The Huron Expositor, 1895-07-05, Page 2JUL A1LWA1LA.JWJMAt I I Shbws us �hat' wstill �cfrdato r Cut in price 1uY for Stiot Cash in t marke _�d give the ca er the- beiiefit. A ver3 profit ia s, fficient, for e -N We have i o lossoes to in yio books t keep, our gc a of the best. See som, rate pricesl, Womeriya Don-ola Button Bo Regulsirprice$1.50,et.1t; rate Womens Tan 0_.�ford,_Sh (TURNED SOLE) . Regular price.$1.25, etd:rate Women's Tan� Oxfords— Regular price $1, c�at to Pr Men's Laced roots and %iters Roegala,r_.50, out rate price Menis Laced Boos— 'RCg91ar,U,'60, out rate price Iffe'n's Oxford Slioes— Regular $1.50, out xi�te price Ifeals Ileavy Buckle, Shol— Cut rate pri Eays! Misses' and Children's -accordingly at the Ct Shoe Store. T. Vo. RUTLE, MAIINT ST. RYIET, SEAFOR TVALLI carry th-- largest stock- of new designs goods ist the lowest priceipf any house I i t New good sold as ( heap as any old stock It i 'date goods. 'Why I can do an iq beca.usego now are bought from I to 10 con "a per roll they woke wben old etock was. My #_xdensi I have- a Vz stock and need thin money. from 3.1 ceiits,W roll up. Window shide �r Cornice polls, &c. &e., aff cheat) ai. i CityWallftper House, llln�in $1. oppabite John St. JAS.GRAVES Practica Paper Hangar T have secured the services of thre( first- hangera and can do Work. at tile thorest n work gtiaranteed unsurpianed. PC r pro abovo C% and ace for you ruelf. Wall pape rimmPod free THE SEAFORI Musical - Instru EMPORT-UNI., ESTABLISHED, I Owing to hard times, we 11a cluded to 6ell Pianos and 0 Greatlyi Reduced Organs at $25 and upw4r Pianos at Correspondix4l SF,I& us -REFORM PURG14 SCOTT B, UES WILL: uNE We W.Iamn�ed Dod's R,dnev Pills can c,f e, Diibir-tes, T f 1)ropsv, Rlieuptatism, I leart I)s(?,-1s Troubles, Inivpurc Blood—ornioney Sold by all deal. rs In inedicine, or 1, r&1cipt ot price. fier box, or Six b( D111. L. A. SMITH & CO.., Tc The Old.- Estabih BROADFOOT'S Plantqq Mill and Sash and Dar Fa This old and well-known establishme runninz at full bl"t, rnd now has better than- evor before to turn out a good arti utoders.te price. Sash and doors of all pa wa.vq onhaud or m%de to order. Lumbo�- shoirtnoticeand. In any way desired. A hunber for site on reas6nable ternie. 81 -in conetantly on hand. Edtimates for the of buViogs In whole or,. LR part given on a None but the bv.st of ruat6rlal used &ad obip guaranteed. Patronatee solicited. UtV J. h BROAI)VUbT, E GODERIC.H Steam goiler �' W, (ItSTARLISHED 1880.) A. S. C H R Y I SuCice9sor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kin -An of t . Maritie, Upright & Tubalit BOTLYR Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Shoet Voi etc., etc. Algo demlerplin Uprtirht and Horizontal Engines. ,utomatic cut-lIff sliginu a I( tzar, Gt pipe aud ry j1pie-fitting constant y &..t*Tr Ptes furniph on short fictice. Worka---Opposite G. T. R. Stlatdcn, GN 7 IIRoll JULY 51 1895* ]EXPOsmilo -N TIRE b]R�IRO fWays 11 oont� I a an JUL Y RRAL' 1999�ATFFOR SA I is Christmas night. ViCy 0 .b IEW' GA IIES OF I ting tile sanctuary. Ale Nandorer of 1 depaod so6ioty. You Won or tillit tile sale, ortl� halt FOR n uOD FARX FOB 0 ty of Tyro was doti-oyad i vith such a �ho street, with thin shawl or at- EST VT Lot 31, -Concession 2. ZIiAt Wk%V . No oldStructlon. you ever soon cc as in acres -failing tracted by b el warmth and 1 ght,- IM i good (onees, orchard and it 'at -84V. DR. TA _M �CIFIEES �SOME to fashl'onplatapf the City of Tyre? I al;(l sits 'the door, Th, 3 int 't , of creek. Apply to P VILIP. HOLT, 0ofiderb It. - 1278. eaNORMMA, boliftion 0 TH EMJ Will. shou, It to you: religion 181 ptettobing of 11M Who Wif, aurveyox., Member of Us TO LET Oft JFOR SALE —Thi ; very d.e- Mateo the Lord salth l3watisetbe woundol for our transgr(%sibils and 1ruised _HO strIle property In Egmondville,, la. a y ocou- or, -Onta pieki by J�, 0. hose. Terms.reamonable. - A �ply to It. daughters of Zion are haii g I Lty and Wall- fo r* -our Iniquities, and the poor souli by. tile a Tells Wlut They Are Ha a dr stud Hicks, E�uioadvllle, or to 1. V. Foar. beaft ith. wl6hstrotobcd forth necks and WantOD eyes,. door saldl "Why, that n)tust me4ja lite. -DUGOY V�OR SALB.—For i )�ake a 1129-tt Hammers the Brazen Vaneit; With thel king and i 1111 -ping as t1ley go, 11,11d Morey for t-heichief 9f inner; bruised for J0 exchangod for wood. a. We AU'Vil of God's Trulth—Swingin Out SU4 41-1bg a tinkling with their feet, in that' s Applyt il's -,IAR518 FOIL SALE.—The,unde"I e twenty our InIquOic wounded foo our transgacs- U y the Lord will tae away ill i6 bravery'of ions., ie be�,t I 0hoico Farms for gale in East t a ban. s EDAR T198F11 POP. SAJ haslor saleaquitiailty i ner Couaty of the Province; size le a 'lie nillsic t6at night ill the san ctuitry 40 all �i tjuklbigr ornitine t I t ff ir fe t, bich cxrL- be 4 buy' ftil.d. t11i11Tr11r.01(1 d t1res'like tridge timber, w Butt, For full iatortitation, write or 11 a a NEw Yorm, Ju )a 80. —In his so r�fiion fol lr(l tbvir-cauli;, I brought back tile Old byliln which she usi%l No uroublo to allow them. F. S. 8 r Urge lot of 'too Cedar -osU sisk tf -today: Dr. Tal naga, chose a- t 3 moon, tile rings and no jewels, ihe to,sing whon,,with father i�nd inoth-br, she S.'COLE, Ethl P. 0. P. 01 The G, aral,'and tbo'nian- Lilage church. The ng ..An awful topi afies of I lell, " Old c r.,able suits of apilt worshiped- God in the vi FORISALE.—Beingfirm lotN0 Ili the toit Seleet&l bt ing the fandliar i itssago it tlsl alld the wimplds and, the Crispig service . ovor, the minister $vent down the *ke tnird c ouct sInon of tho ton*h1p at H bhert, In .at his quarry t^ubro up, FA1" .1 I " (is Mitt-thow vi, I 8, vic gates of tell shal V Slid said to hiii: " eye those wor ds are of mord and well I I 1 4 I _90be. suitaule for 1cor er, s vae courits, of Parth, 100 acreq plate ofi ancl, d for our , . . I 0 - 11 he cut -t tred,'b(l dings good. Formerly own d b� J.b. not prov aga 11 t W Vint is thefitshlon ant Tvr'D- for ine? 'IVoundo -ansgressions T lie ston4. Will bi soW ved too and 141,ntqa�lc V 13 -il we could endure D( Ai )d do you, wouder that the' Lord God in lVas th4t for ino' .11 I qJ110 31 lan of God uu� Czaubrook� late Rionarol Gruen'. Fdriolittionlardasto pr terms, apply to MRS. JUHN, UU4HRLD, xecutrix, ftiiilro bf 1:11,03 dor, havo,of"oll. gazec t lil � indigiiation blotted out the -city, se derstodd liar riot. He knew not how to W k'af the licatorth e_)., or to JUHN'BEALT1 ath t I, ke(I soul-, and be passed TA.D31N, 13EA-T I TI �Cl-rk -1 I Diviiian Us irD, Sealortilli her Att Bey. 113fi-tif rinon tody spread their nott comf -t a sbIpwrac Tiara that city once stood? I 6;i�miqsi -on. Dut a forlwbilck on, th 1�1 lie out. The poor wanderer 'gd!tos of 'Court Coiontv d1ro4tion witl so( Atcoholle Beverage. follow d into tho 9-treet land, aw wo-storf 3, To= nd In's 1.2 P1* apRR'rY FOR SALE.—Th look In the oposite IL .by Williatu - bri. k iousso. at present 00011tiend 1�swlilgln -li� I Hope Fair the itin street, S" opon a ( a 11 L I I,W i df hell. Gte Che Fourt —Alcoholic bovaragei- st ,9 Prendergitia -j ht%s an excellent cullArii a avenleut ntry, a 19 rge stone cistern find is haste , with it ro I member, i!-,% hon the F moc -German D�i,tl�owiiielcupist-liepitronof impur-, "Vbitt arc you doing 11;are, 11%leglill said I INos, 2. S war W�is going pot, tha� 1 Stdod 0] 10 (lay In a doing here to- Wow 'bulldibg IOU 1% he officers of the law tell us that the pallco. "What are Y 11 —00 , t �' ,"erP D. W11,01116 our is -il ti wag Xn to and 1111118 mon, a yo,nng re ate ]a 1111orles, Ino 4 ic 9 larly all the ]lien Who go ito the shani-* night", "Oh," she replied, "I i High Street oce d kv Mr, Mirk Red. eolour, bad a lot of i house i ad I St a f 'on terms and Uwas so absbrbo& , in the Act 1pturiag blt)s ol death go in intoxicated, the intintal warn i myself, and then the rattling cough 04! 0 N B,,A.N.K, fmder will be tuitably - T-owal i.r- 'e airid 4, Jam 9 -fid Paria jookiagir at I I a a Joh i 1jda il 1. be sold cheap ana to JOU+';. U ses, at the1op of tbo� gatasil-tbo mawr and. 'and tt a spiritual abolished, that-tbo brute, caiii% and she bold to the railing until the For partidiilav,� apply heme C0.NRA_D_W.&G'_N inay triumph. Toll -ing nian i p forth. 1437x3 for f, ifid aftc.r* nic �thab a Axiolysin'was over. line Hky and Stanley, ot She passed on down EL d line, looking, '.down I saw tl at tile and I know the whole" S'tory. If be' ithe strectl flling from exhaustion, ie- FA N FOR, SA11M.-Forsale east half 61 ro officers'of the lt�w Borutiniflng the wine cup, 1101 Will covexing herself again, until after A801110 61,50050cm., IMBER becom;08 a Captive of AL I D: P) ty nd for a Person Tithe NVeA half of 1,6to 4 &ud §, Concession 8. 11posi g, no doiibt, 1, was a Get nian and beconi'13 a captive of'all other vices, Only she reached the outslzirts of the a! A I titafning 5 I acres, %1I well '.timborod. . u - give h I lai tinic. Nd -one a I I a res of i�ood hardwood and. � the' balance Is )king Lit those gates Or adverse purposes ver runs drpnk- pass(d on into the cbuntry road. It seemed olitical itsue. ftom $0 to e weiv ad -and h E T Ing to the- V40 - �Aud valueic' d " heialock. j13� it, 'We laball Dot cit., Lnd look- eiineN alone. That is a ctirrion crowithat so faniar. Sho kept outhero s e� 81 . -95- About If -an to S11600mm full lnformptloi� P-OLITI -good roadd 7hls�, well situated and has ates of'hol Umwr 29, BAU11tiord, Ontali� leadt ig it and is ,fthin three miles'of Kippen, Ing at the outside of tile g, 1. -In goes ja A flock, and whon you see Ithat saw � ti tile fflst,,aubo la light in the window.: millb, Ittelill.be,sold cheap and oil eney terms . Ap- sartribn I shall toll, you. of beth sideii, beak r ]load, you inay knovy tl;e other beaks Ah, ibut light had' booi� gluaining thcrei, 142 4 vit: Ill I shall toll you what t' ose gates In othe Nvor0s, the wine cup everl night since fillo Wont away. On thaV PI S COOPEK, Kippen P. 0. 3 XT TO ITHE R1 RTAI 1P to rtduccurlxrg� fit haininer of Gbd's tr ao Coining. In otho: BRAN C-LIL 1 J�Kpo?rde; -Having disposed "of Lotr 11 ad of- With the unbhuicos and d brands one's better country road she passed 4ntfl she- came to 1� 7umber, we w-111 offi.,r ispee, sh Ill - PoUqOL on d Juddli ent and leaves one the prey of ll. Ue gal�dcn ge. She op I lid passed buyem fmm now until July I th thelantern of God's. tru shall lig � I . . - L . RM, FOR SALE. the brazen pit els U11,. Cited: t a Offer the re Lining hitildied Acres, wliic� MI. STgtYp SI@AFORTH. boull"inledout at the sho: . t I Thpie is betwierl itert.y., and fifty ;V11 appetite that may-chooso to a up tile path Ivitero,she pl�ycd in childhood., 1434re Z a being blafik t9h, ana upon the shining lit -gas I . oul. Thereisnotaplaceofaiy he daino to the staps and locked I of �ttl large P ort of ip flash -a light 8 at th rvowz, IDaawbod. er:fl A. gell Bra" baiikink 11 s transacted. the I-eniftin or �beinst 1 rineipally- ha There lind, -of sin I n the 11 Ated. States today tb it fire on the bourth. Then sbo put h 11- Drafts on aJ1 partal of the t1nited St�t� ce 85c. is a I 1i Ilin r spring of to thro 1 ! ��A Credit issued, LaVa&ble in t'w 1"i U ralture ate &J anI. 106 "�,it of iti" P mrtff, rforcrop.. It ure oo§Y ot find its clil(f abottor In the chll w gers to the latch. - Oh, if that door ad G i Lght and sold. Letters of ANTED-Y=pung vomtn b ac res. read _wil sold -at do It 711sl tril &in and and a out,' 5 Gate the Flr'�' nplilr% if S a MeAe on W tin yalig in ispiri I' I t I Thai, -ad she woWd have perished on J" -es ollected, and advauce reduced abitebarean. ForlpsirdeaJars, appl�,WURS. JANE 'V' iR..c#ller a drinkil g been lock Farmers' Cale .Xot ter, good talke-rao, ambitious a ustock; of Europe Cbiaa� d 0 on r Col. seized 20 It WA,bKhR, Box 2 19 Bri wels.* 1417.-tt 0118 of 0 ar on ( chin- or one nbo,% 3, the t1ireshold, for sho Was near to-Waili I I at R V rest iates. as. and lottair pro , a nd wl, a Rate b(ok;, pit barb( roi , a (11 io s; gow or on undaroatl Those- I NLO.r up"rols, aceordirq t* 03it� ARM F -SALk-For'sale 'Lot i28, Concession oi ir I ?rbfoF sor Cochran of the 0 lyteah1111, people asca)e But that door bik, not been locked since -E P A R T KE01"W"I"M 4, To ntilitil of pay, cont dningUO acres, 70 of legal ponalty becait�e they are all licensed the time she wont away. Silo pushed opeo krautford, Canada. F irstimto boured the destruct ve acl& o i 'n which are'' cleaw I tile rest s weft timbered,witb to self liquor-. The !,courts that license the the door. � She Wei Lt in and lay down ei� I epw its of n0 Dot r a rid. u wards received, and i terest allowed at hiahest curmalk I tl as Plat they stocked In't. to ighteous 4 I en& an(I Deeemboar. 11111ple,'ash told oEd- Ir : good fro me ba;rn, 4000, new stile of stror g drink' license bli " the hearth by the & The old house dog re tea. In bere d A to'prh cip twice each year -at the ho: neei 11 -40, a getoc log houite-and other ifflatign. And yet.a groo-i deal oftfie gain 1J igi f . Tackersmith, bereby 4 'it oil W a� lie saw liar enter) but fl N D U( tice of dr at is r ed -the whole or any portion of a deposit. -late wa-9 for out baildin 9, good oi chard ani [ plenty'of sAnall fruit b A Iterature of 'the (lay is 117,t ripped of houses, 11cousc libortinism, license disc, gro led zoos wItaering their �cattle, iiii tld 9 ti, the Y Ace lie race, whool well � ors1lowing the - i tree:r a no ver fat Ing spring ctoek.'and1wo.welli. license datith, license all �ufforings, All soitictblu I guized, and .GEJL ppultr t _a I xw. I� is strowil in your- LTIors; -it. This iann i! well adapted for graln.or pasture It III crintes, ll des ollatious, all disasters, all he IrNked about liar until her! abiftoti IL S. W. K. PEARCE, Agent. a-sround -the. ilro19.1a your libraries. Some -of your obildrah �p With uWauling to U-1 and "r -1, two in :es iron Kippen-and three qs%I dt),%Vn ill his joy, school. it �vlll be sold chlp. --4( retired' murd It Is pushed liar cGREGOIL shi read it* at night or they ha ors, till Woo. 'the courts andirt ioe �n log,islattive that are swinging *Ide 0 n In theniorning �Jie inother Can e down, I or are apply to QE0.*E. G-RFKNS- �ho 4as binintim swung as near is possible jauEs G. *qZSNZXY, True. _ r g p 1 1136 c4 I ADE, Kip. -it P. C. o t1eir pillow. Muob Of tills 11'(rture Is this grinding, creaky, StU L JR111dous atrof and Alto saw abuiio� lo of ragsonthebeartli;., THE fttion. tile lost. but when tho faw %�as upliftud sille knew undili-the titleof sciatitificinforin A 0 [private funil AlUABTPARM AND 71ELAGE lboot agent. with one But ou say: "You have describcd t Iinfernal. a I% and it -was nc i' ore 61d Met of the COMMERCE of - thos C AVX� NO rates of inteX pito: Eft Y.