HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-31, Page 6717.-17—
4,� ------
01�, _,�Jx
MAY 31
Missy, but I'm h
AsK your Druggist for I aorrywith�thi king how It was the first from his. old hoin
to America,
get It lutoNancy's own hAnd in Killal and the priest had toap d his ey�s beamed
rece )qen very wer in
that Dennis had ivi din all these yea kind in starting her at, once or� btearaer, wit
L : ; .1 J
tell me, de y think, Al r joy.
BY LUCY DEnur. Can mp master. -and as- he hold it in his hand the great. teitr 41S Wra. Spencer was ffloturb�d, Dra. boun ed riv� o:welcome ti
em G ran d MAY31't I
Nora ?10 rolled down his cheeks. Wota, who ha and . of t
Dennis O'Rourke. had found staunch, Of course; he can as the day wore on and ar
arra ge it sll,,I enni brought t Mr er re a rdleas
-friend- abd ally in t4e little daugi ter iof the ..he letter to him, kne* her ser Spenp j
kr )egntners this time:
vice Came home and there was I
11 think its very fortunate tia�t he, cnoi�s would be. neede stil I n trace of or i 39 out 1) nnp, how happy you
_b iei I fl, ' dh I av
house, and -a partnership -had estab. XA. di in reading it. enni enn Railw" a
OUL JanCt them sosoon.
�Iu� uiatmr L 40 nngland, a he'l - i4t leaned on 1.Y grew anxious and par. loo, 4nd 1101 7-7,1
belied between the 6hil-cf of eleve I And the write Me rake as N)ra opened the let,.-:
t ad L
and ask him to atteild 0 it -for, ils I ter and read plexe
I tfiat the n oney been re�.I� )W4 i, And I then turning to
good-natured Irish Ordeneri Xora-otoutly kno, . . i and impo ed up,6 Mott �ii 01R( 116
w he'll do it." Had he deceived them urk;e Aie said - How could A
defended e�,clxblurlder of 4er oraclej and 64 oeived dMothe,401,ourke and th6 bo� their kindness, leaving them wilh thdae be k yol
To England, is it, Ye s�Yl Ni'vir a bi P�! aovr were coming He said his Are You Go 'W" left 3 t
would' satuart in (0'e week- on the stbame� helple' ; i
Dennis delighted in gratifying' t lie 'child's England shaln!t; have .9, as travelers npon their hands It did he4r, told bit I, but how did he know so
finger n my N 41St'r1jgbt,1, sailit
mornings, coming p i . tj -pL1 4
ossible that they dould b we been well
slightest: desire. 'Wng summer 3 free g SeptembEr 20th, an4 not seem hl Year IT
I the sonshiII6 ' -r -
_q L'. of England intoire *03 cominA direct to E stol. T 8
wereW,",edL, of ti o gArdeu, istaken ill the good heart and b omeab na-_ Aber 0'r ouroke ciolild' only Stan
areo after trying to be. N( 88
and or. f. iced wben'Diannis raisi d the P Mi' 1�or I, After consuiti�� Mr, Sp6neer, Ndra wa ture ot the Irishman. As days an I weeks 4e off his hi
Al d and
that won't do at all, at alli and, it's.surprisi d able- to tell.Dennis that I .
curt Y and nuige Jerry It
skill ivith wich her,* little fi the steamer wotil. passed
ngei E -twisted I'am at ye for mentioning it. e- whil she kepto saying so, see tha your
_P the wee4s arrive 0 lie follov ing aturda y or Sun a j b ts c�ame to them, Nora, began to think is, dear, Dennialig, LS'. Vi$.
from a�nong the Ar Vj'bb�rleq, Nora Ila ti the follov Ily, and still no tidings of h a wher
d a feeling of deep, mor tificatic n Dennis was of &iII)e9lit I it, dear, lk
takinj good1l very ii�itlerna,
are all the while tha her feet that, after all Dennis had told her of En,� r- family moiling; he littIll assistance i pr;1st in Kiltaloe bad mism derstood iver inchof lirnp y1s, he'a!�% gintleman 1) L ficket rea
shoul not upon the loiig,� r u* profiles in he A
6 e
lanWa heavy foot being plaute I upon L pbor r letter, perhaps lie had forgotten all and*Dennis was proud �of 11. pr praise, and
nqi stories 00A No
old reland's neck she shot Id havinia� e fill - TRUNK L fAILWAY'r
nem 'De told herL Many -10 but he could not rE mem *er -wlit ther he had about her Dennis and had sent another Nori, thoughp she hadnovori� so
hot JeL
e lawn before leav, Airs, O'Rourke'
about his mid Ili' old N spread the seaweed on t I
answered ra's q cation, -TH
�ucb a drea df ul mistake, and eon I Ing, slid lie was sure lit had neglected U- possibility became a conviction, an d gradu- sayi
,i when to another. Dennis. - This hapl y, �uu h 3
when the interest grew intense h I
11-Alisay, I leard RO
old blae,whol promised to do. UTIC
'Q ell eally wanted, such good advi 36, cord. up the cook's )arre of tins, as, he had ally it was Ahared by Mr. and Afrs.' Spencer
would stop 0 1 work and scab Ifert I in
the ter a h ng silence she -said Well the oice Ing, over and GRZAT,'TU
o write t9 the prie -er.
dbarrow and listen, 811 Dennis, i rould it 40 t but still what had' become of Dot] nis him' oN d j :tv,
a ov pencerlm self ? I i
watched the uIn dance on the sea, tlf woi - The room er I!m 1 a -coining, Im
in Killalc e, the 6ne you said was so ki at stable, at� list listone I to the a wite For SpecWi WA1417`013A
125 Juniper a -coming, am ill
dering if tha, silver path really ic rest, Nrere I ore delightful tha4
to Yoh, a let ask him WESTERNRATBS Applyto
to:T 4 to star; thejr� )ff 'I o !Dennis" utmost power voice, or ku � it was� iij ol(I womazes. any-
wa Ire:14 , d, f im�kination ha
Y, I - I rnprini d
Mr. Spen eCs In, e house stb d in th 'picturedth-eiii.- Miroug Nora's 1� keen inter- w hen Dennis aisl9ke with his heavy load J03) n 4sa �e� trimm -t fowl -F11 of the VompEmy-s 1-00al Agents-
rg There now, ye have i6,
tre of o and ye axe a I eat Mrs. Spencer's storer oni was made to his heart, the day DO I qg
cen nly an of disappointment upon ) 1 , dojecite
pre,. and a haltofilatid be, or i 5 T P.6<13o;loru like UN OWIN
t. Patrick for thesinsa of ye; w li, was clear and trio sun was in the heave' a, an ill a i d �bis joyfu season."
