HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-31, Page 5Fat "men'3 lings' r lb; spring lat a mourt, his �Nva$ I stponed, qwinLr t a 1. ness of a race 1s4 ID. uarrie, . I I i . I I --- r ones are wan P0 ohn Bir ti ,d. Calves 00 _]r 6nts. Therefore, The d'' ta w re Pfofeam r tinlop &no I ftll Wheat per bushol.new.. 098 0 17 ge vay iron *1 to so M :ran d I the y h Apri cken, 2d Cam0ell. �A Widow oii the 19t 1, 895, but the trial, McC Tkihl MA�RKHTS. be, $3 to to witness for the defe, V efore this con 0 0 paper OV �-RE -when the apped c ame rt, the Jaineis ar C. IM 'a' ing a er. spring Wheat per buohel,new .... ... 099 I 00 CE- r 11, the lat. for I pod qua Ity veals, sariii� or; Goderica. uni ill ia(& autumn, and evervt hing poissed off pleas Butser, No. I.was 0 -21 0 0 12 TRIAL a thetrW could not Uke p Vlm"c du lace either at -discoursed t;wee ng. t e d by and Bar* per bus; 0 48 to N-Iiss P Oats per �Ibuahel ........ ........... 88 Mut of a!seri� ction! was in A di Feren iliosition, inasmuch The Bruseels in was in d at radance an*4 r-fts-per buohe 0160 65 Coffii no were h rd to sell, bu4 good an .::.: -:: .... .. .. I O� 66 ch6i( a ere firm d ala�ive.- XilehCoW4 ntl � an, I quietly and �prj rkgers�Thi rulinj prices were from, as" Uit� �a, ispl But6er, tub.... eave. Iwas 0 86Y 0, 0 16 $25 -�o i S per heE mos lv, but in one o F4pper doz.... 0 8i 01i agked.aon �he appeal to read In the evening there W 014 avitsi as witnesses � it, was fireworks, and the issoc, tift, a e oul two in t inces, high 3r thaii the latter figur I one xligh� by furthe'� affi'd 'FlOur,parloolle. , ni 260 2 60 Shows thtt.,we can make a also, 81110cated t hat 4 next autumn the ahead, alad now intend rob n �hi i!r. graw Heyper -ton 7 00 700 Was Offerin gs wer li lit One extr impro -plaintiff would have lr�ecovered sufficiently' stand, w1ii � h will alomp, e Boo 8 0 fine ligersoldim"- (Ilagal, sill �reater du in-- prices, other one a -we Me% to see I if 0 let Hides per 1W I W..1 ........ A ...... bppri .r jk 0 50 Lamb Las .... ......... ,.� ...... 6ath nream�d o attend at God r ah feld, that the ap� niqnts, Everythipg. is in fir :alt so orde 60 $48. A,1 sell! and the de nand good. And passed into a Lit nd Col buy for ash in the beost weir (lies, V ored Shirt r WOOL ...... — ...... ..... 0 20 re 022 the room wh -peat niust be deal ith o the fa6t3 as they ancl or t traek. is now' tioknowl�edged to b e e -W w ter and Judge Potatoes per I ag ...... 6 0 60 waiatt, lovely things in Now , FhiA and Colored Bilk markets, 16ve the cash buy;-- Nvere oxhibitee tol th and on6. 6f thel best half mile t)%cks in th oats (retall) per 0 86 er the b nefli. A ry small ve i ot Q k Wood per aordiflong) ....... 276 Paraso �s in one, tw6aild three frill ad holdinj -or listen �: to su� possible chan� ad per =4 (short) 1 bO eetivig-'for this year on Labor da! WO PTO'flt is suffici�rat for expensm f plaintiff, unle 8 ylish PatasolA' in Jarge size with very new and We have -no, Idsses to make UP, tbe v�t in the, p sical c 11 1 � 'n Apples per bag ............. 0 75 fie a 00 indow, gee t eir, �Iowinj:- day, being the lflrat'Monda'� to6 far, an at new Mat OHE Q erial Povii ice.' � The association: int4 ,d for h4710 the court ought (01 8 to I V SU 811 IT 1 BOY I Clover Seed 6 bo 40 1 W in a proper case, 0 &.1 w a new substant d T xesdsi,y in 8eptember' !of almut t9 'Tin.)othy a 50 to 8 60 al e st is handles. no books to kee our goods are You N ibo have , Dys should do the V ry p Held, also, follow- ............. 50 to 6.00 y Aie�tibn be made. Pork, per 100 M ic 0 05-- to the best,. See some of the cu� ing th opinion iitf t I Tallow, per lb,... ....... 000 best. yc In can 'fo� their , Velfare. Try ei majority of the latest patierns Philadelphi i r , I I r a. , I A beautif a). line of Ykney B10 8 Judge , tliat the plain it7s right toselct oidm.-�-q-ome of citi . . I please a ad suit them in a4 things, and home I i rate prices our zeus 'i attende Tboriyo, M 'Large v eat at-. the PD1 ce of tria is not I ghtly to, be inter the Pic w 06%, 45o n 4 Je i aad heerful, both for parents and asbino, oods.. a I ieli y! Shot Silt for nic -which was held ity Mr. !f. Snom, 6pring wheat, 40,77F,o 110.h7ofia will.be 9 Women's Dong�O*Button Boots— n. e: -ferea witti,wher it bw AOt. been edar grove on the 24th, � and all rf - fir F a m;e rly evo iry book,you rl6ad, Blouse, -z, y vex"iOnsly ddn!s pdas, )er bush 64e to 6 I e ic' 46ja 6&.4 �O; nay Ladies Skirts, Dr 8868 i I L, I ts, easily- worth aa Be, it could not be -11U1015o: ; pOtA- I t and chil re Injury to, chosen; omd in this rr Ug run, 47.0 taftlAso; or . - i ReguIarpri?Z-t'I.50,eu.t rate price $1.2 iavi -�-Mr. X M, Ile, bag, 0 65 to $0.00 xp, per 1-A., 100 -every m �gazine you look through, ever3l� pa- bad &.good time. sho, that the defendants bad shown all Othermael, our enterprising- blicksmiti, go l0j). dr bdp, per Owt., *5�00;iio $6 76. 50c, for only 3 0. whelraing , a � 41 ovvre. or e o 'a "considerable" �has lru )-yed his family to Dashwood bat be iler you pick up, every 1.mother you �ialk omen's Tan Oxford Shoes— -prep ,de,,ance f convenience; $and quite- w 11, still *ork -here. for some ti e. -M +0 Ma et -1* n, or does Igive advice rB%the Wded with s e (TURNED SOLE) . ! - 1. I ei er ca T is storel criD ded, with s �ot a 61 stulf for present ro U th ie" Filbtmto Ma -Japa I aestioa. of the plaintiffs J, la, i �chilbe had & bee on Saturday f iting 13f children, an especially b4ys; use, al I that is 6vel an:d sprii btl Regular cut rate price $L rt roM the May 28 P ice's quit un- 'fo 105 birthdi; i 41isabili and th, suzzestion that a h ii In the be I - .(r To-RONro 04w is to be found quare tim r - fixi lhis bdri , changed ay. Car on traek la�rejare fair trial could I ' f ;1od Off v tbel�ad at-boderich the )r rathe, --teach in such %vpy that they inay tero at the st aro prices. i).h% � I on our count, , Women's Tau Oxford4— I`Cto�r Beaver quot,ed a and round I fe out of sto at is to, venne should no 1�e a Appeal dis- t 4t5c zie suitel better for each new year into ..ring h, A sold his W 11 -bred- ho ind. to' somis sport T I lmllssei I with cos, s 0. p ti -in any event. in,[ He, Regular rate price 85e - rice $1, at isall for whidh h received -a good which iltey enter. races whi I We'wish* to' on. Xen�s Laced Boots "d Gaiters— give adv a about the M .'ILROY & 1ISEIVIA, fi$ure'-Mr. J. Kalbflei ob- is greatly —a�y 'Mar ets.l. au ' ng nt ,.-rounds. Ila T7ing]:Lam. provil his lwelling.:I,y pnttiihg.a store fo 9 Q I boys in the' way of cilo;hing, Every boy, Wirnpian pr6� iUT19A, Maly 2§.�Chltese- alei Urge f Regular $29.50, cu� -rate price 31.95. Loc ffliareholders of tla and Ltion unoer it and," i vin i : a genei AT, e ­Mis lo white � 8. to, 686 15oxes, 6 �c'; Is rge,c Aored, I i we ba ve said, requires ito be suited, 'and 'Union fa.Jtory bold a meeting on Tuesday eter al. ove rhauling. a E le'and Mike 11 coutested r lo.U, 2,G13 boxes 6c 20 lots 1062 Merls Laced Boots - 1 for that reason we l,ba,v'e qlways kept a large evening, T;(l decided top 0build the factory, E..10111nel, were the guests of 1�iss S.Smith t 1, boxes 6ic ; 3 lots, 163 b )xes, 5Jc a na11 i I q Were not sc on 4nday last. -Mr Wm.:,Mitcholl, of Regular $1.50, cu� rate pribe $1. 19. but have not chosen a site yot.-The 24th Oak of Sui�s, made ouiselves popularl ma �a grand success. Rental town vil white I lot 37 boxes Oj�e ; 3 1 ts, 190 let in in a wl 1k was in �Jting friends a -few i their'l y days: t week. -Mr. D ei-Srembeela, OX:- xes 60;,commlssloli� 8 I ts,. 5 LO b#es, 6c. that deFartnarrit, and sta#d second to none Men�s Oxford Sboes� c - 'The coneleritebinra�Iioe ei-eh4, by Miss Hough- �Butte -S�Ies, 6 pbck&ge creamerr, J 9c for choice stuff, It is fop your interes� to , amieson NJ r. ton 'o success. There w,ell-knoivu bicyclist, with what. migi t. HE Regular $1. 5-Oi aut: rate price b t a 'n T. Is 7nd 4 t too C Sol 7.0 1 h W 0 rwl ` Loo ` )a a t, Me- _,ja corn as, fr, n. re ("�i ist t:- While con tob, 100 packages. we Yib %'P'sie1�vetT%xI 'y s in town. -Mr. h4ve ?een a serious ac en get the Coat goods yon n for the smalletst, ipka in th LITrLE P-A.LLS, May 0-8. Cheese salegt to- th f e Jame ROB , of I c port, New York, 199 along the Zurich ro with his whee I goods that can b' relied upon, both old Men's Reav-� Duckie Aoes— t,38 boxes at 60 &� �6jc, e ente by 6 .0 boxes' outlay; e4 the o Mr. Clegg some cattle were lyi at the side of tI C has leas D t, mea i 11 from day 93 boxes; of dairy for color and d i Jar GOLDEN. f them got a 1.53 �ixea on commi ion wear. Th spring we Will 0 at.rate price 'no serious r9ad Due e e for a � iuMber o' ears and will- commence and walk d across 'Be ed d Mr. - a� be!ore.� i . at 51d to )c; 26 pack es f creamery 1ut- than was tver done fak-irs al ewalk is being laid t tei - ch run up, to' it n raore for you 1ve work Soorl.-,4L ew f 11 ,eed. - The collisio, landed hi in ter at Ift 23 packages o dairy butter at Stand. Boys I Misses! and ildren's reduced :-:n place of the - thii 'waii; burned at the 17 We ha-* e taken several dozen suits, and k1oHn 17 17 accord 17 to ingly 'a*, the Cut Rate V, vwl as- (t bell, DUD luokilly, kliow.fyer, no dariage. P . : I Union fa0tory fi a.— r. Hugh Hamilton, with the m, will astonish Lthe closest bu�yer. Mo TREAL, A beese d6 at 1'500 o 1wa*, iujnr ne. Iry also 8 d on th, 0, YOU at the Union facto ew b alr �d -at 64e W bav e see sales of c4eap stuff, but we o ni S recovering slowly.