HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-28, Page 1r fiering to the pul�hll e its from every d lt� 4tore. Now is y p�eitig� heap X E W HAT McLE" BROS.- PARASOL TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. is PubUshers.
FRID11T. J $1.00 a Year in Ad-v.�ance. NUMBER, 1,43 WHOLE 7. EAFORT�_ VNE .28, 18950 got to them. A few NY ire very illuch aston- thing e offence as well as actszgs, prosecutor and kenv�le, on t e Welland cnal, in 1842. out in the road, administered a geme -Whatever the defe"ets of this Youllig Pitt moved to a farm in West Zorra, horsewhipping -und then ordered Ishod wid. had exppet, (I to be Tile. aw could step in iind coinpTi the registra-- judge. part, hini to FASH10 MAKE ULL -RLJITN 'D CALLED them. so little or tbo 8 )Up gave 4,ut bef-bre I if such a 6vere attenipted, the civil th
you say y tion of that individual, �Again, of.Mr. Haveock'al bill rim be, it defines the in 18,,'�6, where he lived Until his death. He leave the to if by midnight Sunday, under' foreign born took Ut- %4 the thiner 0 hit. rhey to 130, Al CHAT WITH OLq And said Doth that the Council appoints the exainers offencie, and it provides for t�,ialy a compe- was 014warm- fri ma of Sir Oliver invat, and threat of the whipping being -repeated. EADW, EA� for Inatribulauts"' This 'a also not quite tent and disinter�sted perl on mere than ant � o�caeion was the mover Ailff is a -worthless character. k THE BATT.LqF I E-13. treated equally wel T ) inatter j�vhat hands
Ii es, to get -t. The Co ricil be d no matricula. No. 4. —While "we a tairly, in favor or Sebonder of AA nomination as the party —Profess Robertson, the Dairy Com- crec U 5 or
Itle ask you to visit 0 Lit i thoy Tell into. Bi it M -as tel you of one tion wbatadever. It accepts of the rinciple Of tile ay�cck bill, some of call -or. The deceased ular wbieh will ion ex iina p MISSIOM10r, I
0 3 ro,th Oxf s preparing a. ciw. Story of aeteran�of Ttli irginia te of v passed the, the details are not in acccreo: ance with our w as *ice nairied, leaving two sons and, shortly be issued to the dairy trade, s�etting he official cert Ing, 't lat 'expeet� th rot] very tut So.' ifica vou, are nt What Cololi i ruce nl(i. Departnamta Pass Art Ail t cul4tion ex-' liking. The clause relatfh to midwives, fi: 0, �Lughite -8. forth the arrangements that have been made �-t Cavalry I MCC Of - Ma8gt a ri Xow Crolonei Zet liave qpeuial prices. "Thero was a GAO (,I Rico df aminatio, and in addAion, physics and to which the doctor objec woiild not meet 'he degre P (f il - for the cohl storaze of fresh ade creamery chusetts, Stood Long tt Death!s Door. esh it I er- d had the bill-, oi op just been conferred 1�v C 11 btrtter in transit -and in warehouse. The tbs, who Wit. Oth 111111,§ chemistr and any one limsenting such L with the approval of wan i orne
-ed. and dying,- I thougIn. A da -S or so,after tificaes ould coniffel reg.stration as n Miss * Fannie B. Higbet, of steamers wbith will be equipped -with re- The Spot Where Both attles End a ma- been submitted to a Committee bf the Legis-' 13nlvprslty C. �Sfbw that be wil's itit heit, whether the Courcil -were -willin lature, as its promoter desired, that cl )bo rg. This is the highest deg I r frigerators are the Alongohari; iian, tricular ee con- %1 Corr"P(ndence. 1 1 ; - -011 w uld, 'no doubt, have Wn eliminated. f by on 3 c1f i he foremost Universities of Norwegiau, and Poinemnian, of the Allan brOUght 0116 df th 3 CtOrS. HO t001' 6 (SPOM )v FR�N WELLENGTON, Va. Ybi o 25 -Lill 0 11 - I I-; look '1`110 got Doti] No. 3.4You take exception to -what you However, it is nob nearly o serious a8,tbe A tbeAica. line, and the *,Nlexico nd Dominion, of the hallilet oil the Mallass 3 -MLI) 111611 of 'on to MISte . I It i and w mt on q. lielp tbom term e pow tea to doctor-,-_1A1O11Id ha e us elieve. There is f '%It. Ronald Sandfield acdonild die. Poo had 4 clanco ifo �Coun PL Meshe th of I - I Put the 11 enabling it to erase the name of n a t t e 16se 6f the present session of such t rm traordinary'. �ers " gran I un 148i ood that Premier (4reen- Dominion line.
t, o Southern railwa is iu,;t.th-' ought nothing, in the Iawv ow to prevent women, b -9,tralght South of - the pol it t 110 first, soniaboards ovorthc(uloiieVs licadtokeop ittly register for " u without any qualifying tfa, ing, from prac- the Lre, , v ill take au, ocean voyage, at his residence, Soutli Lancasterlazt week, mem Iiattlo of Bull Run onde R�nd 'a few rods the rnin,.and he to itz his clia'lices oil the d and. the continent for the The deceased gentleinan was a brother of iessional onduct." This ia lin line wit, a tising midwifery, and t e; inily diffe�6iice visiti ng froin I here Jolinstol $to Red - the oil ro gro-und, for :1111 the k ei) t w ock � bill ' woul ake, it would beneAltof i bealth,an Iiald, formeijy Lieu- ell recorgnized principle, that the most the flaye d being absentsev- ibe Hou. 1). A. Afacdo
illeir WaY to Iassas'J il.tion,)and, like for. 3UC W U H that bad a. ch mee to live and men 6tting-tri 3unal is one compc sell of peers Of enable these -women so pra tising to collect eral onthq. tenant -Governor, -of Ontario, who now re- r should vio- pay for their Services. i ra. Frul'Ri'Chards -to be oporated on.. A -fdw d4ys � later I the trans ressor, If a soldiv of the East End", sides in Mntreal, and of the late Hon,John run toward the point:- Ocre the 11ring ged found Colbriel Rico ju st �s well; it scoilled late the c vil law, his case is Uanded over to In conclusion, we wouid'direeb the atten- Woo took, w" enta crocheting a few Sandfield Aluedonald, ex-Prernier of Canada., NYas heaviest. A4 all k1low-, he took to mo, gus whdn I first saw hlnli,� anol the Civil courts for adjudicati).n. Shoulct he tion of readers generally, and of Dr. (4rahm night ago, - a identally ran the and first Premier of Ontario. Mr. Macdon- 110 f1tcP'Of things tho doctor had time' . to work on him, be guilty of a, inilitar breach he is tried particularly, to the moti eedle through the first, finger of ald was 80 years of age in -Nember. last, c6nuilah(l.on a croch t n i,al attention to our'- )n o Dr. � Sangster changed very sudden or niany aw herle t han i After a long and painful and has been Suffering from paralysis for the Cary Well, air, in three 1v ils ly. I ooks be w ' able to be and puniE hed by court martial. So with which is now before thf dical. Council. We have a full mnge, week after that' greitt hundliatilun the -he lawyc r he is charged thit the examination wait 0 . Ii with embez- That motion provides e nee 11c. was extracted by Dr. Rice. last t,%vo vears. He le&ves a. widow and two Odd, lines at r idieud - tooktolliGhm6nd all got well fast' Only t northdril paporsworo 1111(d wit,11 guff and a few year$ ago 11 e ,anjoJooeo in(yand zlement 0 � C the civil courts'will deal for matrioulants be mad4 t—O Satarday Mr. Donald Grant, of sons and four daughters.
