HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-21, Page 4FrN
7 77,77
T ATNE 1 '1895.
T, -
ing done by H."Randall.—INIat. C. Greb and
nqu -Both prisoners we ime, 'The 164of lof as be t eahol. of malabood, is ex -
AT tors, boili Dominionland Pr may as ire inio'dild report upon the a jc at. nt to the meic-Ln. be d he
oyinei I I ile. it g1lows and. work of 100 C lie w on ne, to Detroit to: attend 0e Tli 11APM
of wife have go
LOOK IT;* -R- LABEL, i well face the 'matte'r and firia"fly set fore that comml mion es"n rt this or- death bravely, and borei -conal tile, machine is_%235. In clay it (164s -its ceedin I aad., 1 His ness had been
.YC tip well n idering,; constitution marriage of &,niece.—Mr. William Leibold
work with perketness. The ro'chip, ratiolli, ibut"a 6licate
ei Used short -He was as- -w
-owever, that ant will bed( ad, arid t y they, havei' in Clinton has 6en sold to Hullell town- was una, . le to be r the
first as last,., 'It seenla t 3 us, h mattill Vill tN )lea%, straik.i under which Mill. met with a Bad. accident one day last
Foater at the Wtic4t pe r buanel, oew_ 4
m, the corhe before a nt w parlis in tut for Be j ilel been laboring. at Sab- He has been working for J. 13. 1!
ogrjolt, i the subject is not alwa IS discussed po "Virelter is reported t ho vel glilp. sistant Drarian iD V
I I f the 0 Stre 6-r'
The Subscription price of the J x 40.ste per ,bushel.,
if d at iotly in advance, is ONE right standpoint. -Ma iy 'persist in ring Inent. Whatever party wi 1 )a topmooft in made a confessiln t [viser,i —On Wedueaday eyenin Of luti week, bath sell' W., the am which sent a brick yard -&bid was tending the crush
o his -spiritual aoic of
ben by some means he got his hand be
ted by a V
ral i ask t'l surnloun 1; ZarleyPer bushel.-........
D Opt A R.- I Ing -the Changes on the iniquity of mernbers" the next parliament will find it much ass Rev. A Spence il, but lie -will divulge noth-1 during- the mill at of beautifti, flo 11 - tween the rollers and bad it sinitalied
I I . I loyers a
dove, a r amp,
If you (to not renew within three months Tuokersmith, loat tenorma eep iig4tning. ol' his. li rme rid am
collecting tbo mileage'a lowed for tra.ve ing difficult to settlo a, disturbing questiot of irig, The! exeedtidner, Ikadelifte, sent the d. illost to a jelly. The docigr Saved hia band DUtter,, tub..
fb ployees, i F the dr l goo( Otda,,.e sent a ban
of the d on your label the price will be These utifortunales had un I-F4pper dot ----
and lie think Mr.
- Ix expe sea an a, free pa . im to and this kind with five years cf power beine men to eternity iA a, manner most satia- shelter, but a sh rp stro tree r. s it *ill bei all right.—
u *I1qil-
S1.21 ; if you, do not renew within a 'k kil ed th some flo, & harp. 11 Jacob Merner, from. Oil Springs Flour, per roo
mon-ths of 1e date on your label the price from' parliament, and mi than at the P'oaa of ape rliam i rm. factory to the auth rities- —The Clinton News-Reco Says!: The --Tue Oay eveilingof last week the mem- ,is here with ,HSY4*1` ton new * ,
seem o arg, that it t ,a
I I - his bride visiting his.parents, We wish the
within a, few weeks of a of 11 B.'WilsO 7
will be $1. 30 No paperwill Ila sent Ion er famil ciLitriage Iliorse, I Frank owned by bers i s 61 Ras . in the Metho
g would be all right to. act ie t of -c nd, I aple Mach jova d a lone b Lxmb skins.4t....
pse a and 1 gener ee- r. , ames F at Thee. voung co, - appy
or 'nearly uar r 1 of a distL,Sab th school, Brussels, met
all on ail a ( life together.—Mr. J moved. ...... ..
th.. a y ar before being paid 'for. Collect;_ ti 'the prediebio 181 y te -ad in vited their obdGalster haa ,p,-,, r oag, . .
free pass, providing theydid, no on, This, we v enture of the Week. teacher to be
o* to this office. cential and which was almosl daily, driven Curry's, a
Send re iiewals dire
11;* also, _t rogramine w dch will be pursued. Tlin - Qutrw s tot Francistowu, Hay post Office, where he Ban krotoo por barrel,--""
xeir mileage. ' Mr. Mu',o S. -b 7 by various members of the fainly, dile'd last present.,: iGeorgieHowe read kindly word
olley sent by ;egiatered letter
post -office ii e of York. will te wil, at charge of Mr,-, SlAvitzer's flax in Wood PC!' imrtl
M, this Ai otio W 'we D pi esent- the Qnk a has taken ......... I
rather aimed; in week. ad addr' 4a, exiressi: Of thei r regret at hi 'Wood per cold ohort)
and Leo
money order, exprdss, money, order or draft, the-openingof the -Baltic 8ea'canal. —Captain Cosgrove, of 1; ie sellooner expecte re'MOVELI,froin town, &c. v
OS view it, this is not the' maiiiii oon k er4tion
is at our risk. A R t -office order up to 64 THF. WoRil CO:NVENTION. —The World's Aurom, was the other day fi led $20 and Curry sentel Mr. Wilson Grey'
Notes and oFlthe class, pre.
Con Lments. -Tilnolitky
at all, While it is uriqueAitinably wrilfig to Woen's Christian Temper nee Union con- cobts, and ordered to find two, securities in with a -shaving, setan(I case. The DFATII OF A PROXISING YOUN-P. 1two, cents., t. 11VT . . ry nice
Post-$ Only -A - The Liberal majo.rity in tion opened in London on Wean wledged th . : I lilrpos3 that- is- the Imperial, r- ve SdaY, $100 each for assaulting One - of the Crew. recipicin t saitably ackno a kind- There died at the reridene of r. Ro collect money for a spe,ific I bert ......... .
