HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-31, Page 86
HE! 101110
8 MAX �1, 18950
tog d of 87 iple, fordifiner in e- a see ol v th his son, hoe. a to SaN r milling busi- 1 ov r r.the Beavers who )u ave scored in last. 'Th 3 late reverend gentlethelit.wa# will take place June
a ep4 is induction
ow I however, hat we* an eloquent, Lbile and fearless pre�cher, and ftffi.--Mrs� J. 1W. Hodgins and
a t twenty eft, was. enough t con. ni saj One fiel& of It sh a
Wilson't 4;h G rocery. Pos w eat* lear W Arton, al 0 to Not, will. YOU
as 8,
Vi I e the- Visit na that theY�, had the vight -Iv. r. McMichael says, - is the finest he has It ve firstclasslaor as d
I ii slillikelyto go higher; iarn here, who will� as ingonfriends
pris away up I had'very mai y W friends hereii who -will Mo Irl on f rth, were Like to reas 'we and as the sea-
ce of t, I -
hunt eimselves in the deeply sy:
I U in It Mrs. Toe,*fice;an her I f:e 01 da7.—Mrs. Iffustbil left mpels yo
we amstlit sellintr path nulated. 20 The in and the ight place Th" del igate.; a( on this year.—The.t`Wq�10iy of the gi 7e a gpod so, �qunt mpi thiz:;it 'ells Birth son has arn-Wa ;Aich
tot r to
St. and 28 lbs, of spok I treL - cot tai na, Lit � an 6xteh- co ship matches. The two familY in the sore loss of it lovin hual- cook to p6n( cc
e in the- inlin a am , on
2 16 per 100 1 4 1 3 De] your WE ing
ijzhl �N "r $1. Mott �s' of :heir. -
6 velitrfo heat teri xt d ote of June Ist el
14ber � w6 are Neill the' tfors be. Iasi I th summer with her sons to make a cifia*ge- in, kr'
e wi h n fred 3,ar( foot race was won by IV.* and father.— r, Job Chapmat anL4 &no aughte
andt ilarautee It to e sat '490,otion. Christie's mea by the I Ties of Seaforth' of '.thf sive article oil 8e do rth, to e e irs in �anitoba.—Alliss Eva apparel, you ishould at once ae.
d, second 'Eacrett- both of Loncloh, -,we I of W` gbam, a n to yoursel� with all the
No rmick'shiicui suirtalkindarif canned goods city-li e a ratice of the town As eompar. Photos of a paxt of lVain street Of t e pub- B ic rly, with A. D. Sutherlan Mrs Spoo er of
r re 'oh me herl: miain
o'biwe e River proeared Sad,
W* ill still sell at t cut l4of's. In pruneq. Fig9l ed to ot er in the county. * Ift tl e even. lio . school and - of ' �he wal at r s. Dor- atter mile - foot race, A. D. Sutherla#d visitin e eat$ at th Hotel, tid-things- �we have
g their parents on the 21 . Th ' ,o( eli6h, W"e
is and Currant wahav6extrai.-value W I
cry wi a Dell) rat vit, ynci I sioond. - M 11 . . B dges,
ilivine ser e was. held in Not. I no as rance a dargan a liv r. AV.z Elliott ade the trip on their of Belgrave is
just recelvea anotbe lot of now season Ja and 113 wheeltt.— Se Pett SUE placed iu:ou� altore for your Inspec..
Green Tea to Sell at c per lb., equal to the Tat we Murch, whet L a 'large congregati was Tuesday' by E. Hin-chley' or $92 —The Ku oe ded in, Making the foot ball the long. and Miss Wright were here 4 few days ag Ang dons.—Miss Cox, Of n st es
via ran
Tea at 40C per present' The choirWas rce, County
out in st�o 6t ding a few d
ha:vshld. Our fills lack i nd Green n fo' copen�' 1 0 der ioh or i Tues. est distatice, &ad Mr. McLichlan,' of Dublin, visiting their relatives and friepds.----:T Go brich to hi w as spen
I b. ace the best in tb Mark 5t and arci sold A
eA honors,-.- -meeting 6,nd lit 0_�Vs this week.—Mr.
and au;Ltained their, part admii�bl MiA day next. This i n wil I a itit it, terest- Secured secoll
'Our fine courbon Coff oe Is the beat value The biorele races tea erary anti musical eat r- at Rev. Olipga
Pentecost singing a beautiful; Sol, Thc Ing account 01 thej umber f new did -not materialize, con"adcount of lack of tainm ent held in th Methodist - a Tw
hurch, :)it H t an4 Goderiall, %were
fa town.- We have first-c$ss stock of sill kinds. of i a 0. Briegel,. of IKE sery prise to
froot groceries and low 4 any house in the trade. ice was a Stir many of' th delf4- app=ts t6be th, fior the use of eltries. -1 the.evenipg of tile th, was ve y largf 11 F U t at 'M r, 0. Symoa's qu Sunday.—Mr.
i%yie � Ce
ill pot be unde old, oi will make good the To a 401 oods early, hecauw gates 4#ving to its bright, bearty 'character, Refuge.—Mrs. Fingel-i 1. as organ�zed 1 music The,long do's sport*a-s brought to.a attended, and was a financial a leces HOLE
cc not give i ow for the
hey ruse
de of any article I 3st d satisfaction. Sill t Wood a was �at Lo4don anti Florence.
and wiihes were expressedlon al11 si( es that class in Sebringviffie, . 'where ho )e she at ccessf ul termination by then t
wnt* highest prices of all Tinds of produce. -the concert under proceeds amounting to over $80. 811ort i d- las v�eek,
servides might be held in every ihue It. will be: successful in"ai ic lei pi tie auspices of the"14ur what are th6! f4bionable things. -
such a ng ir alley pt Is, on foot bal club, dresses were delive edy tile Re-.' Mess -a. the ineorn
WILSONi. Seaforth. and are betier-
The sermain-by- Rev. M. - Turr bull otQtr of Mrs. P. Logan arrive I home on So Urday w rowd gathered in Cardno's Currie, W in a asoh,
ri lea a; large .,a : I orris. s.
. I I I alker and Hudson, and a lengtEy 5hades--and p
merce 13lock. i t I able to proo r i atte'
St� George a church, Goderiali, it i -able at, a!f ter being aV�enp (in it Vii it *to,L 3r son, Ill .11. The, pri oipal attraction 6V the even- one by tile Rev. i� J U NE
_Jni x eter. The
Mi. Locke, of B�
a LL to their
6TEs, r, William Newcombe i � back
n of the duty of arbnts Mr. Won. L which will b4 r
practical presentatio 01an, at I Garb&r r, M iitoba in K was Mr. and Miss Reardon, of Toronto' church choir and male quartette -renderewl, N: to Bf o 5 Iff c -went to visit bis wife
gain rn t' tea.
owards their' children. Theirtipal, cc nal since Septem er last, Mis.'Wim. Logark vocalists,. and Miss J)eLacy, elocutionist. some very good musical 'selections, hile own pe
d V -wark, Now Jersey.—Mr. i
an J anuily
'o 11 the and two daughters alcmml iat ied It r, and E rery'selectiou of the Reardon$ was beattil M ts. Orr, of Wingli am, sang and played on Downey, 4th n
'Windsor, Detro t and Soo, meeting was held on Wednesday,
line to
clergymen and many aymen remaining- will Spend some time vikitin I f -ignds �ere an cored, and graciously res onded to. Mis .�tlie..Iiarp. The aadience,-, how or, were #a,,' se' t a car loid of Ii
1P. I Lacy's �recitiat Chili to b X sad in 'build the House of TO
Steamsh* L n2 over, when business. matters relitoting to the At the meeting of the I fur -eache. sl As- D ini appre Somewhat disappointed that �hcy were not
Aons Avere a a( church,were discusied: The next 3ull d ivy i�a k to Clinto Refuge. 1 M . ames'Hall IlL invested in,& Get dre, 59 lor dresses before the -
Soo tion, held last wee Mr. -ciated and received their due share of ap- favored with moreselee'tiona on the barp, t 'b it it; a subat
I ftgb aft) .Mr� ra ne p ng
8trS., Oamobria_ nd Carmoia school amvention will.be behl in I'Vi Andrew Scott, of this town, was promoted plituse. The 'solo by L, W. - H. Willis as it was one of the main attrae ions, and antfal amck is ed#edy;wbile the assort.
anery meeting in_Clinton in' from the poiitioa of secreta y, which he has ade in Bruarsels.—John Cook, C
and the rural Ile and the 1 duet by M�. ind Mrs". - Willi; i they would gladI2 meat s Owplete, and while' th.,-�
fling at Godel ich,t',incardlne nd September. have listene. t.6 1i ra. Jr. is w, rki ag wit the., stone in is unbroken, is the- Every man Ani
rth shore of he ri' its nd eeol
, 'P mas Cla "ons at tail ia4t
preiefit. T rk and Miss Uay wem do. Our stock to..
