HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-31, Page 4A -7 7 - - ----- a Ain ITHE HURON. EXPOSITOR MAY 311110,751 MAY;! OEM LOOK, AT YOUR UIBEL The Subscription pr . ice, A the �xrosrron, if paid strictly in adv tmee, is' ONE If you do not renew wit�in th,on months of the (late on your label t he prke will be $14.-25 ; if yoii do I not I enew -, 1within six. niontlis of the date ou you - lal 0111 the price will be No paper will be alit longer than. one year bofore beillp pai(I for. Send --renewals dircob to I this office. Money sent b� registered- letteill, � post -office Money order, express mont �y ord.0 or draft, irsabourrisk, Apost-offiiieorderiapto-.64- costsi only two-, cents.. The chituge on y6tie-label will notify you of our receipt of the inoney. If' not changed in threeweeks drop us 9, card tind we. ��ilj trace, the matter up. I Addre-" all letters an(I inake all chequoill and 6eders payable to McLean. Bros. When remitting money ( 0 not fail to gi e post office address. When notifying no of at anve of addre s -do: not fail to give bothold7and new, Pot office address: LOW. at YouF -Labell NEW, ADVERTISS1.'MENTS. ".The fisrurlicbetween the pax entb9sis after ea 3h one denotes the page of the i apor on. which t so advertisement wih be found. June Sale�­Jacksoxx & Greir. (1), It Pc.vfr to, Ito to the Dest��-D, Me �achlt%n, (5)- Hcu-je for Sale-Ww . Prendereaj,. (5) Bgv�' Clothiriz-AfeCosh & Jeff eq. (8) 1 Lolud!falk Dill& Stware. (5) Excursion Tickete-J. 8- Jact4on, (a) German China --C. W. Papst, (5) Grlden Opportunity ---- A. Hauslau h. (0) Old Price --:-W. H. Willib Cedar Postg;m-B. Gerry. Get Your Photos --A. 6ausla6xh. 8) TAg Snap-McCosh &.Jeff efY.. (S) Lace Gurtalni�-blcCoslv & Jefferv. (8) Feed Business for Sale�lflneliley Lamb.(5) Machineq-T.Ifellis. (13) 31owlDir �;!) - -R. wil 8 Frencn Kid Dreming Calld of Thaniz-E. Nablo, (4) Decided Succevs-& Mallett & Co� (8) S_-reen Doorall-a. Mullett & Co. (8) Receivart this WeA�-Gilroj & wimman. 1 (5). Larnp Shxded--Fred. D�Avls. (8) Coff ee--Fred. Davis. (6) Prices Dow-ummossommaFrod Pavfk. (S) Wash Doardr�—Fred. David. (8) (!.6 $EAF611TH, FRIDAY, --Nlay' ;Ist,. 1895 The Don�inion Par.ia�_, ent. There was not',it.iuch grist J rorn the polit- cal mill. at Ot a%VA last w6el;-, TAe Senate s only. having periodical sirti n _gs day. now md again. The Cottinions Mio ned from XTed-riesday.- of last week ur tit esda of his week so as to allow nir-mbeno an oppor- nity to visit their hoin es. , On fl ir ret n-rn Tuesday t4ey started in c n,' t1i r budget Iebate again 'with renewed v ggqr� �ind kept 'It tip until Thursddly inorninn at 4o o'clock, when tv. divisi6a was taken oll. 'S", Richard. rtwri [,It's amendryient, . Inlov d about -a. 9 ilonth ago, condemning extr ivagint expen- 11ture and declaring in favor of a, tlariff for ,evenue. -The aractidineub was lost by 71 uvys t 0 117 y I C a v I ng a niallf i of 46 or the (lovelainent. If this -ote -Rprosents lie feeling in the country.rhe pre -0 le are'not et tired of the National PC licyi and high ration. On th is as on alinc at e ! N[lery other ireasion, the Opposition had deci'dedly the i,est of the debi&t.e, but the 6 uver.itm elit got �e votes. U There..Be Another Ses,§ion ? The question. which 'is now samevjqjl�it agi- ting th Public Mind -of the cohatry is 0 e Vill there be atiotIfer session of the Domin- in Parliament after this on ? A report une-from Ottawa a shaltinte 4g,"D tha� it las decided at a caucus of I thp Cori . serviti 6 - �embers of Parliament tha�t v nother session' fter this, one sh 6uld be helil Thi s report Millis to. be strei)gthene�,l by asentence ,hieh appeared: in the Ottil %1I a correspond - of the Mail and Empire of a few days It says -. " This is the fifth, a -lid perhaps, tholigh not ne�csssrily, the last budr,et debate of the prese . Paxlianient.jy Thoull-1111 not necessarily,, the last,"' is .ther auspicious, and looks 4% if it was de- P ped to prepare the pub lie i v ind for -it more ffinite utteranbe in the E-waie direction.. �riatly speaking, there should not be all- t her session Gf- the present Parliament, c though a sixth session can be -legally held t the powers zo order, but, except tinder ry extrae'ril.inary circumstai ces, the con- a 1ution nev�r-designed that there sh�uld' h. .nore than five sessions. I ou,6­er, thr. werunient are wise to detay, the evil, (Jay P loug as possible. They h �le rythi I 1, C �19 9 gain and not;�iug to lose b del"Z!, RW w ay trone to the country in J I Ine, I;$ it wM1 [dently theit intention at one timp to do �y would have been swept ti -t exist" f .e without raero 13"Llt., tillies 4�.�e now re ely-to be on thellmead, and with, sper- fe i tinies the people are' �.pt to 1, .1oa k weakuesse!j laivl short comin�fs,ou the la A of their ruler'. !I The G'qverti�wnt, no' In ibt,,jinderstaiid I this tilo 'to y- carf Only hang I _1 (f I Nr and if 11'T together Ion,?,r, and do b( 11MI, to pieces fraVa shcel, ottejilwss, it N A not surprise a iy ouc. if t iere s[ auld be ta, (, uo t ed �ther sess�ion, and if the cicktjous� �Jj .e place until rrex'tspring.. of �urelv, after all the uncerti inty (I fool de there has been- baut a -e- e ra 1) million I , , B ,tion, e I yeryl perizollshould Ilow e 'coil- ced of the necessity -of havi rl� a fixed e for th e'dissalu. tion of eaffli I"W''liamea . t the ho Ming oi i� gene ral c lectioxii. This ha ortan�t event sho'ul , d not be left' to' thp ch at or 6 of � ii-�pa rty le I to b' lni Light put I as pavi y a(2 n -c�sitieios pi C off� - I dict�le. Last Nvintm- the who 4 le. er itry wqs kept in an uproar by the ex- . .; th atiort t I hat a general c Lecti Dn - w u Id al . are t certainly be hold 1 nniedialte . I The In I Of the public was uns to'led �and ex- an 1, and �rnmense injur . Ava done o every fan Liess interest. This s ou d not' be ull- cla ssarily I permitted. A do e s if uld be iteIy E xed by laivr for Lhe exp U tion of ife of ai Pa�fiamortt- tin d r the ol Coll 011 Jection and no nt;I 111eneral o- Govd, I e :ssiag. 'the confideliell 0 Parliament the (1- 6 (lis;olvj� parliarrien A be alloNve t goe )ringr on. a genoral election,before the ure ir dates. Peoplo ivolild thell! M 0 thave a 'te wssuranc6 OM th e-vact dates at- Ha 1 an election -wofld b( held every time, Get u unscritpulaus, (;ovcrnm,,nf, for the "Se of stelain" a )arty ad vantage, would ruh keep the co try- in a stA;e10V_ -une r.- whither he went immediat aly, upon. �rrival in the other �arties as we I., The Patrons Ciiinese officials at Tamoui refused tol allow , the efforts of ulpants, f, the buggy,' sincerell quished it andsta�U4 the grocery f� in y a c urT ll by false ts* t n' t a] irms inLondon, for six weeks. His isitwill are human,z like the own as Rees Price -on the 19th Ap .1 t f usi and they the Japa4ese to land, hereupon the! ships i -the horse ran. into the _*oii. A idow been the c Lse cost Oe Government 1 $33, Inc usive of have their ambitii r" 0 tram" The last cai - firm kn gan fil Is past year. - Wh DIIS and f iltiesiast 69 we returnedto Mae - instructions. -and four children are 4eft 'to ino_v'rn his Was potpobeld, owing A ju�j . I so for -i thei dimage that,will restil frowx' t e habits hae. I ; struck tfie.animal !. n the. Is 6ulder, killing i entative aoe's no't 11tte t11 'a great HAI'1114-u.&Kja FvrAL1T1XS. —Fifty persons illim almost instantly. 'Th , buggy, was that some rep A Cabinet position -death. witness for the definyl on of the 00 -natives in his att te. The'. mperi-. attractions for a Patron I e� d, —A Vancouver, British Columbia, pape 'when the apealstme be] to put nee led d us.ef ul legial it as'it has for wore kill6d And,thrice that number iiij'ured,l wreck �d, and ftis. Porter I her baby - - - r i u.ch --anee met wi th in the visit of his i her to the leltders of either of t e iother parties. by recenV earthquakes in T urkey-i Of.last weekcontains an Account of. i"tion was in a difforent and cA mpanion were throW.On out. Fortun- I -,a seri. this on thq i st book? Su rely wo �dj' Bngldnd debarred bin! ffoi I being I i;ged in And although the Patrons haa no� desire to ad, her fia� Rose, -trial coula oettotl ately )oth Mrs. Po little otto accient which happened 0 A, s the Mee at on ottped without much injury. Migs L IcCallum Satnia Or Godrich:itntil -0, royal palace, its R n for.. t76e de GO�,ernnjent, McCallum, daughter of Mr, JohnA. Pay the oul better than Qi1ii Atill ary to 'vote feat of' thei e disinf4t the pi 1901 th Ameer Yet ciroumstances� might hatle aiisen, and Huron Notes. She' talk I int rmi �able. talk, wbi LL is of servi 3e. well ;,be formerly town. engineer of Groderich -eave was asked upon- tin fiis.1uite6'ccuI#edaftei they e urned would, ly have Culle ever, didnor, fare so . P % � I There are' ix bi cles omwd is, by further wffidaviUL as to aiinosecertai &risen, which -twenty-a and her sister weke awakened one tight pd inflicts a se iotis xpeoib --to Afghinistan, The. , havin her arm br4ken at ue co, o so.�* The Op- �B as wel, heir roLotu, and holding ested thist to no peravil, v UnI, 11 lion of would have fore4them to russels. CY thp. wrist. upon theyeo If there wo -ka by the old masters i Chem r House a w er that- all *ere'not killed, I as burglar entering t inIgg were fe r thrpe- osition' as we all, kn —Goderich 01 f I . aw, art I eye readyi-to Meebanics' Institl4te c Dtitins thea, It -so. The injured 41was. taken to a lighted match over their fat -s to Vlaintiiff. would have ree n covered up to p rotect 't ei i from _g . see if hour speeche4nd-more u§eful.legial tioll�,6f hw bee espouse anuatisei,or to adojt.an� principle, 3,,150 books# and has a inemberalliP of 137. Listo el and the a'rAhl attei 1 (1 to. the ableeP. The -girls I)oth screamed -to attend -at Gmderich. the distinguished Visitors, a no matter ow antagonistic bo their former —About 2 witK were i must be doalt with ae nd Br t' ih ffi 0 teachdrs 'were in atten daiLce tomera in BI- fright, ana the Man left the room,when pea the fiature indicated, people 4ould n)t ll�vldi -4 je t taff and. some r-er; are in charge of the tempor H, r esi. views, that promises to help theni to office. ab:tbe rece Rose Judived out of bedflan'd. rushing to 'were nt convention held in Clinton. liott's groleery s(orb, Godeti, , got a,. sur- Miss exhibitet' to"the Alm so Much of use ;0 complain of, 4he ta :8, even dence of tho Prince of Afghan a an, to Had the Patrons Maintainea the lbalance of --Reporti from th' -Bell miller -wb �.ri the top f the thewindow raised it the -court ought not to loc keep it as ar as Possible, rom bei j d mi 8 t e vicinity of prise e other' day, and called for help. In if �Iiey an hig, its they. niiiht th m- fbeU powef � the Legislature, t1l4refore, the first ay tha the outlook for fruit this SeUSOU 18 tove went up to the -coil ng and several her excitement she leanedou- too far and or listen to ouggestiaag�c her balaince v1 in aged. move of the Opposition would very poor. t OiTthue win OW to that they ver� 'g ht,.1east. sbrnbre�-- hm�e . been,to fell -on t physic, condition yardsof pipe 6=6 down tb; he floor., Tile losing adopt one of the' principles- to milich the �J ackson Brothers. of Clinto undbelow a distaned of about is - n,, are on cause,of the agitation' wali he stove being the gro, in -per ease. 1 to SOUT ]HU—RON—LIB A L�- Patrons are irrevocably Oledgeo, 1 and Make Plying tile -which, not -to be maAe, tnrp for tb eir ioney. e London bicylse-1 feet,, Her fall was partially broken by the suits for" th atuffed full of'straw and rubt: �sh, application. 'in the Gov- Ingthe pinion the .1 it a w ant of 'Confidence inotion club. No fitab floor on e end Com ents. I A Meeting of the, Reformers freely, caused aii ,'plosioli. roof of a bay window on the.� burnin 7 N South 'erAment. I'll order to fedeem their p dges R.--Leisiliman, of. Eaat %Tawanosh Which he struck. This �e .3luilges,that the pla%tif robably. saved at�, ke'eP up aPpearalites Jill the c4untry- raising arge barn to replace the one bnrn� —Tt e contract for the em� 1 11 of the new Miss McCallum from nstanfideath, but not iie �1 ace of trial is, not I Huron as constitulted� for Provi is I 'ur is damm -was done. The, dis ib ion of Unighth )odai ci b rth- R ill the i they are gel ra poses, was held,J face of what was SuPpoied to'be an ed last, wintor. I. day honors, a e Cal 164, uO'xworth's hall, Hanq4l, Main a ireet A] etb6dist chili �`Bxeter, hai from severe injury, The unfOrtunate young . . . . . . . tO.b c1losen and iu this ta Impending Dominion election, pho Plitrops, —A valitable cow belonging to J01111 been P varded to l essrs. Rosi,, Taylor, and ry Urday last. Considering-- the bu iy �ea- Wly received ve seriousAnjury were this 31ear.1 �i e ffel'om er shown that the defendal, ul te num roui, and I mong ho'litafter how reluctantly, wo4ld have been Brown; of � Grey, fell -he other (lay and. and anasty iculp wound arm. a Mr. W Howa -the formcr.�! t44 carpenter spine year a � 'r ril, gode N�prt ly shofilders. f theqe h' 11 Of the ar a Ithe forced to support !this want Of confidence broke its lei. It had to be shot. over ritly work u; id the Iatte� the ilia soul ivor. The whelming" -or even fu6t thiLt it was'.jimply,a; imeetin I "Motion ma Thursda, ora tend toi de he love the orlor ppositi6fi, ti�d the alit Church iii to be., completed by I November, -preponderance' of env_,E�i re�ipi a Y1 26tb inst., the inf Exete for th6 EM Iganization purposes, there kvas &� ocd at- ;Gove'r irnent would. have bp�n - defeated. daughter of David and Alma J. Jamieson, of n aiid an part from the qufttion r general and coriplete,. -witIl. a - i org-m 0 gue- 7.days. I pip ne thi I n an- organ I Dr -the Sunj boo] ill cost over Qup.F-,qls BrP.Tn.DAy.