The Huron Expositor, 1895-05-24, Page 7F. . . . . . . . . . . 1181954', . . . . . ..... 4 189 5. THE. HURON EXPOS.ITOR 7
nae ( ryness p( r- no- I am in perfect robust, I ealth, and it was tbi ET�MEID TqQ Aft FO T111i; STOUThST bank dan de water as. I s66 dliire� 'bout vaded our thromts, with no possible relief ),s -B- I 'B. that did it. I itiff ered for five oi six year frnn, boas0pation, sot mci so severey 15 minutes when I looks In '4e wate�r an' see os 3ere was clouded Wl ill 'Wen � out of my n3lvd. I tried various doctors. bot] -iO N Bn AN �1 *1 ed 1)y heir ri�ior. hungin de water bqcausdjtwalacold�'ro'n de thiswindlasted. Aninte I -
0 n of the ini mething stiok;n� I k eres itig fe Lt4,res of the late so is lead out dut, e ushed forward, hoping to g 'in the countryand In the ci y: and took tnedicine Cza r's funeral as, as *en kle. Jes' as soon EW i I se, � dat ta u out ofthat l-Anze of dust, butwe were sogn too numeroui to name. bu, evurythinx failed t� two wanted'bini. bad. You h,ear(i hav the desired effect. Whe f used uvd cla� in'raedia.ev know d ri� ain't obliged to stop, the guide beina unable: -o 11ock
armor, one on horseback I, o Bitt re, however, it isuoutede B APITALl (PA D UF) oey(
foot. d ]lead distinguish any track. We en- L1 OM tD paper, buy and! the dthei� o matfymeats dat cil�n1 beat turtle. campe , a t(oni, requiring 001.� two b d I es to cure me. T T-�'e mouhted uiight had, his -visor g . en loaged back under �Ile water� an' Pgot rily endeavored to fa6e the circumstances. �e mak, It still more certain th it B.B.B. is the rea Der at and"his armorwts of burlil! i pade an' waited till he -8 br k up his head closed all the fissures of our ts y hea cure for Constipation,'I ir,43 say that some tw 111, W 0h Abed old! it�- r.T ed in the sun. i gain. I Aidn't have t) tait loug, ati' I ing the sand &'round,, which a so secured 0 Vol afterward I felt the syr iptoms returning an glit4"er He s§rribolize(l life.f took one bottle more, tind fro in that time to thi Doked, aW up jump dc hel (a. raised my tents against the force of the kvi d upp d pros TJie other ww on4fo6t.- � Rig armor ��iaa n( nt day (sver -eight yeari;) I bavq nevei had -iaor WaA olosed, tind E pide sorto on bread and salt meat, and slep , apy aturn of the disease. I never kne* any medi. coaEblack steel His A r caref ul ike w I wouldn't semirer cine work so well. It doeu not seem to be -a mere looketbrei, and in his 11Z�i e bore Jr6'wn two-ha�d- '11'mmway� I�keptr ail' myspaide, an' den trated Africa., I 91. I ; relicirer, but a sure and certain cure as -1 can certity $EAFORTIET IRANC 1116 -Len I bru ig il down on de hea:d JD ed Avoid, the bl de of whidh was shrou�ed. ' 0 to for hundreds f dollars' worth 'of medicine'and in c -ape. i He- sy inbolized, ( ath. D at ar- om Trip , ut three dollars' MAIR ST EET f dat tur4le. I felt a k d of pain when it A Lady in Too failed to d0c a "R :.get the belst T ie weight of these Wrb u�its 6 ais M Irth gr . 11. u. made a p rm nont cure that hao SEAFORTH. f truck, bu. didn't pay much tention to A llwit fail4d in the dry 'o au. in an Ohio giVion the years of he%lth an 'c mforL tand g tl lb ing-_business t.-ansacted. Drafts on all parts of the United Statw, so -eat that, no,�withs rid !,n,,- n, of 0 moit I gi - (lau. ru my ha e water to -get my goods ;busines*s, and tried to retrieve his I I Yours t: ul Agen a am Faul ic m of tb e ini perial guUM,being Se- turkle, an-imliat yon on I brought up It fortunes by going into -the sal�on business. Toronto. 0. L. RiLuBit. Great Britain and Eur bought %nd sold. Letters of credit issued, available inall part& lecto d toflon, them., the one. n f( 6t who[I Well, you�j would neve gu a -but it was His wife opposed, but to no purpos d Japan. Fai mers' Sale otes collected, and advaces maAe on game 0 of- I of Europe, Ch" an'
C. He KNOW ficiated i,Lt the bsequies of L Oly big toej�. I. had -a It jj'�Ie:n off at the That flacking Coueh can be 41 IckI at lowest DLGTJrJ I I mr. eror Niel) - y curd b Hag- B & 00�ORS opened his "place,' - and hi6 resourceful y rateaf olas fell dead from exhau oil o i' reachlin joint. I ari,d" Pectoral Baltam. Price 5oi Ivife argued that if the bar-rooln I vas a good VIN 8 DEP R ;EN r �gu, ybli SA A TM T.'
