HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-24, Page 4J 7: f A d _4 7, '1 —`7 A 4 XPO' I X A Ty, almost 0 4� on - E OR@ MAY,: gi 18950 4 .: I - I I I �JTHE HEI�ON goes, w itho g, as.. t h- de Ioca tyt but is ge.' eral till: over Dfi ai and bY.Catia(116, The uew Fjee Trade Luft TTt L ft -LE one system is so i 01� brll-: necessaries You are daily ia� 'of toy kntl, Y01 In simple thaii the it an par be Unitod:SWOii About8O ment.of N, I' South Wales G6v t the de rn d wartanto it, one hundred parently wit-ligut of Of life the 4 w ham roug. I 'buttoo, Ute tzoattet )urbousehold. Tie distilleries a YO ads other. It does no BAY much for i the inteli P �eil th eturni reitirred . to' report Premier ac horses a day will be slaughtere of I Van, r. X "her The S70n 111 Colo asurer, according to d aiKI death had, come. a 1. was born at t., Aire, Map -a 4ubscription pi: 1_0 EX-po ligence of the peopi -of thi nial T fr. - Gii H. the Anditor-Generil: 01 d fe of tl a re aull if I Say 11 kag� The thief Reid, the treasuryi Very large amount of In fi 11 whei t ser sly di %'Owe canned I I' Baden, Germsnyv�, after bis JD6pal( attictl in advancell, is ONE as the 11aill. rf Jbt down aya ry radio I budget. Oney- do b tb y would not 'tioi g .&L i CIVI)s dani d ha et for excise d t KILI Y A �la -z-Hamiltiolli Dean arid marriage- C&_�M6 +t*- e�sv ?1D oli a tate, where fail wheat, The prbte 3 -ertoi of Walk LLAr -on Af oftday -also M r. t. t up- in the hundreds I of wife h wetilth), �I for about, eighti i mOvIng ate a system thal ouple, wete Ike. resided If You (10 not renew v iithin ;I free. '�loilths them million Mits land live tariff of 0 riding into ate 1, Atild sa�e Paul b r 1 e 1892 is t be abol- thousands �f do htra and I . of Manebe, of any o' tiesq' b'ave ished. why'has Minister kar W IDA41) jaso' Saturday, in. her -e of -the date on your ii be dollars annually.. r lio bulk of the duties Fosternot. Ilected'these a Wateiloo 113011upy. About i- . I eo arrears of revenue Irrillgei a ahuge-4-tri fell upon Illy locate( . Will ceame. to i -Sbippea from r cl label the -ice There ari -tione, incii bi )an ab bi. within six '11,y fr9ken that-noi ll iori- �thaii be: iinpoee a mont Sp�' '0 !i%z Cralibrook, Scott &Sons, of Lis: It fam' half ibe ayer�ge ip of Gre , or t $1. 25 if You do not ran even the most bitter op - I after tweIv lbefore increasing Your taxeg to make uk the 't m dcrushe� -in to d6ai Y a a, of direct he, �knd after th 'rom t' �a� a ago t yield a expectel.1 Some that t141,10, I the duvi i - shortage the Go rnment's extravagant has ER ive forest became residents of Brusli ve the weight rof the ic ad c a most xtens as on candles,: kerosne' brought about in the public chest., pf �1 eight or teiii ai will 1) 1 sent long berry farmers - John he da o r I lbal taxation; who will �not admit that if the of th 3 darr #119' ps *ill grow a �a in, arid and u a fire rec. nt y i's 're ri ig on the Mr -est- years sine months of the date on 11 -the Pon nt iTne7Z Ownsh he old folks is -will be $1.50. - NG p I a national 9 r*iII be reduced 8 of' tha . revenues. were raise( year by', year in a. . The deceased was a.tooper by n !one year before bei ng pal 11 for. I 'in - this 'iv , doublilessfleld 6, f�r hary5st, aitl cugl� they from what the dii 6 1>40 pounds 8z fly stillere-owethereis,$98 -jgo 2ug - til theifpear. of tile, a 11ot ntains,' Wash- trade, !but oivin " 1 0 pounds - J�X, Send renewals directly to Itllie­.Office�, greater ec o-nomy on th Part of -o It is the inientioll of of uncollected revenue due from. th g to declining 1155 - fir will lie lat, i. The a are ielids wl ic I were the'laid Gi nt to and cullere a tealli to ington (Or airadius A fifteen miles Tiot been able to prosecute M'sk ifor some Work ruleris would be exercised ernme 'about ve 0 t a inland Revenu ac, boibood elf-i3ackley, the forest time. He Was 7 po Money' sent by registere4 lattic: d that witho havet in'about in b 7 yesi ti!gii 01 Pus -office lit, green witl fail w6atbefo re the I to it, and ye' ment. The Auditor-Generai also oart ei hi do �two of which of 1. ai,= A . &at 31,11 --pri now� are' ti _ej duties on only five line al.191' t ie i 'a —On Thursday eveninii, of I ek A ass money dedireitsin the efficitirl 8 at, y o j6e' money order,, a v o der or draft 9 CY-6f. the i,3ervice, the, ivilich now look nai if noth n whatever had m- attention of the Minister of Public ... - 1. ; i : ri the Foreati, of V T�)P .9 por, s—spirits, wifies tobacco i md to $65, 000, arrear of revenue a i U01 —;On the night of second, son- of 11 1 of the Mr. Tbomi AKcK( nzie of is at our risk. ;!=qt -office 0 1 beers, tTk on F country: w9ull. ill,le carried on 'been x de; and Thomas I 5t] ir�stii uli I es�;; ichigan, a huge Clinton, had a narrow escape from. Serious . for much less than 0ey are to ndh pal the 5 Wad 7 55P pounds, costs Only two. qents. rect taxa- �own in, hemlo, Not a feielarriers have opium. due t poun 7 under the pti p,lo- bad t, 1A an'41terna rtmen't for slide arid boom due T a meteor 'ell anil� )dled., The sound ivas injuLry. Tile- horse he wo* f driving ri railways Department I . I are $61,944 -behind ni he'a pionfacla. -efore, li� poople con Jsoi� in I ile qh&a are! a CIE frightened many away, but lie pluckily hel,d on to ent system. If, thal a royan crops under arid ari tioribywict'stoms tali the Government their collecti The Change on your I Mo Id busy re our I at w ti�Y Y00 V �.I. waiting in has adopted the principle of di On Of revenue wh long di13 the lines. obtain ile to the Ee. farmers Of oUra,qcelp, as good A service -for, tbiri millions doub ful ex �ect taxai partmaut of Interior The w�s ecompanied b rse P tin t of the mo ey. I angedl e m teo 7. w�s As the ho I ad into tll�e faetory yardl, rE Iii th� dam- A land tax of lid. in, there is 0.81 'd ie ;! brillian., ly Co three weeks dr of d liars a year as they tic w i get' I - struel the W' for fifty, aged rain. Iore.4 li hts. I hen it Agon a post, th"wing tber OP us card '4d weL W 0 has the pound Is to lo in- from the tenants, nd 8-92 412 due iro Pas$ L 11he.cold we tqer w a t 'a �ithe eal d lnilliOns,'is it not fibgurd it., 04Y purchasers of rt :I piecei gew in eVer irection, arid youth out, the wheels ing over him, He BRTEF-"�. -Pupils in trace the friatter up PO'ed, as well as a - 6f Od. in he '&e' Audiltdr-Gril th i that the folio ad thl I t income tax land". net al is big hc [a was milde n a ;vus pretty badly bruised, but, esiimped with a fact rejoicing in th on yeburly in three dayti school tbi�si .1111 Address ifilil letters an ad fr also',dra�ws -attention to the arrear4 ofe -re it go d. to 'McLe4n n bones. 