HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-24, Page 8Kining at nign maes stirawl werry ant tialt tower. (5) Nighlbpatr toes 6,9 duty . P.-epara-Dions ror une an- n 5LF4aUJ1,&Uy iuq�u "A' rar
Sugar is sway up f n- price andill J. _�me.- nual tea. ---John 6or iish, of � St. Thomas, co rt,:I,*fzioh S 40U 11 1
ivilT;all hav lajTipj� byFillF I Z"f ".*T 1UU
pIa y -the. thousaid, At at4-a He shou14 06ut til - day-
kely to go highs raspberq fits b in. Intl u Th� trospeoi i for fruit a
re� a o -via a 64� oin ng the -,v
we are still oollilig Rpdpath, best granulated, 20 1 3s 'Beek plante ut 1a;t mjk�) over 300 p1tirr light the year round. i 16) ients're' I it ot ivery ent arrivet!l here Saturda t t tlie ba& aid IIIA' M illagi �, his
w I T i . 01 0 Like to dress well,'and as the sea-- A
for$;', and 21 this of a brls�ht yellow tot $I.' Flour is J Lrrs ge co raging at present.-Joaeph hE rnith . ba of his dying brother --;-An In I elleo anc � otherwise U into
tree an( n t n'hii i groundi Oth r old settler I ly'k. . which con. pole
�Ughor , Ave are selling the best tor $2 15 per 100 119. a, has. abou 0 quired by electric alan i or tel�"ho e to se- got 4 silent stood. Heintelklismadriga has passed away in ihe ly � the �requireme to of son has arrived
p fem perso of Francis A pe, 4so M -,,W eb
'and t9oaranten it to g1ve eatitifoction. 'Chriettq's A just east: )f hi villagla. Few meR', de rvi oure horses imtnediat6'I V at al hours. (7 trips to Clinton to make a chan in-
. 43 during the qeason, your wearing
Cornish, whom deol ge A
t4; and all kh)ds of cann code success r Ic Is!' t —A blaimed r its own on -th i restir g g The ladies ex- apparel, you' should -at
ir i bit this e -ribI3 �T*o standard, chemical 'fire exti gulifiers of tor has been called to once ae.
we will atilt sellat the cut prices. In Prunes, Fit@ Belgrltvd ai A Calvir Sunday e ng Is, great- pe ted iout
against h FA handsome B611. orgai L has �iiob less than-: five gialo r:10 THY w� 11 be t) iese days, whic Will
nil- c% &OW each, u t yourself with all the beauti.
Ralsius and Currantil, we hwe extra value. We h congregations, in the person of Re, r. W. i, 3i d' bli, attractive. 'f our
e;i t
fo le a
It 31
t procured and
'Iwt receivN 0 ano.ther lot of now season Japan jave b through the old'esiallo iihied should be oarriid,. fuligollarge o ree to Hall. The reverend gentleman Q11 be in, I miss 'Dv y -faithf 01 -arid devoted, yo ng acheli )rs 1i auseepti le to placea in our Otore f6r your inspec-
Lbd Ben proc ared 0 ed b al o1ally at the Zion mi, e e qan 0 ul in we- have
ave h � Our flne, Black and Green Tea at 40c ' �Urob, wh re wa, - lha
'Greitl Tea to sell at 21ic per lb., equal to the best we Music eW 30ritith of Scott fBrothers,Seal drth', �all, fires 'and spare el 6,, ways 'ke t. ducted in June; should e call. member. His le , cin( tion,11 they Wwi,, surely I I be
per kirg Be e he i �c e At a
11 f T11 I
-for Egino idville. Presbyterian dhur6h. Mr. (8) Five hn to W tion -and ben
ndred feet'n ore hose wanted p lie aOcept P [i frienis and ziela ives have fez a eflit. Most ladies
M are -the beea in the market. and are u i Mrs. A. Scott was presenttild. h a Wei, the deep valpathy of the clom rliunity in stVillil end 'aring ter- a as fifteen ove.
sually sold at 0 fo
,We iwiiJ lb. Our fine Bourbon Gaff je,is the beat value Scott wet �.t to � 6%telph* on Thuirad,0- or. make up the minimumof 2,000 feet for class filled purse the other pveni�g w Belgrav their ere r f
in town, We hava a first -clan stack, of all kinds of der. ' t O� 41' b lament. .4%
it, an 4 it is expected that the'! " is C." (9) -T,vo more 11=188 I he 00blic ibrary of e Mechanic
inch plp6in for having been r ist. for a a 0i of th
fresh irraceries mind as low as any house- in the trade. whisties` will be in place for ne t Pa at hould be Pr6cured at One 1. 0 sti ate plac, I �q w cotitains Alearly
h.1 a �0) Chief oi years in Wn I imber LIKE -i
We will not lie undersold, and will make good the ox chTraonh. i
14W9 Green." .1,60 0 V410-mees. -7
1 11 firq-biigailesiould befully paid' d Y;�J: ti 0. trifling considers -
price og any article that does aut vivo satial tion an on con-
" A
t fie
to it
jor A
our a
boys J
The hi0eab. prices for all kinds of produce.
Q W14SON. Seaforth.
Bank o; 06mmered Bloc k
For" Full Inf6rmation
�i -ABOUT-
S.; JACKSOX, Agent.
C.PR.. Tickets.
C -AR, 7elegraph.
Dominibn Express.
0 Ps: M -A N,,' ISTO P.
h ett you are� passing take a raw minutes and 'look
Flokard!s Great Bargains In Clothing... It Avill
1pleoo you. It will A, you. It wilt inake you feel
tich. Never before.Uve we had such a leverage on
4beclothing ba-Iness, ha.ving just bought largely
lblearing linps frow . leading -maijulaoturers, and at
frices astonishing. Over five hundrid (500) suits at
Im than halt price. We now sell agood genuine
Oult for $5M. - This line, with others, will be found
*iithus aslon-g as they last. This Pummer',apurchasis
*i1l. not last long. Ourtradein this doj*rtmentiv
11 Clothing and Dry Goods House,.
A W0N_DERFUL!_C_rr.E.—We le'arr rom,.
the Harriston. Tril�tine, that Mr. I erbert
ff. Caxso4,,.son of.Aev. Iff1r. Casson, of Har-
riston, and forrn�!rjy of Se flofth, W, �o has
6een suffering for I�onths, 'th sor eyes,
has had 'I " n t rely our d by ra. R.
VV son, '=7ce1% ated, eye- octor, f Lis -
bowel. "Tr Casso. has been laid ul since
astSeptemilerwi asevereattapk4iritis,
ad even the skill Of American ape; lalists
was not sufficient t� care him. Fo eo a
on. � _V _
3111ted , ,
Lgio he e q. Wilson, kind Is eves
,re now as ver., HB! belilie 41 ra.
",a we
ii'ilsori to be, t e n ost successful e e- ler
a America, and sp aks in tt, e higgh at possi-
)Ie terms of. her tr aitment.
DTsTricT 'ATEFTI- G.—The arintial district
rteeting Gf the Goderich Atlethodist di§_
rict, was held in Hena&ll on I Thni.4_,
lay and Friday � of last -wee&-.- Rev.
W. Holmes, chairman, ' presided,.
ad Rev.- E. A, F�4r -was eleoted,, sea-
etary. Thereports from the various' imr.
tu-ts in thi-district, -were presented, na
ere upon the 1whole -ver� enco 4raging
'lie 'Rev. W. Snty�h w'as elea d. to the
tatlo�nirl,fl Commitlee; Re , J. Edgli and
#1olmes, Esq., to the "anday School.
