HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-28, Page 67 � I i __ T, --311111 W.M. -7 7 Ji = =11*14M AA, L_'7 r 81 JUI�E 2 1895 JUNE 28,1 4 POSITORO THE HURON V very -7 present t Obanc. mentable condition of her f stuff on ar� PAI TS. 0 God, who. art heall th du ng the I donb know what kind of stuff Photo Studito 'But I A LA O'PAI t.. f ess has made of. I eart six 4) seven years. H Br i1ii am of that kind o a uff tb trouble.'i!- h 31 in. d tricke i ad and e �1 e of the Cen found to result from a sever) hands, a d bel d Ha'nds.. kidney stund by the side of these sad and 331%]EST036Y eDoctor's funeral prayer was on sturbance now There Is or IAR` BUSH ies of the parish, compe link eve the complaint and she has been reE tored to -women, with th 1� lying, Chang. e FRO -hl _BESIDB THE DONNIE BRI n 1ir u 'lite modes of boy dmiration, although - healt] rtt, rry. promote L 'IreplKirk to relustant a by a judicious use of Dodd's Kidney them save their the clu mbes f , t 4 yr' Sa the dreadful sal num I item out f con. And hu , exc C ber of m dt 1-ninted that its excellenc B was'rather Pills, & remedy'which ii now well I nown to DY IAX TWAGLAREI. t trouble, be - I aidents in -this localit� r as hav- got up, and many cheered. 't h -ye to letter than the apiriti and regarded plost of bl d re I I . I ing pr extraor- The salopu has got many a noble boy. It om Ground Floor Studio, Seaforth, uspicton re 9 0. ith cause having IL Bauslaugh's -natigm, Gou evioutily Affected some very Cu Rhc-ui 8 udiscriminate charity may be yburs� or it may be ecioebody a has been bought out by -scrocill I IV. I I- opened with a series of ex (Let: from the dinar cures. Scitica,� Ncurlgi, :1 Ims, reli expdaions. in child.,' Who will stand tip for the dolivek- to the A S0110�,ARN FUNFRA ai�ved by two I z)ore.s, and a I Elj�e. r ance of these uoble boys, the sons ol motWs ii or prophets, and led uplo a sonoro,us The Wreck of the 00 no er acquitted itself with I B tation of the problem df - immortality with wet eyes and crushed hearts,by voting Dr -having no :67S a and using all their influence a I arri ge, as;t-qrsi ap- A its triump Mrs A, Jewell, - of Montreal, coitributed �inst the VIS TO credit a t a n in 9 ire Job, wit so utio -t*ed with h"'t r of I aie . b peroration of the fifteent bapte Lo the Belgian News,' of Brussels, devilish �aloon qhaveevery facility -for turning out titude for and be' h 0 - lo Id W. Down hicht " a u eu� Drumtoch en,t,h'!Id anxiet lea their which city she recently visited, the f ol-I Who will answer, Here am i I send *orkl having engajrstd the aevices of Mr. ito inthians. 1* a ish had- 9, f p1r r ty n t 0 owing poem 9n I the wreck of the me."—The Christian Companion., late, operator and manager fair CAXocnrarfels studio supar tit the gerthip 11the Doctor to , ere . f lee selection of Frantes, Etchings An postbU, (Al paintingil, on ath till Brantford. er ils. It a Long mentio ed with I a uself once by k1be hand. ArttstieLphotoo- h(Hillocks disgraced l4r a "Xiglish unde , 17� I -When' I lie stately ship @Ws on, the heart, any 71e, on jisse or mat surfa,3e papen Enlarge - The Kiiij and Queen of Den n oril te d t ing is a a at t smother. )UPIleate ver S.t0n1:;.1Cl1 �Ilid just nse of meri t, a t ii L oment mark. palp [t�atio UL,. -es �. le In the dark of early dqy ing of the feet and en made in Brendle, Crayon, &,c. t ff It C ra Ul fnr-1 'Job- to Paul), tug I Ilialls -sit be - inscc, takers chancing n a beerial tith 8 oto r was p"aml hates of all sittings, made by Xy I he iniets lie hich, the nit at nig 6 Ew c TroublIcs, an(l Clc� it. He �c AS lie low, Their 11�a�jesties do not travel much aboijt the left h, oi 'god, leall us on our Way.' tea Arthur Warren in a pro- ankl ,a, � shortness a breath, Pal Knd at, studio. winfort a -fid I had.110 limits to is admiratio then i e relaxed -kvhile t e Doctor de- �y I ed,t( local detail. It a Do- sldo� fainting ape s, piean that the ITI b Ll I- I t C -S. been d fe a understood Denmark, wti Blood Of 11 ishe'mrtene�d to 46spair all h�l I heart is c ed The to IV $at is yon phantom black fusely illustrated article entitl the ghastly effdrt i of chi rpy I itt le 0. bet dy cul tio, is out of order. Prices are Ri-ght ad Sftsfatior. - per.5 mal 1. it todk tenty years to ring the bo. -n 16M 7.014"M71 1171 it is I Iko alesseilger of death 7' mestic Court, in the June La;dies' Hot e oppr sse Guarantee. 'xightly used, Tho mlf tot look solemn on occas on, 'b a "bij !.u%d soulo,'blino Harthlecold Journal. The King says if 1he could go era t it is d any change z bti , o na� pra. �Ver to perfection., 0 . y is ha!�e been detected an� resented. roq feel his ley breath. ELA r than o!'