0 -mak flii chequefi wculd not tolerate a System that, wolli n fe;i cc 'a Ias aide the pound on comes. ;in extes Of due the Military Dep d orders Payable tl k less falvorai out any broke -change, ? I artment -for to the faCt that there When remitting irioney (IQ' brinz,about such a Wiiete'do military leme o J n i fifai to give es . I lands. -At the Official Board'm4ang 'of .the i When these ac(ofilits are Sittings, . Pin the money now c [ime Investigated it 10 post office address. �n -ifrom,.? It comes I iethodist church, Brusselei I held ust vi totiventions of L_ AtIthe 110i Bran The imminence of a dise6it t will be -found that a, The f Ing are fore the membersh of the tburdh v glxrell its af, Clinton this week. ertain� I noes tried be 1 10 0 in- tory member of Parliament is the 1 a a ing us of chairip" of address 'of the pocketz of the people.' �f the re , vief I I [His Lot lihi Chief J f the a" lessee of i�itica Meredith, at the do no. 2 The to members .01, 80-bbath ci Brant nomin 1, per feel. asglaid'as the� held i, III a upon which the amount of re In$s hich were , n t 1[04�1, 1Z give be 1 icreases.' ;I mon Jury at ero iall, Parliament land 131iP office al: IAI�essi by, direettfixMionj' tE 11i Parig on M6 tld�y last i . register, 334 this neighborhood new Post lies were ridsec]. be Ocivein. lit duifi is� at oderic1h, 'tw lie p irpose o, bee' u'lli LIP in the bund aid la , *e for t merit nirajority '1140 of late reds. But wit rh k:, school total It oney raised hV money n. gradually Y shotild, membership �f would.come from the sourci,-. nomi ating i L we Speak harshly of other �Iefaulters when' Bri vs4 SOrgeor,)was an a for ad- for year, $ L 218.53; very long faces on. Ingy tion tal eceipt andidae "to fill th: dwindlilingdown, uIntiInOw it is onlyton- Of 11 f eatsteer of I Leargue , 113L; rice oll, e vacai a would be almost suffici Ing [sty Sturgeon and millions of dollars that rf�ow� g6. to ent-to the ede Cobble k, B T-0, �all been - r inance allow* Epwori as wanv Look at To lei There woiuld be this difference however, in t a Onturie Legislature by This aon we find the 'Minister fee an . I to F ration Bridge- Coml iany, the brid homas $54.59, Rev. G. H, D., iihill have ho ! r4ireInierf St t for adminis- t ood ho to 96 tion, i r n. a ien B. W make the Government go to "that he expects is going invited to remainas Pastor f)r the uptit ell- fcotiuie-at nighl suppor erence to N -star at Goder- -been done thereby,_31 RT SE, 7u, before a c fully into York at the next ion, going!, h ; quo tiolt f costs a officils"'Vilci sel�vio''es could be dif - bee I " - the couni!,ry him. care - T appointedr suing year, wb iCLh invitatioi C *he aL egistrar of th a risig is r ached and all hopes of a a , i - subject to the StAtionin ornmatee., Delt, Colorado visaii pensed w t to support rnaeles'and boad Da, behind six ybars in their it reserved, nd furth r directions Burt, of 6. George, the noil inee.-tlif return to ept account. aw 'as it. tereat I 0 but affairs aw w" decided to * k =04 s ter each 'Alexander an( ej was an ali Mi ng.ure between the par alers, who -nowhafig around the,G vernnient, the Liberal alIn dr ilig attention to thii i fact, and the va Alex' the isles Hall,' evan- -last wftk. Since "vii -a, whic I �tion norings o Pi Ing a. series of` r Ali 11Y recetved.1 by the Otte dqno�es thenin of the paper ill which the find to consteuct useless pitbi ly, was elected by edlotn'si are greatly agg�avlated by the 61 Li f mount of uncollectc( r�evenue from in it and a elf iiii fo lmony gelists, to assist in conduif$ti �801ne,30 vears ago, advertise bli found. ic work No other candidate was P ciposed. the Cr ar a a services in Br a neXt wi 1, , I . OVernment o aria for -an !ntger�ast, the A lefendai it fo Tered in big new . homf Your he& are only intended immedialba. uditor-Genf�al thVe re- lantiff'suse. Judgment re- .1ruit farm in our hati-ii o btib t] a peo on Gre gil 1) pie with Kr., Biirt is a 'ractical farmer, winds the Mnister of inanibe of his 'erred I �The report of there istf4 ion ci births ear. Deltta ter at ii , 9 �_. "ciderich to settle - otice- L. 4 and at the `MPaltl to'the eleaborate. Itl is also kn, business in tat their own money, v ?!Iould be I ft in. the pock. n dutyin,acomth' ' d mount if alim marriaE 'last election y, and r =Oi to be paid res and deathi for the! year 189.3, has Forgaile JUS'Slop & Co'L (8) '%,!,alone of. Mri 00 Is most that g dissentions exist amo. I 20th May, 18931 � The Andit4r Goneral say on Canada, 114 UnIca Ion wbich was dated ODMID rot. ets of tile I gt he in just' been issued. In llur�n b Jr -when, a left 178 fr�me people wl earn iQand �could be active her were uppi a : forthwit ). 1 : used -to liquidate - ti , t have isters on the same question. P.6rai Referring to my I _ti : 1,325 births 'a yfar, -for his native ountU, House for Je-R Oy. irriva�e The 'Gove sterit etter Beatt3 va.'� 3att, 141"1 matfriages, of 218t Oet6b.er Reinemb the, bur Concert --A F.c. -debts, sectir) -been se' rely c, ction. to have ver- and 6202 dest ore births - The proc e in t tba quit, agn emell rumors have bi a doat t o the ef " 2, 1' have to, an' liat action has t triii: a be w hs. Huron hadim a boare, for appohiti g M r. 189 a ion on the 24th. (8) t4'm additional Cori 8, &ni to be in-viest Wood t 00 ih ean plaintiff and July then in any other month., therld being fath it, re ce since be %ken to secure lie payment of -eting celiftal lands in M131. Of t -of Goder, rAcrOeft Ilia while hefli ye Lord Rose a Licrorse itch on the 2,Ah. (8) bery w is about to re fig Is' P, on ie 0 he the! partial a foolishn t )f �11 ut these are ev ip iaticall the following investments , 1 1 la li illop, al rr Lit, lie marris ir ted Oiel riber of slatu -but Premi " �Y71 nJf pro tale and productive ent the Legi t, the d9fiendanto, being t Hruve you- ui yoz.