Om ittee; Rev. .00alloway and J.: C.i
an to the Ep Avoith L ague Commit -
Be. was recommended 'itt 'Alma ap .
ointin'Ont-from Sea. orth tiit, and Tur
er's ai,)bp�intment y f nta�riii Street
hareb,"Clilaton, be u with �4.e Londes.:
ro (.,ir6.ui This h
wiltno doubt be,
Fooirju: NtoTmj. -.The oirons went to
ngersa,l 'on' Satui daiv, an I played their
rst, di� trict chal:4piDlIship, n atch with the
ii10 of �h&t town. Oil accot at of the in-
bility8f some of tha team t geiaAvay, and
GIC of )ractice on others, to team. was a
ttle w4k. As the Hurons had defeated
lencoc b�y a good se6re, an ], Glencoe had
ed Ini er�oll, it Wa., 11confidenbly expected
lat th( Hurons -wotld. win on Siaiturday.,-
e m - -11, however, 17'esulted in a tie, the
ore bE ng 2 to 2.' ' rhe next match Will be
ayed ere this (Fri, la,'v) meiiiiing, With the
ech"��cg�, of Berlin. " echankg are
_ Ae strem, � mile �v the district
le of t, rest �ea
id as �. he Haro'ns w .11 have on a slashing
am a splendid exh. bition of football may
look d fof. -The ' inton !Collegiate . In-
itute : team are apparently not sa1isfied
th th ir recent def mt, and have, entered
therl challenge to mir Collelfriate -team to
,�Pe� for the Hough. cup. The match
vLj tal place i� the course I io� a Week or .0
A 0: A p
I -POINT XT We' notice the t
the ___IIEN
of Wkines- i�
y �Ihe vacancy,. the Sepla�ate School
pect . hip, 'cause by'the d ' nn
eath of the
lUr ornelius o coran, has bdion filled
the ippointm-ent ffMr. William Pren- n
rgast B. A., of -T . Tb e* V
or - fto University
point, ent, which is wortli,$1,700 a year,
c.es ef"Ict July Ist next." 'While congrat-, :b
ting Ur. Prendergast on his good, for.
no, Ave are sou Aat the appointmegut
cau E e Sea forth; to' a a good citizen,, m
'. f 118. 2
d our I IGnIlegiate Li. e one of the most
ient leaclidrs onrii, t . ' �111
t is a -raduate of S . .181r. Prouder-
aforth Collegiate In. te
tate, and has held ti e'posit.ion of mathe- retical thaster there fo
. fo-six or seven- years, 0.
if helproves as efficient an inspector as to,
has been a toaaliq and wr are sure he W
I do so, the Goveri 4ent as -well as tjiose
rested in the separate schoials,will have v , i
Se to Coliffratulate them, selves on his -ap-
atment. His exper' public, W
I�igh aghool. teacher , xence as, a ] T
combilaed-with his -1
ertor scholastic attainment and per- co
aIacti%rtt;.yandfot%6e of cha�4� to
acter, emin.
. fo
13, qualify'him for the requ usible posi- sa-
.to whichhe has been ax_:oinled. Mr.
adergmt is still a young nian and he W
1-vork-ed'hiinself up*to his' . gr
present post -
his al) _se
b% lie Is an- an
er ;f tile fr;lwy gl�w -
4�ates oftbe Seaforth
egiate Institute who-�a,�e .(Ione -well for o
nselves and linve' broughtferedit up pn m.
institution f)rom which su
;ahef emanat�d.' efl.
tipipointment is'a good onc,�&nd wot!ld 111,
halle been bestowed bad it jilot. been de- me
ed. 11r. 11rendergast i�*,ill ikelv be he
'ed to take tip his residence 11, A
in ioron t 0 beF'
\70THS.—(0111111 riday even- pei
next, May a social w
il be" held +t mi
acherthey , tho beautiful residence bf op
1 Sproat, 1 -:sq., brickyard, under the on
ices- of the LaLlies' Aid. 8o1iety of ol�tr fol
It is perhaps, heed�ess to say, via
-%veathey' )eitia favorable, a prpasaht
iM of
ering, ma30-confidenVy be anticipated. DF
In sp 1) cliar-ged.-
aa ' 11 ad i ion fee will rep
Nlarcus, 4f Ridget6wn, i Visiting at in
nanse. : We hope her t
a y will, be as. to
able as it �was last summ r�Alr. Jo- sta
Dyson jis making co s.iden tle improve- wil
in his residence, - ich w 11 add much -(I
s alreadv �cmfortab 'Ve ext
t to tiotE� the rath I ess 0! Ma
e, grand-djuir,liter iam Al Grz
vho-h as be4n �onfine( 4 1 week be
O. -Our people are 1pleased to see Ma- pov
aderson. an!d his men putting the side- the
over the 11 tsin crow shal�o. . It shows elee
)ttr I big nel
ghboro prts soi�d valuclon box
ifety and lomfort.-Fi6ot is the sho
grecreatillmof our young men and use
List now Wt their grourldi4 are rather in
d for thb Uat praclice.-Oar- people atit
SUND QI1OOL 0 bn E T 10 N. -,T h an' staitdiiy, (11) Tbrelifirmen honldale'ep OTEB. - — )ers of the Presby ' rian tio of iAei iber can ve , in - is -JL 0 e 9 as- early, Deleange,
E�Ayfileld. e Inem'
anal Sum lay School convention of the Angli every night in the fire lial church are usily en� aged,in erecting a fine of, eal E for i whole y r. me- then they know. for themse I (10) There is H. V. Edwards is
ean Ch.urh in the Deanery of, Horon wil only bile engi�neer. He glee showir� a# excellent new fence i front f their church. -Miss At hurl��.; jas lqtel sol a number o, ' fine what are the fashionable thingii;4�r v held -ft St.� Th-omas' Churali acb lises with cog ps on the prem- a 4 Pnts good tweed Jane Curr till u in lots in survey, aid he the incoming season, and are better
b lot of itlady-made overalls
loorn municating do)r be;ween pants from $1.26 8 rocove -ing �rom her recen b'
u There were bang
f pi�liap - from the ness. sti ul aint to of very deiirablie able to procure shades and patterns W RIOLE vi
on Tues ay next, 28111, commei ti� b hou" and dwelling. manufaoturersan(Fire extragood.valu . -Thi raAgem in. -intend celebrati�ng
(13) Futum extensions 1482-L
o'clock a. m, The following 1 he pro. of water ir ains should be in A � has than kItEEZY NOT0,-Heiberb I the 12th of J I in 860;,forth.-The fruit t fo a e;_ ui, ing ill be brisk i -the which will be most sfiitabletotheir-
Coiloday wa 'met. as out 17 hous,
o Y11 I a a ,a are
gramme: Morning session --But int as meet. inc)ies diameter. Four Inc I pi Be are tloo down from 'Goderic[l last Sunday. will be smayli i Own particular tastet
V : UL'UP a bhis vicinity, owmig'to
In ev i 'I
Aft e eon emion-Discus io: 0 th srn�ll' for fir6 hydrants, sl Jack Frost's recont visit. in_(oln ere9tioti, wi t more to follow. in 0 11 Ily whei+ X. W. Hodgins, o! eaforth, anail INW
ol L ter& -at
following __6 I
Sunday theire is no circuit. (14) A r 3 We W, at ouiildforioaying tb al
g�!ter, shoul Rev. T. L. Arnistro' changed pul i 'TO
9 x We oi be kept in, %,II at ; dl -times imine pits on Sunday an on, Tuesday� ey.
ture, The Model Tpacher, Thjo We the fire ht na I ex a ye6lt' tbollbuboftbeco ty.
�eir elati to difttely accessible there, coittaining theful next 'Rev. Mr. p
ietiesin the.Parishl and. tb Stanl p he 1"t few yeark has
c 11 groli ON Get your dress or drLes before th
f Middletoij�4,' PROPEnTY SOLD. -Mr. James Cooper 'as ir
the Surid School and 1: utieo t, " I
pa . u ars regt Rev,
the hnrr h r io tired, in s6tionf; 10 a4d� 13 church, and, beei I mo 4 In pulation is rapid Stoc culleil,wltie the -aasorl,
? i L r strohg are tQ sold Ilia bust lot on the Sth concession, I- is c(3:rnpliote, Lild.
aW exchange. -Mle a d �e i n. it i nly a he
ad, Resp nsibilities of ie a u A.Lay &-hool in st�ndard. in conclusion' I br to (l ques- While t
4 tifining 50 acres, to Mr: Will. BwArden?
