HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1895-05-17, Page 8_-q
E _H MAY :1
A 8
generally beat f a ql in any A e as soon as potsible.
wi I son is ash J Groc'ery.. �ing the test o Th� collect -or was his charge of iiee�urri and tTnion
ch'urch-j eler' of the as -his �ou
court, &lid then becoming st ar f or 1 tructed to t*e i a made rillfilleother' It "fine to be: an o �ly da aghter with- a
tells to. onset the lm. Go ericin towrishi T, H;R evening, with his pedd"q 104c on he YOU
Messrs. W. I p
-Is away up in ricte an a? future - guiclanoiei In'legal cire 1 tbei de- U, t xes -for 1894. The is Mr. ol "n- lie having now
i sugar - r quest of Mo. an ;'Wm. Graha I
ktly to to blell 5 1 1 . a mt like
students, e ic pr4l Like to dress weU and as the sea.
011113 were a I' ensed shoulLier, Undstopped. over ight-atthev Wed b)th h' n4 iaughter with
0 for $1, end 23 lbs,of a rig w forill. Flour Is r a I each the el Rev. D bl. Gordon, lag --:-Mr. Josephuu 4 Them
Erinn. ch rw pig's to be the v*d,which corapels YLOIL
n1wrier i, we are "amn
"Irwas-the rep ion'" ttaitied A purchase of two'new hyd auto for a M , our Vil son box arri
I - J Steirart, chief � of the fi d b ig de f�r to
1 we are still Pelting Red pat ye granals ed, 20 The cisions of Jud T I .,& de 11 -
right, and an t aw b'driver i.
the as r$2 15 per IM lbs. 0 t of alifax, was nominited for moderator of lage blacksmith, is making q Lite an im- on ir of t McGregor has to make a change - in your weari
he day,,
and guarantee it to giv b hl d tents, that of -late Years the teraworks syste ted and' t e UiI assembly, Re%r,,J. S. Horider R9
i0al ist lom Chrlstia!s and in was ra
McUormick's bi*eui canned go -ode g an W sows, a Ch4s bar d a, B kohire, whic
son gave Provemenbititheway of:'niov d re- t h
IP, appare4 you -.ishould at once ac.
ga.—Mr W m. Steven pre
viord aipeat eemed to have 0assedi from the, atter. of purchamlag ru 4;AUVt1LA1g�_,. thq L�'epert on Christian Endeavor Societi", lity-ol ae all e
vocabulary in Huron, in - cameo where
Ifthinst anA41 Currants. a have tra. value. Iva have received, &I wing who has been on t the b au
imt receivol I anotherl t of dthe. bench. Is he nick list for sorne the iatter to n: an form(� 'eleven pure Ve Pr ti
136 *a n Japan and occuple sao F. Tomis was dell, erance adopted, ',vU wl
we will $till sell at the x�it pric lit Prune mirmg his buildin a isented b m wit h in one week,
Fit@,' -le, ie firemen' was referred to the whIch was aint yoursel�_
id the f :lllo
Charlotteville, ;h litters i%re living
ater Committee. The Cleir was. instruct- "This Preis, time, is rebovering. —Miss Eller Johnbton,-! brc in we �b a ocured a
0 the best we Norfolk 1 county, I to advertisoli for tendefs f FA havin 4 Cheste m. lo E 411 .
440 j go ur to for y L
'green Tos. to sell at 2k per lb., t ra at fo gravel. Th� b? I pt! LI etehd u Vpec
V 9 heard. the, refiort �of of 'Philadelphis, iiiiient last But day - under� doin well.!
roan TO& at 406 ootch' council then a jo I J
bave b -moll. Our fine 81 ok and Or 01 itario; and was of ndoubted' S d urne tion an u 0 nefit
1b. are the beat In the -n arket I are usually sold at I' t tie0i with- the parental roof.—Th
u to he c� r -ion be Most le
met at t �l h Ist EndeE',vo'r sooie e many fric 11 of
in the bounds of the Preab to' do- Mrs. Stelek will be gIadt
U ited Empire Loty� nd
60o per lb. Our flue Ba irbon Cb fee is the beat value is ancestryi both o, the -.mayor
i w 0 Y
i4n 'oirj�� to express, its gi
: I . - a, - . I y Lead�um
in town. We have a 6 %-clw il ock of &It kinds of nl=r�aal and paternal branches be' It 11 bear at she is,
wh�ch have of illness... t 1)
decteaseo law at, -c NOTES. ped pher Barre,
.11 1 . ratitti7e, itro God is�owly recovering Ik'
house In the trade. from her sip one attac Z
fresh groceries and w as a of that stock. Thii I itudi EemioiNDYiLL phtiw, �of foro eevidences of pro ("6OD i P.%4.q. ir, a OL wo LIKE
We will not be unders6l, and, MI make good the Sime4e
aind Toronto, and nioveii'to derich. Todifey, motherof -Rev. Wei 81�aw, isl beenigratited, them duri g the year, -The I, i purobasbol' 'I Berksh ire a To see the goods early, be
pricefolfarivartialeth4t oew- give satisfa tyL fin ow from
The highest priceii tat It 41" bf proiduce. in 1960. �'Iln 1866 he was appointed depu L ytery is R Ing
g lest at the mause.—Miss Ca ming�shealth Pr delighted With the h4arty in- G(biderioh. r Jam tis borrai Le exillopt ps, then: they know for themaelvj��
the a pal -
C.- tL ONj'Seqforth. iudize `6f Huron and ]Bruce, On a still continues y _AlLnon ti fact�&y cdn- te 'th price. Mr. W, M. N W''
in a ve egun people ontinue t for him a 1, hand 1 16 TW
iti,;n of the countieIll. he.was made junior di tion. M o take in C.Ruitoll MATT*R'$. Victoria 8freet what are the f�mhionsble things f-
1374 134 k of Commerce Block, uch was h ped from the feturn of di a enit. rancles . of t ie churrcW� work,, Methodist Church' Hotles I as ialso P, ir based frbin Mr. Dor- theincomi �mo and are beft
enti. n6 % a fine 'young S er
far ul-ts have au an ty re oar, for which able to pr and pa;tterns.
eneficial r6 rl�- hire
Pbj lltm xiii-ing, but so ri6ting tbat-their Ii ran WHOTILB -
front.December, 1872. Thwappoint- a 5se ishnIe
ud ge of Huron coi.Xnty, bin ap -Quarterly Board held its
r at g d I ' I to May meeting on Monday evening. Finances
d in i OCR a
M ensued.—It'has been fasbionable for. scold he, laid a g d figi T- h )ire both very -which
ion.. ment of SurrogateL Judge �f the art Ame h and th wn, but
xv i gat all at conce are own wer) well up in to ey will 'be irtilost suitable to:their
rns the wet Te i'r here will '.be a 0110
tine in this many"of firist g nerall defi no pigs!
Opening 0 : I I fi
village,au vicinity for r h, e cause of C yt iency at -ion,;' Thetis d an own particular tastes.
In its U - t em
c -and that of Ou1ubY our pe Ple't6 have a il end attack of meas-: a Continue, wou d assure tile I OTEs. lbargy, f Grand Rap
ourt foilow2 in lr79, 50 1 istor repilite -60
n. yo —r HPA
0 into ase of 1 in It em er
Judge in ; 1882. Early in life e is eved a eq ship of the icir- I si ich i gain, is 1*119 tihg i4t, the residence
n(ay mornin ter Jack Fr os �ray r that 6 easing i is, reA slip rinten to,
gra;i ying's,
now I-eaving 0 n Sound. pip Ro &I r Afation reported I ccounts of iter brether, Mr. Joselpi.h Stanzel.
wasaKnightTem �r,wRoyal 'Nat -
R.: Up I . iocietieis, and at his�! ecease M o on -d
C. P per L e Steamers Things looked desolate enough on. , a0d confidence in them, and its e cui after
3artiality for 1 t had done . od's ricli. Ill , I losies. The i8abbathmchool TO ou te .1
It hi.g silent wor Whisky � is up, but,. no ipQnrthem. There are 514' v f H n 3y, attended
acti e i hgmbers of t, e two ani Mrs. Dynes, o arpur i
Vn L in Get your dress or dresses before tbc-.