-K. Witlid. (o) a Huron Co 4 A W Council -Win. lAne. 0) 6 the arrears due let July, IP99., for ifrlte�es urely, it i as to pay 0bicirt Railway There s were Pries teri 2 Metho- Tte new re -i E. Pentecost. (1) that thb peo-- 'Lea' Y -.1 father t rea`� ecutor of 11 a : lection would seem o in. denied. lKn �se INOTDOL-31r. Reeis-Prj argain It andft. Mo sys6em �1ifch'l dicate. lbl�a I acoutfterc ii rilbyiQejd�iito tplain Bridge sa am recovery a F. Mirk. (6.) pie would not to�. cra a $3,963 lFredericto 'I- disits, 113 Episcopa:b 9, 4 d 39 Roman -Lye d Divis. (8), th , people f ti ho B arbor do Igment dismi PI Daily Signal ther nios i on 4' 1 ;Id DaVlfff� nte rest g i1i0grinent to. tle sheet, omd its nei dett iled Be 1 unts, 'whial iliave ap. Habor com * a ts on their ing credited there The . I trigest nainbe k1ei Davis. (a), ..Is) -great ap'd-s6 b eficial are, The mmi s- 11 -is qui Uit' illy, 10 air December than in any o 0 ie countf! � Company, $36,000; Quebe iff. i Catholics. ore marriagealtook would bring about: I' r iiing plate a(],, are ion,$405,808; Three Rioer' and givill pies -Fr cer�a t ,� be� Evaporat defend a change as thi' In his report ion,$ -13,38P a. Lit this i Airliat Id peared from day to lci relate 1,3arliarrien kim for $2271 el g ith much - Cooking I i W -Fred Da is. rhisl b uite miounter c r 11 L,t,i$ficd. 1, r till case, Iva tie this 1jiggest iflubance in To* year the ao of deaths in one month -was in .4,pril. most assuredly be -t1i envi th' wo thatno idn v's. Bon to F Zfiwar.d"L result of a reperly outsiders ad 4ot c preci's _ditor generals R6bert P a gre t damage Wction e.� Niticm t6 set/aside May expect, analwer t� nipla: n. !1b Lie to fri has been t n. �wc� bf Un cl as f , : laill. Clrk, Cousins, or,, the London 4ke Turning eed -Ar tem of; re r of ulent aqd 1.r'Oid as tix times S:day adjustedpys di ct taxatio and grainj �1 the M`in�isie d orIf. And P I C a a M naugurate [roughout the Provin a. 0 it uro & Bruce, who lives in Wingham ally party that _'Wou ld' i all th From!, Financtli own report bro, Zann at * V -, rien or an ardent poultry fancier, and a couple of in one only do; find any 1894, and which has just be n 19 Wore 8 'tting uida but 4eed with , weeks ago he had . quite an the sue his eutexpi h -lei �� st,c a B�l Ti es. experience.. system would recei,,i tlie,support of a vast That ibi� conso Parliament, we re costs. 'One le and tel 8 ave bit en hard fo latio rk, and that is that ad on pi a 16, udder the the past: no frost can 9 us nigh t be took home with him a Couple of con heading of special interest ice U tii (interest V vii or t R�c spPil he dried apple and prune Def 6cen . Brant. Cti As the Torouto',dailies. majority Of the pi a. Toay to c-hiii- bon t years, ryne will dispute. for wages due Jr )p6 'in default) as follows *.- n t n4a:t for'plaffitiff, clacking "-.hens ivauba�tng - purposes, an-; -ri t dae the iby d( fic trary is to 11981iinq thiiit the people lit how I of the two Methoist eb 4 . I -Ing t zel'io be ada,11 lone. The government on Three Rj i Settled by the al i I i SEAFa H,, iv a F 8, 8 Mail 'to Place un- netsuffered t I and not h FR a ein arid hood- c eprpssio nall &be r a Paz win ked, [I ag Ther a nothing at arbor deben-- to - Verdict fd 44 --ing for Dr. K tascovpredalm teveryco n1brY The.p rontO. tums, $33,,739;.Frer B idie Coin- 60() der the bir- -which. takes place in, idun I , 1i It �1 iesl`pehe 1roppeddoto a grocery derick out costs. erg of the Queen Cit Ok to V. are '$60,000 actiolft by th' he. wits passing �nd pnrchas�d five cents Xdge in the w 'Id. Otl� neighbol; 'h Y. Quebec rb aHuron. An aI M 04estly 6 1 bent�' MO 'ris' a exthan i The C the' out r, le Lng O L h worth of egLg -to PULt'�Cmder the hens fo� a 9f us hav n �e ening- fr )m th Tc these amounts ano compl.1 Coun._y day until the eggs hel.lwaa .'raft Illmittees -noWn, negoti4i ha rfion of Wo � It lRagues and. K -n n 831 bridges. In ciet-V met 19 Knox cancy. in theJudiciary. 1' e, r several months betui a the Ui it d Sta, had a for the'p �ert ent, a couple f days'i I a Upper 0 ada have to be added oil WtYJune.: ha he 4 8 y Was The death of Judge Toni cr aa 4 va� As is gene -ally k the Don-dnio'. 'llicire t ei'depirnsion even I . ni ght 16n Ite $75,000 of th ther eae interes will t to P it a ty f or twoi -q-d gei bintiri� � t iat the 'Mowat administration , ny res, townt ounty J Round' i tiffered $7 Albert Ralway or 730. )f, 4NIorri ag inst the, icoun to e IIRVO. Idfact, the depressi Cqll�g( pr�operty as it do! t IS oruereread What Judgr 11 erve; Ing' and formed- a lood ftel for that cit _k of this as a busi: eas tra act o Ba3 of thi's c) d4ty, and, been in prog - as f6 .0 oposed yo I thin r: ot )ul yftdi, on goin of co se, a good, deal of speculat Ithe (I!,overnm enit'of in ell 10 do new big 11 One pe -'- Do you tfiink the min 0 n ?: set" the ]1 9 -on is be- 4ada and We GdVei 'With msk busioQs Y. Pa r re ister -has cohdu fed! ley., ra, Bake. n aria, to find that :9ne of them y p ai n - el his Sue- usi- tiff to a in Baket he& two- chickens h - atched from� -the gro4cary �dhurch on July &h. the I I a dull in this cOulli marks tha it by sacrificing, $ la �.tior b I wass. n. eetiog is to ing hi as to wilo w� jr businegs, yot r nancial affairs, on (it o side will Iment of New Foundland with the view of that' But the 1) 7i,000 iv Drth of yot )i7t ofth I t . wi Ilia 461Wsee'll's to have been reached. ness as on ri eggs. politi on seN eri gr cessor. In the oriclin t4e prope Y it ould immediately create -a Cal Principles. Ounds, A tion hill ar ky Knox church n nd- t distilased! with costs. tal Cai LAI ng a t0n foi d he" discharged political a -The Cri publishea in Cry, s n W improves 18chool via. Lot h oset ing reference to a on klliibs� ary Ocilin e J 00 lidge Colony b6i 9 adm itted into anada. !The a no I the demand f r the bi Tbi Uni D Pembina cio'n ,.Da mak6s�the fZllo Doyle, would' �V It I Ha ical exige cies moat likel e(I z4e Papers -in connectionwiti the nei a 8, of course' i from Ilia mind and enforced the colle tion of ti ni adil , J io a tter. buSLI there it will Av a Sri, -1 Ld on W -ould be very fine thing for Toronto, but' 1 interest and m6nies in default - by W at would, Je Ili de t ae been aii beforet Parliament. I unplit -e are fli One great ca port d a tie apppintme a 0 h aside I for for mati n a un ce respected resident of tical ch V M sub- use of the would th n to fd�,oritcs,it is evide k the sectio: teser resided in Wal-ton� It judge lit 16t, iik last ses, Stance, the Cadia J'; a, rest of -the Province be willi increased'utx4tion d ve -i6nt offered- to depiessit i was over production says: The Call is the junior ship. overmi I I 'on 0` this county, mho pessari to impose upon Acti n n all nost makd A gift*of M,000 to help Toront Irvi le ,a a a �et was assarne tlie w et t, oftheAV12 Sion of the Ontario Legi�lat �u lie now finds it tie bait Robert Pattison leased to learn that -attended nice I P .1blic debt of, Newfo' very ]ill 0 ild undland to, IererY I ill Tlie� stoc -a are now g ting iYou would have been avoic�e bond. -co a. Sri has comph-tely r- Socialt t I covere qurfil pre ty consi lei -ably lessen d. d from the$effe`l�*t forbi the apointinelailfa jun- thd anioull. at 'big hotel? d or at le"t. lon disrhisse y w" he a, bi- passed It t Of $10A30.1;000, this,being a Nv(11 ivcl�ked iiof -the F.Aifield,l While talking of de- itical sur - off and tile wheels or in- - I I Ificits and increased taxatilin You would pro- Huron gical opera;,tion for str=gu ng. v SLgaill COM The following is given latedbernia, per- A-fi exft,11fient 'pro he�cl of her,popitiation. -tic, to -'move. One as an exanipl �aticln of R'also inienci + 9171 aof bably like to, hear % he ur hard Her I tow -iorjudgein oun-tiestwAh. a pir to $50 per a2r, -a b formed oil hini by Drs.