HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-28, Page 8UL V.,p T-... I'lut: PtI0nr,;,
'ry den;n natiotij as well -aso uey, Manitoba. The above were all tickot- wbat he can oat enio ent -
7-1 Extra value In now Tens. We have J AtTerGIvOOF 0k had reaclie( we are now Orjuriug
lot at Do* Co3 Ion Tea cuaranteed to be the finest to institution feel* 11 0 3 thpt at laktk oitizOns of to�e do to ha the most enjoy i in the Al
'k etbod'ist groat bargains from every depart.
-soason,8 loma il e'g V I
Mr. J- S. Jackson.—lMr. nd M a. during the long he i ay e-eral At
behaciatlany price. Nve are setting them at 10o and Ily scientific cueb,! those of his own chu ch. He will leave ed by i tLy e leffn '-9,ft
there w disc r a �9� Olin ch tie hundred e. Now -18 yb
]I Am -- ext, the
lb, the Importer we bought from one of the Pettolea on ThuAdayy 27th insti, Alexander McKenzie, of Luckn w, w re Exeterites leave for I Grand Bend park merit in our ator
We per for this ins& e appeitite for liquor. Or Jel h at, our ellace -for gettint-,cheapi
d tw6D e W
t dealers in Cjnada, siye there is'tot another of abor, ere Oli
fames would be a fo calling on rionds in Seaforth las Viidi y. daily. This park is on A the prettiest I uni
for lots than istake to sappose.tho r$eaforth,whiehis,�isixewlieldofI
ta;t iol
their cuiltoujors sellinz the Prime Toss i -a on Tuesda
k Tex oni, -r� and we take this opporitunity of congratki- t in h
no Blae h most d ra ed�vi@tims 61 the liqu� They were a t on their c stbmar sumn er mer resor's Carada y
bftaud7beperlb. Ityau likes real y the most d g4, of Pilmentm, was vi itirig big A SU,XML DR -'4SS
try & pound7of Our ftn� you jig flytao,), I t 400 per "4, bi &t are foun at the Tho latingtheblithodists' that town' on the driv &round by Bo field, ruceqdd,
'c her in laer ;1vvee
mad our Green, Black and J& "in Teri@ n - 21 - per lb. ave rri1a �d thear'when the Be ime seem to deall leuiqn�ly this
of men, t there, once fteei , �Od fortune which befel, ort as woo
are the boat value in town. our Bour-1, Dn bb CI A STYLISH HAT
1001fee, is giviag the best at gatistactl( n. ta ade.
4on C ich met at Strathroy with both and Mrs. cKenzte, antil we
and of )in all evil a, etil Lan ofiferencie, w Loom. ITEms.—TvIr, H
The best fir �e, i�ere (if ahigh average YR.oese haal dia-
yw 0. � ., . , k more. on e ra to ex- -his house an I A on Main at
JudZestell us It Is the besttbey can got 1 n and many'of t SO were! gentlemen of exce. able a d earnest a wisli t6in any relBt to A CHOPOE PA ASOL
here. All t )e , appointed a R
grs.ed of
fo( b bnIl match held
rGearleiaslow a' lower than an to take charge 0 their hurc We oursions.—A rs. Thompso , wife John Sniith of -,b -, Qosben line, r a NYICF
kinds of cholci treeh g 43nial abitty' lture'and courtesy. I in '* ) Re . C. FOCT-rALL.
I WY f - ? - -GLOVES
here else. The finest old, cheese 11211 per III. will 'hompson, of Sault S it. ari', 11illohi. , 6ot!,%veen Loa
ILQYW in�t
rf mark that of the *oung men who in' id �Ir. Bond godopete and j in handsoine figure. Mi. . We3e purposes erect- I tort on -the M4, deaboro
s n dim M. T mri
Ore. ing another house on' 1 It � lot next the ar- and Xi
pay the higheo price for good butter at d fresh ogzs �u d in favor of Kinburn GOOD HOSIERY.
q UD 'blfgious wor ildren, are via'iting f T ENTY-SE'"
r k in N e" us friends in wi8hii family gati, am& ch ri 6 do 4"'
Will pay Sic per ticzen cash for AI;Y. ushitityoffreS& V�ted tile to him a d U `nburri ria
P�rity They an,
g -for thd forei n sonay.�On Satur(1&3 I Lot,& little chily of I jy ;.��Zo 0.
eggs, 84nitarittin is ow preparml _ pro i I
many years of It ppipeas 3 the guests of birg. & an, or
tr, ford 'MarrioWs I el IM'N PA rd'en party under W 14DLE NUM
71 whe'rever his sacr�d ciAt ling ma takf 111m. Jarvis street. —F if teen hundred
C. WILSON, %Seaforth- mission- field." 14'. tl Mr. . ohn oat of a wagon, and. 1751
�; I - .- . excur- the wheel passed over its head, inflicting a lie I ices of 4 �!ulig
Ople passed up the line )y ske people will be held
Tie a
Barrrab So
Bank of Comm area Blvekw ing the Tern-
FRoAy 8"COTLAND —We have been fay6rk1_ o trains to Goderibb. on Fri ay IaEt.�
Tim, CROPS. —Notwithstaildil g the sev9re a n si.alp wound.—As. oseph Snell bad all, 11 I nds adjoin
J. at -6 P, m.
Irosti in the k y grow tit removed from Ili -r arm oil Sittu rdayl Or hall III July 5tb, -];,very person ililtes to get a goo(j�
th , e whovernem FASHIGNA121
byMr§.GharlesLo*riewi -acopy of tit iprin4 and the sub equeat dry I boa ber r in n on I
ea e
daily Scotinin, published. in Edinburt"ll, weather, the grain crops in this ection. ll� Who a few yea Is ago 8 b a pren Ace- last. served and a goof t pro- ba
Win�,sor, Detro'lt Among o ve wt e merit re recitations rgain, so we ask you to isit Our -
'.or,. Wdo;n� proi rai ime consistiln 0 expectation, an&
8,0'tlad, *,of da;e Junti 14th. ni'ski. better. Fall theat i h lip to�,the: tailoring buittle a' wit e, isrg.
is nIC67
f8 'Walt:)n nd music will be der Tb ot dis..
store With that
`-itemsof calilwsitSays', Prost- neart,e, so right Brothers, will The ad'. e Imperial
-ly headed out, and although it is ao see that yow are n
le i6sed we will
and Slbo; Line me or e is1), will be
to I an that be u ,o atteDd- appoin
7 evpn. eat west over (I the R i' kies. In, P, used to pay for
ff iddle of June 8 of Sea" ied.
'till qOCIAL.—A duccessful [am t Ve ba�e special prices,
the unuua xperibncei' heavy on the ground as form rishing an the yeaves, it is healthy lookill'a an ver oc -,eof ee. The roceed3 I
01 yesterd xy m4 in most'parts social was lield last iveei at the residen in
8- We re Jf it fille,properly it will iTe, abo e aA iiVer- rwarding. his 8 Holland. There a. ood hq ebureli orgfi;n.