- - -% good hundred locre Ifarm ri a 4ates of hell and slidwil us how thl$y swi g strai6t.. Throwing 101 arins aroun the ro'� fdr state c eu tivation lotL ' boot R, -to!, -ad over with selcritille ijomeu-t . . @ 16, in M - Tt he !2th Jdigal, 81 0 ried, "Ob, Maggio! I,�oucwtqlon of tie tonship-of Gray. -A good Brok cl� ii�l (Itit inSo botal and )] d lit one lit to' 411101V the eutr,�Ilco of tit() toolited. turn �d Pr( ESTABLISIIED 1867. V11a of Cranbrook, I -at ffirou It The child throw lie, arms arollf C id bet 41-2000 PwAd axid Viall n the said n-' t �i nl all to, You not, before you g I shi , knov �i as It T to Beek also a y Los and sold -OE, TiQRONT0. 1f0tarin t Le V%w dt huildrod cop I I q HEAD OFFI t W311,061 It is appalling that ) nen 11.1 lie scrillo tell us how the of 1) 2110ther's neck fin"I 0ald, "Oil, inother!", 9,12a goc franic-store in said village. -Aw id so gate. 1,5L0.0 V-ithk tw6, !io 31lay swing out- to allow the osicap, )of t lie and 10ile they whoi,einbracoo-d a rugged, 0 $61000,000 tbinkin, a 111estil wouI4 dd well to examine tits W)n anwho can got tbr0"'ll th Ar fandl A PITA (PAI UP) SIX MILLIGN DOLLARS 0 SAIATS, �� y v I roperF7v, hich w �i be sold at a very reaso_n6le r reply, but very few escal a;- orno owerot L 0 loin. S r ric'e, Ili no or nore parce a to suit purthamrs. pi ys� ioian till tile useful' Infiwinat 1011 _tlloty nJ%y and withotit any dontin Anatiob Of tile thousand thitt go lit S)99 Parish, ther. The severity all. gone out As facef K_!ST i Nd flopst Ertber Ili rmationwillbe fr.oh, supplied to ity. �Iipposic One of those Wanderers shorld lie stooped and tfook lior up ten er and R WALKER, GmiB"I, MAXAGER. 0 rie SCIdres 4ng the uoderailined, �t Brussels. * '6. -if. silould wado chin deep- tbrough such. ao-. to county. FOI Ef2AIR,S&Iicktor;F.B.8COTT,Auc�ioueer. ullock, at your door, w uld you ad,, nit Ili kii! carried her to nidtheri's room wid'laid her STOCK a ;nder tb plea of gotting ,r out of uT . Ift c ra, tire 1379 do. bo-awlit that rinthgpresses leii than CT -Bankina, Eusinees Trans ­14or S1lpl)0.SC YOU kutiw% wl tore she can in fro: ii, d0w;a oil inother's 'bcd, foi� she dying, i SEAFORTH [�RANCHV I would you ask her to sit down at ycut Tilick the lost oilb, looking up laro liar A Oen!ra�, acted. Faril)ersl Notes diSIOO)anted Disft bopi lig to bo called doeent I ni d t 1A elliselvos BALM a Are low. GOOD ?,-VESTMENT.-For saie,-af 'all P a baq an, uo thers, be � dining tabJ,p" Would you lie , ito niott.r's faeo, wd: " 'Wounded for � our issued, po , ble at all 1)6inta in Canad'a &Ud the prineipal cities lu jV a. fliw �,Jstorev brick - block with good- st D "e-' to ti Is I&II-1113% Fathers wd i ii B% aper j� r verad'vvith iron roofini. T Ai. the goveriloss; of your ' c 1 F ttangressions and bruiF(,d for our In- itnivials vdth ill colle'ai works. collie: _ 1, So. 3. Mould. hmses at re -L and iLlI cc not by'llic, title !serwal to 'tuit the bud tin b ock con lin I w a fino stores with dwellincroo vs - N NV0,111 you introduce llor aniong . rour IP- lqul�le's Motberi do you think that '-the Unitec..Sts,tes, Great Britain, FTance� Berrnu.da, &C. 149. Ther Yr Oth In tenths of tbo 3usado. . I ; .8eafortb i)01 ' �AVINGS BANK D5PARTMENTI, ly ill the re, and od (t.ht.r.d to ood tens ,,6 books coniT hot froni I is riio?'.' "Olt, yes, iny darling," Would you tk �. the e- mcall Dv id girosperi �r of Rensal surround t1fe ost world, though their nitily have oil ed as it W Cvith 41 the nest faroilng country, inake othis an A No.1 Ili- 'the tile nallies Of tile PUT: h6uqcs sp UgoAtbo-outsidoof lie tl�o nlot�lvr. I $1,O) and, upwarols rc-c 011' 6] [1-ty of P�1111 niothei is so glad to get Depo�slts of ei-vedj and urrent rates of intermt VULL FOR v6st xi3oilo lil'-inz iapitfill.. Satl,ifaol�ory o ilo tile on t1i o ins,de you bac�, don'P fyou thi ghbred Durtau gt nk God is glad to went furl York, Chicago ane,' I'll Idelphin. -reh at the nd of May and Novoix P allowed. jOPInte t &dd d to rho, principal reasons for elilling. . For lurther particulars oppl %, to of 1:111, glito is to get Out? gat you backo Tie li V, Bayll ortb, 41 either J. P NIAIRS ffALL, owher, or -G.. J. SUTU I &� dore I, till thd novole. uraturcof -o she dyiu heir be 9, Nader, Hansa[] P.O. You would ]lot, not o6 of athousan of And i lit), Rn �r*in eac4 year. ANP,Nota�yftblicswd' ouveyz - filing ove I I and I t 1, t] 0 � v r tile land by tl 0 million. to the collection, f 00nimercial Paper imd Fsr ainter. Ontario. I 14184f A . t. lore aro good. novels. tliat iiia long, so, you �vfluld ditro to (10 go. You o)lild dreanis atul all their'prverswere,h1led Special atteltibn" givie t 11 at, rift ns- i '�d 'V 111 I fO 0 1 te _ E� tind With thO01. s, , ;o n c(i r I 1! tra 4m" BULLS 17 I. rul poqo there my be goAT n o- -cls mers' Sales No onoossiou class paper R SALE. -Lot 25, Conces� -,a g ooa nov ep 0�v hor lisfortillie, but givo IloT gresluils and bruised for our Lot C arc aiort, -and so the're we r 'At. MORRIS, -Manager. 11r):1111113, Bull qtice. Ali sion-6, Township of Morris,- containing 150 a lick do- F. HOL -ESTEA Solic itor. It" Tho D 13r" ' -prautical help you uovc� will. I tit you until itist Iniforo the inoniont a. -rain or stock, situated two and, a h.17 a iexv-! t; n. - �o one- of. of the suitable for l. it is th _op I I intollor. Will sav, 'Are thero no wys by w1 turol her-faco lightedup, sbo Ing ilie miles from the thrivin.T village of Brussels, a good -al 1,, r reads tb a irlt thi, it ( gravel road leading thereto; 120, acres eldared and -no one systeuni ii . WUM orer nlay escape?" !Oil, yes; birce, or Pardon f God bad dropped upon her soul. eeps I—Ak. - - tualps, 6 ayer�t�o novelette of this, I t WPM,. free front a to cedar and ash and balance the F�iwinjg girl'ii And th, ro sbo slept way on tile bosoin of hardwood. 1,13arn 0 with straw and bay- shed .0r. The most of- four. one wy is -We t 08 Ints FOR SALX 40xio, stone stabling -i iuderneath both. Tbe house vics 1love lott0s al�6 rit-f-li by broen dingy, colt], hunger blastvO. But a pardo nitig Je its. So the Lord took back it garr sale -Chree Shol+thorn I is brick, 22x32 with k �heu 18x2fi, collar" underneath you "Is there no other Way f6r her tc one whom. the World rojected. B H d(Nva literarniou for small both buildings. -All ar � new.' There Is a large young Oil, yi�,s. Another Way* is the -sweWemombsiold. T%oro. orehard. School on ne xt lot. The laud hits a good tilni, on tho principle th , havin failed T a XXome of the Cary Slstei�s. natbral drainage, and the farm lain good condition. II ,iy ])a- st-reet that to the rivU, at midnight,' Dams- -sired bY Satistactory reasons fo sellit,ig. Apply at L Tax E. 11 craIjuro olevated'and )uro, t r� a PC the end of the City dock, the nio6ii.shilling cloy rnook, the ]ionic of the poA sisters, Ill, of fi at I rim I t to, sbecoed lit the tainted d th nasty. nent 8 WM, BARRIE Alice an 1.111mbe Cry, near Cincinnati, PoFaTatt OFFicit, or on I he preird as. down ion tile Wator Malcing it look so .1 , - ate 'o r: -on 10. Tackagoomf tf 0 i, this Is wido g, hell ased i ew Y )3ROTHM, 1386 book or S111010 h. by their Drugs c18- -7 has bet, pnrub adcoutof a bad t)) he -,venders if it is de�p enotiff Iffelong P1 I 101 is 111, OR SAIX.-Titat Lluable farm property fknown It is. N 0 as, hose son Mrs. bf. Louiso Thom 1.91 tWalk 13ontnian near cnou#li to licat F as the West part 31 Lot No. 22, Cone0slon 1, paper. E,very hingo il thei terjolood type. tile lun�go. 1�o watchnian near enough to itiarried �,tbo oldest of tile Oary sis tars, and of it corr flit printin pross. E' ver v- bolt or . I - -1. , BULU FO-R� Con- a colic stomach of the Township of 11% -, Loddon Road Survey pick I tof out before she sinksl the tlAfd it is intc noled to preset ve it in t! io antily -with a colicy b illy oi tainina 37 acres of lain. This flop property is right. IO..L-Of*llltttg�%t.0ili3iiii(le6ut-Of thoplte thue Nootherwav? Yes. Bithocurve 'is a Car,.,' It Is Thonlas' isn't pleasant. Rither can le avoide adj�)hflngthd rapidly growit villageof lionsall. and of' an ur Clean pictorial. . In oth(r Words, I TRMEY PL%L F0R SEF plan to i old thno ovoline.;s b Perry avis' #J basiCirservicevnLot" e e P i U bottle o I '73. entbract a over 14 acrot of wat ig known. ws the Ran., of th6 1railrmil A the point whero the estorc all Old g. 1) , sall Race Couroe and I Irivini . d uJilon Aich era arc a million ]lien dndwon-ion in the 1, - of Clove lilook by plaV�ig in it liar centnry X r 'R - ine shef. It thoroughbolId 4emev tall - r Purk ar *1 of tbd lightning express train can (in th� meffic linsi -ves c,)niiderablellioney-and lab Upited States today reading th, lot hogany furniture, blue Chia, en attacks of Cramps, wbichsh iedl)wwber. or has been expendo on not yards a4ead to the forin old ni.l. is Zivatiiablq- �r � siudd terms, li -st the time *I P.m Wit ig it up, and It N one of the ver 'best In the to 116,111 I . that ij�� tile track. iHo nlay willtitlE books, volutionary 1 relles of price-loiss ClibleFa: ;'Vloftus, Py ,,entery autl Diarihcea. ve con- Cou uty. This is a*gra id chance of purchasing what when In Ono of our cities a ta valuo, ait(Iniuking it the suinnier homoo of Ju4t as for litightalmostbetermedas %,IlI%epKopert�1ats.rea-' (10 svii , br kus, but not Isoon an o , I I 11 external pains. Boll %lite price, anst W h prop- I . alwaiys be In. f ilyfi'll Into ruins through thehilsoleods , disppoint the oks her deth. tbofainily, The place atpresen#,contains asnooufni in a half al,.s of water or mill: (-wa f onveill y will one who. Be Preasing fit value- w! i the growth of the village. one 01 its nionibors, the aniazed mother ME02WMLWM I iit 1.10 acres, with it good brick house and now For I further particul re, apply to NURS. Bit- GIL- d to Ithe offi : I Rnt you.say, "IFult Good good, and we BOARIS Fift i hb forgive?" Yes, b IS, CE[EtIST,, owner, a to.G. J., SUTHERLAND, ver supposod tbere was anything Nf r(;n ut n;an will not, waln. barn upon it, the original frame building rice Notary Public and Cc veyancer� Hensall P.� 0. an Will not, society will not. -The eb it rch in which the poet sisters were bor:n I)aViDg WOUTH ]BOAR ng thl 'o Ii I ..or thought there could'be . ant -but� it wl.11 not. -. Oux booti suld gonia years ago and ramovou t if -ilenco of, God says twill, Than shosat weeping IIIt has a ARM FOR SALE.L 0 'got work. �iiiust be prevention rathei Mount eaLtby, a mile north. rT TED In the county, of Huroq;� f soul() time and s d: " Oil, I I �av with iviowirtA poadlgm� i jai" at t.-srVice with privili ds.) And F tonallie of blelifflop, in the Oth con"salon, I know, I kil than cure. ebrniiii -3 grove of several acres of wood-' rices. lot 34, cousisting of 99 iavres, 20 of which-tite-in bush �ft I now I ow I I fout d in her Great Evils J Soei,64. land, an I a ibc utiful atreatill crosses tile lory. HUGH XcCARTNX not culled ; 3 -acres A bush being cedar the real I areau after she went away a Will book. 0 placo. hardwood.' Th6 beanco of the farm Is in pies. be- la h 5 Three gotil tions of. the Carys distin- ingpItatured. There -is anew stQne houtio, well furn- booksellers have gathe red up the c.q talogifes 1just as certithiky a God I and the Bible rc S"kab ished, having' 1%-roomE, 1 . a all, with kitchen and wood- t's wQ' slew T ese leprous 1 Those gate of hall ai�o to�b6 prostrated guisbed the llselves In the service of the Wall I i�p Aper Rush Bthorouglibred s all the mitila and feina-lo semb arie in true, but it svill. not -boldone until Chris- iff-vies 01) ot 0 �oonesodo shed. A epleudid , cellar, saft,water cisiern, and country- -ffif t. Colonel Christopher, -to vrinvilag Serkvbiro boars, never fAiling well of ex-.,ellent spring water, There- a United States, otitaloatios Containing tia niell anic Women, quitting their prud- 0 1 0 -_ is a frame bs�rn BW6, and uther out buildings. ; 0 t0f, I whom t his ra ut of , land Was made' by no t4o naines and residences of all the stu- jery and squNiinilshilless In this matter, acre orchard of good nursdry.trepa, and a jearden ef James 14tollson, the fourth president of an so re, fenced with wire. Ing' �ents, and circulars ol death are soot to rall the -%Yhc le' Christian sentinictit of the Z, toy ode- both sexeL I, AN -D— 0SJ A spirit cfeek ris nj the Unit ed Stat s, about a con tury ago, in IS NOW Ox Will P. o. Ar viiars ftfri i the adjoiLoir farm, runs across about t -.e mAille every one, without allay e--weption. lCan church and wsail those great evib; of soci- Ireturn for loyal nd gallant services in the I for further particulars apply. to W 9. 0 ining no anything inoro � et Iful? ety The bible utters its denunciation in of the y tfe- this d MeMIG;TiL, Box 70, Seaforth, Ont. 1486xt Revolution; sec)nd. Robert-, his Son, and warf niato' or pa old porson,. who has not bad piety of the dqy,J& such a namby paniby . I I -sent Lit the surrender of Thl' t, a young person, inalu irection il'gail3 und again, and yet the the father of tbf poet sister.%. in the e L I] EN & WILSON I�,ht you cannot even qnot FGWIPALLIE. off0r.ed to Idin or her a bad book i a bad sortof thing, Hull, arid thir�, Warren, who still livos bouse to f out Scripture Without making sonlobo The frar te shop In the rear of OCICifellow's Hall ie. pic,.Ore., Scour your d dy rest. cently use J by Itoburtson &-Son as a workshop. Pur- upon tho OR 1, Pi cc did good,; service in the wh6tli or there are any r a Aled less. As long as this hot-.,, Imbecility reigne of thegoadde lice Ca §,,, chaser to lave two months to remove the :building late civ 1 Ni it, ry was the fli-st '7 0 ypur parlor enter table or coiled , an Id In the e hurcir-pf God-. -sin-will laugh y,)u Apply to onsi A. F. Hollansm, seforth. 1434- to opresident of �orosls.-Worcester ISpy. th lot sot on tho dresstvg cascq� I a( Jure to scorn. I do not know but that 1) orE A e! d Ley arp, witbout a do0t, showing the finest awartmet Our AL-ect 40unee MONEY' YC I ofore tile sun goes down. to: OX)IOTO the church- N4akos up inatters will got r rea�y for i an LOST. Not Goo i I 1n lillelionnatse -Drqssing. time and monq haully libraries with a in xb ble uffalo young wo 11 goods in td*n. Now is your chance Papor never - was so atk�6p -orsd and and that there will bavE Lost on �slturdlay, Joins let, on the Town line 0, yqur A cortain B an who of ne'� the Bauble tine, between Slake andbir. Robert Turcer's, Bel! "Reancril bar' that one I ad beat- justly in ides herself on liar knad � t Mak- �tl: 3y. o bo ofie lamb sactilficed front ctich of ilic- tauley, 4 pocket diary, containing over 81,00.