HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-21, Page 1RATSX irtitnen has been rush-,- 11 of the Spring season, am co stautly putting Zr�efor have A, phan iVat styles in- Hats as, at. A fbr June and cei be had in. t k� e Lson for thinkiu th t L" sell sol quiek t e I�nre is much Ithe stvle of Hat yoo They mifist go s (juick. nin- di( call soorii if uw0 W:Lrr.1 ther, .re S h , ivve caught, it ii 4, and oad lines. 'These Coming. hwe receive,(! aud White finc'y spot inuslins in -pink �e peope have made a idy which roves -them t6 ladies are afte ,,e & White andFa �reis a great demaud.- of Wool De4aine, aiiZ lit Prirt�s, ',Seeens, -'Vlua- hams, iii that will bE�- at less than auction T)4 E: XeFAUL. �q G- G -o d�:; im pany, SV F senso aa cG whiclilhave ve contitlently I, re - Him Who abund tly Utigently. serve Him �ept them as a - vpry esteem !and, Affectloix I you. Ana it is 'Our ag, y tars of vo&self �Iid. in life wa be abund- hairs were, preseate(L i Mrs. A, Ross, , Ur - wt reply. Ife thanked. lly for � their, expre"lon iewed at some leni the congrre,_�atioa. iHe- Ahe uiform kindtless ch.lite bad �t all ti;i6iies- 0on(,regatioi�� At the- inteiesting ad- r.ere called upon, ta 8�t� supper, pr by to which a 4ce was afterwardi ry social chat, when ii� a ng, which -will be I mg -es.eat, came to, an e ad- eter. in srhere were 65 tickets at Exeter station., for 7 uE. 4. l'iliaeknian anti J. Knight and family - California, on Tuesday visit to relatives thi iterchant, left ou Tues - I months- tour through aritime provinces. He psa connected with the - .nee Company.—Mr. Jq� the H kwkshaw House, a on uessday. and T� askingtou G. Collins ,e visiqing relatives here - 4-M A - uning is visit - lie d ove from Ridge- -last. TheE,xeter.Roi is-svel represented at which was held at Con- ai This village was, [�nd aa d rain storm an —The Exeter !aaalagement of Mr. A, bufter'.�Mr. adv disposed of sevei : R �* D. Smith, the - ,ting him this week — eletor b 1e, 'as it the village 0134, rts; t iat a, large num- - cam'ers have'alreAdy -he, ark on . ton. The death of l'iet f the I - ly. at Ili -.r: late resi4ei Ice e Gtt, Jast. �Iie vras- ,dine ce6letery o4 ��at­ E. Tom, iu_ A, al in the vil4ge - ,ad o � Csher's cem.en , t ers in tl)i,5 vicinity. rs. I aniiel, French, of led the positions of -i the cotinty House of coutwil. There were fol the Poition. Mald. the noted singer, Tit --;(Iav anti AN ed - and Lcke - drelatives- here On, r ii� the- cial 'tote! this week-* the granolitlaic� !tives,_ ilt �ippen on- st M eek, but is the re - which re. wit the 2-tith of' yi�ttiou If the Main lerl to bet. -e a. fratf-rhal visit on Chief (411 ia havin- week.77 Fergusim, Of this It 4Gend Park, of the stnight,, f1l"Ll d When him, lie .ith a r,,cket-kaife. I X fMcLE" BROS-!, 'Pubillaillers. Advance. ar in EAR.' JUNE .21 18956 .00 a y4p EAF _H FRIDAY9 TWENTY-SEVENTH Y ORT WHOLE NUM ER 1,436. B 101relfor a riae It aid gregati n li�� sions have in'creased from porte�i the groomVere the bride's brother, apti i -gii:imy acceptect tlier and nice d, Yelling houses. The merchants.'Tho latter, mistaking his, son's at or he a's;- -Dan4oier of 14bakespemre and his ng grt tiger who wai returning A fri a so with the for the mark as ll� was -returning fro ll6 in 1881i to u wzkrds of-, 80 at the pres- M r. Andrew of Theisalon do no end of busine V ckert of St.. Jee�romzels mer fror a C( dc brai of some kinit , wag� 0 in- a through the b on y e Ime, L no t1linckemse is largely due brother,. Mr. Joek.h It Sumfarmers of the surrouqding country'; for� mar ing e tre rus ht, �- 1 I �ri ti young ladies ed t forl itbly al.cd -*vita falk water it ad ebe this difiltri& is well worth the reputation it the W�per part of his body being ill gig e iustru in ity of the Superintendent. colilege, B.c BUL�. iRUIN BATLEFIELD T�'JRTY_ me witl rOillilli. 0011008. He' vita "� list fired at it. The bullet entered the b e -ori noted a uildingfund, and lavgely were dressed in ciiiam albatross atid cash- bears as a i 3,irying country, Why the gras et of roses. On 03 8 YEARS -AFTER. on to 15 I I he so id I I wban U v till owd high! And the' head jnst, above the left eye, andhe d, D b his -per on, 61 dorts, 54 manses and 362 mere,and each cari eda boorip Sh 1 rits. here, is more, than kile !. i -the bridal loo io, 18 bl to day 13rant orossde. the I [an- 1, lie cox6pletion of tbe ceremoy". - R ulats' are innumerablei so the eat- stantly. I , arches, I tei at overl balf a 'million dol- th 'wbere a re- spring riv tied to 81ftakespeare ser b Ali. The doctor is taill and party retu k bad it high old time' 0oilgin the tie have an abundance of everything. -A -:-The Salvation Army briii -4t the re Over9 In , I an I lis deep voice emu, easily be ceptio sidence f the the Wwrrohtown Turnpike [a- conmr1ripti cfficers, �I toll. you, I'Ved u Booth,"'Paid a visit to S mill last � wee n was held . person land rig aD,Thessalon in search of a\ i) -it . twelve 'clock n"jt,s'JUnctJon�A Talk With ti e' yeo., the vall y that); ollit wai in. it and it boardit h. brides parents Ir. and farm must not be shocked by�firat appear- and the band o mrsed swe to heard hit a:iy Rart of the church. AVU101ag didn't r*� I nOf O ances, . for adeed ihe rocks, which present mui;ic to the g-tt Id 6' Eckert vvill re§ide at Dubi MeA oof the $oil—H"ow the Dattle: leld of much In Nval extreme u o�� st causeg him to deny it, the Mrs. -on a ppe thloc ugh e I ;sembly believe that the —.Nlr. Raid of-Fullarton was Iminging in a low .nIght, anfl t SAIV Army bar,mcks - 0i 1 tile, i ll.�emberfi ( f Rou'Looks To& , - I , - themedIves n close proximity to the. town in* the atiAn. y some fat cattle to Mitchell one of tbe past volt all's line n n do t hoir eve! have madqi -a e, cellent choice. worst.- mv you. see tile battl afleld, and d6 tiot lool in0it in I BLIt when' you have ning.� from Bordeau Ili Aqd :-4.DulTa (I sp I ttteh says :—Charles For- very warin days and on account of the greet, left the tc -oronto, beat thewhole lot played out. I Special Correspondence'. win. one stQrt mile behind, you Two Freqcli women DPW& I rl� lit t I I,.' I pot ating to a hol.ow to: istr6te eist, of 0�etuble parents in T GrbvmoN-, Va.,'June l8..: --.X V b, r'llo find a cou Ary well calculated to cheer a a mbnkey, appea e(l before tho iai . 16st, on lef "I's in the T-orouto police court Pkiday. Tb, "ana( a, I k Wen sent to the Brie county —NAr. William 'Kyle, of Alitchell, has tile g911d. n roso w)are tb 3 I)IJ1110 begun, V 11 I heavy heqt; yea, the fields of growing ey ointietl local agent -for th e7y arged fyoni a halivywforcst d to leave town if released, and. *t,re euitentia r ,one year and -ix months beenapp e Great above'tlic sea of prinial chaos id &in whic i stretch in -sweet variety among West Insurance Cmpan-vi, in Place of up,)n tb( 1111. by t1jo Henry` 'The e bills &lid dales of Thessalon, township few weeks Iguall tIlo Sunny *b'nks of Illy 110'rYeS 9tJr to goi- in I orst - tali 500 from a guest of the Chi left, town a Juii Iniq has ti been a -1:)Vell�r. cannot fail I any one batlefle'd was, lit easy vlow, an �o give hope. and joy to —The -Temper ti Leaque is offer' .10 it' is ci� mt which hostelr� W. P. Kerr, who Rgo. ill, Illod not Only at tbo assocli-fonq, but -who shall pass'q a a4ori w 4 loyed He skipped'to To une day tbant that on, ilch I dit particia in hearch c f a,farm home. g0ld medal to th( pupil the wl . itroug, B.. A., The at �be bill, le beauty of tl ie scene n Tbessal-n is not most successful e camination-in the 8i:114 Of touto witil. tb one and was arrested ill —Mr. W. G. Arm,; from Ny, ington to jalint'it over tI) 0 _%V - I �_ Yet the township of oiee ildge w �thl gloNN, etting sun. equal to t hat of Lefri am pa has rts of the temperance and hygiene at the - fortteoli 4ng thiO city. itchell bigh school staff, wrote at a recent ientown, 11urnpike, tile bills of Falrfiix ap a a nins, an public school exa lainations. Reformatory owing to Toronto Univer ity ex I ii, tion st to t 6 El eAT, to t im. to who bits traveled much has. former Are very light. We enjoy many bless the ol d flellds of the two Dull Rufi I'lli i. � degree of Master D'4iacd ba -nding -for suceessfull - obtained the h iat and 'succeedh i g rat a oft,en tile first vt w of ja ra- iugs'ber'e 1 vbich Are indigenous tfl our c de'le a a attl the Pre! iby- uperintel dent BrIckway a reputation be Prolonged c 'ja - bs plao 3 Is just as apt to depr s as ;O 01- terian I y n London last week, a6d a rutality - 1 he -tulfb,rtunatea committed to- of Arts. f-witt' riar t 'no try. Still, this district will never be etlnal, bad growlng nature orth Perth Patrons have aranged for. igs, and ]low if I- is .a. -rent large number of their friends visited th In- hat instit _N I '�ri d t (3 alt the fe0it D tv -nb, and a lifo, Virginia granger were in th a tooldRuiou, for bluffs and ri ines will A 6 I' r ease! was tried in the divis a picnic at Milverton on June :2 8 in -the mid or on the They 1 rere — jk b1dilding 9 r a gror t national P. 0130111 G one Asylum oil Saturday, in ribest f It tim or over �tlieir prospeel s, gal I resent thnnzelvf e gr 3, o nrk cozrt l� 6 couple of weeks ublic meeting in Atwdod the "rouscilient" do" not corli 3 on for a orders of our best farm ' But, he'raines, given free.transport to th oi*ds by thi ago- 0 the e%7eDI haincr not a little heightened, by the fai 'But. 