HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-14, Page 8MW L a 4 A J, L 7 77N Mum. 7 -y do it again boyse do not enerilly t*aterworke, and would not reoo me Wilsqn's Oash Grocei appreciate n a , we ne an Squirio iongegement of anDther man,. Th y d a have just recoet red a Beattie might get a u.—The ndeavor 'think it necessair , to renort tia he ExtravalnobvinewTeal-P lot of ueii Oeylon Tea tMara tted io.be the finoit to meeting on T letdai. ng, was n tlargely sion of the wate Imains-, as I otl ing.... . U had at any pilco. we ar selling them at 40c and attended oil a ccoun' of se mral bei g abo6nt. be done -this suminer, but bit y co . 'I SOO per lb, the importer wro b, ught track Ono, the it the Bruce'Aeld in ductic n, but it WaS* full the suggestion of!the Milex wi ite I A- 3a Jargest.der 1orsinGinada,si thereisto'3anot crof ose prbse t, a goo( I nq. the as -T selli nie Tess fo less than of interest toth ly. um- ation, in that respect, a g 04 1 ne. 60cand75eperlb. ifyt-uiiicarreall yfliiaBl&LcTca ber taking part in t fie,exqcises, by , Lpprop6, also, iecommendetV the purol iat el a r 1 try a pound ot oil r fine Yourvx Hyson, at40c pir,lb, ate remarks and the'read ng of wet prepart. for the purpose of recordin a Ctei )r and our oreen, Blactc ano l, Jap an Teas at 240 y !r lb are the bast value In town Ourkourbon bloid of ed pApers. U is %oped H ore 6f fie young the rigade, fires, accidents ai d any rop Coffee is givlog the best 'of satisfaction. Th beat people will avail t6iiriseNes in the future of required. The council thei a ljo ifne u a best th0 can-gotan whe A h d F-id evening, when. th) p )rt i il -judzes te'll us it Is th - oil to e opportunity of spendirg a pie ant an ri y ikinds of choice fresih groccri %. as low or Owgr otban profitable has been -moving considered. he beesel2jo erlb Will - village the WgIieA price for xodid bu hor and fresh eggs. freel Ane for men ke weeks p4y Do pbr d,,: zm' cash I y quantity of 'fresti h Itic 1 martwho is hauling, out his eggs- two orthree'yeari` stoire:.*ears the most LocAL BrtiEris. -Master illie Be b C., N, Seafor h. nial-smile, and doegn'.t seem to -dare a lei young soil of Mr. Wm. I Rot b, gob his h Comm ere'a lock. for the dry v eathei. claugh in a. lawn mower ti e 6b er da 1374 had o.. e filiger badly eut.-Id so Kate' I Yhter of Mr. Gec e Dune n Dominion Express 0.- TIM FiRw oF JtITV. I- -SRAFORTH.- ;­This cal. d tuL It will -.be, tl: e Centre 'of att ac­ this tc w !'who has- been rij ithig. wi h year Seafoit -iinia i's nat&l day. sister n3lanitoba, for soin(, Ame, rel u ... NIONEY 0 DERS ..... tion on our fair Dort For home uTuesday. Mr. %d Spro b i few weqks back an e I tie--c3inmitteii I r, er Ethel, i, wab c no The best and cheapest tyedium for sending -have bee4.p- feeting' -arrZfe%ents for Iling on old is in t itionev by inail to any place in m e tile this w ek,,---.' - Bsrs. N, ai id P Da, is two, days'l tr ftilig. nce . m et, to be held the world, . hero oR Jul7lat . and 2nd. 1ap ic's half- Chicaoo hav) -been visitirlat eir bi refitted,'and is DOWL one L Mr. 3 1-ed DA (i§, fors few ya _MI mile track ligs bcenl F. Tate and amily have arrived here f ofthe beat li df-ndle tracks in Weate'ru On - Rates for' Orders, I NorthlBay,-ind Mr. Tate lastaken ]I ti rio. The llandso esum,of,$1,8(0 is 0- of th61 photo ;rliph-gaillery !oil i he parc S 5 and unoor - 6c ir1g offered it pil rsei for the diff6rei it events. _Ni h 85 to $10 - So horsey ell ba,.ve ed from Mr' A. Bauslaugli.-Dr. h ready a la 90" bFr,. of horsey -820 A . house physi lan at Toront6 07"enlera over sio fic, - 10c rin Over;aON to 830 -12c sil;nified the r in Wer, . tif brin ing their. over p to $40 - 15c trotters to Seafortt I . tal, wEs visil ixig friends in. town this bov ,h Ifjor those wb days, so over.­J40toS50 - 20c that the races are e to be botl interest- Misi, Joh0ton, of Godericb, an ine, Id be in McKenzie, )U Sarnia, were gu -A uiid exciling. oerybody sboh r Frida 3(o blati -s to fill - out. - Rotceipts Yit en. evforth oll Ithe. .. 4t, and- 2n&of July, and residence of f . S. Dickson, )11 7 Pay -Mrs. of. Obidley,-of Clinto , was.th( Money ordefs.can be urchased witneas two S, Iff rand -sport. of her sister, Mrs. J. S. Jack on, at any hour of the day. --Rev. - Dr. McDonald -at mile a in The great o Is n Centre ill in, 3R.torTus! Block, South N n . fo 1436-1 40g. C rian I oreig.. A is JACKSON 4gent, of the Presbyte HE N 8T0,R19i.'-W43 made L it large pur Board in Toronto oil Ti esday. L To EW SEAF0 RITH. chMe f seasom , tile d ry season for L nice ' at Buy ield hue gods at awfy d wn prices in Tor onto-. last week. t 8 more thallu lik ly that we mericed, and, ready numl er of O'lli NE 82, Af you want st a prici you w 1404 baive wb . on't got outside zens have enjo Ved the refreli hing lire ai of our 5tore. ) .J&. PtINTECDRT. 1435-1 . 1 LakeRuron a; illis attractive sumnitar Ten, bars o I soap for'25c at Davis Grocery. sort. -The ree1ult of Ithe art exambia STOP'MAN -83-TO , - i UX 1 i held recently, has been publi3hed. Twe n you are pusinj Tim. NzN%r STour.-New warm weatti6r five, certificates were recelved b Wh g take a. few minutes a 4 loolf y p n Clothing, It will goods. ust operieki out. New Sw as soot mudina in writing at theSeaforth Collqiate Inh ii at Gnat Bargains I black i 6nd white, white and Mac eream, whitq vivid It Will Pay YLOU. It Will make 4ou feel -Y es is you, ink, rhite and blue and so on. New Cl iallies, Do' Miss Josie MeNwaara, of Harpurh irtibb Never before haW we had such a leve'rage on cine patterns at 6o ; now print heautif it desiguyi, turned home on Monday lat too from ( ri vles, having just 'bought! Iar 11ely &J107 tothiog lou4n t black Lawn- all prices. A . E, P NTEcosT. 14 6-1 0 1 ing lines f rom leading manufacturera, an a where she had been visiting for th i sastonishing. Over five hundred (600) ults At TH cbeapest place to buy the bi ist mont4 at the residence of It 3r sister, . en than hall price. *We now sell a o ,d enuins Bacon and Lard is at BicAwix BR6s.: McN4b. ­Tv1rs.-'Archibald Scott re u suit or 86-25. Thia line, with other I -b found vchase `13TORE, -See ottir neW, I in 4c from lyth on Monday, wli, re she ba: with ult as lovg As they last, !This a" inlees THa N Nx wrill not last long, -.Our tradd in thi spar ent to print La W Windior Ties, al volors. t-9 A. It- visitil g r aunt, Mrs. Rb I ard Thiel p '; 4 51 08T'. 1 51 The I lite la u )oses li I ving shot 1 n-" iyo Black andi red RMpbeiries in 2 pound Port , nlayo, Igom , whe,- , she will s WM. PICKARD & CO -ohl -20c al Davis' Grocery. , - 1.-4.1-5.3 Uns, y the a minor with friends.