- The or I btV� picture i uay do tile We& J or oter- moqb carefully g . narded folds, nd thowave an apr bangin' ne�er so reasonable. Beautify you houxes, at Iftfle cosL Canadian other dainty dlsh�s recent- firidar'will receive a n6eral reward by retur'itinir the Wit I wailt to arouse all your ; aspicio ;of uncleanness dash. to the spire:of OlLeVil- i -ito a fewfi-lords foran Via Tbraztti� satue to JOE -IN A. MANSON, Blake,. - :1434-6 y, y df in) about novelettes. I wat."to put kon )it Ingo church and the top of the cathedral I evening lit (d rds. She conchide that lob- IRAtIsh �Col=W lilay toWdr. poll CEDAR. P067TS'' FO 8ALE. the vwtoli aginst everything tj star salad -s otild be the best thing for a Di �FOR'SAMPLES. i patriarchs and IOom like surroptitloils, corresfon 1011cp. ropliets and light hinclic )ii, and accordingly, with liar 4()ur rat" are the 10 ion an- The undirsivned has Inow at Brunefleld stA' ntlronghtbepostoilfi�o. Iwallty0atoun-"I iall 1�e galists anq1L&ChrIs6 hinielf have usual cn,v, Icked over tl odate ot-of-ton ciistollners -we ate prepared to ve other 'ear loid of flist-olas8 cedar lobs�(V, 311UL-d tooll'suit I rybody posts, whic,he r and that impure literature s one 0 :th nolored against tdiese sin�s as agalust no; the niayonu tiqo dressing and ut the dish IST 4GARS for Your will sellat rpduced prices -from 7 cents to 10cents, do'st, I I on t -he Wroxeter �rder to ado: Ali-) po0ts 81 feet long,'suitAble for Page %%*I'e fence, the broaq6st, highest, mightiest gates 10th 3i., und yet there are those Who think DEL R all do f pa r . Ili$ I)er FREE at any place urther infomatio D .. . away. )i the botir for serving the re- for f -12 cents a ought. 1:6 when we speak of tbesoi fr JOH Lffl7l.3130110U(�H the lost. W -hinebts 111110 around, the guests sat in or Bayfil,� Id stkgoi linel So6nd a card for samples, describing'robom it is wanted- Statlion eT. The I)Issolute Dance. �Ilhjects, a toe apologetic. 1�pilt; illy foot, ! I I . PI alalut lfflt�Cipllt!1011 astho. appeareO. We will be please for and pproxn)�Ae firice on 01 the conventional rhetoric on thisi to -fiend samples and prices by ro U. - NOTICE. Gat 3'tho Secoud.-The dbisolnti d 1-110 A�, It wiis bitought hi tild has as 3 thoiig�lt n Servi Trat 'Y �ul�ject, and I tell you p1tvinly that unlesE iddress— Nnt tea is bereby -given that a by -I lou liall not divert nio to) tile go VVI she detected it pectillar odor, but tisicribed retil DWI, a Wag Pot ssed by th 11tirlicipal ty of the Townoiht� leXill on the syl)j(%ti of dancing. Whatevor yon' nul: You give up that sin yo-tir dooin Is sealed, Iof it to Sonle � ]law perfunic thq servant ])aid er=d Txvft 29tb da.t of Apill, A.D., 169 ic for tho issue and world Nvitbout (And you will be chased Cl,.r,- any of (jet t 5, providt think,of the parlor dance or, the Alothodil used. Oiia'gttcqttoolciittisteloftliesa]IW, to the amount of V6,492 sounds of iiiiisle in J)y 1ho of an incensed God, 'I a drain in thtt yfiitern Ourner of' MS', for the our- otlop. of the body to gave it startand put down !iliF fork. A Tabn its -00 Ll EN & WILSON niale I. -1 . I I A the Muricipstlityand that sudh a by-lc� %v%ag register. 010 family or the social ridl you to it besic-emet)t 6f tho gates of refunded. . f..Irald, I am 110 n y9ung womn who took at good mouthful 40M W110- Ied in i he rt gilbtry offl­o of thoi Ccimity of Ifurnn, on now d�soussiug that question. IY,, lit -11. Wo wmit in this besleging.host uof� coiigliedti)tliiia(loawi,.Yfiec,. T�iohostesg soly-ft1s: 113LOb MAIN n fl,l) , �,; KI STREFT the is to day of ; yo 0 May IM*Amjscsett� — _- of her Nvn prod- A.D1 '1805. Anj, inotion to .-tonij C With me tills hour in ]Feco,gn soft -sent ill) ontil. lists, but i1nivill will) r( then confideniqly partook to set agile the same, anyrnthereot,timstl Zin s f;! ad within three moath from t h� date of regls-� that d A� willhng to inke and give hard luiocks. r >rol� incic uc J'. ke lit there is it diss, Mixod tratioui and u%n6ot be miLde hereaft-Jr. The gates of G117'.a were ciii-rit-d off, the "Gracious goodness"' 'she axelaimed *me XAW- You k, ow o what I spank. 'It is see io" 0 AN y in tho low haunts of d I til, putting �loi 1�fib �ay at June, 5. -4 bl Lt� . 11 AIORI�180'_\-� Clerk. j;ates of Were battered down, the lips, 1) e.d. Pated egn: inansions. It is the firs:; gates of B�Lbi,lon Were d�kstroyeo:"L and the h her napki)i to hex F; p V 'Con't eat anymore ofthatisalal. Wait& Jai. 1"11- - - - LLETT C 0'.* irna, ruin for great multitud( of botl I 3te gates of bell. tire going to be prostrated. tn� nnto, " find she hastily left thorooilly re- The Chri,flaijimt(I printIng press will be Iioxos. You know, my frionds, -*) liat pos: tu.-ning Ili a few winutes with an agonized 43 lircs nd attitudes, and figurcs are SUg. relied Up W tho eltief battering rin. Then wemwtoa- exirussion 9ii her fmm. "I'm so sorry," llavi�xg putehaqed the eni ire stock of the firm of AL�A W 00mo NORTX-. ested �r the devi therc Nvill 1: 0 it long I ist of rou,;ed Pulpits, sb� � aid, " but DOXt to the oillvc, oil bottle null4b,& Jackspn, hereb Tllv�j IN1110 glido in -o the dissoll! to danc shall. bo assailing fortresses, and stood one contuining clear c6 liver oil y solicit thr! continued patronage redhot truth slill be the flying full. rlide C 'or all illelliuld t lie dalic given to till old 'firm, and by close prices and Stict atten. - an I' that. is not very good In �w ayonnaise BE E-ASY1 s swif'or and wild�tr itind wild ; 11111litiO110! th`00011tcst,'�and the,sapperE dressing."- E nquirer.; Bnffalo tioil tq busibe'se 'trust not only to r I etkiu and the iiihiers will lay the trat-6 undez, intil vith the of lightn: ng tile: tour present cus-, Wiftbam., nt .18 Wit 'C f0tlu 1, lails of Sin, and at just dic tomer�, but to add new ones a dges c f a decuilt 1: fo into t l]&o. Our st6ck of facilities Use leTy Riture. This ,gate of lien swingi right who leads on the fray, Me" for 'a icr(OSS lie axniinsfer� of.inany a no par will cry,. o -%v4 with the gates!" an di r, aud across the .,.allroolli of I lie suln )1ostou botwiLth will ba'anso,vered by ap L't r4' �roe, Stoves, Tinware Ouse, LaudoA, HUT j:dICott 49 * : . o 6 right Shel R4 W kept 21am- Illy sister -you have no rig�li 0 10 furnishing oltake an attitude to tile ,sound f niusli Xercy For tlie Wanderer;., You have I 11 KI do of ner witering place. the trunipets of God on high, celebrating" universal )-lotory.. plilleation, Furni8hings, etc., Iworktuan. Which ould be un)) Colililig in tb absolicl But there may bo, one wanderer that of -111if Ac. No Cili0i'aring -gr d of City would likO to have, kind word calling in we have added a line of e4fortil Is completo aud parlor 4)7 fiddle of hiountin p cLic c homeward. I have t�ld you that society thecr'eam of Cod-liver With at prices never Gffered before. For instan,ce__ co iscamite tht which God bath drsed. I%ondesbore 110 tile -ey. Did Il bint at an earlier HyLp�phospites, is foiii 11 a cntA t* - h ava Twiri Bar lndlIseree� Apparel. poin his subject I that, God will Coughs 3k O�e OA 11 90%. r Dish PC, In �;fltc the Third.-�-Inetiscrcct apparel ill'orcy upon any waudkirer whobuld like king two Pafls I Pudding Dish, DipPer igham Anive— own &MM- The tit �.ire of w )11111,11 �for thd last few yban Coldsio to come back to the heart of in" orks, #0 love? Throat, Match FIFTY WENT& has bt an bo�aiffliful nd gradoft I beyonil: A cold night in a sore Eds-'est �oap in the World. 'anythitlIg I havoJ known, but rhero ard Father conivi in front the barO, knocks Bronchitis,,� U; .1 ; Or one cbver6 1%-�; ydti; thosom 10 Ill 'Llway . I ! , It does all V�e ��or, 1, Bread Pan, thre Pails, Dipper, Pud-d Icarry that Which isl the snow froin his shous and sit'down by WeaW Lungs, ing DiSIX Win- Don'tj�--.ve't'o'4�ub or Scrub. :right, lito th 11 C) linary and I I Lliscreet, 1 the Bra. The mother sits at Ole stand �mer, -1 lu t Pin and Wash Basin, for ONE DOLLAIL ALL ConSLImption,, I�,Iharge Ch w noithe! by sit- Saves your clothes wonderfully. tooi, le knitt ng. ho says to -hhu, I'D I istj tin 0 Youre- dress rior adjustino�nt of appall ver Loss 6f Flesh ru. el, to be member It i.i. tho anul sary tionightr" ; I it's So ru, Tlt�Ril TINWARE I TPROPORTION.'" Iwationary! 001110 adn I istrativoJ of ..evil. Perhaps The fittl)er I.,;' angered. He never wants Emacliation, I0 Clso IV 11 dare �_o fell you, so I wili, any allU.81011 to file fact that obe )iad'gone Weak 1 Babies, or every 17 rs and the mere suggestion that it was 4 wrapper fc1l"Yoll tll t, there 1�11111tjtud(s of 2114 Chi3dren, seat to Ctowing I17vay'llilivL11 lCry of� that ead event made i 1we; 81411 also pay special attentioll to FURI-N'A it lo BO 0 LivER Bltos."Ltd. N Ro oVro*tllq1r danint, to, W11, CE WORY., 23 Scott St - Tororitoi Poor N ap" i tit different thiies the of �-hn quitc rodgyb, although the to.irs r1lil COXTV.,k0T ING EAVY,-TROUGIIING ROOFING, /IS a er-bound I V (jili nie th Works, fa,shlon. down b is allocks. the old house do,,,- that *P_�P_p e book wi I be sent. tad played with the wanderer w lien she D GI�NERAL JOBBI,N,G as before, at XidX old of any age botwean this land . the A m 1 a 96 tftne offLoilis P�VI of France and Henr ` 47as a abild conies up and pults Ili,,; ]load illide Valve y in fact, for all conditions call- tand. i'viii 0 England and I will tell- you the on the old I but lie roughly re- 41alty AD ing for a quic�-, effectiVe �on �a.d trpe of morals or ininiorals of ti,tit ago or �uLscs the dog. He wdnts nothing to ro- that y r. No e�cvptlon to it. Modesti np� �nind libil of the anniv4rsary day, Ar erich, 7 M d UO2T b1ft UPI IL v,-, the e U C7 V 3t i1c &A 7 C _�old winter night �b a c1tv Church. It Scott& Gowne, Belleville. All Druggists. 50c. U LETT & Co., Seaforth.. THE I I IIIIIII IIIIIIi JUL A1LWA1LA.JWJMAt I I Shbws us �hat' wstill �cfrdato r Cut in price 1uY for Stiot Cash in t marke _�d give the ca er the- beiiefit. A ver3 profit ia s, fficient, for e -N We have i o lossoes to in yio books t keep, our gc a of the best. See som, rate pricesl, Womeriya Don-ola Button Bo Regulsirprice$1.50,et.1t; rate Womens Tan 0_.�ford,_Sh (TURNED SOLE) . Regular price.$1.25, etd:rate Women's Tan� Oxfords— Regular price $1, c�at to Pr Men's Laced roots and %iters Roegala,r_.50, out rate price Menis Laced Boos— 'RCg91ar,U,'60, out rate price Iffe'n's Oxford Slioes— Regular $1.50, out xi�te price Ifeals Ileavy Buckle, Shol— Cut rate pri Eays! Misses' and Children's -accordingly at the Ct Shoe Store. T. Vo. RUTLE, MAIINT ST. RYIET, SEAFOR TVALLI carry th-- largest stock- of new designs goods ist the lowest priceipf any house I i t New good sold as ( heap as any old stock It i 'date goods. 'Why I can do an iq beca.usego now are bought from I to 10 con "a per roll they woke wben old etock was. My #_xdensi I have- a Vz stock and need thin money. from 3.1 ceiits,W roll up. Window shide �r Cornice polls, &c. &e., aff cheat) ai. i CityWallftper House, llln�in $1. oppabite John St. JAS.GRAVES Practica Paper Hangar T have secured the services of thre( first- hangera and can do Work. at tile thorest n work gtiaranteed unsurpianed. PC r pro abovo C% and ace for you ruelf. Wall pape rimmPod free THE SEAFORI Musical - Instru EMPORT-UNI., ESTABLISHED, I Owing to hard times, we 11a cluded to 6ell Pianos and 0 Greatlyi Reduced Organs at $25 and upw4r Pianos at Correspondix4l SF,I& us -REFORM PURG14 SCOTT B, UES WILL: uNE We W.Iamn�ed Dod's R,dnev Pills can c,f e, Diibir-tes, T f 1)ropsv, Rlieuptatism, I leart I)s(?,-1s Troubles, Inivpurc Blood—ornioney Sold by all deal. rs In inedicine, or 1, r&1cipt ot price. fier box, or Six b( D111. L. A. SMITH & CO.., Tc The Old.- Estabih BROADFOOT'S Plantqq Mill and Sash and Dar Fa This old and well-known establishme runninz at full bl"t, rnd now has better than- evor before to turn out a good arti utoders.te price. Sash and doors of all pa wa.vq onhaud or m%de to order. Lumbo�- shoirtnoticeand. In any way desired. A hunber for site on reas6nable ternie. 81 -in conetantly on hand. Edtimates for the of buViogs In whole or,. LR part given on a None but the bv.st of ruat6rlal used &ad obip guaranteed. Patronatee solicited. UtV J. h BROAI)VUbT, E GODERIC.H Steam goiler �' W, (ItSTARLISHED 1880.) A. S. C H R Y I SuCice9sor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kin -An of t . Maritie, Upright & Tubalit BOTLYR Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Shoet Voi etc., etc. Algo demlerplin Uprtirht and Horizontal Engines. ,utomatic cut-lIff sliginu a I( tzar, Gt pipe aud ry j1pie-fitting constant y &..t*Tr Ptes furniph on short fictice. Worka---Opposite G. T. R. Stlatdcn, GN 7 IIRoll JULY 51 1895* ]EXPOsmilo -N TIRE b]R�IRO fWays 11 oont� I a an JUL Y RRAL' 1999�ATFFOR SA I is Christmas night. ViCy 0 .b IEW' GA IIES OF I ting tile sanctuary. Ale Nandorer of 1 depaod so6ioty. You Won or tillit tile sale, ortl� halt FOR n uOD FARX FOB 0 ty of Tyro was doti-oyad i vith such a �ho street, with thin shawl or at- EST VT Lot 31, -Concession 2. ZIiAt Wk%V . No oldStructlon. you ever soon cc as in acres -failing tracted by b el warmth and 1 ght,- IM i good (onees, orchard and it 'at -84V. DR. TA _M �CIFIEES �SOME to fashl'onplatapf the City of Tyre? I al;(l sits 'the door, Th, 3 int 't , of creek. Apply to P VILIP. HOLT, 0ofiderb It. - 1278. eaNORMMA, boliftion 0 TH EMJ Will. shou, It to you: religion 181 ptettobing of 11M Who Wif, aurveyox., Member of Us TO LET Oft JFOR SALE —Thi ; very d.e- Mateo the Lord salth l3watisetbe woundol for our transgr(%sibils and 1ruised _HO strIle property In Egmondville,, la. a y ocou- or, -Onta pieki by J�, 0. hose. Terms.reamonable. - A �ply to It. daughters of Zion are haii g I Lty and Wall- fo r* -our Iniquities, and the poor souli by. tile a Tells Wlut They Are Ha a dr stud Hicks, E�uioadvllle, or to 1. V. Foar. beaft ith. wl6hstrotobcd forth necks and WantOD eyes,. door saldl "Why, that n)tust me4ja lite. -DUGOY V�OR SALB.—For i )�ake a 1129-tt Hammers the Brazen Vaneit; With thel king and i 1111 -ping as t1ley go, 11,11d Morey for t-heichief 9f inner; bruised for J0 exchangod for wood. a. We AU'Vil of God's Trulth—Swingin Out SU4 41-1bg a tinkling with their feet, in that' s Applyt il's -,IAR518 FOIL SALE.