. i em'al I a WNL F_ TATE' tifi4d atthe si, �uld dreams were sati like Drunish. I e it good 3tart, and bad 'less expeu eugb� apd Hi1illooks ii tbeii SZ_� lie Doetor ma(l quietly like any other man he Ivould like L I -vou in beds of ortan, but the people would feel bourid to do him� �i'tarc, �b- SaPa 111a bathblacks. Natu�elejtan initial dvwn-! DANGEROUS Sat 61yeady sighte( , I " Job* when h( was carried F, GROUND FLOOR STUDIO, C4th, Who shudder at the bi TH -adpting t'hd-A-,,or1d"z I honor with display and ontertaimbents;� tage in face, but -it "a an in inct in . the a course b* a sudden current, and Link up arid pmy, bur sisters way chroniollnz� the demise --------- they would doubtless spendimpre than they' Vote the papors dail, the needs of phy4sicall to, perfsic-. d into God'a haven be eavt. on; Margot an 0 alue to Cures Old Cro C ieFe warning ntc whcr" blood that brought I our alann speali t ab could -aiford in the hope of giving hin' Pleas- of some one by neglect of tI ir the T. fii] than a; tion-aild nothilig cotild be more mv after a very simple fashion throt ure, and so lie stays at Copenhagen or total heart lurfail. result, Battl of the B 0 YNE..'a 1axatie prs e all th-Cr emedies gronpL 'of these austere f,-ures. 17 le black death comea apace, g the cir- e4c rain wought a Itimp to the threats till at last, as Wind to each siglial lighr, Freden8borg. One slivy, journeying between cures bat disturba ace by equali7in gg uta I gazingJnt ifn r ing pa�8883 on, the two places, the train pulled up uuq:�- -er, suPPlyingliurc 'Be sure �efli'��il�g to reeoglliZdL his near- cuiation. restoring nc 7ve pow and ask your D rt, ;o vacancy �.Vi tho tradelf the Sight of the I iddie we J)1ow I a crash:! than safe Its 'Into the speechless 111t; D. n,. an(I 'reek in the study ofa winter g pectedly- at a small statiofi where the line -blood anct r pre 6t hi art of its ur 05t f1l. i - acce I -4 or look. 1. Drui t9clipy f clioving to bla 2 PCE eat nethbor by'woi lamli u before him, and thA, remnit, 0 deck, in wlid despair, h eh­!sten 4 Or was tdmporai L -ily blocked. A peasau.t w 10 gave itself to a bdorial wit b ia -he g MothdrS their babes enfold, reat prayer inelted like n ice is in ie bad been told that the King. il SOAP t SE SCOT 5 ISKIN sfa -tion, -partly because it I he platform, at, tring cutri. g prol ito the tilf 8 �.reain. Dreading tha, ' cradle of the deep,' train, walked up in Ur ath. Ll i in it. Ye. It; -sap of- Speell ati ol him." But angel voices R11mr, man leaning out of an open indow o a I th6 Sorrow of things, and Pat Lord, hae peetv upon us, for we a' Inv- Those Waters . dark and cild ! I -looking oll.1 gent�e-- 169:0 ril a 0 Was nothin I 0� ously until he saw a fine ther ed him, and-we'sivere as proo e in a M(rriass, 7 -eafpleesur After M. Amen wi tb Ott ON'STE11 cm hde littlet ... Doctor said 'Foar is Mok r I railway carriage. GRAND M evplai aeLd � our gra.ve gger J] L L Whopi dle di r, Thy Father's Itingdow Wahl; for tliec, liajesty, mielused'to look*at his neighbon 1, Good-i-nornincr said the old tyentlem%1); E At, 0 side had been �erhiips labnorinalyj a.:$afely fouuded an a ro, S T11 i seriou 3 Ind - the ot4er would shut his eye and It Sit I Good -morni ng, said the ORANGE (1, IL 'IN ill p e a an 0elebratio VETERJINAAX. deves: pe fo� ye'never ken hloo it ' R, mean ng, There's no. use 91) ' W;' h the an)l ahake his ]lea( So,through thp watery gee you the C-ing. C)ARRIAGE honor duate of. Ontario! end ; but there's nae risk aboul ll.beerial.": isking me f r'itsi mply can't be better done, Uld1hand xvIR vafely leads i yi;, v. s.,. honor is OHN Gitl;r Yes." -Proftssioyl, beemuz-e it t a Colle rest e. All. d eases of Domestic it cxme with a, shook upon t( This time ii o one rement Up to the overlastin4 %DdL KS. Veterin byL living man. WOR F, 1romptl attendled to Where all Is peace' indeed. Well then," rejoined the CoUn SM3_A__ alia d Calor c eir 'w ith a ll�service o 7 ered his nei 4bbour, because every eye. was 4o, vote rinary Dentilotry, a specialty -the e.mqny began I wat to tell you -something. u. be. 4 1 he ­eniug thern ml it i r donee on Goderloh street, one door speerM and thav an �ttefnpt, C f 1 the- ee fix ontiteDoctor. Druliit)cbty was ideu- Behind lie atorm and doubt,, -and ing we ever bad in DenmA -urori, assisted bY Offloe ti.f;d � With all F best k fie r_1 obiectionable Bub office, Seaforth. 11121111 �_ Kirk iiinister-to, repla 6 this b 'the 1�eading in orth's cares and woes, r�c_-01 ost BiIA r ;s knd Wagow The Co. orange Loage tSouth U c Thb b w inifiliAer. w i u ic la ter to arins, Majesty lifted hi ilied wAsT of Dr. Sc A . Ve o1ra- I I His I I I of So ipture Was redisted -as an -"infn It inay e that I hef 1.1 ged him hard ne g orinz coun rth Huron* Tr I -P I uding'Bruce, ert an A, -avell of itato repase. "Thank ),on ; but that's a matter of opinions and incl lete; all haid a.$ c. bottles, 1 ;G. H. GISR9 Yet every one admitted that 66 sod Lachlan Campbell, )fie of the Fre MY stocic of carrels is i ry, siomp] will holdy a Xonfiter Demonstr4tio In e beautiful an made. undpr our ow a of DrUintoolit'y prf v4ded a n& d I can't, jud& it impartially." a pery,idan. bowt lmy foreign College of serioti snes Our barks still wavo ch, town of Seafortb On verinary 8 t� Toronto k Hialdanders, and out St. Dominic. I better made The peasa ti x 'es ed what, the people of factoi -made bu d�*qeoii Dentle of g a e Dpath bliadows lurldrig nigh n: ex1p, 9 shaNi v�er again deny t1 at, the root. of at la e. yeterinary e#tists, Honor Graduate of Ontario Yet- Sancti Red thii.lunction, abea r t an the work e and as c em). if no ipliit6tir hearts, eninark feel.. attend your Pao a emberof Ontario Veterin- was placed!6n a table wi�h�j'r6a� Sol& 11141rel 000RH u D injure your erinary Colle0e, Honor ra 11 n t a in the man, i Jtbough much brou t !it frions, outs di % to n' Wh ge, 1po the the mattet i. And keep our courage high 0 , ly -of domestic animals sl mone i no and FRI DAY,,..J q I 12tho. ry idedieW SwIety. Alldisea.sell y nded to by the 1�.Wrizht," who made r P orldliness and C and being we 'L 11, nix tr choked with he tares of v .1 when YOU n )ette