought a stock, at least none 0 cation i I Holmes, of London. Shortly after -
ipit a recognized orgaIx of tf)c-wod -n to ha4e very litl ,llictt town not illia-ily III Iles froi a here., I I hm� seei er a
d 97 years atid 3 months. . Deceased at th bb r as to the lo Ing; of:(. 0 1 i
ifustry tells 11,13 'that, all-mlyl. .9 II8v0 Mine 'lljor hoino Is there also, for, In S) 0 f Ills can be seen'from the train, but a few horses IIL:111 . a sum and told them iy a reception was held at the e 01 So of such i I the ceretiI re occasion -ally had been one o0be leading tuen in the tbL froilicedis, England,'tvud that tl0l!1I - familiarity with it Alay pi II of 0, o world, and a goodmutilber of hogs a peralice, so,, th e , taking with them an htlpip couple received I towns" Ap of Athol, especially in tem ey parsonage, par i8 cortain tolioput upctntheimarkoil,,&�r,c at par of N w Jon P, tbaV18 visible. an a couple of. pairs of the congraltu friends who
eta higher and wor M had always been a Liberal in p�li- aboul $3 in laCionsl of 111r. I 'LL . I
Black- ad Colored 'Fedoras,, long,; ad tbit at prices wbieli av Stoll- near the shore niubb. b0tt r than laI iY' other At,K.endallville, the soil 9 ties. booM $5500 in the house were. present, a er a- ere a aen. Ic a SP ests. more rollin until. you reach Goshen, when J y -Men's -wood is put the 4a fore, but it . was place I g breakfast as b* ed Blac�k and Colored Stiff Hats ishingly cb�ap. The _ i the meeting of the Board wad 11911 section of the worls or, st A all .1 process whilill' I PO ItI . Ralph's family -A as in I )]no Iva 30713n�t- oil a e bust the same as -our hardwood la'arte on the Men!s Tenis s rC( Ile 'Senat( of join, Irs. 6ughby onie. cheinioll fact, you might think Knov College, Messrs. Railltilsy b Mand Mrs. Touriat Hats, A accl lent happen e in Satilia,
Men's ' + apt that ush in.Canada. In ad at the soft white 'pulp, which - iii, turn i Put- ed with railroadi Acs Ito the n Da Rev. Dr. i.-Sokii- serious afternoon trin fo leir wor best' wishes Hats, erj!s. Yachfing Caps,. Bicy6le -through perforated phites Itin Ralph himself, w)wn traii-cling J at k that you were in Call Ida. Although 'the and Dyican, of Toro to, a of �lr. chn Alexander,. f the of their 9 ille, of Owen k 48 as a journalist, looks 11 like p bas line, 'In friends. dressed Oro are in the y The vit' pa is good a a they were ery ;ound, tutors, were barnlraisi Qck, recentl amidat the act 9, being dried by'a at In P� OCIM pointed to take �he classes illitil the t-,� Cape, Ladies' Outi Cap BOYS 871 erfect di- up fhrjll 8,11 cc WWI first art of my trip frot I Toledb, there are 0 'me township. o,tairned ug ol�q( . This is n was! oo ge Lamb, A the a& -On the seventeenth of a man outin,,,_ Caps, We carr all tbO popu - and bein Goshen cant professorships are fille4'by the Ge As you neat preinises: of bvol)" not to ]I (1 er( a &I a mt� Jamb was Standing bn astride a bicycle rcI into the tioli for the weaver's is lt, of 1 cotim �; for very more horaos kept. A .1 �h bl- It a�ema I, t, lar good$ and Liell at po� lar prices. e Leah stock farm, which is J wall 1#11li g one of the'sills, when ad' Vartnet of
P Ihn the r. car it isifound su,sceptible: of d any successful hien are raI careless YO us 1tb M . YO -ni -Ah Ottawa -dispatch 9.1ILys: Mr. ge Marriott, a respee perfcot I b atilrilIg, t.11(,,Ingclv(s in tb a wight of a n ide of the railwa: Ir. When I reached is balance I d fell a' distance of Blausbard, and asked for emph .yment.. Mr.