—The,unde"I e twenty our InIquOic wounded foo our transgacs- U y the Lord will tae away ill i6 bravery'of ions., ie be�,t I 0hoico Farms for gale in East t a ban. s EDAR T198F11 POP. SAJ haslor saleaquitiailty i ner Couaty of the Province; size le a 'lie nillsic t6at night ill the san ctuitry 40 all �i tjuklbigr ornitine t I t ff ir fe t, bich cxrL- be 4 buy' ftil.d. t11i11Tr11r.01(1 d t1res'like tridge timber, w Butt, For full iatortitation, write or 11 a a NEw Yorm, Ju )a 80. —In his so r�fiion fol lr(l tbvir-cauli;, I brought back tile Old byliln which she usi%l No uroublo to allow them. F. S. 8 r Urge lot of 'too Cedar -osU sisk tf -today: Dr. Tal naga, chose a- t 3 moon, tile rings and no jewels, ihe to,sing whon,,with father i�nd inoth-br, she S.'COLE, Ethl P. 0. P. 01 The G, aral,'and tbo'nian- Lilage church. The ng ..An awful topi afies of I lell, " Old c r.,able suits of apilt worshiped- God in the vi FORISALE.—Beingfirm lotN0 Ili the toit Seleet&l bt ing the fandliar i itssago it tlsl alld the wimplds and, the Crispig service . ovor, the minister $vent down the *ke tnird c ouct sInon of tho ton*h1p at H bhert, In .at his quarry t^ubro up, FA1" .1 I " (is Mitt-thow vi, I 8, vic gates of tell shal V Slid said to hiii: " eye those wor ds are of mord and well I I 1 4 I _90be. suitaule for 1cor er, s vae courits, of Parth, 100 acreq plate ofi ancl, d for our , . . I 0 - 11 he cut -t tred,'b(l dings good. Formerly own d b� J.b. not prov aga 11 t W Vint is thefitshlon ant Tvr'D- for ine? 'IVoundo -ansgressions T lie ston4. Will bi soW ved too and 141,ntqa�lc V 13 -il we could endure D( Ai )d do you, wouder that the' Lord God in lVas th4t for ino' .11 I qJ110 31 lan of God uu� Czaubrook� late Rionarol Gruen'. Fdriolittionlardasto pr terms, apply to MRS. JUHN, UU4HRLD, xecutrix, ftiiilro bf 1:11,03 dor, havo,of"oll. gazec t lil � indigiiation blotted out the -city, se derstodd liar riot. He knew not how to W k'af the licatorth e_)., or to JUHN'BEALT1 ath t I, ke(I soul-, and be passed TA.D31N, 13EA-T I TI �Cl-rk -1 I Diviiian Us irD, Sealortilli her Att Bey. 113fi-tif rinon tody spread their nott comf -t a sbIpwrac Tiara that city once stood? I 6;i�miqsi -on. Dut a forlwbilck on, th 1�1 lie out. The poor wanderer 'gd!tos of 'Court Coiontv d1ro4tion witl so( Atcoholle Beverage. follow d into tho 9-treet land, aw wo-storf 3, To= nd In's 1.2 P1* apRR'rY FOR SALE.—Th look In the oposite IL .by Williatu - bri. k iousso. at present 00011tiend 1�swlilgln -li� I Hope Fair the itin street, S" opon a ( a 11 L I I,W i df hell. Gte Che Fourt —Alcoholic bovaragei- st ,9 Prendergitia -j ht%s an excellent cullArii a avenleut ntry, a 19 rge stone cistern find is haste , with it ro I member, i!-,% hon the F moc -German D�i,tl�owiiielcupist-liepitronof impur-, "Vbitt arc you doing 11;are, 11%leglill said I INos, 2. S war W�is going pot, tha� 1 Stdod 0] 10 (lay In a doing here to- Wow 'bulldibg IOU 1% he officers of the law tell us that the pallco. "What are Y 11 —00 , t �' ,"erP D. W11,01116 our is -il ti wag Xn to and 1111118 mon, a yo,nng re ate ]a 1111orles, Ino 4 ic 9 larly all the ]lien Who go ito the shani-* night", "Oh," she replied, "I i High Street oce d kv Mr, Mirk Red. eolour, bad a lot of i house i ad I St a f 'on terms and Uwas so absbrbo& , in the Act 1pturiag blt)s ol death go in intoxicated, the intintal warn i myself, and then the rattling cough 04! 0 N B,,A.N.K, fmder will be tuitably - T-owal i.r- 'e airid 4, Jam 9 -fid Paria jookiagir at I I a a Joh i 1jda il 1. be sold cheap ana to JOU+';. U ses, at the1op of tbo� gatasil-tbo mawr and. 'and tt a spiritual abolished, that-tbo brute, caiii% and she bold to the railing until the For partidiilav,� apply heme C0.NRA_D_W.&G'_N inay triumph. Toll -ing nian i p forth. 1437x3 for f, ifid aftc.r* nic �thab a Axiolysin'was over. line Hky and Stanley, ot She passed on down EL d line, looking, '.down I saw tl at tile and I know the whole" S'tory. If be' ithe strectl flling from exhaustion, ie- FA N FOR, SA11M.-Forsale east half 61 ro officers'of the lt�w Borutiniflng the wine cup, 1101 Will covexing herself again, until after A801110 61,50050cm., IMBER becom;08 a Captive of AL I D: P) ty nd for a Person Tithe NVeA half of 1,6to 4 &ud §, Concession 8. 11posi g, no doiibt, 1, was a Get nian and beconi'13 a captive of'all other vices, Only she reached the outslzirts of the a! A I titafning 5 I acres, %1I well '.timborod. . u - give h I lai tinic. Nd -one a I I a res of i�ood hardwood and. � the' balance Is )king Lit those gates Or adverse purposes ver runs drpnk- pass(d on into the cbuntry road. It seemed olitical itsue. ftom $0 to e weiv ad -and h E T Ing to the- V40 - �Aud valueic' d " heialock. j13� it, 'We laball Dot cit., Lnd look- eiineN alone. That is a ctirrion crowithat so faniar. Sho kept outhero s e� 81 . -95- About If -an to S11600mm full lnformptloi� P-OLITI -good roadd 7hls�, well situated and has ates of'hol Umwr 29, BAU11tiord, Ontali� leadt ig it and is ,fthin three miles'of Kippen, Ing at the outside of tile g, 1. -In goes ja A flock, and whon you see Ithat saw � ti tile fflst,,aubo la light in the window.: millb, Ittelill.be,sold cheap and oil eney terms . Ap- sartribn I shall toll, you. of beth sideii, beak r ]load, you inay knovy tl;e other beaks Ah, ibut light had' booi� gluaining thcrei, 142 4 vit: Ill I shall toll you what t' ose gates In othe Nvor0s, the wine cup everl night since fillo Wont away. On thaV PI S COOPEK, Kippen P. 0. 3 XT TO ITHE R1 RTAI 1P to rtduccurlxrg� fit haininer of Gbd's tr ao Coining. In otho: BRAN C-LIL 1 J�Kpo?rde; -Having disposed "of Lotr 11 ad of- With the unbhuicos and d brands one's better country road she passed 4ntfl she- came to 1� 7umber, we w-111 offi.,r ispee, sh Ill - PoUqOL on d Juddli ent and leaves one the prey of ll. Ue gal�dcn ge. She op I lid passed buyem fmm now until July I th thelantern of God's. tru shall lig � I . . - L . RM, FOR SALE. the brazen pit els U11,. Cited: t a Offer the re Lining hitildied Acres, wliic� MI. STgtYp SI@AFORTH. boull"inledout at the sho: . t I Thpie is betwierl itert.y., and fifty ;V11 appetite that may-chooso to a up tile path Ivitero,she pl�ycd in childhood., 1434re Z a being blafik t9h, ana upon the shining lit -gas I . oul. Thereisnotaplaceofaiy he daino to the staps and locked I of �ttl large P ort of ip flash -a light 8 at th rvowz, IDaawbod. er:fl A. gell Bra" baiikink 11 s transacted. the I-eniftin or �beinst 1 rineipally- ha There lind, -of sin I n the 11 Ated. States today tb it fire on the bourth. Then sbo put h 11- Drafts on aJ1 partal of the t1nited St�t� ce 85c. is a I 1i Ilin r spring of to thro 1 ! ��A Credit issued, LaVa&ble in t'w 1"i U ralture ate &J anI. 106 "�,it of iti" P mrtff, rforcrop.. It ure oo§Y ot find its clil(f abottor In the chll w gers to the latch. - Oh, if that door ad G i Lght and sold. Letters of ANTED-Y=pung vomtn b ac res. read _wil sold -at do It 711sl tril &in and and a out,' 5 Gate the Flr'�' nplilr% if S a MeAe on W tin yalig in ispiri I' I t I Thai, -ad she woWd have perished on J" -es ollected, and advauce reduced abitebarean. ForlpsirdeaJars, appl�,WURS. JANE 'V' iR..c#ller a drinkil g been lock Farmers' Cale .Xot ter, good talke-rao, ambitious a ustock; of Europe Cbiaa� d 0 on r Col. seized 20 It WA,bKhR, Box 2 19 Bri wels.* 1417.-tt 0118 of 0 ar on ( chin- or one nbo,% 3, the t1ireshold, for sho Was near to-Waili I I at R V rest iates. as. and lottair pro , a nd wl, a Rate b(ok;, pit barb( roi , a (11 io s; gow or on undaroatl Those- I NLO.r up"rols, aceordirq t* 03it� ARM F -SALk-For'sale 'Lot i28, Concession oi ir I ?rbfoF sor Cochran of the 0 lyteah1111, people asca)e But that door bik, not been locked since -E P A R T KE01"W"I"M 4, To ntilitil of pay, cont dningUO acres, 70 of legal ponalty becait�e they are all licensed the time she wont away. Silo pushed opeo krautford, Canada. F irstimto boured the destruct ve acl& o i 'n which are'' cleaw I tile rest s weft timbered,witb to self liquor-. The !,courts that license the the door. � She Wei Lt in and lay down ei� I epw its of n0 Dot r a rid. u wards received, and i terest allowed at hiahest curmalk I tl as Plat they stocked In't. to ighteous 4 I en& an(I Deeemboar. 11111ple,'ash told oEd- Ir : good fro me ba;rn, 4000, new stile of stror g drink' license bli " the hearth by the & The old house dog re tea. In bere d A to'prh cip twice each year -at the ho: neei 11 -40, a getoc log houite-and other ifflatign. And yet.a groo-i deal oftfie gain 1J igi f . Tackersmith, bereby 4 'it oil W a� lie saw liar enter) but fl N D U( tice of dr at is r ed -the whole or any portion of a deposit. -late wa-9 for out baildin 9, good oi chard ani [ plenty'of sAnall fruit b A Iterature of 'the (lay is 117,t ripped of houses, 11cousc libortinism, license disc, gro led zoos wItaering their �cattle, iiii tld 9 ti, the Y Ace lie race, whool well � ors1lowing the - i tree:r a no ver fat Ing spring ctoek.'and1wo.welli. license datith, license all �ufforings, All soitictblu I guized, and .GEJL ppultr t _a I xw. I� is strowil in your- LTIors; -it. This iann i! well adapted for graln.or pasture It III crintes, ll des ollatious, all disasters, all he IrNked about liar until her! abiftoti IL S. W. K. PEARCE, Agent. a-sround -the. ilro19.1a your libraries. Some -of your obildrah �p With uWauling to U-1 and "r -1, two in :es iron Kippen-and three qs%I dt),%Vn ill his joy, school. it �vlll be sold chlp. --4( retired' murd It Is pushed liar cGREGOIL shi read it* at night or they ha ors, till Woo. 'the courts andirt ioe �n log,islattive that are swinging *Ide 0 n In theniorning �Jie inother Can e down, I or are apply to QE0.*E. G-RFKNS- �ho 4as binintim swung as near is possible jauEs G. *qZSNZXY, True. _ r g p 1 1136 c4 I ADE, Kip. -it P. C. o t1eir pillow. Muob Of tills 11'(rture Is this grinding, creaky, StU L JR111dous atrof and Alto saw abuiio� lo of ragsonthebeartli;., THE fttion. tile lost. but when tho faw %�as upliftud sille knew undili-the titleof sciatitificinforin A 0 [private funil AlUABTPARM AND 71ELAGE lboot agent. with one But ou say: "You have describcd t Iinfernal. a I% and it -was nc i' ore 61d Met of the COMMERCE of - thos C AVX� NO rates of inteX pito: Eft Y.- - -% good hundred locre Ifarm ri a 4ates of hell and slidwil us how thl$y swi g strai6t.. Throwing 101 arins aroun the ro'� fdr state c eu tivation lotL ' boot R, -to!, -ad over with selcritille ijomeu-t . . @ 16, in M - Tt he !2th Jdigal, 81 0 ried, "Ob, Maggio! I,�oucwtqlon of tie tonship-of Gray. -A good Brok cl� ii�l (Itit inSo botal and )] d lit one lit to' 411101V the eutr,�Ilco of tit() toolited. turn �d Pr( ESTABLISIIED 1867. V11a of Cranbrook, I -at ffirou It The child throw lie, arms arollf C id bet 41-2000 PwAd axid Viall n the said n-' t �i nl all to, You not, before you g I shi , knov �i as It T to Beek also a y Los and sold -OE, TiQRONT0. 1f0tarin t Le V%w dt huildrod cop I I q HEAD OFFI t W311,061 It is appalling that ) nen 11.1 lie scrillo tell us how the of 1) 2110ther's neck fin"I 0ald, "Oil, inother!", 9,12a goc franic-store in said village. -Aw id so gate. 1,5L0.0 V-ithk tw6, !io 31lay swing out- to allow the osicap, )of t lie and 10ile they whoi,einbracoo-d a rugged, 0 $61000,000 tbinkin, a 111estil wouI4 dd well to examine tits W)n anwho can got tbr0"'ll th Ar fandl A PITA (PAI UP) SIX MILLIGN DOLLARS 0 SAIATS, �� y v I roperF7v, hich w �i be sold at a very reaso_n6le r reply, but very few escal a;- orno owerot L 0 loin. S r ric'e, Ili no or nore parce a to suit purthamrs. pi ys� ioian till tile useful' Infiwinat 1011 _tlloty nJ%y and withotit any dontin Anatiob Of tile thousand thitt go lit S)99 Parish, ther. The severity all. gone out As facef K_!ST i Nd flopst Ertber Ili rmationwillbe fr.oh, supplied to ity. �Iipposic One of those Wanderers shorld lie stooped and tfook lior up ten er and R WALKER, GmiB"I, MAXAGER. 0 rie SCIdres 4ng the uoderailined, �t Brussels. * '6. -if. silould wado chin deep- tbrough such. ao-. to county. FOI Ef2AIR,S&Iicktor;F.B.8COTT,Auc�ioueer. ullock, at your door, w uld you ad,, nit Ili kii! carried her to nidtheri's room wid'laid her STOCK a ;nder tb plea of gotting ,r out of uT . Ift c ra, tire 1379 do. bo-awlit that rinthgpresses leii than CT -Bankina, Eusinees Trans ­14or S1lpl)0.SC YOU kutiw% wl tore she can in fro: ii, d0w;a oil inother's 'bcd, foi� she dying, i SEAFORTH [�RANCHV I would you ask her to sit down at ycut Tilick the lost oilb, looking up laro liar A Oen!ra�, acted. Faril)ersl Notes diSIOO)anted Disft bopi lig to bo called doeent I ni d t 1A elliselvos BALM a Are low. GOOD ?,-VESTMENT.-For saie,-af 'all P a baq an, uo thers, be � dining tabJ,p" Would you lie , ito niott.r's faeo, wd: " 'Wounded for � our issued, po , ble at all 1)6inta in Canad'a &Ud the prineipal cities lu jV a. fliw �,Jstorev brick - block with good- st D "e-' to ti Is I&II-1113% Fathers wd i ii B% aper j� r verad'vvith iron roofini. T Ai. the goveriloss; of your ' c 1 F ttangressions and bruiF(,d for our In- itnivials vdth ill colle'ai works. collie: _ 1, So. 3. Mould. hmses at re -L and iLlI cc not by'llic, title !serwal to 'tuit the bud tin b ock con lin I w a fino stores with dwellincroo vs - N NV0,111 you introduce llor aniong . rour IP- lqul�le's Motberi do you think that '-the Unitec..Sts,tes, Great Britain, FTance� Berrnu.da, &C. 149. Ther Yr Oth In tenths of tbo 3usado. . I ; .8eafortb i)01 ' �AVINGS BANK D5PARTMENTI, ly ill the re, and od (t.ht.r.d to ood tens ,,6 books coniT hot froni I is riio?'.' "Olt, yes, iny darling," Would you tk �. the e- mcall Dv id girosperi �r of Rensal surround t1fe ost world, though their nitily have oil ed as it W Cvith 41 the nest faroilng country, inake othis an A No.1 Ili- 'the tile nallies Of tile PUT: h6uqcs sp UgoAtbo-outsidoof lie tl�o nlot�lvr. I $1,O) and, upwarols rc-c 011' 6] [1-ty of P�1111 niothei is so glad to get Depo�slts of ei-vedj and urrent rates of intermt VULL FOR v6st xi3oilo lil'-inz iapitfill.. Satl,ifaol�ory o ilo tile on t1i o ins,de you bac�, don'P fyou thi ghbred Durtau gt nk God is glad to went furl York, Chicago ane,' I'll Idelphin. -reh at the nd of May and Novoix P allowed. jOPInte t &dd d to rho, principal reasons for elilling. . For lurther particulars oppl %, to of 1:111, glito is to get Out? gat you backo Tie li V, Bayll ortb, 41 either J. P NIAIRS ffALL, owher, or -G.. J. SUTU I &� dore I, till thd novole. uraturcof -o she dyiu heir be 9, Nader, Hansa[] P.O. You would ]lot, not o6 of athousan of And i lit), Rn �r*in eac4 year. ANP,Nota�yftblicswd' ouveyz - filing ove I I and I t 1, t] 0 � v r tile land by tl 0 million. to the collection, f 00nimercial Paper imd Fsr ainter. Ontario. I 14184f A . t. lore aro good. novels. tliat iiia long, so, you �vfluld ditro to (10 go. You o)lild dreanis atul all their'prverswere,h1led Special atteltibn" givie t 11 at, rift ns- i '�d 'V 111 I fO 0 1 te _ E� tind With thO01. s, , ;o n c(i r I 1! tra 4m" BULLS 17 I. rul poqo there my be goAT n o- -cls mers' Sales No onoossiou class paper R SALE. -Lot 25, Conces� -,a g ooa nov ep 0�v hor lisfortillie, but givo IloT gresluils and bruised for our Lot C arc aiort, -and so the're we r 'At. MORRIS, -Manager. 