—Q heave loyal�y pread over the Domin on. ay se `gysical disability an pirl the'e should b 3 a U * . Now, supposing the Governm�tit bad been Brussels, died, a i tendance. The President, Mr., J h y -n shd off very -fair trial nall, df Tuckeromith, havink ban defeat d who itre-'there on ttlopposite si4e —While driving !ong-a otreet, in Gode- $10,06(. celebration in this village p, iizt ed in his could .1 , -be W It wa' ei er-�Mo ing, Hugh Muro, dray- _M, l. j es well, without anything tran iilz to mar should not be chan ecte�lthat Mr. . R. Mered to tak 3 their- places. There a -re onlyfour rich, the oth esi nation some months 0, the in ae ling am �oso, of i �oekport,. New members of the IreTular p I coition whom intial, found a gold the duys sport. There was Imlissed with Costs -to Plain the Ute leader of the. o( io 0 P P", led to or4er by th,- Secretar I large number .:i,was or . r. Nork gentlem-k yposted '1 .- tehod, chain. �Paitio I � I . , tiny sane man woul ever.thiikofmakinga �Mr- John Marl ay, of Clinton, has pass- in Alto is t droughl, ntatl 'Thomas Fraser. III opah g 6he;i n,;, ae It he' * �4' of P06 le present to witness t je -races which n usiness, s leaiedl �tbe Winliam woulo ha fi ired mong th number, hnt 9 Cabinet ministerLof, and tilde , in compar- 'edthe final. exarninatioh at the 4choolof ultu ve g i Mr., Fraser explained tha i the 1,xem ve tme irnill f�otn i 31r, 'V%i i. Clegg, for a took p ace at the agri unds, , In Wingba appaiTently b ovqk� b r ison i0th the me Pharmacy, Toronto, staill I o ed y !Committee had met on that day ain d lad mbers. of th Governmen'tt, ling second on the at all the worning, at 1:0.30, a 'Umpian pro. rm years, 11virl Rossbaspulled 0 ocAL Tclosed,. tip the bu areatbest, fourth or fifth �ate men. It. �,is p.attil If In a f n.fl get cesj Gracious Maje; ty.. / - . list. L Bpv,—The A siness in connection v -ith he in f duery sion took place, h ad y th !Union factory 'a met I lant Xeter the'late protest. I amity if the brass bdu,&. The.-raclas e murder of the yams b Governme turIng Mach Dery� as well con � 8 d lKverythi would be little short of a bal _!rhe ice durit g' the spring freshet On of now rianufao, to v erewith had been katsfae t of the Provi Inp g n n nee should fall in. the Maitland river a i ' red the bridge at iefitrin the en boiler (,to., iind will. in each class. The gate receipts were not so Th th �rily =Ie­tcj'iOd 0 1 to the ban, Is of such men. M. thought his Beomiller that it.w but lha�je not -eb osen -a sit enl. t been A w 4- mer years, and W man aging hearem coi Id jud e from what he had. gaid, it new pier. of May gelebration.,'W48 is for,41-a time a the balance of the fund raised, for orose- 11 be necessary to pot in con have the riATH4 runnix g order. large as in for outing the counter petition, whi rt, r ttee will have to goown into their 'The Concert fil the ievenij: al E. Gilbe ho ha i Wen attending CoLrinii. derful affair, an has cres d ch; h ' 6ot that their abors fast June'had not been in —Captain HaicA, who was lost with his the Nollmal Schoo b Michigan, re- po 4 has ore&. wide-spre. been expended in''necessilry and I it mate 04ts to Ma the de6Ciency.L at -+,Oil an pupils) Was also i intero, s:t and mi M'y our rises. Butwe-th vallu$ vessel in a storm it lake Mi Ii was - Fli (,eorge Jewell, " L e L r. ind be - hoped , he Liberals of th Ic llg&n, turned Exete eek, o ivehiulep riding l 11 ; expenses, will be returned t� the strealle il�ers Provir ce, 2 fact the people irrespective -in-law of M r. George IV to his ho ast w W-. - I LSIiipk. Ben. M,-,- that,the an On, ement: -of t jilry, -of r .:to the fund -of brother Thompson, of -were al�iut jaevexitybicy,_1 I - I Both petitions had ben �vtth- ing to s , -ery large, a e tumor, 'Kenzie a "Bell Mack," a, in the Iry, of d troub esom ae%let, hours' .,-.liberation, t iat they 66i�lo dran, each party pa'Yinj its own;co Political P clivities, who desire the Prov- f Goderich. Has been gifol a running race -8 thrown over'the fence by James C. ROSS, �0.1 1AXI ince, to tain its present proud financial —M r. George wbieh ving for some time 0 Wa lias leased the pattitlei-1- ml At le f Londi the aid f is neck. On ceivednozerious in the past Vottie O� a, 8.1 law Of Mrs not reeL bi rprise as 'ai 3, . The following officers were then dly position, a ould take fro on, son -in- tt�s' la.st week, the horse b6lting, but be re :bor a number lyeats, iii '*en, Reeve (if e,died on Thurs lie un r went an ope performed by �Uew sideu waals" ge h aelected : George Mclij.� and se to t that in f0are no trifling pe day,' last njury. The usuaL number of falcirz were, goom- lieral hat t e prl Oil-, President; ­ R. B' McLean a of week, fj om ap 45ection of the Dra. An Los and 4,o [lins, Oil the grounds. place of the one tbat v UIL Vile L 111L_1 _ �Uitt 0 d be ag ed, -wbil in Presid __"'ee al, iecti Dual or national d heart. ers �a few ai4- Tuckersmith, e x ifferences may �alld 1, tumor the LoCAL e T las t duck egoll wasjkeino It —.41 A �8' ent Th "Oil -size of ved.' The pLa, S. Gidley Blyth, as- ina c6 thei i to imperil'the life a Govern- exander Porte', of, the Clinton- tient is doing wel taineld their guilt, bat none ere readif0t � t Fraser, Stanley, Secretary George i in- sisted the E.Xeter band -on Queen birthdayi Well, Exetert - Treasurer. The ment at has proven itself both �trong and post office, las a cop of t e first paper print, —Th I . Dyer who' was fnjnr8d at ft dif eement Oi the -jury. Th jury a f.ollo ng honest i � Karnoe ridgi 4c -c ss the river and did noble� service.=311 d ten direo In this town, iig too �efitlbmeu With a Gov'qrnment ctimposed of ed in the Chinese lang*age at Victci!iA, Maitland, which h 8 been L iLin ffurdou;� formerly ' sub mail Ve f were elected chairmen shalc Rev, -Mr. saeora, 'of ti eir respe n tiring t e IAL q ly Cal L f, 8 powe Uen a resi- fol (Juittal arl 1: two &gains Oat o th of t vacillating men in British Colum�ia. at sctive in unicipali ties: weak ent an St eph- conditic d I Imst fibre eals, ar Molson's bank here, w Church, preseched LVIS fat a —Mr a rmer i b t dentibf Ridgetown for some time i r d efence clai n to get'& good d en Ontario woul soon be reduced to J. 0. Curr.� well- nol n fflldms n oil Saxitir a y n1ii, it, th pasto has 'S, ory ; Usbor unday.—Rev. Mr. 0 Win. Lewis; Exeter, Thomas G 9� the P, . sition of t resident of Goderich hasibee as there w nst� taken chargi of the �bank her�,, and has e other Provinces. i isfac ion, and a e much more sanguine it . �w ne, James Ballantlyfie; 11 Ll nstew of being we t wi . th commissic as no PC -8( U. OIL. e time, the Rev. -Pr.. MeD.onaM. of 8 ovel. nmont Joao wilfilou be has let to stay. Weelcome Mr.Hur- ed. Kibler ; Tuckeromith, R. 13. M a. from deb Wer by the lian moved here tban"before. he br' ave a nowl eaforth cI e, �n; libe : i . I I int cl. T le others will -h it -al surplus iii the treasury it for taking affidavits, -very wcepl�ably in the P Win. M. Gray; StanIv,Jchn.J' the jol, fop a new one. a back to the vilJage.:l--3f i 2. E. Ward trii tI, t the 1411 assizes.. In the meanti e , etelien; Bayfield, would b ce� 0 the —Mr. A:, bert E. C e load of do r. Jame verge' of lendepning, a no tiv� of laml4ket enit acros i lib(itt i r our befor wi. l6ft for RiOgetown� on Tuesday V the guest Of Mrs. T H. Thomp ic �n bankru ?toy, 10, A . ivy. and fe r. Ward takes the pogii w Y ave ain in y ri- Goderich Townshili, B. -Switzer. and be orced to resort to Dunianpoll, but now & repident of. I nffi;, r the will h o r+ son. it vent down, tit, I W61 is that, last. , M high Aii tion. XueAtelof direct axation, as fUrl � are vultures lia4g. was recently appol'n dia director f 6t 0 daw i tog a *i was vacated by Mr. Hrdon.-;-Mr. Richard Knechtel. ' W1 Mr. McEwen, the newly elected p* . . I te Jelgj I-- fng aroind'the Legislit ve balls at Toronto Mon'thead National Banli. 6 both did 11 �b -Charles —Dr. 11cm. Mr. d-reenway, #e' Premier derib, took -the chair, and thanked the ire t- ir Pollard, . Leadbury, ape Thas en bpatman' ec V di the a i nl� a6t Tuesday in was home a few Alwys 1"t, ing for the honor the had done him. He "Well as at Ottawa, w io have to be fought 0%44 to the 'weiglit of dressed qax of Willi in Fe the village.—Mr. Walter iWestcott is ceeps silence oo Y rgnaon o r hi er of death ni toba, still ff an([ ib takes, otro nf men to do' th i TV on the sell felt less. reluctance in, accepting of t e is. stored in essrs. J. & JIi ;Livingston's store- - - ";; . -0hurchill, of Turlvxr C To I re 01 b on Fr4d 1 #th in t. e4 'had come ing-relatives &r, Holmesville this'weel�.—Mr, liss F. Pattersonj luest ion. p ters ho a.trtemptJO position, knowing he would 'be supp i �d t, al;hough the Pamns- did not secure house, Brussels, the, floor, joists gave Av�y. to make sho 7t vi it xig!iter Mrs. dther George, Robert H- I E71- ll, f Walertox int�r,� iew him le',& he has nothing, to the balance of power,. a id although for th6 They will have to be rerlaced. w I Thomas Daw is visiting his � b and aided bv such all efficient staff of f 0jW Dtinoap &Martiiii ilin ril prior to re- at Mount Brydges, this wek*.-1*f.r. Thomas say., 4nd reason da, 'iarton. He 'Airs.. J. W. Riter and, i 'as Amy moving, jo invari' -8, and lie hoped that each one w uld ie had tIready at ated, it; was a, for- —Oil We dnesdsy of - ast week Afi B. Carling, 'wife and family and. 31r. Robt. v. bly turns th,; collversat;16 t'' ate thing The Doti yet the his guests of Miss Blia, Cornyl Holvelv-,r, a 'Fi lin had ir in- f oitterly of BrusFels, i uni6ed Pickard, wife and family int', �ther cha do il�g best to lc��p tip a thorough orgal took ill jjvhil�e ful 8 91 n lonsumPtion spent QueeWs tion �in his Mu 'I xence in the ouse would be felt and in inarijage to X1r." (3eorge Awuskla , - ()- I birthd It I'd of did its fi 1� I w ay, visi in rel whositsontlieGove 1BY WO Ir. , q �ujorl was tfo Cut adian M. nicipality, as thorough orp b uld leave their iinpreas u n.tWe leg. Seattle, Wa;hing.ton Territory. rk. atives at Bran rd.— . arnam, wife and family, of Te e zatioll is one. of the principal eb-. lation of the country, and he -be! leved that C. ars m4n 1s w 2; Old, and had Mr. Thot 712 me Iments of success 0 et' -eldes iv I - side, is a. ;hority for a statement th t at the'polls. C. 1" ne, t son of or Iii Court 3, jol Iinanyyears. ter p. tir f )r Brantford, spent the lat n their present position chey 'co ild a iano, of Gbrrie, has phsoed the Confe6tice art of last -been residing in Lbodon t a -b.11 will be lonlught, down'! at! Addresses were then delive ccom* .1 1 Three d igh week visiting relat the- present red by Mr. 11. bre goot t xaInI tc to a4r, d tv o sok !survire. rves b6re.-­-A very hea 14cLean, M. P. P' - Mr. Isi in han. ty wouk have had - nation, takin4 an average of Iove VY home. n, a visit.. 11-e� .ve -1hey se�ured wila C�6 60 r s sor roh4 And the shower of rai and hil; pas ses! �ion which iv 11 rol the 0 Art4olics A, Bishop, er ion' furnishes t th 06ught, while they -per cent, in allisd6jects. sed"over this M. P. P. ; Mr. V. -Ra& reeve of Step I I , followiv,� part culaH C( no r Ing the town place on Sunday last. Aeased to see: ber lo n - —During the past Maggie 1 and 4 wpupy p9sition less embarrassing to —The other day 11r; Harry GidIC;y,,Of ',n ing taxes t6 the p`Lti,blic schools,. �rol I and �he.Liberitl can6iAa`te for. North 1mile ship of 1 ast Wawl, Isb : Nunliber'of acres week the farmers..hve been paid8l. per thein the eter, sl B.* u8bel for tb alamber vf girl friendo -on give 01 dlesex in the Domindoll; Mr. R. 'Vill se es. Ipped on av- nail, )vhi(C1 went of! Itt" J, 1, 7,3Z nui ri I !r, f acres cleared eir wheat and peas.—The iWn. ir hare 'f p blic. money votl 4 Rx —Two 4 M�IcLean then referred through hs shoo and entered. fo 29,279 otal val i 0 -isterfal ssociation held their inonthlyrneet�', 4ay, ladis fom bert ,or public instilliction. smith; A !to e several his 0 But tfiti P) al fl ioti ng a raillf a I e and personal f Tucker' r. WnL. Duch h6mas Davison, re - m P dt4 is lie had given (I tiring rlre� ses, ion or, as wound. wi be left file rig, Haly:�; Mr. J. W. Wilson, Stephe� - 'Xi r pro 1119 bare on Monday last _j)lro. j. V Goi i erty $1,1,7,6 41, rsolis from 21 Iht� of- exaA- I& Called it, "gave an deomit of his —Mr, , �hn - Watt, s k, 1 has 'Vhbfiias� Fraeri Stanle r., Alex. 1. r.�, of Harloc, -er is x catle of Scott n ouneoti6rt vith each A purchased a -very finie thordii,glilhred to 0, 42 t; childr e it 5 and 16, 411 Crock -isiting I-elati-ves in Loudon.� to Brit-aii.—Oply a, m in- d .qtn al" teachers: in Oatholie, fard,� Betteefield in 21r. beek, Hensll , d bet en nd 13 e een 16 and 21 The contract forl the buil 'Of a band and of ftipr S. 'oP he 9 c an eXplanation, whi h seemed Durhanl bull fromINIt. Jolln Watt, 1rom -here -to Soworth or. ary sing the6e schools- iol ber. tand on theitown hall pr thOf 8, 9-; bi5ches, 1.5 resoltiti6li was -unanimously passed il '0 13 f ully,understood and be�,rjtil y endorsed known stocleraiser of Salem', Ofitario. ne been let the 24-th�,' AV� resuln.W proving of the a —Mr. John 'McMann, of . eafortli,: '73 - hofp, ard —The i) 1,90 to Mr.. Ric4 enalre officlono. TZ bill *ill. not be'ar nduct of Mr, McLea Y_ is all ience,', as the vot;6� of,' approval cat lie, 5� 095 ; she Gould. Exeter Sat for the 11th of Jtdy� TO viii ]I was utianimqualy pa astfrom' Winghain on Tubsday oodlant, 6,71 Go i ernment ineisure, but it is stated b �Ook horses 1.310- acris 6f m 7� - well ia now in full oper the sa commen ing the. CO it e �ed, its well; week acLes aw 93f'; _� I On. Lew engine uA 4 great number Of thi molls. 01. 