HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-06-07, Page 4p
Hicks, that ' the members of the quarterly line, =4 his oldh
t Vm.
a v atoll c f 1�be grefai fall 'W h 0 t cOunt"os, 0 tee boards,of Centralia circuit. here
-the bla Ao- - wid trus - 0 -tome
E -of w" sevirely ocrumente upoA in the House leaving town. He' Ival ed from Clinto ek e ads e sky, had thy 0�1 0're, all&4
now -Insure inpanies composed 1which overcast arly 50- er dfa]n t. in other por Pa
local coli loinity o en Din mbled disire to express t1leit. sym'
The result was -9, COD III back v 0 Ia the eastern part obert, AllaTt leh
rg I i in re last week, et ays' In moll FI -K r yearsil le , 7111'Was Ole- fl t e c tl ; 4 10i as to rte L. Hunter and in the R,
YO'UR 'ABEL. the farme the selves. Hund ds of thou. for Sir couple of A "a d there.Aeo red a the effiect ot casting a darknes� *hi , ch has t, is of! t with Mrs. able loss attend the fune -a
AT f C tr4li t�ffiing bilne
�J, A Mr. lriobbeen seen fo Th to
LOOK down for the Government they have sue-
oPo *no very great and ilrrepar
do of dollifx.� have been saved by the f and. companied by thunde 0
an Orin* Charleg Tupper, Haggart and Caron had; Baldwin, 'Litnerick on d' McGillivray To knd ligb n n f W I littl to bear,
bdt (0111 Xk rativel littl -a are sorry
wl there on the 13rd of May, but.� ICU; —Mr. J. W. Anderson, fo rr ert aspist- f il k Ii injur -t&ined In the death of, a husband and father.
positively refused to A T
top. era by their, Carrying their own insuilane in- bring clow a report e e� Im much'
the Subscription pi�liee of the Exposr, , . - I I r is have always foand Brother Hunter befel M . J. A� -M&D'son
�!T; - T,� U. ostensibly. for London, since !which ant at the Canadian Pacific - 1% a station, f�l wbe We .
isk that was.movej for last session,, Nit. Foater,1; the r t into our-villag n Sato.
is )rt d Of
adVkiT1C4,, is ONE In many reqpacts a farm A fr�o n ins X.. bee yet faithful in the performance
if" paid strictly i this way i the end� -time- no trace of him has been discovered. Winghain, and well and favo, I known h obliging,
leader of the I �ouse, was forced in. gi oi vn, but 'What I urch after tra0saetJ11- 1801111e�
i - er ectionWith the elf
rban r e or
DUTILAR. more hizar; ous than the majority �f Ti Mr, Whitely was - ab e to.. follow hiin this many in that towli, and who as filled tile Viutk , y his duties in Conn
ty, his pockt and proceedi
oul I see thit itv'wos la'id, on tbeR pocket 4)ook, eZt
say he IV .9
w withlil�'hrife months far,buthas 110 further information of his position of Canadian Pac.fic Railwav t " re is c ell. i state either in private or ooeihl jap;�ci
If you do, not reue , risks, as in bhe colimtroy. there are nall &PPI'%n� tabie. will be much
"be til ri - It cr I so we have also
ri�e will n 6 —The a -a!1e ith tl
i saviqgo lar e ,her friend
of the date on yoaar label the ngi fishing fires or top' ty, whereabouts. 'He io:� -travelling aind r the station agent at Cavanville for the past fe�v a arid we keenly feel the lo
S1.2k-) ; if yon do not rene 0thin six (sea for exti �er I I n Dal tllis� Y( ceept in the Ahe &uble line w
ndorbilt. yea a, . . I ttle 'but on,
;4nic -of Hugli Va r has been promoted to the agency a r
t offia ai d in the death of out. brol
'bal the price aill I onbe 'day recen4ly,' Luella an' Ponty was pleas- Ca
si I- s: re starts it hits to lixim �cnitil In rodn Notes. d OttaW I u nties. Mitch sust ne I I I .
i coaths of the date on yoUr label, —One d Gertie, pool. A few days ago lie Lawrf a to and neighbor." b'- sell minus his pocke
ent longer 'd The stone: oundation- of tie House o not far.-enott h ddv]-%AC0
will be $1.50. No paper will "be addition to'this, the buildings are do ose daughters of D. C.: Ross, Brus-els, were antly surprised when over eighty of his of" e. cro wo ly in Borne '"y mus . I
d r ented him Urt f it vilt, ou b many ear -which
Refuge has be n completed.. in an p es the ro
in "'iting at the 1101110 f nice, theft friends called upon hi Exeter. big pocket. All efforts'
than one year before being paid"f of,pnd filled with,and surrounded by, the oat Satritiel bel.
Send–renewals directIv to t its pffice. —About 1,000 pounds ot obee so are madg�."�
Minable aterials. So' that fire instkrance grandfatber. They were amusing them- with a beautiful iold headed, bane, accoln- fi d cit one [ted'. I
I's dirit, To -wallet have been so far
infla liver BAI-EFS.—Ftepve Thomas H. Ale -
I tit' r, jpost-office
daily at the Holmeaville factory. ied by an ad -TI is cr�p in t has joCAL
local 0 t selveson a - terber arranged over a saw pan ress. frosti, but, �eve, Thomas -N'. Car- lope that it h4s fallen
Money sent by registered f Goderii li, -who hm b n Mori or I egg -in Callum and -deputy -re
on the I in u UM1 V.18ifn havi gproven so —Rev. Dr.- Vre, o V, �4e
aft, A 'horse, when Luella ell- in som�' way and —A q iet w ding oc6urre on Tuesday jured
or dr I
n4 ome one *vbo willbe bq
-money order, express mone; 9 -been iff -poorL health for.some tis le, is rapid- ling,ure representing this A"-Ujage at the
m4y reco—m
successful and belleficial� in the rural dia4ricts; fractured her light evening, &at, Ge at.50 Wel ington
er U D week. --�Nlr. turilit to the riglitful
11LA county
is at our risk. A post -office or $4 - i ' Uts. -I Prom every e
it be IY: rechvering. --,On Tueodar,' lag week, Mr.; R. Bad- Toronto when Mrs. Eva May ittole, daugh- Tit., k0up reports council at 4Mderich this
we can see no
r was in Goderich oD M
reason Wky :it -no '-The assessment of the Be] I Telepbonc Ilts g nipped by riste 1ave no di enitj� *'fifi(
entis. n Iva's
g.plauts I B 11 Collins, bax
coats only two c en educl6d $,20( cliffe, of Goderich,, oceived intelligence of ter of Al rs. Dunsmore and sister of Rev� cc ne of U e y it. it is as Mr. Afanso&z Dan
practised wit] I equal success-- in urbarl. con barley i sin
Company, in Clinton, has be tl clisli Ifuesday last on bu ess—Mrs. James Bis -
'Missouri, Its; in , Iq Id r6- Tt',, Fake 'are visiting nt parts of the boot
by urt of Revision, the death of a formic' towfisman,'AIr. W. H. Dr. Dunsmore, of Kansas Ci�y, I fn at, bt 1, ve r - won r
The chainge. on vo ar 1�.bdl will notify you tres of popula ion where, the appliances, the�C lere
ugbt ti -at favoralfl�� .1 A, - I q
Ridley,the coue time. merchant and express was unit�,A in marriage to Mr. J. W. Smit th 4et,'jr and Al s.