Have you secared soine of the great. and require ouly to be In Charlton h is one of tbeimbst regular , t- he losti bi s aboui it that thOil Clothing Goshm I was -met by W., G.. Can)eron, Ir., 'w 0 to about ni I e fee sfoot struck a Stone, Marriott -was at thiI time needing help and -)c Shirts yet 9 the best alue: in the tobecoille. it, tasbion or seeing 7; - being S., tl �e inventor and patpntee of lie breed- b ' h' place this week.� He a pro readily engaged tI man to work for him
catt6neloth. arc da, fits well. Yet it lWas � little a ly sing re- tendants in the House, has not been able a r u of the second bone of tallid ape ulum, JR. device of the bone b k
............. nTutly to e amen 0 is a nee, a Lr.7 I ot, en Inth. After being in trade. ado to illnpro.vo thiii oi& those wl 0 it VC eel . )h or -his er's a r and Yoe in fda. ahei as at $16 pe Mo �y. vi., i - I I PI mares Hstna f re'retl to rr."I.Ni-a -it Withip an extit"Ibly- fullIong photo rapll� toread his orltis- ir.inhgil The injury is a ov for a few days he dis-
it is probable th, Flor- bidden y the doctor from, leaving his room under tb -1 o -an �1 io a St. Marys man for We are Leaders in Our Line Tawback will I I in ,harge of the farm., at . present. i short rime4hat lstd )0� rc- Claws lip n the- 11 ; -of tb 0 cloth 3! worn by for a few days. lfic4 liar 'one and five medical III
posed of the bicy taken from the car fu hiB ............... .......... Once 3 -was ape t a I bod pa to 'afternoon in go
-in emperor. I y,' & t- the e uni of $25, placing . the same stood the trip wall, and Uken th position. The n uerivany - od durablb�stockli gs are Ralph found Odt W�Ill E) Yet b( Ivals a boy sssy� tin the bone t its natural pants pocket. Next day while engaged on I 00 , I% Greig I spent'the afternoon at the farm with Mr. an le will al�v*, Mr. Marriotes faran hoeir,I Potatoes, the sti x,p r hilli to for years, the Gern f aughter of the
a' -havin! t il
the farm -Miss Loretto Moon
late William Alooney, a or, ' of Rothe; on alrea'dy And shoes Aro b that th( only way for, near Guelph, pfter being missm'.. -sea, etc. There bicycle becamewet zis n)t wou 4 to to go into' ilic Irc Etion of Cameron, looking at the hot has been found in Califoinia, �Yhere,. as binsgo mented with so, suce(ISSfUllY thAt it a C IS, Hatters A are two Stallions kept, Online and Noval The leadi'll. lofh�ler be: clothed entire Therefore,- i wlicul lit 11 quite . I ried Lord w$ho'lto froin the ,sweat of the laborer, and was to- 0 proI ive :III -,�Y. yet Col. variety actress, she maI -his Poe t on th prodlicta.mado wholly froiiiI 'joung, I c went to 1;@,V bore he but nearly. all the mares ttere are brdd to o� the Marqui4l of t P411antyi1e, f Black ken from Oc, a placed under wood Yo�k Furniall' roprie-
Dougla, second son The late 1� 3bel
Onlil ie, Novel only beifig -used for'farnier's Downie wk -3 te shade of a large. po to plant. Thop
got.4 Oyll)(311t on The un!ao a reporter. y"ra of age atth AFORT19, ONT. i plill). - .. . - -Y around, or parties, who Queensberry- h Creek ? �, -mare 3 in the.counti 1. . occurred on e sjtuatjon� 11�ecame
Br�ickas are being Illdo 40711. it already, e d (IL honest work CvCIL 1 013, but Twenty months ago Miss Yule, d" titne of his deaI �vhich', June toI t k, th H - ? e, ee,fo'r Ouline, $100. _H� is a Guafppi; 2 th. He wua dry successful farmer and fttuig y 4-nd seizing the roll took
wal - ol)o fa on') pa tb f
nil muRger of the h for bricks act re any g at hit nd after 9 finanol-la 1 ab, and a magnificen it. tThe, Ila's papr ty editor do, sonsi Stli or r. rich 5ay lor t animal, ter of Mir..Tohn Yle, in EDgli:51111111-11 of a pioncoring fraillo 0 1 'Awh lo ft Da to be -11 in tfierefrom. a $2 t ilt-fad'begsa eating I