4d Paul, v4er tink I am lyin', don't e place for her husband, if, was a, gooct place, n the mper' &I mauso eum4s oil 9 We 1, if you d 11 eve in B. B. B. Deposits oi One Dollar and u, 3wards received, and interesit� allowed cur7vmt Brings comfort Iniprovemen aritt teRdi$ 'to the dhare 'of Saints P'�tera 9 e
ittiated.. While Y t beli, e, you for her. 6 she dressed herself in. her, Parifics, renovates an r interes Adde, rightlyused. Toiranywholiv&bet- it ca, ates �;
at the fu eral of Alexa de, II -e bl� ek i n Gi etlil d regulat6f the entire Fy@tet0- d to principa: � twice ear;h year -at the end f- une and December. n a.N any�od t, an' (ley will te finest, and took her work box and sat down thuiCtiring Dyspepsia, Conotips ion, Sick ReadacNe, No quire d for the wh-ole or any of a ,cleposit. h , oylifo inore, 'with- kni Y( D notice of w ra�wal is re om. '.,the less Ompellditare, m, ore proi win ar p , ace to the e of 'in iptly ternient ind 9( The'presence of a cultivated lady froze out the stbinach, liver, kidneys and owels. It aso re. t fainted 'clurina the nyarch fr d inat's how I came to by the hat-, tokeep her husband company. Biliousneei, Rheumatism, Drops and all diseases bf
RICTS. �Nies dare comes de ferry -
F$ ni, ,b o as. S. A adpting tho world', k best produe to was ,arried to the ho Good mon movesall Impurities from the s btent from a �olicitor. pital, whem he died &CG tlig -thirky patrons, and the� husband was coo. W� K. PEARCE, Agent. loodl'. the E ame, night.. men pimple to the worst scrofui, us sQre. tho needs of physic�it being, will attest e 9, went ;soon forced to quit the busi TJ the ol(,I, man ties r �Atla, ou. l. Or ings same, A situilar fat; overtool, th knight -th lil nping aw 'o , sti
e -val' n It ti
Lie to bea-11th 1 tho pullo 1.4uid at the recent czar's funei I - I Buraoc-k Pills, sniall, safe and sure, rcigu)ate the ative prin aL It was 9b- lax. ciples rnbraced in, :the I News Notes. Liver and cure Constipation. THE serve1d that lie could scarcei'ly fdrag himself so e Uses -of Oilcloth, -At Houghton, MiclTigan, uHub- reniedy, of lalong during 06 latter p�rt! 6f tile proq64- Table oil '�.oth of a r y pi etty pattern makes bell fined twelve saloon keepe Its is d :, rj�,,70 ea,ch for NORWAY FISE SYRUP- cures Coughs. C 'ANA N BANK OF C 1ALIERnvt
thrbukli the� ai� to its preseting sion capital, tind on, reaching a good. co%�e ing for a kite exi table, Life is keeping their places open nn NO Lill RWAY PINE SYRUP curei B -c I11 Itan ay r -bitis. cc NORWAY PINE SYRUP beals 1heolungs. ES rABLMk10 1867. -a mnosb z eptable axid Ideas- rtress% e 9cioi-s to the: to 3 8hort'to is end an V po tion of it cmiring nnounced that more se-vere punish,M*bnt in the fort the .n groulid and Papd, nt to tile tato, the tc- freshing and died. -New I�York A4. 'a table to ti le:u'-,e(d de ree of w iteness p6wai e( f sire t I liture-ttanagressors. 11EAD OFFIOEs TORONTO- Onefick-1 Properties of a perfect lax. with soap, b san(L 'T e oilclot ne' ilson, Gilford- illy vertiser. A IRVINARKA11119 Cuit.a.-J. W. Jew eds I -.An intiaresti.ig difficulty li a arisen in Spent between 8-100 and $300 in consulting Doctord�; only to be -,v ited off, 1�nd looks. bri h connection with the irnp. 01PITAL PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS *60000,00a t and r -til Ve ele�n naing the sy,� teni, i . ositio of duty o tried Dixon's and all other treitments, but got no Boy'Wan d. n
every H(A ke benefit, One box of chase'n CC IdisP011ill-9 Colds, and fevere t lea shoul notbe ilie sugar cargo of the Cynthia cont;igued tarrh Cure didmil REST t more good than all oth;r retuedlee, in fazt I consider $1,200j000
Boy wanted Two llo,t wor a Muc4 'setion it. a m piecet of in boiar paint- .0, the Canada Sugar constipa ion. on ho ad 'hem. -i A boy is ed bla n' iL hole i eel KER, GENERAL MANAGER. bang, 'Noutieul. While tile Refine Company, my f cured, and with a % cent box at that. nently cuiJug depeAds W you re ck, a n o e end o essel di inot arrive Wili-lfactll�li to milliollwkild want �,d, but that is not loll. f -A,," heart, a' th In by.- a ng them near the ta,U -where in poit until May 3rd, tile, entry as aed You Don t Have to SwearOff SEA RTH BRANOM., it bas t, met Fit- tll& -aln" son is cal ed O'� and the I are. eas y reacbedhe neede( on May 2nd, a day pre% ious li� p gof of the rnedical will, "' t? t n says 0 St. Lettle.lou 'tly or. &PP"'�ant m&y ankN�er the call ea ii t rnal of AgFicultare in an edl. A Geneml B�nking Business mnsacted professioh, because 2 ftets on tile, K t takes e a iderable tini to chapke the tbe' dtitie. The custo a a arn Farmers' tes. disconnted,, Draft
id- es e cargo is carelessly, papers on tf pantry helve and they so subject to object. cure. We know of toria. about No-To-Bac the famous tollpicco habit the duty, b t this view is many e,%6es cured by No-To-Bac, at adl P ilDts in Canada neys, laver all issued�'payable the principal cities in prominent St elling them, aud it ig fr�e' #ora A I ioy wwanted; and lie g`r�eat nier-1 oon becom . aoileii.' Try coverin them ed to by the consignees. The amount of n� Louis architects smoked and the -United States� Great Brit -&in France, Bermuds� &c. ev-ery object imiabl, c gv J)st,�Ico. cliat handed one bright b 7 with marble( oilcloth an(al ee ho easily duty in dispute is chow d for twenty years ; two boxes out ed him so lqui6t looking, f about $30,oOO. that v%in the striell of tobacco �makee him sick." ?plied busin as they are ke t clean. One on th will -Mr. A. G. Hea,an, of Oakville, has No-T:)-Bac d and guaranted no cure n( Syrup Of Fi boy- rho, al letter hiclilhe AVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, (ris is foj - sale by till Bel Book
