HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-14, Page 1HATSM
ywtraenit lim been, ru ih of. the Spr tg seasbn, am colistanly putt nx ohanct-_ west styles Hats . - -ant. 0or &it I for 4une, licest Soilora and- gtim_ can be Irad -in the- asoix for thi ik-itnig that., 11 sell so kly is th .sure is mile, less than, F the style d' Hat yo, The ,yv must as q._i` 'pring di d, a soon, Tat if you would take -
tie warr wea her'.
Ve eauglt,t it ri-lit- cold linels. These
'eel anti thos coming,,, rs. Ve h,%v received
Spbt ivid I wh#e tune a , people made a.
dr- which proves them.
6 the 4re fter. e of White *dFiney:
e emand.._.
of Wo,ADeUines,,&nF_,
n Prints, Siteens, us-- , hanis, &c , that 1i be- at less than a.u6tiom
Pry Goods.
thing was b in, sinmanvinstaile wer-er- T
Lecount if the, wi. hering i far is very shorta dalso" ie, lost & valua bzoocl oyerfeed of At-. 4 was livingand-quite- fitg,. Is gQfno ' Oil and -ever wift be' put! - in.. -
Mer who planted. pea- L "tick.1a this -new` line, H. Mooney and G_ g the courity council at- We expect to- hear House of Refuge whem 6v. W. J. Rail will b4-- 11th, in Knox churehl, inA reception- the ;nanse in the even- uts, will be served and, eministers present. eat o0icer H. 11. Farrel ul made a ourth visit. "perir ;or spro- in Wag id hNnoirged gallons ?er has let t e con h tra;ct to stables at the. Id ason.. laines, Londeaboro, tfor- ,:o, Harland Brathers,the-
d rooflurf. The totaV
M. On
ddenly at. the -resi_
I !ffr. PeterStraith, M- rs--
an Charles Citvl1owa,,att
th, a&ng withi %er a di
.e had not been well,aAa
The cause Of deatH,
",ight children1 and M; _
. e , of the- children here-
,eased was a stauncho
,many years a resident
nawn.- A steerbelou 9:
werconlo. by the beat
Lt the station the Gthef-
e effect4.During -the.
uber, of e -.,-.Port cattle-
from Clinton, aimong
--A.: Forrester, 6CY-
th heaviest twc-
Mesara, 8mith, Mar.-
o shipped several car
Ion a lot "of boo
1lomas 8-tinson and hfs
J. Wilson and other-
John Sherritt,
.ephen, is attend ing
,erich this, week. -Rev.
R. L Wilson,
ttendin g t1le Aleth-
trathVoy. Thev wilt.
Ct week r. Henry
ixi-itina Wickert were
the residenos of the-
J. Foster, sr., felt anoZ
qlar Of last week., Dr_
il she
JO, n
prised visit form,
.-ountv of -Ar-
the 'art-
S(,, Ille time next
visiteil- '.%l1r. J T_
V00CL, i
week 8va`s ver5 -
111105A s6opefll things
rain of thi weiek
awl 1111deirtaking
fornierIv 6i,rried
1c; are
WRI in the community
.Nir- Jobil
tov remove -4i
h Ilia
this neighborhood
) isit to Detrpit_-
business Oil WE
ler from Zurich
r. Wurtr_
Ene.is meeting of the
iation, was held ort
4the following offi-
mideiit John (reb,;
'nell, Reco -See-
Corresponding X Care -
It McLEAN BROS.,,: ii b:&hers, -S A R. TWENTY EVENTH Y -ance.
14EAFORTH FRIDIY J1JNE 149 1895 1.00 a Year in Adv WHOLE IJU24BERI I $ quered the country. It Isbuil i to order, i in England, - &nd the lowest be drap ed bridg9s; as asked for by the motion of are -for the present. They have also ex- he nt and at emp ed suicide in a single vote, TEE LOXPONTOLICK- laid -out with the regularity ofrt ie squares Toronto fell into the rr ssilry hands. each vote, voting to continue until some one Messrs. MeEwon aid Turnbull. (7) That a amined ih detaileA statements of Ins
N; e. w, lendlid H( provided for him -a ill I 2el ced-'r b id lbe built on the boundary be- Robb and Tom of'411 reniurteraffon ieceived on a chessboard and i ontaiuW sp nt gets, i majority of the whole. -Carried. it ge Qw. ItF clevatiqn -in coxinection with their qffice f
bdifices of lime and a, -bii ri home to his fath&, st of 1,428.58. Messrs. Kerr, Eilberand the Clerk were. twe n Halle 't nd MaKillop, at Bldekls, and by illem o
. I ' issioi er have it done as sobn -nee with t of TH EY AE COMPAREP TO "TIM. FIN4 of 6 000 feet endows It with a CI mate tM f in A etter of grateful tbanb a the father appointed scrutineers f6r taking and count- that the c inspectors in compli mo ion
be o * a -rod to a perpetut I autumil- h& Th, ing the ballots in comilection with the elec- is 4ble. ES 11 IN OUR LARGE CITIES. may mp anlount has been council and recommend thatj'they be re-
oe rou I f th Q printedl in the minutes. i *en received.
An article has gon tb d tion of the officers re4u#ed for the Hous 3 of repo i opted. ceived a
IIn ly reflinded. , ;e I
(S.o c was,ad Refuge. THE EQUALIZATIO-N. press f there IVrwa9in, $CHO 16 onduct- . , 9-_PECTORS' SALARIES. 11fte nVerius Clubs :Tt,o Art if 74 civ 11 strife, per and atroll. of The Equalization Coin country teoped in bl( od ol it THE, COUNTY COUNCIL. The ballot for the kee In O'cord ice with -m resolution d at mittee reported I .own -T I - I . passe , ommenaing that the equalizittion remain I au. Orderly T ed In wa,procee ed w It. la,4 Tee Th e w dom 11hat of persist- 1W Debaderacy ol Is Guatemala. " To ( no who It its liv tbekllouse of Refuge file sea ion of the council, School In- Dr xkazehy-The--Lnt]4 n llitobbyfP 1n a this cot ntry for man years a;, id enjoyed 0111 and-, after ten ballots bad been tak n Mr. D. spectidlis Rol b and Tom presented a da ailed the same as last year, exciplit that the acre- r "be June meeting of the a -ersialth be reduced by 47 acres, ently kee7ping- alLead d -11 Others -lves 4 nby council
the bol Itality of its E icrous aid sympa- Freiiell and wife, of Exeter, weip declaired age of Tuck
t leir receipts in connection - us a lease on t !3-ilaae. Itispossible, of Huronopenedat poderich onTuesday eleeteq to the positions of ke lier! tatemitut ol and the equalization of Seaforth be raiteil thitio pi iople such. clu inn lous r ports pro- nd a ith their )fE aeo for the years ft ernoon of last wea. All the mernb 8 IT 1893 ad hoio..for inferior inatro . The fol t by 810.000. to pay I es$ elsew. goods, 0 6elid Corresp6ndende.] duce a f uillng of shan: c and To, got a6 the lowing are tbeyoteg' ast (sp took 8 i Mr. D, B. Kenuedy1l i 1894.* he all )wing are the statements for- ffgof me I displayof Ignorame ecticiarning thIs little were present. A5% .
