HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-31, Page 177w,
s, at one!
with all the beau, -
have procured rLd
or foryour inapec'_
014T, lValies
e.Nrly, bec��
nod _use.
:�w 4or themselves
6shionable thin for P
XcLEAW: BROS., -Pub11shers.
re better
shade.,t and pattern. 8 L -MBER, 1,
$1.00 a Year Mi Advance.
wSon aild a 433. TRIDAY9 MAY 319 ILS950
Fret quitble to their _T1 --- SEAk
tastes, richs, trustees.
ly his br�clw �y thefesl Ival queen, who Is gen- into the financial:conditioA of tb6 con� r(gaI Ins ea
TOP16-00D 31 PN Under the auspice f these officers, with al I of it ffi tbq afternoon. Wben found a t d of going to law for
JU: N' KSr erally garbed in wl, ite and decorated with tion: golid wa of and $18 were i his pockett. The ome members of the legal profession, t e
and porr, at next I eetin', I ajo h
whom am notably sociated Ur. Hi A. flowers.
agree to ask the commift.e on t ie distri- w itch still 1go Whein last.. seen he adjustment Nvas lefto
ON of the
Z ird s ippi� w is und r the in business men, MessrA. Farrow an Dgly,
PREPARING FOR TH� 3REAT N TI IJittrlch, editor of, th ow York- Schuetzen buring the festifal a convention tie of probationers for'one-th
wA eitung, and-Edwiit otz, one of the most from al� u n
r before the' b Pgence of liquor, which
delegates part of the U01ted 11r. the assort. AL GE4 sl1oo �er ngs. n States will be held ot oi: ly to transa4t the for vbcan cies. Mr. Henderson, of V ac cou�t f r his all na into the ere handed over'
MAN SH.0 ING FES;TI�At.. noted sharp b the eastern ek implement ag�ents.
n of nd was orn responsib, ity in�
—W, h - q Spee n on. the track at freed fr
. Pte, and -while the 9T but to chttrob, rep .$50, a
wn to the ml- routine executive in "onal business, tr or 9 Bramp-
states', every Pro[ ara on Ldo - ement Whittehi ell were in the lurse ?f rectil , ig I tb�e t e YnOrni , ng, INIr. G. S. Fuller -s the matter.
urilvokea, & the S . I makia arrang for the exact tinA and .. .. a
More Tim a nutest details en arranged for the a ne church on. the Site of phe old tti6cr t oil, —The
-8100,00 1 ne tr &her day the kiln at'Monkton,
0 1 Dfrere(d In. PrIzes. Ila 0
.la. OurI stock to- place of the next tior al. festival which . . Z?,I. . ,Harry LeXir[(fton," re
national schuetzen Lid festival, to take I ich we s removed. Gratificati�n at 101 will no do�ilyt result belongin to Mr. William -Clark. caved hi
The Rh of Mak4inen—Hany Loving W
laudable work was expressed. 1 Rev M-., in his d li. 1 He'was valted at $1,000. when ALA -of tile. The kiln liad 'peenpieA
6et a neur place In June and. uly, 'and which, it i3 will -not occur agal a until' 1898, theI
Cups, to De Given Awa-t-1-A-fi Diterestin- brations being triennial,
F-ery m and' boy needs a new. confidently expected to u.so: their own Anderson read an! excellent rep t� (f'the 8 P_ itribs, the well-known news- several -.-veeks In building, and- bad been put
Zvellt'linported r�m the Fath wordS,L "Will add a � oaf in the crown of ties of the Presbytery wbiL fo�merl of Preston, now resid It is now being re -
a economy, is the wafcb -erlitud. wts re- I m, f4merl up at no small expense.
glary of Geirtian ac-lil 3vemouts. eived aii� adopte-4 and tfie thaaks (if he in g oront'
The House of IRef)ige and the ba�-sno eh*Wn of his own. built and will soon be finished.
-e where you can denceJ
choice lr� i word, yp Special 001111nittoo i on fluanco, amuse- PresbyteTy were tendere(l to hi.11 r his '�Bot I e Lnd his wife are fend of —Otto Klbfleiscli of Tavistock, has re-
ym-, Ara�, _2$, --If 'there be onow �incil.! oungsters
buy to th4 best adVants(te, and let u . ment, rece tion, otd, including pbe on Count GO valuable , sery bhey possessed iln- tuimeid home after p
triaimings,� have _p ices,' Nex't- -regul r m, -eting and by adoption i a4ing ins I-Irst. year's ex-
marked1c tturd nho a linterostijig tban an- nihopins, as well as he 29 j udges selected, DEAR EXPOq1T0u. I eived a copy' will be h ugharn on Ju 4(th,at til a- 1' da'ys a o a family of five. amination in the dental department of
new�styG, which tell th bere will �you find sue] eld iLt Wi
le or the
and other of tie trdtfl64i. nanndrs and-cus. are till ready for th rifle tournani ut at of theby-laws provided
coming thi,,�- I mud value its we intend -to offer fo vow it m rises six Somebody evidentl Buffalo University. e will sp- end tbesum-
of uidance� 11.30 a.m.
June. nd regulation of the new Ref uge -a student in the 6ffioe of Dr. IV. � R.
toins of our Gerinar -AAiie rican c itizoris th,%j Glondnle park, for,w 1ch all overtlib Chlit
wilt have a gr. I0iought TerrKribs'household -4snotlage -mer as
Pe(F[e fTom near an(I fa ed States Tts best sh ta ari now as the time for these to be finally con- ans.4a.
ill like has been imported -omthe-fatherlaildit enough �d so deposited an infant on the Hamilton.