all Light and Power Company, lost her speech T,aft Iiis wi cl dalighters, a der7 tie ula rea,l in every ispect, in fact a model. from the? effects of a Seere attack of 1A comfortable cirou tancels. Mr. Ballautyne bill wedging in t ie wes teeth eaused him
is sid to lidve constructed his entire foi he W(irld, thon age W"thin aiid.vvith6ut, fro of r. When Thdi a are a number pf buildings on the 'Last Wednesday obe was aAe to of dairying.111' that to cough vehemett rew the Ja-
both 1 T thofalp in i niont . Williani Hotarr. HurIbIer ivided into grlppe�. was one -of the 'DII I 'Pulitzer boliglib the h possi- farm It consists of 71 acres d' d bi
its V4140 -us f or] 'Cis. oseph those the mares say 11G.cI morning," and: has been poak tention a i us ng t, field; and paddocks;1 in part of the co, ry. $23 -of . ii 116rh�.,; are lready'shod with'03d heavy bly before, left it and )rk�111riled to ou er %ince. -,Miss Jean who for over eiglit secured thia remau in h are Y . in each. Tfiere is a 1139 ev ears has be fo'$2 lill. the, -worthy
wor� as done st, through w . ic a ne, -West Oxford bicyclists have beer 8ay-. y en :one of Listowelis most sue
IS 611ed, an it is The Suri�, I first noti bI larg .. try "go-re-r--r-o-se - elI on Tuesday moI o bi h fi ' spring creek
d that tile n4iiy?ad� In a series of artivIcs ddscrlptiv� )f the Ice They ride on village sidewalks and cc cessfutpublic, sclical teachers; has resigned' Ta t�rodly 1 carnival at; Montreal One -wil . runs There are only twolields under crop.. over e i ea- �er pi , ki dresse . d-hinilielf = 4
va,.Iltageig over tho old. They are it tir. They. paths and -claim right of way ition andle !t, last. week to join her last eek and The most of &S' c �me ieloul ' Y(the tor's beat
�o inust e lisider -lidroughlydes ipt1vc1a;tOMlak6 one Of ryeand oneof coru. trians. The West Oxforacouncil h n �Ioutr eal. board suit of brotw� �)t�, lighter" which f -t tho 110" wore so t I � is used entirely for 1�asture, aren The trustee bie a t
jicy havo the g I III bi, reputation as one almost the farn to the citizens' relief and passed a by law Elide iss I.Alapsliall a presentation ofs, clothes) and takiq thecast o -Yale III Ihterl'st a under -his arm 1ledJ fr6m the premises -witi, f. seeirlit a butter foot on make ti to reader see ti von h id but alpresent it is,pretty pbor, being burnt prohibiting vehicles on walk eme ce of isil re, and her astso�
9 ; lelds until
9 tip. The horses are fed hay in the f or the 'speiad of a 10ceimotive. 31r. WarAott,
isline- that tin ic he h; is been re� slippery road. ,eyes, an I 0 e for offenders is limited to$��O 30 ids T� in ci�t:e teachta -a gave her a silver tea trty. tbe'greon corn is reAdy to cut. There ar a- after waging frotA his morisinjeo-'alumber
1 if 1) ssia.*y II0168 garded. 8 newspaper on as no of tb� abou t 50 mares here, all in the 2:30 list, and, and 1-Ttie wif and � son of W. Kinuald M 'he 1,11 speed 101, Pentecost's, urforat6d - with, the DOQ� 1by —Mr. Samuel Kingsburgli DOnald, I suT. irinteildent of Helena eleeftic discovered t th and. with J while dauip, tf�oy cau 130 lialleA to - the h0Of best poll picturers livin some as -low as:2-13, being bred to Online. e fleeing thief to St. Marys, but as
aftex the usul nictliod, but are fregliClatlY A littie later lie bogi n to w -1 �o for the Patrick Lynch, of Ayr, met with a ba railwai, of llend, Montana arrived re lowed tb 1%1r. 1uh, the owner, was not at home, but, a to Ond m6ny trace of him. wit �ossibilitjwhich syndicates, where lie obtain"I "signa- o with hirri dent on Dominion day, They were Gently to Bpi nd Some inonths for the bey6fit. yet has faile niado fast -b 91,10, it I I , retui -niu& that night., I had to g Bee, of lut week, has the