but not for e 4 dodness. 'Under- t6,.mox, June 8. -For tile 1. on th( first and last ballots 1.894,tl The report was amended by striking out known Olin tr3k h se Uatements were rew
9 I lilt; cont Pi ce as reeve, and. Mr. D. Cai;Itelon a iat foi tl oe previous year being nearly
ear is as goo and, cannot v -void draw ra§t Clinto , an Ali -on at d wife, West Wawanosh, .9-0 the same. I and- the increase in Seaorth's equalization, and
w fine and theap 261 a de uty-reeve: Of. d M * BroadFoot, Brussels, 0:; Robert Buchan -Goderich by one
-Ano T3atrIo:,, clo o the pros referro to t e Itiduc oninuttee :- . I reducing'the township of
the police in London 11114 thb police at Sinci Pwu un Y ung as reeve of Colborne. here as tb ey Cali. be. . 0 !dent, . marched down from the and ife, Yorkton, 14 -, James Bari and &tion C dollar par acre, when it was adopted- home lit Now York. In I..011don - ey aro it: ent pr he Warden briefly addressed the council, Men's Balbrigg n, allj heights of Qaozilltenan iD. r;Z,B'S SALARY. ize1s, 81 per suit. band of ,ourtemiWu`bIId1 sorvants Nvbo are go, 601. L od wife, ullett, 21 ; Willi am Buchman and : .1 THE ICOU_ &T term elvoof'frol' . IE-ducafwn Departgient $625 00 The Finance Committee rep hfori ation to... y0rs fig rc willing o obl ief rring in feeling 9 to. the Aeath of wife, Rec orted, ecom-
Meu s Balbriggan, all piz1ls, 1. 50 per suit. igo ;nd gi,mg ihfori and put to I Ill ,it his 0p;0nC McMurctie, eve 'of Clfnto4; ay, 8 ; George Bissett, i Go ldric It, 9 County .......... .......... 626 00 ody. InNow,'Yo#thoyaroaproved -;In arnywhoso ainniunition consiste Nl' h as Cumming .11 Drr- nding the payment of numerous accountsi
Mefr's Natural Wool er suit. evervb ite and wifel A is, 13 is
2 p me
Travelling- -exponses.. I50 -00 M lloy, reeve of. :OolbDrne,' and Oliver, o
Xen7s Sanitary Wooil $2per suit. of 'cartr dgos loaded' w th -ci ircoal' the Clarke- and wif we t NVa,wanosh, nd amoing others one I 8, from John But- set of o- TenslVe black.g#a rd§ and blilliosi -depe of y members of the coun- offices
e have t for This, Is I - hard and tr6ight to the pofnt country as not seen a singlere-iolution t(i 0 Ge orge Duncan and wlic s Seafofth, 2 814W 00 ler, Goderieb., for;tb ierinometers for.
W ydu oil who had died ince the last meeting. I it prov deathe fipe§ etV TZACIM1113 ENUMIN -from the Villa(re of f )utt 1,-il siTife, Prevlou4 WilliF m Downs and wife, H li 0 ; Peter in the cour t house ; one involve he land in c Two: boaid meetings ... ...... $800 as usual and in 41 0 lzes-34 to 46, way 0 -in but i is the truth, the-, Ipplications of J. F. Glenn,"Colborne, Deans and wife, Wingham, 7 A. Counting- exr)ining ........... 36 00 44 00 Exeter of $30.50, -for expens i es xut i. nc, it C y 3d C BI th, 2;*George iesidinj at Julylexstninations.... ...... . 64 VO Piper, a ln&tic, to the wrylum, smd of b,; k on Ainerica ox I than oil own rail splitting pro iden for I inn g b kg Entranco and Public pebool Leaving Exains 151 00 lio 111pu ma to this a leador of moro huni 10 0 an I -W. J. Ellio t; geafol Ith, fe be appoint- ham and wife, Totherg- ll P Nine day# say t at ed eoun y studeitts,lat the A *,cultural Col- -wife Eas Wawanosb, I. - French V2. 94,from Byfield, for sendm- g Mary. Ile-
imol ai an 116veAmerlba abov be Was i, pig driver- -decupiad the presi i , 'I , ! Z le ,e we x oil ive -Coin- T) -e. re referred to the It and wi ' Exeter, 18; Jobn'woll urray to the asylum. ley also, recom- May and
all Otborplaco!;Iand Iliato I mpaxative peace pwit .. ............. $1659 00
'R081!R ha dency in c? for U 6rd of imptee, as were ialsb the foll 'wing: Letter fp)- TotailteceiptJ -castic llusions, 85 years,J -wife, Ethel, O.; Solomon Hardy wife, mended that& by-lasv he -passed grantin ten in. ilonce Ito the aa ited, respectlu ' arrears due 1 DistiqRsisumTs. With oentr of thatwondwfu man Clerical .............. SI25 power 0 to the Seaforth Collegiate n titu6, and a )0 row thb sum 'f $30 000 to meet currbut'ex-
iosieiy trade, is English ncw p a t ion,, 10; Jame inton, I; Travelling and at expenoe&... to to!;Ile con frd:rn F. Holme Zurich, 5 ; Lack Kennedy ajid i ife, Clin to the warden and treasurer to bor - Ing the '17m k llbc rty that exists at Bhrrlos, the -vv btcllw(rd "Pro- ress" was k_-Nane and WIN 9 Ip W., 600 625 4 evidenced b th ,alar ,e s4,les we' are corn petition from ratepayer: i in Hay townshi nat- 6 King andwife, Wingharh, 2; Andrew penditure, and aho that th6y have esth added to that- of "Ill) arty, I "an'[ a for;nc,r mak tv e hoi no in Now Y&k. ha gas ool pection bou cin. in eel Littfe and wife, Soeaforth, 2 CIS Not I n"come;. ....... ..... _41034 00 The re' of our tradj spedting c , n Law - ad the expenditure for the year at W,389.- re -rho ' average wage ol 1-a, London pollee. priest kolden pooplb t irew -off he yoke of s : on 060 -which ill re- obliges u e strifo t put themm daries gnol wife, West Wawanos Olin C.' 45, less receipts of S to andle 'only first-class man Is nbout' shilith'A 'a week ($6) and: bigotry and 4egan th motion of Mr. Watson, seconded b on the a, on the On' doll y Mo6rison, McKill 1 A. och and' quire a; rate of li mills e to 4; if he h solves ion a lare with Aber natims. Jr. E. 7 O.Af S 1894. goode. W bu' enough Of a ki she eve ad the des, there is, no w Mr. Keddy, the applicati ons for the varions Q ty. is temala had 0 tillirg to Conte'. Ith wife, Rullett, 3; Duncan Moilsh0son a4& equalized ssessed value of the coun