Ill .=irgh graas field f,
ptio I to Tun E-
I I,. Robe t
c(� I try. st in the 16&ill -age or6p. Barley is also o is am now
qu e whte -Ah boar fro,, P )siToR, Al III McLe I i taent &it( the TD FLOOR tit'in idad an progruinut corialatin local CARPET AN
w era of snowfall on the sii III Boise Orchestra, ich gave, exce, lenri 1 LACE CURTAENS
norning. Sho a nice even crop, and promises a, goot5i �ie d. h cated i I hol beau �if ul Brussels W
of Ben Nievis vcs�erda_y afternoon. ()�ts, �dltllougb otvery rac"ItneCd, t4 own with i, population of ne4rly 8 00 1 music. There was a I. ge ntiltiber pre'sent TABLE COVER8
?otheringliam re -
healthy co r 'and re rowin" otilleher.e six weeks ago ftc the Pres�
was frost on th grot!ud at the lowleVb e good, k, from Brussels, Seaforth, Kihburn,_ Clin- wesented, till re., )yt ry a in CHENITLE
I e pea crop, a C ch 111 9 a population es. The proceeds of the )ly Station,, and- eezing, ogn Sill mit o, looks I.we he it�y,which III of- 60,000. 'Tile ton anapther plac was held TAPESTRY
-Miss )yt rian Ass ti)
el I Th IThe slit-.? f frost has hat M appearance of a a so W is in C imate in th a district is 1perfect." AWT SIM
P, evening amounted to ovBr $60, Ins. James R
n Londn' I veel.
strous effect on the pqtat( fruit. Ill many the new. IN Iiiiy Ryan ,dest daughter -of MThornau I WOOL AND I otop: i F�611 hay and (YARDFN P.I.wry.—GaHeu' arties, are still' i is visit s in London anti
Strs. Cambria and p ing elt ve
various'pai to 0 the country r ep o r ps rtiost a failure, wl ile i he I. Ryan,'for ne*rly Of 8eaforthi gr4duated in in ' favor in our villaie, and the Ladies'
do of Al r. James
f4adows are al
licinity.—The III D3- 11. 1
If jibe it, ts at Anti i . ___7_ been r ceived thait the It ling ve b. an ..Older fields will 4t, give much ON er [a Arbor t;niversity this summer,. Guiild of St. George's ch!urcli-intond eatering
ThepcipuTor routo to Lake Superio r and the Soo; will be 0 1.3, 0 I� arn, tb at ]I,-- is con -
be Alr; Rans'ord, the atilt main� of 011n- to 'the public's enjoyment -by holding a, th
Petrolt, fti Boats to&ve completely bla,,ted, and 1hat the plosp4' 4 yi.41d of last yeiar,j slid of fruit tf eir
AUo to Ivindoor 'i"! the ions �br ugh illness.—M
p have been i df city. In in& there t I, was in tc wn on Ttiesd4y.—1 innie .100 every Avednesda�' and saturday of a g6c d- cro stroye4, rh'e- lly orr, I& I
Goderich for the' Lt. reat Scar,
nl garden party at the residence of Mr. aniBs Weir, of Seat. tb, is visitil nsm
morning st S a. in ; for Sarnia, Winds4r and Detroit; Grarnpi us 01.1 We4resday morning, hadi are no apples of any kin(l. Corr,, w ere it N[oK4y has r -,turned home for the' holidays. Kit es Bolgar, on IXTednesday evening, July ioi1ri h�r fat v4r,' Thorrias oy cvvning At 6 P. In. For Wednesda -sud surid
lg W. John Leatherland,:' who 1W been
good co ing and in Blair ha3 been sown I on iicely, qnd 19 15
0 $11ow is co .3rd. A gpod programme of vocal And iti-� -L-, apply Ito illrlpr elied on Sabbath af-
d tickt: We call special Attention to -our-
in the I orning t1te therinoill(ter y1fi n since the late rains the roots re com ng working in -S, wnia, Was returned to toWl
.4* ter; 6onl t6o the too f Ro a' Suits. We bave wfull
strumental music will be provided. Among our villaae. - A range-
-vvell.! There is a g udge-on dancing
fhe I t Bred 17. degr�es of fro 0," fo�wari i 6d deal� oi John Ra kin acted as ii the special attractions are the, Brussels ere
her jfrom,t4e'wrro adingtawnsw
iping at the & For
5 'eg' G fear euteAaLined #orn i;he grass ioppers,.L,08- and p Kitioardine Caled' '13im brass band' and -Mrs. and, the Mime& Sage. ISO Pr 5 nt.—Al Georg rest, of Lon-. Ono prices, -' Also
JACKSOX Agent,. gr aill are selling odd lines at ridkul'
oap 51 a -ba-r at D roC on W duesd The4n ual inisson-
is iting a
BEAFORTH-- accoantottle roots and e Teti. will be served from seven to eight, OO)i, of hermother,
�ially on oatsk gam 8 MEYS. SUITS
ti4n Endeavor -so,
1404 Secon hand bicycle for aile—c eap Wf; hese little. pea a are a )J to be ery nutrrier sty ineetingr f the giiriis O'clock. -Rev. Fotlieringham,
Mris.jAl utosb ME N'S WATERPROOFS'
sold at o ce. A ly. to W. H. WILLIS - .1481,iL L
Pt, ouli, and there seems )e no ay bf eter- ciety of the reabterian 0 urch: was I iefld
of Xe OV: I uli SN' ich, is visiting at
Run &I's �pure I ,W e� initiating them. - On I e whol howe�er on Tuesday e enincr, in the auditorlu -Df
ndian Tea 4 Summerhill. thd, ho of Dot [leringhani. He at-
inr-h.lf III one pound packiges. T Q 'i'll the tl k f m a. fai the church. here was ODD PA NTS
STOP. uirly� large �at ODD VE STS
0 41� 3 041 ood crop is. On. NOT)39.—ir. J. J. McLaughlin bas been fended: e n Ltfindon
9 ito at er. Sol Li ity Beattie are@,, I - 7
01' enb so le of prices tendance, anA t d- the past few'days,
L , o
STOP MAN uld toUiagi andif itleairl o meethil which w a
I unwell' front the effeets of
'Whe it Will
CALL d -get oil r Speciall 00 dressed by cPherso4 vas at most in T14 E
Ake a few minutes and look Pces ior. Bo4s late mainivained until rketing time TACSI
n van are of a kick from a horse.—Mrs. A. Cosens, of
at ridkirWil Great Bargains in Clothing anA Shoo f r Frid ' and Saturday,. We will our farnie I look fqrward ko a, terestini one Good inuoic was. furnished i1ch'
ville, has been visiting here lately.—
pleAse you, It �411 y ybu. It,wil.1 inske'flou feel goods at jed uped T rice,, d tiring the ]ids 14 Holmcs T —In the published
0 nore -rofi, hi town is hav: in (3hil ch a leverage on orth P -
ever before ON Setif y1fi I n has )een voach-' by the Bride or choir. E
ARDS r" lna�v fra r1l 9 - Mr. C. J. Nesbitt is on a visit to his dugh- XcFAUL
Me we had su tAble.jea i I
the grass ind, *eeds remm 6d froul. thu, aides ss! CaT d d ktes t the recent
'7 �Iii(of 8�1 c
the clothing hii-linePs having just bought largely safed them1for sortie ti e. ter, Mrs..Kerr, near Collingwood,-Mr. H, [TLTIIIVqrs� 3 exi B I -P ;in ga Ion tins 2�56, X 6 t Davis' - Joronto, -we no- 0
clearink lines irrem le!4ing mauufaoturers, sad at Of and tlie' Stret otherwise Beacom was awarded the contract of illit
t hundrtd (500) Sul"- at Cory. Main str eq 1J., Buchanan, eld-
E(I1tOXI)V111.T1 NLOTE. freak �f nat ve, as - -tj',cd thel Al
it astonishinO� over fLvf cleaned up John D Goods
ray -.,Hullett.-
@a, than half price, We now se tree in � I _pur carpenter work at school No. 5; e't son ,, Dr. aue Youths!- O
Mr. Jacob MoGee, h his chased the,bo Fairview ark if it lis place. MT. ry
1 a good genuine TuE lace to sell butter and eggs fiiior caill, a e i
0 will be found Privildge 0
suitfor$5,25. Thij line, with oth rs I Ap i ion, Securing
or exchan d for ad Groceries. Crockery or Proi fine 'nd, payi.i The church building here has undergone ex- nehan 0( g
0 on$, is I for July Ist $102 for it. -
us %a long as they last. This Punawer's purchase garden in' full bloorn or' econd t' Companv
on i4,1 nd 8tood-third 23
_this departme this seas -Our ortby ayor �Iill Miss M., Adh son,of Godetti firs i plall; oner i 6 1
B&Ittle.]!Iras Sexforth..� 1437, tensive repairs lately, and1riow has quite it
our trade in aews 8 *111 not last long.
viqitedTrie'ds fr
T rR a page I oi, this issu el and See eah, appearance. The ceiling wail covered
urge. likely it late crop, f frui o on �e I at of e'� 0 r. He is now
I W . Hodgins
W M. PICK RD. Suafotth, has to say -to the puhliq. I n town this e�ek.-Rev. J With wood, a coat of oil applied and the In &I I - 'makes -of 14�
spe din the V')Loa n a �Iuitrne here.
t Omnipresence is not generall considerett a -%V�11 preach a sp, in n for the Orange- wfllIs were papered. -Mr. C. Beacom had the ife have Seaforth.
