The Huron Expositor, 1895-07-05, Page 47
-JULY , .1895io
survive: belor
and as th e for ildren
v1! noo -one of the best ever Mr. George Shipley,one of the;
%eit nlV,
ban were - rec uirel -ithe matter almost dis&yed in the manageriient of this aeffer U W a ula w1ith r �,ch Iging to Xlessrsii Beli an?[ Lagh
inr. Fall
turday morning, about
4 alam tity. , He Agrofie 6 e in g. ins ill utio d, upwards of 400 people being in attend- young farmers in t e I uton Mrs. v I'M Lr, 1ruasils H. Nv" burned last 89
01airtrian opened the prC oeedings a ce. As tillul ra. Dar ofidon and D. half-paist four. The been ocen-
_Lu K You- LABEL 06
`0 AT a amountod. to' licinity Mof
R a neel! of the n edict J isioi I � of, to -clay, 01 he a was pliilasatly spent with was married on the same day to Miss Adair Hunt, C inton
-thorough ed aca -Aon, and I he.mantained t lat Lin a us%. speech) id'which he cordi illy. *el- Is 680 L ba -11j, foot hall, croquet, swings, foot of 04hawa. Hunti ;06Y Michigan. Mrs.- HunVo pied -by Air. R. Bell, but n the night, of the
The Subscription f tte I!_XPO91T011,, -a high krd ti. He sai I he had r ces etc. An abundant supply of refresh - ren 6YLed t' Mrstori,-iiiihere fire r. Bell was not at boine. MT.A. Bell
,price a matricu atioil'staridt would �ctt - cc 6visitors presen -Some mischievous boys unloosened tl)_9,4 inins were:c(,nv if paid S�rictly in advance, is 0919 favor the rich t tales; son aj the F Dor a good programme � to lay before if kem, and, n ents was diapensed,� and a tent on the brake' of a flat car -at Goderich the othff the fu plade. �Ithou*h so old, and the children, ana a miss Muir, of Cli_
neral took
'hoped thi all present would enj y them- g -ound supplied the extra to those desiring (lay, and allowed it to run down the Mrs. H nt ret L in a WOW. tors, were twhe only oecupautq when.the
DOLLA. -mares son, for it would let in the oar i laft. he iir ed her flicL I
If you do not renew within three Mouth$ with brains,en gh to E�es %, stiff examin- selves fully. As the first speaker, ecalled to tem. Foob. ball matches were � played be- Williams' lumber yard. Fortunately no prie derful i tknrier find her ostring- and to e- alarm was given, - Rev. Air. F4i'r was the
of the date on your label the pri6o will be ation which is rich man's --son without. 11bon Common, the Patron ( juldidate i #een No. 4 and M. Black's -school, the for- -was burtby the runaway eight W roe fir"i-CASS. Eunt,"s grand- first to give the larm. The cause Of the
if you do, not ren N within 'six brains. could no i�ed to I e 104 yeai,
.25 . Ile, supported the id'r South Huron 4 the apprdachin� Domin- trer winning'; No. 4 and Brussels school -Ast�kfromthehirini e of the house motlier [�aae, and was fire is tiiiknown.
v pass I t
Coilimon said h had no t a tie ; Brussels Juniors �nd in pi r__
el the. price evfous to lie
n iths of the date 46n k6ur Irab report. ic n'. eetibl`18. MI. Shine's, of Mr. Vhnstone, in 0 Uric, set fire about tl house four. d�y
will be. $1.50. o paper will bo sent longer qntep�tian of making Wspeech. -As * Patron, t e town boys being victors; rnd the Oth to the straw in his straw yard. The, fire death. -Elentmil.
I wl T
than one year before being, paid for. Of course, ftl� this is. being done_ in the h i M plem' see so many present, and a id 7th concessions. was noticed b4ore it bad niade aiiy head- _M is M for, 111gristpr of. Mrs. LOCAL Bitir,3.-Dorninion Day plassed
Send, renewals directili to this office.. public interests" The, 1'500 more. medical way, and after,, bard workwas extinguished. Thomas TLy f
i almember of the Comilfittee of Arrange- far; if tile 1,� ill concession 0
over very quietly, there being no celeltration,
men in the professioni than are required". trnts he extended t� at! ordial -On Monday of last ek OvIii 4nj iir�d by b i
-oney sent by reiistered letter, post -office mos b News 'of the Week. Is Mr. Howivk, ho was �evbrel rge number of our citizens spent
th "xeter, wao thrown blit of th � . I - 11
M elearne.. In thoe preience so I ny elo-, James Wilson,! of el, north of J3 �if W weAs ago
has nothing to a with the raising of the DROU014 ETOLAN: Miss -I in 8eaforth anci Bethesda, and at,
money order, express money order- or. draft, m -The, drought con tile Aay
(juent spelliers and men of eini nenc e : in the driving betwe�n Uentralia, , Lad Clandeboye, is improving nic(-. ��T lor has been.
is Pit our risk. A post -office order u. to ft standard. 'Cer6inly not. But. as it' lisp- t nues in England and the fartlierb in many- i doifterentpoitsaloing the lake shore. -Mr -
order,, it would bedut , of place for him. to he was accidentally jerked out of the ba inv0d for ovarjtwenty ye r.%,! and when
J. Wilson., who is the Rex% Air. Sarin��,g
istricts are in despair. fgy all Al
pens, there arela-good many more farmers, take up time that could be, more 'Dr6fitably back wards and in the fall broke I &r- she met with the W eeks ago,
costg only two cen,ts. Huxry TifF, TIST DFAD. . 7 1 newassistant, preached his first sermon in
merchants, c eat a . printers, and other oc of the bone i
-ciipiod by.otbers Before e el )sc . i no one expecte obIe would1live, I rofessor Huxley, the emir t 14 lish. I the �,�hodist church on Sabbath evening
The change on your label will notify you pi-aaelling election the people of, South sell wng -On Sunday, 23rd ult., . the Winghar�i -T following f Is frorn the
91 urc
orturn- trades people than ; Lr� absolutely - Kientist, died on Saturday afternoon. He Orangemen, of an.nua I epos. Ills e4to last, with pinch ad�eptance.-AlissGant -of
of Our receipt of the-moricy. If not changed Naron wolild, likely, have many cpp i I � accompanied ly a number. f the of Division .
inthree week a drop us a card and we- -will but still those �rsgageil in'.. tbose various so- i as seventy years. of a e. Thortlyburat, is at the manse visiting her
ties of bearing what lie ha -i to OILY 9 visiting brethren and the Lady True Blues, Courts The number of nis - entered
trace the matter tip. capations, hav'la nc t, been ii ed with Mr. :J1 L. Haycock, the ll�a er of the 11181-ATCkEl) -TO MOR0000. -Three German and headed by the fifend di utu b Is" ts in j! 111 ran in ' 1894, sister, - Mrs. Henderson. -Mr. A- Arnoldi
I arhipa have coo
Address all letters and make-alil. cheques pc�wer by law to fix W landard that may be Patron contingent, in the Le. [)sell despatbbed to Moro e(I to the Methodist chure i wher� a, specia 6 the: I rgest ber in any barrister, Toronto its here visiting his pa..�
I ) enforce satisfaction'for the murder -of a, a . reutti.-Mr. James AlicArthur nad a, kery�
eLean Bro'. SO f�ureif he. tr - and orders paable to 4 ies entefing them, and, �4e next speaker. Mr. Haycock id , a' -to the order. one 'ed ar being 257 4 eafo
a raised to eNclude pari German mereb' t. i� ermon was preached t ors-Tilluracity evening last, and
donatfail-togive wero- about to address thern in behitif of an large p4r
Y te-6d was $42, -
When remitting mone -A memorialwindow has been placed in The antou,1nt a f e. Ins 6
thus lessen: the coinpetition they have to 90RETARY.—Mr. Gerald Balfour, all present had -a very enjoyA)le Wile. -The
post office address, either of the olit parties, he would! likely SL PauPa church, Wingharn, to the memory 0 2 3. he' amount of
nephew of Lord Salisbury, and brothe!s: of �s on _ ineinbers of St. Paurs church, Mr. Clausen
.of j tt�l
When notifying us of change of address cont in f 6loe t, i f they, we re I a ask have quite a different of the late 'Rev. William I I i ivis, who labor- paid in o, c�urt was 815'.022J 0- Of i tO aind Mrs. Elder, whose properties are all ad -
end with story to :ell them r. A. J. Balfour,, a's it is stated, 1seen
do not fail to give both old and new Post Parliament for such -powers �t. than the me wils lit out ed in the parish for several ears. The will- ment mim�nonaes issued,' 7 3 qd gin es.