We congra�tulate Me. Soote: or the honors The Imperial Orchestra -made their Rev. Mr. Swann perfornied the duties of F last wi�ek. .:W -d' -word, you ure. 1-061
Ports along th 6 U61 I i ge o'p
we both well rendered, ati'd much appre-! !.Orr, who ell 4 renowned 111118 The
held for some time, to tha, A pre dolent. Wq is an
e �hin t�o
corgian ay. , 'his is the only line Ea-Ao_-TD'vihLE NoT.im r. W.1 N. conferred upon him by his el ow to taliers, debut on this occasion, and delighted the- - arried lon We g ete, Get a new
chairmaii in his us aally plea6ing manner. day i compl,
'oderiah *a season. el kindl the: p with ith their selections. Miss E ouple a *safe' buy to the best -at
callinty a - or M ic nd a
0 r am y give in�fnii.igh- and we are sure he will � wear iencew wing Vile tea provided by the ladies,wa.4 No. 1. i8h the' y ung _ —The.
ly to Ltrio , il a eaR 11 on, th
xate8 and ailinc, bor8,. I o m ou rn the'loss, of �ti& of credit to himself and rofit to the L9SOQ1 me ied as 'pianiA iii her usual efficient - Of E6. fAl that newhre
voyage e sea,
—Mr. John Robertsoni of London, 'a Visit tly here. 'Some went to
Brow i now I 'a the manner. 124th pas ied off qiii
fruit, tt a secret of his immunity fmni �,the ation.—NI-Ir. Joseph DRESS
I went oltownsaround anillicita grallia valuia at v
ng at Mris. DeLion's.—MriS, J. C. S;oncnian �fish thorswent
J. 5 1 ge.n-�-, late kill. ing frosts. Such L-nawledge might foundation ex-cavations
for lds new brick i is visiting her parents in Lambfth, near'
give *eoi tritv for the futui�,. if we only had residence completed, and btilld'ag ope ations . I I few *,orl ed Dn I 114ir , cot -land.—Thomas While you ImVe such a choice in, June. e"Ie
EAF0 ( . my Bruceflel.d. L�ndon. Russ I I as h is ab ee,� rai ad up mate a &04 in trimmings; have,
RTH. fet.—INI, of'the Will soon commence. Imov 4n,- of or the the ma YIC wand of sa 1� ready f mlize th, fact thi
JALL A "CEPTED.—Tife call given b� tolke mason a - T Oil* was done in it. lit�
people of this vicinity will regreCto learn of Almii, has-purchMed a 1� lid 10; from 0 igregnab.on of Union church to P wait: pin. 8ton it made a(ter�the new styles, which,
ining t) town tie �Yerl'l a day iv a! gentleman are very mo6st and becoming this.
,ev. Mr. I!- a special sale Wit]
the death of t1r. James. Needha�i, of- Como- MA Cardno, alniot in�endsl cc nam6d'-
frala,tbe to
n Archib(ld're- in,kiction services have been fixed for the 'district meetin t Hugl� wilof Winghaiii
M iir of A '/'arlulc� h NOTES. ord the decision
as been accepted. - The I —Ace of � the
ria rother of the h4e. Ge rge. . e t —The season, and-! yoa will have a gar
OLP Rev. N'ed- to live.—Messrs. McM.an k at Aings.-
9 MA. haml of this village.—Mrs. Do eand con tl urchaseil a 14 very lif nds lilgiNam, Gth lifte call b of good bil ment whi6yoilt will like
ome d4ving 11t of & tie. The congregation have made tointmerit in Moiris will be 8 ''t Ik f liaving a Sunday school pic-
T the Jackson I
om _011Q9
When y her !daughter, Miss Blanche DeLa(ev, of illare fr�rn Mr. John MoLe in of -1 fielfer` a it choice aird Mr. kRuir will have a re -united Igit Pickard's Greal me,, -cot,
arepassing take afbw� Mi t4anl'look to alton cirouit at next Coni 4e it, June, as soon as sum
smioliville, � were the guests -of Mrs. G. -,Smith, near Kippen for w iieh lieS, paid nic Iaj SunsZi
Bargalbs In Clothing. It will citable home and a good congregation. once
please y tk, It will pay you� It will make you feel Vallpf gimond during the latter part _of ast $130.. She. is a earn cc or ith White f with Safety. —' Picnics WELL nd patterns --A
I I years ago and atta cited to Blyth. I "i
? cc It was ta an froin WaltOP few drin scan be nit A
XiCI24 i over beforeL e*we had such a leverage on and ir en parties 'will soon be in full
wee�. Miss Dia -Lacey came -up t, take, part ma -fie a4d. -tail. Sh -was be id by M John
i num As long as yo4
the.olotlarig bu.-I -11 having- just bought largely Blyth. bar of Sabb ttb school workers attended whea.t1looks bad being have occasion to, these ra3qW io
nel ri holooril. yellow
�e concert on P i day . eN66uing last. — Walker,: of the Mil road. — kt th D r i P
eadinix Manufacturers, and at Ilthe Union - District Convekion at Brussels wea !tore, aiiii rn�ik June!
etring lAeN from r f1corne everybodyl and Jurin
BuiErs —Our football team got beaten in nsteao� o green.. Value are plowing it up. af oniohiog� Over 11ve. hundred (500) suits at Miss AnniiiMcLarty, of 81 me Mitchell, �n the MN rity-fourth, TflesErg. J. -On Tuesday. The Presbyterian School here to b
Mmth% I half pri . Iva now sell a good genuine ca h 111"ingha oil the 24th a ay will 6 late. Clover Ile _e a, Infide- tV
to coil 0 qUaht
up ci� Saturday last to visit r�latoives; in tht Roachs and R. L an"s ho -sea took iecond f W. W. was represented, by David M cLaughlin, Mrs. adly fiozen, iGrilr.in
suitfor$525. Thbi-line. with others, will be found (an 8 again Visiti f ' d n our midst. thorough coortiparlson as t
Vill e She came on. the Wh�el,! and -seem- -ng r e, 8 ad i 3 ve short in nianv Clois.
with nit %is long and third respectively, in I tie 2. �4 :rot or -Mrs� Campbell,' Miss Johnston and price. ;.Tn' gcods�
aosthey ast. This itumweespurohaae _: Miss Di asley of X Ferguson, qualty ouA
rtuleni is e ai ' 0 is the guest of
will not last Ion-. 3ur trade in this do d a I the! better for her ja1unt on her ar- pace, arid Mr. A. Forbes"ry are took econd Mis - 1� are righ -we buy no shoddy A,*-.