all and gee "You might ha ­e suppo Ing throlthe storms t alkffully ed.' All call& promptly atte, A Lin�wood Maii. own, home. -y and Surgery aaeoVit... invited none. That pus ced 'AMY or uf&�� . Dentlati M the wat -ill be oviia-rded to Lodgs,after- Dompbell'o )f life a me at id be convi accept any substitute ifi d D1 that the circumstance had escaped the eplied I nd death, at latit lbe Linwood correspondent of $115 to cash Prizes vi AMee an He is a good mani La(h1an,' r I 1406-b2 )ad plolt8tire ' nay obtain, l-beform.d and a, hort ng procession will luldn street Se f th. el and he was tioe of the compa, y, so absti acted an 11, erlo Chronicle h the following pecu, far All kinds ok black9lbithing rep& r ng -promp Donald lenzies, another -C rove, where it is expect All fears and sorrows past. mareb made to Coleman's G_ 'ference to awell kn6wiT and a ktiolactorily dori�� conscious was �4ir manners iad it not, bE e4. cae, to recqrd, in rp Ing our St. Francis, for 11,every(ne that loveth ed that addreRst a mill be deliVered by the fnllovk eifaimer f Wellegey. The correspondent Ron X. W. LEGL that two gray . images a minute later -Are- is born of.God." SCI icensed to Sell. , I Iff, I Canada M. VV.11111.v says d W S wding at t4e table' TLere was no hearse in -Dr intoclity, and Le 'i dDonald, X. C. B., P. 0. a J C. Wallace, If- P., Grand Mg.%4r And Sovereign. sailcis.or, crinvoyancer in Ye 'i.11 thste, �am in as,2) lith Be tC, ed we carried our dead by rela, a 4f four, who lie follos ring is -the text of the temper- 64 Upon reading the'above heading the West the Domintsin A,;; Hughes, Grand Waster Ontario ? 8 HAT4 Bi i6tary for 0 am, Hughes,M.P., as n Offiee�_04 rdnole block, Main Strest, 8 1235 ne of the pllIs or 1430 T ata�. J,. L. -w, Grand Secretary 1�ublio. solfoitor� &nee poem, �be recitation of which during. reader Will likely excla4m, 'AnotherPink SE�FORtE. X W. R, Blrminyb R eiorth. melancholy. waded every:atrearn unless i i re than knee ia the labt cam]�aign, by a child in o Jors Na, na ;. Ive nae incleenation the 1111 V - elery Cn�pound miracle,' B.N. A,, Toronto aj Money to lea*. f5e , the refit following in straggling, pic- ell, F. ep. C. M. Victoria. Littisay ; A. Gampb this, Jeems. reaay to asBit0vier;'butour story is not it's an awful dispemdtio publisc schoo4ofBrooklyni brought d wn turesque -procession over 6he moor ' and ex-M.P.P., Brawptoi� ; nev. W. Leech, VAna ;Rev. SON, vrallion, Iptsu on tke heads'of dhe. Board of Education the associatJ with any patent medicine cure- Clinton -, Dr. Free-. ATTI19W wud be barely sixti-11 'Before we 'wili. stout, Pray, Dep. Gr._ -Chip., a e stepping stonell. k! C mmissioner for fj&king afflilavilis a ro88 th 4AIInd made it poseible, 44 y money to loan at the, Im!"I rat". Ay, ay, but we mau� keepup the bed started, Marget i came out 'and arranged may, th refore, be read without the born, Clinton . R-ev. i, p. pa:rlCe, Clinton ; Rev. T.E. the coffin sociations'. and the whole saloon keeping usu I mi$ that such stories arouse. Blytb ; hev, J. T. Xerrin, Mitchell - Rey.W. T-lv-,e �eyesi�,ht V) uv Or Igivings X..,1tozAwoii,- Wilton. 8, Cott 00t L, 'Clinton sa�e lang-as weie h e, T�mmas." George's white Silken hood upon maledictions of the four liquor dealers as, fill, iand OnR )f. T4d, F. C. fraternity oftbat city. Mr. byMigit'lez. Clitition ; A__j Weel, puttin! it that way, a'm no eav I with roses in its folds. Thomas ]ETamilt n, of the 15th con Re-.,dp. Hodgine, MDinald a eafortb, nfl Gallowa�k, 8 0 Solicitor, Notaity, Barrister, ccimmer6s, but vir yielding unwillingly ty,lbo, us into one brie' flush of grati- I'm licensed to seli G at out of my shop - cesglion, E. S., of Welles ey, has been a fesi- C WOUND. and thers. Site swept i I dent of this township ov r 50 years,. and five doors north of the rum -seller angrily oi- edi Notal, ground floor, next door to G. Papt t a fore; of circum'stan6es. maie to Posty. 0 tude, from Do Arecent discovery by anold re i.4 the township jewelry star Sessforth. Goderich Welre here the dayland there tbs&-trios m, 4 Neeburs, ye were a' his freends, and phy�lclan. Sitcocastfully uscd LOW RAILWAY RATES who stood byl his an(I surrounding Count He is now an uL monthly by thowands Main street, 12W he With alrown'ou his face and a corse is, therefa well kno W n. as. She wes k6 fine mrri ken boo yir tru8twes inickle Oil his lips, to the womaii at Of And good connectfou fron, all Pointe -4300 small'i amorou,.Holt and Camera Tamm wantl 4 ye'tae In I.s. me years ago pasis '11 be a b �aro nndtcI1ab11cmcd1c!ue dtS- OVT Baresto My moments'are precious, I've ho time alloted three score years an ten bu6, until &a,, Goderloh. T. A whol 'TEL e ithin ul E, and it came to tress ,-tirton—a weel-livin:t *umm.= this help iae hi in in his battle." Si de. old man, having so ed the ZadW. Is tbo on!y lierfectly. ARROW A PROUDFO Dlifors, Ontario 0.; lend,,am thinkin�." W.C. M 4PETER CA L ON. County -d S. Rup tAs vagte; I have paid� for my lioens', I tile closing months of last y ear, al JOHN NEIL. I the end :-'e lv�Lyg en- covi 'c e�rare of unprincipled driZgists She alipilt aff sudden in birth in Drumsheu h of i secretan, III i ien T. STEPHkNS, Chairman conlrilittee, WK. PAUUMM. medicines in place of this. Ask for jud,gin' it's frae the Mairtowt grocer�; but 81 6y. I joyed vse�y good health. He comp'l-Ained occ 13 terfor Havin- taken a eomi it R.SCARLETT P. D. X., Ttpavurer s, . . / 'I ar et Hoo, t is is no t1 ise day for mony JAS, F. WELH 9 Cal 0 cotfoultootCompou d.ta,'zoiwsubsff- U CAXgROX1 HOLT HOIAMs' Bar e on L �the D-etroi I TIG"It Ro- a'bod canna discreemindIt a day I ke w6rdi e j ist ae h eart'- 0 Drum- )Tis -my business to i sell, I shall Isell then of pain in It is stomach, which gr�d ually Cal tter Secretary, Se;16th. t opt ica, my IL ut their a n te or IncloseSlando centslu postage In In &o.,Gode , oatl -C tocht r- and ies sair." i when I.chose, to those, who will.give m6l' grew more intense, and beet -me so distress- tu - God save the Queen. 