MIT would be sea which he to de- nted Chief See -etary for Ireland. joining on Queen street, have ad -died very
.56ffice address. laughL ed at. The situr aw" dare. - If he wer ape ki be 1,161f of the P dow was phieed there by to e sons ofthe doe- debtors ordered to be conitni Nil, -2j. intreb. to to the appearance f the same b
t, was 0 vner Jose
very accur Liberals is N a 'ng 0 IcLareit, of y
old line vould h e V) tell them ruiLED OFF. — pli Dug an, --gynian. -Th( r6sidence of
ceased clit Ra, r and the horse Y am the erection of neat and substantial fences.
ately expressi DT. MeLaughli n, one- at rainer Charles that eve y politi 'ah who didlQt b Ong to -Grand Master oyle, of the, Oddfellowe Luck no, w,I *vas the -scene of im Meant event
Look -at, Your Labra. rere ruled off at-D� Droit, for the., alleged in- ennie Murray is home from Wing-
'�u The Is y is, a ro gas,; th&t the - R Winghain k, when her
the members of the ncil,whc orators: visited oil Wednesday of last onTuesifl, lilorniligafla
at p9. A
Drigiatent running,( f the !large, ham, on (t Visit. -Those of our villagers who
-a a 11 �e McLaren,
council possessed re 'atrb .tly bell( fit, and that it ider Tory weilc, when quite a demonat ration wAs held. younge to I
power%sildh da no other I ExcEss 6P Exi,m,, )ITURS.—The excess of augliter NE are camping at the Grartil Bend I report biv-
ME, W ADVERTISEXENTS. .11bodyhad,'and ;v1slich-wereadis the country is going to rt -in - If he Jnited States Gave Primenp expendiV re over It was de0oration day and a niimber of �las uni C, pti it rriage V,,tDaniel Me-
it - as an instance, a retinA. or SPE a the Conserva- fRooliester, New Y�A, and Son ngfa very e, the weather being
king on bebW of brethren ;Vere piesent from surrounding Donald, so a
iM!The figure between the pa I renthesis after exab hysician tiveh he would have to tell them t Is eccipts during the fiscal year ended. on Of r. 0onald McDons, , pf Lacknow, vorable.-The Rev. Mr. Kerrin of
AfitellellL and Rev. r. Roy, of Hen
unday,was for Y -V VO million eight hundred P aces' sall' i.1-
ndoor-,plate out might is th� most prosporous country c the face e denotes the page of the paper on which thl vVho left. his -Archiei the I � -year-olll son of Robert Only immeiliato friends of a parties -were
'A ill be found. hou.sand t1allarla'." - I chapied duties all Sabbath last. - Air. Kee-
awt this &eep earth. Bu , as 1].e at Kennedy,. of the to lwn plot,! Wingham 4nf. presept, an the cerem as performed-
pr�soned."" Out of..thsie L, months let I Of 7 V,
rRE GOqD QUEEN: -The Queen appears to rin-,delivered a most able and impnessivile
aOf course vou are -0 roy & Wiscinlon. (5) �ekin for either of see larties, he fered a severe earn Ilound fracture of one 7116g by Rev. A.1 McKay. sermon. -M. rs.
Gent�i' Fur-ulahers-L6,11 a Speari. (5) udged. Woerseed-say-no more. LK Hbr activity MeAlpin of Gle
'House for sale -R, Itichardso.i. (6) Isam' Mrs. McAlpin's broth -
0 fit evening, [Act t tl h a
-A E even took g
are he
Farnts for sale -David %11,ek. (5) e was sorr that he ind her energy are surprising her entourage. 0 lre Arisitin
the in be j ave taken a slow It (tee of life. r. and M
t he could afford to, tel them the the other caused by being t
Lo' is bi Y1 h?wevc r, i erity of er interest in the change Of Minist from a, Is roe, whic i afterwards tramp#',��on of rs. Duoy, Kc P. on �,Janday, last ers, I, thi Messrs, McEwen, and , other rela.
week, w6 -is, on�L I ghter,
Farm for sale -U. Macle. Protectio* iat. oic. could no t say in uch for to pr)sl the 104a herraec di Miss
cottage to let -F. Ho!mea-ed. (5) the farmers of this count I ery keen. tives.-Miss Brownlee spent SaLbbath and
[e thought
The' intellectual a ility Za. William �tevenson of Carlow, died Sarah Ti�r�e, was marri i I ti� Air, John
Red signs and flagg�E- McFaul. (6) 9 irornV�Lhathe had seen a the county Of PILEI..kEtED-Fon ACTION, -It is reported I)ominion Day at her home inClinton.-Thp
f�_ onsaturday,21ndlult., under verysad eir- Coyne, f . Detroit, the ce 11 11117, being per-
0reat clearing-s%iii--E McFaul. (8) hat Russia Is". mit-sed a very strong'naval -of -Ifislf holidays have cornmenced,auddr teaelf-
ine-T. Melliti. t8) writers reminds the - ontreal erald of the Huron, I' that it is a splei did county, and cillinstancesi, - She Iwas confined two weeks formed 4y lRer, Dean It" t I
Bi der twi stlildio. (8) experience of a worth ;natice in _decid,irs�g,, a Vladivostock, and i'a pre- nd land force at' 4'riL ers, Aliss Latimer and Miss Brett have re-
rtist c photos at Tits"a users in it she )to perono'L before, and was able to be around her house town chuxelh, after which list d
A that th ' el� fa iulkbe al party
Platinite photog at Tate's studio (8) ared to make an instant descent upon Japan turned to their homes in Seaforth.�Mrs.,
case in all f *parishes.: An act -ion but in view of the hict that'ther4 L fis Mort-
Crediroftimeetifg-Jubn Beattie. (5) once more, when by a 'slip she fell down drove te;) We of tb where a
Beat values—Richardsobt & McInnis. (8) had been taken befo t -him. by the village gagea tq the amount of $1,352,00 ) N! gistered i liould occui6in afford an.excuse. stairs on Tue d revious, suataining such 'bountec us 6past awaited i t 3e, The after- Wal ton, of Londatil, formerly A] iss Neil, of
Womerts Oxfords-Richard,,on -1 e �could 'WILL RETURN TO HONOLULU. -Olney B. Hensall, has been visiting at Mr. William
(yrocer- to recover the price. of; a popild of agains� 6be farms of - the cdunt3, ob ford and Fre& 11ndeyberg, who� were I ex- injurieKascil., eTgath. noon.was diaancQl 6n, ather amuse Buchanses.-Mr. C. A. McDonald has a
Qood lunch -It. H txby, (9) safely �a y- that they are not as pro isperous -On Wed ada evening of last woek, wo the events)
Skum.mer drink -a -R. Haxb3-. (8) elled from Hawaii for alleized coirqplicit� in ments. The young COULPId Doo
L e, as large Lquantity of material bn the ground for -
Nice lunch on the 12tit-It flaxhy (8) cheese from a neighbo, Th f4ets�' were they should be. He had no doubt, how- Mr. J. W. M ers, of Ethel, was-unite(I in train for Detedit. success attenN
e recent re 4 ric
alliclit, have annou ed that the erection of "A fine brick dwelling on- h-
at th -ever, but the combines and oflice holders is
Graduate Optiolso-J. R. Munshivii. (8) that defenclan4i h" called el grocery wedlock to A i8s Mary A., daughter of �4r. them.
li5 I - they will return to Honolulu under the ro- i let' car er of Richn dXelson streets.