--. Ir. J. J.' E Sugaln, Clothing and Dry pooda se TH P, NEW STORE.,: ­j, us copene 0 to 0 of a i vil e, ennessee, in 3 a )a caseq C f Un erw %r, &pro i and duck' a it 9. E. Call oi L Monday. He also i e the Ee f 'h. p schoo'. a.. Mr. Keys is an 1usiast a INS R-4, oi -LOS p: re Indi i on Tea it. 5Qp er catioi: al matteris, being III elf r fe at BEA rriF Miami, a P 1"6"' in th UniversiPy at N Be is Tia P, I Ew 8 We depend - upon -B' other orth Col e graduate.of ' the Sew cettUTOR 1.161 MW -1 tot pri nterb' ink to an noTuolao fad to YOU,but we'depend' upon'tbe kooda b 2emselve 11 to convince buyer . a that Institate, of Whom we havc' just re o we are no mere -1 alkers, bi it -will make ourword good feel p,-oud. Mr. and Mrs. Keys wil a to the dotlot on hp 1. A.- U. FwTxc6s1. - 1485.1 .661, holiday term with friends rt DISTRICT TTERS Varnt. 'Mr. McPherson A three pio i nd caU of peaches for 9 c at J ,cok anoth, to Qalton his bicycje. to i week, w bh Davis' Grodery. bilee seri C intent ion of attending the. j Tim COLL= vrE A YE, Uvivrn, ITIE-Q. . THE NEW P.$-.,--,We.-bought -th' T' ' .9 ie bal- r- ance ­; Knox church in that. town, of . whiel -At the convoca tion T oronto Un;iveraitv of a %illoles de stock of oream and bi k Jac You I can look or a6me - 'bargains in thgoe; See our Dr.' Jackson is astor.-Mr. S. Brow. el held on Tuesday, Mr. irn. i McLeod rleceived window. A. E. ZXTZbQsT. 1435-1. raising his.- res-isence Gn Jo mes strei priors the de Callaib.:- . Wiiison's a ced Jee o f B. A. w h A. Cose,ns 6nd leave -your is hav ng a. stone foundatign pla and Bishop In Ithe III pas Wl r_ year ; order for the Fa` a colled sprini fened, it. - Mr Jameg Irelan I de,,tis't f I a c woven wir -and J. M, I'VICKii ley, e i re f n tfiat &msster of-contme Ion and -ton, v as rene ' wing sue first year. , ills w , I C X - ; i. 11 inta d C. L., er the only "I Ad'acq nees i: t cessf ul in th Brooks "iil expansion. w*xSO , Somforth. '1435-1 this % eek. -Mrs. Godbolt 4nd two, ch d Uni ers'lty,'Miss E[atti r au' k e!1re " a w6paj, C0.1 for ekgs and produce of all of Toronto, are visiting a id I kinds. ls . TTr1E !,1486-1 r ficie c Sol ril 0 t t first &I P iolar, d i gener re-, UIE ItOs­ Mr. P. Jqhn's n. --Al- the neratrferd ri ceived a prize in atheil atics. A14801race M2F 1, ceitificated pit T Of on Tuesday, I Rumor- Jr., r. Ro the Torontp Coll go of.m aid, and pupil 15f 11. TlIott in sonahorse, won second p1r., Haslan, Now.York City,m)III stive a course of instrue. rl ace in th, G. Cricli,. decora- -'nd oultiVat-ion, deiring class, and received a mal - 0 WELL Do-, tion in voice production , the f 2.28 ric tivO painter, of this to* .3, has been award- Furnmer minitba, qom 'higJayiel7th. Itesidmce, Janie -Leary, of'the Que it's Hotel, B 96 Goderich. Street, West, 1436-2 * 20 ed the contract for pain ing.and de orating gels., a liformerly-of this to wri, was a. In the OddfeIIo'Ws I hall J a - zitoratfordi Mr. New cheese, 10c a 1p6und, at, Davis' . C 1 '3 gp:. mbm at Stratford on Taqed . In th Crich expects to have the c utract complet- Cary. ing he purchased a horse entered ed- about the 31st oi i I Toro to and I Washin0laebines' and Clothes Wrftigers,. 2.50 classv together th - Iky and - It r ivith s Brantford artists tend.6d, for, the- wprk, bu. tl e only successfulwasher,in the, nvsrket Wzlu t ge-ra for $500, In the afternoo this her Ure deeorative samples f wilished 1by My. away down in pflee. .0. WILLS0, 8 'forth Vrich were p its -race and a purse of $00. On.. b4 ts referred to 11111 othei s. Tfie won 90, 80' iat in the i d hi e Stratford people have de(id6d wi5ely, as SEF, f0 yet rself the cheapes place, to .18 lot -BROS. - 14; cv tfit onl Clog him Aggi, Mr. Crich is sure to do them gooc . work. good gouds in town.. BRATriz Idught for spot cigb, 700 yar s Intyre has kone to W sley, wliv, is one of the best decorative a,-tists in PEGiAL. d has taken Charge of a p the Province, and his work has Gn] y- to be of Faney Silks. E tirlives, p lka-dots and Oprays. -We nt, who.,is ;o wr 11 sell -th6m al. at one --rice, 25c per 31zqd. A.- E., dergo a very ritical our cal operat o seen to be appreciated. -afc rth. The Canadian Order of o sters will Ut INTECOST, c 3b -I , I ;Tents and- .&,s.vninps.=Try Taylor's tentg- the Egulondvi'le Presbyte ian church. AsOTHE11. 1317SINESS. Cla­1 M. id awnings t ey are tI ie boat. send i6r samples Sunday evenly g in a bod-, where a i pe Jordan has disposed of I'T' rq- on d pricej THOMAS TAt.601 Kincaolne. '143fixl sermon will I e pre _Mr. R. o ILrb, a ached: M ain street, Aog ther -wi th' his grocery XaRE TE-Rs'l SE'RvV2-1E&. Members of the has returiiedfot;i atrip-to Manitoba. Book- and buainess,tol .,Rr. ug Robb. Caln3dian -Order of F r ra 'will I 'take noticia Ioguii says the crops are I'Qoking sp er Mr. Jordan is now one ol bux ol st d most th t court Flower o Fore;tpietend holding a' thereJ-Mrs. Ed.- Davis, of Mitchel , ] restvre Service ndville church, on resp nen, od we lie e his re- S ath, June Ut ate or- a vial at the- pwfe ected business r children, nent from business' herq does n I t mean p 1), Ockop.m. Alembers will two tirei i ibw meet at th I half-pastsitand inaroh ia home ithis week., the'resid(rice of Mr, A his removal frcan 19caforth as w cannot a &dy to the chu, HARTREY, Seeretary. Davidson. -In , the final revisiciii -ery 1435-1 i , well afford to I men. His sue- iitaf ion 'doffimi btee's repo, t at tbb I )n cessor is too Nvell and honorably kaown. to INOTIM-All accounts are now ready, and conference, Rev. Mr. alloway W II - require special commendation. from us. He I can begeen in the room over my former place I of transferred to i eamington: instead of :'e b 4siocas until Ist July, 1EQ5. X. Joitii,k-i, Seaforth. is a sh ewd, active, honorable bus' ,,,an lea. -Mr. Job rai of ergus, the ge -who i: i popular jwith all alas 1486.1 a, , d vi. . I M. P. P. for t. ell, g on, was 'in t can zearcely h6il to do a geed businessf J NE,WEDDIN'Us.-Od Wqdiiesd:ayaft.et-. 'on Fr day last, e cam here wit' here. n o 1 the'residence of Mrs.. James. Clark,, Ferg lacroweelub.-M FredZeig' r was the scene' of unusual oil i erich strOet, his right Wid baZy- il 'ured a feN d T eN7 W. . CLUB CTORIOUS. -t ankl stir, 111he odeasion was tb -ago, iy allo 1 Ig it to col I C 0 c( Tat GrN b the in- ci temen Oil in conta v vitation of fhe"Stralford. gun club, ur club mAt riage -of bdr eldest daughtek, Saxab, to a saw in Coley iant's stavT actory, but It a Ile and en- Mr. 3 ohn H.Atephens, second I son of hlr. tti , on nipely.