- Butler --alission. work walls griven. re $6111le Of yo Arober, of -0 Of er an annual dy' of indications of this is' the ger eral ow n asatries fly rned wage 0 to. According- -T iIiire lit, has a baseb is Cis As the pol I i ti feed to gi, siisi wf the firs h �Cely coinpli :ea alifot haf a mil and a villLrs g 420 volu�nes - Though Mr. Society are to be cGogratul 67,000, a ju i r 'Work they A�e doin ar judge lion of dollars for the I as� � w acro or wieb years of'age, Iiis recovery ra id -and Huron is only abci merits and PIC tb this CitN ptr (I iirkifien;s wages, s9the oor in the to the Audit, -r -Gm caused by the big lci 4 Ottawa. st,ieport,111inister Public Libra_ry. P co -Ohly oile of tile Canot be appointe(f, ill this C, Pose of carrying on b Angeri last 3, lq'416 mplete. This operai CLIciLs. -Edgar ar government, Cana MOre act;4 deniand for skilled labor. j We take tiis fro.m. the report 'in tile Mail ar to f'Your monev tiot -T a Ilytb ei lie an is in rei We take t P in fute thi's itelegraph operator at thereftri Judge Doyle is p rom t recelvinc record upi tl� my for his at, Ili i and' z 24 many major operations which these sur:geoils -r-11 tke riht to her timber o as compileci 1)�, tile and. Empi The disc I$ for bistrilvel- year 1 3 8 Of 36. 1 . - law UsSiOn was upon ling epenses. have done during the past threiii inoixths, so mmin io ter,' the feeggoinist, spent -M can be no second appoinimei t Ib is fisherie's and custorne ci York Tir4s,- include R Ial er, f 11111s Gre ut Liam thou the whole, in addition to as Ins, on w Lose In. NJ .,Th that many are- a 63 ' I pork $-) . Beel ne O'fir -0 of (�overz'ment, money! on cabs and $623 has plrcbwedl�o ,e an, quitly-anc-I ubobtrusively d -street.-,Mr� James ravelling expenses. At least he charged ght,"bowever, that this dir, ty will stfining lid combined !�Pay. rolls appear te riarn* An bon. meniber-LGive us live he,,,, for t Heneal I rri of not aware that they are succe0fully. doing a 3 of a. line rich 1 talli n mong ith which be got ov debt Caada agreed to assume liabilities: A Wallace -We have therno Vou that mitch. The modest Tom Dody, lie has gone to attempted 1�eutsi e- the -er by al-laitwJ11(ig Dil to re- 128,000 pe. pie. the more impor r. the V ngha�' surgical work rarely. iml4labare he is and aippoint her-Ixecount; to 0 House.' (Laughter.) lof whom you will hear mo hospifais of the larger cit eo er a amount. of a million cell� increas. rr, iolle of the son is- over, ng 0 tant, re 6-9 are these 'V1 r C 'at you $ re before the sea- dal a t din the teachera,eoui is P. Cal �y, of as 1W aggie I elly-J, liter o� the late -Tbe.Metliodist District imeking of the Oerso to tl�e if 'It half Of (I rciii nd McM 11104-Tiiey are allon tll( Ot 196for-eab hire and his 011ar; annually, and s againsti, steel comp I e at z side. is nit w r in Wind- Wingliarn District -lvi -1u the absence ecel. �Ietermirled up apj int n at me me ti n that every member of the tier in the ilost-ofli eek. A-11 'the $1,363 for t Iielling-expenses., Rigbi here :a a 16s'a �t e Nletlao- IcKees&rt and -W` eel' sor, l eri held iin' h v. Wallace -There' is onc� lVingbilm, last , w blast furnaces in the �la that vro Lild on a new mill that sum she world receive in Customs and ing, 10 pei� a ' Ind inei ted I nerafive posi- dist -ollureb, Me C _ 8' - city. i I th hoh s passes ov,( �likely soon be made. -Who the ft other revenues probably a not kill for )ork. abinet ' - - , - i ministers of the district wer t last Silday very ateel ng ai (Renewed lAughtei.). ,r' the Canadian Lancelot ) ' Two ill er, I � i million dollas. honi a angp, valleys, Pennsyh�a. is, .1 haq rented on 'ble half a 10 pal,. cen �P b She would thus be out in cas allways. Di n't forget tbiat twhen reading 8 'Aria of 225 acr young men, DismuwT �rldividual wil be it is in.1pos -Y as, On tile bon. gentleman"s o Ilredi h iiearl� Mr. Gibe hi U14 Dever of r, and ta OdY Mill,'Newburyp rt right hand. base �t,-tb Ilia sons Mr Rapi of a 1 3 Londesboro, �bf, the Evaer Disi nally, figur 8. Sir. John Thompson dhari Jarr Cal I 'Were recomi rhere are severa million aria ind jance e wort ke:r Bar, mended to be received a Chlivrich was held. here ou'l and -nd ienjo i en probation, for the it ife Pc S11 I �o t ministry. The -of thiseek. -vho ' - 0 -per cent.; Cleval r cab.hire and -ex- �a I local hien, besides the iari res orrsi- 31assabl,us th ould. have to -assume oil Joundifies, 10 peir ciiint.;- Public i't Sir 0haiii urpo' Rev� lit. Paul 1) and qnite coutpeterit to fl. Y bil des Ili ich she w 14 1 fo 100.for travelling ret p arises ad e and Rev. Waltham (2N ,rest during the past couple of Tupper char d '116 Wi Ilia: r � r ge io H he api ; tment with the account. This half a, million, ive all etts) or Cab hire, butno -trace of his an(! W rests her,, a a john r anan f the District presiai a mini rr of Brussel in - p hus leaclXeryi. 10 per cent.-, weeks has been centered in the trial of the travelling IOCI hao Ph ced, a a ir ualider his n Os orlwich ify. i tone (� waselected -me t, it is likely a Co Tseti i ve tj P. xpenses cAn ie found. Mills, of Tor Butt :r0`ern would have Ito.be u ie, it On -to, were continued s sli ptit.