realize the fa It that we never amiounoi for tile numerousprIi os. sider6a -by council . is at band, F would like J.: C. Todd iia fined' $10. and coAs by t N. Brisbin, one of best
Is their -f
ges ions Galt magistri ai wol an 010
superior. rivalry in erk employed
raternal I socl Ltion v r
d f * nd'y cio� A to Detroit. 'Re
a special ial) without givin - The place selectei for the festival Is a to makq a few sug ti The munici- Aes r assaulting in the Dominion citizens, removes this -week
ifle niari:011a iship. Th IS
e re ult beautifully -wooded j: %rk d'f some 30 acres palities close' to the Rouse of 'Refuge will' Sunday igh on e street, .-Bank i a resident of Alitchell for - 25 earia
values duH.1ri- hat!sale. has' been that therp'lIs I o,city of an �uelpb, named E. Homer Dixon has been
I iin elf with a revolver in the bank n
t Yim- already covered 'Ith t1io nt�ges from their proximity to it, —The ot er ay, at Hes eler, eorg� shbt hi 0 and his remo7ml with bis family is much ra-
W umerous build- reap adva 91
lit at, a dis- Ha I metVs horse till bd; and upset forty M
a- haIve occatsion tol ien townsl Lip, in this coun- ings nbcossary for. th4 entertainment of the -and itils not fai; for municipa, ies En i gretted. His �dau ghter Ida, is teaching
ivelcofile Comm neing to -day; -%v e offer yo per buda3 �night of last week." The affair
6rvbody try but has, its 81, or thouat'n(ri of visito -S who &-e expectod tance to be required tO pay for sending i gallons of milk.. in ihe Central pub'Iie school, in Chicaq;o,
10 tipg. society, caused �g,, eat excitement in Guelph, Dixon
tore� and yr�ak-e % '40 suitin —$c3tch tweeds, ne had.e. schuetzen corps, als it ed. from all parts of t1 country. Glendale matesto it. The county Should pay ten ___�Hugh Plant, aged 17, was en ircles. Hewo a —Rev.,Ur. Yonge of.Milverton, -was rel
irison �" to quality 8 -usu ly I t drowfied in :b g prc t in social c
tio Ir
and -us—the former' prices; o park is Sa n es'.ride by t�il from cents a mile to alL 1 Tflen there is to be a the ayton, an the �8
4 In Nre Vork -city aiWie thor6 are ver 60 of H. Dixon a well-known and cntly presented -with a life-size portrait of
pat er it Conestoga r. ver, near Dl; ofi*
itualitY our goods Long Islaffill City, tl 0 Now, York d provideA. 1 0. not see the QueeWs birthday, Vliile bati 3miner t esident oi Toront6. He as himself:, by his frieuds i that village. The;
these ran ed in price from $19 to of ilic-ge, which, with, the!,() of other- p Orry for' burial � groun, ung. in
uV no shoddy. As hich is at Thirty -f nth street. TI o most necessity for this, as iinder the Statute, 0611 —Archbishop Walsh- on Friday lald the about 26 �ef ks,of age. No motive is-nown reverend ientl6nen was taken by surprise,
nd duri Jurle we offer your cho In. are.now united it a rlatj onal otganizatiop
�w no Otte to underz- oom . posed of linia re iinds of essent rl of theHoll -their
d 4s of thou� ial feature o� the shooting festival bodi s not claimed byJriends cc n beold for corner stone of tl e new wing, se fo the ci S( of the rash act. but -expressed his hearty thanks for
made to order in any style, at
members. grounds are natural y the ranges,'of which dissettingpurposes for $5 each. of Providence in Toronib.. —A prqm nen I Galt who has a considerate kindvess.
ti citizen oJ
This will be ve ry-p�sftivcly domonstrat- there am two, b6t, 1 600 Ifect 'long, the T.�`e sallary fixed for the keeper also, is —There are 1,223 peDitellttkry pri onerg foi iness for good horse flesh, bat who has Charles Roche, for three years first
ITHE ed, at Glendale pa; -,!oil tong nain dilo having 40 1 argois fmd the smaller too I w, especially to Secure the' services of in Canada, according to the gnnuul re rt; 41 e ly takeii to riding. a bike," rounded bass sololst, in Knox church ch � U%tiow
Island, aL
6-00. one 12. The firt! anined ill bq for the a in capable of running the institution in the Mini8teT of Justice,
60-. great fesbival to, bo%hAd by thei Nation- th 3 �orner Main an1l Water streets, the removed t,6 Walkerton recently. �Before
'60ri -tfie Msociation only 'the i t6rests of the -country-, while the in- —Iti is said that the. Gr4n Trunk RAil- 4 ier day', superb Style. A lAdy was was presented �vjth a
C AU L use of the mem en. leaving Listowel ho
IThis will be imlitat6d but no -he -*i aid a complimentaty ail -
At s ec or, 'Who is required to spend 48 days or way intend running' a car ft om Guelph ito co intered, tbetreadles were lost control of- purse bf moueV E
and the other for t)I6 gerloril ublic.
mol uring, the Summer, eve h hcIr and other friend&
You oa-nnot,, a V !equal &is ofTer. fforq t �tho bund, or main 3hoothi g ran e, there re in the year in the performanoe of his Galt and return, d th i handles vobbled-and the rider shouted dress by t e c
Goo& ry
a arg bectivelytyled duties, is only to rec6ive $100. An inspec- half bour. VVhoa 1 Whda !" in. wild. al4rryi, as li� —NI-rhile Mr. Adam t6nert, of Listowel,
pass this "of goods if -, y' are two. kinds of tari -ets res
ving to
the Columbia and tf a Gern ianih. t �v 'a�, who happily was not was-dri Atwood with a load of limey
311oney sav�r. They are ehespw eno�;O or who has less intelligence or brains than —Miss Amy Taffray, daugli ter of Berlin's s& led into tbei* era
Money, Cup$ and I ledals
pMpn a county councillor.is not fit for the posi- postmaster, wbo-'for the pas' eight moatba im ured. the horse took fright at something
Y9� part -
'to buy- and lay aside for fature use. 1 ly upset the rigg, Lbrawing Mr. Neuert, th
i I _! pF zes as we n Ing attempt to wreck a train
Any qua ity of money 1 11 Sq, tion a d councillors receive $3 a day for has been study music in 01 d-cago' hai re- --A d�4sta
cups and inctUs w-111. be.'coiiipetc& for and their semdees. I admitofficials can be got turned home. I on the G;tan unk was made on Wednes the ground. One of the wheels passed over
Seafort hi. r
for even lels than the amonts specified in —Mr. Win. a a P
S Aerner ree
fh yforth3. %Veber and A
tracted about twenty tons Lon- wf st of Chat "investigation showed entl
Weir, of De4izes, has con- day night of11A* oint Eve miles him, and he was considerably hurt.