'David "'ned' Mder Haycock will address each gather- few h0llr� Or even until tile nb-xt day, though inconvenient in many wa s,!Bupply..a Canadian Pacific Railway. r �w a pair of fox terrier ti. tI o ijideidndent fakinors' tickat had t�erless when a day or two ing. Thoro is senict-hin g in the teoliz i g that) you —Paul Awde, a young Syrian, left Tolron- a done', i tb' local - election. I Views very efficient sy�tena of draina e,,i so that 11se I e f —TheHourtV Pleasant, (Fullarto') foot- ... ought to I)e wond or V llfirmsed Which to last week for his native home, Beyri n1wai the'proprietor of -it eat fully ill neve� be com- foot, =iel once more in fashion, vith the faxnaers of Algoma W It club played aniatchgame with the An - rather clill Is the 611lotl Bit �, Bull Run iust do Syria. ' He will return to the city, a kittens b4d one to a watery graN e bal 0illory, arld till scone was &to ptit, in tinclVir drains.as you ni couple of months, and will enter Wycliffe in the riv6r,Speet Mr. Martin inclaced derson club on theArounds of the latter 01i Is too grand a m Eotluron. All the soil here, even the lZi 11tir. Outten* allow Mr. Cutten's eat to 'Saturday evening resultittig in a score of I too beantRul to a( init of fRich monthl ri clay, is uite porous Aoes not College, with ai�view to fitting bimself I beeviesl perform- the'o�atieaibf mother for Mr. Mar- goal to 0 in f&vor of the Anderson club. I unIl1w Inost of the wo4tern " bake " r or, hold water, and herefore is missionary work in his, own co�antry. WtIOD, 1111' i —Miss MoAlli8ter, who has been working he�pdps lived an thrived in [ battlefield i I had seen, where our fe lows h Well adl ted for gardening.; ' e people —Mrs. Hartley, of. New Durham has t of I their ai ted mother. - The ai missionary'in Africa (luring the past v5- 1--, 000 insu'raInce the n( down oft(p in NO of the $4, had to fight lip till a. much garden produ , and not- now received $3, light-, 'by r. Cutten to re- seven yearB, ga which her husband had upon his li . The action wa's lor ve an address in th- Metho- LowPrices, brush so t ii ick on( could - iot s( 3 ton rods, wivizaii.4ing 'the fact that !we have bad church, at Carthage, on *Iialobi 9th e most excessive It lat and cold remainiq 1,0CA) 1, d in �o court cov�r pay for e e'rvices rendere nearly eve ry- acri (if thefir it Bit J Blin neld seine of � ias been pal d in the dist and by the ( e CLrele, and a fight for its "s- rearing of Afi in's pups. inst. can be vie kTod in 4 ine quic IL gla ibe. thbis isprin , th6 gardens. are looking fine, 'who L has —Rev. Mr. r, islf6r I eaves Atwood shortly K!, falitiess There I ro the three I ,ollov 9 and the do not all vV any traces of t. to very heavy Session will take place betwe . ell Mrs. R I rt I A. tit, G rinisby, gh Q ley and her son.' charge the p-ra, L g experiments ordered for his -new circuit, Gorrie, The Atwotil three ridg)s rising, gontl, - to t 0 plateaus V16y frog . I may say that I good settlers 0e d biwielf Ill of which SOL n"M h 18 Si In i1storles of alway welcome to Algorna,for yet th-ure =Thadther day at Chatham, a ni e ydar.-. by tile,, nti says they are congregation part with hin) wih sincere re- ia thorogl, y 014 old 'boy, #aymohd 11 t on ti� a spri the i tu Irees in 30 counties, ten gret, as lie has � prim C Look in r window t iis week, and the fight; there, tit the lidttom if the hol- room. you will bav6 an idea of �9WJ we'give low just before :!lie, is f fours si'tcerbly, -mer's a g at loaaed in the le tat in 1phe west and ten in the devout alid efficient preacher. daughter of Dr. 'got n c ions stone tat ,,Mnin,lo d ar now�ILgoi ground —Miss Alice Ifurlburt, you a Tak e y ur choice of -warkedtHe tal J. E. F. with grai. . In Some in r b d d noi ri house stki I pool,- Shells of. hin iri; e6 So fat-, Air. Pettit says, Hurlburt, of Mitchell, bm' passed her first for 75c. So bett r value - was buttle left it; a Ili if it a thin I TRES A LON, Algomav: J1 10th, 1895. fell Zit' the side of e 'a on, I lie nd. fur the in them ig I -there is r&c V�'r of any kind of year's examinations at the Toronto Uni'ver- y conceals -skirt of very flew artion, passed, ed .you. Dop't wait till the SiI disi , Lad e Present indications ar, I" 0 sp I 11. itto trace tUi=r1lbiti wheel of i �hich passed over his two th e tbat sity. Mr. D. XcFadzen� FuU the run n nt I the e �one br dge; Southward County Co crushing I hem f rightfully. his third year atithe Same examination. ei once ; .�Si fruit th i yve will'be of excellent quality. �b a -e gon�, but come Arst rldae u !--The fmnilations for the pedesta, for -he from that and !nitfar is the; IThe anty court was hel in Goderich tobertson, of Statfbrd,xecently acd�nwd, i a Ot A These e 1 III Onto jare moant, to be instr eat opportun monumen i to Sir John M pe�i lie- Dr. W.N. I 141 U 17. This is the I where El alis, he'id 0 a 'Federal, efore Jud �e I r1i t fir I tive, an! �he game relation to tbe fruit -performed the reatfe".of riding a-bicy0e last 7e� b Joyl . There were wei, ha%;c been completed.' R is (xpee e -you THP TONE YOUSE. until Beoumgarfl -puld cl ange;fr n 'return, a disti of 206 ity will bRve* 0 uying $1.25, O 10, no crimil ILI cases. T 6 fo lowing civil cases fildusor as it Vellin, dairy does to the to Toronto ang it conservat;14 in of pby�jealL enorgyw hl k(bot far to up- that the a ;eue will be placed in poi ition in S1.50and $2 lairts ac. northoa4 to nori�vwest;� were 0 tosed of miles, inside of 23 hours, includirig three a few da i. The unveiling will to ke pl ce butteLq ad -, L t.7 las, a SnL Is marked trr it I dWi(led to t�ke 0 right is the fen0o 1whero',"i 'on Wilooll: VS. Wittyi n, action to -recover on ion day with approi cere- named .Suttion bours which he 8pent.in Toronto. for my 11 ti mi, on the Soiat. 101711 ra fl t' like a stoi to till lan� W.�thl 1. the earv!ings of the' t rotting horse Rmor sued to4l I 11) lof So thwold to recover —.Nlr. John Barten, sr., an aged and higb� st ai 33 miles to I lanaSS4� Junction f�r $1. of molisflie bilry Hou�p, th most eas - Jr., durift g the season of 1891. ' Verdiiip. for 1alonies. i . tb a stallion, ly respected resident f Blanobard, died' on ; Some ermalk Mi 18, $2004a rl'Lg r t4e kil: rig of Lessloll 1 - Our.i, Scotch 4 neris d. Ii t i thi; ode als, aroun of the residents of G througi th6i d boing o t A war. po plaintiff f or $173.50. two miles from Berlin, are threatening to of ri One Saturday, 8th inst., aged 76 years, The de. T" oomp 'it which attle ri with mtlava. MoMicha, Who is a im 1C. o act �1 of tAbe pfi itb 3 b - ad A being ceased was -a native of evonshire, England, such fit 1. Plilintiff, of the! I -one] ( .. 'They ch ist the ri er to for the Since,wle first put this line Of $2.2 There wero that almos ; oAJ6r1? tree -bears private b inker at SeaJorth, sued defendant, sue the tcwn for damages. 81osed, a fence being con- came to Usborne 21 ye ago anti sewage from the Berlin r ver farm is- r Ln- repaire pani WIL I gars Intorosted me greai 01111 let 11111118110 Scotch Suitings downzto $16, we have "lack farniers Of All ra'Al shades tr ii of sopie officer who led utirZ a farmer in Hallett, n a pro ory note, ning into he dam there, and killing. Off e structe 'aerc ii it. laintiff dr.o5ve his last 13 years was a esi'dentof BlansbanL _n )usy making them up. Shrewd pure Ari -not " puro . *h1to, but rud- it. N I ([U 10 �wo miles stra ght 'north and obtained a verdic for $232.40. was a mani of a, -4(,1uiet desposition who fish by hiJudreds; most of which are picl er- horse u a lit wnk on to the road, so as He bee west b`0 inabor now con �ils $u le Ham ton i a. Jackson, an action for', th-e no aspirations for public loffice �eiber e are whites in, Virginia at This is denie to save z oin d Stance f two miles and a had buyer 1 appreciatb'tbis dended bargain, dy, as tbor lous S el, put lin; last spr ice. mar- �y �nlll and tho f in: municipal or political e was twi this Season— to ipi Lre negiro; e:ieursl.onists, Wilmot, Siiqle sale of a hors �, was settled by the parties. —in the Dominio a House of C rnm.. 's half to ke 1, ther lor Lneh of t -he and am not slow to PiLck them */. if who ad ti tickets for all loy ford, btway of which Cossitt vs. Barrows was discontinued. up at the ried, his widow.and a large family of -sons :can geb roti. the other day, Air. Oiimet stated th t thl re The hor els It qui Feviceable suit att a low -i at'greatly no4iy flinked tlio Confede tog, , W lel Iand daugters surViViLng him. you rp -re a neighboring Iiino is of VL were three state funkals given to- an I- time, a I a in )ia the bank t fell back stratal en- 'really gave himia v tory whlc�'i lie I he jar ecial line at reduce rai 4i -x namors.', a few politiGlan's rhe Royal Templars. ang. SirGeori Dartier's cos y. found that —About 2 o�clock on the mQrnin t wards i4 d wa k I price,* don't miss tbii sp of JobilstonS en6 of Mr. I;,uii Pu� and au 0 11101 bor f :06-h ss to give chair- vi�as oil ly st by tl ie ari (REPORTED ]FOR THE.EXPOSITOR.) 08 in des we not occasioned by the 6th inst., tho. resM They ca-unot be eq�alled. tro-LS. Sir John MaqdRnIA's c' t .56,00.0, an it was the as discovered to be t IcAst Ono-th (4) negligexi acter t) We owd. Ird of fri cot inection ce of efendants, and dismissed the chelburg, Brodh gen, w strict council of the Royal ted that the expenses in A LA of Fe me. The H iron di in flames. Mr. Pachellourg was .absent at tile rural poli, illation r the. fIrst 80 iiiiles Tem' Of Temperance wa's held at Con- with Sir"John Thompson?s funera. would case wi h cost i. hild 0 f Illon f it, I t thl -at plan Donald i If @Kay ii bighly respi the residence of his son,iu4aw, Mr. John n .. 1rg Us!st. of Illon s ba-.rd-to':rci-. Iva tha 1was a b Hosiery and Undeiwear- tralia,ot Welnesday, June 12, the district not exceed 2-:5 otiblioriabi gaged clAcily ticflcld, f over It all itr pow that liter'- ed f�' Me.gri Cor- Heckman, and his wife and :dmugber were. %t It and rear ing, ch or o It Pom -L�Mr. G. M. Norman of Toror toi 'wa&'s r er, vea be n council]4, J. E. Tom-, presiding. Seventy I We� submit the results of the beiit in fruit oulti ro aud'peoilucing vegetables lly pn ssoth under 4tabdinj - Wit ft Calln, ru- fourdelegatef andvi8itors registered, and paintiug'a sign, w ners, on the wuline,between East Nissouri alone ia the Iii They eseaped with their ben the a o d g e way, thp p(et's oul—plow- een under the doctor's lives. Some of the furniture, bed-61otbinig, E ngli�h makers' and Sell 6n the closest for thb'WotlE�sldngtan ina4ket"tholigh very' ral bmu d, a Stan of 40 kLnd: Wf It Z . -P all -prepa. -a fa necessary was made for their aiii be fell to the grgun di b etc., was sated. The hous hich' Was a I ty - coin a: iii h1des pile of h mid ;1me p" t. t w" deemed m any if the na are dealing extensively in ed fter reading the feet, lai�din_g oil a eels nd iron Caro' foOlso possil: le niaroln. comfort i in Pleasure. A brick-veneeredstrileture, and the contents bloodel she An initei,!esting lli,sson m the rio a lark gto n meadows el last meeting held at Holmes . - castings. e-oustained ad sable to 49i )2 a Mm'S.Blaek Cotton uds Wi limi�s til r Toron ai were insure minutes of ompou (I fr ' adv tion and Dr. philology niny be taken. in - Such a -crowd )r and past s J( uceswhIc bearwit- 'thii d spM.liatirrom to d in the Hibbert and Vborne ville, ent committees were struck, ture of the right elbow and several, wounds Wi um Man's Tail Cotton, 25c. 1 In a f m da 'so trav 1 ip': tfils part of t lie ness tic thrift and jpod far niii with wai 1113 and the a ei�ing ettled down to business. on the besides a n r of minor con- cW14her' from Undon, ides Dr. McKay, Insuroee Company for-�8950. 