8 uilt to 88 erej o;,Iv I I j resolution was tyle in- � Sendorth the itv, that it wil the iev( It he had � pur- gar Ion, 4 vheat, replace the -one which wo, rea, a I � 8 howed - Fie S' i< stroyed by proyal COMITIonding, M Ra, , to tile electors Ill inethle surroundin' I avidylon, an &�-ed laily, I -meet thd a� ho had purrmed Is i 4nip, I the Legislature, Pa he audat ry reirlarks Of ral speak-, 'twet t -on'fine hoisca, whic of orchard and house sit the Sable bridge is being b of all th' r. -Chu d Conservative members f g country.: The --At the clote f 0: 01 Prue ice —Aliss Rann e. concluded itb 0, oulogy C re roni RSQ to $120IF_ at North Middlesex, and e4r f. 41 the Gov- prices paid we f r in 9t. fire on the 20th, Butt, Kip- ceptii,Ig Afte es a 110P,( r i (G)e rge's 6nieh C -for isome time, Ils, we wre en or Rccrftits, fro,, d last 'Alr. n,.-,Ybo has been visiting relatives ad. C.61ninn oct�� -somewhat, better.—Alitel his -success - a the forth ei e sah he had-Igrig been a warm Mr. Joseph Mason, �hoto k the Oppositlon W -will, he i ppI iort grapher, who - W J. Dowding: ti�. g cho6- master rrtuds here the past few we �rer o e, , returned dencea on account of .1 said,�more than,' er and on ardent adm'' has been. res ing in . W ingliam for about rejeived -very killill' subatAntial ac'. bolne� on Sunday lsst._-,LWr. Win. Gundry, 14SCOtt, daughter -of I Resolutions of thanks to the Chairman a, dolt 7at i buf, he I 'had f th nine year past, lett wil d C I linistrttion ilever '�h kis wife an(I fam- kno wle'dgment of ma,ke up th, s lo s, so that the bill will pass.1 secretary, and to.Mr. J. T. lo and of Goderich, was in the village on Tuesds�r, W stcom Of lily on W dnesd Oje i a e of �his� Death at all times is saA "odeca Exeter, were passed, when a very pleal a! I . t �cen so 3roud Of I hem or o thoroughly1con- ay morning, last week, fdr faithful ervices in �h'b t. gel in- oil busines.�A rneeting of South iffuron The kn ig itin� o +incied c f the safel iy of - th: best interests of! Drayton, where he will start a -gallery. f Mr. Joly was 'quite meeting'was brought to, s eldse, but it i i, . \ \ i , CID as while McColl, formerl3F'in� M vitc d t row, the Pro, ince.intriiated to th —Mr. o ineet the of o dens tiLlid rector Conservatives will be held ii, Hensall on surprise to ma�,ys* as that G. -in e -Son Put. dbwo like, gentleman his bool' house et, o I arldreses June 10th next.—The�.brok, I Mri cLeatf, in his addre ffitt�n � ay af ter ( ay watching their course. wQr � re wb Mr.H. C 9 eadi an's drug qtore, Brussels, has -pies, bal 'of! Bishoys new house is c6m 11iss Scott, wasn estinis� t of olif ics for some.' time. Ali 'e'x:- go, afte ad to been out of I ? , the Choir Is e strong G'overnment, composed of is - nal examinati n plete Lroodl 0 in p4rmacy, in a favorite wifh AU. Plinlentilig thq ciliairm I on'his si UCA01 LS V thel ot er from 4 ir rt: ?r I change �resum, s. that Dr. Sehultz, -acti�jj prresident�' zy e , Men i i io a e always able t6"A&e. stan�ling well to the [frout in the lionor list on 1�e id wardens * Dumberof Lucanites spent the th in Is th and. the good fortune of th A ef - 9renfA s.bd Other relativA ny positionth take ; Ur -ho' -are of gtaduates. Mr. McColl' *ill efiter intfo of and heartfelt a -th e Cot I gat n. t'4e 'for ' er plape_—Our lo Lieutenan ey in hx t m Cal horse bu e Ur. ohn Sincere 0 0 Sy w s accom anie b ' i hit e 1chair for Snell, purChas-ed six fine 11 I orses Mondav munity. t '."ovtgnor of Manitoba was hoh-1 ciati R at-auring so g' od a pre iido n t, e I r v convet iant With every detail, of parth rship in a drug business in To! ronto. 1 wdin and IIA -ioraver `-for his ut T 0 o 0 ored becaus , du,r'ing the pas few weeks, he It �ffbrds me is g. -eat deal of - P �ea M 0 8 ror last.—Mr.Sam. Priskator,Bktronstreej, so many �f artments, an e other ino o uple of pray. ook. -O.UXTUvay. t ieir re ective d can"give -On 'tiletdi t6meet the Reformer: it 'e, ing while a go d wife' and t ter y a- beautif al had a valuable mile e w killed on the. rai'y has betin up to t e� neck in poditics. a 1 intell gent an satisfactory reason for Clint( 1 heelmen w�re out f6r a epin they h o Iweek 1. there'.passed. lKAVA, ort &III on residents of this section) ex -pen nd who seem to take as wheel 5 big wits bad enough, but he.. inis- +,w 3 ca si�,.O yoi �did me the hono' r of i Clecti ng rr, e' loads of t e on" Clinton for -warning to owners of co .Sir C'. Van Horn, who- has just ka tni!ty t hav _h bounci tr South Htfron. As 'this- is the first po - very item had a collision, which wrecked one of the clock.. ast Nveel road track by the n' OF yc 11 of liture, a 41111s s1iipped Thureday night Of last eek.' iThis I e had of meeting 'many oo of admi istration and e Mr, B an a business tr�p as! ourkdp�esentive in tho Ontario �egida_' <. eep - fOrtune o being two miles from home was V rent rut (Ito Mon treat from, an interest in the affairs 'of the PrJv 1 1, 1 WS not to ;I let them -suffererfor msfay montlis . . I - I . . The thi r eight I 1 6, eraged run at large - i ice. and e cercise s worse le J� turej it "y be properfo�*-me n you were as i.riternall complaint,, but b. to -retu - not as t h� -A rgu ment- wits heard by the Pivisional fol Ows A Fist 1ortitud. to Nelki, )�or k, uIl u interviewed by, a report reat care ip. their coil- I ttle over 1,300 p c h, ad my uncelie al o i in connection with e and e'sign i I . !y coulf, 9 )!, 7 head to his prophJiCY.­tII# id heart -h ks - fo.- yo t ieir own persona b iness. He agai Court ip Torbnto, 6n Tuesday, last week, in p, : I Dy ust WM I er, and still adhorEs lt� than Psi in rell -will yet work last June, gJ ve'n' not. so M,I,,, 30 pc undo 'W. ie�, head, Constan Fri,& we wheat each t2- a lie 90 eated. Iiii remakk� '-previottaly made, that &Ili( ay vs. Town -ship of Stanley,' my behalf as in the ite -eits of good, I onest, appeal- 6,( 50 p onains 'W U - Alost cogiltries in w .oOnds Ja ei: rni h, If allatt, 7 t, HL-Rosr DISTRIECT says tie def6a t, of th Alowat Governmen at f om order of Rose-, J., in Chambers, hi8h whea i,i pro IreiL undeconominal gover t. it he; regular where high OL t ie prese P time, wo 81 0 p( inds - mles, Stanley, 5 neetingof the Hroli- i City uinmitiority WiL Of Master -in Chambers re- District, Independen and were afttlxwarib. grown an p,,Iodu arle. is trile rl uld be a calamity to tt e yming order �d 6,3130, p htnide': t t. of Crops, and i �aot so larl �e 6nd hn lill Our, tan- Order of Good Templars, was h,0141 at C I rovince, I and the � people can pot be tc o sing to changei ventie from Sarnialto Oode- III �On Irightow-4 ce s&te case 'after ou.r victory was not go decided as man3 of le 2 head 9 715 uds Umb, in, Me ofi IWQ,3 a. It wo or three t tankful tliat this was not accomplished it r . Judgment was reserved. .9 1 ;1 .� Hicks, 4''stance on Wednesday. 22nd inot, heid, 5,050 - when a 'was a smial and frimIdly exti eme hf ad'! '!,,615 R. goodly liumber of del�gate f.roln d the differimll -tidnal issues and eltments to co 2 I-rish 'pamentuge, an _v rears of its c6uld'have desir (1, llu� we Aad ex(e t te late.(16aion. —Xiss Maggie Matheson, of Ripley, had. Steirlini, (14pre sion'in he pried ritend w. ad, 2 2 ent I d or 0ges were present, -but to -the ilae oth � is trie ? %_ . owl, tiol �j�out me crop, thatl so f te misfor�turle to lose her pocket hook re- head, 2f 4 �6 �'ck � e Pla d which ellem"ents". iwhich neve - had before, � Lnd - - o �4 hei d 550 th ce. of meeting bein c;ntl�, which contained a sum of ?romises'bet ter which I ti4ust we wi 11 not have again. A money. five: g so far froni t e rail- --his kerewved fdow,-ba urns. -If only requir�s a i latt6l, are f God 611 to, �n� I News of the Week. Miss Matheson wa, I P. road'a num�er 6f lodges -fire 4 hang kil'awledge of this seemed �o inspire our op- -9 registered as 0� paqsen- —A most pl" w�,�;t, Irt In � I north _f of fr( M.- re to t 'Professor Ch r on t W and te'As ugb terx� aU en per cent. in thq DEAD. thir 0 c a presen, y ar r. anders,, th er., deter a chairman of t6ology R e arrival of the boat, when she dis ove Sympathy of the 100111111 w tO Se wev ortably provi for, r. it' residence of kil id'Vx4. Ss ma ere vae a very Interesting and profita Amberlain, fo tile Cambria and waf the were not able to te re ted' pohents with a ope f �Uccess in Ml conces8i Tuesday meeting, and e derab vorld's whevt crJp to- result in a deficiency Ca olse'd tbem . to 4o ic of the R e reg of the 3rd"L lisfead of a urn us,.and u ' ' I a nat onh, fc rined Presbyterian Synod," in, Belfast, 8 berloss. - on oP 8 1 te.pt Ch. bw rp nd�ly low prices a nilanimity and it 2 eal, n t -to say biti er- night, last Avee biLsiness as 'Oeci being the trameaveted. The dead. Charles' H.- 0. Jones grand...' ': nooll 0 re nearly &I wayll followed by unduly high ness,. which they 4a I very rarely exfiibi e seasioll was taken �ed son of celebratioil of �he irty-fifth arn itersary of up with reports from in for#ier collite e "xperience of ibee RF.D.—A Mr. Hugh Moor0and, of West- "pus lodges, rices. to. Th OAMPIWR FAINIVNE FEA camph( r Wawar oah, their weddin J fto 0, t gratifying the van D aws - fa mine is a repult of the w died at' Los Angel6s; California,* o 9 committee woric etc ito-howeier; and e close call we hid n Way time was �Pofl Irlet as a h between!�iipan and China. aIr - P The t WEDDI.NG.—A viet t� in var�,otls 6 u iements for whole is doing good work fo -''the good a war 2nd, aged 21 years. Dece shoult I not -be forgol tell by -our friends, Fnd in ased'o mother. ives several houry 11 t db oown td: 11 in .The Montreal]Stav criticizes rather se�- st mmer I)ring cholera and dysentery, the in Chic go, and he had gone to, Cal o t elegant cause, and the Prospects are e icpumging. we in the Methodietch ift rnia and- dainty. . 6d After a j.. stice, had The district has grown should spur*them OIL to increased effort, and demand f1or ckmpho t, and been done to t4e g od i thin nrx since justnego Of vina. erely the bridge debate, and those paper's greater unanimity cf purpme. I r wi I be very gres for the benefit of his health. � P it i. price will. increae e ormously. in nu iat think- attracts attention' in the In sorpe lo*litioi also, t, , showing a gainof 4$) -tb at i While turning a stopper out of a bottle sumed their air�usOlneiitw un members. jpard ffr6kenshirs, our know there �Veife d 6T TWO YE H a a asonable Broler E. Dawson, wh oun-try. TI e r dubs this defections from 6ur ranks. A few who , ad ARMS�' H nD L3oit.—Ocar in big laboratory � one. day rece,nt*lv, Dr. hour, wheq all depar.t4d, Aiishin, . 0 was ed by The eeremony:vrag perf Its alsupersti,- foim�ely voted and worked: with its, �4ad �1 ilde was fc und guil . on - Saturday of in- e misfortune . to cut at lid host the Executive committee , gal - - 1 -1 -- - Milne, of Blyth, had th aa &strit fectur- Eby, -1-U the �Preeftce ion, and s&5 8 at it is all rank nomense. decent practices, and,whs sent . enced t n the thumb and I and h, I ei s allthe hap! inesst] ii Porld can er, handed in his report. his left-hand betwe! felt it their duty or this occasion to vote 0 two ore -t afford in&tbat they -til Iffte has 4ddresoed Mr, and Mro. finger by the bottle ,breaking. It required live t). It the first pa� "it is not a debate ut all tursi bar(] labor. Alf�ed Taylor, who' had njoy'the a large number of meetings throiaghout the igainst its, while some refrained from Vot- Celbr Ltio 6f their di ond jve� snoat pdptilary�nuu.g en, previou ly convietkd, was given a a in the wound. i e -o'� d! place, a- ing altog6ther. 'I hope, however, tha, -these 1lose up, ding. The' trict. and labored hard for tW chase who W Ad in the a' good, deal of it . i . four stitches to C preset tJ re both nui. rous a' dis "and Ied by all v& ila sentence 4The Clinton a4 xiseful,artd it is to be b I. that nine its precious i idefections are only temporary, and f hat New ra, says On testifiedi --h goocl' t to do the budget. the high es in in vi fr.jends wish e ich they COME -Ii It those who, at'the late election, felt it th air Monday Mr. A CIilontelofi shippetil ne irly were held. 1 )IiZed 0Xrou is effortilsk, -will be se- t is sonictirr eE d.j!scribe� as a se il * - di those of e to gee e d�ughter of the two hundred hogs. 'The lamiers frol w ioni —Since he ep! on of thhe IT ot eleatibn of- Of- a new �Coat of lit., aigi� specch( s, t l�k.ed t6 the exp e of Hamilton, will;be the ricliest heir- they were bought were more Iniesville fibers for the current year t mieo-'of canl� duy -to part",froni us, will be abl Y HamiRon, th tlye' her. earnest worlers. �' The ert isteno- their way cl 'car to return to our ranks slid- In y tin t e cheese fac ry b ipre nts a fiii 1 P )eara�nce The - following en ap raphers of Ha th us one Engl It The e tal from her ea. shipper, as th e' - market fel I I I I officers were elee igmin sitild, one after another, and, -more for:what we be- af rwar ki, an and is a or d it ft the illage. d : hief to eop� Miall I lieve to be in the bei It interests of the Pr v ta�e alread ount .t , o7nemillion dollars a the buyer will have to suf �er whu, v r loss work on n( . menced Templar, H. B. Chant . 1 4 ith little reil er ae to eiLch other' jay Mlt7j� t CUR a ;, -Vice' axl. year. k e The position. n South Huron'was_ al. there is. amount of - Th Templ Annie e t all, Cons. ce Dis� ing the earth fbi�,ku Pilk Wken in that �day­ as 4,� Ax _N A DS HXTSBIANM--�Q'Ount � 50 trict Co ontri 14a,rd of Trade co"unall bas ve Boni- —Mr.' Robert� Ross,- of Istan1v lie poundi,at l. wheu. it; i a fu uncillor F - fa6e de Castel rbrin g ermhWo w lotise. 