8 ana Curbi1s this week.. 'Mr. James and James McFadzean. , James Smillio is A-,
at Centraha.
rival�* Bythewai-,how-isitth theladies it! thelthree minute'cIasi--Afa*L szed 1r;P E
Moffat, now of near the, superintendent. William Pollard gave to price, we allow Ila -one to under_
look trim, itild sit the -W'*heel like; something &U,dieiieel greeted the Ball,& ibilee Singers in dine, spent,a few days Bit IE Psi 11r.. Chi rl' Wolf, our genial
ere this week is
human, -while many men got nearly on all t te M t odist church Tueody ev�uii I d rive on t to sick list. Mr. Wolf
KARD& C ng- With his pirents S. H. Ian interesting ad&ess on "What have e stage, Sell us, This wM be
fo' an S rd Gidley wa 4 in Lo adon on Tuesday. —A large come for?" las his premisei greatly improved by t I he equal S
sarg%in, U othing d Dry Gc" Hong: Tea ati ay, number f romi hen � drove to Auburn on Wed- MAT?LIMON.-TAI,—The Cm-Iton (Minnesota) THE this * er.
urs.—Mr.� Robert Needh caine all the- - bf r V Talter Hannall
y from Sarnia on Friday last to visit Ills? *by the a �eamer Cambria, fco the Soo, where rec 0 1 Of D. fine wire feiice.�Mrs. 1�uck-
Seaorth. no4day of last week to witii�.ss the marriage' iVidette of s as fbilows'of a fee this fine of
sick friend, be will, remain for- the Summer. Mrs. righoir, of E eter; is Spending a' -few - days
Vis Agnes son of David Campbell, I$th concession,Groy, PM T1
cerl3triony of Xr. r. V. Denitedt, one of our money- saver.
Alex. Sproa k
t --has been on -the list for I' miall Smith A.nd Miss Nevi', of this town eciple A to�nt Und the parental roof.—The 24th E41 aicFAUL
business men, to Miss L. Spulil, one of An and well and favorably krlo�vn to the M, pas e ery- quietly he�e.—Mr. to bay
some days bat' is now. improvinj.�—Prin- spent Sunday last in Walto the guest' of burn's most popular young ladies The hap
Kehoe and couple have settled down'to we ded life in rriage and f eat Sarnia, are the
IT -Ill ion on ton last1 week. sister' and Miss Libbie ]Do o . nests A Mr., wis.—Mr. G. Worth, who
entin at-flin van, this
)n Wednesda I'
of �this locality;—"John D. Campbell and 40y
�PI Bake py D
n �l Bake of our school, attended the -Miss* Jennie McDon Id B1 T 4 Miss Jessie A. Allen were united in ma vets of n Goods
it town.. We wish them long �ife and and Iii y ast by Rev. J.� A.* Pai g�e at
as c in town, open Sunday* last is mendiag slow -
i Brusse', a, the this place. kr. Campbell is the genial.' q Some ime,
Pluess —INfiss Kerr, of Wingham, 'was post -
All sizes f Boys, Clothing at 1 T.— I r1oitz, who Was injured some
reatly re. guests of iss O'Leary, of he Queens.- the guest of Miss Helps, on Wednesday of master and one of the rising young mOn of D'mpaiqo� $3 PAINTS
N1. Pr
ducep price3 at MoCo��i -Messrs. ert Livingstot;a, d'i Ill �4 b li% is still confined' to her
DISTRI T MATTERS. rider Mahtowii, and his estim4ble-wife is a. d h -
week.' )ad 01114 11 goving
Two Tiffoll'SAND for sale at 7, gaSt,' bo old Huron boys hav )assed ter of Mr. C Allen of the B place. U111h we Ir
Cedar Posts e T slowly.—Mr. Charlis
cents each, 3ilb er ad -a residence greatly improved
amipa ion
14334 Kipo Vidette extends its hea�jrties_ Sedofth. FautinA he onal
split or round. B. Qimtty, l3russels. with honor I their se6ond
EXAMITIONS. e following are the en. congratulations
a:ttheChicugo Dental ColIe'e.'—Mr.[,WiI- mt 716 k by giving the same a; coat of paint.
% to Mi. and Mrs. Carn ell,'? We also�e tend --- t MCI
writig o the July examinaions �BiG SNAio,---;Herm9dorf"s fast dye L4di's' Sinclair, of Chisel MownXIG BIAM., ND ALT, MACHINERY —M B. tiown, our, enterpria
numbers 0 liam hurst, ecbntiv'sold a f worth
-good -wish the future � ha
our hearty Pe ing Shoe
PrUnary, 46..; ver�fine team of working Ito-' esi to Sara. giid, find ng it froposidble pr a new front in
in East. Huron; Seaforth, Cotton Rose, two pairs,forl�ilic at X0008H & in. IMPAI No,—The underdi f I P* risk 6 es putting in
YRRY"3, �elif(ii b. U33.1 to at ad to 'all in-thst line in t je short space of Erne a and prosperity Cam: elI and an "at horneP on the 116.h of June,-4smesg $3 pam
8 0 ibh wi add greatly to the ap- Fox and wife of Bu
Junior Leaving, 8; Senior Leaving, 2 el anti& Archibald for —Mr A time, w uld ask all in need of intact Inery repairing, id in' QuOICE 6 aporated Nee nes!and,A.p '-, M e is k I ent Sunday m
hem in in good time. A fu I -stook of Plows 0i 304 Bill essrs. R. Hunger-
ce e. Wroxeter. --James Smith, Galt, rdt)ler�
Junior Matriculati It 10- total 96. CI cots, 160 a P -- 0 ad ri -bury, theilsfontreal horse b' er, o S ra, to have aI our 'town a 11%;ing visit
ing -atDAVIS'Grooe 1413-1: or a andL PION caotinir4 and repairs al'Wit, 01) hand. A HUS
V J )r Lea r, 34 ry Hibbert fat In r $200 for a d i ing In Pc?rt Ailbert. or pail ofblier Smith, of -this Place., -was in to*.n,
Senior eaving, J io e laid in p good time and n Tidesday I tan d received seveial appli-
I ire, largp supply of Twine will b r Matrici�iation, REX4EVT you only have unbill the 10th, town, on aesday.—A youti lad, arned sold at it screster reduction than ver before. T.6 the advent
of une to go'- iphotos talien by Ai BAUSbAU011, Sqa- Bw.rFs._Our teacli�rs werf'e in Clinton of -a
15; 9 Ingham 4Priniary, 301. oCharlie Bell, ;on of Mrs. B 1, -of orth MZLLIS, His -pen. 1483-2 -ions for -.he orth American Life Inatir.�- Wi offr in *I.
1438.1 a. photogrx er in town 'the proud mothers.
-for h. See ertisenitnt on page'6. I last week attending , the conventiob.:— ace Copany.
Brussels, —P rimary" 11� The candidates 'Main street, I tarted to- work ' n Broadfoot , Me' I
'Ar.4,S11 B6,%nDs fo�merly sold a 25c now ra, of of the pace have been. ma�rsballing t�
y the exp WII,,y kv T.—A p t' sars. George Kelly and Charles Sille r� - . )ra,
the residene : . young hopefuls before the camera, to have -contribute $1,140 t def ra ense of & Ilox's fa0b ory on Wednes( ay Mo ning. pla a of Mr. John Jarrott, Wilton, -visited friends inthe Port on Fri�
20c 20a now ift at DAVIS' rocery. 1433 cc,
$684 are sent to - I � to ten years, Fa
Lee 1, B�fore nooA 1. e allowed his bar I to cogle too oil Wednesday, 22nd, being the marriage of day.—Walter Hawkins, W God L elet.
this ex-aminalion, o whi
ftiv, stock of L uritains juist'to haq erich; spent
to the Education ')apartment to d their pictures taken and we -understand Mr.