you ile liamntla still on the decli ie, in fact teir 1901. ineit.- A delegation j of American The case was heard by Police Magistrate ness sho hi on the in
The change on your- label will not used for that pirpose'. the in age Hutc4ison, Listowel orning of
women are attending it. A few days
of our receipt of the Inoney. If not charigea mony of membeks, as 0 whether it is 'ol. position is so -critical that (very bye-ele? ion Seager, of Goderich.' —Th Ueter imes ay - I uesdaty" the I Ith inst., John Arm. Volitom. une 2G.—tr4al
in. three weeks drop us a, card and, we will 0 Tun B T181 -t PRBMIER MML, RZTERE.— —Tile otheeday, -while qacob i.Miller, ago & wolnawft not, a lid miles from trong,,Bonof the la-te Joseph Armstrolag, to Was- per borlo
lected or not, or hether it. iii, Used, u has become moine,ritous. At the,electio I in
trace the nmtter lip. Me, L it Exeter -(ceived adue;bT Gfey town! Ani
Lord Rombery ha&Lannoun0e& his desire to of Clinton, was.unharnessing a b' I n ot Store far a bush me -toziio
fro ship, aged 24 elaxa. D, J13J00 *9 417110
eek, to fill the vac cy resigp th Ill and added th t tile starte sixteen ei 'Into being Air tu 'Inverness last it Premiershi 10 dozen of egg, Address all letters and make al. 6heques payiug. fares or in the debt of the A Cavorting around the yard, striking strong taught school for two yeare, but dur- zoes,per 'bag, -to -40 io $0,46
a calla r 44, xvas i lot, far r6nicite when he Wei lid do a pitchfork which Stood by, arid knocking i peri ozen, A -,hort time 4o lie rtised bogs,
&-lad orders payable to MoMan B: Bed by the reingnation of Dr. a 're r, at eigI t 'Qts ing tile last few months he was attendin pair ew*.,'
Pa0y. receivin it Other ay Is g
When remitting money do not al. to'give g hi or in, any a Libeml,who- Wi is dissatis fled at t a un t- into the ai It struck Mr. Miller's leg in afterW (IS she retulned the store and the big b, school at Listowel, inendingto
matterof comparativelytrivW i ortance. uy R clerk, but
AIL Y. --Returns show falling, twO f the prongs making a painful presen d the due bill to aino her 'Potato max
isfactory answerk of Sit lilliam, a H., ex -
Post office address. itob rt, th take & JIrst class cartificae at tile Juli
on -tr velled- on
'n A66 1 Wd of d I
When notifying us of change If. the members it bad ii rateriously i a.-eme, fron 0 to
I aminationo, but bout five weeks -ago W" -,-To, Jute ls,.—Pop
tliq Jilitf 11 States durix ig the last yea , and i -,'ttw To 0
as to when th crofte i bill was to be t i%)"l railway emp oyeDs were -killed in flesh woun#. n he six -
do not Tal to give bot-11roWan new post free passes and reflumoli to collect the' mile- —Anoth0 businese change as t ken twelve 4i6yen, and gure ne takn ill with iflanmatioii, from which he ;5:Southerus are zquotea at
23, ;)2 were injued, as I compared with elad teen was raised to & L
office ddress. a allowance, (6vo thoui0d dollflirsould brought forward, rIesultedi -in a victo for' Vepeurin Vingham. Mr. (4eor ully recovered, when Ins. i blnshel, or V_50 to ey, bad, we believe, f
ag 22,7 7 killed 311j'729 injured in 189:1. ohased the furniture ond un e rtaking —Th ionle of at and'heart failore set in- resultin ;-angs f them, are I . mL:
I hew Johnaton, Gode
be Bared to -thl aitilitill but the danger of the lario, fever Unionist candidate. I NITE0 By Tii;LEPT-,.oNr,.—A telephone' bushiess, 14'tely cEiIrried ofi b r. John rich, waS the scene on. ed, esday deth. His er 'Was in close Bold -on the traicktG--dayo.
Look at Your 01 evening moth at -
the pass By ver py . vedding feast.
Ste would be iis great as 6' lini 1from London to Edinburgh, GI Lsgow. Coriiyn,.&.ixd will continue the buillessas of I It- week, of li
er many a mg an Weary Stitiggle the, =nee upon him during ill ;the time of Tolln a
The: objection t I e 6a§sz Systeni, in ur 1)U )Iin'and Belfast.,* was opened last week formerly. The contracting par 15 wer Tbonlas Sow- This makes the tbird oleat
his illness. h in
t York county cou 1011, at its I%sG. meeting, wit :IJ n)U li ceremony, - Postmaster-coneral -.—Fred F:)wler, who hot$ taught duceess- all a p)pular youn arm. x of the 4th brother.,
NEW ADVIMTISEXI Ts view is, in the,,f et kiliat it does, or is cal. the family within two DairY Marli
passed a by-law dispensir with toll g es. orley a oke the. first, message over the new for &-n amber of years in selool. Isection cncessio Ill Go& ol I towo ip, Land Meynell, having 6 ied about two years ago 4)f Tbnex.-To, -June-
culaited.to place thoi recip ientund r an obli- In, I
augli Miss Saralf
Grey was offered iLnd has accepted Johnstorl'i yo agest buter inarkt is juiet ai
A -few counties at ill cling I o this relic. of by- In No Bright"s illsease and the father, Mr. Joe
MThe figura between the paronthes a after each a. T*1fRfA Bliu 80ims.—Three ifflerent suits, the a 'tuatioi L of teacher in his b 'me school, Rev. Al ,, Tdrubull offici' ed, and Miss 2 erb
ono denotes the page of the papor on which the g*ti . on to-the:1,1onors' The nXemb a of Part; a A . strong, a few ths since. There bur- choriice Pairy butter in tl
advertisement -ill be-fouad. it 1 liamew., as the trustees of the con Ary., con- I section No 1, Hullett, at 141 increased Cassie Johns other grades are in amplt
gone ages' To I gates maj- b'* on- ea . li for M,000 damages, have been 1 led in selloo 0 1 . cousin -of the rm mn
ve been t n, oil arna vives Mrs. Armstrong Itnol seven solsaill
Ucive to goodL , roads ii i'the paol bu in the IJnit d- States coart. by Colima passen- salarv. Ha brother of Itioll
fourdaughters allof wbrn are settled M. k trol legislation affiliating- the rel Aions be ower
.Twinense Reductions I line resigned his Position in bride, alid )y ow no change.
ge ag 1 1 1 . . I
igliborhood as farmers. They h%ve
4vorsmA. E, thisadv&nced Ageit.is the benefit Lad t the Pao Mail', Steamship (.irej, att6ndiadi& oth!r kind oXices.
We "k no F P ntew line the groom,
the ne scarce y any, corning A Slight Change—F5, ull DTY 0000 iCO
00, imunity n t re the quotations.- Lu ge
(51) twee -the -country or the public a ipan3. The suits Will be based on' the 0 W elling,
Liquor Licehiia Act—win. Ballantyrie. and th profit of the farmer to intan Me roads . —During last -week, one Al 6rt Iffiraild, n !of last week, the'synipathy of tbeeorr he *ad
--Jackoo . n & Greign (1) ion- e tCb -,r n, iu=tibe t of St. John's
compRiies. , The more favbrable, tihis legi.s- tea ip , r of survivors, that th' th nd
Imunier Shirts nd keep them in 6rgt cl it repair, as it en fficers A oil 7amploy of Mr. R. Finnigan, of Rev. A. K. G "fli. death of a clever young son brother. and boNel Ile W M ; bdil
—E, McFaut Drs G0048,00 (8) no orfectly stowed, and that the 4fi Idthe tie the matrimonial bow
lation.is to the couipanies.* and the more V aA brought before Wirl.Mallough, Church Brtlssdlp$ :Smaii rolls, in barrels
The decensea was much ihougbt f in Morrison. Mi hances tile -value of a faitir to a great ex, ent -I, e no' attempt to Save the passengers!" G_ Ward, J, P's, being ctiarged with choice, in bask-PU, 1121AIe to -1
mAking Weslo y Polh rd, of C ran ton,
gale of Booths --G. E. Ifet d r oil. (5) privileges it endoel thernivit . h, Ithe Moriu; to lave gc btSbandand wife. T school and his de&t1f call the most pro.