D, -1 - 'tbou b the panic bay �-_U I al severe than it is now, and tl at t e fees be. ami ton, m rot" i -)(1911n.al"OlIg staid around some days. 1,11' oned to with. hirli but e of unprofe8sion as assaulted on -the street in �- —Afr. Richard Dulmage, one of the old- IT,' the tvinsters, about nia, ked 1)attoriois and tioll that there- was a 0. is dealt with by the dis- doubled, And what wer a thi re ons which Kings on, by two roughs; who robbed him est and best known conductors on the Grand men qbt on our conduct, , lis C
WV otlier*silly excuse that could 'be Church, and not -long, ifter lie MCI cipline co nmi t of the law society, ent ho just in the promoter of that mo, don dva aced in its. of $2. 0, all �he money lie had. They made Trunk Railway, died at his residence in tbought or. it is to be-], )P68 that all Such got a letter from him with. a drivft for the a similar P. -Simply, that the medical professi eyll!r . seno is we Lou4ol, at.,an early bourThiirsdaym narin as in the Medical Council. favor? . on a , unds on Mr. Grant?s face. orrimg, bosh has long since The battle 'aid it Was No. 4. f the Legislature has given ex- is becoming over -crow is
8 AT Childre's Salors w1lole amount,, and tho letter ded; that competition Hii ow it the Hotel Dien Hospital. last week.. r. Dulmavre had been in failing was ell planed by INIclDowell. The Fe Made-up inostly'by Grand Arnly men and traordinary p r"in this direction, the is growing, too keeD, and that prices arer be 14f. R. . Denison, a gentleman well health since last fall, bu-t contin-aled hii runs T Boys' -�$ailors crals, fought §urprWng well for raw Sol' know to On! rio farmers, has retired from -horo. TI)o Haycock billl foposed power still more ex- ing l;: t down so that pr titio,hers can�t no that hd been N) oundod t U at intervals, making his last trip on June
trpopp, and the result wt s one �of ,those ac- hi p iltion on the Dominion 10t Deceased was the third oldest C -On- -I tell Ilitterwa read out I church and traordinai y. 'ad it passed -into law, it make as good a living or as much money as Sborthbrn .b. Yoth. Sailors cidents in' -war which J ili-Lig and - ou tho �Iley formerly could. It shoft, I'lle object, e �CF"L readin as would hii le the discre.iionary power to Association, after devat 26 ductor' on the-r�ad, Messrs. Thorpe anot s IN icro gi y Bon .arto could not pwba have pro- the name of any phy- of this resolution is to df stro: i tb a natural -y f his life to the service of the inereed- Furness being Iiiis teniors. M. Dulinage, were Dot niaDy'dry Os. It cined teo a single j age erase an t loro in op -,ration Of , I Of -was a st- Men's 8ailors d be vent I if they hz good that the old' feeling botN den A* mer- sician who have. een convicted of competition resulting fro e a of era cattle. -leaves a wife and ione son, He
Dry G Pre n outi ath. the ordinary rules coods. I demand — R. Topp, of Bracebrit1ge, has 'ed official, a good friend, an estimabW In all makes of traws, sd t Day V. icans had come back F o compl 0 iely. merely forge ing to register a de of su� Mill) _sCqUO on -this dozy gunI.13,ner after-- Mrs. Benson has a rather In, Ire pointed Could anythi 9: be more extraordinary? to create a nledical men< ly W hat. better been pointed house physician of Grace zeu and a man of sterling character. tompan oro snappy Could any thin, be more me t es ear Brockville, and yll noon Is r ic.- in, l6cal suggresti _)h. , T io old gtory to toil and tolls it in an rous than to is this than the sugar tri t,tl �e binder twine Ho.spi , Toipontd, for the ensuing year,and —A che emaker, n 15 cents -to $2.0 men sit undor the trms or on, the shady soutbelln Way. As the flanki: 4 division deprive &I y ryi in of his ineva a of livelihood combine, or the agriOultu.-al implement has e red Upon his duties. Dr. Topp is a nine Of his patrons, -were charged in tht We show the7 nobbie in town. side of tho country storoan('� �brg about of our army i Pon its way for such i UvOoua emission? It would monopoly, and what beUer is the law that ne'll of . �the late Rev. Dr. Topp, a police court at Brockville, the other day, Pass" y 0 IOUs Seawill., at line the big thing.-, they did whe�; they oro to the Sudfey ford. slic. Stood on the porch, rival the ibler til. penalties p4 culikr to auto- would allow it than the 0iuch tbused Nation� for, or 9 to�. of Knox church, Toronto. with violating the sanctity of the Sabbath, -1XCitod young. - The list, 'a �ciular Nom cratic Russia. I fear you lay.yoursel open' alPolicy? The doctor and eteryotheeLibi - -�-H ng Concluded her present otoncert the patrons by d aAying milk to the factory