1�yon% ruin your eyesight-- -it. blercer (8) and asked -for!& loaf of bread,-witieli was e prosperous, litic their firmparity is Richard Roe, Grey to�vnship. - Rev. J. W -Thi, olowi g persons I eftl,� Clinton a- ion an
0heap bwtj and shoes [-41-W. H, Willii. (1) tion of the British flag.
gained at the expense of the tax- rial ing far- ec. -Hay will W a short crop in this 'section,
Waddell -performed the ceremoi we,
Oranizeindn remenier-Ei. F. Edwards. (9) ny at tion ]fis' w Mr the west - lit Is. Andre
given to him. He remained in the. store, mer. If thie policy. advocate, 1 - by the Tim Ei)wor.Tn LEAGUE COISWENTIO_�. he . 9 1
Q, ad
oine of the bride. M rs. i, M�ss E ernick nirl L Tayl(,
The, IN h >r for io-*vingr to. the severe frost in the'early part Of
�,pworth League, United States, Convert ton., the season and lack of rain. -The members
Tor Balt -u. C. illion (It) for the ev ning, and during, the con%-ersLL- Patrons were adopted, thi& prosperity �The Bishop of Huron has appoinEd __,Afanito I and Al Watters for
e Sar -
various pretbi c'i he sxch�nged- would be more evenly distribute (1, anti the lag just be n held at Chattanooga. Rev. S. F. Robinsonio"k Walkerton, form rly DeviVa ,a� 11 of the Methodist ebiarch are.bound to have
--- tion, I n 0 t 0 :e,. akota.
ord'a slipper was administered to en ; I
evervt eir
mortgage debt, of the farmers wo ald soon be rector of the Trivitt Memorial chu ch, In I at:ol convictions it magistrates hing neat about ill i church, nd are,
the bread �or a dozen of eggs, :;tben -h ' haugand persons, on Sabbath, and on of _T . J
Mf I ty, I or the ( - this week ai-OLU d the fro
IV rentoved Exeter. fat a number of years, Rural ean of the ( j itiaA endin- June n nt and
'ki-TRIC 10 0-offoris, , changed t�eeggs for -a- half poundof batter, he features of Monday'
or of Patronian he said lie a programme w" a alleds. -Mr.and A-Tiss Nicholson, of Aulixivini
9 kout M;un. of the clountry of Bruce,- vice Rev. Mr. I I Lin, j I, bered only 21. nes im-
ancre r nrise p
aad finaly h1e excb. d 1-latte for tliought there were a good many who do not rayer meeting on Lao I Cooper, who removes to, Kirkton. poseda to 1,75, two those being Mr. and Mrs. Stoneham. 4 ClinLt-on and
I a closi ote
b ndeg-8tand the upon which it is ain. above the da. of fa Aiand Mrs. J. B. Shartt, of Parkhillwere
cheese, which � he took with.him, -wlb Out -The other evening, Myrde Nott, r $10 1 1, and one for $15,
SEAFORTHI FRIDAY, J ily, 5th, 1895 ho may units th inselves $15,0^000 I--VOIVF all giilats during the put week of Mr. &no!
u -id. Any A . -At San Fran c'scol Brussels, and'a number of other girls 'e iTh ol 4er evening th( R�Idie,a Aid on
to- ndl
pxying for anything. alifornii,'Judge Ross in the United States M, . A. -Johnston, Willow Hall farm, Loan-
metat Ilis, parsonage,
strawberry bunting. in Daniel tew We tbsCoIbwaJ6CilLCUit 178
witIrrPtronism., vith pure y s6r( irl natives, iatriet dismissed th don rdad.-Alr. William Mck-ay has pint a
You are sued for a poun of '.oheese," and for commerc a] Purpo efs, e suit of the Govern -
The Domin�o4 Parliament. point w 111 e disap- bush. Myrtle was climbing a fence, when and prq's -.v tell Mrs. Thibadeat -with a hand-
-sad the justice,:" say for bd, as they will not, have th -,ir -xpect&- rient against the estate of the late Senator the tOR rail turned, and she was thromg to some has g mp, as i a t ok'!A of their es- fine new roof on big dwelling on Queen
There is not inue-h to note from the Beat an g
your defence'?' violls realized. "'he Patn on org 6ni, ation 000,000. The decision is I - . � among street.—Ndn.R. Carlile, jr-, in Iugersolt
the uround bileaking her left arm betii; een teem 4 d , work
ppr ciation of hei,
galust the claim of the Government.
-dt at dttawai I received the' a lf6t i -isiting- his sister
of Goemme this week. The cheese, boldly replied not a. commercial one, &no. the o)ject i the elbow and wrist in the fall. hem. i during th� past week,
ini exchanger' fo'r a half t riva. - I the ni Tnax BACKVD INTO Tily, LAIM—A loco- t
0 erchauts in )uyinly tea, sugar, Me . W. Thompson _Mrs. n,11ni is
House adjonmed. from Fridry%i�nni Tuqs- the defendasa� ; I- :—Dancsn Alcl)l6nald, Ist concession of -TIVAr170 11. Sil 80,1.1 d Bruce -field, 179 still
Live and fifteeft freight care loaded with adding to the appearance- of her alre.-uly fine
d t_' permit membars to. spend Do- pound obutto." coffee and saull article4, Is, it hie 1 nought that no Gl4y", disposell ofl:'�)O head of fine stee a to placed $111 1017C'Nhacrugl�rnaiu sent over, the
to,, went to the bottom of Lake Brie at r at( dwelling on King street, iseari-v opposite the
e i ver- bady� of if r. at
B �t, .iJ.n erpqsed ',the pliritiff, 1he if through unity of. actionj they cou Ill make 'Messrs. Se tt I.L J
-ninion day sit pli a onfa. . They re ded husband, Rot H. 8imp
home. At te time Of writing bad no e f0f the butoter." aih Vv buying or selling lin th: a way, they �elley's,'Island; Ohio, Saturday-. The fire- ered tit Bruss Presbyteriati church. It is U117ornament and
Yi ry, I �s weelt. It is
g na jumpled and e!c,,,!,e els on'Manda of - last, mvek, son, in lia acomets laced on
no definite asisiou, neement, had be6n inade 'repo ied the, defendant, I -,re- had perfect right t6 do Iso. -7 be real ob- -he and averaged' 1,355) pouns. The price mid of a un*, tm credit to our village- � H-ensal , tiOres first
1 rionz esi "n, movith. th a Is
N�l u n i nj tired, but t
concerning the Manitob ceived the but, or in exchailige for: it Zzen of ject'lolfi Patronisiti. is to Olevate * ti is so+1 �ngit eer, was as !burned. The cars ratilt of any village. LZO where -yell will for
a, school question, inaterial c dition"Of1 vere ascending a steef). incline dock when wits 41 c6lits, making a total of top, beliri ig Ili.,; last Ext.
except thaI the Sberetary Of State had re- eggs. and' Aie workers or Y Drueli a Snift Helens,.re fine dwellings. —Mr. 11cDonell vent a
Mr. MaDonald has 30 head left et,. A] are —'A\ C ipaid' for th he engineer loit, control �Of tile origins and, deh few (lays visiting in- Forest and Ailsa Craig.