11r):1111113, Bull qtice. Ali sion-6, Township of Morris,- containing 150 a lick do- F. HOL -ESTEA Solic itor. It" Tho D 13r" ' -prautical help you uovc� will. I tit you until itist Iniforo the inoniont a. -rain or stock, situated two and, a h.17 a iexv-! t; n. - �o one- of. of the suitable for l. it is th _op I I intollor. Will sav, 'Are thero no wys by w1 turol her-faco lightedup, sbo Ing ilie miles from the thrivin.T village of Brussels, a good -al 1,, r reads tb a irlt thi, it ( gravel road leading thereto; 120, acres eldared and -no one systeuni ii . WUM orer nlay escape?" !Oil, yes; birce, or Pardon f God bad dropped upon her soul. eeps I—Ak. - - tualps, 6 ayer�t�o novelette of this, I t WPM,. free front a to cedar and ash and balance the F�iwinjg girl'ii And th, ro sbo slept way on tile bosoin of hardwood. 1,13arn 0 with straw and bay- shed .0r. The most of- four. one wy is -We t 08 Ints FOR SALX 40xio, stone stabling -i iuderneath both. Tbe house vics 1love lott0s al�6 rit-f-li by broen dingy, colt], hunger blastvO. But a pardo nitig Je its. So the Lord took back it garr sale -Chree Shol+thorn I is brick, 22x32 with k �heu 18x2fi, collar" underneath you "Is there no other Way f6r her tc one whom. the World rojected. B H d(Nva literarniou for small both buildings. -All ar � new.' There Is a large young Oil, yi�,s. Another Way* is the -sweWemombsiold. T%oro. orehard. School on ne xt lot. The laud hits a good tilni, on tho principle th , havin failed T a XXome of the Cary Slstei�s. natbral drainage, and the farm lain good condition. II ,iy ])a- st-reet that to the rivU, at midnight,' Dams- -sired bY Satistactory reasons fo sellit,ig. Apply at L Tax E. 11 craIjuro olevated'and )uro, t r� a PC the end of the City dock, the nio6ii.shilling cloy rnook, the ]ionic of the poA sisters, Ill, of fi at I rim I t to, sbecoed lit the tainted d th nasty. nent 8 WM, BARRIE Alice an 1.111mbe Cry, near Cincinnati, PoFaTatt OFFicit, or on I he preird as. down ion tile Wator Malcing it look so .1 , - ate 'o r: -on 10. Tackagoomf tf 0 i, this Is wido g, hell ased i ew Y )3ROTHM, 1386 book or S111010 h. by their Drugs c18- -7 has bet, pnrub adcoutof a bad t)) he -,venders if it is de�p enotiff Iffelong P1 I 101 is 111, OR SAIX.-Titat Lluable farm property fknown It is. N 0 as, hose son Mrs. bf. Louiso Thom 1.91 tWalk 13ontnian near cnou#li to licat F as the West part 31 Lot No. 22, Cone0slon 1, paper. E,very hingo il thei terjolood type. tile lun�go. 1�o watchnian near enough to itiarried �,tbo oldest of tile Oary sis tars, and of it corr flit printin pross. E' ver v- bolt or . I - -1. , BULU FO-R� Con- a colic stomach of the Township of 11% -, Loddon Road Survey pick I tof out before she sinksl the tlAfd it is intc noled to preset ve it in t! io antily -with a colicy b illy oi tainina 37 acres of lain. This flop property is right. IO..L-Of*llltttg�%t.0ili3iiii(le6ut-Of thoplte thue Nootherwav? Yes. Bithocurve 'is a Car,.,' It Is Thonlas' isn't pleasant. Rither can le avoide adj�)hflngthd rapidly growit villageof lionsall. and of' an ur Clean pictorial. . In oth(r Words, I TRMEY PL%L F0R SEF plan to i old thno ovoline.;s b Perry avis' #J basiCirservicevnLot" e e P i U bottle o I '73. entbract a over 14 acrot of wat ig known. ws the Ran., of th6 1railrmil A the point whero the estorc all Old g. 1) , sall Race Couroe and I Irivini . d uJilon Aich era arc a million ]lien dndwon-ion in the 1, - of Clove lilook by plaV�ig in it liar centnry X r 'R - ine shef. It thoroughbolId 4emev tall - r Purk ar *1 of tbd lightning express train can (in th� meffic linsi -ves c,)niiderablellioney-and lab Upited States today reading th, lot hogany furniture, blue Chia, en attacks of Cramps, wbichsh iedl)wwber. or has been expendo on not yards a4ead to the forin old ni.l. is Zivatiiablq- �r � siudd terms, li -st the time *I P.m Wit ig it up, and It N one of the ver 'best In the to 116,111 I . that ij�� tile track. iHo nlay willtitlE books, volutionary 1 relles of price-loiss ClibleFa: ;'Vloftus, Py ,,entery autl Diarihcea. ve con- Cou uty. This is a*gra id chance of purchasing what when In Ono of our cities a ta valuo, ait(Iniuking it the suinnier homoo of Ju4t as for litightalmostbetermedas %,IlI%epKopert�1ats.rea-' (10 svii , br kus, but not Isoon an o , I I 11 external pains. Boll %lite price, anst W h prop- I . alwaiys be In. f ilyfi'll Into ruins through thehilsoleods , disppoint the oks her deth. tbofainily, The place atpresen#,contains asnooufni in a half al,.s of water or mill: (-wa f onveill y will one who. Be Preasing fit value- w! i the growth of the village. one 01 its nionibors, the aniazed mother ME02WMLWM I iit 1.10 acres, with it good brick house and now For I further particul re, apply to NURS. Bit- GIL- d to Ithe offi : I Rnt you.say, "IFult Good good, and we BOARIS Fift i hb forgive?" Yes, b IS, CE[EtIST,, owner, a to.G. J., SUTHERLAND, ver supposod tbere was anything Nf r(;n ut n;an will not, waln. barn upon it, the original frame building rice Notary Public and Cc veyancer� Hensall P.� 0. an Will not, society will not. -The eb it rch in which the poet sisters were bor:n I)aViDg WOUTH ]BOAR ng thl 'o Ii I ..or thought there could'be . ant -but� it wl.11 not. -. Oux booti suld gonia years ago and ramovou t if -ilenco of, God says twill, Than shosat weeping IIIt has a ARM FOR SALE.L 0 'got work. �iiiust be prevention rathei Mount eaLtby, a mile north. rT TED In the county, of Huroq;� f soul() time and s d: " Oil, I I �av with iviowirtA poadlgm� i jai" at t.-srVice with privili ds.) And F tonallie of blelifflop, in the Oth con"salon, I know, I kil than cure. ebrniiii -3 grove of several acres of wood-' rices. lot 34, cousisting of 99 iavres, 20 of which-tite-in bush �ft I now I ow I I fout d in her Great Evils J Soei,64. land, an I a ibc utiful atreatill crosses tile lory. HUGH XcCARTNX not culled ; 3 -acres A bush being cedar the real I areau after she went away a Will book. 0 placo. hardwood.' Th6 beanco of the farm Is in pies. be- la h 5 Three gotil tions of. the Carys distin- ingpItatured. There -is anew stQne houtio, well furn- booksellers have gathe red up the c.q talogifes 1just as certithiky a God I and the Bible rc S"kab ished, having' 1%-roomE, 1 . a all, with kitchen and wood- t's wQ' slew T ese leprous 1 Those gate of hall ai�o to�b6 prostrated guisbed the llselves In the service of the Wall I i�p Aper Rush Bthorouglibred s all the mitila and feina-lo semb arie in true, but it svill. not -boldone until Chris- iff-vies 01) ot 0 �oonesodo shed. A epleudid , cellar, saft,water cisiern, and country- -ffif t. Colonel Christopher, -to vrinvilag Serkvbiro boars, never fAiling well of ex-.,ellent spring water, There- a United States, otitaloatios Containing tia niell anic Women, quitting their prud- 0 1 0 -_ is a frame bs�rn BW6, and uther out buildings. ; 0 t0f, I whom t his ra ut of , land Was made' by no t4o naines and residences of all the stu- jery and squNiinilshilless In this matter, acre orchard of good nursdry.trepa, and a jearden ef James 14tollson, the fourth president of an so re, fenced with wire. Ing' �ents, and circulars ol death are soot to rall the -%Yhc le' Christian sentinictit of the Z, toy ode- both sexeL I, AN -D— 0SJ A spirit cfeek ris nj the Unit ed Stat s, about a con tury ago, in IS NOW Ox Will P. o. Ar viiars ftfri i the adjoiLoir farm, runs across about t -.e mAille every one, without allay e--weption. lCan church and wsail those great evib; of soci- Ireturn for loyal nd gallant services in the I for further particulars apply. to W 9. 0 ining no anything inoro � et Iful? ety The bible utters its denunciation in of the y tfe- this d MeMIG;TiL, Box 70, Seaforth, Ont. 1486xt Revolution; sec)nd. Robert-, his Son, and warf niato' or pa old porson,. who has not bad piety of the dqy,J& such a namby paniby . I I -sent Lit the surrender of Thl' t, a young person, inalu irection il'gail3 und again, and yet the the father of tbf poet sister.%. in the e L I] EN & WILSON I�,ht you cannot even qnot FGWIPALLIE. off0r.ed to Idin or her a bad book i a bad sortof thing, Hull, arid thir�, Warren, who still livos bouse to f out Scripture Without making sonlobo The frar te shop In the rear of OCICifellow's Hall ie. pic,.Ore., Scour your d dy rest. cently use J by Itoburtson &-Son as a workshop. Pur- upon tho OR 1, Pi cc did good,; service in the wh6tli or there are any r a Aled less. As long as this hot-.,, Imbecility reigne of thegoadde lice Ca §,,, chaser to lave two months to remove the :building late civ 1 Ni it, ry was the fli-st '7 0 ypur parlor enter table or coiled , an Id In the e hurcir-pf God-. -sin-will laugh y,)u Apply to onsi A. F. Hollansm, seforth. 1434- to opresident of �orosls.-Worcester ISpy. th lot sot on tho dresstvg cascq� I a( Jure to scorn. I do not know but that 1) orE A e! d Ley arp, witbout a do0t, showing the finest awartmet Our AL-ect 40unee MONEY' YC I ofore tile sun goes down. to: OX)IOTO the church- N4akos up inatters will got r rea�y for i an LOST. Not Goo i I 1n lillelionnatse -Drqssing. time and monq haully libraries with a in xb ble uffalo young wo 11 goods in td*n. Now is your chance Papor never - was so atk�6p -orsd and and that there will bavE Lost on �slturdlay, Joins let, on the Town line 0, yqur A cortain B an who of ne'� the Bauble tine, between Slake andbir. Robert Turcer's, Bel! "Reancril bar' that one I ad beat- justly in ides herself on liar knad � t Mak- �tl: 3y. o bo ofie lamb sactilficed front ctich of ilic- tauley, 4 pocket diary, containing over 81,00.- The or I btV� picture i uay do tile We& J or oter- moqb carefully g . narded folds, nd thowave an apr bangin' ne�er so reasonable. Beautify you houxes, at Iftfle cosL Canadian other dainty dlsh�s recent- firidar'will receive a n6eral reward by retur'itinir the Wit I wailt to arouse all your ; aspicio ;of uncleanness dash. to the spire:of OlLeVil- i -ito a fewfi-lords foran Via Tbraztti� satue to JOE -IN A. MANSON, Blake,. - :1434-6 y, y df in) about novelettes. I wat."to put kon )it Ingo church and the top of the cathedral I evening lit (d rds. She conchide that lob- IRAtIsh �Col=W lilay toWdr. poll CEDAR. P067TS'' FO 8ALE. the vwtoli aginst everything tj star salad -s otild be the best thing for a Di �FOR'SAMPLES. i patriarchs and IOom like surroptitloils, corresfon 1011cp. ropliets and light hinclic )ii, and accordingly, with liar 4()ur rat" are the 10 ion an- The undirsivned has Inow at Brunefleld stA' ntlronghtbepostoilfi�o. Iwallty0atoun-"I iall 1�e galists anq1L&ChrIs6 hinielf have usual cn,v, Icked over tl odate ot-of-ton ciistollners -we ate prepared to ve other 'ear loid of flist-olas8 cedar lobs�(V, 311UL-d tooll'suit I rybody posts, whic,he r and that impure literature s one 0 :th nolored against tdiese sin�s as agalust no; the niayonu tiqo dressing and ut the dish IST 4GARS for Your will sellat rpduced prices -from 7 cents to 10cents, do'st, I I on t -he Wroxeter �rder to ado: Ali-) po0ts 81 feet long,'suitAble for Page %%*I'e fence, the broaq6st, highest, mightiest gates 10th 3i., und yet there are those Who think DEL R all do f pa r . Ili$ I)er FREE at any place urther infomatio D .. . away. )i the botir for serving the re- for f -12 cents a ought. 1:6 when we speak of tbesoi fr JOH Lffl7l.3130110U(�H the lost. W -hinebts 111110 around, the guests sat in or Bayfil,� Id stkgoi linel So6nd a card for samples, describing'robom it is wanted- Statlion eT. The I)Issolute Dance. �Ilhjects, a toe apologetic. 1�pilt; illy foot, ! I I . PI alalut lfflt�Cipllt!1011 astho. appeareO. We will be please for and pproxn)�Ae firice on 01 the conventional rhetoric on thisi to -fiend samples and prices by ro U. - NOTICE. Gat 3'tho Secoud.-The dbisolnti d 1-110 A�, It wiis bitought hi tild has as 3 thoiig�lt n Servi Trat 'Y �ul�ject, and I tell you p1tvinly that unlesE iddress— Nnt tea is bereby -given that a by -I lou liall not divert nio to) tile go VVI she detected it pectillar odor, but tisicribed retil DWI, a Wag Pot ssed by th 11tirlicipal ty of the Townoiht� leXill on the syl)j(%ti of dancing. Whatevor yon' nul: You give up that sin yo-tir dooin Is sealed, Iof it to Sonle � ]law perfunic thq servant ])aid er=d Txvft 29tb da.t of Apill, A.D., 169 ic for tho issue and world Nvitbout (And you will be chased Cl,.r,- any of (jet t 5, providt think,of the parlor dance or, the Alothodil used. Oiia'gttcqttoolciittisteloftliesa]IW, to the amount of V6,492 sounds of iiiiisle in J)y 1ho of an incensed God, 'I a drain in thtt yfiitern Ourner of' MS', for the our- otlop. of the body to gave it startand put down !iliF fork. A Tabn its -00 Ll EN & WILSON niale I. -1 . I I A the Muricipstlityand that sudh a by-lc� %v%ag register. 010 family or the social ridl you to it besic-emet)t 6f tho gates of refunded. . f..Irald, I am 110 n y9ung womn who took at good mouthful 40M W110- Ied in i he rt gilbtry offl­o of thoi Ccimity of Ifurnn, on now d�soussiug that question. IY,, lit -11. Wo wmit in this besleging.host uof� coiigliedti)tliiia(loawi,.Yfiec,. T�iohostesg soly-ft1s: 113LOb MAIN n fl,l) , �,; KI STREFT the is to day of ; yo 0 May IM*Amjscsett� — _- of her Nvn prod- A.D1 '1805. Anj, inotion to .-tonij C With me tills hour in ]Feco,gn soft -sent ill) ontil. lists, but i1nivill will) r( then confideniqly partook to set agile the same, anyrnthereot,timstl Zin s f;! ad within three moath from t h� date of regls-� that d A� willhng to inke and give hard luiocks. r >rol� incic uc J'. ke lit there is it diss, Mixod tratioui and u%n6ot be miLde hereaft-Jr. The gates of G117'.a were ciii-rit-d off, the "Gracious goodness"' 'she axelaimed *me XAW- You k, ow o what I spank. 'It is see io" 0 AN y in tho low haunts of d I til, putting �loi 1�fib �ay at June, 5. -4 bl Lt� . 11 AIORI�180'_\-� Clerk. j;ates of Were battered down, the lips, 1) e.d. Pated egn: inansions. It is the firs:; gates of B�Lbi,lon Were d�kstroyeo:"L and the h her napki)i to hex F; p V 'Con't eat anymore ofthatisalal. Wait& Jai. 1"11- - - - LLETT C 0'.* irna, ruin for great multitud( of botl I 3te gates of bell. tire going to be prostrated. tn� nnto, " find she hastily left thorooilly re- The Chri,flaijimt(I printIng press will be Iioxos. You know, my frionds, -*) liat pos: tu.