Magoa House, 4. Mr5-f
Ley. � If not C�h -The,j stables of the �&Tid Afrs.� Kreuger,. near %est poli,�y,
of our receipt of the moin extinguishing fires arb' exceptionally ood-' messenger of Goderich. His death occur ussels, inerehant, formerly of Sid- de - i tf, e bro their parents-,
red lie, of Bt
d 1 .0 early war, this week. -Mr. 1,17ilson Ander- MRS.TROMSONISTICM
-drop us a, card and e� Clinton, recently destroyed by fire, are bei.
ind villa at the residence of his fa -a assiste cro-p whe e s
in three weeks a therj outh Moun- ney, Aw tralia. The bride w,), d'b.-V eas. Dashwood,'
It is true thi -ge Con-'
i iqlg rebuilt. ill frosfi-and qonsiderably iujur-
trace the matter up. of Stephen is drawing the iron. work tle ocial vents whi,
tain, Ontario,ja4d his cl.`eparture'will be re- her nei �o, Miss- Orma Duninfore, of Tor ca. ght Y son, in
naive A -s a flutter,
The board of management Of Blytili
Address fl,11 letters and make oll cheques fla rations ar sometint 115 of a more ex I tl�f; -sown-pe". brid-ge-from the Exeter
9 onto, Rev. Dr. Morrison, of - e( ; p#1 isj� ct I i)ett�lr for late for'tll:e Jiolmesvi le
to gretted by bih many old friends,in Gode Sydney, Au4 lmes�iiie this week, - for� 31r. at Drysdale. o
prop- ?aryplintedwas IX
%IdLea Bros. on of the boutigu,itylf Phlic Library have ddoided purchase I My cut by rday
and orders payable to nature by re rich. tralia, a i intimate friend of tl�ie groom, pe��- orn. - j lry to RD
do not fail to glV la�rge number of new books.- now favorubW fOun' o, with &'staff avas the Istof June) an
When remitting money e arty, but even wibb th 9 danger we b4le%re -On Monday eire�ing of last week, formed I he ceremony. fr(m't, b it ,he conid tions ar,6 L. Hardy the contractor, wh
Goderich cyclists' are agi -4ting for I io a,ter plianted. very raviilly.- �nature was arrayedn b
post office address. while out cycling, NJ r. D. K, tPriori of Olin- -A inful d- ita fo opt. oMen is pushing the work
that mutual i nsurace . buld -be madp- prq- I accident happened 'the twO- to that- the birds ang feweg
f address sid
o cinder path around the square, just OL torii, vas pulled from his wheel by a dog yeo!ol son of Mr. J. A. Bell; &-the Loul- -Early b ansbadty hurt by fr and e
notifying us of chan, ilr. Mrs. Daniel Frehch r at Gode-
mproved an' effi-
With t e off -rustled, would 6,nl�
n ost fitable in tow sai With t of the'fence- around the court h( use grounds ocits a id Potat es. -rhe frost cut Trilay are applicants for the
do not fail to give both old d n6W which- grabbed on the calf of i his leg, and a don Roail, Tuckeramith, one da;y recently. 1�1 I I rich this week.
little had everybody knows, - It -I�
wb d -The Turnberry council has mnted %001 1 Oots t very
cient appliances 7�y plot positions of keeper and matron for the new
officq' address. minute r two afterwards it gave Alaster Lit It appears that while the hired maq wis ea 11 �oes n
c eners. weather was not gotten
e side by In gard
fo D11ing and ex- -re alit th be qn pl fint county House of ltefuge,,-The Hon. Thos,
villages now ha-ve , r Jest of hemlock plank Wo oni,, a. team - he aex e
favo me Tog. else it, woulil I
mion ant It
alk in Lower Wingham. 0 'ple te ahe was
0 Your Label. tinguishing. o' filres,it it 'very rare Lo ever T1 dite Green: 0 The I
t?wni. an
Thevobd a, nip in the leg. Constable absent for a few minutes fir I... for vere Table
taley shot the dog, which was qwned was*driving, the little fell to COT. way Piemier of Xanit ba, is the
-Mr. B. W illson, manager o! the Bank ol
Ld k at WiLndi7a. set Of at'�h (ni of the in nth. 1 Dr- Rollins. h
guest of his sister, Mrs
lCurs, an thlii Iton, Wingharn by Mr.- Josepli Cu,Frie, Goderich township. the horses and started them, he fjosts bave injured luir, James -moods, -and, us far 91-S V4
on agra on oc I, is. on a irip tlirougl
that a. seriou� c Hami ay Ln I CkDver. Robert A
-Theofiller evening twelve' rows of chairs fiarriows to. which they''Were htched ran Messrs. John M
;all; p
rack to the over he tooth of the implel - cc er vet nitich. Fr nas
11hef re- Manitobo and the Northwest. arts of the lo be allourown, The!
profits which the above gures prove which hung oil wooden pe a in, a the lad's leg, -6reech Edward Morgan nd -JO Sutton,
eco being cut bac 161 1years ceilingof the upper flat -welc
r Fire U�derwriter"A.Associatior ask for I
�o o N ADVERTI gr -la inurauce compan have -for ThV Clinton NeW4-R rl� thinks th 0ounWIcir Leathei, rhent lacerating thiftflesh badly. Although Pq virile t isireporied k or of ihis `iviiiage -ariattending the assizes a things that refueell to see
ween,the �ooarentbeats after es tim- n Dent injury was done - ndon this with the ome- They �all A
In In � seeg.. ave been sti5aring U * tat p
Oh co P' dale's furniture store, Brussels took a't kil d. ]'astute gm week, - in- connection
LTne fig..x re bet shw th the people, the boy will
how th t th. been piling up, show th 0 per Tom a ralU, in Bomedis art of
len mill robbery, which took -
re 01 the �Aper on Which 0'" rhuch. That is about right. bl , It was occasion boar Lrts of-Ntzill-11 f I ek. of Exeter woo lou'leXCeptLi
one denotes Pag ura�uce con afford a t6larably citiziens (;f Bethesda Lhd -vicinit eL. b� d in Ae be laid i p for some time. in oat p. ther on refused
t�6 8 of Cold Wo
advert their own ins of any eon. &Is ) f E`0111� tl�e place on the night of thia 24th.of May. 1894-
i9emen ; %%ill be fou"d Coiling pulling off. No daill -A pmuliar docident happeniid to Rev. a Althou, t�
Butil oss oce lonall en
Majesty' of the,late Leonard Hunter,
not-VcCosh & Jeffery. (5) y td th be mone right royall , celebrated, He r seq iou 81 e 0 e �-Th �Llo great eater, still he i
Pbew . Willis. W heavy 1 It is birthday by Tickling A grand ic vence,was done 1 t id U It breaking F win Illee, rector iff the EJ1zlis church, in I ay ar the e iuneral on Sunday evenino, last
-We It --it - r(; ar a [an vine n
p Tu 0' h (t Bound to H. time 04t the who died at t -in WtLesn. (6) in pocket ivLlhe end 'egg ban t erg.
Judici *I Sato, eil Tho'cither day Mr. Jam, I- Abbott, cit. of a mirror Princetc a, f6rinerly of Ethel.' e was con On the, 0 Inetion
4s b Lve a ffered t village on Tuesday af-
-church at duct! e on a �eeeut Sunda�
ringAlle Ftax Co, (5) �the brick work on -the ew rig the aervie y la, passed throuall the
Foreman Wa i urban , tinicipalitileal were Exeter,.sustained severe injur� as p I Ile oAed a failtire, tributedo much to ."tl
Ul ion 1' pro le, the 9 e erg ternoon last. -enroute, to the f xeter ceme-
ioriartnership-A. Charlesworth. (5) people of tile by e4erqL Whitech ch illbB eommenc d. in a few night and at the conclitai ceeded 6
ey Lox ohn A. Manson. (5) takin a matt�er into a rious consideration. .,tubs of -butter falling on --his f( ot. IPA I'Al a Ll ond a few favored -"They erenot to
3to 9 thi e e) o p r(m , a was the largest which has been
n ! . days. At a ir eetin the uilding Com- the cominunion table. A chandeli r, whiell elee Isla ter
F. Clark. (5) Of ,y, an
nts slid Gi 3ghanfs-4 In, bakers hav, i 9 - Niagara, dis- presence *-.a they would.
poseof light -
I I Sall" Now On-,%,, E. pentecost. (5) cidW to use, h iesia he south, theit absence, and
Pri 8 e of the Wingha inittee it was le ressea brick ad heeiii pulled down for the PI and I for some time. There were 110 vehicles in
bread two: ci 3nts for a fou
raise( r fruito, leacb0s, plums and
Boys' Clothli -been a
- d loaf. ity. Cherries3 -would have en, a
domi & Jeffeit. (8�) MINI )N,CAPI ' ' ' 1 , le pric'el of ing, had been left Sm I
TAL. fd'�the outside walls and the rick will ar- and in we, ing acroiss the. tr c :is.