fOr the exhibition of the specialb t weg
Ing has beeif, crected at endale park. the by-laws, but c . heap cows OfIll bam. —Messrs
Izes be contested fi h in PSUER The Xincipal Liono) prizes table. don asylum, and is busy. dr wing it rut. thi ti a rail Ac been taken. from a, pile near drilled a well on the fgr ofLouis
ice 1>eing. ove 7. an I notice also, that all inmates are to' be Price, $8,50 per ton. ' :I' , i ht angles,, Ellice, to the d�pthf nearly one bundred
for at the Colfinibla targe ate for $500, . � I by, and placd� crossways at r
require of urfordi died "T'he fender feet, lost a portion of the drill -at the bottom'
TS TO 0 d to attend prayers, but the by-laws —Mrs. Peter Neff, late ' ced'with several ties.
assistaint, teacher- $300and $20 res ectively. No less th be mg bra ; -
We offer aig ran -e of Twed �p 1 the bracing bein
,Aon atteudino; the 13 13 do not say- who is to read or make the at her'sIon's residence, in G4 a few --days Stl Sq ely anc g of the hole and were forced to commence at
1!antingq nds of so -me -finE I , 17 different money prizes'7111 await the prayei UL' ` -ad purich another wa,,
tlie e croods� successful ores at t io-Go ania targets. If the �eepi3r is to read prayers, ago. She was in her 78th year. Hei _ hus- im pueei4feiett tboe rail yielded, and the eng-ine� the surface a
ith only a severe ar-alid. �Xlr. Ferg Kyle, -son
*orth $4 and- $5, but now -reduced, then, each applicant she Id be t sted in read- band died about a yearl ago,, paised'over it Of Allr� William
These aggreg ie $1, 1,00, th �Igllest prize U
ing', but if he is required t MAKE the t —Sev 6ral farmers in the vicinity of New
$3 being one of 1 $800. The g(neral visitors', Kyle, ofAlitchell, spent Queen�s Birthday
ers, then all the applicanti should be Dundee had their cattle dehorned rec �Atly. Ge6rge Mack a public school teach�r with his parents in'Mitchell. He is eni ed
es 3 being Special- pray
targets are, fo ar kinds, tl
R- Lavette, callIed on to make a sample one before the Messrs. Rosenberger, -Josiah Hallman, M. Cook's Mi�li, Algorna, while out boa;ting on the staff of the Toronto EveningTiws,
I Ver of this villm, 111111ated Ve man
County Council Committee. If prayer Shantz and Israel Cressman had 12C )i dr.i'DWned at six o'clock on the and is doin-well, ith prospects f ad-
ly done ge, "American standar anfl."'point" tar- ead ai�
nes 'to, Mr- BUD 'It is thought that vanbement.
.1 making is to be a test of qualification, I -operated on. evening of May 24th.
gets. For contestant succe;sfui In mk Ig
pro -
Mr. Henry Hermann,
4 the dety Wl was standing up adjusting —i othink the Roman Cktholies, Salvationists —Owing to the recentI! cold: and ile Mr. Blick
rgets It here have b4 en
We ofre in t9is departm a5riugs at the ring..
Bobier, t ether izes and Methodists will have the beat chance weather a number of farrors abou i De- thi) sails th t alheavy wavetruek.his boai� moved his log' house last Thursday. It
riek b1 Suits 22 to 98 only—qes f6u, allotted 100 prizes nount Ing to. $1, 6 )0.
ocki which for the a ipoint�ent, but if it is to 'be rn�adq vizes, in Middlesex, have bad to BOW Inarr- tho sh o1cl 0 lie' 'is the log fiouse existing in tbat rlelgbX
'Ono hundred, worth 1, 2001 will be shot !or p which unbalanced him, and
NVr. Lax tte is a. to ten e s, Faincy Tv�eeds, Se eoftlie othei fellows gold eed and o be ashamed
'I'VE- BE, P114�S:DFNTI OF TnE NA- p litical lijies,� som W. e oremost into the now cold water
man who isl knowp., at ther man targets, and 50, worth $1, 0 )0, on ther-garden T�uff the 1 �&ond f I, h df borhood, and one be need mot
ts- pl e fi e
oV Lake Hur on' the boat being ibot out of of. He irlteia4s btiildig in i� at a a
Argetis, Which 'the most improved plans,
oy with one ol al Schuetzen' associa*tloa (bund) of the are S- the coLinty. coi ncil are, —Mr. David A. Dickson, son of Re, r. -Di. brick building o�
Halifax, .,,.formdr prices 82 Ao $6, TIO_N-ALSH)O11DiGBUD.- at --the American stwidard will Ocome in &bead. time. I
Come an fit your b Only members of reach. s cry for help was heard, but
enterprise. inifidr In every- I 10'sp t to tho u�cd United States, an� will be continu- to b6 allowed as visitors. I'tbink al clergy- Dickson, of Galt, who wrote o beore assistince cou, reach. him he -had andwith the latest,designs in architecture.
lole attention to hi' aem at ha f - rice. by the United State ny and the state
p ously In -progrogs frollil Iuno 30- to July 8, men should be admitted as visitors niTpro- final at thq recent examinations of tb 0`- appbare be ug unable to swim. Agn" McAllister, daughter f
Jo4ncKenzie, an aged James XcAllistqr, of Listo-wel, has return
will- mke it'�'(hum nitlitfas. The polt ta - which is the 16 d
UP i tlis'o cason el rgyma�n tario- Coll* of Pharmacy, was Once Es e ih i
-isive. 01 f visio� should be made for each eai ed.