2 n III ce his summer rebu fr 0 Wingliam - S. J'T A llias gone, "overn 0,0()0 id bs he epe( 4 to They Mari L., arnham es to blel t publ hat -Blyth - LOW1011 hich- 1 1 W, lug wwarde x pient, at Ottawa w pleme' 8 e 434tild, has be ght for' - e_J F 1 rits w I the ground baln. Thel%f �iiost duplicated in r iference to the.. Go one, whomarried Miss A na B u' field,' will t r it. Owing to thi existence of the ?e'r enshire, xell v I I It will, - hendone, be one, elve che sea toe firm no e, Iritz h the 'Domirtion GO' the I �d Fly. vult ibe *24tb v solution' n ave' just.referred o, on the Avenu Bois de Boulogn ; in Paris, 1 .. gest n the neighborhood Of wMiller 'Clinton; eti A.,i 34. taking Cue vern- bad a meeting of 'the.Legiglature beeril h Id. on which be ill build it palace the size b Illaket lim i, but ijn odri vill foi the sea. Auburn gannor in �r tly -irged to endC;Lvor diately after the election, the Go rn- e Cin i t I lo - 1, _. ent is,e ne H is buy- a by 110 There will. be stone fou'4atiory son. It i� lail ibrouked - ; Guardf Gertie urn con_, imlle ing race borse . in Wi vi.- itors as stance,; Secretary lain vietoribus. men't would have been in a minority; t iat E ligland ng 11 be.used wfound- rm� ar o, berWi I lut th a numbe %. h s �e H43*er b4fOre be 'i in de 'bert' is they would not balVe had a majorit o er 'it will e new. and Tre6s 4# ent of Ne an4 unriva, portion of' rence' th he overrun Ile tablPe.1 and is fo P t f the old tim rt of MGregor, Constance ; A. 8 - greater factor -3. lid, or possibly,: as the Imperitil. Govor OQEAN Q�Tt heco tracior Mr."INcKenzie, L 6i-fd e r 'Jiatlain, Jos" aimette YK sboro Bruss all tho.other factions in the Legislature,, al- he steariiIer, —Mr. John Cornyn, lyth ASSA0Z. aW of andL hil as qtan t,, Mr. Co Past Chief Templar, J.' (t,. re cer- ent is profolind interest'ed �n the mattej,. though the regular opposition were ni- ch fro Xel� Y6k'� arrivea at Wingba u, and Miss Stewat t, of N y k, tainl[y le*! ing 4� ere Luck a. infor I, arrange a confe el weaker than the on Toriday. sister 1, for Wt only the now. Brother J. G. 3,,1 ent Wed ondon,:Englanil Logi_ la, as Corrivil loarm, timely,,Ihu� he e cient work rdoc rosiTon *p )ueens wi a 6:55 1 -N es I Fx ice in IL Y w re lin the- last Queens She oifjAl rs. Thom of IVi;4 t 94VId .� J I I in the. dre . a oplen- and-were lar ursd4y� Iasi very ort at . . . 11 d . idad od Templar.)) 30"y d A, 0& Ll. The e sp ker showed av,e -fin -from Canada" go rip e in nority. he 40 minu tes, ich esta6lished a record for week, in, St. Pa6ls church, Wi now that tw'een the del gates x! tare covered 2, SP7 iles i 5 days, 11. hours,' were fin�t&l in marriage ol� Tb so on "The Al �seemed to lei b im and' e t ue ood I I - 1v1 r. Jo I )nl ea rs to uii- e lars we should ilways cul, -fi oance. wer. nconriged L. G. Wood, the' rector, �f nighing touches to his wfou Ll' is,, the Patrons Of Ind * -b�iil,. lie ese that to be ndland. ewfo us the lonj r te., ghai4. Rev che mak' , ndland.:be t ed uthe n Ptia derstand hi bugirlo'ss,, tivw R socia. ken fat o conside rutio%, it would, uiido - bt- 6tate of �A pe manent in- knot, in the presence of a namber of lore the 01 position still lia PLAirhl, o -v--1 SUN wit'l� the assist- bilit and indnesstoou the U. ' OT leaviq for fa, i rp�o a �AY; It pe ja pla invite once of his brotherA -Is r fellow n ten, and and and dealers Ying W, 0 3 ton, will rincples of integrity and honesty should ly be m boolL to ;he merchants of* being able to emb4rass the Governm bamball in �t. guests and spec. Vile t, P innes tit Trs. no doubt in ke 11�lrne.�vile 7"eaf factory e- implant�d elves. He etart's next i tn on -Sunday ! has bqn, —A verJr pr in. Montreal a kd -boo,' once t eir a dent d this'was, no doubt, one realso he te� in . Ita, Eett Nveddirif I 'took plaae a p9pular. r 4r ters; Brother n floi tran tl e dls6ict court'. Captai tb M r. T h Law -ill be alsy Au -nter 09 of so large a m er of rt e residence of Offias- May, of Hxe —We are donipelled �.Ini rason, who has been trict; --and �vr reqei imb, ecretary sire to see t prote ts. :y is re we td clironi- for- a nximber of years,,. amd 0 is Inow liv- Snnds�y school Jai —The it negotiatious� be 3ut t ie fates wagainst the orted, to have said he, wo= tero on Wcd-nesda� evening, glt week,whe cle the death� of one of he, old t esidents dn.� in en Canada abd[;Newf9undIan P' move hi�' club t sotnC other city' if �not 1. his youngest daughter, I'diss ! Milin, Middlesex county, d resti ed. )ositi an and the were not deoti ed lowed- t, 1 play a L nday ball. I I w ki V thisweek in Melville 9 ie, of Hullett,; u the persoil of a as very ut: should thl 'of t, e Provinces'in 0 be realized. - The first set -back they I ad united in marriage to Me, 1�11':Ontifi Idte John dly�of- A committee tended.—Court of, -the Henry R Garrett, s,I who lq_ jnd�y, �we a was aP 1di d s le rew nation of their able leader, r. Y ev. Ge Org ][not. Decie sed was or'll .1.11 After Va t )§A A R rU33&C- —Formosa III n The nuptial knot was tied b of appreciation to Lhi I Dininion. --will be Uld Alb-aday o ear very grievou declarec an independent re jinek;iishire thanking Constance lodge fort e" -way in lere lith, -w io accepted a judge �public. � Tan kson 'a the pre ence of a few ofth�e h England, o March 2,t rl, , I ship., - I g� Jac 8 There are, olily two ancial burd. n 01- Ching, I)rmerlY Chinese GovernoiI I , ear Aprii -1 the UeW SehooWill lbe 11. addition to those illey tinr thi� was the un hos been relatives. irMch they entertained the dele ge with other final proceedings, the sead lig of I 26th, 18411! e was nni 'ed in m -A ric 8. and ve already t �Y and there is a' suspicli —Wisfortunes, its a rule, never come sin nideting was r riply that the met- ti in. Kinston, and of chosen I resicfein T T Nilr. S&'v --vening- At the last i his beloved ife, ;%oho ?�ec�ded is ntrtice brought to 41 close. board, fir. ThLomat dhts of Monire' and the rest a �Ve8t;'Algoma, and the.subse. that Chinese o cialS are at the bottom f gly. Mr.R. ffeywood, of -Clinten, is con- into glo . j st two I yel hem" Ol prow of Quebdc itent el the! movement,' which will probabl. _gh �ned to his room by' inflamma ght profit t1. ere ion C;f a au;porter of he Go � 1 4 . Y tory rbe'ma- his ii - n 813 - With -f eated trustees, and 'y v"Irnment in three chi'd-Iteri ach of the vacant constituducie Japan ti ouble. I tism in one of Ilia legs. of -whom, ----------------- mis d, Aent This gave --'ST T . 1IR TuRics. —In the' course f about oil WedneE While I ing Mrs. When am, went td ji in -prot"t dis se AGAT In he Govern' 'S r.from Arin wient a workin majo �ty am( astL week hi 'o ng the*spiiit o �land aIbou Bar a ie cam Stanle3r. I other in The tales of io. enia are n6i' ng his erm6u inthe City T day, I be. ii t eir own supporters and des;royed ihe mple, London e HALLIDky 'VS. To,,V- endin* j)., 0 1 est daughter# Vera, aged. about te y ars, to Causida i 11852, loe, -mitted to tbe Minister M, e- I est. despat unda,T,l Rev. Joseph Parker, tiu� at in ph, and OF STAN-try.— Tplid that heZQP . . . . . clies 'a that opes of theOpposition for . reacl Ing PO"Or remaining t are me. 'llilIg to ai fell from a fence and broke her arm. The following which Armenians the On y ac Millute for so n6, t appeared in the court reports in the Toronto papers on Friday e eas tion to be taken -on behalf th On Titektay eveninj,* last iveek, asAist- -accumulate nbre pro ert3,(::,. ihL n tarient. - - terri end of Turkey tiring the present Parliament, ar &110W� 'flit Armenians, was a war against T Of 160% ide a f1vill be of in last Tkz *T%vE,-TY-F0 .i . :: eclose-of the first session, the' Go Offie for h teren to the people of thi inL a conditi -ing� o urkey, ant Postmaster' F.' W. Collins, of Exeter, permanent Mae f an ie vxov . n starvation. Ne,,n- Snc� a war would be Oiei most hoI3 the fo L. e ne ent Can count on L r, bumu" � me -t mith a very painful accident while to ie farm upon hich et[lived up appeal by' def4enri- In _e ll.pordei a -safe majority O;vnshiP Jfidgmentn -6ne, and the fo addition t tlle oil f, n try- remov,ea trages of the Turks 0 at and' righteous one theL world had eve, to ride it colt belonging to . Mr. A. E. to the L inle ants from order of Rose i ight-mers lw0TC jn �b I ait seven, and oil most occasions the� ill knoyvn. titille hi's death. )Out Chum I �re new liarrassed by, a h;i,' ng nant. The animal made a sudden bers, ve a much larger majority M I months L dismissing defenaan.ts, ap iIiie"atlon iment was a, lbo#ball than this, as r Jump, ago he wals s ficken with b to, change K and Pmoris.—The an&threwhimove her head and then �truck in complicati n with other t �,ouble erich I Actiob 0 to ki I �hat many 6-9 the poorer -tf iere are few divisions on which some of he ine a Abv.kN_ci_-;c. WACHS A -onchi which, the venue from Sarnia,to God yare, between., L Consolidated Wire ny, L for damages for injuries received vation. nt aail Compa him in the face wilb her front feet-, making in his death, abbath eveni 'b 'n pe ting mills at Locktowt, Illinois; *St. a lar -and painfu gash. n M tiff while diiving in L $to I. Insels, b 3 al Mr. Ree, Price Ivell no kresi, ent the township o 90, U1,, MrI Lean said he now wished to s 8; OLou s, Missouri; and Al —Irrangements are about complete for of GodeFic'b, led on' VULe(r a Mier of Out . N or s respecting the Patrons. lie - � ;rl and Pitts- which is iu the County Of -)nade- -Pre- 'arlo, ac- n ed crowd their ir Oliver Me -fe%� e ley sseg are d i -�Pf star Pitrons Will not support the Governme f ur ennsy vani 'th annual vention of the lipanied a d. ireely tell them lie was, largely in a M- 'a, as riotified its holding the four ' ing last fendants swore thq they would iquire where,,-vertytilig was -b P It 0,000 con week, after a illness -.of e% Iffuren. he de- rg ek whom "The fORDWing is A orie! is d A it was resided it), the"townsbipof ' heartily ndorse nearly evefy. plank in tb ir ait has also een advanced. effort thought be )uld n$cover; De ase � cy, t Farmerg' Trot—lat on Y . 10 mion,ixi Until about aj,6 8 at the tnal y emp, ovees that their wages will be advancedi HuronCount Christian Endeavor U �ee`,- ' Aghter and patIly WWI that 0 -anizatioll, and lie could -r cent. o Y 1: months. twelve 'Witnesse ed from tre4l ay last b June Ist. The ptice of wirel BI th,6n September 3.rd andAtb. Ail - all of fo� le pl Ltform.L But for . was one, who lived in the Con Gamb1b, Tin-m-ulo 1l0CKTX 11 known Ta It At Fort Wayne Toronto, address the convention wi� varico IV Englnd. Sir : Oliver all that, he -must a� so n �i I - I I be made to have Mr. R. N. Burns, of we taill e it wa a fortunate thing for the Pr( v- A 8 AcciDENT. — A list of business mit Goderiell ntY of Vertb s P'artly on b si egg and partly for l�leas� �sOccessful; Plai-ntifswore that she herself ill.e that iRno�, the 0! xpec a shocking runaw a Loah een prepared and a born i ,it t1I �Y , of a bircus,, ' ir, Le�'cettef ire, J,'nglad, there y did not obtain wb, .,Ind ther day, during the parade'i practical subjects has b u t nd a worthy He wa,--f nia, ind �,geven of her witnesses the' lived 'in a_ and e s tp! be absent about: four �s ayy cid '44o lived of I 9 on U U e ra 0 n �o at the last election, the balance of took, place.:. t 0 ent,' most me is expected. while two lived in the wwriship, of linlite Trot—l. a ght ; enjoyable ti sai 0 r nada, r. Pom-er in the Legislature. 'of last She also swore that, in her,blief, Duirin Ips absence Hon horse o k frigh at thei' n NVednesday I-ning, in led fo re Stan]. He had every elephants, a NyeFk, eaching this &)un n Au 'list 4 "be 29,31' thereey rdy ill t ed4fidence in the i -jumped into the mii a as Mrs. Porterfield d- Setiling in vill 'Would be a great danger that she ey- tegrity and hone8ty.0f Somerlid, a6 as'Premier and Attorn dens crowd of people knocking thet i down into Listow f 1 11 he li" ,d there At of el, she had n viving year. tRyJe f atron contingent in the' years, would notave a fair tria at Goderib. .8 .11alf mile—ist, X. IS the Pn IR e4eirience 'which twenty-tiv bydozens. iktcen were then mcv-d io K� oderich, he -Bicycle race�lst NV re. But it is a Mistake to su mber ' for some S%v h e ro started.busi ritly re- Legislatu wh more or egg in- she will be likely to reme h also swore that she had not as the Farmers) Sun would aiM Ost I d its 0 nes I in Y, 1880. covered from her injuries. OYS .r Ve pose, jureq, some of 0-M wilf die. time. , She had her infant with her, also a af Nas- 'readers to believe that all YOU, to travel to God- DisTi\(1-11I8I[,EX0, VISMORS.—Sirdir t e jp FI - 11T XG —A fleet of J ng girl, daughter of Mrs. John Cullen wa'ei gage , ter his arrival, ii t1l itown he erillo, but that she could, witbolif, risk I e— Lowr ralla, Khan Hie p atr%D'usl ri wa4ips hs arrived at T in. the milli I econdsonofthe' meer : h-na.+ . A n Ell b isin th- m eo a t of Form"osa iper' mi I being then rJOW Visiting 14,ng -e ang elitrated in the Patron orgaraization, T Xpee e ame rice. Hart.& o spring am of Afgbanistan, vh i _ b Nvest C and fi b is ing on the 6th concession, the horse bee Prpiceer' Af UcBafiu, 2nd -.Seo not be allowed oil the, one s de to i - ap r L, 01 sell-sacrince arp COl- nortl on t. e o 81,0WOL. When near the. r lway or P Ilea carried to the court house in Sarnia, The L rder of the Master in Chambers Was made -louse, ar patriotic, honest and self-Eacrific oli the 2nd March r enJin, at Dorchestei I lie. e d.. I'll London Sta er'tbe des� I ructio: of he do� m, s race t c1c.f.,ion, before the time not on he o0wr to I land, will udar has a fri�htened at the Kineardine mixed train, the decease I edntin V*edl the, four L il��5, and tbPdof the inV men dispa�..