86, Past -Deputy Qra,44'Master of-'� the Huron doubt, ath schools, and Miss Rash, diVne service at BethelicturchStibbath
-B- Vie.stiiff'ovilldil go do. about ated members connected7with the Epwort League presiie szock -is culled,mllile the, assort -
Sr. A . L ERTA' !a Owen Sound, Masonic Distrii.A. a Past Su. ri tetilent of as big doses - as n h i uder the jurisdicti f nt, - reported bef)relast. Theirniauvf�iiie ds here were
Royal Arch M �e rer. ligar, -a commo on o, Ill e gtev progres -in toe League iwork. Geo�ge tile
MONDA' V 6th.L P ment is complete, and whi
asouss a me er f Hu ro'n U4, n - ftvcessarY of life, fic weve It will be curtailed. 'he next meetin, of the r s� e sea ;o again Mepi theni.—Nearly all range of prices! is unbroken, is -the
For ratev, &c., Apply to campment No. 28, and Hui -on L.dge No. 62 ott go, a to j district rheeti Af ter
in use, in cousequej wi ard-en, ve
MR a lve o :: oth, of i I ig many kindly things e- of the Godet It e car him a':vote of tha:)aks la - Jones
Agent., Grand Repre t 4 -ternal ruleris. a stra ige that tl�e Thor
ce of the tery is to , be held in Goderich o u the 9th say H i
a our pi so policy of f �61y. fl nds of I getableei in the garden of --wise, thing to'do. Our, stock to -
J. S.; JAC , 9 Irvi Mr hotel kee)er at Lead, -
these bodies, an t4 :b d c�sy is complete. Oet a new
affiIi rs of this Dom' 1 lion v re jqo ave el D I d0i IV! tilfirst week
rich branch of �tfie R6ya Arcanum managed on and x unanimous ifivitation to return bury, wei 4 in -May.
rinei 3les. A jtt L;iu
LOCAL ftms, 11r. illiam Dr kge
C.R.R., Neikets. ordinary, business di —We are "pleased to see the Ard yea, 'for rj�,aio tb contract for
ng t from �his se
d -treasurer 'of thf S063 of 8cotland. hat Mr. E. T. Kell
It 'finds h inco tie in dequx 0 am has-fassed his final hai Ii e mi bion to Wal- DRES; P.R. 7elegrap.h. The deceased marrie I in M 25 Georgina in' 0
nly survi% ee t
t lotfors Welsh, are
e out ay, I h meh Mr. Kellam is now a full Green. u hame such, a choice ir,-.
loc) abou� for means o ege wi i
hi enses, at on( 8 x ation at Toronto medipal c If, T7o IF our old resi-
dej ts, M' on -and 9
P.,and wherever be hangs Qut his Ni)TES.—A very1heavy frost Visited these vry pi�,or he --A pleasant
Charlotte., o in dau liter of the. of 5 �xp in
lessen g th -fledged
Do ExpresS. �%Wl)r. John Ge6rge R di tin-' ot tio ht
�Osonli[ in '8& � I ta a n0er dre4i of I and in'trimmings; hive
eop La se, a in 61th at Wesent.
,uished linguist aftd fic who! I . par
MrTE;�EPHOND 32. 1404 9 though a dozen r- t 4. Sunday nigh�, and i b is feared it will A made after the new styles, whi
oads shingle is sure to make a mark for himself. ter'eiiting event took place at the
to econo n e ent ch
y be it jurlous to th4 fruit crop. " Miss XFord, Bel heITIV16tbodi it ointmen one Sabbath -nd g thi
came originally from Prussia,l�.and after themselvea.—Many�of ourreadp'l a wilittoleep- --Mr. William Pickard has removed the ae very modest a - be�outm
.0-P Prac ising d Great of Dikota, 81 der lof Airs. . McKin non, of I TP on, and you �will h
t* in the UnRed Stato�6 aim ly regret the death of Mrs. tre mes Grant, fertile fiom. in front of bis r6sidenee ree Hitly, itbeir g the ad itt e of nearly seas ave
N Montro�c�, -here� be
he Rest of Miss 30 Pero nis f 11
,,tie t6 e Hagan,
died in 1859. Tile at t' on Monday moriting, about 'r ine o'clock. qn Goderich street, —Ivfr. G eorge -Constable, Tuckeramith, ba been t �nemb ill like a ga-
ST Britaiin 9-inally settled i 1
Doll r . the. as c 'Irship in the ment which you w
She had been ailing for some it ie from an 4n old resident of Seaforth, anti' brother of of . iols, Dell, t hu rell. principall�, oting petiple.
asoing tak a a few minutes and look his family are his ivido,an(
TO v1ving �=gbbte(r?f few. 1 lays.—Ni e ar sorry to le rn slifis
When you -are I on d attack of grippe, whiell, complicated with Me9srs. James and Ifugh Cohistable, of this thW
at Piakaiwa Great Bar, aini It. Clothing. it will Miss
Jane Curry, i aug 66r of* Air.' . �ur(r
-Friday last.—As S. N V
please you" It will Pay: other diseases, soon um ermillet a rather town, died at Clinton o WE
F(U. It Vill ma ta "!c4itraha. LL
t Pis
h e occasion to'
d ate constitution. TI ie dece 69'ed was a Mullett& Co.'s'horse was being dri IocAL§._': here Wjisj
ich. Never before have we hal auch a leverage on elic ven up at p lai, I up it a seveve. of
the VI thi bu 4uesis, hi ving I j jet bought. largely Although sugars. are �raduall advancing; di It theria. lou e clean' a heavy frost on -As l9rig as yon av
.0 quiet, kindly dispositio d erion, wh6se street onj Ing is the oiaer of
Saturday afternoon last, a Oarb. of
owleftaring Ii ce from leadic mall afacturers, and at you CA 22 pounds best I ranulate SuEday. and Tnehilay wear it. We' welcome ever
prices Rate sbing r dr Oug" tot $L, death will -b d add t e lialness b ke, allowing ti P .—Valmeri are ights.—Our cheese
got her1paban the shafts� to e day in this section an ybody
ed (M) suiti'st and 26 be yellow sugar for I I at Davi Oro e sadly felt. through seedin fact �ry is now in full'b6st.—Afiss Robin -1 to 'come to ouri store,iand make a;!'
low than half 0 Sella oodgenuine i
1431.1 other r6latives.—The san uine-b9pea of the dro -.1o." e i'ver held on to 9, Pd. are busily engaged in
-r 'is .'visitth' comparison as to quality,.
P 0 era, wF11 be, found thorough
suit for S515. gardener will bardl I d this year the Lines putting in tho�ir r6ot crop. son of Exete her- sister, Mrs.
o ever and
with tro %s Jokig as they war's purchase BARGAINS lit Vxrio�ty, ?air. 0 ly two more y be a ize with" the assistance y and W.
T. Handforo.—ifessrs.4J elgak, and. priee. 'In quality our goOdr"L
weeks before the store is closed. A.' 11,11tritiv, after the scourge off Tues sy 111� of 8.0ine passers�by prevented the.horie from It ed tc ceu y the pulpit
not last Iong".. Ourlastal lum Ilow
Will ;his department is
- I Hai g1b are, anno are right; we buy no shod
lan L dy. 1431-1 -ingo closely on th ay Rig oTavish, of this T41kersmith., e,blhig it of S d lit. runnipg awav:—John _,M T to price, we allow no on i 18und4y, 17 %utt liaving to under- wn,'Ie
A do Y, re ei � engag'A '- each, � at 'the anniversa�q sell -us.