- V Ire ie went to the classic -,ity o T d e I g M r. hi - Bart n gag match. Witte teen aid up for While s oc (red:mi a shooting 1 1:1 on and Thomas Stephens, of the, Q een's hotel. ra. with n ft t1ford clubs. Seaforth were ctorious,- The ceremony was performed ihorily after a her e he got higolmege idarla hed defeat . ing Clinton b 11 Shots and 'tratford 'fiN.ie o'clock by Rev. Dr. McDonald,. in the resulting in blood poisoni' g. He - 'by 29. ahots. In th -, whole day's abooti,n presence of a large.,number -of relatives and. - Mrs; S. J. Willso of TO rout -9 . I incf. Mr. A. J. Bright only missed one ird. '.Uhe 11IVAed guests from Lbudot,'. Gode6ch and hoE r (laughter, are gu'e ts at Mr. followinu is the score : 01inton.-Blackull, Biu6sels. The bridpwai -.assisted by,,Miss Scott's' this week.-Afr; J6,bn- Weir i2 a 13 ;; Ble.%,urray, 1.0 ; Caritelon, 15 ; Ken- T na Stephens, while Mr. Jimes Clark per- confined to bed, blit is rc covering silt to xredy, 7 ; Coile, 12 Powell, 14 ; total-, 71. formed a like ceremony f or the groom. Slowly. -Miss Annie Som arville, Miss Stratford. -Franks, 5 ; Boles, 1-1 ; Hess, 8; After the ceremend the gue to. gat down to' inack and Mr. Umes Sorr 4rville left f or Turnbull, 11 ; 8quare, 8 :- Ki 3 S&v- a Sumptuous. wed ing feas . The remain- Soo oi Iler, . I I Tuesday. The ladies will F31 an Orth ­*Stephens, 13; ing was spen in music age, 7 ; total, 53. Seaf der of the even' and tribrith or so -there. -Mr. 'N . , W.- 0 ili ie Dodds, 12 Ifinchley, 12 ; Davis, 11 ; d"6 iict,, aad other . acci I am,u8eFmeAts. Monti eal, has generously forwardA t t Turner, 13 Willard, 7 ; Bright, 14 ; t tal, Whe'n-'al -had dispersed, yollng ouple treast rer of t4e Youngbien's Christh a .82. wentto their own home, 1W ere they Aart sociaton here a chequ@ fo $50. The 1 313 out."on -life together, feillowe by, tII6' best wishes of th any riend ation !eel deeply grateful to Mr. OailN e TuE LAMOSSE MkT Gff,-The firs IaGrosge eir in his geierosity. -Mr. Will Irwin, Ao w e senior !series of ng from I iere to the West inatch of the'season jq th -On Thurs ay orui g 1 nother wed di a Ellort time agi,, took place in town, and two more !iy ng Scott P I ht operat r t4e Canadian Lacross Association,, between ou ir red a.situation a' ig . t" ie Beavers and Fe: -gus, on th. people start out in life, to share" the Kelsey, Minnesota, at, a salar I e rpereat,on rounds on Frid afternoon, att acte(.il a mutual joys and woesil At the Presbyterian Inontf, -A purge containing a stpall at 0 mange, R(v-. Dr. BOonald perforified the 6f in rge number 6f P-ectators. ThJwe&tber 0 ey was found !on, f4ain streep flue but very W. ftj a, but the Itheat %, did y The ownei can I av ' the saifi6 Vs ceremon which made Jeynima Catharine week. u JUA seemL to have Calder, sBcond daughter' LL f Mr.- Andrew calling at this office.- aryeffecr,lon the," enthus. . L. . 2 Jotntriencinc, In I Calder, of McKill d..fc rmerly ' of Sea- w 14 Sin of the spectatcrs, It Was a spl ndid ex- OP an eek, the drug stor4s wil close evWy v h bition of lacrosserrolm the at* forth, and Mr. John Morgan McA art jmd gave onald , of, Ing at seven o'clock, until September s n ally opporturlitiesjfo enthusiasm and ap- Seaforth, mail and Wife. -The best wishes, kir. acid Mrs. H. Geibp 0. Goderich L x WauSe on the part of 1- theo onlook' of their irVany friends are i xtended to' the left on'Weilesday lai t for' E Imira, tQ I , 173. For It oupi dding of thei t ie first twenty minti young C e. es Fergus did most of he w r neice, Miss Mussi r the playing, and by tl eir splendid eombin- Forn ihere they go t9 Toronto, Raglai adou scored two groalst, one in 15 minutes COUN&L MEET1X(,.-Tbj town Council, ther places before return ng.-Rural D aad the' SeCtl - in '5 MifilLlteS. Seafortb met for the transaction of h isiriess on Tues. o ' I of St. Thomas' hurch, exch nC1 Vorked Up then and in five min-ute L scored day, evenin.g. Accounts ib t6', amount of v. Mr. Wood, of Win) h as ed and ord, ired t bQ .11 t1teir -first go' er i ii nty-five $289o. 38 were PL' B , al, anoth 0 '. pal( st, SinridV.-Notowithstanding. the v I dnuteL Robert Winters, George Bill 9, L James - Wat. ... T 5 anl a third in ve iinates. arm weather -of the'Fast few dayi 1 it -ring tb is time Seafort a much son and James GilleSP'e We re appointed a homas Case has. slaughte red a lar ii e ti c mmittee to draft a by-law regulatin * the the best of the game, :but Fergus in, e 0 9 er of hogs at his packihg house!ii. Wi rl. n weighing of live stock, and. subinit it to the-, iey.-- Owing to the absoe -tes scored -.9. coming and, in two, mi n I tee --of. Rey. ,eir third goal. re now even a a.1loway at Conference,, there w" nc tj . Honors l we council for Consideration I f tPre all 411(l. thiUrli, Wel tenders for Coil 8 i 't' a all LIbmu .0 gettl . exci irig tracts are to be fted by ice in the Methodist chi rch last S. n tj le M-4ch the v'#itors shGwed bet. the committees to the counaif fore they vening.-'Mr. and Mrsi Harry Sm :ib Vrco ibiiiation.' Fortiirio favored bh-e home are let. The petition fr tim Public 'oderich, and formerly of Seaforth, te boys, however, and in teol minutes they had Library, f6r a'grant of $10 . 'Ls-`inot enter- d- the wedding of Mr.. John Steph - Is s(ored their fourth and goal 1 At- tained. Thefire.aud wat4 1committeere" ednesday.-.garly Communion W'.1 0 gh the Beaver 14 (F 'M ported on the Fire Ass6ai- elebrated in St. Thomas' church 8 ou S tld a str?ng in idu- n erw1iters play ne 'v oyyl a] ga-ine their combirlati it play w4 A as ation, report, and re m n, ed , that .,, the. ath, at half -past eight.-Tbe sena e good as that of Fergus,'while the vi0to s ex- fire limits be, extended on the n-orth. to uron meets! in London next - week. (,.(j-1gd in catchill". It v1d;3 evident'thal the. Jamei; street, and to the Graw i Truiik.-Xa1Ir, elegates from St.. -The inas, churell way il the south, with the s rne Beavers lacked Jie hard practice nee I - e tb tis essrs. F. Holmested and H. Bullard tj ; 6 P'-gay`yy' the present limits. That a by law raft. iss Edith Brooks, of Montre4l, is j 1i Lee up the pace -with ihe fast coir n tl ed to regulate the storing o gun low . der' w visiting at the rectory. MisE o icy are now in, and in I order to maintain ey iou , 1. Br* )k t leir 11old they rerjuiroe a hard dirilling In and.CDal oil. Th tl ht"ib -won] be to ook-keeper in a wholeAle house -in life combination and cawhing the advantage 6fthe tomil to 1 ve art- elec- al'v, and gets a Salary throughout wa , I.Th;e a gi - t T e tric1 re alarm, and recommew ed the.