Mrs.., Howson, J� 4, range of P
teaolier. E'Vening! Sea ion- Wine at rviol your ttiftention to the gr I tion of' pie till thel'aboy' nit ritioned expee- rices i� uAbroken, is te
eat Im so tim in Burns, E.-Swarts, G. Ne. in 'T J A] of E xeter. The,e are no im,
alo�inl On arks venlielts On tati, 'I be rearWed. n order to I iurry
at 8� P. M. in St� ThornW church, getting up fire pressure3brul e eats, Imic wise thing to do� -Our stolek to -
h Ferguson, and John Mor I%tienaed JZ; the leand Mr. Coo -per received
p 100
mat com
Re%-'. Mr. Turnbull, reotor of God ric i, places the'town in litt f er's e wotild a. e, t that a ship plete. Get a -new
164bot w - position than Toms' iu�eral -last we' 1
ek.1 On Mo day even for it.. r. .13a:wdeu has bought it on ecu -
cant I the waters of
t8l Responsitility." A * me'eti 0 �it*ouldbe wAll only stearrdq The,bri-]- ing next Captain Barr, the advan e agentf lation. pened so 4s to bgiln
very man
.Rurl4jecanal Chitpter wift be held '�on. Ved-, ;�ade should meet mor fre tv e, is,to, the Salvation ah
ably toe Orac- the naval brigad L i n to this pow an t make
be a %'e. 0 bef
ties ay, Wth, � commencing with a icel ebra- tice with all appliance and 3o ensure bt�tter Arm still a� k The scherne shou Hdl- DRESS as
barracks to give part cularg rie- qui iticSiler, e1specis 1.1y. c � t )e ev( of a
tion of the holy communion at a.'rit.,'and smartness thaft was t -ord y u are
e hibi ie at the test.', garding the b4nd of men w I) col While you have such ChOl'Ce w
oi prise, the ITEM -9. -The se:*ere frost and cold w6ather en ral a, n teeti i of Alto new
the in trittimings; have. b to _the'bef
nd This brigade is.to be at Bay eld o it Tuesday claird ol.1nanageme4it 'Fe ania " In-
mee;s for business at 10 oclock. Kt�oly let me hear frol ou at your eikvftest- nmal brigade chiising oi illiamBootli. of the past few days have greatly hindered . materials and
corkrenien'6 in reference to tle above, it of the % ch it made after thi- new styles, which
ea 81111111 Sti Lte it f th p c 1 bdId on' Monday wen- tt I 'that -nowhei
MCLIA;N, and Wednesday, June 41� a' fruits will be almost a failure.- are very modest And becoming his. values Wo
Ck�\ DII) %TEs Fop. TiTE RA:(. c.- The fo ot Ige, the.growth of vegetation, and th
Ing are tI ie number-, of appli mna ivhc �Avill h an 5th A bras 16 in(
liusic I treat and an Cadmore is again confined to his bed - th. rary. d
Oretary. band is on board 'and a I 'usic Mr. Thos. 'in )tio;hn a carrie' to e8tab ish a season, and you will have a gar��
he 11ritrance tind, Pa ast" 'g
write at lio- teresting time mV be expect d. wi reo ing. om in cotflie4iOn W h the li mentich yqu will like e pjeoljo�
,. lace ue e mith Bri h 111 r 21N�et selee e a_rOom,
Leaving e cam LodAL BRIUFS.—Tile T ia, from which he suffered untold misery Th boo nn al- _n
inations, -at the sei �eral. a u have no d
------------ rell e the fac:t I
Al icultuiral 86o uring ter. Mrs. Cudmore is also thic r gh li 7o or thre
amed. beingiri the inspoictc riai diatr* t , ie have ecided -to I'Jold -' - e in suitable 'Places are at WROW �W-
th Varna. I - 1; 0 � a
West Huron. The examinat ons ta r annual fall sho III.-Tbere are holiday, -a special Bale w"
olis -pre 9 -Int Va I a.
�e 1 blace w in Set Sorth on Tb s in all the schi
to the teacbers" conven- --�flups Attimm U
4y aud-Friday, September LOCALs.-Mr. CharleaA. *eid has gone. this week c Win
in June 26 and 27 v
-he old country with a nut�bbr of horses. the
W Logau'left - on Stiturd to tibri, and littfe -folks are in
'H, S. Efitrati P. S' 14 Vinif it. 1 - As E .have olcenion to.
ta -ar ar. �ng as you
y oil a busi glee over J F
eg -Mr. H. Commewing 2
trip to Winniii . lo8s -Uts. Wm- Rathwell, ar., who has been —0 1 4
G)derich. Cowan, forin'pr- �i wear it. We welcome everybody
spending the wintef in o gert
nd i a. Andrew Ho
Itin Mr. J. S. Roberts' dru store, has be orooto,, as return. Staffa. to come to our store, and.mak,6 a,
... en I via f f �i en near i6r, last -Ave
wu be e4 lin quality-
veter ......... ed to her home on the r. G, LocALS.—Mr. Will C&Tnpbell,, ol London, Williami aivto' a 1 0 of Grantor� 49 . �md patUrns
i,yfield.,. thorough comparison as to
week. , Hd* has just returne
renewing old acquaintance� in to' this M
Clark?. wh� has been in 13f .9 1
Kintail f -onx his 8D ill health for some spent a few ays with his parents here this ji V knd"pri-e In 'quality -our goods 12
time, is WIf n borhood recent -
D inganno i; ....... ...... in. is re0ove in this neigh, X! .1
ies at the School 'of Pharml Toro n.g.-Thia frosts, o the past week. -We are iorry to hear of tlo serious I 1Y. Mr, are right; e buy no hod dV these ranged bi
week am 3 SXoc tt, of gibbert, visited
SZ Helem; .......... .. -i And his many friends will b( p ased t have don much..,.d.._ in this illnellas of Sylvia, a you to price, we al -and dufmg Juln
! 1 - 1- . d week.
vicinity. I in t I is .1i lc aliti, one d
ng daughtdr of M low no one to -und
n. We,bope, soon ffiss
Zurich ... .... 19 that he'bas pa"ed !L most or A I able e" Thotnas Vivi �ear Of !Bella Pingle of 11 bar rene-iAreo- ol !sell us. made to order iAl
ation--�-Afrt;. (Rev.) - A.- D, her.. recov. ha d
.r d cDonald has er -Oar village is bo orning as acq i i�p -n tl� igbb6rhood lastlFri-
Grand Be .........
%in aces 1
&I. The'earpenter's hammet can. be day.
�e�q visiting 'friends iii gham.-Tho Zurich. usu: t T14E
!,Id Satur ay. 'ter I iavid MeNlool
'harpers discoursbd sweet nit sk' during Sat, -Mr. Ge ho 'd Are direction. -Our bl ekazziithe
orge Buchanan 34 NOTES hea�, in e
114 has rie u -ned I ome, I ing h le and hearty.
on' nj E Mr. A, ji from Toronto College for his sum mer vaca- a rushing trade, and ourf CJ'
doing a XQFAUL V
urday 4ternoon and even . i
J. 101 Tom Will take harge of th6se ;ex- two -LM ed, las
.. 1 01111 e. lit adorn
e -Mr. e( E. Hen er- 6ion. Thp parental roof 6 ger 4 0 eg
i- bi S. P. Hallso a ik son will act as starter a mer resort. is a plea sant sum, lliandplorre, new, organ.-4AIr. This wM bea aminaltiont at Godef ob Penteco�t`s istor report trade as beinj go�d.- arlor -wi 1
e -141 t he ore races in -While glay lug base Mr. 1J.
ter ; R. R. Rog all a few Walker has big cbees6 fact '&in iel sal 1 the this pfier.
even cry more h tly, mproved
xe er ay, '(Friday). - T 6 county coun. in ago, Mr. I Tat. Baker finished, and ope a r e e is d
Brown at Unta" ;Lgi'.- ala. Weathe'rhea' I at E' t t d acting rations linteiior 41h we] in Dry Goods.