in it.-,clf coniniciids -to the h tit --nd this niado him II to the to Glenmorris to attend a fuii�ral,' V of her healt I, witl her, mother-in-law, Mrs. -The AtWnLOCI I I theill uniane Lire a' and agaiq see everything. BothheaudMi. over r. -h g, 'urat ors of -As to It 0 profes- horse took fright and u set the 9 Mary McDo laid, Ot con0assioll. of 'Blan- rticle �onoerniiag Mr I naug the hoof and dAvIng nail% -1-d-oneral. � public as well inj every sense, pplying the I of the
1�urliing Cam )ran pxe g tlemeh pul a Q ad Igaborou 1',e C Shard. Alls I Of man, ist present an J)C. paittleSS, buit Surely �% 1, be went abroad, wil a high bank. Mr. 11 the o..ght,E e his pen
into it. I .9111,E Sion. Then ;7 their. visitors welcome n things to deseki o'in.ndw belif ve �� i r"Wing -])a seen. with a Severe shaking up, but r, L.. no g -rain ins tOI pf Duluth, has come to Walt -On Presbyte�-ian diurch. J_ LOW P 100 glued fast is IV found plenty of and, tti them Bee what is to D Ir. King, � of ;Galt, Pawed
RICES. tiig though pdrfc1b y simple I d his hip bone broken, hich, endher aY4 wih' her mother, Mrs. s6n of Rev,
Durable Window: and interes . I . (I an I took the' Michigan Cer - 'a d, i Friday on his bicycle an
JA avin woe i�g, big age, is a serious matter. McDonidd, I th concession, Blambard. through Atwoo n ar' t fill t the 'ute roin
Sails f t c alytigliti are ways, and so big fame grow tral io B ttle Creek, and th I eL Grand Trunk oc ri( a: af, a I[ormer :iiea�r Libtii- ro toVa1ton,W,here heoupplies the Price-
-A painfu ace Wirt. ffardi
Ad do pot. casHy "ar, saine time he began tc gild =101161 From Goshen t D n me few wtaikaduring he ticf aro durable a] Rail y to Lansing. tlielar�ers BiIII r, we trouiledifor Sev'eral -months �. byterian, pulpit for a
e of.sea- With th ey f il to ;place, for his work th - ibe Pori x, icals, and WR 4ruon, t I has bee i pent a couple of - So far, our great June sal r5liGh Ix 11A of virtuas, Battle Creak the soil is ii 11 htsI loan, h his stomaoh,'011p- VlaCaney While1here he ii like so many otlic r wasto n; of the art Worke, Brantford, when a you 1g; I VO [nun vere I msv in anable Dry Goods -4as ved EL sue- Illa, tll( plaeo '1110. - �Jllp 'to then, 0 od of t to and the -crops about the iialn a in Indiana, ad Sarah Stevens was ektight in t'ie mor ip Cause(. by all accident be met hours �vlth the Boa edior; and we enjoea pro I nain Good to be of word painting, he I ocalne I 0 . The fall t and oats ar 'his stay very mupb, and in a* re add to pressure it -nil returns to Its nornial id cg iblislied a onlyl shorter. 1�1 arm torn off, She I was couple 'of weeks aporter's way -bliaed to chinery'and had her with at!a, barn rais-mg. A We have been a .& 4 eld him up,". alt,boukii Mr. was- after flio oC rubber, while: at the desire to be a pubIllsbe r and c g -cut and most (f 'Vil not f I t long. 'Hay is all atteudinga jenny, and wore a WeIist b won to Gi: elph hospital where, as a W6 'b under title of ago to won
ou,rstaff of derks, Othd are as busy s t itlla,4,04-lat- wcokly inI.NeW York under did%Nkno*- Tno tiluo it i's In' G lightol, 171 best. Battle eek is a gcI big sleeve. The machinery dauglV �he lon two patent pails f quite oblivious of the fact;'and
0, 'Is ninde1krn it,: Chatter. It,was a success a#1 t1l. I ally, but W 2rt, real of an U� cra He didnt
. J, 1 -yo - of the onsticity tire . ppt.erly.: I . . Xove I fr, in his. - stomach. He that we were 11 after ews." get'allthe dv P5 -this - 1.0 chiefly low aI dirt.y. T �ad iA I i ., felt p are be ginnin-ec; to reaUz moved to the public hos tal treat refi f. from the operation) but can tell us, bowever,itli, bee. Our prices ar6 a wonder. People lit sal 'busy city, blit the p� I was throng i U" 0