less clark.s it 11 c oc- - nd noting her black lqok�g - % I I Charge of being care] eE s as to w ers.1 casionally by the arrival 4 (1 Ir ZV with York boy sang out; "I'Ray, old li cro a to e he is A the Province have b. -eh declaiming season woiri Mies Jessie Alean(ler has and the elleesemaker. by manufaturing the �yfteld. Thedaywas!oue- I I ly, I an order for " three sac i:s Of � feftilizar. " �'yonr rebofs?" nvested with po�ver, so long s the medical against monopolies and Corr bines, and the left T( onto for � e , York. to obtain from cheese. The defendant admitted the cliar I -that could I,,-- wig ed,_ 9tructu'ro. ich 1i' 3 powers, law which losters them, for years, and yet -author some special I ly inter. anantered:aple4 of justification Oil t e f- ' - ' Next to the depot and Her a she rel led: "You profession is deprived of it. hesi time Was Spent by�l an, t4 warchouso, agriculturi I inii4loniont, dry just k ra of a LikIers Governmenti,- es otthesli ht- cip rightion, dn� you"J., null which the Legislature has �.ranted, and to we find inembe Ing to her repertoire for' next ground that in Order to k,eep the milk sweet bich you e very members of a Liberal Leiislaure, and Lib- sessou it was necessary46 deliv�r it to the factory. ledtomar the pleasures, goods- aua grocery st(r all 1�,U. one the They'll )o glad to, see yoi too." are go much opposed, at Ir bat have been obtained by many eral members of the medical I ofession, vot. pwood, aged 222 years, a school All the cases -were allowed to drop 'on the most Conspicuous - buillC I g i� 6no wh�eh I In the rout of the aJ to: moon t ese t roop,!,, imilar to w �oo:much praise C Ot t first took for a ClAir . , bu; 'ound i it to. as men pearly always dc In a anIQ tried orporate bodies, for the internal regulattion ing fc� and trying to justify a : law whichi� teach -1a isdale school, Manitoba, was payment of a certain amount of costa. ;friends of the diffemut be the liall of th - o local V riiii A1114nce. toilDoltlicroadbywbiol they me and if theirown' affitirs. The legal rofeosion were it taken advantage of,. would permit dro in Pelican lake, the other evening, lulgh aid as to make it- . . . . . . it is Worth - noting as � Lift lual, but Pam Aold Pie formation of a, monopoly as oppressive While thin& His clothes were found on Perth Items. the, season.—Mr. ROert OVI hee 00 the Zan thrcuighi.the aid gar exi, i lirow- 'as enjoyed not�.otilye( er i that L has been - fo ed under the epalizi � lathes a., they ran.' )n authorfty, very much greater pow or a all, gTel streDgth that 01 ion bas in Ing off he 0 " - I -he was last seen ,�ring at the Seaforth rhr- - It u t r I ie�b one hour after Is '�art of ' tb -4 - -or 50 ye re without protestati ( Natiollal Policy. oonsisten y thou art a a -live. e bod has not yet been found. and A -er Thompson -and th O staM. P),litics is of 11 d ,hoat- 40 on, 0 Mr. I frs�� Walt s. Be nson clapped or hands all ed bushels Qf wheat.— you jewel. cli cdursp a perennial. s'u) ect-w th the old ed.' ith delight till c haust6d, )Ut n* Ono course, I 4,!an anticipate an argument scanol which Radcliffe used at! St. Mr. John Whyte �sr f All ell, Sailed OIL
John M P a was a
ccNeven and: usel th; ' i ' i
fellow.9 aforesaid- and Ili might at two wrongs (?) do not i nake Then i ihipped through on, the Can-' Saturd last for England, per steame cri, who pidd. auy attonflon o ier. : lany years a nurnber oi�: t, b, b I rn�ntion W a- adian .�tcifie Railway the other night, ad- Pariian. Alias Amy Taylor, duugbter come and torvi I I; Al 's pausing had passed 'a1voy' W11 U Says Mrs. 13., '$a a righ this, more p tic R Winter, of Se,tforth, go at intervi I 0 n( a for SENIOR dresse Arin Kroddy, I Marys, also took pas- inutes' chm. I ol that, all -very ger 6n. dr(:)Ye) up to for a few. in teol III $he jlouse, 'larly to show tho e are some gr It to 811 Brampton. The Rev. Mr Taylor St
or �ood prices.—AnDther ot! iething behind this Iffiti.ok ingtrapdoor there is son At -which makes life intore the way up Bull Run fr). In M gassas about 'walkedhi as ii' ho'had all Int(ics U. the auspecti w I with-, its heavy sage On the sa-meloat. i I ,.LAOROS E Il-unll rapping on against the medical profession ixror attractedagood dealof at- —The apple crop of Dowrii,is promises to
Rgitati -e near our burg, 'durill place and appeft-rod. right gla I to ec us tention. at the depot. I:e abundwit in' the Gore portion of the all. JD,)n'tyou nownic? 8 lie more than the rivileges, per se, which'they 1ph, mother of township, but plums, cherries and pears are M-ATOH —Ays. A. Grautg of Biddu dead I d Dn' t; I sa� q 'Ali, I oi I blue enjoy Af r. J. Grant, of Parkhill, who was re- a complete fidlure, a larger acreage of corn occupy too mudh space �or a clothes boin I _1� Lade your ac jalubance. I It would .h Township, And,�' Nvould yo� 'balreve it, WM the letter of' this kind to take tip all the- points RECREATIO . con onimi ted to the Central Prison for hag been sown this reason than ever Irk . r wl ko spoke 30 sit icy to suggested in your edito ' I d. to sbo* the SIX!m tb f t I ng ,'��5,000 belonging to also mangolds, with a. noticeable decrease in was a red letter day r nv YO, ame ra tb Taycock bi 1 of 0 mmerce,died solin after learn- the acreage sowill to turnips. le sihool in seotion Xo. 1, Q ie in the niory pgl I was d digh -ed to iriany absurdities in JULY 1st at -10 o'cl&k M. the.: D However, I will close by �aking up the ing of er son`1% sentence, and was buried at —Miss Hord, I of Mitchell,. delivered the
was held in the see hiM.1 He sta I rond quite % spelli and -7 Grantol ceme ry. valedictory at the closing exermes of the
iXzi lakWs farm. !Early gauntlet y 0 a have thrown down to any nem- showed himself a 3ry pleas at �Qntle-, TECOMSEHS OF TORONTO ,hre�teiied rain, the- man." Mr. Do i house, mliere Mr. berof th Ontario Med ,alj kssociatl'��Pu 60 I W. Ba mann, the Hamilton impres- Hamilton Ladies' College last week. It 0 'ZI o has its ittle story. po earl was pronouric otions, but about eight int put in what way this- bill is calculated —vs.— p, %s rece�ivecl from Miss Nom Clench, ed the best ever read by a stu- Benson now liv lOTH. -was al o .1, and the day was T On tho mornin o�- be secon 1 Bul I Run to " Rrijuri - 1e. FUVF U. OF �EAFO a phot graph