ON'SERVATIVES A SAT. --41110P011- as Lottie Deliver
lood roa s -rinning: past it., Al- he
cil a Aoaded pistol con mry to the M1 foundsorrow a'Mong the teathers and stu-
Econotuy is Revenue—Win. Pinkard. (5) tile Pdbll '. helil, .3c to Se -dairy tu
they ire enabled to. take from lough the,prese Yet( M,Ofl statute li Wit ing. on T*aday of last week, for a member stetutes ceremony was perfori ed at the residence of dents, and as a marl'of their tim.pathy. they
Bu--gv for sale—Exposilor Offlev (5) to He pleaded guilty to the charge,
4 ioreamerty pourid,16
Ga rolfne Stove —Johnron BMW. (8) Tile ruateea'of the public, ther,4ore',' re- of "'arliament to represent Inverness -ab ire, and was fined $10 and costs. the bride's pivrents, Bi, eels, in the Presence
its placed on the offin, a lovelyi tery, tube, Imh made Me 1
ent up to be,
'Binder Tvrine johnson Bros. (8) is Il ot by ar :ns a p,-itle4 systerni,, li Itill Sod'dand, in sulession to Dr. Donald Mac -1 iveo 6f th' Contracting parties.
ri anids and in i —W. Higgins, for Rat Porto, a; S. W ilsoil of the relat haped I vreath of fl ,wers, and they,4,1t, made, 6e to 114, Vhees
CedarTitnber for Sale_ -S. S. Cole. (5) ceivi-fig favors frotn' the com-P it is far in advitnee of t, ie t heart, IS
o I gate Eye in. On %or, Libera who! resigned his seat onj and two children, for -Charles Towu Iowa-, Eli Pollard E upp6rted ithili groom, and. 10 iss % being jobbed t, 8c, bu
ttle of the. Boy*ne--F. Wel h. (6) this way ("I themselves Tnote 6r.leas un- tended the remains in a t dy when the re-
plal a ount 'f d J)river *as the brirdesin
kville Ranitarfuni—C. A. Holden. (8 cc 0 -family, for Neep, Lwa, Manito- Fanny aid. The- mroVal from Listowel. took place.'. Th5e re- oissatisfaction with the -Govern-1 Mrs. Kitt and t ontaiae inavkets
Farm for sale—John Beattie (6) 1 There have been many, a isertions And' de- rneiiit's course respecting the Crofter bill, re- ba - 31 ra. T. Walker, for -Xe%vm )n, Kansas ; wedding pre sental bes ake the p
der an obligation to them, are in less la- opularity of
Rtacksniirh Wanted -J. C. Kalblteisoh. (5) mains wereinterred in 1141eswo of stock purchased. lower.'
Isle—C W., P pot (B)i vorable positio to guard the in.ter6sts, of nials that Lord Roseber Ste C -of aHenry Simons,..for Vancouveit; and- W: the biticle. Round lots Of fult cream
Prime Mini ilted in the el; oti6it of' Me. Bitillie, o
and the poll bearers were all hig=
w I ep of cat were ship] Iliv and, small
Forestarb'Sernion—Nter Cameron. (8) Doolifour, the Unibnis can idate, over Dr.: Shiirpo and family, for Copal,". Michi —1hree ci ped from
the. public willosti'trustees they arei,when the as des'rous of 14ing down the hire 9e
gan) on! Weo nes of last w -a, 10c.
lier 81411 lots -of
Potato Bug Finish—Jehnson iiio'. Dopald MoRae, of Bal llari the organizingt were ticketed from Clinton last1week. -B eek, by PUP
terests of the; pnblie, and Of office, liat rum els
th6' ompiauies the first authorativ:e
Changed handi—W. P. Tt4te. (h In, seo)retary of the Highl Land Leag' uesday eveiii k, while MeScott J0 of Listowel, - and
is'—W. . Elliott, (4P Ue, —On T ng of last,%ee, oxeter. _job at so, and, round:
Lkwn Soc StAtement to that -effect w a made by: h as the Crofter bat of ton Wr here, are in demand.at'
Hive yoil 6card—W. F. Tate. (8) come into cotifli at. That is wheici the ob date. This is 9, men were engaged in getting out timber on 8 m itt, he weights were as
gain of another setit f 'or the Conserviiitives. NolrEs.—Mlas Bessie Mitchell left for
Artistic Prot s—W. F. Tr jection to 'tile. ass sysiem couiesi-ini. The Prime Minister himself, i a! W Mr. Robert Mabon's farm, base line Gode- follows : L. &C thead, 1,500 pounds; eipts to-Jay,were -pretty.
Jorpey Bull for se-r-rice—C. Aid worth. 6) i I : .1 . - Scotland last week riling per a
MT(, GLADSTONE'S OUW o.—Sir DorlIald rich township, for bi - Rod- tcamer
a top, - 1. 1260
Wrappers for ladies -o -A. E. Pentimost. (8) mileage (I aestior is only a secondary conaid- da timated t ia't be! was de- a new hotel barn, a B wi ir, 37 It
.8 Ego. He in ,U1,rje, the were on the easy side, J
awell-known ship ownerl, gave a irri 1, 1,09C 'Librador froniMontre Her unel Mr. 1113A
of i one "of' escaping from the worries d
_Itsmplett—A. K. Pentecost. (8) on the ree fell and struck Mr. John Weymouth on oli k, t, 5,311 1,; 1; Bryalia, 1, a, -firete L861XI at 110'le -a feI
oration, anti niore a matter. or on the steamer Tontallon Cutstle I"" t tile Wilson, accompanied her as far as Toroilto_ nuds re quoted Je lower.,
Ffy pj.jaor_l. IN, Fear. jt I - I't day,* to, teaing the flesh to tile hand. It 9, 0 ;-Perrii , 7, .,b, ni 0 ; enthilil li,_17660;
Sea-,onable Prices [u)—Frod lla is. (9) part, of the. lie 'esentative. If tile -parlia- oares Of his oflice, and that the da y was;not 6'1-.)() —Xim Mary Miller is at present on a 80 prominent reidentei of Turnbull . 5, N Y,J, '141tie 17 -
is fortunate tbat it waa-ho worse. ARNE Zgart. 4, 4 940 UT11CA
di' -t a burg. lion. W. E, Gladstoile, who 3 Tqr ibu 11,
ni.entO would take such actiou'as *ould re_ fai tan when.the Govelliment woul be A peculiar occurrence happoned on. the W i6 940 - 'Kirkby 5 to friends in Torouto.—Odi, old councillor, -white. a' 411 boxes 7r,
resented,.was toaste, b y Bill- ornaster dirane, near Hills Green, a 6JI. 9 00; A and townsman, _tN1r.Wm.,Lee,paid tbevillw -2 lots,- 15 a 6'
0 310 Tel el,,,61: 2,4
ni :0 oe kburg,, w 6,P1 !0; .3 a be
i farin of John Cue 4,A boxe
I e e hibers from blig&tion io; tliq V ith thim. f flying visit last _p%nies the -objeevion to system
lie described him - aS one of ,eek orso ago. A Aeor mysteriously: dis- Hi Elie 5 1, 3 t14 * let , 5,439 ut om I :he eat Statesman 'the of Toronto, daughter of IN-fr, John Sander.
ltov. Ili of century and on of ading
rhe'returns'Of tile imports and appeared, and cotild ilot be found for about ty", boxei at -110 - sma,11 W10
I - exporth of Tuesol eek, while on, postmaster, h
We (to not. say that 1e eat. men of his time.. Mr. Gladstone, in IIV)rn-. McIntosh, See-- as been home on a vsit - would be rery cii;ed. Cailadil, during themont-hofWay allow me a*week, when one d itaheadivas noticed a da A old logs, Mr. tL -he.