Ou or which familiar bullseyo wit outer� rings, will be I ted illesident of
takes hold of.' we 4101ld to ma�e_ r June Sal( in the town of Clintp'n to hold ser ices in passing with honors. an I much re ipe ne
between $100,00) and! $ 50,)00 has been., the Galt, sto her hoi - aft4r an absence of boilt Six,
8 110 Of soinia of blic most spirited A -
un ay af
ited ort having tw(,- a lively oj4, a;nd deliend upon it. th tbeAouse each Sun ternoon in -turn. —The other night, at Palmerston, a c9i'n no inced. Be born in Roxboroughshire years as $Siona:
i 1_� subs i�ed, valu able a rtistically do- valr-N for although"j) to principal prizes are i a till I ry -in - Liberia, on the
-best goc fl rst. No house. 1 sil mr and Rland, in 18 came to Canada when 7 northwest oas of Africa. Aliss* Al-cAllis-
as. esarns- )ds; !will imo I I think all applic ts for the offic .9 should 'mercial traveller from Montreal lost off his S'
signe loving cups, Xwel- moii6 6hes—Viz, 10) amounting,to $It- y
the trade can. offer' ou such goods a e d b a I -unitedly that a iritual powers pe en finger a thirty-fiveI dollar diamond ring, ar d ra of age, an from that time tilrl889 re- ter's inisslonary Ilabors were in connection
Z,c $ nd 111011CY"Prize-8 200 --still every shoote'r who 'maL-es 25 pra� . I giv t . �g
it these notes.last, y i coun �o ad on hi i f?,,rm homestead near. Galt..
oi4y'by the best points is entitled to- t sl x
th6 roembers of Ith county ne had to get a lantern and Search f6r it. T with theethodist Episcopal Church.
.�fr- X. Dver'Hur. these prices. Ili b o coinpoted for .1ver mcda�, those
n o' t six years be liha lived in the
ra to Ex-eter ad. e; en in the United,19tato but by'visit' week to make go d ... selections, )ut none his joy, the lost wits found. For the pas
points a Id medal and those —Miss May Howard, youngest daughter
g 150 t 0iri PO Mr. McKenzie was appoint- of Mr . John Howard, of St. Marys, who has
We do t f�llow the le'aders 0 flom i3orman countries on should Buy the a. ;hem in —Mr. Williani Mawson L of Lieury, ha la. towii� of Galt
h, its the ispiritual eri sold in ed an elder -in the United Presbyterian been s-itflering from
positioir as �Nlan_ still more fortunate, making 800, a silver Goderic lamb four weeks:old, that weig is 45 pc nap.
)e 0 her side of th Atlantic, for many of pow inflammatcry. rheunia_r
gre. He has been, I We ad the followers." God�ri�h is ery.wa ery and not levatinj The same lamb -.iben twol weeks old t rndd church it, th t town, in . 18477 and retained tism for the last nine nonths,'is still con -
T u 'r
those delegated to ropro,, ont the schuetzon But the greatest c ipetition! of !ill will v n li� n il his death. He leave, -
a Agency since he� 0 )m to either soul or bod the scales at 28,1 pounds.- Mr. Mi wsq tl�elos 'a fined to her room. She as lost the use 4
i Corps of G6rinnnyj Austria and Switzerland rl&ti�r ly b( for the kingship of the na- ge for thili challenges theitownshp t beal il. itio 0 S t id 3 dau htere.
I Dealer 4f that fg o not�a k an i wil ow, 6 a a in
hav)e promised for t Will give! the victor t I
in e ;,k any ar 11 h 9 one -aTm, and suffers a great Aeal -Of PR
�dtj _�c
"Lo 't0 be ih 4tenda-lice. tionAl festival, for #_
Qer mans do n6t hcsit�te to state that l- eithe oun c neillors or )1�cants� mri. Wm_I atried the M I
'the ri4ht.to be called honceforth tho ap but, with all the suffering, is liright P
shoot- S_ I Ald
J,-4nk and Prices QuQted Strictly Cash. but if the formere tb' k I am Wor, more betlwp6 Sylvan and Thelford for over or' wth'Items.
peo�l ,e though not wishing to i�nterfereAvlth any Ing king of" all the world. He who silo- cheerful.
ani any years, and althoug over 70- yei *r f i
lilp W r. B �oenig has opened a music' —The ministers of the vatious eb'dreb les in
learn, that Mr. of. their dut-Aeg of American I citizens' C Its -In lits th of the other chaps I w; I nkful
manager eeds in - mak g tl o hiot poin c
y tAho oming fois- cept.tbeir favors. age, he louka capa le: 0 inakiug tril s for Listowel, exelranged. pulpits the other Sab-
Dinted at they I �opo to perpetutb first 200- shots will,*b i�rocl im the king ly 13 in Mit h 1_r la Jomx C. -MonmsoN, Hillop. inany. years to c
iere or, th6c25th_ 1 1. MeT �om
ving.a. I � rl.� �
.1 r. RoCreit Adams, of Bennington� �as bath. Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Knoxwith Rev -
a tival, which they believ will be ihe lar- of the feast,. in adAopO tli rqco) ---:_Each,,, consecutive unday! durin e
durin t�
eemed iii Ride- e kind over held, Timbonic ide4s, S r c.'JAI-Ithoge
.1g gest; o 2, th 6ol his netea for the sti-mi at Mr. Durkee, of the United Brethren; Rev'.
splendid med4l 6nd P6sbytery of Maitlano. past month, a Galt po Itry iniin has e n We - . . tghby: of the Mthodist, with Rev -
Years ag as teller kc on Gre associlitions and spoits as well' as -their. of his i ic 20 b Dr. Willou
make 0 o�e - or , ore of bi be�
losing; by death, t _idr; Vit tie of Avimbank has gone on Mr. Robinson; of tl
fie was then - as be Presbitery bold a regular me'ting at, is Baptist; Rev. Mr.
�pecte(l. THE nativ( lngnage amongtheir d �3scendants-. ppints and oveI r will I r6ceive m9I prize' Ha�tley birds. Why there shoula be greater me
11, is easy- Amotrs CLOTHIEP21 Wingha EL - St. Rev. A. Y. a Visit t ber sI&ns at Sudbary, and White- Hopkins, of the Congregational wth Rev.