— the o#sid price being i th ruling figure. of i 14 M .11. will giv 3 th?. beat spits, the best httiug t'er' thb� R V. I r. Seen d, 'Of the Congregational Sundm 1�e is q iet, with a ob bag demand fo r chi his rang e all.wo6l, for iless been # --, .. Op . .1 I . lrc4,. O�-eache- f4rewell sermon last rl ry,i In i gs� prices are Un- suits, and slits that ar .*me 9 8 hold an eting on �g r izefi. I o rerlar price Pf shoddy. Bring UD past' -Thersoln, assistant or! y r _3 R"T'Di" ged at 100-to.10je,pe �atoes than th re, -evenij g, 16th s choice� pwgrarn e htasj blcDoni��1(1, f SeafOkth, preached I . 'a' 0 - Chan Vs lin 'buroed t in �e Lt 15c. T Me Alt-Rur- esented consistin! of vocal and _Sell on t ie trac� herb at in car I your bO3 select 9, suit, o*e that fits, take it ver�y 4cceptably i the Presy r church was te an 4AIN STREET, !,qEAFbRTJL JaLij tal bu t e Wat'i May- 28, 0 -day, Ur �i v, �S' bb th s. Elder, a Toronto, is stru music, rew ga, btc. INGERSOIX, b00M fo xa4ly half its ormer price, Which —M 697 boxes � Wee!— .1 22 box 9 at 6� a, 106 On y chief featur rase for the ben ent BL pariso Miss Tillie was r Taeda the g:esoaaf 'Mrs. T. 114 Roas.—I e was an add at -6 9.160 market )ris!k, bu small attend'. igh &P bear co n with 'any Calls. Att lo"i to RGAIDIS in ition whicht `Kiaec�otel'of Brussels,i visiting her brother of th order; by Rev. BLro.; - Stout our pa I" r and ana, and o. terings li ght! orr a count o � a MR. others, a nd ee your boir suited bette ae verd �r tor. .'The reverend g �Cbarl4taKnechtel.—Dr. McDonald, m. P. entleliqan lipuke f( is havi sold I hron h BEST VALUE i-er hour,and i cheaper 1a he ever was before. DRIIISS GOODS, the ry a aa -colors. Tu M. 0 3eemed to be -quite jorit�,, of t e factor 9 V43, ewe A sbylesi e -S ay in -Was home a few dtys last weal he �4ek - t a con, idepably less prii e. than abject in';hdnd. G. TT Im ,Cott is visit- Churchll, of Tdinbtirry, is visitiriLl her home-' with the a in Prints, I usling week.�. r. AliqsF. Pitt Kilt and S. Kyle 080 aL a. hort a was paid the�mii kei. in Wack a d 'Over 100 differ b��sha,des. Bzg.LiTbr�,.Ev M 48 V, oxi, this week. t the cheese i, El. 19cFAUL -Rober erNon, is in town.— 'ther (T�eorge, t Hill, of N�2-e dresscs. Wn at 110F.F- )velti market- tc-day th( rin a were 2,297 PRINTIS in t e lates n( and La6s i� o Mr. Thomas, Mrs. George Chrlstopher and be. Mrs, J. VV,. ter :and children are tlie No�E-,. boxes. Sales -520 boxes a 6.3c 1,030 at Dr y. 0 S , �Ust MAYS, Cbe6 Cash Store., n son, )Villiam, were visitors in vicinit r yn. d 34r. Robt Ste of ima is$ Eli a COI� 6 13-16c an d 260 at 6jef eat Queen's last kweek —Xlesrs. X, 13iiiallairl and'!I.. 9 n thA �, 24th.�- Bu er—Prices re- Com�any, were at Dungannon o TORONTIC, May ->8 GLOVE nod, 4�1,�SIE Y of :all kinds. Arab r a I ead.,'byjry-, - I d �'�h t I ted ma I main Line ange 1 1 xcep,,ion of i0T d family, O N1. Kilcy has been re-oppoin iiB Sta Nli izel,. -rho laiis Clintgr 8!11 NS, LINENS, &c, n the past w rd easier ab is tt*n daiZv roli, wfiich al' I tl Seafi rth. CAR TS TA art of Imt f, been residinr in. Load nter, carrilt r be6ween this Place -an p ear -ery hea te , -% egina o is' This s for his thi rna vhich Ola. held dhir�, t a MA -y ! R N on a v er man nch t e ha at the PURCHASED A -L home y friends are e, jal towa ed- up. - There is not 6i 0 GE d. over this J111v st.—Nfr.:W. Coats, the g, 6.11 oE,N* TH Z DOLLARL a L . Bil thg. -oleased to Be her lo kirig we.l,—The cleAc, of 'Clinton, wasthe guest -'6f extra elylow"figureslItely6ikElaby oiders. the aggie BROWN.- -InAshf(eld, on Alky 19th, the w1f,, of Mr. a Jane an 'ell enter ained a Lowory <)a the 24tb. hile e�ajoying his Quotations are as fol]6ws : Large rills,' in (N on the Queen'�'SL Birtli- barrelh and boxes, 9J8 to 11c; bask -,ts, 12c paid $1 per UM er o5f girl varil R. E. Brown. of a da lite r, CHINA outin lie succeeded in, ca�pt e AIKFNH'f AD. —In,Stanl , Oil May 19th, the J�Ife Of ,—The milt- Urin :tie ecir.le 011 . : I Mr. IN n 41 hea- l to-, 13c ; small dairy rdIls, in b brrels 11c to r ' kenhead f a ianghter. 56 Thomm Davisor 12c-; and choice, in %askel s, 12�c t 1je ; KIDD.—Ir %dorieb, o' Ma r 22iid, the wl"fe of Mr. day. —Two lildS1 f_ _Qt1i John- J � as and iii of brook trout 1 es's vs. � , I -xithilf fi Men's Ordered Clothing -very, ! MeetJ are away L attending the Kyle d D. Barr spent Suudawi�tli fri ' s. end cattleof Scott & Companj,, on thevoyage to 8c or A nary Josept Ki d, of a alai. S —Mr. John SeaLrIettland wife, dairy tnbs, lield, I B A D-(4 LF. n Ethel, Ot us], 16th, the wif of Mr. L at Co ristan ce, 0 JLIVJL ondon.— ' F CLARK -�o to Britain.—Oln &I 'number ent' a here lasf weeli.� ride, ]a to 18c'; �creanierr, tat , f resh David Be geley, Of.& 011, band ci�,Lepdburv, vverevisiti from here to Se�i orth or 4r)y Where else on 16�c to 17(y-; s Inmer made,6c 0 Ile. BECE oglium, On! May 20th, the wift of Af r., haja been let N1, C. Lower -y atte�ded thql� distri�b ln�de reS PRODUCE TAKEN A,3 CASH. the 24th. We lim Meeting of.the Good Terroplafs ii-Oonstan03 Cheese—�,bout iteadyi Re at lots Of fod- VV ni. I eclil, of a daughter.' are waiting I TEA POTS MCCAN.N.- Ir May l7th, bh4 wife o ')th of J I a being X ra. H. ]3. der cheese outside at th Mr -:T1 owasVoCaunj of a son. eter &-2& -for the 12 from their on- V7edtidsday of last -week.--Al a fac 0 Biddulph" oil new euvin d A �, t a UM 0 tle[aw"LShow'"P in bought, by local et�, e S a i PC b, and -WEL 6 or 'May 19th, th wife Of COFFEECAN talk a great n We, -of North Bay, Ontario, is again In, We llivrflly, great style -in �idafdrt Or. that da.-I.Ars. new grass cheese, area t 7a(' deliv- Mr. W n. of a dall has onfa -i it to her parents �iid other relativeS b.E'Lvidson an a(�- ho been 1 b atty, � f est rv�� DVI,13.�] n Biddulph, on Mat) loth, the wif� of Mr. SUGAR BO'Y ired here-. Qtiotatioris; are Bound, lots of C—A—]P$ Messrs. re, McClinchey an( Frank Davis, of twins-san and dalaglA0. fall CrQaM, Butt, for some time, is e a pleased to say, VarnP, spenb the .24th in this V; i4inity Septemberg,,deliv rad he. -e, 810L Sealorth, t %V�fe of M. on Al ay 301in, th ma ay e po &lid small lots to- the tfadc arc, 91c Round. M orrig; t�q., agent of the Canadian Eank of atives and what bettIr'.-N-luch regret is evi- CREAM J! I 68 a unt (if the d t�e Manse, Egruopolville, en May 26th' denced on Re eath of liss lots, April niake, deliverecl b era, 6-1 returned Rdv. XJr. Armstrong, fB fi Id' induc Corrin erce of a son. Fin. GUMIry, -vice her�; laet Sunday 'Small W.- ).in Scott. make joblat 7. c. S. FANCY PLATE' S I i t lots of April I .1 , lots of i e of Rev. X. Shaw,10f a sou. rT �F ','Cott,- dau�gbtei of '',%1r.1 Willi, qA sei E P,% -=V. -The -arden a Mal IQ H fin 0 P Egi at ob6rt Miller?s, o n' the eve4iin r'y a new gi ass cheese job at 340. Tb 1; e CUPS AND 8 AUCERS a a ,�Outh ifuro-n, hat all tim, -or much sor. f t 1;e pickij;s lid i I Tui6dav i De s is ' cause, f row, but it is s d iude to see a young -success. %Tbe 'eath�r feeling is firmer' to In!. I wag a d ecide( y Marriages. 4-ensall or' , - Ile tim ing .9c son outi down .likeii, rose,in fall bloom. -,,,a buyers are rewrted pa was 0 that 6ouid be dee�,jred, a4d a speculi Lti noli by Rev., CLARK�HOY. -At Belgmve,l on sy 22 vras pent in lehding� destru iers t is at, lar. Higley, Mr. Thoinala Cia Alordsk, We hkv e a, Opleqdid n a �c ps for spring wear. M iss Sca.,�t was n estilm ti,ble'younk lady and % A- -to %c at the f&rn 6 and Of to CELZOLY 11OLDERS gainee' Wnd in doo' prally deareases receipts., re. F O �;�A goodly frtvori�e widt alt. 1 To the bereaved, o theL ' ple supply of vian& provided H. f'Grey. am -Ini Rensall, On May 1 th, by Rev. _4.lx in thisi nd bbher reltiltives is tendered the I . up to tl a ays an in gle 'ases at HARVEY INK. Knock' boUtLS f1k rail Ly' ither *ud neglige wear., uy th!e ladies, which -latter were a ots sold at� 1% to -d 6 0 lor'Vey,-of tStuplien, to BO E PLATES P. Swa , Mr. William 3a n. ILI :fl We also hae the beSL; he gathering Was th( n cen:s, - 1fles Ch latint. Ftdk,*of Exe w 6rproof coats, umbrella ter. �Ir. Jain ere a- ill heat tfelt mpathy of the corn- mark' as usual. STONE -111, BINSO .�-At the relaide4ce the 71LUIT D ISHES munity. and �t4er req*ites� th ason. bride's I a., Moont Pleasant, On toy of by n street,, Morning of last 22nd 0 Monday calleI4 to order with Rev, Mr Stout C n Tu44ay chairman, and suitable progrLinme w1i Live Stock M a k BtS. CAKE PLATES Rev. J. all, assisted b Rev. J. Snowden, Mr on) th fl- the early eek tlere passed Owiay one of give4l, -whith ended'a p1dasant evelroing.' Tie GLASGOw Alay 17.--�-Ou a few Statrs Wil][11,11.1 Clouse Stone, to bliss Ads Matilda 7" tMA on of 'Mr. Wi 111anil 11olnuson. o u residents ofthis ;ectibri,, in the person of in f 810 was realized, hich aoes to tire jdaughtl H a' V e' you' bought Y BUTTER D19AES. cattld held &er from �rkst -k were on offer �hi-ck is a r.71howas W(Ish. 