a( ist written lid as im bo copy it -wear for yea a in such a pI Ing Remedy Co., 374'st.raul at.,11ontreal. lid as
gists 7 upwards received, and �r e. If y;ii like, been W6,1.950 000 by an itunt in England. free.- Sterl n b cled, but itis, current rates of int4�reft vith (i pen. Tbe merchant's lutt h d the put on a ro. of scllo on the 4ront -INlr. Reinald1loro �ton, son of Hon, R. allowed.� May and N factured the eziliforilia. Fig S- word; separately 3) 9 rest &dded �o the principal,at the end of overa- in it spellel s edge * Some iby tacks il keep the ..oil- TNI ii, t n, of Hamiltor is leaving for the -9HILOHIS C R d onla Co. only, Whose liallioll - printed o -,t every area Incipient e u ear. 0 1 60' ee� ber in, eisle y gh a fearing k at gold mining ie boy wrote Jt�r, in plao ff th e' F 8 are iiot west, to try his Inc On'), one ion- 11 ib the best Co pecia a e 11rr e, t, Le might be miijudged,.he po rited outl just draw'00'edge u nder helf half an in tie Rany River district. '.. o0s,,60 ets. and $1. Dn� given to 'the collection of Commercial Paper and Far Package, ah!o t" but V el Cur 'U Ef Re,
tha 'Ot� cut, Nor 11 0. o'tla' 2,5, Ifis friends For dale by 1. V. ' " .fo 'Fe and being iveil infornied yoti will nc� the d erence he ha de. inch S No le rnei-cbanti� 4 iiia and ta 1 smoothly. hav4 presented him with a.:purse of gold. Iners ales'� boy was so sure that c e'n themis a,la rge wooden sink --4The prize for the beat ossay ou the his- KA, I RVS CLOVER ROOT, �Lecept any subs. at& # offered I laugbe'd, but the quiet In my ki the great Blood purifl6r, a diet ionary was consulted, 116 got tIld; Which used t �.0e kept-paintedinside as well tory! of Wentworth, hits been awarded to gives freshness 9#d clearness to the Complexion and F. IEIO-L�XSI-k Solicitor�, 31. MORRIS. XariWn� place, That boy was Thomas Ti cures� coustillaft9n 25--etv, 60 cts, 81.0D. For sale �y� ileston,alter, asoub, Ibww.atask to keppit covered school iiispqctor J. H. ini'li. 1. V. V car, bedfotth'. %valrds one of, the merchant pipces 6f Wew� with pain t on 1 the inside,. an, I after years . of S C I -E 11-T C El. York' dissatisfied fluilly gave it tip. Row to Save Boys. re. T. S. Hawkiriq, Chattano6irot Tenn., Toold your place, pift and coverei tShl oli's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' Iconsider .0 J.�J I putl�ose 'ill your I i ilicattly with o 11cloth, drawing Open your blinds by day and light bright I CIX�ULA k 1 it up 6ver 11�e SIGN UND at wor YOM' schooling will be pait,; itiakel d eking The ItthelleAt remedyfor a debilitated Bystemle�er fires by night. Dlumins,;e your rooms. used. ' For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney troubld it que this ai new line -of educ"ati I bottom, sid es -tire I o te if 11 i d e, nll a n p
HasC017 � �,Ii�d C6,11. ' Jece,.so Hang pictures upon yourwalls. Put -books excels. Price. 76 ct. bold by 1. V. ecari 6cafdrth,1, F THE- t a, slavery, i6 will be o hl � 1. Aw. J sider' '11' there is no c, nce for�atcr osoak d1ro"911- and ueii��papers upon your tables. Have It you n I inake it a stairway by,whi I whi 11 to ascend to;- This -change p -oves very sa isfactory. The musi and' entertaining gain And made i6poss le to res p defec- bettei things, it will be so. fi 4 ea. . Banish cara more tbiw a year withptit be- ib tor, ft, 3-011- dewops �of dullness and apathy, bring in up- a, d' you will in tive eyesig'. 0unt wit], i t. Seest', 9 � I . I visi011. 1A to 3orima in renewed, E nd never ivatE through unle and good cheer. Invent occupai6'ons r wbrk.1 oilcloth IV tliou i� man dili 114ind5s.. a hole nitally 111ade in it. getit ill ia 1w He:! for your sons. Stimulate their ambitions in THE WAY TO SECURE .Zliall Otand before kin�s; lie shallli;W stalid;, inake home This sink it; lonly for I�ash ing dhh and Nilortby directions While you W01-4 nican inen.' their delight, fil ;tieh and it is not coil nected il't Co., rJt0ftrF#xAL- I them with higher purposes. 1I)o hot inesure your work by th6'! PUMPI b (D oil it pr4 not wbrk� so Iyages. ably Inigilt than mere pleasure. Whether they'sball A lib maker at the - races is b Il.- The tinder'side of the sink is use(I as p-lsg-boyhood and enter upon 111anhood with A Beautiful than clek, \i bank, and a bArLei der gqts a, stora( re plac.- for pots nd kettles, apd tile, refine'd-tastes and noble nibiticins depends nia-re ian 11" bottom is lQo covered witlibilcloth. S, pping clerk but 'tliey,are .1 oil You. With exertion and right inealls 1% 30, ER -(S paid iore only because th' posi The shelf behiud tlie'stovc is covered Ivith mother may have more influence over tile are- r s e wiping it 011'. Pepper and s y of her boys than any other itifluence a coli! r�e -of sw4es at ineastled t a,11- boxes undes1rable. Work.cannot. in all -cases lie it too, andlways looks fresh nd nelt aier