Rex v.
HOUSE TO RENT.— mfo, table house to on Monday fc r Chesle whe' lie WICST END No�Es.—The Sabbath school
"A at Turner's chreft was opened for th �'d to p
to rent in Seaforth at reasonable ran Apply to J. will' t 3,kel obarge ?f a eFeamery during the e sum' of t lie Beth churo: the F01arton cir- Ut us get the
1431 sue
better it is I
a a 'steady industrious mer months last Sunday.—As ret it is ini Us. mudh
MR. WILSON'S SAL4—Th ion sale of
Rarg hin siid Dry i Elous annitrer.i John
ain, CI fr. D. D. Wilson's fine herd of —A co pje'of .0
Scotch' oult, I ids of Royal Tem- THE
Highest price im cash fo� ool at the uni n, aw a, good Qter makdr, —Mr. possible to ascertain the noun� of the in -
S -t bofn oiattlet took place here -on Wed- at Jancil o5h Wednes- -best line *1 Straw
eaforth. Woollen Milld. A. G. VANEGkOND 8 WN. - shot pla 3 visited the Sc 0:111 c(
141-1 1b. Wilson n et witil'an tinfortimate loss jury to tile fruit crop by the frost laotSunday
e t i m Boys? Straws 'you
7 last. C id th Uy'evcning o ast
nesda onsi erm 4 f last ee aving
V rhile. the cattle were being li, - : fL - .1
New- fine shoes at the new' L 11t and shoe a, the sale on Algonday. night, but it is thought the injury �nd report h Elb MCFAUL
a was4airly stiocess willbe had t1me.—... ice �rbatn social is to
ful'sin satisfqc,' ry. Cat- agood till new and fashi
store. S I I b ains during th Niertia'inder of biollght in fron i water, one of the beat im- slight.—Mr.
Oliver Moor6 rett
M W. H. WiLtL :iVen by the Be al T61
11.1 tie have, I y dull of troit last week, after spending & afiort time
, al�Unsgerl i 141 been ve rned to De.
is lor some time found here. See�
ngof the! t I of M., lRemember. th cheapest P ad,6 to. buy, profitable, ind the b iness or leg. i The animAl had to be -killed. This visiting relatives here.—Mr. i -al lee atters
portleo cows slipped and fell, breaking her
evei 'Dry Goods
be j tiplars here on the
tit! sple� and un �y. The debaters
leture feamen ;and' breeding -and feeding is just comi rienciiig to of doin and tit lia. a to have a t :correct styles, Co.
the fineet asset meat to chociW 7e 1181 . cow Wo been lAid up!with lliteaslem, I mt iml n*
suslaugh's Studio eato rge crowc uld have brou Ow ov4 the subject of &I punishment." iwo of Oe Many!
front Is at B revive. There was a' present, sale, �nd Mr. Wilson a loss will be o3onsid- auffioiently recovered to comi rieude work Is am
a good price at Ilia Company,
We can highly reco, rumend, .eeb, Home� including most of thel leiding teeders of dal meeiing C f i1he Exeter district TOIL t us for familli
be he) 39A
DISTRICT ERS. Soap price now 15c per bar atDavis cap rio, 'and some fr the, ni e. erabli. The carcass was 9 Id to a Ha bilis week. -of' ie thodist chit . rol i d here
tates,' firm and was shipped'there' on Tuesday ne� Tuesday at lie
10 Is Mo 1�sjy. The pub
Most of the best, anim :r t chased by id WeArlield 'Seaforth
f Onta I �,
w a lrpmg.�Mr. Charles Boole's res den Real
REMEMBER the big: celebra iori on 'May outside buyers, but w ied to say ce on, Phflac' irie Aing on TLuesda�, 0! reiing is, to be ad-
-G THANKS. ar ple lelphia.
John street now presents quite all imposing
4ra. W R. Evoy, -24th. The programme forthe daY VY thatL some Very superit r ones �fd NOTES. —Jack Fr a pefira f sed by Aevs. Ki -land
is ve lat.
n tf go and dr
i.1 Locke, and
I lisuperinten'dent, and Wni. teacher, full -of exciting events Do ��l into the at made his, a -nee stone of the new by rante&-
0 all appqarance. Air. Soole has had stone in this vicinity'o 0
folth On coms't* SO&- hands Qf Iocaf breeders The des ersion f foundation plac n Sundav i lit and meeting and musical and literary enter -
i [vf Bar River Presbyteri an 4bbath school, Quein!a Birthday. e underthe house;the'roof IV i lit did Ho mes.
d y goods for sa thisfine berol is, unqu -stionab-I , lois t consi' 0
on behalf of the officers pupilis of the All kinds derable damage.—Mr;. StrbIli* is tainment. In connection with the musicaY
of or exchange raisqd and an ad ition erected at the b�ck. veryL nick -at present, but ho a to be o nd
school, writes to us to ex) iress their grati- for wo6l usual at A. G.'VAN-Romos 8 SONS, woollin this community, but t ie beneTt 11 J ASO a a pe or 6 lWroxeter. part of the programme, the servicesf Mr.,
Wholn completed it will be on the Reat
1431!1 of it t nee here wi I be mani e lt,_Jl� qo r again soon.—Misis A. Howald and Miss.. S. I TES.—A6. Jbe Barnard has bought t1le Orr, of Wingham, have been eng'agjd,_- who,
tu4e to J�, B_ JarrieSL a exis e
on, OA lBrucefieldl and stock for -in eat lid � most- comfortable houses in town.— Smith paid a fl Ing 7isit to.Miss E. Schilbe 'hoi i * i4tely I cuptied by� �Alr. James 1��nops. is a noted musician and plays With re t
any years t, � come, an the� cop - W.: ' d M'
t Sabbath sollools wit contributed To P!ARINIERS.—Barlied and Plain fencing an ris. M 0onald,of Up
vidre, �heap, at Job son Brom.. is much indebt 3d to M I Vilwn tergrove, who on Sunday.— r. William' Dawson and'. --Z L ie %,ere I red l96aforth. L on% for-. %nerously to our Remo& es by sending r bav0een' open t of"U"sth night list has skill on the burp —Mr. A xander Moir
CP ing some time with Mrs. le
lib t to, ste the Rosilb:siddil'i ire for tPriciag.. ;his enterprise, which, no doubt; lam be� n family wfie visiting friendsin'Boyfield last dma ic ide ble (lamage lin his locality.— returned home from Toronto for a little
in ch a large supply of I I �y books.. We -MeDopnald"s pa Bnts, Mr. and'iMrs.. John week.—Iftr. Ikolward Axt, of Petrolea, as, hn �vood andl *ife have moved the of his health.—Mr. J. Me -
more -remunerative to he pub i,, than�;to Mr. der,
acceptthem- as a gmerc us irt.11-
Downey, returned to their home this week; hav ng pure use.
6 ant, himself. The -fol o list the �a y.—By all: to ow I d I be hose beyond, Arthur; banker, haslatel been inVesti
�Ooms R win is a in town doing businesi on MQnda
several good dwel Ing housee al —A1F- R- ROU61 has moved his family to t M 7y in
e names o the pure ser a
a violni Y must, -aillw ack,
r o floesift. Apply to Joivi fttrris Bru�sols,where b 3 is engaged training horses, r �i
80 a klumber of mals sold, th appearance ca�.pentera of thii the'
L.A Ns, -N CLUB. iday evening room@LSUitabI6 for & nUtilb, r of Si, Origin � to Mr. Charles a couple of nice ponies and carts.— as.