'ID d h4d been,& c I ur'h im' tf n ouMonday. Theyrn a oi i emE n, and provern TTQ USTAR POTS last w M, to i let them -sufferer formany in 4bs with an incurable eek'state's war easi m iintai ne d. ult an at- ye blitibore his trials with -r� Nlay �16' 11 i " I MWNTREA �, May 21,.,-T ic re was It large I I .! t internal con it, in k, lVilliArni Blanchard, Jr., �ag6ol 35 �,ears, 10 months and :fortitude an, !s1gna ion. The funeral on Lo, -Only tw`0 eeks� ago We attendance f buyers t t i. .11 ket clud- Our line.. Good pric's, entire �P107 K -in Sel roo si righ e TOOT f lay 1911, 1111ar ing some rellaw - I T I 1 Malus W re n to.' Roma The re- sh ppers, bu trade On 0 a who PHERSON�ln Blueyale,i ro, 4yl ity HOLDERS, d%vF. FridaL�y I �st Was lar,pl attended. rted the death of Cyril, the giing �011 le Mc on� 1, re tRk t n Catholic 6 homas Vivian,, ftoin diphi dria, 8 dragged on ecount I tile bigh price 3 ruling, Ann, wife of Mr. Roberti, MoPhi rhe regala -church, where high n �-`ss was celebrated, years and 6 movikka. ele�. a a,ndb, the' cy yofily1dughteafficient wil,ek it'is our paintal'duty to chroni STUADY.�-In W st Wawanopb) on May 20t -b 31JR11 rds c ortsigned to the silent I 11 s epelident :)f stoct 'y 1 �Xpect a ( and -%ver( afterm a I to fill a =1 4nts,*ai the End d(ath of Sylviaj a briE lit youn 4ughter - W Robert Sturd ,aged 07,yoats- (�on lid at tom,biinIrishfown clinietery. Mr. Welsh ces, I IG T Mr. Viviq,p, from the same disease. Mr. reduction i pri t di o ers arolc , dealers GARRETT. -'In ullett, on Slay 19th,.John Garrett, W, as a ge iial an� I frietlly man. Ho was of 1 - 1 , - LOOK IN OUR WIDOW when, a state that til aged 80years ind 2 nionths; are rearly prostrated with ie, prospec6 for n� lower prices sh parentag-o' anct was born in Nov &I d 'Urs -Vivian t a s , ees-Price, aged rich, on M 21 t R a differ- Iri g ief!at the1oss of Gh ir two children. Two in -the near future are pool, s: catti I in the M*IN STRE:ET, 8 I AFORTH. 4scotia about eventi, �-carra ago. Besides r59 yearill'and: nionth. ON FRIDAY,�, MAY 3 VW, to. fhe May 16th, Susan Dris- 0 h m6mbers of the family are! also Very country -fit. ifor killin ara scarce, A few DRISCOLL. InMeKillop, OZ is �erevved widow, ­he: leaves three' son� m the raiil� h 'a11 bunches of the al t16 on be mar- =11, 94 -ears. il Lt time of writing -Prof. Hawkius,' of am eat c a the north, and two dauglitars, ti�ll of whom. are corn- FERGUS n Brussels,* In May 17th,, William AND EEB.,us�els, spent. the 24th'in our: vlillage.-�- ket ware ph',ked up'fo r all i ment a ac per .191 01 -ortably provided for and who I -rave the Ferguson a d 61 yeard, . non6he and 20 dayi. y bi I �g HSON.-In Brursela, On may 16th, Irene, in- Gala osympath of the community in their present RN' StS owever, N1 Oat of our sports staid :kt ',homb on , the pound,,- and.a few hea 113 at e to 4c JAMI A GO Je � b ate era paid RA kb., The7 amused 11111 naselveg, ah6otiri� For good cft�� feint daughter of David qnd Alma J; Janileioon, per'p�uud..� will of 7 days. affliction its and foot- 4�c td -,5c ; fair, 4o; to 4.�cl a a corr, pion, 3c c. a�y Eigeons and play1ii ig quo 0��InA),r,om May l9b4,Alexander K4in"aged . rA.1 Iac per pounei �A no �mber 0 KA� QL i f lis' Lottiti Week 5 -I years. a 0, [,live wiiint bL11., a and Ali lea Btson, to long lodges, Dash -Wood. lch, cows were offered, Nvhjco�l so)d lat from JACKSON. --In Onialia, on NITYs P w o' 1aforth, wert- vialtrig relptives our, mi ay 25ib, Clenimie A., treof Fred T. JAckso formerly of 101inton, Farfu Cry p rqty wed - al ty; Thddemaud w ers and hvirsemoln can 811vemP ey i ,Istri.Ct as a WEDI) quietItint. v last week. -Wet are pleased. it!01 see $W to $50 each, s'to 1qu aged 82,'3 ears S ir the good place, on Wednesday night of last noWL for sheep was good, and all the I �st were by buying goods- at nitoo . I Mr. Hoskin. a former resident,t - but . - I 4 ! =aO`. Xle:hodisticliurch, it beinr the port atl 5c er POU1 a, NVIIHO in he 45 lo ' Nirktort, in our *illage this week. a I Havin disposod of my business and aLout we bought for ex since a Lav na, Birk to Mr. Ed- d :but. butchers paid from 54,1.50 6) 87 each. Lambe SALE REGfSTER. g rn.arriage of MiE Mr. 4oskin It" started a bakery sp to leave to wo It 1 44e, this opportunity of n a in Kirktola and intends com. On Tuo�sday June 11 ](,895, at 1 6, an 1 malay!ftie do mem-bers- 1 - met With a *good �sale M fr,.m $ 2. 50 to $4.25 clock AJ.'Donaidson'ls. Flo�r,.Foeed a d Seed Business AardBrokenshire, ovi 4rosperous talor. a ier,busi.nes th king M n for their liberal ony was pet engaged biv The care ormed by. Rev. Mr�. ,j] a here twice every week. -Mr. .Mat 'Carr' each� 'There Was �ari a(tive de and for 13. In., on OuC'half of n4rth half, of Ilot 32, '6age i -n the�past , Sind also to announce FOR -SALE. patroi calv�-s, and notwithstanding t e la Concess 3 McKillop` Farm Stook and Eby, i'la, 1 h� pr nee a �arge assemblage. n and comany g4ve a fine display o� C su ion I that I win remain here two weeks longer, ,rict lectu� V- i I "I P tolik of. business In tba Iteokenos� il ro are - two of our rices were consioferab y h her, and the rietor; I bavo now on hand a large s Xor sale. the Eour, FeM si id Seed L% addressed i Mr. and Mrs. fi -eworks here oti the e�euing of the 24-th.- ply implements. Robert 'Betts, prop' to chan order ive yon last ce to ecure 4) r. Harry Wild and � 11' ev martelt wg we11.1 cleahe�d lip at lort(ps rang- ioneer. Town of fleafortb* conduqU4 i, by Maimrs. 111nehleyS -ghout the AlOst pol at and are respect- Fra kD! lin1layi . George K'rkb�,-SUC0 tr"a 111 a sitting f(k MY "In .. -stand, sil a lull OM to $, - sin' e and double Woo 1 091' In 41n good and -ed b ing fr 2 e4h. [The aerr jwd for Lamb. This 14 a jood bii w o' v them. Their many J1 tile "Bab( sin the Woods" herl6 last nee y &VInIrurchased the 1111, life of lisp -'Alr.Fran� young pigs W $1 50 each, -the under- a IOJ piness. L 'i and valises and everything found 1rood Opening for right c' 11 be ac- friends -wish th m i There was a fair audience. as fair at fro' POWJCA�T XOTICES. t -class harness Repairing Celebral ecl 11' ftss and Aftio- Hviery bt:islnesi of Dorrs* X0709, to shop. t Ing bf their feed busi- 44 those of Dim Fria is givin 4 at hocse arlin, is at present bu.%ily engaged making as to size. Signed are desirous t new. Stock low, and w int, w ich adds greatl BFFAL0 May 28,1- ogs- b market Give� nic IL 11) old ,eliesp. tl'104 Uf of- to E4� troui pondl ItwillDotbe mu6h trouble promptly and neatly done. tic Photos. L anew co it of p -T I e )USE FOR SALE.4`rhq inew two 'storey brick !flak 'Place Mr. John odan, Went 1b ,nit - ice a. pond :as tbeie is lots. of spring ruled, slow,: and to effect les;i el erl' had to hou - at =en.t�,ocdd rial er the �14 e, MaGIN- HINCHLEY, �LAINIB, Seaforth. its appe�rancc- 4pi by unde gued, I call. Rernemb de a 4ecline of 5c- o 10c; T d� baill i n ex=11-rit r tan try, a large ed -,� Cb ief to Pigeon, ic i i.ctanll on business Tuesday. Nvtatle,�r all over the illage.-Mr. andlUrs. A, conce Aly work Ten perfect satisfaction 14334f ams, heated with a furnacm. Will be NIS' BLOCK. a so�d at stond cistern and i t.-Workingn are bi 'I elagaged remov- herever 1 orders left during the ton; Vice a WM. PRENDER. IRS d - family op heavy Rn(�, eb ice Y�rkei 55 to sold cheap and n! easy te� igs r the fi ati 1433 2 ta ce on of Mr.; J. ay with r. Carrieron's sister -in, p n w bous Georg he a Ruby .Lr Oampton an roughs, $4 to $4. a 0 to GAST, Seaiprth. 0 ing the eawxth r4nd �iind 5�4 ,ockerishirLI, §ebringville Shrep and I La' bs-T market on N Fi- TWO WEEKS Kellermai2s Uri William V00, Of Tor-: 'John Donalds �14, Dlyth has gone to Lo an op, business.-Mr-Ch'18- was visiting his parentslae�e last week ruled verv,Alow &lid dro y, ith ices 25c 9 'sp I.b t� ttae boys Ilarton, preached '�116od hand� a to 206 UD- town Istore- Down4ow' N81fill. bo� myself before leav un- I Re,% Willo n store 0ile calls ad c, He came out off for sliceip, N (4 it " ' ' d .8 THN Trames and Pictures to x A. ANI., z t tl Fgrl nl'� grades' Ca ichael's ke 'tock of as, lower for om EAFO A I I lie in D la, bs, a � fi� ing- Lod Talk' UgAy, of Fla Block Cady's Block. d by A� Knox, ta e. ractical. adrmon- in the, Methodist annon very 14 *4 werf wer; t petberq r dispos -Of .1 -Victorious. oliurph P, ing.-Mr. F.Carlin; 50ct� 75c lo wpntfo ast Sunday moi inand n"In dy $4.75 to%85: fair .0 Whifne�, Oak, Seaforth, till June 10th 0 od mixe 'art Albert Ivas;srur rise,.4 on getting up last Sunda� elS� ninno to fair, noquag�to fil)d his three -tine speckled trout ,$&H to- $4,25; co 0 All for Photos, and ii Oumette, Brulils anpy clipped la s, $1.40 t 9, $5.75 -artli having bat lying a Id in death., Something or other had f -4-25 HAVE liyolu WATCH FOR Paid fo,�, same, not yet completed, will Mclaren, 0 , 75; sprin, agent of Tim Ia Luck- 6nt ednesday it, town, at d &t fnt� the rubbe� pipe which oarries the fair to g6o�l, $4.25 to Bar,gain Days at is far a fa�,O I y calling at once. Rexnember, Advet -110 boots Taus are to lastbuisi thus causin,i2, the deabla ol 8& Z to 6Q, 25. ies L T r Oc .�O�IT HOFF�A� W6 a. qplen- -ateir into, the rase, Seen thejlnew sty in I my. Usi ess day is June 10th. Roach is busy j�� d. to enj(� Cash tore.' zeeme ithe fish� are ome. very k mplar." uld la�'t have taken TpRONTO, May 29. T ie demane was ac- �Te I . He says he w o orn, and, $ere Cheap fine weather, giving the a ti%,e. The range of (It otations -,rener&IIY neat and handsome a The 20 true (' - ha, as this season. finishing touel as to h's itriva of racers be- for the;p. -tic to,5:lc per lb for 1A H. Call nev mmke good fittine stl t d toe, which bids may, belptit at� from newest style i clothes, b .&'thorough pruti- They are -good ie. poi q a fore leaving f r the clxotlit� i traight e.�poriera bullal were fet al ing 46 to 1 know ring, and 1-6cal Notices. es I will ive a p Re aunt o aem- 20 c�ttle, 1,20) lbs av- fait to b I a very popular �mong young mien of cal. know edge of Tailp ecid ad ptate. We hLiL P tl week for Ra ario A glance mburg suhasweKIBST -on ' ant f tI Alic:per Ito' Sales: estv shoul(I i CHpA p Ho�NEY AD Suc-�&R.