Mur y C the r t I young 8 L. J. SEARG9ANT,
which reach fr the r 1provi e one after anotier of Jbe needed n Bflng.- comfort and k -
e Vs the Very thing, and w e Jpieces of furniture, and '. ora; wilt 3ust as it had always b�en.
sure i
beach.;. M 0 .�oceau ill ye 1W GENERAL MANAGER.
e, -a ngle re (Iii, Ii her own e was honie. tends perisonal e�l
-the lett yerse Alias
lawn and grk Ila emed a- vast �astate .1little hands, made prel less and Niork, bn
or a er ti y whit6 curtains t the briglit, '7 7 rightly used.. The )rAll
1 of Dennis' reqppri-gibil e whIch. God. his
eI6 bo red, and, was, delighte( .. e . ame with
Nora, who sl ared 1with ball fring6 to k at the little hopeful tonapel n
She consulted he father ab -ter +-ban utb er-3 and, ertj*
OU) $!en ing tl- e �Windows where she place her oxi n best ger- fature, began WOOLA WOOL!
itics. The a Or'v Ue lie'd�e, IvIlichlootlidef soin reifully blessed the Irish I
FLOR1 A a rreed to pure lase r Det �naim alic to a sert and re-establialf itself. Den
money, and lie
-e IiIi ce, ' " * 1 89 expelldibure
WAI E R the entil
riquirec I not on y .,to Fron her a ngss Ifthe
his a draft upen 11,ela
RAL EX RACI trimmed wijl, e wis' great d p �yable to tt e 11' china tea-qet vi me camc Remember when marke v y r� wo
lirch, Kilhiloo, all I
for 03 all A) light, The birdsivere sincring alid the trees -nee -13b�sflwl b;
Nora's own J� rdon.saissclrs 're: Die cons. The _1 ttle ro4ms can always rely on gettinir the hightst elce In t tbe dsof
0 -offered to write t'Ne tterbimsdIf a I'll
For dandkerchief, Toilet and Batbo essary to, imat away tile small' �c bLt N 'a- a palace in Denui '4'-' were gay in autumn colo at No. 40 Warehouse Sesforth. ersons wishin-
-the -valiic to health Qff
c e rs, aikd gradually to take trade, we MY two can �ore per ounr.' 1101
bro,, n ran E
A DAINTY ?LO she trs� bu i priest 0 A16i icals eb n an out froin his darkness into the all
f St. I
b c me'
cli�imedtliatpi-ivilbgeasl.iei-; ollwn pr�",Mof,,!", Oil Thursdav lie asked'pdnlihi n to g6 to 1%, Trade tickets'paid at Wm. ickar 'a a
burined by th, midsummei sun. oniforting conviction stol� over . hi
him to let him see that th ladd' es ivB a.
in ring
The first' sounq�s "which grcietei g ast Boston and awai; soul. He calmly and -quietly deQided 1 4 Mon
4 RINARY. ra's the arr val of the UR-Ilyll' RAn1d ppring medidne tc, g your wool with or without jour grain we pa),
VETE ears when $s e p6 t.0 cd early b) lear and lo iblel steamer;, Air. Spencer amuredilli i that the. that the whole situation was far too'- great BLOOD Syrllpof 'FiRA�:
the isti liter p rfeesfor all.
4 It'was hard fo� Dennis to m n )w th 9 steamer could not arri-, Problem, for hill, to attempt to solve s�masls Its lence JZ plue I
mornin! es all� otht r comp�un&. It 1481x4 JAMES 33HAtTIE, Seaforth. excel
as t ) Ld � her ofDeuriis. fai tbfx 1.1, 9,t . I
ba, ly not U.til 8 ;ilewm4d�pin a d
OHN GRIEVE, V. S., honor Mdx isto of Ontarlo t lie garden his plan. was so- near realization, 1�n -1 tl , He had done ns ni�vvij discovered �e for;a ni(
work. 1crbapsiliii rake in t nd.Ay, I ut. It, lo his best. Nancy alone lico, ta�i v )Zt aom
Veterfairy College. Alt diseisis of -Domestic le befqre �Aturdav,
wal k 6"" 0 ok
own o anyother prep
days seemed weekaj * but -a gre DtJ dea I had t :) of sucl tbured upon would be al -le to extricate him from the -Ant to the tmste, the reir
Anhosts �reated. Calls promptly attended to and lingered a lit le lundee. -her windoiy deep disapp intment ga i gVredfp�ts k' aration
0 lot be decided upon in r tile in �poAan t Dennis' fabe that r difficulties which beset his life; it
ebarzes 4noderate. ekard to
Voto riffary Dent atry a specialty her know. thA o�no member of the 4rn was Spencer alvised his vas true
letter, and Dennis 4nd Nora el iscuss� -d it fc r f"111 H NERGY beneflcizJ proner"ves of
IMce and realdence on Goderich Areet, one door awake, going there to wait, so as to be ]sure to be, ween them, but thewhole
morning whQe trimming tl grass on. I ON Ll V6R, KIDNEYS
&aar of Dr. Sqott's office, Se forth. 11124,of the c6ean was bet 1H Rob
and �or�ls a full af Atla: itic Ooean could not separate him from
The sumn land. 1 From Thursday until Sundayf
ier ad half goie, hing 0 terno Nan(y'a love. co.WN heccl-x
d xtL nined �u4 too borders of the gkrddn , the at � fldf e I ; Qfq THE SKIN -1
garden seed had b6en e a left tile i4arf neither night
G on Denni AND -
the little sickle as if the new mcoll ha �nor day, excepting to -,and peimauently
often to se' ff tl ey had ti ken rpotj and urriedly buy soine, Al. tile long vrintbri 116 hung about the e,-.pelling, by ese o Roy
e letter was to rgans, disease
dentists, 1 o :1,
come down to them.; Th er wi 6s to sandwiches docks, and was t I w4ya oil hand to welcome aati,%Ewi--
Veterinary Sa%eon an�r pronlise o glory, iiii her at a little shop near by. At It bas g
ary at eveping im geims of scr I rited, or contagious
J-��D!TtB,Tdro�oto Colle- ing g4vT written th Illediately a ter di noon on Sunday lie was told that the steam- with tlid an
go of. noth
nor Graduao of Ontario Vote small doll! eachIncoming s:eai er.,
a�ifi save tile To lbush ner. Nora had ask6d her fatter to' ive lie bulioars wh� the blood, perspira-
4�duau College, Uonor memberof botario'Veterin- and low kotse' 6
_itry medical society. A] I diseases o6dowestle animals the m-4itp cut -rant busli m ith itit er Starlight" was tale TH spring op Citrar
but still i '-profession bemueo it* 0
ig- cool the iii e of his librai ', and the graplied,'and in a ell no Nancy.; tJo# and urine. i
ly wer 'to ge few t Ills faith W10 at ong-�surely she would
eat ly attended to berries.