�h frc m Shanghai -stating that the: which was then approiching, and in spit Od feed Judge On the 8th March e of brane of the bu Boveft&e n I 10W. years nd notice of trial given,for the Sari& 11,eLachla-u. '01d assizes, which be - A. -0 0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- —�— A -7 7 - - ----- a Ain ITHE HURON. EXPOSITOR MAY 311110,751 MAY;! OEM LOOK, AT YOUR UIBEL The Subscription pr . ice, A the �xrosrron, if paid strictly in adv tmee, is' ONE If you do not renew wit�in th,on months of the (late on your label t he prke will be $14.-25 ; if yoii do I not I enew -, 1within six. niontlis of the date ou you - lal 0111 the price will be No paper will be alit longer than. one year bofore beillp pai(I for. Send --renewals dircob to I this office. Money sent b� registered- letteill, � post -office Money order, express mont �y ord.0 or draft, irsabourrisk, Apost-offiiieorderiapto-.64- costsi only two-, cents.. The chituge on y6tie-label will notify you of our receipt of the inoney. If' not changed in threeweeks drop us 9, card tind we. ��ilj trace, the matter up. I Addre-" all letters an(I inake all chequoill and 6eders payable to McLean. Bros. When remitting money ( 0 not fail to gi e post office address. When notifying no of at anve of addre s -do: not fail to give bothold7and new, Pot office address: LOW. at YouF -Labell NEW, ADVERTISS1.'MENTS. ".The fisrurlicbetween the pax entb9sis after ea 3h one denotes the page of the i apor on. which t so advertisement wih be found. June Sale�­Jacksoxx & Greir. (1), It Pc.vfr to, Ito to the Dest��-D, Me �achlt%n, (5)- Hcu-je for Sale-Ww . Prendereaj,. (5) Bgv�' Clothiriz-AfeCosh & Jeff eq. (8) 1 Lolud!falk Dill& Stware. (5) Excursion Tickete-J. 8- Jact4on, (a) German China --C. W. Papst, (5) Grlden Opportunity ---- A. Hauslau h. (0) Old Price --:-W. H. Willib Cedar Postg;m-B. Gerry. Get Your Photos --A. 6ausla6xh. 8) TAg Snap-McCosh &.Jeff efY.. (S) Lace Gurtalni�-blcCoslv & Jefferv. (8) Feed Business for Sale�lflneliley Lamb.(5) Machineq-T.Ifellis. (13) 31owlDir �;!) - -R. wil 8 Frencn Kid Dreming Calld of Thaniz-E. Nablo, (4) Decided Succevs-& Mallett & Co� (8) S_-reen Doorall-a. Mullett & Co. (8) Receivart this WeA�-Gilroj & wimman. 1 (5). Larnp Shxded--Fred. D�Avls. (8) Coff ee--Fred. Davis. (6) Prices Dow-ummossommaFrod Pavfk. (S) Wash Doardr�—Fred. David. (8) (!.6 $EAF611TH, FRIDAY, --Nlay' ;Ist,. 1895 The Don�inion Par.ia�_, ent. There was not',it.iuch grist J rorn the polit- cal mill. at Ot a%VA last w6el;-, TAe Senate s only. having periodical sirti n _gs day. now md again. The Cottinions Mio ned from XTed-riesday.- of last week ur tit esda of his week so as to allow nir-mbeno an oppor- nity to visit their hoin es. , On fl ir ret n-rn Tuesday t4ey started in c n,' t1i r budget Iebate again 'with renewed v ggqr� �ind kept 'It tip until Thursddly inorninn at 4o o'clock, when tv. divisi6a was taken oll. 'S", Richard. rtwri [,It's amendryient, . Inlov d about -a. 9 ilonth ago, condemning extr ivagint expen- 11ture and declaring in favor of a, tlariff for ,evenue. -The aractidineub was lost by 71 uvys t 0 117 y I C a v I ng a niallf i of 46 or the (lovelainent. If this -ote -Rprosents lie feeling in the country.rhe pre -0 le are'not et tired of the National PC licyi and high ration. On th is as on alinc at e ! N[lery other ireasion, the Opposition had deci'dedly the i,est of the debi&t.e, but the 6 uver.itm elit got �e votes. U There..Be Another Ses,§ion ? The question. which 'is now samevjqjl�it agi- ting th Public Mind -of the cohatry is 0 e Vill there be atiotIfer session of the Domin- in Parliament after this on ? A report une-from Ottawa a shaltinte 4g,"D tha� it las decided at a caucus of I thp Cori . serviti 6 - �embers of Parliament tha�t v nother session' fter this, one sh 6uld be helil Thi s report Millis to. be strei)gthene�,l by asentence ,hieh appeared: in the Ottil %1I a correspond - of the Mail and Empire of a few days It says -. " This is the fifth, a -lid perhaps, tholigh not ne�csssrily, the last budr,et debate of the prese . Paxlianient.jy Thoull-1111 not necessarily,, the last,"' is .ther auspicious, and looks 4% if it was de- P ped to prepare the pub lie i v ind for -it more ffinite utteranbe in the E-waie direction.. �riatly speaking, there should not be all- t her session Gf- the present Parliament, c though a sixth session can be -legally held t the powers zo order, but, except tinder ry extrae'ril.inary circumstai ces, the con- a 1ution nev�r-designed that there sh�uld' h. .nore than five sessions. I ou,6­er, thr. werunient are wise to detay, the evil, (Jay P loug as possible. They h �le rythi I 1, C �19 9 gain and not;�iug to lose b del"Z!, RW w ay trone to the country in J I Ine, I;$ it wM1 [dently theit intention at one timp to do �y would have been swept ti -t exist" f .e without raero 13"Llt., tillies 4�.�e now re ely-to be on thellmead, and with, sper- fe i tinies the people are' �.pt to 1, .1oa k weakuesse!j laivl short comin�fs,ou the la A of their ruler'. !I The G'qverti�wnt, no' In ibt,,jinderstaiid I this tilo 'to y- carf Only hang I _1 (f I Nr and if 11'T together Ion,?,r, and do b( 11MI, to pieces fraVa shcel, ottejilwss, it N A not surprise a iy ouc. if t iere s[ auld be ta, (, uo t ed �ther sess�ion, and if the cicktjous� �Jj .e place until rrex'tspring.. of �urelv, after all the uncerti inty (I fool de there has been- baut a -e- e ra 1) million I , , B ,tion, e I yeryl perizollshould Ilow e 'coil- ced of the necessity -of havi rl� a fixed e for th e'dissalu. tion of eaffli I"W''liamea . t the ho Ming oi i� gene ral c lectioxii. This ha ortan�t event sho'ul , d not be left' to' thp ch at or 6 of � ii-�pa rty le I to b' lni Light put I as pavi y a(2 n -c�sitieios pi C off� - I dict�le. Last Nvintm- the who 4 le. er itry wqs kept in an uproar by the ex- . .; th atiort t I hat a general c Lecti Dn - w u Id al . are t certainly be hold 1 nniedialte . I The In I Of the public was uns to'led �and ex- an 1, and �rnmense injur . Ava done o every fan Liess interest. This s ou d not' be ull- cla ssarily I permitted. A do e s if uld be iteIy E xed by laivr for Lhe exp U tion of ife of ai Pa�fiamortt- tin d r the ol Coll 011 Jection and no nt;I 111eneral o- Govd, I e :ssiag. 'the confideliell 0 Parliament the (1- 6 (lis;olvj� parliarrien A be alloNve t goe )ringr on. a genoral election,before the ure ir dates. Peoplo ivolild thell! M 0 thave a 'te wssuranc6 OM th e-vact dates at- Ha 1 an election -wofld b( held every time, Get u unscritpulaus, (;ovcrnm,,nf, for the "Se of stelain" a )arty ad vantage, would ruh keep the co try- in a stA;e10V_ -une r.- whither he went immediat aly, upon. �rrival in the other �arties as we I., The Patrons Ciiinese officials at Tamoui refused tol allow , the efforts of ulpants, f, the buggy,' sincerell quished it andsta�U4 the grocery f� in y a c urT ll by false ts* t n' t a] irms inLondon, for six weeks. His isitwill are human,z like the own as Rees Price -on the 19th Ap .1 t f usi and they the Japa4ese to land, hereupon the! ships i -the horse ran. into the _*oii. A idow been the c Lse cost Oe Government 1 $33, Inc usive of have their ambitii r" 0 tram" The last cai - firm kn gan fil Is past year. - Wh DIIS and f iltiesiast 69 we returnedto Mae - instructions. -and four children are 4eft 'to ino_v'rn his Was potpobeld, owing A ju�j . I so for -i thei dimage that,will restil frowx' t e habits hae. I ; struck tfie.animal !. n the. Is 6ulder, killing i entative aoe's no't 11tte t11 'a great HAI'1114-u.&Kja FvrAL1T1XS. —Fifty persons illim almost instantly. 'Th , buggy, was that some rep A Cabinet position -death. witness for the definyl on of the 00 -natives in his att te. The'. mperi-. attractions for a Patron I e� d, —A Vancouver, British Columbia, pape 'when the apealstme be] to put nee led d us.ef ul legial it as'it has for wore kill6d And,thrice that number iiij'ured,l wreck �d, and ftis. Porter I her baby - - - r i u.ch --anee met wi th in the visit of his i her to the leltders of either of t e iother parties. by recenV earthquakes in T urkey-i Of.last weekcontains an Account of. i"tion was in a difforent and cA mpanion were throW.On out. Fortun- I -,a seri. this on thq i st book? Su rely wo �dj' Bngldnd debarred bin! ffoi I being I i;ged in And although the Patrons haa no� desire to ad, her fia� Rose, -trial coula oettotl ately )oth Mrs. Po little otto accient which happened 0 A, s the Mee at on ottped without much injury. Migs L IcCallum Satnia Or Godrich:itntil -0, royal palace, its R n for.. t76e de GO�,ernnjent, McCallum, daughter of Mr, JohnA. Pay the oul better than Qi1ii Atill ary to 'vote feat of' thei e disinf4t the pi 1901 th Ameer Yet ciroumstances� might hatle aiisen, and Huron Notes. She' talk I int rmi �able. talk, wbi LL is of servi 3e. well ;,be formerly town. engineer of Groderich -eave was asked upon- tin fiis.1uite6'ccuI#edaftei they e urned would, ly have Culle ever, didnor, fare so . P % � I There are' ix bi cles omwd is, by further wffidaviUL as to aiinosecertai &risen, which -twenty-a and her sister weke awakened one tight pd inflicts a se iotis xpeoib --to Afghinistan, The. , havin her arm br4ken at ue co, o so.�* The Op- �B as wel, heir roLotu, and holding ested thist to no peravil, v UnI, 11 lion of would have fore4them to russels. CY thp. wrist. upon theyeo If there wo -ka by the old masters i Chem r House a w er that- all *ere'not killed, I as burglar entering t inIgg were fe r thrpe- osition' as we all, kn —Goderich 01 f I . aw, art I eye readyi-to Meebanics' Institl4te c Dtitins thea, It -so. The injured 41was. taken to a lighted match over their fat -s to Vlaintiiff. would have ree n covered up to p rotect 't ei i from _g . see if hour speeche4nd-more u§eful.legial tioll�,6f hw bee espouse anuatisei,or to adojt.an� principle, 3,,150 books# and has a inemberalliP of 137. Listo el and the a'rAhl attei 1 (1 to. the ableeP. The -girls I)oth screamed -to attend -at Gmderich. the distinguished Visitors, a no matter ow antagonistic bo their former —About 2 witK were i must be doalt with ae nd Br t' ih ffi 0 teachdrs 'were in atten daiLce tomera in BI- fright, ana the Man left the room,when pea the fiature indicated, people 4ould n)t ll�vldi -4 je t taff and. some r-er; are in charge of the tempor H, r esi. views, that promises to help theni to office. ab:tbe rece Rose Judived out of bedflan'd. rushing to 'were nt convention held in Clinton. liott's groleery s(orb, Godeti, , got a,. sur- Miss exhibitet' to"the Alm so Much of use ;0 complain of, 4he ta :8, even dence of tho Prince of Afghan a an, to Had the Patrons Maintainea the lbalance of --Reporti from th' -Bell miller -wb �.ri the top f the thewindow raised it the -court ought not to loc keep it as ar as Possible, rom bei j d mi 8 t e vicinity of prise e other' day, and called for help. In if �Iiey an hig, its they. niiiht th m- fbeU powef � the Legislature, t1l4refore, the first ay tha the outlook for fruit this SeUSOU 18 tove went up to the -coil ng and several her excitement she leanedou- too far and or listen to ouggestiaag�c her balaince v1 in aged. move of the Opposition would very poor. t OiTthue win OW to that they ver� 'g ht,.1east. sbrnbre�-- hm�e . been,to fell -on t physic, condition yardsof pipe 6=6 down tb; he floor., Tile losing adopt one of the' principles- to milich the �J ackson Brothers. of Clinto undbelow a distaned of about is - n,, are on cause,of the agitation' wali he stove being the gro, in -per ease. 1 to SOUT ]HU—RON—LIB A L�- Patrons are irrevocably Oledgeo, 1 and Make Plying tile -which, not -to be maAe, tnrp for tb eir ioney. e London bicylse-1 feet,, Her fall was partially broken by the suits for" th atuffed full of'straw and rubt: �sh, application. 'in the Gov- Ingthe pinion the .1 it a w ant of 'Confidence inotion club. No fitab floor on e end Com ents. I A Meeting of the, Reformers freely, caused aii ,'plosioli. roof of a bay window on the.� burnin 7 N South 'erAment. I'll order to fedeem their p dges R.--Leisiliman, of. Eaat %Tawanosh Which he struck. This �e .3luilges,that the pla%tif robably. saved at�, ke'eP up aPpearalites Jill the c4untry- raising arge barn to replace the one bnrn� —Tt e contract for the em� 1 11 of the new Miss McCallum from nstanfideath, but not iie �1 ace of trial is, not I Huron as constitulted� for Provi is I 'ur is damm -was done. The, dis ib ion of Unighth )odai ci b rth- R ill the i they are gel ra poses, was held,J face of what was SuPpoied to'be an ed last, wintor. I. day honors, a e Cal 164, uO'xworth's hall, Hanq4l, Main a ireet A] etb6dist chili �`Bxeter, hai from severe injury, The unfOrtunate young . . . . . . . tO.b c1losen and iu this ta Impending Dominion election, pho Plitrops, —A valitable cow belonging to J01111 been P varded to l essrs. Rosi,, Taylor, and ry Urday last. Considering-- the bu iy �ea- Wly received ve seriousAnjury were this 31ear.1 �i e ffel'om er shown that the defendal, ul te num roui, and I mong ho'litafter how reluctantly, wo4ld have been Brown; of � Grey, fell -he other (lay and. and anasty iculp wound arm. a Mr. W Howa -the formcr.�! t44 carpenter spine year a � 'r ril, gode N�prt ly shofilders. f theqe h' 11 Of the ar a Ithe forced to support !this want Of confidence broke its lei. It had to be shot. over ritly work u; id the Iatte� the ilia soul ivor. The whelming" -or even fu6t thiLt it was'.jimply,a; imeetin I "Motion ma Thursda, ora tend toi de he love the orlor ppositi6fi, ti�d the alit Church iii to be., completed by I November, -preponderance' of env_,E�i re�ipi a Y1 26tb inst., the inf Exete for th6 EM Iganization purposes, there kvas &� ocd at- ;Gove'r irnent would. have bp�n - defeated. daughter of David and Alma J. Jamieson, of n aiid an part from the qufttion r general and coriplete,. -witIl. a - i org-m 0 gue- 7.days. I pip ne thi I n an- organ I Dr -the Sunj boo] ill cost over Qup.F-,qls BrP.Tn.DAy.