-ning Ili a few winutes with an agonized 43 lircs nd attitudes, and figurcs are SUg. relied Up W tho eltief battering rin. Then wemwtoa- exirussion 9ii her fmm. "I'm so sorry," llavi�xg putehaqed the eni ire stock of the firm of AL�A W 00mo NORTX-. ested �r the devi therc Nvill 1: 0 it long I ist of rou,;ed Pulpits, sb� � aid, " but DOXt to the oillvc, oil bottle null4b,& Jackspn, hereb Tllv�j IN1110 glido in -o the dissoll! to danc shall. bo assailing fortresses, and stood one contuining clear c6 liver oil y solicit thr! continued patronage redhot truth slill be the flying full. rlide C 'or all illelliuld t lie dalic given to till old 'firm, and by close prices and Stict atten. - an I' that. is not very good In �w ayonnaise BE E-ASY1 s swif'or and wild�tr itind wild ; 11111litiO110! th`00011tcst,'�and the,sapperE dressing."- E nquirer.; Bnffalo tioil tq busibe'se 'trust not only to r I etkiu and the iiihiers will lay the trat-6 undez, intil vith the of lightn: ng tile: tour present cus-, Wiftbam., nt .18 Wit 'C f0tlu 1, lails of Sin, and at just dic tomer�, but to add new ones a dges c f a decuilt 1: fo into t l]&o. Our st6ck of facilities Use leTy Riture. This ,gate of lien swingi right who leads on the fray, Me" for 'a icr(OSS lie axniinsfer� of.inany a no par will cry,. o -%v4 with the gates!" an di r, aud across the .,.allroolli of I lie suln )1ostou botwiLth will ba'anso,vered by ap L't r4' �roe, Stoves, Tinware Ouse, LaudoA, HUT j:dICott 49 * : . o 6 right Shel R4 W kept 21am- Illy sister -you have no rig�li 0 10 furnishing oltake an attitude to tile ,sound f niusli Xercy For tlie Wanderer;., You have I 11 KI do of ner witering place. the trunipets of God on high, celebrating" universal )-lotory.. plilleation, Furni8hings, etc., Iworktuan. Which ould be un)) Colililig in tb absolicl But there may bo, one wanderer that of -111if Ac. No Cili0i'aring -gr d of City would likO to have, kind word calling in we have added a line of e4fortil Is completo aud parlor 4)7 fiddle of hiountin p cLic c homeward. I have t�ld you that society thecr'eam of Cod-liver With at prices never Gffered before. For instan,ce__ co iscamite tht which God bath drsed. I%ondesbore 110 tile -ey. Did Il bint at an earlier HyLp�phospites, is foiii 11 a cntA t* - h ava Twiri Bar lndlIseree� Apparel. poin his subject I that, God will Coughs 3k O�e OA 11 90%. r Dish PC, In �;fltc the Third.-�-Inetiscrcct apparel ill'orcy upon any waudkirer whobuld like king two Pafls I Pudding Dish, DipPer igham Anive— own &MM- The tit �.ire of w )11111,11 �for thd last few yban Coldsio to come back to the heart of in" orks, #0 love? Throat, Match FIFTY WENT& has bt an bo�aiffliful nd gradoft I beyonil: A cold night in a sore Eds-'est �oap in the World. 'anythitlIg I havoJ known, but rhero ard Father conivi in front the barO, knocks Bronchitis,,� U; .1 ; Or one cbver6 1%-�; ydti; thosom 10 Ill 'Llway . I ! , It does all V�e ��or, 1, Bread Pan, thre Pails, Dipper, Pud-d Icarry that Which isl the snow froin his shous and sit'down by WeaW Lungs, ing DiSIX Win- Don'tj�--.ve't'o'4�ub or Scrub. :right, lito th 11 C) linary and I I Lliscreet, 1 the Bra. The mother sits at Ole stand �mer, -1 lu t Pin and Wash Basin, for ONE DOLLAIL ALL ConSLImption,, I�,Iharge Ch w noithe! by sit- Saves your clothes wonderfully. tooi, le knitt ng. ho says to -hhu, I'D I istj tin 0 Youre- dress rior adjustino�nt of appall ver Loss 6f Flesh ru. el, to be member It i.i. tho anul sary tionightr" ; I it's So ru, Tlt�Ril TINWARE I TPROPORTION.'" Iwationary! 001110 adn I istrativoJ of ..evil. Perhaps The fittl)er I.,;' angered. He never wants Emacliation, I0 Clso IV 11 dare �_o fell you, so I wili, any allU.81011 to file fact that obe )iad'gone Weak 1 Babies, or every 17 rs and the mere suggestion that it was 4 wrapper fc1l"Yoll tll t, there 1�11111tjtud(s of 2114 Chi3dren, seat to Ctowing I17vay'llilivL11 lCry of� that ead event made i 1we; 81411 also pay special attentioll to FURI-N'A it lo BO 0 LivER Bltos."Ltd. N Ro oVro*tllq1r danint, to, W11, CE WORY., 23 Scott St - Tororitoi Poor N ap" i tit different thiies the of �-hn quitc rodgyb, although the to.irs r1lil COXTV.,k0T ING EAVY,-TROUGIIING ROOFING, /IS a er-bound I V (jili nie th Works, fa,shlon. down b is allocks. the old house do,,,- that *P_�P_p e book wi I be sent. tad played with the wanderer w lien she D GI�NERAL JOBBI,N,G as before, at XidX old of any age botwean this land . the A m 1 a 96 tftne offLoilis P�VI of France and Henr ` 47as a abild conies up and pults Ili,,; ]load illide Valve y in fact, for all conditions call- tand. i'viii 0 England and I will tell- you the on the old I but lie roughly re- 41alty AD ing for a quic�-, effectiVe �on �a.d trpe of morals or ininiorals of ti,tit ago or �uLscs the dog. He wdnts nothing to ro- that y r. No e�cvptlon to it. Modesti np� �nind libil of the anniv4rsary day, Ar erich, 7 M d UO2T b1ft UPI IL v,-, the e U C7 V 3t i1c &A 7 C _�old winter night �b a c1tv Church. It Scott& Gowne, Belleville. All Druggists. 50c. U LETT & Co., Seaforth.. THE I I IIIIIIi JUL A1LWA1LA.JWJMAt I I Shbws us �hat' wstill �cfrdato r Cut in price 1uY for Stiot Cash in t marke _�d give the ca er the- beiiefit. A ver3 profit ia s, fficient, for e -N We have i o lossoes to in yio books t keep, our gc a of the best. See som, rate pricesl, Womeriya Don-ola Button Bo Regulsirprice$1.50,et.1t; rate Womens Tan 0_.�ford,_Sh (TURNED SOLE) . Regular price.$1.25, etd:rate Women's Tan� Oxfords— Regular price $1, c�at to Pr Men's Laced roots and %iters Roegala,r_.50, out rate price Menis Laced Boos— 'RCg91ar,U,'60, out rate price Iffe'n's Oxford Slioes— Regular $1.50, out xi�te price Ifeals Ileavy Buckle, Shol— Cut rate pri Eays! Misses' and Children's -accordingly at the Ct Shoe Store. T. Vo. RUTLE, MAIINT ST. RYIET, SEAFOR TVALLI carry th-- largest stock- of new designs goods ist the lowest priceipf any house I i t New good sold as ( heap as any old stock It i 'date goods. 'Why I can do an iq beca.usego now are bought from I to 10 con "a per roll they woke wben old etock was. My #_xdensi I have- a Vz stock and need thin money. from 3.1 ceiits,W roll up. Window shide �r Cornice polls, &c. &e., aff cheat) ai. i CityWallftper House, llln�in $1. oppabite John St. JAS.GRAVES Practica Paper Hangar T have secured the services of thre( first- hangera and can do Work. at tile thorest n work gtiaranteed unsurpianed. PC r pro abovo C% and ace for you ruelf. Wall pape rimmPod free THE SEAFORI Musical - Instru EMPORT-UNI., ESTABLISHED, I Owing to hard times, we 11a cluded to 6ell Pianos and 0 Greatlyi Reduced Organs at $25 and upw4r Pianos at Correspondix4l SF,I& us -REFORM PURG14 SCOTT B, UES WILL: uNE We W.Iamn�ed Dod's R,dnev Pills can c,f e, Diibir-tes, T f 1)ropsv, Rlieuptatism, I leart I)s(?,-1s Troubles, Inivpurc Blood—ornioney Sold by all deal. rs In inedicine, or 1, r&1cipt ot price. fier box, or Six b( D111. L. A. SMITH & CO.., Tc The Old.- Estabih BROADFOOT'S Plantqq Mill and Sash and Dar Fa This old and well-known establishme runninz at full bl"t, rnd now has better than- evor before to turn out a good arti utoders.te price. Sash and doors of all pa wa.vq onhaud or m%de to order. Lumbo�- shoirtnoticeand. In any way desired. A hunber for site on reas6nable ternie. 81 -in conetantly on hand. Edtimates for the of buViogs In whole or,. LR part given on a None but the bv.st of ruat6rlal used &ad obip guaranteed. Patronatee solicited. UtV J. h BROAI)VUbT, E GODERIC.H Steam goiler �' W, (ItSTARLISHED 1880.) A. S. C H R Y I SuCice9sor to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kin -An of t . Maritie, Upright & Tubalit BOTLYR Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Shoet Voi etc., etc. Algo demlerplin Uprtirht and Horizontal Engines. ,utomatic cut-lIff sliginu a I( tzar, Gt pipe aud ry j1pie-fitting constant y &..t*Tr Ptes furniph on short fictice. Worka---Opposite G. T. R. Stlatdcn, GN 7 IIRoll JULY 51 1895* ]EXPOsmilo -N TIRE b]R�IRO fWays 11 oont� I a an JUL Y RRAL' 1999�ATFFOR SA I is Christmas night. ViCy 0 .b IEW' GA IIES OF I ting tile sanctuary. Ale Nandorer of 1 depaod so6ioty. You Won or tillit tile sale, ortl� halt FOR n uOD FARX FOB 0 ty of Tyro was doti-oyad i vith such a �ho street, with thin shawl or at- EST VT Lot 31, -Concession 2. ZIiAt Wk%V . No oldStructlon. you ever soon cc as in acres -failing tracted by b el warmth and 1 ght,- IM i good (onees, orchard and it 'at -84V. DR. TA _M �CIFIEES �SOME to fashl'onplatapf the City of Tyre? I al;(l sits 'the door, Th, 3 int 't , of creek. Apply to P VILIP. HOLT, 0ofiderb It. - 1278. eaNORMMA, boliftion 0 TH EMJ Will. shou, It to you: religion 181 ptettobing of 11M Who Wif, aurveyox., Member of Us TO LET Oft JFOR SALE —Thi ; very d.e- Mateo the Lord salth l3watisetbe woundol for our transgr(%sibils and 1ruised _HO strIle property In Egmondville,, la. a y ocou- or, -Onta pieki by J�, 0. hose. Terms.reamonable. - A �ply to It. daughters of Zion are haii g I Lty and Wall- fo r* -our Iniquities, and the poor souli by. tile a Tells Wlut They Are Ha a dr stud Hicks, E�uioadvllle, or to 1. V. Foar. beaft ith. wl6hstrotobcd forth necks and WantOD eyes,. door saldl "Why, that n)tust me4ja lite. -DUGOY V�OR SALB.—For i )�ake a 1129-tt Hammers the Brazen Vaneit; With thel king and i 1111 -ping as t1ley go, 11,11d Morey for t-heichief 9f inner; bruised for J0 exchangod for wood. a. We AU'Vil of God's Trulth—Swingin Out SU4 41-1bg a tinkling with their feet, in that' s Applyt il's -,IAR518 FOIL SALE.—The,unde"I e twenty our InIquOic wounded foo our transgacs- U y the Lord will tae away ill i6 bravery'of ions., ie be�,t I 0hoico Farms for gale in East t a ban. s EDAR T198F11 POP. SAJ haslor saleaquitiailty i ner Couaty of the Province; size le a 'lie nillsic t6at night ill the san ctuitry 40 all �i tjuklbigr ornitine t I t ff ir fe t, bich cxrL- be 4 buy' ftil.d. t11i11Tr11r.01(1 d t1res'like tridge timber, w Butt, For full iatortitation, write or 11 a a NEw Yorm, Ju )a 80. —In his so r�fiion fol lr(l tbvir-cauli;, I brought back tile Old byliln which she usi%l No uroublo to allow them. F. S. 8 r Urge lot of 'too Cedar -osU sisk tf -today: Dr. Tal naga, chose a- t 3 moon, tile rings and no jewels, ihe to,sing whon,,with father i�nd inoth-br, she S.'COLE, Ethl P. 0. P. 01 The G, aral,'and tbo'nian- Lilage church. The ng ..An awful topi afies of I lell, " Old c r.,able suits of apilt worshiped- God in the vi FORISALE.—Beingfirm lotN0 Ili the toit Seleet&l bt ing the fandliar i itssago it tlsl alld the wimplds and, the Crispig service . ovor, the minister $vent down the *ke tnird c ouct sInon of tho ton*h1p at H bhert, In .at his quarry t^ubro up, FA1" .1 I " (is Mitt-thow vi, I 8, vic gates of tell shal V Slid said to hiii: " eye those wor ds are of mord and well I I 1 4 I _90be. suitaule for 1cor er, s vae courits, of Parth, 100 acreq plate ofi ancl, d for our , . . I 0 - 11 he cut -t tred,'b(l dings good. Formerly own d b� J.b. not prov aga 11 t W Vint is thefitshlon ant Tvr'D- for ine? 'IVoundo -ansgressions T lie ston4. Will bi soW ved too and 141,ntqa�lc V 13 -il we could endure D( Ai )d do you, wouder that the' Lord God in lVas th4t for ino' .11 I qJ110 31 lan of God uu� Czaubrook� late Rionarol Gruen'. Fdriolittionlardasto pr terms, apply to MRS. JUHN, UU4HRLD, xecutrix, ftiiilro bf 1:11,03 dor, havo,of"oll. gazec t lil � indigiiation blotted out the -city, se derstodd liar riot. He knew not how to W k'af the licatorth e_)., or to JUHN'BEALT1 ath t I, ke(I soul-, and be passed TA.D31N, 13EA-T I TI �Cl-rk -1 I Diviiian Us irD, Sealortilli her Att Bey. 113fi-tif rinon tody spread their nott comf -t a sbIpwrac Tiara that city once stood? I 6;i�miqsi -on. Dut a forlwbilck on, th 1�1 lie out. The poor wanderer 'gd!tos of 'Court Coiontv d1ro4tion witl so( Atcoholle Beverage. follow d into tho 9-treet land, aw wo-storf 3, To= nd In's 1.2 P1* apRR'rY FOR SALE.—Th look In the oposite IL .by Williatu - bri. k iousso. at present 00011tiend 1�swlilgln -li� I Hope Fair the itin street, S" opon a ( a 11 L I I,W i df hell. Gte Che Fourt —Alcoholic bovaragei- st ,9 Prendergitia -j ht%s an excellent cullArii a avenleut ntry, a 19 rge stone cistern find is haste , with it ro I member, i!-,% hon the F moc -German D�i,tl�owiiielcupist-liepitronof impur-, "Vbitt arc you doing 11;are, 11%leglill said I INos, 2. S war W�is going pot, tha� 1 Stdod 0] 10 (lay In a doing here to- Wow 'bulldibg IOU 1% he officers of the law tell us that the pallco. "What are Y 11 —00 , t �' ,"erP D. W11,01116 our is -il ti wag Xn to and 1111118 mon, a yo,nng re ate ]a 1111orles, Ino 4 ic 9 larly all the ]lien Who go ito the shani-* night", "Oh," she replied, "I i High Street oce d kv Mr, Mirk Red. eolour, bad a lot of i house i ad I St a f 'on terms and Uwas so absbrbo& , in the Act 1pturiag blt)s ol death go in intoxicated, the intintal warn i myself, and then the rattling cough 04! 0 N B,,A.N.K, fmder will be tuitably - T-owal i.r- 'e airid 4, Jam 9 -fid Paria jookiagir at I I a a Joh i 1jda il 1. be sold cheap ana to JOU+';. U ses, at the1op of tbo� gatasil-tbo mawr and. 'and tt a spiritual abolished, that-tbo brute, caiii% and she bold to the railing until the For partidiilav,� apply heme C0.NRA_D_W.&G'_N inay triumph. Toll -ing nian i p forth. 1437x3 for f, ifid aftc.r* nic �thab a Axiolysin'was over. line Hky and Stanley, ot She passed on down EL d line, looking, '.down I saw tl at tile and I know the whole" S'tory. If be' ithe strectl flling from exhaustion, ie- FA N FOR, SA11M.-Forsale east half 61 ro officers'of the lt�w Borutiniflng the wine cup, 1101 Will covexing herself again, until after A801110 61,50050cm., IMBER becom;08 a Captive of AL I D: P) ty nd for a Person Tithe NVeA half of 1,6to 4 &ud §, Concession 8. 11posi g, no doiibt, 1, was a Get nian and beconi'13 a captive of'all other vices, Only she reached the outslzirts of the a! A I titafning 5 I acres, %1I well '.timborod. . u - give h I lai tinic. Nd -one a I I a res of i�ood hardwood and. � the' balance Is )king Lit those gates Or adverse purposes ver runs drpnk- pass(d on into the cbuntry road. It seemed olitical itsue. ftom $0 to e weiv ad -and h E T Ing to the- V40 - �Aud valueic' d " heialock. j13� it, 'We laball Dot cit., Lnd look- eiineN alone. That is a ctirrion crowithat so faniar. Sho kept outhero s e� 81 . -95- About If -an to S11600mm full lnformptloi� P-OLITI -good roadd 7hls�, well situated and has ates of'hol Umwr 29, BAU11tiord, Ontali� leadt ig it and is ,fthin three miles'of Kippen, Ing at the outside of tile g, 1. -In goes ja A flock, and whon you see Ithat saw � ti tile fflst,,aubo la light in the window.: millb, Ittelill.be,sold cheap and oil eney terms . Ap- sartribn I shall toll, you. of beth sideii, beak r ]load, you inay knovy tl;e other beaks Ah, ibut light had' booi� gluaining thcrei, 142 4 vit: Ill I shall toll you what t' ose gates In othe Nvor0s, the wine cup everl night since fillo Wont away. On thaV PI S COOPEK, Kippen P. 0. 