to oik early. �arleys�, Liver ailid Bowel"
skitfulLy tr ad. Al, calls proll specialty. bout a le -saw the great black vessel ap- ye
an w proachiug. It seenied an, end less un4ertak- asu* Dennis detertnineid EDIPM E aus
4V or night. Dentif try Ty a Across the'avelitie-st6od the am4le-bush come to him. 4t IN- no bec e,
lspensaxy_-Dr. I THE NEW Mil
J oil eningthem And,
glain, street sonforth. OMOO, which had been crow led bv the 'igbted to venture acrosis the city, and after bav- I'm Scotch but tivery objectioomble =-Ll
an4 D I The lamps had not bdeii ,�Ilel L ing to make the great steamer fast Ito the
m0ning Nora took posses8iou: 4 of her fath . ! wharf,.and all the time Dennis' expectant ing made the exp
ei -'a larv, ed ion withoa
alu e -s tsrem
o he a% see pr6nouncid 1�yrupof P. 1gs is for is
fog with diamonds, aud kora 'lobabd to- wri ine-table. This was by the Npeucers,"he
t beina n Its to rkable
tramspi4irt it -ery im
e6dicating 1�'on and impun
Iq lonar �tta in 75C.' bottles, 1.
1, e di ti
Del Ills -shook creasing group 01 b o6d. and, btlWng up the worn s moke a better
t 11 01
ell : I le pring efficac
He e y I moving 1aeturled by the Ca!;:11QT
11 her own gar(i - his Wad. paper and sealing vWaX 16se 'a of those who bad come et tb6ir friends. over, cross r and, steal about on tip -
in all its g!eaming bea�t_y in -to r�, an-ttletter, and she mus' everywhere in the steadily -in - twilight, after the work on the:wharves was f
L4GAL t t face was to be seen here. and The e.and ould, in tl loni's ties yo -u c an n a LOA
bl. ting.
rom t
at the ferr,
HATS B to r, Solicitor,
and cl�bllltgeld parts oij t)le system. thus,
nd �lhe two tall studen Aamps wer In.and ou6 along the crowded wba�rf he rani Cigar than
voyanoor and xw the "possibility of saf I '' ' , �1 , t to tile
1�! Solicitor for a Do the lar4eaching roots, and be '-ed 4 toe past Mr. Spi neer's house, and then -Co ihosenflilleis
I.Ouil In stubborn cases of scr1ofula and dt S�� 'L ej �180 tile 1.
her dis-
0 U.. minlon look bout lt 0 and placed on the abie, castin and onee getbin r so near that his ell
_a '01 i blook, *aiffiS -cot, �aaiforth. tosee-whatdouU-beeone for the.greater eek on to Juniper St-ec He longed to get eases d'e
L pe�dlnig upol iinoure blood, quick
His eyes ed a glimpse ofrili-Is Nora -but his fear of be
*Pnoyto loan. I brigii n the little, fair-haired gir touched the colcl
1285 beauty of thq baro lit'le gaiden. b t' iron of the' ship, he call 6 Ing'a and 'being well i ei
4re liobtalned roiii'lts 'purifying and
e upork; a large privet-buill, hosei fluahed�� cheeks and b re, sunbumq up to the steerage deck een or of, encou itering Afro. lourke accept any Snbgtitute AL:
T r"Ce- i�j J
AITURW MOXE r. W�Aii� 1" 1. 'M alld POinielug rms, 1 contr tIssueh�ild1ng prope�ti
Agent commisioner Ltor t&kWg ain it he am" t�ja el:,, ma
a ong-
a re y- picture as the I all stal e, Late one S Lnday aft They CO.St 5A
Claw!* to id.: "And is- it trimnfe(I like With -her whit Whist- there, Nancy Dennis is' I de him hurried y pass both use and
Conveyances, &o. Mow iy io loan at up lowest rates. ck or g payfom-1 ye'll 6-.,e it 1�lisi -noo a in
a eap
X.Hoaalsom, Walton, 4
�3 the irange
i � he lingered for a Moment be, �ond the
P�Lyca Yrishrin side no answering voic� came to him ei: June 66TH THAT CURES.
ered the room on tiptoe. J�es
Nora? Shmpe, Mr' Greshani at imself hu iodly on the e Denniisi seatec out of the babel of tongu IN"
rr xtrerne edge cf,'thci OTT
ent- ivery.teoncaivable kind of b At Upt, seeing the g;tngplanks being stable dobr to breat is in the fragranqe of SKIN SOAP ;-but I get Sax
v T 1C BEST, r, Boll
e7. OfflQeRocm(f
-ilted made r4ady, tris establ shed blossoming grapevii e, which huncg oker the
olto aste and chair nearest t� the door, whers lie ti% a
ell himself
bird there,were roos;ers and gidnea-'hens, utiftes Ihe 4;owplexionp
doors nortax otCommercial D
I out uneasily 'asif anxi
Itstal, ground -floor, 71 Us get away close ag4nsb the rope of the house. 47
xt door to 0, iL. Papskl@ ad stars, and ther' o back, wall of, the next of them for a
pigs all e's many a bit of landing -place . . A long-
ing e
e had a sprig of red eranitt in his but' for the s�eerage and- second- 2abin a ized him to be back at his DIIII Work- No's
Kalb a eat, Se.afortil. Goderich an inn in the old oouni ry limiled after t1i passen- UTTEV 10 ter.
jewelry store, Raw a
49= --CAmeron, Holt Cikol_61!01�1. 1216. e quar
bi It ullol.0, and although /W am
figgers eat in t Tis wrinkled face Was gers, and once more gayly adj isti of gardening, and
he tme at it., own door. b is hat lie stood dr, a ng of
timid 4nd perpl6xe(F '119,
there w
-4 ARROW P RoUD) .*M -N-ora, i bought the; peaf niwi Airou, as a look of at the right aligle lie' tten
Barrtstof% 5011011tork d produce a waited ii ai the. shore, here for
b htlbopefuln�sa 0itting acrok a g
&o., Goderl Dh, Out iirlo. J. T.. QoAoiw, Q. 0.;i charming effect standi-6g in the. corner of ft�p a few in expectan� amil reeting each in sunny hours ie and Miss No Rn ators b' �t And T�ade it p"Nsible t
an, i woman r4, with at) d 8 just in at
t Nora or child! who Mescended thn gang-pIduk. the grass ra tio had worked
ith bright, many- -boiders I y Pa is ai�� ffie;�--st, new de- ICIMPI; X TOBACCO 0 lioft�nlrAL.
pmenti of waiting wheelbirrow and
ould! shov tive eyeBight to nei
686 hFr garden, and w finely, from tile lo ked' up gra I 4o hap- H5FA1.4.N'S- Cheap Cash
piazza, but she recalled her i I Y, he heard a c
parents' �.d JrYom her pl)pw,land said: One by + th6i came, &ud eagpr voices and P1 f: :40
is 6myp r�e
arms were ready with greetin 'I-Hei Stm. e.