-Pure extract. selves, He a arts-ne� erage, $5. 1 0 per ewt I I I t it at BOOK for the as 8 Rv 411 SHIRT Ouse 5zc per pre 1423-tf vention beld lbs a verage; $4.33 P�s thi k. Melville We -are selling all kinds of CKockcery' and. -at ew an UW liv h, was wel at Vince the 'most a Seuretary -The Sunda school Oon 'BOU. H t threel onths would con- �oed horiey,13 pound's for St. Iled path sugar as cheap 7"' ' ; ; Not CC lb ;- cattle, D.rother ay lri i� tbe month �of Jun e, ar OR" ecial LAD our 0 ar 0" ar 0" -and will be a, ­gotate of H. Kobb. i h in the trade. b; 1 ar, r cwt;, carload 300 *1 'i Fronts Collars d 9keptieal that, is wa % in -for cash. E- cattle, 1,200 Ibs .75 pi t; 1. lak-en 'very EIS savy redticed prioes r 0a FS, fl we lead, and the number of tended. -Con. tr of evision for Brut Glassware at KF( 'pure carload car tle, 1,200 lb avera e,' .65 per' To Illine, just opened at ict prices before hs*siug, o r ive our goods at Heavy Jin these the low an) , and, 0 wee c. and, will be h6ld on(] 11 ming of next oMplete ass a ttle, 1,346 11) 30,poir and, del NY Cheap Cash orders I101' e. w s n that ay 1,8tock of GroccTieswill be found as c cwt 2 average, rices a� th Ther 7e , ave mar ed 1em, we anticipat Great Bargains tobe I time.watall surprise those who After we enders f 3r arsaschedpasany hou e cwt. t here w4 a 'fair On t( re. a are. o ,ly t n, the.trade. Hodpalli suL u here' Cattle lat i7s l �'ppeea'e'd on -in tnwn. I&st,te of H. Robb- 1423-tf I i1511 a good season. Have ou boug yours ? Gr cery and Crockery Stoi e, w a till have beon n business a much thenewscho willbe i activit to�'day and eve, thing ad, before I! not, 61a. our stock If fore you purchase. te a f f long 'Op. HATC111C%G;-From. thoroug activi Ig of the schc o Ei�(�s F 'I 0 leading the trade. I will quo e the �evening. At the last eetii t I e, 6 ]Ion e ot1be market. A bunch f* extra er tin �e than we have been. t"eting was 1liu0r(,.a9 and Wk My bir 8 hus to a y imy bargai board, Alt T. mas F :on tit �-bers". cattle sold for.... 70 per We left it -with the th altv, r u can bay from as oulatbes, P4 and vecond prize at all the principal stio a f for' a h*1 a of. the de- brediiack Ito Legkqrne. an�y �Ct ir systern enabl, as to be' had tOOk . A ,lid sell a ieqp, so t brands of Cc rn te( trus, a ta, in the eoun�y the bee price pai to -day. a, Bee titoner in the last fall. Price st per 18 eggs. I will cwt, %V lie was Xtecil �r ,r,, , and t �eas and ipplies, such tter Vame th '8c per can. p r ott e is tt d i Z=m, i thlin Pan account for his BeekeePers' ol ba lian you get eliewhere'. sed, ser Igo 'keep MYres' 1 48 The rtli'lg, figures werel from 3Jc t 3..�c per. at 3:�l �F wip 17 7 1 1 t4t, which Smokers, Hivef 4c to 4 per lb he beat "Silver Sy 480 A fe%v col- -et U 0- was su- Comb Pbundatl i, etc. C 9..foeth, lb for comrborm cattle, tip to 0 T lerm'expens s in pro, PUB ci n 3 -Italian bees for sale. Wx tj Ucation, wh onios� rf 0 1 1:1 -All 0 V eallon. te enrranp,3 to Air. Jas. Beattleld orrove. mitte 4274f for nisterl�of J�d jgood,tol choice. Abbutfourbu erswere . pe op g361lon. epliedthat edoesnatrec Coll -house takifi-k, th high- 4-�c er Ili, of 38 3 04- which the -a were Aput , three -a-Lrloads. ny ne ether We shoul-d be Iseatc rth at reaso Coffee at 2 To say. * the I ommend its pay price stuff, St yi��]re Sugar PZUSF To. ItENT. -A nfort&ble q C w blen rup, )a Ver:lb.,, V"plied that 10 OUR, N S ? ent. to refit In nable rent. -. ApPlY Try P 1411 4TY-FoATIT. 00eisale were: -10,a od caftlff, It takes well. TnE*T%vE. - B;LOADFOOT. the, laileri", or not 'and they Wvi �e of thi' A-,NP'AO0-1TS: TQ RE',qT.-TO- rent, TO -MOR cannot be beat on all grades of ITeas,1 have I ine, and in the forenoon 6 good crowd of HOUSES av�rage, 4* a per lb ; 2 fa'r' cattl,�,,, 980 lbs said uInher :Oif - everal good welling holaAegil also a n 0 ere on h& -er cwt 6 cattle, i 85 lbs e _nL(l .1 . . itber in price or quality., ight-seers V The first muse- 00nis quit to Join; BFATrl' average, $4.30 p I . IK, 3 lbs.. pure honey for 25c. i r able r offlociaAc. APPlY 4h on Victoria 14:1 av rage, 4� ather Bo 8 at $ 1; 50 �g -of a Seaf9rth. a per lb, cattle", 99(' aver- to k 'we no d the placin 111ent was a foottball. Mat T U P bble Le to cl o d club and our own, 4 lbs. Butter Crackers for re ge l)et,l,can Ativ 0 ag a. pair. a [e i what a prominent man Rg $4.35 per cwt; 20 cattle, 950 bs aver - 4 lbs., Aleatu 7�11 - Family Pilot- Biscuit for ?50. I ion I 60eE at $1.25 to $,) -for a prize ofS101. whidli Was won by Brue B ;h Grain -Trade. F age, 84.21) par cwt 6 i attle, 1,080 Jbis aver- , 17LUI Pebble Lpather i t x wor by 3 gc ids to 27. -The age, $4.40 p6r 6-.vt; I carload by '16, 1,000 4 lbs, bright fresh Dates for 2Z a. fternoon, the ark Lqne, cai � i. In: the a '-There a pair, 8 Ills. Sulphur for 25c. Nxw Yo3m. Feb. 16tb, 1896. made their wa3 reos, in MrJ D. TrA-6hUn, ath M. ont. i p r$o the driving park, Iveekly revi9w of the Brijiih r's famous Tan calf Boots, Picca- ! �so em,61a4tieaily that e a -Crowd lbs average, $4. 10 per i �wt. Stock Slate the ve Th where ever.ything W".'�in first class order. 4ys: During -theweek-endili" 6 lbs. Figs for 25c. forced 01 XCICePt diet. L grain trade. was not much. -'done in this hn to -day.. dilly Last, Goodyear Welts, $3 a pair. Dear sit: H*Wi had r. A, 1B. Yates, a araduste the races, at Eddy's ]NMatclaes, 10c per box. We shall strive, therefore, by rell.nire a.: �, I %Iisl� and [oregn Wheats h6ve advanced Light stockers are quo ;ed at from c.. to 3Jc Tan Hog Grain Gaiters, b r itation button I -0111b us it eltenographer, typewriter, The followir g is a list of Eli of youe College,: all bonorble,niews, to-riain- ,,-owned bty Is a Ns 3d and Oregon 6 lbs. ew Raisins for �,5c. or for three months., it 4f t t needle toe, $R4.5- a pair. seeretao and Mee n Farmers' Ti )t-Ist .F. ifornir selling a per lb. One 16 ad was alLen last ridFLy at kau r . lease yo to. an ain. Boots, needle toe . Ott ey, exvep� 2iid "Jay Bird , pet, 'a; Maine cnotty catt sold for Tan Hog G �,ery 6 lbs. New Currants for 25c. might cnow hat be gives perfoot satie tain the d You Way rest- and 6 0 $3.65 per cwt. Some doesAte work tie well in hat ,caunot do A. Gamble, 'Itirnberry at, 5 cens faction, and It r colle will. rG I I Broom," R 'g Choice ort -keep These are what you can buy for T. McCrack-,ii. Drivers -19t as riser nixed Attl6ridan, peompt leas tha� 3c per lb, 'Choice new, at $4 a pa Lr. '.,evl ase as In bi t 0 0 .d in a also By a ,,, d lb. isins, 5c is f the greatest bless, better here in the way, of S Hewitt. Thre (laoued at 73 i!, 1,100 to I Q00 lbs or In fact,for Uit� - y id " Cnrlv J. shipment, ben� feeders, weighing fron Ladies� and Children's Tani Sb�oes in great I poundCurrantia. 5c; I ings for the bosi coma unity, any �n 0 t Trous- P, Scott 9d s,nd bt na jl� of the great am o nee: I such man, that can be 90, C.,I) I . vercoa Ing-si, al,mo lived 'Minate Tret-1st A� haVe ad 7ance [dey a;;id bea each' sell at fro- 4c to: 4-&c.per 11). A few of, vari a ht prices. I 1b. Tapioca. 5c 1 lb� Prane, 6c imagined. Root of r acquaintance with bjln� Cap$, a Zee 1. lb. Fi s 5c - 1 1 eriagg, WbilLe tb a I r a, Chathaw., stand ars ai A Cuffs, Underwear,, rstin thit its Somerlid,"A. trkchan� Ls and 3 etra , rise. To- Ho"s-One buich of the essi 15c and'2'e. .2rid' "Ton1mv O."! 'R. Will s.nig 3rd b been a good detiiand-'for thes anted to Bead to the coqntry and Dr ng to 'ran ous b Carbon i6te'Soda, a very Salts,: .30; --I lb, -of he Canada; nose Collo: coil R race, e 6, w Sb 1 a 5c; 1 19NPBOM, unning high in To , eat troatiorf. Ing) eat sold t6-.(IaY at 1'. 40 per ew Nialues ceased advanci Sill b. dried A-. Umbrell &a., than at, _W1 3eattie. ; fed. and Ples, So may continals, a id tbar, yo ay so forturiAte &3 Eut on the grass. phur, 5c 1 1 io� Silt Cott: 41 heat 5 halftnile-Ist K. 8 Ry - W -)nd A. W in consequence of the cars the price was ,icycle race-ist W, ak a. American re- watered ; weighed off the 92 cakes Electric Soap� a 1 weet, toieewe sue Yatt for 'Your itcholao, I am. 011. V V Home Soap, 5c. yours-re,,weOtful V, Hru-my . HADLzy, Vicotr-President DIL L & -SPEA! �E81 Seaforth iently re. 1 n. Quaxter-mile nued in at hbgs we ve, selliq Ph I U Me Temperan -F. Gil Flour conti 900A request at .$4.65 per cwt. Thick f and Dlrecfio� an cii Union. race,' boys act] oh pai� I for But- op price - rea per cwt atores, 84.50i to $4.60. Q of Ca, ads Busimse College, One Door South Expositor Ofte ax to God. J. dilied The highest mirket, price race -E. L(wry. Eighth,plile race-Ist a, f4rth.er rise of1s, the t at $4.40 For eRtuilog tt r6k, McBmin, 2n,1 K. cott. ble hundred',yard tg 28s, Fee in r barleywas old demand. f8heep and ter, Eggs and-potaitoes. Ibei Up Good stores are in address Halliday, 2ii �T 'xle.Naughton- Oats were .3d to' Lambs-Thpre w" a fair- activ: ty'lli this I).'! MaLACHM Chathara, Ont. 4.- Iting baley wa rm. Iroof coats iuvAe to order- 'hi JU JL 6d dearer, -a and peas were -0,q 71-1, W -Ls rnallf. I - Butchers' j4thm N.B.-WAter-p -Bov's race.