Having takeri Do -110 Nyagc,t. i t. _ Ind destin Oil Painting i 1 niatches are kept on�:fliis sheI, -within reach whatever. -Appleton s Journal. T the Detroit Optical IntiElIte, is pre- iftTell trash., -The boy Premier Roadster Stallion Sire ared to f t who j6nips.up from a drelin of ln�lh of file -StOVC, thus 111MILY Steps in the pat,s rt t p all dMects of visioll. ns, of C3 10"Ves"Of ransoms and'of pirates, toldo plain course of the day. For your home iSEASON OF .1895. lNi�, y of using Oil- hope, sor, you will aasist a poor man office Atity, is rively m Life Let ine tell une ni AStigMatiSL, H ermetropla, 1o'§e house and everything illat was in'it, Y13 M I a new to. some one. NI&ke The service fee of this great sire earnes1t, fuld the bes� way to IvOrk' iii it is. cloth which ina,i, b( y()JJr I - including 'tile fa.111ily, sor, was burned ishin vben tto get7your own an apron of it tc! ue whell N Yflyabla, resb�.opia, living and do 919 titro inoilths a -go last Thursday, sor.",. has been reduced to $13 for the sea- 'r any �vha.ek er pl e t has pleased (,�od to put! 'any such sloPp"y worl-: is oil land. does :PU --Ei -P-i daty in! 0111pouild Ddfeet. The merchant to whom- this ppeal f you re prc lie end of n wa CO mching at u twet through.'and is easi � cleaed- Cut so'n, P�ayable Ist Auggst. Voll Ifilatibli-ropic, is als a ihe w rid's great cathedi it-asi"ng is dres" ail( roun addressed, hile very 1) 0 ral, o� playing the c the Astigroatinn is d to to irre, ar clo,ve of' P eye, or -an it the other end,; do ON" I _ corne'rs ILL the bottom. )e at� the ��top very cautious, so lie asked - Have you and is usual (10" 6 These lovely oil Paintings, eize 20x9,4 nical, bu is ofort. cause by im- any papers or certific ROBERT WILSON, lies, are GEMS of ART. 0�11 and properly fittcd gia- oe. 31a.1131 school ohildien with your I -hole soul. It ihay in'Lhe:�lend be your with darts, on the t ate to show tht yo D ill �.,hinc, an tP lost nything by the fire I Inc this deiect-are call a etlypLd, work ;o a poor missionary or, oil the I on p, baud in the saine' ay. F3 itut %vith propetly fiLted be Th Vind SEAFORTH. glasses they ti,ay bqco 0, ee them. fflaw me the brigbhest, mchoIxre. other hall(], I did litt've a certificate, sor,.siglled be- a prornot r of] fore a notarypublic,.to that eff9ctif butit A few yearsago they sold at $1' to lie sboffl(l be mide of strong clo li: 1427 This is ouip a comit-on and dA a�e P;
ro s defect'. Hper- -e&r, public vro�ks. Do either well and: cl�k
N . . gi I have said nothing about b, by's bi to lie metropia is a malformatioll W h eeps the ciliar 00P was burned 4: sor, in the house;; with me -(as in (10 not think either, th,,i,t -by'despisil th worn iLt the. table, for every -)n knows how 1 5 and $20. each. muscle in constaltt use. whe, he nornial eye I e is at resthen looklag- at a di tano?, � This defect, if ni.-,,e that is when inade of n at bled oi fainily and the rest of me effbets.,1; world'I Ironors you %Vill. inerit- the fit c-lotliv vor neLected, way result it) depresbi.)n and of Ilea -ell How can I get one free I
It may be idl�ness' not p n -ed all around, and ina,do i to exte. id un- pain, and even prostratior" -,MyoTia is a diseased When your cabh purchasep, at this
condition of tht wi e, hich ioutd be very carefullyr One o..' the, greatet of the (Uy der the plate, as vell as to batton t roun�l A Chr'�stian's Aspirati�ns. fitted to prevela an inereFROG f the defect., and per. said L Whenever I hear a young niati des- thQ neck. Bal-yy'8 first attel 1pbs at f �pding A fait] iful 1 hristian's a haps ultimate Ill i tArress. P Wo spiratio s re -all a's a obso ac- pising the wprld's tionors,'I kilo I at he Lmse ( o not endanger the able clot.1 whell he'avenward. Being " risen with -'hrist be af charae A commodation in Hie eve, w1b eh ir. - cause Cata T., you one ce I providing
is afraid 6f tl�e world'a work." is thus protected. d, Fr quently Ila 'ek 'beautiful gilt uleie corrected by art ifielal se -a tlio,4e things which are -e,: where aboX you pay�us 81 for the
htmdauh�:e. and all ffer Qua 11111 our w rk. Do.' Christ sitfeth on th of. IMMUNA, or a re Put �ojiie excitement illtO Y =d God." frame in which it is placed, on ; f lorought on by one or mor. of'.he a ove defee Re- you kilow thit. the ivorld ia watc1iing for General oward's' NA'arniiig, His affections stre oil things aboire, iiot 1:� 11-01111)erno charge for tes it our ea. your uccess or failll.,e? Two-0irds at! things on the earth." A lie fru� , . - -f - ." , I We make this con4ition only because