'day, 31st. ul Man's Black Cashmere, 5e, 5cA fast yel- .8011, land on Fri t.,they —Binning and Baxter, architects of Lis- nd 50c stato� for thc'soft'V ginia dialect ming] Lis Ing" fields of heav) headed gro n from Ingt Groups I ie el and there were seen warmly tusions. M n's Black nes oft t to' lo,%N Ing tinder tile une sun. And here I aunder chloroform, but his towel, have prepared plans for the following �Llsle, 50C. arnusl igly with -th slit porto ning some re- —Advices from Qu':Appele state that lo put the patier iz: Flax millbuiligs,atWallace- minatiorlri�ill be a gra�,.ifio�,tion to you I �r - . ) d g T� point, or exami Store ' h 0i orks, v Yap kt es anq the' It sal twang of- the f4w mar say that illy gri sit � so was in. pbrt,or r&&piziing some -plan of action. They has been caused tolorses and cattle'there, An e -IX ag' Underwea , 50�. a= lot suffi ent, and he died in w M Cotton: the r h was born in lourg, Ontario. with barns storehouse far dowip eagiters. The Virgiiii.a. dialect, be the goneril. weAlth. and beallty rthecoun- were the differeuti committees who were pre- some 70 head having died t om at ke of Mi McKay Men's BalbrigganUnderivef�r, 50a to 7 try fo r I bad some how formed I lie Impros- Cre c�h, Suth$1,ilaildsbirie, Scotland, in 1836, -office etc. . M.:9right, manager. Estim- %or he eat on itiloted, is not the �outh(l dialect proper. for' the afternoon sessiqu. At swarms of a peculiar grey fl3. T parin ed aftit 34, 500. Brick block, South side bleti's Natural Wool, .51. a; o16 tilat tills wa i a barren 4 r d wornout ea. A 11itit since �d. lived on the town line of at It Is V i 3 old Bhgl.isli of ibe middle shire noon they repaired to the pari lawn, ly lasted 48 hours and has i appea -1 siziks, all qualii wit,4 I -S br6nd--vw4els And vor slightly region: As if In I-ri e wild cri d to.the visitors and similar vishation occurred years ago, zorra. ., Re 6ne ol� the wealthiest men Main street, Eistowel,containing four stores Al My, even ti wherd di nit or was serve and a society hill; co st 88,000. use 11 e. 66- turos seem more peaceful that elsewhere, TI �e fly I i in the toWnst, i modiii(d by th6 sotwiler tendency to other' but the loss was not so I or ........... .... ed tho rea- i —In thodist Conference H. Bishop, Eieter, cost $2,000 - house for whLbh'was a myst(rytill I iea�n on neleaul y insed the ::ri cent j, After the opening exercises,in the after- said to resemble g comin jo t. to fluid -"r. "! i S in Our Line. soi . i, Tile gentle ovron. nest's in tile vory ineetingstlfamiltoi.. Dr. Briggs, of Alexander Me'Nair, Cratibrook, cost tl,- We are Leader' 11 ire entbuslilt-le "about the future noon, Bi other J. E. Tom pr ented 6e dis- with wings. William Lynch, Palinerstn, .......... ...... Toronto, boo iteward, I fired a boom hvy­ an- 300; house for S4� thi i capaelty of't1i regio. Tbey tell pol clies of the fal onses qnd plays about triet ;co incillor's report, iiiall was encouri —The tower of the eauster block of tbi i i art Ong the child -ran, In One, ise that rhi L a was. followed bK the district Parliament buildings, Ottawa, g nerally nouncing that' e beO of the conference eort S1,200. me will tit a SP16ndid � c(Aintrk It ds for fruit; aging, In —Councillor John Ritz, of Brodhagen,mLet limbs are alicitilylb6nding under IJVJ even' Ill ghting 014 1 1- e boot of a secretary, Rev. W.H. Butt, w o announced known as the Mackenzie t4*er, wa, stru4 �vere habdri of tho0sands � of dollars be. how thp serious mishap recently. He'had Jackson:& ._:Greigo, ft il� or who wits -sl oping in lit, chair. The e ced6 hind in their so unto. with the book room. with a the loads of, pears; ho -w tlidpetiches stiri the full'inembersjAp of r [­ eporting councils to by lightning the other morning. aii as to &tpcs and currants spi, g led the frost, be 600, it gAin of 5 ditring the last quarter. it Of one of the tower -room et anlelss some of them set 'I btly jay, ver unlike his thid In the ig and- furniture [ndmated 'h been delivering hogs in Mitchell a -ad had badly dayr ded. up right edily, action would have to two boxes on his truck -wagon. When com- � l,.the plain trutX o yard S 11 bbM kaged. One of the clerks of The leaders in popular ficei for� ell is too vrob,derfial. wcstl, fre4lionts tI . IThe c mmittee. on distribution of reports 121m, I con- r6bi� and meadow lark are je� lally faIjail- - Some of the ling home he was seated -on the front end of for belief. As:to coxii ., Of wheat,, they A p r suggested that the recording see- tl e Public Works Departdent, Nlr. 14. Wbroug. in 7jpressed he opinion that Dr. Briggs the top -box, the front wheels dropped into a aae clotbirt'a I)poor -ill Sounded 1his molon- neonscious for an hour a the central- Itti, � tbo whii rent councile- should be reton, was u fter, to rg r 06do thoir eat Inf -kity to 4 r, tarie, of i the diffe .1 . I Loh a thing up at rut on the road ' k' h over the Lend and choly notes right iinder file W dow w the shock. fig at ere no right SF illak ft.up on hay And In -efal in filling lip their quarterly re er Ile- mv�as 6aught by the ,,Art ORTH9 -ONT. lied by Staid between the horses. west and clain to of reca i Spector confit r) relp and -fr(-qpntly the old na- I s7at at twilight, and even shies pi orts, aad'advised all the - in -embers to take —The appointment of a female ire�oe. . r early potatoesy thAt i imini floor of Me whiffie-trees and dragged some distance, then with the that.tIA3 game were seen plekin under the tive winds upr bli:Ids tt e Weekly Templar. The coinibittee on oi factories has been given to Miss IN argari ! 8 then on the )0.1 He had been dunned for dropped. He %-As picked uR unconscious f lie frit AMON flolightful I e stat of the �order reported that- Hensall, darlyle f Toronto, a sister of Mr. illiaiii house owe(I 84 1.4 a No. I country for,aboep -and poultry, i grass 9 int y t il a reply 'stating that he and Dr. Smith Summoned,, is head bad money in fowis of all, the so Cal A illockin Wid of the ho, for a, number' pf -year i repr�- it, and had wr.14e, brulses; Next and there.would be b1g f Br,uss6li and Blyth councils had suspended, Carlyle he ac�ount in his will. received some bad cuts and I tile kitchen n that City in would remenal et t. of the dang W-ggers we �jld lot I cm alone, middlo 1111tilitle f eds byen -a -% hile Bfield council was in a weak condi- sented one of the divisions' i grain warehouse at morning consciousness returned and he is er duties will comirence On —L"t Sa 'well in spite of door, andl restir g In tile -neri it evorgTon n. I 5 was thought possible to organize a the council. H and sheep 111would pay, a to be, around Lgatia. Clevelnd's' tariff of the dang nigg pays for the 110.1 flality with 1 is three 40y- C iesley,�� el ohia'Adolph, and leaqed now ors uncil LU Mile Green, and the mat -ter was icily lot, when the act of last sessipm com4s b3 - Wenger I her, of Ayton, was totally , —An interesting event took lace at didn't ko6p'so niany dogs." I discovered, ed quaver and * uo bursts o 'twittc*tirig I ft in t to hands of -Varna, Brucefield and intoforce. Miss Carlyle is .1 native of SC4- St., song. From Marc Ootob r not a shot over tiventy destroyed 'by fire. Loss on the builillingo Avointion, on the -evening of the 13th w Ippen I.ouncils to effect. Miss Fothering. land, ant. came to this country when In the rural ri tbat'Cleveland,' ill at out - $1,70W There was about 5,000 when Robert Nimmo, Grand Orgs�nizer of tbi dogs and tile "dag ifti—ers" are held h,.m - presented the report of the com- years age. Inotis w 3144 fou lot shels, of pea4 aild oats destroyed. Fully the Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association, fluancial'; initte '" t erance wor,which advised all. —he following e p i covered by ibsuranceii.—The same day, , e aceomps; responsiblo fot many.�f n rnship c) th nied by everal oi gentlemen troubles. to own a;d w ancils to do away with pioned,to a tree with four wooder pegs,, ninimill a6h machine shop belonging to froi St. Marys and Stratford -opened C&mp -buses that are not a direct ben- a towns Ontario, a few dai Igo. P14 1 sed b U e tirr, of, ti�he village of Xobler, near No. 168, and installed the following officers: L�bor and a I lice ip in Mr gea* it any w - couldht tbi efit to the travellit g comr )nder a newspaper At the -hi tor' a very smart, �unity; recom- —Chief, William Ballantyne; Chieftain, T. .10 juntz �Vr by fire. f 1, 000 inhabitaiits has re- mend a I public and Sa bmthi school teachers in municipality: Ili offer fi�tr sale �n Cayuga, was co plete destroyed that g village 0. I T !�, A. Armstron . lookin rs vid Loss 85 000. On . unday morning, in i to indu!e their pupi a 0 sign the temper- the I da� r of june one cook Stove oba J i co�t 8. is t4e co ilty seat of Secretary, William MeGowan Pebte, U 0ontly sprung ance plenge, and furt her that all templar other th ngs 2 oil ci�ns broom lam� 2 smoth- Moxlnt, eat, �re started in the planing Recording Princo.williain n.. boastsof two,--wookly: by, '. Scott. The iding, to- Murray ; Financial Secretary Eaward. one cabard one mill o e bL fit er o to 'elect all muni- ironi i 2 oz steel traps should � se their in pers. Resting therel-tbrough tbelicat ,ry, was Byers - Treasurer Adana Uri i91 -e 11 7 , . pal ta e one Cub pots and pales isheses n1% a jzeth6i i tho�lumber and machine of the day, I Ileara inuch 6f the enterprise cipal dlfic'ers and ne beri of Parliament ding shot gun �one �ompl.,,4el� de'ro ed. The building was William Bell ; Physician, Dr. Rauk-in r_ who rel known to be U n men. And for] -s one brick lo4 cc h augurat Mair; StsudardBearer,.Davia In oirs of growth of th'o country an a idTap"the district was liallu. enta, valued shall, Rober &lid rapid A . n1ttioll to dh I insurel fo but t e cont Inside .. Gua been U 000 total loss. particularly, urg6d to inslipidt the wine, col-' William Peterson has rin illy ae $3, WQ, or d,Fidw-aurd Whitp ; Out� ry broug up, but; the ( neensus of opinion lar of Mr; Hen NVIt nor, ho keeps; '—TAe Port EI in News of last week Says Side Guard, WiliLiam Telfer. Forty mem- for ing s 131brong agaii 8t, it, the question was appointed principal of - VcGill, Professor LOW PRICES 000 gl�ll ns on band be* to see on th 'n�d the association. from, 1,500, tol 2, 1 1 We less e list of young bers in &ill joLi withdrawn. � After the Darey, 0 retires on account of bis i Li sual vote of thanks It b3i 'ho have been successful in passing -of his son, Mr. -samples, somel of docto w --Thereied, at the home , i 1 1 1 'was rep aced by f to the f riends of Contra is, all adjournbd to rofessor Maxime Ingress plocer o h to "Making in this - .1cal cot neil and ate now free to G. Moriinaor, 4 North -stri Toronto, on. sale of sea- He 14; the 8 ISO far. our great June the par8onalge groun s, which ari among so From It Profes; or. Dr. C. W.'Colby an W_ B- Friday morning, the 7th inst., locaWy aud, lij highly b nored accordingly. old Me( ill graduate, -and honorary L. D ti' in Ont 6rio, the name of Dr gra is in the:finast inN'Veste ario, whero sup- sonable Dry Goods has proved in i8d oin lifornia, on a visit the new ell ri I cK nie, w lo is 4o well, and favorably Mortimer, who iA his early days, was for t At the spring eat iud well known re- 7 he came f of Hary Lrd, is dppointed to cess. We have beeiti obliged to a I b ight that this wits! per wat served. Som I t by tr i f' he eig 7 at' ;�Iry en,-- history. Drs. Cornish and Daey, the two -kno n this I. i b 6rhood. -the de- many years a promm add W and declared and others a 'do good � wine ro ion as :any part of that : exam