-lat IP4,,. !! Whi er, 2nd R, "Nic- nd corn; beans ine and offerings ware light. A. G. AUr rp, 14 2 (-xi1pjn, 2nd A. iiheep were selling EX i 4bout 40 pelf,lb year� Lachlan - Bove' race�4 at F. firr� �Lins(�ed*'rdsels,mid�e6ttolisee( 6f --VcLachlani� Old me' �erl ion. whiuh be- A -Mill 'T f I Fat "men'3 lings' r lb; spring lat a mourt, his �Nva$ I stponed, qwinLr t a 1. ness of a race 1s4 ID. uarrie, . I I i . I I --- r ones are wan P0 ohn Bir ti ,d. Calves 00 _]r 6nts. Therefore, The d'' ta w re Pfofeam r tinlop &no I ftll Wheat per bushol.new.. 098 0 17 ge vay iron *1 to so M :ran d I the y h Apri cken, 2d Cam0ell. �A Widow oii the 19t 1, 895, but the trial, McC Tkihl MA�RKHTS. be, $3 to to witness for the defe, V efore this con 0 0 paper OV �-RE -when the apped c ame rt, the Jaineis ar C. IM 'a' ing a er. spring Wheat per buohel,new .... ... 099 I 00 CE- r 11, the lat. for I pod qua Ity veals, sariii� or; Goderica. uni ill ia(& autumn, and evervt hing poissed off pleas Butser, No. I.was 0 -21 0 0 12 TRIAL a thetrW could not Uke p Vlm"c du lace either at -discoursed t;wee ng. t e d by and Bar* per bus; 0 48 to N-Iiss P Oats per �Ibuahel ........ ........... 88 Mut of a!seri� ction! was in A di Feren iliosition, inasmuch The Bruseels in was in d at radance an*4 r-fts-per buohe 0160 65 Coffii no were h rd to sell, bu4 good an .::.: -:: .... .. .. I O� 66 ch6i( a ere firm d ala�ive.- XilehCoW4 ntl � an, I quietly and �prj rkgers�Thi rulinj prices were from, as" Uit� �a, ispl But6er, tub.... eave. Iwas 0 86Y 0, 0 16 $25 -�o i S per heE mos lv, but in one o F4pper doz.... 0 8i 01i agked.aon �he appeal to read In the evening there W 014 avitsi as witnesses � it, was fireworks, and the issoc, tift, a e oul two in t inces, high 3r thaii the latter figur I one xligh� by furthe'� affi'd 'FlOur,parloolle. , ni 260 2 60 Shows thtt.,we can make a also, 81110cated t hat 4 next autumn the ahead, alad now intend rob n �hi i!r. graw Heyper -ton 7 00 700 Was Offerin gs wer li lit One extr impro -plaintiff would have lr�ecovered sufficiently' stand, w1ii � h will alomp, e Boo 8 0 fine ligersoldim"- (Ilagal, sill �reater du in-- prices, other one a -we Me% to see I if 0 let Hides per 1W I W..1 ........ A ...... bppri .r jk 0 50 Lamb Las .... ......... ,.� ...... 6ath nream�d o attend at God r ah feld, that the ap� niqnts, Everythipg. is in fir :alt so orde 60 $48. A,1 sell! and the de nand good. And passed into a Lit nd Col buy for ash in the beost weir (lies, V ored Shirt r WOOL ...... — ...... ..... 0 20 re 022 the room wh -peat niust be deal ith o the fa6t3 as they ancl or t traek. is now' tioknowl�edged to b e e -W w ter and Judge Potatoes per I ag ...... 6 0 60 waiatt, lovely things in Now , FhiA and Colored Bilk markets, 16ve the cash buy;-- Nvere oxhibitee tol th and on6. 6f thel best half mile t)%cks in th oats (retall) per 0 86 er the b nefli. A ry small ve i ot Q k Wood per aordiflong) ....... 276 Paraso �s in one, tw6aild three frill ad holdinj -or listen �: to su� possible chan� ad per =4 (short) 1 bO eetivig-'for this year on Labor da! WO PTO'flt is suffici�rat for expensm f plaintiff, unle 8 ylish PatasolA' in Jarge size with very new and We have -no, Idsses to make UP, tbe v�t in the, p sical c 11 1 � 'n Apples per bag ............. 0 75 fie a 00 indow, gee t eir, �Iowinj:- day, being the lflrat'Monda'� to6 far, an at new Mat OHE Q erial Povii ice.' � The association: int4 ,d for h4710 the court ought (01 8 to I V SU 811 IT 1 BOY I Clover Seed 6 bo 40 1 W in a proper case, 0 &.1 w a new substant d T xesdsi,y in 8eptember' !of almut t9 'Tin.)othy a 50 to 8 60 al e st is handles. no books to kee our goods are You N ibo have , Dys should do the V ry p Held, also, follow- ............. 50 to 6.00 y Aie�tibn be made. Pork, per 100 M ic 0 05-- to the best,. See some of the cu� ing th opinion iitf t I Tallow, per lb,... ....... 000 best. yc In can 'fo� their , Velfare. Try ei majority of the latest patierns Philadelphi i r , I I r a. , I A beautif a). line of Ykney B10 8 Judge , tliat the plain it7s right toselct oidm.-�-q-ome of citi . . I please a ad suit them in a4 things, and home I i rate prices our zeus 'i attende Tboriyo, M 'Large v eat at-. the PD1 ce of tria is not I ghtly to, be inter the Pic w 06%, 45o n 4 Je i aad heerful, both for parents and asbino, oods.. a I ieli y! Shot Silt for nic -which was held ity Mr. !f. Snom, 6pring wheat, 40,77F,o 110.h7ofia will.be 9 Women's Dong�O*Button Boots— n. e: -ferea witti,wher it bw AOt. been edar grove on the 24th, � and all rf - fir F a m;e rly evo iry book,you rl6ad, Blouse, -z, y vex"iOnsly ddn!s pdas, )er bush 64e to 6 I e ic' 46ja 6&.4 �O; nay Ladies Skirts, Dr 8868 i I L, I ts, easily- worth aa Be, it could not be -11U1015o: ; pOtA- I t and chil re Injury to, chosen; omd in this rr Ug run, 47.0 taftlAso; or . - i ReguIarpri?Z-t'I.50,eu.t rate price $1.2 iavi -�-Mr. X M, Ile, bag, 0 65 to $0.00 xp, per 1-A., 100 -every m �gazine you look through, ever3l� pa- bad &.good time. sho, that the defendants bad shown all Othermael, our enterprising- blicksmiti, go l0j). dr bdp, per Owt., *5�00;iio $6 76. 50c, for only 3 0. whelraing , a � 41 ovvre. or e o 'a "considerable" �has lru )-yed his family to Dashwood bat be iler you pick up, every 1.mother you �ialk omen's Tan Oxford Shoes— -prep ,de,,ance f convenience; $and quite- w 11, still *ork -here. for some ti e. -M +0 Ma et -1* n, or does Igive advice rB%the Wded with s e (TURNED SOLE) . ! - 1. I ei er ca T is storel criD ded, with s �ot a 61 stulf for present ro U th ie" Filbtmto Ma -Japa I aestioa. of the plaintiffs J, la, i �chilbe had & bee on Saturday f iting 13f children, an especially b4ys; use, al I that is 6vel an:d sprii btl Regular cut rate price $L rt roM the May 28 P ice's quit un- 'fo 105 birthdi; i 41isabili and th, suzzestion that a h ii In the be I - .(r To-RONro 04w is to be found quare tim r - fixi lhis bdri , changed ay. Car on traek la�rejare fair trial could I ' f ;1od Off v tbel�ad at-boderich the )r rathe, --teach in such %vpy that they inay tero at the st aro prices. i).h% � I on our count, , Women's Tau Oxford4— I`Cto�r Beaver quot,ed a and round I fe out of sto at is to, venne should no 1�e a Appeal dis- t 4t5c zie suitel better for each new year into ..ring h, A sold his W 11 -bred- ho ind. to' somis sport T I lmllssei I with cos, s 0. p ti -in any event. in,[ He, Regular rate price 85e - rice $1, at isall for whidh h received -a good which iltey enter. races whi I We'wish* to' on. Xen�s Laced Boots "d Gaiters— give adv a about the M .'ILROY & 1ISEIVIA, fi$ure'-Mr. J. Kalbflei ob- is greatly —a�y 'Mar ets.l. au ' ng nt ,.-rounds. Ila T7ing]:Lam. provil his lwelling.:I,y pnttiihg.a store fo 9 Q I boys in the' way of cilo;hing, Every boy, Wirnpian pr6� iUT19A, Maly 2§.�Chltese- alei Urge f Regular $29.50, cu� -rate price 31.95. Loc ffliareholders of tla and Ltion unoer it and," i vin i : a genei AT, e ­Mis lo white � 8. to, 686 15oxes, 6 �c'; Is rge,c Aored, I i we ba ve said, requires ito be suited, 'and 'Union fa.Jtory bold a meeting on Tuesday eter al. ove rhauling. a E le'and Mike 11 coutested r lo.U, 2,G13 boxes 6c 20 lots 1062 Merls Laced Boots - 1 for that reason we l,ba,v'e qlways kept a large evening, T;(l decided top 0build the factory, E..10111nel, were the guests of 1�iss S.Smith t 1, boxes 6ic ; 3 lots, 163 b )xes, 5Jc a na11 i I q Were not sc on 4nday last. -Mr Wm.:,Mitcholl, of Regular $1.50, cu� rate pribe $1. 19. but have not chosen a site yot.-The 24th Oak of Sui�s, made ouiselves popularl ma �a grand success. Rental town vil white I lot 37 boxes Oj�e ; 3 1 ts, 190 let in in a wl 1k was in �Jting friends a -few i their'l y days: t week. -Mr. D ei-Srembeela, OX:- xes 60;,commlssloli� 8 I ts,. 5 LO b#es, 6c. that deFartnarrit, and sta#d second to none Men�s Oxford Sboes� c - 'The coneleritebinra�Iioe ei-eh4, by Miss Hough- �Butte -S�Ies, 6 pbck&ge creamerr, J 9c for choice stuff, It is fop your interes� to , amieson NJ r. ton 'o success. There w,ell-knoivu bicyclist, with what. migi t. HE Regular $1. 5-Oi aut: rate price b t a 'n T. Is 7nd 4 t too C Sol 7.0 1 h W 0 rwl ` Loo ` )a a t, Me- _,ja corn as, fr, n. re ("�i ist t:- While con tob, 100 packages. we Yib %'P'sie1�vetT%xI 'y s in town. -Mr. h4ve ?een a serious ac en get the Coat goods yon n for the smalletst, ipka in th LITrLE P-A.LLS, May 0-8. Cheese salegt to- th f e Jame ROB , of I c port, New York, 199 along the Zurich ro with his whee I goods that can b' relied upon, both old Men's Reav-� Duckie Aoes— t,38 boxes at 60 &� �6jc, e ente by 6 .0 boxes' outlay; e4 the o Mr. Clegg some cattle were lyi at the side of tI C has leas D t, mea i 11 from day 93 boxes; of dairy for color and d i Jar GOLDEN. f them got a 1.53 �ixea on commi ion wear. Th spring we Will 0 at.rate price 'no serious r9ad Due e e for a � iuMber o' ears and will- commence and walk d across 'Be ed d Mr. - a� be!ore.� i . at 51d to )c; 26 pack es f creamery 1ut- than was tver done fak-irs al ewalk is being laid t tei - ch run up, to' it n raore for you 1ve work Soorl.-,4L ew f 11 ,eed. - The collisio, landed hi in ter at Ift 23 packages o dairy butter at Stand. Boys I Misses! and ildren's reduced :-:n place of the - thii 'waii; burned at the 17 We ha-* e taken several dozen suits, and k1oHn 17 17 accord 17 to ingly 'a*, the Cut Rate V, vwl as- (t bell, DUD luokilly, kliow.fyer, no dariage. P . : I Union fa0tory fi a.— r. Hugh Hamilton, with the m, will astonish Lthe closest bu�yer. Mo TREAL, A beese d6 at 1'500 o 1wa*, iujnr ne. Iry also 8 d on th, 0, YOU at the Union facto ew b alr �d -at 64e W bav e see sales of c4eap stuff, but we o ni S recovering slowly.