pay for near a saw, 1433-1 a id had the i top )f one priger. his dai ighter, Sarah -Agnes, -to James Fitz- th;.2410ft with his parents here;—Will B. i8unE Mo= fts.—The most of the Belden has been kept busy. - George Rogers,
reading, the poem, and, $456 are retain6d to
cut off, and a taken to tt urgery of gerald of London, England. The ceremony Hawkins was in London- on the Queen's , a' m0s thi k theii fall wheat will be a fail- of Brussels, has b6in in' fown endeaVorl- to Oome and fit -Toi
'13s formerl' sold at 81 now*;80c,7 90c Doctors Scott McK h the irjured performed by tha Rev. James Walker 'Birthday.—The nic held at the grove on- i 8 tot e Ifrost has done it it great form alodge 'NJ ng
pay the locLa expep 3es y
l�iis.3,ye r, a
no 70ci 70c now 600 at D vis' Grocery, Mr. Robert, thow ALt half rioe
me I sa W of Hensall. They left on the 23rd by the even- Frid�y, was a
aided success —B
3mber was eased. Thle eat Ile Jessrs. +1 of damage. Mrs. Hamilton is much Black spent the 24th '�t exalt, in comptionYi- intead- to U
BUSINESS r. A. Bausla'agh, )EC 161r, D &UCGFSS. -meltr ours�lf ma'
books and azines at the eclianics" In- ing train for London, Ontario. The best Platt andMaefurlane leave Port orse thes6 day&' It is a myLatery how she with Mi. James Edgar, of Howick.— r
who has carried o1al a &UQ coo king over, a -hot stov a you can gat a qss-
�essl ul photograph ay Albert this a lively and
alit is stove at such a littip t and gnpranteedl to stibute will to ce place on Tne�d , eveiling. wishes of their many fricis, Is go.-a�it them. we k,, the former for Tordintbo and the latter inge a SO.I( n g1r.— r, May, is slowl improv-- XoTaviih, of Wingbitim, was in town Iasi 7MPlW
ing business in tow. i for i ialiber of years giv C 1, y _ _ -_ .9
satisfaction. For sAle byS. XuLAMT 0. -7Mr. Robert Landaborotiall , son; of Mr. NOTES.--m-The 21th was well obse ved by —George Hawkins. was ng, toler i one of fhe Wingharn physicians.- WeA "Sizing up" the lumber piles bere,� �t bmt goodit isposed of his ne'Fs to
as d ough, oF .'Tuckerami6h, the ditizens of our. village.. Thi gsw ro on business last' week.—Me. J. ing stock for. his factory.—
bins Mr. W.. F. James' L !Or Alton, Ontario. : �ad to s6 our old u�ighbo Airs. a view to purchas -the timode -vife,,
andaDoi We are g T ate, of North B y. :2 fr. Tate has rented JsE �theNlichigan Central Coffee it leaves to -day -'or th- London Nlilitary usy by the uumerou i carriag ei, bug- C. Twai .1 arson, abi3 to bel' -around a progress is bein-, 'made n the these
I COI- k4pt b t has left the Part to join his fami -gain.—A large Substantial
the resideace of 3 v1r. J kioleE Weir, on God- no lua for 8tiiength and Aver. 38c a P y
move his fami .1w roce . r3,. lege. CA and William art iea an I umb�or of c ar yol
erich street, eas and Ir DA 1133 -IL d bicycles passing t trough toc the dif- in Torouto.—A large picnic is to be bdld in 1"g people went to Mild- numerous buildings going u; -..n town.
c 7 41. We 401A 10novi
t of Tgronto, so6s of Mrs. Hart of this erent places of - aniusen ent.—Wleat has
own the near future —Fishing off the dbck has a, lr� t, e 24th, Whiere tkey no doubt had
here 10t I f when he will WTuou a hoes hNve a anckd in price are at pre
about the seat 'here- on a If isi 'to their struck the $1 mark and . i -et those, having been excellent for the past few days. 0
enjo able time.
usiness. He comes fully' 5 per cout, we have touch leasure in inform- I Tucker�inith,
take possession of the A few also went t
1 0 r customers that, owingitdouf large stock on ;nothdr, who has been dange., usly ill for fullgranaries say they wi 1,hold awhile or ardston a id other plac highly recommend .—Mr. and Mrs.
f an wil be welcome
1119 some -time, and who, we are a) r ergda, n attended the fu ral of Miss Gallao- -ST 1-1) -very successful
d h1 large purchases previo is to-thd advance y to a xy, is uother'25 cents.—,Mr. Sq aires, of Bright, WE EN XOTE&'�A.
as a worthy citiz B�nslauyh's many that e 4re stilli selling Fullarton.
of picnic W
er, of Turn erry.—Mis An as held iuVir. mes Lands.
at old !iceeiiiand will con- not oilt of danger yet.—It -%ire spending a few weelts w th his daughter, QUARTERLY MFFTnN.—At the last quar, nie Woods -on
WI. be sorry to learn of this. tinue wdo so for a few monthe , Lt le"t. 'Bargains b Tie part of -the Istreet com- 01-0146, hM for the pai t few weeks -been -weatherwM fine
friends in town ad move on t grove the 24th. T ie
-ell ge, as! it in all probability, neces- In sill kinds. of Shoes at the n6w Pficia'-store, Car. ra. P. Aicker.—Putting n peas and corn ter] y meeting of the Fullarton circuit,, at, the a large be.r- were. eeent, and a veryen-
wichael's red� brick block., R. Willis, -proprietor, mittee if the. eeds and other Jobstrui tdons ave been keeping man, r of tile farmers cloE a 6f the ull p tor I term of v. riends around h William Pricee quale.
sitate his removal ora eaforth. -eet were r add as a Re Lable horse.—The wa's spen o.—M.
4y, R. Willis, manager. .1 on Main at. 6moved. elson! ias lost a. val coyable time rs. Day, of Buf-
14833 �t woull David McLean Bal , complimentary speeches were made by $t1sy during the'week.—Bl.
e appearance the a i k mother.—Miss lay
For large'assortmerst o screen doors and very much to-th reet. is*making extensive improvements on his asons's re I le atly th: lough with Mr. Hub- Ulo. is here visiti-ng he' G. eversage, Recording Steward, and R. ardi w ill. He exp-.ets 4rerect 4 finebarn Crnochau has returned to her home near -
A This week it is our wind —There is no fros It dwelling %ouse, by bavirig it all renovated H. ain, referring to the %work done by the
at d6se prices, try S. hiumwrr & Co. t in, -t e at� bese da ys.
duty to chronicle t] te, dea th of 'a kind and
1483-1 in Nne 'N hen fit ishell Figinondville, after &W extended visit -with Word was received -here I c n: Thu *aday inside and out and also rooffing it with it will make a
e p -er c
pa%;or, the harmony %which has prevailed
eatim iont fithe Huron tract, Mrs. Wh- havea' large quanti tv 6f lairip shades. morning, of thq sudden death of Rev. Mr. galvanized shingles. Mr. Robert Patterson, great � im siro, �c ment o., i his farm, his building relatives here.—Mr. A. Cusens, of Toronto,
0 tereat he has taken in ever University,, Is hoolidain
Patri kinson, of Irishtovm. Abont a f4,ncy and common at greatly ieduced Prices at Torrance, formerly and th in
of Walton, but now of iri, of Hensall,is doing the work and that y part will be4first Class, as �Ie put up a fine brick _g at his home here.