WM. PiCKARD & CO'S'L 1487f e i I �g
out I e twerIfth, of I A S. -I D ieboit and w
human attribute, bat ab men in St. Th�inaa hur unday, July
aris Green aifid,Potato Bt
ig F and, as ustial, did his work sat. ne . om C
alaiiipia, Olothing and Dry Goods aouse, TtIly let h f t I it New H
it L�iing di4nibaries the Orange 7th, at 3 o' "1 -1% is Jean McDer- a T 0ents
We have A -atuplete stock of the Pure P,.wis Gr' III In.
)r -c nfelvi-ed wh It a, C t
�eaforth. and " Potlato,Buer Finish.". Get oursu" orAe, -to have, that.--po 01011f Mr. An; u MeDermid, of e811tZ
as Y, r. Seem po mid, daughter We show the nobbie
as the maiket is a4viincing, olizzon Brotheto'. them. Sir- Mackenzi Bomell Imil d i !Armle Hender-' 1�i e T i e b� w', rs met in the z Fop. SALE, -One Stevens
f f3a the H u- ron Ro&4, an I �_l
forth. 14 Goderich. -We It
14 b or �,ew as a go.
upoth ad
�B�ot er ClarkeWallace will i ve I o hustle courigil 4balIn Burns threshing a This engine 11%abelng:
son, of this towo, left ye ;erday -foe,Detroit, I I
-Stevenson, arliftber-pic show 0 ral, thoroughly overhaul and' rebuilt, good as far
itill the places for whieb. tey ire ter H O HO*tal, and i a few days ago,
grocery. use. FepsirInir.-Engines, boilers
GooD Table Pot toes, 50c bag', at Dav to fill t :Fine. w where they willien -Elizabeth Jane' nee
booked on the epm i 'Fowler, (tied suddenly last.8aturda
1417 Jennie Yi and �`evtirytlhi% C Ok e lInd prospects practical
Or - t e a course nurse. - r. Harty Beattie
ing celebrari )it. - in pTof
Pure Ei�glish Paris Gree ;1rid bug. fin borne, in. Colborne. Sh its"hinery, mowerd. reapers, binders. and threshere
of -the moral, law-abiding character of, r 11 food 1 r a d ha_
re urned home 4n Wedn oday nighV frorit well repxited promptly and astlelaotion guaranteed:
at her ;Iusban&s ve returned
at lowest prime. e1'41 1 fairii-tet.1, fell dow' airs,and being alone in- I '�;tllr trip. a d Was" BybL JP. Rensall, machine shop, U34-4
not that we hive liad but hi law studies In Toron Alexander' tro an
people, it is kn9wn
until unconscious
te, Mr. 0. 14,. J e,18 'a wi, whao ibe nd heard, but P
14, Soa rl'5e a bar at rocerr th6house wasinotfound, a
one magistra a -.1coon, in wart has retorned frQ a trip to London, Loc." BwEn.-St. aul's Sabbath schoob.
DI -STRICT 34AT' 'ERB. -a . ho ing. She leaves -The hur
-Wanted three* Village for about thirty, yea, a d t lat gland, having-taketti 5 li roes -there for - 0 ire its 1!itha,'they' re t o e again.
Boys or fou 0 an(� died �it tit speak picnic will be held at Bayfieldo.nT
hug- chil gelical church
honest boys to se�l vaces a' during that, erioci only baby, two weeks old, and,& sorrowing eft's Gy 0
scare cards at the n th 1) v July 4th. It is always a very good
%no,* b )an M taeke,'-art wibb his careful e an&
I None but good tit
LLst and 1 2tAdi z d: boys Hector Ver She as only 25 years. old. f ncessi
them wil
him. amefielon lande n prime con. Sund sob ol o I e 14
Tbrought before By no i eans� a ad ba d.
-r F wanted. - Apply at Tus E. POSITOR 0111100 all i attended, an.4 will no doubthe so,,,
--On l7uesday evenT OSTAL MiEmsos.-For ted days li�e h nex � Snu A good programme largely
A kN �
d i don, to the. gr Bat sattof otion of all parties tbis year. -The, lawn social held at Ali. G_'
record. -The half yearly electAgn of! offiiI era V
em. I t- as te rovild i _h r he
ing the in (A the Aklethodist church F1146 x,�tss,,goods:mab- moderate r 171 ell -for the Endeavor Society -t ok pl4ce on doicerned. The sea br ezes have had a Rev- Dr. Keen boa led pentecostal rpee h )beasion.-* Mr.
t at t e residence of l r. W. D.
choir Orosse ��l kwo 'd beat Picklos and Chow, 2 C. Petty's on Thursday evenhig under -
Tuesday evening, when the ollowin the two Mtithodist churchesiand they am 0 i z 11" village and
9 61, upon r. Steiirart.-The M d i itti th4 "St. Paul's ch urch, and the,.
I Bright tbei fader, to say godspeed to bc Bros., Sestorlih. 14 s4ion the auspicesf
r ery I
-n 0 lohn. Neir will be ei �j POPS ve4 I
-=with a ntereating servic6 on the hall by Rev. Mr. Robal-
ittliii, �t Beanie 7. beneficial effe 8
to werWmade ono arypresi$ .t, v tak I is nei t house. We
i)ointinen many friends ' f Mr.
oway, iyho las Bf_,,� Fit TwisF..� rmerl can. get lecture Ig' I been !Lhiable av F Rev. N. Show; president Hicks; wee- vi as
Miss uliday night. Dr. Keen's work* is' largely wele ie Ill 'I to oo
pleased to learn that he is recov and
during b r Stay here. bestpu a Manilla Bindbir TwiDe lat hoitoln pri i1aanand its irtiosionary work, wa4,'
i cludailti to the"ohoi 804,, on
Johnswon. rothero,. Sepf� -ing the churches for
:t With is now able- to sit up mostof the ti�e - founda ion work )pai
president,Migg Marion Muldr w ecorc rig The very largely attended, -and much enipygd,
The e,eidg -*ias pleasantl ITen all And goll jprices at d- pr(
secretary, Miss Grace Elliott .; correepc and working to advance the Kingdom nversation. i musir, qeeoheE and social co Armi meetings will: be h Id in the living" andwas, financially, Rev.
ofGod,- Very-'mahy testify to ilie great
Miss lowaywill be greatly triiised in t��e Tr11 the way from I Oc to 60c, Per I ing'secretaryi D, Stoyenson irea-surer, os Park next Sund�y afternoon, it Stead of the' J. Ball, who Wae lier� recently, visitin
Anum.. r of t. ie Foresters from
er ; orgranis , NO'' KS.=
her is f ne.-Preepar-
d the bestwistes of 'the members er ister, Mrs, J. McArthur, has 19
rtin , ation to the high direction of life re.