ions i Tronto he obtained Our Staff of 01erkF1 and are as usy a north, by u all appar�n saors, are permitted to enter the sident of Ligtowel: Although in his 83rd Joying themselves, 'be next meetngy is oldest profe state., bought Ian and,went to ajoyed-excell i plantifig! greea o M. A trid Q M. forh Trinity Uni- year lie had always e -ent health, 0. appointed t4 be held atXippen- the -lavter list bf pi ,ofe8sors it wai, On aie a w uder. Pfolple emeriti. d the.truth of his voli Daripj b x pi ­6 fiv I Y. I his college course, in mi and retired to his room op Thurs.day even- ,e and Gjaillis to hav),pro`vc ginnihig (,Yllave so sill ,io oc part of Janoary next. -7 —Pro "ficial Detective Murray �as for tion to I xtiteadii g diligently to his (studies— spirits. are be, Jo realize that th Thor I I al gossips, I ing in his usual good bealth nd tatement. ti e been! investigating the elream- . ! I ore as hig iceess a iow's-F-Dr. McKeebnie was Not appearing at breakfast as usual next a modern store right in their m do Evil - ore :t aces of the dreatb� o avi co lie, o, TbereL are still 'a few good towns-pelople whiell the apples irb wi*ai ped in fine pape' Canada. rk ir inLthe mission carded on morning big gran-datighter went to his I . THE P, . e an act'" wo d sh ,ped by a ettian! in N last by theMedicit) Students' Missionary Soci- roolli... She -was7met�at the door with a rush en o an a _;cd with The Torciptio ormal School closed. for residenc-, of Tlior tax Gray a year ago who send th good money to Tor�nt i'o orfolk "RIGHT THERE IS Wl ERE x1c BkGUIVI Poterboro, who,m as burned io death in th as Ind was horrified to see her g nd, i9q)(Tially for the: is fired, as the ga laws are ety, Sul I when 1: A, was in Port -Elgin he w f escaping gasp-, -to NVi . gor, En that Scollie had prom- —to that few we m y Stae th t ik proves the what might be called In lie! 5 itringeni: the sun-imer! on I hursday of last week. winter.. It appears it iif 'N . 1: ?. S. of the Presbyterian (lead. The stable, which t 6y thiii ore 11y, )perty would preside grandfather IJ:big On the bed ueon' ised that after hi i death his pr( S Of tills region.. did, and it is curious how 600UL t le feathered —Bush flifes in the Rainy River . district I ,ept church. A Y.0-1 in� man of Dr. McKechnie's gas was found itilly turnedon, by seine �1onderlul capaci are con sit Lich valuable timber. be left to the Gri ii providi�g they ming in rn wb are the ar, , i afe. rig a' i to any' com- take of the deceased it is supposed. .o-faivor bot tell them I 11 d heard exactly-thei Wne creatures lea' —A party of 130 girls arrived *at Brock- him as long as hel lived. Sufficientevidenee ability ind cha -ac te gaba We ask n S, Filley, 1NOva: : I took formy general insil rt ictor a Mr. Ina aud are sure th in Hlarrisoa, .. —A painful accident happened to Alias story of a farm Xnnoi v� rrants, for t e a t I ulty M h Viri Ville Friday night, from Quarrier's Orphan was secured to isoue wa he will soon Nellie Crittenden, daughter of Harvy Crit- Scoi hen I as tlioro; Both k.t6ric, ]Benson, veteiau. ol ,the Fov *here I z ha"s oa � to practis, I as �70t at: 'cavalry, and mad( my bea(14 liarters with ome, of 18cotland. of the G ays, and the arrests were ac( successful ni6dical tenden of the 6th eoncession,E'hna,the other ve th e exp�es cha ,4$ nithy be 'ruo for a I w ompany plished I ast Friday night, in Marioli cou, make b �mself I noWn as a seful 1. -I d - moAt u tit oner ai. d' but could aa m 'ge an ri sod, for 'I bai traveled n the; him at the lidus( Of H. I)Ogan, —Tie Grand Trunk Railway C praf�l citizen-' Dr- day. be was driving frow William not a fittle on cost, Ot goods, We Iq virters at the has ref used to W ow the trolley cars to Trt)ss lorida.! the v wId6h was Confedi irate lical McKeeinie is, all r6ther of Re . John NichoVs to her home, and when P108i the y, one p . rice for all a: d th is west great deal, 0 leilru that several of. of. seec nd Bull !tun. A day Its tracks half wav between Berlin and ;Wednesday of lu-t week, a Chat' all n have oi ilif inants had choice tracts to sell) beginning McKec&nie, O.i, msden, N. W. Ti a. re- Grand Trunk Railway crossing the horse OW. to Illy -the -leit Waterloo. drover bad 150 hogs for shipment at 1: rea- cent grudua , if �1�nox College, Toronto. took fri lit at the ic�cldk train and ran the lowest. But let's� 6.t d urpris d*Vvbdn the y farm, ai�flg den sta$on. - The 1ogs were overcom by te� but I w� i;s* s argued.tIlat each on the Hen. —A calf \,.)n the farm of James Rogers, 16 4t no ia rowing IVS De 'Go;ds W e ure waii, of imnlel 'e benefit to bank of Bull Run i vnd intho k,idlnity of nil away, I leAtly to the ground, bu as ant fruit Cl It South Normich, the other day swallowed a the he and there being ter for her vi "bitelabor tba places which be tilloii- �.y name gave It eith Items. bruising her face badly, as well as hurting to tell vou. ab t1t. We Ill begir L 011, the cukry becat: Re It quirZ w Aoty (it I silver - v4t(h belonizing to Frank Roger. A them they own bt in tl shoulder. She was taken to Mr. tock. at higher Nvages ;ban the Average. They mei a delightful va �h alarill., I et- 3n n3lany-mo e WOU 'Mr. I d A G. Litt, from Red her calf - lil e tl at need78 watching. wher n of -them die 0 ith paren- Nichoi where her wounds were dressed by - c ntinelnlffl,oul�n ilici reader need n(t 8 , W an, are visit Ing a , e FRID-ky an to Inform me il beer fai, Jacket, ic i did not ii arne road had it not They' fini bai � eve - agin—not, I quite a local phygician. The seat o at al reduction y unsuited for shall not hgbt the —Byla i ote of 29,to 17, the York county have go e the's is cleared 11dang iggiors" were ver the kindness of tile pdople of tal hon 3 bringville. in th( pres,pt, IpUpir. I will counc tie other day -decided to abolish eximeeding er-whenshe at 4rvy rate, tell ig aboat baggy broke off and went with h re thai Ithe loclu popular toll ga!es, and hind. the York.countj roads Dresdez , many of whom, especiallv'wox lenj a chan p air they left, wh -was thrown to the ground, otherwise she 20 -per en higher without reachillo tile western stand- onlY Say at. P sell r th munj 4alities at the end of this turned ut with pails: and carri;d water, eight .3 �'ai o'.: hu iiiii ebaracter, ove to C t but . $1 vl(�Nv is of a rat -he ed aninials nA h Ima ell took place at Carling- might have been hurt even more seriously. fiii for the farnihand! gets .0 p i or pouring it over the exhaust t ry 01 - rits a day, dur- and tbat several oterx. is of, both armles 111611th ford owl idi, 7th , inst. between The remainder of the rig was synashed -to oods, 9 in 'till niouth and board, or 51b ci It to to them to drink. on all dress g 0 th the 01 tb seventeen stuAbnts who gradu- givin i 111' d ki Crittenden , is improving enri ttas, hig the busy season. ' A'good map who who.were in qtvo hittles reside iA b te ri -the gford gun clubs. d natintigo as If he LosnYoln la It The latte: V ie '3* coin t 4.11. BEADVE. d at thi Detroit School 'of Dentistr� the Ph a r of 61 to 55. p wool Black and Colore H I e new moderator ofthe Pre 11111 I tako right hold a from this Province. General Assembly, convened in a ni Win. Torrance, ot er day, eiglit were Cashmeres sierges, sollel§,�Grena, ten thought to who was born in Ful- rhg funeral of the F 0, &mat % ilvertori on Fri- I, tho plce" Is o bcys gel, along wherever they cast week, s Rev. Dr. James Ro"rtson, if --LMri; eviot Suit had Ian Interest 111 A Word for 0 tari a ago, an rem Bairret cloths, Delains, be doing; remarkably Well at $150 per year. i Winn got e man of your Hu- t ir 'ot; iXga Superintendent of miissi s a larton DEAR EXPOSITO —As i—N. rs. cy Ung, an Amerfe ma ba th Z bert- Mitchell 6 �gini %lehigan in 1881, is day, May 318t, Torrance was born in ten tha er parts of, nd Northwest. no, 1 5. IS44, but Whipco�ds, Dia gonalo and AiincY Firt is n tile fai wo ' fi, Man pencerville4 Septem 1.ii 41 cents a (lily g1lant like to ear a bou:t h an S] ber 927th7 C V , all ed4ordihire and Buckin ton readers like to born amidst the G pi in now o VS t to native place. ,Suitings, alsq _�L lot of costulmes - and 1h dsof.B their colintry, I tat e the liJbe tv of' writing. brew her new-born infaut� from an excur- son was f Ontario 'Rifle Ass6dis, moved �o Perth county, near Milerten), I b e to be Sold. shire, ED911-411d, -were. getting'when I wits fiessalon. and. sion I rain at Rouse's Point, Queb6c, 'the -Pertlashire, Scotland, in 1.839, an 11, is there- b ,av y?� a few observa Aons on. �!4 r 4cil Practice nineye%r told until the d ms pattern � l there in 1 890, but they had to board thein- Vears old. Ho� came to Ian d in tion.has, I een. f�rz led in Listowel. stoer, where he We may alsoLi state that this 1 ber vicinity. The villige f Tlimalon is not bther 31ay. The child was not injured, and fore 56 ] ea will be commenced time of the Fenian ridd, when he a�pd his r n st is at Iresent the property of the State. 1855, and settled in Western Otal dri . �110' for'tbe in �itar n st is �o�u�nerely ! off Dur can zi solves. d. I�r e aind is a himVei centre, u obtained. twin brother John served three yeari discount �Th. FAmous -Rattleftel —A %ery said accident happened the other graduated from Kno.-c College, an] I I i 101M a's soon a.411 e range cau he I aug ' il-si citizens hate. v of the oarrisi ceremony took 166 and 167—in the volunteer force in defence lff r led the new road tc -ate o � h� P' -s-' —An i iere i I price, but Price, You crilow I took what they. ofi characte soneral fc�and in a day at, Dyer's Bay, a few miles north of �Yasinducted to the astint re In the fill of `67 he was what this n- '!a. cortainly bad Lion's Hea, Bruce county, by which James byteria . It church orwicb, n lar , Oi p ce at ti.i ehuz�cb, Stratford, on of their country. traits at 1,ii at & leei)d the orthwest and ft und I shanty -man. On h oking at oit, we See lrtm f tt�ue 10th, Rev. Father woverted to " through the influ nee of country Graham, 4 farmer, accidentall shot his son stock. He -remained at Norwibh 1 Itil 47.4, It Mort itig e ellotigh to be very no iv. - Vut tile an the Thessalon dilli n and at once ber piles Without ni mbei when be receilved a (All from Kna) Jrch, w4ey offiloi: i The bride was so young Rev. A- I I commenced is oliarnitup' and tile lItindscape very EDg een working U I -a prices.. with' og$ Irviog. �ather and son had tion —Miss 'Al. E. Dant- bility was -so marked that river isfilled e7iiond the range of h Knox I ro exhorting. e, nn�ec fro Shakes e' gently og fro 1874 until J I d4u iter of I v h Dant7er, one of he was received by Ile hedges, dind I 80111 igh married he gave -up 'his duties as C STO solid, nicely trinix el f a r irn the nterior. Mr. andits they were returnitni at dusk, the e P There are 40von wIr0- fc"COS, EM(I floot�d down the in the fields a Short distance from the hous Winn pogt His co the