i LandsV:)vouzh. (5) -AT THE D6 , i I imited in Juant the procession. -Mr- J- E- 'Elliott, Of St -
')r Sale poun will
-Lee's forehead ca, e in'contaet p
cedar Vogtsi f rive front Beainbvil a days. This' chancel Mr. 1�11arys, the cootractor for t ie new grano-
atson. - :��: -these things had bele
inted-Jarnes W J - Dies Webster has it sold to Mr �ojection from the chan ikoily to lie very�,'sh -b ith the ex
Caretaker.* wit
ortisenient. (6) will give the churci if i" P. fe;' h the sharp pr rithic. sidelm 7 V
Y Out OWN C 6splendid pearpnee, wi ralk has, . h 0, staff of men
1�,00k out, Tor i. V. Year's a&v Olt KSPONDRNT.) Huror. tract, apples aiable hostess and ter
(B ato Me
corapariv. (5) e King, oof East �4'u!�iauosh, [a 1, Talk About Suits -9. Mcfa.ul 'as well as t as inflicted' and Mr. Lde c io of lay -ng the new
a 4th; 1695. months' -old - Dur';arn buff, ioq the sum he rick being muc more dur- lier. A bad cut w fah yield,les cially in the case of commenced operations Mrs. G. Thumgoit.
ecutoe& Notice to Credito -s -:-I ohn Beattie. (5.) AWA, JUD p is a
able. I was unable to finish the service. granite sidewalk on the west side of fain
Alulholland. At tengi
Chins, Boar for service -George Hill. (5)- P down o -g Dotal $100. �-A golden wedding is not a ery common -It has been said that mislortunes nev�r w n er va rie es. 80'm Frut1rees may vet t1mber, Of Exeter Royal Tent-
arliamenthas Aboutand pou'd the gol
er-Win.'D, [der. (8) tones on Th will street. -A n
itowell Bind
now,go La throwing stories on
-A little boy w os ere., Council,
F, Robertson. (6) 1 rigly, and this in i P i or I art CC t I a will attend the Distril !t
-J, A. y,bla event. but Mr. and Airs. W. tevenson, of come aii has beenprolven tobe sun to.dine,"we left
business, and coinsideralil 'progr -Drawer 221, nday, 27th buttoo true by a former resident of Hills pr) ion. t of.. Uit., IC
Shop for Sale Li Wingbam street the other day tit on' T, r entral
BraRtlord. (5),: - 1 . I I ''Is y )e It Wir an will ia on Wednes-
and p brii�ed theirs on p
Man Wanted Ethel, cele %2hich be held
Sale -D. Stewart. (5) expected, as none of the� members ard through a plate-gl�o window. His fathet that.Dryadalle WAS algo
Farm for Rlt. Among the rla �atives prese t *ere Aliss Greenlo Mrs. Anderson, of ArizonaL, daug6- nd Oud-
Jr. day. next.-I-Aessirs. Whiteman a -%-ad voted the thing i
pen, spent
Engine for mle-E- Be anxiolis to stay here throigliL the dog, jdays made good the damage. Stevens ;Cunni gham and ter of Mr.' John Cochranei of Hill Gree�. e a very pleasaut -will be
on, Mrs J more, of Kip
Cc k &ch. (i) It Some time ago her husband, Mr. George p, oiniments-
e, e , I rig that i
Organ for Sgle-APPIV 16 Mr. J. C. Stevenson i�iinto)UTTI' Ding Co i tee (if the'lloyidon evening in this place on Monday last. -The
Hotei for Sale-OaQ171 -Alt. John Bilemn, of Ue Lak i
t the, Gob. Rectory. A very glaringbase, of injustice, perpe. �zor iad� a more �,n nd w at is.
Farm, Ebert I vvhich� re utl e 3
t th Was an
Elliott ' - I A in session at brick voik on 14
Last W'ef k -A. Bayslaugh- (8) also worthy of note E attack of
Golden Opp -A. trated by a fishery overs+t na:mdd Izave Arth Wn� colts. nfortu I' �"thne Efl� e last Afiderson, token ill with, Mt odist >nferen"pe, nOw n J. A- Stewart"s new
ntunity named gentlemau'Mis also at a is coml Ali nd Mrs.
so at he', original typNoid fever, and succumbed, after a h ''t oleted.
both theini r. olts bave since'd e .8 010 St -a�b: oy�, I ve presiant �ir firit draft mi Godti
[SI -AL YoUtig' (8) the
There Wlter
Grocerie,3. a and endorsed by the Minister of Marine and' it, andithe 6 While his wife wast preparing AVestd6tt Huron street, are on the
Bathil now (,,pen. -Y. At. 0 A- (8) wedding. ytar
--Dr. Alexandl J. Hittel inson, son of the tatio a for thO I en'
on o: the fol -
lit to the a -Last fall Mr. Alexander' I�ge-' but sick list this
Fine 11la.ntF--D,S- Faust. (9) Fish ies, was broug
er c Don ald, of return to Canada. her six year. old so illiam Dempsey
Pxtra. Cn.nied Teas -ti. y. EiNmards. (8). Air. M. Hutchinson,cif Goderich, as -b n was wi 11 �e i, no ioUbt b' 1
h ee c
the House last leyeningi by Dr. Land ir in,,, �appointed on the a aff of hou! e surgeons a the Tifames Road, Usborne, cut 'frony a taklanaick, and he, 6o, passed awity. - Mrs. 10 Mrs. Smitb, Andrew i -of the two Methodist Tea,F, Cc ff-.e; &c., -Fre e and �treeti are
g are ie al nil 3
omaple tree a large c)codn k so' arrived in Hills Green last week, e us Wednesday night
'Itts so far for tit
pt till Ander n confined to their homes thr�ugh a rio ill-
enera I Montreal.
ionu9ter. (S) , w6i6l be
Uar:* tinfeanow o�er('J-W- who, in a; ell. considered iapegoll sta.te 1. tho t�e I ho�pl I di t 'ci a in I his vie
mcraul Co. (8) 9 . 1- , "A a;ccCmpa;nie(I by her two childreni afortb, ]lag been ess.-rs. Templetenj xidey street, is 13 to 23, in
Lmdies! satulner Goods --.B the spring, when i produg a, I butterfly ings, June
1cf So
ease of th 14".obleBrothers',6f Collingwood, X Motto A., clasaticAl -maste Nit. 9 n i -Tile 3 p. ni. meeting
trole i i he St�ath R417110 is visitin
which measured Bev n inches M Itip to tip On � �thc 24th of May, during the fire- aohnss
Collegiate,'Institu , formerly 'b
-in 'V�innipeg a 6in� ;ed tA �e toy dis seriously 11 street cluirC
who wings. The coc I C men's figbt�on the Wingliarn park, Aft. John bav been enaged fishing �nter of I Was,kept b' hind the her parents near Tofont6i--A . Leonarl vjctori�&
es for 5 ye4trs under e for seven mo hs. The f y is a curl -
lit . .1 Clinton, has been appointed t a fellowhi . . . :
license fro the sTRICT, HUn atu eve111
t.O,r* 'Eris I classigi in. Cornell Univers: ty. stov, Neelfinds drove tip along sidle U4 1park, and steerned riasi<lent of
t very higbIV 3T. XARYS'I ter a
only. at 9, (,)'clock in V ie ria 6
eparrme t. Suddenily last, season 'they. osity. was watching the firemen tbrow�iigl water ry' La
ir renewal nae, ..-Mr. C. B. Moreland, on) of Exetei"i i ry% Andre ningbam Gran- Usborne, die& vei
hee 9C Ma
were di, -ed Of -Beattie Brothers, of B�usse go, have two oti each other, when the strcam� of one of on Sunday evening last, from neuralgia 4 r,of the might-taiee k, B. Q., 1i.D.; Lucan
best cricket rs, adcompanied the Londo -orth street, chareh. I
tugs and 'eSSeL14 seiied,' igid all their- appar splendid foals in their stabl now froin their themen sit denly chiiinged. It came near to JOB- S- COO t. in theafternoon Mr. Hunter at -
0 -icket team to Do z it on tht -4 :A113a Craig, Walter -ar
the It
some th, and a wi
Afr. n A. Cho, Vail B.D,
SFAFOP.Tll, FRIDAY, June atus couffi 8ated� arid con'demned, andl Letter B, an rl the We were I eelands' horse wag -standing, Xecn will -mell bi 'trotting inare, ell tended ch�rcli at B den, and- in tile evening' -ee
own running in a mun, tip- assisted in milking tl�e cows, after III., and rth str
Of it sold. This was done by r' of Fated in, a k-eenly. contestel game. T A, reTs K� rkton, '.' h(I as J. Snowden ;
orde, ku are, "Topsy. The tire f righteningi it, wheil i heeled Ohn Xe) Tic r, B. D,.; Wisso lie ert. 't pper. Wher and
-Hibb ' 'C 'I oncloners w on by 44 runs. of theformer is the blood ruing horse, t w
- ? oddham ion Mr. site- throwing!, Aft. Nee- "" aftemocm�'-. a un
glitting the[buggy which he became'suddenly ill. Anessem,
Th6 Manitoba Se-1hool. DiffiaL '-A cow u as kiled on the. railway track nds out on his.heade H R. J. Ho -ing T ri, If esford, Harvey ILI. e beld 'in
or� is head arid: face I me
cee(led hi as Minister of Fisheiries "h Fred B," 9f Woodstock, and the latter a la ger was spee -ily sent forD.r. J..A. Roffins !c w�l
f ie other day. abont two and a half -mile?