General 0. 0 PV1 - V 4 - . Howard tel's'libe following ts of his le t s y that )'On IV ast s ill not �rlccee�l. The�; llicident lllife are unto holiness. an oil paintin ears best when in a t CHEI, TST A -D RobE!r,S,,. oth Ilustration of the ppwer of a 9 app gentle, easy f;o be en- DRUGGIS�, 'kind wid helpful word. t was at, Far J. S. er hird, ii�c�ding your relati res anc He is -peaceable suitable frame. friends, hope tha b vou Nvill. Then t on't 'treated, full of i-nercy and good w4rks." He I-Oakcs, in 1813,'j.2 at which lattle apneml Cardnc& Blocli. Sedforth. get tired. A is the highest style ;of manl"-clean- ttl boy si 'I 11 igl This is the chance. of a liliY Ii Rowa,rd's r q �rtn was shot hrough!. He liven'i I sawed etiou Vood to I nat r MACB Don't miss it. Nd twp alikre. First says 'has first choice. It come tired -Tired iLitned 'the fal ]ter. As'l was mking 1 h, handed and pure.-Ilear7ted. � ther- Cn ise "lie lie cart BERRY & GEIGER, Pro�rietors. a W ily way to the hospital, 7 W h I licit vour m4lier tell cents that' arthy." uch have no lot with Christ -no MONDA-i, April 20 eav( his own stable, O" 0, wea front I e tb. will I i A I I N - 1-� To be had only from blood- an I from pain I Bruceffeld, and proceed byway of.tieMll Road;-ta YOU ha�e fliewiliole pile sit wed be- I saw into-,\icated. He was o hope of a part in the first'i t, 100% a, young inan resurrecl ion. Walkees Corner, then north to-Jamei Carnochan's, "You did.-,- shouted the ten by way of Exmot dville to Sesfortill, to Dick' fore underthe influence of�Ivhisky that he could (D Y2 and: In 0 g r f t 1) 1.) ed the s Spat on, liardlywalk. AsIcamenewr hiin,I sthp- b Ignoran hotel -for noon , thencib north 11 les, then West b S 02 1 r Va FEAR i cents �oli mel 'i Roxboroto John McMillan's P., for night both liinds. You bet tei a §
Wav pedlon -gliorrunce is K, en tell hirn it did not. pay never gTod for a Iltiman: soul.! T68DAY-Welat t Kluburn, thela so ltf� to Alma,then If the J Saw holcis out, dad, 111' vin' the ruin him, and he had JAR It I 11 it "'01 (01 lod's plan that w1b should a�quire all west by way of, Hourori Itoad to the C orytraercial hotel, The Leading Druigist to It is (X -money.' It is ei�sy to Avork- the 311U I Seaforth.' i�cles, better stop be 'babit, bkd - control of th, Clinton. for night. NVED' YBDAY- West long the Adbk CD I for the at lies -within our reach. P. knowledge th to )10 I Imesvilie, then b way of when t: ie inind is Onlisted in the'- ser%�,ice. him. I passed owto the bo ipltal,' had my Many persons fir' 31 126 1 * Huron Road to I I I e shut up by exacting con- line to pQ! P. S. Ask for a tieket UlDon er ord ed to �xnd was -is, ditions to very narrow, attainments. They noon theribe south by way of the 7 h concetplon to hed. I)o noz sit idle 4ndAvait for Try, arm. attend ter McDougal Gods ell, township, for 0 -tit home to re. to find sonie work Ito do. A boy sat! at Ills' which your purchase will be, pune c are not to blame for whaii they; ecou d not, desk dranitiling hs' idle fingers'. il tell� cover. I saw oCibeard not ng more of tb the Bayflold concest4on, then east V GAbriel Elliott's for night. TITURSDAY--Solith to I arxia, at Conk'" druilken soldier until a 131 I t t time ago,-A,Iieyi help,,tho gli they �are to berpitied' t tune, you &I'd playing," hotel, for noon ; thence east by wa) of the Bayfield Washington told road to his own stable for night. FAID.Y- 7ill pro- bERS I you wbEt $[L'id thel a letter from 4n officer in r. . The bo druffinifcl on an a�Wed re AhDA6HE and Neur�gia me his subsp ory. Impressed 1�y ceed south by way of 2nd conceosion, St to %m. 15f quent hist . 'm Spipcial We6r, yo ared To- wha arn I pi ng ? You. are 01a. s an -Aluminum lHa' ying! 0 A1lJvUTr-i55 also K3 I,,,, town 1i IU2 gue, Diizi # nei for noon ; thencesou h by ifixy the fact that in my, woundec� condition I had ide, Constipation. the foo. was reply.-Artennu e �had'�eople %idth glass leye por- 2nd cones-asion of Hay, to Henoall, for nich . We ha t SAOT' 6,rd,l taken er I it ah inteiest in in to stop and 1-d Liver. Ba Brea URDAY-Will proceed cast by way 6f he White vice, he had the i rid there re house, Tuokeremith. t* Davil BIcCli y's for noon and 'artifroil whiskers, and Biliou5ness, lain in the c
ate the howi[is. V-AFICE TO rAKF give him ad now blong comes a man wi ti , I To stay cured and in Fa celain tei schoo' so vre 0 h an alun ilium
Ppt=z Ms I' d t quit CIL inking. iie reso- thence weo to the 10ppenroad and -ty ay of Kip- Announcement 11 lutio He is years of age,' and wasalmit- pen to his.own stable, 13rncefield, wl iere he will Ye- DRUG STOR06s, ear. r Oak A Bad Mistak-e. n, ai�d when the'war, iN tas over, settled a ted hito the"Q"ueeii's Hospital, dt' Bir niog- Lcaln until the followinj Monday me min 1428-13 Yest rday a reporter down to �a Wei of stcady, bo iest work. He hani, Englan'd, in April, 189'4, wibh &A e gat on tile" rf 4 Cretna, ill search of The li4le WaC grit,duall vose, and the le�ter from Witsh- I / thplionia of the left auricle. C" had &fl( ded. no new's, on thaday' ington t(pld me lie C) f SPRINGFIELD DAAN' BY. We hwve just concluded 0 -and i� had just' died a judge on The greate� pmr�6 of the cl�s eased ear -%vas kv V o gilDuht t' theSup*mebench�in the State of ew d find that -the volume 'of busi- d: Fai F looked ,Lsifbistrip Ivould ii t- i' n JOHN McG REIGOR, Prop, -i tor Ing, an ell off by the attending surgeo adinueb. Just thop an old �-lall Harnp8h re, one of the fore : inost in t e t Coln, r-of-paris cast was taken of the 1�ft (lo,.,vn the whar 1 1 e.p6r i MwDAY, May 6th, will leave bN owh stable, Lot * during the pa-st year war- plastei ness done n an artificial ear -Was 15, 0oucetision 3, Tuckersnii Tol� limpinc The filollwealth, sht � of the head. The I th, arid -pro d south tio -L;J thou -M tbto� perhas Lne old maill i i id. been. 0 to match the bealth,, one Wood Brothers, Usborne, for noon ; th 3 ce back Us asigg our at