We htgl ly i 3coninnnd, Rate Lal's It 50c. p pt;ti C."A. Port t Mr..I. T. DeLlY. Barracks, if thel wea� retnpx
at -Beat !a Pros., Staforth. ceied at, the servio;es. Dr. Keen left for this -d: urt attende� 1
14ST -Mr. Louis Reinke Was off d for a 111y Ett ons are being Imade by the I)cal corps of home. He assisted in the services in St.
-a] service
Stoyes,for rb it rip t' or two last wee to i or Or at ucefield
co 0 e _k, as the result th,, Salvatio 4riny for a big diriner and Ohio; ori the 7. in. train 'Non in cot iectibi
�j at iveraligr
Avitl�t her to h ar new home i L 'lan GA-seLl' T: 01having.1his
Dela�raxe Paul's church while here. -Mr. -John- Shir-
Do-, N -To -.N D.,Lv ere, Seaforth.. 487 on to
-dow. His left hand -Will have to d I Woo�.lstock e of many hearers. The pastors, Revs. 'Me4srs cc (Im teo service4 tAndrews ship of Hay, was home recently oA a; visit -
hot w athei Bay a G t day rh6ming, followed by the best wi4lics on Si I ib6tli,1 lasf1:_+! I erilineftve-$4 and' r,� Gregg, of Toronto,
th band cut with broken glass of *a cellar Win- an ?per th �h of, July, A] r. J.; R. ray, of Detroit, and formerly of the town�-
�ver, c era igen o
Mrs at prices- iever heard Of-- b W. T. Ge;nmell Ind 01 tario p Ed 'e and Irvine, continue union rqv,, I ix Sil tb wit4� linuch acceptance, The
SvoRTs.-This -year Sea- JohQo B;, I work fof awhile. -Mr. erman ing at, Loa 11- 9 bbii
1will be i he centre of attraction or He left here for Montreal,
'eA It
ulyIst. and 2nd. The Dominion Day fore, at Davib'Grocery. rth d( t 4n ll�s 78th y6ar, still
Mr. Hee ation is 'n' B It I I tow6, Itryi to
tor Elliott'lia e retuxed from a, six meetings, holding them thie eek in
sportalwill comm.ence-on. Konday morning Ano�her consignment of American. g so. 0,6 - r�sen 9 stree Ste 0 1110 no ne of1is eloquenct: a mother as far a* Hamilton and Torontoi,
months' drill at the( �ttawa n6del Sol '01, establiph a lochlIbranch q f the associa io in church. ave lost and
6$loek o he Recreation Grounds, vi Ig
at ten line s6%ca'arriied. -at S. blultal t& Co's. t here she has been visiting. -The B
his brin and honor itleng ith Seffbr6h.-On .1Wddries4ay evening Mr. vi [I biiis fai or,a: good share of,work W
ging success travelling eircus visit6d. oar village on Wa-
-when tbb; Tecuitselts, of Toronto, and the Prices away down. 437-1 Ar
_elc W In,* McMichael, of the t;own line, Hullett, Ivirl rard yet. -n d
fhetn.�Hr. Fred. WeAphal eft this 11 1 es-av'. The' attendance Was In
z JCWselhurst. TY ' Juch larger --
Beavers, of Scaf)rth, will meet to play a COTTOLF-.,-E in 'aV Dixv ln�A DI PE4TH. Ve stA'ted last weekin
po nd tins t 112c,. for Cleveb�-d, vl;hOre, It I his horse in I front o the residence of
exp As to sp md -tie,
I te- at the evening performance -than ib was at�
match in the championship series of the grocery. '14574 xsar�
whimoty.-A grand Annive Stew&rt,
the summer. -Fred. a tied . men ber J. Tyerman I on GA rl 3rich street, west. in etinj these otl'eq tha iter Dbilaild .4 Cinadia Lacrw So Association. This riatch e . Will be held in connection with tbeI I � - the afternoon one. -Commencing July Is
A small brass -b d music book-- belon, fqg: of our HndeaVO,r Soci ty, and as such Vill 'omething. frighltenipil tlie. animal and it Methodist church, Chiselhur in the el, Itst 60 bf v Ste- art, of Clinton, promises tO. be a most exciting one, and will to a member ef-tho Sea rth band was Inat ab.-itit t at' in the vd. the Hensall post -office will; 4o additi
be much ii at e nanse: here with Rev.
attractions. In the after- weeks ago. � The finder vd1l.oblige by givinirit to
ed.� M xy pro I at, rid r)ke loose son ran liway. n turning n on'Friday, July �5th, f.0
of the band boys. 143-,4 fiiin.-Hisa Alaiia Hills Spew Perity � i -offied or -
0 y ' I W LW& v q
be on�, of the bi, Tuead ear the tchurch soxl�, It i 1 our of d duty this Week already being d distributin Axor'. ar� ith o in d it upset ti e bugl �y �and teuiled it on 2 o'clock to 8 P. in-., when it is e).Lpeoted ad-,
noon Fairview Avrk will witnesa some of the �( , Zurich, - Chisellin-rat and i Rodgerville, 'friends in
S110P OR STA13LF e, a Guellih.-A'very successfu It wn lop to re the Oto �h. -Of the y lad No& ana-1
00 y to side until w posi�e the real- dresses will b d�hvered by the followi oun -best�ad most- Ileenly contested racee that- .-For sa gOO4,r hen nea -1 v a stoppid rs ay the sup lying Of two more office$ ,gmo 'a Shop won A tit vka.. n- excellent 4a o. care of Mr. Johli Bea tO, i t w e W Ach 6k place brii Thu d laist! He WelliN 'Blaok
Tuesda carpenter social was held ion� the .14, ndville.chu rch Reveranda-M Con�land, ar-' new officeat Aurondale, whie& vad 6
bave;ever taken place there. On Lar enner ley &nTt'h
everunq un by a rigon the road ah, -1� of it. No serioup aTime will. bo given fr r i eninving I a bui'di4g; Api *Y.- groutirls-on Wednesda3
der 1 4 b in deliit hi�361t I for some time,.
fterhoon, tile rapes -611 be continued, Iii �,GrlLr;ch b. at west, .8 tin,11enderson,19 anti and Wilson. The Px-', ed th ein d 0 will m" -e it quite & distributig cetre.�- TouARt, JUS
auspices of We Young Helpers 'Society but iv pot exped uld be so
to Josimi Tym3iAv eafnrth.
in E.�Siannon,
addition to the ladvLrtisetl 14 87'. L WAS done.-, el liss Belle Nichol is �visfting relativeba mA
programe, the 0 Of eter brass band lill be present 'to I' ame I i �re
aid of the manse building fund. In 'the -9 It rday from I
committee are oifering a liberal purse for It If you have not got price of biln or- . Wo, leaves, on Ode- tbtB proceedings with music.- A go me soon. change, and for Brucefield. and vicinity.-Iffiss Holland
I riked to io -!Ili goild, but the diej? Oud
afternoon prospects fat the at) t;O e Soo. -Mi' 1 11 sap � �
cial were [lot I it, on - the lake tr p . th $a may lip, expected by &III Should e a be Exeter, is tlleguest of Mrs, H. Cook.___�ieT
running race. front ,4. ullett do Fie � fore bit Int. 7her.
e IE t ver3 sudd n, ' When it\'Was outig,c�pp. We ea
followiug rands Are in totock B le Ribbou, e Cip. 'very encouraging, but a the 3vening turped Winitie Killoran and h -.r sister, Mrs. L. H. wet the entertainment will be h ..the Rev. Mr. Curry preached his fare -wk -11 er--
tit anger �his
eaver sad pure Sisal. out�tobemore-favorabe' and the eaftith an immediate d
lagoodlisad fe,11:0
B Co rc)ra*n,. and child, are It re froo Drultith, church.