I . -epi sitill he trusted - tha the faternal -and
18,9,1 any membel: of Parliament would' -conscious- protruding out of an P?stairs -% "nolow ?f an. -tic man, at 61 Or., d Trunk station a 'With her familv.— eiss Laura Hudeon ' b -:os, at
n a 'Lle 10 ts, 960
n e 21 at, eeli Master Ra.1ph, of Wingham, attended the -a Coratni
8 kFORTH FRIDAY. Ja of trade. 'The importations du in 9 between Great Britain and Qerina fowl he animal got there is Gic d ich, was seriously ;injured by a log, oW-, boNes
7 Uy ehipty hure. I ly, be influAced in, his actil U Cie, hriiiala Eudeiivor " At Home on Tues -
lay, 1895, regated in value .$9,4 g gonerations,1. ail a mys -cry.
agg it .1 .Vors" , but the it a danger-th lie might e as gare t- security for the peace and hap- cai, -day, 1. It lust.— a un erstan -
The 1)ominion- Parli —Mr. - .1 ; t th v , was rti6d - am nt. Lereasthe importations foe May., 1-194, and Mrs. X. Baechler, jr.', left to.- h Ing . u nable, I packages on COUIDIMIC
inew of * the world, His remarks were Deeburzi: last, wee r their new home at hoMB on, an I - 80; Priee,.-of -the Public. school has
&I -oibange in the polit- unconsciously i fluenced, and in 11climat, ro ised a r to 6r, and inedi
There is no no Lteri I, Lchcd only $9jI61 161. ore timike ition -he is ree ecl with che6rs. R. Shannon, who signed his pos, in.o#ler -to att and t
11 Haliburton, Out where - Mr. D techler ca, .41 summ L-LLEVUp" Jou
rio'! ledt 1) i. J. e.
ical amosphere tLt Ottawa. The only divis- ters it is ahi %ys beat to abs;a in f rom -eve 'ohool of Peciagogy.—Mr, oor boxes V
111filimprovementin theex)ort trade. We 8 8 principaL
will enter more la,gely into the salvil made the ex4l ina i i, reports the patient' boa -d tu"ay I 8M
the- an e ofevil. oxes icial f importance so far this week was one e#tabrciad last month 96,932, of -Ci na,- 3en -ht o9t as lath badly injuro, therlig of TeeswateriT1141.111sch6ol, and-one.tim of colerw
business with 1 1 . Thomas Gledhill. of b - ri
Huron[ I lotes. iller ainfal er te the rjubt t 7 11
prohibition nat 863,960 for the &a X pair er. A in 'er o r I the Wroxetee imblv! schbol plaid old friends A.boxs bf Colored a: -1
OU Q question. A motion to Oian'products, as agaii ]in b f 'M Ill lid on
.80 There a
-to Lady T1 I rea at ;g1c, 5
The' Grant it on Satuiday lasD.- The At Home "
.11 n. - ar eight Iac13 -bicyclists in Brus- Baechlet's employees go with him, lo, - ted, n I a I Uise on the back of a v1d Ife Zia co 0 0-1
h els. -ork with the new firm. th 1. &(1. ris4 - E (lea- ._60 colored -19
the effect that in t e opinion of the ha se, 4)' espouding month of IS94 The eldven under the -auspices of th Cb iati n
'h anAuder- 1- b"es renian n
manufacture, importation and sale of iti- As- we antioi ated, the gran b if $ 25, 000 to 1 lontlis of the fiseal yea make, ruiti4th- —The Jmy."th cheese and'Iltitter factor Thomas Culb rt, of AsbfieW, waR ar- —q el annia in et IIP7- of Liberal -Con- I e. I& i
the p vr SocietyNvas a great The Ii
defehi;y the exipenseS L of -the- f ineraf Of. the
Canada, should be pro- Miding this iniprovem, t a less fa, or,4oi ias 50 P Ltrc no. rested on Alond y -bight, . la8t week, by AS ocia io cf the South Riffill- ligt, views exhibied bv
,MtiL-)- liflIlOrs iLn
! C, - C. son., posLtor beild, miwh enjoyed!e 8nn-
- be Premier, as well as the io d itio idl -gran t t i -41r. L. cNeil, of (Irey, the oth' r d ay -fi Ito l, &"a i oust t boxei at'7 u; 7
lt I - Constables.T. Shcobottout and 1). lailley, of H h ed for local purposes, re haa
hitited by was ide-tracked by an ade showing than thee r espoffoling ch van (f Wheat L , e
pplement- ll fund raised lisposed of :170 bushels at $1,per On a charge of horse stealing. e Was wls.,Ilheld in Cox Ober were present 1, yuany
of $25, 000 to sli aliontlis of 1 94. he 'fi u es 6)fs hall, pnsall, on Uflually large nu —P.9c rafneed for one, lot fill
,.h iisiiiering the, 0
amandme-ot to the efeat thl the further b brought'i4efore Magistrate R. Gir Lim', of Manday of ast I 1we CO f them from:Gorrie, and all enibyed the
for the atipportL of -his widowi IN us, Tassed : I 11 ,
con siderNticin of the questioll be deferred un-: _iinports,-$99,786,253, and exports, l)0,- —J oh i ewart, of the 16th concession of LL cknow, the-saine, 9 . vening, but w bailed bu yjirne ail] ong I lthe a' ming Community splendid programme prwdded.—The coda- June
v 0,rey, b a bought Mr. Parliament. During the diE it wo. 0 v oil is asking for tenders for the hauling And on
til the appeal, now before the Pri 1410,460. Fqr 18f, 4 the re urns we F ulton's house and ont, to appear on tS following Mo an I tile extra lie fl "41 11
y Council re im- ay. .1 IM her &,goodly um- Z -1c. 4 061 at
-nee Minister Spreading of 400 varcls of gravel -on-our lot in C1 n1 rook. - —Tile, closing e wraiees -of the, gr duating blie - ere Ili attet t 1uc6-, li;illng from all pkgs cremiiery butter I'
stated by the Fina Lad
is decided. This awmendnien was carried by Porto, $103,5510 '08 - expOms, "ever —A sash u. oneof tht front indows in class of Moult 't eqt Al r. Wrox4er dary butter, at 16e to Th dipsen will now have an aseLlve on Ladies' College, ronto, FAE a Of the riding. The Presid stireeti.—Alr. Suunaer,;z, - of the
a voteof 68 to 57. It is said the fx -n- I he fall in tile customs revenue for-ithe the Bet ase a i town hall' fell out, the other were held on T e i ng, t 0:
i, d wy n Torrance, a e e e -order, Advocate, has purtchaserj the building lately oNiTnvAL, June
eniiia, -1 t week.
Y; in or III Ill. Thie shotd, plate I - Vus rel minaries inoved to the Hemphill property, and' 'Will t %ittle -or mothingoing in t
of of $3,00.0 per a iii eleven months of this year, as comp#ed da, an d Miss Carrie nil a
men ave privatel. f ed the leader nolislied glass and h Fi,, er, o ingh no t a her pretty ell above Want. We! al e glad a .1 andire- fit -it up as a printing offize. —Eve, -thin to -day and prices are shoi
the Opposition th t h 'r iinportani v ith the same per od last year, is 10-- —The Obli line baseball club 'East Wa_ t those %vh w6re graduated ih idifficers %veT'e ;W4 for the ensuing ey -
ed th to notice that th6- two members fell-!' Huron *anoeh, hai challen r --i Dr. Roll I t -da -port here oll the measures' will be ubm i% session. a bbe ;eAeld club 0,1,,plofna.j iTlisaccomplishe d young 1 8 er, President; Geo,- points to a splendMAil y
to pla3ttwu riday, nuti- kiou, Sea iq -Vice-President; E. rom. 1,50 to
451. goodly surtlust
le 0
D and vote u e,21st.' rham's oremost I
McDonald' lady niz nortal first of July.