—Q heave loyal�y pread over the Domin on. ay se `gysical disability an pirl the'e should b 3 a U * . Now, supposing the Governm�tit bad been Brussels, died, a i tendance. The President, Mr., J h y -n shd off very -fair trial nall, df Tuckeromith, havink ban defeat d who itre-'there on ttlopposite si4e —While driving !ong-a otreet, in Gode- $10,06(. celebration in this village p, iizt ed in his could .1 , -be W It wa' ei er-�Mo ing, Hugh Muro, dray- _M, l. j es well, without anything tran iilz to mar should not be chan ecte�lthat Mr. . R. Mered to tak 3 their- places. There a -re onlyfour rich, the oth esi nation some months 0, the in ae ling am �oso, of i �oekport,. New members of the IreTular p I coition whom intial, found a gold the duys sport. There was Imlissed with Costs -to Plain the Ute leader of the. o( io 0 P P", led to or4er by th,- Secretar I large number .:i,was or . r. Nork gentlem-k yposted '1 .- tehod, chain. �Paitio I � I . , tiny sane man woul ever.thiikofmakinga �Mr- John Marl ay, of Clinton, has pass- in Alto is t droughl, ntatl 'Thomas Fraser. III opah g 6he;i n,;, ae It he' * �4' of P06 le present to witness t je -races which n usiness, s leaiedl �tbe Winliam woulo ha fi ired mong th number, hnt 9 Cabinet ministerLof, and tilde , in compar- 'edthe final. exarninatioh at the 4choolof ultu ve g i Mr., Fraser explained tha i the 1,xem ve tme irnill f�otn i 31r, 'V%i i. Clegg, for a took p ace at the agri unds, , In Wingba appaiTently b ovqk� b r ison i0th the me Pharmacy, Toronto, staill I o ed y !Committee had met on that day ain d lad mbers. of th Governmen'tt, ling second on the at all the worning, at 1:0.30, a 'Umpian pro. rm years, 11virl Rossbaspulled 0 ocAL Tclosed,. tip the bu areatbest, fourth or fifth �ate men. It. �,is p.attil If In a f n.fl get cesj Gracious Maje; ty.. / - . list. L Bpv,—The A siness in connection v -ith he in f duery sion took place, h ad y th !Union factory 'a met I lant Xeter the'late protest. I amity if the brass bdu,&. The.-raclas e murder of the yams b Governme turIng Mach Dery� as well con � 8 d lKverythi would be little short of a bal _!rhe ice durit g' the spring freshet On of now rianufao, to v erewith had been katsfae t of the Provi Inp g n n nee should fall in. the Maitland river a i ' red the bridge at iefitrin the en boiler (,to., iind will. in each class. The gate receipts were not so Th th �rily =Ie­tcj'iOd 0 1 to the ban, Is of such men. M. thought his Beomiller that it.w but lha�je not -eb osen -a sit enl. t been A w 4- mer years, and W man aging hearem coi Id jud e from what he had. gaid, it new pier. of May gelebration.,'W48 is for,41-a time a the balance of the fund raised, for orose- 11 be necessary to pot in con have the riATH4 runnix g order. large as in for outing the counter petition, whi rt, r ttee will have to goown into their 'The Concert fil the ievenij: al E. Gilbe ho ha i Wen attending CoLrinii. derful affair, an has cres d ch; h ' 6ot that their abors fast June'had not been in —Captain HaicA, who was lost with his the Nollmal Schoo b Michigan, re- po 4 has ore&. wide-spre. been expended in''necessilry and I it mate 04ts to Ma the de6Ciency.L at -+,Oil an pupils) Was also i intero, s:t and mi M'y our rises. Butwe-th vallu$ vessel in a storm it lake Mi Ii was - Fli (,eorge Jewell, " L e L r. ind be - hoped , he Liberals of th Ic llg&n, turned Exete eek, o ivehiulep riding l 11 ; expenses, will be returned t� the strealle il�ers Provir ce, 2 fact the people irrespective -in-law of M r. George IV to his ho ast w W-. - I LSIiipk. Ben. M,-,- that,the an On, ement: -of t jilry, -of r .:to the fund -of brother Thompson, of -were al�iut jaevexitybicy,_1 I - I Both petitions had ben �vtth- ing to s , -ery large, a e tumor, 'Kenzie a "Bell Mack," a, in the Iry, of d troub esom ae%let, hours' .,-.liberation, t iat they 66i�lo dran, each party pa'Yinj its own;co Political P clivities, who desire the Prov- f Goderich. Has been gifol a running race -8 thrown over'the fence by James C. ROSS, �0.1 1AXI ince, to tain its present proud financial —M r. George wbieh ving for some time 0 Wa lias leased the pattitlei-1- ml At le f Londi the aid f is neck. On ceivednozerious in the past Vottie O� a, 8.1 law Of Mrs not reeL bi rprise as 'ai 3, . The following officers were then dly position, a ould take fro on, son -in- tt�s' la.st week, the horse b6lting, but be re :bor a number lyeats, iii '*en, Reeve (if e,died on Thurs lie un r went an ope performed by �Uew sideu waals" ge h aelected : George Mclij.� and se to t that in f0are no trifling pe day,' last njury. The usuaL number of falcirz were, goom- lieral hat t e prl Oil-, President; ­ R. B' McLean a of week, fj om ap 45ection of the Dra. An Los and 4,o [lins, Oil the grounds. place of the one tbat v UIL Vile L 111L_1 _ �Uitt 0 d be ag ed, -wbil in Presid __"'ee al, iecti Dual or national d heart. ers �a few ai4- Tuckersmith, e x ifferences may �alld 1, tumor the LoCAL e T las t duck egoll wasjkeino It —.41 A �8' ent Th "Oil -size of ved.' The pLa, S. Gidley Blyth, as- ina c6 thei i to imperil'the life a Govern- exander Porte', of, the Clinton- tient is doing wel taineld their guilt, bat none ere readif0t � t Fraser, Stanley, Secretary George i in- sisted the E.Xeter band -on Queen birthdayi Well, Exetert - Treasurer. The ment at has proven itself both �trong and post office, las a cop of t e first paper print, —Th I . Dyer who' was fnjnr8d at ft dif eement Oi the -jury. Th jury a f.ollo ng honest i � Karnoe ridgi 4c -c ss the river and did noble� service.=311 d ten direo In this town, iig too �efitlbmeu With a Gov'qrnment ctimposed of ed in the Chinese lang*age at Victci!iA, Maitland, which h 8 been L iLin ffurdou;� formerly ' sub mail Ve f were elected chairmen shalc Rev, -Mr. saeora, 'of ti eir respe n tiring t e IAL q ly Cal L f, 8 powe Uen a resi- fol (Juittal arl 1: two &gains Oat o th of t vacillating men in British Colum�ia. at sctive in unicipali ties: weak ent an St eph- conditic d I Imst fibre eals, ar Molson's bank here, w Church, preseched LVIS fat a —Mr a rmer i b t dentibf Ridgetown for some time i r d efence clai n to get'& good d en Ontario woul soon be reduced to J. 0. Curr.� well- nol n fflldms n oil Saxitir a y n1ii, it, th pasto has 'S, ory ; Usbor unday.—Rev. Mr. 0 Win. Lewis; Exeter, Thomas G 9� the P, . sition of t resident of Goderich hasibee as there w nst� taken chargi of the �bank her�,, and has e other Provinces. i isfac ion, and a e much more sanguine it . �w ne, James Ballantlyfie; 11 Ll nstew of being we t wi . th commissic as no PC -8( U. OIL. e time, the Rev. -Pr.. MeD.onaM. of 8 ovel. nmont Joao wilfilou be has let to stay. Weelcome Mr.Hur- ed. Kibler ; Tuckeromith, R. 13. M a. from deb Wer by the lian moved here tban"before. he br' ave a nowl eaforth cI e, �n; libe : i . I I int cl. T le others will -h it -al surplus iii the treasury it for taking affidavits, -very wcepl�ably in the P Win. M. Gray; StanIv,Jchn.J' the jol, fop a new one. a back to the vilJage.:l--3f i 2. E. Ward trii tI, t the 1411 assizes.. In the meanti e , etelien; Bayfield, would b ce� 0 the —Mr. A:, bert E. C e load of do r. Jame verge' of lendepning, a no tiv� of laml4ket enit acros i lib(itt i r our befor wi. l6ft for RiOgetown� on Tuesday V the guest Of Mrs. T H. Thomp ic �n bankru ?toy, 10, A . ivy. and fe r. Ward takes the pogii w Y ave ain in y ri- Goderich Townshili, B. -Switzer. and be orced to resort to Dunianpoll, but now & repident of. I nffi;, r the will h o r+ son. it vent down, tit, I W61 is that, last. , M high Aii tion. XueAtelof direct axation, as fUrl � are vultures lia4g. was recently appol'n dia director f 6t 0 daw i tog a *i was vacated by Mr. Hrdon.-;-Mr. Richard Knechtel. ' W1 Mr. McEwen, the newly elected p* . . I te Jelgj I-- fng aroind'the Legislit ve balls at Toronto Mon'thead National Banli. 6 both did 11 �b -Charles —Dr. 11cm. Mr. d-reenway, #e' Premier derib, took -the chair, and thanked the ire t- ir Pollard, . Leadbury, ape Thas en bpatman' ec V di the a i nl� a6t Tuesday in was home a few Alwys 1"t, ing for the honor the had done him. He "Well as at Ottawa, w io have to be fought 0%44 to the 'weiglit of dressed qax of Willi in Fe the village.—Mr. Walter iWestcott is ceeps silence oo Y rgnaon o r hi er of death ni toba, still ff an([ ib takes, otro nf men to do' th i TV on the sell felt less. reluctance in, accepting of t e is. stored in essrs. J. & JIi ;Livingston's store- - - ";; . -0hurchill, of Turlvxr C To I re 01 b on Fr4d 1 #th in t. e4 'had come ing-relatives &r, Holmesville this'weel�.—Mr, liss F. Pattersonj luest ion. p ters ho a.trtemptJO position, knowing he would 'be supp i �d t, al;hough the Pamns- did not secure house, Brussels, the, floor, joists gave Av�y. to make sho 7t vi it xig!iter Mrs. dther George, Robert H- I E71- ll, f Walertox int�r,� iew him le',& he has nothing, to the balance of power,. a id although for th6 They will have to be rerlaced. w I Thomas Daw is visiting his � b and aided bv such all efficient staff of f 0jW Dtinoap &Martiiii ilin ril prior to re- at Mount Brydges, this wek*.-1*f.r. Thomas say., 4nd reason da, 'iarton. He 'Airs.. J. W. Riter and, i 'as Amy moving, jo invari' -8, and lie hoped that each one w uld ie had tIready at ated, it; was a, for- —Oil We dnesdsy of - ast week Afi B. Carling, 'wife and family and. 31r. Robt. v. bly turns th,; collversat;16 t'' ate thing The Doti yet the his guests of Miss Blia, Cornyl Holvelv-,r, a 'Fi lin had ir in- f oitterly of BrusFels, i uni6ed Pickard, wife and family int', �ther cha do il�g best to lc��p tip a thorough orgal took ill jjvhil�e ful 8 91 n lonsumPtion spent QueeWs tion �in his Mu 'I xence in the ouse would be felt and in inarijage to X1r." (3eorge Awuskla , - ()- I birthd It I'd of did its fi 1� I w ay, visi in rel whositsontlieGove 1BY WO Ir. , q �ujorl was tfo Cut adian M. nicipality, as thorough orp b uld leave their iinpreas u n.tWe leg. Seattle, Wa;hing.ton Territory. rk. atives at Bran rd.— . arnam, wife and family, of Te e zatioll is one. of the principal eb-. lation of the country, and he -be! leved that C. ars m4n 1s w 2; Old, and had Mr. Thot 712 me Iments of success 0 et' -eldes iv I - side, is a. ;hority for a statement th t at the'polls. C. 1" ne, t son of or Iii Court 3, jol Iinanyyears. ter p. tir f )r Brantford, spent the lat n their present position chey 'co ild a iano, of Gbrrie, has phsoed the Confe6tice art of last -been residing in Lbodon t a -b.11 will be lonlught, down'! at! Addresses were then delive ccom* .1 1 Three d igh week visiting relat the- present red by Mr. 11. bre goot t xaInI tc to a4r, d tv o sok !survire. rves b6re.-­-A very hea 14cLean, M. P. P' - Mr. Isi in han. ty wouk have had - nation, takin4 an average of Iove VY home. n, a visit.. 11-e� .ve -1hey se�ured wila C�6 60 r s sor roh4 And the shower of rai and hil; pas ses! �ion which iv 11 rol the 0 Art4olics A, Bishop, er ion' furnishes t th 06ught, while they -per cent, in allisd6jects. sed"over this M. P. P. ; Mr. V. -Ra& reeve of Step I I , followiv,� part culaH C( no r Ing the town place on Sunday last. Aeased to see: ber lo n - —During the past Maggie 1 and 4 wpupy p9sition less embarrassing to —The other day 11r; Harry GidIC;y,,Of ',n ing taxes t6 the p`Lti,blic schools,. �rol I and �he.Liberitl can6iAa`te for. North 1mile ship of 1 ast Wawl, Isb : Nunliber'of acres week the farmers..hve been paid8l. per thein the eter, sl B.* u8bel for tb alamber vf girl friendo -on give 01 dlesex in the Domindoll; Mr. R. 'Vill se es. Ipped on av- nail, )vhi(C1 went of! Itt" J, 1, 7,3Z nui ri I !r, f acres cleared eir wheat and peas.—The iWn. ir hare 'f p blic. money votl 4 Rx —Two 4 M�IcLean then referred through hs shoo and entered. fo 29,279 otal val i 0 -isterfal ssociation held their inonthlyrneet�', 4ay, ladis fom bert ,or public instilliction. smith; A !to e several his 0 But tfiti P) al fl ioti ng a raillf a I e and personal f Tucker' r. WnL. Duch h6mas Davison, re - m P dt4 is lie had given (I tiring rlre� ses, ion or, as wound. wi be left file rig, Haly:�; Mr. J. W. Wilson, Stephe� - 'Xi r pro 1119 bare on Monday last _j)lro. j. V Goi i erty $1,1,7,6 41, rsolis from 21 Iht� of- exaA- I& Called it, "gave an deomit of his —Mr, , �hn - Watt, s k, 1 has 'Vhbfiias� Fraeri Stanle r., Alex. 1. r.�, of Harloc, -er is x catle of Scott n ouneoti6rt vith each A purchased a -very finie thordii,glilhred to 0, 42 t; childr e it 5 and 16, 411 Crock -isiting I-elati-ves in Loudon.� to Brit-aii.—Oply a, m in- d .qtn al" teachers: in Oatholie, fard,� Betteefield in 21r. beek, Hensll , d bet en nd 13 e een 16 and 21 The contract forl the buil 'Of a band and of ftipr S. 'oP he 9 c an eXplanation, whi h seemed Durhanl bull fromINIt. Jolln Watt, 1rom -here -to Soworth or. ary sing the6e schools- iol ber. tand on theitown hall pr thOf 8, 9-; bi5ches, 1.5 resoltiti6li was -unanimously passed il '0 13 f ully,understood and be�,rjtil y endorsed known stocleraiser of Salem', Ofitario. ne been let the 24-th�,' AV� resuln.W proving of the a —Mr. John 'McMann, of . eafortli,: '73 - hofp, ard —The i) 1,90 to Mr.. Ric4 enalre officlono. TZ bill *ill. not be'ar nduct of Mr, McLea Y_ is all ience,', as the vot;6� of,' approval cat lie, 5� 095 ; she Gould. Exeter Sat for the 11th of Jtdy� TO viii ]I was utianimqualy pa astfrom' Winghain on Tubsday oodlant, 6,71 Go i ernment ineisure, but it is stated b �Ook horses 1.310- acris 6f m 7� - well ia now in full oper the sa commen ing the. CO it e �ed, its well; week acLes aw 93f'; _� I On. Lew engine uA 4 great number Of thi molls. 01. 