rants us in incre ftk very stable for night. TcnsDvr-NNcrt bvwayof in v, crap" �Lnd had be�n w,rsted,� A Grateful D4 Wphant. bieLOWXI e thot gh it that. he' would gqt, 18C �ieth' Oil -gbe opposite sid6. This bognA ear waS the 2nd emcesilon, Tuokersinith, to Xc b rt McKays acb, and we kindly invite you to call %Ewo ladies, pie ear Art belonging. 0 ail i nali,, It ell- the i made in vuleanise a,nd alumi I concession, b n mind that -the u1n,tint ci for nonn ; thence to Win. Coesticy's, 5i; i thil-t td -police had failedtoget, h6,10-011 rdfec ion of irht. 1 i� � and exa -mine our goods, especially OUr gii cc lilit a purulcut. an( enanielled-to harmonize Ivith the con- for n WED-,,RSDkY-To Thomas N el dy's, Bib- a op, for night, ew designs Robert is a -new ato,r� that opened u ner, greatly 01 �-Vorld',+ Fair S 0re Uffrmlchael's block, mian came limping along and sit and ill cousequence bcci�: ie blindi His placion. No artificial bert, for noon ; theAce to David Scott's rd Note - I 0 I contrivan�i such are a sion, McKill TnUPSDA" To of ch�3ap and mediii-m bed the -sire th 'e pulling Out a bi I iidiln distrpssed, I !insulted .1 skil- spwtacle frame, was madewse of �o s ort ,P not- - l 0anipbell't;
handkerchief and wipim, t upp 7ib cancoss5n. for noon hej!lerspir tio C2 U 0 tal physiclaill AD(I I begged hilll to - al the auminum, ear, and adhesionj to t�e. Ear theom to Huvh Posts's one n F( Winthrop, room suiis, 'with new fhsped mirrois, y Wany, morths � 0 -w th .$10 0001worth his wrinlfl(d face. hi �1' - t- - posxible remedies to % favorite. Avas e5ected. by incalis of a. satu. 8 for night. FRIDAY-9� wki of Roxbo o Ito Dicles ra �d MUM which are ver haudsome, and, as we ere he (4 o(,d i iorning, uncle,` Mid t! i e re orti, The physici,;n decidod to trl It of 'f inastic, in absoluLe alcolio botpl, for noon ; thence to his own atft 'e wh 7 of no-velLUIS 311 0 er. " You loork "'thougli,yqn lind ��)ce� i will remain until the. following Monday norning. do nt have to pay freight on furni- which had cured,iinii4r, c*es ill The man now can hear as %I 01 as, ev4 w, 4 it fi-11t., Inen. The elephan ier was btlled, 'but, lie takes care to sleep on his Iright sile we will give our the t - �kee] I boss N6, si�, I all t loee�' iil�, 'onic ifistrifeti( us W re ff I ve I to bim, and a ELL ni Alt so ad not to bredk off h .4 new ci 6r. CRYSTAL CITY D Goods,. e ityl few minutes after, the aninil canie -an ttliesainetiihebehas,nofe ofbavi,ig ff er tN �;011 iyc enefit of th same. y no figh ill 011 b -d A, the M.Ltter your leg kneeled bef6re the It ys'icia I f I W.M. HABKIRK, Pro t6r. I�w who q kly ip rost-.)itten, and he the oily p And is-apin tbis W'e�- -as rted ith is p�obabllit �o notiCe(,10.littlpillyoull t s own stable I ALL. LI-xr,,s 'ClIZAPER THAN I ialild Skilfully applied thle nil rate of i er ct 'ian , &live who could ev�en pill 'ItFy 001111 ly 7110DAY-Will leave III arpurbey, om f and proceed by Roxborn, to airies rr, ace's. tor .the newest goocJs to be' had �bis Spring, Da- Nv.mis. not (lid ;by a fight. C 9 one o the sore eyes. 1v i th the request of Marc nton Le id EVER. y; -c, 11,11 I'll, I ell Y611 1101V "71' c 6 to As soon as the cletl t f I the contact ' f n e yQ7 ear." )ioon ; thence by iyay of the ravel &-to _ John over'lie. t 0 of bavz di,4 linip, n' Ayhy all (lei people iii terrible �oltion cry, onsistin Grievo% for nightJ TOYBDAY-BYWa FILeadbuty Our Undertaking: Department 1-9 the iiael ilit3 red a sfi,w' E�� T p to Alex. Gardener's, cone Pgion I 0� ; thence, .,Al-nie Tackle. About six'or seve� and for soMe' ti me wa wildl Ivi'th. pain, teiar- eascand south to John blurray'tj, for nigim Wl�D- complete in all its branclios,- and -we I ditc tit the inclosure, I Fswty�bywaydftbetov�n flnc to Potorl Tulleis, ing vbc N �tu Ing - . "' o'e ? guarantee satisfaction in everyreapect. b Wool- World's ColuinbiAu Expli osition 0 IF HORS .Striped Sho o I was on e of de bes he 4,10 dis pitrt of de. colla: dverythingin �is way. it t --s se,�ral iours Will be of value to the worl ear beechwood, for noun theilm- to Robert Dever- 11 had ar 10 d by Illustratin ht. TiIVIISDAY-To and �9ilk nx,Huron Road, for the nig J II01Tnes, fueral director. 3�e- nly three week- an nil EARS % (1, The physio;ia returr S�, rce PP -60t, 01�i (14,L hal used- to go Ovi r &4 eft)re lie becattle caful . the improvements in the. mechanical arts Seafoith, at the XQVAl Hotel. for-dile hour ; thence a �wgo we beg -xing a S. T. itchitt'for �'le phunters, an' ill P, (lays and eminent physicians to his own stable, Harpurkey, whero he will r i �ed oin ateri IvUl telJJ yon that iIn. tbe late�t shada.%A Prints in the t li-, e of DICk'S BLOGI) 1�1;11IFIER in his sidence, next door to Drs. Scott lilLil I �.q gitl letters Rxill n le und that the reinedy worked ivoider- t1 e progress in medicinal agents lias been of until the following morning. FittDAY-Py of Egbwndvilleto Andrew Archibald's for noon; here t MackayB office. �alrid D ss Goods in all WeJat kn, fully, and that. the e�e -s ai entirely vilell 1portance, and as a strngthening to Sinign'Hunter's, for SATURDAY -To Angus tj I!- e is 1�o newest cor.10 all, 'o some litchin. fo cc; 1"I.