ggeithet vo-ea,16 L)roduoing* classes by ur orned. tIleel.-ecentlV, from
ceived �Ianitoba?s reply oil Tuesday, so-th&t
a,� no� siting them n lie entire train backed into the lake. ceived DeLion was'in L-ondon 9,
said the plaintiff. one common phalanx and for o3e. commim AllanSeager, of Groderich, at I or- W4 death of li! a. fau.Ah son, few, d a-ys
A SociA CONTHAST.—Mis. Ballin-tok *ty, passed Bile ago visiting-friends.—Aligs
thecauntrycalluotnowbekeptvie inuc-h !No. I gotl them in.x6hangoifor a, loaf ok)joep, instead of having them divied, aiid ontoUnive c6ssfully the James, 6 a r on the in This is Malloy U-110 was
I r t C g. a
M repl 11 - 3ooth, wife of the celebrated i� officer 'of the recently the gu4�t of Airs. DeLio'n,. has re
longer Itislisplense. regarding the intentions Of bre' i;ed the. defs�td nt. oil pulli t er, nd r Imm tb-on
cone;seeLi- 12 a a rtairsed last yea,r of the D vinity course, and took th de- doubly sas I
i Rei
:11LY by herman 8, Rogers, ton" of Hamilton, and formerly of Riessaa
-ee of 13. standing at the front ofl his two in since his so d was to r fi_
f War- Haron.—Njr. 11obett John
f the (A*ovekilment. Mr. Foster announced B tit was *at pad 0 . he bread," s4id neutr;ilizing th( influence and a,%,., e I 3alvation Army, wente of- )ela- . gi ned to Part
the poor rocer, a little confused. both. For instance, take eighty fart ClAseds. He Avas also awarded Ihe priz for deowned. 1
loon Tuesday, that with this exception, the 4 areavenue, Buffdo, who ga�,e a drw ving-
t -est s ate al., I
repli6d the "defendant, wib ir intei or should L, ftlentiel tho Vest sermon. being the fif th man it i the , —M r. tier Cook culi Goolerich. 11" been visiting relatives`here during th�
er hon�our; Al kye no more i ich past w r. Wrrs.,Carlile has the frame
ooni reiioaption'� in b' night eek —M
Government h mportant legia- ovei "I did noto� tke, us the fiScal aid other conditiorls -.vb 11 . biAtory of the. university to capture :that, township, ;(1 t Is migl�ortr e other clay
I he I of' sxcep- aW&1%1. the br�ad.�" bensfit one, in st be alike arivahtageons army held a mass meeting on jawl, be colt, 1� 1 In new dwelling up, and is pushing on
laition t D. introduce,and that with this e much coveted bonor, to lose a v )31A. 0 -.11 It ch he h#d
treet,' -and Booth esided I here. -p
I arinel :Vresby-
The jlif, Lice li�hesita'tingly declared.1 tha't to aill: These eilllhty men, united, would be —Mr. Tho ias Young, impilement agent been offer )a feW d 8 gre. ,,uh- the work.i--LThe chair of C
�ticm,- tl ere will be nothing -to prevent. the rhus in -the short space of sip��Ihours she wit -
vast power ini any community. But let
early next week. T��iis the action couldinotibe maintaned, al� W a legged two of the most famous - stree's of of Lucknow illage,had his annual'big de- ning agai fit 't [is pow i901 it was in- terian church spent Dominion Dayat the
Be proroguing forty of them be'Conservat�ives I Lud forty, of ed e ll�Lndle t I Ing the invited to
-,on livery of a ri altural machinery to the farm- starstly kil th on where they were
ast answ �lusive. ef- 14 �brat- Xa.
glints ot the -bonus to' the Hudson's �ay I ! them Reformers; and you have the one ic at bavin had 'a most enjov-
er was ic6n heir kind in - the country—the one an rs of the slai+ounding townships -on Tiles- heart. �g
isil an report,
d for its aristocracy and elegance, I the week, and about thirty tPams —W IT 8 likeoine tilil
sIndeed the p il�n of defendant in this side, pulling and -working alid fighting -of last ab e . e. Air. and
r, an order in, council for which day hih Al Mrs. W. D. Roberts;n
for its vice! and degradation.
were in Londesboro recently; visiting
passed before the session Opened. Th case was ust its gical its that of protectionj ain-41 the other, ajid the entird weight and loatled with !:lsinders, mowers, hay' rakes, Ida f Po:y�er 8 engaged in Air -
etc., drove in procession from the stition, moving ),I an e on- t lopret gs, r. abd Mrs. C. A,
ere in%nonceoftheeight isnerstralized. This 'Brie A
stswhent�ey undertake to prove Y "of the ltz, and Mrs. J. 0,
-stain street of the village. ter, and wne in the 'et of A lug a -stake -in
-n le(l. re
will be sot, e sore heads in this direction. has been the result among the farm P , mand turned home
through the I recently fram X
everybod i is full oompen�ated f6r tho� taxes' Htiron Notes. lough and other p
-- ----- this country for years, and, as a result, they —That unique team of &iving elk will no in tlie�g- d the )lead 0 fie oint-s up - north, where
which they pa a the, combines, and that' I npllrs�dered and limpov �ished A little son of M r. e M-c-Inty re,4 of at 11
e "60rg more be seen on the F-tredts of Exeter, the 'off, stHking 8tankleome jX t abovl; the they spent a very pleasant week.—,Nfr. H.
ege. t AT 7 -
The Agtricultural Coll. ingliami, fell the other day and broke- his e
nop 1. ii:lgAhe-iniall o)r. i in his arm.
no one 10 eft1wha' e other classes who did (onib* and owner, Mr. E. H. Fish, having disposed of wrist, b -et k Dclan, th popular inail contractor of the
the mo " olies gf�it' �.olla�r bone.
Te elosing exercises in connection with or Rodgerville, Chiselbur
k together for their own interests, The them tioVir. J. L. Woodbury, -a prorn nent —A. rear agrA 11. Logan of t, Lumley and Hilt.
lege took place Josephpoinbs, of Blytb, has beep visitin rondale route, has no
the Ontpria Af,ricultnral elph erald is advancing in the object of Patronism is, th6refore, to unite improverne , on New Yorker'. They were shipped from Sagintlm, +as tarint3 in Clin- fine driver And
The 0 naking exteniva sitIs his- rea-
and, consolidate farmers, so tht t ins;ead Of Exeter on Morsdayof last we6k. Heirstends ton, i fife outfit for big lengthened trip. —Aloslarg.
on Fri ay laaL, at tbp Colle�ge, in the pres- occarre in Sk�ivaw. -which
journalisoic feld. Since the presen� �pivo_ donee lately. r; !
is as] Smillie, R. Cudmors,
having their strength noutralixe I by divis driving the antlered. beauties in Ce threatere the des , oti Qeorge Kydd, Sam:
f her bouie,
en' if a goadlyf 'num 1)er of ylslt�rs, �Thoe senti-munual meeting of the Worth
prietor, INIr. H. isminer, took sgicin, ionp, ithey cin have their propel socal nd and t e e ets were all baw: ed oat, but J. R.,
luroa Coursq, Orange; en. took place in Park. Beek and.J. Carmichael are alit busil)r
Diplarr. and st�hallirships were grillilte(i to political strength.' III other words, tQget, —The other day, Mr. Warren, of en- fortu.. tel no datia e ensuedi Last week-, engaged in. erecting fine new dwellings.—
about many imV�oyqents
ten years got
V �,bfi last ek.
alargo num Mr. Judson the fohy 01rits and forty Tor-fainers to 'm sall, attempted to cross the lot in rear of his while The Rev. Joseph Edge, of (,odeiich,
have been made, lie latest. . ji, arin n ot-�& via! to -to Cli"iton, anoth was in
Ver the chasm g the at seaa6 ti er
of these being units 11 and hake, handi" 0 is dry goods house, in which J. Macarthur'a pony is pu-1 fire oc rre i Is pr �,lml
n Clark, of 'Barv�e�v, Prifice -1 "1 r us, h the Village on the lot on his way out to Ita--
reema- the introduction of the Rogers raph, which divid6d them. This can not be done perchants of Clinton w I close their places toured, but the animal resented his intrusion, rondale �na Bethesda
if business at 6 o'cl6ek p.'rn. me I tj �Ifar ate Y -it W not. necess , where t4e Iward. I Ilassid, was gold made list;. INX-r. L. W. ax ay
and a complete niwi dress of ad% -.e and _b6b -it- is Ove an hing. brated by an entertalinme'rit Man -
through 'either of tho oldpartie% �nd introduced him to a pair of heels. The a in being cele WAS
being, done'through th( —Mr. Thomas Bell, of Whigbans, is poll nection with the Methodist Laug, A St. Nilarvi,. Perth. county, first - inedi irit (of Pat- :.
display type. A -though we c ing a large brick dditil) to flits; urniture old gentleman had one of his'arms cut nd —A oss�"` selious 6re onen-red Tuesday
an�not itgree
u every day. He ree
alver me ronisi lefined th�, th was bra ised somewhat, but noteriously in- fternotm 'f fast we it biiii Mi. Joshua
-and Mr. T. F. Pater- in actory in that town. i
with the Herald oli.itically, still- we hope artica as follows A Reformil x is I a M11 jured. :k b,�rn' rr 1.