mean i that no action will be ta;k to
-chis ri'd Vice-Presideu is in of the treasurer from a
01 Seakfo. di i
ts. 'Dr. The Sabbath observance committee of The rat 'payers of lyth are considering
-gra-lifing of both the hands
remeilial order On 111anitoba, and gmna' the I'Mou the ions celebrall nd , a Strong com- t
enfatIce the the ad'vi Kb lity of ad g too now rooms to While standi g on the balcony of the Dick on, 18, AeE eganizer-in-Chief prev Live 8 o ek W -I
I D -
Mai -9!tying 1'resbyteri&n Gen ral Asse bly me
that the"b..oILUS to the Iludhon Bay Rai Way bl,.Donald is reported in the I hae, a Dg the, schoO I ilding. Grand Central -.He el Port Huron, on Tues- T.', 4 Ca ter rea8urer; M. j. mittee is at Work detertaiiied to make the
rl ng
ped. This briiigsthe sessio to He -could not for a moment q ree I in tak- rted stror gly against. 5 -tin- Mr. Ni on, propri ter of the Coi other things, repc inner- da;Yt IaB lrieP A hearty _car a games ong wa
-wil be ol-ror t, week, a even year old son ol 31 r. White, -Exe and I to be remembered. T.h butchersat this cia l botelj X rhitechurc has Bolil his. hotel Ira Bice, fo
in the earn' a of a larga number of pe day bicyclini. The report.says. that this is rly of Crediton, fol, to the unanimous ote il and BLru sels band has been secured * for the oe were a few exp lsi
ithia "of ail Lo was passe
-w, sigb of closing and a prehm', ary ing. ; - I . -
to Air TI A casion, and with many new features in the 'a
tile us;
Ill who worked y and late in alsitbject that tr f Fast Wawanosb. ground, a d stance of 19 feet, knock ,ngf him tendered t ie, t, g' -president and the a
arl rdep to -
insensible -for som t rtio the organizer -in cliiof -1 r- their untiring ail -a
the Opposition have commE need by rosoln mquires 4rni and caref at On it sday, as week, Mrs.* John I bill of are a royal celebration may be an- -matil for c tle
i t, III ."C enA meet, for.'the purpol handling in the pulpit,- the Sunday act . 001 -d, 0 , aitford. coidtll fell down ofothel I oy trip- vaiiiable set vices i lie past. ticipated,—Mr. H: Willits has purchased awbat Isr-A
tions: oNIant oi confidence in the Governinen a n 9, rail6g 'adbeen r oved, an -supply, ee
the Halliday property,lat ely vacated by- aad in young people's meetings: Par ies stairs, be aking her a fellithmn h t e opening. A Aum r a ; madniners from Bay -
to put themselves on re6ordl for the elections. uting to a seconollfund fqr t he *i pin.
th inyi, Prosbyterjitri congreg a -
S. For th and John Me- —Souleonein ingliam, either carelessly field and e i Oliver Sin ith, and is busil v enga-ged' rtmiov.;- ess of the requirements'
fit. The faily was. not ver -who go out on bicycle excursions do not, it -7 The first of these is bei discussed a 13ft on Thurada. In to his new premises. —Mr. -,at WM well -cleanea All
who, wo`uid have is tilic, cause others to labor for their p1pas- . 11 'A - there were two young men: "0
C )f ko!roisr y of 'or wiLh malici us i tent threw me&t ith tiont over It Wucefielli oil Tuesda, Win. Ruth Marl
we write. It is a. motion censuring the laast week fo r AlgOm&t poison on it, the ther d4y, in the way of 0 1 st'week' ford-, or., died at his residence here on rally was steady, and.
to Pit tin largely -Signed call
P ll thauged -from a week
to do as 11he (tlie speak-er)—,Nv6j:k or their ure, but they deprive theme -ilves of the high- —Mrs. inley, of Cinton,-has a cactus :whatever dog d 8 woulld happen to pick t 11 ev. if Gralia' recent graduafe of ass, at,
lv linistoir of - Rall ws and Canas for his or Sabbatlast,after prolonged illn
lVing eat and ail boa demand Ii i bythe sweat oftheir br(w, T oli tusesof the Sabbath in',khe that had v(r one hund col flo*eia on it at it A ass a- consequence, fcar wee I )x It ge, faii the advanced- ge of 83 years. g from,
bungling and wa.,,,tedn connection -With the* own. Upt Huron Presbytery.
bought at 42c U_
line 'f b rfg -and Stimulating (if their spirilua -me, a poodles,:owned rea ectivel Dia-' Il sustaining the V eeral
t" . : . load* were
nw celebrated Curran bridge job. Me in' muso beL dro'Wri -somewhere. He was ry res I one I it week. members of
itb, son of Mr. Joseph lev, 8amuel Moll Lain,,:Gedrge Mason i highly complim choice butcher -Al sto& _-ol
m Smith, and th Presby ent.* Bluevalig.
not in fav r c f votin public mc ney for any natures. w- a I "I - good at 4-e to 41e;, at
te a f a' en
WlA d condition- o
isCer, while admitting the correctness of the of Detroit ADrmerl NVilliarn Holmes, re poisoned. 16 1
_V of xeter, was married f the' NOT&R.—There will be a farmers-exciar-
0 eve, per PO
. a, . ter So Ong a vailem The demand for heerfor i
Olt Iffin, i Bayfield on having union picnic will, be eld
all eeks to relieve himself fro Buell purp0e, and lie in ' ved, ill ref -a, that eY,. and sion to Guelph, oA Tnesday. Ju Th
yespofi The Toronto News n. ononda ,j lost w elil 3 a Detroit lad —A deputation mposed of the re )n re io, 8, of C, at 3c to 31C
I. V vita the + _ ; i
theitemll)e truck out."': We-ttil Fitzsimons, of Clinton, kilfed clerlil Mr. Jose h Gr of allfield, i co l atu
sibility by placine, the blame upon iis Bull te n Mr. Andrew 0 Clarke.Wallace with the follow qu a ring, ar?i thb othe da7, raised by T. d expense of Liked the a an A)Out $150. 'If Mr. flats ou the river' next Saturday. ip at 4'0'per uwhile
ing eat bn: Ottawa last week, at the a good, and
ordin Dr.McD4a1d is right, end hil Be' imenti N tw thl 1! P
1 111 "is i-tihe Manitobaschool questiorillas Fairservied-, of Hullett which dre township, to as for a further grant rs barn accepts,- whi
ti,tes. And the house i sure to back th for
will. be ap,- roved 6 f by most of he )ople.of seed ,h i appears likely, tile Peoplewill ple -their basketeat r ou live
up pi see bring
him but, all the same, the moiey hs pounds Port, Albert 'liar r. The' north pier has I PC ud,
I I again reached a critical at ge, will G d d iction and ordin Ltil 11 service re latei than I I eb1ciek, -so that they may ha-ve to SIC W -demi
thio,countl y. L Dr. McDonal dnt Lambe were in slo
Mr. pbii ted to tak St. p
atil idm —Asiffield and Wawwosh 'Agricultural been completed, wi h much credit to e in SAndrews's
gone into the pockks of the boodli g CO good enough to dinner at noon, nd leave the afternoon fe,
a defea ed yes vote f 76 to 311. Th and ability. he has chu cb r bo each. The dmand
Sbvereigii Wallace. be jve Sooiety!s a ii ival fall she , will be'held on the Swaite for tile iL nge laity on J IV 18t 2 P. m. Rev, J- aports.—Miss Annie Linklateri' of Wing.
tractors and tt Country must the is gill g good at f om week with Miss Susie. aiitv -Storo -bogs Bola 4
;91y t e brethren the benefit of h' Aridultum grounds, )ungannon' on the displayed in superin aing -the work. 1 He dersou, ofu preside Rev. hum, is spend"
following are the 39 wl 1, will
ko votedl for'itii a UnSel ? Judging from 1. is actions in'the St a d bt f October. --'On Saturday eveing, Sth inst., while -A' r
I ni Mui , of Bruce
Id. Will preach; Rev. Collie. —Duff,& Stew&rt
Messrs. A an, Bain, (Wentworth) Beith' buil Forbele
i — eli ected that -of qoderich township, w youtkg t St
tie the comdr stone of r. Cbisbolm, as R. Rendetloon, of I;M no eater, will a igsthe Controller-',ff Customs' guiding dolress bridge in- Morris this wiek,, L-About, half a -
in ter an i v. to eaind -quality.
e aloa Mr. Anderson, Of dozen gypsies werel the villageast wlek.