-pur- , of $12 a Vi ek. 3 a Most grentlem .1 nd in- longregation of St. Andrew's chat C 1, i teresting Gue. chase - of one, 'providin it , es not cost lay,- rendered vacant by the r ­rIoN I more than $250 or 8300.1 e recommend- ev. Robert Johnston to. London hav ed thb purchase of !a ro eli bell for fire n4edamost eartya;n unanimmaAl XOTF6.-Rev. INir Muir purposes aind for tle i e of-thii town, to be ev. J.- W. Me illan, of., ancou 0 er, I . i is B 'Was greete - d. on Sabbath by large and h ghly placed in the town b Idi;ng. They did not ish Columbia, --o . ing hi a Salary of' I appreciative andiences. 4 01 Ifield' think itwould be' j on icious to, saddle thd vacation. I is expected t and summer vacation. I friends liave waited long in the I i r ir choice, but toWn with the extra xpenses 'of a ni# -Mr. MeMillv;n will -acce judging from Mr. 'Muir's pulpit work, t, ey watchman.'. ..Th It* the cill. h . male no inisti ke ty relpommend d that no Lindsay people- have have made a happy seleett,on at last.-Ilr. telephones be pub irtithe live stables 'as their choice. -Mr. Bruc( Brough, o: .'thel, spent a day or the immediate proxi nity of ryese to and MrE,. D. Sproat of I th lth Brough 'Printing Compam, Toront two early in the week- with .- friends herc­ fire fiall renders it unn bessary.. - Two suit6 town on Thursday, in tb( interestT 0 Oar side-walksure being in good shape able l5re extittguishers: were recommended inagazire, athletic life, ar d- Secured a hu bV a, gang of men tinder IV supervis ion of to be 1putebased. - Tb4 I recommenAed th e' her of subscribers. -Mr. John A. JacKSA our efficient' road Commissioner. Tf our purchase of extra -hose at -once, and also of son 'of Mr.. G. E. J acks6n, , of kgn, end i township fathers would talke as much care two nozzles. The coibmittee thought. it ari *be has been touring in tie EasterL ',zra of the road bdd and bave' the loose stories, unnecessary expense- on. the town to en, with the Varsity lacrosse club has rettirr broken, we could boast of P. well kept street. "gage a paid chief of the fire brigade, * "They bome.-At the meeting (f the Prei by 1117 -We would kindly ad 1'e those boys from, thought it desirable to fit up gle4i4 rooms v General Assembly, being ield this w town, and others, who o in the habit of on the ground floor - for the morning oOI14 London, Rev. Dr. Rob er son, sup rin e batb in the pond ab'al 1 hours, that, they stable and market clerk, lie to vicio as watch4 ent of Northweab missioi .. a, was po nt will begwinise in desistinc, trom the practice,- man, and be on band in case of 4 fire alaral moderaton-, rs. (Dr.) tkinson, 0 1 Al I Of,". I especially on the Sablvath,whan many people being given. The committee explained troit, is visiting at the esid f E ence o like to Stroll alot- the riv, r banki. Don t,l to inspector about the' engineer -at thd Cheisney, John street. -A r. Qharlw b ;eo %er y( veir 1W c y n sh, 1011, an) WiL 0 Jb of e t Ban n' I r e -7- HE- RUIROY. *XPOSITORG XUNK 74 . 11,8c,95,111 the ne, , of iToodstock, was in town this week. R., Powell, the architect, was appointed the mo. to d ever ink, —This, season the fish- nof —t i#y nine ti k actively engaged LADI, ate were sold &6 the Sea- 'overseer. Itislobecompleted-by Novem- ingi # I itry is being more ten. for 1 station r StratforA during the three her Ist-, and will be an ornament to inj than Dr many years 'pastj Seven boats, uld dw % of the rac V meet there this wek. .A the toul, 6 school I -board' haq asked nigionitood. as`.foIlcws,,are mployed.- McLeod; 6111AMER -,red brisaban4; conposed en ely of ;women the council I for . $7,6W, whi.oh with b1tirray, Dan HSU ", 0 U , 1'. ocl-. W I vi -it Seaforth on Tue y next hild give the insurance of $1,500- wilr -. defray iplo Vaif I Captuin James Ferguson, hey a usical ente -tainmenf i the Salvation the total cost of Seating, fikpishibig etc. Weslel Erwin) I Arthur. Peck; Little ter Armey barraol 9 in the ey ing. Tlie enter- The -council'will issue aebeutures' to ex- John, t a in illiam Ferguson, William 0 ent will, no d aw good as it is tead over 20 or 30 years,—James 0' has been rush- aV ary Bakero 0)ertRrwiR*i Discount," Captain Our Rfillinery Dep rtmeut f t 0 im oubt' Ch Dr anis James Me- ed since the n el. iniends breeding Floreince G. this yv ar t esele . J , n' T ''O g eason, d MeL6od, Captain Hju hi so much so that we. kre,- constantly putting: Online 2:04, who is kept for service in Gos Don I H61e M T, T- L in ne3v things, an ancer- Walton. leiii, Indiana. She i MCL oil,!' A. Bro ohn Gordon ; V_ . - 1 be - i a now carfrying a f )at to d, iherefore, have a ch XEk18 NOTM.—Mrs. . A.- Leach, of Slander. Ile intends abippiniz berbefor foal. Bird, Captaii) Jelin 'Pollock, Frank Ke- for getting the newoost styles in Hato as, Lucknow, an( Mrs. (Dr.).,Knechtel of in time so she' will drop Die foal here. 'gan; IIFORM 11 Ca ptiin Chris. Dressler, soon as they come-lo4t. Our aim for June TWENTY-SEV Ri pley, a . re v R.d 9 i I to , Wood1s. FMIiiiig has. thus far been is to ve you the nilest Sailors aud Suyn wi i Ing frienA here. —There He- ought to have a flyer if he has lu I be no ser ces' -in DaT - de in tohe a tUt Can be had in the WHOLE WU I i i church' next No Changes were ma Sses4ment f9ir Successful.- , ie result oftherecent met Itiraw Hato Sunday. except undavy s hoot and the of Brussels at the Court" of Revision, el cqpt exantinations at 9 or6nt Un veriby, as far trade and ne reatort , for think ig that and I are ost interested, were these"new things will sell so quickly is , the Christian End( avor eeting, as the )aStor the adding of R. Roach as a tenant- and the as BAyfield.pdopli eneral removal of A.Doig.-The crops in this Iocal- as J., Richar sot,' 11( ce, which we x uch 1"s than M4 attend' fig -the SUM .un' Rev. D. Forreit, is f lows . RI d 2 1 year ... pri ie s -ie is m of in logic atid psyc elegy; J. G. you expeet.to pay forl the style I Assembly.* 1 y e begimifing t ve after the severe bon >,T s of Hat YOIL , r 0 her A GRAND SUCCESS -The-giirdell party at frosts of the just but they are in Sta; ibury, 34 e Lr-hc nors in lGglish law, would like toweak. They must go as quick- rned Air. D. V10Qaaid:`s, on Tubsdliy- evening Nvi - wt of rain. The bay crop promises to be Ror V U law igtory, . economics, English ly as the ones for S' did, so call soon, I of 10t, given by he Ladies' Aj of the Pre light unless the we%t d colonial! ionalAaw.; W. G.' andselect i 'cool Rat if you would take - ,her is very favorable, an constitu own byterian churdi, in aid of th orgab fund of especially where there is clover. -,-The Drug- Ri dson.? *h, year --pa§s--Mr- James things cool during the' Warm weather. of the church, a grand lccess: There c els bana is enga.gtd by the vill of D dson- has received the epritracti.for sup - age roxeter'for the Ist of July. I the lukriber fo k t ie bhi lrna of 4he new her, was an immet se crowd of people, and the IV ply W- receipbs amoui 1ted to -over A- most I imous , of Refuge.