'ki .11oftoralix, au. pleasure ivhen, haiving mad( with the great- wel 1 7
N HOLT &'HoIaM, Barriaten ft. nis I a, ----I egin. e he is 0 , Dennis, my
cer3, &m,GodarPh, gi, �but none lle�� old I
1, Missy"' aid'Dennis in A whisper, came tc
(J. PHIL, 110T.T. DUD"P ROLM eat of wapaper atterng of the e�i lid no ofie Ic oked t:
wice.at Dennis"" and in a III ment his >
4um"Mr, tire la;rge ne little partner
fr mwhich one e never chr nged during his expi
AN.NIING & 80on., BArridem spllciso,4 oon reci. geraniums, straight across tjie.I�Ni sie d in ery W,, j L at ask his riIerence Where ould Nancy be e wo Idnev- gazing up into his face.
letters, s4e ec�
andDennis hadspelled Eri�nin th t face. had sei2 ed both his uds and was ot�nding
and she thought it .18 Aioth r 0 u ke and, tI, e boy right qr wait- u til the last. u
a gin. ie very I ext steamer that has see her th very first rum step from 1J I a ne-
Sohnston, Tlqdsis & Gali money to t64 wise He �a I expected to Noraidragged him. to the stabl�l Icalling
tirst this time, to ask pqrmission I tl 11 lit to her father, who was examinix , to
1 0 od 4 of , i .
Z1110ft Block, 011.110a, Ontario. A. �U -*Axwma Airs. Spencer wasl willing to Ad r
no left when he gets harness to coni
JAMIN Sam. a w 0 J
7&1. that] this, 1 and tell the ship. ;The ad �ssid sfie would and see Dennis. . 1 i
i ora should trea t her .. own d�rd en as letter 9, J. SX ROB
hit —" i COMPOUND. 0
come bi
she w all on Dennil. was ILrt work rt e "Starlight." W1 ere was she ? Poor ennis. His words were 6�ilfused
t" sale, 1
A eii:' . cl� scovery by an old H.atinfr taken a couiTI-1
Mi I HOLM -=ED succ *nor to Irm ig out a: chu 'Oh Denliis,'tha 'a too- fast, 3,n4 I don't
aky chick6n as he to d Mr. penber of the blunder that
clippi She mlist ave come. For se ra
X mco.%ughay 4 Holmeded, R6rrlskr, go,. whi16h Nora lik to interrupt yo , but I hours lie ph rz.lcla - SuccessfuZzy used
flalbar, ConvoyAnoor and NoWy. SnIi.eltoy to,, the watch Bd wi�h it mus "K you a lingered I is heart gr6wib had been made. It 6ee his mc nVit by th3vsanfU . of
rou: id-eye�d iyonder,. pnoon-. gr at many questio a first. g be y a;nd sor- was easy to I -the Detroit AC),ptical I
Usnadian laanlk otoommo,, Do. I Farm$ scio ier Yoi I iiee, to be- rowful, th ligh honespy of porpme, and Nora, and
facials. , Office in 80iti, us �y adapting juldgment to Do t dying out of his e�-es and bet father La aics. Is tbo on17 perfacti pared to fit all tle&
t told in y
i le skill, w.hether to tbe corn -tiin sad arranged sal 0 and rellablo=ediveine dIs-
Streak infall nnis' gin with, yoWve no e of his moutli t that ]I! should come to them a few
ria Ill
Bi glish-shall I say -rev- down. Almost ever y days I Lter, whei. they had again into, eo�cred. Be prinpipled dru,-31sts wao
orrab Ali t, 1� ivi'te itinI bor y one ad I ft the �Rre o6f
Ire's a payfowl' for erence or riverence?" as the evening tivilight ga w alrf. their summer 16me. dis 0- or ediclueE In pla AStigniatim -Hypek
ook at its t %ill -its foin, 'it iso" and 4C here a4d Den- Dennis I c4 of thfs� Asic for
Whist now, Iris 1, 1to be s h tro not Ali nis had made tip hi
DENTISTRY. ral, dolighted'u,ith tile result t, and ,o,,,,,Co0tr, ... Vomvouhd.t.:�o no,�,ba_ 96RA
'o le�dle .9 1 .- NYPRU
in turbed and
assured* English word 'if 3, e can help it in o go back. to his awkward tutoopincloi $1aud 6 qents Inj postage in letter
him thalt she did nbt belie4 don't ye Miss Norsifor advice a ML
re ivas �il_ Ild hesitaacy preceded a most confused inquiry
R. G. F. REIMEN, L, D. S., Dentist. All kinds the DMfo t. Or Any Compound De�
of work done known to"Modern Denti ked slowly out frolo at to the whereabouts of - und we wills I id, sealed, bY ratmin mail. Fulisealed
m the covered the M Rourke a,
stry. `�Iang. the whole north Well th now II've ii`rl�ten: 'Yer dook-'he saw a young w in the pink gown but'b rs6 0' particulars 1A pialh,euv, 0 0
kno-ky thit-yet?
dther gardener ' . 1 14 Be he wal m 0
gold, Aluminum and Porcelain Crowns a specialty. shore Who.could -out a peafowl out I onTan in a. p uk cot- e bri toned and Celo�e,, o ladlei only,;Z,
of a -- Riverence-Mr. O'R)u;ke pre ents his com.- 91, atatnpji. Addiss, The oxnpany, Astigmatirm is duo t') irr-evvif
pliments n i
ard is usnallv:
r bell answered ton dress, sitting on a tru � iq the 1 corner arlied that she ooj,�tC - ft r
at all hours. Office and rest- bush. straig] itenect up, after lib Ii X
bo and .1 ir child I had found a qo
Aeuce over Mr. Pickard's store, in roomo lawk and-' (you kpow, nnis this is crying, and a stout little Congenital* bui if
j. occu- As P� nnis'worlcad in the little sor, Ont., Canada
'ad. by Rec;hanico, Institt to, 2 (fi .
i or, mfortable �rover)y lltt�d gl"Ises. xlunv%
�garden lie a business lett yoft, eeor home. For sale by I on, druggists, sei thisclefeekareealledyAupid "bu
T tit � niust be very formal). four striving to comfort her Seein -some -im - nsden P Its
ota that� wheii Mother O'Routke 5Mr. O'Rourke -)resents his compliments one else in d"istiress, Dennis' kind he rt. was On the day of mo forth, Obt. OAb felapses they' may become i3e.