Tm.- Bo�l i mon here in the Methodist church, on ;a peflent fo , and reached his bed-
itchlpll correspondent of the Stratford Miss Gov-E,.N, we - has" e-organiz d er band being in attendance, ( ite a It rge Minnesota, to -spend the suml[ner. Aliss NOTES. -11r. Sheppard., Reeve of T11 eker- -used a 9
T, he M 'In bath mornin last, to a large -'congregation.
�ef ire i he p wa He was a ouinting clm-e in the r Ing, Rho the, Pos OM crowd assembled, and 611 seeine(I to'hearlilY Ki [k ran ham lately grad A e Du you secumd
i Beacon stt�s On Friday last.eigh t of the m - amith,.intends takf�g a trip to the ol&coun- Y. Air. Curry Was a great favorite - here,
p oyl!11119�
Terms -85 for ten I�sgo 8 or $10 for twenty 6ur lLs�: e)ijoy* themselves. Th,- proceeds amouAted Iuth Normal Training of. -Mr. Frank tryinlienear future, corribiniq bu6ness bright� telli ent, attractive Iad of. 12 1 -75C �5.hiir ts. y -ti 7 the
Seaforth club came down to play (I, goes of thrfe. to his bright and chOerful disposition and.l.,
he Young H I his 9eath, sore bereavement
Childr an, '87
houroaac for Wen 4,
ly g4me N fuur lessond of kwo hou It ech. to -25. �elprs are to be i
Mitchell bowlers. 41-37x.1 '�`nd e with pleasure. We trust he will b416ve or ... friendl manner; and -will. be much missed. trad
vith the 8p,.r[ing, of Wingliam,
friend form: rly Df this Y�9misa -elltsol who will have the sincerest
-7. gratulated all the Success 'of thpre undek, a -k- tol ove(l himself upil of hern i'1T assist ;i; the Fllarton circuit for a.
There wer two rink matches, in both of worthy 1) pleasant and profitable time.-TheSout
f many, friends. The rem'sins
hope that in the,futu er dav
-wh �Silir According 16, a, lay thilrT bass'; 00). The oth -lip y Pa few moutbo previous to pursuing his studies. 1.0 are Leaders.
w, in e p th� He w
TiFru To OADS. g, and w re t! Sa a alton sob Io e fro!
ich eralorth sUffere(I defeat. The re- extens' It of t , daily mail and stag 11
ault was not a. surprise, as the visitors have 'table published in t$e annual -report of �t -may be still more Successful than they b ivoi c:' wereiniyhe�igtelyiremoved to Clinton where
ie aught a bus weighing Ithree POunds,tw; Hensall to Ohiselhurst will be opened next t `k �lace c at the University. -Rev. 0. A4 Fletcher, of
Ontar� ibeen in the pAst. 'n fticli�a_ Mr. Monday for the benefit of the public.-Atias the fune n Saturday. Thmes road, and J. 8, 11entlerson of Car—
I all
only recently organized -their club and. have 10 400d. Rbad 3. Assoc ation, - the S(V_ ounces, and measuring eightee
Oral township muni,,ipalitie I in this- edun ke .0 --
Sp irlin Bertie Fisher, of Toronto; is spending. S few mel church, exchaugedL P.
haLd but Iiittle practice. The home rinks LOCAL BRir.Fs.-Tw) ii . g would Ii to hea,� from any of the flu
nki from the ulpita n Sabbdli.
it c 0 e
lidd t spent in stmt te lab Dr and i Lsli the foll 'wi ig Seaforth sports -who can b �mt it., Jackson
he advantage, of being old bowlers and weeks with Miss Sadie Dobson, before Oro. last. Mr. Fletcher's Sermons, both inom-
mounts on. th lf�rth Bowling olab visited M johell on Pri,
a -hei own lawns perfectly, The Sea- a eir r ads an(. bridges in t le. 0
kow thei day last, to play a frie A m atch' with b leaving for a tour t1irongh Manitoba. BRiEF ,-Mis. John Smith died ing &1114 evening, showed deep thought, cae- - Tbe IeWing U1 - - - - -
ear 1893, and we this was.'a f 'r'!_ he
'forth boys are the right kind of stuff to y Tuckersmith. Adams,
ya me i On e of It r Sister, !Alrs
average year : Ashfield had lub of that town, but they did not a ai the re ful research, and earnelstriess of purpose.-, Furnishi
make bo ers, and will dou tless give a fine 3,40.0 --d WEST E -NI) Non,,8,-Mias Sarah Watters Farquhat. on Sakku Ay i ast.: he had been in poor 31r. � Charlea Meyers one of our pioneer saajl.
a day not far Of statute labor, ani I spent 4,037 o�o - ro do home victorious. The, will ave to:. p ae,
record oft eir bo vrlilng for6-- hey can 4 et health &I I e:remaln's were taken well known butchers intends, resuming t e�
and bridges ;.Colborne hoid 1) 01% days kd left for Dakota on Tuesday. 7 --Miss Annie Nows. -Rev. Ci FljotchtBr an -d. Rev. J.
tise Up a little yet )p�
distant. the townspeople turned out "in Landaborough and Mrs. 0. Stitnbury Will Henderson, of Heosall, exchanged pulpits t.o.Lond Ir. §iQn for inter. butchering business here
0 mor- I
t -o' w n- with Mitchell. -Mr. A. lark has i old,. nf Wingliam, rece�vti
;pent $1,465 0 6derich ship spent 91
large rium�ers to witness the match and leai�eearly in July on a trip -to Dakota,. 10
G 'orge . ad furnish-
rey a ays. and spe
-rest in it. 3,9200 where they will spend some time ings.-Mr. W. R.. Hodgins, of the Commer�-
$3,13 f; G It tit his-broWn driving hors) to Mr. Ver �ko last StInday mornih Mr. Thomas n�i merit. qe, purchased Mr. F. Manujs outfit
sted great into
for $150F. -He wait, p irchaa ad for ihve" ld visiting and A e open last. twaday With frie d as dis (I his.p,o rty b�re to Messrs.
$3,152 ; Hay open 83,24 Hbiick' bid
by relAives. Bid ph. r. and Mrs. Andrew Hodior ell fm Las cial hotel, is having his premises freshenedi
-ountry markef�-Rk Joseph McC 0 iam.-I - Methodist Sun
4,244 days, and Spea -11, 2 Rulle'tt hid e CLoscNiI; Exj,.kct,,;Fs:_The closin exer- -Auother"Of�those 3,011 days n d Uhatham, New Bruns -A ick, at id foimerli of WEDDIN(;. interesting visite friend near 11Ixeter lasV Sulidai chool P Vic V b h 11 Xr. Willi up by -Mrs. J. Suth-
ok place -b. events occurred at the residence of Mr. Jo- Mr., ter Co an and Robert MeDofiala,,.ot righam gro,% o on thelfirst of July. -A erlal . returned home' lg&t veek - from,,
j a d spei it $3.03' MoKilLIOP da new coat of paint.
cises of thepollegiate Institute to Egniondvilk, paid his friends hdre al fli in er
; Morris i h id
3,951 days, and spent $2
in the Assembly room. of the s�hool on- FrijL otheir
Mr. I IoCoy *as at 'ro, haA been visiting her -
ay afte�rnoott last, when a large number o, Stanley: viiiit on Friday 'last ph Townse�d, 2nd concession, when Poplar G �,e, paid our village a flying visit long a pall ful i�ln�ss bfi�s kilen Cox, 'Mitehel'l she
.3,189 clays, and spe it 5 id
yo was marrie(I to last Saturd everfing.-We ar 0 a" ria, last, The remains ut&.