-Ifflis A4ggiel%lorrison) Uppw Serve Dn Varna. of 10ildon, is visiting fi iendg here.. rom bountiful a vo, he green, e -s taess arge Lad! and all inter Sling nd entiertaming pro- LoCAL NOTES. -'Mr, andr. John Reid, h-gramr!le 0 sot g, a d instr4mental 11111 qi har BIC (if Par line, Stanley, returned from Bay plenleS re was given., The follow ng took pa t in the Ri-tur.s.-Sttute laivor Ind )Spl- . . ity, Michigan, on Monday last. -Mr. J. J. M ftotorialsi 0 1 )uartette club; Air. the most i-Inportaimit lieAtiorifi -of the da'y,- in roavam r aeli; eye and -wife, of ashville, Tennessee; are eek.. loody, eat 13 othe'r and Miss on isitin their parents and friends here.-' this, vicinity. -Mr.! Robert Turnbull nd 9 i vo Mr. and Mrs. wifti, of McKillopi vikited! Iriends in tl iis ss, J. Waless, James OX oro; oy 3 quartette Bliss i and oa111'duet, essrs. 14E. Watife the I .-- - i%.Ul tot, oote, Georgb Fo ter anrl Ifiss Lizzie Wan,' locality, last week. Miss May , I last. f 1 mbbro voca diet. A] r. Scott and of :11ullett, The dress goods have caugh it tight ess attended the district meeting of the b 's returned ;home, after a Mrs.- Soinervi, e, 8daJ orth Uisi E wing Royal at 1. ergist0r's, Irs. 7!4iker's,- &-nd left this last two mouths, and Be we_ Templars of Temperance, in Cen. weeh's visit eek. Seaforth. MrSI. Thomas Lain herb, visited her have several remnaxitip; andodd lines. These-, ralia, on Wedneq day lust. eet- we are goin dau ry to sacrilice 'and those'coming- bter, Mrs, A. dgert, last week. sion Stanley. first will be the gairleirs, We have received n ton, Ashlldld. Thomas It. urldle, of Darli 9 "I'll, e DEAT11 Qb' A VENERABLE LADY. On Fri. had an immense barn -raising, on his farm, sad death took place on q. shipment of White - 1Spot and white fau4 AD DE21TH,- aiuslins. also colored iapot inuelins in pink he death visited the home of abo it ci mile -A: halt n:),rth of t1lig Vill- yp, June 70 the Ist inst., wit the 1wife of Mr. W. H. kud pal blue. ThIa peoole Lh&ve made r. Alexander Mitchel, Bayfield road, and lage Ast*week. The barn meas - 8 of removed the vif and mother. Brown departed t his life, a tbe earlv age of ures" 52x62 feet, 1 hild -whe 1 Com raid upon them alrew which proves theyn- n pletedill was 78 years o a e, bu to had always been' .30 years and 10 ir onths. The remains were be ne of t e fin st barn4 - i a the county.- 0 e Jus e goo are.. bio In interred in Kinea -dine cemetery. Maoons are We have a fu ran of White and Fan 11, good helth, -a Cd n Th, r a dinner busi engaged in buildingetone took withtherest :)f the Death came walls linde Ineath ssrs, T P mas Cameron' -Ducks for which t ei oe is a great &mand... with great end le ness, an on Friday aLfter- is 01 Detainee, aiij;j Rumley. an Arch. odgo W barn hich were re- There a Dice sto of We noon at- 5 0' oak, t e beloved 'wife and NOTES. -Mr. and. Mrs. V. Miller, of Ber. cenily rais' I.- he e wAlsioq no Lservice in the prices awa;y down or, vie, who have been viol ing, at X R. theli affectionate mother 'as removed to the Pres 3 erian,churchl next'Sunda Cann'o,- recently, ave returned homevtin account o., niv ers y s rvioesi being 'held home f the blessed: She was born in pli't Longfred, 81 with them Miss ilmins, arm, for the gool 4 Igo 'County Ireland, on. Febru. In Kirkto church. -W ile4lie .3 -year-old An oy,of 1 h, geA was plaing Mr3, ary 17th, 1817, an' in 833, with her par- of her health. -A ra. John Fyfe is at pres- 8 racd ents ent viitinF rela ves in London. -Mr. A. A FEW SHMAL came t lis aboolAthe ouse las 8 rdL4 he acciden- ountry, settling in Neil LOW F"08,1 been 5 8 was married to her of this plaid waili agreeably surprised 11 fell ith his gh ianj first. into a Tectimsell. It v 8611. the other -day b a tfrom. his brother ilewitg owe boil '01 ter- in it, wlhi now bereaved ktisban& After- their mar- 9 'ch 7 from riage they cam a to S ta4ley, -then known as the States, hom. W had, not se n fo; Ead' been left sa in he floor. His Lots of lines Prints Sateenso A High to them ?cii d the Huron trant some time. -Mr. ohn 1 arm has take6 to merely al d. Under careful line; Challies, Ginghams, &c., t at will be -- in ke a home fo hand was e h Y 1, selves, and k up I d on - the Bayfield b imself a wife in he I erson of t tin along as cleared this monthlat less than auctiom to Miss MarS nursing little fe Look in our win sr t road, near more. lWewish them alIlhapo' welli as c dece 1 be ex pte4. Va a, ased had lived 1 atie Pass p prices. ubl.0 YIDU Itue AU 1A ed e Thain s road last sui merli, baTgsina. T, lad as beloved an-d 'Bluetrale. coubinuously e r sincO She was a, ; ost piness and prosperity. -Mr. PeterMJ38se. 1- esteemed and-- r;e. who lived on th :YIGU sa 'r gpected, by all ho kne was renewing old acqua ifitances this week!-. THE Jv her, and a large a tnis. Rev. :a!tley is attend- thom for 75c. Mi circle off riend re le i W ro glad to see hint around agai H I - -. i ing, he A embly at- I on .—Miss Louisa, E. IffelPA a - bereaved fam is ve -y popular with t lie young a A -AUL ;ia;e ar ey i - isitm*g her; iister, Bliss Maggie y. Her :husband, four sons peoile H n to Mr. and five daugh era an i e her. The funer- enry Hort.on has been puteing in W sche 31 t her, near a .-Mrs. Alex.- 6wt am but ?De d ari, - at took place - n Sund r f corn Dri his I iumley, Stock farm f 14J to IT. T-hia I s, to the Bayfleld an a, e o I . N WA vlsltlnz, rela Lives . in the village br Goods' - u d the I urpose of reeding the stock when the' y cemetery. last eek 11 Miss 4 rab Rob6v of Morris, is ity ou will b tr p pasture becomes dry. -Messrs. Williams "i e I 'in veer -ill at th:,- residence of r. Win. 91.50 itud Sbirt e Nf Lak an& Whitlock pub a straight rail 'fen , gra .- q to -en Companv. es ip are A it. Any on6 wanting an At, lare so hear that Mr. J . e ITEDrs. -We are 'ad to ode: th r. ninj 3, of.t. a post -dict a tiore, is very ill.- Wilob Scott, tea er, near Blarnoch, U Dulinage, who has 11 a- severel attack of 9 Mr dor : Seaforth 0 r 8cote at M tZhould eirploythoge energetic ou inflamma,tion, at now ble to be 4ound, and Opel Sun y at tot -e lic of his,, u: -1e, Mr. d an, to attend to his work. Rev. Mr.';,Potter Is F. I S I -A atva Arniy eting rider Gode#oh Township. ce We fint, leaving us this year. Ile s Hagars- was I eld i 1, he t 10di church un Tues rris! Ville, and Rev. Mr. Elary ey, of Hespeler, AcoirittqTs.