pi ice Own, sell enough"A -a for him to 1 ''blaakinall . Qohtrdr?t- th .. with fthb i
bring the r d' w ' It !offices -required in connection F. MeP ee ind- wife, i The report, was aniended b.k addi 14 'to I tion epi rtineut ...... 75 'a'
40' f most diffl- wi e, Ing am, ;
Kind to keep It e profits 8iiiall, and with the stila ics w.pald; the patrolirrion at was the as nown and th th, F 9M R4%ich ........ $ 6,33 ;Route of Refuge were. submitted to. e 00, I C'u I - cult of access of the fb-o Central Amerldau I ne, 6 ; ameis G. McMichael an(I wife,,; 0140tyr Con -8 .... .................. 633 76 the amount to be paid to Ba field -, ,-L."67 to hoine and tbeir;op nitics, and r4ill 18pecial Cbmmittee, to report at the fore- t, 4; A. McClymo t i nd wife C . ch Pul 81 26 Exeter, an between tke i VWo make it to every- Hullel Goderi 110 School.... d striking 6ut, the amount to be
rly as republics. Shut in fro: in thebutsido world ber iNo thati inon (-a pretty nei !noon session of the-followihg day. OY 9. GodeAch, 12 John McIntyre, I As ifield, 0 paid to John Butler as the articles supplied bo,ay's interest Jo buy Hosiery here. far In IN70W YO;; - as It 9- In Lond and for years there appeared but little of condolence were adopted, $L298 76 had been ordered by the officials without Resolutions rd w -pensi Richal -d Polls, aud :ife, MbKi lop, 10 - TravellingRx aCa;d Postage .......... 115000 3fen!s Fast Blac Cottons l5c. I have livei. bi Lo: don now foT three hope for this Country. whose popu- he death of Messrs. Alex. Ma- a 9 0 , go , the council. The -report as I . regre ting t eorg Russell and wife, in ham, 291 E Xpenew atten in! ty Board ineetlD s 6o the authority of redix at t. latl6n,outriumbered te eoles five .1 2 E I
months and ha ve- disco -s o 'Tango fac e reeve of i on; Archibald ast Blac Ribbed. Cotton,,25c. Mut ie, lat Ole noled was aidopud. The first rq Menls F ugh R i 9 and wife, Ofinton, bert ame art %f $1462 85 It is, this: In LondT the indIvidlial b to onq. But baTrlof:was mr ter of the Mall late reeve of Cc rne; and Walter I- ainuel T.; the committee reeommendeil the levyixk
Men's Fawn Cott,, 25c. as Scott and wife, Seafbrth, 51, T esidin at Exam nations, etc.- -g of
1 -much. more libeit'y t lie has III New Situatio oubl. late dep6y4eeye of Grey, and in- I - 11i, ollar, bat it `xvas Men!s Back Lisl Grey, 0;; S. J. S I w8choo .......... $9 po Thread, 40c n. . Wl one I low th I 0 6ar- 'Oliv Shine And wife i nnon and a. riitt of 2 nulls on the tpoe dToat red convents and nion isterles w &o thrown 0 so n copies of the Men"s Black- liere, 25c, 35c, 50C. York, Tbink. of dt! Here In. structing the clerk t wife, I MeJ016 , t and! rrFn r ... ..................... 600 decided not tq raise any sinking fund 9
, 4 Job Step nson 17 - Men's Silk and " eal, 500. town of an old mopareii lfhcre' ls;'Actually open. Useless propert r, the a(ci niulatiolqs respectie resolutions to the 11riends of the wife, Ashfie rd 6nd wife JUDI r', ..... .......... 2800 iequently th id _W, Stu . I I this year, and com e. Tepee. A years of begging fftr ars ionks,'was I I . . . I I Senior Loxi 113 s32-09 We are conti, hally on the up track "I` freedom tlifin thol0 is inAlio great 1 dece"6 East a 2 n r Taylor and ModelSobo&V &mill referred back to the. Committee, and 600 81 00 8 republicI . It ought not to bonfiscafool all town of a he i d turn, sd linto Ig wernment Th4 Special C6jnmitte *ero -re4uesW to sister, Londes o 2 I drs." ry A. War- Reading Examil la I n PILF erg, etc. was amended so as to reeoynraend -the for c. r schools,. with the wo ds " pi 01 Tess" and ra sa evidenced by these higher, grades at b Z it is true. 11 Hy lp-park you d ft and have f6rwarded a etter of con- pick, Hallett, - 1 Th mas hitely and High Schoo: 0 itrance Goderich 4300 I I 6 44 mer rate of- It mills. b t u n lower prices will. r moeii and worhen aylng things "liberty" -written ove) the'do dolence to the widow and famil - of the late Exeter 2700 _-y Wife 6ode'rich 2 Wilso n and wife,- After reading and passing a, number of
A. M. I =on 20 00 ti ibqs Wk s-gikthered for -IT ichtli'cy.woilldbeiai-xestedind given Ind6lont Indian by-laws the Council
Judge Tome. Stephen, 8 ; D iniel Wilson -and w lie, Gode, is 00 prorogue In like the tr on 01 I negligent Mr. ded by a Year-, a impriE onn bnt in. Now York, -and uant chi dr A motion of; yalop, secon rich, In' bwer and - If6, S$Anley, Public Set, '=,trpe Sa U Wil r 0",.7:: isoo M.