r IBEAVERS t the great violiniatJoachim, dent of the ollege. Miles Horl a
ting to' i� 0 scr * nors, among them battle the Colifed to generals )real,- fasted Mid- wimiiill 4 Edred. At 2 o'clock the- I will.ttke the clause rela �ibed his autograph. miss awqtled several � ther- ho�'
W, am
uled., and at suppr time- there, and soon to- shells wore flying , ives. T i a 61auie proposes. to grant a li- anada. Cle4ch-Lib & f -brite pupil of Herr Joachim, the Brennan medlal for general proficiency. d, rat yers and friends ense to p a ctice midwifery to any woman, Foi est res outside of Dartmouth, Nova whib r - ards &r !as an artist ; high. praise L—Last week"p, Stratford Beacon says; pa,, Tit, a into C Black; an(l, Colored Fedoras, about it so tliicl� t 1a; the fam n to the bountiful t t , upon paym, ,nt of one,dollar,,who bar! show, Scotil a d consideralA@ damage to from a distinjuihihe4 a mater. There were larg6 i congregations at Knox,
(low 11 -ing the batl over, they
be hollow. Thlik XensDlack and,10olored Stiff Hatst that she ba i attended, at least, r wood.1).nds. —8�tulrd 'iftern on at -olland, a boy church on Sabbath' last bAh . morning and
"Pod laflies of the sectioni. e MY returned to the bousi � and' in ri ininutes I �rql , I with everythfUr, that Men's Tourist A�ts, � Aal�en Tennis c nfinemen. am sure this is a I need —The s.atue of Sir, John 3 facolonald at aged npie and is ater aged, eleven, child- I;e .nl The preacher of the day wa;s Rev. were caught betweeA two fir -4. she]] -0 "i 'to she the absurdity of . u h a pro, ttav ra was on Sat, irday placed on the pedes- ren of A. a t 611 of that town, ere F eavis, AT, 1 A., president of the Pres- �pe�titc of the mos�fasti 8 Y liti - Caps, Bicycl,6 exploded in the mldjlle of he roon 1 and say 0 AWounded a WO11111VU, a d child, 6 it not Seri- PO H nreasonable to suppose that t. The boy got beyond his byteria College,! Southwest Color"o, who se ia also due to the rate- 1`9 SRI. U tal prepared for- i bathing in the bay. 01 aps, Boys' P, , q i ty 11 ]I ibd tb (70aps, L,LdieF3' ULings I the sclem and art of midwifery can be —Qlara Ford, of t6 Parkdale tragedy dept siste rtriied to rescue him, and delivered able sei�nons, He is n cloquent 0 e e c Fact is," sald one of ;hose pros- y f th t a her, Mr, ously. k sec�rred by the Foresters to both wpre droi 0 tin- cap. e 6arry all the popUL learnt by i4ch a method of training, or fame, has beer vned. The bodies were. soon and convincing sper er.
10- the picnio� Stich a_ 0 . o na - *k 0 ent, "we got cotchce both w . . I sports consistett of \1JU tzella� popular From a sense of le,�.c -e in Walkertou on July let. recove�e4. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. h ar goods and pfices. an Inc IS rather lac c ot training. —The other evening, I orally. calculated tbi y'd 00111 in r, ' ,%�-f Ira. Tassile, widow of the late -Dr.. �-Tlle� Jews in ttawa. are now numerous Mader, who have Ibleen residentsf Atwood. ta to tl?all "and dancing- thoy' did at the :flr;t battle, ut it was delicacy, refrain from going into de il Have you sectired' som.- of the great and strong enoug ve' candies. 4U(1 GraugeS� faced right round ie other way, each show bow such a measure is calculated to Zsi�., of Galt, died at Peterboro.ou Thurs- to build a synagogne,and for a great numbei i of years, but who are a very Impor- ivere 75c Shirts yet I t,! -ie 'beat value in the, "DOXYT YOU I SA:ys HE, they I hot injure the peop "a, or rather day,. ?Oth i.nsb., in her 79th the contract has en given. In the base- about to remOV4 from. that illS ,IL: the hapne gaheri,,g, shooting contrary to Yliat afore year, ment there wih the neceesary tanks for made the reeipi V ath to depart, began to - trade. one-third Of the peoplo'are of northern and 0 tRnt section of -t e people,* but it requires no —.1 fr. George MeNab, a prOmin ent bar �Ilta Of Som ompletely foole 01 were hea�d to remark ............ birth and roaring aud that etery"kind of very greaj stre'ch of imagination to con- ristel of London, was instantly killed the purification, a�d ih the main. ball the ark friendship all(i O Will by their old friends A Patl tic Case. I can recall very other day by being th frZ his horse will be placed,�, and the gallery ;vhere the and neighbors. Mrs. Mader was presented 1 could give in thL We are. LeadprrO in 0-ur Line. P01%tica opinton flo)url.Khes luxurintly, e ve bow it may do� so womens Mrs. ma But the saddest -tory is th Lt ofl ny cases Where 11'es have becii sacrificed while out ridi it will rnh around three sides. with a beautiful silver ater pitcher, ancl 84. one of Lfie best pie- .................... from gold 111011031letallisin ad tegular old' 119 Judith Henry, 101c I bas often been told —Dr. Harvey Higgl son, aj well' known i—Mr. AndrewiLogan, who is an ex- Mr. Mader with a gold -headed ebony Cane. by �rusting such Cases to parties, John to'Jerry Simpson- people eni Her husbantl, Di:. I no Hourt., was stir- hie Aysioian of Winnipe ibd a 'few days ago a rzeautof-th 913rd1righlanders h —A very large bank barn was erected, by J 91