�ul iti th cc few nd lioun look i I tell voi
ONDII 10 equal es. P; pr�ces -to and the sial restored. xative that Syrup of FiAs is far n advance Goidorile for noon thenco to hid' 6WU SUMP for I 1ICIVS. lAnl'goi,� shad t misuxpassedb UO',1T 110 WD t( g to lie decid d to tre% . ma;p livin' in (lis to%%�Vl )on Cons Iii u yo Ille OJ nig ni a Gons lie decid alf others. ry it on e nigh, ir Ilew arri�VaI8 ono now le aine maill er, win- FOO T oin hat C, coll)e to m, other e i Oame andilook'at ot Cree hll illied fr 1420-5 I i 'it Blood par Dick" ROAD v BOX CO.1 Dick @ 1311,3tei 50o 11 ou.,�e , b 0 -It 0�ca o'clock in do morp ail bering ibe N%�� a which 1he elephant' had Spavine CANNY SCOTCHMAN 2nd. d rses. Jicles Liuil nent, 4et' Dic c,3 Ointment, 16c. n'x f 1 Coll](] ditch for him. (lab la3 recei ed the.first treatinen i, he asked thRt rhaVuyerefor for foireign liarkets do notwan GEORGE TAYLOR, Proprietor. leipt �f il�lric Alai ed on rel 0, S Fi & Mewishbd horses at an - I C He said at he In, d good deal tc dd; at he might first give him an anosthetic.' His . lip vills, curbi. ain y prii hingboven, etc., can be --t;� IV cur d by Dicks T e only gold medal heavy drtught stallion in the TDICK & CO.� 'P.� 0. 30X 482, treal wanted t don, Nvid-it as soong� appr -,he6ious were unnece �sary, for, as Boon: Blister. Price 60 'cents. Porter's old Stand. po Diek'o tnimeht is invalu'- Coll tv -f'Huron is Scotckn _16n 2nd, No orsale by;T. S.1toborts,'Netortill. sible. �old hilli Vd. be dre oil ti aas the. nirtial recognized the surgeoirs able for spraitos and bruisc. P ice 25 cents; To be HcMl) stand atbisou stable, hippen, for the im- 11, I went, to %Nro0c -.early dat voice, -he ran an d knelt I efore him. The he d at all Dhigg Li pr9 einent ofatock this season. He has won 5 flirl FFERY J E I was. 11 direct ono on tho wrappor. Toronto, t M st-Li-goon quickly app ied 0 e. nitrate of sil- I NID t ornin' n' �bout I( o'clock', I vZLE p irt ri dR, 1 diploma and one goldmedill at F it S�kl..,E don and Ottawa. Terms to be agmed on. 1430!k 1pffAft afto ng the painfill e Tli eottage I lbt�) oq Goderich stree- .ANi'A U& CA R' -N1 I Mr n- BLOCK cold all ired. I down awhile . on de ver. Duri o)�ration the &ni- i6ve. a Great epu at lee,- "INI y plaint, bi t entli ;en 14d by Xrs. ''. W J�cant. Easy termp. imm.edi- B. Taylor, Esq�, merchAnt, WkIland, says isemion. cr,psirticula apply on thl prem- bank of 6itch an' was restin'. fe t niiii-made iwcon caressed Powdoys have a great reputation mboot here 0 I r to the 11 de SE,'AFORTH. the operator f%Vit!L his trnn andAkhen the swlYOUN(+ RAKERFIELD. I oti ill -0) ni ed, Will. COLEMAN, Proprietor. 'perinanleat cure for treatni6f wiis dver led hilil out the in- ROU ESTED, C01.11nants ti 11�adache, Biliousness, Xeuralgia,Liva� and Stomach — a dosure."with Ith6 lh'elie�t (lemons rations of ONDAY-Will leave his own stable, Lot 22, Conces- ainta, Costivenew. I kno e.ople who sion 2, ff. R. S., Tuckeremith, and go we4t to Brow- sthe ff, e n . I o n g a n d g r t fferqmw,woh� Ph o tried �Jc) W at foot's bridge, then south to Eicows Corner, then -he si gr. am %A o boon ci red by thent. tual, Z sfill ai j all have used them 1 hr )wn Jamilvl Mth remark- Grunion, then- Jast to his own Ftable for tile night. T -i GODEF 5cond'o&ratioli wl 68 as 811 'Ices �ostiverytbhl 14 Xi, I west to Goorgo Watt's, for noog L; thence north to P What we say ir� true, and