K mbers o Parliament an(al R Borden, B ston, Brodeur C the n wbUdiodist chull Exiel will be driving dow Ki t6 street* Godei h the' minis d
clunsel to,the brethren. wil be along th laid Jn a dtte between I h let ar id 12th of With a M`8 90 1 LIVSR-POOL, "110 -
way Passes. bell, Cariloll, Christie iColter Daiij n e with at hallf arich, the peo le, )ter
ite iih. IS dictated )y the source from ai res8i ng Gode Min McPhersonof Detroitis visiting ,cauadiau cattle, ioa Z o
g, aW V five. —Mr. P.' ea,- a e I kno
The iailway and Steamboat pass question FaUvel, - F int, - Forbes Godbibut, r'iie a wa resident of brother, Mr. Robert McPherson.—Rev. A. Liverpot all"
I* tb t July. H
machine aster H rry' Cr
"orge Haill f Clinon, has a y arm old, ran betwe n be viliel Seeming- God6rieb, ied on
ias been
lmnity c —Air. GO a
.given cottple of airings in the G-uay, Holgins'.Innes,-' Lwnderki La w ence is 85 00 ind. (i'mes, '..and riddy night, 7th inst, ',Y. Hartley exchanged pulpits with Rev. oL Amerlosto
fLngingi Supplies )noderate
ract 0-,er each eye, n Will go to To ly with the intenti of b oa, flat, after a lo illneas.' r Some tim 'hi' I+ from any con ictio i iof his own that! he cata e Is Mr. McKay
ent, during the Pre ent gelier, Led LL 11, M of Lucknow, last Sok GLAiG6W- JUne )ominion, pmrliam le, Lo Acdonald, ron), his medical a(I bath.
ontd earlyn July to in operation per. missing his hold th eath had en e e
I 1 4 wheel plitaseil ever I lie , Cte
In i8ei with Mrs. Bruce. Mr. 'ton may I appen to hi v i a Miss L. Reid,. of Winghum , spent SulidlLy eWs to 64s per iowt teconi
ession. lie discussion. was brought up in McGregor, McMi an, an10' Martin ere was no possi
ility of recoverin aq(. -from the
T X or ad on them. left foot length crushing it badl ? having stated that Miss Merri r ew.t t States, —On May 3ed, James ing, only brother —On Mom week, he remains of. Pel 1,
r,.' Mik-nault, iaterson, (Brant)),- Prou 'Rin if of Kincardinel spent a few days this- week' . . . . . .
he first place, by a submitted byAT isy, lasil t almost a
i ra stated in the 'US 'the other day s to
of Mr. William King, concession, Mary Irene, younges child of Mr. in. J. 3egintit "f his neft at csnadisns 11
e Tarte —air. er lb,
Iii Gr6y, deceased held the with ; and Mrs, Errington Slort", h glid p , ulock which proposed fr t, San d, at the F I
Dt n- Wns 0 Zh iis eep,
Plaichasd an or an. per Ill lambs
,rrk, em-ple, Sutherland -thliLt i,385-self-bifi(iing hary -sters were ex. died -at his iome in I hge.of owler, of St. Helen were interred in lion. Unt Icame, the pati- James Roiberil
POL ivao lid
f r a member of paliamz =opt a -fre rte I from C 69 years. gann, n cemetery, af er & few days illhe a, nt w" conscious, arid mav be :
t leorge AsT B-uFF,&wJuue
d b' d* htber'- . She was'agoA fc ur assed o tLe eat 3eyo;d,' Wi h B 11, f To n d
Vaulanco anada oludi)g 1 94. All were said he Road work is be 4
teem thousand Pounds of milk were UP ing done now,—Mral
ass from a railway o . s eamboat company. ex M ad byL the mass -H rris Com y. Vhir -caus tit 6 o to, an -active lie (I uestion was pre 1 11 taken ifi-afthe Holmeaville cheese faiato'ry the 'years. Mr. Millit, of Lucknow, c(ii- efital f adu ties u ' : 31ISS Al. H. Ball'of ket was fairly
tty , thoroughly h. 1pai -ed. Patiitk O'Dea, Brussela, were visiting' here on Tueed y,. exe
a __ lerlig amount of 11w aLck on a co nt pher day. The cheese has been tested and ducted the obsequies. The ith in countV7 Clat. , Ireland, and is ept roughs ana
I berea'ved arents as bo % -School 'Que tion 1kir Bell, of Wingham, had refreeliment, od Inad
e - and but few, ot the ino m bers"j notified th T e Maft toba of" du v paid on t4 raw Tn teri pronounce(, liave the'sympathy f their relati J61'ea][7ance was
al. all ed first class. V(a alid suppose I to have 6 eu in the neighborhood to nt in the villa
actiae. There were many obje on circus day in
The ManitoI)a Legisla e have ailJ and paid by thei. G'.Ove7rn Prit'on each har4 - -M ssn Duncan and -Grant, of Clinton, acquvintances in the ossof their little one. Of 60 ye ra at death. In 1856 he emig
rated show visitedour village 111m,
t last Thursday.. The hive Secured the lum4r to b Thomi a No ed -1,
me t of ibe,d as Comprises about 31 inen and three
t e detaila of the bill, but few to the genrall have deliv& thew.reply to ;tile r,lniedial Y'ester was $2:98. The pay nil - d a store —Thursday, Oth in t Mrs r- to -New'York, arid, Fter, a three years' resi,' cirel 4.195,to house at the station in till town, arid ill I - .,,choice hel
ton, 'on old' resident of Brussels, d ad at Oence in'the States' 4ame to Gooleii6h, iind,
no, L . _;_11. . L ; to
rn e back for the year -ended Deceiri Women. The tumblers, herobats and wire 40 ',a U M
P inciple. Some -argeol the benefits which rdei, of thel Dominion GovC ment bn th bar 318t, 1 8P4, a igage ingrain arid fruit ying.! ent I
Ferg aged 85 tea B. The' remain s w( re ered %e seryice' f M! - McKay, as drY rope walkers were excellent.,, and the band I.Ambs--The market W -a
a rud to: the couutry fron: I. members Of sit at, On. Bift.tli not was yet under consideration, d W in.' M C, Tal . taken to Bruesel;1 "bottly after he
.hoolque is, reply d' and unpa f met an interred in th( cerre- g do
i I - I Joined the was perhaps the most enjoyable -of -f Ully loc. t6 14-5c 10 vet
ty acci anti one (lay i ver see er recently, by 1 8 tT f the late Jet a Watson's establish on
liameat having free trimsortation o m ith a nag tery on Yriday foren al de I Ler e- ffo
I u
h ving a set df hat we fiill on hialfoot, in- parted husband. Rev. con duet d ment, and. re ine&iin
P in to bri: the-queetion any near" a set but the total amount would equal $10, 0$3. They Starteel a procession abo eep, 'but abo t
I I tone o'clock-
ticer railways,, Its it enabled I hein to visit the- t1J,ement tha. it-waB before. be reillolution ;8gull i:4 until 1861, when and passed through the piinciPal Streets and QS. ExPortwethers
is be- a
At th fl eting a riasty W( Und. the service. Mrs. ,, ortoti was a d6vot, d be started on h .9 acchunt, So that"10'ell. back to the show ground. There were two t
v trious pari of the Dominion, and -tht iol in Substa, e to the' I n t ng of the Prep yterian, ian- 011,01
effect at the; rerned- cc Luella I $Oag, of Brussels, had the Christian woman, who, had beerf a member he left mereanti e. life riee good mi
Otly be had been a tents, a, large onq and a n oil on -0 al
eral Ass4bly I held this wep' I
'cc m rsoua; Vaccluaintedwitli the caipa. 91 ek in Lond In, 34
of ne of the church. for uI)wards'of 7Q..'yeark
e pe ia;nds t ie restorl ion Oe edu -I AL per- commolia t
order de isfort.0 to fall bin the sidewalk' tile other merchant for years.