told N
Dent at, 4� ii ii�i ill 1�1111!11 ver from Irelan vink, the unpackinj o� it qnitc
n 4 rs in rnoney-� 'Ato -
hielane shoo Stc re, Jt- T mition ued dimi
W. TWEDDIX. n came c d she would brink a and one hit dred Roija there 'toudhed, a tile 9: -eat vaa is an
4 _;vivar Rich rds,,'
, lgl,�
corner Main an john cutting 'an w
fr6m the rose -bush which had now, that se' nd he 'stepped q�ickl� ac,oss to Asorbing interest. metra;)ia Is a mallormuti
Ida as ad- muscle in ronetal4t no, where,
of a 116P it RTi i i1sat Mt -when looldnX e- a dist
Miss N.ora, to se and to his Y "There noyv, deal-, d n ye e many hurried expedl- neglected, WAY Mult In 43er,
ta 1, t nis; who sat with llis'h
out a ,,, with I yer wrilikled -ery !" !The girl with like it pi e back of the boils
1L H. 8, AND&Rsw -purty white currants ""a`ry pain. si
grown I or - forty: Jlears by his Irish h pme. Nora looked up for approbatioil from Den- gentl I - LADIES1 Ski
Siftats, SeAtorth, ontaric. x1troukr OX erns - t 3 go all right, �� o far, " and -ask 'What 'he could do to aid her, sajl Nora watched trunks aad%arrels beirig c
4ninlistarod for the painleda extraotion A real rose of qlaiannon, I Ing ried in, and in C -
-4, gracluate-ofiltcwvA College bro1w, striving a face imrose itions to th Wai�ts, ents! Collars and 3d even prostration. I
cd Dental Surgeons Ontario, D. D., S of To- there.' to I ook sage7, and whispering ;on a, rainy day, looked up,- and said in a rich DenniE_ really iv�s at work in den. dltlon�of tbee3e. *hIchshA
over to himself It, U eon
a a big I, it -it's a big C M full line., just opened at fitted to prevent an' Increave of
.Q4to Uuiyerefty. vflloe,' -Marice; Block, Mi Ic Sharon, don't Y04, brooftie !that her husband had sent 1II;the All lit long a dreamed of nick bushes 0 rn �haps nitimite',bliuduem Pm!
ell, You mean a iose of a )i a a
A40?- Dennis?"NoriL 8 ( gently, a little timid in. way to !Ireland for her, and then had his'. an ney sucklo HO N'S C4eap a . ,
loaiarla� bit." Nora 4 little disappointac that Den all d nh,01 �e and pea fo a I . Cash modation' in thi-eyewbid
nis ot WIS a d Den- corn
ment-for him,to'�itgges -unless --orrected byartifidal aiA
did hot praise her 0ib, even taken the troublo to ineet her. Peiinis I�f birds LMJ :
correctir her fri a wa ted a mo I she awoke to the solind 0
ce, ;a a4.iriE and of the rake aniong the d
AGNEW, Dentist, Qinton, �wiq tho nex : senten was generous with proffered aid, a . M
visit ienwill at flodgensHotel Fait ij n4 just don't, -Aliss, do,ye but be w 9 still lost in 1 the nd' lent- peb�les -or sick headichett, :and filio'
every INIni clky, and ar lanno, river? ME itade of y h the ungratefT fel- of Vie -gravel avenue. brougbt on by one -or moreoftl
iurio mind' tbE 81 1 dete�mined to teac
second Thi raday In eacn; Inouth 11292 We the purUest the 011111 be had saved, and a itinued to low to treat his young Nvife betteri tbo Inlext Th I- Nora Joine <D -member noebarge for tt'stipg )4
einnis at Ill *,-oik in
in all Ire Istud, an It'a no matter what fibe whisper 1, a big bit -a big �it 0 ii I the mo ning she carried 0. iittle 0
W, 7r Iltble Ina liv, b t Ir - - � litil. 'Nora time. , i J, U'S t a rd 9
-Ey KINSMAN, Doults D S., 111alle the rose - of 8.b4m- said gn ir ely - blacl�, eti.
am Nvaiting.; you must Feeling that she cule in f1her hand, and when Den X J. Sia Robert%
Zmicb b - d or, with Yvnc�,,�' dictate Ijsle'tter,Dennis." had found a fri�nill q lick
at. 11011grOming yrrypwn o
th Mron � a said D(nnlls I oking quite girl dried her tears and said It eye callghtsight'ofit, howasa fear I illat C)
Hotel, on th
eac If yell
LAST T In h. mouth, d li� ra, hastened tb Car(ino7s Block.
tri hurt - a�d u t show me th Miss Nbra was b 'ABOUT
Wbala. thAt I hinab tire e %vay it's ;(�r Flngill�, her work ft�88.
st Murdock's otel, Hen Dubled, a say: '11,B�t, do9 it's ate- d bad 'HA
00 the F RST AX I i : I
traotod Ith I hficy ever coming ? ful I'll be.; its twinty-foive : "
Dellhis, er i`ir 1.
aisy, no, the moneysin it, to fit isli it up lostiber, interest in gar( ening, and hE 'g, eet.
fm each 1100a . Teeth x h Janip'
-- 11 a 1, t You V eb,
)OT"Al rMa d me all 1, st sum— short Ii Just hay, I Plase ing to. dd her *ith
v, -A fM t- si
AX wqrk rat-olaaa ha-Ve tol d Mother Boston, I'm
at, 0) Y ug best value -in
Rouz; e and'the bo Dennis' f
you iroul. sand f0 her, and. I should think to Ameri a.' That ace expressed great,, horr "!Why, Missv, and how's it Cn
or, w1nd yer trowel Harness ever oOered in 8eafoytb, made
seems a respectful way es trembled d little as he 'Said has a ba
she would be tired of waltin'rr�so loiig.�3 td'close it andnot his kne to be cpwriid in so foine
th4t it
Andonly first-class
MOINEY L take the gintleman's tiine,Ji sai( and graiely looks fit for yer sewing, le by Skilled -TLo'rkwe
6AN� a Nora,- say no lug ., - - 11,
"Husly tbetie, now, Aiis, 1 1 Dennis, t hlo. : - a .
more abO It it; many's the ivith -a -estless twist, wbich ind dated as "�ay.thai�acrin, IlWani. Wora seated herself in her old seat fon:the% niaterial used. !21 1 i
long' day Sllei7d 4y, say it
2 tj It=
ONNY TO LOAX.-S ight loans al'o pe; - wait for old Delinis—a w his,,�hol3a6titude did, gin." wheelbarrow, and looking very f till of' busi-
hole joeilturY that he was eon -
ness,,sa I Pr n
scious of a restraint in the- libr� T, wbich e praste in Killalo told tne id Now listen, Dennis, f�r I've a a
ngiyoui Cn
Celli., with the pr ego to borrowes of need be; b�,tt cQme along, now, -let's! make had nevie'r hampered him in !its o�rn prov ;winty-foive Juniper street, Boston, i: deal to say to YOU abOUG pook. Nancy ;P.