— the o#sid price being i th ruling figure. of i 14 M .11. will giv 3 th?. beat spits, the best httiug t'er' thb� R V. I r. Seen d, 'Of the Congregational Sundm 1�e is q iet, with a ob bag demand fo r chi his rang e all.wo6l, for iless been # --, .. Op . .1 I . lrc4,. O�-eache- f4rewell sermon last rl ry,i In i gs� prices are Un- suits, and slits that ar .*me 9 8 hold an eting on �g r izefi. I o rerlar price Pf shoddy. Bring UD past' -Thersoln, assistant or! y r _3 R"T'Di" ged at 100-to.10je,pe �atoes than th re, -evenij g, 16th s choice� pwgrarn e htasj blcDoni��1(1, f SeafOkth, preached I . 'a' 0 - Chan Vs lin 'buroed t in �e Lt 15c. T Me Alt-Rur- esented consistin! of vocal and _Sell on t ie trac� herb at in car I your bO3 select 9, suit, o*e that fits, take it ver�y 4cceptably i the Presy r church was te an 4AIN STREET, !,qEAFbRTJL JaLij tal bu t e Wat'i May- 28, 0 -day, Ur �i v, �S' bb th s. Elder, a Toronto, is stru music, rew ga, btc. INGERSOIX, b00M fo xa4ly half its ormer price, Which —M 697 boxes � Wee!— .1 22 box 9 at 6� a, 106 On y chief featur rase for the ben ent BL pariso Miss Tillie was r Taeda the g:esoaaf 'Mrs. T. 114 Roas.—I e was an add at -6 9.160 market )ris!k, bu small attend'. igh &P bear co n with 'any Calls. Att lo"i to RGAIDIS in ition whicht `Kiaec�otel'of Brussels,i visiting her brother of th order; by Rev. BLro.; - Stout our pa I" r and ana, and o. terings li ght! orr a count o � a MR. others, a nd ee your boir suited bette ae verd �r tor. .'The reverend g �Cbarl4taKnechtel.—Dr. McDonald, m. P. entleliqan lipuke f( is havi sold I hron h BEST VALUE i-er hour,and i cheaper 1a he ever was before. DRIIISS GOODS, the ry a aa -colors. Tu M. 0 3eemed to be -quite jorit�,, of t e factor 9 V43, ewe A sbylesi e -S ay in -Was home a few dtys last weal he �4ek - t a con, idepably less prii e. than abject in';hdnd. G. TT Im ,Cott is visit- Churchll, of Tdinbtirry, is visitiriLl her home-' with the a in Prints, I usling week.�. r. AliqsF. Pitt Kilt and S. Kyle 080 aL a. hort a was paid the�mii kei. in Wack a d 'Over 100 differ b��sha,des. Bzg.LiTbr�,.Ev M 48 V, oxi, this week. t the cheese i, El. 19cFAUL -Rober erNon, is in town.— 'ther (T�eorge, t Hill, of N�2-e dresscs. Wn at 110F.F- )velti market- tc-day th( rin a were 2,297 PRINTIS in t e lates n( and La6s i� o Mr. Thomas, Mrs. George Chrlstopher and be. Mrs, J. VV,. ter :and children are tlie No�E-,. boxes. Sales -520 boxes a 6.3c 1,030 at Dr y. 0 S , �Ust MAYS, Cbe6 Cash Store., n son, )Villiam, were visitors in vicinit r yn. d 34r. Robt Ste of ima is$ Eli a COI� 6 13-16c an d 260 at 6jef eat Queen's last kweek —Xlesrs. X, 13iiiallairl and'!I.. 9 n thA �, 24th.�- Bu er—Prices re- Com�any, were at Dungannon o TORONTIC, May ->8 GLOVE nod, 4�1,�SIE Y of :all kinds. Arab r a I ead.,'byjry-, - I d �'�h t I ted ma I main Line ange 1 1 xcep,,ion of i0T d family, O N1. Kilcy has been re-oppoin iiB Sta Nli izel,. -rho laiis Clintgr 8!11 NS, LINENS, &c, n the past w rd easier ab is tt*n daiZv roli, wfiich al' I tl Seafi rth. CAR TS TA art of Imt f, been residinr in. Load nter, carrilt r be6ween this Place -an p ear -ery hea te , -% egina o is' This s for his thi rna vhich Ola. held dhir�, t a MA -y ! R N on a v er man nch t e ha at the PURCHASED A -L home y friends are e, jal towa ed- up. - There is not 6i 0 GE d. over this J111v st.—Nfr.:W. Coats, the g, 6.11 oE,N* TH Z DOLLARL a L . Bil thg. -oleased to Be her lo kirig we.l,—The cleAc, of 'Clinton, wasthe guest -'6f extra elylow"figureslItely6ikElaby oiders. the aggie BROWN.- -InAshf(eld, on Alky 19th, the w1f,, of Mr. a Jane an 'ell enter ained a Lowory <)a the 24tb. hile e�ajoying his Quotations are as fol]6ws : Large rills,' in (N on the Queen'�'SL Birtli- barrelh and boxes, 9J8 to 11c; bask -,ts, 12c paid $1 per UM er o5f girl varil R. E. Brown. of a da lite r, CHINA outin lie succeeded in, ca�pt e AIKFNH'f AD. —In,Stanl , Oil May 19th, the J�Ife Of ,—The milt- Urin :tie ecir.le 011 . : I Mr. IN n 41 hea- l to-, 13c ; small dairy rdIls, in b brrels 11c to r ' kenhead f a ianghter. 56 Thomm Davisor 12c-; and choice, in %askel s, 12�c t 1je ; KIDD.—Ir %dorieb, o' Ma r 22iid, the wl"fe of Mr. day. —Two lildS1 f_ _Qt1i John- J � as and iii of brook trout 1 es's vs. � , I -xithilf fi Men's Ordered Clothing -very, ! MeetJ are away L attending the Kyle d D. Barr spent Suudawi�tli fri ' s. end cattleof Scott & Companj,, on thevoyage to 8c or A nary Josept Ki d, of a alai. S —Mr. John SeaLrIettland wife, dairy tnbs, lield, I B A D-(4 LF. n Ethel, Ot us], 16th, the wif of Mr. L at Co ristan ce, 0 JLIVJL ondon.— ' F CLARK -�o to Britain.—Oln &I 'number ent' a here lasf weeli.� ride, ]a to 18c'; �creanierr, tat , f resh David Be geley, Of.& 011, band ci�,Lepdburv, vverevisiti from here to Se�i orth or 4r)y Where else on 16�c to 17(y-; s Inmer made,6c 0 Ile. BECE oglium, On! May 20th, the wift of Af r., haja been let N1, C. Lower -y atte�ded thql� distri�b ln�de reS PRODUCE TAKEN A,3 CASH. the 24th. We lim Meeting of.the Good Terroplafs ii-Oonstan03 Cheese—�,bout iteadyi Re at lots Of fod- VV ni. I eclil, of a daughter.' are waiting I TEA POTS MCCAN.N.- Ir May l7th, bh4 wife o ')th of J I a being X ra. H. ]3. der cheese outside at th Mr -:T1 owasVoCaunj of a son. eter &-2& -for the 12 from their on- V7edtidsday of last -week.--Al a fac 0 Biddulph" oil new euvin d A �, t a UM 0 tle[aw"LShow'"P in bought, by local et�, e S a i PC b, and -WEL 6 or 'May 19th, th wife Of COFFEECAN talk a great n We, -of North Bay, Ontario, is again In, We llivrflly, great style -in �idafdrt Or. that da.-I.Ars. new grass cheese, area t 7a(' deliv- Mr. W n. of a dall has onfa -i it to her parents �iid other relativeS b.E'Lvidson an a(�- ho been 1 b atty, � f est rv�� DVI,13.�] n Biddulph, on Mat) loth, the wif� of Mr. SUGAR BO'Y ired here-. Qtiotatioris; are Bound, lots of C—A—]P$ Messrs. re, McClinchey an( Frank Davis, of twins-san and dalaglA0. fall CrQaM, Butt, for some time, is e a pleased to say, VarnP, spenb the .24th in this V; i4inity Septemberg,,deliv rad he. -e, 810L Sealorth, t %V�fe of M. on Al ay 301in, th ma ay e po &lid small lots to- the tfadc arc, 91c Round. M orrig; t�q., agent of the Canadian Eank of atives and what bettIr'.-N-luch regret is evi- CREAM J! I 68 a unt (if the d t�e Manse, Egruopolville, en May 26th' denced on Re eath of liss lots, April niake, deliverecl b era, 6-1 returned Rdv. XJr. Armstrong, fB fi Id' induc Corrin erce of a son. Fin. GUMIry, -vice her�; laet Sunday 'Small W.- ).in Scott. make joblat 7. c. S. FANCY PLATE' S I i t lots of April I .1 , lots of i e of Rev. X. Shaw,10f a sou. rT �F ','Cott,- dau�gbtei of '',%1r.1 Willi, qA sei E P,% -=V. -The -arden a Mal IQ H fin 0 P Egi at ob6rt Miller?s, o n' the eve4iin r'y a new gi ass cheese job at 340. Tb 1; e CUPS AND 8 AUCERS a a ,�Outh ifuro-n, hat all tim, -or much sor. f t 1;e pickij;s lid i I Tui6dav i De s is ' cause, f row, but it is s d iude to see a young -success. %Tbe 'eath�r feeling is firmer' to In!. I wag a d ecide( y Marriages. 4-ensall or' , - Ile tim ing .9c son outi down .likeii, rose,in fall bloom. -,,,a buyers are rewrted pa was 0 that 6ouid be dee�,jred, a4d a speculi Lti noli by Rev., CLARK�HOY. -At Belgmve,l on sy 22 vras pent in lehding� destru iers t is at, lar. Higley, Mr. Thoinala Cia Alordsk, We hkv e a, Opleqdid n a �c ps for spring wear. M iss Sca.,�t was n estilm ti,ble'younk lady and % A- -to %c at the f&rn 6 and Of to CELZOLY 11OLDERS gainee' Wnd in doo' prally deareases receipts., re. F O �;�A goodly frtvori�e widt alt. 1 To the bereaved, o theL ' ple supply of vian& provided H. f'Grey. am -Ini Rensall, On May 1 th, by Rev. _4.lx in thisi nd bbher reltiltives is tendered the I . up to tl a ays an in gle 'ases at HARVEY INK. Knock' boUtLS f1k rail Ly' ither *ud neglige wear., uy th!e ladies, which -latter were a ots sold at� 1% to -d 6 0 lor'Vey,-of tStuplien, to BO E PLATES P. Swa , Mr. William 3a n. ILI :fl We also hae the beSL; he gathering Was th( n cen:s, - 1fles Ch latint. Ftdk,*of Exe w 6rproof coats, umbrella ter. �Ir. Jain ere a- ill heat tfelt mpathy of the corn- mark' as usual. STONE -111, BINSO .�-At the relaide4ce the 71LUIT D ISHES munity. and �t4er req*ites� th ason. bride's I a., Moont Pleasant, On toy of by n street,, Morning of last 22nd 0 Monday calleI4 to order with Rev, Mr Stout C n Tu44ay chairman, and suitable progrLinme w1i Live Stock M a k BtS. CAKE PLATES Rev. J. all, assisted b Rev. J. Snowden, Mr on) th fl- the early eek tlere passed Owiay one of give4l, -whith ended'a p1dasant evelroing.' Tie GLASGOw Alay 17.--�-Ou a few Statrs Wil][11,11.1 Clouse Stone, to bliss Ads Matilda 7" tMA on of 'Mr. Wi 111anil 11olnuson. o u residents ofthis ;ectibri,, in the person of in f 810 was realized, hich aoes to tire jdaughtl H a' V e' you' bought Y BUTTER D19AES. cattld held &er from �rkst -k were on offer �hi-ck is a r.71howas W(Ish. 