H They iso hop0 to bac their prowess its
ranging according . o the so made by tality among this ffock 6n Sunday thim (in lardon, NVI'll n col, ibuod' appointe Moderatorpro tem There fish. 111arki nion ooi s succOssfullir its them. Fiukbe�ner, of.the German
�u Exeter he other day of t�'eeweefk, be finds dbficult
w feir 0i inast The, Lo Ing Cups. was a good attendance of menibet's. The bi lk was received at the itchelli died on
re EAFORTH3:, ONT. they have tl to x6rciscs 00 mi —Thomas --Th&on, of 11
're, all(l lhe�teuc -to explain, unles ds aft given theit. Fal to obeev factory onMonday morning, ness,�as
o, have him through the turners ane the! of mu- Numerous are the loving cups that will Synod minutes were distributed. i Session Sunday evening after very short il
by th He was
rn. recordsivere examined and attest;0. Rev. quietus by human M 06.
sic and song eir gii ging societies. be given but )o most noticeable of be-wa:out on the previous Friday.
r(I -10re pbpula--,. —Mr. an&Mrs. Tred A. -Gibbs, who baVe
a 11
J. A. R. Ray was invited to sit asi.. corres� ers of the Freewill Methodist 74 years of age an4 had" ved in MitcheU
The Aing of IELI to be contested for at the festival are e memb
remov,�J been spending some morlths in Toront( lef
his _E fie Shots. those
Ls, pondi g member., A basis of union �betwee6 church,, atWhalen, have decided to hold b t 9- eaxs.' He leaves a widow and
Uri V in 1801, The first of these is a 01-1 yy
D ii,� fbo.Vorld's fa r at Chi- -three in nuniber. a few days ago fo their -,home in Bostc n, On their a iversary on
ad PrOsperfty in. Knok'ar d Melville churches, Brussels, _w" June 24th. ughters z
cag - n-mns of- -y deter- naturally that of tl toNationa Schucitzen family of grown tip ;sons and da
o the -Gv t tie count. bicycles. They p irposeil to tragel th i 500
ub, -d. es ougherty has retirea from the
�b it others of their m4te It was supported by ;commis' Dr. Mulheron and � Alexanderi n Detroit';
are sever�l fast -STORE. mined to succeed. in i bund itself. This bv lidsonie �vorkof art is sione I rem both confryations. . Rev. JM miles in nine d T4y are both eat 1-iui i- butcher business which hellas conducted in Thomas, in London and three daughters.
com ohakA an engravod*lth 'any hu: i-
.keveryeven -4 patriots had flled n accomplishig. beautifully sym- astiecyclistsaMave 6veire:d in ohe.. I for �a vreat,many years.
mgfor the Yea�r 13amed bolical designs, th pr..noip Ono being the oss, minister of I I e church, wilT be —George Scliweitzer of'Sebringville, re -
Accordingly on une 4 dred miles on thoi? wheels. Vine early to tawr_� inis er of the united congregations, 't My,' J� & A. Litle, tailor in Miechell,
cently traded his boy pacer for a gray one
the Chicago into ational prize �hooting New York aud B c oklyn bridge, and the m
New i been kept very b: ew weks
large ca qt f6s s begnu and four rmojial bering. )fI the state of stril m and si. or' twen ye rs A My the past f with a lower mark. He tested the lattefs
h hum W --�--Lonis Edworthy, a� Hin-tiltoil pattep h
I ued i for per a Jobe $1,200 per Ftnnu street.— ontin a eek., v cation each year. The 'sedsio in ty L11 k niz obby suits for the bicycle club.
r tival Wa or w aker, after'eighteen
months sliccei;sively u4til'its toripination york. \4,xt Ili ill ir. no ) is The Schuet- ns of experh peed through tile village on Friday, or is
the two 1congregations sball coristibute the menting,h le !�etd a mac in th kt s8el, of Motherwell, left on
I on last zorl Zeitung - cup, iv 1111�ch' I M a somewhat supposed to hav-'adone so, ai on that day �s
on Sept. 3. Two hundred and illfty of will throw 90 p c o1nnt 0 e Mo Id rs A r t
�ed the faniral of essio of the united con regation, �and the th n a fo Pacific Coast where he has
the m6st f us ishotsof the woVldbom- fantastic MI, repro sou�lng i, German pca�- lit of One ma hire ri.n be, I ced in charge of a mission Station. white streak- aeconpanied by a rattlb3g noise
ch took place at nt of ithe two � congre- ..the country o work' One- ma
)ted for the tie aud honor of th� schuct- ant maiden polsed o none f)ot and holding flashed through the village, and Schweitzet
last week.� gatic�.ns Shall form the boa by a 20 -horse �ne and men ic potr
mr, rd of management _power engi rge Graham, of Elma, is getting and his gray were soonaftef reported to' b"e
zen king of tl c worK The vicOr in the in her outstretched hands steins of lager. in will do the work of 2Q0 moulde"
disposed of of t4 unite cong The Presby- nici4t( onboud"for his new bank barn, in the west end.
contest was Jo n A f New York, On the ---cup prop nat- irally. exhibited or h
Boften 9
n(I "I bavin tisfaction, the —Levi R. Kelly of Al wl ic h he purposes raisifig in the near future.
tte'past 'weef:- a ft riva s, q tbo I urrc unded by rifle-, tery; bavin beard with as berton among his unsilo'CONSS I I I b9b the standard tar, county, met with ln aceadent the the., day —When in trat.f6ra the othor day Rev.
ad in a ar icles a -d to unanimo A r by Knox and )ut of nineteen applicants for a vacancy 1 few� d' that might have been Mr. Tully, of Mitchell, r
winners of'otherp''lZes, cing Carl'.Finken] and German and nerican flags. The v6y Serious. He w on I �rantford police force,GeorgeS.Fish- eceived a warm
al )rt old fash- usiels, as a basis own L the 8tiirway in K' bw n&shakingfrom a gentlema . n who thought
, . St I
is havi It po ahts Zeltung oil one of the h&
Siper of hica-0, Bre low of Davei Melville i igr%ations, B wall d b
01 of union t- ween them, aj �re(d to sanction er, S� iratford man, had the honor of I eing
7o, Dir. A. A. ioed lov to wbet'ile slipped and �,ell on a, f Is they had gone throu thecGold Cure Saul -
W H glialison f BP'timoi nio on on the bas
Stillman of S W se, J. Ben" usen of enable the drink, t6 tow t his comrades dis
ma n e
M Declaration hereof is to b p [ade from the S.Rothwell, of Elma, wbie Iriving' 'kken '%PPrisea of his
Op ing MI) Ithorn handles,
ITE CAMBRII0 G. Homil ork tine. ch )s n.
the said h now submitted.