conference -and iEC vision, hur i as ed �N: lie ch e, 1881, ze of the classic thot adows -PlIstures, Y, here bo-' o! was carri r 613 appointed SUPe t 11� ont of t at known r den SEAFOR" H. rolli, 9 �i Ve Mr for.0 e el ief' I mber merchant of 'wh ig a rifle, ed at a mark on when he wa I I I - 'Fred Yc- school teap-herandentered into tbat of the- -ties of imits a tree, L es British vi a e— Vlailei th oom. was MY. N w it vine bema ii'glst�red ped.ig.reuriat o this town, and has ,am aill timber 1, and then, handibig the gun to his the missions of tile,. ortb r1e.pridesmaiNs were miss ministry. He Ugvea a wife and four �6hj -,a and.clover nearly qs flue as Cal; father' went to see the result of the shot, Columbia. Sine asuming office the inis- e kort o� 1) abli I;. of Sh ip. blue gra valley. throughout the Dstri t of Algoma, and make t1re mark plainer for his father sion, -under Dr. Robe mi�tet of the groom, and Miss Me- ren, two sons And 'two daughters, to moura Rhyn, '( , lit) found in the W ire rtson�b C it has Eok tit, * his lose. N N - -though, lumber yar �mre the Oief feature -of �f I lablin, and those who sup- I nd. C e pier Ingil in good store . a to a ' t at, made wonderful si rides forward. .1te;con-I, Ma n, I th In IT Thessalon, it is no ,,lack* as his eyeiight is not good. Duncan's i0id St rising at an uppreei'dMit te r Iles, liking c via ed me tbatth' Ir 4 177 fMcLE" BROS-!, 'Pubillaillers. Advance. ar in EAR.' JUNE .21 18956 .00 a y4p EAF _H FRIDAY9 TWENTY-SEVENTH Y ORT WHOLE NUM ER 1,436. B 101relfor a riae It aid gregati n li�� sions have in'creased from porte�i the groomVere the bride's brother, apti i -gii:imy acceptect tlier and nice d, Yelling houses. The merchants.'Tho latter, mistaking his, son's at or he a's;- -Dan4oier of 14bakespemre and his ng grt tiger who wai returning A fri a so with the for the mark as ll� was -returning fro ll6 in 1881i to u wzkrds of-, 80 at the pres- M r. Andrew of Theisalon do no end of busine V ckert of St.. Jee�romzels mer fror a C( dc brai of some kinit , wag� 0 in- a through the b on y e Ime, L no t1linckemse is largely due brother,. Mr. Joek.h It Sumfarmers of the surrouqding country'; for� mar ing e tre rus ht, �- 1 I �ri ti young ladies ed t forl itbly al.cd -*vita falk water it ad ebe this difiltri& is well worth the reputation it the W�per part of his body being ill gig e iustru in ity of the Superintendent. colilege, B.c BUL�. iRUIN BATLEFIELD T�'JRTY_ me witl rOillilli. 0011008. He' vita "� list fired at it. The bullet entered the b e -ori noted a uildingfund, and lavgely were dressed in ciiiam albatross atid cash- bears as a i 3,irying country, Why the gras et of roses. On 03 8 YEARS -AFTER. on to 15 I I he so id I I wban U v till owd high! And the' head jnst, above the left eye, andhe d, D b his -per on, 61 dorts, 54 manses and 362 mere,and each cari eda boorip Sh 1 rits. here, is more, than kile !. i -the bridal loo io, 18 bl to day 13rant orossde. the I [an- 1, lie cox6pletion of tbe ceremoy". - R ulats' are innumerablei so the eat- stantly. I , arches, I tei at overl balf a 'million dol- th 'wbere a re- spring riv tied to 81ftakespeare ser b Ali. The doctor is taill and party retu k bad it high old time' 0oilgin the tie have an abundance of everything. -A -:-The Salvation Army briii -4t the re Over9 In , I an I lis deep voice emu, easily be ceptio sidence f the the Wwrrohtown Turnpike [a- conmr1ripti cfficers, �I toll. you, I'Ved u Booth,"'Paid a visit to S mill last � wee n was held . person land rig aD,Thessalon in search of a\ i) -it . twelve 'clock n"jt,s'JUnctJon�A Talk With ti e' yeo., the vall y that); ollit wai in. it and it boardit h. brides parents Ir. and farm must not be shocked by�firat appear- and the band o mrsed swe to heard hit a:iy Rart of the church. AVU101ag didn't r*� I nOf O ances, . for adeed ihe rocks, which present mui;ic to the g-tt Id 6' Eckert vvill re§ide at Dubi MeA oof the $oil—H"ow the Dattle: leld of much In Nval extreme u o�� st causeg him to deny it, the Mrs. -on a ppe thloc ugh e I ;sembly believe that the —.Nlr. Raid of-Fullarton was Iminging in a low .nIght, anfl t SAIV Army bar,mcks - 0i 1 tile, i ll.�emberfi ( f Rou'Looks To& , - I , - themedIves n close proximity to the. town in* the atiAn. y some fat cattle to Mitchell one of tbe past volt all's line n n do t hoir eve! have madqi -a e, cellent choice. worst.- mv you. see tile battl afleld, and d6 tiot lool in0it in I BLIt when' you have ning.� from Bordeau Ili Aqd :-4.DulTa (I sp I ttteh says :—Charles For- very warin days and on account of the greet, left the tc -oronto, beat thewhole lot played out. I Special Correspondence'. win. one stQrt mile behind, you Two Freqcli women DPW& I rl� lit t I I,.' I pot ating to a hol.ow to: istr6te eist, of 0�etuble parents in T GrbvmoN-, Va.,'June l8..: --.X V b, r'llo find a cou Ary well calculated to cheer a a mbnkey, appea e(l before tho iai . 16st, on lef "I's in the T-orouto police court Pkiday. Tb, "ana( a, I k Wen sent to the Brie county —NAr. William 'Kyle, of Alitchell, has tile g911d. n roso w)are tb 3 I)IJ1110 begun, V 11 I heavy heqt; yea, the fields of growing ey ointietl local agent -for th e7y arged fyoni a halivywforcst d to leave town if released, and. *t,re euitentia r ,one year and -ix months beenapp e Great above'tlic sea of prinial chaos id &in whic i stretch in -sweet variety among West Insurance Cmpan-vi, in Place of up,)n tb( 1111. by t1jo Henry` 'The e bills &lid dales of Thessalon, township few weeks Iguall tIlo Sunny *b'nks of Illy 110'rYeS 9tJr to goi- in I orst - tali 500 from a guest of the Chi left, town a Juii Iniq has ti been a -1:)Vell�r. cannot fail I any one batlefle'd was, lit easy vlow, an �o give hope. and joy to —The -Temper ti Leaque is offer' .10 it' is ci� mt which hostelr� W. P. Kerr, who Rgo. ill, Illod not Only at tbo assocli-fonq, but -who shall pass'q a a4ori w 4 loyed He skipped'to To une day tbant that on, ilch I dit particia in hearch c f a,farm home. g0ld medal to th( pupil the wl . itroug, B.. A., The at �be bill, le beauty of tl ie scene n Tbessal-n is not most successful e camination-in the 8i:114 Of touto witil. tb one and was arrested ill —Mr. W. G. Arm,; from Ny, ington to jalint'it over tI) 0 _%V - I �_ Yet the township of oiee ildge w �thl gloNN, etting sun. equal to t hat of Lefri am pa has rts of the temperance and hygiene at the - fortteoli 4ng thiO city. itchell bigh school staff, wrote at a recent ientown, 11urnpike, tile bills of Falrfiix ap a a nins, an public school exa lainations. Reformatory owing to Toronto Univer ity ex I ii, tion st to t 6 El eAT, to t im. to who bits traveled much has. former Are very light. We enjoy many bless the ol d flellds of the two Dull Rufi I'lli i. � degree of Master D'4iacd ba -nding -for suceessfull - obtained the h iat and 'succeedh i g rat a oft,en tile first vt w of ja ra- iugs'ber'e 1 vbich Are indigenous tfl our c de'le a a attl the Pre! iby- uperintel dent BrIckway a reputation be Prolonged c 'ja - bs plao 3 Is just as apt to depr s as ;O 01- terian I y n London last week, a6d a rutality - 1 he -tulfb,rtunatea committed to- of Arts. f-witt' riar t 'no try. Still, this district will never be etlnal, bad growlng nature orth Perth Patrons have aranged for. igs, and ]low if I- is .a. -rent large number of their friends visited th In- hat instit _N I '�ri d t (3 alt the fe0it D tv -nb, and a lifo, Virginia granger were in th a tooldRuiou, for bluffs and ri ines will A 6 I' r ease! was tried in the divis a picnic at Milverton on June :2 8 in -the mid or on the They 1 rere — jk b1dilding 9 r a gror t national P. 0130111 G one Asylum oil Saturday, in ribest f It tim or over �tlieir prospeel s, gal I resent thnnzelvf e gr 3, o nrk cozrt l� 6 couple of weeks ublic meeting in Atwdod the "rouscilient" do" not corli 3 on for a orders of our best farm ' But, he'raines, given free.transport to th oi*ds by thi ago- 0 the e%7eDI haincr not a little heightened, by the fai 'But. 'David "'ned' Mder Haycock will address each gather- few h0llr� Or even until tile nb-xt day, though inconvenient in many wa s,!Bupply..a Canadian Pacific Railway. r �w a pair of fox terrier ti. tI o ijideidndent fakinors' tickat had t�erless when a day or two ing. Thoro is senict-hin g in the teoliz i g that) you —Paul Awde, a young Syrian, left Tolron- a done', i tb' local - election. I Views very efficient sy�tena of draina e,,i so that 11se I e f —TheHourtV Pleasant, (Fullarto') foot- ... ought to I)e wond or V llfirmsed Which to last week for his native home, Beyri n1wai the'proprietor of -it eat fully ill neve� be com- foot, =iel once more in fashion, vith the faxnaers of Algoma W It club played aniatchgame with the An - rather clill Is the 611lotl Bit �, Bull Run iust do Syria. ' He will return to the city, a kittens b4d one to a watery graN e bal 0illory, arld till scone was &to ptit, in tinclVir drains.as you ni couple of months, and will enter Wycliffe in the riv6r,Speet Mr. Martin inclaced derson club on theArounds of the latter 01i Is too grand a m Eotluron. All the soil here, even the lZi 11tir. Outten* allow Mr. Cutten's eat to 'Saturday evening resultittig in a score of I too beantRul to a( init of fRich monthl ri clay, is uite porous Aoes not College, with ai�view to fitting bimself I beeviesl perform- the'o�atieaibf mother for Mr. Mar- goal to 0 in f&vor of the Anderson club. I unIl1w Inost of the wo4tern " bake " r or, hold water, and herefore is missionary work in his, own co�antry. WtIOD, 1111' i —Miss MoAlli8ter, who has been working he�pdps lived an thrived in [ battlefield i I had seen, where our fe lows h Well adl ted for gardening.; ' e people —Mrs. Hartley, of. New Durham has t of I their ai ted mother. - The ai missionary'in Africa (luring the past v5- 1--, 000 insu'raInce the n( down oft(p in NO of the $4, had to fight lip till a. much garden produ , and not- now received $3, light-, 'by r. Cutten to re- seven yearB, ga which her husband had upon his li . The action wa's lor ve an address in th- Metho- LowPrices, brush so t ii ick on( could - iot s( 3 ton rods, wivizaii.4ing 'the fact that !we have bad church, at Carthage, on *Iialobi 9th e most excessive It lat and cold remainiq 1,0CA) 1, d in �o court cov�r pay for e e'rvices rendere nearly eve ry- acri (if thefir it Bit J Blin neld seine of � ias been pal d in the dist and by the ( e CLrele, and a fight for its "s- rearing of Afi in's pups. inst. can be vie kTod in 4 ine quic IL gla ibe. thbis isprin , th6 gardens. are looking fine, 'who L has —Rev. Mr. r, islf6r I eaves Atwood shortly K!, falitiess There I ro the three I ,ollov 9 and the do not all vV any traces of t. to very heavy Session will take place betwe . ell Mrs. R I rt I A. tit, G rinisby, gh Q ley and her son.' charge the p-ra, L g experiments ordered for his -new circuit, Gorrie, The Atwotil three ridg)s rising, gontl, - to t 0 plateaus V16y frog . I may say that I good settlers 0e d biwielf Ill of which SOL n"M h 18 Si In i1storles of alway welcome to Algorna,for yet th-ure =Thadther day at Chatham, a ni e ydar.