Tempi " of Luck fnr erely bru Jr. w Ull-
cvexed question, which has dered the ele"e of tha plunt;. king 7-,000 ised, at on the 23r Dr, Keen
XnI% Mil ! rtirining horsei, named '- Tempi were prett ev d he- was M Dyer- -or had arrived Alf, H
Iff"se ti STRATPOR' MICT. i a
-P&rmers a but before the doct to
Alessrs. Beattie areuite proud of the otherwise) adly shaken tip. ,streett
mns on both si4es, not a in bonds f -om the oble Br lot, 18 11
worried the politici pe.iding . now. ter fiaA passed away, at the Age of C their cattle d o not.- ket on the rail�vay trac Central, ',e( days. -Th a place his been
the final s, lttlement of the Be. o g -cisser new rrivals. Vord ai received i� Exeteri on Wed- Stratford tral, I e F. Salton,Ph.D. sunaay.
a now likely to get a rest fo The I of 4nglaad, r
little, i Son o! L4-ndesbo i ; 4 1 liths and 8 as ever been Perpetrated. All A B D - Mitchell 1110 43 ontrage -One of the happy events of the season, nesday, la t -week, ofthe death of Mr. J. 0. Waterloo street, Jos., K 8, E &autifal. showers of rain
�d by -a few
heC.'rovernorlGen the other. evenindr presenta I th6ir fello -b' via be 161A
As our readers know, t er the fisherin,en,.li,f that district take tJor Ion ton, A. AlCGi this week, which will &44 greatly to the I I
ho. hit$ gone t when two heirts are made one, took place Stewart d ntist. of Brockville, after three NV m: Willic fins, D.D.; meetings
Mr. 4
J.0 -
t �h -licenses will be rene*ed, Ili, 31 neuralgia in the, head. He bcn Staffa, John Fullarton, -egetables' and' ' rai.-Mr; Geo.
-t, the instance of the 'I mperial -granted ti ir weeks' illn 88, 4 n
nq doubt a Adelaide to I eside I with a '%at president' gro,�th of x 9
sea- ineniber, B.. L;wimason, p at the residence of Mr. Yo4ngb w Tie on Harmony, sta it ear� 3`1 as n11 at his fatli6r's residence, where a h Gree er lingo. Rev- Dr. notei
ainand rt,'1' tt
e y aspossible in the 'Wednesday, May ',)2nd. This - as the mar- Hunter, of Ridgetown, atte' nded the f upral
G'.��Nernmeat, offded his services a T aniel Bufw IS 11 in ho.ding Pented
r liccns'e�. in resident of 1-4 1 1 ibro, E. Ker- -
son before the i rrival of thei rige of Miss Lizzie Sppbl, of'Htillett, to he died. Deceiasedwas a former; t. —Mr. J. P -
fait. 'TheManitobarreiier and his At-'-- - -Two dog a ran put at Al r. George of his uncle on' Tuesday li,as
this case t: e W� ible Brothers ha& a4fiall Exe-ter, ha ring -prctised dentistry there for h . '� rig set
Y -K- erime I, few 4as ago, t a be was driN Air. Fred. Denstedtj of Blytb.t The care XW. Ross has removed the goo into the store
-t a ehe ue for the arriount of the license NVE1
4eneral were invited to Ottawa, and sen IT -law of LISTO 1 4S�13 ICT y damaz cl bi holds m. eq
tol neyn( eet, W iony was performed by Rev. 'Mr. Baker,_ of some two yeari, and wasa son -in which ilias latel ag
'R. Wi ugliby, D.D.
do- M.- in at" ingbain, 'causin
bJd several conferences ith Lord Aber-� fee to ll . re. nig Wn M Cot -borne, the presence 6f -about 1.00, Airs. Oke, of Exeter. Mr. Stewart enjoyed Listowel, W 11 JObn Matheson was in JLon ion OIL Tuesd Stratl
the fshbi y over
Tf6�J,briage,, John W. -Confercuee, at -the horse to at) away. Mr. McKen7d andar -ast,on business couneete
ed'it ank commission e "IV guests. a good prauticedd Brockville, a -ad his Fe liere.
deen. The result of - these, conferences are I turn sayir g that the b no ierious ifijur verton, 14, d vith the 'Alasonic,
on it d be .05, and asking 'for �noth-, thrown out, ut re�-.eived A number of notices are 11ced on tb6 den de�tli will provoke general t. -her Fordwich,
L�gr.e He Robinson rie Mutual Benefit Asso' William
woul rrie, &'Fis
Lee 'of Goder ch, have be ciatin
parties i . nis L not knoa to the public, as all the le ve� a wife,, (f us Illice, R. H. Barnbly, DTTI�
1 0, d siim. if. This' T. W. ;Co Gundy deputy
0heque to co er the increase farms of essrs' T, :and W Nluicb, n'ar ormerly -Miss Oke),
sherif, f Goderieb, was in
ned al awarded the contract for in king propose. e Win. J.
immediately intereited have maitali -would certainly lead. the Noble, Broth C tl at the pill lie atild one daughter to mourn their loss.
era to Holmesville 'B. D.; A d, JobT Ball - Ethel, )n 'Tuesday and. Wedesd lag
-e the village, (
ges on t ie gaol. The, ork, howeve -0
discreet silence, and have effectuall believe tbi Lt their annual license '*6u!,d be Are forbidden to intrude on the aforesi id -On T!4esdiLy, la# week, while driving W addell 0 C. Kane. ohronicle done �. f
cannot be co rnmenced tintil t; to Inspector f -Mr. Archibald, it SeafoTth horse a
wed-ai ustal, and they sent their ibiffats a down the Port Albeit hill, Charlie Symonds
the village this Av e which ver happleb
of the ubi(lifitous Tene a heard from. farina. 'We learn tb a reason o th a is thal win k George. the has t
siated the inaportuniags Prisons i an �vell 'call a close absove.