& Creig, ism and a m1fol forni of socialism. ignorant than those the Hay- kr�q a ackson n the Unite S w elt t e r broadcast from graduate .89th. year, ana� has been 38 a rbsident Mr. P. Mitchell, the " Swamp line " Bid- tates 1 rship -Con- piphtheria. Deces,sed years on uhar. Old residenters on �thei two battlefields goon 9 cock , bill proposed to I, of PiCton. X11i 184 whille his regiment was duIpb, on Tuesday, llth inst. er One stellation whoin it was com aind4d by throu t the land.' nalln I have no of MdGi1I College. Ov 3aitia Hinz -�e,nt S d The leading Oloth�*erq, Hatters and -tell many nt-cresting f'storles, a- few ghot Pe Commodore - Truxt ', and, lie Son now -objection �o midwives,bu f6r tl;e protection --9n Friday evenin� last, Ithe Montreal stationed at a a Mr. Logan received hundred men werepresent. Itwaaremark- -lictlo. Visit- I' arrested a lives at the old 111ILC 3. She w 85 years Of t should s� in Logan, _I h T Furn hers, -b6r pat
r amusing and jaiany rat
-0—so few thfit. as I hose r( quiriug their Ice , the P oom keeper named h disch r many lears since that ed that a finer, more muscular, or more gen- ay under the Ors are surprisingly fe the shells 8 0 I'c;rpen and 39piorelil haartec EAFQRTH, ONT. ouse4o; fainihouse the old and u nablo to w ilk. el be thorou Illy trained a ducatel on the Abe �entei 81, of the place. t me I Alk ceipt 0 a pension for Alemauly lot of men you could scarcely wander from farmh r. and Mra. Andrew- aa much as ineml- Theyvereall released on bai meet, and although the race waA keenly con- -people soon colno to Ille Well and ilmo began to fail near t In 110U,841 -t ey carried subjec i of unlidwifery, j thful servi ON 1, but, flni —Miss Twee easant
tle, of 9 ren 4n, stied ring the their friends have m- nicative on ail �iatters once so her, Into. the holl )D9 it no beir of tbe College of Physicians sod Dr. —Three acolide ts happened- du tested, not ord . or unpl very 0011111,111 Pending 06, few dass at safer, rcturn6d to the house %%,here she Surgeons. I must confes a I do not see any Simpson of Trenton, for 'for assault r�ising of a b4tri 4i Mr. Prouse's, West phrase was uttered during the whole con- fiercely disputed. . As to' the war and its e a, number of the mdm- was killed a few inilutes 1 Her grave thin report of the by slapping her face. The j ary gave her a Oxford. Mr.L eorge n had the ends test. -This is the !third large barn erecte
in that portion of the results that- is DO moro a lie -question _�;. L. -
dent Order Of Foresters I - sin the front yar( and I V d it are & leg :iive committee, wbich you quote, to verdict for -$I. oi tw j of his, nge.-s squeezed off. A log this season in that, distriet. than t6 wars of tl e g6ses. Long ago, I, v I few st d and do fi h E cry el &use or opinio gyr gatio�al chur n Will Mr. Killoran, farmer, of Dpwrlie, ,t Sunday to join- their Of- the old trees, all. twi - 6d fa alt Iw'it v n is —The First. Con eh of fell o cB)th's foot, and severely —While .20 years at least, publid piniciii became . i !! - worship, They peak! in formed as it result f the bat le. There borne )utlby fact, and hal the Legislature Kingston has extend�d a call to Rev. A. braised hii i L%Ir. J. Karns, frlom -near was driving nto St. Mary on Sanduy. morn- f the hospitalit' unaninious that it turned-outfor.the best, odatock, f' y recei,�ed% sues discus- was it heavy locust grove, and icycif trees 'deeme I 'khe HayQock bill worthy of the W. Richardson, of Ithe ongregational. Wo I al out 30 feet to the grouad. ing to &tten service at the &man Catholic rl her old is. , . : I hurt. and on um -11 ot He was'not a 101119 y y n_ sion has ended an. all to Pic c6s intho bcond, and fered ignominious treatmen I'Re ether night, at Bra.0 bridge, Ire —McNeil id .11enderBon * tl ou. Jobu were nAra d 'crystallized I survived the first Utittle. Fo r of these least cmilderation, it would not have suf- h h Brantford. iT gorse took fright at two bicycles
.t( ok advat�ge,- which tho woio shot t. I am, M ie burglars and raii aw4. He and his a to dognia. i But'tl ere. is: ion to Poft H t Woodstock, were Satur- both thrown out, the, former receiving se-
In-ron the. other three am worth, g ing many 1�y Yours F espectfully, W . Demers, while ge zing pail of water who br ke jai. 4 ebb and flow (if . �l ews aul Ojg3-ton 'ec dry given ad al� sentences of twelve and vere braises on the back, elbow and knee,
k. having. .,d es Is just miles to see as� spool none of w at 17, locust Wu. GRAIIA24. from the Hver, fell in i Lud i IV drown lin 4itic its continuous a it w6s 30 years ago— r - a 'feet of water. f his thumb knocked .--4 -ZaT dem�h �by- ut six are and 26 and the latter bavi -and live abo ght niontbs,I na Inju our ye ly, What, prokregs -bave the colored can andure nanfe respeot Nvia Harris,-, eld, on. A red sandstone n ionument of the EDItOV-8 RFnrARKs,—NV'IliIe thanking our —Mrs. Minnie L. Po:Ae, o Brantford,,.has Zonths t the afternoon Mary ao of joint. Thebdrse af3d rig -daelhad on I - - 6, L it, people invoe, andl what are they -really - ise i marriagea it MaKay, an I en I R woman, was ppe . The S, of this pla�e, 1.�e p Yr- At entered a breach of promise i In. made applic� into town, her to d a 8 cap,46ble of? As to the -war," say. one and house inarks the sp)t where b th battles correspondent for the good opinions which Pentecot 8 n � Our So en rho Confede�atos lield i lie he . ressels of Tn xe given Itnt- r the- want ju- ridge at exf R 9xiosiTou, we would againat'Blackwell Doran, fill mer, of Sur- tion to the s4"t if 1to be allowed to marry father was dragged about twelve feet, but �"Wo 1.10 or diors and I i 1. Veel-,, cast a dee)�Irt-103=, thoiirst battle an bb Federals. like, if we could,to disabuse his mind of the 'ford township, for ! McNeil. his injuries, though painful, -are not 0 id pulsed t M .1 Filliott, of Hamilton,swal- serious. and inuch sy'n-pathy tice! done 'am, but :r the rest we care Tb`o Federal hold Aon the sedond battle evi(lent belief that we have any quarrel —A Rochester paper las. Canada',%. 