(Town as an offi onn anis brotliais at Toro The same may be he d y urposes puttingi per- -tic it) 11,0010n mills, 10 or 0 lit: e,ratirder Sa $t011( folinda- annuated ministers. Lo A nto, for t -0 Oviii let who appears to have only tiot In the evetIin 1 1 is A 1 in _tlis 4�vj e set to the roun Ing of the Dominion 1, These ail" P of you U1111) 1 ar. lie, meeting minister on the EP11-mville avora le signs. it may 119 W(Ils, who as kille two a�rg rawn-$22 for cab hire The travelling ex- it week, Mr, (Yin ake V was held- Re C ret of ago at the sea maybe there, but you Cal -examination obtaineil. a�a'e( hames 6f. Mr. Campion, of oderk which the addit'i0i tofhis new colony -would some tini oi. a o '&boom 31such' Yams ware"Ooms. T ebrUhlirs penses in bi ca 44 'in )tie of: the �derieh; occupied the Chair, aria ablnch ilit I- enb rous' a doi see thmi IT tthat addresses were delivete Icisibe wus xecominended-U- Dickinson, of 11-ringilum bee Mae-, B11i g hat. . I L V a "Panadai oi which exi bed ve or i eckl' d �tro Ilia had a lar litm a. sp a � tro 4 ' -I - ' ' Op six years age, but t is ge amount of Insurance I aped on Patts rid Year of prob men t4on was, cab hire and Pk for travellin TIN mass- Kerr, of Wroxeter and Rev. T it was not sufficiently liberal to encouragii t tile .. coil I tiGned as probable candid t R1. at, IV I - 0 ow, at business is on the the life of young Wells' expenses. 14 inch,% i I weighed one' of VkTaltQn. 01 `ad�nes seco I ave no hesitation in saying. tb at; Meet the views of -the Newfoundlanders, q who w %a in' their Sir Adolph Caron coo ry 80 for and a b d a. z L I empl, POun( i 9 o'clocki- the I lfward oy. . Th a policy wa� made abs and $1,108 for travelli I r and were so repo Mde. liere are, too. with. ur-. Out in fa -Or u expenses. eie men- were rt6d. A resen , ad t he i Ifolmested, of. I and Consequent] -have been 19aggart spent f 'rus- I! Seaforth i! fall, negotiations i %lartba, Wells, th %.,37 on cabs ale e 1, general session be well selves, in; of under. the auspioes of thej y ind.ic&tions pointing to e unfortunat nd on a ax z illf,bav &I et- lov's * - e lar er Ic r mga of Q a position, in -1 .111 itrav Ilifig expnses. C as held on Tu1iisi ev;itif qua brokenoff-forthe reselit.. flax L. elee b cli in t is P notig petous state't nity tbat lified f r th' is u J Let. ter an I Ill ter., 'ShortI5 after his d an t a Lin $17t for 8 t re Pros eath, Ha III 11YAms 1cabfi and $100 for travelling expe ises. Co8ti- ever had efore h r 600 if It may be consi lered heresy,or even rom. the different f affairs.: A eY Ports f Aresseawer_e.g4T igan -vidently did not use gig pas s and then bas I "dis- ar would'do much to 4 married the Ei8ter, and secured tie ins seed and showed a good- degree o t M entitled to it than either f the f ntle- good lop this Ye al rgiv4 in were readl ainee nion prosperity iri Xirklai and J. Holmes. �1,i of nlien named. He is one of �bh oldesi �sa fortunate thin for cilitatill the, llpw�rd diove. ey. Recdntly he attem r -ad the country for the use of it. Sir Mo d thechurch Rs -a -Whole. - The Rev. J. W. of ti id to pti prac t Jeha lit, th'io the' Ontario that the ne'gr) the, Be ners in the cou nty- M timbi ns have beiien Im van- Andrew H8i a quartatt , - (�l !T1 heavy insu nc6 on his wife's ii: 0. d u a Of-Hul �6 ti,6ning and ac cenzie Bewail paidnothing for, calils and year old son )f Pring Wag elected to the ta nry" 0 eople oi al broken oftand it will be a, -but she irifs tt, ill, e6fidence, of p Still mittee ; -Rev-, Dr, Gifford It, <&srtettei �ai selact of both p I C ties. es refused, 4nd I eft im. Of thia ionlY84100 for tr ve Ing ex e Accident.! IV 'lle ridin in 8abbath more flort inate andLIComment h It Was 0 Lt Wal ace spent 0 School Committee, and III a UP a 'Allost excellf. i . ns 9. Clarke ith a b ad 4'e do not know that r I Ho for her if;they be not resu. n trave-5 ng expenses n he m a 1 1 a4cidentall y thrown LiCobble granime, Wednesday,* mic Mr.1 H t: ould Round- The colt; andthe I, iyst, wifous circumstancef a- ir 0 !and NOOd a round $400; while Ives cost you his 1161 Ulail4 also cll�s mittee. The ne. Com- iliken up with review 'of n e o onial Conferene at ufid- dick, B. D., to the? a(,,cept of the position if A-er i 9 off Cdafederation is a I' 1. d to hi t, but VM -y -nice Sound- In ts ells, th xpenies and--',R,5,2fr* E L re ummer is shown by ti a Ing the, d mth of young W $556 for travelling a t HUI Meetilig closed at 4ve P. M, if he would big appo- Ing phras but nice as it is, we mig) �e A di. tk ar- aba , The most intali feature of it all X enj a n it, r of doL a -Another of Hu roni the-yeard the appoiaul to L ta k6d Mr. J 1[� rlo� -+�* Iient, Nvould, be it very, -tor 0 I's report have been' 9 5. rests war in de. The most am nt I CoAsits a one might thap to,C easily p L w- th t the inini onference, Which is to I t popular one, and le a a too r"I'Llell fOI7 mai .9 it� a ri Aty. The p istero positijively refuse to las week Pulsed away, in 6rson Of N�r. t-,leorge 41, Y*. t1vo Of �thern iver I badly igrn., .-ould yers in tl a Province have been i:intai r1i bul are' IT. - Lit ite l's ar Me -Gowan, of E beginning Jutte fth. :-Banquet tie' ale. tied misli a detailed account', of their trav get - Lt b ast Waiancish 'who ewfoundland el,lin I ig b on W '1 9 wee suspect(d 4098 1 thaf ad thig Iif� on Saturday night'l I the ap] oint- ga board. expenses of dele tes, a prose- 'ille'd d -have bi the age of 68 y�ars, 4 hy successor to the la,te J lid has been of the b idea. The ev lexpe sea. depart- ge as. m, L oat tes,,$-7 y both si idence for th n could It is possible, -however, tha profligai the British Colo lies.' h h Car spend 8!1,108 in travellin�' a of do ias, b, hire a i ttawa, $336 refr sh- cliti011 was all in on Saturday la t, and, al- at xpenses sh( t. About i3even, years -B ment, may not be subsisted on' bori - . , 7 wed mor 4 ly $1,362 deceased received a fall f made on pol tical lin a. It ey until -her mentsfbr apdjen par though entiri "Circum P if they made the least at- - -Mr. i -a A. C Tom a sea a evidence 6f I:nlur- powers became GO1,\-43 To Tur:, �OLD Cov, $108 arid expe stantial, t n hill,, has ing his -back At the y gain used tobe the boa 'borrowing' In to save instead of lavish chased f&, brick, esidened" f Mr Win. Xurdoch, of the �gnd toi st of the lat Sir Jo n A. ek-liau(sted, and $joy; teld 'Was stronkyl ly thrici P 'time and Cables,, at the prisoners. . never fully recciver froni"-which he 130 b ass I Cot nynn, on : h a stri et' Exp�rt �1119 Ahout your money. These men both have waii; the leaves here on Saturday wi engraving cards, 3t>.o p a OWn. and Principal cause his -McDonald, and we believe it now she iq on the verge of ballikruptcy, .''If bauds,, $16 . dical tl�iatinjony was got to ghoill, that th ail" will; move in P it sho -t]�A.n T ad and- whiel i asell f4 und- me t 40 1 1 1 a very flat Cattle of his own faeiiU ing and st4tionery,. $1 desirable pr ed,t a -nal- she does � t get Canada to asslameber 'bur y passes; but, of course they tire honest I h it he never )dlowed poli ical cons Eder- wounds 0 Make you pay for thei born in Esiluesin 8 clat for im on� n�Otittg Wells' head cAi r wine.. But some I is nic cated. 