-Oyi rhursday, - last oree C, bit'slight, nor awyy ise se as compengS4 own takes big plac-e We wish bothr, ministe Mr.: Hugh Sturdy, - of Goderich town -day'.even 51 31 'orie Abraham 19 tio for the services which I have mentiov-' abi ), visi big rat IIS. onald, of the Ftoyal or L 13een busy mak reti, metwith aserious accident. He was ed, which services we confidently believ&- ce of every suceess i i their ew fields of labor.- v '- hotel ... and Rot. ears. GO, McDonald Mr. William Hubbard ing on tbo .barn on tronathan Miller'sl(m,. will be rewarded by Him who abund utly- buyers appreciate in * ubbar I will raim big now Kini open i Su!id 3 I Molesorth.-A gar- ces, barn on Tuesday. - It will be a large Ctillough) farm on the Huron Road, and d rewards those who diligently serve Him and are not slow wft build- I . an, part, I in bf the Metbodistchri7rch ing to erect, ocilsequently it will require a While standing on the plate handlirig but we ask you to w6ept them as a, very re 4 2.40 a will' at th i beautiful country place ou requil raf ter, Some twenty feet from the ground, of e g1% slight token of the esteem - an& affectiou: er s fr. E ard "man, of -Xorris,'next doVt irds large. number of haids* Our teach lost b oil. And it is our price, 'working,bard 6ese d4yS repAring a clalss he is balance and umped to We Tuel'Uy ning 'Those who go will be with which we regara y Us- ., gronnd. His wrist 4nd ilkle were spri d - A union picnic of the hope that the dech'nihg years of yourself an& of five for the public s hooS leaving exami sure of a g od tit k 0 4 ; C y an&sotne small bones b ken. He will e your worthy partner in life may be abund. orn- lation. We wi h both teachers and schola s Pres byteri I 16thodist Sunday schools tip for some time.--2.he other day Mr.. will take 101 ce a w e k from Saturday. The autly blessed. -The dairs were present4 success. -A-11 r. McCon nell, one of the old- - the by Mr. W. Scott and "Mrs A. Ross. Air. and I soldiers of the rimea :war, was severely iFeorge 4. Bali,, of the Base line, had a vcul g pe )pie ol .'67benezer'and Johnston's Hoiery 2 hurt on Sa narrqvir escape from beinj gored to death. Imruhes a Walker mae a feelin reity. e' thauke& )ack out turd ty by fILIl.ihg on his I re cor io I invited to take part subinit the won ly im- He was leading a heifer, id the animal be-' in it ulso. Thelloceforholdingthe the people very warnall for thelr'ep of a wagon. -rhe sick: are all slow ie ramlom be as not wed at some lenatib Engli and oving, except Mrs. I lamilton,- -who is Aferv- came 'unmanageable and ie tied her to the 11 et lifea ebosen.-Mrs. ealmnel of ' good *H1, and-revi big connection with 4he congregation. 11f possibi VMTSIU. ow. -Mr. R. f cott.is working in the blac - ' fence. She Groke away. When Securing Scot b, oil Rune W r, is visiting at Mr. Me- her the beast turned on him and pinned him RoUrt INI ers( n! ticularly on e- niform. Airldrien. she 'Smith shop noy u: to the ground, the horns grazing either side respect with whic he had at /all timeg 31416 TSJU 4cotto un - of his body. Mr. Ball sf cared his liberty, been treatfed by the congregation. At the - MettliS Md.- CARS St FF. pl) -en, a C1 -d -uloltsly., He was Black V181 n.- DOTS. -Mr. IS ris.is A iting under and escape almost mira. Nionrus.-Mr. JoliriMcNevin is Fbipping conclusion of Ar. Walker's interesting a end aac N or' laid up for a few days, b, it i around win dress) the compa4y were ocalled upon' to Anxamination will' t the parental roof at, pitesent. r. Frank sevi ral Ca - loads D', Aumbe to Broad not much the wor e. foot & ta,6 of an excel -lent supper, prepared 'by Catlin is akii cial a, in tho Stratfor. races this Box, Sea rth. James Cooper 'is this Mrs. j. Walker, and U) Which ample itistice. Ifer4s, Balbriggal- Lyan Week.- r. D Carmicliael, Mrl John Me, weetdoin bush esl.ab Wroxeter I North Bay- -Mrs- 'wasone, An hour 'was afterwards very- Donald a d M -. HEC -r 1 ntis t6ok in the E gr t 4 -on, of Glenallen, are pleasantly spent in social, chat, when a.. Miccabees' anot All Azes, 1 did Forenpre exaur ion to Port BRiFFS.-Rev. WL. E. Kerr was attend-. visifingiv her, )-i,otber, Mr. R. Mellis-- most enjolyablie meetin y, which willbe long, ing conference last week,' A-. [r. Appleby oc- Pic ies a and Huron last Tut sday.,4Dr. -Naismith and his t or ir of the day. -St. An- remembered by all present, came to anfid- t daucrh'ter Man i ned the -pulpit in his absence. -Mr. W. dreqS'Sundsy 8 il will piend- at Bayfield n at e visiting in Buffalo, cul n this week. -Al . Franl; Carlin has consider- Sloan'and Miss YOUDg,.Df lytb, were via- on aesday next. I ffenderson, of we are, Lftdl lex. q Exeter. iting friends in town 11his, veek.-Thb old Hen 3all, cond I uc proepa on the lably bea tifie , his isli pond by planting Ferguson buildin , ikftqr a weary march frid dorl "cedar all tround it. Blr. Hotham and Mr. dow Mai 9 '1y Ins t, in St. dr Vs. chqrcb. -A very B IEXS.-The' hay crop in this vicinityL be ;Chubb, have als ) improved the ld6ks of th n street has !at length found a aill Ful a4le'dent b p tied tc Mrs. James will be very light- --Tbere -were 65 eir ticketai place. resting -Large shipTients of tock clean, c E uckersini , fron, the effects of sold 6n Tuesday last at Exeter station -for- tro- pro reory. The former'by planting cedar in kkon his -,wero made from this station: c 'a" Monday last. nial t iE Id,and the latter by plantinga in whic sb 6 at the, pre ient nursing a sore the Maccabeei? and F eaters, excursion to - front of t ie hot se and blackstrilth shop. - -',Mr. 0. Smith. -was in Galt 61 busines this foot. ' 81 e;ha d been on b to the barn, and en Port Harov,.-Mrs. Vr J. Spacman autt, The leders in P0 )wn i week -Six members of Nreot Lod e retir ning In a b family and Mrs F. - T. Knight and the M r. John . Whit a spent last Sunday with re- sbeppei on a garden imide got, latives here.- ev. John Kenner is at pre- ieeilasons visited the Brusse'ls bre' e rake whic Wits ng teeth npwards in left for LO'S Angeles, C lirfornlav, IRn Tuesdy- ays sent attending conference at - §trathroy.'-' last week on the occasion of t he officierl i, the ri s:, th(jee e letrating through the last on an extended vMit to relaives tohere. ;AL 839AF Of r.`Xilson, o sole her'boot. n the doctor's-'ear"e, - Ross, M- chant, left on Tues-, ith Rev. Mr. $haw, of Lucan, 'preaelled an ex- of the district, deputy, I er -1-1 r. J. P. 6 is cellent serillon in Grace church last Sunday Tara. -As has been the e& custom M 7s. McLean is &Ph g as well as may be ex- Wd a four .. onths' tour throu h. Wroxeter will celebrate the m atalAiijF-6f th4 pe oted, and ' er mi ny friends bope,for her aynt"to'batd. te Mai, 00ne pro.vine e - has evening. ea. ing recovi ry.