out in common with. a score of others. The
I ed hud what he c A tour and is doingAhe
It is gefierally, D Win iam, has soll COT Hatter is on his now -young ma;
newspaper interviewer- -Dr. Chif holm, of 9 n pany of sportsman in Clin nbave laa. b I. A, Gifforli Pli.D.;
epatmeit r usedtorenew the license, His horse became ugly and started to kick, Wingh m)
the arounds for a t ni of y ars for the, ix- wil this week. the prime of life and 4iti
Ale, �, I -Wr e
thebrick'bouse erected this summer, an.1 eswatir firks, B.A.; ox ter, to
supposed however, that an understanding' and the oi rsee r,.,%ibo had laid this' tia.p. in then bolted and ran away. After getting a
hunting, N reali alm
which is not yet completed -o Mr Robe, t elusive privilege of 111 shing an. nd ther
er to atch the Nobles,: pounced! u'ppn mach. Charlie concluded to W. sle�, Kerr Brussels, Geo'. 11. Cobble -
of some kind has been arrived at. bew intend to rigidly pr� ecute an encroachment .. low in the sto J'tntiTriely
death of l B.D V-'alton,.R. W.Williams;
th thereon. aTa and Is -11i
Worth, of INingham. Worli has �eer� �o -0i k: Wroxeter".
them and ade e seizure.. All the,,[-fac'ts t the horse. have its. flig,-Aud jumping
d is, I . Isonot
the parties.' What this understan Ing menced on aicither residece on the adjo I lis L ndesb I o, Huf �h J F ai r, W. J. A . on ; . .
,liver JNOTEs.-At the regulat meetilm of the
e laid efore Sir Hibbert T -M roll Granger, A Grey, :out landed, -on his feet, biit then fell on h
tipper, but he d the frarriew Saulile line, Staley, Y
will, no'dotbt, become known later on. It ing lot. 1316h, G Biggi 1i; liburn, Wm.E a:ugh;
-a A few feet from him on the
despoticaILY r ed to."Inkke iiinv'amends, ce with some force. Ancient, Free and Aceeptel!l i-K;o- a Mon
'e work of a large str�* shed raised on Mon home therb
-ha( . Loc hart was brou. t up in tl�
is possibl, to the dispute have and if it. I not been that il�e it 1e, vehicle collided ith the bill posts and B gravel Edward Shaw ; Bluevale, D. for -the e both parties day of last week., The dimen.siolis of day night last, officers were elected us be
All r day, chargeii gers ;V Vill. A. Smith, college.
ave a,
tb La. Noble Brot] L - era was -taken up by others, Goderich po ice court the 4 'urned c6r�ipletely -over, smashing the con- en suing yea-, as follows : . M., Thomas
been fericina more or less, and both h with'an indecent a:§sault on rs. are, 5Ox6O feet. idies wer captained by
their fishi g r party, valfied.olvsome�1$12P,- Messrs. Ro ents of tli'� wagon and doing considerable -E DISTILICT.
bertso su'd* Mcliele. After an Miller S. W John Green; . W., Thomas tin. of the br-Ain and
delicacy. in letting the public Imow what seyfofCo1b(rne. Lockhart rofesseg,tcil�b g.. The'licirse whs-caugh TiXr' John Rutherford; Caplain
ter's ide came off . `Dcaiihne, X P four
I ic- t1amage to the ri t Br
000 W -pro ably have been gold !1over exciting race, the I t Ines Livingstone z Ripley, Own; 9 medloall. men the
0 , en a specialist] n tile diseaies f women. t Ford
has done lest one part� sh uld th in- - tbe I ouse e later on. I . I . Andrew Gray; Treasurer; John Knutson -.and lower. 'On
been. el r. cosaiant torious. Durin B prog egg of"the rais rig Be"n. -J. 1, Huttl Ill J.
was c d or trigl. Lulikifow, Al.
fr� used to'bring down Z Till I
the pp era, of Kint4il, had a ua a p ank fell an k A. AlcKercher'of -The Morris correspondent of the Blyth - Secretary, JoIn- Barnard- Auditors, Drs.
deavor to make political capital against the to I field, Robef: 1, 11, Hall; Whitechurch, Were gaithieretl arount;
be an Jr.,
a t said he case was' set do� I. for Pi on, W. A.Fin
(,Other, no doubt before a settlement, can be Howick, oil the hetei' inflicting an ii'�ly tandardsays: "Mr. John Hanna,, of -this R rt C Bur lcive� ey; BT&wn` and Armstrong. -Immense quanti- .�eud was very near, Un
whi with 9, B yer- 3raornu
arow esca, e thel other night.. colt me years ,
re hearing, but Opposition th6ught1hat gash. Several-stit It's bad t( be put'in. 1 �Cwnship, suffered for so ties of wool are being brought in from. the fig af ter mueh
r -N, i e, T omas $anderson, T.;,P,.Saw
ibe IV ng of his eyess, so much so that indlng count a bevith
bd reached mutual concessions must he ci��! i! became unmanageable, r rowth on one ry, nd Messrs. McKelvie
Tiller the eir nimstances, all. the ipers u -Dr. Hugh M. Codipar, A New W48t- B arles i , L ke.; Salem,�* Jabez J. surrOI to
It is isaid on the one side that t1he Ding WEL an I Ithrowine,fim outol ohn,
U Tmade. should be laid lefore. t�e-ptlbilic 'and Aare ble better. Q 0 more
minster, British, Columbia, 1, well known t on� time it was feared he wo'ld lose the & Forsyth, of the woole* lill, are, k4v 'severeli, b it fortunate
made a'Istrong ftht.. fc r it, in UP p ty"
Mitedial order issued -by the Dominon the House, and,' physician, was found dead in is bed, on the ight of it. He consulted the best medical DE DISCRICT. busy. This mill has avell earned repata- we trust io the land i
not seriously in uAng him.
but the Govert;tirn6nt relied upon . their ma- morning of May 15. Dec( asiA was 68- kill favand near; but none of them could tion for good work andl excellent stok -ehing t1lie peaf1L'v
Government has gone too far ; that it orders -Messrs. Sectt-O& Jones shipped- a c ve hit'n rrelief.'; Finally he was ad Aeri hll�. Ncii th- street, Joseph Edge jority, andL the Noble Brothers must -con- years Of age, and oply Isui iv( d his wife six which accounts for customers coming great -when father rmot
ities to place their load of fine cat9e trom Brusselh last wee V ctoriaJ treet,' IrvipLe Clin. -ton,
the Mauitob& author tihue under the'. im He was a f'St ised to gd.-and see. Dr. Gardner, of Lack- distances, t trail'bere.--The well on Alain -will Come olle more
ptkifition. of if�jngl aw- weeks. forrher incumbent o y a-08, 0 0
�e original" condition 4. This firm h f priri e 4twn n-
sirig son street, known as the"r-Grand Central vell" oting side;
i school leuislation in th breaking iers6zis instead of the if John's church, Bruissels, tie ev. Hugh \1. ow, this lie did, and a very successful op- So rdf,4.' Bond -
stall f rorn Mr. - M". Dick -Gardner, in a J. yet on the
axv was firm who mplo� large -numbers of ;�en in ed. I Dr. is being deepened and stone -curbed -in hi 2801 Y
r( . Molulop, which- wiill be ie t across l! min ter th e for several H i le, W. oss - Bay&ld P,. W.
sent school I
as it was before the p. , I o Coope;7, and was minister th le -4OV
11ani- this,industry. I I : � .:- yeara, leaving there abo t Ver few inutes, removed the. troub, t. -The ladybicyclist has made her ad and steemedi
lersVod, the, briny'lihis week. present
enaaect. This, it is +nd Dt. Jones amat W(bateir -,o� lHen
In discussing public. expenditurel this I Rome gr - th, anti Mr. Hanna at the prose i j& appearance in town. -Mrs, Laidlaw, of De- -known. Hie was em
L cis 8 ann Kip -
a grad nate of Knc x Ago-- sall), Fir
W. T. , Hall,
Trie interesting facts Is, son of 'Mr. G. P. es
i tobans: posithely refu�e to (To. Consequent week,r,. Ride 7 gave so r line is ilief happi 't man in our township.". troit, formely Miss Lizzie Gibson, is visit. young people
-George B. Wel Wal. s. 'C
Colleg, Toronto, deeined the call to S
ly, beore negotiations with a view to a regarding the la rge salaries that are paid to wells, . '�f Wingham, died* at Pickford, -Anarrow escape, from which..might: pen, Jant is er 0 Ed- -Mrs. Iciial6y his jall
Helena andast, Ashlield -ongregations hig friends here. Borden
a and alve en &,very
chigan, on the 23rd:ult., after. a ew er, mo r rs.