0 9 toirriship., Halt., fou=try mporkeu, Slr� 3 atlioinsm to: interfe &ppoi,i dens and b ring h�y'lnto' uld not fle has to. " just fig Th. 61, C UntY, Ion 'May 6th, 1927, aii r df�y �ball ied� bV iriends w'dl with -him., a a crown 1ravelling You ..could do on. $1, o East Wawanoah where, 0 botogaphs, -the.eleva nd illi� 1856 re - re ith appoil tmerits to the the _01 boe been made by ure it out and See how, prese pion: sh Will light excu�sici $751'- ter i i Mo Bench. fSho4ld 'the 'have t become I ' y ghtthe uc ]Beacom Go Mr ved. t he rit Gov wriineut C011-61ly! of reat defence claimed, 'as along Jou M-Lel ch to stenoi ers lu�uclieons� at Rifr�eati which bad etuged. tile 1, 108 if you had a railway p P) brok with hils brothers, )lad ta alI a Iva hope he 7r -pali t fitat In airs will ha, us in your out !of its stall i ken up - I I he saie policy, the Brtan unil her a eam, Yourli,g man's death. To couli ticket Yet you wo -with ILI lank to land cou markeit-lor his-stoc. :the ie to: be,11-imn-, Olub�,.$297 lock aged ice cri epkes an4 t4 ir b rider why the G whilch it wag led. taiiiing 1,000 bb Mr. -IN -C confection- hna overn- ai Au that time Sion' acting 'rfder!� the; di. '120 1- travelling ex x your on a. cc eceived P to get Bust WILWanosh Dan list woUld, unquestionabli C. b� a. ommis thi� the defence has brougb at have been forced to to it 6fick, Mr. 13 oft Cameron, of (roderich 11 - erY, S. f dele tes tin as wit ifli�evere bI[ow brothers a wam mOatIV bush,, but' li, all equal sew�' couple of week lien NIr Tost on:the arm at to the Stanley A y eminent phys' ago er wl Libb fr y ro ouwort with a- ill soon '161 ura e gen ca not see' wh It 101ans as appeared 7 ille lifoRtl Fire Ins J. T, Grarrow. re6tion of. the British Vnmellt. 'We and otlidrs g �u had hfwn for theme I a ter hi m,, r. 0 'a w. .800. It would seen fr in Ilia mitted his estimates for the current -The d effing Of ees the inagilinfi- are for the prosecution, who diredtly 6 �ebs expenditure, Il' T orte - 11, rlltl�� lot,20, cent farmal'th t are i as in Detroitt.foe u couplec I I ,as a Both of trAs ere she co �ssibly b.6 any -illut C016LI al Conferen a are !rather exi�en- ratood t� c' rb at Waited in, wh1j is turnell boinei, While ai tio the P C.4nads. On the I eon ary, . we fear give affairs ontradict 0ay that'fhere w a was un Dricession. ", 6 3'eq k fire known as the a ein Le ano ter a, 61, A- catight Idrwent.aiin -operation or tJ admirably qualified in every espec refit to , I I -y doubtf6i. if the c un- the evidence of their professional brethren.' Id be 10 supplementary one:dkv ]as weiflik, a )postid to �aqi� Settlement. Position, and, could elther of th she wo�id it.is ve- ibecoull u Miss Ibe te on Asia ti 1 chii 1854 deceased inarrie Janet ore, ofi, i ney- er on try reap any� value for! tb is expenditur, ao fir the evidence is 'entirely eircurnstan this year, but hi � h dently re- from a defe pirt of the the Block th 0 G I i: duced t(; aiceept 'ti I an this statement a id a (I Contents In 7 -tb- the rich udder of Ontariclj�',%V' Of Icialicerous L, of- two W re 18avi M0-ou-nat vel M-ment w uld. ich, and whether it will be strong enough am was this niari 'itnouth. The opersitioi -e Ing "ounty Bo is now tti ptetty ri 9018ubmitted supplement Lry esti for theii The v absent at.th 3 t, do- themselves credir, ncl the Ara �ed- 011ta bans live esti iati r9e. a ,are born In a grea, - big to Convict the prisoner- further expenditure of and f th a sons -one blite 'tooi wel4l or not, it is hard to million and On acco i 0 1 at Cmi ive daughters.- `I'I "Of whom are living, successful, arid his numer-ot a Service by making the appoil at! any reni should oppose an move uh6ouytri alid a Sci a yarns, which 'they tell say., The� general impression, 110 luarter dollars. Here are one of the items: broo having been, d 8 ho with thle exception of one daughtc;r wh ever,, we shall see W additions wever, (1 ad Ir 0, hat 'We sh., S to the Domihio mes eas 1111 expens ate jud a,, h cliurc -in list 'f"IR&gfe Fhe sons pl ad to learn thatt, he n he full y equ fire,ilthe died about, 14 years he al the country. "lie seems to be that unless evidence, not now ng weekly sitting,s a Lo of me 500 for travelling old- congregation Two f the lium bel of suckers, t Boisse and three ge ut to hope tb n aePlarried Poo van G161. a- gets off the f6IIowj looked for, turn anj of the daughters er she Inivat A t don Ottawa.; are now tal -in' Of erecting Ite, r she Complete r6i Cry. story -is tol I of a Nvail-known farme livi ig" released. experiments te Plr,�Sbvterian as.'there is nut a pri . the church,pro rt Direct T beCo a, a up,. tile prisoners will be --- for culeamery butler do on Deceased w&s a member of th axatic n. ince in the qrt a ac(911 IniodArion church in Bj�th, $310,000 for 800 Canal, no u 'of country tile M, Dominion �to-day outsid rider inve'si and for -PROPERTY PURCHAS-ED. a of in- the-blull iPa �ity of Tur t a congt(gatioll any ears %yas briltiario 'thalt tie ouri.. inemer of ifs.boar It isstr;Lnge xv -,It C1.11(le idea some pei pie n, ot kation ; $66,430 for railwavil y and canals; $3, -We ate pie ilf ad note tliel d Of trustees. our genial hotel -keeper, ho does not far ftom K Ilarney. He 000 for repairs, furuituri�. of have all the subject of exist for the evide-lit'purpo *ent into i Miss Be -atleces'! property of. -a. Anus Rol tIMLtioli. :The ",'�.or- 1�fa cc w AT THE etc., at Rideau ssie Ro a eId1�st:daUL`i S 'it can possibl� obtlij.1, Aso t1le Story g oato, acking alf DOMINION CAPi of _-INTrs. M -ail of a recent clai h' stftl,)Id one 1 ightlirecently, -T-AL. #all ; $9,000 for -artesian well experiment 'Ann& Ross, of (!I t f, m-'-3 "I ! `-Ift on the Londqn ir�4 te si eat of aor#ierly 4gji 1 aii i Of Bruce. Dominion treasury, an arid mi.,i the Northwest ;-%,4,943 additional for the Said, who has pni i I 1:�?inaists of a nest, brielk -eol d it ta-rio Liict sedTher �aeccmq V be 'as i d tip ainice mash in box- coutoll, OUR OWN COLL ear eacres of laud.' -and If tile Montreal VVitness take does l!nO * - . . : a �olonial Conference in.0ttawa 6Z5,000 amination at the me I%- _11111 ers- p it fr hivqk chard �he funeral itY, -1-1i Turnbet Jr-, of onexpGznderofLiber,�IPoIi(;-��' direct. re