01S an deep an( �The tine ran into his back a short
Winona'. A. M ean o�ng. I mistake, Ifewiferred-Ireely with Tully
pulpi6 of ea of the aforei aid . churclies at but bent, which saved i from goin further int 0 hehurch shed was unfortunate enough
�nd this pl?,ee.—
ot Ono of W., lom In additi ed frm i
�aton, spent -.White. Cambric�'Dkawers trimmed, from hers, but n achieved the on to tl lei �*.Iz�s for -the shooters an earlv da In answer to i, petition. from into his body. to teal off �he top of his buggy consid�r- on his being sav- kdrunkard% grave,
proper there rvill -ak ce
White Cambric Cor� 224 made by 'the king. will b)' i Lls'o dis bributed a nu —Thornas BaskeI of- Du as, di4d ah and tha -ed God that he was led to tak
20c a pa upwards. splendid scoro of , I
Those who were proseOt at this delight- bur of others for the successful winners . of the congre ion.of Knox allurch, 'Brussels,
set, Co, from l3o upwards. White Cam suddenly last week,!in 1, 6A t h ear. He the step which he did.
her permission was given to ti �e t rustes of the �ar Fleming of MorningtGII, A former
e oi? bric G wi a from 49c White Cambrie ful reunion enthas'last-callyrboo.-d their the nastic excr(!�es, Such as running, Of was in the best of ho! altl Up to e I ecei.�t Stu ent of Stratford Collegiate Institute,bas —Says a corresponaent: The
II shipped UP. gym said church to dispose of the p erty -o
Skirts aw . Chemise at all prices. experiences, whi �St made I hem be- jumping, leaping ai A the like, as. well as Knox church and the proc a I eds to rep ppli ise ded quilting and se n -bees of ur grand�
01 � abill , be a ed warm spell of weather, when be di: ised I is final examination in medicine at
lieve that a old G)UDt L r, festivat ad been many more for wom " and 6hildren who his heavy clothing, and mothe�; seem to W�xve outlived their useful -
ed a large: con bodily tT Ios 0 ell to pay off the congregation's indebtedness. when the c e - of nto Un, rsity. ness, and are scarcely ver beard of
61�0-USE. W#!ISTS. �L.Psplautie froi i thef-dom ni f will contest for the championship of th .11 from temperature conic he td k cold, and ir now,
e e. Mr. MclArman presented a or 114- - -ph IcElroy, of Wallace, received a
Fred. yr Lawn, his majesty the, k Aser. Aa issential different popular gi Meg that will be ar- mation folldwed.. which soon did i ts fabill but if all the revivals of the foiim�r tustom.
I . - t. Helena and East Ashfield congregations na ty t, w ile hearing one of his sheep.
1)" trade "i4t the The latest styles in Pri�t; Zeph r w a ssri the one which. took place
t sleeves , features of suall ai ioo w o manifest. -ranged for by tb6 a. auseMient committee, in favor of W. T. Hall, '� �ie noiate. Com- ork. T e she p ki
Cambr�c had ateen, with large. last Friday week at thelleme -of Mrs. Thos.
y. gathered t oung inen, sons of Dr. 01m,
pg joyful 0- wha have also pro nisal to surprise y I his hand,
The happy grou missionerI a in-4aupport 6f tf. e call were heard. 0 nt tb otle,
�'M� also the r ew Butterfly Sleeve� at 45c, 9C P Hamilton, North Easthope, they are worthy
r -I4 ere waved the guests of the fostiva . 1) small edition of Toronto, made an effort to row canoe dov Thomas Steele, brewei, Stratford, has
7.9c, 90c, $1.19 R1.2% $1.39, $1-J9 , $,.�59 gether under the treei Names attached to call, 2(9. Stipend prom- 17
ts in.', banners of tbeirrespective corps and sur- -the Midway, pla,;isicb, Ich was such a the Grand River, stiLrtil ig at Elora, c n'Tu( s- had Mi leg amputated, as the result of of repetition.
4n upi
froiih AilSiL d vard4; also Duck lii a. ised $800 per annum with. free, use of manse.
arrels V, o a 3011 Mbi n exhibition at found the, ri, ter L 10 blood asonj g caused by paring corn on
.a rounding the riling -amber. ...feature at the This as,a iegular Gospel day of last week. Th —Michael Kleit, a wellAo.-do farm er on
link of Chicago.
colors. lit,
he d lahes bat theywermcom-
o lager. with 1 whic , lamid call. Rev, Mr. Anderson Presented a call shallow in many the 00 e of h. foot. tb6 6eh concession of Ellice, committed
'Ievo- The offlclalt�pr ma agreed upon by from the united L charge of Belgra make cDonald case did not come suicide by banging himself in his barn early
APRONS-- )oujing 0- tables, 0 c 3gr Sid r Xy
ve and pelled to'do con Ling, and --
1 &0alft 0�1 as k. e
White awn Aprons with tucka� 19,d and fees of-Gabrinus! toa d each other with the national office and committees of Thursday to alle in at Stratford last weei.
Calvin church, East Waw4nosh, in favor of may portage$, rea on Wednesday morning of I t. wee H
goment bog Ins itb the reception on evening, thoroughly, t d of the r voyi ge. The, tw, pal ties mutually agreed to drop left the house thoui
upward loud ` 'hochs. arran W. T. Hall,- gh a indow, unknown
he tire 'F opt June fo ign visitors and Licenciate. lNames appended o reason can be assi
Frionds'who h4d long Irated-_ Saturday, romised $850 glied.
t ll�- streiat wa�� -CORSETS. to this call, 199. Stipend —Knox church, i0a whiel :has pro proceed gs. Mr.McDona aying all costs. to his family. N
met together agil�, and oug I ComPot-, of a great --"coi i -pi is", or, singin i lur t. He was about 52 years of
to knoiy' ivliere We k I Lys in stock—Watch S-prin g and Re� annuin and free use ofmaose. Commis- MI the largest co reo tion in, )ILtaric, . 11 Thomas Mag-- for the rsh ac
—Th you ig chil
Wood,L of, ifig against each ther for ther n amorous drinkin bout 44 Jq o national. hcadq` sioners from both congr cefebrate its jubilee on Sabbat 4 Jum 9t, a bright boy of a age A few years ago his wife fell from.