1436-3 UDLUT 110]�X]1110 this." willsend, "ad, byretam-mall. Fullsealed ed to fit all 441 parile How, Before tbe4 &sses are empty - all idw lef" No One spoke to Donasie.. we went down' p ay. ing that he- cousulted Dr., XcE achren, f hz pitilin euvelopet, to ladies ouly..,2 Your morrients are pree u ec- of-Linwo TT Barristers corn standi o a ah p, od, who has the reputation of be� citors, Con- drinking is dissipated, andone h4 a va �ue the of ru track,' ith the ri s.. ddreEs 'Th n(y & SGO 1 pe e Coou Co3n-_nau7, veyariccrs, eto. Solicitor. stigmadem, Hvne� I cko'] 0 Incisor, Ont, Canada. & CO ent mpre4sio,n, that -he is at church. hat" To ruin some innoe t: r the Bank of -era t isus for w i ng a very skilful, as well as a mos careful on either side,'bi t he be ted Chalm Je C. Smith e. hion It wa bri walk 1with him. den k, "on, druggists, Sell- ke i I" im iston T sdaie & G eorge Howe's funeral that o ties , physician; The doctor prescribed f6r h F4 r� sale Clitttun, ositarig. ttle �y Lu Elliot You shall liaten a moment; 'tis Ill and for a tiins� his patient was some )etter, 0 itarlo, JA*zs SGOTTr 781 the cust�nf and -closed the. ". ser' Ye bae hea I him speak o' pie, then, foTtl 4; When I ;cam*e into the trardeawliere IS M -�t to me you have done. Or auy Compound aisier J-amiesoii I ask for wrong tV but as the months wore along, all eff)rts of HOMiSTFD, succes-or to te late firm of neighbors�were gathered the' as, 11 -Ay, oftentir�es, and 11' said once th4t You have ruined my husb-- nd, both L dY his physician failed to afrord him any real A General Bamking acted - business trans _Ivrm -m is due to ir-e& vjcUss�ughey & 14olmested, BarefitcT Solicitor nione 4wl Astigniatir F0 removing bia tra and not a glass had b en ye had tra 'in. find Souls, that you his scan y ill gilt relief; the pain became more is u oortxeyauc�r_ at,d Notary. Solicitor for the C&DL ye were he%, d drivem. butitl)it I'Armerie notes d co�nted. Th litted gl".lses. Xats� 2.lonef,io lend. Farm tou6lied. E ain. his- appetite failed, he could take n WORD and is usuaiky congenital, bur, en knew that Dmmtoo t d Satau.undelr yir feet.'� solid J L [ST, A you y ple answ4ed Dmfts bought and a Main 8t"Of` se of the fitness of things, -and was You were licensed to food and for a month or so past it 4ecame eftct Are tailed stopid, b W Il ye -all fo if it hadna been Interest allowed on deposits at the Tate- -.for George Elowii I wv,( �eu. worth caTn' 'i�o evident that his mo t career NvLs glanes they om become the eCott's had a Ben He di Sesdorth. stirred to iits depths. te me then, find all my pleadingswere va4 only r of 5 per cent. per annum. hoil You hired -him on itt. your d surjeljy coining to it close. His physician Ibis is quiu.- mi6juvoon a"Aw ­dirry in- his tra y,, a man this day: One when, 'he as y se Ye sa�w the wricht SALE NOTES discoant�ed, or taken for? ou made i D-ENTISTRY* I Vora a till your victory 3 om- could hold out no real hope of his re4overy Qxaminatiou said Drum'shenh aswe went bome frill the. workin' hard for his 0 0.1 collection. rouse)e in eonistautuse.wbere All kinds I- dis ase i�as heavy uir 11. G. Fj BELDEN, L. D. S., Dentist. trk-yard;i Is- Weel, yon's the last -'iticht ot fund his ron him, p plete. his 'wife and kind neighbors were df. ily, if HA NtS at rept wheu looking atin dis was, and Till his money was on then one �old not hourly looking fq� his de arturte. He OFFICE—First door -north of Reid neirlected, way result in ne ofwor.k 1oue known to Uadern Dentistry. ye'll get, -ora'm no Drumsheugh. I've nae f0low, he Sought me oot wl 6�0 I D p4in� arid even prvatrat:losn. We are givi g thA be�t v jnter night you turnedl him. ;into I the Geld.,Aluuilnum and Porcelain On was ur tastin" ap s, wouldnai I had not been subject to vomiti g- bdt sud- objection ma; Bel to a neeb eave till I cams w� hiki. alue 'n har Wilson�s Hardware tdre. n of tho tye, which b! all hour�.l Office and raii., deuce over Ur, Pickard'A store, in rponiti lately .cau- funeral , a' the mair if be's come'fre the CY" 'No homes' 1 said, I Howe ; it's death treet. i 4enly he -was se&d with a sp:;m of this n68 ever offer d in Seaford made by atted to prevent an Increase i Doorbell answeted tit P60 I not blindness, V40 i�per end o' the pai-rish, and yd �en I difina f& ye to be oot in this Sleet an cold. Why You were licensed to sell,� and gare': ife to he,(, pied by Mesthaiii-s'lustititte. sigh for the miserable w or nature, and motdoned to his w SEA ORTH- k you ve -ni a basin, and after a fearful stru le be skille wor111%cr4 �nd only commodation in Ilia tre, wbi A'rq ower 0 ald notleave Li,e hold wi' thae teetotal fouk. nie toie, in the bed t made bunle's corrivted by ardfidall al ure which material'used.1 Offi,.