r at Lon e sorry t' eda on r y
1,725 days, rid �pei t $11,91.5 'Stephen tiid tending the Assembly eetin, �nj third daught0r, Miss at, brother, Mr. A. Dent of the firm of De
parents and others -sve,re preent. The schol- - th. lie loo Mr. Thomas Livingston, ofHullett. Wl-,iile blear that M e�e.intq n Saturday. -On the even- p
4n4 took 6, run to Seaf r d
days, and spe. It $3,50 i I Tuckersmit h mare N r.10hat'les Monteith, only so ul ;�firs; a air Thom son., barristes.---�The Many'frien
lara took this opportunity 6f express' tL n the weddi h vas played by Miss ill be Mr. R. Coad, merchart, Will be plea
T Si)veral of the Seao th
'ng had 2,857 lava, a ill spen 1 bo a dropped :)n, of Robert Mot tedtb, Esq., is unable td, wor �ing Of i 1
isocia w Bed to,
their appreciation of the pst services of Mr. _2 166 Hatty Doxg, the couple appeared. The on account of ;ickness. We hope bd wi beldI � in q'onni ction leiin that he is re
berry b ad. 2,298 da is,, and pent $777 iiderable loose (hange tit t ie Woodall )ck� 6 Presbvterian covering nicely from his,
erga. ra I.Betti on oon be all rig it again-.-TII4 recent'illness.-Mrs. Roach, of Detroit, who-
Prend %t, who is severing his connection -borne had 2,4t" " �.s ties last week. I. horse Irao i bride was beautifully * attired, and was as- 8 3 mason4 bav clinriph lie ip
a 36 da an. 14ent $:";) 6 er alp
with the school, lyy presenting him ��Litb * t' 8 e r. or 01 was Vending the past week with her siste
sist d b h er, Mis * Fanny', whil r.,
a.. ery uncertain4a 1) makingvion at complete(, the foundation
-77 ays, and nt Coad
]east WaNvaosh Ila
very handsome office Secretary, accornpanied M. CIA ably supported the groorn' the Wes vwanos ev. Or. McDoi ald pre led tbt Clinto ion nald's new -esidence.-The annual has returned home.-NI-exori,
picnx( B a7fileild. i
r IL
%ast made a W ur public jobool'was held -in Mr. Tbos,
I. er�l township� is, Iff 4 -VF, u 119"ngbtr ��ur Pr,lnts yet The road mileage of the seN I "bath last, relieving ev Clinton, officiating. 0 6 Schmous &Cam
t Wianos !spent S Mr. Ste rt, , pliell, 'ublisberaLofte e
by an address. - Mr. Prende Rev, W. Smythi, of p
feelinc, and 6uitable reply. A well rendered t
w Oved into their new
The ceremony over, the guests'retired ito unkifi's groN�e last Friday afternoon.! The sall Observer, have
he In
do fol o' a Ashfield 250, Grey 140 whogeon (lied a few d eviously.- WSW( A
instrumental dtict was given by lis G. y Colle e Inatit te -chis d f, or the 11111 the dining room, where a sumptuous r.epast d -,yaa spent with foot races, tug of war, menk at 6c, 7-c, Se. lee =,sea at the rear of Mr. G. Mc we
125,-Howick 175, 2 in. A%1 Mull�lue, Lawns, Do -
ay Kemp a violin solo 'a
Picka'rd kuld Hullet I r t 1-3- A foot� lal ei
120, Morris lIdb' holdgaiyaston Fri ay last, and the exam awaited thern. Tile bride 'Was the''recipiont fie inging the boys, et ad D ass A.. block, which 'is. also ccu pied in t
1 5 Tock-ers ith 167 Tilt n- _par
ow was ( TTI by Mi Jolin D&Iev and vocal solos by Miss berry 90, tions have been in proE reas t iere thl' It. of a large number of cohtly and useful b a I I ti r1t",3hw played b -tween the' married r. !Ahpley, of Wingliani., by A] r. D. Sheffer and Dr. Thomson. They
-tepbens nd Mr. S. A. Dickson. Ad- Usbo e Eas. Wawatxosh 1W. gala
T. i �_Haiiiilton It
The publib Schools cloa presents, which beare wftn�ss of the esteem. fd gle men, resulting in a. victo�'Y' -for W 1,, Erwin
The rriile�ge fo tile" other osvusfii�lls is tot o -d oy.-Tl )th in t )m , ei .I %,eek ave now fine large premises for their bus-
arr e -e
a 0 4 gILMO
ilressett were JelivereJ by Rer. Dr.McDonald, 120' of e th iness, a a so
I ege in a e an a r ve In tie in which sit is held. T happy couple e single men OSS 0 ORIN idli n( or institute
given b re last week and
Dr, Seo�tt and AJ essrs T, Kidd, left immedistel
Jackson. C. ''if 'here they wil t the stern add Air. Thos. Cameron acting as ca tains, 9
-for heir It )me in Hulle A,- of baseball was ayed, Mr. P I�Madge is na it � t4i r Bsta I t -in connection
Ma�yor G *1 3. L S t and
y, was sold to Mr. A. CI irk f4 re in rooms, which is in their charge -
AT 0,.N T..k. -Mess a 138 e IV 8, Owl 0 th, C omtn ore: o ho e .--�-Frank Keegau
Fitom Mi B ill, of Wiagh&m, was visitin ids tt,� d he many friends iof Mr. and Mrs. El
w i
Ift on an, in ;own this week.- I. M itthe e1 nie,. wi
Clarkson, head master of the Institute, Pre.- Rich rd Robi i e e ealities of life ir. many friends wish which tetulted in the defeat of Mr. amer- I t �e ne6l lay; for develand. -Mr. R hear with � deep
n tI regret of then -
sided. The Colleg�iti�e In4itute has closed as been atten&ng the HorOlog* properous journ-py on's tilde by three runs, The ladies' do
another very success 111 term and its. coutin- turne I -from- Nlgomiii,� W itber -;;ibey- eid wl al them a happ;_ leserve ho tte., A tb L ndon� Free Press, was ath o. their child Grett.a, who WAS neATly-
They re C in Toroi Ito, Ili a ret urned ham through life.
I �.ge' acknowledgment for the good things they It re �on' a year old, and wh go far. our great
o spy out the coun'L 0 sty in the interest of that ose loss Is felt so inuch.7
ned efficiency causes� it to 'grow in
.1 W attending he R I ents, as on.1 within the pastyear- sovAbl
ptiblie with the L ear.iinee 'of he M . ( IV. r. Thitideau and wife. of year
much pleased E. He aderso provided for the occuilon. by her par e Dry G
y year
p year oodB
-and report all. tht h 'Ex ter. k -The child, - tw W* hwve bee
Conn �ry, uronites'' who be St. Thom tbii wee n ill)F, were e wvee or so they were called to part with
i�y. tother little tibildren. The
have svttl�d in the vi�init3 f Port Fin Alf srs. J. L. Killoran anti Beat ie III 've LOCAL. Bum r. and Mrs. Arnold Ethel. r hei vii es 3 t� Methodist _y hoe, li�ideed, -ur Btaffof clerko
1 r. A.- Holden, re- 6n I e
as pr perous and c6ritemed. They h1ve p e seco yea n g e ur�cli ., ve're V' I Ii the mom. the heartfelt sympathy of� all in their very, _0
of C Ica o, are via out Pelops atv��
presen V�ortb's
i g Mr. id, of I I 9
tinor, tho, Lakeburst Sanitarium at. _aAsed th exa inatio: n �he Bowerman itin rel:ktives ITEliis.-Tbepicnic held in Mr. Dil all g, ri.good farms, which e To -onto Law ichool� Su shine Misi on here this week M . Victor French, of the ivilie, tryi 'bereavement.