-,I evi Mr. Curry, of nnected with thoe. Dominion this year in a manii er that pioni gp,-edy Hen- is absent an busitiz co On lLuet I ises to equal, if not butrival alf- ail, constance. precedinj sa:, 1, will flervices in St. Andrew,s Federal Life Insurance Complany..'-Mr. Ju - events. Bicycle races,baseball ana football ch arch ney' an seph.McClinchey, of tite HA.,wkshaw- ver- tRIEFS.! Vein this vicinity are look. it .1 abb Mrs. George House 0 d - ed' and Ing vary wel. at present. -Mr. Andrew which neighbor n towns Thomps 11 oJ Wbigb , were the guests of Seafoirtb, was in town on Tuesday an W ev oge mes Snell, who ha been ailing for some time, is ill be features ofI tie day. - The r Messrs. Samuel and Robert Thompson nesday last.-Nlr. WaShington LG. Col -h -n11 rownlee, incumbent of St. Steplien"i du till repoverinizi a I we hope to see him out ring theweek.­Mi. William Cooper has and-vii-fe, Watford,are visiting relatives here.7 ugh all . ortly. Our . ierchants are doing a large burch here, preache d his farewell sermon on purchased a fine -top buggy from Mr.Ricker I this week.- -Mr. John T. LUarining s visit- oi.- I abboath last. -Mr. 0. Smith and fainily which for' w'orkma ashk"p and.finish speak; ing relatives here. e bu§iness in the gg trade this season. Each drove from lVidge- the one. of them -keeps a agon onthe road all ave moved into their ne,%v house on How, w inaker.-I - number of the Royal town on Wednesday lut.-The Exeter Roy— i:ck street. -The recent rise mil the price of f d a the time.=Mr. J. Sta lea has improved his rom his, lodge attended he &I Tempolars"L l odge was well represented at grain is occasioning quite a number of ship -the district meeting which was held at Cen- -ty by pitting a neat picket.;fence Centralia. of propel 4 triet t6eetin 4 -The Ball ments by 'our grain merchants. --Mr. A, F11mil Ju,bileetillf tralia -on Wednesday las . Thig vilin -Mr entertained a good t the around it. P. C.PaV,,ie , our veterail ge was;, all - inith is recovering from the pafnfu he sh ed e 8 Pent, As- cheese -maker, . has pt re used I fall,he sh ed udiene L in T;e ball, on Wedneed visited a heavy wind and r aiti gtor.m on,. ay rdeeived a short time ago. ev.-nin sinpng was Wedes. ay afternoon last. -The Exeter- oci- cart, which no oubt I e and his family. will much - ap-. crealnery, tinder the managem. for enjoy -Mr. J. Britton pi!irchas6d Mr. Geo, pr -.oi d.': ent of -Mr. A,, ent Connel's fine Baylleld. Bobier, is Mak-Litg exceilent blitter. lit ck driVerliait week. -Quite has a -Hurriber 'of - our yoitrig: people picnicked H. F. EDW`ARDs has this week re- ceived Tue Smith. R. S. Lang h" alre -y dispos d. of several ad e Indigo Dye !Striped Duckel (.these re "'i- X1- -04 Tuesday evei Y. They report a scarce goods); Pink Striped Ducks. Alt -%000l a TATId 2ing the at atwBa field lastr Saturday. more of those PRE EN. carloads of mowers. Mr, A7B.. Smith, the, 0 a good time, and few inorevintend going this' laines at 26c. new Fhot effect Dress Goods at 50. 4th ingt. alarge 4 rn er of the people who en' wal agent, is assistiog him thi's week. - These goods are worth'much more money. and formerly worshi %Jlr.( Sobi unt week. -r. Kex. Babson!, conducted ser- re UD d the old Presbyteri Spackman' proprietor :of the , iast vi beautiful for summer wear. Also now Printiv. an Grand Bend Park; id Mr. Lfiepipd at iembled at the resi ce in Loudest aro last Sunday, ai Chureb B r ucec- was in -the villag by Webb of Lend, aboro i preached here. --And - 1vV,i.FTixc;s , Mr. K.,'Murray and fam ly denceo'fiMr. Ge orge !,Walker, Mill Road., Tuesday last, and repatts that a largenum- MPL era have already., ex to still they come anoth' have moved t;o Port Frank.-:-Herb rt Col,O- Tyreke st L hith; for fthe ber of picnickers and ea so far. ur Go er new inqmber'joined I urpose of conveying en- the. oil Tem are last week. Mr. Louis day, A. Craigie, A. Ferguson 'and Fi ed to that entleman'their, appreciation 4his taken possession of big beautiful park -on the- sonaklole Dry t.- Farnh shoiries of IA'k-e arriwaseecte asdelegate to attend Baker, of Goderich,were here.on Sunday, - faitlif and disintereE ie&, labors in connec. H-uron,-Tbe death of Wr- hame eet, the meeting of Nathan and Josh Walters, of Colborne,wi re ton urel Mile Mary Cig, relict of the late E. B. e rand Lodge, to be held w Oat eb 'Mr, Walker ais I * our AtIliff T&pleton, took place at her late residenet-, end in Toren to duri ng t s month. -Mrs. (Dr.) the nests of Mr. J. Card on, - Sunday.-Afr. made e re"cipient of a air of andsome and Farneomb and .hilcl- -en are at present on a W. 9truthers, of Toronto ledical College. easy b ire foir hims6 and 'his estimable .0111 Gidl'ey treet, on the 6th inst. She was. Our Pil and interred in visit to Mrs. F co nb d fathe' arrived home last week. -On Sunday I' to wife.1 r. Thom '.as r, ol the Kincardine cemetet V On are beginndn'g tO r, Mr. W. E. F F Stanley, as) utday' afternoon laSt. ean Caldwell.; -Mr. anr.es Warwick and Mrs. there were at the River hotel guestaL from Spokes an foe 'the party;o addressed Mr. -M in, in- ater-O ged 'Jeft'rey, from Lohdoh, paid. the village a fly- London, St. Marys, Clinton and Goderiorih. Wall e r as sPector of public schools, was in the(-iviilage Iihyn requested to ad- U There Are sdU -a am, Ing visit on Sun They all like to come here to enjoy the bea'u- dress y f . aw wotda -on behalf of those on Tuesday. -A car load. L eh . el g dement ay. Miss Sadie Jamieson, a of ery who has been v wy ill during the past win- tiful lake breezes. -Joe Brandon and At", . who th ot elf, oc ,,rrtposed the-oongega- was delivered to farniers in this Vicinity- who sed thek -g that few W,( Mr. ter is now so far recovered as to be able to Porterfield, of Belgrave,were-. visitirig he1re tion of Etos this] week. -Mr. nd, Mrs. DartielFretich, of —to ureb, brucefield, on theub- Llm- be 1 out once ir ore. -Again 'our village is last Saturday and Sund On Saturd*y ject Of a there. Wbe this place, w6re awariled the positions of -- One, as I! ciatiott with u ur. g Ae I call keeper and -matro-ut of] th raced by the )res ce of Miss Flora Mae. evening thirty-eight of our ou g peop altent n'to.the fact that . , e county House of Mr. e had a very pleasan . io -your coon- Refuge bl i Weask Donald, of Sta Ta. er many friends ar t trip to Goderich nection, witj t Ir the county eounei]. 