v the dth to ether ing1sawdtis instead of bran Merely, si RESPONDENT.). of Sir John' for In. Blan 1P_ OrrAWA, May Th)mpson.; - treal,- with ryp went t a bush aisbrt (litan i has got ation is regarded by tile -in ke' repli 21 825,000 first 8 renerld Star ding, �rid from aping-- that treasury p -Ing that st- to the Lady Thompson flin, 1; for Post offices, 1. abd will'sciou make a. nice Ion vas 1: re- ni�h�dy con-_ 0s, hat,46timijkwas th'. SIncP my last lett r you have lea the Prize in logi, Me house last Thu rn ad, a W ettlers in -One'day rec ently Mr. !Samu� ate�ed A ro rLy, In, ing a tree f intends going -there to li� ferable to indirect.' XeW :80til th -Walea i sequ lit] every incre result of so ,318 ; for seed. grain to I I bi ndaY morningan a . a y -his pro i 11a ces'. li6 the JMUCli eclotiol Vieeki Pte he ' uittal of St. Ilouis, the Ourrt�n edy a of the 3rd concesli I Sanders e to anxious to sell or re li�s about to make r a 1p-. the ai brilge, the Nortbitst, $55,0yo. tap an, nit great, cha, wotse for nce. The pi opoS6 nd die. aforesaid -%i contra�t The coroner a 'aul dgfi ill its fi al t hanged himself poliey,,among ttic nq%v t,, d new per,, a t -with a body but (lid 'lot think ail T= Xrw; Carmt FAtj xes4cing a I f�rr far a, GONIernnient were the very Painful aciden' the 0 if nd addition AV' uld not k1nown or. Th be al e\�eption if Inqu t nee - a poun(I ar d n. incc ne I ad cc �tor. St. Lou' ahinOf a penny on the -el lli� tax nr ever disco -eved Ilia Inistako'until pros cost, h Was �Phtt hve essarv. vas' al,%,, a 0 ie is a cousin of a in I life. melaiieholy of tax of Sixpence on the pounil t 'the ged ral rale, a' t I . . n- Yar in oe i exe, herm Of, arions ilked hal the next mo 1) bar -of 1 that- Gov6rn t Ws Of. the Week.', tl P.not ing the eil LP_ fT �e d, and n and despondent nt if on- and �vorkmen arel a the it mayfivel rni g, 'whep he n an puitting-in the ilemid fi 0 MwEll,�TOTt, DR. BooTir.-Dr. Booth, L ti- -me 0 time read. the evideric against ;9 1 q . bim, th il axe!' be e ca, I and he e6mmittd ifen ness a lec,,01 atio'ns have "l-MIklet -d own lia"If k gallon of #love r* dis turpe. 1-tille, OTS People do no Ii ce to� pay, ut fallen through. of 1).nce 0; ff with ell and commodious brick tions, In ref&ring to ti.je cha, ig I rejoice Quit the I t ; yo lia Xl &&A - her ine said to have been tern r sa a quart of a licle peas, tl Xew York, has been el6eted mode�ator of on if: for ' a sllicide�ori i4 fait seball. bat Louis nd his o as to infli eb rd. -i it looks as' hard,C"ll for taxes, but it is 4 iree b, d )a IV fair aa, a cl wit admissicii id before for Mrs. Mail a, bundle of I the the Presbyterian den let a veig pail Iful *Oun basement, a nicst ccolloul al method oj -taxa ath feral Assembly, Coll- di till far ifentary Q011IMidee )as -Mr. John ang, SAD DRATH.-The Even in times of the The Froi§ I ­ I t year, and varied at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. )Id, vel ve Nvel adapted -for the Parii greatest )roisperitv ji- Lye Pat own and big ry much shodk ed arICL P10 Ivere iCOMPAlly have lso his-seet 1, died OIL th rect not -b I .';. what d) You now thixk ofthe*erdict, not DEAD. -Rear-Admiral John J. Alm Y- espected aie eirway to church Lla.-.t grieved wl -niblend qce t "a 1[eiij i1L er- �M&Lt'heV I tolerate' It is man' On a Y, of z riel th I I Ch in reselLt d in y years at r occassions this sel'ssion tl �e a- guilt -0 insufficiiimt i6dence d by t a United States navy, retired, di ati aged 6 Sabbath, moryling P when, ;1he country,atanyrite,basbe oils produce ad ill beCeasedL':(ad prily bei hear that Mrs. Robert ',%Ie and liaosv Cnada, and ili ion of the b. tes in. tlle� House of Corn,,, ye rs. ea - -a en ted by so have 1b a the ecutor to don go sw� a to iipio it -phrso revil is just b n I ashin ton the other morning. dead. NTo.6 :i - 0C ict. Do not, on pas- as tir1iie. Ile leaves wl, ;Dw veriv is he heigh of S He w shor n Nvas marred b3 46M in a A many kn dy, svere frosts as hav4 prevailed ciii etty'personal encounters'ofi he Rhode Island 81 Years ago. ew to a thing folly to, stq:,,gest it. I several oc- she %i i cV�en eh an _pr rieti PI L O� ,rich, Govern i I Z1, Lt sevibral thoroughly a! b ad fact th&t tie who juinped the Brooklyn bridge Thursday, yetre, he has liv' CaSions during the past w6k., part of me sing yc fir judgment, forget' t ie importailt JUMPF11) BRoOKLYv BRIDGE. ti yea 801ne who did,were ilut aware that in bout . 4hree wee Any person who i in lav, T iat darnai I di her arid the speaker ba -TorontoRed, the. Huron hotel Ition was dangerous, She was tai i ren. He was, for I I ecollo bas been to interferei and ant w a the prose- fask some: nien1ber a( private. r this seas Wedesday 'of last -week anid, sulfereA g!l�rl On ent sl�oulcl b I, no a cutors. has received an offer to Dake leaps this agOnYL been �e d fo X- doubt, but the extent --lvlr. John Ge r mil eat lir ct I before her death, I)m PARTED,--Anothiiar of, of'the inji tract ment U-bich lie ]lad made. I lie summer from a towe Of Turn ery, hap Unday ni It is ai� great pity thiLlb th" 0.,.rj YI.A . Ilry Can as Tile gell8ion. goes n 12atCOneY Island. He 'Mrs. McPherson , in frii _ � done "to the orops, -a other day 11ILe had to ask- n C,1whoIe w;eek is Ireti likely r a highly rspected reside ';a zolt', 1thei 0 tile urebased the- c4eb scarcely be ac ey estimaje o less' a Par oil having )i to accept. as ale -stal.- ged iforty-threl years tion party in the Doininio-a (10' ot arlopt d. Fruit itaken up with the budget: de- Fioi I, " Dunstion I c 1 a trern bar -of the Presbyterian hnrch a' P, than the Ielder'of the House to w' bate. SNOW IN E4 NGLND AND TILE Co�xi Afr. I . �oba all r 11lost severe . _NE 1r. -James Al"doch, of t bly, itlid r w from the Government. He is a beautiful lo Day. resident of Bluevflie for about a' near here, lait gone to h ell rect taxation as a plank in th Some aide tle�, are' --LCold weather, accompanied by snow, is LY roe, ng a - er maiden nan�.e as Mar 0 ispos'ed to tak� an imputa ion -of all talk, ng econotyly a nd -retirement ulatethepeople Or 'I rilberry o in a er , eing a her ea derhailideduess n hile reported fro IOUs parts of England and such Q, fine stil ni�s NVe. believe that if thl ey W uld bai Ma . Tapley'an -the part o from th,- Liberal side thei fire, ri�mirjided in var a. in thia ir I n -View of 'uhe situatiol say th I ill fros�i the Opposition. -'I On this revenue tariff and all Su r, t t b- that thi s is the doctrine the Opp9sitio the continent. Bitter cold weather accom- a -will place On man. The ffn eral ok with an affeeflon of the hea 18) blessing in disguise ject the INI n have ;�Ie rbutel Erougll Monday aftern ant that -Af treal tar p�nied by snow'. priwails ih 'Central. it lyi� arn, r and utril oon diateangei m antitipatic i 414, a ng-niuc k the grais-hoppers a.: for yeill,13 been urgin aduringitl a seasci gathered ling lie retire and come out bold The er. a 0! k )er of friends . lfor direct taxatiorli the toile 0 Before Ole sessi The people are ail ri m - n. 