DAV(9'. Gro2ery. I of t�ie work of the circuit, especially that
Year aro she was tD �- 6h 41. and -for a long a 'THE- FAXOT
Paisley, which sad -everit'wok pla( it Of hou a; I at mer.—We are glad to learn EAST EIiD NovomOrl Friday,May. 24tb,"-
e was espaited of, but through 'y lady should reffien ber that she is We P will be stificient proof, for a good job,— the young people and the Sabbath school, th4c ik t IP the tbe celebration of the queen's birthday SNAY03
;�hfle her lif e, Emf 'N I
duesday.—Mr. E. C. Coleman ha., set ev!, M Potter was appoin
entiGled, to a. battle of French Kid UlDressing, isses.Fanny Wilson and Annie Barber, of and expressing the earnest prayer that ted on
Provideace, and.gocd medi,�al skill, she re- out large riumber of young frrtit tre, scatiopin eld Under We zmng pe;ple.-
9 mmitte this year. O doubt h an ices of the y4
(larire.�sizp) with every cash purchsau -of 42 or oVer -a on Bright, spent the 04th the guests Of Mrs. wherever in' the providence, of God a I
y h 10 d that his his p of 8 roatsville th� itirrounding coun-
ooverednd her far i d I she his farm. this spring. — Wheat on the ea- Ricker.—The opt 0 �
at WILLIS' Shoo store, Cady's Block. Sehforth. William Ivison and Mrs. 0 e ill miss him as Ile leaves this
Mi �d
b he d as
t 1b
,Ja ap
U �e
woqld be spared tl em a ile* longer. lotmay be edst, the blessing of heaven may i
forth market has reache i the dollar ma -k. year. try, y a most delightful picnic being hold In,),
Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be dis- attend him and his estimable wife. p -tow -n store -i:1
ted as ell Sproat's grove. As th� weather was favor.
The death of her ba., baric %vlii h occurred Mr. H. M. Hirtzel, who has i �C' r per sed in i t. Andrews church oti Sabbath,
al)qu.t fiv(i months w,�, a se ere nlow to Carmlehaello
Lo4L BR' in the Bank of Commexce her a, for 6 rer a able the dy'was speni � in d'very delightful'.'
IEFS.—Mr. D. R. Rliehie, tie the 9th of,fune.—Mr. ames Dicki of Sea- Gre� ay-_
elpea I A
her, and., no doubt, . alto b i , on a re- �ar past, has received noti Ethel. way, The young men throughout the
vetera� advertiser of Mora, arrayed iii a yc cc of trai'see"i for It, Ithi dirmer with our friend, Mr. BRIEFS, John Sherritt attended the
lapse of her former III -and next week will remove to hi Pci ffor on! Tues in this N�A'm.Nas. --Death visited the )ionic of country', to make thin�s lively. had swings
a I ted, go Saffly iti he' In th 23rd inst. gorgeops costume of r6dand white, was in new SbL (lay last.—Many fro If Air. ' nd. Mrs. J. M. zDavies on Monday ExAe!r dist -ict mee�ing 6f the Methodie-1 put lip in the grov I e, so that the greatest town on Thursday, lost � week, in int(r. Ste, Mifie. �tlen4ed t chur BOND V
don in Sault rs. CIE rl"s Pat the funeral of the la e Air.
sons and th efi at C4 ntraia. idst weekas r
ill ' Lowrie left on Th ursday �or t le uo_ Nlu och n Thursdav last.—Air. " Robert Mo eir. youn epresents- m inwin I
She leaves a. family, of two ree ests'6f' ;he Stratford races, which w )a ruingand.oalled awi t part of the day was op' t ug, also�
)r-- At L��Vll
daughters LO ITIOUrIL the 16s or a kind and held o try, where She will make her h doiughfe�, Beatrice. The funeral took place 'In- other amusements each., as foot b4L,
Jtiae 11th, Ifth and. 13th.�MIr. a in Kel tel, who is always in the lead, has, all fl musicil
affectionatte mother, The r; poent in which ority doing service to Her on Tuesday afternoonto Cranbrook cerne- day forenogii last, as Air."' John Long and etc. As the older peojle� could"not enjoy,, ]IMF T
e uture'- She sails.from Mo'ntmal
Shane'of Blyth., spent the Queen's Birth- n iday un( er his, auth* family, of oray, were #riving thro
he was hold as a n in the comthuni day w Son_ill.laW M ;ht.—On account. of some o tery,--7The 24th was a�very quiet day in gh themselves in this seemed to
1, � his" r� R S. Hay.— U4 f the members M(& esty by giving the road its yearly allow- our Ge�fiway tt e horse took fright
was shown by t1i a I &I ge a bourse of frie near Grace
. . . . . . . rids of the band being, sick, and thers having Many of the
&Jea Stewart, an 6�.4 S�aforth * boy anc )of gr Vol. Mr. nd village, Most of our illagers witnessed the joy themselves in: soe, do at,.
M r. C
a a Mrs. Archibald chure. 1, a� a large'white pig, which contrar YOL
but wholnow has a succeas�ql 1�iloiing busl' to work, theTe will be- no concert i i th y young people, n4
-who fallorwed �,her rem a to their place spo4ts held in other pl ices.—Miss C. New- i 3doubt too. The
Cover ?n Tues- was 11 11119:
Comet The
-hat of init -a the b at Tr(wbridge.—The junior
.1 ery. Res in L"know, paid friends in'town.a vi' e Bishopvisited Njr.. James to lam flowed to run on theL road. a id not forget � t Ir part, as a T
I isht park this evening. Nir. E. T, "Kellam ladie di .0
has day last.—.M : I . most
sit r. James MeLean has presented coul 'a via' 113 1 horse in rils ad career suddenly upset the delicious supper was : . of seall
department ool was closed on b ared about live-
VVill Duncan,. *h.o h I just pa"bilamost, crejitablee'xamitiatioi be- of our Sell
as a t his good wife with fine Swift de1iver, he, uggy, throwing Mrs. Long 'and one of the O'Clock, and all sat down t
t Wednesday and Thurf day of last week, as _e of it.
T 0 —A large ship- 8itu&tjon in Guelph, Spent the 24h WiL Ii b is fore the Ontario Council: of F iysicians d having purchased it frDin Mr. Dav4d Ches- hildren Out with roach violence.
They all.
mo�tlb of cattle was a partak
- 8 1 on and i n 'ell 'i Miss Stephenson was attending th� !4 -ter this the lively criiwd made their way--
niWe j a
eaforth sta- mother, Mrs ible t h itb. We'�wi8h- Mis. Me- conven- SIger
T. W. Duncan 9 ow ou t 'is ney of Tackersm recei Spa
0 d hi
tion on. INIonday of Wt �ek in e n pr ?I - ai� ad a tit Mber of. btaiges and cuts, but- to
9 returned home from his law ce r. earl many pleasant drives during the. com- 8 e fille race grounds, where foot races 4
I hurt, th bi
Winter, of thi t Su g' a act ang c was.,serio is
1?y Mr. R. Killoran ha' 'i ession.
hese I g ha ot dci Be, Ptwhere he ill e.—Th� bad, 28 S
tion in Clinton. —Po I tinaster Spence ba!k no aggy was �ri
cattle were ke -a n et d ma& cement walks round his hou8 va ous,�iuds t000kplaco�.. After theseraces%
'lag flum GI n, of Toron
studies in Torouto.—h1r. J,� SA AOICSon has mer.—Mrs. to,' has wreck.6d.--:, r. W. "r. Wilson anti
all 1[iiought f( of Galt, and -we car�enters have coinmenced work on Eph- 6any of the old people retired homeward, re cc lam y
r been appointed agent of the Windsor, De-' te, but Is 8�ire to a cceed wherev(p be been viaiting her'rrotber, Mrs. Win. Mc- wife visited! frieni
for shipment tot
ie -y. goes.�The a il L Hen.- all, Hills Green 0.P
The foIL troit and'Soo line beats,. the' -Cambria and first champi6neiip lac,o5se rai Cober's residence.--lifirs. Watt is visit- while theyoung pe le enjoyed th6laselves
Dougall, of this' place —A pleasant event d:B%yf]eI& last
veec and returned home
is a list of th6se Irom -whom. thy match of the se4son will. be ing at Bluev9le. listening `to�tbe sweet music f the. Cavinina. Th6se are the oni played I lie o8curred at Mr. John Mcevin's on Tues- on Monday evenug.—The �4tli was 'ob- weria purchased, wM passenger
asV`O1=MLf lea, As. te-
'ILI this year'.at Recreation Grounds on rid r, June ';h, day evening when a number a serve&byanu; be.-ofourcitiziono 0 y
ill& L layed by Several
od-erich.— f young people Young,
G*xi4ve, 31 Ste ro oj,660,pou in to the nic was made for the sebol f Redan Oct.,,'
G �a op, - nd between the Be vers and Fe -gus. rs awn y in dancing an 9
Mr. N11 rs. Walker, of Toronto, i�;ere the wliirled tile, Ii0_u d other Londesbcoro.- river shing, rar&Bem , others to a
5.6,10 L
T� �KaQuaid, Mcl� 11op, gain( to, W t.