rr fcir man in the afte
R lerk of the ce Was ivela SI'lo ov. Dr. Peid, c . rnoon and
ilities and requirenieuts of the. whole cational system as ib WLRS_ prio to the pass- r-qseinbly. and d y, and break her right arm -in the same' —An old residInt jef Mo in tie pf r- —The spirit of 'A , Ilea. aniel 9taivart, Of one'in the evening. Tile allow was good -of to g-_
age nitoba School Act of 18904 d
&napol out, as a eken, uncle 6t Cour-Cill. Dr Brussels, was I ieck. ned away to the rest its kind. Everybody who saw it enjoyelid it,
ch i -ch ag to --1 4i
Spring Law!
cc untry, and which bLit for free tr ked to be i6li ved froln ,he P ace. as it iv a brc ken a few weeks ago. son of James McCr
of the I . M 1. ' Cri 3h of - Tucker8mith, bas McCracken, of Brull died I! Nebra4a hat remains for tbelpeop,
ply the rich would boi able tOL duties of hat position, afti, er e of God, on L3%1 dn- and it deserved 0r ,,, av ng a ved
I more Paronage t an it r iboice, $3.50 to SO.
d o. I n a positi eef It obey tbisi view -of! the - pitre 4th, age&70. ;e' t( b T
42 years. All the missionary; money of the acre farm ., 44 str 1 0 e of paralysis laid ceived. tint
—hasedIf"r,108111 James Orich big fif ty on May 2 wk Ap day of last weeli
011 ,,.rto acoginplish this place 'all, both order is given, and the Dom nion - oram- i Hullett, paying qle h dsome the fArmnow owneo , bi Hugh 6rsyt h, 6th bQr low a few ago?,, rid this
an eeks was fol- 'was in this I
a firmerone i
ri -h and po4r, oil an eqal footing, they pro- M. crit are invited to enquire, I re JUPY intci church passed througill Reid's bands,ap'd p4lice of $2,500. line, an one of he first a ftleri. De- -lowed by a secol id, liell -stopped the ciren- -,last
investmen Slation ot-the blimol, k pol.lacon caused death, Fridaiy, but- prices Nvv
p:ed' n view of the, large lie had chjairge of all a —At the June leAsion of - t1lie Mitloll
that A subsidies the facts of the case. bef re'tl hurell esex ceasiid removed to th6- years ago. Bayfleld,
e take final John Hod6na was up for trial on Mrs. _Vs nil
amizes, XC TF,4.—Rev.- T, L. Armstrong in
His.ppaition has been a most onorous a loCracken died in is $everal the higher quotations ba'
r i0en Iname was ehoiafl Cattle than have b
Ae per 1b wam
rail- aCtion. It is a Olev er pie e -'o f -parents. 'mmel London.—
by the ,country to the loadin, rob6ing the I M ra, Stew& Ann- this weekattending the synod at
a od the charge of ildren Purvive the ine Bach4elL,
tons, the shoul(I be' required mill. The Ot
orporaLi 0 1 1 -sponsiblia ode, arid it is ot strange t As higli as 5,
a Blair, 1county. f Vaterfoo: -band is re
allows that thid o itioia118 ho jury re —While the World's Fair was'in pmgress. d h1er birthplace vt as The Bayfield brass dde He t-
g1l ilty.. t rned a verdict of r parents Prate ice W-Ak
b# law to give free transport to me lie' sh6uld. now desire to be relel-ed.froir, file word' was received in Clinton that Air' 11 dying 1 -when a began this. week., We- I pe the two --boice
inbers Of Province are full: as wid13 mtiva, el as.are e I OVer their lineb. There is, no 0 she found h boya will progress rap from 42t -to 61r. per lb. I
ia ties- 11be committee to which Ili's C lb Brothers, of Goderich,, the Harr, Bowers, brother, of Messrs. Charles linder- lNfr.
us' brethren. ottatwa. coinfortable ho a W Lh J idly
their lore protentio ite Ott -r. d)aoyrne On -N. Knechtel, Leo&s instruction ,of- the cattle" rea-D
I purchased from add Will Bow6ra, of that town, was killed 11 k Owl) reisident of Brussels, And soofi give us some 1 e V lolka cattle, 1;=
doubt,, ood dbal in th.lis contention, arid it The r al f tsare,' that neither a qu I eat %vas referred ,reportek.l 'commelid ng Wlasning Mr. Charl a former We m-USIC.—M de wai its ton' of West W-awanoah, 90j in an explosion. Everything was' done at I where. she Conti ued ra. James Eagleson, of Clinton,,
looked, when. the discustion as adi.otarned, c e that he be allowed to retire' a, the expi" the time to find out the facts of his here- to re ide until her m ewt ear load -Cattle,
I itob 'r v oo - A pretty g9od blip for on-, riage, tbirty yea a al to h ber
to a k d writ . T6 m am quit nt ;po mds of4w' ar' has been visiting her sister, Mrs. James pof
this direction wotIld be tion of his year, in -M I er no full cw- 100A &a
s if -some steps in I mer. abouts, but in vain, arid nothing had 0 husband.- Th a bji this no per , ,
r , ool law, ,Ilol a arch 0ex and thatIn f al I Oft look, of the Queen's.—Picncs, pLee 5e -pair lb; L 1 Caa have passqd thei' eh b! an - in
Ithough b I ot , of tice proved
net a little to L . crel. is a tr el qe , a from
taken. But when the bill canle alp,'there recogni I f his services tie all' Bert If ill son of John I -lilt, heard of him until the other clay, wlien be 1 8 6 1 blast now. Every day large Crowds
h I )th conces- f I er elf to b t lId hr de -
to far yet 'o s 0 , (3rey, had the. misforil to cut th gave the family an agreeable su. s
they see it goes j: 0
aay, of rpr i e by the surrounding towns and Coun. t s averiwge, 5c per Ill,
a S1 9150 a yea, votion to bet flimly h the careful tr gaffier
was no discussion. It Is voted -down they don't want to alter it or r be Writ him' he. fingers on Ili right ban, makm ;;I .. ,in in 1r. Jowett's bea;utiful gro I Soo lba xverage, Die P
nic d Off one of t V t h e r ve an7pass the tic
them a viAit. ing eiv ed I t *
x a impress por
without comment. It was defeated by fy as long as lie lives. The roe e -1320 lbs ovleraV
or. . , other day, while -working i ie in are Sorry to record the d ath of- lem. Althougi.i. 01 1 lay tin b&thing, etc -at
file committee was una dispoition, —On
act of t Mr. Alex g' fihing" I tie
to do so would be looked Upon at aw nisch ti
over two to one. Laurier, the I ader of nilliol sly ad,6ptee ander 'SicDouall, soil I%f L, L at.1 % members oa luad --a
of C itulation to iel other r P'ety, Ivas' marked, arid no of Trinity
weakness and a n shop at Orillia. So 001 per cwt I ear load eat
the Oppositiorrand most of the Ontario Lib- rid, son of A x. Wm.jl)fa John McDougall, of the cut lin, 3a M h bold their annual
red Diamo _hu
million Governmentlon the roore consist(lat i riern wM found in Mel- per cwt eel
i Rev. Dr. Warden, Of Montroi e, aderi6h e reh fellows. The Do a], was ele'cde4 picnic.—It has been decided by the cm-
hia- B,L'icce'EsQr in opposition to Rev. Del nlo d, of Wingliam, a la of sitteen, who iA township, which took place on Sundmy, 9th I church. Four :,' three clatizli-
era-Is, - vof cc! for. it. Mr. Mulock's bill, other ]land, have I their rerned employed in the iamond machine and tool inst., at the'age of 52 years. Deceased had teris arp left t mittee to cancel the let lbs averag,4, -per lb;
ial or- r 0 1 loVing reinembrti, ce of July Demonstr.at-
B ME, of T6r: nto, by a vot ion for this year.—Meja I 0A0 lbs rage, 410
however, fared somewhat beter in. the Do- der and altho'L Of con u a oJ 72 to 63. 1 company's shop, Toronto, had his hand bad.; been ailigg for some time: xl 0 of a go.