-. by tile,, nti says they are congregation part with hin) wih sincere re- ia thorogl, y 014 old 'boy, #aymohd 11 t on ti� a spri the i tu Irees in 30 counties, ten gret, as lie has � prim C Look in r window t iis week, and the fight; there, tit the lidttom if the hol- room. you will bav6 an idea of �9WJ we'give low just before :!lie, is f fours si'tcerbly, -mer's a g at loaaed in the le tat in 1phe west and ten in the devout alid efficient preacher. daughter of Dr. 'got n c ions stone tat ,,Mnin,lo d ar now�ILgoi ground —Miss Alice Ifurlburt, you a Tak e y ur choice of -warkedtHe tal J. E. F. with grai. . In Some in r b d d noi ri house stki I pool,- Shells of. hin iri; e6 So fat-, Air. Pettit says, Hurlburt, of Mitchell, bm' passed her first for 75c. So bett r value - was buttle left it; a Ili if it a thin I TRES A LON, Algomav: J1 10th, 1895. fell Zit' the side of e 'a on, I lie nd. fur the in them ig I -there is r&c V�'r of any kind of year's examinations at the Toronto Uni'ver- y conceals -skirt of very flew artion, passed, ed .you. Dop't wait till the SiI disi , Lad e Present indications ar, I" 0 sp I 11. itto trace tUi=r1lbiti wheel of i �hich passed over his two th e tbat sity. Mr. D. XcFadzen� FuU the run n nt I the e �one br dge; Southward County Co crushing I hem f rightfully. his third year atithe Same examination. ei once ; .�Si fruit th i yve will'be of excellent quality. �b a -e gon�, but come Arst rldae u !--The fmnilations for the pedesta, for -he from that and !nitfar is the; IThe anty court was hel in Goderich tobertson, of Statfbrd,xecently acd�nwd, i a Ot A These e 1 III Onto jare moant, to be instr eat opportun monumen i to Sir John M pe�i lie- Dr. W.N. I 141 U 17. This is the I where El alis, he'id 0 a 'Federal, efore Jud �e I r1i t fir I tive, an! �he game relation to tbe fruit -performed the reatfe".of riding a-bicy0e last 7e� b Joyl . There were wei, ha%;c been completed.' R is (xpee e -you THP TONE YOUSE. until Beoumgarfl -puld cl ange;fr n 'return, a disti of 206 ity will bRve* 0 uying $1.25, O 10, no crimil ILI cases. T 6 fo lowing civil cases fildusor as it Vellin, dairy does to the to Toronto ang it conservat;14 in of pby�jealL enorgyw hl k(bot far to up- that the a ;eue will be placed in poi ition in S1.50and $2 lairts ac. northoa4 to nori�vwest;� were 0 tosed of miles, inside of 23 hours, includirig three a few da i. The unveiling will to ke pl ce butteLq ad -, L t.7 las, a SnL Is marked trr it I dWi(led to t�ke 0 right is the fen0o 1whero',"i 'on Wilooll: VS. Wittyi n, action to -recover on ion day with approi cere- named .Suttion bours which he 8pent.in Toronto. for my 11 ti mi, on the Soiat. 101711 ra fl t' like a stoi to till lan� W.�thl 1. the earv!ings of the' t rotting horse Rmor sued to4l I 11) lof So thwold to recover —.Nlr. John Barten, sr., an aged and higb� st ai 33 miles to I lanaSS4� Junction f�r $1. of molisflie bilry Hou�p, th most eas - Jr., durift g the season of 1891. ' Verdiiip. for 1alonies. i . tb a stallion, ly respected resident f Blanobard, died' on ; Some ermalk Mi 18, $2004a rl'Lg r t4e kil: rig of Lessloll 1 - Our.i, Scotch 4 neris d. Ii t i thi; ode als, aroun of the residents of G througi th6i d boing o t A war. po plaintiff f or $173.50. two miles from Berlin, are threatening to of ri One Saturday, 8th inst., aged 76 years, The de. T" oomp 'it which attle ri with mtlava. MoMicha, Who is a im 1C. o act �1 of tAbe pfi itb 3 b - ad A being ceased was -a native of evonshire, England, such fit 1. Plilintiff, of the! I -one] ( .. 'They ch ist the ri er to for the Since,wle first put this line Of $2.2 There wero that almos ; oAJ6r1? tree -bears private b inker at SeaJorth, sued defendant, sue the tcwn for damages. 81osed, a fence being con- came to Usborne 21 ye ago anti sewage from the Berlin r ver farm is- r Ln- repaire pani WIL I gars Intorosted me greai 01111 let 11111118110 Scotch Suitings downzto $16, we have "lack farniers Of All ra'Al shades tr ii of sopie officer who led utirZ a farmer in Hallett, n a pro ory note, ning into he dam there, and killing. Off e structe 'aerc ii it. laintiff dr.o5ve his last 13 years was a esi'dentof BlansbanL _n )usy making them up. Shrewd pure Ari -not " puro . *h1to, but rud- it. N I ([U 10 �wo miles stra ght 'north and obtained a verdic for $232.40. was a mani of a, -4(,1uiet desposition who fish by hiJudreds; most of which are picl er- horse u a lit wnk on to the road, so as He bee west b`0 inabor now con �ils $u le Ham ton i a. Jackson, an action for', th-e no aspirations for public loffice �eiber e are whites in, Virginia at This is denie to save z oin d Stance f two miles and a had buyer 1 appreciatb'tbis dended bargain, dy, as tbor lous S el, put lin; last spr ice. mar- �y �nlll and tho f in: municipal or political e was twi this Season— to ipi Lre negiro; e:ieursl.onists, Wilmot, Siiqle sale of a hors �, was settled by the parties. —in the Dominio a House of C rnm.. 's half to ke 1, ther lor Lneh of t -he and am not slow to PiLck them */. if who ad ti tickets for all loy ford, btway of which Cossitt vs. Barrows was discontinued. up at the ried, his widow.and a large family of -sons :can geb roti. the other day, Air. Oiimet stated th t thl re The hor els It qui Feviceable suit att a low -i at'greatly no4iy flinked tlio Confede tog, , W lel Iand daugters surViViLng him. you rp -re a neighboring Iiino is of VL were three state funkals given to- an I- time, a I a in )ia the bank t fell back stratal en- 'really gave himia v tory whlc�'i lie I he jar ecial line at reduce rai 4i -x namors.', a few politiGlan's rhe Royal Templars. ang. SirGeori Dartier's cos y. found that —About 2 o�clock on the mQrnin t wards i4 d wa k I price,* don't miss tbii sp of JobilstonS en6 of Mr. I;,uii Pu� and au 0 11101 bor f :06-h ss to give chair- vi�as oil ly st by tl ie ari (REPORTED ]FOR THE.EXPOSITOR.) 08 in des we not occasioned by the 6th inst., tho. resM They ca-unot be eq�alled. tro-LS. Sir John MaqdRnIA's c' t .56,00.0, an it was the as discovered to be t IcAst Ono-th (4) negligexi acter t) We owd. Ird of fri cot inection ce of efendants, and dismissed the chelburg, Brodh gen, w strict council of the Royal ted that the expenses in A LA of Fe me. The H iron di in flames. Mr. Pachellourg was .absent at tile rural poli, illation r the. fIrst 80 iiiiles Tem' Of Temperance wa's held at Con- with Sir"John Thompson?s funera. would case wi h cost i. hild 0 f Illon f it, I t thl -at plan Donald i If @Kay ii bighly respi the residence of his son,iu4aw, Mr. John n .. 1rg Us!st. of Illon s ba-.rd-to':rci-. Iva tha 1was a b Hosiery and Undeiwear- tralia,ot Welnesday, June 12, the district not exceed 2-:5 otiblioriabi gaged clAcily ticflcld, f over It all itr pow that liter'- ed f�' Me.gri Cor- Heckman, and his wife and :dmugber were. %t It and rear ing, ch or o It Pom -L�Mr. G. M. Norman of Toror toi 'wa&'s r er, vea be n council]4, J. E. Tom-, presiding. Seventy I We� submit the results of the beiit in fruit oulti ro aud'peoilucing vegetables lly pn ssoth under 4tabdinj - Wit ft Calln, ru- fourdelegatef andvi8itors registered, and paintiug'a sign, w ners, on the wuline,between East Nissouri alone ia the Iii They eseaped with their ben the a o d g e way, thp p(et's oul—plow- een under the doctor's lives. Some of the furniture, bed-61otbinig, E ngli�h makers' and Sell 6n the closest for thb'WotlE�sldngtan ina4ket"tholigh very' ral bmu d, a Stan of 40 kLnd: Wf It Z . -P all -prepa. -a fa necessary was made for their aiii be fell to the grgun di b etc., was sated. The hous hich' Was a I ty - coin a: iii h1des pile of h mid ;1me p" t. t w" deemed m any if the na are dealing extensively in ed fter reading the feet, lai�din_g oil a eels nd iron Caro' foOlso possil: le niaroln. comfort i in Pleasure. A brick-veneeredstrileture, and the contents bloodel she An initei,!esting lli,sson m the rio a lark gto n meadows el last meeting held at Holmes . - castings. e-oustained ad sable to 49i )2 a Mm'S.Blaek Cotton uds Wi limi�s til r Toron ai were insure minutes of ompou (I fr ' adv tion and Dr. philology niny be taken. in - Such a -crowd )r and past s J( uceswhIc bearwit- 'thii d spM.liatirrom to d in the Hibbert and Vborne ville, ent committees were struck, ture of the right elbow and several, wounds Wi um Man's Tail Cotton, 25c. 1 In a f m da 'so trav 1 ip': tfils part of t lie ness tic thrift and jpod far niii with wai 1113 and the a ei�ing ettled down to business. on the besides a n r of minor con- cW14her' from Undon, ides Dr. McKay, Insuroee Company for-�8950. 'day, 31st. ul Man's Black Cashmere, 5e, 5cA fast yel- .8011, land on Fri t.,they —Binning and Baxter, architects of Lis- nd 50c stato� for thc'soft'V ginia dialect ming] Lis Ing" fields of heav) headed gro n from Ingt Groups I ie el and there were seen warmly tusions. M n's Black nes oft t to' lo,%N Ing tinder tile une sun. And here I aunder chloroform, but his towel, have prepared plans for the following �Llsle, 50C. arnusl igly with -th slit porto ning some re- —Advices from Qu':Appele state that lo put the patier iz: Flax millbuiligs,atWallace- minatiorlri�ill be a gra�,.ifio�,tion to you I �r - . ) d g T� point, or exami Store ' h 0i orks, v Yap kt es anq the' It sal twang of- the f4w mar say that illy gri sit � so was in. pbrt,or r&&piziing some -plan of action. They has been caused tolorses and cattle'there, An e -IX ag' Underwea , 50�. a= lot suffi ent, and he died in w M Cotton: the r h was born in lourg, Ontario. with barns storehouse far dowip eagiters. The Virgiiii.a. dialect, be the goneril. weAlth. and beallty rthecoun- were the differeuti committees who were pre- some 70 head having died t om at ke of Mi McKay Men's BalbrigganUnderivef�r, 50a to 7 try fo r I bad some how formed I lie Impros- Cre c�h, Suth$1,ilaildsbirie, Scotland, in 1836, -office etc. . M.:9right, manager. Estim- %or he eat on itiloted, is not the �outh(l dialect proper. for' the afternoon sessiqu. At swarms of a peculiar grey fl3. T parin ed aftit 34, 500. Brick block, South side bleti's Natural Wool, .51. a; o16 tilat tills wa i a barren 4 r d wornout ea. A 11itit since �d. lived on the town line of at It Is V i 3 old Bhgl.isli of ibe middle shire noon they repaired to the pari lawn, ly lasted 48 hours and has i appea -1 siziks, all qualii wit,4 I -S br6nd--vw4els And vor slightly region: As if In I-ri e wild cri d to.the visitors and similar vishation occurred years ago, zorra. ., Re 6ne ol� the wealthiest men Main street, Eistowel,containing four stores Al My, even ti wherd di nit or was serve and a society hill; co st 88,000. use 11 e. 66- turos seem more peaceful