im Spe'iclal parent. Some Were sent. to i -,hooli and M)r. Greene to ant each of the district Model Soho I 3800- 10400 p still Lond6n I amiost'icidorKylowD. Yc ; 12. buildinf roads and Farmers' Institutes th sum of $25, was re- Ot,he candi- Cea-da. others rhad . Arbitrati6ft Me tifti...._ ................ 5 85 thopoliecof New York understand tile art . to' orl a ten and. last ballot all III,- turning virgin forests Into 3roductive e'Ex Clltl 3 Committee. Scotch Tweed.Suis to order, $16 instead i of levying. bl tit I th6y don't ferred to th dates ere -dropped with! the. exception of Gro,10, Real .. .. . .................. ;01703 20 Two men were a fined $92 on Satur- - . i all of 82W2. I elds of coffee. The 'In*entl v( go ahead Al number of accounts James Barr, Hillett, a-Liol. D. French, Exeter, Mr. T, om a I e,.,- With derstad he ot, obuduc.ting an orderly. 11 I ter. referring a lar re d the following not day, in Toronto, for working lame orses. Scotch Tweed Paiits to order, 4 i nstead town -and thrifty " Grl go was e no mraged to to the Finance ( omml itee, t4e council ad- and. wby men 016uld have more the 22 votes auld the latter +the ex ' tier o part of the Counti Board -The forty seeond annual meeting of the of $6. un C gov- come Into the ,a' d and turn al the sod, a joiinted until 10 o'cloe; Wednesday. 29, 1 fr. A R' n . an w frce(jqla under willon e c d ife Were, t pre- work, t e pr a, ding A eXA11Ii11&ti9B8 aud
Canadian Tweed- Pants in- 'r'ailroad was Mutt fr:)m the coast to the - . ! Congregational Union of Ontario ana Que -form Is --b-DAY. fore, ir 11 red to be electe4 to the poll- ernuLfent than un republican' f XCON 7 dee exanuninj oao 'dates! papers are,do6ne,d'uring' bee was held in Hamilton last week. stead of $4.50. 'IT capital and a po t es mblisbc.1 where. for- sident of the ec ive y. I v n ese are\Vaid fo -The postal authorities intend ariddlo' the iorying ] which -I leave Q A -nuest from the pre has atron, resp t, I Boys' Tweed Suit , 2 to98, at half price. others. And cc 4;nddr atAm merly but along ine of break jr beat upon the usua, tions (if keepei and in the si i io s. Th taking ac _p ex ca 9 Hur( n Teachers' Association' for or inspe ,r, the votob as. follo, but a e eds hie Db contribute tign against a number of small raders in y th e ;A f__ 4, h All fine goods! an tit prices that. .becciailng ungo anhics! I'm beginnilIg the sandy beacl. alogr Ines were gran was referred to th E utiv Coin- Wi rates, D. McKay, 7 J. C. cir candidates. e inal ectors are paid- for th aa. Winnipeg who retail postage stamps.. 'delf at it at constructed throughout the cntry, and in cit. fo th Good Roads Colwell$ Mr. 'Prouty., 14. CR=Ot be equa&d. Anybody -,Nh6 ilot-tbwon If thingd go on itt te. A ir 'ar in rise 6; M . 5; work the same the other examiners, T -Between 3 OW and 4,000 cars 'Passed scarcely been renounced a d a r4 g6ingnfich lbnger,*wemIght bad clectrielt:, r been.. ssmiation was rea nd erred to the Mr. C)ates, havin r received a- clear ina- arbitration e x sea Have been paid by the through the'St 0ar tunnel lastw4ek, an s to see baraii is in these ines, is a 9 V. a are4y at once and success for illunilnuting purp( sea than a on the rp.b ballot was declairpol -verage of -over 500 a day. hs,we l Wstituto Road and Brid Committee. townships or is ool f ections interested. I a
dge. of goods. r'was orlian-IZ11 ol, and t streets of electe, 1. can assure you preft r not having any arbi.- -Jaines Wall, poor have done with it, r, at would be much cOmPaA' ' T1 a report of he treasure , in espect to a Hamilton hotel keeper, ala werol: lit y electricity. The neare-r the mark, iiist,ftite an autocracy. GuateTki, the f iiaces of t is count an as ing that ]For physician there were three appli4lits, tration meetin a -to httend. They are no magig ra, e yl was fined $29 'by thepolice t t lasv. S,U itS The f)rinIplo of th a hondon poll eman telePho o Ntas Iii act vo opera before and the vote stood fallows : Dr. the warden and treasurer be emp wered to as Camp profit to an ins ector.' week for selling liquor on Sunday Bois' Sa 0 IS tei k0l) and presei v the. peace, icstoJ re many.ol our northern cities ha 91ve-ulta bbrri,w money f6r all rreht exI ensei was re- bell, 'Senforth, 24.; Dr. Shaw, Clinton, 19; W. A. Armito:ge,,of Biddupb bus- - THE EXECU VE CO MINC[TTEE"s REPORT. __ der aild 4co that the r, J'. is no b.-cakago of -serious thought, and a police orce, mod- fo6r d to the Finance Commit iee. Dr. Turnbull, Clinton' -Dr' Campbell Th.- Executive Committee reported: Re- afine head of Democrat wheat that was For hot weath a.r. -;.-White Dck, i w.l The prinal p,of thd New Yo k elod aft,,r the was esta::: lished un- -U e we THE 00 -X,?rY GAO wai declared elected. ar Ing th Rant icne of Messrs.A.Glenuf out be et e 0 mming tripe ucl,- blue ak *6 peace aggrav te der the supervisi)u of a captal! L of a Now Ommitte ON rne an blue tri is. to br Mr. William Dickson, gaoler, reported, The council was moved -into a .4..Elliott, Seaforthltobe -The 16-montha- a o, ted. Eton of AIT. -for the lecior the ov- '-ppointed stud, nts to Agricultural College, -the'outskirt rf London,fell collar all sizes. You can save money and havd tho iw bro en so -that York sr uad. amolig 9ther things,' is follows We have the wole to consider the ru Win. Reid, on -be may be . able to lov: st - And ihus this progr ssive spt It has con- t i-esent eight prisozen ge, and ter itii, recommeoded that J. C. McDon , into a -pail of water and was, found 1q_U Your rebases here.!, ? Iackmah. At lea a- D1 3 in CUA04y, seven ernniezit of the House of Refit -old PU e acts Mimed without ppar nt -ehec since Its this lathe principle 1, upon.. TI)e. its il ustrious &Ies and !one fematle, the latter, Mrs, makir g some changes, rose and asked le4ve West Wawant ill, appointed, he havina shortly after., ...................... following will Illustrate the. a I ttitude of the IIIII: r6gidnitor. is 84 years of age, land. very to sit ain. eo' t apphed at. t] e O' anuary I meeting of the' -Eighty paficints of the' Victoria Ros- IgU: latIOD by She bard, The c6ancil adjourned to in ar kne Supa. -floiall eel, has uno argone but fie - Thursday. I at k Cb ere re- We e Lea'ders in Our t L nolon policeman to, VaM -those thdt conie y tile Cl . lie I in Colborne, an 9 I ! condil th he grant& to tb b)e.' She come Iro d was at 9 o clock e Farmers' pital for s3ic ildren, Toronto, w few cha nges In the pi st fen yi ars. Here I THIRD DAY. 3 a nitted by Chit es Seager, P. M., as a. be aid in accordance with the Os W binhissuporvislor..ilkt about 10 o'clock moved to The Lak ide Acinite on ibe Island i th' nano massive.b looks of t led houses, pull at of t on of Ales S --- I .- I