ter slLbstairic siI slee �e and drew the arm in. She ;43 re- water was r
e th-ae they have -witfi as a business Yont it falle Waal h f at ho atteW&& W
0 d is' I'M Creel .1 I I, Intago of wedolit., 'Gun bave alwhys thought Y II p on College, the well know verSity ir nidst. none of th It. bration there. ;attle be shower c e fiLrr I of c( f, American unix
a MID from poor 11 ing it was dark, an I can. not a id' t todk We n the and capt
lot 15, 4 ioncessi Ici on e �y Isn"l ne tee, dern store obt in the' tip paper if stonesl Ir is fearel- ure(I saVeral valifable Illoney SCW� e quality .Of printing and the to r. 2,. Apleasatab it Ther -mproved whell pe -lef t arsbips, will be e are still feNY good towns-lieopl turrets, li a )b Strathe B�bseqtiently utilized inpro,
asticity 11-avo -astly i hing of -the Friday I repeated at Picton high'school, a�coupl; orweeks ago,
-111 stock" an C been N �sed, forhe hialtated lany of the English ro I a B 11 -tterit '
papers in those ji it .3, 'And p 9'r toney to Toronto. Nor h`c, ter township has' been I who send I as if to -add still at, otli- Mr. se�Ating, his studies 'at Leipiiie ind - erli
Lheir aood n: lade 0 Pulp, and La#sing by the Michigan Centmlfor B I boy wat- honored.
will lict go In the intervals., A numb p�ne knots have, in which a I t
2 OW tbd pull) i.on- and too rapid pross-vi-rol Fro% - ansily WO( Geri�sy, w,here lie Aloo flifitil-
t C1,,j on, I thence to Gaylor I , .9 the past tli�ee years Sei- univel J1
Few we ni�y s ate tha e. terror. -to -ii U sities —to: that I unite'd- States. Perlin,. sit is n6t generally e Large crowds baye. ited the S. 5el elf In his -class. Affa ipenAig
boter &Ia.latoy if gin e ps are a sPi col, and form- guislied hims
mrs the sbaTpsill ly papers to Lw the soil and xbout. the place, A local scientist t knoNvh blit the sueb(ssful-weIcE �ayp de phe Gin- en6e Master of � ton' bigh sell there he was obliged to retur
a to slieali same as in Southern Micuil an, and the land ot.eatively is 0 go - .7 I . I - t � o as recen 'I,' -3mechan- bich are i me- erly ListoI , a 4 I S but the of this country.averag hilgher unty arago-ow-mg, We.ask Ino favorsl, is bound a-11 with.- toeil iiing. But after leavi Bay City you otion is III to whirlwinds p sent -6 ty tbll those 'hor coun- ro tihnes Strong enough ita that section to rry si e his asition; d by the hom What he id -tell - s;
of any bt the s6hool'
astrike a track of country 100 'file$ long, UPI wit a "but lie is better ow. papets of - as into the air. teach Ire an 0
111 VIC- t -try in the World. lo 00141b I I ich grows nothing but yellow sand, the was that he likeil cycling immensely, 6 -ad
such shots as w I Rble Re love eilt
I.Vull, Could sav axpres Oa 9* Ali in - It is J as pn�cbi .. -'A remaru hi ent in bArn rais- handsome gol h d 6 ne and founain, as a result
rges S, ciic4 b t I y printc4 only crop ever raised or ever willie raised, ; $' 1 nie an a ress. had improved gr eatly. in Is ei them- - yeit i . A pen,s d the other EnAm 60)lli ipg is recorded in 01 i�- y edern anguag ereise, and thinks to -
:I,! goods We _w Q11let" whici Judy, k, IIII. it,,) cs has been harvested, and that w pine, but the `= in New ho -Xiss S., 11 . I , L e of the invigorati)g ex
it not a little on 004 It receives the nai-r, w a an ap er- -And it deci ard to arge barn belonging' -',to Vr.' t3jiti7 of a celAury run a I -the loophole or are, the, dedly h. ud 18 -would not of ollegiate Inifl- petis d h Fron wou Id eci r roug