8 uilt to 88 erej o;,Iv I I j resolution was tyle in- � Sendorth the itv, that it wil the iev( It he had � pur- gar Ion, 4 vheat, replace the -one which wo, rea, a I � 8 howed - Fie S' i< stroyed by proyal COMITIonding, M Ra, , to tile electors Ill inethle surroundin' I avidylon, an &�-ed laily, I -meet thd a� ho had purrmed Is i 4nip, I the Legislature, Pa he audat ry reirlarks Of ral speak-, 'twet t -on'fine hoisca, whic of orchard and house sit the Sable bridge is being b of all th' r. -Chu d Conservative members f g country.: The --At the clote f 0: 01 Prue ice —Aliss Rann e. concluded itb 0, oulogy C re roni RSQ to $120IF_ at North Middlesex, and e4r f. 41 the Gov- prices paid we f r in 9t. fire on the 20th, Butt, Kip- ceptii,Ig Afte es a 110P,( r i (G)e rge's 6nieh C -for isome time, Ils, we wre en or Rccrftits, fro,, d last 'Alr. n,.-,Ybo has been visiting relatives ad. C.61ninn oct�� -somewhat, better.—Alitel his -success - a the forth ei e sah he had-Igrig been a warm Mr. Joseph Mason, �hoto k the Oppositlon W -will, he i ppI iort grapher, who - W J. Dowding: ti�. g cho6- master rrtuds here the past few we �rer o e, , returned dencea on account of .1 said,�more than,' er and on ardent adm'' has been. res ing in . W ingliam for about rejeived -very killill' subatAntial ac'. bolne� on Sunday lsst._-,LWr. Win. Gundry, 14SCOtt, daughter -of I Resolutions of thanks to the Chairman a, dolt 7at i buf, he I 'had f th nine year past, lett wil d C I linistrttion ilever '�h kis wife an(I fam- kno wle'dgment of ma,ke up th, s lo s, so that the bill will pass.1 secretary, and to.Mr. J. T. lo and of Goderich, was in the village on Tuesds�r, W stcom Of lily on W dnesd Oje i a e of �his� Death at all times is saA "odeca Exeter, were passed, when a very pleal a! I . t �cen so 3roud Of I hem or o thoroughly1con- ay morning, last week, fdr faithful ervices in �h'b t. gel in- oil busines.�A rneeting of South iffuron The kn ig itin� o +incied c f the safel iy of - th: best interests of! Drayton, where he will start a -gallery. f Mr. Joly was 'quite meeting'was brought to, s eldse, but it i i, . \ \ i , CID as while McColl, formerl3F'in� M vitc d t row, the Pro, ince.intriiated to th —Mr. o ineet the of o dens tiLlid rector Conservatives will be held ii, Hensall on surprise to ma�,ys* as that G. -in e -Son Put. dbwo like, gentleman his bool' house et, o I arldreses June 10th next.—The�.brok, I Mri cLeatf, in his addre ffitt�n � ay af ter ( ay watching their course. wQr � re wb Mr.H. C 9 eadi an's drug qtore, Brussels, has -pies, bal 'of! Bishoys new house is c6m 11iss Scott, wasn estinis� t of olif ics for some.' time. Ali 'e'x:- go, afte ad to been out of I ? , the Choir Is e strong G'overnment, composed of is - nal examinati n plete Lroodl 0 in p4rmacy, in a favorite wifh AU. Plinlentilig thq ciliairm I on'his si UCA01 LS V thel ot er from 4 ir rt: ?r I change �resum, s. that Dr. Sehultz, -acti�jj prresident�' zy e , Men i i io a e always able t6"A&e. stan�ling well to the [frout in the lionor list on 1�e id wardens * Dumberof Lucanites spent the th in Is th and. the good fortune of th A ef - 9renfA s.bd Other relativA ny positionth take ; Ur -ho' -are of gtaduates. Mr. McColl' *ill efiter intfo of and heartfelt a -th e Cot I gat n. t'4e 'for ' er plape_—Our lo Lieutenan ey in hx t m Cal horse bu e Ur. ohn Sincere 0 0 Sy w s accom anie b ' i hit e 1chair for Snell, purChas-ed six fine 11 I orses Mondav munity. t '."ovtgnor of Manitoba was hoh-1 ciati R at-auring so g' od a pre iido n t, e I r v convet iant With every detail, of parth rship in a drug business in To! ronto. 1 wdin and IIA -ioraver `-for his ut T 0 o 0 ored becaus , du,r'ing the pas few weeks, he It �ffbrds me is g. -eat deal of - P �ea M 0 8 ror last.—Mr.Sam. Priskator,Bktronstreej, so many �f artments, an e other ino o uple of pray. ook. -O.UXTUvay. t ieir re ective d can"give -On 'tiletdi t6meet the Reformer: it 'e, ing while a go d wife' and t ter y a- beautif al had a valuable mile e w killed on the. rai'y has betin up to t e� neck in poditics. a 1 intell gent an satisfactory reason for Clint( 1 heelmen w�re out f6r a epin they h o Iweek 1. there'.passed. lKAVA, ort &III on residents of this section) ex -pen nd who seem to take as wheel 5 big wits bad enough, but he.. inis- +,w 3 ca si�,.O yoi �did me the hono' r of i Clecti ng rr, e' loads of t e on" Clinton for -warning to owners of co .Sir C'. Van Horn, who- has just ka tni!ty t hav _h bounci tr South Htfron. As 'this- is the first po - very item had a collision, which wrecked one of the clock.. ast Nveel road track by the n' OF yc 11 of liture, a 41111s s1iipped Thureday night Of last eek.' iThis I e had of meeting 'many oo of admi istration and e Mr, B an a business tr�p as! ourkdp�esentive in tho Ontario �egida_' <. eep - fOrtune o being two miles from home was V rent rut (Ito Mon treat from, an interest in the affairs 'of the PrJv 1 1, 1 WS not to ;I let them -suffererfor msfay montlis . . I - I . . The thi r eight I 1 6, eraged run at large - i ice. and e cercise s worse le J� turej it "y be properfo�*-me n you were as i.riternall complaint,, but b. to -retu - not as t h� -A rgu ment- wits heard by the Pivisional fol Ows A Fist 1ortitud. to Nelki, )�or k, uIl u interviewed by, a report reat care ip. their coil- I ttle over 1,300 p c h, ad my uncelie al o i in connection with e and e'sign i I . !y coulf, 9 )!, 7 head to his prophJiCY.­tII# id heart -h ks - fo.- yo t ieir own persona b iness. He agai Court ip Torbnto, 6n Tuesday, last week, in p, : I Dy ust WM I er, and still adhorEs lt� than Psi in rell -will yet work last June, gJ ve'n' not. so M,I,,, 30 pc undo 'W. ie�, head, Constan Fri,& we wheat each t2- a lie 90 eated. Iiii remakk� '-previottaly made, that &Ili( ay vs. Town -ship of Stanley,' my behalf as in the ite -eits of good, I onest, appeal- 6,( 50 p onains 'W U - Alost cogiltries in w .oOnds Ja ei: rni h, If allatt, 7 t, HL-Rosr DISTRIECT says tie def6a t, of th Alowat Governmen at f om order of Rose-, J., in Chambers, hi8h whea i,i pro IreiL undeconominal gover t. it he; regular where high OL t ie prese P time, wo 81 0 p( inds - mles, Stanley, 5 neetingof the Hroli- i City uinmitiority WiL Of Master -in Chambers re- District, Independen and were afttlxwarib. grown an p,,Iodu arle. is trile rl uld be a calamity to tt e yming order �d 6,3130, p htnide': t t. of Crops, and i �aot so larl �e 6nd hn lill Our, tan- Order of Good Templars, was h,0141 at C I rovince, I and the � people can pot be tc o sing to changei ventie from Sarnialto Oode- III �On Irightow-4 ce s&te case 'after ou.r victory was not go decided as man3 of le 2 head 9 715 uds Umb, in, Me ofi IWQ,3 a. It wo or three t tankful tliat this was not accomplished it r . Judgment was reserved. .9 1 ;1 .� Hicks, 4''stance on Wednesday. 22nd inot, heid, 5,050 - when a 'was a smial and frimIdly exti eme hf ad'! '!,,615 R. goodly liumber of del�gate f.roln d the differimll -tidnal issues and eltments to co 2 I-rish 'pamentuge, an _v rears of its c6uld'have desir (1, llu� we Aad ex(e t te late.(16aion. —Xiss Maggie Matheson, of Ripley, had. Steirlini, (14pre sion'in he pried ritend w. ad, 2 2 ent I d or 0ges were present, -but to -the ilae oth � is trie ? %_ . owl, tiol �j�out me crop, thatl so f te misfor�turle to lose her pocket hook re- head, 2f 4 �6 �'ck � e Pla d which ellem"ents". iwhich neve - had before, � Lnd - - o �4 hei d 550 th ce. of meeting bein c;ntl�, which contained a sum of ?romises'bet ter which I ti4ust we wi 11 not have again. A money. five: g so far froni t e rail- --his kerewved fdow,-ba urns. -If only requir�s a i latt6l, are f God 611 to, �n� I News of the Week. Miss Matheson wa, I P. road'a num�er 6f lodges -fire 4 hang kil'awledge of this seemed �o inspire our op- -9 registered as 0� paqsen- —A most pl" w�,�;t, Irt In � I north _f of fr( M.- re to t 'Professor Ch r on t W and te'As ugb terx� aU en per cent. in thq DEAD. thir 0 c a presen, y ar r. anders,, th er., deter a chairman of t6ology R e arrival of the boat, when she dis ove Sympathy of the 100111111 w tO Se wev ortably provi for, r. it' residence of kil id'Vx4. Ss ma ere vae a very Interesting and profita Amberlain, fo tile Cambria and waf the were not able to te re ted' pohents with a ope f �Uccess in Ml conces8i Tuesday meeting, and e derab vorld's whevt crJp to- result in a deficiency Ca olse'd tbem . to 4o ic of the R e reg of the 3rd"L lisfead of a urn us,.and u ' ' I a nat onh, fc rined Presbyterian Synod," in, Belfast, 8 berloss. - on oP 8 1 te.pt Ch. bw rp nd�ly low prices a nilanimity and it 2 eal, n t -to say biti er- night, last Avee biLsiness as 'Oeci being the trameaveted. The dead. Charles' H.- 0. Jones grand...' ': nooll 0 re nearly &I wayll followed by unduly high ness,. which they 4a I very rarely exfiibi e seasioll was taken �ed son of celebratioil of �he irty-fifth arn itersary of up with reports from in for#ier collite e "xperience of ibee RF.D.—A Mr. Hugh Moor0and, of West- "pus lodges, rices. to. Th OAMPIWR FAINIVNE FEA camph( r Wawar oah, their weddin J fto 0, t gratifying the van D aws - fa mine is a repult of the w died at' Los Angel6s; California,* o 9 committee woric etc ito-howeier; and e close call we hid n Way time was �Pofl Irlet as a h between!�iipan and China. aIr - P The t WEDDI.NG.—A viet t� in var�,otls 6 u iements for whole is doing good work fo -''the good a war 2nd, aged 21 years. Dece shoult I not -be forgol tell by -our friends, Fnd in ased'o mother. ives several houry 11 t db oown td: 11 in .The Montreal]Stav criticizes rather se�- st mmer I)ring cholera and dysentery, the in Chic go, and he had gone to, Cal o t elegant cause, and the Prospects are e icpumging. we in the Methodietch ift rnia and- dainty. . 6d After a j.. stice, had The district has grown should spur*them OIL to increased effort, and demand f1or ckmpho t, and been done to t4e g od i thin nrx since justnego Of vina. erely the bridge debate, and those paper's greater unanimity cf purpme. I r wi I be very gres for the benefit of his health. � P it i. price will. increae e ormously. in nu iat think- attracts attention' in the In sorpe lo*litioi also, t, , showing a gainof 4$) -tb at i While turning a stopper out of a bottle sumed their air�usOlneiitw un members. jpard ffr6kenshirs, our know there �Veife d 6T TWO YE H a a asonable Broler E. Dawson, wh oun-try. TI e r dubs this defections from 6ur ranks. A few who , ad ARMS�' H nD L3oit.—Ocar in big laboratory � one. day rece,nt*lv, Dr. hour, wheq all depar.t4d, Aiishin, . 0 was ed by The eeremony:vrag perf Its alsupersti,- foim�ely voted and worked: with its, �4ad �1 ilde was fc und guil . on - Saturday of in- e misfortune . to cut at lid host the Executive committee , gal - - 1 -1 -- - Milne, of Blyth, had th aa &strit fectur- Eby, -1-U the �Preeftce ion, and s&5 8 at it is all rank nomense. decent practices, and,whs sent . enced t n the thumb and I and h, I ei s allthe hap! inesst] ii Porld can er, handed in his report. his left-hand betwe! felt it their duty or this occasion to vote 0 two ore -t afford in&tbat they -til Iffte has 4ddresoed Mr, and Mro. finger by the bottle ,breaking. It required live t). It the first pa� "it is not a debate ut all tursi bar(] labor. Alf�ed Taylor, who' had njoy'the a large number of meetings throiaghout the igainst its, while some refrained from Vot- Celbr Ltio 6f their di ond jve� snoat pdptilary�nuu.g en, previou ly convietkd, was given a a in the wound. i e -o'� d! place, a- ing altog6ther. 'I hope, however, tha, -these 1lose up, ding. The' trict. and labored hard for tW chase who W Ad in the a' good, deal of it . i . four stitches to C preset tJ re both nui. rous a' dis "and Ied by all v& ila sentence 4The Clinton a4 xiseful,artd it is to be b I. that nine its precious i idefections are only temporary, and f hat New ra, says On testifiedi --h goocl' t to do the budget. the high es in in vi fr.jends wish e ich they COME -Ii It those who, at'the late election, felt it th air Monday Mr. A CIilontelofi shippetil ne irly were held. 1 )IiZed 0Xrou is effortilsk, -will be se- t is sonictirr eE d.j!scribe� as a se il * - di those of e to gee e d�ughter of the two hundred hogs. 'The lamiers frol w ioni —Since he ep! on of thhe IT ot eleatibn of- Of- a new �Coat of lit., aigi� specch( s, t l�k.ed t6 the exp e of Hamilton, will;be the ricliest heir- they were bought were more Iniesville fibers for the current year t mieo-'of canl� duy -to part",froni us, will be abl Y HamiRon, th tlye' her. earnest worlers. �' The ert isteno- their way cl 'car to return to our ranks slid- In y tin t e cheese fac ry b ipre nts a fiii 1 P )eara�nce The - following en ap raphers of Ha th us one Engl It The e tal from her ea. shipper, as th e' - market fel I I I I officers were elee igmin sitild, one after another, and, -more for:what we be- af rwar ki, an and is a or d it ft the illage. d : hief to eop� Miall I lieve to be in the bei It interests of the Pr v ta�e alread ount .t , o7nemillion dollars a the buyer will have to suf �er whu, v r loss work on n( . menced Templar, H. B. Chant . 1 4 ith little reil er ae to eiLch other' jay Mlt7j� t CUR a ;, -Vice' axl. year. k e The position. n South Huron'was_ al. there is. amount of - Th Templ Annie e t all, Cons. ce Dis� ing the earth fbi�,ku Pilk Wken in that �day­ as 4,� Ax _N A DS HXTSBIANM--�Q'Ount � 50 trict Co ontri 14a,rd of Trade co"unall bas ve Boni- —Mr.' Robert� Ross,- of Istan1v lie poundi,at l. wheu. it; i a fu uncillor F - fa6e de Castel rbrin g ermhWo w lotise. 