'dpf ted Brussels Bell, son of Air. Robert Bell London -road
last &number of yoLing el assembled at lei -forth., the prices realized.: Cargill Son f Mr. John A. But iefland,, who. has been e- be . getting frightened, as e 8, —Wrox "ter , ea
Car�,in, Bruce count purchas fo ow, and -if they are 11 bere lasti veek'�-4-Bicyclists in all returned this week frorriuffalo, "ere he
ID - rioullt ill for some weeks, is now able to sit thinking of- I ,
the residence, of '.Nlr.'D� D. ilson, for the BARGALv DAv�—Watcfi for ''them at tile lowl I the" theiiii are'ljoing to Lakevi 0
ng ar y B 1,-red,,ca'_ up.— Tnaking t e home in -that ei
purpose of forming . is. tn 'tenn4s club cheap cash Store, W.. W. HorPIMAN. U( 6rel6pineril may I be seen on our had been with a number of horaw—Sits.
Place we wish them i. su4cess.—M r. Arthur str i at iin hours of the 44Y and night.— William Elder an her daughter, Miss Eld_�
a ved darch 24th 9, D thi W A; Carino has. hadl plat 1'eir f utur
when the fall, era i were� ilecl�ed Heavy plow shoes at fle *b ot and :Aberdeenshire,'
[I w u 14, fronps'putin the, stores occupie _byMr.A.E. Stelck, -of Dashwdqd,11twom -home visiting ilia M
John R�' eavo�s' 'this week for er, of Tuckeramith, have moved into -our
President U lergi,ist Vice-Presi- $1?5 Diamond 1$'th Pent�ecost and by himself. TRIs adds ma- mether who is sic c, on Sunday.—Mr. John th Parry S )oun i, in their new home, near St. P
r ustj,
shoe store, very cheap durlu; ",,Ilia lre%�4iMe
W. H. WMLLS, Uxua or. impoirted, roan, calved Apiil 3rd, d
dents, Miss Jobwon aii Nettie Wil- 9 terially to the appear"ce of,,,Ahese sto trict where be has villagt
r�is Schilbe is greatly improving Ilia farin by- be tl�age as. sawy
by Alexander Croml�iej Aber eensbir( Mr. (Jafduo is
Variet3i:.Fair closes its doo'
r ift tivo week# d r. ch(Lirch.
a ways P. r. in� 'e mill Of it
aon; Secretary, Miss 101E Case ; Tibas - to the times In erecting a bank bi Lrn.
'I e.—Much
Alexandriha22)nd," ilnp6#ed,ro'a onn$, artle A
tr. A. Mi
nag. i isyrn--i 0
urer, W. G. Willi Ig �Conlnlj We ara�cleartnir otit the goods bout bal1t pried 'I 13th, 14 of T
4-; -M ttee, Don't ISO getting some. I everything.—M bur#., --who has been
1431.1 calv�d A brea' patl is. fe, 'a dd. Martin
Messrs. Sairipm I 'cLean, Hays, in b4siness here for sorno time, is selling -off f or Mr. and Bwfleld.
LR 'a L a or y
rted, red, calved J ks Map , of frivermill, $140 p) 0 1411 C netnce. Y, of thi pla e, i n.t death of
Tiveddle, John A. Wils'n `C d. John- Bauslaugh,,the Photographer; is �ffe& It his spook, and will h t move to Strat- NE%v LAcj.;s,—H. F. Edwards has a very --
9 rs,
some very "Ine lines of fratne Flutured, cheap. -anuary 0-0 ford Ma in, wbic I leurred on�Friday last. She choice assortment of Lwas for 'Draw TrIMM10g. FiftW
son.. Messrs. 1). D. Wi, Boaz D'. n sthetlmetoobpautifyy�ur h I where he intends to 4 DENT RDEI� QP 000)) ornes and make
by Mr. Duthie, -$255 11 A
XOwl bre 26h up a china
luvve kindly put th6ir la ns ie �lsposa —Tile distric was eloved by who canie c' 12
bas; opened outa ontact with SIA fAce at 10, 15 and 95c. er ot Toreeds,
25tb� impor d in' 1 e, hers d nilnejis and charity,
a them cheerful when tatures ire selling. 6hesp. llf� 1, , er, an:d rm 1, tor9,—Mr. John I;a;' eti-rig-of Good Templars
dan AvI store u onneo��iou -with Ilia will be held i village on the 2 her 0& a voiry cheapt. .143L-1
of the club. The lawns ill Lb nee the got' member the place, -BAusitAul I's' 8eaforth 1431-1, Zonfofctionery i 2nd inst.
ved,.' 'April 4th, 1894,' $90 rg B1
All t A number of is r4nd Iodize officera'are ex- done in an 4nosten'tatious 11(ihnner, will noi Lo.cAL NoTs.—Al r. John Eason has gone - into abape and nets procured � thatplay- A new" diA i�4 Canned Sinoked 1�rring or gornegirl," importedin dam, re( 0 sewi g 1110,chine agency in the store n Beardsley's Siloed Smoked 8 f, kept by Davis the' foot,' d con be forgotte I. to Nairn - for a few weeks.—Richard Lock-
ing will start as soo Mther is fay. alvef Br Box & Co.'s, recently , occu F;bd pecte to be.pres - t, - beid�s several. speak -
May l7th 1894, $180*; bull, Rani in Bob. by le
omble, 1431-1 H. C.' Ross, a a, r. air a era from various I arts of t i ' Province. In: bart of Lucknow, a former resident of Bay -
ted, red, calved 218t N(vember, T ie ev H. D. $tee field, 'is here this -week,.—Mr. and Airs_
irii", mpor hop., tereitilig and itable topics, are. booked
o Horsr,,KXEPERS.--�Oasoline stores,steel 6n,'was visit -
e, Kirk
froes, with from one to four burndrs,:, American L am leaves fof
d change in a the rectory�, last wbek. I He preached ope to see a Synions were at Goderfe. last week at -
IL make., cheaper than ever before. Eyerihousekeeper sel "Tulp 2nd," two
IT Wtks C LY. �Th an( '401 Hi er pure ia ga pro]
1892 bred by Afr..Duthie, 0.. :J Ain 31 in for scussion an we h goodly. B
Co� tending the funeral of Syni ns' motfier-
-the wea�iler ;ring the I Lat fe dkys has should have one fmournmer use. ery able sermons on 13undav in'§t. umber of Templarg- to t fore. Come to Live!pool thisueek Witt car oa 0
do of T1 you have Vitt J
Call and See them red, palved Noveniber lat, 8 91, ll�p I by R. The' this xneeting prep, wed to a —Rev. J. X17. Hodgirm. atio -Wife, of Seaforlbb
ted up should dress, rAd
rent ivie 4 co will look -big' 11
A change from c�et a in t- le shade on ball-Olub.Concert on I e g in the Singers are expeol ed t oved near 'we calling on friends "here one da
i has, fit
'S. Sylvan, Ontario, $95. ry int6r- t c Ule.:�-1 fir. ame., i
been anything�but a reez oat people. RtL JOHNSON BROS, S,Vorth, 1431 -and r ins' church i1rid. also-,gavoi a ve ay, as the Ball fa
190 de The Huron -Foot, -2 estin Aecture 0 01 ncert in the his, i mpleme it slop ast
Y Princess"Daigmar 11th," 'red and chin farone to atilor Buits, -,or, no
Fati�iday night 20h, promises to be first-cli". In everY particular. .1 This family is -Mr. Scott's
h I . white, schoc 'room. on '1 eology an, enesi;;, or b succeeded in
Friday' to snow flurries Dit rch tfie same everim week.—Mr.John Falconer' has gone to
$tdre. I
90, bred yll..andS.