last Sunday night, is I I was Saunterliag eamt, for three oLths. She has been in Mr. William- Coates sent in his resign r ( t mo ars ys 0 for the summer months, on aturday after- along.. Threadneedle str, the. s*e. lofty, dome church , the same t ( au - ditor, lie having been t A the qu he resi eut noon. saw tvio on f the males, t d horse ars whl then were dating from the d inst. :etc e of Refuge. 1 Ja(ikson. & Grei ingling,belled horse 1,,:;,9trody eight inont si the last commitment tie a ' u np aV11unn; e eat of t
:fighting in thag entr luco wof a public 'polutteinipe' r of the Hous of th a East Huron I eachers' Association for -Mr.and Mrs.: John Awrey of ills- d tongsi a n jW i n8titUt.1011, an(. the:,sam 1 minghng '894, ( not acceded bouse. 'They were at it hammer one, a vagrant from Durliam, was cominitt- otion instructing the neer to ex- the grant of to as the bu have celebr4tied their golden wedding- aAJ rg' ressed cre `d on b ember I -6th last; in d the marriage rices for cla,- es -,of people---4ho neatly ov
and I watched th6ni*foi a. short e, till ed )y Police Magistriite eager for six e the guards i in ankment on gran was pa El e :nT
The le ders in Popular p we dong'th , I evenpersons who attendo Ole, cess, swaggering fo eigner and o 1he einand.of Mr. Holested of Mr. and Mrs. Awn were present -at the made I clothing, men 1s two are under sentence for lar- te gr4nl road, iouth of ,Wingham through respect suddoinjo up caine a polleemiam At once i I ly clad, sunb : tIndla A pu I 11 a pt afort] the a;, d bki ,oper eta heu'ShP,ol in between th6m, anil, after cen ; one under sentence foT- indecent as-' t ba Tie, te of on behalf of the 8 i Collegiate Insti- anniversary. Ouse, it' ; t * I for the same :d tute,,for bala6ce of, grant claimed for 1892, -The Rev. W. Clark and Mr. George rep l ISEAFORTH, -ONT. great 6al of difficulty, In which be' -was I oQk In vain for m 7 old boar [Ing h' sau , and one aiwai Ing ria, was r and refeirea to theRoad
Abowered karf on and Wile covered offer eel and two ate ini knocked about. coisid6riibly . himself he with e iam Both the lat- and B idge Cdmmitt-Ae:! A motion to the amounting to $84.14, and balance of grant A. McGillivray, of London, isited Ilderton ortal Tholiouse IE there, tb) samo,old last Friday, and laid two orner stones of part I not -iced that all P ter cases have beeq. inveitigated and report- e in' the for 1893 ainountin to .6145.62, that. no ae- effect hat thq Bannockburn bridg managed tc 9 tree and fig % and inaybe*those ed, and are now 'awaiting ri tmoval to the towns ip of Stanley remain on the list as through the scuffic ho never"attempted t6 orange tr e, ! a tioir be taken. the new Presbyterian church, now being gtrik(I elifier of thoin hJ kflf. Imagine a are the same flower.4, but the ki nd old sen- to' the swinei Theyepo* rV was adopted. built in the village I as I IM. count , brid was referred ale by end-er', yp a who waited upqn -their. uosts with ge I ArriDXN, IXG COUNTY V-iLUA New York pblicemkii.dolng tli%:. After Ora Iie report was referred tio the. County comm, , -ee. Also a 'motion to have TORS. -Dixie,the sevenear-ol andnly -son of The ave one Prolle0y Committee. rock's ridge and a brid 0i opposite Pollee, be, of ... parting them he eXpostliulAtoid With them uCh hospitpl th d 9 The Special Committee reported -as fol- the late John F. Td ilsoublirg, was it'r a I Ing b)u COUTY rROrERT arm, n tile Saub e line, in Hay r th other evening Then both house is no long ar ( se, an Y rORT.. f placed on lows : In ref rence t o the question of ap- drowned in Lake Lisga and -advised them to go home.- ik'-:l§dgIngs ir a modern- R4 ity valuators under section ZQP, While bathing alone. an to tell him tho story of their griev- am ob d to -see )inting couii beg. . . I , e County-Pr6perty Committee'reported the lih of coul tybridgesi rf the 91 unicipal A Or, the Committee have. a -nee. He listen ently and judicially otel, where- J.am deprJ ed of tile having examined the gaol and found every- A motion wag carriedi.to the effect that 01 atta - Modgage'. ed patl Ized li Th -The memorial monum ''t to De Maiso- -ey were through lie ure of [Ittolidl gi, to my ow id xam Ito" them, and when,th pleas horse & 11 ies required for the House of ined th' returns obtained by the clerk neuve, the founder pf Mon will be U n thing clean and i good Toler ; -the contract su must mlnglc'. foreign Vefug4 purchased by tender, and find tha* in 30 counties, only,6 have veiled in that city, on Dom' ion day. The advised them - to go* h They i for the water eloo'ets has been let, knol work. I omo aga lands who know no hing of 1 e dellghts I adopted the iplan of a inting valuatoft. Governor-Getierallias 'been d to pq- took his advice, and. then be aimly re-. will be proceeded with once. The costf 9( RREZ A POLICE VILLAGE. Tenders, will be received by the un7 sunned his be lt;. He had fulfilled his dut Of native hospRalit". of this structure lwill b about $250. The I The statemi My, the clerk shows form the ceremony, Tbo p tition from residents of Gorrie ask bellof he ic) cream vepper denotes 119 theamountbliA these different valuations -On the'eve of his departure to. England deraigned up to I by restoring the peacci committee recommended a few Aniall repairs that thevi flage be appointed a police I - cor Even lil the lowest ind Most dangerQua a luxuiry in t t6ac of all, b sr formei ly, on and an ol," and some re- Le cost. It is re nmended that no action be in searbh of health, Mr. Lord T. White, ice wa§ =- t1cle nly procu :able from, plies for, the g a6 wa4 ia, o the motion for, the aiiager of the Bratitford Vardage works, pairs on t e court house building, including TUESDAY) .... i parts of London the policemen -show a dis- liiwas'h ovedbylfr. Cook, secondedby inedrpo-ratio of Gorn,e, as& policievillage, .1 the distant be ght the voican o Del Fi tip-, was presented with a handsome gold watelt