4'i ew —miss �y cal profession. o pers nuiversary nothing." Still they love to 011 of the e a a the aolen and kept -the Confe brates at b till they 'with Ithe. medi N on immigration policy abould lie directed to- lowed a IP -Y I cirbolic acid on Friday. —Th Services of the Rus6el at 01rS of- atirring tint a and laugh more t" Prjrt Hti . rat � till Ig like or- highly wards recalling a few millio in evening in Inauglu 0, about. t ablOtO rlDltl can respect tba�t fes Canadi&W , 1:�foracordial. Drs.Aiken dale Presbyterian church were beldn Sab� tures ere of t-licir no-ighbors who were "caugli pro iffin 6th ifisLi and the usual tea ineeting r I 51c 1 a. sad home-coln ng . I and we a d be -sorri in. the United 8tates.. iandGr With her all night, and bath, I Ug I
I �0
Iboth ways, as. they tholight �Ou au was -deg. Mr . oury, who �Ilow Owns than. �we do ioll I8, iear I. and. a I itleman deed t,o, do or say anythi lig I that -would in'. � —Senator Burns died. at. is residene! in.118aturday a 6 -%It thollight to be on the onMonday evening. Rev. A. IT.Drurmn,,of
h� house, JE gel coming on some othc* r rotId. e mend. He 'v er, be took,.s turn for the A-%.,onton, condue 4 the , Sabbath services, 1W 1 it. Ill 'H "
LO of nusual n. -o pairing its ul
rcler PR I go Co. e. 'as refused jure it by im usef riess and ef- Bathurst, N6w Brunswick, ( Sanday. H te mond. oluir to Rich h o the farm -at very high ficien4y. We believe, owever, that the was born in Tipperary, I 5e III d, in IW- . !worse, and L Jin d i) - tnornink-� -death relieved preaching two able and cloquent sermons to offers topure There lived near Sudle'y �cliurch'L an pa, er sufferin e was terribly burned in- -very large crowds. Tbe M:onday evening M... k 11-. STOR. price and has ad It c tailed Legislature of our Provin ae has invested it, He was appointed to the Sed te last Ir Mre or -L.' go f&rL t i ale o -f sea- an, Using CI aractor named . Burkett Now- with tl� ouir giea Un �.ffi! s, with —At the High Court 6f Q i adian. orest- ternall meeting was addressed bv Revs, I lilitla and e Henry film ly as Ong as P,, operty -can or a body composed of its memberi Y. oronfo. who., V�m too old I 'or the n 5sed by a ers, in Hamilton last week, —A T "I t6grapher has - adopted a Hamilton, of Motherwell, Rev. J. Ball, -of p,n of'�Rev. W. 4ionabe Dry Gco" hi be li so fixed. by the -1 sof V,'ginia. It powers which should not bepossei Ind ordo e "cation of into paying e 're of Del too obstina 4 to bollevo - that there was go- admitting women to -the as dig 89-. new plan 0. I 1 hten people Fullarton,and others. On W duesdayeven. wt. have been oVliged to add nco I to walk body that is not �responsi I to the peo le. gmye and Cal- -1 was a strangc experl p matter was b A fe-�rlld. a win- Osb ere h( Ing tb be Ihiloh of a jjar- He had bee'll -his rnoth- The fact that similar.or greater powers have ed, but the cl ro I iii cit bills ago he pI&Ced In bia ing a concert ovas heK The met.proeeeds
et(I in the with this old guntlem n aroun s -buSy as Ow a 0. I livIng so yo, wh �ro br n A so t7r staff of cler s, and 're a that he know notliffig id rtri 't Voman, and beneath it a of the three days amounted to $95. en to other bodie;, does not justify acquiescence. thb If this woman will call ' —At Fullarton, on Friday evenin '14th L -re on Tuesklay of �ees Gur pricei are a wonder. People of w', . bat W(Ls goilig on and - hartedon the or's gra ICn*S uggle been gkv —There was a general ra afall over .� e placar residi I �c"ioa broug-lit out &-k fiercely 34 years up and b him talk the conCinuation of tbese powers to the : g) i I I 0i I &keSL Ontario and J,rie on Th ra. and pay fdr, pictures, sh;'can have inst., the members of the bible class and -Y bav6 famous Sunday morning for church along shores of I united congregatioas .1 be,inning b; realize that thE _wIth h1l the 0 youth o the happy Medical CounciL When the time comes for. call. His attention inw the The d has ince disappeared, otbjers to the n u mber of abo t f orty- i re- thO 'bcavily haded r f . Ut night., last week, that* ill prove p fklu r -ountry, Rel. James rModern store right in their mirdslu. ure of our mnimon ountry. discussi�,� -,these other I " combines " or- day L t, iter, presided,, and con --I fL -was! attracted by steps behind bim,'alld: J. H. EADLE. trusts,' Tim ExposiTon will be on hand eatimAle benefit to the haj and heahng Ut fietber I li *)man Pat or- the ar lot spouse ton invitation by.Rev. Mr. Ball as- wns-people E�.Ovew good to re stil I turning lie confronted the long line of n. bee me asha!d Lo ja F himself is not reported. sembled h an pent several 1rhere a t r - Hutton, of Joyceville, iiear --The beat c f�lbad of cattle shipped from erse, music,- an 0 San thei I o deal with them as it has dealt with the grai -h r iod money to Toronto w ec-1 ledi I Coi�nW- Medical C 'uncil. And`- that time, we be- —Thomas houra,in pleasant 4nv' d other'� tel*, preached very. ap- as struck F;peechless The ca 0 I .Ifl- he s Us g, Os t! the itu inducted� y DEAR S1 y Don�t bury me till, &at week. In na e , Satur lay. Wi Ikerton.41 i �bwon was sent off day omil8ements. -Mr.' aud Mrs. Ball 'supplied