that elsewhere, TI �e fly I i in the toWnst, i modiii(d by th6 sotwiler tendency to other' but the loss was not so I or ........... .... ed tho rea- i —In thodist Conference H. Bishop, Eieter, cost $2,000 - house for whLbh'was a myst(rytill I iea�n on neleaul y insed the ::ri cent j, After the opening exercises,in the after- said to resemble g comin jo t. to fluid -"r. "! i S in Our Line. soi . i, Tile gentle ovron. nest's in tile vory ineetingstlfamiltoi.. Dr. Briggs, of Alexander Me'Nair, Cratibrook, cost tl,- We are Leader' 11 ire entbuslilt-le "about the future noon, Bi other J. E. Tom pr ented 6e dis- with wings. William Lynch, Palinerstn, .......... ...... Toronto, boo iteward, I fired a boom hvy­ an- 300; house for S4� thi i capaelty of't1i regio. Tbey tell pol clies of the fal onses qnd plays about triet ;co incillor's report, iiiall was encouri —The tower of the eauster block of tbi i i art Ong the child -ran, In One, ise that rhi L a was. followed bK the district Parliament buildings, Ottawa, g nerally nouncing that' e beO of the conference eort S1,200. me will tit a SP16ndid � c(Aintrk It ds for fruit; aging, In —Councillor John Ritz, of Brodhagen,mLet limbs are alicitilylb6nding under IJVJ even' Ill ghting 014 1 1- e boot of a secretary, Rev. W.H. Butt, w o announced known as the Mackenzie t4*er, wa, stru4 �vere habdri of tho0sands � of dollars be. how thp serious mishap recently. He'had Jackson:& ._:Greigo, ft il� or who wits -sl oping in lit, chair. The e ced6 hind in their so unto. with the book room. with a the loads of, pears; ho -w tlidpetiches stiri the full'inembersjAp of r [­ eporting councils to by lightning the other morning. aii as to &tpcs and currants spi, g led the frost, be 600, it gAin of 5 ditring the last quarter. it Of one of the tower -room et anlelss some of them set 'I btly jay, ver unlike his thid In the ig and- furniture [ndmated 'h been delivering hogs in Mitchell a -ad had badly dayr ded. up right edily, action would have to two boxes on his truck -wagon. When com- � l,.the plain trutX o yard S 11 bbM kaged. One of the clerks of The leaders in popular ficei for� ell is too vrob,derfial. wcstl, fre4lionts tI . IThe c mmittee. on distribution of reports 121m, I con- r6bi� and meadow lark are je� lally faIjail- - Some of the ling home he was seated -on the front end of for belief. As:to coxii ., Of wheat,, they A p r suggested that the recording see- tl e Public Works Departdent, Nlr. 14. Wbroug. in 7jpressed he opinion that Dr. Briggs the top -box, the front wheels dropped into a aae clotbirt'a I)poor -ill Sounded 1his molon- neonscious for an hour a the central- Itti, � tbo whii rent councile- should be reton, was u fter, to rg r 06do thoir eat Inf -kity to 4 r, tarie, of i the diffe .1 . I Loh a thing up at rut on the road ' k' h over the Lend and choly notes right iinder file W dow w the shock. fig at ere no right SF illak ft.up on hay And In -efal in filling lip their quarterly re er Ile- mv�as 6aught by the ,,Art ORTH9 -ONT. lied by Staid between the horses. west and clain to of reca i Spector confit r) relp and -fr(-qpntly the old na- I s7at at twilight, and even shies pi orts, aad'advised all the - in -embers to take —The appointment of a female ire�oe. . r early potatoesy thAt i imini floor of Me whiffie-trees and dragged some distance, then with the that.tIA3 game were seen plekin under the tive winds upr bli:Ids tt e Weekly Templar. The coinibittee on oi factories has been given to Miss IN argari ! 8 then on the )0.1 He had been dunned for dropped. He %-As picked uR unconscious f lie frit AMON flolightful I e stat of the �order reported that- Hensall, darlyle f Toronto, a sister of Mr. illiaiii house owe(I 84 1.4 a No. I country for,aboep -and poultry, i grass 9 int y t il a reply 'stating that he and Dr. Smith Summoned,, is head bad money in fowis of all, the so Cal A illockin Wid of the ho, for a, number' pf -year i repr�- it, and had wr.14e, brulses; Next and there.would be b1g f Br,uss6li and Blyth councils had suspended, Carlyle he ac�ount in his will. received some bad cuts and I tile kitchen n that City in would remenal et t. of the dang W-ggers we �jld lot I cm alone, middlo 1111tilitle f eds byen -a -% hile Bfield council was in a weak condi- sented one of the divisions' i grain warehouse at morning consciousness returned and he is er duties will comirence On —L"t Sa 'well in spite of door, andl restir g In tile -neri it evorgTon n. I 5 was thought possible to organize a the council. H and sheep 111would pay, a to be, around Lgatia. Clevelnd's' tariff of the dang nigg pays for the 110.1 flality with 1 is three 40y- C iesley,�� el ohia'Adolph, and leaqed now ors uncil LU Mile Green, and the mat -ter was icily lot, when the act of last sessipm com4s b3 - Wenger I her, of Ayton, was totally , —An interesting event took lace at didn't ko6p'so niany dogs." I discovered, ed quaver and * uo bursts o 'twittc*tirig I ft in t to hands of -Varna, Brucefield and intoforce. Miss Carlyle is .1 native of SC4- St., song. From Marc Ootob r not a shot over tiventy destroyed 'by fire. Loss on the builillingo Avointion, on the -evening of the 13th w Ippen I.ouncils to effect. Miss Fothering. land, ant. came to this country when In the rural ri tbat'Cleveland,' ill at out - $1,70W There was about 5,000 when Robert Nimmo, Grand Orgs�nizer of tbi dogs and tile "dag ifti—ers" are held h,.m - presented the report of the com- years age. Inotis w 3144 fou lot shels, of pea4 aild oats destroyed. Fully the Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association, fluancial'; initte '" t erance wor,which advised all. —he following e p i covered by ibsuranceii.—The same day, , e aceomps; responsiblo fot many.�f n rnship c) th nied by everal oi gentlemen troubles. to own a;d w ancils to do away with pioned,to a tree with four wooder pegs,, ninimill a6h machine shop belonging to froi St. Marys and Stratford -opened C&mp -buses that are not a direct ben- a towns Ontario, a few dai Igo. P14 1 sed b U e tirr, of, ti�he village of Xobler, near No. 168, and installed the following officers: L�bor and a I lice ip in Mr gea* it any w - couldht tbi efit to the travellit g comr )nder a newspaper At the -hi tor' a very smart, �unity; recom- —Chief, William Ballantyne; Chieftain, T. .10 juntz �Vr by fire. f 1, 000 inhabitaiits has re- mend a I public and Sa bmthi school teachers in municipality: Ili offer fi�tr sale �n Cayuga, was co plete destroyed that g village 0. I T !�, A. Armstron . lookin rs vid Loss 85 000. On . unday morning, in i to indu!e their pupi a 0 sign the temper- the I da� r of june one cook Stove oba J i co�t 8. is t4e co ilty seat of Secretary, William MeGowan Pebte, U 0ontly sprung ance plenge, and furt her that all templar other th ngs 2 oil ci�ns broom lam� 2 smoth- Moxlnt, eat, �re started in the planing Recording Princo.williain n.. boastsof two,--wookly: by, '. Scott. The iding, to- Murray ; Financial Secretary Eaward. one cabard one mill o e bL fit er o to 'elect all muni- ironi i 2 oz steel traps should � se their in pers. Resting therel-tbrough tbelicat ,ry, was Byers - Treasurer Adana Uri i91 -e 11 7 , . pal ta e one Cub pots and pales isheses n1% a jzeth6i i tho�lumber and machine of the day, I Ileara inuch 6f the enterprise cipal dlfic'ers and ne beri of Parliament ding shot gun �one �ompl.,,4el� de'ro ed. The building was William Bell ; Physician, Dr. Rauk-in r_ who rel known to be U n men. And for] -s one brick lo4 cc h augurat Mair; StsudardBearer,.Davia In oirs of growth of th'o country an a idTap"the district was liallu. enta, valued shall, Rober &lid rapid A . n1ttioll to dh I insurel fo but t e cont Inside .. Gua been U 000 total loss. particularly, urg6d to inslipidt the wine, col-' William Peterson has rin illy ae $3, WQ, or d,Fidw-aurd Whitp ; Out� ry broug up, but; the ( neensus of opinion lar of Mr; Hen NVIt nor, ho keeps; '—TAe Port EI in News of last week Says Side Guard, WiliLiam Telfer. Forty mem- for ing s 131brong agaii 8t, it, the question was appointed principal of - VcGill, Professor LOW PRICES 000 gl�ll ns on band be* to see on th 'n�d the association. from, 1,500, tol 2, 1 1 We less e list of young bers in &ill joLi withdrawn. � After the Darey, 0 retires on account of bis i Li sual vote of thanks It b3i 'ho have been successful in passing -of his son, Mr. -samples, somel of docto w --Thereied, at the home , i 1 1 1 'was rep aced by f to the f riends of Contra is, all adjournbd to rofessor Maxime Ingress plocer o h to "Making in this - .1cal cot neil and ate now free to G. Moriinaor, 4 North -stri Toronto, on. sale of sea- He 14; the 8 ISO far. our great June the par8onalge groun s, which ari among so From It Profes; or. Dr. C. W.'Colby an W_ B- Friday morning, the 7th inst., locaWy aud, lij highly b nored accordingly. old Me( ill graduate, -and honorary L. D ti' in Ont 6rio, the name of Dr gra is in the:finast inN'Veste ario, whero sup- sonable Dry Goods has proved in i8d oin lifornia, on a visit the new ell ri I cK nie, w lo is 4o well, and favorably Mortimer, who iA his early days, was for t At the spring eat iud well known re- 7 he came f of Hary Lrd, is dppointed to cess. We have beeiti obliged to a I b ight that this wits! per wat served. Som I t by tr i f' he eig 7 at' ;�Iry en,-- history. Drs. Cornish and Daey, the two -kno n this I. i b 6rhood. -the de- many years a promm add W and declared and others a 'do good � wine ro ion as :any part of that : exam ions i Tronto he obtained Our Staff of 01erkF1 and are as usy a north, by u all appar�n saors, are permitted to enter the sident of Ligtowel: Although in his 83rd Joying themselves, 'be next meetngy is oldest profe state., bought Ian and,went to ajoyed-excell i plantifig! greea o M. A trid Q M. forh Trinity Uni- year lie had always e -ent health, 0. appointed t4 be held atXippen- the -lavter list bf pi ,ofe8sors it wai, On aie a w uder. Pfolple emeriti. d the.truth of his voli Daripj b x pi ­6 fiv I Y. I his college course, in mi and retired to his room op Thurs.day even- ,e and Gjaillis to hav),pro`vc ginnihig (,Yllave so sill ,io oc part of Janoary next. -7 —Pro "ficial Detective Murray �as for tion to I xtiteadii g diligently to his (studies— spirits. are be, Jo realize that th Thor I I al gossips, I ing in his usual good bealth nd tatement. ti e been! investigating the elream- . ! I ore as hig iceess a iow's-F-Dr. McKeebnie was Not appearing at breakfast as usual next a modern store right in their m do Evil - ore :t aces of the dreatb� o avi co lie, o, TbereL are still 'a few good towns-pelople whiell the apples irb wi*ai ped in fine pape' Canada. rk ir inLthe mission carded on morning big gran-datighter went to his I . THE P, . e an act'" wo d sh ,ped by a ettian! in N last by theMedicit) Students' Missionary Soci- roolli... She -was7met�at the door with a rush en o an a _;cd with The Torciptio ormal School closed. for residenc-, of Tlior tax Gray a year ago who send th good money to Tor�nt i'o orfolk "RIGHT THERE IS Wl ERE x1c BkGUIVI Poterboro, who,m as burned io death in th as Ind was horrified to see her g nd, i9q)(Tially for the: is fired, as the ga laws are ety, Sul I when 1: A, was in Port -Elgin he w f escaping gasp-, -to NVi . gor, En that Scollie had prom- —to that few we m y Stae th t ik proves the what might be called In lie! 5 itringeni: the sun-imer! on I hursday of last week. winter.. It appears it iif 'N . 