Ali L
final sett7mment can bta proceeded with, this members (if the civil service at Ob
6 cepted thd call from IGox chu'rel , E. Olivil 11
has a
terially the week's illness. The deceased bad been uf- I ek. A num- Orr. -A grand celebration on the first of brothers to v -
order must be witlidraIm, or ma enorm us iricreasp there hall been sin 4 Holmeaville on� day oat we i - - -aud five
e number of 6V Belgr ve, and Calvin chureb,.East Wawk- I E X B DIST fi;�
high sahtrieA 90- 1 ber of neigh si isting Mr. W. 30T.
minion. Grovernm I ent. h. a- .1 July is talked of in town. yet they. -do not.
i were al
fering with fever, and had been in the IT Colclough to rod his barn in order to place' death *CCU
modified by the D 5 nosh. Alain I at 11. W� Lock-
cials. In 1878 there were fift�aen Clerk pita], but was recovering, and had been et; I e, has
This the Governent4re t remains f 't' GOO. J ac so Parkhill, J. E.
averse to doing at drawing $1,000 salary per- 0 Tuesday, 21st ult., datio under it. They had �suc- Jaipes a je� n
annum ; in 1 Stur� y, of able to be around, when he , contracted 'a, ,loom over the eati
.144. ' Ole heir mpt, and had kd ; ii. Ville, T.P. ipland; Centrali
the present time, as i�; would be tantamount the munter ha4 increased to 6, and only laste d a feNv days. The 6 e
Mrs. Robert the 911 a stone foun
the ia�e 4 Co Bluevale.
pneumoniv ceeded in t at only just Fo gursas -h remal
concesision of West 'WaWaftok b, were int BpiFFs.-Rev. J-. W. Pring is attending
receiving �.RIJOQ in' 1878, 9; in 1894, 3 removed from und r the barn when the, de- W. H. Citediton, Jos, Deacon ; _Birr, -flield. cemetery -by a
to on ackna-vi-ledgment of blun red in! he caus �, If deceased was in big 27th year, and was an
dering on Dun Y. T. Bla i Ord B..x E anston, J. H.
Receiving 81200 in 1878, 2,1,;� in 18�4, 4 goonnon clemeter 1�r e exernplaily Th6 remains were calyed foundation gave away, - causing 1 the ry conference.-'Aliss Marnie, Widdow, who ng V - ple, who v
'deathwas heart disease. H 1 age was f7 wo,
young man. Ki rklan H has spentt or three months visitinK at.
their part, and such an acknowledgment Receiving $1,300, in- 1878, 28 ; in 18Q*, floor with its co'ntoi Tits, consisting of maebi 41van, cat,,; Grand Bend, 'With quivering bmatl
years. Re R. F&irbairn,- oxiducted tie interred in the Wingliam. cemeteryl; Mr. Robert McPherson�' returned to tier
them on P ' V- ery, calvdis, &c., tc collapse in one he�ero- J. El. C4 sy:
in 1894J, 1. ..'all knowing that A tr
home in St. Tomas last londay.. --George
would be exceedingly injurious to eceiving $1,40 in 1878. 28 1 After a few days' illness, having takeni geneous mas a! CC -
Obsequies. a to tl e bottom. Had thi
had been aken Swal
the eve of a. general election. And - so it Receiving $1*500 in 1878, 8; in 1894, 3 -Waketnan Hufff on ti e Palmers? n to big bed on the 21st of May, Air. John� I earlier a i number of men would Burtch'A travelling show -will visit the vil-
Receiv* ing 81, 7C 0 -in 1878,--.4 ; 'in 189�, 1
seerna the matter thus, stands at the present Bayne, of Ashfield, near Amb,E�rley, passed, currec!
mixed, train, the other day, i rb *Ie coupligg Reediviincr $1,81* in 1,878, 8; in 189� 5 was a� doubtless have beoqn killed. lage next Thursday. -A box social was held
away at the age of 80 years. He
titne. The apshot the whole business Bee r, al -the Grand Trunk Rail ay �stati6hj DOT. cishua, x a la,has bill a new -erd
eiving, Slog �� 0 in. 11k78, 3 in 1894, -rue man honoreld anti respected by al. who -The Toronto News of a recent�, isau ays at Mr. Win. J. Jllnstliin's, first line of P
rig amll"had the forefinger acl thumb #J Page wir� encetit aroi Uing. It was a
to rema'an as Receivingi $2,000 in 1878- 6: tin 1,894, 2 Wi t CrBrusadlaite: Owen G. M tin his lot. -Mrs. Morris, last-Fridam eve- A. urnett, 1,
seems to be th&t things, are the knew. him, and* of a form -jolly NIT.
ri,,,ht hand prett severel.3 : ammed. Jt, lthough lie had over -run- the again danced bef0e Police Magis rate Oh- R. F. i' i's viry W. Smth has- affain-,lair. Bert-Beley, of Mlesl-Zrtil, B 1rick -dwalling t
3rospect Receiving �'�,300 in 1878, 1 18941, death will cause a vacancy b'4
-with the bti
they are for the pe Bee in 1878. in is not expected that I e will los( the allotted span, his ght Oe Of Chas. basklirville!s barns and spent Sunday 2,400 10 in -189�, nison to -day, the charge bein tha,6 of at llishoine� in the Village.
ultimately be eiving'. lie %viRbe lad off woi k'for 801 nE time. in. the community.wbiclt� will be felt. De- haq it r iti -0-d to ft e rei r of It Is cheese fae- Rexl. A.'Y.'-Hartley "sistlkd Re'%r. lr. kc -
that the remedial order will Receiving 8:3,00, 0 in 1,878, 2; in 894, i filing a watch front a lad nai ed W. Ell. BUM. A. Tit
e tanley, w 10 ceased wag born in the Parish of -11tithell, ste tory.- he excavation of Air f t left,
an (I t1 �Mr. James McFairla, Cottle's new Ray, at the sacrament services in Luoknow
at the 11-i-nitoba. Ree 894, 1 1 0
eiving 8.3,200 in 1878*, 11;
t u adv Dd the
In additiori ito his there Were in follo'wil. ). i. The comp
i Perthshire, Scotland. in 1815, &-ad emi- Bircl lainant swore that he held buildin is finis6d A;
is a firm believer intbe e ontractor is last Sabbath.-�-A-!Lr. Hudson, of Lucnow A. j. Wbi
�he left the watch as aecu�ity for some "goods it ei'olnnuf 414n of tb e b
men.t Nvill so modify the present law as to 9- graCed to America -in 1843.
of Polled Angus cattle. Ia. j at ad-ted.a awaitin riCk.-H. occupied Mr. Hartley's pULee in Bluevale,
. J I Zivefi to him. by Martin and got ia re i t.
paid in,1894 that ;wet' not paid It h'... JohusooWau NY witl
satisfy the Romam C&.tl1(Ai0 peoplCl, kiltbougl, I fineyeting bull -to his herd, p rchased f* -A Chicago despati6h 'says John W. J ceip Eilber, Ratz �Lncl , r., LE herrit took train !It. and Mrs. Win. C,
oui- of $2,500 eac 6"of 82 Goo - e * atch was to be returned as soon as the I ; 17forlthe a et and family, of -very AT e.
ot recelfe Ildl they-aak. Asystem irr, Garvey died at his home, 6.0 L�tle a, artin, how- here T 9d I mornii ily fo rl the unty Coun- lVingliam, spent Sunday with. B iley.,;
V - i9.0 ; a
each; 5 of 842,80 3 of 5:;, 41 Of. wa� goods were handed back, Al
they ni�,y n -Montreal. hiso an a breet Tit w
1878, viz. iDr. CriLik,' rf Lal T
Chicago, aged. 53 years: Garvev
ememis are being
laster Willie Craig, who spent the
"Tter of bpef sti
'in Ontario and Sf 5,000i add I of- $6,0001 This -i is 6f Park board. for made fo -1 TI l ter with his grandparentg',near.W.a.1-kertou, Iasi
itnilar to that now in vogue ifrom tock which took the prize al�, tie ever, once in possession of the wiiitch, would cil. in ri
WorI(Vs Fair. prei4ept o , the West a I le'�;Ust &11 st 0 nly festival or �one U
ee will, rse with ut referene to the bundreids. of fL y all prob,%bility, be adopted, cou, listen to no talk of giving it up until he th, ight.