Shure th omptly �attended to
TV-axpart-of the rin 1 0
money skiani time. B 'alo 't old 0611ar.-T, And we
the garden iiate ouggh for the foine� young
7 60 F� HO Was
ince-the garden. symta�hy made Arhere h 'lived,'and wh way off in Ireland." will m0e t4em iwor'k.
e, an at harm's;,'that, We.
lady ye ai Ajisb aisy with 1,er q e8tion- h uick to feel
er q �er?" she aoswered. timidly. But Dennis interrupted her with
:rs `and D a 8 must' e,responsi-
en that h ::d > td
AL. U, -as -as near beingliposs as Light Ha�'nesp� spr,64�ty.�
ble' r the whole und rtaking. S pegging What's yet, name, I say ? "Onh, darliut, it's not tj !4
he ever w te'l- in Killaloe she is -
Be after
i L fh. V#4-1 nor Ilamn 9" 1, L & -2
. 1. i . L 'Dennis not to or e yer now at. %ill .4t 4,11 11, .2 t!H
_(e yea a r head ou e
rill ell
o4ey to send e name, she re- re do you tb POANDI
.4tember British fat I am IF V
ton, late oroner F W
c loe for b ugh back to Iiilla- dian-brown �rinssprea tl ble bs �lied. is hild asked, with alarm, Bro'd PM - W If
i LO Us. 0.06 LP N IKA Y i � fJennis had been striving bent over the paper'in silence, an .6e, Ili- "I Airs. O'Rourke's in Why, Dennis, -whe ink she- M rf�ck t2l t4
to eEi I
Medical A tile 0
DO of Middlesex. OfFic Dthei Ptourke and thd:. ll� d out on the b, Cure 8101f 14E-ADAO�,
"I Itle . , i I I . : so
a t, Cady block. Rehide r.andson she slowl and labofflously c' r enn a felt all his stren en is rew himself up, and
erry, wboin he bad I y ompo4ed and gth orsa Ing
eft- waitin- In mo Aoxwrza, Ato Coo
Jill, with a sage, 4 - . I - a 11 -
Itele. one No. 80. )0-,62 0 the grE t ship �-hich lie- had wrote the whole -'Iett(r, obessionally qop- and- �eating hini§elf on a look. said slowly: Corner Main nd,. John M ness, Biliougnt-. Pain in lhi�
bo by the Streets,
*a nisel 4-
Tcirpid Liver.
e I morning up the I
. . - -Is.
ckafi,F-ELL, ilonoro' raduste of IMedic ill Fa- as if for inspiration. Dennis hed her ke-twinty-f sirael . . . . . . g to find me she is, and shell 1372*tf regulate ibe bowt
tlieni shou d sail sqnie fin ping and looking thoughtfully at tl e cellinc. all " he muttered, " Praste in illaloe� Begorrah, thin thinks I, I clunno, but Se4forth, M
jV* Oulty of Toronto Uniser8ity, Phyajcian, Sur- beautiful haintion,rixer' to fetch'them to wa:t r's. out oive Jtini r t TO
r ly, ax
Von, otc� Offlee-Zaluea Block, ff�& America. Worl� 4ad'been: hard to get, and with tender, admiring love ind an occasion- then it's ruined I ahi entoi d,.there.Q niver re t aisy till she's 'done it =4, t XT
al shake of his head, whibli see to 84Y ing at all, an Wa d' What triakes you thiiik th
01re.b4 Hotel, Zurich, ow., 1387 Dennis had lin�eiied about the ate me o Nancy corn at","
-again as he often hap said is asked
docks pick ng a Mi 8 Nora It I were' let alone livi Ting ora. Have you heard a 4 fro 11 Killa��_
r h rrands d j .3 ng
or o ye,are
Victoria, 51.. 0. S., 6r, tario, suo' Gradually there crept Ice, and has the priest sell
R.ARM8TR0-NG"M,B Toronto,�M,'D,C.M-, which ca a young St. Patrick for* the wisdo over his n, in t ai at Ia4t-.1"
mc inuhle Z , I . ger
qeoor �o'Dr. of yp. d t6t Now
-1 t, office lately He had diade up his mirid mist4ke� must halre be d' made It's i iter k it I am, not tliink� Worud
occuPied -b� Dr. Eflott, Pruce- tbat one hun- eat
dred dollar 3, At r win
At �14, Ontario'. last, with i grea si Jagewhi all `13,enniga' old heart tilia Is af t=
WOUld be necessary to get Njin- f, Nora �re, and at at al ! It's
gh of relie I is money had 1 Cer
read wibh'slow ne aid his
I clear utterapee' "To the iold Nancy afiking t 3 him, encouragin'
cy and Jer -y all the -way from Killat bq_� waiting g like, for �t says,
77%.R. MOTAIVIa-H, Physioiin, Surgeor�, &e.. 110ffi, c: e inbo Priest of St: Moilica's a Ki I )e. T , still t AaiioY ffill come,' and she will? with M4g0ll' r QdI,ll3..,aqd
ce his own two !arms at lit Ili hurchi �e little licine''arrFunged wit I
A corner southwest of D gn'sRobeIr ofield. B0.5toln, b a Killaloe, Ire- r"Pl r'04 �at SrT0,R
Bma 3rOg�- land. Yer Rivelrencie.-ALU. O'Roui-ke pre- 'Irch'e.r 119 girl and Nora It iought be Inust t said
ress toward siaving that am he a invaded by th" be crazy, b
Wight ealls vA the 01 1-3;13 ount wit i- very' W
setits his compliments, 5kildfone I*r -chik Witat Wo
slow and fall of �diaCouragel�aen a. 'o IliIndred dol- uld become lol all his Wel', Dennis, maybe when I grow u
ang Ladies,-plew beftr it
A KA1Y lie ever explain a you do whe e
COLTT last he had; founq employment for tile 811M -R I shall know just a' p
3 W it lars in money, and des tes. Mother OfRourke ett It How could Ban U, rijr&�ckachi:6
DRS. $ peopl 0
4- -
Gaderich street.1 �&�poslle mAjodlei Spencer, b and the boy sent by the first ship that r. and ra. Spencer? Wh�t wduld I love are coining, but I hadn't quite Worl&S F. -Air Store Cai
mer as garjener�� to All.
long -winterl months be resid 1Y iss Nova thin of him ? What a illorrible, MW�
Chucoh, Saaforth. Lllti"ti`6 hasn't sailed, to lBosto, I h
C F-, naj�j grioid'sural without steady ark be I at No. tboughtef that, sol brought you all my OL PW. TER -
25 Juniper street!; and pl n bring thoikaht. of send and get Nancy that way, and J. McLACITLAW, Pol is a new -store that
e sp 0�e
IV his summer savinjs, and. the rose-busli." e nning rapid13 back*.to Junip6r a Ing better for, me
t slowly dimished ease let i si buation ! At moments he one U a, writes: Notb.,
J. G. SCOT1, 'U. D. -C. M., (&nn 1340 an� 1, tubago that, The
ring found him Nlery little neai�eil the tteet and bwould be a surer way, anyhow." D. & G. Afonthol Plasteri
Arb r an in y to mauy monthl ago with
pe h 14
Bennis',look ofanxiety bro, i g ding to the 8 i
necessary sum than he litid to a ms before th &p "face was full of tender love, and A. E. li1kcLZAN wrMesj n, #
t6ria') M. 0. P . S. 0 been th4 adened in roo young nuis
n- eu�ing nre BaCks and
smi I Wi dsor: "The D. of novelties in
tti g her out b 0
e adn heumatilfil tilis vioillicr.