3 XT TO ITHE R1 RTAI 1P to rtduccurlxrg� fit haininer of Gbd's tr ao Coining. In otho: BRAN C-LIL 1 J�Kpo?rde; -Having disposed "of Lotr 11 ad of- With the unbhuicos and d brands one's better country road she passed 4ntfl she- came to 1� 7umber, we w-111 offi.,r ispee, sh Ill - PoUqOL on d Juddli ent and leaves one the prey of ll. Ue gal�dcn ge. She op I lid passed buyem fmm now until July I th thelantern of God's. tru shall lig � I . . - L . RM, FOR SALE. the brazen pit els U11,. Cited: t a Offer the re Lining hitildied Acres, wliic� MI. STgtYp SI@AFORTH. boull"inledout at the sho: . t I Thpie is betwierl itert.y., and fifty ;V11 appetite that may-chooso to a up tile path Ivitero,she pl�ycd in childhood., 1434re Z a being blafik t9h, ana upon the shining lit -gas I . oul. Thereisnotaplaceofaiy he daino to the staps and locked I of �ttl large P ort of ip flash -a light 8 at th rvowz, IDaawbod. er:fl A. gell Bra" baiikink 11 s transacted. the I-eniftin or �beinst 1 rineipally- ha There lind, -of sin I n the 11 Ated. States today tb it fire on the bourth. Then sbo put h 11- Drafts on aJ1 partal of the t1nited St�t� ce 85c. is a I 1i Ilin r spring of to thro 1 ! ��A Credit issued, LaVa&ble in t'w 1"i U ralture ate &J anI. 106 "�,it of iti" P mrtff, rforcrop.. It ure oo§Y ot find its clil(f abottor In the chll w gers to the latch. - Oh, if that door ad G i Lght and sold. Letters of ANTED-Y=pung vomtn b ac res. read _wil sold -at do It 711sl tril &in and and a out,' 5 Gate the Flr'�' nplilr% if S a MeAe on W tin yalig in ispiri I' I t I Thai, -ad she woWd have perished on J" -es ollected, and advauce reduced abitebarean. ForlpsirdeaJars, appl�,WURS. JANE 'V' iR..c#ller a drinkil g been lock Farmers' Cale .Xot ter, good talke-rao, ambitious a ustock; of Europe Cbiaa� d 0 on r Col. seized 20 It WA,bKhR, Box 2 19 Bri wels.* 1417.-tt 0118 of 0 ar on ( chin- or one nbo,% 3, the t1ireshold, for sho Was near to-Waili I I at R V rest iates. as. and lottair pro , a nd wl, a Rate b(ok;, pit barb( roi , a (11 io s; gow or on undaroatl Those- I NLO.r up"rols, aceordirq t* 03it� ARM F -SALk-For'sale 'Lot i28, Concession oi ir I ?rbfoF sor Cochran of the 0 lyteah1111, people asca)e But that door bik, not been locked since -E P A R T KE01"W"I"M 4, To ntilitil of pay, cont dningUO acres, 70 of legal ponalty becait�e they are all licensed the time she wont away. Silo pushed opeo krautford, Canada. F irstimto boured the destruct ve acl& o i 'n which are'' cleaw I tile rest s weft timbered,witb to self liquor-. The !,courts that license the the door. � She Wei Lt in and lay down ei� I epw its of n0 Dot r a rid. u wards received, and i terest allowed at hiahest curmalk I tl as Plat they stocked In't. to ighteous 4 I en& an(I Deeemboar. 11111ple,'ash told oEd- Ir : good fro me ba;rn, 4000, new stile of stror g drink' license bli " the hearth by the & The old house dog re tea. In bere d A to'prh cip twice each year -at the ho: neei 11 -40, a getoc log houite-and other ifflatign. And yet.a groo-i deal oftfie gain 1J igi f . Tackersmith, bereby 4 'it oil W a� lie saw liar enter) but fl N D U( tice of dr at is r ed -the whole or any portion of a deposit. -late wa-9 for out baildin 9, good oi chard ani [ plenty'of sAnall fruit b A Iterature of 'the (lay is 117,t ripped of houses, 11cousc libortinism, license disc, gro led zoos wItaering their �cattle, iiii tld 9 ti, the Y Ace lie race, whool well � ors1lowing the - i tree:r a no ver fat Ing spring ctoek.'and1wo.welli. license datith, license all �ufforings, All soitictblu I guized, and .GEJL ppultr t _a I xw. I� is strowil in your- LTIors; -it. This iann i! well adapted for graln.or pasture It III crintes, ll des ollatious, all disasters, all he IrNked about liar until her! abiftoti IL S. W. K. PEARCE, Agent. a-sround -the. ilro19.1a your libraries. Some -of your obildrah �p With uWauling to U-1 and "r -1, two in :es iron Kippen-and three qs%I dt),%Vn ill his joy, school. it �vlll be sold chlp. --4( retired' murd It Is pushed liar cGREGOIL shi read it* at night or they ha ors, till Woo. 'the courts andirt ioe �n log,islattive that are swinging *Ide 0 n In theniorning �Jie inother Can e down, I or are apply to QE0.*E. G-RFKNS- �ho 4as binintim swung as near is possible jauEs G. *qZSNZXY, True. _ r g p 1 1136 c4 I ADE, Kip. -it P. C. o t1eir pillow. Muob Of tills 11'(rture Is this grinding, creaky, StU L JR111dous atrof and Alto saw abuiio� lo of ragsonthebeartli;., THE fttion. tile lost. but when tho faw %�as upliftud sille knew undili-the titleof sciatitificinforin A 0 [private funil AlUABTPARM AND 71ELAGE lboot agent. with one But ou say: "You have describcd t Iinfernal. a I% and it -was nc i' ore 61d Met of the COMMERCE of - thos C AVX� NO rates of inteX pito: Eft Y.- - -% good hundred locre Ifarm ri a 4ates of hell and slidwil us how thl$y swi g strai6t.. Throwing 101 arins aroun the ro'� fdr state c eu tivation lotL ' boot R, -to!, -ad over with selcritille ijomeu-t . . @ 16, in M - Tt he !2th Jdigal, 81 0 ried, "Ob, Maggio! I,�oucwtqlon of tie tonship-of Gray. -A good Brok cl� ii�l (Itit inSo botal and )] d lit one lit to' 411101V the eutr,�Ilco of tit() toolited. turn �d Pr( ESTABLISIIED 1867. V11a of Cranbrook, I -at ffirou It The child throw lie, arms arollf C id bet 41-2000 PwAd axid Viall n the said n-' t �i nl all to, You not, before you g I shi , knov �i as It T to Beek also a y Los and sold -OE, TiQRONT0. 1f0tarin t Le V%w dt huildrod cop I I q HEAD OFFI t W311,061 It is appalling that ) nen 11.1 lie scrillo tell us how the of 1) 2110ther's neck fin"I 0ald, "Oil, inother!", 9,12a goc franic-store in said village. -Aw id so gate. 1,5L0.0 V-ithk tw6, !io 31lay swing out- to allow the osicap, )of t lie and 10ile they whoi,einbracoo-d a rugged, 0 $61000,000 tbinkin, a 111estil wouI4 dd well to examine tits W)n anwho can got tbr0"'ll th Ar fandl A PITA (PAI UP) SIX MILLIGN DOLLARS 0 SAIATS, �� y v I roperF7v, hich w �i be sold at a very reaso_n6le r reply, but very few escal a;- orno owerot L 0 loin. S r ric'e, Ili no or nore parce a to suit purthamrs. pi ys� ioian till tile useful' Infiwinat 1011 _tlloty nJ%y and withotit any dontin Anatiob Of tile thousand thitt go lit S)99 Parish, ther. The severity all. gone out As facef K_!ST i Nd flopst Ertber Ili rmationwillbe fr.oh, supplied to ity. �Iipposic One of those Wanderers shorld lie stooped and tfook lior up ten er and R WALKER, GmiB"I, MAXAGER. 0 rie SCIdres 4ng the uoderailined, �t Brussels. * '6. -if. silould wado chin deep- tbrough such. ao-. to county. FOI Ef2AIR,S&Iicktor;F.B.8COTT,Auc�ioueer. ullock, at your door, w uld you ad,, nit Ili kii! carried her to nidtheri's room wid'laid her STOCK a ;nder tb plea of gotting ,r out of uT . Ift c ra, tire 1379 do. bo-awlit that rinthgpresses leii than CT -Bankina, Eusinees Trans ­14or S1lpl)0.SC YOU kutiw% wl tore she can in fro: ii, d0w;a oil inother's 'bcd, foi� she dying, i SEAFORTH [�RANCHV I would you ask her to sit down at ycut Tilick the lost oilb, looking up laro liar A Oen!ra�, acted. Faril)ersl Notes diSIOO)anted Disft bopi lig to bo called doeent I ni d t 1A elliselvos BALM a Are low. GOOD ?,-VESTMENT.-For saie,-af 'all P a baq an, uo thers, be � dining tabJ,p" Would you lie , ito niott.r's faeo, wd: " 'Wounded for � our issued, po , ble at all 1)6inta in Canad'a &Ud the prineipal cities lu jV a. fliw �,Jstorev brick - block with good- st D "e-' to ti Is I&II-1113% Fathers wd i ii B% aper j� r verad'vvith iron roofini. T Ai. the goveriloss; of your ' c 1 F ttangressions and bruiF(,d for our In- itnivials vdth ill colle'ai works. collie: _ 1, So. 3. Mould. hmses at re -L and iLlI cc not by'llic, title !serwal to 'tuit the bud tin b ock con lin I w a fino stores with dwellincroo vs - N NV0,111 you introduce llor aniong . rour IP- lqul�le's Motberi do you think that '-the Unitec..Sts,tes, Great Britain, FTance� Berrnu.da, &C. 149. Ther Yr Oth In tenths of tbo 3usado. . I ; .8eafortb i)01 ' �AVINGS BANK D5PARTMENTI, ly ill the re, and od (t.ht.r.d to ood tens ,,6 books coniT hot froni I is riio?'.' "Olt, yes, iny darling," Would you tk �. the e- mcall Dv id girosperi �r of Rensal surround t1fe ost world, though their nitily have oil ed as it W Cvith 41 the nest faroilng country, inake othis an A No.1 Ili- 'the tile nallies Of tile PUT: h6uqcs sp UgoAtbo-outsidoof lie tl�o nlot�lvr. I $1,O) and, upwarols rc-c 011' 6] [1-ty of P�1111 niothei is so glad to get Depo�slts of ei-vedj and urrent rates of intermt VULL FOR v6st xi3oilo lil'-inz iapitfill.. Satl,ifaol�ory o ilo tile on t1i o ins,de you bac�, don'P fyou thi ghbred Durtau gt nk God is glad to went furl York, Chicago ane,' I'll Idelphin. -reh at the nd of May and Novoix P allowed. jOPInte t &dd d to rho, principal reasons for elilling. . For lurther particulars oppl %, to of 1:111, glito is to get Out? gat you backo Tie li V, Bayll ortb, 41 either J. P NIAIRS ffALL, owher, or -G.. J. SUTU I &� dore I, till thd novole. uraturcof -o she dyiu heir be 9, Nader, Hansa[] P.O. You would ]lot, not o6 of athousan of And i lit), Rn �r*in eac4 year. ANP,Nota�yftblicswd' ouveyz - filing ove I I and I t 1, t] 0 � v r tile land by tl 0 million. to the collection, f 00nimercial Paper imd Fsr ainter. Ontario. I 14184f A . t. lore aro good. novels. tliat iiia long, so, you �vfluld ditro to (10 go. You o)lild dreanis atul all their'prverswere,h1led Special atteltibn" givie t 11 at, rift ns- i '�d 'V 111 I fO 0 1 te _ E� tind With thO01. s, , ;o n c(i r I 1! tra 4m" BULLS 17 I. rul poqo there my be goAT n o- -cls mers' Sales No onoossiou class paper R SALE. -Lot 25, Conces� -,a g ooa nov ep 0�v hor lisfortillie, but givo IloT gresluils and bruised for our Lot C arc aiort, -and so the're we r 'At. MORRIS, -Manager. 11r):1111113, Bull qtice. Ali sion-6, Township of Morris,- containing 150 a lick do- F. HOL -ESTEA Solic itor. It" Tho D 13r" ' -prautical help you uovc� will. I tit you until itist Iniforo the inoniont a. -rain or stock, situated two and, a h.17 a iexv-! t; n. - �o one- of. of the suitable for l. it is th _op I I intollor. Will sav, 'Are thero no wys by w1 turol her-faco lightedup, sbo Ing ilie miles from the thrivin.T village of Brussels, a good -al 1,, r reads tb a irlt thi, it ( gravel road leading thereto; 120, acres eldared and -no one systeuni ii . WUM orer nlay escape?" !Oil, yes; birce, or Pardon f God bad dropped upon her soul. eeps I—Ak. - - tualps, 6 ayer�t�o novelette of this, I t WPM,. free front a to cedar and ash and balance the F�iwinjg girl'ii And th, ro sbo slept way on tile bosoin of hardwood. 1,13arn 0 with straw and bay- shed .0r. The most of- four. one wy is -We t 08 Ints FOR SALX 40xio, stone stabling -i iuderneath both. Tbe house vics 1love lott0s al�6 rit-f-li by broen dingy, colt], hunger blastvO. But a pardo nitig Je its. So the Lord took back it garr sale -Chree Shol+thorn I is brick, 22x32 with k �heu 18x2fi, collar" underneath you "Is there no other Way f6r her tc one whom. the World rojected. B H d(Nva literarniou for small both buildings. -All ar � new.' There Is a large young Oil, yi�,s. Another Way* is the -sweWemombsiold. T%oro. orehard. School on ne xt lot. The laud hits a good tilni, on tho principle th , havin failed T a XXome of the Cary Slstei�s. natbral drainage, and the farm lain good condition. II ,iy ])a- st-reet that to the rivU, at midnight,' Dams- -sired bY Satistactory reasons fo sellit,ig. Apply at L Tax E. 11 craIjuro olevated'and )uro, t r� a PC the end of the City dock, the nio6ii.shilling cloy rnook, the ]ionic of the poA sisters, Ill, of fi at I rim I t to, sbecoed lit the tainted d th nasty. nent 8 WM, BARRIE Alice an 1.111mbe Cry, near Cincinnati, PoFaTatt OFFicit, or on I he preird as. down ion tile Wator Malcing it look so .1 , - ate 'o r: -on 10. Tackagoomf tf 0 i, this Is wido g, hell ased i ew Y )3ROTHM, 1386 book or S111010 h. by their Drugs c18- -7 has bet, pnrub adcoutof a bad t)) he -,venders if it is de�p enotiff Iffelong P1 I 101 is 111, OR SAIX.-Titat Lluable farm property fknown It is. N 0 as, hose son Mrs. bf. Louiso Thom 1.91 tWalk 13ontnian near cnou#li to licat F as the West part 31 Lot No. 22, Cone0slon 1, paper. E,very hingo il thei terjolood type. tile lun�go. 1�o watchnian near enough to itiarried �,tbo oldest of tile Oary sis tars, and of it corr flit printin pross. E' ver v- bolt or . I - -1. , BULU FO-R� Con- a colic stomach of the Township of 11% -, Loddon Road Survey pick I tof out before she sinksl the tlAfd it is intc noled to preset ve it in t! io antily -with a colicy b illy oi tainina 37 acres of lain. This flop property is right. IO..L-Of*llltttg�%t.0ili3iiii(le6ut-Of thoplte thue Nootherwav? Yes. Bithocurve 'is a Car,.,' It Is Thonlas' isn't pleasant. Rither can le avoide adj�)hflngthd rapidly growit villageof lionsall. and of' an ur Clean pictorial. . In oth(r Words, I TRMEY PL%L F0R SEF plan to i old thno ovoline.;s b Perry avis' #J basiCirservicevnLot" e e P i U bottle o I '73. entbract a over 14 acrot of wat ig known. ws the Ran., of th6 1railrmil A the point whero the estorc all Old g. 1) , sall Race Couroe and I Irivini . d uJilon Aich era arc a million ]lien dndwon-ion in the 1, - of Clove lilook by plaV�ig in it liar centnry X r 'R - ine shef. It thoroughbolId 4emev tall - r Purk ar *1 of tbd lightning express train can (in th� meffic linsi -ves c,)niiderablellioney-and lab Upited States today reading th, lot hogany furniture, blue Chia, en attacks of Cramps, wbichsh iedl)wwber. or has been expendo on not yards a4ead to the forin old ni.l. is Zivatiiablq- �r � siudd terms, li -st the time *I P.m Wit ig it up, and It N one of the ver 'best In the to 116,111 I . that ij�� tile track. iHo nlay willtitlE books, volutionary 1 relles of price-loiss ClibleFa: ;'Vloftus, Py ,,entery autl Diarihcea. ve con- Cou uty. This is a*gra id chance of purchasing what when In Ono of our cities a ta valuo, ait(Iniuking it the suinnier homoo of Ju4t as for litightalmostbetermedas %,IlI%epKopert�1ats.rea-' (10 svii , br kus, but not Isoon an o , I I 11 external pains. Boll %lite price, anst W h prop- I . alwaiys be In. f ilyfi'll Into ruins through thehilsoleods , disppoint the oks her deth. tbofainily, The place atpresen#,contains asnooufni in a half al,.s of water or mill: (-wa f onveill y will one who. Be Preasing fit value- w! i the growth of the village. one 01 its nionibors, the aniazed mother ME02WMLWM I iit 1.10 acres, with it good brick house and now For I further particul re, apply to NURS. Bit- GIL- d to Ithe offi : I Rnt you.say, "IFult Good good, and we BOARIS Fift i hb forgive?" Yes, b IS, CE[EtIST,, owner, a to.G. J., SUTHERLAND, ver supposod tbere was anything Nf r(;n ut n;an will not, waln. barn upon it, the original frame building rice Notary Public and Cc veyancer� Hensall P.