Lackno, Bruce - county, second p —Several farmers arc u kil i COIIJO A few of
tha Broths ' C "Le
son, 0 nd eb rn have T-teadbury.
r 4-umler. may continue to whose, road is paved with. good intentions, he -�-On Wednesday. evenin of last he ini e ents we' i it burned
0 9 eek, r saved, ba
silver ihedalist. Am, Ong the graduates, the but who never gets there-; - a ir mead ws'f , h the ape that 60 quil ly; t 'X-OT13S.—iv1r. William Archibald had s.
Johe in. the past; an -that the home ,of Samuel arr, of Mo i I 1y; t t 1. -was i in
flourish as he has ConsgrAtive is 6t the or B rris, was at'. I asible to save very sue
only name we notice froin this county is thqt -ho never eees the error of W ways second crop wi be be te'r.' a quite a few new. issapp alent some cmful logging bee' ne- day lao
machir man lili filled to overflowing with guests, invited to l,
of 2 -�tepheu the ittrod nation cf. typ�esetting Les in,' --Mayor Brockenabir of Wing lam, has ',Yr&in7, - -1), �� i week. The boys had lots of fun piling thp
pigs we Mr. A, C, Wilson, Gr6away, 8 apatr,on is one. who hits seen tle error of witness the islaptialsl of his younest diugh- a id ab?'.Ilt E �re; burne, The
to his officewill le i'able him to issue -even, a Is to. sell elected �4'rand Ch � f Temph 6r of the logs together, and occasiocionally piling a Inatt
Bass -wen delivered is wa ull. 'a
ys, has 6irned round, and 'blund '111 qrder of Good Ten polb rs. ter, Miss EupherniaJ and Walter Yuill, a muse jo: the fire is: k Mr. Allan on top.—Mr. R bert Morrisono, with the M_
b� better er thaq he has heret,ofdr done. tth' th t electi On.
township. Addre if
—a fo Clinton pap e ge e us i well known young gentlman, also a , real- ias alte illy given a il�e erection vistaince of Mr. Jake
Lieu-tenoint-0overstor Kirkp trick and Han. He ained considerable len tin the —Thomas F'. Calbick, rinerly o. dent of Morris. ev. S. Jones,- of Brussels, )f a nev bairi. to Ali. Matthe Mains, the
as been,appoi
-Joh;n*Drvden, inister of 1:,zricult isted constatile 'at *veston, good work 'with his they ba%t-
I �
are. Courm pursued by -;he Patrons III. thel Le -is- It lary of $6 and fees performed the ceremony. well-k1nown contractor. ing eat forty cords a an -nine hourw.-+-
This, it was stated, was the most, pros- The picni�� held by the Pat r6us of In'Idus. lature, ',He said toli ey had not a, wornpil a ed er month, I —The othdr day while the cellar, of Mr. —The following is the stari,ding of Clin- Alias E
T4p Pa.tron's Picnic. X ritish Colas f w d
Iat It "a
all tht y Oesired, bL t they had done good. I' John St ry's,house, in Goderi(b, was left �Onians at the Toratito Univetsit examina- mily Berry, of Clintlon, with her
perions year the Coll try in �,Nlr. 'Jam- Ladaborbughs irr6ve,. The a .9 is Ish . i far. its age, and peo* —The Clint public school board have 0 friend, -Miss H. Bowers,
egehas, had. Addit onal rde(t, a tramp! entered ano� 1part4alik of Adis , is 'siting at the
anization t ungua si Thi�rd year--LMiss IN� 'I amble, Ist I
'faicilitiea and en�ts ae being 1, ract for a honors Sig
,new depart Tuckersmith, on . riday afte, noon: lasl' was tAoo rnuch�'of it. In warded the c1nn furnishing furnaces ati-exceediniz1v parentkl home. - Her ter,. Miss Hatti46
ple so 6 times expoc heaftv p digestive in.E h h, Ge�iian,
meal, h 18
success in eve y respect,' The grblindiL 0 dangerously ill with inflamination.—Mri.
k �d to I this respect it is 1 unlike Paddy's whisky: a box of nd talian h
continually added, ing the institntiau rgan in abitorily class ini French.
were well chosei and admirabl ord, for $497. parling's little daughter, Annie, is very ill
Y A ien 51ena had &!native of tbe Emerald. biscuits; a decent-siKed loaf, a oat Ist'class honorw
always more useful antl keeping it was 'ri cent rout-, elm
for th purp6se he weathe de sits. C
—Mr. Geor A Blyth,has
r the school to William Buck, of Brant -
0 a work' g satiif 2nd
I ght. hie. cl� a' certan piece of work for him. Pat Parmilliter, i re and a toler bly size at of butte cKe , first class h sics. A- with fever, and little hopes sore' entertained
abreast of the times. Duriag the past year f 61 the attend e was I ably size p - e onors in of First for ler� recovery.—Mr.
a ge.; �the apeak- eived the sole ebritract for the brick work I —The guests at t e residence of Walter William Hewitt
rood; the arrangements'throutylid, L ut perfor�rsdd his task to the entire' satisfactioln.. ear-41iss H. Rumball, 24d cl. tag honors in
there were oer 2W a taden! a on th-4 rells Ing was g 0. f Mr. James Gi6sores house * d is pushin leaves to -day (Friday,) for Al
his employer, who desired to r'e*ard lisin 9 Richardson, Bruss Is,, witnessed a ri nglitils, French, German a6d Ialiau. First.
were perfect, and ever - on seem d*tO he work rapid 1� forward. _d dilring the Past Y P Is monia NEWS NOTES.—Aiev. r.
month upwi;rds of pleased. I t was a i for his faithftriness.� According y, he eat" I allianes.. bet een James Ireland, a tiar--�W M. Alartin Ist!' (,;has honors in eroy, the,
ter- While AM
be well. plendid *�il Davidson,. of Exeter, was new pastor.on the: Walton. CirA
10,000 people from various pats of the noon's Oil Tre must have been over to him and asked him if In would like rattising in . a g, me of base W1 pho other prosperous young fairmer of Gre� township, lassiels. hi 3uit, peaech
a hav�' nk of! all whisky. e a nev was a fir t sermon at Bethol church u Sal
ege�. Th6se a thou! tin Opoe t a diii real, old I lay, lie got hi ith the ball on the arm al- and 14iss Jeanet, thl estimable 'daughter of 11 _Robert Blair' V rn, � Morris
visiLed the Coll mrid g r t o came from 0 1 ti
Province - hall _p� f Call, Ae Pat had 1 0 L esday eeoing of lai raised on Morida3r. of las bath nio
ud' 1 objection . The hot-. the hast,, oil Wed,� at t wee - It is a fine rAing last. He made fifnires tell their own tale'. all parts of �he couilterro. of need, find tile L e )loyeir !lost breaking it. Ross, B. A
Lie wa6l week. -Rer. :John was the substintial' bailding with steps stabling urs- Impressi?n..—We. regret to Say that John
re JO i —Mr. Ge 'eddie, has purchase is in ver p
0 here i sa ne of t t very befit Y
_�116 w, 71 at" I officiating clergyman, derneath. t oor he&.Itb. We hope 6
a 1' sizes, and a , no eter behaved 'OrgaG d the The frame work, 0 ould not b con- Wbi I
or bettet lookin�" Murray farm, do the 2nd concession of Hay, Arse done by soon hear of his recOVeI7 —.� large number
sk in the county; it is, twen -fi%�e 1: . —Mr, Walter Simplion'sroesidence, on the* Thomas Arrintrou and inp,n, a ad the stone tb
t 4?f anada. aying He take possession;
The Medibal Gouncil. vened in any part 4?f I - - V e L�
therefor $4,800. of tile people on os
years an6 pourit gout a at all dr P In the fall. 41th concession of Howie wais burned to Work by 111 and arosmd,-
'PA comnloilious i nd, comfortable -P-1 k, huell and, fi�i nlen.- Both
I Our remarlic a last week, in reply to - Dr 'arm aturn, er, he handed it to -Pat. Pat took -the ground on Wedgesday, of last week. jobs reAected'; credit 6n the! Leadbury are, in great glee over the arl-
he. � I a and holdin it up -be ween hirn4 —The other morning the 'belonging wo
-we stated th-at thqt.,Nvas a motion gr I g -I Ave
had bten erec the rkinen. - Win, proaching twelftil of Juy.