13 XAUKAY, Al. D. C. X., (Tr T� e of satisfaction, a4 he.wbispered.- man, �and_ then bolting and bar ing the the red b3,ndkerchief came to his aid- as he L, lie n i Pi
C. 1'. S. 0. before. Nora, vrbo had been -a delicate, I ' Ye've said it all, missy, it's . d 'ris and shu PO
child grew stron, all t iere,, it tit lie,felt b said
q and well 'in the Mt a vr
oor is,excepting to tell hi c uld never' m'al'- #ringly: " Listen to yerself sing- 25
In and fvlrs. ged o him, C. each in air -Light On b
life, and A M it's oblee I e tile FSpencers un erstand datilint, for it's an ingel ye are, '[%-cry 9X own
Fl. COOPER 31 D B.I. L F.1 P, and Spencer, appreiat-, IT be, and sign it DennisOlRou wt ing, Gene
S-, ing their ood.fortune* . 7 6it had happened ; lie did ir ra
and Ao. in. sepu
-iw, Phy;i ring Us se i e know bit, and none tile wiser for knowing it but
Glasgt 9 rke.' , 1, D
r lifirtself No Aanation woul i ZA
Vo er, collataucaj Ont. vicesof the faitliful Irishmkn� determ,ned So Nor* -wrote', Wa obleeged :0 him -
1127 a d be 1so eon- Nancy's coming, and we won't'spend 1
vi taping as tbo pr asence of this Mi Y At
one 41 i co And is agaia this w4ee
to employ hill, in their city 'stable io a isist' 1�11 be -Mr. O'Rourke," explaining fq ain to 'a. O'RoVTke of m 'At a -ft.,
A LEK. BETHUNE X. D. 8 by theprieeb himself. J C 1,
-hman, is -hose large family Ila was to Ile a very di �nified a to
Follow of t�4e Royal the coac . Dennis that this Nora was so R 7
Colll�gd Of _Phybfclansan� Surgeon , Ning*n U t,- 1, troubled at Dennisi un- FOR'TWENTY FIVE I. EA the newest rood
1%oceawr to Dr. 0 - grown the fouf r . letter. She took- is sa running willingness to send again for Nancy
3faeltid, Mat ooms over the stable. ell- atns,with tle ad It his bands in tLad out th b she
dress. "To the -.Priest of' St* Monica,s t1r4ugli bia-hair, and murmuring ed
�p there at night, and I o aid I ler father to write at io
late yj� oocupied nrSivas to sI& great p Donn' -6
by,! Dr. Usekid, Matti, streei eaforth. fteoldence persuad consisting of
.Yo uped th agL
Dancey. e; ur- 'L and parture of Banki
ruor of VIctoriasquare,'U to himself n e to
Ouse I&'. e care of the borses and arri Church was a long line, involved tile il(vor notichig the de Mrs, the priest v t IiCillaloe. A.G 9 61111ness transacted.
1127 ing the day.
108.8 of severiail envelopias'%ofore it wai fitlal. O� R�tirke and er child. At last he real The month of July bafl p 8 1 counted, Striped Shombergs, 'I
assed qu ckly lote d DUNN
It was L plam, ly a3complished.. Denni izi idl that 1 .11 Drafts bal gli t8and old.
which filled his ve oul 8 i nsigted upo ft 161- d. not stay where be was by wbdn Mr. Spencer received a letter and Silk, C
D -R, F. J. BU ROWS -with joy; bere ii laloe ;being descri ith
V bed as be�`,ng upol Interest a lowed o 1
ncl Surgeon, Tor Pto G 0 P per ceni. pe 4epo its at the rate
Lat,� resident Physician a g cleared by tl e tidings tbat Nancy arkd Jerry had; left f
IF -i a a home foi, his �L cy the a] ifighb; tbewharf was beir I
0 an and by the Sliannon. river, Ireland its th �-watchman, and he found him -self driven I'Ullaloe �sopie months before tte
Vral Hospital. Honor gra autun n lie would have tb6 ne'e': the last r aw m
In the latest ehailej� I
duate Trinity iLlhiverkdt3i, essaxy stimito brii her and Jerry sa-fely to It looking at the §ALE N(TES dif
wori was written and hadbc-en -
�em Nora a ot�� .!%Then he turned toward the ct at work alli winter in Ilim'e'rick, but'lia 6 lie tion taken ior wo
c4 BAKI;
i M _ �.ber of the Colletre-of Ph-vol'fans abil!Ourgeons y d 0
. ! - �il. oj
w�e as formerly' occupied' qr ic c visions �of this 0 ieshyns wnd
Of OUtaA0 tM*0:FF1CF_S Boston. The propositioll was made to Ifim envelope,. thinkipg it was a great privilege el �ed filially �&Jled in Jun for Boston, and 'the 0
an ry woman gre
next'm rn . ng aha&a at piices uAsuro
UY DT Swith, Opposite Public School, Scafofth. alli epted, and the for her, 0, little gi 1, Ao lbe w hi n, and h Iked letter contained much re e that the very O)FFICE -First
quickly ace
r riting to a e vralked a idly awa
lie 6etermined to tell Norit the go priest. h() as 1 ant] wharves, on 011, Int wern UrRoftunate error had Or noTth Reid -come and loot- at
y fr)ni 10
e be, dwar,
1*4 my former patients as a phys
&sure in Introducing D�. iBurrows' ings. It was four or fiv "weeks since
iciau, In e�e es was a new co
ie grouu
bad ont'the privet al THECOOKSBES
Looking ul� at- Dennis she said nd disheartened he crep Een made, but the
od t f
1 way lyrorthy cyt th4r utmost vooft, I -busb,- and fully: '-'f wonder,if this pries6 flicught- It 9n tl into a shed alad mer in Killaloe, and FR
i tile pEakwl will evev be (I far avay from Juniper k ew bf only one'Mrs. O'Rourke.
R. W, I I E LE 114 C.A.N'
bad now sproutea Pope," and tl�en she added - To LARGEST $;A--
181aphone-No. 40. BRUCE SMITH, out so that it began to, St E V. and thousands of miles from. Nanl,.Y. A A.