I -lave only one price for a hooter go ol 1. is nearly all gone now, & fit alLd -live on livo*uear Roseville, walsI ed fire: te, king speaks -favorably.of our On- an a t I alce IQ miles of it as a gi all*, has tendered 3dr. very. d to riflo SUP Cut ftr fis 11,90 ph. Chatterdied, Some time ago. On June 10th about rty ?u te, or erly Mitehi
the lowest. but let's ca little But, -to return to'Ra it.. There are small settlemehts around on to t 0 great regret of the -tario, roads1rom, cyalist's standpoint, A-ua
pu -le -a went into the wo .%nd s-�I her r ignati and 11 o went back to T U pet Oough p6oplIe s D (f return fire. Ile S III WestBraucbf Gratling and Pxaylord, over cr her three as he ha rave read many of the leading f
res§ Groods w want neighboi as drin an.�JLJteellt, therL Until about SIX J)r OIgbt,inollt_I)S ago to t out; timber and r�buil& n inn a or 'eTmellyn his wheil, wbem- y tr see nothing excep�tan odd A, an iss .1
11�'e' will b gin� oil, rt', .,il Marty huproved highways Of G
to tell you at prod I lot Can Ix I adel perf4cl:l the rest' you. n the: grouil, te an gernent
0 d inv ',iI lie le -hal.1sin for 'an The 14tVthe !timber was all 0 are f gal In raction, his
and w mills. e- until a r stook is r praotiball III the Rol d of joI house or lumber camp, d sa ere a faithful, Sympathetic and efficient one sees perfectom' oaa const
FRIDA-Y and contillu. ing, thc1p on the 19 bh the barn was roofed fand e t, 13 es. that (if periodical wrl principal crops here aeo'wheat, oats, barley the more alZable
f big is' sedi 'teacher. Xls her intention to ape ent to at I people
ospheric. Oil0 nd. two opinion ) is all Speaking leareck at a. reductio,11 a -10 in. rilag of Wt4 iyears,1'at Qu�.en'a University and -secure the of big expIerxeno with. the, Germax - L troyM with hatcl M and potatoes. Of the latter dicy raise arge lY s c �t it baingthooffOr -by tile langllawet
delibetfelY d � quantities, some ba.ving as mi1tch as 50 acres -There was a large gaI
oahie. ]lot a ti " pul.110"S 'in so aito be still and language, 1 be foullul V ont� laI degree of 'in star of art4, 20 per cont. 0 blisbing houses growers at the con ention in Tor, ; � a cither addoc to or climi- on'e-otpliltrillo(l�lestli-nown, pu planted. - in fact potatoes are about all they t aid en work. not of, arl 'hard t07 &C4.11111rc
on all dress -goods, sistinal, of 9T Whittover nit"Y h to trav- week. One from the Niaara- distric i better q d, for her chos con uty OV' olas- in the land. This hou so set Ralp ell. The fruit crop,ifi'a failure every place, -On Nve ig, June 26th.,Iliss observed that 'be inade reater .,progress
f til .pulp,.its pro , . a a a ence ezday evedu -4y from the English sipeak e oling to and fro bet w�ou the �,Utternlosrr and Southern "We Want rain badly. Ir it 'lack -lettas, . . ` . . 'except perhaps - in Indiana Sli but' Nettie irson, youn est daughter of Mr. 'when be kept &,� t the p wool L all(I Colored Henr t;lcl parts, of the earth. C Ina aud A Nye"' Michigan. There the tIpple crop seems fair. most of 1 the fruit crop wR An was united Ing people. R, speo Ing eopl�, �hey �,_( - F' Serges, $oliels, Grenadien, S, Mes hur against. W id raspbOrriesv be en -f raticit An ansbard, nerally a sober and
0 it -rill, 'herever the incluLlod. in his latest aunt, but,01-11,9ularly t F. S. Se"011T. blackberries i illiamip, of Sea- are ge orally a itiatter-of-faet
W10 r 0 no .lia tiful. as other vears. Peaches ill be I vei_* in wedlock r. John Wl 0 have no sense
I'arret clo Cheviot Suit- in, Fletcher, in the pres- in their bearing
ths light enough he has -ne'ver yet visitisid Maine or III , inore t by 4 Iw will not )I - 0, forth, ev, Colin humol n -they
PrO slim, kLnd e it or them,. neitlyer do