'ID d h4d been,& c I ur'h im' tf n ouMonday. Theyrn a oi i emE n, and provern TTQ USTAR POTS last w M, to i let them -sufferer formany in 4bs with an incurable eek'state's war easi m iintai ne d. ult an at- ye blitibore his trials with -r� Nlay �16' 11 i " I MWNTREA �, May 21,.,-T ic re was It large I I .! t internal con it, in k, lVilliArni Blanchard, Jr., �ag6ol 35 �,ears, 10 months and :fortitude an, !s1gna ion. The funeral on Lo, -Only tw`0 eeks� ago We attendance f buyers t t i. .11 ket clud- Our line.. Good pric's, entire �P107 K -in Sel roo si righ e TOOT f lay 1911, 1111ar ing some rellaw - I T I 1 Malus W re n to.' Roma The re- sh ppers, bu trade On 0 a who PHERSON�ln Blueyale,i ro, 4yl ity HOLDERS, d%vF. FridaL�y I �st Was lar,pl attended. rted the death of Cyril, the giing �011 le Mc on� 1, re tRk t n Catholic 6 homas Vivian,, ftoin diphi dria, 8 dragged on ecount I tile bigh price 3 ruling, Ann, wife of Mr. Roberti, MoPhi rhe regala -church, where high n �-`ss was celebrated, years and 6 movikka. ele�. a a,ndb, the' cy yofily1dughteafficient wil,ek it'is our paintal'duty to chroni STUADY.�-In W st Wawanopb) on May 20t -b 31JR11 rds c ortsigned to the silent I 11 s epelident :)f stoct 'y 1 �Xpect a ( and -%ver( afterm a I to fill a =1 4nts,*ai the End d(ath of Sylviaj a briE lit youn 4ughter - W Robert Sturd ,aged 07,yoats- (�on lid at tom,biinIrishfown clinietery. Mr. Welsh ces, I IG T Mr. Viviq,p, from the same disease. Mr. reduction i pri t di o ers arolc , dealers GARRETT. -'In ullett, on Slay 19th,.John Garrett, W, as a ge iial an� I frietlly man. Ho was of 1 - 1 , - LOOK IN OUR WIDOW when, a state that til aged 80years ind 2 nionths; are rearly prostrated with ie, prospec6 for n� lower prices sh parentag-o' anct was born in Nov &I d 'Urs -Vivian t a s , ees-Price, aged rich, on M 21 t R a differ- Iri g ief!at the1oss of Gh ir two children. Two in -the near future are pool, s: catti I in the M*IN STRE:ET, 8 I AFORTH. 4scotia about eventi, �-carra ago. Besides r59 yearill'and: nionth. ON FRIDAY,�, MAY 3 VW, to. fhe May 16th, Susan Dris- 0 h m6mbers of the family are! also Very country -fit. ifor killin ara scarce, A few DRISCOLL. InMeKillop, OZ is �erevved widow, ­he: leaves three' son� m the raiil� h 'a11 bunches of the al t16 on be mar- =11, 94 -ears. il Lt time of writing -Prof. Hawkius,' of am eat c a the north, and two dauglitars, ti�ll of whom. are corn- FERGUS n Brussels,* In May 17th,, William AND EEB.,us�els, spent. the 24th'in our: vlillage.-�- ket ware ph',ked up'fo r all i ment a ac per .191 01 -ortably provided for and who I -rave the Ferguson a d 61 yeard, . non6he and 20 dayi. y bi I �g HSON.-In Brursela, On may 16th, Irene, in- Gala osympath of the community in their present RN' StS owever, N1 Oat of our sports staid :kt ',homb on , the pound,,- and.a few hea 113 at e to 4c JAMI A GO Je � b ate era paid RA kb., The7 amused 11111 naselveg, ah6otiri� For good cft�� feint daughter of David qnd Alma J; Janileioon, per'p�uud..� will of 7 days. affliction its and foot- 4�c td -,5c ; fair, 4o; to 4.�cl a a corr, pion, 3c c. a�y Eigeons and play1ii ig quo 0��InA),r,om May l9b4,Alexander K4in"aged . rA.1 Iac per pounei �A no �mber 0 KA� QL i f lis' Lottiti Week 5 -I years. a 0, [,live wiiint bL11., a and Ali lea Btson, to long lodges, Dash -Wood. lch, cows were offered, Nvhjco�l so)d lat from JACKSON. --In Onialia, on NITYs P w o' 1aforth, wert- vialtrig relptives our, mi ay 25ib, Clenimie A., treof Fred T. JAckso formerly of 101inton, Farfu Cry p rqty wed - al ty; Thddemaud w ers and hvirsemoln can 811vemP ey i ,Istri.Ct as a WEDI) quietItint. v last week. -Wet are pleased. it!01 see $W to $50 each, s'to 1qu aged 82,'3 ears S ir the good place, on Wednesday night of last noWL for sheep was good, and all the I �st were by buying goods- at nitoo . I Mr. Hoskin. a former resident,t - but . - I 4 ! =aO`. Xle:hodisticliurch, it beinr the port atl 5c er POU1 a, NVIIHO in he 45 lo ' Nirktort, in our *illage this week. a I Havin disposod of my business and aLout we bought for ex since a Lav na, Birk to Mr. Ed- d :but. butchers paid from 54,1.50 6) 87 each. Lambe SALE REGfSTER. g rn.arriage of MiE Mr. 4oskin It" started a bakery sp to leave to wo It 1 44e, this opportunity of n a in Kirktola and intends com. On Tuo�sday June 11 ](,895, at 1 6, an 1 malay!ftie do mem-bers- 1 - met With a *good �sale M fr,.m $ 2. 50 to $4.25 clock AJ.'Donaidson'ls. Flo�r,.Foeed a d Seed Business AardBrokenshire, ovi 4rosperous talor. a ier,busi.nes th king M n for their liberal ony was pet engaged biv The care ormed by. Rev. Mr�. ,j] a here twice every week. -Mr. .Mat 'Carr' each� 'There Was �ari a(tive de and for 13. In., on OuC'half of n4rth half, of Ilot 32, '6age i -n the�past , Sind also to announce FOR -SALE. patroi calv�-s, and notwithstanding t e la Concess 3 McKillop` Farm Stook and Eby, i'la, 1 h� pr nee a �arge assemblage. n and comany g4ve a fine display o� C su ion I that I win remain here two weeks longer, ,rict lectu� V- i I "I P tolik of. business In tba Iteokenos� il ro are - two of our rices were consioferab y h her, and the rietor; I bavo now on hand a large s Xor sale. the Eour, FeM si id Seed L% addressed i Mr. and Mrs. fi -eworks here oti the e�euing of the 24-th.- ply implements. Robert 'Betts, prop' to chan order ive yon last ce to ecure 4) r. Harry Wild and � 11' ev martelt wg we11.1 cleahe�d lip at lort(ps rang- ioneer. Town of fleafortb* conduqU4 i, by Maimrs. 111nehleyS -ghout the AlOst pol at and are respect- Fra kD! lin1layi . George K'rkb�,-SUC0 tr"a 111 a sitting f(k MY "In .. -stand, sil a lull OM to $, - sin' e and double Woo 1 091' In 41n good and -ed b ing fr 2 e4h. [The aerr jwd for Lamb. This 14 a jood bii w o' v them. Their many J1 tile "Bab( sin the Woods" herl6 last nee y &VInIrurchased the 1111, life of lisp -'Alr.Fran� young pigs W $1 50 each, -the under- a IOJ piness. L 'i and valises and everything found 1rood Opening for right c' 11 be ac- friends -wish th m i There was a fair audience. as fair at fro' POWJCA�T XOTICES. t -class harness Repairing Celebral ecl 11' ftss and Aftio- Hviery bt:islnesi of Dorrs* X0709, to shop. t Ing bf their feed busi- 44 those of Dim Fria is givin 4 at hocse arlin, is at present bu.%ily engaged making as to size. Signed are desirous t new. Stock low, and w int, w ich adds greatl BFFAL0 May 28,1- ogs- b market Give� nic IL 11) old ,eliesp. tl'104 Uf of- to E4� troui pondl ItwillDotbe mu6h trouble promptly and neatly done. tic Photos. L anew co it of p -T I e )USE FOR SALE.4`rhq inew two 'storey brick !flak 'Place Mr. John odan, Went 1b ,nit - ice a. pond :as tbeie is lots. of spring ruled, slow,: and to effect les;i el erl' had to hou - at =en.t�,ocdd rial er the �14 e, MaGIN- HINCHLEY, �LAINIB, Seaforth. its appe�rancc- 4pi by unde gued, I call. Rernemb de a 4ecline of 5c- o 10c; T d� baill i n ex=11-rit r tan try, a large ed -,� Cb ief to Pigeon, ic i i.ctanll on business Tuesday. Nvtatle,�r all over the illage.-Mr. andlUrs. A, conce Aly work Ten perfect satisfaction 14334f ams, heated with a furnacm. Will be NIS' BLOCK. a so�d at stond cistern and i t.-Workingn are bi 'I elagaged remov- herever 1 orders left during the ton; Vice a WM. PRENDER. IRS d - family op heavy Rn(�, eb ice Y�rkei 55 to sold cheap and n! easy te� igs r the fi ati 1433 2 ta ce on of Mr.; J. ay with r. Carrieron's sister -in, p n w bous Georg he a Ruby .Lr Oampton an roughs, $4 to $4. a 0 to GAST, Seaiprth. 0 ing the eawxth r4nd �iind 5�4 ,ockerishirLI, §ebringville Shrep and I La' bs-T market on N Fi- TWO WEEKS Kellermai2s Uri William V00, Of Tor-: 'John Donalds �14, Dlyth has gone to Lo an op, business.-Mr-Ch'18- was visiting his parentslae�e last week ruled verv,Alow &lid dro y, ith ices 25c 9 'sp I.b t� ttae boys Ilarton, preached '�116od hand� a to 206 UD- town Istore- Down4ow' N81fill. bo� myself before leav un- I Re,% Willo n store 0ile calls ad c, He came out off for sliceip, N (4 it " ' ' d .8 THN Trames and Pictures to x A. ANI., z t tl Fgrl nl'� grades' Ca ichael's ke 'tock of as, lower for om EAFO A I I lie in D la, bs, a � fi� ing- Lod Talk' UgAy, of Fla Block Cady's Block. d by A� Knox, ta e. ractical. adrmon- in the, Methodist annon very 14 *4 werf wer; t petberq r dispos -Of .1 -Victorious. oliurph P, ing.-Mr. F.Carlin; 50ct� 75c lo wpntfo ast Sunday moi inand n"In dy $4.75 to%85: fair .0 Whifne�, Oak, Seaforth, till June 10th 0 od mixe 'art Albert Ivas;srur rise,.4 on getting up last Sunda� elS� ninno to fair, noquag�to fil)d his three -tine speckled trout ,$&H to- $4,25; co 0 All for Photos, and ii Oumette, Brulils anpy clipped la s, $1.40 t 9, $5.75 -artli having bat lying a Id in death., Something or other had f -4-25 HAVE liyolu WATCH FOR Paid fo,�, same, not yet completed, will Mclaren, 0 , 75; sprin, agent of Tim Ia Luck- 6nt ednesday it, town, at d &t fnt� the rubbe� pipe which oarries the fair to g6o�l, $4.25 to Bar,gain Days at is far a fa�,O I y calling at once. Rexnember, Advet -110 boots Taus are to lastbuisi thus causin,i2, the deabla ol 8& Z to 6Q, 25. ies L T r Oc .�O�IT HOFF�A� W6 a. qplen- -ateir into, the rase, Seen thejlnew sty in I my. Usi ess day is June 10th. Roach is busy j�� d. to enj(� Cash tore.' zeeme ithe fish� are ome. very k mplar." uld la�'t have taken TpRONTO, May 29. T ie demane was ac- �Te I . He says he w o orn, and, $ere Cheap fine weather, giving the a ti%,e. The range of (It otations -,rener&IIY neat and handsome a The 20 true (' - ha, as this season. finishing touel as to h's itriva of racers be- for the;p. -tic to,5:lc per lb for 1A H. Call nev mmke good fittine stl t d toe, which bids may, belptit at� from newest style i clothes, b .&'thorough pruti- They are -good ie. poi q a fore leaving f r the clxotlit� i traight e.�poriera bullal were fet al ing 46 to 1 know ring, and 1-6cal Notices. es I will ive a p Re aunt o aem- 20 c�ttle, 1,20) lbs av- fait to b I a very popular �mong young mien of cal. know edge of Tailp ecid ad ptate. We hLiL P tl week for Ra ario A glance mburg suhasweKIBST -on ' ant f tI Alic:per Ito' Sales: estv shoul(I i CHpA p Ho�NEY AD Suc-�&R.