-was watchi of !Pope heredi- cr Notwsthatanding 411 Dennis' faith- -that
ji 1380 resemble a liedgehogg. I.Vori Dennis, -is -the position mcoos,
a; had Avaite
W, 13 --Night calls answered from office,1 9 taxy T" (I -all Sunday aftern y was coming, �he fact that a
on NALne
him. trim it back into shapb. 'It sieemed to an ev��6ing for D nil return, and d all cady be in Boston � came as it 1161 List
her that Dennis was airustiall; Dent is, not"Willing to expo reat FINE L NEO�- 1� Brucefield Saw
-silent, a id 9 and
hisjgpor- lig ted.the lamps in _ �hel little roomis I complete surprise. His
AUCTIONEK she w udered if an ance cf tho meaning of the,w 9 first impulse was
ne had -said anythi ir, ord, �:a'id bef Dre dark, and had Je d the table or to throw down his shears, and buttoinin of dhamb -4�,iit
liss, it's-aisily thk'Pin t link up
which could. liaveturtjhi� To iing. Aye, aye, A tea to welcome Mot AN'S
GE TAYLGR, Licensed JLuctione(;1f_1r the ing'it's for.life." IT a" �--The undersiped having
She seated herself ni tile ee barro i, let Rolirke, but no bil coat and adjusting his hat, start it (once. C.6eap h St Mill .,f,"ed
omptly! i - CARMICHAEL 1,
County of Huron. Sales pr on had come, and thf It is id had finally gone How. or where he was to -find Bruc'efield Saw C,
ajl� i 1 0'
Mollpartaof the Counby.. *ttended I 100killf,' full of synipathy I No, Denni8, is it ikept i one 6or ow e, Nancy no one Mr. Alex--'
Sitisfabtion igumfian- Said: "Den- m6ail ingly home to )ed
Early the
Ued. Charges moderate. dEO. TAYLOR,: Kippen I nis, are you 'family, like king's an -qu' r next k*-, He only begged Mr. Spencer to let 8XAF01V
sad ?" d Alustard,isnow prepared to
1110 ning wor do 41:1 -kinds.
flu i Ll-- i
D it pens, you k ow d was br6ug t by the servants hiiii go, and be would find them someho-ir. 1A N10 Of culstom sawing On t
D, -.he shOrte#
From father' eep to the notic,&
Bu- his the parlor -maid 8 and vao8b ieasonable ttrnis. 7
and Io6ked at her, and she'saw a twin de . n book � Ile. head and 'said, cro-sv-ded streets, N�here they would be Ii %ely
WOL Ys, Highness never marries iss Nor: "Dennis must have ;ariied onevery much to be looking for him. The hiAestcash price
WM.. his eye which gilve hir every confidence to �1 N Q!
P� 0 18674. f Dennis stopped in his work ind �a go from fatherto on �010 O'Rourke w6slt the kitchen' and ME Spencer advised him to k
turn(d hf& Mrs.
it _E
proceed. Oh I forgot, Denni h him Donnis said he 'Wil �e Pea
in years an
d that A was would b through the streets in
bachei isn't he?" eg a ri e
ro Y att U(
a# led to y6u so t
and Asent at Elensaill for the M Y-1fariis Mamu: you're not sad afterall 1 L Bass 'Wood Rock Elm, Bojk'
Auetljoeerfor the Counties of ron a id Perth a i6he frope is a benaat M AK WAP for
Why, Dennis PA o Mi
w alII4 had not even some of the passing wagons, and be all
Uaturing Cornpany. 891 strangeeno 10thatb
I Ye, i he is ivery
hat is it? I neiif�r saiv- bib of it, -
ladfa on r a i Misay, anil met her at the steamer, -now his Nancy from any distance. T a able fi-mbers,
ff letter is all done I'll be biddi
J Ozders; by mail addre iO L Mae, o now th i I I
apteed. look like sunshine. ave you heard A. tESTA J1,18H,
aWges moderate and 9,ppy, Yo EX0, LU� Dd, othersa)
sused to Hen I H froin rs. Spence - and Norawete reatly sur- Three or four days only had pass d drain
r Nancy good-evening.)� ed, and Lumber, Shinglesan
i loft -at hie residefifee, Let. -2. Cot ton 1 1, TUC Irc Tile -
k. stead of �thd p
e0ks of summ
whom tbq
enuq att Dennis, The few renifkming NY e and i woman of y had so often from the arbor vitae hedge, when suddoill LE"SES T" always on ha:nd. rg
th, will receive prompt .0 J1 12DO41 ivbo-haa grb-,rn d ad to find, in oil, motherly Nora was busily cutting the brown sp a R
the chila's "Ildent upm,
he r early autumn sp ed quickly SChLFI. RELIEVES OH
sympatelly and advice, told b) The equi- I 1 1, - % I i
ell, a -%,cry ting, prdtt , rosy girl, ate H
of h* L goo -nodtial-st6rm Yo glancing toward the gLat t the end of AN SO R
I t Y e vi, the i I
e&t* ' d 1 for6une in beil)g '! e -OPPIN - ,!
ow -haired � boy of avenue sli gnocm*r to Chryst4
IF YOU WANT'-- rk,� nd a home for tb6 winter ts bitecaIiis as fa saw ell is and INTIother i z
gr given 'came with all its glory and cQm allied by a smal T11E OR 0 G
the,sea wore its in YOESS At.
wo I and* that r as the eye four �pon cluiry t�nd 'ini�estigatilon the O'R urk6, cap and ruffles and a Chopping either by at, mannfacturers of all- kii
h 0 . 0 PREVEN' 0
To sell, buy, encumber or � le Ilf Ire of the situ orei. Nora's eyes Ing, aci Ts IiAIR Marine, tjp#jht:
rf 1 �Iuse or could reac approach- er*
he had saved within a few do' no or grind
ase tion beca e no cle' -ompanied by' done promptly and satisfactioja
farm, call on J�. WAUGH, Land !�Aglent� necessary sum, On the mornin of the day Jerry. Dennis was I
anA vv�s at last goin 't -for -movin4 f:�' grew. very laig� and round when -Mrs. stepping on tiptoe, and bending and bo. $1 'FALLI G OUr: teed. Chopping done
trial is
Fdth, I've all bub i' 9,1064 Gund-
very oil It of toYtther OHan in KW and Friday&
f ; P; �r tfuny
wn for $1 ea6h. a rX woman. Dennis wore CA%5. 1
Deeds, NVUls, dra 4lo(, to bring her faced, b ight-eyed old MPOC
31 �Goderich Street East, So& `6rth. send for Mother ORouAce and Je the city a letter', rrived for Dennis rorn the O'Rqurke said her husband Ili �d sent money ing as he led by tli-e band the 1,
priest in Kill litt e r on Tuesdays B01
f, aolicited,
Chl I'd if in Piteher's'Call Sait Pans, Smake Stwki.
Childien Cry, for Pitehors Castorta, &Nbsoi;0
Also dealers In T�prfght
*�ng;,nes, AutomaUc CuOgr F-
ims of pir auderpe4iflog
u 4
uweb , 40A Short I