'-'re brigrit 9 egation; all poited
e,%vent Yatisi T'vlebeh, French Model, Con
and'it Was L Sustained by the resby- h o A He a f wrin r little, r -e her neck.
etic, Featherbone prizes renewed , �7 a . ir v� )W6 of filendship the call, Rev. J. K. Formos from in a -m ye.4rs, died a few days ago y and brok
cell tour, C raline, - - 7 a . 011okousentliusimm call. L tie 10 the brain. —A. Hutebinge, V. S., of.Aliteliell, bad
aB. & C., Ventilator. and other makes too with tha;t! hetIrt tery as a retula Gospel The moder' pastor�;, G. L. M Kay, a
so inak4d a cbaractorisbid. Here they atorplaced othealls,inMr. Hall's hands. missionary, a�d Rev.� D MeV* ar, of M --�An w Kipfer, from the township of an encounter with. a vious horse last
to mentio, initialSteps fbr;tllo on
fire extin. numeroui n. great fes- iinal which was very er-
darn-L-4 V�aiz airanged the He asked for a brief time to consider the treal, will officiate. giy, inj Hu -on, has purchased one of the week. The an
LA [EsIMOSE (FA.iT BTACK). ma er an give as ecision w ic was r. Campbell, ous, was placed in 1,1r. Hutchings' ICL
tiVal Which �n which is look -
0, Joe, Park 14 June and Julyl 9fu al arran ements were with a mast unfortuna* acciden i the other has Sett ed o it. He is an'enterpriging Mau for the purpose of "' breaking.' While
50, 7 C, or for a one stall to ano er,
lie, 15c, 25 granted. rovision
as ), rallying cent an4 il. be sure to succeed. ing to move bim from
ed forward to made for conducting ordinatie trials, ordin- day., %V hile driving -n&r the e river,
t the rail- up and -struck with
nion-oi tbovarlous corps of
-r- u ation and induction. Mr. Anlerson to ex- Mr John Keen, of St. Mavys, has -just
LAD -IL S' COTTON VESTS" Still close north of LncaiL, his h+e took at � the brute reared
fri%rb la 4-4 lie
gypsy camp and s I Was walk fore
M feet, when Hutchings struck t , ani.
the. Unitad Sta�tosl- A ady, outside of amine in Greek and Hebrew Air MeLea hied Mr. CampT comple d a piece of granolithic side
55c, 25c. al 9 rer the head with a club, which eause(I
1.0c, 12�e, 1i rn ic theology and church his- thrown ten feet out c f the bu 5gy, f illio a fo� Mr. John McCurdy, of Kirkton, which
6c, 70, 9c, XewY -citylid its vjnity-�--Btookl-, In N
or nan in systemat
d and Now Jcr- sust ain6a lo - e uhlly 91s; well as
L ng IsU nd, Staten ISIA Ltor to preside, Mr. And- beivly on his right side, an odk�. e any that is put down his death.
a, v e t le c STRAW SHA tory. The modert
�O ser 6n
LADU sey—the fa ;ach? injuries. in —The Methodist thure in St. Marysi rt.
io)ving citi m have shuetzon Mr. Har+y-to address. the tle rge cities�
national. be erson to pre ' Durin the ear 114
with tl dy: -ofith and Mrs.Jaeger, of Hamburg, Ger_ ports 512 in
t1,1,TEST STYLES) corps aff hated ..minister, Mr. McLennan to� bddress the —At the Wooiabine 4ace tra Tel embers y
b y con- c althnoit, Boston, Du lo, Bridgopqrt, have arriv Rostock, and are the members were added, of *hem -76 are on.
c, 69, 79c,18ailors 15 eople. The clerk was authorized to call last week, Mr. Seagraih, of Wa erloo, won May,
. d The Rev.Mr. the Queen's Plat t, Mrs. Pentz. Should probation and the, rema
C, loston? . a special uder by letter. R�-
19c, 2nj - 39c 49 59 ca, o, CiAcinidati'. th4 neip il eve It - P�f gu "t of their su n
atld boil. amden,lClialeston meeting if re ire h
trolt, Dubuque, Walker, of G14sgo the will make it movals, deaths
oluilibu �w, Zotl'a;d, v�as nomin- the day,,tbis being-th.4 b successive win -th-, country uit them
net increase to 70: the hpv-jrth League
N-lubi -S. C.; Fort, ayne, Galveston, ted for Pro sor for Knox College Toron- for his -stable. He Ao wo.n i ill tl e fl�t th Arperi nanent 4ome.
HATS tt.'�'burg, Philadel ee races, five in n.' tw first� -4fev. Mr. Keirin, of.Mitchell, delivere has 81 active an -d 3.3 asswiate members, and.
�olieit, Los Angeles, Pi to. The.repo t of the Finance Committ umbe tle
for th,- Queen th� Sons of En I
15c 1'% 19c 39c untrimmed 20cj 39c, pilial-Hartford, Little.,: 7tock Milwaukee, was received nd adopted. The committee places L's;T�late. i� am address to tiand, of that raised a total of $J01.93 during the ear; ;6
and re -
to t M- e d. I�Iobllo, Newport, New"brIcans, New Ra- on Superinte dence of Students were in- —The death of Mr. Alexander ay,� we wn,the other night. unior league has,!.bee organized
lis 8 ect was "The J
to t(. 49c, trin r
s -, uring the yea -,eel-
;-en it, "'r' structed to prescribe a subject for discourse known resident of AyJ took PI that pe made
von Richmondj Rochesthr, San I 61101SCO) Ce in ouliarit ieh of an Englishman and he orted 134) member
an- structive. rections to the poor fund amounted o
tile FLOWERS- AND WREATH%) onto, Springflel Mass. ; Sav eront Student of Divini village on Sunday, 19tb inst. M.. Ka, 7 ws it paTticu latly int tresding and in
Sapram. t6 R. F. Ca ty, to 34
ll erid,. St. Louis, Syracuse, be delivered lo�,fore the Presbytery. Circu- in hie 59th year. Thq cause of! big "death —Wllia�i Urquhart, of Fullarton, who 855.91. Rev. Mr. I'Cunningham's pastorate
15c, 169, 20c, 25c, 29c, 35q,,39c� ni_ wan unqualified uceess,
-t T bee
Omaha, Toledo, Trentb)i, 41!royj Washing- lars were read from variollif Presbyteri�s in- was a stroke of.paralybis, receivid n i 6rly � a has been % pronto hoying his arm, which has thue, far,
ton Wilkeg)arrej WinoniL, etc. EDWU'-HOTZ, I HE SH:)OTING KING. Ile leaves wife and thre ebiloi, was affected -with1conslumiTtion of the bone and the indications point toven bette'r rel -
HANDKERCHIEFS ton, Wilmingi timating th t 9 ministers, froln other yeakr ag�. e a Is'f Its
t 'd h Sul in the future.