I I iollso b rep&i ting
Iju lina i ; Joseph Stalkei, at St, Util a meets on T e day, Ju e th.=Workmeit as cate e , and was -struck by the ball' -on nesday. - AVe hope,Mr. Walker w' raw ihis rme
be suc- 1the (eili, 1 7 and dec6ra t. e h 6avy
W. If, clearii n as, vdry cessful'in big, new vent
Jol ason, at -2u g t way the rail a his nose nd broke the bone It monoy saver.
-rich ;"Jfime el aty 6 ure.-An i4teresting :raiu'of I Saturday alt( un� It g, eat- any e busily en od
bu UU& lay ii
at Gr nd I tend.' 7 In Com
the ho A, prepitratory;to ainful f r a time, but is now doin nice1j. game Of football was played laol Mo 1y reviv( the grain.- a('n in to
e n of the Ile w bt r. M. Zeller and wife have in Mere. evening, between the inarried a
d; a* gle iect, n, wbdh bidlzi os bali Ing
this 1
es Morrison, son -of lint visit ng- their t un
�'Davis Lily
M ix iss men of the Staffia football club. '116. g�nie Appeira;4 e aftbti -the 1i Ile t sevej e r sts.
11 to
Jim n
d p -ekles,. 10c - a b�tte aj the I 6te &I son, Edm6n
114S2-1 .6rrisoni ormefl� a well -k; ow'4 nlerclia�7t Fisher has been at Hensall on; a i it. -Our was veryfastl and exciting, and e led in a It is fea the fruit I, a4 V___ 1)1'-L ' are
Concert in of.this town, has- pass d the teachers d vegetables,
Rem'emb or the big ed 1is - final examin- nde draw each scioring two goals.
Can no's ally th ise that
Cl ation at the Tor Inaey convention in Clinton.-Mr.*F. ---------------- a-- frot beat the record, the
Hall td-Inigh i. Huron Foot Onto 80110101 Of Phar Sloi and were ed di icel being ver an PM
hall ubt, VL fitiblic school teachers Sei n4r In
icoml ilet�]� r lo�led, e�peci
whav to be
atly, at
a an County, gone to Wal isit Mr. McKillo inch Turner,
Six "pow ds of new'cookng raisi I �ding third on the list Enron family have laoi er L
as ifo) ? - , pleal assistant teachery
PC P. elk, e'- Farquhar coires-
_I i 8 xbbath School Conventio - -, r.ri. Seigner's parents. .1-h k, Fnrtteoand ttoo Vitay ta a our schclol�, Was Ch Mile 01'4. offei
at Davie! Get aery. 141Ml. deog, �1. ey I CHURCH SlEirvICEs.-Rev. Air. -Mu4g��Ve 'pond drit �o th trA'I in n6n attending the!
ir tin will bi h 1.11 Beacon, i rri a in
ee I eld eict week. �'Mr. -C. Willert
Nntngs, the
.1 in St. owas' churOl Was--iri'7014ir- of McKillop, and Ptev. Mr. a that the d Of East Haron T-eachers' Coovea ning �ll )r
The pro iession this' mor .2 t4rt on May correspond
3ah He a SteWlart, oi Tlast 1 vee�'� p tiot
from the G.T. R Station at � clot eid to 28th and 2 th. The Ball on recent] visiting big son.
Ck and p ea -a Clinton, havo arranged to exchange pulpits iTHE SEAMIT Xl�osn on - has take a a I ady vorth U wid $a"
Jamea streel (nne block north nf 'Quden's H iel); ii bilee singers *ill 'give a c )ncert ih the well of his% low home, -J. B, Foite i tai n- for next' Sabloath. Mr. Musgrave will �Wrnj anion of I ation lity. Acc6rd-
odk then Sou0-h to U -set. dveniiig no-Vt. Exeter'. 43 a pair.
then weet tw ) W eel ol b ethodist church oil Tues!daj ing two kilt a of tiles every week, suplly therefore, preach 4-t Clinton; and Air., 8 t reports r by- b
then up God rich Fit eet'to.ldaln stret and r !eed tew- ther e cribe of
Bvsrvv_sA CuA_xcE._Mr, W. IL Lavette,
Gmounds. 14 preach at 3)ufre thurch In
to the Recrel tion _Xr. Charlie Willis retUrn, l& hoine fr the wants o his customers. art w tl!e Aoth gain
Ing a t Clintilln.
'143 1 IN'TERESTING STATISTIC,$ -The assessmen im eVery
Y. -Mr. WnL SinithAs h . t r a U`Cky in at having disposed of his rain business to Rr 'h 'studies at Toronto Univei sity on Tueg Winthrop, Beacpai is. r in to e,, bul we the -well known grain buyer of this village
Evapora ed apples, 10c p and
Davis' Uroce er poti,nd 'at Idle e Kinburn, at- the usual hours. are sorry, to say:is
t respect i- and4iou placed under fiis resideri:e ick h h d the egg and
fo w Stle- Cobbled as pUr-C age
return d frAm We the following Acres, :cess.-- pro -
In addiV Ii to bhe afternoon prograi line' North Main street, NOTES.-A)r. of McKill*bp sho 1�r Richard2as le d
-�-Iylr. -Tobi Copp hasr Wife silent duce, business of Mr. A. Q. Bobier, toget We of Ier in
y be a itfrAt. mg- a and San her
I -
advertised to to-dia there will also Ohicago, where be -vas �ak 5,2CO ; value, $1',$;17 290 - income, $1,0`00 !Satu d tradlylli th ends n 1111-- with the handsome new brick block in which." lass i I' c urge lin
. e ived lacrossema i i. bet en -the Stars of Bright an( 'the. te contract for the -Deputy- beve Kennedy onal
ap," between Dublin and Egthond ;life. 4mir. obegt Macdon
tc �Brle tion of M* the.hospitals. names on 1-011, 8 statute labor, 3,838 and wife, of the busin'
Beavers of Be iforta also a football 'Imatch toi the I arivick's new house. -Mr m. PickaM re �116 ett.- Ali... Johni �lac, eas is carried n, -Air. Lavette to A yftTs
signed- his pasition an4will offer hi self 1301pulation,, 3,000; cattle, 6,01d, Crawford n, visitec a!t ald's shrewd, careful business Tqan. who is"known.
gentle- 15; .1100, 1,613; horses, 2,015,- ere, w 11 be no service e 5iden(ei cut down. -There -- g:rzo so o . 209 .7 11 ';a and respected for his int0grity, and Will, o,
ba a had several of the tfees I front of h 10 f0 election -as reeve, Severlother all un ay
ge ang
You cat i I alivays depend upon'.- t. inthe public . school on Wednesday men are aspirants for the position. 19omin- acres of -'fall vilheat, 2,583. The Canadok thell ha , es Pre byteri4n church next- 'doubt., succeed in his new enterprise. Mr. and it T;
I 'd
Christie's his( grocery. Atsi:_i mrsday, as the teachers are a ttending at.ons will.be-held on Monda Cothpany and
hent at half
�-ts fresh at Davii TI y and in elec- 'Estate of Dr. Coleman ow" acoo Tit bommunion. services t
e ti( n, if liecessary, i
'k -to tion to his pm
on Mon ay, June 3rd.- dcreai
Tliacheril Convention in 01' d a -bout U00 acres, not much improved beui g b d at Kir n Bobier will devote his w6ole atten
DisTpacT LA= inton.: -Rev. TiomasFitzsimmonal -well-known reside of lesu'val'ue than it �nery business, and he will inako i-hure,
_OSU �fEETING .,-A'11 pi lot- ledgiril, of St. Thona, aiV chumll, and .3 twenty years ag as he oes everything he titkes hold- -of. Wo ititend'to
ing of the Huron: Lacrosse District v ues ay mornmg, after a brief ill as the timber is gone.