1!here',were, c i it church, both as i9lder and Ser- pleased 'to Niiteb ome er back. -Mr T. A. board W. JowetVs steam yac: t " Eag]01 Trustee, has.1 ex f0rt5r-twO - UPPlicationsI for the position., ie whole period day Andrew has at - weset t in a fine gtock* of dry -On Friday eveningi., June 21 at, we expect -Mr. Rutliven.1--acdonald, then of my lifetin.e, t will ibe readily seen t)lat I oted sin&r,, bat could 89.Ve- of goods and groceries, )oots, shoes, etc. For 8, MAISICal treat, when the I ass[es". Braos ambut of London was here oil Tuesday and Wed - pool., y I i tted f r the task, and I am nd- a village store r. A hdrew carries a. stock BaIad is to be here and hold L meeting ip sorr I it did, ot fill to. the nesay Q.-Rewls. Jackson and Locke- if -Uot OL little on y lot of some one bavereturried frorn confererice.-INIr. Ed. 'havonly olle VT on town 66 town hall. Every better able,"", the edl ect. that -would put to sh alme many of our e b D an shoul d justice to be ttend.-Mr. T. J. a s ecting wag felt v IBiwett Forest, visited relatives here Bv and city storei, and this gentleman has a, rks e a onglyl, that on tbe ocCaSIon -wn great -eni erprig' e in - trying, to make couple of summer cott g s on of,closi g n- Ith affa'i' of the c n-g'reg If. D. Spicer is i repainting th b he a e Tuesday --3 is goo ation- t s I oe­plk S otel an c ercial h I thisweek... -market. posite his residence. - Tiese w nderst W6 sbou,4 j lve ursel' th Ire 'bf ex. of b do -stind first n the xterior of the Comm e are already enga isItractor for he new granolithic- n:.ojVea urosv_-,our appre. idewalk is pushi are rh' ged for the 11 son. -Mr pressin to -The coi Inglis of Olinton has bi- 1 FPI.DX --d t P en sple& ng a Nee] ciation yZo l faithfiil fie thel work rapidly -Mas - Brussels. )t A rvices. ter William J. Welli a' at the Rive' e, rl I am told in memor, does tCottL 0 to red here,, a guest r You h ' been$ y n n and Bells' efea Rat LOCAL BRI I ..-Robert Dickson, and James Po lockis having the QuceWs hote not ca Wes visit& relatives A Xippen olu. mo- b ek 00 fa -179 connected with h receiv d a laral the -ong Lyaio i n the, capacity of Eld sr. 20 s ii wife, who have been visiting ivit friends painted. He has already or Sunday last. -Mr. Richar. nt- ever since they. ave:iip their place to- Air. number'of applications for accommodatio e ,or over )rby years, an was taken seriouslyrill the past week, but iw. d during Pbe G60rke Crook flib 'purlehaser,, visited and this popular.hotel will be well filled. all that fume you have discharged. th - slowly recovering.-Jvf, ssr"oward & Baw- III AM -8 goo ud- friends in diffe rit f I e duties den, Contractors tTwa Huron before. with summer guests. Mr ] olloc obtained d6lvin IIa`%re C64nmenced the re- , ad rts of evo vin ulk'01i You 'w "th rare tact and with liildingof the of they left for De roi here they intend re. a SLX Months hobel license.1- Edward z, n4w' no L, I ain streei church, Nihich Mr a latement. You were ex- siding with th ir daughter, Mrs. Francis Elliott, of tbeJUbion hotell has this year on I a ))eget Wks destroyed by fire on the 24th of' PV I to Kedy, They le t last week for' their new - made preparations for Summer, boarders, ith difficulties and di- March last. -Thee n f the Biala— Boxret eloths. 11 vIng- refitted the house, Solid maRe codragen,,'' n4a that would h g,egation rit- home. Their mmy friends in this locality b ' i of Sg streetchurch intend. h4ving a strawbe Wlaipcor& every- ardor I zealou Imen. You were many 400 wish th cem healt 1 and comfort in their new Convenient for times d hpon so 296th. -NTra. thE comfortable and r erervices w cial on the evening of the hat abode. Our reeve spent last eek at the 'guests. -Mr. E. Swarts has this Sprinj had y h Hoo er, Huron street h County towti attending the on mig t very propei ly have been refieved1l, p ['he county council, his popular house, the River hotel, I Qlreni home through illness. R. H. Collins, and but under riot ances you were ever district deputy of the 1juron district paid. in and retur&d aturday. Joseph O'Leary so'oely papered and painted thiroughout. found rea we may 0.180 the and Samuel Bea' tie took in the Hamburg He is prepared tor a large influx of guests, Whatever ffig to do cheerfully the Blyth 1jasonire U once (d to be in _ Ji6dgie a ..fraternal " it o0l. di7snount is not rac A number will go this and a large number have already 'made en- eots o h 1 0 Tuesday eveinglast­! Chief Gll is having price, lbut ff es last weelt. the inter- bO rej*don. In fact it. e to e week to Stratfo d. R. Reach will be there gagements for is season. This is the fav- truth 11 8 'd o!: y )u in that, his dwelling house reshin*le(T this week.- th three horses. At Hamburg he won orite stopping &ce for. bicyclists and tran:- connection The villa e council metat this Frid4yeven- 'what in- wi me n, 4th money' wftjh, Saranac and Rumor sient guests. -4 -Mr. George E 'n at leamt,.tl ateve - your hand found to ing for Ferguso prioes. Ithe do, you di ally0ur might. Now that n, of -this Ile, bub -was behind with Riddy, being 5th, Commercial blotel, catem largel the our congre` has I een disbanded, some Place, has moved to thei Grancl Bend. Park, tes T 1 -Knox' church with the half acre of American visitors, of whom grdatol. inlynbers of us win- gp; b e place of -worship and where she will take the: managemenr of the- A. ed land was Sold- , last Friday by F. S. annually mike thip house their summer some to Ot e permit us W' express the (lining hall ther. ian Scott r to a son Ainley; a low home. r. 1. ic rdp, -of russe Is, visited hope th at ver ne w connection you may in tiripe, bat churches are no e most saleable his mother here isil wee . -Mr. ind 'Mrs mak -11 ere fi d -Jacob Barquie, a e,yo you ciations a id- property. -Jam Ballantyne has invested John Fraser, Mr. a Wbiddou )Russian Hebrew W&-.- f and Mrs. Johi r =60s than thalt' arrested n Toronto last Fridgy 1. ht agree bie' and rich- 1, 8 labori. ed ur .in .4 brqncho.- he contract for e new Mr. George Stan yand Mi. L. Hall'at- which, after so y ars, h4 'Come to an .charged w-ith pawing aforged cheque. hen, D e- school was let or Friday last to Robiert Wil. tendedthe induclon serviceal at Brucefiold end. We ollbr ra: Bon,of th; l S u t ese chairs for,yourseli the detective arrested him, he endeavor -A is town,for the umof$8,065,'wbich n Tnesday.-M r. L. H U pected to and Mm W'golk which we beg yo4u to ' to cut his thre, I arc nex . ac 1 at wAh a pocket-knife.. t includes! everyt1ing but the eatirg. W. preach in St. An reir's el ext Sunday, cept, not: for the' intrinsic value, whi h is T6arqAie1s Wound is,not dangerous. n n v To Far n 001 It ron R j