Will L Reardon and Emma'S, Reardon,� of Tororitb calved, Jan'tiary .3 lat, 18 too well known D nee further introduc- se0lit he is eniz d
and SunUy,,Iwas much t)o 'V to be the I listory of cio t tolaiwhere r the summer fisIr -
8(vF 8 nee. and Ser' ture. Mr. - u
aP- Are a wholO shnw in themolelves, (comic aidgers, &e'.);. Nicholson, bought by Johnj. a lar,, ! m Ribero. ements to the 0ur prices
preciated. n -Sunday night -there was a H 8 Moss- tion. mg.—Herd Brothe I h _.. be
Steel,- has receive all atpointment from tile f artin ra of th i i neigh�)i r I d Me8srs. en mit-kiQg..im- ensurte YOU b1l"i
Miss BLinche DeLacry, Elboutionilt. i of,'Amithville, borouoli-, near Guelph, $105 - lamond. RSARY. - -On'SQU ay, 19th the R Me- provements to Dr. heppq.d 9 batu heavy f rost Y �hiclf, undoi ibtedl y, 'did inuch will make her first appearance in Card , h I Bisbop'of Quebee for t 9�eg �r & Hii Ue to nq 17th,' imported, red, calved. 11 th A arch, e urnmer months, ev. ter a P e fat cat
damage to crops, partionfrAly fruit, &]so will the "Imperial Orchestra. :6d ]Deal as ch kplain at the lQuar4nti e Static n Grosse T. W. Cose f oil, will conduet 'the b d count rs. Scott house, and this week built a kitchen forAlr
al- Y lass e
talent and the 33r d Battalion band will also wSist Jil 1891, bred- by Alex, Crornbie bell' t by left
-though t 01' the injury can not no' r m Wal Services will be 14st - veek ty he !funeral of her Alvin_
-the services in tlii� blice. it
tte f il exten Isle. - -1V1 r: J, Ross R6ber son, Gri Lind Z of John Tippet. —John' Geminhard and
making up the itrogrAinmo. miss E. piAnist. Adam, Fleniiii.g, Milverton R 3 attend WA Are Lea
as y6t be ascertained. ThB phenomenal Resery Fulip Gran hapter Rt6yaf'Arch Masons held. -at 10 a. in., a -d A mass meet-- ice M186.1-nnWAII Jowett returned on Tuesday with the steam.
ed seats now on sa!e at a W.- t's Book- It aid an" . il P. T_ oA ter, of Michigan.
4 3rd,' --r'e'd. calved January lQth, bred offlei, isit ing o
war weat1wr ofthe latcr� part of April store. f the Salpbat� school i will be held at yacbt;which Mr. Jowett pu�!chased t Little
1431-1 tp Malloch hapter re, on -1LMr D. Rei 0 8
Y, lately pur-
e Humn Presbytery ers will greatly en -
iv rsary Morrison, . McKillop; $75 Missie of a I
the begi Ring of brbught Aniv by X Samwell, Exeter, bought )y John, Titest evening. e good work by epase I ii; bic 3 Cie. Picnic
and vegeta. 6th of Re� lffajesty's Birth-' he bre liren opf a high- 2:30 p. in., Encourage th' Current last fall.—
Ch joy trips on the lake.—Mii. S. H� 'd
Jay. Grind � Mil tary Demonstration- by $0. 1 C 0 IV your presence at.these services. On the m 14 held in veek. Messrs.
tion abead m chomoro, rapidl3j usual at is interestin lecturo on the istory in -0 is Watea has-
tported, -Led, calvea January Is;, .892, of M 24th a grand picnic will be held when games othi rint ham
oft ie yeax,� so thall many of tile t 11 1 ose of 0 were sent from
this time r Royal Reg meat of Canadian Infantry, irWt sonry, wbi It been4oing agood bsin�ss here with e gave a g. and EAF(
siwen : use& feather renovator.
r,; U�permill; Aber �een-'
if the 16 ge work. num: er of the (afor indulged in. Speeches I mol. church 3s dele at
fruits, especii Iy the 4ma 11 fi d earlier liera, 13th Battalion Infantry and puiww Who,., th
i, LondinTield Bafterv, � Ah F -t ired b" W S M 't ot. all sorts will be He does xcellent work
ng Gerlaugh nan, will be delivered. by �the resident clergymen 0 0 tainng the ev-J and his patrons are much pleased.-�-Rev.
is to speak in favor
varieties, - had r reac d the sta6e when a London, Ont., -W 6y 124th, 1895. Grand route: arch shire, bo lit b J Masonic brethren attended � I be funeral of --of
Wilber' Muir,
by:2,10i'Osoldieh. Grand revilew 0�io, $200 �ly'th some 12�th,l inpd!ted, the la tp Judge Toms at Gode erday. and -others, Tea will also be served. C 11ri Mr. Ryan, of T*I bur was t
frost would do them e moX d%mage, A and military ri,-Ii, yest or e C ure The
12th April 12 r
Grand concertb3 tha celtbrated band 'of; t —Mr, Lin Crawford, so well known t) pass- can atio"tafeel delepl !the need o k.-�-We understand/.
red-, calved'
189-P, bred by r.
ur M
week,agD everything 1mis4d a bountifull I I . wee
Battalion of Han fton and the mairnificent bands of Marr,bought by a set. v. J. W. Hod
en Brothers, Indian -
that the re- ti inistei. — Mr gens, of
harvest, and it is to be' I op the 7th Fmillem nd the Dufferin Rifles. The. %i hole engera on the Stratford and Zurich. Seaforth, and Re Armstrong
ola, Illinois, $265 -Goderichbranch e aroi gl4d to see
Missie 142jud,
re weather b Ls no pal battle scene, a of the Grand Trunk bas removed E ide" ek Mo]. our mid8t. He exchange pulpits 4ext S riday.
keft.t Save I front God - LOCAL BRiEF.Q.—A1r. J. C.'Kalbfleisch fod ag
t materially to conclude with 6 histort repi teng- ed, ark roan, calved April 23rd, 1, 4red I
ruined those proapeots, e cold web 9d by a pyrotechi ical di of unparelle ad giand. erich, to' Windsor, and Will her aafter x un be sl en be
win' or in the South: for the benefit
eur. Special rat a by Mr. arr was -the,luoky man in getting the contract
t be 'closed at 1. conductor on this branch for )ver 24 as, London road, left last for FOR SAL&-�_West half of Lot 27,. Comes
Oft Ilerail Sys, M b lit b Aweer Windsor and the Falls. 1 1 heqlL -has improved.—Mrs.
143. y W. a., E, '
spell, was particularly tr ing on the nerves Eve thin as got . t 'doliltitaio, '$245 &
He bee th 'which
'CO:, Rockla,n 4 of tlie.E,�angelical chure in Dashwood. C. 0
oloalved -an the job qJ the masom
y alrinthe.extillwo eeks. I s halve week
Autumn Uh," importbd, re L
house cleaning, and wl to ha I taken -down �3 4and was deservedl lar v 4th tt e Pa. lanto bin)is in
and tempers of those Kh( iv& in the m ids b Ever;thmg Re 0 of 'a f Variet 1 Lary OPU C w4em she in ftiture reside. lon 9, Hibbert, containing fifty wrose, all unde
1 216h, �893, bred y P_ work.—ban. Thiel has taken r cut -
T Monsoon". Teaj:on sale at D b 'r. Duthie, b b t by -tl, elf a
�ef 9 tivottion. For P61ticulars,'apply to WAL 8:10 LE,
away in the back shedja r sur imer storage. isenger boys in different shops in to it, were house 'P. Koeler's.
their stores and on illy packed the�h ry &via' G roe- ons of the road.—lour young ladi, mes-. X
ery. John Miller & WC, B 'wife, and moved into H. & -
143� -1 0 10 rougkam, Lit 6rio, Staff& P. 0., or on the promises.
een, lite ar- Elensa& NoT.—A very sad death
But all these discomforts- $185. Df�rnond c ved lbefore'the Mayor and Air. Joh in Bew,tie on a few days ago.—There will be qu ear
H gh Apri
in 'YeV
94, bre y terly meeting in theEva igelical:charch, on Elderl'i having i4eauredthe agency for here last Su d When Serle, tbe
and i aconven iences SE-woRT11 RETAT N -S 411'z Cur. Mr. Wilso"11 bo ght Wedne With purlpining good file- l4th concession, inext Band Y. conse-
L will be for I 4th, ILS
.,otten. before the t-srelfth of July. 6UP football m teh,1 '�etween Seafort sday, charged i1w.