osition to perform their dutiea : in a fair a new slate roof. 1,
Mr. Graha. n' that this council pus a by- aw it in reca,mm ded: that a by-law be passed and an, filumina p gu and sold a ulous prilw. Now, ted address, oy hialriends the 18th inst and humane.way. Itthe roughsre doing 4 The i eport was adoptE d. erecting tt a village of Gorrie iutQ a I Dumbet 01 Lice fabto res conipet(, In supp o ce in accorda.uc with the request of the reso- in the city. A later repc rb tills of the anything out of the. way, -they meet and WHAT THE AUDITORS SAY. villa e, to, ing within its limits lots, '140. 5 Ing the city with a 1 article t. hat has oe- 9 lution there above garentlemas's death, hich took.plade at r2 o7clock noo'' for the purch"e al talk to them as man to in -an, and only ar- The auditors repor ed , among other and 6 in tI. e Sth concession of the towns IP in Brantford last Sunday-. Inlost I 1dispe isable. I Ana me ent to the re ort was moved ii rate, on the dollar of the stock anc rest them in -a case of necessity. Often In come v I things that they a ,gr t pleasure in testi- of He ick containing 200 acres,, and t at Ora be -John Watson, one of the oldest reii-' eWaterloo road hud along Now, Cut I see Near the 0 rner h Plaz Pde Arn: as to the 'effect that two county valuat
fixtures and 000d WillL the busineit soda 1 -ter foun tin supp y- fying to the very neat, refkl and' s-atifac- the fir election of Gustees be 44 4d in the appointed. This,.,however, was defeated on dents of Kincardie, died a week -ago, after tbein In the act Of ..arguing the point with weldiscove'r a tory manner in Which the tr1easurer's books town 'all in said village, and that Mr. iing rough Of tLhep looL ly clad men . and Ing a o -a t stre in of cus omors, 1 n Willia Irwin be -a divisiolft by a considerable majority. The an illness of one ear. He , ffas semor part
unkempt are kept, also that they hadl found the ac the return g officer
If I were tospeak to a atber I novationwh ch II report was t ie a4opted and the by-law in- ner of the large monufacturi Ig firm of W -at-. boys: I suppose the pcq le seem -to counts correct &nd satisfactory. thereot i - and have readily t"on t While I are here T corpdr4ti4g Gqrrip as a police village passed son & Malcolm, and was well. and faivorably'- Furniture buMdozing,!black-i uailing-police Captain at OADS' Bot pEfitioh and moticn wer3 -, idi the petition and resolu- kno, wn from one end of the I Oarninion t -the HE COUNTY U I referred i way of handling the rough. at the Plaza e Arm s let us! kealo ok o dertaking businpa home of 01 s The Count Road Commi 4ioner reported to the pe, Aar Committee. In c'" at it at the cathedt. . Its lofty wall i rise in all tioan9ju ehate half oter. - eleaout of a city, e would tell me th : qhf bridgeonthe 19th C"Ontes- their. purity And m jestyand lookdo n as follows TO TWEET IN CLINTON., THE. O -V REFUGE COMMITTEE. -7Th-eigoceedingrtaken i i East Toronto LatelyL carried on by, N11. 1tobertsen d; was all.wron, bmduse it taugfit the peo-. naittee rep t F. EdIga - e o Ref lze Coin essrs. J. .1 -etedL so also = ol- I 0. -%V. Smith, poii the plaza. Ali, but the p azat T tat tion of Howict has been etc Moved I y Mr. Kerr and second d by Mr. orte( agains 4
ple not to be afri Id Of the law. But he u Son, 3 -fan S.ji'Seaforth. Indeed has undergon a Chan o. , Bdf )re has the Blueval 3 bridge and! have been M- having Vtho Cent flor. the erection of a B. Cronyirand W. Gordon nt mem-,
him self- would b( in the wrong. In the UL Ratz, I hat a December sessi I he Huron- promine se for several dais. Aey 4re good ceof r liarn ohgthe Aefuge property to bers -of The Toronto 6 for alleged W my time Barrios ba driven 1 he mar. :et on M laoe,,,b o Wol Lld - show that he' kne th air county cot neil be convened in Clinton in Arst p bridges, and th( contractors have done r AlMander of the township of breach of the Lorolls' D t, ,Stock of Unddlerta-1kring G. do $460 0 nothing at all of human nature, because women out with th' IT pots a ad bask( ts, the first T Intrday of December m4t, at w tit The Holtneav: Ile 7 Stw. sy, resu in the finpio- Stock of Furniture 1187 0) 0 part very sa factorily. $82 6ro ox.) the bestway to- get the best out of people and now an Iron fence inclosl a the sp o ur e of constr ic- out s on bat Mr. McBeath the gam Sund Hearses fe,, 6nd Bly o'clock, their reason and seuse filled with ex0 ic: P nts and ecs. I he th bridi es are in co in had io de i'wio3toko of $80 iw sition of a fine of $5 and co, s oxx each of Moved 'in amendment by Mr. M Kay, -is by appealing t(, ic I exp at that they will - be cc m- i the 6 u'res of It is tietiaer, and as the defendants. , P. ton bave en , a propriety and 33 oty p1stolIng and club- old cobbles 011(0 paV t u oundiul a tiOn, 0 seconded by Mr. Sanders, that t 0 Decem , bly be ted- in due time. There ihould be '01,11 considerix - -The 'Newsboys' hall nolon, has been C 0 0 a iiL . Tenders addressed to ii, why should peo- urious Statue of I st . in th' midst ic a er aesi -e held at Goderich. 0 the first bing them. And, hga fou& of w4ter, as lven pl 0 to M d- ridge re -built (on the county bundary, )w b ion L 10 i loweii a committee are closed, and the furnishin plo be made 111 ld of. the' law? Why It Wbdniesoi,ay of December, instead of at Olin go rn- improvemOntS. - T ween West awii,nesh and KiulQss. 'Antieffiked the om Ion was an error they re- bilities. The hallwas established in the Me Ound glass t 0 1ghtv be lelpf can be short6ne i to about 20 feet. The ld ton. Co itting of the additional winte by Mr- Samuel Grigg, for the care of Re L D an C4t s III and protb Oul to 0 minend the glob4 Ing 0 Ve, I . 