'0. Kern' f6rl a amusemetiti,—Tlieeniertainiiient to be c;n- LAWN SOCIAL,�A lawn social will �e held Park
nests of Mr. and'Mrs. T. and their inausittous te 'cher, Mr.
Fow pi, 11, E 6ter an London.—The fish borough, it is to be. lipped they en, Th
I T k th, 9 +ers 11) 110 C. f�ew days I i'he Q�e6n's Bir day. ingers 'at the residence of Mr. Elisha McViotie.; on busin a must, be bo( In ngp if all till
ast week and. this.—Mr. Jol n du' eted by the Mll Fat,
bily of Jubilee e"
e -ped-
2 �Iteers' 2 260 J. Leatherland'! -a imer employe in� theliall on the evenit ig.of Wednes themselves, as well as iitll ivho wepe t
in the eita.�] abled wery pers(n ane .3rd,, under' tire aus- lars a irting ere.—
Tuckers 70; H. � I o - 4 -
McLean, ItB Beautiful we4h r next, Aonday evening, J 5 t t apply. —We had
lialiment of Bri �r there, and w4o now right,ro5
Tucker, in t$teer '111 June 5th,promiees tp be a success. Tl;.s fam- pices of the Methodist 'church, Londeaboro ion,U* night, ihe damage The residence of Mr. A+livw Arab* A
ftli 116 ste,le,Tsl 14,200; rallycetj ateHer '. ajesty's i 4tal more: at lait is 3 'r � F I I has a good situatim in Sarnia, was visiting- ily of colored folks is renowned for its musical for the purpose qf de being very much irnp�oVed by"'a rs it h-1, 35 steers.. Ruinter, Tuck day. good pro raimille, of orts had een fraying a small ba 6, to fru 47 tender grain ind vegetables cannot brick yard'of Sprosts
3,790; at his home bar( I or a few dayg.—The toad- ability. is
�r, lane, new cost,
arran e I for 8eaforth, and ei in the day on the furnace a.6count. Great preparations. be, eat its, _M dmojPs fami 1paint.—The Villie
In mprove
Sinclair, Tack ra rtil� steers 6,460 ; ide in front'i ted. r. John Hu o beieg i by th construction of
of St, Janies' ch-urch ha's been a
X Papple, Tucke am, til, i) teer�, 2,270; J. the str wc men ire being made, and a good tittle is expect- 9f Ail �a� Craig, visit
ts were crowded wit men, ad friends here on the two new tile kilns.
'We are'pleamed
11 1 1 leveled 3ff the broken bricks, 'art inevitabil small oy with'. 6 to see Blr..F. Ulens
Elensall. :d. All are cordially invited to attend. Hastie, McKillop tears, 040; X Gray, ad pl d - th re
6 ter from'i he o1i Corintnercial hotel., king the public for tbei . r kind patrou tie,
cracken The day1 procee ngs 'vvep � NOTES. —Mr. Bond Livison, of Adelai and
cow al teers 7 920; J. be- Than ra. A. Wilson, *ho have been
d 4 VAU
and over tl 'Is has lbeen , cc several loads an ake'lii the past add hoping a continumice of the Middlesex county, � spent a week visiting Sick fc some time, able- to be out again.
ea ';,700 f hii by a parade on Alain at t,- by th6 &(1 6 e. Tuck rs6itb, a r6i, . J I 1 1 ; of gra�c I; all"o, � ich amdl a, very in same in the fulure. Any desiring a soriog is
A. Archibald rs 4 steers, 5,330 dch to tattalion and in full In �tary suit me up to at. N'Yillia Tu ke M'mitb vill friends in this vicinity. He a "ril 'a 'teo, sr., of Turn. -
I well assorted o4ock in summer suiting4 tfid pantinge. CUnton. acre farm that
rance —Ivlr' -antsga to call and examine our tolms
8 Dio4son, Post- headed -by Major who as bought - the
J. Her. its a ea An ersoA (Ind it to their ad� 'Weting of the Good Tem-
McKil op!t 9 a ew, 11,410; J wob his tend th6 dist-Aiat to
1� teers, 11,07 Ming u and
s.L-The friendi of Mrs. Fred was ace
jith, 0; me Its i i the post offi Lie here. The 'cellar our stock ii complete, ran& many
master, pUrpaes mak ng seNreral. impro ve-' honors as drum-majo with beco We are on top for variety and Pattern. 1 In Worsted, -NOT
-Deverea. plars. iss Alice Cottle, of Clinton, spent pied by the lat� William BlausbArd
..a son, of Omi ee psi
recrea ion n er o members of the Good Tem- the
ton, r to -lean of her death 'Was
ill be er, be, enlarged a-
stanip large crowd of foo plars d ve to the district meeting at Cop- !ns
J. Arm- IT whico to
J. Watt, Ifullett 6 teers, D. Mo- S.-Carnoclian, Tu. - a in -it ]h 3 steers, 3,560 ; - nity. After the pail'ade, the )and he ring from ST5 upward@. a few d+yA visiting friends in this vicinit. id -owned by Mr.Jermyn. The pri will be deepi�ned and a fa, mar Block pants at 82 75 is something you- want to have T. J %ha, and tatilily of Clin.
Lee- put i i the, to the ti rotinds, folio A u b f
wed, y ix a look at. Tweed suits awav�down, $8.50 buys th M
Gre,(gor, 11111letf, 7 waiting rocit-A will t f)all enth isiasts towit. at k NA r $1,800.—Mr. C. W.' Andrews 4lumb -4teers, 9,750 Buo%, Tailor, Hensall, 1433-2 comirred'ou Saturday morning last. �.h 7 0 . udn, wad in, at �Tetoor for Mr. RumbalL
strolig, Hull tt 1-Y -rs, 361) stance I�st week and rep age
counter established, as well 8 other inter- neigs the championsh �tween i the 9 or a p ant time. Mrs. ill
te Hinch- LGCAL BRirm%.—The 24th of May pa eks n was guly 3-:1 on Tuesday tnorning.—U
yea of age. . She
rs, Rug stotof
Ste urons an The lodge here is having good meetings. was 4 J. Miss Annie, of 'Clif-_
191() J- Scott, Harriston, is visiting at In: over very Mrs. W. b k rty, and
he , fathei's, Mr. By.the time the Z the
nal improvements.—U'ra. J �es Ireland, of Seaforth - H' a" seed �lliott nl
ip ge of Be il' clt!tietly here, there being no cele
ley, Hfllett, of ell n as Mrs. J.