� 0. an Will not, society will not. -The eb it rch in which the poet sisters were bor:n I)aViDg WOUTH ]BOAR ng thl 'o Ii I ..or thought there could'be . ant -but� it wl.11 not. -. Oux booti suld gonia years ago and ramovou t if -ilenco of, God says twill, Than shosat weeping IIIt has a ARM FOR SALE.L 0 'got work. �iiiust be prevention rathei Mount eaLtby, a mile north. rT TED In the county, of Huroq;� f soul() time and s d: " Oil, I I �av with iviowirtA poadlgm� i jai" at t.-srVice with privili ds.) And F tonallie of blelifflop, in the Oth con"salon, I know, I kil than cure. ebrniiii -3 grove of several acres of wood-' rices. lot 34, cousisting of 99 iavres, 20 of which-tite-in bush �ft I now I ow I I fout d in her Great Evils J Soei,64. land, an I a ibc utiful atreatill crosses tile lory. HUGH XcCARTNX not culled ; 3 -acres A bush being cedar the real I areau after she went away a Will book. 0 placo. hardwood.' Th6 beanco of the farm Is in pies. be- la h 5 Three gotil tions of. the Carys distin- ingpItatured. There -is anew stQne houtio, well furn- booksellers have gathe red up the c.q talogifes 1just as certithiky a God I and the Bible rc S"kab ished, having' 1%-roomE, 1 . a all, with kitchen and wood- t's wQ' slew T ese leprous 1 Those gate of hall ai�o to�b6 prostrated guisbed the llselves In the service of the Wall I i�p Aper Rush Bthorouglibred s all the mitila and feina-lo semb arie in true, but it svill. not -boldone until Chris- iff-vies 01) ot 0 �oonesodo shed. A epleudid , cellar, saft,water cisiern, and country- -ffif t. Colonel Christopher, -to vrinvilag Serkvbiro boars, never fAiling well of ex-.,ellent spring water, There- a United States, otitaloatios Containing tia niell anic Women, quitting their prud- 0 1 0 -_ is a frame bs�rn BW6, and uther out buildings. ; 0 t0f, I whom t his ra ut of , land Was made' by no t4o naines and residences of all the stu- jery and squNiinilshilless In this matter, acre orchard of good nursdry.trepa, and a jearden ef James 14tollson, the fourth president of an so re, fenced with wire. Ing' �ents, and circulars ol death are soot to rall the -%Yhc le' Christian sentinictit of the Z, toy ode- both sexeL I, AN -D— 0SJ A spirit cfeek ris nj the Unit ed Stat s, about a con tury ago, in IS NOW Ox Will P. o. Ar viiars ftfri i the adjoiLoir farm, runs across about t -.e mAille every one, without allay e--weption. lCan church and wsail those great evib; of soci- Ireturn for loyal nd gallant services in the I for further particulars apply. to W 9. 0 ining no anything inoro � et Iful? ety The bible utters its denunciation in of the y tfe- this d MeMIG;TiL, Box 70, Seaforth, Ont. 1486xt Revolution; sec)nd. Robert-, his Son, and warf niato' or pa old porson,. who has not bad piety of the dqy,J& such a namby paniby . I I -sent Lit the surrender of Thl' t, a young person, inalu irection il'gail3 und again, and yet the the father of tbf poet sister.%. in the e L I] EN & WILSON I�,ht you cannot even qnot FGWIPALLIE. off0r.ed to Idin or her a bad book i a bad sortof thing, Hull, arid thir�, Warren, who still livos bouse to f out Scripture Without making sonlobo The frar te shop In the rear of OCICifellow's Hall ie. pic,.Ore., Scour your d dy rest. cently use J by Itoburtson &-Son as a workshop. Pur- upon tho OR 1, Pi cc did good,; service in the wh6tli or there are any r a Aled less. As long as this hot-.,, Imbecility reigne of thegoadde lice Ca §,,, chaser to lave two months to remove the :building late civ 1 Ni it, ry was the fli-st '7 0 ypur parlor enter table or coiled , an Id In the e hurcir-pf God-. -sin-will laugh y,)u Apply to onsi A. F. Hollansm, seforth. 1434- to opresident of �orosls.-Worcester ISpy. th lot sot on tho dresstvg cascq� I a( Jure to scorn. I do not know but that 1) orE A e! d Ley arp, witbout a do0t, showing the finest awartmet Our AL-ect 40unee MONEY' YC I ofore tile sun goes down. to: OX)IOTO the church- N4akos up inatters will got r rea�y for i an LOST. Not Goo i I 1n lillelionnatse -Drqssing. time and monq haully libraries with a in xb ble uffalo young wo 11 goods in td*n. Now is your chance Papor never - was so atk�6p -orsd and and that there will bavE Lost on �slturdlay, Joins let, on the Town line 0, yqur A cortain B an who of ne'� the Bauble tine, between Slake andbir. Robert Turcer's, Bel! "Reancril bar' that one I ad beat- justly in ides herself on liar knad � t Mak- �tl: 3y. o bo ofie lamb sactilficed front ctich of ilic- tauley, 4 pocket diary, containing over 81,00.- The or I btV� picture i uay do tile We& J or oter- moqb carefully g . narded folds, nd thowave an apr bangin' ne�er so reasonable. Beautify you houxes, at Iftfle cosL Canadian other dainty dlsh�s recent- firidar'will receive a n6eral reward by retur'itinir the Wit I wailt to arouse all your ; aspicio ;of uncleanness dash. to the spire:of OlLeVil- i -ito a fewfi-lords foran Via Tbraztti� satue to JOE -IN A. MANSON, Blake,. - :1434-6 y, y df in) about novelettes. I wat."to put kon )it Ingo church and the top of the cathedral I evening lit (d rds. She conchide that lob- IRAtIsh �Col=W lilay toWdr. poll CEDAR. P067TS'' FO 8ALE. the vwtoli aginst everything tj star salad -s otild be the best thing for a Di �FOR'SAMPLES. i patriarchs and IOom like surroptitloils, corresfon 1011cp. ropliets and light hinclic )ii, and accordingly, with liar 4()ur rat" are the 10 ion an- The undirsivned has Inow at Brunefleld stA' ntlronghtbepostoilfi�o. Iwallty0atoun-"I iall 1�e galists anq1L&ChrIs6 hinielf have usual cn,v, Icked over tl odate ot-of-ton ciistollners -we ate prepared to ve other 'ear loid of flist-olas8 cedar lobs�(V, 311UL-d tooll'suit I rybody posts, whic,he r and that impure literature s one 0 :th nolored against tdiese sin�s as agalust no; the niayonu tiqo dressing and ut the dish IST 4GARS for Your will sellat rpduced prices -from 7 cents to 10cents, do'st, I I on t -he Wroxeter �rder to ado: Ali-) po0ts 81 feet long,'suitAble for Page %%*I'e fence, the broaq6st, highest, mightiest gates 10th 3i., und yet there are those Who think DEL R all do f pa r . Ili$ I)er FREE at any place urther infomatio D .. . away. )i the botir for serving the re- for f -12 cents a ought. 1:6 when we speak of tbesoi fr JOH Lffl7l.3130110U(�H the lost. W -hinebts 111110 around, the guests sat in or Bayfil,� Id stkgoi linel So6nd a card for samples, describing'robom it is wanted- Statlion eT. The I)Issolute Dance. �Ilhjects, a toe apologetic. 1�pilt; illy foot, ! I I . PI alalut lfflt�Cipllt!1011 astho. appeareO. We will be please for and pproxn)�Ae firice on 01 the conventional rhetoric on thisi to -fiend samples and prices by ro U. - NOTICE. Gat 3'tho Secoud.-The dbisolnti d 1-110 A�, It wiis bitought hi tild has as 3 thoiig�lt n Servi Trat 'Y �ul�ject, and I tell you p1tvinly that unlesE iddress— Nnt tea is bereby -given that a by -I lou liall not divert nio to) tile go VVI she detected it pectillar odor, but tisicribed retil DWI, a Wag Pot ssed by th 11tirlicipal ty of the Townoiht� leXill on the syl)j(%ti of dancing. Whatevor yon' nul: You give up that sin yo-tir dooin Is sealed, Iof it to Sonle � ]law perfunic thq servant ])aid er=d Txvft 29tb da.t of Apill, A.D., 169 ic for tho issue and world Nvitbout (And you will be chased Cl,.r,- any of (jet t 5, providt think,of the parlor dance or, the Alothodil used. Oiia'gttcqttoolciittisteloftliesa]IW, to the amount of V6,492 sounds of iiiiisle in J)y 1ho of an incensed God, 'I a drain in thtt yfiitern Ourner of' MS', for the our- otlop. of the body to gave it startand put down !iliF fork. A Tabn its -00 Ll EN & WILSON niale I. -1 . I I A the Muricipstlityand that sudh a by-lc� %v%ag register. 010 family or the social ridl you to it besic-emet)t 6f tho gates of refunded. . f..Irald, I am 110 n y9ung womn who took at good mouthful 40M W110- Ied in i he rt gilbtry offl­o of thoi Ccimity of Ifurnn, on now d�soussiug that question. IY,, lit -11. Wo wmit in this besleging.host uof� coiigliedti)tliiia(loawi,.Yfiec,. T�iohostesg soly-ft1s: 113LOb MAIN n fl,l) , �,; KI STREFT the is to day of ; yo 0 May IM*Amjscsett� — _- of her Nvn prod- A.D1 '1805. Anj, inotion to .-tonij C With me tills hour in ]Feco,gn soft -sent ill) ontil. lists, but i1nivill will) r( then confideniqly partook to set agile the same, anyrnthereot,timstl Zin s f;! ad within three moath from t h� date of regls-� that d A� willhng to inke and give hard luiocks. r >rol� incic uc J'. ke lit there is it diss, Mixod tratioui and u%n6ot be miLde hereaft-Jr. The gates of G117'.a were ciii-rit-d off, the "Gracious goodness"' 'she axelaimed *me XAW- You k, ow o what I spank. 'It is see io" 0 AN y in tho low haunts of d I til, putting �loi 1�fib �ay at June, 5. -4 bl Lt� . 11 AIORI�180'_\-� Clerk. j;ates of Were battered down, the lips, 1) e.d. Pated egn: inansions. It is the firs:; gates of B�Lbi,lon Were d�kstroyeo:"L and the h her napki)i to hex F; p V 'Con't eat anymore ofthatisalal. Wait& Jai. 1"11- - - - LLETT C 0'.* irna, ruin for great multitud( of botl I 3te gates of bell. tire going to be prostrated. tn� nnto, " find she hastily left thorooilly re- The Chri,flaijimt(I printIng press will be Iioxos. You know, my frionds, -*) liat pos: tu.-ning Ili a few winutes with an agonized 43 lircs nd attitudes, and figurcs are SUg. relied Up W tho eltief battering rin. Then wemwtoa- exirussion 9ii her fmm. "I'm so sorry," llavi�xg putehaqed the eni ire stock of the firm of AL�A W 00mo NORTX-. ested �r the devi therc Nvill 1: 0 it long I ist of rou,;ed Pulpits, sb� � aid, " but DOXt to the oillvc, oil bottle null4b,& Jackspn, hereb Tllv�j IN1110 glido in -o the dissoll! to danc shall. bo assailing fortresses, and stood one contuining clear c6 liver oil y solicit thr! continued patronage redhot truth slill be the flying full. rlide C 'or all illelliuld t lie dalic given to till old 'firm, and by close prices and Stict atten. - an I' that. is not very good In �w ayonnaise BE E-ASY1 s swif'or and wild�tr itind wild ; 11111litiO110! th`00011tcst,'�and the,sapperE dressing."- E nquirer.; Bnffalo tioil tq busibe'se 'trust not only to r I etkiu and the iiihiers will lay the trat-6 undez, intil vith the of lightn: ng tile: tour present cus-, Wiftbam., nt .18 Wit 'C f0tlu 1, lails of Sin, and at just dic tomer�, but to add new ones a dges c f a decuilt 1: fo into t l]&o. Our st6ck of facilities Use leTy Riture. This ,gate of lien swingi right who leads on the fray, Me" for 'a icr(OSS lie axniinsfer� of.inany a no par will cry,. o -%v4 with the gates!" an di r, aud across the .,.allroolli of I lie suln )1ostou botwiLth will ba'anso,vered by ap L't r4' �roe, Stoves, Tinware Ouse, LaudoA, HUT j:dICott 49 * : . o 6 right Shel R4 W kept 21am- Illy sister -you have no rig�li 0 10 furnishing oltake an attitude to tile ,sound f niusli Xercy For tlie Wanderer;., You have I 11 KI do of ner witering place. the trunipets of God on high, celebrating" universal )-lotory.. plilleation, Furni8hings, etc., Iworktuan. Which ould be un)) Colililig in tb absolicl But there may bo, one wanderer that of -111if Ac. No Cili0i'aring -gr d of City would likO to have, kind word calling in we have added a line of e4fortil Is completo aud parlor 4)7 fiddle of hiountin p cLic c homeward. I have t�ld you that society thecr'eam of Cod-liver With at prices never Gffered before. For instan,ce__ co iscamite tht which God bath drsed. I%ondesbore 110 tile -ey. Did Il bint at an earlier HyLp�phospites, is foiii 11 a cntA t* - h ava Twiri Bar lndlIseree� Apparel. poin his subject I that, God will Coughs 3k O�e OA 11 90%. r Dish PC, In �;fltc the Third.-�-Inetiscrcct apparel ill'orcy upon any waudkirer whobuld like king two Pafls I Pudding Dish, DipPer igham Anive— own &MM- The tit �.ire of w )11111,11 �for thd last few yban Coldsio to come back to the heart of in" orks, #0 love? Throat, Match FIFTY WENT& has bt an bo�aiffliful nd gradoft I beyonil: A cold night in a sore Eds-'est �oap in the World. 'anythitlIg I havoJ known, but rhero ard Father conivi in front the barO, knocks Bronchitis,,� U; .1 ; Or one cbver6 1%-�; ydti; thosom 10 Ill 'Llway . I ! , It does all V�e ��or, 1, Bread Pan, thre Pails, Dipper, Pud-d Icarry that Which isl the snow froin his shous and sit'down by WeaW Lungs, ing DiSIX Win- Don'tj�--.ve't'o'4�ub or Scrub. :right, lito th 11 C) linary and I I Lliscreet, 1 the Bra. The mother sits at Ole stand �mer, -1 lu t Pin and Wash Basin, for ONE DOLLAIL ALL ConSLImption,, I�,Iharge Ch w noithe! by sit- Saves your clothes wonderfully. tooi, le knitt ng. ho says to -hhu, I'D I istj tin 0 Youre- dress rior adjustino�nt of appall ver Loss 6f Flesh ru. el, to be member It i.i. tho anul sary tionightr" ; I it's So ru, Tlt�Ril TINWARE I TPROPORTION.'" Iwationary! 001110 adn I istrativoJ of ..evil. Perhaps The fittl)er I.,;' angered. He never wants Emacliation, I0 Clso IV 11 dare �_o fell you, so I wili, any allU.81011 to file fact that obe )iad'gone Weak 1 Babies, or every 17 rs and the mere suggestion that it was 4 wrapper fc1l"Yoll tll t, there 1�11111tjtud(s of 2114 Chi3dren, seat to Ctowing I17vay'llilivL11 lCry of� that ead event made i 1we; 81411 also pay special attentioll to FURI-N'A it lo BO 0 LivER Bltos."Ltd. N Ro oVro*tllq1r danint, to, W11, CE WORY., 23 Scott St - Tororitoi Poor N ap" i tit different thiies the of �-hn quitc rodgyb, although the to.irs r1lil COXTV.,k0T ING EAVY,-TROUGIIING ROOFING, /IS a er-bound I V (jili nie th Works, fa,shlon. down b is allocks. the old house do,,,- that *P_�P_p e book wi I be sent. tad played with the wanderer w lien she D GI�NERAL JOBBI,N,G as before, at XidX old of any age botwean this land . the A m 1 a 96 tftne offLoilis P�VI of France and Henr ` 47as a abild conies up and pults Ili,,; ]load illide Valve y in fact, for all conditions call- tand. i'viii 0 England and I will tell- you the on the old I but lie roughly re- 41alty AD ing for a quic�-, effectiVe �on �a.d trpe of morals or ininiorals of ti,tit ago or �uLscs the dog. He wdnts nothing to ro- that y r. No e�cvptlon to it. Modesti np� �nind libil of the anniv4rsary day, Ar erich, 7 M d UO2T b1ft UPI IL v,-, the e U C7 V 3t i1c &A 7 C _�old winter night �b a c1tv Church. It Scott& Gowne, Belleville. All Druggists. 50c. U LETT & Co., Seaforth.. THE I I