Oakville, for the cure of nervous diseiises, y ake gett grove last Friday was a great - suce ass Ad. gave a very re r
well clear6d up. and are tit W b, menoin to Bald, jin�connedion wi t e Presbytei an =iiegln to flil
Recorder staff, TAlitel elli spent last Sunda p ea8in a4dr 88. e ebolars sang Well. (From an Ocomlonal Correspondent,) - Mng
inelyriety, opimn lliabiL, etc., by the gold erect good bui dincrs. - Arr mg 0 era AD chiirch, will b)ld a gairden Party ow ibe its. Mr..R. S. Lang has y dresses, were iven by Revs. W4ddell, SDIO31 vere Sung a modern store rigli
11 t y visiting his pare] 8 Kellington numl ei: 16f and a few reei. .- SNAP 8110'
care treatment, has been. in town this week. , B Illantyne, glad the Pastor. Ts. -The rain on Mond&y morn- -
mentioned tioulaly, A r. O Y) staff of in t4tio a- given, Inthe vening the -church' ing last was better than a, shower of -gold... There are still a few
pa. la',,n of Mr. D, D. Wilso thi (Fric" .4
I*e,. en'putting up the Massey Harris Amusements of all kinds 'ad
is I
Alr. Holden�s object is to -WOrk up an inter- It been OlIavf-ded
T tW The b%nd'w I be in attenda�i ce, binders through this district. -Strawberries Aded to, th, �doo a by a very inter- gold W, who -send their good
who recently wtint from ramit . A Shower of
est in the institute -whioll: lie represents in by the committee', and all arrang6ments oulib onlv men,
ha a gool far
ery scarce in etted, c n regation. v. kr. Olivant ga-ve (and women -too,) restless Znd impitient
ri of 160 (Lori 8, and thisropr an, I eve person desirous of helping th6 [it- are v his neighborhood -this were fully carried out. The proue iI were order that the benefits of the treatment there 9
purchased anoier farm for his tle folks in tile good ork Should attent _ season. -The R�va Templars,. of Exeter, e ii r so to tl,e chi dren and t —toG.that few we me
a very a 110A]V
given mity become II I
ore widely known, AIr. about '-.45.-Saerament will be dispened in bus paralize honest effbrti, while the -
I -nd be is -ing a -co Miiiodiotis Mu. John McLeod, of Detroit, and forril, rly atte*nddd the Sod�m Royal Templars pie -nib and i p ink, si ilar
erect liath.- o rain
Holden is hilnself living 7 example of what the Presbyterian church next 8 that Of the f fe-givin. power, clothes the -
Will ICeoltipliSh. ce on is
morm as carri a announced
u .-A es g
omforta4le "ame, residen hi Of 6his,town, is at present vAiting. his fat ier which was beld a � GrpInd Bend park on John Eckmier's house is nearing co rnpil ,I,,Witli its li a Vvft ask ni
tile treaLinent Anything etion. with living beauty, and!rn k II&I
in. Murray IInc.1 his-lons ho :alnfl other relatives an� frien ds'in town.! He Wednesday last.!_Iv. _rs. Win. Co and Mrs. the brasl� ba d- appeared here on the heart of thie husbandman.,- tjLr. 13. g- -
P_ Lee. Pp
tht will cure the li(l.tor 6nd opitlin habits -Our football club played a friell d y game
et goo Frida y i as -he novelty of ladies garth has materially. improved the appear -
d farn Is,'. and Mr, D. McKinn n On ve, ofBeaforth, a, ent last Sunday in thid here witb the Atwood 01 9 1
hav ks as if city life iIIig,eed with him. Lo' III
nd eradicate from Me systeirt the desire,for club last i week.
find Mr. Frank ohoals also - doing Surlday last, Rev. Jose)h Gallowaypreae ied ig relatiN es. I b., -ass instrkone ts attractesl a large
I . . place visitix J. A. Clark' playi, 9 &-nee of his valuable proper y- �but Coula lav fllellilI
_8core, Atwood, 2 ; 14',thel, 1. T6 b goes ty � lately� b
picnip. of he Trinity Sabbath treating his out -buildings and � fences to a., if not a little -on to
-he Ahole Huron settlement i4$ a. or I ing it the Metho ist and wife, of Seaf4rth ppent last Sunday to Atwood on the 10 of July to F I for a
In fa t, 't bo ili'm tit ng aAc ever ay crow( -he
of public confidence aln(I support. The ex -
most spero , one. The -crops Were qri Y's f" e- and Mani a4ho&, ue
pro e-.chirch. These -ere &1r. (1,Tallowa, lay the gtiestolof Mr. and Mrs. 3day 1,iv a success. A large, freh coat of paint. Air. Roggatth believes - perience of people w6 know should bel evi- -There b a b $15 �.rize:_'Rev. C. C. Kane is expected on
his 8pri g een an abui (I t, 11 in -a- have only 4onerice
good..t we It addresses lio iis 0 Win. Southcott.-The gr4nolithic, sidewalk uumbir gathere(I i M -J tt' beautiful in aving things
detice ufficient to ca vince the most Aleptl- as they should b. -Our
Ilost n rPN,=O an is n6arly completed and :,�,beu finished Ex- the circuit this week. Rev. Keilincrton left =an't, day. In on on farmers are this -he low"t, But I
the 111111 erotis certificates Ivell ance of rah, �nd ]lay; *hioh is So sl)ort for�bj and were t6 d I )le .0
cal Atuou-, pf ior Fullarton circuit on Tuesdiiiy . ve a d d I.I.Pe - waging war
r`0 pa83e
can stl o I nes
o— 9
'illian . i Canipt) here, 'proiniso I -an abuw ant, .-discourses.- Larg tions were p s- ete� 1) t f tl 'fi t Street in the g �e I , the busines6. I -es Dresc
' Vield thOrb., e cot gre 'o te e elton, *bi I fr. Ilowa and iis cotinty.-I in sons 11 ve commenced the ore, ok load out on -Afr. -tterson, jr,, i bA, -lately
we notice'tho-4e froill ell and, Mr. John from 11'ear' ent at each servipe. _ I �m [Vacbt from Colling- up4n weeds. Ilore power to their elbows.
W, y tood 114 Robert Pa to tell yott about. A
H. Durkin, itoliell and W. 11obetits of ]ter' a a
ft on lTues�, ay to drive to Le m- bribk k tie fain 'street church. Blu 0
was there this ispring, has )ueGhasbd little son le Lh W evale. �t
lake.. ;
T)ublin, all in this illf I ediate vicinity,' N1 I J t tr 5tyta also went out, erefted a neat lattice fenle'e in front of his, -C
Vi Orr enorget FRIDAY aud -on I
whhundred and Sixty 'acre � ar -a ingtop, his new -4tatioi an wits' follo ed TheWF()1,rx1�et0(enr F Feemasons attended Trivitt IiOT .-A very large crowd attended'the I . ic R6,b've, el Oft b new residence on Lonani�road a'
teatifv thatz thav, have been. completely Cured nay i,mprov. VeDue, _ -
This farm is' -within a Mile and Vife nd two da -,h- Memorial churc4 in a body on Sabbath morn. uno �Saturdxy. Itwas a, very is cleared at -A redue,
on Wednesday by'his the roads %nil sire#s.,
a 0 He also having his fine new dellin- huse. of drunkenness by it course at this Oakville Port Finlay, has a 00 ters. The b at Wshes of t congrega on in 'last. Rev. E� W. Hunt delivered a very enj( able affair. -Mrs. GO is- not yet is 0
n we
MR(I 114 o taste or desire d roul, d avise
d their in ny1riends in th eloquent serm A Strawberry Festival roniii a, is the guest of Mrs. R.- Moof th e 11 d Mrs teacy.-Mr. Duncan cFarl�ie 1), '018 -1,
[111�ititUtC, Ve now n d lic use on it and ffy - go 9 orge I all, lof To. ion e enforcement of painted, the.work being, done by �tbe Messrs.