ters in Nei r Yorl,,,4 ii1ty. The formal open- ian re urn om days a
Arrangemehtg Al 'Pie ed. churches are seekin6 ad * ion to the Pres- ren. His father was h I t W 11 Ka�l, reirtoved,
olnPie miss e a ew 01
tile 30, 4c, 5c, c, 8c, 9c, i0e. of the I estival mill to ke p the next family -only or nc�w havin . g h the at I midway toe. —The death 'of Mrs. Meyers, wife bf J_
ip an chu in anada
treat The present officers f the sociation. g byterian chu li ..five from the and, of a large family f sons
a1vo -among thein SOM of -the best ar 'hurch, U.S.; one from* Meth- remains. and shoulder el flouring mills,
the pa!� Pday �y) At GJqnda io to 1�) fol P b t _tween thi elbow W lyers, of the Listow,
JUST ARRIVED a I anquet., Ln ac ident happenea on Tues. on 8unday, May 12th, wasparticularly-sad.
n n
t �.ec
h lowed by' b ..0 ay, July 1, �r chur b, U.S.; one from Methodist ---- :One day lately, a certain gen lem
irtead . ing t" shots in the United StaL ho nationial-� h C rey A curi c d h4d only been seriously ber, tb
there, will be a 'a of al" 0 church one: rem Church of, England, and living on Sligo road w is noticed I -dayo las, week� 3n the St. Marys road.,Mr. The decease L
infants' Silk Tams -and laonn&ts at lowes 5 �resident is William V. We B popula 30L
s from the e Mr. Gibb, of Downie, was driving few da ndileaving as ishe does a larZe
,%,s d,
of Snow fell at, Just opened out one case Ladi.e�' captain of the Now 1.,ork Independent Shooting 5 6ciol one from Congregational Union, N. S. Rev. towards Holstein. M om. appearance a
. 1 Now York bcadqu4AO t6 Gle dale pa#-., a he had all thf requ, home froi i Stroth wd with a team of borses, mo lit
rl ic Underwear.. it,'princi-, rs off for a day's fishin
Schuetzen, add xyho Ia al JoUr James Malcol n was appointed of le �iieg, the youngest being but
via the Lo old, her death has evokecl-gener-
ftust, ng I8,1ar railroad. The shoot- o the Stratford MM six months
pally devotin elf � to thee orship of I Assembly's Comfiiittep on bills and over- sites required im, lont ie ig- and r.-JobiaxUms . f
I �ts of his Ing contests w _0 ds!
g hims gun on -4 ones.' Mrs.
Ma-uituba suf. li� jute e that day 'tures. The trustees of Trowbridge church turned in the evening is frien ran Building 3ompan: r"sworks, was coming into al sympathy for the bereavo
a magazine devoted to iwekc Both Were
and continued for an entire wel 3k, separate igh. town MeyerS Was S daughter Benjamin D_
SIGN OF BIG HIP. associates. in the domain of rifledom. property reported ftat they :had effected 4 surprised to learnn at his catch we dri ring 4 youn horse.
days being �et api Lrt for such,, special atr each h�d turned out to Snyder, of Dumfries township, her father
Lorenz Zeller, HeiLry Off'otmann, A. Rich- gale of said pl opedyi- . A vote of thanks 4 150 pounds--�-he had t E6ken unto i self; p, go- slo, fly, and
iti-ri, tpg
dn a ..W:
1111mller of 9g the tr 1 wifer. ithe other to paws. When-nearl op- subseqif
tract -ions as, the raception of �ho r ustoes fof their diligell ce and trotib e _v ratly removing W St. Jacobs. She
tick and C. D. Rehm are �he vice residents.
societies, the turr ers and othlor German- b th e 'f eightebn to -Mr.
from The minor officers are F narin, - re- was cordially p Lose allantyne,aftei —Archibald Me an; about 60 YEM�Cf PO lt� Mi. Gibb, to*ever, Mr. Ifunns' horse was married a
ritz Bau as -ra, then of Dumfries, but who after-
ations.. The;' d, fouit I k rig jumped towarf
cording secretary; ap es corre- American associ Fourth of deducting'all l penses connected with the age, a farjn laborer, - ninarrie f i it and 1s the team. MeP
July will be celebrated blaryboroug� townsbip,
En PIEN tional 1101-1- e mai�'s buggy ran wards removed to
An TECOST Ch I Roe, tell as a n sale, was � a4t ioeized to forward the re- dead a few days a in Ewe 's ere6k, sbaft of the Stritford.
spending secretary; Henry- X Behrens, r�llccis field in day with speeches and other palriotic exe- mainder of. the ')roceeds of sale to the Rev. which crones th; ro 'way midw bwe�6 in- 0 the breast of one of Mr. Gibb'ji horses living there oil a fartfi until y ie -
financial seorqtary; George It. We hrenberg, clses. The featly d Will b� closed on the d to Listowel to the Deceased di po d the I mi ropped d The affair move engage in
,!ears, an( t1le treasurer; ilernhard Waltber, "hard 1�r. Cochmne.1 if. Braritford; f6r Home Mis- Elora and -Alma.
not be �hert, seafofths 00 ng 8th of July by th distribution of prizes d aport at next meeting. some proterty he hi�d in Elora for w pur( ly k ent;A. The horm was a business. The c%use *f fier death wm acate
She leaves f 'I of seveft
re Robert o" Fred rx- Messrs. cRae and McNair
Krantz and W. Hang te 'a of the sale on I I?- V �and its 1�w at this season of, diabetes.
May, in rownin !of the king, when appointed He had t IS proceeds 4able i me,
and F d Cook, Robert pnk ehlildren five sons and two daughters.
be D14 were -Saturday In bat dvoisifid 1� th year nie4�s (onsi4emble to Mr. Gibb,
El. ch&V.lQt9f oak l6av will -cod woupd,. t,6. visit Waltl �rt congregation to enquire son or=g, A DUNCAWO OLD STAND O...Ueblein and George ed-