ted a sha, ly p4rt, t n, and Mrs. Simpson were away at Guelph Hanna and illiam. , Curinin hope t�oe
, I., I - gbalm were cap -
ave, for the -apne kers and the band And tD Mrs. Webb, a 8altford, was burned �to good people Se
in front of which mere co"nsfo rtable as sel. a.0d the light, lo ked at it for awliiie d t el nirronn in p at the time. The his�ed man, was working tains of the rapectiie sides al fring the rals- of aforth will aist. in -decor-
befare the lAOrrical Council, �*oviding that ba fo r' Qie ground, t di- property, : ar- ating their toin forthe day.-, nof be b-6-'
the qualifle t, about a thousand people. T,ilee wer! ell. angi reffiarked "And, did'y4ur o.not say �cularly the �otse-of Air. A. Hogarth, had in the field some distance away, when he ing, which w conducted oil tl�e- old tiie hind the 1lieter. tow d
a i0li for medical matricuhmts be tills is twentywfive tears old Yee,. inethod of )I- d labor ancl lo.tS, �f
'ternoon. I Near b' close shave fr 'on. noise. Mr.
noticed the fire, about 5 o'clock. There had nis of Clint
filled most of the a., Y �Nvas on des0ncti and Wingham. when these
more severe than it Pat, sityathe. man, "it bas bten in m n the stove airsee noon. linniinghant" men, whotberil b luck or laces inad e very ns4l, 'been no fire i �
reft-esliment booth, where (he oravin —On'Tuesel4yj morn ng, last %%rest[ celebration, --�-Y, our Corr
g"f cellar for' twenty-fi ars. Sitre, Thomas Begloy,1 � of W at wawanosl —The Union Furniture Company of Wing- good inainagenseqt, In d. �heir side Of espon den t,after read -
and that the fees be doubled. ThA motion the inner Irian foi- either solid or liquid re- co . plete
sayf Pat, fVs mighty strisill of its" liam'have di posed.of between $6,000 and he baildin, fir ing the article in TnLl E x1�oSIToR,of last
was referred -to a com inittee, and the coul- freshmeut could be satisfied tot �a trifling The Patron orgmni;%tion, howeve alth44 ugh Dungannon via. Oaderich en. rauto for Neep- week,stil has faithli the Farmers, ti.n
to th ding'
consideratiori an(] c6nvenient &%va, Manitoba�' to see the coun'tr 000 of new stock in their company, and =OF ay 1evening, 21st'ult., as the Twine -'Company. Lut year t6ey furnishea
nxittee made the foollowing redoinmendation: larg,,, is yet -young, ind people should not y- and it i ipwards! of 68,000 of new. Stratford
is likely that I eXcilirsionists werpreturnin ry to the
superior twine at eight and a half
was a dancirify platform -for the acconsir.6da- exp, �etoo much of it. isit relative stock will be inbscribed I before the 'work is I itatiork, Oxciderich, a b6y, cents 4
Every one desirous of being registered tiorf of those who p�referred to " tHr 'the, I.—ir. Willialli .. Cotti -.rill; 'who has been about" fieven but in winding
by . lie Bra � . I bw f�ctorV. The build;-' vears of age, accidentally f611 into the Ron,- 11- up the business a
Aldp,,essesweeeitlsooli6liveredl)y.-'i\ie comill pound
asanitariculated medical student in the lihr, fli.-ritastic" to I 11bibiiig the menta )abu- I . ebtiducting A harness shop in Exeter for need os� the n I
tratfoid'. Bra. tford -oposed to be erecW ovbst Mountain. The p the year the Company found they could. re -
bountifully provided from the T JOB( INIJ . Y. Me ings p.
rovister of this college, exeept ,is herei af er lum so old ill be of biiek, arents of the lad were
t� a veral. w3l be put on the 8i te. ithbim, andwbile piss. I th ' ba -sin the
elh- Lda f. P. P. �for 8ofmli Huron, and months: hits moved to Centralia turn a rebate of half a cent- per pound and
boring rostrum. But it riliLy not ampear 1. H. ith his farbily arid
rovided, n List, an and after ovem ber lat, Our trittlix-oy, but dur 8pac 3 -will 1 not, 1wherel,he will follo-Ar..the I. g rLe still have a
1897i present to the registrar of the college derogaory to khe ir —A rislimb child caughti his footalla good living profit. -i�hile
ritelligence of,the "a isarn- e business. er of years ago, while pro- tilt Z edge and And
eruit anything like a o of the Patron societies promptly hand-
ni eport of t1liese't toppled over, striking his head. a son,
the official certificate of having passed the- bled multitude to .5ty that the dancing!pIat_- gilt eta of the Queen's hotel, Brussels,.Alfred girist -the
Mr. Stittford dwelt la gely up —M,lr. Aalcolni McMrty Opped his ri en, that auppOrts the sitting on
form was not nearl- so largely patron.ized as -�ts resulting, especWlyoto young men, fromi evening last by ac who 4&a on the rock a. Van Allen boarded 'Ile father scion, — I lled. his son fro pid. were entitled to �iti -there we
departmental paa-s'arts matriculation e, on the bene* 0 e befriended a inan named Van All' iron stand ed the money to the farmers Outside of thir
N- g -and open on SAurday: order* who
atinin-ti,tionwith not lesi thar. secou d -alass is usua3ly-the case yon sin ilax -occasions, ddent 11 striking it P
)anil of the S*d battititio' ron lodge meetings where Ais�ussions. on a -essrs. in the bot- re
- on hand, firm rup.
The I' in cOi reath being other lodges that hung to the boodle with it'
honors in am.h. of the following subjects :— Pat Wettla"Uisr & - 1,Vilfor inail in M with hini for 4 time id handed him Over tairs, and Wit
it, f rom. are taken part. in by 1 all members d's biick yar( ,
�bvsics, chemistry, botany &nd� eaforth,uraspres.ent,and added much . �to papers: Ivth. an. int4sat in an instrance policy, on which the I A was soon r siore(l to'sensibility, aii(l, 3he Company,: however, irs�-
read 6,tc thus making them a grand.educa agoat af ter ropE Iml and a it forms us t list they h,,,
zoology, in licu thereof n officia certifi- thepleasure of the afternoon by i'tbeir ell —Word has beersireceived, from Thaffitte Mi. Poe r'w $3, a.'short time r dry via
To to tare e ade it impossibl
'and pleasinr nausica,
Live lqstituttoll. He also put in a strong Itit of Clod, kind cf 'business to ever occur
cate (if ha Ang P. sell the" depla-rtmental pass executed I selections. Davidson, of Leadbury, who ileft for Eurilope Buffalo. It eviden ily pays to do kind for a the. familv proceeded for this
arts matri ulittioa examination, and in, ad. anning the rowd a the entrance To some time ago. !He aot ttlong first te, it t -i !was reacb�sd in Sor TjiE Ex w s9a
ro.jIT01t notice A
plea for patronage for the Farmer's Binder d rn,' en- to th station, WE time e (;am
Twine Manufactory at l3rantford. which, lie ra. —The ba I or the return to At Pa;ny's sets so far
re o it certificate of having imssed, 'grove, was a streamer bearingg 6 1 ike most of those who have been across, I a 'Faisink a an rec have been honoableand
,e ,.L , i� generous.
said, was the ineans,of brd&Wrig up the bridge,s, in Morris, )n Saturday afternoon,
not sooner than in the year, t�le -arta tion, " Welcome I to lour Pic Tho an experience of sea sickness.