-Early.Monday morning A last week, ye �r, 1 d was a member of the Chicago MOL egrOunis. It promises to be, ret
ervicej! who arc. f E ucation orsixyearap� 9 urnedhcinie-last onday—Mrs. Brinkof viviat"O
and the matter ill be 41owed to rest lerks: employed in the civil ho evious to was committed for ttial. Then he witted -the h Teeswater -Olin Rob- k�re d`rawiD;g.1saIiLries under 81,000 a �year. Beatri6e, youngest, daughter of Mr. and Goderich, Canada and agrifed to the exchange. Martin has Cat! e was visiting at Air. J cHe as born in M. T @-Atv Mrs. 'Burke
quiet THE R
there. Mrd. Davies, of Ethel, paAed quiet -Tli4 Royal Teni lartson's last weok�-
ri ine and spent h a early years on' a farm, bu�". been repeatedly- in court ofi� charges of a', Mr. and be- brigilt girl
The comparisons given show a Tease Of
Ill e n ice -cream
very 8 t Sund�y at George
$694,000 in galaies, and an increase of 4-56 away.' She had been uitv��Iffrj! some tim. (luring -thirty years", residence in'the imilar nature. f lars of wp nee 'ad BOCial and- family apen V.
-1 - On gat lils � th y, wh J. RZeding, of Wing -
ant - was always a delicate child.� on the �r inE a � th 24th of Ma
in numbers!, 'What us, groinds c4n the -Another vacancy has occurred in -the ich Casemores.-Mrs. Uvrge istbick of
n fever set in and'-800n� claimed he:r Windy�CitT I I te' dE d. V isi6rs fi orn the Cred- ham, Fire Insrace Prollts Government offer for i day, brai was engagedin contracting. He' Was we
ranks oL those early pioneers w I t was visiting her father, Aft. el
the fire 9,xing you 1.4052,2179 left a idow, seven children ad a fortune. -ho made ma,41 x and win closeom
According to the rcturn� whic for ita victim. iton, Sol a were pres- Anderson., -of Turnboerry,! last
er unc wee
to keep i�p � roetinue of Jelerka at Ottawa,. their home in Iff ullett, when it was almost oticcrable ThA
insurance cornpartieg doi business in -Word has been rece Tim ent. diaba;e, t -T'- plla ce on c
4vd to iv. ed. b y A] iss Maticin Tuesday afternoon, last week, an unbroken foreaL The deceased, Mrs. Jas., Lrn I . Vital Robert Sibbald has built a neat porch over -rive&,borna from h
harc�ships ithiey It between Me�s a farris, Stall his front - or' -..-N
Inglis, of Wingham, from Alm. (Rev.) Por- Popper, of Tuckeromith, 'Was summoned to ishn ie
Canada have made to th en 0 re. L it. Samuel Black is having king much beft.,
e Covernniont, the clure, be:aus,& thliy- alfe supposed Scott, was born in the county of Northum- tl -00
tie. announeinz that they ha a pleasant, appear before Justices of the Peace Urqu- Fauk-'Iei an� I Lrr-i a uvorlofr and Mesrs. I .
immediate predeces- rhan' 6ffi ill four, berlaud,Englaild, 80 years ago, close to. the i in: very poor heaItli,-),1.r. Jennings was vie
year 1804, like its two in their ces from t�n unti ry Helidi
altbough lenitliv, voyage, ud that Mr. bart and Smilliei charged by big wife 'with Delgat�, Batt fig J, diroutt agai t it. The. sick on Wednesday.
iere tire tliirt3:- with a liour or two 4�.nooii in -%vhi7b to Swittish border. Arriving in 'Canade, she- i.$ staTiCaril broil
ili`93K b �,F... poifits -The District
sorsIvIlts one ofheay losses. T1 with using for a short timexesided in tke townshi of. floriner' �tw(
(xovernmenti*s I Perrie is feeling in better heall h and lookific, having cruelly bepten her, and
e their lunch. The,
e 0 of Temper-
a to eeting of the Rova Ten�pliws
d this rty years ago she and her
well. At the time of writincy Mr. and Alm. such threatening langu �a
four compmAes doing business in this coun- have before pointed out, has increase t ward herself Dumfries. F( Blake.' -Dr.
"th of. J a.ne,
Of NVIliallL Si.X Perrie were staying. with fridicig in. Edi - and family, that she fear d he would do her trv" are :tY-0110 expenditure 62 -per Calif., while the yearly husband romo red to the 13th concession of 4DCe"s '0. e (Il 'h(� e onl the U e-24
qnci is I, H A P P X,; I P, S.
_twen rgh 1revious "bodily injury. The magistrates and the I (o ng )reparations LoCAL Brussels on th
and eiglIt American. The.losses tax you have tol pay to keeps. these' men in 9 this township, where she has since resided. -The fine, warm HA
therefo4 I
'-Prior to h eir departur ft r her- futu 6 bound defendant over to ceep, the peace for Mr. Scottdied 13 years ago. She leaves a weather of theT MY
affluence. after they wear out from ast few- days has grea Q A. 13e
mi( 'I (luring the year aggracrated Pard D.E rir.-It ur pi nf ul duty to improved the appearance of the countr-jr
a, Miss Katie Reid, f period of one year in tb sum of $1,000. work-, is 8�62.30, agains6 virbich" 63'i6�4 is. home in South Afi ic family of ei rU childrep, two of whom
7 , P " t. i fortune to h
-not, Goderich, was �ya, to upon by 'a number A His own security was.ae(epted. reCord the sudde!ii and It xpec ell death of round here, and everything is again looking I by dogs But when this is contritsted -with the pre- deductad from;their salaries. Do you 'Jambs an Iliam, are i� British
On Thursday Dig
s" nte cl with a, boo i, lit, 3rd ult., the Peo- d ]f t e 2V d concession fresh arid healthy after the heavy frosts.- her school mate n pres( Air Leorim
oliums received it will be. observed that the think it Ivould -be a gooA thng for you to- bia, - Mrs. D on, in the Northwest Ellen
Vaborrilb, at the f sy rs. H a group pl -o o r It of haradif ad Class- ple's cheese factoryj abou - a., mile south of age e
t hoorst-
question the Tory candidate in your'corinty in Galti: A19m. Shetler in Dasitwood. The9 of at of the farmers� ba) -e now. got their lm,;iness �,Vs. hihly profitable. Tli pre- Tvates.-and h nd ome tolet case, acco - Gorric was -burned to t! ke ground. About us t u, an
a little Oil these. points, when he solicits remainder of the family reside in this as ualatchiirchon ernoo d. potatoes Planted, a4d are busy with the the -co&96 4 Vh�
$2,120,220 1 n the ev�
UM1113 argregated or anied by a kindl,�, worded adi tress. I ' eleven o'clock Ain Richard McGrath, of township. i the veranda- statute labor. -We are orry to learn that A� Pan
your v6.te. p nin went o on more than. the losses. Thus the cornpanies- Duri�g. the past week tilare have beent -.0ciderich Coll giate It stiftite pupils, ;0 Grorfie, was returning fro�n Palmerston,, and with bis 01fe, i Lnd u r, ee '39 some pail, Mr. John Thirsk, tion is still very poorly
will delive
y cost ree -v�ry id-titeresting, discussions in the tbe number- e hundred and five, w 11 hr when but bolpe that lie -may soon recover su&- Ding of tb
3' Per cent. �ot their receipts to pel th of 0 found the factory to be on fire. ' He broke did not apprel rld g athe- -eve
�acl I I sudde I h ife' arms and ex- ciently to. be ablie to appear in his jovial "d
e I he bro's in Ontario.