V49 4% Ahmatrozzg,!�of Bay' uses, This would be equ Win Exeter is to beongr�gjuiaW
Delegate I I I field, exchan 0'f' I aged 33 years. He leaves a wife to one concess on having twor IL livtly oue, andr
in Seaforth on ' Saturday. a a- �u its lon. 8 last.- nd one ion ac#oss the townhip, Of DLc AsTpor�s Fit
p unday L E. e :U�nion furniture such enterprising business men as Messrs.'
ent,-J. Col ison, Mite j h� A] I. J. son and two daughter's -The Bowli the 800 riftmes on the roll , 6 beatgvods will A
bell I ; it la e n�i�nber of har ds Bobier and -Lax-ette.
ack� n a improv g Club 00 are ritte. factoi
the ap y,iemployi:6l;
p on only fo With
ed. earance f ti have purchased a new set of bowls �ud� are oeing r the trade c
St. - INTaiya George Boyd, rtb, s brick payers, the. others I iei�eral adjacent d Ilink houses, WaS '%r, if tifese notes last,
treet, the
pr icticing hard.-Mr.H. H. Farrel Tnade a ad ties'dity. The -fire week it, was stated 7these
foll6wing* e8olutions. and'acheittle'' u4toundiAgg of hi Ae race, on -voting purposes. I , Tury LiKED or burned �o _n1n
theierection of. havalsorne iattipe grou that Air. N. Dyer Hur-,
adopted the series �yatem. be noin at t �e rear of third � visit to the experimental fruitistation 'started about.1.30 p.m and is'su don ilras al�oirt to return, to Exeter and,
the grounds. -Mrr. on Wednesday. . 1. pposed to
adopted (2) thlitt each club p it i ip bo' d the borse bu �-Tb; Bell Telepho e Com- Elena %a. r_1
n t h wiginated in the dryi�g room a voulti, resume his former poiLtion ag Man, we atiet foiW
erva e, yer, shipoed t car PanY Will appeal against ave
to the amo Int of $15, to be fo,.-fej lied: heir assess lent of LOCAL NEWS'
. on -Mon- $ .-As there will be no.c a in was sounded
be ad of hories to ndon, EtAglan el I. few in ln�utes aftep the alar ager of olsons Bank fiere. He has beeen
a] ub defaul ed to that. each Alexand r 8 1 200. -Mr. Jame d,' who hals the it We leia. thi
club. k p elay. - Mr. tewl t W a A. For 80 bratiou hereon th6g4th, our. village will iTqense building Was a 11nass of flames, manager of the Ridgetowii A en
to to look long Lind successfully conducted the
th ir own e receipts since. he-
p thir -c wn vifter them -Mrs. r. In butch- present a quiet appea Duwithat%ndifWthe heroic efforts -of the left Exeter.
nand p is, 'e and r I g a ey
expenses, xcept onnect eri ng business in'Combels, block in and The Plain )e ler of that
.on With he' A ania, is here visift her b ;)tllei, h, has 'dispos- about the Methodist c4urch, where th ire b -4ade the fire. was soon� beyon control, viage has this to iavf him referee, w r. ;soybl ed,of the b ail -
h is to be paid eq usiness Messrs. A.
1 jai by e e rt Scott, Coltch,and niversar )Win( W the iinnnerse quan
competing clubs. The Goderi - street.-Nir Wit, C. Wilson and thene rrtoo posess Y Of the laying of the 6o Tt ones U -Ci of inflam- -tolners of tI_!p_ Molsons Bank, and Pdces Quo-
foll6winn, refei 8 Stewart, son of M w ion will be celebrated by a tea palbi; inaterio eory el
were xppoit t Ale -,cal 26 �r Steart, of W Anesd -meeting, and a contaltel in the factory. enerall 3 will reret to. l
ed: -R. Ryan, it'. v ay. Mr. M ucli for "" any �ears literary and musical entertainment. -Miss rhe ep own a airs esca)eo, all right, but Hur on has been appointed niana
Thoi t hii town, who has een in I S -i �. '?at Is for a in olden times - folh o'wud t d t ger-at
atsland hat
son, -Nlitchell; W. C. Mosdrip St. rumber of years, is cli c�l t e a a e bitainess Aggie Murr'ay is in Wingham this week via- Man Co. :a. . Tinsol on the second Exeter and will leave here on. the 25th,
Dr. -McKay, R-. E. Jacks labilig ; 0 th( top of in th6 same stand End hilialled" big trade. it nd t i d stories jumped I r4 ' th teemed in Rid
R , i "he- the ladder. He Was I and sister.- windows Mr. Hardon is reF3 8 aftrth.i g her brother M e
3 1 el I rec t y al:plillt MiRobson, I ge
foll6wing isth i try15, t manager for the Avin, Cit ed
e sc�edule --Stl. of ondon, is bere visiting her sister; Mrs. nd nibed down the bui. -was here soine joearis age as teller -
14 �emenb :0om- stood town. He
,9eafortb, June y By I any'of St. Paul an Bru the a o�-e and flames till I It allar t. with Mr. Robertson, and .1;6
June 28 bh Seafd Mitebell ao St. I Minne � lis sseh I,. H. lAr'nold.-Master William Elder return- �he a "dge _r aS =e
rth'at Mitchell, J liv 511, 'a ge 90 then as hem;
1in old Sea- oxeter fo6t ball ugh � 4a nilit o , fel from tne is now much liked and respgtdo
-Mr. Robe t Prithigi LOCAL BRiEzrs. he W: ed �onie from Toronto this week, for a short )ne boy, . it is e"1V1_
rey an in
Alitchell'at eaflofth, July.12 ;� Sea otPth it f0ethboy,batnow ernbEr6*th club played the return match ere res pite from his studies. --Lawn tennis seconi: Ito d ii � shoulder ; his to underitand - th Mr. go
St. Marys, uly 26 - M M e Phicago Oh Mon- is at . d n will
itc 11 -wrist wtis broked an ie w& i severely willingly to his old home iq!�
stock bxchange, has made $41] l000- I in the. day night, which esulted in fa vor , of the no, k, the order of the day,,anid a nu' I . 'Exeter where.
Afigust 9. It -was a great diliap:�)ointm art I I aterildly. At pre, e
t two weeks'spe -home team by 6 goals to 1. villalgers will no doubtoon become ex W iting he is riot Mrs Hurdo'n people reside; Und the peop
t6 the dele c I &tin In We �he gaine was on'
gates prescut'that Clini U, pt, *t- a -e greatly indebt exciting'and brouglit - I Pei ts at it. -Mr. William Carlile is prepar 4rolVe.dany- 'Indlb(ut�s our the bui-I& of Exeter are le,
ford and G9 derich, di I not send io ie r -1 friendi Mr. out a go d cr�wd.- delighted to haj% hial return..
eprose it 68 in '8e rera. ak
V 7; N. INI c M ade anc the ever had here a more popular -
T -KiII6 Olor a nice in
atives. Dames , I ,near The ba
to Ae f. MT, Clegg'and ing to erect himself a dwelling. on the lots i 39 W' rT-1 1=3
b isket of apples of cattle fo !gli hi morket on y'caug t ofih-re bA only One was b y age Ridgetown regrets, his removal ana.- arge ship- wh ch, he purchased -in the park,. from Art.
th which I io presented ment adl nt.