9 3s of the el 'trio Moved in amendment to the amendnient thG'lu? i amount pr i di m4n ithe we homeless boys, and it served the purpose and- gravel walk Win betwee blooming brid e is- very x inch decayed, and is uns de rk is satisfactorily 1435-1 b Mr. Watson, econddd by: Mr. You Tile way t1idt the London p9lice handle tived almE feavy load5.. I expect the county Of n9i 6dffipleted,, e ittee have alsolet the mrosebushes and fe-itbe y le. (91olborne,) that'no December session be well at the time. When the w er agreatetowdis inagnifleent. Younever will be ready to join in the work im- Contra& ft r is ill and a pump at a weather came the, boys pre ed to slee evielk see it club rall,ked, or lip'ar',a, hard word used. Crossing the pldza w 6 enter t 0 0-ffl aef,of Biruqe u held ti is- year. ediately after the June meeting. , I he cost of $9" for t 6' former -and $28 for the out, and abandoned it-, flerr rtoous- and Civil, an d you N io Im ag me in The motion was carried, ad the con'toil. he polic - d the 00 chief Of P011d bridge known an the Race bridge; situn, ed I&tWr and 4e now )i0ing satisfactory -Saturday morning the dead body of a Busines Chan ero cou Guatemala to be i cou try of ti C half ta in- will m4 et at Clinton in Dece t mber. requo st they in Lower.Wingbam, should be roi-built. It, woi man was found on t1w rail way track near people pa attentlon tQ any, I 1k. Tie a 'inittee have revised the : may havo5 to indke _ Apropos of this let me c d savage look abou . NTevei were si ich all bridge, only -- 32 feet lonflo and TO COINSOMD E TILE DEBT. in rnishings More is -a am pro 1posed rules and regulations, and have Caradoc station, The unfortunate man's Having disposed grocery busir iell you . of h li'oneo saw In Chicago. fu con. plete or! rich. he should be built of, cedar. There wi most Mov-d by Mr. EilWr and oe( Is bmitted bbe-m to Dr. Chamberlain, bead was completqj) as W. I air y a bei cath ur ended by ft cV cut off. From pape
th to NlessrE Currie, I t Celebration, - and li ely be some other small bridges to be re- = incial Inspedior, who approved of them r found on his persou in Seafor R-04 & -it was during CL ,, the. plush carpet f nks crushed w
endering my most n tread, and the wal Isar 1 one ma of di Mr. 81, eritt,, that the treasurer . and solicit- were thronged. Tile pollee had to I have made considerable e clause especting children, which this opportunity of t iful built this season. or tak to them ma ad. save th, his name appeared tor be William F. an ac on as y seem cere thanks to my mapy friends for i1r 6 crowd "I lea and decorations to iniltrh 0' -beal lear a passage - tifough a dons I it, repairs' to bridges and approachea, and he struck ut,the.Ugiilature having passed of OttAwa.: - He had been in Seattle, Wash- hberal and unsolicited )atronage for the p ast did th cy . do it? Why, a 0 lopholstered furnil ure')f nativio' maliegany. visablf to have. the debenture debt of . this pcople. How I . Imply i ' , with :there still, remains A good many to be re- cotipty consoli4ated at the next . sessidn of an'Act at he last sessio_n --forbidding children ington, and was returning k- Ottawal'where and pushing them, h ' str ngely O irast ten year.s, and I assu!cel hein. that I shall aot ,by cursing at, all( ving nor does the chief I ared. I have examined the boundary line being plaod in sLich Houses of - Refuge. In he has relatives living. soon forget their lr d4ess, and asking R. r a 'a d I all this elegance. . Dr ssed in neat] y cut Eetween the townships of Stephen and the Legislature' of tkis Provi.nee.-Carr ed. ref erence to the motion of lost session, pro- --Messrs. R. Walker & SJns bov; on'ex on they w Bro i6ablo to get out of iace of the same -kindness for my 'I" ast enou;,-h by murdeiously club. suit. of black, he moctr you wi. I a courte- Hay$ The council 9n motion adjofirned to meet contin In his at the place where the large dr i vidnig thAt i eadh mpnicipality should pa hibition. in Toronto, a -mignificent water successets, tll(,nl. Iqawthe blood of free Amer. ous smile. Nor Is lie Jespotic' sway at 3o'clock Fr1iday of its own paupers in color painting of Niagara Fols. It is the I remain, your obedient selva the road,and I find that the road is bene- fol the m tenance o mid all a heux1fig FOURTH DAY! a elegance, but giv. tli4 Rails& of' ReNe and referred to the production of Ex/min, the citizaps fal upon- the stones because, fitted by -the said drain, and if the drain -is 'dle
tit, M. JORDAN. bratd artist hi o a lot 0 frightened rata, they were -un. to the poorest petitlolAr, kept propeily cleaned out, as I suppose it Frid ty was i6in ipally taken up with cot imitt for coiinderation, the committee of Copenhagen, Denma c His police are oqu.1 t n's'. order fast I pod witl clubs and 4qualization Commit. aft 3r havi g conferred with the authorities 30 feet - 1 ong an d 9 fo, 4blo to Qtoy a poliacnia, .1port will be, the.count 'may dispense, with one commi ftee we be E rkt i ight, :d fro: a r instvitidtions in the Province so realistic that in Viewing ne is alm0A Wear blue uniforms, a 1 in n the Co enough. small bridge wbiciK they now main!tain near tee bei he o, e of pri cipal interest, an
of all a United States. i t ndss done, 1 open con that i a all 6f them the cost of main- expectant of the eat roar -of the mighty
& "g si hgs exists in a e y bu fin I
This order of thl 9-r the drain. I have examined the bridge on 'the on Robb ne All the art of nibider i archite s doi is not - the p a brIesser do, -rklo - every big cltVy In A or- Me sing of e rious reports andl-bY-, tet*nceof allthe*iumates is born i bythe Cataract.' In ew seem to improve upbri the dw.( Ilings built the boundary line between Hullett and f, a Killop. It is over theLaitland riv'er, and la I I -he opinion W -r . Sin of soiiri who ham
Ica. It is perhaps at it worst in ws. county and the coinunittee, are of t Mr a kins Is; tile, Sallie C ar. 4 by the panlards, many of w,l fell O' CuPy is known as Black's brid e The timbers ROADS ANM IDGES. Beo, -to state to: the pu lic that tl .ey r1`6rk, but 1 olicemanison that if th'i motioA were adopted therewould been no su-cceissful in the br-eding of Here -