h md by R. ennelson 31 -alt, 45 ti - ; n6w 'tak;
,;,?u eenston Cement ng Orders for 10 -Year-old son.of W. Tlioxhas Vivian died
ed. ieton Colle� #te 1pii1titutes which was to -3day," imported in'd km- ied, cial Carload now 0 1
Clin issie from the stores of their emiloyerA. Th quently there will be no i ervice in the Evan- ilght. Wm.
as a e
Sy charges were admitted and ',three,' of th from diphtheria. The littl�e',fellow w i k
Y Inorning. 'In 1423-2 -ftr about th
CONTRAct LFT.—The con ract for he' have been pla red -on Saturday.afternoon, iaA 4th, 1894, bought b gelical.church here on ;hat �'DER.
tee *4eks arid� at times it was
rlou I h- boys wt�re flned, is�ind thel fourt c1daitte the evening, Rev. D. reb, of Stratford, �ILOC im BmE Th cent cold weather thou
T J. A. Gr
erection of an hotel to re)IaQp the Comm er- to be oistpon, id oa ii Id re;;ver but- last Sun *�i.
_ght he-wou
f th willpreseb. —Rev. D. H. Braund and family re d 11kru. it greatly in this paralysis of the heart act in, death follow--
ocount of the' roin wA mail, Ohio, $150. t e follow.n I a era for trial, We withhold the 'a m' a4d fi).ta hav day
cia-I was lot on. Monday AsU The tenders Ft ion Wednesday,eveniRg. ttilis -disposed of Sc6t ish Pri ei If, e a
was p.ayed of' ng -
p ted parties out of respect for th� I
on. the first plans ti�ere i L-11 60 high, and was the first -match of the seae on, in d&n;i, red, c fee. have gone to Philipsbti�g to
alved J me-3rd,'189�4, red by their dee visit their Pa. s&`tioj i, —Messrs T. J Berry and Robert Ing in the evening. Thc.fneralzookplace�
the plans 'were conseqv Lid was the closes oug cup ply-grieied parefits a4 61 a. ay'intcFd to a gal Vf.tl a -ed several car lads here- on Tuesday, and w
use, '0. Fowler, of rent�.- Th4 t ivy about ten days. ave oi.ee4ly a ILP- as largely attendedi
elitt .1 altered and a, t H h matph that Af e.- Duthie. bought )y Jam a G' a fri hi
the tenders I ecousider ever bee Hyed here. W.
ed, T1 �e work will has rt -h. �owards the Hihfi1eld, Ontario, tjoo - it Idar,j an —H' DumeLrfi Sr ft f Berlin,on business 0 'fine horses f6i the
r Toron �1 red tobs, is vi ting fiiends 'd i the inclemency :of 'the we& -Che
rican markets'. consi ering
all lie don otot�s. Mr. latte 0 e.game �the in th Vicinity a; _r.'
ing We extend ur heart -felt sympathy to 1r. White rAmbr"
grass became vaid white, calved 19ep,em' it few d ye ago.'- man Johnson has on Tuesday even
o by. town cent Th,
rp ber th, 1 4;' lired present.— r. Richard Renn'lson, a wel d ii large� er of young and M 3
Frank Guterid-e has the brick work, Ir. J. so that the Nyers were by M ir,Wilison,"bougit by Alex. P.an ed. a cedar hoidge i front to e itertaine
P f'his eesi-
X Broadfoot th ar at a flnolwn at ek breeder, of numb d family,in their.$11a.. 20c a :r U
e c McK NO" u fries q:)PIE ! The ra. Vivian a air U
IP ring �v" in'thic 'lin'e.of a affliction
sm-prim part . 11 bria
pe ateri, work, disadvi%utagoi. When the beams Illied ton," red ca ed c- in town on W Fre
Q116pl. $50 Hu which makes a izire t improvement.— d Butsoo is open&,-
Aullett & Co.,.I�Iumljing and it on Work. The up it oo ce aq tg' li Clinton might van. to er � 2lat, 1894, bred by Air. edResday. Ho one to Ayl1tner,' here 'and all. report having spent few days at %et Covers'frDlat
tlO1 li
4,,son illism, Hess has g
i I attended Mr. D. D. lArilson's s4 -home this week.—An, heiress-
bric, Gowns rom
whole contrct amounts 'o., b @00 qnish o 3 carry back with them -ght by John Berry, Leadbu $75 has -appeared at Air. Lorne- But
ween $7 ur bo a�d le I and ise lie li%s a big contradt trimming buggies.— Inol i livel, tin enjoyable'evenilig.—A
as,coa 11 club or niz sows. this. t t 1bg w b i I club e sde bere,andno re. Baird, of Stratford and Mrs.
of the best equipped hete s in'lhe cou -ty.— we ai�enfrly all- t ei fav or, -1894 bet ubt Will gi-,_18 0 &ceont'
4 When coin -Their Suerior size t r 23rd, this week sold 43 head of.fine stall fed cat
and 8, 00)(K p. ete) the coveted oil cured somelfine animals.—Mr. thmawCas�
C� it will be one nd �'ailor Lad 1-oan, calved Septem -Moritz has seci-red a si week.—M
n 4911t was in h r brcd-%� Air. Wilson, ight rlaakoi� In London, and went there ai few d6
e Ot SOL ti iey T tie to Mr. E. Watson, ca0le deal'r, of Blyth. dtirin�� the slimmer weastle, were yoiting their sis'-
NleKay, Kippen, $75. The fiv bull realiz- These cattle have not yet been pqi on the I Joseph,
8ince the above was in t pe, we haN five minutes nt f themselves Dunn, of Ne
been and for the 3� five dkvs ago- —Mr.-_ffodj�,ina, of Bay ter, Airs. Chubb., this wei.—Mr.
en The,
&1.. 0) ofichigan, ap in the- v4lage Izzard and gang are busil furnished with the follou ing Utres., Ac� niado]t . things hot arounctthe 8eaforth. go: ed $68, 014610 average'of $136 each', the.16, grass, and were. an extrii fine lo . he av- d 'Y' aged plistii?_ Lte735, or a avc rage o
carpenter worki nd gJaZ erage eight was 11364 poundo,� while one CAmbrie and
gerpted tenders, Jot 11 Broadfoob, By that time our boys �ot wak6ped np�- anti females brou�yht S-) visiting I is - brother, �dr. W. R. ing the upstairs of
nation PIA;Yil 1� �2_J3.43,each. he 21 animah; sold realized steer e hed 1,470 pounds.—Mrs. Charles ea. H'dgiis.—Miss-Ga I ey 'of C1* ton tieffing match is being arrangi betwee A" the Inow But
bPeir very superior corribi Y r. Suol er's store.
T Winchels
iron wkLowrie of th
flie: nt t sum of $3,4t5, or Lui av!ia,46 of . sn6 ving, old acquain! i Line village.-- 9=61 and Gowri
83j800 masoR. -wo rh- if" Guteridgg out layed their opponents Atevery. po.i it. : BRiEir,,;. —One of the early settlers e4 in M
Lid, The Clinton players made so a e ig 794,
has leased her residence to Mrs.
e for -the 24th. The$& Sl.*L amd uwarx
L19t good all-round. The bull calvas township, Mr.- F;ancis Cornish, pasie -way M In w has been in Aylmer for clubs played last year, a d $tafla, came o
Aroodley &lid intends leaving for Scotland
were N w
116tt & total vidtial plays, but their com ination �v.,as ught:down thi� goner Stm&%y evening, 126h e evere 0 ra Ping Ouse fir her
a-Tount Coll ract, ,qry ung, which bro ie t
inst.—Th e7ke
about the first of Re. brother, victorious.