House, 'arid they all contributed evidence of wr no A in the door, and succeeded in . g tting out P n Y lie fe I -in
I , ite at the dep bmental e) aminatio
Of management and interest on invesi 0, Upon which the 'Gov- ljuly.� Ninewill rythe 5eni r leaving �art
the d d'btful around )r 'most of the cheese anda, few other articles. Followii ig ii a synopsis of the Govern. pired. failure f'w aid to be the genial wa;y, that he h;� been wont,to do foi- J�� Litt.,
�iince Confederation the.fire insuraneq com- The oriin of the fire is a mystery. There Trent crol � bulletin issued by thb Ontario cause of. dOath, Mr. H -in o was born so many Yeas, with a smile and hand &tent for;
ien is B�tanding. In the firseplace. the Is er, . . J� . .
em, class 15, r atricula tio , honor al A . 1, Q? was no insurance on
'13eral the factory, and it is Departme it of Agriculture on the lot of in Yorkshtre, It' ngland n the year
paes have received in preinianis the eftor- , d theattenion of th' 11 otherwise 36 tI, 6 junioi leaving, -or 2 d 1827,. shake for everyone lie rnet.-:-Miss Rebeecao
Li, &I calle q Ouse doubtful if it will be built again. June. The month of.Mmy opened very came to- this cou'ntr bou i 47 yearsago Eadigbofter has been very poorly for the
mous'sum of $112,021,078, an(Ppaid iat in to; thefact that althouZh Parliamen hall elass,anl:145the rimary(r 3rd class, y tho
Of F; ar d then occarrecla succession of and shortly af
sitting six weeks, the Minister in- -aggie Gall er, you ige, t dau hter pf -The following figures are from the assess. warm, r settle I township of pa*t week, but we are happy- � to bear that
leavill.a. it iavorable ba;l- b6en , the residence of 9
losses -6e hod only permitted tbree in of George Gallaher, 4sq., of the '10theone(s-. ment roll of Hifflett of this year: Number frosts, lasting from May 12 to May 21, Usbornie, hel by ill a y find econoinv she is making good progress slid is able to
Zion. His rero
&nee of $U,2l It will thas be seen which were e�,ceedingly severe throughout he obtained i home for bimseff be out once niore.-L.�Jjs. Leslie, who has
the public accounts committee. This is thei siou of Howick, died on We, Inesda ev(Ai- ot acres of cleared land, 41,370 of wood , , a, beau by all
ich coilim .1 6 r. land,5,368*: swamp or wet land,6,7734; total t mily" - lie was hi y e,, teemed been in rather delica'te health for some time, tha't there are few.forins of investment ititee tha looks into the wa'v your ing, 22nd ult. Ste wag it L he 16tb ye he Proviice. 1 The inlands and higher see- s6ud fa Irightown cetiaet
tions sti&rediexceedingly. narrow strip whoknew1hiin,11 Forl4Ay reheservedthe is slowly recoverin
UwasthepetofthefarnilX. Therernains number of acres, 53,474. -VoLluegf real
return more substantial di6dend, tl an in- money has beenlad out. Thisis thlaconf- an g,andunder the treat-
�,cotmeetied with I
ee. that unearthed the Curran brid ^bg pla,,e propertyi $2,145,410; personal property, along Lal es Erie and Ontario was more for- township as cc uncillor, 44uty -reeve, reeve. ment of Dr. Buchanan, of Zurich e trust
ge were laid in their ast eathly restl the
vestments Ina(le in the stocks of fire insur- tnnate, es pecilidly where sheltered bv h - rh and at the tirr e of his h in
-still,notwitb teal of a, quarter of a million dollar.1, and in the Gorrie cem�tery. $4,450: taxable income, 8900 ; total amount e 'frosts have done . e '� n !9 e ber pf the If 0h ewas a men,-' will soon be, well again.-Alra. Nicholson, ance companies. And standing --A couple of 1 [weeks sba& it Was found of rolli 92,150,760. Population, 2,898. land. Th as xte siv hoa rd of health 4�aud a director of our genial landlady, has b
scores of other NL&turallk the een visiting her
-ionse profits, no sooneir does loss laster Gat eiys)n of Mr. N damage to the imore tender fruits, early vege� the outh Hu on Agric�t . ittiral Society. -sister arid frienda in Dashwod for the last -On T
these inin Covernment, do not wish thi a committee to thILt, 4t Whit 7. Numb�r of 'cattle, 6,497 ; 'sheep, 3,305 -t ees, imported shrubs, leaves a wi(lo)'r an(I ri He Iveek.-Airs. J. Herbert, of Hamiltop, was
tho the com- meet more freq tiently than possible. This T. Whitely, of -thq Customs, Clinton, wis hogs, .2,075; horses, 1,911. Number of tables, frifit boating r ton �childTen, besides 7
of any scrious niount occur, young bei. ges, and, in some districts, also. the other childre Leilie, fe. chell, ag,014 -the committee before which the Fr'eder- nop attending school, an(] goo �.. r than do acres -fall wbeat, 3,149. n by his fir�t WifE. The funer-- guest of her brother, INJ r, J. r
at once make this loss a prete ct for Is he undertook to strike out in lie worl fall wheat and spring grains; but the proba- al, conduqtbd )n-Tucsd�y Y. T61-ly IDY fne,
idtom bridge scandal is being investigated, d a d -The heaviest downfall of raily this sea- �-y the Rev. W, a few days lastweek.-Irs. J. Esler was i
imposing increased burdens upon the muni n(l. Mr. Foster is axious that the s6ardh- make his own fortune. As he. 8 only abo it son, in the vicinity of Exeter, came on un- bility is tha the amount of injury has been H, Butt, w rgely attended, At a meet� the guest of Mrs. Dick n has Ininisferea
n Hensall, last A most �Recti`Di
14 years of age, and was no fitted ot day afterac"69n, 2dh ult., and was accom- .90mewhat''exaggerated in many ffistricts ing of the offidial board If the Centralia 811naeLy,, -Aliss - klary " Dieeakr, our obligin
-s- light of the Oppositioit should be kept aay 9 dves, r
an(l that many crops will recover. Ithe Methodist churcl the follow. telegraph peratior, paid 8, visit to - the par-
cipalitie3, and if these burdens, ae nlot a rcuit of
Many from it. . There ae sl vera importat'mat- specially for the purpose of battljng wi.�h panied by a few minutes of c1brk-ness. For ead by
sunied, up 0 the ratew of insurance. v- 0 the resentatiOl
ution z
thr, committe e. Ivorld, his parents tire 'natural!')y nearly an hour the 'rain came down i fall wl ieat iii the western half of thePro, ing resol was passed and a copy order- ental home last Sunday. -Mr Jameis- Allan pho�,
ters now before e, bu6 the this at rn l e
of the, towns nd villages throughout this while many spleWid fields have be harigirwme
Government refuse to Call a meetin : The anxious to. learn of his wherel outs. 1111 rents, flooding thestreets and making pe-- ince, gi.�'en to the b�re4yed fainili and sr., brother of 'Mr. P. Allan" �v`bo has bee '
had exam ple f hi .9 is po -eported, �oss ty ice has been common, rang� to be publishe in the.�, papers : n -the LadieiAM
Province have recently t m refusal of the Govern�eni to lay 1 forma- he lef b h-mie he bad a few cent� n h destrianism. almost impossible. Forrbefirst rig from odd patches inlow-lying fields in by John Moved living in the township of -Ancaster for the -mono on S& -M4
I: et, Avhi-- Went for breal and cake be e teen minutes of the down ur the heavy
po aswy and ecanded by Richard past 12 or 13 years, has returned to the
M�jit of the farm property of.the Pro nceis tion efore Parliame t -%vhen mo% fo r,
,0 ir,
gi, _r 'T p