� over FLichardson one. ivas, able to eject the creature whicl ad, no in the horn, to ch the.,e's He todk me by he arm into a passage. TWEDDLE, Pe ange noo. But t or -s;ek -hea;daeheo. and al -g Ifellineb'blibe store cornk main and John An&now, not content you are stri'ving 4oubt, been the'cause of his pi�olong,-d and 41 �tly attended -to. byone-ornioreotl ons, as the guid 8ulk at ys, I see the on his white face, arid the xide Gas ad- your times and' Wring pn Nitrous %. seas his eyes. best to likewise ruin my Son.' �xtremely painful affliction. I� is r esidiess, *memb6r no c6rgo for testing i and it wud hae been an' itwhe like bush ess yo .01 collars and we hining o" Brin &Iong ulinistered Ior the painless extraction of teeth leading him on in the down- 1! to 7 You are o siAy that Mrs, Hamilton was horrifiec tae luik At a gless in Alarget's gairden, aid Because 113 ave a moth -e%% �,*,,ard�path, his meagre eirnIngs you crave. wiii� Make theni work. i AN Us ON, graduate of Royal College puir Domsie stmAing i Ekhelit the briar Dominie, h6 pulled ine 4 lot o' hell." :ind the rope like substance which )6 hail S. Roberts, 96 peialty. ntatio, D. 1). zs.. of. To. For tha you are willing.to �end him down, list om ted moving around in the liasin, L�,­ It ros 1yof Dental Surtreons, 0 bush as if he audinever ift hi%heid acain. Me tae Andra, but no your hell. Ye t ronto� I bity. Gffice, Market Block, Mitcl an early drunkard's grave. 411d to be some 7 iiiehes long, and al oiiti EL11 C ell 0 o4k in'thdii� d the IAU2 Ye mayget shwirw f ta.ki, but min 'Roma, -it Tt ium ph,�, vhen a general f To look at the miserable sots of our town, inLh and a half in- circumference. Ib-ivas Ontario. : et a. pairish with 4 lie tter fee its. !c m, hame:N i' I �is spoils. I �ddie, we're the PERI ye 'ill no g A . ICKS thenack. 'at ten years Ago. bleeding freely and died in a few m4 imeots. M Clinton_ will It'ill be a kind, o' sateesfaction tae' Marget capti�ves tit o wth his 1 chariot up, the out, cursed `sisn'sa..Ii at 9nd know it is you and y C dis-11 113$026 v sit, E sain at dgena'Zotal After itst death, on being examined :)y Dr. b Zurich. the -w en she hears o't. She Was' aye agai nst, Capi tol. every Mondays.and a as a ma: 1 o mood§ and ork that has NK,oaglit. them do�,n so low. M(.Eiicliren, it was found that, in hi i#trug- Cdrne mai= John St�, urosy in e me onih 1288 tastin', and, am judcrin' her'tribble has end- Donad Menzies w C3 uh yeis, it is t M toil second Th You are licensed to sell, &lea to eject, the or, a ure, r Hafifil P l3e a rfh. edit a:tbeetials." the Doctor a prayer had loos�nced his imagin- Premier Road,sterl'-ItallionA Sire.. C - true that your license in -nioney is yi�ic'�- had split the body %v 111 his teeth, I wbichi no KINSM4N� Do Aial, - L. 0 S., Man i was hard on some of yon ation o that lie saw visloils.1 i $ 1 CIS 11 ever aoub i at Zurich the day, b there weana till ei o', them .'m de 4'4 Looks" said be, as weS ood on a ridae But think not tbaVs all that w t caused.'it 4 d much sooner thaii. it, h a. e miserable wrecks yc)u ho-ve ent not � oc� S A 4 Exeter, Ont. W 11 bi a m keepit my eye on- Peaty ?f vould have done lia( this accid EA. "the Huron Hats 1, os�LT on the ut Jos U0 ", be asked for th SN F 1895. dge. -1 fief seen it before in the a sch nionth,,and 01 LAST THURAD&T in never loakib-the way i t wea.� a 9 a d c rO" made. - urred. The creLetu -e is now in poaessio' F \,DA14C F�U FF fall, on tbB iqmT FiLmAy he Re Below the bearers h 3sed a bur.p on i 1 at Xurdoole Hotel, Hen SiTAE�- in, stach !month, Teeth extracted with the lemb 'dro'utb' body, but h his'feelin's, -�heg. foot, and were aseendirij t1te' slope where Wben you i3tand at the judgment. B�at Of A Dr. AlcEachren, 0 Linwood, and is GENT The service fe e y this great I liberal rstites pairt, possible. All. work first-class Posty. an open 7&,,e :of deep green was fringed God, for deeds done here on earth. I pecies unknown to e medical on b as been reduced to� 013 for the ea 1f these has ahead and mouth, the latt r: r And you stand,in the preaence Q PA(M' R SOAP Before the Doctor. b.gan the prayer, with'purp, e he ther. does EXCELLENT P 8y fordan, �pd poor souls that you have helped drag down that of a le ch. but,. it no On able lat Au 6t. took me tip to the room. rhe., ark hass gone o v c r t Wbinnie Y T. OAii d in to !of to hell. eln� to be of that ii cies. Neither is i f e's twa ct' Geordie's College free ds 0 60T 0r,e izard species, .4 Ther Of little will it be to you to say, ie tape_worm, or I but wh ge will have c with Margett graqld 3cholas. a'm telt,' find Protiise. IT CLEANSES THE , rure - SICK ONZY ht load@ at 6 September suusbinc glinted on e I'm licensed to dell." es of the at imal creation it rnay TO LOAVI.—Stralt? er speci cent with the priilege to barrowel of there's anitber I Icann w el inak' oot. Ile's The SEAFORT11- rl - d ;)e,,the doctor now li is no� doubt bur, that SCALP, RELIEVES k1i of the principal- raone� at on) time.-, t�rrible gast doon, find ifarcrq� spevks VS if white silk Georilge on with lih blood, tess, hinousne, I Ig Pik Ck , s T as th Ing .1427 Torpid Llv4r. Dad Bpeat& Staffa. I Apply to UOLUESTED1 Birrivto#, Bealortlit. slit k-entlhini." fell like mbEnleoidtion.',on the two figues ecaue of Its p'tienVadistresa' TH:E,ZRYNE53 AND regulate Ott bowells. 