up thisweek. ' App es at. thi Tu�sday I A I i+nt. 1A sti �e filled Wit �ood W also IM a time -of the last, there being'six I] Jaies Petty. -Mr. Henry Jacobie, who lim as wishes h
IVEDDIxr, BELr,%�Wa 116 1 ha�ppiness and- pr9sperity 14�1
clip the foIQ'W tt�nt. Ins
uro A
interesting i te from th y ar are a rare treat, an( Mr. McMicha4sliheaidinall. Messrs. Agnew =.ko bee4in-Ahe employ ofMr. J.C. Clause�, 13 C. 101 total loss,' Exter."
m e, Carberry ertson P,
$V) 000J eivy'. hits -the secret of keepi go aross thii big pond i harl�es maker, -for 'a number of years $ LOCAL t
pp in his cellar r elotfotlieni.- and BRMS.-There are sever -al fag
tR: " Tw in
of May 17 ofe of Cas l til now -ith a'most The Ball i Jubilee Coml n c wh, was a good tradesman, left this week
ti 6 Jiat ne flavor a's pan3�a j 9, good horses speeding on the'trackevery eveningfor-
young peopl have for ed a life pa rtne�sb ip. when firs�;ick_ r for Manitoba, in the interest mainly
On Tuesd ed, and in perfectly �sound house in thetown hall, un list le Aitspices of 'his Dashm 10 the 24th of Allay races. -
ay morning bliss M i6 -Come early to towa�,
am in, condition, Mr..McMich of the Methodist churc e Bussels health. -Miss 'Macarthur, - of Ailsa Craig, BRAF Hicks ani on Friday',
laughter- of:Mr. btf el sayii the' ficlat -T1 Exe- and witness the large
Wm. Logan, er, did not hurt th schools closed on Tuesda wet in the village this week, accompanied ;tr, W w the g iests of Snell, on cession 011� Main street. -Mr.
the ten4erest Y, the balance of ida, �ames plan pro
xas married to Mr. J6bn D...Huin t, one of a6ple d� on i r
of last
din tree i� his orch the week; the teachers by issHoseack,of Lucan,attendi 1: ve-ek, 4 who esday, last.
ur len 9 lawyers. � The ',ceremony i e Wellwood at ;ending 61 ie con- party zi mmerman, Iff- Collins Vigited Park -bill op Tu
enee, ' Rev.", y, Wednead the
),lace t k correspond6tit,of the Caibe Manitoba, vention on an( Tiiursaa r, and her . -Miss Latimer and Mis hbi� village and. -Several from herettended the funeral of;
at ti Le Logan resid r. 'NOws, saye Wffi. . __ I g the 24th. - I � I - a Brett are ag frieni .4 d
ichinan,i of Friday bein 0-jud club held in linton attending the Teacher' in -thi Vcinit haareiiirned10 his
jarswell offinating, Afr.'Johp i a Conven- y home i Morris, which took place at...
t-1 e bride, r visitin tell on Thursday of last week --.Mr.
A. this place, and Mr. 8 Hunteri, thei� annual meeting i ti .-Hr. B. Kaiser has recently erected a Taris 3d .-M F ant i O'Keefe- is of Hen�hll, n 6t tI e Queen's hotel, On la t
rother of aad MIS AE nie '04tairiol, have !rented the Ma(k -10rothelir's on Mon he: olloring owl man ag4nt, di'spo
f Winnipe Y, assisting. day eveni 9. a ' the ne little'cottage' on -Richniond street, Tfri d 1 P ise4tt`-Mr. E uel R. S. Lan15 implement
-and IV117' sed of,,
'ate 01 Miss Arnold is visiting ael In ved. int.`Mr.� George Keller. Fum 6 the past week, and,
nit left:on th medi &if, Piesidej it; I.
e. morni ng tr&i for po session." Mr. Hunter is Presiden London. -4-14r. R. Mellis, mala's new is expecting another car loa i'afew -d
- take i� Toms, Vice I ives in' poat� moe or Tue day. -We are d
In at", le in - Carberry, and officers: W.. M o r's survey.- bee o fine buggie
eor from . wh a! son 16f Mr. L. t; Jai ies Irwin, Sedre� e lic ays-_
-ities of i st�e ru, inage raft, who has Chanit is bavi.nig.a.
our of the 1) rincipa c: le (Ito see that I ic,h place they . Make A;, H Itter, of Usborne.-:-Dr. Mel)oiiitId vas Itary-Treasurer ; Managing Comlmiittee-J. inasiter an merchant' of Kippen, 'h Mr. J. P. Ross, . iner,
ht We, in I oronto-- th a week, attendin'g a meeting IT. Ross, J. Ballantyne and D. - C. Ross. villige this week, the' first time it, Mon hl. ad the cx�u ie t( disI6 ate his houb. clearing fire sale in the foundry block, op --
u al IE I I . . ,
I : r gettingl tates. a;nd Mrs. 11 at t �o_ o �,� ir of - the. Fori6ikln, Mission Board, 1416 George hey ,are to have their f !rat practiqe for He is just recovering from, a I ag posite his f iTe
lost pop lai young. peopl sed n. -The sale of of business..Mrk. W-14
e; an v on& and
6 are p1diwed t Windsor of Brown City
v ous lillness, W 1 n ie'%ll inso th Hattie _T tThe ear on thq 24th, and intend taking par eaders in eN er§ social enterp e. Thf ir via ts t W Lying his u ual spirmig t o learn that Ivent miture dt�aler 11114 UT ffi rtaker, of. this vill, Michigan in visit"
is 0 to n. NTrE A. Cardno, had straw- in tfie tournarniont in Seaforph ini J hip general health is improving and hope ing relatfv-es in
any fri d -wish em�along. for will be held and around this'place.—
ess." TA the �Mitchell cup. -The accabees *-br
th ife of bappi.- b ries for sale oil %Vednesday,' . �liel rit o, soon to see' him quite well ZZ'aill N1 e nesda-i 1 riext. inasons are All r. John Ranisfrd, Clinton, Apent last, WhIft4A
E EXPOSITOR:11180 j s in ood th season, i esterday was Asco nigion -Day changed their place of ineet ng to! the 0 d id he aw a
I congralturla, ions to Mr. Jank Kerrhas very much improved the Inakin I i ond ighes an([ iearty Ildve ay a,t tl'k new church.- In town. -Air. Ed -ward Boseen-
an( was o rved in soin f fellows'ball. appearance of 'her dwelling by cov r,
le o th churches, -Brussels school board r6ask, having;it r. I oi is Roe Alet,
unt and liiq amiable and esti nable ding,, Of 4,editon Was in I
Lricb, spent last Tuesday here 01b
yi Sutherland is able to b ingfor tenders for their ne ainted.-On Saurday mo thelvil 9, business4-Mr. Wes Brie
ride. (19 e on, W achool.--4r. J., rning last the ire. e on Frida night I Lst.-A certain Snell 'sbipped a car-
Uche of hogs Skirts -and Chemb
fterlhis seriq'us illne s. -Mr. Rciber McAl�pine has.added a soda water fill talkl� I niaing of the late Mrs. Andrew Muir ere young -from rl o went by the load tO Toronto on Mnd4y last.-
4tt: of T H. Dearitt has received a large con -
p giling the 24th witl to his restaurant; and will tiow i conveyed here by trainfrom Ripley, lvvliere ;tame o bo'
Oun Fin PROT e a &rryfield rrow a( a bicy�le on
0 tdi
coup P )f fritonds in town. '-The bara of Bright an� furnish a goo cool beverage t she had been:for some- time living' with her Thi�rsd 63 o last W signment o! the �oys.� A from 1 gentleman in washing ra
L�,d. nth a ago, 0 el 4r. R 't Howe lt4ectllor f the Beavers' of.Somfoitil will n exhibi atherof the last two eek �bout six o Knight is doing a rushing trade at the- The latest otyl�
Canadiam Fire tVAre I son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0'Wil, t out a d stance �6 .. r Fred
nderwriiers' Asso'ci t- tioq Iticrosile inatch OnL e has a McGregor, and were interred- in the after- gev'n n e , and omisedAlo return n north end grocery. I
ecreattot �atamount of dao I
on, visitlod' eafo a ad t6i4de a thor6ug h �age in this'. ext omd Sole
Gro1ands thi� (Friday) afternoon. Thel fur, y. The de. �Ilbt
at of the fire p 10cality.,j to`a4 crops and fruit. noon in, the Rodgerville cemeter ayo lit � has 1). ared:iyet. Th FME,_At 2 o�clo
&ion a0plianclas. His nit4re save4l from: the CdMinerci I ho�iol it _L ceas(- tectlive p e de- ck R. I In. on Monday- AU0 the new Butt -
port to the aso , together with her late huabitud, E e on big tra k last, as Mr. IT. Mob
ohn England anell, of Hensall,,
A. Ford,'wlio has bee 9 welt . . . . . .
-eport the he inere'ial stiibles oil �; SE ty�d r)cey1ol NOTES. —Miss residents of the township of Hay, bavin ks, to be out again, with the aid Mile, bridga, be- eelors.