. I _e, n, t, y years a 1, The sons, son -in- 100 -lbs ave e,4
cy ar an er, Sun re. ustou and John
d9y. from a trip to
-iinion House tharit r. Haycocks bill of a 'i possible, bollwever, that Dr. 'Yarden I 'he 11 ng, and he hta's law 1, and brot Ii. e deceased were the Algonia, nd aro
u 'n ly ripped by a saw one day recen ly. Was h rt a barn miai Herd returned on
vinced by this time, that.they ask to Inuch
ng in
not accept 66 position, as it v rag at —A letter was posted in Clint6n on Janu_ been crippled ever since, but aiotwitbstaud- I Paiii bearers. the Soo,,a
simifa n&-ture did in the Local 1egislatiare and that their action as ated h und that part.
to th4 . xtent,- eratelyaetivv, prices ruli
t e Was
ary l9bb. It we9t to the dead I t ffice ing the difficulty of getting -about, h They Inet many acqUaintances form
1p st wirixter, This, however, may be had recently refused a ealary - of .,S 'et 0 er reia- "from,3je to 4,e per 1b. F
ac-- ill advised, yet it would be a te 'ible -blow and has just, beewreturne totho exceptionally ipolustrions. ents of Tuckeismith, wtio rr - =iier unt were niuch pleas- year to in n ge business in zu#iola. i ttle as high as 4JI,* per'
counted far bv the'fact that it is inore appli- to their dignity,., and would injure 0, an a Kingston. broken. There u,!as it p Card on the —Things are booming in Whiteeburch I ed to see them and who, reat p easure Ca 110
them in- BmEys.—Rev, J. took g —one car ad cattle,
corner of th I ti t. idenbified the The walls of the new I church are ra i
-he floes net accept, it is likely Dr. Eurm
mble to Dominion than to Provincial mem- the eyes of th ir supporters if they-,%Y1'ere to e enve ope 4 *ei-hpfer, formierly-Pas... showing them about the coantry There are tead ; 112 cattle'
P dly 1 ter of the LuthaiIiarl'obure-h 16re,
-will be the next choice. but now several p'rosperous settlements I the nei .441 per I
sender.. moving, up, and Mr. P. I Troy has in
bers. The railway and steambo,(tt copora- withdraw it. It is sort of game in.1which made a fair of Toledo, Ohio,ipaicl some 'of his friends borhood c gh- :3 j7; c per lb car load —it is stated that the mbney 4tolen from. start towards the erection of a large brick be t I&S of Tbessalon, xnd Messrs. Me- e, 4c ,
er car
wee Its. lip -an were favorably ipressed f lbs averagge
W. D. Wel er and johr, o will be block on Alain street, which is to be finish- Koehler and da 'ghte It
tions owe no. allegiance to the Provincial Brusels mail bag some nl qnths ag a flying visf 1-+. 1b; I
a the sharpeat wited will, -likel Nti The Tuesday morning Herd
who her
Legislature, as they are e tirely'under the odds,,however, ae all on"t'he. side' made good to the parties Idsing it! by Beattie ed off in stor' ave been e with the country and 'well pleased
of tile HendershAt paid the extreme I. - u and shops. Two of the "t- with her in
jurisdiction of - the Doillinion, Parliament. jNT nalty of th( Brothers payi otbe le_past three months, with the treatment they received.— and i ping is
nitobans. e bulk of the. I g two-thirds and -Postmaster ter are already leasei'd one to Mr. G. Found
-esp6naillil-. law for the murder of young , , r I returned lb, mostiv
kender loti inrrc Nv one- th"ird. The an ountas$163. for& hardware store, the other to -Mr. T. a ice, or Un
a- a next there will be a children's
service in the-Alethodist church,both mornin a -ad a 3 PC
Ifence'any favors they Inky bestow will be n. aei 'artne and her neice, 0 r 111)
ilty - rests . iiiiic n the Ddm'inio i 14nitoba nephew of prisoner Henderehot, at ]Nli( On Tuesday, last week, Kew,'who is doing a goo business for a ar-
more effective in the lat er than in the Simply say we won t the Copp roaa h have been fo !Wat ride 11 visiting and evenig. In the 9 areweakerao t t el
,obey your brder ; ollemareli, last spriug, the I articular address lwe pri 'Itchers'
nlakilg machine, Hamilton, made a test on ness shop. 6 G he mor an
former. frieAds.—Mr, A gus G-uhr anlily mov- -will be given lly Mr. C Holinesville
you must ta:kc Lhe responsibility of 1 with- which li the street in front of the property owned by —C' as experienced a numb d t Listowel f t1few ays a e pri Poor.
ave been previously given. An salt linton urtils o`f bunch of
are sor- and Ili the even-ing by R
Mr. Am es F jr., of Clinton. The ma- -uhusuall ev. 1,1. t)liv
as made to have the se:ite I y sa4' deaths daring th-e past few ry have their, ileav art. for SIC - r 1b. SPriug
But,although tile questic n has, been buried drawincr it or 0 1 iforeing it,"' and thel-. rest tempt w ich air, ry bU rish them suc- The children have been pre I om 1R3 to,' -.4
nee of ti h weighs 2,2 Penn s, i paring for Some w
I is Set on months, and knother has been added to the ces in their neiNk bo Mr.. Edmond Alor n adverge majority in both there. Action' now devolves upon the Do- ers commuted to' imprisonment Ifour iron wheels With a Ion time, and special music will be provided.
prison shaped mould board list, in that of Air. James -A. E. L. Fortune, being for "tra;a
parliarnents, it is, one that will not stay mnion. The general impression is that the life, but at t itz I aft last wee U for 1IJundee to visit This will also be Me Oliv&ut's last Sunday dy. AL few good C
he las' scoop ektending tin er the cntre
is stehil
moment Lord AbercleJr eldest son'of Mr. Thomas L. Fortune. He 'lhis ister. Froi the -ei he gqes to Cavalier as he has been appointed to Benmiller and
Covered. It.will have a resurrec' ion. The Dbminion 0'ovornment will pnrsue a waiting telegraphed his whialt call ' with :ease be oper ted for an was a most promising young Tiian, of genial bak ta. ot 'any
0 approval of tie -order-ii —Mr. X lCh lei is.glving his house' moves next week.—Mr. 1'7illiam Bates now othe - kind.
Pblie dernand a and our legisl&- policy. They -will appoint a cornrni*on- to desir(d out. It is claimed that wit bearing, was a general favorite in the town4' new coat
coual oil, allowing the law to tak,- its' of; paint,' whi6 Will great- runs ii milk- dairy hre and does consider- good to 6elce YealSI, cours . horses, two d ivers and an operator the His death, caused by typhoid fever, just aB; ly inlproxe t
i a ap r able business.
pea. nee. !rbe work is be
mi h
ir '4
t -n Ili in
ne 510
1 0
[b C