acres cleared. He Intendi removing e and their in !orth 2w -by- per
for liquors, whareas before, they at 0 rove.- Gross an
once. Mr. .-Oalloway and famild, =,�Mr. L is was held on e James streetparsonage Dr. and Mrs. Toole, of. Toronto, arrived Milki e� of We terldo, a7e,tbe guests of rs. fenced in his 16t
had been besotted (Irtinkards. It is also re-
& I M A on i-1 drem pods',
on the cornek of Queemi.
her lastweek. The doct
It to It ve 'rounds on Wednesday night last. or w0l Ii via here Dan llvloDot
Reinkie was unforbu aate',,nou
commended strow-4 9 Theald ald. -LAJ public school examin- street and Lbrne avenue. ool Black
bv the clergymen of Tim NFw PASTOR.- -Tbe c6rigrgatiom.,
Th-, Pettolea.A4,er-" his left bat d 'badly out on he ga
e to ev.-. Which has g ost i4n, on of citi 7(l. Rev. S. S. ti er mak�s th o1h the. other English Fair will be held on theTrivitt andl practise his profe"i rden ation N�as -held on :Wednesday. A number of Carmel church was trated tq two ble-
the place where it i, ef wirl�f raference oi en him ah- enfarm holida Memorial church grounds this evening and arty given b Mr. Edward Oashme, Serges
y ieti§ att, pleased Crai, Presbyterian niiiiidersays: "When de 1. riA were well sermons on Sabbath last by the ltev. Cohn, i
Mr. Bond the, tie astor of the 11blet.1i ist A IA' a taff d Ly- evening of last week, was One of with arret cloth
P I . of men areatwork on be on Saturday evening. The Exeter Kes i l B s, Delai
eprofi-Aen ;oftbescholars. Prizes Fletcher, of Thames road. The !young peo-
-0 whdm we extend a Commercia otel, and 'the wbr c ifi It n will be in attendance.-Tbe Clinton cricket the Imost, successful ever given in this vicin. were
this institution canie to town & few years church, SLforth,wil
a he pupils according to the le'8 prayer- meeting was presidid Ove by-
agoi I was as 4kepticalas the average cit- mo t lie rt Lwarded all inge, Whipcords., D!,
y welcome, and W�.O will, we are 'rapidly pus ed forward. R. c- club �Jayed a friendly game of cricket here ity.-Miss Brydone, of Milverton, 'spent mark; i �: made Sal 16 previous examination. kifr. A. McPherson, who introduced the� 8liftings, 480 a lot
izen. It seemed to ine to claiin mediMl abil- Sure, be warmly received b, 7pis congrega bion. Donald an�l W. McDougall were. nurs g on Tuesday afternoon last and suffer'ed a de- -the last week visiting Mrs. Robe t, Mos- Addr wels wer a e b v� Messrs. Jas. Bu subject in a brief address. The topic was
Manj ts rns,
ity to do theialpossible. In the fall Of 1893, here. Thle Advertiser a; of' ioire aims du-,.-iug -the for6 PIL-rt of the w feat by two runs and three wicke t e, of Bluevale, and Mrs. Robert! amero Johi Pollock, W. Elliott further discussed by Mes
Otln,(,r men (patients) 0 L, t d spare groi ax- Thow dma p4tterns, a
srs. Fl6teher ancl
I was waited.1 on by two y r ci�iozens will be genuinely -the result of the. lacrosf e mat h bvthe.Exeter cricket, club. -Mr. George well, of the Bluevale road.Eight� ipupils J. McLeod, Dr. k9tanb-iiry, Rev. Oliv Buchanan, and We Insy., sh-O 6W -
I hk%t match
-who requested that'I bold it reli-ious service Rev. . 136-nd is o i loon td Ieav:OT1 as ant by Mrs. T. Karic'.-Messrs
His Brafnptonlast week, TheY will, hOwe p.r. CFudmore and family were the guests of- his iron I Bluevale School are writing. kt, the and oth 6 !T
in the Saitar ium o 14' Sabbath a7ternoon. I allotted time L. Armstrong and.W. Bell'and Rengougb, of this 1�1a;ce, have lae- discount is not me,
as Methodist minister hex e has, 'beAble to take the laces Dn the team in brother-in-law, Rev. J6hn Ball. - Fullarton, Ig- Esson� prese ted I manufactured a very supe
ass6nted.' This service, with the passed h1l too s6on, for be is a man of rhore the match ag not ir puble school leavin examination in W i �the James rior Sawing Ma- but, �,olf- our
cheeef ii thp Tecu insehs, of on Shilday last. -Mr. homas A. -Brown, hau, this week. -Mrs. Carrol, mot e - of Pollock has Sine Of a new find improved patterm The-
assistancevof Christian workemin town, -was than ordi4ary ability in his been enl rging his house by
sacred p c fes. onto; on, Ao day forenoon.-Misse an musical instructor, of tratford, is holiday- Mrs, Robert Casemore, second line or- extendina h a kitch, -what this wealls.
ea. Summer visitors machieconsistofweircular a
a1v moutied,
b bgun -kri prices,
coati ed till the following April. I had sion, an(. 4incerely loved and respiBetec' by ..,Dickson an Allie- McDonald ed with his family in isplace.-Mr. Win. ris, iied last Sunday, at the.home her It to a ve. Mrs. Biggins, Of upon a hea#y frame., and. with swinging,,
W 1`6 11
All h
'fie e�.
11 ce
wN -f sh
)o r,
It 1 01
not been in attendaAce more than six weeks every member and a dberen b of his- -ch --frien& in Cl n ton this week. J. 0. reo was 'arried to Miss'Ada,, daughter daughter, Mrs. Thompson, of M
ch a: r. b E.
-my last doubt, was removed ooipfi eld. inton regii ittired at t4e
when by evi- River hotel last feeO taMe. Although the work of amateurs-.
its auxilia:ry fores and. the Sunday 8(b)bI. -Smith is havi ig a handsome cedar hd ge of Mr.- J. C A. Tom, on Wednesday afternoon Her: remains were brought to this on ek all
villbgl 1i
denbe that was simply overwhelming and in- on Saturday Mrs.- Blackburn, of it would do credit to an f our regular a -
He i-3 a man of broaqI views and'bigh int Mi-, planted betwwn his property and that of lazt. The Rev. George Jackson tied. the Monday, and on Tuead We're buri6d be. ndon and tw� children arrived at the eltinists- or wood-worZe0ral. T�e as* is
controvertible. I Saw men come in helpless- gence, and his digeohrae's are -alwa�s in ler. lira. S' roat.-"Mrs. J the'!Bm6- I -A steam. yacht - from Colling- driven by steorn,
i es Tri:veoMr. knot in the poesence of a goodly number of Bide those of her late husband 1 in imme jnL
The revoren( R.Irs. Cameron d So and for cutting oord wood�.
ly. and to all appearance hopelessly enslaved esting and understindable I Scottl cLul tt le ve invited guests: Mr. Horner F. Kinsman, of vale cemeter . She was 6d ' other -�.f six: Ood, of Big 01i
y Dund fok Toronto, was here Tuesday or any long wood, such, as raiis�, sign
to the liquor dem on; in less tha two weeks gentlemait,will preach his farewell seIr uou for Glodetricli )n* Friday, fr whence t y Sarnia, ac 4a beat Iman.-Mr, Char es daughters and one son. Her Eon antl,i ee er'night.
ted -etc;',
it has a larg(,-,�paiy,.