e strer gth of Na i I pub ic en laid -$L 19)
at air, Were amo r% f
4on is'novirbefoi� tis� the iecertt 1i re will be sold by Tuckersmith,- Andrew M ng the very oldest Wb91 ba i be up f ab ut five orix was driiPg through the vilLA"re from Ailsa- 31,69 and upwardt
th Secre: at d INI Craig, and "en near tl�e
ryof the Msociatbli has communicated Mr. 1. iliprell, o ni'vifil.
f St. Jo-hn,N W. runs-! iting-her sister n li�s.—Rev. Mi Fby attended the tanner belonging to Alr.
ith tliti- settled bere: in 1836. The f (rut noticed that tlie M).yor. a, Mrs. Alex. Mcli-innonj' y 'Af
I� i be! de- wick, 46neral agent of -the Ontari for, Lanarkshire Scotland m quartery In etings. J. urn r e 0 points out were born i
�ie Gies of I T6tuaj the past six months, 1 0 - I . 31cGillivray Wliich Thomas H. McCall ee w hT Me systft accoMing to the r Life Insur toft Seafoirtli on Mion- with rriany ;6re,'came ouf:Io this country wer 3 be -White L4awn -Ap
since -Company, -in the Mlar�itime day for Go t ere oil scensionj day. He immediately gave Nlr. McCallum notice,.
derich, whe —Our
sed standards for dl as " C," the class ces, of days m she il; visit f(r'a ie'llibcli g
hic Seafeith .-now is, for fire insur this W are not foal �d behind in down t0`Wn and rang I the fire..
a le eek -co to make for themselves a home where t iey '�i riners and then drove
aln e; Wling on
iends Mr. Si -ell carbe k le Ing
ftent a c ti� uple of weeks before returning, t her e( alarm. Ift a few minn
a Ould have more land and greater indopend- Mt. GeAbrge Ke lerman sold 0 0;
UP SCS. We do no) knowwhat actiou- tI e up to att�nd the a' re pp ome in Cassolton, Dakota.-41r.i . , C. tee the street was
I ence and their efforts wer eped ,,he scalis at an av- villagers
unual meeting o,, the com. Kinnon and Mr. M J e indeed ben heat. ��Wh h tip limed with.
,UTI il will'ti Lke in t. ie matter, but it a ullen,'of Br , ft�,sels, at ent know where We kgep ihAys
Us!' that a- 8 panv,,tvliieh was iheld in Waterloo, )nThurs-' Sunday visitin at'Ur. Dona fal. TheZ had a family of twelve child �rage of 1,500 pol [nos oad, I, the firewas located.
on ie- of the riquiretrients aike ay 0 IS Id 1 0 The fire � brigade went YAtigj�, 1E, T.- leb
f th 'week.—The pr. ofwhom vesurvire them. Mrs.Muirwas. to the scene of the fire, but their
r b the Association 1 �r L: ice W , vheat h1s Tuckersmith.,
entir Coraline,
y 61Y tintitice., made rapid strides upwards. Last week it il%iArrE in her 82ad year atlq were nQt required, s a bak tour,
town he ize of Seaforth 'an made a raise 0- Gorri ry ifor a r death, and had �aI-� -oot bri I MIMEIt DEAD. 0_4 Morway ways bleen forined &4de bad & )uld inflict (in it f 10 celit, and the )uyers on morning been a rematlkoly pinart woman. §he and had� tho �fire �ext
"Se "Jimmie " Miller, an o14 man who in -
an xpense and I numerous to
)ur nsf the market are now Paying P2 cents. —John has liveifin this' Will be greatly . miss6d by her many Did' LOCA XO�Es.—The ipt-maely heavy fro.at� gulsbed before -any daniage was,
township for many e I's. friends Of the p
ievous to be lb;6m - The McINAillan,�M. P arrived home'fromOt- succumbed t' her6' The ';Juneral �ort week h a: d dione. The tannery stoi6-rol i� aTtd stable
ems to - The continut ly revising "ft 0 an attack of inflammai oil of ege i Vas P t�, & ; 5 roye almost all on
d raising it,, standar a, so th a raleg tawa yesterday. —7-M' V. C. IV. Pan t has an the lungs. For a ti largely attended.: the earl, fruit. Ev61 t� ginadian thistles were set oil fire by lone Who then.
p uniber of years lie li ed
I liave aw
0 if it keep i orange -tree inhis store, on which are th 'e alone* in a littlelog house on'the'sec n( (From an Occasional Corretpondent.) 'cumbed to its! r mages. Sco 7e)
f e and ris k will ll be on th re Soirle- of VrentAvest to the engine house at _�be loran es. The tree was grown i on( con- ttlers the to 'tt
1 0 ertv
and litUe-or none 'oil con n Mr. Papst's cession, L. R.-S.—unles the olde never saw such top
11111 rva road bridge. itild se
cipaliti the se tory.— r.� Julius a a flock of:, lilins be P-scmLiNGs.—The warni weather of a liard fr hich be!701)gs to t.1 fire
tIn 0111 i this sea on�.W' the year.�The Grand UnL Ll
a vjgor�us Ere was no 100,
rance c6mpanies. , A� certain aniourt of town on Thursd, 'Duncan was iii cQuaidered. company He was taken si k on few weeks a o has induced Tr
ciency-is certainly Atpii-red and should b�, Y. Wednesday, 4st week, bu t 9 ork on be mill is being piuslied forward t noticed, until 3 a;.