I xt. month.—.1r. Win. tied Tom e annual district
The follorwil 10, 8 a eta :ettient f the -sadly lackin while our bc ya made'the, alfrosts following the exceedingly warm. re mrj
9 mr o1rage Aelprid, who for several , ears has held *L
other tenders Wmj� "do )P, fo r whole con- g&me brilliant with their coml)im&ti y weather of the past two weeks Kao %;�Imost moidti of the Me
On . and' the poktion of engin in. the oatmeal - mill Odist !1111rch, and the
tri;ot, 97,467 masoit w4k, S., 485 ; Thos. the rush' I eer.0 Winghaln-
es of the forward line. an ual meeting Wie en a similar y ruit.-
34 Loc.4,L Peop 'This �Pr he e positioni in M r� Numerous fish mougerls are now on the road S iety 4re being Id. th a week in the the tery met in Clintlon on the 14-
T F. Willard, half 8eaforth scored one goQ41 al.fid in T
ordan, plastering, 879& .1r, the first oi? Hun completely deatroyed� the earl Of th Wortim"s Missionary
h inst. ol�lias tak Cle a -it
painting, $294; Wm, Heidergon, painting, second haltadded'to t r: . pson's mill in London, an his -family. and the farmers are all ie wi M tholist urc . . Endeavor, of the Preslly,_.
nore, thus w' It ty 6f Christi
ir intling appointed Con qn: r of . the removes there#tbis week. we, a'L,e sorry to P, utidance -ch lie We0tings are open, tefian. church held a very successful At-
$ �YT5 : Whitney Brothe i a work and the game by a heore of three tol none.;. Tile Presb�terial Rome Mission o mi tee for lose Mr.- Mode of the firmy fribe.—T neighborhood, is be. an I an iniViftation is xtOnd4d io We -eep.
9 Z8,11 others do I d as cip.h en and an Home on Tuesday evening,
ginning to,get a reputa on for fast and spirit- to Knox idol
plumbin , $260 ; ohn next 11ough cup match Will be layed with t p dfisuing year. Report on 4qan'ies was -W Inor, a stude —Mr. XValter
Att- - took, whole giate Institu' ed horses. �There is so: me talk of pr4 ach A vith I Toronto. Gr 75; ThomsUcClay, beartily recommen him t the 1 pod people een. has had a now engine� placed in thb�
_'oo� Berlin Cone te.
ri,.� showing that there a�o unior much, acceptae i in Carmel electric right b
coatraot, L R_J lJ'tl!ge` -,,Wr',ffi:t, capen- e'at present of London.—The' achelws of Sea- a picnic Re
;50 9 Pirsbyperian chur Me vacancies, ng held, at the Gran I Be on Sabbat r. Charles Gi
IlCe&ld, . ayfield forth will hold an �ssembly ill C, Lrdno's hall before long,-31iss A nnie Duncan �isi I in� an� -evening. Al as 'Ford, me of
ter work, S3,512�; E. A. iz: Bir , Lid by our.�eopl last,morn- pie has comme=llu�u_lvg egg.,.—So ne's-
cor iday)! ey ni jul, ere -as to mien
tilason work, `3,624 ok a te Casselton, oar fast horstA ill ra
awsif, StAlarys, —The regu "aIr m, ating an� Betha-PV. The session re ds i f Kn yin
of the coun�il was 1. on thi (Fr ng.
h6ld in 'friends heib- last we(k.—The noiialibori�ng Da wto, is visitin the horse races -
the counci ha' ch4rch, 6o,Jericb,� were examined and at-
inrf lative& friends in in Exeter and Dangatin
D OR On May 24th.—
hve-brokazi the windows tile inese J�Ioderatorship of the EE es.sion sy by baviu der shi ).pe( from his. tiotion to Mqntrbal some White and ton and pupils *ill plu y " Snow
ber on Monday pavenin� last. .9 . -te I village of Woodhatil i tend -celebrAi g the thi i so ation.' LADI
ome p irties Abed. Rev J.;tMcDonald-iresikied the ilbert D k recently Miss Houg1l
g a picnic un
of. I ayfieI4, Drysdale. 5c, 7c, 9p", loc.
it fi : Seven- Dwatfs' in tile
week we Is. adry, ai�d Ah. Chung! billed the couneil and Rev. J. S. Henders in was -ap' tile auspices of the Methodist church. n tle -A numberi of the Odd- per&
poin e in Queen's Birthd "D
t d ITE51S.--7-The rain of last
inatle reference to the seri3tis illness of Judge for the d mage, but,th' week was very house on the QdeeWs Bi
a o cQuiloil did ',not bi�;, place— A fella 8 and M Sons, rtild%y.—Tbe foull- LADIJEW Toms the senior Ju&re of t county of �thiuk they were responsible for, such pall wai i sustained Hopi, tile acceptable indeed. —The frost f- Sunday )f this village, left for dation for r. L Ross' brick resid
Go ri encelve
r c, -R.
mccount. I
ReK, ni S! morning, to - attend, nearly, completed.—Mrs, Dr. :J 0 --90, loc,
1 onrpiltifuld akes, �&nd ref used to pay the ght ! ha �
n, This -%veck it 'a (it , oil
frarol dam- cotgregation of Brpeefield, in favor no doubt done a co'nsiderable Kippen. the fun ral of [tile Horsey r.
record his death, which u'Y '0 in A M ir, of CarlAe ; Stipend pt mised amount of! lama'ge Miss 1rIor e Judge Toms, who turned home froin
I ook �. doe a his re. future Goderich street will -be' ence Turner A PLE�Ag an
-nial-Ing ANT EVET. -One of thos%pleas- ws� onore(f me i er of , both societies,' China las
siffenee in Goderiult on ca- �u t w.eek4 Dr,
sday morning. watei-ed as $ '64, nvith a manse and foitr week s, va is making hing� in tile dress Hursey has,,, g6ne on a trip to Cu -b. LA011 W
far west as Sparling slb�eet, and Alain - streeb tion.; Provisional arrangements t event; which always make the oun Mr.i., Patrick,of Squt Boar,,( man we: le nitiole Su adies will come Michigan
ennett's ftletory, r� �go , frost has done q
9 le wear their best smiles, ociurre and forinerly, togeth r twith her Rite an amount of damage
He was a just Judge, a rue -i nd 'and a as far norl It �as Cluff & 'B foi, Afr.,Mulr's inductio linei ly our 5un p
1113 deat) k the Court ty husband,
in the even of his out lookin as charming as the roses.—Do at the residence of Mr. David around town.—A-ries K
re ident df this russels
cop e Me- -Mr. Join Patr A, village, is visiting the Misse genial gentleman, and in A d the Pro- and the alerk was insbrutated to! draft a by- licoopting the call; such indu forget lie Rarrie, of B
as otion -o take no P I 'a Heart and Lea of this place: the other iight, reclvel the saJ int igeiic a few days ago Collins has gone to Berlin to�iipend tile sum -
ax. P
vincial Bench loses o' n,
of uron suffers a severe lo law for. the collection of the special t 1, the 11th of June, Mr. te, vart to Ha d Ass ciatio4 picnic on May24th, in Is Baxtek.' Miss Tres
Ice on
He had been ill far &boat ;Ivo Wi6 on, Who w'
b aldian *Fire Under- I side euty 4 �Ss- of aath ofiber a It
. i C"11.101
6w'den a ce ar grove. The sembled, and A the I ur as a mer.- -The conert siv
Ae of 8 eat men.. The report 6f the Can P1 Mr. McRae to preach, Air. J haw to Mr T. Sri of 9:30 Started fine Von ag ma f2l. earij and teacher. h
lt 0 j,hen about sev invited guest �
eks. Frourt writers' Association was referred tothe Fire ad ress the minister, and Mi. He Loll o: en IX>YQth-c Ball FAm i ly
erson bes; -musical taleint, has beer. procured, and to trip the light fautAs Ac to the fascina, the
norced by � his ipedied. atto* ndant, Dr. the next meeting 0 Lio )&ins are bein tOwning while in on Friday evening, was a h
the first, tile seriousties of t e case was and INVaer Committee to report thereon at th4 people. On motion, f Dri McDonald, ing Hih �ieali resulted fr in d of Jubilee Singers, in t odit Oure
0 g spared to make it a sue -
5a, 17e, 190,
-ai in every respect., Their is 'also to he and Forsythe.. At 12 )'clock all a bass band was out on Thursday -49e, trimmed.