mnitiatica held: at the end of tl�-e first chair was occupied,by Mr. ohn Go�,enlock, was some Ing a
ex �coi-dage,cotiibineaii(Iseciii-ing:cbeap Wrine
Ted les- 22nd tilt. ils' f the character of: Lo*dpo
OrtheIlmemers. Mr. McLeAn drnpliasized —The Wingliam Times eays that VV
anof the L'niv(rsity course by a � I a pien; Ale
-ecogi of MeKillop, and liq proved too' be - j ast the -the f 4&Y last was wedding day" in' Winfh c. x.'Mo tt and William Breek- 'Centraha.
t that in order for f �ml NotFs.--,Mr. D.�F�ll and, wife, of Auburn
ilized Uaiversit3 a armers� to breaki oil 8 sub d e-formerwinning by a in
be second anA third- right man'in the right plice. The spe'akin i.,bwouldseem. Threeyounge ple that, fewri I o captiiiiins, t BiaFFs,-Ar_ Delgaty sent tip 14.pupils
doNvon combines and, secure. chelsp binder ral tei a. ter' artaking of tea,sides tent the ist tbiO village renewing old to write on the entrace and leaving e)c-,
clauses of dseetioa -to remain in fp ce. commenced shortly, after two o'clock, anti
. r twine r'wnything else cheap, it a not nee -1 �Own joined their fortunes on that day,_ for dqti 14. Steven
was cantinued alrs�og-t uninterrup far a f football, which of . Bel- amillations.-41r. Delgaty condis,
ntil e rave a in our� b r' Ilas the ex
es ni to invest thei: money I resulttftl g "F B_ amillations at OKand Bend last week.'_Mr,
Oett r, for worse." were t I' pes!it Sunday�
This st dard vas adopted by the call III
11- Ban- !'for the in ono goa3a'raechd he ex
after, seven, and- the audierice 'cot;ld not,' —Oil Alonday of last week at the Auburn roun 1-blutIt of Auburn
and, as W rival einterprises. All
as e.Nplained by olie meniber, l do is to' gues a
it bave p9dd a higher tribute. to -the speakers yiIaning mills, Mr. James Young hadthe —The residence of�ouncillor James Lind- I liss ettie We w -e 1 ;t f S. MCCOS, Illas bad a fine iiew windn
use their bWIots so as to secure the' aboli- b�b Ias u wreet lil
meama, the addition of one year e patient age the little finger an -say! of; the 8th coneetision of iG�ey, wu the t'
than they did by th' beaiing misfortune to I d rt - ew- erected naf his hobse.—Rv. W;, ]ff Bilti
tion of the pit-Otective tariff, and hus let in p on at id fa#lily of loVilikbaill ;Tn 'the Ist
-a throughout, an4 the close the fourth finger of hislight hand, by cc - scene df unusual actil ity an( social i)lea-sure in the ul, 'n the Sunday
to the can e. Tae propositio i to fincrease they p, ve thei the pare light of competition. % this ay conducted the review service i'
attention which they paid to eve�y word 'ut- 'the strongest combine in the I id I with the planer. on the'evening of M. day', 24th ult. The 84618, ) afternoon., and there was
thefeefroi 20 tia,$50 was not.adopted. - 1 ipg in contact I of Brus- school oil Sunday
P . can. b 1.� t is v 11
e had en receis ed in Wingharn of occasidinwas fare 1i 7 it- -hililren and parents.
tered. The oil\pectalions' of the:peopl I T11 to Rev. H. E.. Kel- last 1% eek. 44 a nity a large attendan as of 0
burst in three,%�eelvs, I a � Susie Lux*rs, of I
This m-ove Nvas Lite occasiout ) q'it' I and bliat t� —Wordhas be 'I
f 11 eads- been raifled to a high I -pitch by . the arr Y of farmers riskina one cento in dau`x erous and; the death of Mrs. John Hebblethwaite at jington, prior to hia ileparture for the Ful- is hot is he's on a visit. 14�8 Ouisni� -Josiah. Bitt) of Clinton, mother of
weappend the fbIlowing saill- eminent speakers �, 0 arton circuit. As 4 farewell tokenj Mr. of C I . ugharn, our pastor, is visiting at the parsonage.
cussion, an I inounced by the coi. mit doubtful enterprises, of, which',! I Is EvIllionisi, on May 30th. Thii lady I intors snest of Miss Sadie r.
ples, froini t �e p ubli�,hed report-, - tee, and they were not, -evidently, d gap- will be remembered. as a resident, of Win! - Kellington was presetted with a well-filled Hill , t ethoaist Pottle recl�ntiy of Exeter,.
no prac.ticiLl knowledge'. Mr Cu�i ri6wolinq ;g u here, bt who is build-
everal had heird Mr. Carry nday
pointed. 8 the ham twenty years ago. purse. schoo held their annual icTkic � on the Is as moved into the village with his
I)r. Cam, ell, bile person%lly in favor of flo-wery and eloquent Patron Vic Presi( ent, up by a t�vo hours speech. -He'i a perfect ;.Neelads, Win h . mi, the —E Sabb h 'jing, 23rd -alt., the whict ing
Me. Job at fam
whirlwind to talk and he used good lars tT a ar y ca 10 "ve nioqly,!aud1 all seemed preach to the Ora geme on unday, '
xio bini meeting of the High t of 6 Canadian spirit of- Mr Lint was beckoned to enjoy th mseINt ts h
a hit_,her at ndard of educati at-. before, and all were an hear Coal s. Zotbermt ily.—Rev w. 'a. Butt is announced to
ver 'he' guage nd makes' lots of, pointO, while his ay. a yen-
itentioft to t fac� that there is a public. Few, if any, h4d e rd or soon ;a�asm but$ with a, keen edge.. ere was a, straw- ing next.
Ige. h0re are �Order of Foresters, held in Hamilton, last aw The old I dy, who was past 84 years berry fes iwd in � conn etid�l with the Pres- STI-t.twnp
feelill" that the couricif in raising the stand-, tbe Patr�n dy,'Mr of age, had gone Brussels a few
week, was elected treasumr of that bo
leader i tho- �eg- fo-w better platform spea3ters weeks byteiari �rcb, Connection ItRy FESTIVAL.—The festival in
lroil ib actuked by a wish to lessen comPe- islature-, but from *bat thev bad heard and the twelfth time, by accla ation. ago tooi visit d tugliter, Mrs. J. Y. . whi' c��neloffv r n the ' evening of the first Methodist ebuti
ch with the
titian- Till- terias- of this mation wold
eloqueut tribute to the ladies, ft,,tributino, ygu cessfully, The pro'- which
read of him �Iiey hall f(rmed aliigli opin' other of those fiappy events that Kirk, im-d-althouVil 4--rerything was done edt betweeni-.56(land70
IOEI j.A-n
much of the success of � Patronis n to their 77� ceedi amiou�t Is an annual event of special interes6
z�trewrthen hat opinion, he sai and it was of himi E a speaker, an I they Nver he�; I
a not dis- t;nowseeinquitenumcrous, took place for t old lady, 4he Bed bly away, There to the community,
6fforts in behalf of it, and their poesence ibe aD as held on Mondavand
lbetter to it Lke haste slowly. �more t i4dal loontest held
ne, appointed, as lie made a uplendid i mpr the conci �us to the last" ad Nvas born' p e r a, c.1 T,0, rile very largely attened, the g
essmn on Wednes ay evening of last week� at Deceaso in the t4m e
agreed S to the importa on his all the order. He Nvalldpp'ed both pa.ties, dis- A� -K, 1 hall n lie tievesiln surpassing that of recent yea atbering
r sidence of Al cDonald,"Clintpit, in Call) ridgesbire, Eogland, ant.