'vE*q 4ter -�e In aftfiction, as he has I ad n6 pain since. H�r with a box bed t4at climbed the hard ascenb close. t (The fol, i Ing wo.1 Intended for last neak.) It wm a low-robted room nat rtfflyisinamod ex4austed condibion, PRCE 1gr O�IFNTO Ar 11 SO PREVENTS HAR _D Alb man fhey lo, red. —The mepbers of the Methodist i : ME and some pieces of humble inrniture, fit CM . y NOTES. om W le powing t his kreat age, he.tn Strangers do not toucl car head in I by our village Rob for a laboring man. But the choice tress- church choir, accompawei Druintoolit 6st blood t recover. L FALLING OUTIP but the eight of ikear 4T Pile I' fiddler,". Y ed Chubb spet a pleasant The order MOP' I OURRALY, ures of Greece and Rome lay on. the Dr. McEaAiren w Il belpleasell to q-hibit hAS DR. S,S e the bed College pr [�es 10we r -the b y:into-the, grave. day at Grand Bend last Saturday.—Mr. I P UP- oorone and on a shelf besid th a lof this i nkno�-n a�imal �o'an;y C�XE3"� Insurance tv nd the , e remain , Rember British Medical Association, late and medals, , wbile. eve-ywIler6' were the of preceden is keenly calculated, a 11 and MCi. R. W. Delgaty of near Bayfi6ld ing on hit a at 1311 ][Zoy 0! Jee--opposite Town Hall Person call Iiis of�ce. County of Middlesex. wei be forgh en Mr. and Mrs. T. His pe&� ancre SOL Itelephone No. 80. ictia the botily f hei a lbolar son, whose 9 _iiecip�es. loss of a me ited cord can ne )ei in- the Cady blook. Resi lence�67 Victoria Street roses he IoN ed. ant mother stood were the guests of ND,50 25t -FARM AND ��Jaryet, lia,l arr d evefy%in N, I ,, ! - - - - 1400-52 bes And all "Saw the itness. His t last &tu;da and Sanda.—M44 E. G�ood, Cigar P Whinie, Te tyin e;, has h ired ROFIIERTY ONL hopes and thoughts- She had hared, ind er, son of R enn on(r Graduate of edical Fa- T father took the head, and the feet (next, in. e quai t of: through the.win low cam6 the bleatii g ;of, with Mr. Robert ton, jr., for Col, E ROLLS. ork into on THE FARMERS" Juiversity, Physician, Sur- i -ound'd tablespoonful of adistatjaheep. t was the idyll of Sc r, -ish oni Pur) omste. mer.—Hay presser nave been busy bi this bread -dough a well 1 0 ies� no because u t�_ at 0 zelle- Block night Calls he gave to D pful of white an, .7% -Ron IV] Ar et said y6 wiere. vicinity, judging ft 'I'm Scotch but life, Yin � m the number of Ipads butter and half a teacu h a ain bluid." daily. r. add one cupful of dried otirrants, well wash- a House, 'b� If 0 4 1887 Ve maun dae it. n . . Zuri, Un e characteristic nken, xuraic, insp000r of Losites. -9. EL A-R.M ST Ftcr,-:. G,, M. B., Toronto, M. D. 0, X., I wbich, pass throu h to Dqblin me: flour B; king. 060rge'. friends ive� 0 1 the right side the cords were handed ed, and dried in the, even; sift so n ii n a -a, successor to Dr. each bf his own ;ype, im! could. only � Nive (11(orden, and Frank.Carlir . an d Air. T. C. Delgaty a -k into -the her AX 0:Rr_r3H:. you ca D Victoria, hi. C. I.. s., ontan o t ie Docto yself ; and on and sugar over them, iva lately occupied by Dr. Won, Bruc�- I F met i6 t�e coynir onwealth'of letters.. " One a. day at Hai rington this week, trout sh ntt, office d make, into (In a smoke a7b6tter to- D unisheugh, M 4WId,, Ontario. 1179x62 wiLs sif an an ient Scottish house -which bad �he eft clean, and Cftal- ing. They i aet with good success,- brin ing ingredients; when well worke oi inee lon v ith the Bank of Montreal.) bury Vabriel 'Elliott. C1,I)t 11 9 � and mer . Domaie lifted the iod for Ma,rgutp, thirty:-6ne home alive, and deposibing ein small rolls ; dip each into melted butte Ci crar thall Joseph uvsffib� Beachwood; IL AtcTAVI81 fou�rht for Mary,�gainst. the Lords of e at �ed on. 0, � rdqs Be about twenty J01 & Thos, �Garbutt,J011;111100, 'TV Phy8ici%nL, Sqrgeon, aOfflce tit; he roses he gently pi o was place in tins ; let them ri -a hotel, Brucefield. Congrecoition, :,lbllowed Prince - Charlie' to . in the pond.—The Way inake of cUese Dcorner 3. Ittil west oti.,(on d heads, ittee to in, u tea, -a' bake until a nice brow apl?. Ther witb bent, uncoverei nd 11 in a i BANKE RS X 1 11NAN CIAL AGENTS. Rol Xight Calld at Cho ctltee. eo -sold: for 7.1 cs�ntai It paid the coi Culled n, and mere High Church ancl, To�y o in unbroken silence, we uried all that moderate oven. These rolU ire v6'ry nice ROB'BOY to the last dro of their blood. Ludovic hold on to the cheese as long as they did.— Curtsuilnz. RgmandvT erhained of Dur Scholar. Mr. T. . 11.1 LEX M. D., Follow of the Royal GO Elamilton took a run to. Blyt � on with coffee. �JETVI ) 7ED- Ti lganivan au I rdo� left Ha, ow wibh the reputation of a To M' ROJE3 RTSON'S Furniture Store, Ore. College of FTNr D.-Rute4ison fie cup of liow et BETH'h3!9iolans and Surgeons, Kingston. We always -waited till th( gra-ve wa fille4 d ed �hite asor to D . Mant-:14. offi'si, lately occupied. classic, and had expected to b -first at Edin- his bicycle 16st week. 1216 Streit. A 'Generid Banking Doisina-to done, Thy cost 5c. Sawa �nil the t�UA laid downy', a tuying. quarter 01 bas �ve tong of twine on hand. Quite 4 bit Sugar. one egg, a piece of butter the si0 of Drafts issued in I, cashc J. Intureat a lowed on de- -by Dr.'-,XaokId mstt street. Soaforth. Residence boro. It was Gordon, in fact, that Domsie a tin hour. A 1 me ! the thud of tile spade or an egg, one teaspoonful oda,dissqlvo�d ill Its. set other bugneft vAll be prs� —413ornei of View ria. Square, in house lately ocouilled feared in'the areat war, but lie proved of itils solo, !and we advise farmers to give� but, I get sax apl-festlon to any of the abovi by L. E. Dancey, 1127 end to , arge�t,'sl son, and being the I b d your mothers. grave Non.