1: ?. S. of the Presbyterian (lead. The stable, which t 6y thiii ore 11y, )perty would preside grandfather IJ:big On the bed ueon' ised that after hi i death his pr( S Of tills region.. did, and it is curious how 600UL t le feathered —Bush flifes in the Rainy River . district I ,ept church. A Y.0-1 in� man of Dr. McKechnie's gas was found itilly turnedon, by seine �1onderlul capaci are con sit Lich valuable timber. be left to the Gri ii providi�g they ming in rn wb are the ar, , i afe. rig a' i to any' com- take of the deceased it is supposed. .o-faivor bot tell them I 11 d heard exactly-thei Wne creatures lea' —A party of 130 girls arrived *at Brock- him as long as hel lived. Sufficientevidenee ability ind cha -ac te gaba We ask n S, Filley, 1NOva: : I took formy general insil rt ictor a Mr. Ina aud are sure th in Hlarrisoa, .. —A painful accident happened to Alias story of a farm Xnnoi v� rrants, for t e a t I ulty M h Viri Ville Friday night, from Quarrier's Orphan was secured to isoue wa he will soon Nellie Crittenden, daughter of Harvy Crit- Scoi hen I as tlioro; Both k.t6ric, ]Benson, veteiau. ol ,the Fov *here I z ha"s oa � to practis, I as �70t at: 'cavalry, and mad( my bea(14 liarters with ome, of 18cotland. of the G ays, and the arrests were ac( successful ni6dical tenden of the 6th eoncession,E'hna,the other ve th e exp�es cha ,4$ nithy be 'ruo for a I w ompany plished I ast Friday night, in Marioli cou, make b �mself I noWn as a seful 1. -I d - moAt u tit oner ai. d' but could aa m 'ge an ri sod, for 'I bai traveled n the; him at the lidus( Of H. I)Ogan, —Tie Grand Trunk Railway C praf�l citizen-' Dr- day. be was driving frow William not a fittle on cost, Ot goods, We Iq virters at the has ref used to W ow the trolley cars to Trt)ss lorida.! the v wId6h was Confedi irate lical McKeeinie is, all r6ther of Re . John NichoVs to her home, and when P108i the y, one p . rice for all a: d th is west great deal, 0 leilru that several of. of. seec nd Bull !tun. A day Its tracks half wav between Berlin and ;Wednesday of lu-t week, a Chat' all n have oi ilif inants had choice tracts to sell) beginning McKec&nie, O.i, msden, N. W. Ti a. re- Grand Trunk Railway crossing the horse OW. to Illy -the -leit Waterloo. drover bad 150 hogs for shipment at 1: rea- cent grudua , if �1�nox College, Toronto. took fri lit at the ic�cldk train and ran the lowest. But let's� 6.t d urpris d*Vvbdn the y farm, ai�flg den sta$on. - The 1ogs were overcom by te� but I w� i;s* s argued.tIlat each on the Hen. —A calf \,.)n the farm of James Rogers, 16 4t no ia rowing IVS De 'Go;ds W e ure waii, of imnlel 'e benefit to bank of Bull Run i vnd intho k,idlnity of nil away, I leAtly to the ground, bu as ant fruit Cl It South Normich, the other day swallowed a the he and there being ter for her vi "bitelabor tba places which be tilloii- �.y name gave It eith Items. bruising her face badly, as well as hurting to tell vou. ab t1t. We Ill begir L 011, the cukry becat: Re It quirZ w Aoty (it I silver - v4t(h belonizing to Frank Roger. A them they own bt in tl shoulder. She was taken to Mr. tock. at higher Nvages ;ban the Average. They mei a delightful va �h alarill., I et- 3n n3lany-mo e WOU 'Mr. I d A G. Litt, from Red her calf - lil e tl at need78 watching. wher n of -them die 0 ith paren- Nichoi where her wounds were dressed by - c ntinelnlffl,oul�n ilici reader need n(t 8 , W an, are visit Ing a , e FRID-ky an to Inform me il beer fai, Jacket, ic i did not ii arne road had it not They' fini bai � eve - agin—not, I quite a local phygician. The seat o at al reduction y unsuited for shall not hgbt the —Byla i ote of 29,to 17, the York county have go e the's is cleared 11dang iggiors" were ver the kindness of tile pdople of tal hon 3 bringville. in th( pres,pt, IpUpir. I will counc tie other day -decided to abolish eximeeding er-whenshe at 4rvy rate, tell ig aboat baggy broke off and went with h re thai Ithe loclu popular toll ga!es, and hind. the York.countj roads Dresdez , many of whom, especiallv'wox lenj a chan p air they left, wh -was thrown to the ground, otherwise she 20 -per en higher without reachillo tile western stand- onlY Say at. P sell r th munj 4alities at the end of this turned ut with pails: and carri;d water, eight .3 �'ai o'.: hu iiiii ebaracter, ove to C t but . $1 vl(�Nv is of a rat -he ed aninials nA h Ima ell took place at Carling- might have been hurt even more seriously. fiii for the farnihand! gets .0 p i or pouring it over the exhaust t ry 01 - rits a day, dur- and tbat several oterx. is of, both armles 111611th ford owl idi, 7th , inst. between The remainder of the rig was synashed -to oods, 9 in 'till niouth and board, or 51b ci It to to them to drink. on all dress g 0 th the 01 tb seventeen stuAbnts who gradu- givin i 111' d ki Crittenden , is improving enri ttas, hig the busy season. ' A'good map who who.were in qtvo hittles reside iA b te ri -the gford gun clubs. d natintigo as If he LosnYoln la It The latte: V ie '3* coin t 4.11. BEADVE. d at thi Detroit School 'of Dentistr� the Ph a r of 61 to 55. p wool Black and Colore H I e new moderator ofthe Pre 11111 I tako right hold a from this Province. General Assembly, convened in a ni Win. Torrance, ot er day, eiglit were Cashmeres sierges, sollel§,�Grena, ten thought to who was born in Ful- rhg funeral of the F 0, &mat % ilvertori on Fri- I, tho plce" Is o bcys gel, along wherever they cast week, s Rev. Dr. James Ro"rtson, if --LMri; eviot Suit had Ian Interest 111 A Word for 0 tari a ago, an rem Bairret cloths, Delains, be doing; remarkably Well at $150 per year. i Winn got e man of your Hu- t ir 'ot; iXga Superintendent of miissi s a larton DEAR EXPOSITO —As i—N. rs. cy Ung, an Amerfe ma ba th Z bert- Mitchell 6 �gini %lehigan in 1881, is day, May 318t, Torrance was born in ten tha er parts of, nd Northwest. no, 1 5. IS44, but Whipco�ds, Dia gonalo and AiincY Firt is n tile fai wo ' fi, Man pencerville4 Septem 1.ii 41 cents a (lily g1lant like to ear a bou:t h an S] ber 927th7 C V , all ed4ordihire and Buckin ton readers like to born amidst the G pi in now o VS t to native place. ,Suitings, alsq _�L lot of costulmes - and 1h dsof.B their colintry, I tat e the liJbe tv of' writing. brew her new-born infaut� from an excur- son was f Ontario 'Rifle Ass6dis, moved �o Perth county, near Milerten), I b e to be Sold. shire, ED911-411d, -were. getting'when I wits fiessalon. and. sion I rain at Rouse's Point, Queb6c, 'the -Pertlashire, Scotland, in 1.839, an 11, is there- b ,av y?� a few observa Aons on. �!4 r 4cil Practice nineye%r told until the d ms pattern � l there in 1 890, but they had to board thein- Vears old. Ho� came to Ian d in tion.has, I een. f�rz led in Listowel. stoer, where he We may alsoLi state that this 1 ber vicinity. The villige f Tlimalon is not bther 31ay. The child was not injured, and fore 56 ] ea will be commenced time of the Fenian ridd, when he a�pd his r n st is at Iresent the property of the State. 1855, and settled in Western Otal dri . �110' for'tbe in �itar n st is �o�u�nerely ! off Dur can zi solves. d. I�r e aind is a himVei centre, u obtained. twin brother John served three yeari discount �Th. FAmous -Rattleftel —A %ery said accident happened the other graduated from Kno.-c College, an] I I i 101M a's soon a.411 e range cau he I aug ' il-si citizens hate. v of the oarrisi ceremony took 166 and 167—in the volunteer force in defence lff r led the new road tc -ate o � h� P' -s-' —An i iere i I price, but Price, You crilow I took what they. ofi characte soneral fc�and in a day at, Dyer's Bay, a few miles north of �Yasinducted to the astint re In the fill of `67 he was what this n- '!a. cortainly bad Lion's Hea, Bruce county, by which James byteria . It church orwicb, n lar , Oi p ce at ti.i ehuz�cb, Stratford, on of their country. traits at 1,ii at & leei)d the orthwest and ft und I shanty -man. On h oking at oit, we See lrtm f tt�ue 10th, Rev. Father woverted to " through the influ nee of country Graham, 4 farmer, accidentall shot his son stock. He -remained at Norwibh 1 Itil 47.4, It Mort itig e ellotigh to be very no iv. - Vut tile an the Thessalon dilli n and at once ber piles Without ni mbei when be receilved a (All from Kna) Jrch, w4ey offiloi: i The bride was so young Rev. A- I I commenced is oliarnitup' and tile lItindscape very EDg een working U I -a prices.. with' og$ Irviog. �ather and son had tion —Miss 'Al. E. Dant- bility was -so marked that river isfilled e7iiond the range of h Knox I ro exhorting. e, nn�ec fro Shakes e' gently og fro 1874 until J I d4u iter of I v h Dant7er, one of he was received by Ile hedges, dind I 80111 igh married he gave -up 'his duties as C STO solid, nicely trinix el f a r irn the nterior. Mr. andits they were returnitni at dusk, the e P There are 40von wIr0- fc"COS, EM(I floot�d down the in the fields a Short distance from the hous Winn pogt His co the conference -and iEC vision, hur i as ed �N: lie ch e, 1881, ze of the classic thot adows -PlIstures, Y, here bo-' o! was carri r 613 appointed SUPe t 11� ont of t at known r den SEAFOR" H. rolli, 9 �i Ve Mr for.0 e el ief' I mber merchant of 'wh ig a rifle, ed at a mark on when he wa I I I - 'Fred Yc- school teap-herandentered into tbat of the- -ties of imits a tree, L es British vi a e— Vlailei th oom. was MY. N w it vine bema ii'glst�red ped.ig.reuriat o this town, and has ,am aill timber 1, and then, handibig the gun to his the missions of tile,. ortb r1e.pridesmaiNs were miss ministry. He Ugvea a wife and four �6hj -,a and.clover nearly qs flue as Cal; father' went to see the result of the shot, Columbia. Sine asuming office the inis- e kort o� 1) abli I;. of Sh ip. blue gra valley. throughout the Dstri t of Algoma, and make t1re mark plainer for his father sion, -under Dr. Robe mi�tet of the groom, and Miss Me- ren, two sons And 'two daughters, to moura Rhyn, '( , lit) found in the W ire rtson�b C it has Eok tit, * his lose. N N - -though, lumber yar �mre the Oief feature -of �f I lablin, and those who sup- I nd. C e pier Ingil in good store . a to a ' t at, made wonderful si rides forward. .1te;con-I, Ma n, I th In IT Thessalon, it is no ,,lack* as his eyeiight is not good. Duncan's i0id St rising at an uppreei'dMit te r Iles, liking c via ed me tbatth' Ir 4