of the ilience. Hundreds who had kified Iributing' his adjectives! about e,,enly be- was unit- next. A - goo time IS 9 178 The -weath
the imi of tile elevation n1a the product of the Farmrs' Binder Twine hen Rev. A. Stewart unilted in marri�ga ed in marriage to Rob rt H pated. er Was all that could be desiredi and
tween tfient,aw-1 wound iip with agrandper. lint, who died A gpod prog�a shortly
lilm ill e given aer dinner ibe crowd began t
daughtet, lis rs came to Canada in as well�l as the
tawilard. So many interest 'Manufc;or of Brantford, bad a curiosity oration in favor of Patroilism. ba J enniel to Air. John, AYe- 2.5 yek ago. ' The c nteE t. a gather
Ili -til. to be th, list I�r, 1853, lived in Benitsill r for a few years, and !be a silvelf col. here will dat t he report 111 to see antl hear Mr. Stratford� Lh6. genial C- regor. The bride is e eedi i� soon the stains of the Exeter brus band,
0 1 lection at the: idoor.
mp, Inflyy tphoeputan- then in ?�yed to �Clinton where they resided 31 which hall been engage(,l for th occasion
lo. F-.-ioillewll a in the nature of a co romise. b6ad of the egtablishulent, and we are sure a3 was abundaittly evidenced
011I ton had to lie considered, he \that all ilso listened to him on Ft iday, left —The annual. school picnic in c bld tokens of e. �Ir. Hunt'i as0starit, preached were he -M in the istanceJ
U 0 21st u
Is Id ards
a ce.
01111 w
f V
7a0 iS't L'
ility of
a f parishe
4e �Ilk
Drinection good will also the grooin, tip to weir depeas and sons: this first �ern�)n oh the Lon4lesib Arriviner Oli
aid, and if it was the ease that there were Nvith the conviction that big oratory is I Lilly withfichool section No. 4i Morris, was held bo, is a pro aper-ous young farmer of Stan- ere, u d1lers, and the late W ro circuit, the parsonage grounds they
illiarn ',Van in the Aletbo ist jehur'cbj on Sit a ,,am took up a-cen,
in Robert Nichol's grove on Frid Ly aer- ey will reside in the ftiture. sbone,"of Brussels, sprved his apprenticeship ing, 9h& gave pass. ion,
ls�ourse.--� he ban
inedical nrvn in tpe Province equal to his -business pluck and ab M3, :as a f trial discoursing
e d* choice music to
Be the delight of the liatenexii. Strawberriest
cream were provided
WdltorS were
W Ock. Games -for the. e
viied, and a tug 4 -war b
na married men WAS ev
-virz 9 a180 a game- of � foot,
ning. Roolislog partil
A red bv,-Nlr, Delgaty
mli� and J, G. Gaftlaiwc
yajing appeared toenjoy.-,
jev,kni-og a grand concert
chiLreb, fin wlti�ch 31r. Gibi
M+ -O Pattersors,of Denfle)
giaf4 with creclit ta therm
4to I
ftbe all-dience. Tbey. A
S te
.18 a by loml talent,
,ve�y,quietly. There wor4
tiojis here. Ourvillagent
Grimd Bend, Seaforth.
ir,4- ia, where the iiiil�;i
U i4er cricketclub -vvien !i
entiiilinn day -and played a f
e-l� London club, Theyei
X4, R- hard E Uwarthy,
ai*ea the W illis farin I"
reeve Bawden., paying �,-g
I t%kes Posse
tti next. Mr. Ba;wAen pr
Ae " res elorld"g to the,�
as of the cor�oiatioz,�,. � )L
00 forthe what
1199 - in -a -,,cry handsoroe�
the trausactiou..
"s Ny
-an, wife, of To
tie,_Mr- %VW. (4rigg, L
A160day in the village, tht
ents.—Mr. Johil exclilloil, ell
hi&' Ilia parents, al,
-4;ait1d, Carling Street. 1-3
--,of J�ontiac,.Alicblgan, is i
aria, er, Mrs. i1ohn Goul
and. Al 1, .1 rge
Iaq ily,of Buflington- Plaii,
teniled vis�z with relatives
.Mills, of Woodbarni *u t
I . ana AiTa. narr3
' r, were the guests�
couls. u, Mrs.J. T. Westool
bail -a was hi��
-ed �y the Centralia folk -s `61
n el secuni
dis . . iand 'Hirs. vjJ
to yr this week.—Dr. 1111311
..are Isperidinga few weeks A
—*aster Herynars. Heamazi
tiv" '�n Caradoo- this i�
�M4 -vicinity are busy ha)
last.�Xr. W -w.
ison, have returneil ft�
b a few -davvibe begin
is place visitling relal
?sey is seriously * 10
rgon-is fast impro -
uglish fait -in e4n]
a Meinorial churo-b.
-AIUV eveslihga� IRA fvyw
--The Exet-er0ranger
il service termon �.an
in - the IVixthadist j
the briethren there.
Pl,,us,sm) AwitY,-On
-of t1je pioneeitiresid-ents
-O-Vei to dle gieat beyond
-Sirs , relktafthejae
;�Sol �.t ree inlorl-ths ago
Ialirlk afractureof Use
-for., ibille time A wwa:s thou
iovicovIr., ;she failed to over -04,
after endu
alle Was called at lasic
-of tko to where no pain
Alc',�oaren leaves behind bei
�80114. -and two daughters
led in the neigbf;orho,
wer� born. .8ho was the
t . hol:.late. Andrew Fsttei
-9 11
. eof-,.and, andwat the OnIll
Mrg. Duncan -NiceLAftu
jher'ionly three months.
,s abou t 2 years ago, - She v
.j77 g woman WM Sip
-all ',be knew her. The It
attended, tot)k pla,
vil 1 cemetery -on gleduail
CAIIA5--�Akt%.-Robt. H
In ing and evening ei It
Ic in eallneetionwi
rol as, socially., the im
_epJqy,& eVer
bl one held
WroAd-i. The addresses bv'
9,ott Rev.. R. iiii�dV
-andi J. S. Uenderzon
westin edi
g and. edi
_wilTint( 'be for 0
net soon
Thei'Mensall �choir d _1,
--with their various sele
&ti�ring comments heard
-vent:4 plairily tal4a hoW Is
tbei�muaic was. Tbe-eivgi,
'Sch4alchildrein 11*1" a -ISO 1i
lieattcre of the prognimmile.,
--coulinittee is t� be 100
red auch If. - I
-sion, To some the chief
terstly consisted. in
�w&4h the Mies of , I
Ulm 411y provided. Thl'"
ne in providing if I
�fiot money, being the i
-and �
FG-e�Lj ge. Hamilton, of St
Wil ton, of Alp,
Irl, 'ent, _ A. Meeting af
0 �6ty wais held last, Taef
the'purpose Of,appointfidg,
Mri, '001111111 thiaL
ll� ' ' ffi ra wire A
-is- 1791iee-,
No;ris'; SecretAry, Mary
ourel, James Wing.—Mr.
r te I with an
'Rol orso jr., and - M
)erts and M'
:StratfqFd, are-rvii;Wmg fri-
The ForeaWrt; in MW
trilowl)mbLip of 75.
S. R, Stuart has
Tillatbinery to WO floutiri.9
—Rev. Mr. Af
1eave on the fth uly for
Joh'a Wetsb, a
-erecting a large bank
—mrs. 3ioliti. 'Pagi, a
00, by the 4
E ngla-nd.
—Mr. George 13
Michigan, isivasiting
af ter several yoari? abse
Hollers, Beall
entered the Is urges t
oneotiou with Mrper's h
�—'Mr, Qeorge Roeh;
6ts.nw and easts the
tr44te F1 for a breauel
tbafl a second ope-raAtion
;;arin atits, Toronto boopi.
ve. favorably.
10 il...0 L
sa, ledon'Satis, front
- two months ill the old
�I)aniel Wide, of
setved five ve4ris in Ki --
der) his be�n parioloned
.ovidenee subse(ITIleut to
Man was trouble(I Wi
which doubtless her tie-
diie, thonAil.'super-indue
--;15 iind in a dru..
jumping from a
a o6ou of weeks ti5q,
MISS Kr..ti had 1.'h
agnainst a, ear tba"�t w" a
kline near byaria was s
-x4ea MUO
dering her unconW10