McKillop, Steer I teatas lined i p 'oil the eld At the beginni, of the I b, qu ;rter, thiy ford, paid a visit t� MT -
John brationin the village. —Tile maj6�ity of our remain a brought . . U. N. Duff.—Mr.
ere for I interment.
iTirner sr.—Messrs. D.' Stepbenson 'a very crowdi had cc igregated op, e Sting Mr. D. or
t3pea�'- havg been elected de] egat all citizens visited the towns. and �'ilfages of P1 Stier It gone to the old
V ad t d the an of having a me Coakley of Morris,�Ias_rng Nied to the vill.age,
id e I& long
e Ur�
e anxiously waiting th' resu t, .nd in fullAex- i
SCINDky CoNvENfiro- e Clinton, Mitchell and Exeer, her the devoteoll to- separate progra P: such as CO n large ipmento of cattle.'— into the house, lately occupied by r. Pat. selling
reading Iniel cPhe a
So oo Convi,nti n of 1 the Church of i� oidOn Of - "cot day was being. celebrated. 'We are once N -
r.� s,—The llby the Canadian Order of Foriosters here;'to pectation of a.'grand exh one night, recitation e
da� I _ iight, Mr funiq, who moved on to a farra in Tur�;-
the Rig i Court. to 'be held In -Hamilton of Fingal, and fath
Ef no -land fsutida�y ball., - They4ere n
ell nvor ited with extremely hot
in ca Mr. H. nted. 1) eing v in an-
Iiatoron, held in St next in th. —1 Robb, D. D. H. *C. the stout ol�ven from tile G'erman town q:arftaeci This plan bids fair to'Wor*k ver las re- cRae of Bra ise s� s e unda wi Mrs.,,
I shoe 1111
c, urch school -weather whieh is almost Unbearable after the on Satu ay, a d W y
Thon y Pherso 79 years. an
ann.— r. ra..� MIntosh' of'
frepresent Londeaboro Court by sented themselves on the fli Id ma�y ere very cold weather we have been, ba�* contest 'Is —The nominations fo
fr. Elmneron, 4 d vinity thedLubi US id" es to fill tile
roorn, on Tuesda, last, wsorteof the most rox orily. Another Demoreft, cand
tobeheld on the --evening of Wle8wortb, have moved into one of Mr.
largely attenda(], er witnessed perhaps, in �tl remarks' its to he resi;it, ind Mr. Charles cDonell has returned fro' le to of reeve- anil deput
fl IV in Jund. good programme is 6xp eted. dent' who is supplying Rev, 'D, Perriie's all were of opinion that irt, -reev6, were -William Ross, hos W.m, tit"
-the whole diocese, T mre were upwaxcis of ingliam duri g Mr. Perri ab- da 'a work out *out for. the. d Idon and Me D. eis
loys had ieir spending a few -a with friends in the aj. Litbgow -
9.) deliegaLes, an( I clergymen present, y From the county of the only 'dy w's, has moved aeross the road into the house-,
ps ce, in the OL Wellington. —]Nfr., W. R, Hgolgins ev hip a
Id country, _ied tb .1 - kick -o onlini for t i el
coo re
upied tb nd. was vacated liv Mr. John Paiterson.—Mirs.
every pm-ish reFresented by its rector ff, however, 1114ni min a were a t of the Commercial h tel ting a flne Bayfleld.' d clsre�, I ected t bv colama -Jen-
i, tj d
pi. �bf t e Presbyteriap . church ]ter 3 lus �un d1ittle son, of P�LlraerAcon
t little more at V"au, a ie game ro- open she Is er A. Ro rre8ter itnil, ban )n
mad severM by It I arg num ber of Sunday Sabbath: morning and t aL , n- bV�niri,�. d immediate , north oefahris stables. , IP Yoir choo e to investigate. you -were - nom-
agressed it became. evilnt thwt with rea i pn - egen"'s biLrtliday visiting her sisters, Mrs. 1
hteaebers. Th.� papors read were Phersowpreached in Wingham. —The Rev.1F. E.,Ro , in returning 1iorrie find -that )'!ell can at no where aloe 4110 ;r0Od VA ties in.ated'o? the deputy-teevesiip, and Mr.
—The next �3
Yo from attending a conyention in FandPan3ng@a@stH.F.FAw.rds. Therie F)rrestn wit1lid g and Mrs. Jew1iiigs of Bluevale.
th on rew, leaving
)-on will 11 A a large asiortrivi
urch district Ineeting of the Royal Temp!ars of' Da Ing the first half time O� aforth ent, and a I rze nu ber r. John Patterso had ian, allation sale -
very interesting t3. those enga in elt able luck otir boys woulcj'� win tile � a in Tweed J. W. Prin
work, the sub eut I ta a ladies be- fa� Tuesday evc ning last! with a number of lady of Suits ar a heIng inade to order. , We efy corn ti- in %ster )I the�, field. 7—The citizens of Cl.inton fn ty of Huroq,.-%%iII voted by ao� i an.,
ell by t Temper ' ce for the court a)igh�, wind after twei goods last -Saturday. Goo.1
irticularly so. unday' school be lield at Centralial on Wednesdity,f June tY- delegates, InLd quite an exciting adventure. tionandlivitecorlparlson. Ifyounce &-news W,Ire gr ad on Swturday after -
olealt ;vitlil by Miss
Sweet,'of 12, H age droppind down it will payl you wel to eftirlde. 3 In pr" Mr. Patterson has glveu�
liter- of his household
Exeto�r, in a wit -d -ec-tilig th commencing at 9 a.' 'rn.—Mr.- W. i Idud applauSq om the orb lartha, Bir -
five. minutes of � hard c the ui bins The 'pole of his car 1-43 noon t Varn'so be death of N prices prevailed.
goo 7ed vd. caused the horses, a sf) rited team - BRnEzl�_ NOTES.—INESS Shop he b(ck eloveld � wife of 3 will live With his sort,
Y e sui erin- moirn eeping and
P D. Bright spent li�r Majefityli Birthday No sedring was done- Ito be' r is OUL, afr. W. C. Searle.
d up house k
tendents to secur thet very best literature .4 uring -the I irst come- almost unmanag able. Fidirtunately, guest of �er brother,' Dr.- C. I ieppard.Lr JAb year in a the la;dy was alflited Walter.—T lie widow of I the late William i
hell S'U tfishing at B ' miller. He 'eceeded in haff". -Inthe' second haif.� 8
fol (I 4ot to be content %vith aafoetil scored however no serious Acc ent occurredii and iss gliam, Blansbard It Id an auctio I
catching 63 fine trout.—Mr. Charlie Stew Eva Wade, of Win a It d 'v%t 4. i t grippe and never fully recovered. u6le of her farm
v'3itemperament and of deep Tuesday
inere stories the eharacters, in some seeing - again, and niade many hof attacks on the with the ai(I of one of t le farmers iear by, Downs, Of Clinton, were her�e on 3unda.-�- eing an acti implements, ebores and �le, on
art, son 'of Mr. Alexander tewart, of this Bei hn goal. , In a n unguiardc d: moment he 'the reverend gentleman got his! harness, Mr. Janfes,Eagleson and wife eligi a I o6nVi0im,ber thoughts ver of this week.—We are gl, I to bear, of the.
09 to be iuvoilted f6r the occasion. Mrs. town, has gone to jSt. Paul, Minneota; vi&� tars got away e more
f Cli t I
a. , LiS owel dealt with the duties where lie has Secured a Situation: with as c day I t improvement of r. Art ur Murphy, of the
Fairii tile i us do with the ball 'and . b � a which w br iken, boun I tip andl reached were in town Idst week.—On u a r ot lie 7a thall of herself. O Wednesday,
wa the field scored ffieir first hind �ohr Oliver,, wbo -has Mr. James McDonald Itild -wife, of Ripl 6 decqued, although pirdvioisl n dangerously ill.
a -ad responsibilities of the Sunday school -Twin-City Cement Corhpany,"for which his home safely.—Mr. Bluevle road. who I is li�e'
teacher; Bho,vving 'hat wort: did not -begin onl r goaV This e Soring !,-for �he been here for Sol ti! ne in the employ, 6f James' McDonald and wife, J Yv y up 'and —Mr. John Forester, of Wingbarn ha
0 brother is manager.—M r.' George Good, who 'left Sea aj� Les Bu4 h- round, tooka serious turn and finally slept BI ., - s the -
and end with t d�3,and forth vict orious 'by ueva a ri ge near y r,
he lic of n�eeting i u class,. has-beenlem wO Dr. MoDermid in hi dr, ig Store, left here ana:n an wife and A. McDonald and wi late cause of denth be'
"ployed in Mr. "'. R. Counter's e, way, the immed' I b 'for 9traftic
goo Is to one. The game, ww mad brilli Lnt
but they Should visit the children in their on Thursday for Englan 1. Mr. Oliver has Goderichi lag Mr. Joseph AloPberson lefti for- Toronto orb
were the guests of Dan MeDona d. e r t )idble.