q lVhipcords J)Iggonals and FanGy t all the 0 is, no 11 celd To i, tNVO of them at Interesting states on t two hundred ited guests. of wi C,anada. crop.. Gral, a. Neithei did
quarter of the usual ar6 ce 6f abo inv
Ina . bullt, partaken of a bounteous wed- seemingly appr* a ate a j
and flI es and -apples about the saIme.'� After all h
�juitirig, also a lot of COStLIM of protlect�jnta, 1�011 bang. 0 t-hoso In bio litivo laild. ne-balf, ything G1 a humorous strainisl their
sold_ -'eo the �,I,r Nvorl (1,.. PO as wl'.at is the scoret (f Ills suc�bss? He is ia's Falkiner, of Belleville, has assumed about o accident happened the tihre� ding supper they repaired to the spacious he ee a ress patternsY id I bave to be ralls- a thusiastko. , He lo iks at*the -tlliDgs lie the position of lady superintendent of the I 'i has not )CO IlladO -t of. Mr. H. D. Johnson, iTL- barn where, to excellent music rendered by newspapors; t witlAil onlillot -A peculiar 6�funny illan was not in i%
yet. IW ear old son wa�ted, simply because the
We may state that this liberil' -h tbacy f MI hospital at Woodstock.- y -string. band, they. t a the he Ij.&gc is has to ivrite about %vi S�jght- d. I opo acild, Strathroy, the - the Xirkton was not but t� bt of faas, interest- -�A bicycle built for two arrived in Her- spector of �4blic schools, y.) Mr. King off DLII)Call�S pamn do for some hours. rimee d for D,vie 4bull- and thus discovers a passin � light fanta:sj T bride eople are not built that wx
(tiscount i ely thall eoll�pellsate . h t Iriston last week, and many. envious eyes other inornitig. Little Kenneth was 9 j many efuln I ti- rao often seen tile young Emperor and his
lea, but s '�o '11 �jrioe You know, 311oro ons, light a d itsXre�doill ing e, iv Ach -writers wit oil I, when he fell into a was the Teelpient tThe
(1-111co. of soft, Ill. along at tbelsta�tior , 11 boys whose and fresh cyls"niiss alto- were cut upon its dcaupants.� palatial homes �ti and about Berlit�.
off ur I i ful presents. i
t b it III is id oozing from a broke In
T a 6
'I A
I 6
fall what this nie�ris. fLinino, at spec -13.1 pool of sulpiluric Re n usiastit over,
froiii liabil 111ben you 0cp-no to' think of it, -The WocI Times says 0010nel. e more enth
t'tter;,Ivi idows d other. The acid at once -An interesting event took place at the p 1i general] r-
-ild to eop
as eArboy on ti e platform d Kaise-Nilliam I than they are dis- I tho ost successful mail cy4t�. line owe McKnigb� had as p sengers on his train ugh his clothesto his limbs, Stewart homestead, Logan road, on Wed- the ol
burned th to be over his illustrious grandson.
lliiscllie� 0 "s 'u * ore if - and north the.6ther day, a man named McKay, Hel nesidwy morningl The occasion posed 19 Stolle
rom theni- it tatair success t 010ir outhipiftsill, June 26th.
A. E. P ) nc,�V, (lepa.1ture but O' A d. lost unsuccessful i aen - a;,61ld alwaYs with big wife and child, Nvho had come from causing him to cry out with pain� was tl�le. morfiage of M iss 11 I artha, third It was now afteI two o"clock, and he was
and the laWs clothes w. d. .
re0booll to the ji`;3� Park came at; I anxious to reaclIj his destination, so wet di �f .inak ni - daugbt
SEAFORTfU as EL f Dg I COI ated. hyo'be6n without t-1 at quality. Afgba ateil, Asia, and wu bound for in waa in a cripical eon or of Mr. Arthur. ;Stewart, to NIr. T-110 process < q M. 1. 1-DEXTEP. HeaA,, near Wiarthn; - th -tAe up farming. torn from Re -a accid notdetain him tonger.
o Tog ired, and the Mr. McKay had been n for a c uple of days after th il Will. Gregg, of Palmerston. The cierrncI
Sign Of Big ShiP. Iac* -beforo supply officer for the. tio 0 innvl;,o Old Stand. II