le 6 rst. h ablesucces3.1' T%At)p an t;ons in ed4h box. Sold ave a Coull�' TUABDAT-Will go by the way of Huren Road to Thos. �Nlr. Alex' forks. -Z� ,insurai 1ce, L ofle ;bvi,all.medicine dcalpeTS �Lt 25c a b 6b e 'Everybody 11 ft is time you -were IN cc to take. May 8rd, I Livingston6i, Ifullett, for noon ; thence north to ARM Desert. 83. Kinburn, then eatt to Thed, Dodds. for�night, WFD- AND ISC ED TQW114 do, :, r. 'tor (ESTADLISHE 1880-Y A M ill th( - - . i xitsim,y- Will go south to Rox1joro to Jos. Scott's, for hunoon ;thence by way of Hurin road he PROPERTY OPL INSURE15. Low's Pleasant Worm Svroi) r for th to 1 r. her. onstrates that brisimess canbe ild ren or a 0.4eviences ]an 'a, Kippen road, for noon; thence bout -b to the done on a fair, Equare bmis, and be sumessful. P 'E Y'S RED Lilies the evi ming houis of his!'first dafs 0 RJ -lives worms of nicht. TiwftSDAY-Will go Foll Our success dem'
A. QHOYSTAL, al�k�;ndo from en ell I Te Success?r to Cb rys�al & Row s ei n. J'o SY lu SiPRUC ward six o1dock, -wlicp the st� i, was fast l3ed Taverii, thou east to Jiw. ColeunciA Ft flibbe�rt, for Id I t C I Theres a ressto fin us con'.1nually -getting the
-affA: 0 P. O.; W J, greatest sharef-trade. Neveras our mastetrybeen settidg, the disl ant prosr. eat in the south. ALMOST OR Zy n1gi t' Fm.ity-Will go cast to St then 1!rth to MIR 011, ,so r 9.1 Se if h P. O.; Michael a, .,mplete an it is now. Nn other c3ricern !can #el) 'r? facturers of all kit'2do of tattionary Job -i Gormleys, for noon ; thence nbrth to Dublia. r of 1;ksses forth P. 0, GUM Ri k r is, w s sijddenly dv rkened. A clumiter of ail at the linces weanand will; notlecan givo ynthe- blarinc,i Upright & Tubular then west to John Ireffernan's, for night. S.ATuuDAY 11111arc10 .11 go west. to Seatorth, then tooth to Egniond. choice of so Alto X line Lei instrun-sentis its cure in ll r lAer we ivere envelo,)ed by EIL dim sand -er A Broadlooli, S�afortlj; lex. Gardiner, Le*A equare or upright plAnos, or 1jr church �ainirio' Til& T 1,D �STAD.kRD- CURI� Suff ing from Constip ion -Ex- -w or iZa ViM, t1jen west to hi-, o An stable where he re. 3t. The post: lent and Suffocating -south- pected to be, in bt 4arlock organs. maip until the followhi, onday morribl-. 1430-4 Jd e h Evans, Bee�qhwood; . Murdie.'86aforb; All new organs and Inrlinca for C :)L7G1-1Sj COLDS, Jlie - SYIUM, Gabriol Elliott. Clinton; Geo. Watt
ea., tei wind ',v -as blo ag vio er 14em ies Fail- 1-1 S After all oth 4 L 'lently and i B-0 - i . T1 Garbu ASH2 [A and all LUNG AVF1�C 0 raiwil clouds of (lust. e saw lour Arab edB-B,B-mad3a1Per ctCure, of seven years. eL Stacks, Shee' . lror Works, TERMS-48jS5, or $1 0 or mote mantbly,untilpaid n companions. ti litenincr their Grz v s Syrup.hasbccu oil trial forl burnooses ak I 06. tfell ock; o t. WMIlIp, 9 atbirth Pa - . C re Restoring Ro + 11 ith. MOW ts Oedar, P�Sts What can be more libeml, more InducIvo, mo;;' t, ears nri(W the verdict Ofthe people. il around their necks to a"vo d the I fiste Wan to buy a KARN. (I or etc., eta. Oanc grat- . "I ill(I a c1um ng, ondville Sohn O'Sull va n and 50
ini P101 ,re,�,
�nder c best remedy l=oWllL and ing the in'� mitation of 'Whorn we tied GF'1'TtF.1lEN,-'r0 say all Go 4 o, Auditon. in'U pright and 41orlquital S11de Y&M iti th 25 t Also dealers I might A carload of re codarpostsfor sa.14 cheap �,l ic apecialty.- All PC bottle. sold everywhere.- our ha`ndkerchids arounc, our necks; but B.B.B. would be impossitle. �o in favor of �nginy. Automv t it si been a great at E rucofteld ta ion. Also poets $4 feet Joni, imit.- 4rueo 'destrous to eff Insuration 4 r trans. health restorer to rue and I do %VC&T b3'it I am a able for a wire, fence. othO uldne", will be pipe sea I ic-fatting* constantly on hand. ears and F F ptly attgude I to an I lie b y PROPR I ET D15 pur eyes su ure,. and out
Tufesd# L. Downey, Ton short �otfcq-1 KERR WATSON& CO.. different- man* now to whit It, 'ears wtI, ago JOHN LANDSBO UGH, St 4tion.. unclat$00 66 any of the a in 0 bu I Worka-Opposite: Q MANAGE&
Xs' 'ra&tee furrdsh( -noi;trils were almost, filled for the; hour that when it was expe ted w 110 bi e aiylutr, t 'r fear, T. R. ataticb, Goderich. i-,, j r a ri� A r�.' WWII P0611 a 9. &- 11 I