-Pure extract. selves, He a arts-ne� erage, $5. 1 0 per ewt I I I t it at BOOK for the as 8 Rv 411 SHIRT Ouse 5zc per pre 1423-tf vention beld lbs a verage; $4.33 P�s thi k. Melville We -are selling all kinds of CKockcery' and. -at ew an UW liv h, was wel at Vince the 'most a Seuretary -The Sunda school Oon 'BOU. H t threel onths would con- �oed horiey,13 pound's for St. Iled path sugar as cheap 7"' ' ; ; Not CC lb ;- cattle, D.rother ay lri i� tbe month �of Jun e, ar OR" ecial LAD our 0 ar 0" ar 0" -and will be a, ­gotate of H. Kobb. i h in the trade. b; 1 ar, r cwt;, carload 300 *1 'i Fronts Collars d 9keptieal that, is wa % in -for cash. E- cattle, 1,200 Ibs .75 pi t; 1. lak-en 'very EIS savy redticed prioes r 0a FS, fl we lead, and the number of tended. -Con. tr of evision for Brut Glassware at KF( 'pure carload car tle, 1,200 lb avera e,' .65 per' To Illine, just opened at ict prices before hs*siug, o r ive our goods at Heavy Jin these the low an) , and, 0 wee c. and, will be h6ld on(] 11 ming of next oMplete ass a ttle, 1,346 11) 30,poir and, del NY Cheap Cash orders I101' e. w s n that ay 1,8tock of GroccTieswill be found as c cwt 2 average, rices a� th Ther 7e , ave mar ed 1em, we anticipat Great Bargains tobe I time.watall surprise those who After we enders f 3r arsaschedpasany hou e cwt. t here w4 a 'fair On t( re. a are. o ,ly t n, the.trade. Hodpalli suL u here' Cattle lat i7s l �'ppeea'e'd on -in tnwn. I&st,te of H. Robb- 1423-tf I i1511 a good season. Have ou boug yours ? Gr cery and Crockery Stoi e, w a till have beon n business a much thenewscho willbe i activit to�'day and eve, thing ad, before I! not, 61a. our stock If fore you purchase. te a f f long 'Op. HATC111C%G;-From. thoroug activi Ig of the schc o Ei�(�s F 'I 0 leading the trade. I will quo e the �evening. At the last eetii t I e, 6 ]Ion e ot1be market. A bunch f* extra er tin �e than we have been. t"eting was 1liu0r(,.a9 and Wk My bir 8 hus to a y imy bargai board, Alt T. mas F :on tit �-bers". cattle sold for.... 70 per We left it -with the th altv, r u can bay from as oulatbes, P4 and vecond prize at all the principal stio a f for' a h*1 a of. the de- brediiack Ito Legkqrne. an�y �Ct ir systern enabl, as to be' had tOOk . A ,lid sell a ieqp, so t brands of Cc rn te( trus, a ta, in the eoun�y the bee price pai to -day. a, Bee titoner in the last fall. Price st per 18 eggs. I will cwt, %V lie was Xtecil �r ,r,, , and t �eas and ipplies, such tter Vame th '8c per can. p r ott e is tt d i Z=m, i thlin Pan account for his BeekeePers' ol ba lian you get eliewhere'. sed, ser Igo 'keep MYres' 1 48 The rtli'lg, figures werel from 3Jc t 3..�c per. at 3:�l �F wip 17 7 1 1 t4t, which Smokers, Hivef 4c to 4 per lb he beat "Silver Sy 480 A fe%v col- -et U 0- was su- Comb Pbundatl i, etc. C 9..foeth, lb for comrborm cattle, tip to 0 T lerm'expens s in pro, PUB ci n 3 -Italian bees for sale. Wx tj Ucation, wh onios� rf 0 1 1:1 -All 0 V eallon. te enrranp,3 to Air. Jas. Beattleld orrove. mitte 4274f for nisterl�of J�d jgood,tol choice. Abbutfourbu erswere . pe op g361lon. epliedthat edoesnatrec Coll -house takifi-k, th high- 4-�c er Ili, of 38 3 04- which the -a were Aput , three -a-Lrloads. ny ne ether We shoul-d be Iseatc rth at reaso Coffee at 2 To say. * the I ommend its pay price stuff, St yi��]re Sugar PZUSF To. ItENT. -A nfort&ble q C w blen rup, )a Ver:lb.,, V"plied that 10 OUR, N S ? ent. to refit In nable rent. -. ApPlY Try P 1411 4TY-FoATIT. 00eisale were: -10,a od caftlff, It takes well. TnE*T%vE. - B;LOADFOOT. the, laileri", or not 'and they Wvi �e of thi' A-,NP'AO0-1TS: TQ RE',qT.-TO- rent, TO -MOR cannot be beat on all grades of ITeas,1 have I ine, and in the forenoon 6 good crowd of HOUSES av�rage, 4* a per lb ; 2 fa'r' cattl,�,,, 980 lbs said uInher :Oif - everal good welling holaAegil also a n 0 ere on h& -er cwt 6 cattle, i 85 lbs e _nL(l .1 . . itber in price or quality., ight-seers V The first muse- 00nis quit to Join; BFATrl' average, $4.30 p I . IK, 3 lbs.. pure honey for 25c. i r able r offlociaAc. APPlY 4h on Victoria 14:1 av rage, 4� ather Bo 8 at $ 1; 50 �g -of a Seaf9rth. a per lb, cattle", 99(' aver- to k 'we no d the placin 111ent was a foottball. Mat T U P bble Le to cl o d club and our own, 4 lbs. Butter Crackers for re ge l)et,l,can Ativ 0 ag a. pair. a [e i what a prominent man Rg $4.35 per cwt; 20 cattle, 950 bs aver - 4 lbs., Aleatu 7�11 - Family Pilot- Biscuit for ?50. I ion I 60eE at $1.25 to $,) -for a prize ofS101. whidli Was won by Brue B ;h Grain -Trade. F age, 84.21) par cwt 6 i attle, 1,080 Jbis aver- , 17LUI Pebble Lpather i t x wor by 3 gc ids to 27. -The age, $4.40 p6r 6-.vt; I carload by '16, 1,000 4 lbs, bright fresh Dates for 2Z a. fternoon, the ark Lqne, cai � i. In: the a '-There a pair, 8 Ills. Sulphur for 25c. Nxw Yo3m. Feb. 16tb, 1896. made their wa3 reos, in MrJ D. TrA-6hUn, ath M. ont. i p r$o the driving park, Iveekly revi9w of the Brijiih r's famous Tan calf Boots, Picca- ! �so em,61a4tieaily that e a -Crowd lbs average, $4. 10 per i �wt. Stock Slate the ve Th where ever.ything W".'�in first class order. 4ys: During -theweek-endili" 6 lbs. Figs for 25c. forced 01 XCICePt diet. L grain trade. was not much. -'done in this hn to -day.. dilly Last, Goodyear Welts, $3 a pair. Dear sit: H*Wi had r. A, 1B. Yates, a araduste the races, at Eddy's ]NMatclaes, 10c per box. We shall strive, therefore, by rell.nire a.: �, I %Iisl� and [oregn Wheats h6ve advanced Light stockers are quo ;ed at from c.. to 3Jc Tan Hog Grain Gaiters, b r itation button I -0111b us it eltenographer, typewriter, The followir g is a list of Eli of youe College,: all bonorble,niews, to-riain- ,,-owned bty Is a Ns 3d and Oregon 6 lbs. ew Raisins for �,5c. or for three months., it 4f t t needle toe, $R4.5- a pair. seeretao and Mee n Farmers' Ti )t-Ist .F. ifornir selling a per lb. One 16 ad was alLen last ridFLy at kau r . lease yo to. an ain. Boots, needle toe . Ott ey, exvep� 2iid "Jay Bird , pet, 'a; Maine cnotty catt sold for Tan Hog G �,ery 6 lbs. New Currants for 25c. might cnow hat be gives perfoot satie tain the d You Way rest- and 6 0 $3.65 per cwt. Some doesAte work tie well in hat ,caunot do A. Gamble, 'Itirnberry at, 5 cens faction, and It r colle will. rG I I Broom," R 'g Choice ort -keep These are what you can buy for T. McCrack-,ii. Drivers -19t as riser nixed Attl6ridan, peompt leas tha� 3c per lb, 'Choice new, at $4 a pa Lr. '.,evl ase as In bi t 0 0 .d in a also By a ,,, d lb. isins, 5c is f the greatest bless, better here in the way, of S Hewitt. Thre (laoued at 73 i!, 1,100 to I Q00 lbs or In fact,for Uit� - y id " Cnrlv J. shipment, ben� feeders, weighing fron Ladies� and Children's Tani Sb�oes in great I poundCurrantia. 5c; I ings for the bosi coma unity, any �n 0 t Trous- P, Scott 9d s,nd bt na jl� of the great am o nee: I such man, that can be 90, C.,I) I . vercoa Ing-si, al,mo lived 'Minate Tret-1st A� haVe ad 7ance [dey a;;id bea each' sell at fro- 4c to: 4-&c.per 11). A few of, vari a ht prices. I 1b. Tapioca. 5c 1 lb� Prane, 6c imagined. Root of r acquaintance with bjln� Cap$, a Zee 1. lb. Fi s 5c - 1 1 eriagg, WbilLe tb a I r a, Chathaw., stand ars ai A Cuffs, Underwear,, rstin thit its Somerlid,"A. trkchan� Ls and 3 etra , rise. To- Ho"s-One buich of the essi 15c and'2'e. .2rid' "Ton1mv O."! 'R. Will s.nig 3rd b been a good detiiand-'for thes anted to Bead to the coqntry and Dr ng to 'ran ous b Carbon i6te'Soda, a very Salts,: .30; --I lb, -of he Canada; nose Collo: coil R race, e 6, w Sb 1 a 5c; 1 19NPBOM, unning high in To , eat troatiorf. Ing) eat sold t6-.(IaY at 1'. 40 per ew Nialues ceased advanci Sill b. dried A-. Umbrell &a., than at, _W1 3eattie. ; fed. and Ples, So may continals, a id tbar, yo ay so forturiAte &3 Eut on the grass. phur, 5c 1 1 io� Silt Cott: 41 heat 5 halftnile-Ist K. 8 Ry - W -)nd A. W in consequence of the cars the price was ,icycle race-ist W, ak a. American re- watered ; weighed off the 92 cakes Electric Soap� a 1 weet, toieewe sue Yatt for 'Your itcholao, I am. 011. V V Home Soap, 5c. yours-re,,weOtful V, Hru-my . HADLzy, Vicotr-President DIL L & -SPEA! �E81 Seaforth iently re. 1 n. Quaxter-mile nued in at hbgs we ve, selliq Ph I U Me Temperan -F. Gil Flour conti 900A request at .$4.65 per cwt. Thick f and Dlrecfio� an cii Union. race,' boys act] oh pai� I for But- op price - rea per cwt atores, 84.50i to $4.60. Q of Ca, ads Busimse College, One Door South Expositor Ofte ax to God. J. dilied The highest mirket, price race -E. L(wry. Eighth,plile race-Ist a, f4rth.er rise of1s, the t at $4.40 For eRtuilog tt r6k, McBmin, 2n,1 K. cott. ble hundred',yard tg 28s, Fee in r barleywas old demand. f8heep and ter, Eggs and-potaitoes. Ibei Up Good stores are in address Halliday, 2ii �T 'xle.Naughton- Oats were .3d to' Lambs-Thpre w" a fair- activ: ty'lli this I).'! MaLACHM Chathara, Ont. 4.- Iting baley wa rm. Iroof coats iuvAe to order- 'hi JU JL 6d dearer, -a and peas were -0,q 71-1, W -Ls rnallf. I - Butchers' j4thm N.B.-WAter-p -Bov's race.-lat IP4,,. !! Whi er, 2nd R, "Nic- nd corn; beans ine and offerings ware light. A. G. AUr rp, 14 2 (-xi1pjn, 2nd A. iiheep were selling EX i 4bout 40 pelf,lb year� Lachlan - Bove' race�4 at F. firr� �Lins(�ed*'rdsels,mid�e6ttolisee( 6f --VcLachlani� Old me' �erl ion. whiuh be- A