'Lt it, to 1 al d t the ising of the national reveiug th is is- over -will piobibly a6asionable weather. ai Fif appi y in is the ra rb" ak, I tin 8 OXV usi whch were so deet�uc ebate in the House, the nca. er v thy for her husbanil anALI ti hi -1 son, Were you d ice fro their symp at t. 'it will be t arty bicke hear sor4etbi Postmas n 'y, of only son N� preparatio�s n of the lar un- N SCIE.110E WORK.-Willilln P. C son at JosePIL McPherson of would not only S�ixree� the country at nusually P ring aria the fartl er collectei� revenue the gov amount of CHRISTIA Dentili I -Ohio, 1 tates� diaardi I er iielevi o'dock e bad ocem ern fole, who is a to, who was not able to �e 40tive silimmer campaighrridal from tatebi fanlike discussion. ment ha-Va al- McKenzie, who has been uspi C �ed -Of ro BrU his TOron- and as Oat the frost it lecturer in the bing 411E reach blon be viasg4i�tt*g back .r.ext election, but by carrving j,.1to operat be time an rites to hold in di�spartment of English Ii 0, he eumplained'of ahoking expec Ive, Caint ot lowed their politiev,%., fal sels mail b a fie mother was alive. will che& this invasion by.kili I t men w -ho -e all t gaed in - it 1A * terat re of the Ulii- ag weeks rested i tende Its- -Wel"herson in - such a scheme they would coni ar an inest, J -eve them-aff, their poqkets, and wl h regard to this heater during the at New Philade,11lia, I 01i, id visiting btjr son in lfurthelf r this -ma.be, no 'dclubtj Patty Persoi al an �Lu atter I,hav6 apmethiq t D vibrisity of Roe Past three bbing first c Toronto thro* and itho i able boon, upon the people. We si thoqo who ters to take, a am say to -day. The has resigncd. Jacob Ellwoi oun, Tus lif June, and' death it the Mr, McKenzie -,Vill of as, al lurilty, 07er on, the bed, and his v Oil pected Minister of Finance had t1 e pleasing infor. eed on tho 1).arture from the teiernex take this will be fully 6 r iensi -a view of �the and is n( 'con"119 So'llnex- 1i V1 and -,omp I ly,: is very hard ind fly ti happy i a jail aW countr 7'e tioll to cbmin t hi hole, time to Christian scien 'tin 111" nsfer. and clear 'to t Ilear because ive believe the people are sensi th needs n cc ence to be decea�ed lad althelr�glt '18 Yex unicate tolou in his budget' the ei I a c�ty f Toronto. -tiary. C tted P eeVI US 0 d n�s ortu ne Ng 't icipate a avy expenditure FRAUD �M.-A L 3triongr, robust, active man,, and do not like to be fooled. let t - lie p Ose Who wear out their. live; fretting 8 ech that in view ofthehe tb al posed about an t s a C. ondon Corbett, AVII0 bas a Globe Out'fello o the year, and the consequent deficit journal visit I o his been a resident of o i visited the f o, anada.,;, Atillie derstand I a. �e tile A�tipode a -a ur village for abi f0i'll.- Ple once come to un 11 Colo ist".4 a r of at blilkhe i Iof hiii� fie imm of ue� le ry, the GOV_ a of ement by the T chborne -A teeu yeai left here on Wrednesd the p !1' y publialie I reports collie oted fr' t $4,500,000 in the treasu orge ;I lei an 4j�ed resident of ay in and walked around rl tin. never avel to th mik�rlg of -S emment had found it Seals, Oled vei�, 1 to her brother in Fergus. A111 daily custoill The eca". benefits tha would accrue to 1:1 ein from Li c imhont, which is a virtual confessi variou;pmrts Of On ario by a -,)in trikilig 111.1100- 'necessary to tax yotj� Ott of Bru d mission v h a frAudulen to obtain su denly, on( t at a pts rect tax i ati.or se innovatio Is as or Ott at on -and they would not be sloi�- �O firni in that city. spdrticularl here #,Ilo te& to raise -more re-jenue. But if you will bori lastat &tic title. the Tich- lastueek. 0 LIE ln('rh'ng will be missed b lie (?t. . pal Perthshire, cotland, but es I Previou h war mit friends, 'wilo twe 'a Possible that th 13, f He admits that he abcfut� as w 13 sorry tokuo-w that she does not -eni life in StirliAgishire, I ese are going to, at firnaterial- look at the Auditor -General's last report you is Arthur Orton, te son ofla, butcher of ell as , al,'and h' an' is aged n9shire, decide it, favor of it. That thi 'Mlld '06 re 'Orts may tak 'b6iefib to thei i,. will probably ask yourself whv th ffiterill liv- p e clu overly glool view o ma f and, ti zir �x mple in , ering the tariff aid. a partner w ring to r mov ingiuBluevale in the'flitu. gaged in farming. lle claim ho-NA'll the o his much niopc ters. However, 4i lo Minister WaIpping. an - 4 there is n of Finance has not collected th. I Pre to� re. Tina, o '1 0 oubt Vut large amount other Part o �b Sanderson of -nd family i1i a, ailing pendituric ir the civil se f revenue d '-"qG I - eai than they can be convince HORISE FLESII-�­tbe Wn. a.. el I atri Toronto, formerly q tj - bis, wife a considem, ble damage has been don rvie a the Governnient Herrick on the MOrnin t.ace, is the guest of NIM an.d th I's by ol his dea -directly to 'his district, 84 t riff for r venill damage is not confi�6d breakfast, an,1 ared a )Jiss a in Portl' , Oregon, has already and 'ri 1 a to any mrbi a rival he purchased and this and the swe ping aiii f pol and to iwhich the Andit tin to flesh. Samples qf Urning to the, efoul little daughter, of Stratiftrd u itical P Oti vantages of the sy a favorites, an cannery, �n the to arouse t a I old'� (-,, a n tl a rr a M old cE wen farm, on the L �ro Xied horse fleO have been distributed in. coil- friends in and aro 11 . th j are with ")lie] fiti be(foll9w(d Ing to raise morie rfvenue- by Oun she cular age, tlightl, ' lbas repeatedly calle(I attention before seek- cah, 8( 1 lment—AIrs. (Rev.) J. B. .stem'of ta era, beg' pack ho n� at taxing tile Id not ake I : him. Hel wthe to "tatile moned but In* Percy �Nl the large cities of t): a United tates, and if u d wnship of 6 lie vit Widdows of EL SThoinus aacres, and and ap- -Seymour Widdo' tained. 200 one Ic a ws arriv d hre on n,Pied by his z William at aalyFog, I ore a]a ,4 - AV By e t le' If b t ell �40 r 0 al ne rfeti