� gave- any Sigr Mr. Hutchison a call before: purchasing else- 0, cup of sweet milk. dd to. this, *ben p MONEY�, TO LEND e nfula of c el am 00nigood notes 011 mortg, gee of them. a of what he felt �save Drumst eughiwhose her. mixed together, tm Poo 60()p D" M. B,, 4 F. P. and S.., Of P6nce Jonatl an, whi�h is' 'the same �%e of4 t where. did lough hEtd filipped. off from -a tender tartar rubbed in three cpfuls;of flour,land E. 110BE T LOGAN, MA-21TAGER. qxidrter. G Physicians, burgwo An 9 a. The crea�n for a and world over, became to love our,Dsvid its 'behind a' bake in three jelly -cake tin heart, and Calmers, who went 58 Ong In do out. hisow'nsou. The otheri'a dark little iy Hay. Ian, tombstone. and sobbed' almd. Not dven t lie inide of the pie is Made aa follows, one r6M1P1ft:Z TOMACCO CC- MONTRCA" with a quick, fiery eye, was a Western Gelb, I TowNsHIP STATTSTIV.s.—Mr. James Bon - Post y asked -the reason so much '.as Dy. 8, and a half cups of sweet inilk,boiled ; w hen :1 whc had worried -his way from, it fis e thron, assessor of this towgship, has kindly o 'ng: look, and Drumtochty, a I 4de boiling addeven teaspoonfuls 8 ftr _5k L AA5bACKACMF_ DRS. SCOTT & NAGKAY, cto in Barra, to bean easy first in Phil ; : - :�,jptal' % furnihed the follo'wing interesting statistics 6s.though it. did'not gee. arked wet with: cold mill-, ; Ie6 it scalil one minute, U S� OFFICE, Goder;eh Stroet, opposite Methodist phy at 14,dintib'ro', and . George - iLnd Ro hat-tbe Doinin taken frorn'the asessnient roll. The town - Church Sealorth. RESIDENCE, iexi;Agricu4a�ral I ie took ChaliIiiers home, 9nd veet' Ak(lean were as broth6rs � becAuse there is ntains 53,043 acres, witb3s,634 clear- Poli 8ore. acriq Grounds'. 6yaked all the way wit11 11114'1 to Kil rurnip. e taste with. white sugar anti! flavor PP h nothin 'so different as 86'ttiah and ed. The taxable income amounts to $1,200, then add two well'beaten ) eggs' ; aN 2D NN akm 9 �,tation next morning, is' friend led lemO or vanilla extract. Split the 0 wjtk muphr%jq,aqd J. G S(;OTT,',Nl. D. C. M., �Ann Ar ior apd Victoria) land blood. 'eorge! or -rave and it the phrsoil, 1 property to $19,700 w Ale the grariii e cross over. G �gures up to $1,910,660. when cold, spread them with the cream and X. 0. P. 8. 0. 1A ' te' (.�'ordon," Said Marget, this 0 Pie ins �iptl n. total asses ment e jelly k�&Jqt put on 1W C. MACKAY, At. D. C. X, (Trini E. T. M. 0. M. * Oeoi voti as left to. DoTnsie to choos t put together again lik cake. Spreud is tre's Homer,-- and be. bade tile' I ell C, P. S. (). I r 'here was a day when i -L.Id h ve be. 11, The population of the township is 4 045; of uld that 00 ted yir freen shit) ain o' lie t young. J ice 'Whom the gods love die�' e any pie. Ba�^' her of Bachacheb g if t . : I . I t w i thecreaniove�thetop. Serveasyou BAKINQ t 98' are between the ages of 5 and 16; D R. F., J. B U R R OW. S 71' !�S�e�weexi the ages of 7 and 13 ani L 316 be henDomsie,had seen th kil gdom of G ids POTATO Se.tLLop.—Take. six good oized xsiclan and Surgeon, Toronto Con- and this is gr. roses blo potatoes� ash, pare rind -a when he spoke, his voice sounded stranaTin �1 -sheep; 2,014 hooS Fo brief space,(1Qrdon was silent, -a d eg of 16 and 21. There are 386 he -4-Y tile ag 3'. ME OL PkAYE4, U-te. residesit�Ph wen where t lice them -very Pow.._DER EE T ti or graduate Trinity Uidversity, fresh every summer for, tw rity iyears 4�gs, 4i7661 catth�, 2,6� 0 sh or pan; a (I LACTIJAX. Pisint au �Chene, writes i Notts. J. lie vackliber of thp;_-dollege of Physicians and Surgeona that room. a d 1,768 i -iforses. There are 4,275) acres In setter Ame, I;ack i nd Lumbago tba I it the imml Hospital-!� 11011 h Well grease a deep di I"d with, lie nto it a layer of potatoes, a littlei a t Ir Lame THE COOKS BEST FRIEND 0 our a -OFFICE.—Sawe u formorly occupicd arget was al all .583 under of Ottari lAr on was the finest scholar of rny' under f irchards Put 1130 wheat pep er, and bits of butter, and a verylit le -E I:N CANADA. OFF .11 forth. HOWE) �'l f 'Nil' LARGEST SAL by Dr. Sin I ith, Qllpo6ite Public School, Se was als e A., 5 217 we r is d.�;nr: 'Mic D. time, aid a very per -feet gentleman. H l 0 -1,230 ac Writes rbm in d '12 re� of swallip I anc od A_ et, eks -ind n. aud I pray Qod to,. Died Sept�mb�r' 2- ',1,, 1869, land. . There are -10 Stam boilers used in flou Sprinkled over, thcn add anotheraybi, & uring Sore B. I have touch pleagure in fntrosl�ci DJ_ Bu Of otatoes, and so on until the dish is -three rtetin this vicinity. OnIv ttree weeks age console r. te township. till bm. my tril frie �jittle ;f BLO01 rrows his- mothe 25c. eaehl W all my former patonts set a phy i iaq, in isvery And Lu Aged 1. pa t 3 full. Pour over this enouRli sweet. Brucefield Saw millip. way worthy of their utmost confiden dovic Gord6n bowed' low-, over ":They shall bring the glory and houou'r of til m1i L, � to, cover the potatoes, then bNlk� in -feed anJ now look ut hit It. W. BRU E SMITH. Marget s worn hand as she had been a T.elophorre—No. 46. nations into it." TheS oons have got my BoY. modarate oveni, until the yotatoee are jellied -there is no CONDITIO queen. brown.. D I S (SIO, LQ T 10 IN OF The undersigned,- having -leasea thely N' ht 119 answered from a e. I� was a late November d hen I v&nt When t e Rev.'GeorgeP,,. tuart, the co- all dirough. the top a nice -to DICIC.