A. of to that few e inay st6te that ing b ped: To,! Tilt EDITOT., OF TH! EXP lieve, will not now be ery long delayed. Kingston, shot him - c i
a wha�—wh�vt.l Be you I I i rle!waa 20 head of them, and ice cream le o d- ot -, and did all initheir o Abe's In madin tur4�ditorial With this exrlanation we'aball tryto reply He left a note sayi %achelor and -.was 1 ec- el r weigh e �,860 pounlils, or within a power to"Make tbeiriglj�X appyandthe jAhll Ros." f Drussels" of June'l4th, ' -ntitled 11 Grits, io Medical 1 to the Severe. points raised by our corre- _dead." He was a 11 fe cce A.9socia ion," I was as much lurprised, 3.t , . V -1 yer W .0( i. of 1,500 pounds-, each. 13 au eded. Mr. Ball goes to.Atwood., the what we are 7,We ask no favors', u1egjnT'J 11 at' spondent, and for the Bake of brevity we centric. a for big I� A 1INNIly-L-why, whilli You all going?" d i in, n -�-At Brockville t e death has occrrail of out of the 2 m c�e fed since last fall'by Mr. new fiel bors, and will -Do doubt A Dawson are say, atsotie of thf stat ti therei Shall number each paragraph. Wa. nd !Jae?b �c it, rill 6f Gregnock, and then carry with him many pleasant remembrances "Iffielre gobig to Richmond." Is you wer Ve aid he Medical Council is David Robertson, promin nt farmer�_ reiatinj to the Medical. Counoil, Is you wer No. 1. —V t The - V6 you? well: go on." ire cattle. �'De- iwei0bed- 1, )ounds on the average, so A his stay in -&at 14tt-,; the� laamse �ut could sa Alan express lcharue.q, 10111, you air, air ereportol thel,i6gislatve Committe irresponsible in so far as,tbe public is con- well known breede of AyrAh Vullarton, and not 'le at tbi wrand spring, the aver- lamong them the if nQt a little on cost A litit'not quite ito Rich- dmits '.by his at- ceased was DID. old n side& of that plac4 And ltha�, during 56' ,IFriday night social gath. of goods. We n'!oi they (lid) of the Ontaio XedicdAsioiicil,tion. The cerned." This the doctor :h ImLptlJoug re- was 87 years of age age aln W84 350 pounds. erinj �have only one price for all ad tha� izs niorld. j� feNv hours later thoi chiirch and more 80, ave &I, vaya de, med your tempted justification. Hi analogy would dunded. —Reivs. Messrs. Oroforth, Malcolm: d Tirs. Bxr�bour, of Toronto'L had her _The garden party beld at the residence of n to his bouse�were filled ith w Into editorials as b(ink inv" wiabf r ir aracterized )the point if , t e object of the IE n, W W11i I'all 13ut let's get dow be quite to -the lowes ress Goods wo 'want' this littlb cove, which CV011 today 'call by liberality, h)ne he lefL Toronto for 1191� ick 4 on Fridav afterdooll hile Mrs. White, of Hibber on Mondayven- cens, sty a lid ab, 11 becond to. Medical Ceuncil were the protection of the limmon, . w POC uccess, 6siness. ly be seeiii a, few rods away for tbo . �esjective Qf -the interests of the China, some time a&o have arrived siife Y. watlg alp g the west sida of Youge, street. ing� of last *eo, was quite a is V eud; on the fereen, scarce done of which i � has been r iy 1privilege to �rofession,iii 6 0 4 A everyt] ing quiet,with prosppatir A Clem noticed a young man ali though the turn t t was n I Y-OLILt abau denho timber, -a faNY sholis werenred from read. "I do not court A Dew ip er contro- people. Let this be a P. -Up v4rivtv of C to t6l ol abat. . We will be,gin. 011 dmitted, and we ha�,e They repo large. The ook- I - I heal 1her deliberately put his band in grounds were lighted by Chinese lanterns. d our stock a Cofoderatld battery by Mistake- Xo v eisy, but on wit! h to take ex ption to a nothing more'to say as tc its composition, encouraging. FRID-4k-Y and oritinue uhti, ly I f it et a ad take her purse, which eon- The Mitchell, bras� band -was present an-&,en� dairi-0 WILLS dono, and tho church was not. f aw of your statementi. I a o� so un- although. -we might object to such -a ody =Rev. Dr. G. L. Mack I wife and! , n- her A ever I'Lipre attempted', is. cleared at a r",eduGtion of h in ily'and native bel er wlly, return to th, ar ta, $928 it aid four sovereigns' He gave livened the occa"ei with music, and a large was made enerous, as some who aim rriting being endowed by law with' t which was , but much of 'in the h 1, p .pa . pers - ted k1l, 0 at" by an which it possesse 41FICal 0 ork in Formosa nExt Octob-,r. Then ive ch land Caught the thief at the Irearend from Mitchc 11 ran out on their bicy- 20 Oer cent. northerD. afterthisfash*' 'you 4re -a. But, the Mc party I I NN'uro ther(k roally,any pf the wounded Uxiety fo gaint favor ) ith - t e atrons. ciation refused to take this position. �hseroys he and AlackayJr., havA been pres nted of 1�at Ws si ore, with the stolen purse in his ejes, A short pro ramme was iven at the Nv�dt(=4 W..,Lre ket,-,�it busy l-1 dress goods, consisting of all- wi band. close of the. even' Mr. 