2 n III ce his summer rebu fr 0 Wingliam - S. J'T A llias gone, "overn 0,0()0 id bs he epe( 4 to They Mari L., arnham es to blel t publ hat -Blyth - LOW1011 hich- 1 1 W, lug wwarde x pient, at Ottawa w pleme' 8 e 434tild, has be ght for' - e_J F 1 rits w I the ground baln. Thel%f �iiost duplicated in r iference to the.. Go one, whomarried Miss A na B u' field,' will t r it. Owing to thi existence of the ?e'r enshire, xell v I I It will, - hendone, be one, elve che sea toe firm no e, Iritz h the 'Domirtion GO' the I �d Fly. vult ibe *24tb v solution' n ave' just.referred o, on the Avenu Bois de Boulogn ; in Paris, 1 .. gest n the neighborhood Of wMiller 'Clinton; eti A.,i 34. taking Cue vern- bad a meeting of 'the.Legiglature beeril h Id. on which be ill build it palace the size b Illaket lim i, but ijn odri vill foi the sea. Auburn gannor in �r tly -irged to endC;Lvor diately after the election, the Go rn- e Cin i t I lo - 1, _. ent is,e ne H is buy- a by 110 There will. be stone fou'4atiory son. It i� lail ibrouked - ; Guardf Gertie urn con_, imlle ing race borse . in Wi vi.- itors as stance,; Secretary lain vietoribus. men't would have been in a minority; t iat E ligland ng 11 be.used wfound- rm� ar o, berWi I lut th a numbe %. h s �e H43*er b4fOre be 'i in de 'bert' is they would not balVe had a majorit o er 'it will e new. and Tre6s 4# ent of Ne an4 unriva, portion of' rence' th he overrun Ile tablPe.1 and is fo P t f the old tim rt of MGregor, Constance ; A. 8 - greater factor -3. lid, or possibly,: as the Imperitil. Govor OQEAN Q�Tt heco tracior Mr."INcKenzie, L 6i-fd e r 'Jiatlain, Jos" aimette YK sboro Bruss all tho.other factions in the Legislature,, al- he steariiIer, —Mr. John Cornyn, lyth ASSA0Z. aW of andL hil as qtan t,, Mr. Co Past Chief Templar, J.' (t,. re cer- ent is profolind interest'ed �n the mattej,. though the regular opposition were ni- ch fro Xel� Y6k'� arrivea at Wingba u, and Miss Stewat t, of N y k, tainl[y le*! ing 4� ere Luck a. infor I, arrange a confe el weaker than the on Toriday. sister 1, for Wt only the now. Brother J. G. 3,,1 ent Wed ondon,:Englanil Logi_ la, as Corrivil loarm, timely,,Ihu� he e cient work rdoc rosiTon *p )ueens wi a 6:55 1 -N es I Fx ice in IL Y w re lin the- last Queens She oifjAl rs. Thom of IVi;4 t 94VId .� J I I in the. dre . a oplen- and-were lar ursd4y� Iasi very ort at . . . 11 d . idad od Templar.)) 30"y d A, 0& Ll. The e sp ker showed av,e -fin -from Canada" go rip e in nority. he 40 minu tes, ich esta6lished a record for week, in, St. Pa6ls church, Wi now that tw'een the del gates x! tare covered 2, SP7 iles i 5 days, 11. hours,' were fin�t&l in marriage ol� Tb so on "The Al �seemed to lei b im and' e t ue ood I I - 1v1 r. Jo I )nl ea rs to uii- e lars we should ilways cul, -fi oance. wer. nconriged L. G. Wood, the' rector, �f nighing touches to his wfou Ll' is,, the Patrons Of Ind * -b�iil,. lie ese that to be ndland. ewfo us the lonj r te., ghai4. Rev che mak' , ndland.:be t ed uthe n Ptia derstand hi bugirlo'ss,, tivw R socia. ken fat o conside rutio%, it would, uiido - bt- 6tate of �A pe manent in- knot, in the presence of a namber of lore the 01 position still lia PLAirhl, o -v--1 SUN wit'l� the assist- bilit and indnesstoou the U. ' OT leaviq for fa, i rp�o a �AY; It pe ja pla invite once of his brotherA -Is r fellow n ten, and and and dealers Ying W, 0 3 ton, will rincples of integrity and honesty should ly be m boolL to ;he merchants of* being able to emb4rass the Governm bamball in �t. guests and spec. Vile t, P innes tit Trs. no doubt in ke 11�lrne.�vile 7"eaf factory e- implant�d elves. He etart's next i tn on -Sunday ! has bqn, —A verJr pr in. Montreal a kd -boo,' once t eir a dent d this'was, no doubt, one realso he te� in . Ita, Eett Nveddirif I 'took plaae a p9pular. r 4r ters; Brother n floi tran tl e dls6ict court'. Captai tb M r. T h Law -ill be alsy Au -nter 09 of so large a m er of rt e residence of Offias- May, of Hxe —We are donipelled �.Ini rason, who has been trict; --and �vr reqei imb, ecretary sire to see t prote ts. :y is re we td clironi- for- a nximber of years,,. amd 0 is Inow liv- Snnds�y school Jai —The it negotiatious� be 3ut t ie fates wagainst the orted, to have said he, wo= tero on Wcd-nesda� evening, glt week,whe cle the death� of one of he, old t esidents dn.� in en Canada abd[;Newf9undIan P' move hi�' club t sotnC other city' if �not 1. his youngest daughter, I'diss ! Milin, Middlesex county, d resti ed. )ositi an and the were not deoti ed lowed- t, 1 play a L nday ball. I I w ki V thisweek in Melville 9 ie, of Hullett,; u the persoil of a as very ut: should thl 'of t, e Provinces'in 0 be realized. - The first set -back they I ad united in marriage to Me, 1�11':Ontifi Idte John dly�of- A committee tended.—Court of, -the Henry R Garrett, s,I who lq_ jnd�y, �we a was aP 1di d s le rew nation of their able leader, r. Y ev. Ge Org ][not. Decie sed was or'll .1.11 After Va t )§A A R rU33&C- —Formosa III n The nuptial knot was tied b of appreciation to Lhi I Dininion. --will be Uld Alb-aday o ear very grievou declarec an independent re jinek;iishire thanking Constance lodge fort e" -way in lere lith, -w io accepted a judge �public. � Tan kson 'a the pre ence of a few ofth�e h England, o March 2,t rl, , I ship., - I g� Jac 8 There are, olily two ancial burd. n 01- Ching, I)rmerlY Chinese GovernoiI I , ear Aprii -1 the UeW SehooWill lbe 11. addition to those illey tinr thi� was the un hos been relatives. irMch they entertained the dele ge with other final proceedings, the sead lig of I 26th, 18411! e was nni 'ed in m -A ric 8. and ve already t �Y and there is a' suspicli —Wisfortunes, its a rule, never come sin nideting was r riply that the met- ti in. Kinston, and of chosen I resicfein T T Nilr. S&'v --vening- At the last i his beloved ife, ;%oho ?�ec�ded is ntrtice brought to 41 close. board, fir. ThLomat dhts of Monire' and the rest a �Ve8t;'Algoma, and the.subse. that Chinese o cialS are at the bottom f gly. Mr.R. ffeywood, of -Clinten, is con- into glo . j st two I yel hem" Ol prow of Quebdc itent el the! movement,' which will probabl. _gh �ned to his room by' inflamma ght profit t1. ere ion C;f a au;porter of he Go � 1 4 . Y tory rbe'ma- his ii - n 813 - With -f eated trustees, and 'y v"Irnment in three chi'd-Iteri ach of the vacant constituducie Japan ti ouble. I tism in one of Ilia legs. of -whom, ----------------- mis d, Aent This gave --'ST T . 1IR TuRics. —In the' course f about oil WedneE While I ing Mrs. When am, went td ji in -prot"t dis se AGAT In he Govern' 'S r.from Arin wient a workin majo �ty am( astL week hi 'o ng the*spiiit o �land aIbou Bar a ie cam Stanle3r. I other in The tales of io. enia are n6i' ng his erm6u inthe City T day, I be. ii t eir own supporters and des;royed ihe mple, London e HALLIDky 'VS. To,,V- endin* j)., 0 1 est daughter# Vera, aged. about te y ars, to Causida i 11852, loe, -mitted to tbe Minister M, e- I est. despat unda,T,l Rev. Joseph Parker, tiu� at in ph, and OF STAN-try.— Tplid that heZQP . . . . . clies 'a that opes of theOpposition for . reacl Ing PO"Or remaining t are me. 'llilIg to ai fell from a fence and broke her arm. The following which Armenians the On y ac Millute for so n6, t appeared in the court reports in the Toronto papers on Friday e eas tion to be taken -on behalf th On Titektay eveninj,* last iveek, asAist- -accumulate nbre pro ert3,(::,. ihL n tarient. - - terri end of Turkey tiring the present Parliament, ar &110W� 'flit Armenians, was a war against T Of 160% ide a f1vill be of in last Tkz *T%vE,-TY-F0 .i . :: eclose-of the first session, the' Go Offie for h teren to the people of thi inL a conditi -ing� o urkey, ant Postmaster' F.' W. Collins, of Exeter, permanent Mae f an ie vxov . n starvation. Ne,,n- Snc� a war would be Oiei most hoI3 the fo L. e ne ent Can count on L r, bumu" � me -t mith a very painful accident while to ie farm upon hich et[lived up appeal by' def4enri- In _e ll.pordei a -safe majority O;vnshiP Jfidgmentn -6ne, and the fo addition t tlle oil f, n try- remov,ea trages of the Turks 0 at and' righteous one theL world had eve, to ride it colt belonging to . Mr. A. E. to the L inle ants from order of Rose i ight-mers lw0TC jn �b I ait seven, and oil most occasions the� ill knoyvn. titille hi's death. )Out Chum I �re new liarrassed by, a h;i,' ng nant. The animal made a sudden bers, ve a much larger majority M I months L dismissing defenaan.ts, ap iIiie"atlon iment was a, lbo#ball than this, as r Jump, ago he wals s ficken with b to, change K and Pmoris.—The an&threwhimove her head and then �truck in complicati n with other t �,ouble erich I Actiob 0 to ki I �hat many 6-9 the poorer -tf iere are few divisions on which some of he ine a Abv.kN_ci_-;c. WACHS A -onchi which, the venue from Sarnia,to God yare, between., L Consolidated Wire ny, L for damages for injuries received vation. nt aail Compa him in the face wilb her front feet-, making in his death, abbath eveni 'b 'n pe ting mills at Locktowt, Illinois; *St. a lar -and painfu gash. n M tiff while diiving in L $to I. Insels, b 3 al Mr. Ree, Price Ivell no kresi, ent the township o 90, U1,, MrI Lean said he now wished to s 8; OLou s, Missouri; and Al —Irrangements are about complete for of GodeFic'b, led on' VULe(r a Mier of Out . N or s respecting the Patrons. lie - � ;rl and Pitts- which is iu the County Of -)nade- -Pre- 'arlo, ac- n ed crowd their ir Oliver Me -fe%� e ley sseg are d i -�Pf star Pitrons Will not support the Governme f ur ennsy vani 'th annual vention of the lipanied a d. ireely tell them lie was, largely in a M- 'a, as riotified its holding the four ' ing last fendants swore thq they would iquire where,,-vertytilig was -b P It 0,000 con week, after a illness -.of e% Iffuren. he de- rg ek whom "The fORDWing is A orie! is d A it was resided it), the"townsbipof ' heartily ndorse nearly evefy. plank in tb ir ait has also een advanced. effort thought be )uld n$cover; De ase � cy, t Farmerg' Trot—lat on Y . 10 mion,ixi Until about aj,6 8 at the tnal y emp, ovees that their wages will be advancedi HuronCount Christian Endeavor U �ee`,- ' Aghter and patIly WWI that 0 -anizatioll, and lie could -r cent. o Y 1: months. twelve 'Witnesse ed from tre4l ay last b June Ist. The ptice of wirel BI th,6n September 3.rd andAtb. Ail - all of fo� le pl Ltform.L But for . was one, who lived in the Con Gamb1b, Tin-m-ulo 1l0CKTX 11 known Ta It At Fort Wayne Toronto, address the convention wi� varico IV Englnd. Sir : Oliver all that, he -must a� so n �i I - I I be made to have Mr. R. N. Burns, of we taill e it wa a fortunate thing for the Pr( v- A 8 AcciDENT. — A list of business mit Goderiell ntY of Vertb s P'artly on b si egg and partly for l�leas� �sOccessful; Plai-ntifswore that she herself ill.e that iRno�, the 0! xpec a shocking runaw a Loah een prepared and a born i ,it t1I �Y , of a bircus,, ' ir, Le�'cettef ire, J,'nglad, there y did not obtain wb, .,Ind ther day, during the parade'i practical subjects has b u t nd a worthy He wa,--f nia, ind �,geven of her witnesses the' lived 'in a_ and e s tp! be absent about: four �s ayy cid '44o lived of I 9 on U U e ra 0 n �o at the last election, the balance of took, place.:. t 0 ent,' most me is expected. while two lived in the wwriship, of linlite Trot—l. a ght ; enjoyable ti sai 0 r nada, r. Pom-er in the Legislature. 'of last She also swore that, in her,blief, Duirin Ips absence Hon horse o k frigh at thei' n NVednesday I-ning, in led fo re Stan]. He had every elephants, a NyeFk, eaching this &)un n Au 'list 4 "be 29,31' thereey rdy ill t ed4fidence in the i -jumped into the mii a as Mrs. Porterfield d- Setiling in vill 'Would be a great danger that she ey- tegrity and hone8ty.0f Somerlid, a6 as'Premier and Attorn dens crowd of people knocking thet i down into Listow f 1 11 he li" ,d there At of el, she had n viving year. tRyJe f atron contingent in the' years, would notave a fair tria at Goderib. .8 .11alf mile—ist, X. IS the Pn IR e4eirience 'which twenty-tiv bydozens. iktcen were then mcv-d io K� oderich, he -Bicycle race�lst NV re. But it is a Mistake to su mber ' for some S%v h e ro started.busi ritly re- Legislatu wh more or egg in- she will be likely to reme h also swore that she had not as the Farmers) Sun would aiM Ost I d its 0 nes I in Y, 1880. covered from her injuries. OYS .r Ve pose, jureq, some of 0-M wilf die. time. , She had her infant with her, also a af Nas- 'readers to believe that all YOU, to travel to God- DisTi\(1-11I8I[,EX0, VISMORS.—Sirdir t e jp FI - 11T XG —A fleet of J ng girl, daughter of Mrs. John Cullen wa'ei gage , ter his arrival, ii t1l itown he erillo, but that she could, witbolif, risk I e— Lowr ralla, Khan Hie p atr%D'usl ri wa4ips hs arrived at T in. the milli I econdsonofthe' meer : h-na.+ . A n Ell b isin th- m eo a t of Form"osa iper' mi I being then rJOW Visiting 14,ng -e ang elitrated in the Patron orgaraization, T Xpee e ame rice. Hart.& o spring am of Afgbanistan, vh i _ b Nvest C and fi b is ing on the 6th concession, the horse bee Prpiceer' Af UcBafiu, 2nd -.Seo not be allowed oil the, one s de to i - ap r L, 01 sell-sacrince arp COl- nortl on t. e o 81,0WOL. When near the. r lway or P Ilea carried to the court house in Sarnia, The L rder of the Master in Chambers Was made -louse, ar patriotic, honest and self-Eacrific oli the 2nd March r enJin, at Dorchestei I lie. e d.. I'll London Sta er'tbe des� I ructio: of he do� m, s race t c1c.f.,ion, before the time not on he o0wr to I land, will udar has a fri�htened at the Kineardine mixed train, the decease I edntin V*edl the, four L il��5, and tbPdof the inV men dispa�..�h frc m Shanghai -stating that the: which was then approiching, and in spit Od feed Judge On the 8th March e of brane of the bu Boveft&e n I 10W. years nd notice of trial given,for the Sari& 11,eLachla-u. '01d assizes, which be - A. -0 0-