at d wn Pat who was hefe visiting her father,
ft two emin- signedbyMr. W. :Smith and twepty-four was 'Put oii record s"The Presbyt-ry ex- a n imber of first claiiii boatf, among which to a Sumptuous repast, 1 and wh cTaggart, c n
f *council. A- etition duly seconded, the following delivrance ce strains of music supplic d by Messrs. S ey bat It was indqed a �4(1 shook to Mrs, The new great s
Whitely, and abo at a wec k sitt
eat medical experts fro ick
of its wit be a earn yaght. �n addition their done justice to the innor man, dancing was b'r #ri knew no bounds, w FLOWE
rn roroilli were call- other 'for the erection of an electrAc light presses its deep sympabhy with thins en all Tad Air, . .1 night of last week, serenadi g -the town,
t Goderichi for an qperal ion a d consult en e ner; Oro arty,
intend to come oat every,
a- lainp at the -north d of t ople. They
en.ou Tuesday hurday night durin
Main stre6tj Was members who haire been by the Pro idence wil of vari a, S18_1 well as a again r6sumed and kep i drig the express t g the suminer.
tiom So waak, bo 'ever ba4 b
become thr ugh ilit b ke nourish. communidatidn'was received from the White. by his fa he
the patien aid over until !the Septerntter rneetifig.' A of od sev&bly Nfflicted in their amilies tug tween tee eve rai� b ought his re. 1&#
knh n ma' hoors ayont the twal," when
to sine e �anley all dis Mal Die, ecompan d
e last met together, viz., the eVJ. Go( erieb townshi r. The be -
meat, that he int pem had to be C oil 0, 74
0 loud Novelty Company, and the cleik"was A. not spend the liereed to their homes feeling more than oat- real,dd Oarents have the entit MAN
e, e of- on, in the death of, his all ld, and day better than e sympathy of Save the Dirds.
tfif, departure instructed to *rite, the firm, to a' coming down to the ified with their night's amusement.—Wed- thw com nunity inj their sad affliction.—On Without birds itould be impossible fo 4c, 5e,
a ' A. A�cl)orlald, in the eath of beautiful grove nd enjoying the bal ditig bells are ringing in the village.—Miss Tu
certa�in on the Rev. J.
of the Torolto medical men luitil death, what terms, they would locate theirC my r
anad- -his wife." Apple 0 morningthe reffiaitio Of Jag. Miller man to live on the earth
at all. Let us
there was a gradu&I'dearpase 'i -i strength, ations for the reception breezes 9f like uron.—geediniis about Alice Jarrot has gone to London, where she knd, wn as 41jim ildl 11who for r
a's JthLeL 1"0 is Of Vitality Was Slow &n(I ian branch in. 9eaforth. Accounts' t -the 'of tbe following' ministers as mini sters of wolmdu' fort 'season a ove think why.- Oor water would be 'unfit to.
Tamer. Misses i two ity-ear hadlived a IiV�fe bevel drink, and tile air- choked tip by flying I[-nf&nW Silk
al- amount of !P-09.50 were passed and orderiedl the Presbyerib church in Canada were most of the farni-6irs prefer sowing them Maggie Cochrane and � Alice Jarrott Jst
P ave tbo peas, as intends to spend the all
�,ere on t �i;
most i&pero ptible, those wlm 'm ere nearest to be paid.' The acc6unt of the Electric' read: Revd. Messrs. Wr rm now owned
arid d r. Robert Tra� crowds of flies. Certain tribe;s of
earest to, him, &id his numerous
ugs.— Richard Jones last wee —The quit, -e
-ordered to, be paid and': Bevis and'! McDonal the Ai nerican the wornis and b Shdep !' -
Lig it Companywas of ay, Me onald, somewhat later this year in �rdbr to escape visiting Mrs.' ds
frieds, still hoped that restora �ion would a ebenture issued for tb ashing is weather is somewhat eo'01 of late, % sudden Ite ite a
d,. k. -e inte'rr4d in NdTaggart's ceme- keep the air clear of millions of smaIL &Tbke 6r
e same., n uber 'His;ilideed,had been a -soon make it unfit to breehe.,,
cing —Mr, J B.
Permis- Presbyterian church ; evd. Messr i. Rocr- now the orde of the day, and horse from the Vill
to cub down deck -and Itvine of the Canada ten e tle fun�ri
graduaily coi ae and tat his homel would not en Mr. W. Pic age at- winged1risects, which, if unchecked, WOula
e tr kard ARthodist, the getieral sport of the eVenitig. change from the extreme heat.
e a 1louse of moqrruing. Th o —Wh
y d Ionoso and somewhat 'chpi;kered life, but Swallows are the Moat uof birds
allow id James,Laitrd on dist Episcopal church, and nuot our flourishing village a figure. He is a lover of fine I aofoaol'
gentlen�&n wi 6a. the younge at ma ever plac- rebate of was. -Rev-*AIr. Fausset. of the Metho- -ca �ffbrd korses an - to� deceased t Yo 7tatVrei ees in front of -his house.' A church McLean has sold his driving mare,for
I ie fa3e of ninell e urb,'privation and 'clear the air of fries which
ed on the be�,.h in, Calfad aj lie having at- billiard license for Rev. LMr. Hale, decent trach upon which to -Practise the wayshandles the right kind.'L-�The "�ny h Is ip, he at ineg the age lilt the air, and
th age of 25. C of over would allo overcrowd the water with their
u;pired time The of the:' church of England.' - Rev. Pr. many drivers of the neighb,6rhood?—Mr. friends of Mrs. James Cooper will be. abrry eight -six years,
tained �he eminent positida at ourt of Revision will be held on Alai -Beattiei, professor of Columbia College, d. with only a Offspring ff left alone The sparo
The wi#dom. of his selectiorAt an Robt. Lambn ossisted by his dog, is making to learn that she is not enjoying the bea 9f few. a Vol fline
,,a ju earl at 30 P. in. The report of the street 60ill! South,Carolina# United Stateo, as nomi the suckers petty scarce this spring. He healthL at prosent.—Mrs. H. McGregor is R. �'Clislinore. s ne, v
31 P&fte I away.—Mr. much itowards keeping the gutters, pav-
hm been full realized I i dicial mittee on recommending an exjienditure 'don �ated'for professor in Knox Col As E
age hae hi' little heuse merits and yards arotiEd houses clean ancl
caroer Tian lieen'--vmusually bril at, his de- sid6mlks mud drains: was ad manages to got the better of his 'assistant,
n the owner of d, very handsome and valuable fin: j hod I id eldgy for liuse. - The X the ethodists wholesome; they Pick UP mokliels and scraps
g,,t a e avirig received it as a intelid ec' the RUIL #f Mav
ay and the toozinall to be noticed by other eyes, wlli�
s, cominittee were instructed to bavwthe w6rk and Bethan Rev. Mr. MCK resigned bones.—The rt colored commercial trav- rom her father, Xr. J. B. M r -h
optedi and the eratio in o call was gmuted to 18 ayfield as he keeps the flesh and gives the dog b
ciisionsj, even in' the most int il Pte case
i lege. Mod
youn driver, It h 'I'e ra
anik ersary of the lqing of
the corner wou ld, in ime, breed illness. DUNCANISS
a w, Yi 6h Last]
at e
vei t
d 1C
tr ii�'t
h ri
a r
�,nq =ci ole In