'Race t' asked -,of Mr� Bllsou, Wt� have no hesitation in iving y credit for say the Council is for the "protection of! the trbicycles. aa ng 2as fi the v in --�-T ie ation ebairmain. - ecit aiven b Miss rag .9 "y �woo Black and Colored Hennettas, 0, tile, Fourth Virginia cavalry, who lein ious. Ublic. " his being t it. the cAmeity er"VII g conscient he - case, surely I the A terrible bush ire hasbeen w+ual concert and eloc a R tions were U oy that the ie vicinity of Innerkip, for some days efitert Linmept in connection with the cloal 9 Alice White-4nd Miss Kelmer and music fe%f ii'rltro- �Cashmeres,'Serg'ye, Saliels, Grenadienq,- bw-,;Ih vol licru.,ill his life. No., 1. —In the f rat P B ce, y Ector will admit -that the public should tl onng 82 -es of heavy timber ave ex r f the Brantford y LiLdie was fuinibeil from the violins of i'dr. have some voi6e in its composition. lie, edical Couhcx an lirree ol ible body., ,�anlm whidli, Vas - 11arret.cloths, Dalains, Cheviot ,'-,uit- ,,I, hevor rd Of any, and I'll give 'a, I is 'an Several hundred ac took place in Wick1liffe Hall HatchinsO4 and Mr. McDougald. Each divi The pro you Ir y own experience. I. hadn't 'INV- hat is not "lach -sponsi- No. 2.—The doctor says the Meo�ical been destroyed, besides a nt mber of Sheep Mille a is-rg last These musical enter- ceeds amounted t4 $40, OM v0d ove e r hi c ions in that Council 11 can not prevent any one fr . en. and lambs. of vot-al and. ja"Onals and F r. east of lio run On I le to his constitu 8 sptoiches, - Whipcords,D] ed thea; Ii D_IL _on the SeCoUd (I ra —Mr. -A. T. Cutten, for ir any years 4on- tsinul nts g -OW in Popularity and justly so. —On Friday. afternoon 14th inst., Mr- -Lmes and jile sudley fr ay I ody, jiist the sai any me: ber of par- tering the medical profes Suitinas, also a lot of costi ne Sion, ilivho fulfils uni011 the'-Metho- 0 ri the lumber business in �Ort The h vau crowded to excess with a fiteb- Robert Baxter, Avoliton,with the WL'
the conditions required for membcrsh�ip." nected wit sistance be sold. came all Hament, town 6� villo ge counc 11or is re cho, vs, wa -a 1 bave to after the biittlo . messengers d Cron I bank
,, il i qouducted� the louabl Wd ionce, and one which th ghly of his neighbor Bed n6te- Aress patternei: I
'As also, state -thaf this liber d through the country calling -for over!r-� Eponsible to his.11iowtituencyll' nd to his Just so, and who fixes 11 the conditions re- Burwell, and who afterwardi 8, We may suffering constituency alon o memb r of parlia. ired for membership?", The Medical American hotel at Brantford, ' and the Jm- XI)p d �he class of music placed before barn, the size Of which is 46x7fi. After the el, i t unneecsitty to lie. NOUnded were: 00 A fliscoun.t is ifo't' merely off Dun can's t '31ouncil,f course. Thibeing the caseis perial at� Galt, is dead, He. was 68 years lof it. e Go ernQr of the College, Rev..Dr. timbers warell io their place sides were e to help, but i1g .
further than. YOL wfully, A few didn't lik nient,town or vil twe ouncillor is'responsi- price, but off our price. u know- a (loctor to deny age.' i coo vaid d. chosen by Mssrs., L 40howe sw�d J. Dun -
they were very few,- and we all orked ble to the public Utai e of his I Xwn constit- it not a waste of time for the pi L'I uesday, the at specitl -ing'SOUP. 011, 4t ncy, any more! t n a meriber of the that the Medical Council bas the power to —In the de4h of John Pi, of Ha ly Hu of Wiarton, took poison seith, and after a [ spirited contest Captaitt hat this mdas. Lininc, hard cookin-p- and Dial i of a very suc- On at I insan my C311 a.N%,f III si;ht all around the ical Council i onsible t� the public sa " who shall and who shall not enter the too, tbo"County of Oxford k)ses a wor0y :on ay e from her Chowen's followeria came out f the place! Aed y us -is in ch 6 ile onlenil The Ladl&7 gain, although the doctor db- man L and S well known ff 6riner. He was h )ad a I ael The ddse didot prove victorious. The c�rpenter 'work, their Jaws broke and some their Vatside of his COn8 1 profession. Al the lixwu, NO. '2.---�-Ne an- born in 1821, in the Island of BermUda. fatv 1, I sl e is recovering. Wiarton has of Mr. L*uis KruSpe, of Sebring-ville while, A. E. PENTECOSTP teeth %]lot out, and otillers-were shoi in the xt, YOU tate that$he Medical jects to our statement that the council r given 1 to say who I sidered a law-abiding town, but Mr. John Pauli, of the sa perin- uncil "has thelpo, for matriculants, "O miners col ndaestomach, and these all had to bave soup, V points the exa �e . where his father was Stationed as an officer bee; me plj�xc, 11(lt OnLJV (�n th SE, AFORT11. ich in the British army. Mr. Pitt Came to thei v appea�s to be a limit, to its residents, tended the mason work. Mr. La Franier, know. I couldn't but notice, and it's hall and who shall � t enter he medical- admits that it fixes thequalification, wh d you Follow- forlearance.� A19utmidnighton Saturday photogt1pber, of 6tratfod, tbok a view f sic ot prevent- any one tcan k. men are. is tantamount to the same thing. Cmiada when he was .7 year 3 old% aaeJ ng after, it 'was erected, -with the Jy n of ig hip. real. ourioug haw. different ter-, he worked n 0 8- 8 ut e "armea with horsew his calling as a stone .30 nask hi n with tears In. their rom entering the rofession,! who fulfils No. 3.—No what we Complain of is, that lug 'P'S' an earrie,%.t and clever Some tbanked m.o oe 0 I by side with the late Xexander Afac- we t to" E[affs, h�use, and, dragging ITuff winning side perc4led here and there over it. he 06nolitious requir a for -em' rship, and the Council should have the power- to define side #nid Emie mrtwd e sure that Duncan's Old Stand. Ayes. in per In the, field over lw:ed. The proceeds of,,, 4
,%L,0 nearly $81 I= W 1B