—Am going —Night c, �Qne now. 19. B, Marget litted Plato, 1 zz_�� , 14 it seemed to i. e to see George's memorial, an h e imy"ab-tal laborer of he Rev., Sap -i Is. Jones, was once Semle while hot. MRTNERSHIFO. Bruce.field Saw Afill froin Atilt. Alex. that day as if the, di�niiy' of our Lad of t R8. fall6n- up6n her. hope"was burning,low in m art - ut as Centucky, there camedow.n the' ustard, is now Dl, --Vs Blood Purifier) W­ A.UCTION]kF Sorrow 3 hall th 1h prdacbing in X preparpd to do alt ifore snbsititin bMt hoite8t. �StoQd before th�t cross, Struggled aisle, one night, it poor Irish woman, with ANThile Mr. Matthew Xelland, of Exe- Notive I@ be e�y given that the Ps rtnerablp hereto- kinds of cuatOm sawing on the i %DifXt Viijimorit, 25e,, DI !Th�a is the buik Geotgei chose for You,* igmt face, or n a -signed, as mer. M from;�behind a black watery bank of clo,'iid, with several tt era, was performing, ween the ai on receipt of 'pri- EORGE TAYEOR, Licensed Auctioneer for the fiiste� Maclean, for he aye, �wid to ji;eiy an intell g �nt in her own ter, Jiled e Countv of Huron. Sales promptly attended ked out e� showin the deep anguish with Mr. Jo n Leathern's elk :other' chants in' th town )f Seaflold It.' in the county of notice and most reasonable t;rws, G and ery letter of the Ap the. ned been a phet, and 6hby n m mone Pic �ea peduliar ways 9 of Hu art und r the firm Avle or r ar is of '- Charles- DICK& 1M, P. 0, in Itt all parts at', the county. Satisfaction guaran- pro hfJ lypse in gold. nar wly eseaped severe injury. The hi 3,hest ea4h pi ice will . be pai& deepti-ings.1' a Mother's be rt, " Mr. S arRr. Stdart, . day,. he we ell, at ihis day bo en dissolved by J� Roberta GEO. TAYLOR, Kippen For sale bv, Seed. Charges moderate. u bc 1); (To be Contin' ed.) th y They were pu ting him through a c6rtain mu I t. The buiiness w. 11 )e continued b r.. 0. e saloon, have got my- for Basswood Rock Elin 1367-t. f The tears Sprang to the.Celt's eyes. # C he r a.,! to whom all Is 3ts owing to t M large &;tlt, when th' elk ma,le a sudden li�ti Cb ries' ir The preicher's heart acbed,' and thE e nd, r6 wus like him to riiake' all other en Is r e 1p are tobepAid and )y whorr all Ha- and other salable timbers. better than ihimself, with N E. congregatim wits greatly inoved when he rberopetowhiehhewa attachedstrikingHr. bill Flour, Feed and WM. MVOY9 the soft, sad (+R IFYING X E LIGE late pttitership will' e settled. Lumber, Shingles and draIning till, AT Highland ac6e�t and a proud woman ou id Kelland, knocking hi with terribI ce Sa R. 4. HAY IM A. CHARIESWORTH. FOR 6 Auc oneerfor the Coungi.qs of Huron and Perth, 'e I M ti es. J SEP B14CWNELL. ti Word P E)ived 3e Complote How T 3any womei 1 in t is great audi- against the fence. Mr.KeUa-nd remame alway�_ on hand. and AFentL at ffenanil for the Massey -Harris Mason- are to hef been his mother eci n .� a . y attended to, tce can hold tip their ha; *it1f this poor talituring Compliny. Saleb PromPtl.' The third man waited, at the windo; 'Recovery of Mrs" Jchn Dowly. en his knees f6r several 'mintes, when, to ,r&nt"d- the scholars left, and' then ' I saw he Nvas woman -)11 Ydu sboul-I have seen the hailds surprise of the onlookers,�be rose n Dated at 'Sealpirth th4 rd day of CHOPPING. rnr �sal. the Flour, Feed Ai nd satisfaction Kna, on . e he une, 1895. otiarges moderate a -Town -4 orders d. been aL OwEx SorxD, Jutite 24._� up, showin� non Isioul 11, Tuek mder- ho rS 1484 Chopping either by fitone or gF ifill by mail addressed to Bensall, Post Office, or e of that kind, bt* t one who* ha, Vord has be many mothe worse for his daring, venture. !Amb. This ji. agood. bus is residence, I*t 2 Conew viho, the sa �d -good openbig for right Mau. left' at In me 3ad xperience. —Mrs. Aaro' n Jones, 8th con6ession,E prompt attention. 1296-tf Slavel of sin and,pow was free. L r ceived here of the pomplet �6storatipn to wer ha lina in kid gloves ; died on -Mondity, 10th inax.,after a linge ng mainen of Dorra"M stromith, will receive Andra Chauners, (e6rge health of.Mrs. John Dowl , wife for- So eof &m were )land Zak" one promptly and satisfaction guaran- sig d de6rouaof ispe$ wished ye tae of ICYCLES -ne are glovEs ; a me were white,4 illness. She was. scarcely out of her tecris, teed. Chopping done on Thes daygy ek low, and will be eateei ed resident of som I vy Ore bla CRESCEN-r. Blacksmith i Wantdd. hav �is Rible, and he expecks e tae keep mer well known 'and nee& $to ile some were bare' and and but recently married. A husband anti S. VIWI. new ud the tryst the town. The intelligence has ee very tend 3r hands,wh and Fziday& A trial is. respectfuUy & A, P"004 wars who driderst4da the traffe In all its ng hands. a six months' old bibe are ief t to moum ier Gle ourvr--�ex &no LZU Isi money. i 11 God helping me, I will," saiR Chalmers, c,.&dly -received as Mrs, D wly has any quiveri solicited. IL F-aia Men �of Kentucky, early death. caw tref) ancht.�� 8toady employinent; and good waoes. hoarsely and fr)m the garden ascended a;- friends here who 4re wel a. are o e T1 e reacher To L KALB Married "trian preferred 103 Notre Do A 4 cession ildren Or fo MONT FLEIS.W. Zurich, P. _p to 14, Hay. ItEAL 0 L 2p5'YC a 14863 hildren ry fo r Pitc Ist r1a.) Ch. 1 16 JOSIAH W�ATSON, C her'slCa Y, r PItCher's Castor R 17.�dof 8 a� 0 hty in 9 ity., y yl, we p a I e w