t this, �w and nature is now fully cl4d in quick: "Vag seen bY -Mr. Muir, sr.,
a a rko growth, a
on le of that b, ,a possiblei —Mr. J.- R. wil
nt, but it There Were not a great many citi-
Xorris' ne�ighb n a cou eautiful green, gab which is SOL �lr dne,of lot Ir ost enterprising manufac turer' who gave the
tintained on,the part of the firp depart known until:Sunday. 11"he
5 ems.to u.5 th6 Underwriters' NOTES. —The. board of health has adeol . l -day ors dropped into see hm,Oatiat fresbing and restful to the eye. Itisa ity 168, uni in
SoCiation is overdoing it, and ins -t ad.,of he was -found to very sick, and a doc- that the frosthould nip the te p ma rlLa@ -on Tuesday, th zens at the 6�cond fire, tLs -a gret' CQn_
of ihe Ali*ris fai met's toe the - marh.—Cou rider bids iltIst., to ary
'Cyr, IQ
lielitting flic compaziies n-- tor was speedily sent for - b and blight -the expectations of AT Ealngey, of Howick. which cot a fulse alarm- The buil-dillIz. 25e 39c,
it wilfforce uni- oil me . at his sei vi -es
to d their t at the ba�l on 27th.inst. anc' court of were of no ' -ail, and thel poor old Yuan pass the hu3ba'i d- hey reet rn d trip
alities. Own in m from thei7lwedding aineda, valuable engine and b6T'
Sure 11 as
surance. But, men, but we should noti worry � I ear-, er,for the purpose of filling th
L ' d)wn e o I WE ji wi tb t eir many e: Grand Trah-kr,-
ha,ps, -ft"ter a11,' revi3ion also —Jack rost cut- to e(k. I
ithig would not be an. n - 0 troubles of this life the fcll(:- Bountiful'Giver effects a compensati e- ri n a 1i t 14 4,n a PI ent�[Lely ;eOr
crops badly.—On Tuesdav in ion sor tapk xed evil deedw4� 9 Saint tri -I
art� inclined the week the ground,was so.fiard of this ing morning. where,-,-,vben He thus blasts ogp fon is I 'wi-thvater, Was liguned-
d hop a. do- vn the stl e 0� This is the fourth inceh
inion tha farmc rs could
'Would 'be a pifying intf f tin 6-X1r. . Blow is diary fire this spring,,
co Ire not liarrow.—Tlit shower on Satufflay last The National Bank of Heaven never sts- IJ Iding t btick- kitche 1 to the r ari gets are b !7_1k
elng - aroused --to the 190,
ar gn e ethere,al 49c, trimmed. -
wag it -good one and was badly need, ,d as th' iie tlittl:brick re4d(nie in. toWa—Mrs teps are necessary palities, The Usborne. _d ayment. Up yonder in th of Iiis fact that a
the. palr!� f many munici and the illa
lowing the'cleffiands Whi land was getting too hard tb NOTES. —The farmers are reathing e u p the matter, an. o be ta
upo Setiforth, being hed ion 11liake, oil the Asso Pic .—The freely again sinctithey haveil a e th s no mistak ts. .41 X. Ca �on, who Ar*d b aeu hibernating in very av, precaution
aI COPY inasons start work at NIr. Blai?' hO r The weabher tvise4ay that the Iiiat Wpm
a commUn catioa received by the k. a ths week. spring work.—The Winchelilea f"to Inoon nto, has return4d to,our village. accom- 'a now'be'D9 put foth to locat the gailty- FIL*WEIRIS
e. our Insp 1_3 h Le?, , M i a s; Alurie parties,
ARS1R,--!J.l1ftve b Gto., I—Wam Livingstone, of Belrave has the resumed operations. While-� as a " dry moon." The state of t e pres- ppied byllier nie I Notman, lee, 15c, I
t conthct for supplyj retupinj irli ent moon is uncertain, as a new disitutbin of ithat
ing the lut�ber�� for Nlr,] � meeting of the directors, on -Frida V - element In list betaken into account. VIC ti�a� music
'e'o n
ort on the flie appiia es of y 9 '14ra James
the t; our ; *11 Blair's barn and is bus hauling it tl is week. ing, lObh ihat., W I y IL harch; Lsed w bealitifufbicy.
mean I e woul call in �jo in. cle, —At Toronto the other mclrnitig an extra HANDI
Taylot's horse t refer to the fact that whisky has late ly !I able to r4de out into the coach had to beattacbed to the- M.,antre"'I 3o 7
your. att It' Thomas Russell gasystarted to draw milk frightened by a (11 is all
the foil v r 9 eficiencies iffider r iviiec to Belgrave cheese factory.�Mr A. Clark the bre�obing gone up."—The village savors of onia18 c uat.ry 4e, 5c,
Stepp er, 8 a oee of. traifel
5th line, is on the sick list this -wee C--Th� accident was averted by Mr. ling.—Ifts. sengers
ndard io�1071 clas yiol tadhed. Wbatmigbt have I a again this spring, as notwithstanding tll� V, pop ati �, Tie "bike -'!is becoming Grand Trunk train to accommodate the pas -
I tae im E dia. i
;e to have rem" di�(J Maitland river is very largb at low for onion sets, the acreage sawn Tailo Oing to Mntreal and 1,titending to.. "JUST.
The firelinil a should, in my opin n . prment. ' ence of mind.—The Zion foot tf r rly iss Gr4ca. McMichael, is sai by tile Parisian.
�o �Ib( i
in ude the Mr. A. Speir: 4th line, lose one of his, stall- this season is greater than, ever before. gi ei ; I Infaute Silk Tai
-o al 14ng I in icy work in the int# -rests
ended. so whole �oj organizeeforthe season, and -wi soon I to Nothing can discourage t —AbOut an inch and a half of snow fell at -Just lopetil
ions on Tuesday -mornin(y he onion lungs..- of the &�. prioes.
n Street, b tw �en James 8 of this week. looking for opponentif.— I - -ire, w ing kfacbiiie Compakv. Winnipeg oil Saturday, morning... Wheat -
t and the T6 is a heavy loss -to I&Jr. Speir. The has been quite ill, is slow Miss! Sq lio All the services'in coj�mection with Carta al Mrs. Tay r I reg as Uaael
ndTrunk ailway. 2) A b Y -law E ho 'I I ly rebovering. e ded as an lekxpert at this W not mulch damaged by the recent frosts
animal wag *ell as usual at bed, tiae and church on Sabbath lat, were well attended. sort of W( her show. ro
�1111 is in the but the flax rop in Southern Man
passed to re alate the sto�& 3 of Coll oil,", had only been a few hours ill._Pot�t hope she nitiv soon be d to lier usu ti lExcellent, sermons were preached- by the Walker b opposite .1toba su.f-
thel, bion hotel..
der and othetdangerous o plant- health. —Th;'Ep-A,orth League of the Zi(n 'pastor, Rev. J. S. Henderson. The 'music I fered much.
stance i ov,er, iag, is at h4nd.—O'wing to the teach� ) 311altil
whole'towi. ' 3) Sati con- church gave a ver !Rev. M 8 art of
tric, system pf jminN
1 ventio oce ed —A liairge amber of Quakers arrive I in!
cien w er te
1pre�en er,
-rn with suffi public I entertainment in the church oi'� Friday t with Miss� Aggie Murky as or- O.Vr young sports h sited a number of
e 'will be c6ed until Moz14 aext, zvenim 10tli inst. Rev. Dr. Cook, of Iganist, was a leading feature ay not y,;t the Places of interest. They .were from,
.fire alai ell I laced schools . the , puipit I e v 0. C
afactory n -being held this -Week y pleasing and pmfitA �e I by the chair, led by Mr. James Orawford, the Silpdi Torout fnday amd vi
8, having �cyb under glas
-al" along side, 27tli,— wing to the heavy frosts of !tfie - meet- g
uld be inat Mei!l. -at one tl e pas- ran n a cceedet in jetting a rocre&Zlo
e. he bell ture "is. getting scarce 'and unl was present, and all speak %,cry jings. Theaftermeeting of the roud- various States of th
a. e one I o esi War Christian C 9me,ge , a rnove oil before ithe 1 . 6 Union, and had - been
I . at of the in attendance at the recent confe'
t fl weathe sets in soon c deavor Society was led by season for sports paves reaCe near -
d as a- generd lal'aim is - a, pri no, highly of the reverend As gentleman.. All who jun agg!e
equate sounding capaci r Will thIS Sul attle will suffer —How took part M* am Therei is ayner The annual conference is held -in
ated by e trc the grass -hoppers ? 9 he d& y Coupland occupied the chair in- a ver� t C t4is m06terial J or Clhbs of- almo t; tiny kind— C Caimada once in every three yearej and ty. A farge did rems, kably well. Rev.; Mr. by e.— he Lawn Tennis
=Votic bell, to be oper el 0 before tie col . d spell et in sthey wee hop. so- lace played for the first time on b of new all base iall $r ood, St
ceptale in the b lacrosse,
anuer.--The Sabbath 130,11061 will 90 t on a day afternoon last. The club home fick L 0 .! A. Kaine is Quaker visit. win, therefore, not be here
4 8.1
r kl it,
Ige �s
I I $e jHio
d lull
e t
en Bound. onday nighV or"
�igain until -the third week of XV, in 1898.
. . . . . . . . . . .