%II ovtr-tbo States. And I am s9rry. a -e. TO the -are very much aly The !Road and Bridge Cdnlmiltee: vepol:t! be trouble , as to the domicile of persons eli- ford13 or " white taces," am h has nicknamed the quart int re s4u' dec ed; Me bridge should
' an 11 ctor or of will continue o keep, at Ithe. d stand,' itranger theyay loo s6mbe: and unat- be re7built the present season. them, shipped at car load: ! Df them to the to say tha,the liollcomen are In thd i4ain ed, recommending: (1) That the 06mmis gible for, a dmission:,and therefore recommend, I tractivewith oir.117 baIc9'nfis,hn&arcb- islihien. As The report was referred to the Road and sionerlhavp the bridge built on the boun- that the motion, be not adopted. Thecom- British market. ;Many of men of my: own race -Ir see t #in were choice 1k ed portals close : by nic salve, sti I Ided doors, Bridge Committee. ary o West Wow I anosh and K-Inloss pro mittee AISD a8ked: for power to purchase cattle; tw.o-y over 1,759
- Nx-,Iy the police :rnapago% things herb In d ear -olds weigh' j Fresh and Choice a s ock of But once within what joy and delight viding ty of Bri furniture nd oth( ies that may be Sinkins el i many wen sense males: nie THE HOUSE OF REFUGE APPOIN w supph pointsof
Lojad6n a - .1 - of 1 duty 6.1 may await yout Thi i rectanj ilar hicuse. the co ce pays half, also pounds. Mr, 0;
UrOceries write this letper as strongly and as mu The Special Committee on House of the Rt, ce bridg in Lo! ver Wingham, and required oetherneeting of the coundl, excellence for his " whi f es over other
surrounds a delightful g&Tde: --a minds- .se.bridges be )uRt of ced5.r. .(% andthait, lsuppliesbepurchised as far as breedsforbeef. Theyar wier kept in
Co: anty of tO the pol. Is possibl Refuge appoi4tulentS Beb forth that there that the As can- qiid in be rk,with an OF fo"tafin BART KENNEDY. tare Pa were C applicatigns for the positions of That the count: y pay the to wnships of Ray practicabl b tender. Other recommends- good - Condition- the Onleit is - particularly of owers MIS tions ro inor impo Ce respecting altera, Huron, which they will sell nthecenter. Tliepal ty dollais sweet and juicy, and these axe cert
keeper v nd matrQn 9' for i specter, and and Stephen each the sum of lif . ainly
the air, and v1 wee ve 60,reez 1 of lattice IX in for the benefit Of the Ton d, 3oundary of Ray ti6]4s in tl a buildinz and other matters were good po, At Rock Bottorli Cash ',A. LETTER FROM GUATEMALA. d where you three fo,-, physician. ints. Prices for and oltwn.the corri made, ine u g oike th en work up M t I aving been din - ' at arrangem' ta be -At the last state ball a t Itideau. ROL 6wipag 'in your I iammoc I and lazily ove [ by Mr. McEwen and seconded by and Stephen,, this amoin paid made vdtl L the- 0inton authbrities t'obave lie quadrille of
Chavacterlatles of the rails of Central may Mr. '1%f(oney,1 that the, ballot for appointing by t, in. . (3) That the Ba ockbu bnid e,. Ottawa, on the 5th -inst., t in
or Frodu'ce OnlY. Watch tl e smolie'of ypur cigaA te, un3no- in
Ampries. 11 keeper and m4tron for the House of Re a in e township of Stanley, remain. loer the house lighted by electricity and to get hon'or was led off by his Excellency and Jested by curious gaze of pnssa by. ; at y until re Lady Caron and her kx-cellex _'u
give -us 3 tr 36 what, n in' g manner: Rg th jurisoliction of, the c( un -builb teleph ne connection. eyand Lieuten- Just -ial and s, [Special Correspondence.] J.AMEs T. . oBi%.,Ts02f. e. take ths followin in( tion of I Messri;4 ant-Govembi Mackintosh. tier Excellency !3 city of Gua- T. each m4nibe Aa,ve the- privilege of votin as as, ced for by the 9 GuATE-SIALA, May 30 --Th WH LT THE EDUCATIO'N COMMITTEE SAY. f we can do for y'' Th Toronto city nission alp be Errati and McIlveen. (1) TChat no i 6etion be was attired in a uperb hi I I r ; r has a buEy for five pli ant until the number shall- co 1,,,ne -o w te
M as been called th aT, I idery g p-Remenlliar the pface--L. . jo ,_ teniala e P a of Central' 'jotis reduced to te ap ballot 'taken respecting the G Roads Aseocia he ducation Committee reported: Irish popin, trimined with embro efinement H cond relig III Te the eoir 6 g t e. petition of James Bon- of a pattern taken Ai-nctica- It Is a city Of r and _ -life. plicauts, after each miabio I h from the ld 0eltie Book
da-ri's new stor Main street, Seaforth. eetin in seo tioni a the -ei here there the lowest on. & d all applicants'not.havi tion of Ont tat te 9 ance mol repolo; a city of 70,000,inhab- in t, er examine' 'tbon thers,,,of the township of Hay,. of Kello. She wore a tiara 4f diamonds ana are fewl urch-goers, risits Pik )ns and otb- more than on, I vi6te, be dropped off the I the guards don the ainbpiuk- itants, built upon a plain surrounded by m IL LILMg as TIUGH ROBB,, er insti, tioni where its servibi i are great. unless in the went of any applicant rece : ment oil the gravel roao!. , me nth of N ilig and ei nap of the several school a number of beautiful emeralds and pearls, tioi they d ra, I Cdtie
the precipitous qides of deep gullies, where, ing majorit, r on any ballot, such applicant ham, aud have the samf put in proper re- sectioi , as they e, and as the petArkners I autte regold ornaments of an o1c ly need and indeed bag hii:1 inds' iiill at . 1. t. - . . e 'th a f W CURRIE., s nothing but & 11 time and be declare' . -wish t h L, re the ps ra. The ball coclude i 3cotch Previa is to 1773, there wa relieving. in sery distress. A fter, being Tie pair. (6) That the H yroc - ana Pollock , and, hearing evii ence, 1;ingle , hermitage; a city commenced 2% t shall es be add d t the list a copnty it is r coy i, nende that they remain as they reel, led off by Mr.:W. C. Edwards M.P, youni I d, w er's duced to ten andidates, the ballo, be bridg 2436 he ran &N ray from his, fath centuries. -after Pedro Alvit-raolo had con- a liar
'111ir 41