jewelry �egtabhshment R t r I Ira.
for -Searle was a Wedues Lastweek,we U(
ars, is lapending a. couple c 1
homes, interest tbem in thelir secular stud a #uple of by the Splendid comb,inat,on play and been in poor health for i �ome time, and we —The feathe'r bed renovator is sti I here a ld ative of the c day,after a week's visit at his home�
of York, %E'nglad. Mr. ent. Here is wha
ye f eke, with ru� lea of the Hurons, Nv�jleBerlir , also "e-, hope the trip and'ohange proVe bene basbeendoin alarzeamountof -erysats- d M ies, and prepare t le lesson iso as to secure his parents ia Winghaim.,and will after;wards tal kiven d ciame to Clinton about 39 of,04r work
ed their reputation as a irst-elass tE iin 1 1
the attterition-,'an� above aIll � to live the I - take a poiisition far the su�m r. V. Blanns bas, factory work.--Que6's Birthday'passed )ff 'ear aE
ficial to him.—AT up
by their many good a Farciuhar
ef onithe Cana Ch
40a when befon the pup�l in the 'world; P1 The game tile butchering business for the present and etly here, there being no celebration; DW Sir H;vli
than Pacific stearini M�tiitoba, innning be- tobrOughoutwa-slaimost eht, man] and Mrs. Jobn Bell s t
Rev. Mr. Griffin took up 9 Messrs.Grigg & Rivers have kindly consent- Thedaywasuslieredinb theloudfiringof
W pen
n a y roxet'
t , at4fliof Your
societies, their 'teen 0 air Sound and Fort William.— In the afternoo' n equa, M I ,
place in the churc i. and Sunday school. Rev. ly la7ge�,n:omv Sunday wivix friends in Fullartcon-.—Ifies;
It I ith the model Messrs. d ed to Supply all. havin, wants in that line.— anvils-. -,The ijoi" was kept up d iring, t ie 1 Wl
9 dTFs.—T-he 24th wasl quietl� observed Mary Jane Campbell, f %tbert, is home
gathered agairi'6n. the grow as Mr. and kes. John Scott left here this
Mr. James dea teacher in wil Richard Robinson and John Waugh 'ds 6 �tre i , 1
I leavelon Saturday! by the steamer the further sports. of (lay. by ithe children firing firecrackers. �re� the b
r I I
lessrs. 6eorge Erwin, E. Swarts, Charlel 0' e 14 many o e and
C, In i Way, ded th me Ahi
on was the fo6t lall ters at Mains Fyrie, Aberdeenshire. We Dressler, FraAk Kegan and Migg Kenne y. a In VeTy M
was the greatest of all teachers, as- the thilig 5be programm6 �Xed tbe to i fluAY.—Miss Jean wife, attended the funeral of the late Mr.
a very lengthy pa.pe '--holding up Him, a, a 'd th rs &J. 00 a v&eatift-�Mr. Hlr�m Boreland
who Ca bria.� on a trip to the Soo.--�Mis the. day. . Thei Brat week forai trip to Scotland, with headquar-
of Stfatf6rd, is the guest of Minnie match between Dublin and Egniond . Ville for, vidsoh, Of y ings1or the VUSIUM
Miss 81, ent:tbe 24th under Summers, near
4hould a trive to copy. ery ani Dorsey. ---LMiss L anon, a very pl�as. p 'xeter. WhIe alarzo par tool 10haJ, _df %hs gioat ormy *h
model a.11 . V i of Ellice township, -the Crawford cup. This ma ;h Wish them, a Safe voyage and took in the a orts at h I St. Maty�, last Thursda,
rses followed the reading of is % is,itin rs. ;amer, of this r. ummers was a former By- I In
seriously ino]
re8ult can not be other- Beth-
discou was not so ant time.—Miss Maggie Morrison, of ]Wn- I number went by otberw'drove to Snow- ce, i lispoeol at present.-,. neigbborbood.—Rev. Mr. 733itrker, of Mi
mate(!- I bo�t Of this
at the - residence df Mr. 'T. V. scientific fmexh�bition as wa the- match of don, and formerly of this village,l is the I den's grove, where it], o annual picnic of t ie 14�
as just I i 1 1 Ugh IF Mi
each paper, and the utledge.—Mr. W. N. McMichael,. of B.1c. the forenoon, but w I � Has, of 'Toronto, occupied the any Methodist churell and R�V. Mr. Ball- asi-ess I
wise than pleasure and profit to those who illop, has just returned from,a trip to the s.hotly and E6r- yo P ewm,
guest of Mrs. H. Arnold.—Mrs. ung people"i Heaiti ind Hand Ai ociatic n it ao
The rural dean occupied tb:e cc eninsula, h in tondon. itsime W 8 t�o jeouresucla
ind w- q to as excit ng t the Prqsbyterian church on Sab- of London, exchanged pulp t Sunday. M
ere, present., dently contested, a' §cba and Miss Hagan spent the 124t was being held. A enjoyable its las fully
ru and is very much pleased 1 to the friends of the cc in the, absence of the patatoor.— Quite a number from thi§ village and Sur
Ours rmpet
chair. Mr. Dermis, of Brussel apted as i 9 team$,. But. —The 1 many friends of ent,'the wetber b g most. agreeable.- — 'Ja nE a, as, of Brunel 'Chi
itb the beautiful a- cenery of that part of -ille proved too e Rev. W. Tor- OP 8, was in town on rounding country,� a secretary, and Mrs. Armstrong of Goderieb, Eginondi no for her' sis;er rance, of Paisley, and fori*erlv of this vil- Mrs. W. Clark is visi ng at Seaforbh. ant
11( n( ay
-Vr. William Sanders was in and other places.
tario. -i Ltimbering 1K the principal in- village- and carried off' the box ors b , a so re —(in a 24th in 9xieter-
presided at the organ. The list of delegates stry tblere y lage, and who was. so recen%ly in our Vi a e Monday at a meetih of members of &.1 It ih� ast meetine of For cat-alogue
but Mr. McMichael thinks of three goals to one. The 'acrosse ma Torol Ito his welk.—John Bradley, of H%r_ the'ludependent Order ot Fores4era -t address
at agriculture conducting services, at tbe organ re,.ital Andrew church it was decided to extend a! ris leads ag decided to hold a picnic at Orand Bond on,
103 , a 4 otberl,'fr It e been visiti
was very much, I! irger than wits -expected t might be very profitably between Bright and7, eaforth, whichi foll( W- in the Methodist church, Will be ollocke I call to,, ReV. Mr., Graham R.
0. who has, for V11 atelv. 'The 'Young People'sSociet
and all were not in until after 12 o'cloAobut egrried-o Amongothers he visitealed,was won bySeaforthlb fouraltrai&t a 0 SOD IC' n�4t als to i
uronite, who 'h -is
it isaid the way the reotor of Seaforth dis- r. j,. le rp f his very* Udden death, which cc- i time past very acceptably pread led herie.i 40 JV�n Ili June. Evqrybody is cordial-
J4okson, a former H. I goals. F 61n the be an: Endeavor In coi nect Ing as D d tintop is, gm it w 14 Walk ourt from apoplexy on Wednesday e,ien. We understand �that should Mr. Gi i%iiiam ion with the grart
7 d Ura Ou as,406
11 church here wopose holding
ly expected.